SHOWWWW.BARCONVENT.COMGUIDE International Bar and Beverage Trade Show 7 – 9 October 2019@barconventber bar convent berlin Organised by


Einmal um die Welt. Jules Vernes brauchte da für 80 Tage. Eine abenteuerliche Reise, für die der Bar Convent Berlin gerade einmal drei Tage braucht. Denn er bringt Spirits & Beverages aus 80 Ländern an einem Ort zusammen. Das gilt übrigens auch für die Besucher – Bartender, Barbesitzer und Distribu toren – die nach Berlin anreisen. Im vergangenen Jahr kamen auch sie tatsächlich aus 80 Natio nen. Sie wollen dabei sein, wenn der „Bartenders‘ Christmas“ steigt. Dafür ist vielen von Euch kein Weg zu weit – egal ob aus Australien, aus Südafrika, den USA und Lateinamerika oder aus Singapur, Japan und Thailand oder London, Paris und Rom. Das ist zutiefst beeindruckend. Wir danken Euch allen, die diesen weiten Weg antreten und den BCB zu dem machen, was er ist – der weltweit größte Treffpunkt der „family and friends of best spirits and Diesebeverages“.wachsende
Internationalität unterstreicht die zunehmende Relevanz des Bar Convent für Handel und Vertrieb. Denn gut ein Viertel der Besucher sind inzwischen Großhändler, Händler und Importeure. Es ist der Rum, der beim diesjährigen Bar Convent Berlin seinen großen Auftritt hat. Erstmalig wird ihm eine eigene Bühne gegeben. Das Kühlhaus wird als „House of Rum“ zum Hotspot für alle Rumhersteller und -liebhaber. Hier präsentiert sich mit Mauritius das diesjährige Partnerland des BCB, das bekannt ist für seinen „Rhum Agricole“. In Zusammenarbeit mit dem Economic Development Board Mauritius präsentiert sich das kleine Land mit ausgewählten Herstellern im House of Rum. Besonders geehrt sind wir, Ian Burrell als „Rum-Ambassador“ begrüßen zu dürfen.
Dochmöchten.zunächst freuen wir uns auf drei inspirierende und erfolgreiche Messetage im Hier und Jetzt.
Doch keine Sorge: Kein „favourite spirit“ kommt zu kurz. Bei insgesamt 1.200 Marken kein Wunder. Von Gin, Likör und Tequila bis hin zu Bitter, Whiskey und Wermut präsentieren die gut 440 Aussteller neue Produkte und Geschmackserlebnisse. Dafür sprechen allein die rund 100 Neuaussteller, die erst mals auf dem BCB zu sehen sein werden. Wir sind sehr Einmalgespannt.umdie Welt. Das gilt übrigens auch für den BCB selbst. Vor wenigen Wochen fand der BCB erst mals in São Paolo statt. Bereits zum zweiten Mal war er Mitte des Jahres in Brooklyn zu Gast. Beide Male mit Erfolg. Was vor zwölf Jahren mit gerade einmal sieben Ausstellern startete, entwickelt sich immer mehr zum globalen Brand. Eine Erfolgsgeschichte, die wir gemeinsam mit Euch sehr gerne fortsetzen
Euer Team des Bar Convent Berlin

But don’t worry: nobody’s “favourite spirit” will be forgotten, although how could that happen with a total of 1200 brands on offer? From gin, liqueurs and tequila through to bitters, whisky and vermouth, there will be over 440 exhibitors presenting brand new products and taste experiences. The fact that there will be approximately 100 new exhibitors appearing at BCB for the first time also speaks for itself. We can’t wait for the show to start.
Circumnavigating the world … while it may have taken Jules Verne 80 days, Bar Convent Berlin is able to achieve a similar feat in just three days, as it brings together spirits & beverages from 80 countries in just one place. The same is true for our visitors as bartenders, bar-owners and distri butors from all over the world travel to Berlin. In fact, last year there really were visitors from 80 different countries in the city – because everybody wants to be there when the “Bartenders’ Christmas” kicks off. For many of you no journey is too long, be your home Australia, South Africa, the USA, Latin America, Singapore, Japan, Thailand, London, Paris or Rome. We take our hats off to you and would like to say a big thank you to all of you, who have travelled so far to help make BCB what it is today - the world’s biggest venue for the “family and friends of best spirits and beverages”. This growing internationality underlines the in creasing relevance of Bar Convent Berlin for both trade and distribution since a good quarter of visitors are made up of wholesalers, retailers or importers. It is rum which is in the spotlight at this year’s Bar Convent Berlin, where it will have its very own stage for the first time. As the “House of Rum”, the Kühlhaus will be the hotspot for all rum manufactu rers and aficionados. Mauritius, famous for its “Rhum Agricole”, is BCB’s partner country this year. In cooperation with the country’s economic deve lopment board, Mauritius will be represented in the House of Rum by a selection of home-grown manufacturers. We are particularly honoured to be able to welcome Ian Burrell to the event as “Rum Ambassador”.
Circumnavigating the world … something BCB has also done itself, by the way, when it was held in São Paulo for the very first time a few weeks ago. In the summer, BCB paid what was already its second visit to Brooklyn, with both events being a roaring suc cess. Something that started out just twelve years ago with a mere seven exhibitors has become a tru ly global brand: a success story that we would very much like to continue with you on board. But for the moment, we are looking forward to spen ding three highly successful and inspirational days very much in the here-and-now at this year’s trade
Bar Convent Berlin Team

3 Purity you can taste Originated in Italy

4 INHALT /// CONTENT BCB BERLIN 2019 APERITIF ............................................... 01 – 02 VERANSTALTUNGSORT UND GELÄNDEÜBERSICHT /// VENUE AND EXHIBITION GROUNDS 06 – 07 FREE WIFI, KÜHLHAUS, SHOWGUIDE ONLINE, SOCIAL MEDIA ...................................... 08 – 09 FOOD COURT ........................................ 22 – 23 BCB MATCHMAKING 68 PROGRAMMPROGRAMM /// PROGRAMME .................................... 69 – 75 STUNDENPLAN TAG 1 /// TIMETABLE DAY 1 70 – 71 STUNDENPLAN TAG 2 /// TIMETABLE DAY 2 ............................... 72 – 73 STUNDENPLAN TAG 3 /// TIMETABLE DAY 3 ............................... 74 – 75 PARTNER MADE IN GSA ...................................... 62 – 66 PARTNER /// PARTNERS 278 – 280 IMPRESSUM /// IMPRINT ................. 294 – 295 10 GASTLAND MAURITIUS COUNTRY OF HONOUR MAURITIUS GASTLAND MAURITIUS /// COUNTRY OF HONOUR MAURITIUS 16 – 20 DISTRIBUTOR WANTED 282 – 293 PROGRAMM /// PROGRAMME 69 – 75


7 5413 Ground Floor 1st Floor2nd Floor 10 KÜHLHAUS / HOUSE OF RUM 4 ENTRANCE ww w.barconvent .com 5I IN ALL AR E A S D F OR VI SITOR S : MAURITIUS2019 LOFTS StraßeLuckenwalder9 takes place in the Kühlhaus / House of Rum on Monday and - 7 p.m. and Wednesday from 5 p.m. - 6 p.m. 11 SHOWROOM
8 FREE WI-FI BAR CONVENT BERLIN PASSWORD MAURITIUS2019 TASTE AND SHARE! #BCBbarweek#WeAreBCB#BCB19#BartendersXmas#barconventberlin Blättern Sie auch online durch den BCB Show Guide 2019. Thumb through the BCB Show Guide 2019 online. SHOW GUIDE VERANSTALTUNGSORTONLINE VENUE STATION BERLIN Die Station Berlin ist ein ehemaliger, im Jahr 1875 errichteter, Bahnhof im Zentrum der deutschen Hauptstadt, der heute als Veranstaltungs- und Messeort genutzt wird. Das großräumige Gelände mit seinem industriellen Charme bildet bereits im sechsten Jahr den Rahmen für die Europäische Barund Getränkemesse Bar Convent Berlin. Luckenwalder Str. 4-6, 10963 Berlin Hunde zugelassen. Station Berlin was constructed in 1875 as the ≫Dresden railway station in the center of Germany’s capital and is used for events and tra de shows today. The spacious location with its industrial flair serves as the ideal framework for the European bar and beverage trade show Bar Convent LuckenwalderBerlin.Str. 4-6, 10963 Berlin (Kreuzberg), Germany Admissionwww.station-berlin.delegaldrinking age only / No dogs allowed.
LuckenwalderKühlhausBerlinStraße 10963 info@kuehlhaus-berlin.comBerlin
LuckenwalderKühlhausBerlinBerlin.Straße 3
The Kühlhaus Berlin is an industrial monu ment with typical Berlin charm for events of all kinds. The casual atmosphere of concrete and clinker was built in 1901 and unites the industry of yesterday and art of tomorrow. On seven floors and 6000 square meters, a place of encounters and creativity was created that is open to partnerships, impulses, ideas - open to the city and in October also for the Bar Convent Berlin.
Das Kühlhaus Berlin ist ein Industriedenkmal mit typischem Berlin-Charme für Veranstaltungen aller Art. Die lässige Atmosphäre aus Beton und Klinker wurde 1901 erbaut und vereint die Indus trie von gestern und Kunst von morgen. Auf sieben Stockwerken und 6000 Quadratmetern wurde ein Ort der Begegnung und Kreativität geschaffen, der offen ist für Partnerschaften, Impulse, Ideen –offen für die Stadt und im Oktober auch für den Bar Convent 10963

