Tender Writing – Apply for every tender possible or be more selective?

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Tender Writing – Apply for every tender possible or be more selective?

Tender Writing – Apply for every tender possible or be more selective?  Tender writers face significant challenges in the tender writing process and have enough barriers in front of them that is for sure.  One of the major issues they need to consider is what tenders to apply for and which ones to avoid.  Many tender writers adopt the scattergun approach while others are more selective in their tender writing forays. In this article I will look at the pros and cons of both approaches.

Tender Writing – Apply for every tender possible or be more selective?  Scatter gun approach – in this approach the tender writer basically applies for every tender possible believing that the more opportunities they apply for – the better chance they have of winning one tender at least.  While statistics might suggest this is true – generally the opposite is true because given you are writing a million tenders responses you really don’t have the time to tailor each response specifically to address the requirements of each particular tender.

Tender Writing – Apply for every tender possible or be more selective?  Statistically however it would make sense that applying for loads of tenders would certainly suggest that at least one of those tenders will fit your organisation exactly.  Again though while at least one tender will fit your organisation perfectly will you have the time required to write a fantastic tender?  Another negative is that by not having the time to do each tender response justice that those reading your responses might take a poor view of your organisation as a result.

Tender Writing – Apply for every tender possible or be more selective?  So really with a scattergun approach – there is a lot of time involved and a lot of time wasted, you really aren’t giving yourself the very best chance of success and your organisation’s standing might be compromised if your responses are of poor quality because of the amount of time needed to do each individual tender justice.

Tender Writing – Apply for every tender possible or be more selective?  Selective tender approach – there are not many negatives in my view of this approach. By being selective the tender writer is really carefully assessing each tender to identify how suitable it is for the business/organisation and if they have the time to prepare a great response.  Being very selective will mean that not only does the tender fit the business/organisation perfectly but the organisation/business fits the tender perfectly so there is a match on both sides.

Tender Writing – Apply for every tender possible or be more selective?  Obviously by being able to spend the time to prepare a great response the professionalism of the organisation and its standing is not compromised while the chances of successes are significantly improved.  Also a successful tender application should assist with the growth and success of the business overall and it should have been a clear goal identified in the organisation/business’ strategic goals and objectives.

Tender Writing – Apply for every tender possible or be more selective?  At Red Tape Busters we are very very strategic in our approach. We don’t waste time and will only apply for tenders where our client is a genuine chance of success.  We are verb very successful and that is a reflection of our tender writing approach and as a result of our great tender writers.

Tender Writing – Apply for every tender possible or be more selective? Contact us at Red Tape Busters - http://www.redtapebusters.com should you require more information about this article or if you require specialist grant or tender writing experience to help your organisation or business win grant funding or achieve successes with tenders.

Tender Writing – Apply for every tender possible or be more selective? We are specialists in providing the following services: Lobbying;  Tender Writing;  Grant Writing;  Resumes/Job Applications;  Organisational/Business Development.

Tender Writing – Apply for every tender possible or be more selective?

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