Grant Writing – Should I apply for the maximum amount available?
Grant Writing – Should I apply for the maximum amount available? ď ą Grant funding program guidelines generally have a maximum funding limit available and many grant writers seem to believe that if there is a maximum sealing on what you can apply for that you should apply for that maximum amount. ď ą In this article I would like to discuss this view and for grant writers to really assess this as an integral part of the grant writing process.
Grant Writing – Should I apply for the maximum amount available? Grant writing as I have said many times before really is a very strategic process – well it is strategic for skilled grant writers – not so much for inexperienced grant writers! And as such the amount of funding you are applying for needs to be factored into the grant writing process and considered in the risk assessment process in putting your absolute best case forward for consideration.
Grant Writing – Should I apply for the maximum amount available? ď ą Maximum and minimum funding limits are set by the program managers in order to constrain the scope of projects and generally the maximum limits are factored in as part of the overall total amount of funding being made available. ď ą Therefore they are put in place as part of the funding guidelines for very specific reasons.
Grant Writing – Should I apply for the maximum amount available? ď ą Most grant writers seem to be attracted to the maximum limits like a moth to a light or like the allure of poker machines where players always think they just might win the big payout.
Grant Writing – Should I apply for the maximum amount available? Our Consultants at Red Tape Busters are very very careful about applying for maximum amounts in the grant writing process. We have very real reasons and strategies behind this but the main consideration relates to the fact that the more organisations that apply for and are successful with winning the maximum funding amount – the less number of organisations in total will then be awarded funding. Funding programs and program managers generally like to spread the available funds around to as many organisations as possible.
Grant Writing – Should I apply for the maximum amount available? Therefore I believe that if you are applying for the maximum amount – the less likely you are to be successful. As professional grant writers we need to maximise our client’s chances of success and if we believe that a funding program/fund manager with a $1000000 funding pool available and a maximum funding limit of $200000 will want to allocate more than 5 successful grants of $200000 each which in general they surely will – then there really is little rationale for applying for the maximum amount. I always have a favourite saying – the closer you are to applying for the maximum funding amount – the less chance you have of success. The further you get away from the maximum funding limit – the better chance of success.
Grant Writing – Should I apply for the maximum amount available? There are circumstances where applying for the maximum amount might be warranted but they are few and far between but yes there are circumstances where we will apply for the maximum amount. These instances generally are constrained to really really really good projects where the project is outstanding and fits the program guidelines perfectly, where the project cannot be completed with anything less than the full amount and where partially funding the project is untenable or where you are applying for a project or an item or piece of equipment which can’t be split up into “sub projects” and where the cost is equal to or close to the maximum amount. In those rare instances you might have to apply for the maximum funding amount.
Grant Writing – Should I apply for the maximum amount available? Also program managers generally and I say generally have an affinity with supporting rural based organisations or organisations suffering disadvantage over urban based organisations or organisations who are more “affluent”. In those situations severely disadvantaged organisations or those suffering from drought, socio economic issues etc might well get a project funded to the maximum funding limit. Again though be careful – the closer you get to apply for the maximum – the less chance of success. It really is that simple.
Grant Writing – Should I apply for the maximum amount available? The skilled grant writer will give their client or project the very best chance of success in the grant writing process and our view is to apply for little and often instead of applying for maximum money. You will be far more successful with our strategy that is for sure.
Grant Writing – Should I apply for the maximum amount available?
Contact us at Red Tape Busters - should you require more information about this article or if you require specialist grant or tender writing experience to help your organisation or business win grant funding or achieve successes with tenders.
Grant Writing – Should I apply for the maximum amount available? We are specialists in providing the following services: Lobbying; Tender Writing; Grant Writing; Resumes/Job Applications; Organisational/Business Development.
Grant Writing – Should I apply for the maximum amount available?
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