Tender writing – why bother applying for tenders?

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Tender Writing – Why bother applying for tenders?

Tender Writing – Why bother applying for tenders? ď ą Whether to apply for tenders really is a question that every tender writer should assess before embarking on the tender writing adventure. ď ą Applying for tenders is not an easy process, it is difficult at times, time consuming, there is no guarantee of success and so every prospective tender writer really should assess whether applying for tenders is something that the organisation should even be considering.

Tender Writing – Why bother applying for tenders?  Firstly the organisation needs to consider why they want to apply for tenders in the first place. What do they believe winning a tender will add to their business.  Will it give the business an enhanced profile, will it give them access to new markets, will it create a new “revenue” stream?  There needs to be a definitive rationale as to why the organisation is considering applying for tenders.

Tender Writing – Why bother applying for tenders? ď ą Certainly winning tenders can give access to new markets. For instance say you win a tender with Council X and you do a great job and deliver on time, within budget etc and get great reviews from that Council, well that experience can then set you up to chase further tender opportunities with that Council or in fact assist you to apply for and win tender opportunities with other Councils therefore increasing your access to these new markets – ie local Councils and maybe even Government departments which is a logical next step if you have won a Council tender.

Tender Writing – Why bother applying for tenders?  Again winning a Council or Government tender can certainly bring an extra “revenue” stream to the organisation. This revenue stream can also be very very lucrative.  Yes there is intense competition for Council/Government tenders and yes that puts pressure on pricing but in general Council/Government Departments will pay “overs” for services compared to what a commercial entity operating under commercial pressures will pay.

Tender Writing – Why bother applying for tenders? ď ą The skilled tender writer will be across all these issues. There are many reasons why an organisation will want to apply for tenders, however the tender writing process as mentioned before can be very very daunting, it is challenging, complex and can require significant time, commitment and dedication in order to achieve the outcomes the organisation seeks.

Tender Writing – Why bother applying for tenders? ď ą There also can be significant pitfalls for the inexperienced tender writer and organisation because if you promise to deliver goods/services/products via a tender at a stated price and made claims in your tender response that you simply can’t deliver on then not only m i g ht yo u r o rga n i s at i o n fa c e s e r i o u s l e ga l a c t i o n f ro m t h e Council/Government department or even the commercial entity if it is a commercial tender but you professional standing in your industry will obviously be damaged and compromised as well.

Tender Writing – Why bother applying for tenders?  So yes the great tender writers out there will work with their organisation to determine if in fact tenders are something that will benefit the organisation.  If so then you can embark on the tender writing process with some confidence that winning these tenders fits in neatly with the goals and objectives of the organisation going forward.  But yes applying for tenders wont fit the needs and requirements of every organisation.

Tender Writing – Why bother applying for tenders? ď ą Contact us at Red Tape Busters - http://www.redtapebusters.com should you require more information about this article or if you require specialist grant or tender writing experience to help your organisation or business win grant funding or achieve successes with tenders.

Job Application Writing – Some considerations before applying We are specialists in providing the following services: Lobbying;  Tender Writing;  Grant Writing;  Resumes/Job Applications;  Organisational/Business Development.

Job Application Writing – Some considerations before applying

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