Business and Strategic Planning

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Business and Strategic Planning

Business and Strategic Planning Red Tape Busters, Business and Strategic Planners specialises in working with organisations to develop:  Strategic plans,  Operational plans,  Business plans,  Marketing plans,  Document business processes.

Business and Strategic Planning ď ś With significant experience in Business and Strategic Planning, we have assist ed many clients in preparing Business and Strategic Plans to support submission s for Government Funding. ď ś As part of the consultation process, we are able to meet with all relevant stak eholders in your organisation to determine your planning requirements. We the n work through the process of understanding and documenting how your busin ess works.

Business and Strategic Planning ď ś Then through collaboration with your staff and our team, we work to produc e a highly professional strategic, business, marketing or process plan. This plan i s then carefully audited and checked through further consultation and collabora tion with your staff.

Business and Strategic Planning  Our documents are not financial based, bean-counting exercises but rather are indepth documents which clearly detail:  The history of the business or organisation,  Short and long term goals and expectations,  Human resource requirements including training and requirement initiatives,  Marketing and membership creation strategies,  Financial planning imperatives.  Our planning documents focus on setting five-year, long-term goals and then refinin g these plans down to a current year operational plan.

Article – Reaping the benefits of strategic planning

Article – Reaping the benefits of strategic planning Our Planning Goals  Our business and strategic plans include a thorough analysis of the business i dea, product or service.  We identify the level of market and need for your service in the community.  We identify any competitors – either direct or indirect and how the idea/prod uct/service will be marketed.

Article – Reaping the benefits of strategic planning ďƒ˜ Our documents clearly focus on outcomes and the goals to be accomplished, how the development and ongoing operations will be managed and what resou rces are needed (including funding). ďƒ˜ Most businesses and community non profit based organisations fail to plan an d therefore plan to fail. Business planning for businesses and strategic planning for non-profit entities is absolutely vital if the organisation is to succeed, grow a nd prosper.

Article – Reaping the benefits of strategic planning ďƒ˜ Studies show that over 70% of businesses and community organisations close after the first two years, primarily through a failure to plan operations. Let us hel p you develop the business and strategic plans that are so crucial to your organi sation.

Article – Reaping the benefits of strategic planning Our Planning Experience Here are some examples of the types of businesses we have helped develop str ategic plans, business plans, marketing plans and operational plans previously:  Business Plan for a Meat Processing Facility,  Business Plan for a Citrus Farm,  Strategic Plan for a Disability Services Organisation,  Business Plan for a Packaging Facility,

Article – Reaping the benefits of strategic planning  Strategic Plan for a Web Based Business,  Business Plan for a Livestock Transport Facility,  Business Plan for a Steel Manufacturing Business,  Quality Assurance Manual and Procedures for a Bus Company  Business Plan for a Restaurant and a Cafe.

Contact Us Red Tape Busters Pty Ltd. ABN: 39 094 823 417 PO Box 3126 WARNER QLD 4500 Telephone: 07 3882 2055 Facsimile: 07 3882 2066 Email Address: Website:

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