Grant writing – the vast differences across different funding opportunities ď ą As grant writing specialists we come across clients at polar ends of the grant writing experience spectrum. Some of our clients are reasonably experienced as grant writers and have achieved some decent successes while other clients have no idea and have never won a dollar. ď ą I must say though in general that mots organisations had little to no real understanding of how significantly different the grant writing task was for the myriad of different funding programs out there.
Grant writing – the vast differences across different funding opportunities ď ą Many many organisations think you can have a template grant application that you can develop and re-use from grant application to grant application making applying so much easier. ď ą Or they think if you write one grant you can just rehash the same information for the next grant.
Grant writing – the vast differences across different funding opportunities I can’t state how far wrong this is. EVERY grant program has a different focus, a different lot of outcomes it is seeking, a different funding regime and timelines, different items that the program will fund – some might fund infrastructure, other wages, others just equipment etc etc. Because EVERY funding program is very very different that means that the good grant writer will approach every grant application very differently.
Grant writing – the vast differences across different funding opportunities ď ą For instance a grant about making life better for Volunteers via funding for equipment (ie mower, sound system at a sports ground etc) which actively assists Volunteers do their jobs needs to be approached very differently by an organisation that might also want to apply for funding for infrastructure to provide facilities for Volunteers or to assist the volunteers deliver quality services to clients/members (upgrade a meeting room, outfit a canteen, build a shed to house equipment etc).
Grant writing – the vast differences across different funding opportunities ď ą The really good grant writer will first work out if in fact these are the very best most appropriate funding programs that relate to their projects and which gives the organisation the very best chance of success before they even consider applying. ď ą Then they will attack each grant very differently and the secret to good grant writing is to read the guidelines read the guidelines read the guidelines read the guidelines.
Grant writing – the vast differences across different funding opportunities The guidelines really do tell you just about everything about the grant – from what items you can apply to be funded, how the applications need to be prepared, when the funding deadline is, information on maybe the contractual arrangements around the funding. So reading the guidelines many times over is ESSENTIAL.
Grant writing – the vast differences across different funding opportunities In preparing your application to any funding program you need to be very strategic in your approach and ensure as best as you can that you have all supporting documents and evidence required to validate your ask or to verify why your application should be funded. Grant writing is more much more than just putting words on a piece of paper or typing on a computer – it is more about how you prepare your application and how you can prove your case than just throwing some words together.
Grant writing – the vast differences across different funding opportunities Our grant writers are all highly strategic in our approach. We need to present our clients case as a compelling case, this is our chance to “market” their project and “market” their organisation. We have one shot in the locker to do this and our grant writing has to be exceptional and as such we tailor every grant application to every project and to every different funding program. A one size fits all approach is flawed and will not realise long term sustainable approach in the grant writing world.
Grant writing – the vast differences across different funding opportunities Contact us at Red Tape Busters - should you require more information about this article or if you require specialist grant or tender writing experience to help your organisation or business win grant funding or achieve successes with tenders.
Grant writing – the vast differences across different funding opportunities We are specialists in providing the following services: Lobbying; Tender Writing; Grant Writing; Resumes/Job Applications; Organisational/Business Development.
Grant writing – the vast differences across different funding opportunities
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