Rum Bar mit Guest Shifts von interessanten Bartendern aus aller Welt und einem besonderen BCB Signature Drink Rum Stage hosted by Ian Burrell mit einem sorgfältig kuratierten Bühnenprogramm rund um das Thema Rum Zigarrendreher Show Act: Sehen Sie einem Profi bei der Arbeit über die Schulter und stauben Sie, mit etwas Glück, Ihre eigene House of Rum Zigarre ab! Kubanische Küche & Mauritisches Fingerfood: Gehen Sie auf kulinarische Reise nach Mauritius und Kuba und kosten Sie regionale Spezialitäten. matchmaking Und natürlich viele spannende
Rummarken Official BCB Happy Hour Jeden Abend von 18 - 19 Uhr und mittwochs von 17 - 18 Uhr im House of Rum Lass den Messetag ausklingen und freue Dich auf den offiziellen BCB Signature Drink –natürlich auf Rumbasis! Erfahre zudem mehr über den BCB 2020. We are moving … RUM - RESPEKTIERT. REVITALISIERT. REVOLUTIONIERT. DIE HOCHWERTIGE SPIRITUOSE ERLEBT EINE RENAISSANCE. RUM HOUSE SPECIALS YOU ARE INVITED
Beheimatet in aller Welt und nicht mehr als Trend aus der Szene wegzudenken – erstmalig wird der BCB der Spirituose Rum eine eigene Bühne geben. Das Kühlhaus wird 2019 zum „House of Rum“ und damit zum Hotspot für alle Rumhersteller und -liebhaber. Viele spannende Rumarten aus aller Welt präsentieren sich hier und bieten den Besuchern die Gelegenheit, Rum quer durch verschiedenste Herkunftsregionen kennenzulernen und neue Signature Drinks zu testen. Zudem gibt es auf der Rum Stage Expertenwissen aus erster Hand. Partner des Projektes und Host des House of Rum ist dabei kein geringerer als „Rum-Ambassador“ Ian Burrell, der gemeinsam mit Angus Winchester ein sorgfältig kuratiertes Bühnenprogramm rund um das Thema Rum zusammengestellt hat. Ebenfalls im House of Rum, präsentiert sich das diesjährige Country of Honour des BCB – Mauritius. Mit acht lokalen Marken ist der Inselstaat vertreten und bringt durch faszinierende Aktionen das Insel flair mit nach Berlin. Lassen Sie sich begeistern von mauritischen Köstlichkeiten, traditionellen SegaTänzerinnen und leckeren Rumcocktails, gemixt von mauritischen Bartendern.
Lounge • •
• And a lot of exciting rum brands
• Rum Stage hosted by Ian Burrell with a carefully curated stage programme around the topic rum
Rum Bar with guest shifts from interesting bartenders from all over the world and a special BCB signature drink
• Cuban Cuisine & Mauritian finger food: Go on a culinary journey to Mauritius and Cuba and taste regional specialities. matchmaking Lounge
Official BCB Happy Hour: Every day from 6.00 – 7.00 pm and on Wednesday from 5.00 – 6.00 pm in the House of Rum Round off the fair day and enjoy the official BCB Signature Drink - of course based on rum! Also, learn more about the BCB 2020. We are moving ...
Furthermore Mauritius, this year's Country of Honour at BCB, presents itself in the House of Rum. The island state is represented with eight lo cal brands and brings the island flair to Berlin through many activities. Be inspired by Mauritian delicacies, traditional Sega dancers and delicious rum cocktails mixed by Mauritian bartenders.
• Cigar grinder Show Act: Have a look over a professional’s shoulder and, with a little luck, get a hold of your very own House of Rum cigar!
At home around the world and a trend now for ming a key ingredient for our community – for the first time BCB will create a dedicated stage for rum. In 2019, the “Kühlhaus” will become the “House of Rum” and hence, a hotspot for all rum makers and lovers. Many exciting rum brands from all over the world are presenting themselves here. Visitors will have the opportunity to get to know rum from different regions of origin and to test new signature drinks. The Rum Stage also offers firsthand expert knowledge. Partner of the project and host of the House of Rum is Ian Burrell, the "Rum Ambassador". Together with Angus Winchester, he has put together a carefully curated stage pro gramme on the subject of rum.
12 AUSSTELLER IM HOUSE OF RUM EXHIBITORS IN THE HOUSE OF RUM Alder Rum Bio Neptune10.0-KH02Wood10.0-KH01StorkRum Ltd 10.0-KH04Tastillery10.0-KH03GmbH Maison 10.1-KH05Havana10.1-KH03World1423.dk10.1-KH02Worthy10.1-KH01FerrandParkEstateClassSpiritsClubInternational Old Judge Spirits Spirit10.1-KH06ofRum Event GmbH Economic10.1-KH07 Development 10.1-KH08Grays0.1-KH15/16BoardLtd Stand 10.0-KH01 – 10.1-KH18

13 Rhumerie de Chamarel Ltd Distillerie10.1-KH09 Labourdonnaisde Ltd Stirling10.1-KH11House10.1-KH10ofLordsExport House Ltd 10.1-KH13Litchquor10.1-KH12Ltd Oxenham Craft Distillery The10.1-KH14IslandRum Company AS Kirsch10.1-KH17Spirituosen e.K. 10.1-RumAngostura10.0-KH08Brugal10.1-KH18 Bar, Montag/ Monday, 07.10.2019 AUTÉNTICO10.0-Dos10.0-GoslingsSHOWCASEMaderasSHOWCASENATIVO RUM 10.1-KH04

HOUSE Matt Pietrek Ian Burrell Roberto Thanos Pruranos of Matt Pietrek 14:30-15:15 of Rhums Madeira Ian Burrell Icon Key 15:30-16:15 of Ian Burrell Bodegas Williams Humbert run Cachaca Nina Bastos Maggie Campbell 13:30-14:15 the Brands: Bulk Matt Pietrek 14:30-15:15 the of Florence de Coriolis, Dean-David Oxenham Economic Development Board run Sly Augustin 10 Myths RUM Ian Burrell
our Rum Bar Presenter:
16:30-17:15 The Top
Double Ageing Process Presenter:
OF RUM PROGRAMM HOUSE OF RUM PROGRAMME Montag /// Monday 12:30-13:15 Getting Rum's story right: Rum and the Media Presenter: Paul Clarke 13:30-14:15 How the British Navy Influenced the Birth of Tiki Presenter:
14:30-15:15 RUM 101. An introduction to the diverse world of RUM Presenter:
Mittwoch /// Wednesday 12:30-13:15 WTF is Élevage Tho? #AllThingsRum Presenter:
High Ester Rum Presenter:
15:30-16:15 The challenges of making an authentic, responsibleenvironmentallyrumintheCaribbean Presenter:
Island life Presenters:
rum, independent bottlers, and more! Presenter:
13:30-14:15 In Search
Bar Presenter:
Serralles Sponsor: Destilería Serrallés, Inc. 16:30-17:15 Cachaça, the new wave in Brazil Presenter: Nina Bastos Dienstag /// Tuesday 12:30-13:15 How we run our Rum Bar Presenter:
Mauritius Rums –
exquisite tastes
& Ludovic Ceffué Sponsor:
16:30-17:15 How we
DOS MADERAS Rum - and the secret
Mauritius 15:30-16:15 How we
@barconventber bar convent berlin WWW.BARCONVENT.COM International Bar and Beverage Trade Show 7 – 9 October 2019 Station Berlin & Kühlhaus Berlin OFHOUSERUM HOSTED BY IAN BURRELL HAPPY HOUR MONDAY, TUESDAY 6 P.M.-7 P.M. WEDNESDAY 5 P.M.-6 P.M.

This year’s guest country lies 9149 km away from the Bar Convent Berlin, which is why we are particularly happy to welcome many different representatives from Mauritius to the German capital. Renowned for its magnificent white beaches, lagoons and rain forests, the island state is a dream holiday destination. In Berlin, however, it is Mauritius’ long-standing tradition as a rum producer that will be in the focus. The island’s tropical climate makes it ideal for cultivating sugarcane, and with 14 rum suppliers, 6 distilleries and more than 32 rum brands, Mauritius is a key player in the international market. The island state’s production of cane juice rum strengthens its position even further. Rums from Mauritius have been established on the European market for many years now. But despite that, Mauritian manufacturers would still like to build further on their success in Europe, viewing it as an important growth market for the future. This year, our guest country will be showcasing itself in the Kühlhaus, which will go under the name of the “House of Rum” for the first time. International rum ambassador Ian Burrell will also be supporting the Bar Convent Berlin. As Ian says of his favourite spirit, “Rum is not just a drink, but a way of life”.
Anybody interested in savouring a bit of Mauritian flair outside the exhibition centre is cordially invited by the guest country's exhibitors to attend our kick-off evening in the Lebensstern bar in Berlin on 7th October 2019. We would like to join in celebrating this year’s country of honour to the accompaniment of traditional Sega dancers, Mauritian rum cocktails and typical finger food dishes. We look forward to welcoming you to the “House of Rum”!
9.149 Kilometer trennen den Bar Convent Berlin von seinem diesjährigen Gastland. Wir freuen uns daher besonders, zahlreiche Vertreter aus Mauritius will kommen zu heißen. Bekannt durch seine weißen Traumstrände, Lagunen und Regenwälder, erfüllt der Inselstaat regelmäßig Urlaubsträume. In Berlin hält aber nicht nur das bekannte Urlaubsfeeling Einzug, sondern auch die langjährige Rum-Tradition. Durch das tropische Klima auf den Inseln wird der An bau von Zuckerrohr begünstigt. Mit 14 Rumlieferanten, sechs Brennereien und mehr als 32 Rummarken, kann sich Mauritius auf dem internationalen Markt behaupten. Auch die Herstellung des landwirtschaftlichen Rums festigt die Rolle des Inselstaates. Die mauritischen Rumsorten haben sich längst auf dem europäischen Markt etabliert. Dennoch möchten die Hersteller Europa als wichtigen Zielmarkt zukünftig ausbauen. In diesem Jahr präsentiert sich unser Gastland im Kühlhaus, das damit erstmals zum „House of Rum“ wird. Ian Burrell, internationaler Rumbotschafter, wird den Bar Convent Berlin ebenfalls begleiten. Er selbst sagt über seine Lieblingsspirituose: „Rum is not just a drink, but a way of life“.
Wer auch abseits des Messegeländes das mauritische Flair genießen möchte, ist von den Aus stellern des Gastlandes herzlich zum Kick-Off Evening am 7.Oktober 2019 in der Berliner Bar „Lebensstern“ eingeladen. Bei einem Auftritt der traditionellen Sega Tänzerinnen und mit mauritischen Rumcocktails und traditionellem Finger Food, wollen wir gemeinsam das diesjährige Country of Honour Wirfeiern!freuen uns, Sie im „House of Rum“ willkommen zu heißen!
• Special Show Act every day during the Happy Hour at the House of Rum: Be surprised!
• Rum Bar Guest Shift: On Wednesday, 09.10.2019, Mauritius takes over the Rum Bar – rum drinks served by Mauritian bartenders.
• Mauritian finger food: Go on a culinary journey to Mauritius and taste regional specialities.
Sponsor: Economic Development Board Mauritius Mittwoch /// Wednesday 14:30-15:15 STAGE Mauritius Rums – the exquisite tastes of Island life
COUNTRY OF HONOUR SPECIALS: Mauritius Kick-Off Evening in der Bar Montag, 07.10.2019, nach Messeschluss. Mauritius lädt Sie ein gemein sam zu feiern und ins Inselfeeling einzutauchen! Rum Bar Guest Shift: Am Mittwoch, 09.10.2019, übernimmt Mauritius die Rum Bar – Rum-Drinks serviert von mauritischen Bartendern. Traditionelle Sega-Tänzerinnen: Lassen Sie sich jeden Tag zur Happy Hour und auch während der Messelaufzeit von den traditionellen mauritischen Tänzerinnen verzaubern! Mauritisches Fingerfood: Gehen Sie auf kulinarische Reise nach Mauritius und kosten Sie regionale Spezialitäten. Special Show Act jeden Tag während der Happy Hour im House of Rum: Lassen Sie sich überraschen!
Presenters: Florence de Coriolis, Dean-David Oxenham & Ludovic Ceffué
• Traditional Sega dancers: Be enchanted by the traditional Mauritian dancers every day during happy hour and also during the fair!
18 GASTLAND MAURITIUS PROGRAMM COUNTRY OF HONOUR MAURITIUS PROGRAMME Montag /// Monday 13:15-14:00 DEMO STAGE B Mauritius rums, the tastes of Island life: a long history, a young industry
Presenters: Florence de Coriolis, Dean-David Oxenham
COUNTRY OF HONOUR Mauritius Kick-Off Evening in the bar "Lebensstern": Monday, 07.10.2019, after the fair’s opening hours. Mauritius invites you to celebrate and enjoy the island feeling!
Sponsor: Economic Development Board Mauritius
19 Let’s meet at Bar Convent Berlin, House of Rum Booth: 10.1 KH8 – 10.1 KH16 Economic Development Board, Mauritius 10th Floor, One Cathedral Square Building, 16, Jules Koenig Street, Port Louis 11328 , Republic of Mauritius T: +230 203 3800 E: International award winning Rum in Europe Mauritius, your strategic partner for Trade & Investment Develop your business with Mauritius’ leading suppliers of spirits Experience authentic Mauritian Rum stemming from distillation of pure and fresh sugarcane juice and DISCOVERmolasses MAURITIANPREMIUMRUM

