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Your Noodle Guide

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Your Noodle Guide


Xinjiang bàn miàn or lā tiáo zĭ ���� � ����� � Xinjiang bàn miàn is typical muslim noodle dish from the northwest region of China. Hand-pulled from dough, the noodles are cooled in cold water after boiling and served with a stir-fired Chinese dish on top. Signature dishes include guoyourou bàn miàn (mixed vegetables with meat over noodles) and xiaobaicai bàn miàn (stir-fried bok choy with meat over noodles).

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Christina Cao maps out the different kinds of noodles available in China by region so you too can be a noodle connoisseur.

Christina ������ ����������� ����������� �������

Best Place to Try ����� Hailijiang Xinjiang Restaurant, 7 Jilong Lu, Shinan ���������������� � �� Phone ���6699-6113


dān dān miàn ��� A signature Sichuan dish, these noodles come in a spicy meat sauce. Dān means shoulder pole in Chinese, and it is said venders used to carry the noodles with their shoulder pole to sell them on the street. Dān dān miàn is visually appealing but beware of their strong spicy and sour flavours.

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Best Place to Try ����� Tuntun Mian, 75 Xianggang Zhong Lu, Shinan �������������� �� � Phone ���134 0532-7468

Chongqing xiăo miàn ���� Hot and numbing noodles are a Chongqing specialty. These noodles are soaked in an oily broth and heavily seasoned with spices, peppers, and sesame. These are even hotter than dān dān miàn— you’ve been warned.

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Best Place to Try ����� Xiaomaguo Chongqing Xiaomian, 19 Zhangzhou Er Lu, Shinan ������������ �� � Phone ���8507-9636

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Lanzhou lā miàn ���� Lanzhou hand-pulled noodle shops can be found on almost every street corner throughout China. Lā miàn are boiled hand-pulled noodles served in a hot beef soup with spicy seasonings added to taste. Besides a bowl of lā miàn in broth, you can also order stir-fried lā miàn or hot dishes of vegetables and meat served over the hand-pulled noodles.

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Best Place to Try ����� Dongfanggong Lanzhou Niuroumian (Qingdao), 136 Shandong Lu, near Shibei Carrefour

��������������� ��� ������� Phone ���176 8552-2290

dāo xiāo miàn ��� Noodles made of sliced or peeled dough is a signature noodle dish from Shanxi (��) province. Dāo xiāo miàn has a special texture and tastes elastic. In addition to soup dāo xiāo miàn, you can also order stir-fried dāo xiāo miàn and mix it with any Chinese dish you like.

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Best Place to Try ����� Yiyi Daoxiao Mian, 25 Nanjing Lu,

Shinan ������������ �� �� Phone ���156 2108-7188




yóu pō miàn, sào zĭ miàn ������� Shaanxi( �� ) is home to over 50 kinds of noodles, earning this province the nickname "noodle kingdom". Yóu pō miàn is made of wide, hand-made noodles with vegetables, seasoned with chilli pepper, peanuts, green onions, and peanut oil, and served without broth. Sào zĭ miàn is served in an oily soup often with leeks, meat, potato cubes, and mushrooms. Other signature Shaanxi noodles include belt noodles (biangbiang miàn), soft noodles (ruĭn miàn), and spinach noodles (bō cài miàn).



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Best Place to Try �����The 60s Noodle Restaurant, 8 Jiangxi Lu, Shibei �� ������������� � � Phone ���132 1028-2408

Photo © Steven Hsiu

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