Electronic News June 08

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A U S T R A L I A & N Z ’ S E L E C T R O N I C S I N D U S T RY N E W S P A P E R






Worldwide market for 100/120Hz TVs to grow 39.3 million in 2012

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INSIDE Last one standing PAGE 14 Is there a future in Australia for wafer fabrication?

Added investment in consumer education has led to the growth of the 100/120Hz TV in the Asian and European markets. The worldwide market for 100/120Hz TVs is projected to grow from 3.6 million units in 2007 to an estimated 39.3 million units in 2012. This projection is among the findings in 120 Hz TV Value Chain Analysis and Forecast, a new report available from DisplaySearch, the leading provider of market intelligence on displays and related technology. This growth will be concentrated in screen sizes of 37inch and above with 1080p resolution in all regions, with an additional demand for 32inch HD 100Hz sets in Western Europe.

Growth will be concentrated in screen sizes of 37inch and above.

Japan will have the highest penetration with a forecasted 81 per cent in 2012, compared to Western Europe's 48 per cent and North America's 35 per cent. Western Europe is the dominant region overall in unit sales and is expected to lead demand throughout the forecast period, growing from 1.5M units in 2007 to 11.9M in 2012, while North America has a slower rate of introduction, but

will overtake Japan in 2009. North American demand will be skewed to larger sizes (46inch+). "100/120 Hz is a feature strongly reliant on good consumer education and product demonstration. This education of consumers is a critical factor for success," said Paul Gray, Director of TV Analysis at DisplaySearch. He added, "The effect of investment in consumer education and

good demonstrations has led the growth of the category in Japan and Europe. Demand in North America has been more limited, but we expect that it will expand as more setmakers launch products this year and broaden the message. European growth has been helped by 100Hz processing being a recognised concept for good picture performance from CRT TV days." Other key findings from the report show that the North American market remains slow to adopt 120Hz in part due to a lack of consumer education and point-of sale demonstration. Most of the market will be Full HD 120Hz, but a significant niche exists for European 32inch HD units. 100/120Hz accounts for over 65 per cent of new models in Japan and almost half in the over 30inch size category in Europe. The report also examines the system costs, product positioning and plans of panel makers and TV video processor IC vendors.

The new face of wireless access PAGE 18 Network operators have invested in technology upgrades to remain competitive.

Lightweight solar power PAGE 21 Flexible photovoltaic solar cells for consumer electronics, security and defence.


ICT gets a share of budget pie The Australian Computer Society has welcomed the high level investment in Australia’s communications infrastructure, education and innovation initiatives outlined in the 2008-09 budget. However, the organisation is calling to increase efforts to develop an overarching national ICT strategy with a greater focus on the sector. ACS national president, Kumar Parakala said although there are some significant wins for the technology sector within the budget, "the government also needs to recog-

nise the ICT sector as a major area of future growth, and an industry that is a powerful economic sector in its own right." Parakala said the ACS is strengthening its call for an agreed national ICT strategy. “Beyond funding, there needs to be a way of centralising the focus on the sector, and creating accountability for spending and outcomes. The export focus goes some way to meeting previous calls by the ACS to promote the Technology Australia brand, however without a national ICT strategy, this opportunity

may be lost." The ACS said the general export focus provides opportunities for the ICT sector to "grow offshore services, aligning the inward and outward investment functions in the same organisation, by folding Invest Australia and the Global Opportunities program into Austrade". Meanwhile, the Labor government will provide $75 million for the Retooling for Climate Change competitive grants program as part of the Clean Business Australia initiative. The program will com-

ACS national president, Kumar Parakala plement other measures by supporting Australian manufacturers to improve their production processes, reduce their energy use and

cut carbon emissions. Small and medium-sized manufacturers will be able to apply for grants from $10,000 to $500,000 to support initiatives such as improving the energy-efficiency of their operations; investing in energy-efficient manufacturing tools; improving insulation and recovering waste heat; investing in small-scale cogeneration plants that capture waste energy and use it to produce electricity on site; and cutting water wastage, including through stormwater capture and improving water recycling.

Nextgeneration talent PAGE 24 Companies may find themselves going headto-head over a new generation of employees.

Motion sensors for new consumer applications PAGE 32 MEMS breaks the barrier between users and applications.


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