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Three Reasons I Like Raising My Kids in China
Three Reasons I Love Raising My Kids in China
By Jerry Jones Transition Specialist
Leadership Development International & The Culture Blend

It’s pretty common for expat parents to worry that their decision to live cross-culturally is going to turn their child into some kind of freak. There’s a fear (sometimes faint and sometimes paralyzing) that they’ll miss out on the social experiences during their formative years that make other kids ... well ... normal. In China those fears are compounded because Chinese culture can be so vastly different from our own. Will our kids be socially inept, out of touch or relationally challenged? Will they miss out on the things that make the cool kids cool?
Right now, for this stage in our lives, I am loving that we live in China and here are three reasons why:
Our kids live diversity instead of just learning about it.
Before I went to college I had three
friends whose first language was not English. My son just turned 9 and at last count we have friends from 68 countries. More than two thirds of his friends speak multiple languages and we always sing Happy Birthday in English, Chinese and Korean.
We love the International School.
My kids stand out. They’re different. They’re foreigners. They don’t speak fluent Chinese and this is China. They travel . . . A LOT. They don’t know how to answer the question, “where are you from?” They don’t feel rooted. They say, “goodbye” . . . A LOT. They miss their grandparents. They think Skype is more normal than a telephone. And here’s the kicker . . . they go to an International School of China with over 350 other expat kids who are exactly like them. You’re only weird if you’re different and at their school they’re all in the same boat.
The “real world” is a WORLD.
For every single bit that our kids are missing growing up where we come from, they are gaining three bits that will equip them for life in their globalized future. They may be missing the grind of an American election year but they’ll be able to name world leaders, identify flags, and capitals and political systems from nations all over the world. They may not know who won the last Superbowl but they will know who won the last World Cup. The world is getting smaller and the challenges in it are not. It’s very cool to watch our kids learn so much about a world that we didn’t even know existed when we were their age. Incredible.
Some days the fears get the best of me. Sometimes I don’t even want to be here let alone raise my kids here.
But today — I’m soaking it up.
To read more about life, culture, family, and transition through the lens of a transition specialist and expat, visit www.thecultureblend.com.
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