20 AUSSTELLER GASTLAND MAURITIUS EXHIBITORS COUNTRY OF HONOUR MAURITIUS Aussteller / Exhibitors Economic Development Board Distillerie10.1-KH15/16deLabourdonnais Ltd 10.1-KH13Litchquor10.1-KH10Ltd Grays Oxenham10.1-KH11House10.1-KH08Ltd.ofLordsCraft Distillery 10.1-KH14 Rhumerie de Chamarel Ltd Stirling10.1-KH09Export House Ltd 10.1-KH12 Stand 10.1-KH08 – 10.1-KH16

22 FOOD AREA Innenhof / Yard TAYFUN CATERING Pasta, Chili con SchnitzelbrötchenCarne,&Pommes Pasta, Chili con Carne, Schnitzel & French fries Kühlhaus / House of Rum ROSA KaribischeCALETAKüche&Grill Caribbean Cuisine & BBQ VERONIQUE BERGER Mauritisches Finger Food Mauritian finger food Halle 1 / Hall 1 BERLIN BEEF BALLS Herzhafte Mini-Rindfleischbuletten Savoury mini beef balls HEISSER HOBEL Spätzle Spezialitäten Spätzle Specialities

23 Halle 5 / Hall 5 ROSE Sandwiches,GARDENSalat,Chili con Carne & hausgemachter Eistee Sandwiches, salad, chili con carne & homemade iced tea CHICAGO WILLIAMS Sandwiches mit Coleslaw Sandwiches with coleslaw MANI IN PASTA Pasta Spezialitäten Pasta Specialities Halle 7.3 / Hall 7.3 ROCKET + BASIL Saisonale Küche Deutsch-Iranisch-Australischenmit Einflüssen Seasonal cuisine German-Iranian-Australianwith influences NAPOLI CONNECTION Italienische Küche Italian Cuisine PANNEK SEINE BUDDIKE Berliner Spezialitäten Berlin Specialities BIG STUFF SMOKED BBQ BBQ Sandwiches BBQ Sandwiches

Angus has spent over 30 years in the hospitality with a selfproclaimed mission to learn as much as he can about 'drinks, drinkers and those that serve them'. In that time he has made drinks, run bars, trained bartenders and coached managers, won awards for his brand Ambassadorship, his public speaking and his mentoring. While he awaits the opening of his first bar in New York he is Education Director for BCB in Berlin, Brooklyn and Sao Paulo.
Philipp Harder has been a trainer at the Berlin School of Coffee for about 2 years now and organizes this year's program at the Coffee Stage. After his training as an event manager, he has been working as a freelancer in the events sector for 10 years. From the very beginning, he always had a connection with coffee. From a mobile espresso bar to numerous trade fairs, consultings and festivals, he has accumulated extensive know ledge and experience in all aspects of coffee. He is now happy to pass this knowledge on as a barista trainer and event manager at the Berlin School of Coffee.
IAN BURRELL Ian is one the most travel led and sought-after figures within the drinks industry. The multi award winning “EduTainer”, has redefined the definition of an international spirits ambassador by establi shing himself as the world’s ONLY recognised Global Ambassador for the Rum category. Over the last 25 years he has conducted masterclasses & seminars, sipped cocktails, judged competitions and hosted rum events on no less than 7 continents around the world. His mission in life is to get the world to understand that rum is more than a spirit, it’s a way of life.

Nick King is representing the Wine and Spirit Trust (WSET), the largest global provider of wine, spirits and sake qualifications, as Bar Convent Berlin’s education partner. Nick has been in the drinks industry from the beginning of his career, working initially in retail at Oddbins and Sainsbury’s before joining WSET twelve years ago. Nick is WSET’s go-to spirits expert having masterminded the new Level 3 Award in Spirits –a much-anticipated addition to WSET’s spirits course portfolio. WSET now offers dedicated spirits courses at levels 1-3. Nick is passionate about the importance of non-brand affiliated spirits education.
DR. HARRY KOHLMANN Dr. Kohlmann is the CEO of Park Street, a provider of productivity-enhancing and cost-saving back-office solutions, advisory services, wor king capital, compliance management, export solutions, integrated accounting, and human resources management solutions to more than 13,500 alcoholic beverage brands from the U.S. and around the world. The company’s clients range from entrepreneurs to multi-brand global sup pliers, and include craft distillers, centuries-old family businesses, award-winning wineries, in novation brands, and more. Prior to Park Street, Dr. Kohlmann was a strategy consultant at McKinsey & Company where he worked exten sively in the fast moving consumer goods sec tor in North America and Europe specializing in alcoholic beverages. Park Street has partnered with Bar Convent Berlin to host a series of busi ness seminars during the event as a part of the Park Street University program.
PETER EICHHORN As a culinary reporter, Eichhorn explores the world of delights. He organizes numerous tasting formats and also works as a moderator and freelance journa list around beer, spirits, bars and restaurants.

At the Demonstration Bars A & B expert speakers and brand ambassadors from around the world will be presenting spirits tastings, cocktail demonstrations and exciting topics surrounding a brand – practical and relevant to everyday life. Sharing their knowl edge with our guests this year will be such luminaries as Javier de las Muelas, Shinko Gokan, Alex Kratena and so many more.
The Mixology Main Stage is the knowledge centre of Bar Convent Berlin. Here is where lectures by inter national experts as well as panel discussions with key opinion formers and experts of the global bar and beverage scene will take place. This year our guests can look forward to such illustrious names as Jeffrey Morgenthaler, Kirsten Holm, Salvatore Calabrese, Vijay Mudaliar and many others. This year's speakers are roughly divided into groups of Legends sharing their experience, Visionaries sharing their creativity and Experts sharing their knowledge.
Die Mixology Main Stage ist das Wissenszentrum des Bar Convent Berlin. Hier finden Vorträge von internationalen Experten sowie Podiumsdiskussi onen mit Meinungsmachern der globalen Bar- und Getränkeszene statt. Dieses Jahr dürfen sich unsere Gäste unter anderem auf solch bekannte Namen wie Jeffrey Morgenthaler, Kirsten Holm, Salvatore Cala brese, Vijay Mudaliar und viele andere freuen. Die diesjährigen Referenten teilen sich grob in Gruppen von Legenden, die ihre Erfahrungen weitergeben, Vi sionäre, die ihre Kreativität einbringen, und Experten, die ihr Wissen teilen.
Was macht einen perfekten Espresso aus und wie bereite ich ihn zu? Was gibt es für alternative Zubereitungsmethoden und welche passt am Besten in meine Bar? Was sind die aktuellen Trends der Kaffeeszene und wie kann ich Kaffee kreativ in meine Bar integrieren. Diese Fragen und mehr beantworten Experten aus der Kaffeeszene in Vorträgen, Workshops und Tastings. What is the perfect espresso and how do I make it? What are other coffee brewing methods and which of those fit best in my bar concept? What are the recent trends in the coffee scene and how can I integrate coffee in my bar? These and other questions find answers in a wide programme of speeches, work shops and tastings.
An den Demonstration Bars A & B präsentieren Fach referenten und Markenbotschafter aus aller Welt Spirituosenverkostungen, Cocktaildemonstrationen und spannende Themen rund um eine Marke –praxisnah und alltagsrelevant. In diesem Jahr wer den Koryphäen wie Javier de las Muelas, Shinko Gokan, Alex Kratena und viele mehr ihr Fachwissen mit unseren Gästen teilen.

