From Little things Bigger Things Grow

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Grants Writing Presentation

By Red Tape Busters

From Little things Bigger Things Grow  Created Opportunity to leave Public Sector  Started Planning Business (TCATS)  Job Application/PT Consultants  Asked to lobby QT  Brisbane Extra  ACA  Sunday Mail  Talk Back Radio/ABC

Evolving Services  Started as Lobbyists and writing Job Applications  Moved into Grant Writing  Then Business/Strategic Plans  Now Organisational Development and  Tenders


 Lobbying – rezonings, resumptions, banks, telecommunications, Government, Councils.  Grants - $21.7 million for hospital project, $4.9 million for disability accommodation, $1million in funding for agricultural peak body, $600k for translation services, $470k for a respite service, $400k for museum display, $340k for farming enterprise, $220k for abattoir  Tenders - $13 million Woolworths tender, $6.4 million for construction project.

Secrets to a Successful Organisation  Strategic Direction  Roles and Responsibilities  Committee Composition  Policies and Procedures  Culture and Ethics

Strategic Direction

It is vital that the Committee sets the strategic direction of the organisation!

Strategic Direction

 Does your organisation:-

 Have a strategic plan in place?  Project Plans for significant projects?  Yearly Operational Plans?  Discuss progress at Committee meetings?  Regularly revise plans and direction  according to organisational needs

Strategic/Business Plan

 Strategic/Business Plans should include the following as a minimum: Overview/History of Organisation  Goals/Objectives/Projects for the next three to five years  SWOT Analysis  Market analysis/Demographic analysis  Financial Information  Supported by a yearly Operational Plan

Project Planning

 For NFP’s it is vital to identify ALL projects that require funding over at least the next 12 months.  A project can be as simple as the need for a new computer or could be a significant upgrade of facilities.  A “project” to us is anything requiring funding.

Secrets to Grant Writing

 Be a professional Organisation  Identify organisational goals

 Identify all possible grant opportunities  Progress the best opportunities based on needs  Write great submissions/responses Note that the actual writing is last on the list of importance not first!

Identifying Grant Opportunities

ďƒ˜ It is important that you identify all possible grant opportunities that relate to your organisation/project prior to considering preparing responses. This requires extensive research.

Matching Opportunities to Requirements

 Following your research it is VITAL that you now match your projects to grant opportunities for NFP’s and your organisational requirements.  This is a key to successful grant writing – applying to the right funding program for the right project!

Matching Projects to Programs  Your focus should be to: Match opportunities to best meet your organisational needs  Prepare a Matrix – forward plan over next 6 months at least

Writing the Response  Guidelines – read the guidelines, read the specifications, read them repeatedly  Audience – write to the audience  No Acronyms  Consider font, format, space/character/word limits

Writing the Response

 Know the organisation - research

 ‘Deconstruct’ the question/criteria  Talk the talk – align language, individualise  Clear & succinct

Writing the Response

 Reference to other documents

 Use dot point, figures, statistics to validate your case  Draft, refine, draft, refine  Write with passion but be fair dinkum

Contact us at Red Tape Busters – should you require more information about this article or if you require specialist grant, tender or job application writing experience. We can assist you to achieve your goals and objectives!

Please also “friend” or “like” us on Facebook ing, follow us on Twitter – Red Tape Busters or check us out on YouTube just search for Red Tape Busters.

Contact Us Red Tape Busters Pty Ltd. ABN: 39 094 823 417 PO Box 3126 WARNER QLD 4500 Telephone: 07 3882 2055 Facsimile: 07 3882 2066 Email Address:

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