ď ą Deciding to be a tender writer and undertake the preparation of a tender can be daunting and time consuming that most Businesses and Organisations face in order to win new clients and projects. ď ą In the tender writing process you can choose to write the tender yourself or you can hire a professional Tender Writing Service to complete the job for you.
Undertaking the tender writing process yourself can be very confusing but it can be made a little easier by following these simple Tender Writing Tips: ď ą Understanding the Tender ďƒ˜ The tender writer MUST read, and re-read through the Tender carefully and understand exactly what is required, with the aim of being capable of completing and filling the projects criteria within the allotted time-frame.
ďƒ˜ It may be a dull task, but you need to be prepared and compliant, as said previously, it takes a lot of time and effort to write a tender, and it would be a shame if that time was wasted due to a misinterpretation of the criteria.
ď ą Be clear ďƒ˜ Your tender writing will be one of many that the Client will be evaluating, make it straightforward and memorable for the reader, display distinct headlines and key points clearly, include diagrams, pictures and graphs to highlight your alibility to concisely complete the job/contract effectively, and further increase your chances of a winning tender writing result.
ďƒ˜ Be over-prepared and design a future project plan with detailed stages and expected completion dates to cover every phase of the tender development.
Questions Once you have meet the criteria and have understood all aspects of the tender, grab a notebook and briefly answer the questions as you read through the tender application, to get an idea on paper as to how you are going to approach the answers.
Answer every question in order and in full, it is not uncommon for an inexperienced tender writer to miss an opportunity simply by not having answered the questions in the appropriate sequence or didn’t complete the question as necessary.
Do not copy and paste answers, even when the questions seem to become repetitive, give them a fresh concise answer showcasing your abilities and prior successful accomplishments. Keep your answers short, relevant, and honest. Do not make promises, claims or statements that you can’t keep, or back up, this doesn’t mesh well when you can’t finish the project or miss completion deadlines; this is crucial if you plan on winning future work from repeat customers.
Client Evaluations Include current Client reviews, comments, testimonials, quotes and photographs of work you have completed for them over the last few years. Do not include items that are more than two years old, any older than this could have a negative effect on your application. If you are applying for more work from a past or present client, remind them, and let them know you have successfully completed projects for them in the past or are currently conducting work for them.
ď ą Before you submit your tender ďƒ˜ The skilled tender writer will check the tender writing response carefully for typos, spelling mistakes and grammatical errors, these may seem like minor issues but small errors can make the difference between winning and losing a tender. ďƒ˜ Double and then triple check that you have correctly answered each question in the order in which it was asked, and that you have answered suitably and concisely covering every facet of the question asked.
Look at your tender from the client’s prospective; would you be impressed and satisfied if you were the client? Is your tender easily understood, and does it flow through from start to finish? Lastly, it is important to have someone with experience proof read your tender for you, or pay to have a professional Tender Writer go over your application before you submit it, and make any necessary changes.
Following these simple yet effective Tender Writing tips, should make your tender writing experience a little less scary and a lot more achievable.
Don’t hesitate to contact us here at Red Tape Busters if you feel you need some help with your application, we have a team of experienced members waiting to give you a hand.
ď ą Contact us at Red Tape Busters http://www.redtapebusters.com/ should you require specialist grant or tender writing experience to help your organisation or business win grant funding or achieve successes with tenders.
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Email Address: admin@redtapebusters.com.au