The Fine Art of Grant Writing

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The grant writing market is incredibly competitive. The best grant applications are those that are well-planned, researched and written with great attention to detail. Yes, writing a grant application is a fine art! As a grant writer, here are some tips to make the daunting task of grant application writing a little easier and some points to consider along the way.


The Fine Art of Grant Writing

1. Remember, it’s a Labour of Love

2. Lay a Good Foundation

3. Follow Instructions to the Letter

? 4. Sale YourSelf

5.Proofread and then Proofread Again

6. It’s ok to Ask for Help PAGE 3

Remember, it’s a Labour of Love This must be always be the starting point for a grant application writer or else you will soon lose motivation because there are more losses than wins when it comes to grant writing. So, successful grant application writers write for joy, not for money! Write because you care, and you want to change the world! Chances are, the reason you started the grant application in the first place is because you have a very worthy project that needs financial backing. I’ll bet that very worthy project is something that would address a very real need in the community and benefit many people, not just you and your organisation. It’s probably something that you are very passionate about or, at least, you were back when you first started to seek funding. So, when the grant money doesn’t flow always return to the reason. Grant application writers always tell themselves why the proposal matters, how much difference it will make and why it is important. Rediscover the drive that caused you to begin the grant writing journey in the first place and then harness it again.


Lay a Good Foundation Don’t just rush in to writing a grant without doing the necessary preparation. Do some research and find a grant that fits your organisation’s objectives. Don’t make the mistake of applying for grants that are at odds with the missions and vision or your organization and your project. Then, take a look at what projects have been funded in the past. Most funding bodies have pet projects that they tend to fund more often. Finally, allow yourself plenty of time to do the necessary legwork. If the grant is due in less than a week, forget it!


Follow Instructions to the Letter It is common sense, but it is amazing how grant application writers often fail to follow basic instructions. Stick to the word limit. Answer every question. Use sub-headings and dot points to break up large blocks of text. Provide an accurate and well-considered budget. Don’t just pluck random figures from the air. If you are asked for letters of support or references, provide them. Ensure you submit all the documentation you are asked for. It should go without saying, but grant writing applications that don’t follow the basic directions, are tossed aside fairly quickly.


Sale YourSelf Try to think of your grant application as more of a business proposal, or even an advertisement for your company. Sell yourself. No matter how great your idea, if you can’t demonstrate your organisation’s ability to pull it off, you won’t get the grant. Smart grant writers give grant reviewers confidence by carefully explaining their organisation’s capacity, giving examples of successful past projects and achievements. Use statistics, supporting documentation and other evidence to back up what you’re saying. Seek out letters of support for your project, especially from any organisations who are providing monetary or in-kind support for the project.


Proofread and then Proofread Again After spending hours and hours staring at computer screen, you’re probably not in a good place to do careful proofreading. However, careless spelling, punctuation and grammar can undermine the credibility of your grant. Find someone who will go over your application with a fine-tooth-comb.


It’s ok to Ask for Help If you’re not having much luck with your grant applications, then consider getting some professional help. Red Tape Busters are specialist in grant and tender writing and can help your organisation or business win grant funding or achieve successes with tenders. Visit for more information. We are specialists in providing the following services: • Lobbying; • Tender Writing; • Grant Writing; • Resumes/Job Applications; • Organisational/Business Development.


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