Find Job Application Writing Service Provider in Australia Red Tape Busters is a specialist business assisting client’s access much needed funding. We are also specialists in job application writing and tender writings for clients across Australia. Nearly all grant makers have developed processes that determine how they choose projects for funding. This process begins with a written statement of whom and what they are prepared to fund, and why they set up the funding program. The program will be supported by documented program guidelines and identified project criteria. It is these guidelines and criteria, which will be used by the entity in determining successful applications. In reviewing the program objectives, guidelines and criteria, here are some of the factors to consider:
Geographic location
Is the program limited to applicants or projects in a specific area only?
Who can apply?
What are they prepared to fund and why (their objectives/interests)
Who is eligible to apply for funding? Incorporated & not-for-profit? DGR status only? Individuals only? Registered businesses? Special interest groups – sporting/women/ migrants etc?
What sort of support is available?
How much money is available, and on what terms (part payment etc)? Is the funding a subsidy for funds you already have, eg. dollar for dollar, or a set proportion?
Do they receive submissions and make grants all year round? Are there submission deadlines, decision dates, and an annual cycle? How many applications can you make in a certain time frame? Are they once-only grants, or are
What are the limitations on the funding? What sort of initiatives/activities are funded or not funded? (Capital activities/infrastructure, refurbishment, training programs, service delivery, core operations, research, vehicles, general fundraising etc).
Is it recurrent/one-off/matched and does this suit your project needs?
What is the timing for the grant?
What groups are the targets of the funding program? Disabled, children, women, sporting groups, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders etc;
Monetary, in-kind or equipment support?
Purpose of funding
Are there limitations on how much can be spent on certain activities?
What sort of accounting/reporting procedures are required? How do they go about ensuring the effectiveness of their grant? Do they require an audit of accounts? How do they assess that your project has met the required objectives?
they made in stages or cycles?
What format does the report need to be in to satisfy the program manager?
In chasing funding for your business, organisation or project it is important that you undertake research to identify all possible funding opportunities available to you. In completing your research you should review Local, State and Federal Government websites, read your local newspapers especially the Wednesday, Saturday and Sunday editions, network with politicians at all levels of Government. Grants are available from Government/Council agencies, Philanthropic Foundations and Trusts and Commercial/Corporate entities. Identifying all possible opportunities gives you a far better chance of actually winning funding once you apply. Red Tape Busters is a specialist business assisting client’s access much needed funding. We are also specialists in job application writing and tender writings for clients across Australia. Our goal is to ensure we meet and exceed the needs of our clients. Our goal for the first half of 2013 is to become better known outside Queensland where we are the premier grant/tender/job application writing firm. As such we are placing a premium focus on improving our brand recognition. Being renowned as the number one tender writer Sydney and tender writer Melbourne.