In unseren Taste Foren werden fokussierte Getränke verkostungen angeboten. In diesem Jahr wird WSET, Anbieter von weltweit akkreditierter Bildung, eine eigene Bühne bespielen und Kurse zu den wichtigsten Spirituosenkategorien anbieten. Außerdem bieten wir auch Masterclasses zu aufstrebenden Spirituosen wie Cachaca, Mezcal, Qunine und sogar über die Mecha nismen der Verkostung und des Aromas. At our tasting forums, focused tastings of beverages will be offered. We have partnered with the providers of globally accredited education, the WSET, to give them their own stage to provide courses on the major spirit categories. We also will have masterclasses on more up and coming spirits such as Cachaca, Mezcal, Qunine and even the mechanics of tasting and aroma.
In Kooperation mit Park Street präsentiert der BCB „Park Street University: Seminars for Spirits Entre preneurs“. Das Business Forum ist auf dem BCB die erste Anlaufstelle für Unternehmer, Brand-Owner und Manager, die sich über geschäftsrelevante Themen informieren möchten. Die sorgfältig von Park Street kuratierte Reihe von Seminaren, ermöglicht es Markeninhabern, auf das umfangreiche Wissen von Dutzenden von Experten für Getränkealkohol zurück zugreifen. Die Inhalte reichen vom Anfängerlevel bis zum Fortgeschrittenen und berühren Kategorietrends, Kaufgewohnheiten der Verbraucher, die sich verän dernde Getränkelandschaft und Möglichkeiten, sich im Regal hervorzuheben. Jedes Seminar bietet meh rere Vorträge im "Ted-Stil" mit viel Zeit für Fragen. In cooperation with Park Street, BCB presents "Park Street University: Seminars for Spirits Entre preneurs". The Business Forum at BCB is the first approach for entrepreneurs, brand owners and managers who want to learn about business-related topics. The carefully curated lineup of seminars hosted by Park Street will allow brand owners to tap into a wealth of knowledge from dozens of beverage alcohol experts. Content will range from beginner to advanced, touching on category trends, consumer buying habits, the changing beverage landscape, and ways to stand out on the shelf. Each seminar will feature multiple "Ted-style" talks with plenty of time for questions.
Mit dem House of Rum, unterstreichen wir in die sem Jahr auch die zunehmende Popularität von Rum. Auf der Rum Bühne sprechen einige der besten Referenten der Rumwelt über Geek-Themen wie High Ester Rums und Elevage oder zeigen ihre Kom petenz beim Betreiben renommierter Rumbars aus aller Welt. In Zusammenarbeit mit Ian Burrell alias „The Rum Ambassador“ zeigen wir die erstaunliche Welt der Spirituosen auf Zuckerrohrbasis. This year we also highlight Rum’s increasing popu larity by launching the House of Rum. On the educa tion stage here some of the brightest and best of the rum world talk geek topics like High Ester Rums and Elevage or show off their expertise in running re nowned rum bars from around the world. Partnering with Ian Burrell aka The Rum Ambassador we show off the amazing world of sugar cane based spirits.

My name is Alexandra Bühler and I have been living in Berlin for several years. Originally, I come from the Pfalz, from the beauti ful wine street. I am an educa ted and experienced drinker and meanwhile 40+ years old. My great passion is bars. I travel the world of bars all over Europe and report about it on my website since 2012. I also regularly attend spirits fairs and events to further my education. I write my reports in English and German. "My adventures are a cocktail of witty experiences, sweetened with love and passion and spiced with a dash of individuality."
ALEX RUAS Alex Ruas is an Oslo based de signer and entrepreneur pas sionate about innovation in the hospitality industry. A former bartender, he has taken his 12 years of bartending experience and used it as the catalyst to build the best bars of the future. Bar stations are often designed by kitchen suppliers and Alex believes the industry deserves a more holistic approach to bar design.
ARVIS ZEMANIS 18 years bartending experience. Last 8 years consulting bars and restaurants on team education and concept creation. WORLD CLASS Latvia 2017 Bartender of the Year winner and WORLD CLASS Baltic 2018 Bartender of the Year winner. Improvisation actor for 12 ye ars, professional event and wedding host with 5000+ public speaking hours. Worked on TV and radio shows. Forum owner and Bar Herb rijs co - owner.
Adam MacDonald is an Austra lian, former world champion bartender, based in Oslo. En trepreneur, Author, and Product Designer. He wears many hats on behalf of the hospitality in dustry, including speaker for TEDx. He has 20 years of bar experience along with a creative mind that never shuts off. He currently uses his range of experiences and skills to drive business development with Behind Bars.
ALI VOGEL Professional Barista and Barkeeper starting hospitality 12 years back. As a student job I got in love working behind the bar and try to make my work better and better as a bartender in the begining, and in the last 5 year busy just with coffee and latte art improving my skills and taking Part in more then 15 Compe tition. Training and fun is my Motto.
ALEXANDER PORSCHEN BWT water+more Key-Account Manager Coffee and Vending

CAMPER ENGLISH and founder Camper English is a writer, speaker, and global cocktail competition judge. He is a judge of the San Francisco World Spirits Competition, was the US polling coordinator for the World's 50 Best Bars for seven years, and has visited over 140 distilleries, blending houses, and bodegas in more than 25 countries.
Drinks industry veteran Dan Gasper, spend the first half of his career working for some of the largest drinks business in the world (Allied Domecq, Beam, Jose Cuervo Int.). Then in 2008 he founded Business Develop ment Partnership - a commercial strategy agency focused on supporting Europe’s most promising Food and Drinks SMEs in finding investment and scale. In 2013, Dan co-founded Distill Ventures, the world’s first accelerator dedicated to spirits, backed by Diageo.
CAESARIO DE-MEDEIROS Serial entrepreneur, wine & spirits educator, Cordon Bleu trained chef. With 10 years frontline experience imple menting market entry strate gy for the top 3 global spirits portfolios in key markets across Africa. Extremely passionate about spirits education & commercialising the lost crops of Africa through the spirits industry. Currently CEO
DENNIS WOLF Founder and Chairman of the non-profit association Gas tronomie gegen Rassismus (Gastronomy against Racism), Trade Ambassador Bacardi for Northern and Eastern Germany, BACARDÍ Legacy Winner 2013
CÉCILE ZAROKIAN Cecile Zarokian is a French in dependent perfumer who has been working in the perfume industry for 15 years, creating over a hundred fragrances. In addition, Cecile works with Spirits brands as a consultant in scent branding, helping them to create and develop their olfactory identity. She also designs multisensory experiences for unique events and activations, runs masterclasses and workshops.
DANIEL NEKOLA Hi my name is Daniel and I am working as a Barista since 1,5 years. I did an apprenticeship as a cook and have more then 10 years experience. I also went to the university to study agri culture and there I found my passion about coffee. Last year I stoped to study and started to compete in Austria. I've become first time in my life a champion and I took the chance to go to the world champion ship.
CHRIS LINCOLN Head of L&D I have worked in hospitality for many years focusing on L&D initiatives that develop busi nesses and teams. Proudly overseeing the Be At One L&D Team, we have implemented a programme that gives the teams a wide variety of opportunities to grow their skill sets.

Sie kümmern sich um die DRINKS… …wir um die ATHMOSPHÄRE. Übrigens: wir können Sie nicht nur vermöbeln, sondern wir bringen Sie auch zum Kochen (auf unseren TEPPANyaki-Grills) + Jedes Stück ein Unikat! Für den …und......wir:Drink-GenussperfektengestaltenBartresenBarhockerBartischeLoungetischeBeistelltischeServiertablettsvielesmehr.

32 EMILY PENNINGTON Emily Pennington is the Content Manager for Park Street, a pro vider of productivity-enhancing and cost-saving back-office solutions, advisory services, working capital, compliance management, export solutions, integrated accounting, and human resources management solutions to more than 7,500 alco holic beverage brands from the U.S. and around the world. Ms. Pennington joined the company in 2019, after serving as Managing Director for Wine & Spirits Daily.
FRANÇOIS MONTI François Monti is a Belgian cocktail writer and spirit expert based in Madrid. His work has appeared in Punch, Imbibe, Tapas, Class and Whisky Maga zine, among other international publications. He is the author of 'Prohibitions' and '101 Cocktails to Try Before You Die' and 'El Gran Libro del Vermut’ and has tal ked at events such as Tales of the Cocktail, FIBAR, Lisbon Bar Show and Bar Convent.
HARRY KOHLMANN Dr. Kohlmann is the CEO of Park Street, a provider of back-office solutions, advisory services, working capital, compliance management, export solutions, and integrated accounting to more than 13,500 alcoholic beverage brands. Formerly, Dr. Kohlmann was a consultant at McKinsey & Company, working in the consumer goods sector. Dr. Kohlmann holds an M.B.A. and PhD in Economics from the University of Cologne.
GABE BARKLEY Gabe leads MHW’s operations and strategy with a specific focus on building stronger partnerships with clients. Before joining MHW, Gabe held various roles in finance, technology, and consulting at Microsoft, Deloitte and Accenture, as well as leadership positions at VinConnect, a start-up direct-to-consumer wine sales platform and La Cave Warehouse, a wine re tail and private storage firm based in Texas.
HANNES FENDRICH Hannes is Head of Coffee at the Berlin based roaster Coffee Cir cle. He is a coffee professional for more than 6 years and is responsible for green coffee sourcing and the roasting at Coffee Circle. In 2013 and 2015 he won Germanys SCA Brewers Cup competition and represented Germany in the World competi tions.
GAVIN WRIGLEY Head of the European Bartender School Education Department, Gavin has over 10 years of expe rience working as the manager in leading bars, nightclubs and cocktail catering across the UK, Europe, USA, Australia and Asia. He has been passing on his wealth of knowledge and expertise to students for more than six years.


Julian Schultes is from Aschaf fenburg and CEO at Gebrueder Schultes GmbH & Co. KG (Nitro DP)
After many years working in the bar buisness, Kirsten Holm ope ned her own cocktailbar K-bar 17 years ago in the city center of Copenhagen, the first real cock tailbar of it´s kind in Denmark.
JOSEPH ELLIS Joe started in whisky in 2011, helping set up the Hard to Find Whisky online store. He moved to The Whisky Shop, working his way up to Assistant Manager of their flagship Manchester store. Then, at a whisky focussed cocktail bar, he developed the whisky list, trained the team and also competed in national whisky cocktail competitions. Joe joined EdringtonBeam Suntory in 2016, Joe worked in the Whisky Specialist team, training bartenders and educating consumers in the UK.
For the past 4 years I have spent my days in cafes, studying so cial media, photography and vi deography, and my evenings at bars capturing the best barten ders and cocktails from around the globe.
JAN KREUTZ Jan Kreutz is the founder of World of Boutique Wines GmbH and Berlin Distillery GmbH. After working in European politics for several years, Jan quit Brussels to pursue his passion for wine, whisky and gin. He is a qualified sommelier and distiller.
Ian is one the most travelled and sought-after figures within the drinks industry. The multi award winning “EduTainer”, has redefined the definition of an international spirits ambassa dor by establishing himself as the world’s ONLY recognised Global Ambassador for the Rum category. Over the last 25 years he has conducted masterclasses & seminars, sipped cocktails, judged competitions and hosted rum events on no less than 7 continents around the world. His mission in life is to get the world to un derstand that rum is more than a spirit, it’s a way of life.
JEFFREY MORGENTHALER Jeffrey Morgenthaler runs the bars at Clyde Common and Pepe Le Moko in Portland, Oregon. He is the author of The Bar Book and Drinking Distilled. He can be found behind the bar most nights of the week.

