Avoid Tender Rejection With This Expert Advice | Red Tape Busters

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Avoid Tender Rejection With This Expert Advice The experienced tender writer finds it hard enough to get their tender considered after applying and following the guidelines, ensuring that the lodgement time is met and that they have crafted a decent tender response. Tender writing requires some skill to prepare a great application yet a lot of writers ensure their tender response is rejected at the first review by making some simple errors. Here are some of the pitfalls you need to avoid to ensure your application is not rejected without first being serious considered. Remember the assessment panel on first review of all the responses will be seeking to reject as many as possible initially to get down to a manageable number and to make the task easier. Following are the mistakes that will almost certainly see your response put into the NO pile.

By: Red Tape Busters


Tender Writing

Failure to answer every question or tick every box on the application form This might seem just plain ridiculous. How can anyone fail to fill out the application form completely? Well as stupid as it sounds many applications are rejected immediately because the application form is not complete. How can you deliver services, products, goods, equipment, infrastructure or whatever the tender offer is if you can’t complete an application form completely? Attention to detail when completing your tender response is vital.

By: Red Tape Busters


Prepare the response using the wrong font, exceeding word/character

limits etc Yes some tenders are very specific in that there are requirements identified in the tender documents regarding what font needs to be used in the response, how many words/characters in total or in a particular answer. While these requirement are clearly outlined in the guidelines or the tender specification documents some tender writers either fail to read them, fail to acknowledge them, plain just ignore them or forget to review their response prior to lodging to ensure the document is fully compliant with requirements. Attach supporting documents not required or fail to attach supporting documents that are required. Again a very simple but vital issue. Most tenders identify what supporting documents are required and some tenders are very specific as to what can and can’t be attached to the response. Ensure you attach those documents that must be attached and don’t attach other documents if the tender precludes it.

Failure to lodge as prescribed Some tenders must be lodged electronically via a portal, some must be lodged on line, some by email, some must be posted and some might require hand delivering. Failure to lodge exactly as specified will ensure your application is rejected.

By: Red Tape Busters


Failure to lodge by the tender deadline Again very simple and common sense huh? Well not quite. Even though deadlines are lodgement times/dates are clearly identified in tender documents, some applicants must think that doesn’t apply to them and lodge tenders late. A sure fire way of having your application IMMEDIATELY rejected. So if you want to give your tender a chance, ensure you don’t make these mistakes. Tender writing isn’t rocket science but the decent tender writer will avoid making simple errors that result in all your hard work being a waste of time.

 We are specialists in providing the following services:    

Lobbying Tender Writing Grant Writing Resumes/Job Applications Organisational/Business Development.

By: Red Tape Busters


Contact us at Red Tape Busters – http://www.redtapebusters.com/ should you require more information about this article or if you require specialist grant, tender or job application writing experience. We can assist you to achieve your goals and objectives!

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By: Red Tape Busters

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