10 top tips to write fantastic grants

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1)Choose the appropriate grant scheme q Writing a grant proposal takes time and effort and to make this investment cost effective the grant writer should first ensure the grant funding scheme is appropriate to the needs and requirements of the organisation. q Carefully examine the grant funders criterion to confirm the eligibility of the organisation and their project or program falls under the parameters. PAGE 2

2)Have the right team in place q When grant writing the role of the grant writer is to give evidence that the organisation can deliver on the project or program. q An effective and capable team that is innovative and can brainstorm together can support the grant writer to produce a top-notch grant submission.


3)Clear rationale q The role of the grant writer is to definitively provide the grant scheme that there is a clear and focused reasoning behind the project or program. q What is the rationale? What are you doing and why? How does it address a gap in the community? Who does it benefit?


4)Have well defined goals and objectives q By using the SMART goal setting approach the grant writer adds a dimension of structure and accountability to goals and objectives of the program or project and makes them more definitive. q Goals should match the needs statement, outcomes and rationale and specifically define what your proposal will achieve or accomplish for the target group. The goals and objectives detail the desired results or outcome of the program and how your organisation plans to achieve them.


5)Time is money q There are two aspects to time in the grant writing process. The first is taking the time to be thorough in addressing all the requirements for the grant application and ensuring compliance within the parameters of the funding scheme. q The second is getting the grant submitted prior to the deadline – a late grant submission is often automatically excluded from the selection process. PAGE 6

6)Remain focused q When grant writing, remain focused on the goal. You want the proposal to be reviewed and accepted so sell the project and its benefits. q Answer all required questions and provide all requested documentation. Outline how the program or project will positively benefit the proposed clients. q Use verifiable research to emphasize how it will improve the outcomes for the core beneficiaries.


7)Identify effective support people q There is always an element of requiring referees for a grant proposal. It is important to choose the correct people to support the application. q They should ideally be passionate and supportive of the program and should be informed of the rationale, goals and objectives so that they can endorse and advocate on the behalf of the organisation. PAGE 8

8)Provide detailed pricing q The pricing model and quotations provided to support the grant application should be clear to read and detailed to identify where the grant funding will be used. q Grant writers should identify and use local suppliers in as many cases as possible – this has a further positive effect for the community and demonstrates the organisation passion and commitment for their community to thrive. PAGE 9

9)Use visual aids for impact q Photographs, diagrams, plans, graphs can make an impression on the evaluator and enable them to clearly visualise the project or program. q And as is often the case a picture speaks a thousand words – it can back up your written application and make an impact.

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10)Sell! Sell! Sell! q The purpose of grant writing is to give the assessor a clear visual picture of the project or program. q It should sell the long term benefits of the funding for the community and demonstrate a commitment to improvement and progress for the core group. q Using descriptive language, addressing all the requirements and doing so in a concise and thoughtful way makes a fantastic grant.

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Red Tape Busters has a team of professional and enthusiastic grant writers eager to assist you. Whether you require a grant writer Sydney, a Grant writer NSW, a grant writer Melbourne or a grant writer anywhere across our nation, Red Tape Busters are waiting for you now.

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Please also “friend” or “like” us on Facebook https://www.facebook.com/RedTapeBustersShaneBowering, follow us on Twitter – Red Tape Busters or check us out on YouTube just search for Red Tape Busters.

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