LARS WILLIAMS Born and bred in New York City, Lars went to high school in Brook lyn before attending university for a degree in literature. He found himself working as a set designer for commercials and music videos until he became entirely disenchanted with that business and focused on making his compulsion with cuisine a profession, working in New York restaurants, including Aquavit and WD-50. Europe was the next destination and he landed in the development kitchen at The Fat Duck, before moving to Denmark to work at Restaurant Noma. Lars is now co-founder of the free-form spirits distillery and flavor company Empirical Spirits.
LOUIS DE ROHAN Louis de Rohan is an award win ning business leader + global communications professional with 20 years experience building consumer brands with a strong focus across drink, leisure, travel sectors. He was awarded 2014 Entrepreneur of the Year by Action Coach UK. Louis is also a freelance writer for Condé Nast Traveller, Mr & Mrs Smith and EasyJet Traveller.
Maggie is President and Head Distiller at Privateer Rum. She is also a current Masters of Wine Student, was the founder of the Denver Brewer's League, and is on the Board of Directors of the American Craft Spirit Association and chairs their Spirits Judging Committee. She also serves on the Wine and Spirits Education Trust's International Advisory Alumni Board, representing North America.
LIA JONES Lia Jones is a wine and spirits educator who has worked in the hospitality industry for nearly two decades. She is the founder and Executive Director of Diversity in Wine & Spirits and is actively pur suing a professional certification with Cornell University in Diversity and Inclusion to help find solutions within the international hospita lity community.
Liam started working in pubs at age 16 and his career took off while travelling in Australia, where he worked in some po pular bars in Sydney. This experience helped him back in London where he managed an indepen dent cocktail bar and restaurant. Liam then com pleted WSET Level 2 Award in Spirits and worked in Brand Activation, Drinks Development and Customer Marketing for major spirits brands. He now works on promoting and developing WSET’s spirits pro gramme in London.
KYLE MCHUGH Kyle McHugh has worked in and around the hospitality industry his entire adult life, with over 20 years in on-premise operations, off-premise ownership, operations consulting, professional education, and brand advocacy. He is currently National President & Board Chairman of the United States Bartenders’ Guild, and Global Director of Advocacy for Samson & Surrey.

MATT PIETREK As a cocktail and spirits writer, Matt Pietrek casts a wide net from fermentation science to cocktail recipes. Penning works for his and elsewhere, he is a two-time Fi nalist for TOTC Spirited Awards in writing. He recently published the book, Minimalist Tiki: A Cocktail Wonk Look at Classic Libations and the Modern Tiki Vanguard, as well as a book about British Rum History.
MICHAEL VACHON Michael Vachon is Co-Founder of Maverick Drinks, part of the Atom Group, who are leading the craft spirits movement in the UK. Maverick’s approach to repre senting spirits brands has chal lenged the way brands and bars work together. The IWSC awarded Maverick Spirits Distributor of the Year four times. Michael has been featured in NY Times, Time Magazine, Imbibe UK, The Drinks Business, among others.
MATT CHAPMAN Matt Chapman founded Conta gious in 2001, with not much more than the desire to develop a passionate, creative agency and a hunger to work with brilliant global brands. Nearing its 18th birthday, Contagious is now a globally renowned, highly successful agency with a staff of 40, designing and delivering award-winning brand experiences and packaging projects for an enviable portfolio of global drinks brands, large and small.
A.S. LEHRMAN Margie A.S. Lehrman was ap pointed Executive Director (ED) of the American Craft Spirits Asso ciation (ACSA) in March 2016. In January 2019, she assumed the title of CEO. Before joining ACSA, Margie was a senior attorney at Lehrman Beverage Law, where she now serves in an Of Counsel capacity. Previously, she worked for the American Association for Justice, and as Program Director for the Pound Civil Justice Institute Annual Judges Forum. MARK MEEK Mark joined the IWSR in Decem ber 2013, bringing with him a wealth of experience in the publi shing and business information industry. Mark is tasked with setting the IWSR as the world’s most-trusted data and insights company for the global drinks industry. He has over 20 years’ experience, having worked at The Guar dian and Independent newspapers in various commercial and editorial roles, as well as at Data monitor and Progressive Digital Media as CEO.
MARSHALL DAWSON Marshall Dawson is a brand buil der, brand creator, strategist and entrepreneur. For over 25 years he has done work on the agency side; small and large brand ma nagement and P/L responsibility; and both domestic and global marketing. He has managed Dewar's Scotch in the U.S.and Bombay Sapphire and Grey Goose globally.

NATALIE MIGLIARINI I am a home bartender with an aptitude for discovering new and creative ways to use booze my passion originates through plan ning parties and the “occasional” late night sharing of bourbon with friends.
NATSUKI KIKUYA Natsuki started her sake journey working at retailer Hasegawa Saketen in Tokyo, then as a Sake Sommelier at Zuma & Roka in London. In 2013, she launched Museum of Sake, providing ed ucation in the craft of sake. Natsuki helped develop WSET’s sake qualifications, which have so far seen over 5000 candidates in 27 countries taking a sake course. In 2015 she was made a Sake Samurai, a title given by the Japanese government for contributions to the appreciation or promotion of sake.
NICHOLAS KROEGER Owner of the "Bar Wagemut Ber lin", "Selected Cask Community (SCC)", Spirit producer/distiller.
NICK KING After university Nick worked in alcohol retail, for both indepen dent chains and large supermar kets. For a university rower with a bad back, the lifting involved was not helpful, so he joined WSET in a desk job – which proved to be worse! At WSET, Nick has worked on all of the WSET's qualifications but his recent focus has been exclusively on overhauling the Level 1 & Level 2 spirits qualifications and has culminated in the release of the brand new Level 3 Award in Spirits.
MONIQUE HUSTON Monique Huston began her ca reer at the Dundee Dell, which has one of the largest whisky and spirits collections in the world. Monique is now the Vice President of Spirits for Winebow, and has served as a spirits judge at events and competitions around the world. She has been featured in the Whisky Advocate, Forbes and the Wall Street Journal. She has also been inducted into society, the Keepers of the Quaich.
NICOLE BATTEFELD Nicole is one of the best Baristas Germany has to offer and cur rent German Barista AND Coffee in Good Spirits Champion 2019. She works at Röststätte Berlin as a head barista, roaster, barista trainer, selling equipment, and taking part in national and international championships. She also works for VA Espresso machines in Germany giving machine demonstrations at conventions.
NICOLA RISKE European Ambassador for The Macallan, Nicola carries 15 ye ars of experience in spirits & is internationally recognized for her whisky education. She holds a General Certificate in Distilling from IBD in Scotland & is working towards her Diploma. She’s a Certified Sherry Educator & Olive Oil Sommelier. Nicola actively promotes health & wellness & is a dynamic advo cate of mentorship in the industry.

PETER EICHHORN As a culinary reporter, Eichhorn explores the world of delights. He organizes numerous tasting formats and also works as a moderator and freelance journalist around beer, spirits, bars and restaurants.
PAWEL GRUNTOWSKI With degrees in English Literature and PR from his native Poland, Pawel worked as a translator before moving to Uruguay and en rolling in a university sommelier program in Montevideo, during which he travelled to the major wine regions of South America. Pawel then moved on to wine jobs in London and Berlin and also set up wine tourism portal WineMeccas. Pawel is a Cer tified Sake Educator and as a WSET Approved Pro gramme Provider, offers wine and sake education through his Berlin Wine School.
REINHARD POHOREC Entrepreneur, creative mind and host: Pohorec has established a reputation as international expert in the world of sensory tech nology, F&B, through keynote speaking and coaching. This also includes special projects with the luxury brands market. With a focus on the multisensory, he offers numerous training platforms within the hospitality industry & tailormade programs for corporates.
RAPHAEL WOZNIAK Raphael Wozniak is the Head Roaster and Green Coffee Buyer in the Berliner Kaffeerösterei. He combines intuition and enthusiasm from his chemistry studies and a great expertise in mecha nical engineering. After he first started in the logistics department, he moved to roasting in 2012. Since 2013 he is the head roaster and responsible for the quality control and the green coffee buying.
ROBIN ROBINSON Robin Robinson is a sales and marketing consultant for emerging alcohol brands in the U.S. He is on the faculty of Moonshine University in Louis ville, KY. He was formerly the US brand representative for Com pass Box Whisky and currently teaches the longest running whiskey class in the US, Whiskey Smack downs. He is on the panel of international judges for the Concours Mondiale Spirits Selection. His book, "The Complete Whiskey Course" is being released in October, 2019.
40 NINA BASTOS Nina Bastos co-owns Jiquitaia, a restaurant and cocktail bar in São Paulo. A strong advocate of Cachaça, Brazil’s national spirit, she has been key in changing its image locally and internationally by repositioning it in the restau rant. Deeply passionate and a connoisseur of oftenunknown faces of this hugely diverse spirit, Nina will discuss fine cachaças and modern cachaçabased cocktails at BCB.
Owner of: Tamper meets Jigger
PAUL CLARKE Paul Clarke is the executive edi tor of Imbibe magazine and a journalist who has covered spi rits, cocktails and the culture of drink for publications including Imbibe, the San Francisco Chro nicle, the New York Times, and many others.

As one of the world’s leading bartenders, Salvatore Calabrese, fondly known as ‘The Maestro’ is a multi award-winning global powerhouse. He travels the world as a consultant to the bar and hospitality industry, is a soughtafter judge for worldwide competitions, and former President of the United Kingdom Bartenders’ Guild. His best-selling books and barware products exem plify the quality, talent and experience he brings to the industry.
ROBLEDO Y MENDEZ Romy is part of the team who de veloped a soft drink in 2015 that was based on cascara. As part of the selo world she is excited to create products, that show that coffee can be much more than a daily wake up call. With ingre dients from organic and biodynamic agriculture, that respect our nature and the people, who grow the coffee, fruits and flowers that our drinks are composed of.
RYAN SMITH L&D Manager After 6 years working behind the bar I made the step into L and D. I have a strong focus on spi rit and product knowledge. My passion is in training and passing on my knowledge to continue my bartenders development.
SHATBHI BASU Alumnus of IHM Mumbai. Bar & Beverage Consultant; freelance journalist Awarded by the Pre sident of India and the Ministry of Women and Child Development as India's first woman bartender India’s first bartending academy STIR India's first generic stainless steel modular bar Host & content creator for India’s first beverage show In High Spirits First American Whiskey Ambassador, India.
After leading a team at Guinness that turned around 20 years of brand decline, and over 10 years consulting, Shilen Patel started Distill Ventures with Co-founder Frank Lampen in 2013. As the world’s first drinks accelerator, the company helps entrepreneurs scale their busi ness. Distill Ventures has committed in excess of £60 million to accelerate more than 15 founder-led drinks brands around the world.
STEPHANIE SIMBO Stephanie is Beyond Bars exe cutive director and founder. Her brother spent a year in prison and suffered from social ostra cism which led her to think about how to help disenfranchised to be integrated. She decided to blend her passion for mixology and social justice and cre ated Beyond Bars, a hospitality school offering edu cation as a way to fight incarceration and recidivism in South Africa.

