Grant Writing – Issues that will count against you in the assessment process?
Grant Writing – Issues that will count against you in the assessment process? Many grant writers think that the grant writing process is pretty easy and you just fill out an application form and tell a sad tale of how badly your organisation needs the money and low and behold – funding is provided. Grant writing as I have said many many times before really needs a strategic approach in order to maximise the chances of success.
Grant Writing – Issues that will count against you in the assessment process? In progressing your submission you really need to be aware of issues that will count against you when the assessment panel sit down to wade through the zillion applications because virtually with every grant program – you will have significant competition to win that funding.
Grant Writing – Issues that will count against you in the assessment process? These following pointers will certainly discount your application from further consideration:Acronyms – some grant writers have the misunderstanding that those reading the submissions will be fully conversant with their organisation and what they do and as such us acronyms throughout their submission. This is certainly a flawed belief given that in the main those that are assessing your application will generally have little knowledge of your organisation and will certainly struggle to understand any acronyms used.
Grant Writing – Issues that will count against you in the assessment process? Our grant writers always assume that those reading the submission have little to no knowledge so we always spell things out and never ever use an Acronym without first introducing early in the application as to what the acronym stands for.
Grant Writing – Issues that will count against you in the assessment process? Word/Page/Character limits – these are identified at times and for very good reasons. You are being tested as to whether you can present a compelling case within those constraints. Also program managers are trying to retain control of how long the assessment process will take and so by constraining submissions with word/page limits – this similarly reduces the time required to assess submissions. If you go over page/word/character limits your submission will probably end immediately in the garbage pile.
Grant Writing – Issues that will count against you in the assessment process? Eligibility – with every grant there are eligibility requirements as to the type of organisation that can apply, maybe there will be location restrictions as in only organisations in a local area or state can apply, so if you organisation does not meet the locality or organisational type eligibility criteria – you wont get past first base;
Grant Writing – Issues that will count against you in the assessment process? Not responding fully to questions/criteria – I note with some interest that our grant writing competitors think your answers to questions or selection criteria etc must be short and succinct. I agree that answers and responses must be relevant and well written to get the attention of the panel but they certainly don’t have to be short answers. This is your chance to sell your organisation, sell your project and sell your need for this grant money so you need to prepare compelling interesting and comprehensive answers that really fully address whatever you are asked to provide or respond to. I always say – if in doubt provide a little more information that leave the assessment panel wondering.
Grant Writing – Issues that will count against you in the assessment process? Fully completed application form – this does sound ridiculous but the number of grant submissions that are sent in and which are not fully completed has to be seen to be believed. So if you want the assessment panel to consider your submission fully – make sure you complete it in full, sign it or have it electronically singed as required, ensure every section/box is completed or ticked and ensure ALL required attachments are supplied if they ask for them.
Grant Writing – Issues that will count against you in the assessment process? ď ą The outstanding grant writer will leave the assessment panel convinced that this project and this organisation should win this funding. ď ą Those people unskilled in the grant writing process will make one of the mistakes as outlined above and this will cruel any chances of success.
Grant Writing – Issues that will count against you in the assessment process?
Contact us at Red Tape Busters - should you require more information about this article or if you require specialist grant or tender writing experience to help your organisation or business win grant funding or achieve successes with tenders.
Grant Writing – Issues that will count against you in the assessment process? We are specialists in providing the following services:
Tender Writing;
Grant Writing;
Resumes/Job Applications;
Organisational/Business Development.
Grant Writing – Issues that will count against you in the assessment process?
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