C reators of e x C eptional spirits Visit us on booth : 7-E13

44 SLY AUGUSTIN Augustin’s lifelong love of rum started during a summer trip to St. Lucia aged 18 where, after trying some powerful local rums from the barrel, he discovered a local coconut rum liqueur. From there, he grew his knowledge of the spirit becoming one of London’s leading rum afi cionados. In the 6 years that he has owned the com munity-spirited bar, Augustin has trail blazed a rumheavy menu with tiki and mid-century influences, crediting his strong sense of pride in hospitality as a key force behind Trailer Happiness’ success in the global bar scene.
THANOS PRUNARUS Thanos has been a bartender sin ce 1999. Founder & operator of Baba Au Rum bar, World's 50 Best Bars 2013, 16, 17, 18, reaching #22 this year. Thanos is considered as a main rum & cocktail influencer globally. Member of rum jury at German Rum Festival & the Miami Rum Festival for the Rum Awards. Organizer of Ath. Rum & Whisky Festival, publishes the FINE DRINKING. A member of the Int. Rum Experts.
STEVE SCHNEIDER Steve Schneider has earned a reputation as one of the most respected and successful bar tenders in the industry. Of his 16 years professionally crafting cocktails, he has spent the last 12 building his career at one of the most highly esteemed NYC cocktail bars, Employees Only. These days, he is a multiple bar owner in multiple countries around the globe such as Singapore, Panama, China and the USA.
THORSTEN HARTMANN Thorsten Hartmann has been active in FMCG consultancy and beverage industry market re search throughout his career. Previous roles included direc tor of consulting for alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages at GlobalData (formerly Canadean) and a long stint in various functions at emerging markets beverage market research specialist IMES Consulting/ManSci, giving him a particularly strong background in beverage markets in the Europe, MEA and APAC regions. Thorsten engages and combines the IWSR’s capabilities in beverage alcohol indus try market research, consumer research and data analytics for the company’s custom analytics projects.
TIMON KAUFMANN Timon has tended some of the best bars in his career before he found his love for coffee in one of it. Today the German “coffee in good spirits” Champion is one of Germanys leading specialists if it comes to coffee within bar envi ronment. As a self-employed educator and consul tant he is a passionate ambassador for better coffee in bars and restaurants.
SVEN GOLLER Bar owner "Das schwarze Schaf" in Bamberg, World Class Winner Germany 2017, Mixology New comer of the Year 2019, Master's degree in Political Science (Atti tude and Behavioural Research), Master thesis: "Xenophobic pre judices in Europe - a comparative analysis in 17 countries of the European Union", Member of Gas tronomie gegen Rassismus and local ambassador.

ZWIESEL 1872 I HANDMADE Beuschen uns auf der Bar Convent Berlin 2019Halle 4 Stand shop.zwiesel-kristallglas.comA08.
Die neunteilige Premium-Barserie von ZWIESEL 1872 überzeugt mit ihrer kunstvollen Optik und ihrem fließenden Design, das einerseits romantisch und verspielt wirkt, andererseits eine klare Linie und Eigenständigkeit besitzt.
Sie ist anmutig, filigran und bodenständig zugleich. Marlène ist eine Hommage aux Femmes, die zusammen mit Charles Schumann entwickelt wurde.

WARREN BOBROW Cannabis Alchemist / Master Mixologist
VICTORIA CHOW Victoria is the founder of the Hong Kong cocktail bar (now the worlds first Nomadic bar) and lifestyle brand, The Woods. She was recently named Forbes 30 Under 30 for her pioneering ap proach to drink concepts. Victoria believes in "taking an educated sip," working with brands to better understand consumer markets and leverage experiences, social media, and visual con tent.
Tobin Ellis is an American bar tending veteran who has been designing bars, restaurants, and hotels as well as providing bar experience design since 1997 for clients including MGM Re sorts, Waldorf-Astoria, Starbucks Coffee Company, Caesars Entertainment, Marriott, Ace Hotels, and others. Tobin has a signature line of commercial catalog bar equipment manufactured by Perlick. for more.
TRISTAN RUS For 17 years in the upscale gas tronomy as a barista trainer and bartender in the restaurants on the way. Currently Head of the Coffee Compentence Center for Coffee Workshops and Quality Management at Rancilio Group Germany GmbH.
Zan was born and raised in Mis sissauga, Canada but soon made his way south to the sun and sand of the Caribbean, He worked in the F&B industry all around the region, including working at Sandals Negril, Coyaba Beach Resort, Montego Bay and Ritz Carlton Amelia Beach. Zan’s heart was always firmly set in Jamaica, so after reaching senior management positions in F&B, Zan is now utilising his love of Jamaica and its rums as Export Sales manager for Worthy Park Estate.
CAROLINA ODA Carolina has been playing a re levant role on the Brazilian food scenery for over 10 years. She worked her way up from the floors of a craft beer bar to con sulting and teaching about beve rage trends, branding and hospi tality and service management. She works towards position beverages to the same relevance of food on the gastronomic experience unveiling aspects of drinks beyond its liquid form.
Vijay Mudaliar opened his first cocktail bar in Singapore, Na tive, in 2016, focusing on explo ring the region’s diverse cultural and physical landscape through the lens of drinks. At Native you wouldn’t find your common spi rits but instead come upon Singapore Gins, Indian Whisky and Sri Lanakn Arrack to name a few. This idea extends to the entire venue space inclusive of furniture, aprons, ceramics and music. Cocktails are based on ideas and inspiration linking tradition, time, location and forgotten cultures.

Visit WSET Taste Forum A, Hall 8 where we are delivering a full programme of educational tasting masterclasses. Session are free to attend and no prior booking required. Programme available on BCB website and show catalogue. For more details contact us at Visit TasteWSETForum A Hall 8 A world of knowledge WSET is an official Bar Convent Berlin partner

ALESSANDRO PALAZZI Alessandro Palazzi is a worldrenowned bartender and criti cally acclaimed Martini master. After tending some of the most illustrious bars, including the George V & the Ritz in Paris, he has been the head barman for Dukes London since 2007 and has given martini masterclasses around the world. His latest varia tion on the drink, the Baeri Pearl Martini, is made with L’Orbe, a caviar-infused vodka.
ALEX KRATENA Alex is a multi-award winning bartender & co-founder of the drinks industry non-profit orga nisation P(OUR). His work includes Muyu liqueurs & bar project Tay r+Elementary. In 2018 Har pers Wine&Spirits listed him in the Hot 50; recognising key influencers & innova tors in the on-trade. In 2019 Alex was listed in Bar World 100 by Drinks International as one of the industry's most influential figures.
ANDRZEJ GURNIK Trade Commissioner Assistant for Chilean affairs in Poland. ProChile Poland
Ania Kulak is a bartender in Bor tenfor, Oslo, Norway. Her collaboration and partnerships with local producers, her extensive knowledge of urban farming and her creative skills have led her to be crowned Jameson Barrelmen's Homecoming 2019 Global Winner. Ania will share her expertise and creativity during the Grow Your Own Cocktail seminar.
ALEXANDRE GABRIEL Alexandre Gabriel, owner & Ma ster Blender of Maison Ferrand (Ferrand Cognac, Citadelle Gin, Plantation Rum) & West Indies Rum Distillery, sees his spirits as the perfect harmony of emo tions, experience and history. Since 1989, Alexandre has stuck to his mission of marrying culture, passion and time with great spi rits, leading Maison Ferrand to be one of today's greatest artisanal spirits houses.
ALBERTO C. VOLLMER Chairman and CEO of Ron Santa Teresa - founded in 1796 - producer of Venezuela's oldest rum brand. Before taking up this post, he was Santa Teresa's ex port manager, and later led the turnaround of the company that took place in 1999. He is the founder of Project Al catraz, a rehabilitation program for criminal gangs.

CLAUDIO ESCOBAR General Mannager of Pisco Producer Association - Pisco Chile AG Bachelor of BusinessPisco Chile AG CRISTOBAL SROKOWSKI Cristobal Srokowski is Ron Abuelo's Global Brand Ambas sador. A native of Poland but brought up in Spain, he joined Varela Hermanos seven years ago. Cristobal has over fifteen years experience in the beve rage industry as a bartender, mixologist and rum connoisseur. Since he joined Varela Hermanos, he has travelled all over the world conquering pallates through our inspiring Panamanian rum Brand.
From Colombia, living in Paris Carina Soto Velasquez is a bar tender & one of the founders of Quixotic Projects, a Paris-based hospitality group which owns and manages such acclaimed venues as Candelaria, Le Mary Celeste, Hero, Les Grands Verres & Bar Marilou in New Orleans. Vogue described Carina & her colleagues as one of a wave of newcomers shaking up the French capital’s hospitality scene.
ANTONELLA NONINO Grappaiola, Nonino's family 5th generation. With her father she's been responsible for dis tillates' experimentation of dis tillation, fermentation and aging processes. She's responsible for Institutional Communication, press office, German, Austrian, Eurasian market and Nonino International Prize. For years she's been working at Nonino Grappa and distillates' experimentation in mixology and bartending.
Since joining the Oxenham group (Mauritius’, Wine & Spirits pioneers since 1932) in 2011, Dean is at the core of his family’s distillery development. With a 10-year commercial background in the wine & spi rits industry at large, Dean’s passion for spirits and notably rum keeps him engaged in the Oxen ham Craft Distillery’s rum production & promotion.
Audrey Hands started in the hospitality sector at the age of 15, aspiring to become a chef she explored all areas and found her true vocation behind the bar working in cocktail bars and hotels in UK, Italy and Aus tralia. Her passion for Latin American culture and a degree in the same field led her naturally to specialize in Rum and Tequila. In 2015 she became an Ambassador for Havana Club and to date repre sents the rum, culture and tradition internationally.
Boris Gröner has been a bar tender for 20 years now, around 15 of which he spent serving drinks at the Hemingway Bar in Freiburg. Together with Andreas Schöler, he has been running his own bar in the city – One Trick Pony – since 2016.
Past President of the Rum Producers Association Mauritius, he is dedicated to the development & promotion of the Mauritius Rum industry.



DENNY KALLIVOKA Denny is a Partner of Difford’s Guide Gr. Studies in Marketing & Master in Media Communica tions (City). In '03 left career for passion; Food & Drinks: became active in journalism working for the most important publications & judging local & Int. Cocktail & Wine competition finals. Founder: Aegean Cocktails & Spirits Con cept Organizer: AC&S Festival & Workshop Co–Org: Athens Rum & Whisky Fest
DETLEF MOHR Joining Mr Black in 2014, Detlef sources specialty beans from the best growing regions to create complex spirits that are bold, balanced and unapologe tically coffee, without compro mise or equal. Producing con sistently concentrated cold brew and fine-tuning water composition, temperature and time are lifelong obsessions of Detlef which he brought from his time in wine production.
DIMITRIS KIAKOS Dimitris is the owner of the Gin Joint, co-owner of "To Lokali", and member of the Gin Guild.
DR. ROBERT BIRNECKER Master Distiller & Chief Executive Officer of KOVAL Distillery
52 DAVIDE SEGAT Davide started his career in some of London’s most illus tri ous establishments working under the enviable apprentice ship of the likes of Brian Silva, Angela Hartnett and Gordon Ramsay, where he learnt the classical arts of bartending- mainly how to mix a Martini and how to flirt with your girlfriend whilst you’re in the bathroom. In consultation with Strangehill he devised the bar menus at the London Edition Hotel and since opening, the Punch Room has been nominated for 4 consecutive years as the best international hotel bar of the year at the Spirited Awards at Tales of The Cocktail. He is now the director of bars for the EDITION Brand Team.
ERWAN DE KERROS Passionate Pepper expert, Erwan travels the world for 30 years looking for unknowed botanic.
FILIP KASZUBSKI Filip was a type of nomadic soul living and working across different continents and countries. It has taught him the unique and complex art of hospi tality. His journey stretched from bar backing to the management of bars, club and hotels. However, the biggest adventure yet happened in Berlin, opening Velvet Bar. He embraced all experiences both personal and professionally, teaming up with fantastic bar tenders like Ruben Neideck and Damien Guichard. These experiences opened up endless possibilities, while putting strong emphasis on guest perspec tive like service, standards and atmosphere that balances out innovative ways of making drinks by using lab-like techniques or less common local produce.

Create Share Learn Join Park Street’s new knowledge platform and meet this year’s speakers in the Business Forum. Oct 7 - 9, 2019 | 11am - 6:30pm Station Berlin, Hall 5 3 days | 15 seminars Louis de Rohan LDR Creative Emily Pennington Park Street Imports MoniqueWinebowHuston Thorsten Hartmann The IWSR Shilen Patel Distill Ventures Michael MaverickVachonDrinks MattContagiousChapman Robin Robinson Robin Robinson LLC Dan Gasper Drinks Entrepreneur GabeMHWBarkleyLtd. Jaap InternationalKrasHempSolutionsEU Margie SpiritsAmericanLehrmanCraftAssociation Mark Meek The IWSR Dr. Harry Kohlmann Park Street Imports SHAREUNIVERSITYMarshallJardescaDawson For more details contact us: CREATELEARN

JAVIER DE LAS MUELAS Javier de las Muelas is known as a trendsetter & sucsessfull businessman - considered as one of the most prominent cocktail masters in the world. He gives conferences at gas tronomy forums & business schools, collaborates with media & acts as a consultant to leading F&B companies. He is also the founder/owner of Barcelona’s notorious bars Gimlet and Dry Martini.
IAN BURRELL Ian is one the most travelled and sought-after figures within the drinks industry. The multi award winning “EduTainer”, has redefined the definition of an international spirits ambassa dor by establishing himself as the world’s ONLY recognised Global Ambassador for the Rum category. Over the last 25 years he has conducted masterclasses & seminars, sip ped cocktails, judged competitions and hosted rum events on no less than 7 continents around the world. His mission in life is to get the world to understand that rum is more than a spirit, it’s a way of life.
At high school Ivano studied economics trying to match his passion of agriculture to a more economic vision of it. At the end of his studies, he starts to work for some important companies in the liquor sector without forgetting to keep alive his passion for the “earth”. In 2010 he starts his research in the historical herbs used in the old recipes in Calabria. In 2016 the first bottle of “Amaro Importante Jefferson” is bottled and is soon followed by other liquor products.
HIROUMI KEIMATSU Hiroumi Keimatsu is the owner and CEO of Blueship and RUYUKYU 1429. A native of Tokyo, Mr. Keimatsu has led a passionate charge to combine the efforts of three prominent Okinawan Awamori makers to introduce Awamori to the rest of the world.
Javier Reynoso was born in Argentina and began working as a bartender at the age of 18. Soon, he discovered his passion for spirits and the art of barten ding. After training in France, Brazil and Spain he worked as a barback, bartender, bar manager and maitre in luxury hotels in Barcelona. Since 2015, Javier is the Global Brand Ambassador for the prestigious Spirits at Miguel Torres S.A.
FLORENCE DE CORIOLIS Rum is a passion for Florence de Coriolis, who is in charge of the Rum products development, marketing, promotion at Grays Inc Ltd since 2013. By atten ding to masterclasses, tastings, trainings and rum events around the world, Florence has had the opportunity to expand her knowledge about the spirit industry, international trends, technics, and products evo lution.

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JEAN-SÉBASTIEN ROBICQUET As an oenologist, a masterdistiller and an entrepreneur, Jean-Sébastien has built a world-renowned reputation for innovation, launching amongst other luxury products the first grape-based G’Vine family of gins and the first Royal Vermouth, La Quintinye.
KYLE MCHUGH Kyle McHugh has worked in and around the hospitality industry his entire adult life, with over 20 years in on-premise operations, off-premise ownership, opera tions consulting, professional education, and brand advocacy. He is currently National President & Board Chair man of the United States Bartenders’ Guild, and Global Director of Advocacy for Samson & Surrey.
MARCOS GALINDO Born in the land of Xalisco to a family of social activists, tea chers and farmers, majored in Political Science and did post graduate studies in business and sociology. Founder of Pro yecto Nebulosa, which obtained the 2019 award of Spirit of Excellence in the World Tourism Fair in Madrid for its innovative approach of ethnobotanics, social activism and gastronomy. He spends most of his time working on the new project La Dama Tequila or travels the world ad vocating about the responsibility of implementing new and sustainable practices in the industry.
As Global Coffee Ambassador Martin helps to spread the gospel on drinking coffee after dark for Mr Black. Martin brings with him a wealth of experience including working as a senior bartender at the highly awarded American Bar at The Savoy and becoming Champion at the 2017 World Coffee in Good Spirits competi tion. Martin is also showcasing coffee cocktails at new Sydney venue Maybe Sammy.
JUN OGAWA Mr. Ogawa has a background in the Film Production indus try. He joined RYUKYU 1429 as head of business development at its very infancy and has been presenting the unique story of Awamori to tastemakers with MasterClasses around Europe.
Having worked for more than 15 years in the Hospitality in dustry at different levels Ludo vic felt in the Chamarel vats in 2015. From his past experience & joyful interaction with every one, his daily goal is to spread the passion & love for good spirits. Holding regular Masterclasses on rum around the hotels and bars of Mauritius, he also attends regularly international rum fairs and convents to keep on learning and share his island spirit. Always on hunt for new ideas, techniques and inspiration to bring back home to share with the local Bartending community.
KARIM FADL Karim Fadl is a connoisseur when it comes to rum, pisco and exotic spirits. He used to be the Brand Ambassador of Bacardi and nowadays runs the famous bar Bar Tausend as a Bar Manager in Berlin. He is an icon of Berlins nightlife.

Damoiseau Export Brand Ambassador Germany
MATT PIETREK Matt Pietrek is among today's premier spirits and drinks wri ters, writing for his own site, Cocktail Wonk, as well as other publications. He is author of the book Minimalist Tiki and is cur rently co-authoring a book with Plantation Rum on the subject of London Dock and Navy Rums. He is also the Community Envoy for WIRSPA, West Indies Rum Spirits & Producers' Association.
NICOLA PIETROLUONGO Nicola Pietroluongo is the Ypióca & Luxury Scotch Brand Ambassador at Diageo Brazil. Being at the role for the past five years, the Italian-Brazilian am bassador has had a long career in hospitality in the UK, Italy, Spain and Brazil. As a brand ambassador his main objective is to leverage the Brazilian hospitality industry and to spread Cachaça’s heritage world wide.
MARTIN KOVAR Selected as one of the brightest talents by the Forbes (Czech Republic) Magazine in Category 30 Under 30 for year 2019. Founder of La Dama Tequila, Mi xologyArt, Ninfa Raicilla, Canti na Experimental and The Finest Bars Brands. Martin graduated from The Hotel Business School in 2008 with a diploma in Hospi tality and Tourism, compounding his learning with various internships and the hospitality Manage ment Course at the Tokyo Hotel Business College.
MAXIM SCHULTE Class 1990, he is among the youngest and most promising talents on the European scene. After having built his experience in Asian Luxury Hotel Bars, he is now Head Bartender at American Bar - the Savoy, London.
MEIMI SANCHEZ Meimi has worked on Havana Club for the last 8 years, working with bartenders globally to promote the brand’s unique he ritage and identity. Prior to wor king with Havana Club, she was a bartender for 8 years, mainly working up in Edinburgh as Bar Manager at award winning Bramble bar. Having been born and raised in Havana, Cuba it is her absolute honour to work on such an incredible brand at such exciting times.
NICK BLACKNELL 20 years of experience in the spirits industry from Absolut Vodka, Plymouth Gin, Jameson Irish whiskey and Havana Club rum. Passionate about flavors and co-owner of Crucible London, a workspace allowing bartenders to experiment with new flavors and techniques.

RODRIGO FLORES Official Chilean Pisco Ambassa dor for Pisco Producers Asso ciation. Agronomist /Oenologist - Pisco Chile AG ROSIE STIMPSON
ROBERTO SERRALLES Roberto Serrallés is a 6.-gen rum maker in Puerto Rico where his family business, Destilería Serrallés has been operating since 1865. As one of America’s oldest owned and operated fa mily businesses, DS has been producing fine rum for over 150 years. Its flagship brand, Don Q, is the leading premium rum brand on the island. Roberto completed a PhD in Environmental Sciences from the University of Oregon and designed a state-of-the-art wastewater to energy facility that has helped turn DS into one of the greenest distilleries in the Caribbean. He was honored with the Master Rum Distiller of the Year and the Rum Experience Pioneers awards at the 2012 Golden Rum Barrel Awards ceremony in London and was named Best Rum Expert of the Year at the 2013 International Rum Conference in Madrid.
PALOMA ALOS Paloma joined Difford’s Guide five years ago and works alongside Simon Difford to run most aspects of the business. Previously a Marketing & Communications Director she enjoys working closely with drinks brands and producers, small and large all over the world, to help them tell the stories which make the drinks industry so vibrant and exciting.
PHILIP DUFF A jet-set bartender, on-trade consultant and spirits expert, Philip Duff is one of the cocktail community's best-loved presenters & educators, a re nowned expert on all distilled spirits, and an in-demand ontrade & beverage consultant to drinks companies around the world.
Nils Boese is bartending more than quater of a century. In ad dition he is also a coffee enthu siast. He runs his own bar since 1998. Nils is well known as an expert for his detailed sensory skills exploring for unusual spi rits and a talent to showcase hidden pleasures in better known spirits.
PHUM SILA-TRAKOON Phum Sila-Trakoon established bars like Panama and Tiger Bar in Berlin, wrote articles for the trade magazine Mixology and managed Le Croco Bleu. Since 2017 he is Thomas Henry's glo bal brand ambassador.
Rosie Stimpson is the co-founder of London’s Nightjar, Oriole & Swift, all of which have fea tured on the coveted World’s 50 Best Bars list. She had never run a bar in her life when she took the leap into ownership. Rosie compares the teamwork in a bar to the intensity of a theatrical performance, and describes it as a “great training ground for life”.

SVEN RIEBEL Sven Riebel’s career began in Berlin. In the 2000s, he worked his way through university with jobs behind the bar until he be gan working as a bartender fulltime – despite having graduated from university – at Victoria Bar in 2007. Following stops at e.g. Bravo Bar, he made his way to Frankfurt, where today he runs his bars Seven Swans & The Tiny Cup and Bonechina.
STEPHEN A GOULD Proprietor / Distiller of Golden Moon Distillery
THANOS PRUNARUS Thanos has been a bartender since 1999. Founder & opera tor of Baba Au Rum bar, World's 50 Best Bars 2013, 16, 17, 18, reaching #22 this year. Thanos is considered as a main rum & cocktail influencer globally.
SIMONE CAPORALE Internationally renowned bartender with a distinctive per sonal style, who is credited during his years at Artesian at The Langham, London, with tur ning the bar into the best in the world, as recognized in World’s 50 Best Bars by Drinks International.
He started bartending at 18 in Tokyo, then he moved to New York working at Angel's Sha re for 10 years. Once back in Asia, he opened three diffe rent speakeasy bars: SG Club (Tokyo), Speak Low and Sober Speaker (Shanghai). All of them have been awarded as Asia's 50Best Bars, respectively 13th, 7th and 16th place in the list.
The creative force behind Cologne’s bar Little Link is creating ripples of innovation in the bar industry. From his awardwinning glasses to bartending books, Hinz has also founded two consulting companies, Cocktailkunst and Hinzself. And there’s more: With his new brands Novation and Stir & Straw, he of fers high-tech clothing for the bar industry and reinvents the eco-friendly drinking straw!
Member of rum jury at German Rum Festival & the Miami Rum Festival for the Rum Awards. Organizer of Ath. Rum & Whisky Festival, publishes the FINE DRINKING. A member of the Int. Rum Experts
SIMON DIFFORD Simon is a serial entrepreneur & has been involved in nearly eve ry aspect of the drinks industry, from running his own off-license & wholesale company to impor ting spirits and brand creation. Best known as a drinks writer and publisher, Simon publishes cocktail and spirit books and is the editor-in-chief of diffordsguide. com. He has also contributed to the launch of numerous drinks brands, most notably St-Germain liqueur, & is behind the creation of London Cocktail Week.

TOM BAKER Designer turned coffee snob, Tom Baker founded Mr Black Roasters & Distillers with Philip Moore in 2012. United by a love of fine coffee and good drin king, Tom and Phil joined forces to bring the craft, integrity and caffeine of speciality coffee to the night. Until Mr Black, coffee liqueurs were sickly sweet, fake products more worthy of landfill than a glass.
WALTER GOSSO Walter Gosso, was born in Carmagnola (TORINO) on 28/11/1972. After several steps of working in the hospitality and gastronomy industry all around the globe, he settled with Compagnia dei Caraibi in the multiple role of Ambassador and Advocacy Mana ger. In recent years has enjoyed participating in various competitions for bartenders, winning in 2014 the Bacardì Legacy Italy, in 2015 he won the Martini Grand Prix Italy and The Martini Grand Prix World in the Milan Final during Expo 2015.
TIMON KAUFMANN Brewing Bartender - Your spe cialist for Coffee, Cocktails and Gastronomy. Timon Kaufmann is one of the leading experts when it comes to the combination of coffee in cocktails. Due to his yearslong experience and conti nued education he build up a reputation in the Ger man Bar- and Coffee scene. As speaker at home and abroad he loves to share his expert knowledge with all people.
Having been hired as the first full time employee in the history of Kinly Michele Heinrich rose from bartender to highly decorated barmanager. His unique ability to match flavors is the foundation of many Kinly cocktails.
Born in Chicago, native to the country of Belize. Waluco atten ded Loyola University Chicago, where he received a bachelor’s degree in Environmental Poli cy and Moonshine University in Louisville, where he was able to expand his knowledge on rum. He is currently the Rum Expert and Assistant Manager at Copal Tree Lodge, in the heart of Belize’s rainforest where he conducts distillery tours and rum tastings at Copal Tree Distillery. He is also a Copalli representative for local promotion and sales and is glad to be back home working with an organic and sustainable rum.
THODORIS PIRILLOS Thodoris, is the head Bartender of "A for Athens" and co-owner of "Barflies". Certified by "Bar 5" (Manhattan 2014 class), Winner of the Greek World Class 2013 and Chivas Masters 2015, Thodoris is training new Bar tenders, organizes Seminars and operates as HR Manager for emblematic Greek Bars. He describes himself as observer of human nature - upon which his cocktails are inspired from THOMAS MOONEY Founder & CEO of Westward Whiskey
Benefitting from a chemistry background Alexej Grjasnow found his home at Kinly after various engagements in Mu nich and used his education in a quest for novel techniques and ingredients.

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At this year’s MADE IN GSA area at Bar Convent Berlin we are proudly presenting a record number of 97 products from a total of more than 30 partner companies. And the fact that »keeping it local« is currently a major trend was also apparent in the submissions to the MADE IN GSA 2019 competition: over 150 recipes were submitted by bartenders from Germany, Austria, South Tyrol and Switzerland. With this year’s winner, Vienna’s Valentin Bernauer, the MADE IN GSA Competition saw its first overall champion from Austria. Bernauer impressed the competition’s judges with his fresh, complex and spicy highball »Tschi Es Ej«, succeeding not only within the overall ranking, but as well in the special category »Lemonades & Sodas«.
Close behind Bernauer, 2019’s runner-up came straight from the opposite region of the German speaking countries: Natalie van Wyk from Lubeck was being recognized for her cocktail »Lübsche Luft« which is inspired by typical Nordic flavors and ingredients. The top-three at MADE IN GSA 2019 were completed by another Vienna-based bartender: Lukas Werle was awarded both third place and as a winner in the second special category, »Whisk(e)y«.
MADE IN GSA steht für Produkte und Spirituosen die in Deutschland, Österreich und der Schweiz hergestellt Etabliertwerden. wurde die Marke MADE IN GSA als Reaktion auf den Mangel an heimischen Produkten hinter den Tresen der Bars im deutschsprachigen Raum. Heute hat sich dieses Bild zum Glück grund legend geändert. Die Bartender arbeiten mit regio nalen Produkten und sind stolz darauf, den Gästen kreative Drinks mit Produkten aus ihrer Heimat präsentieren zu können. In diesem Jahr werden wir in der MADE IN GSA Area auf dem Bar Convent Berlin die beeindruckende Zahl von 97 Produkten von über 30 Partnerfirmen präsentieren können. Dass Heimat im Trend liegt, konnte man deutlich auch bei den Einsendungen zur MADE IN GSA Competition 2019 sehen. Über 150 Rezepte wurden von Bartendern aus Deutschland, Österreich, Südtirol und der Schweiz eingesendet. Erstmals konnte sich diesmal ein österreichi scher Teilnehmer den Gesamtsieg sichern: Valentin Bernauer aus Wien beeindruckte die Jury mit sei nem spritzigen, herbwürzigen Highball »Tschi Es Ej« und holte mit dem Drink nicht nur den ersten Platz, sondern außerdem auch den Sieg in der Sonderkategorie »Limonaden, Filler & Säfte«.
MADE IN GSA is synonymous with products and spirits that are produced in Germany, Austria and TheSwitzerland.MADE IN GSA brand was established as a reaction to the lack of local products served at bars in German-speaking countries. But fortunately, this situation has changed significantly nowadays. Bartenders are meanwhile working with regional products and are proud to be able to present their guests with creative drinks made using local ingredients.
Rang zwei in der Gesamtwertung ging an Natalie van Wyk (Lübeck & München), die mit ihrem nordisch inspirierten »Lübsche Luft« eine beeindruckende, moderne Sour-Variante servierte. Den Bronze-Platz sowie den Gewinn der Sonderkategorie »Whisk(e)y« machte Bernauers Wiener Kollege Lukas Werle für sich klar.
We look
63 PARTNER & PRODUKTE MADE IN GSA COMPETITION 2019 PARTNERS & PRODUCTS OF THE MADE IN GSA COMPETITION 2019 BOAR Premium Schwarzwald dry Gin BOAR 3-C11 WILLIAM MORRIS - London Dry Gin The Wildalps 1-A36 Schrödingers Katzen Gin HS Heidelberger Spririt GmbH Hoos Pink Grapefruit Gin Hoos Gin Hoos Lapsang Gin Hoos Gin Black Forest Dry Gin Kammer Kirsch 1-B34 / 1-B43 / 3-C19 Wild Child Gin Sash & Fritz 4-B37 Gin+ Tangerine Feindestillerie Kraus Little Darling Gin Siebengebirge Distillers Josef Bavarian Gin Lantenhammer 3-A32 Helbing Borco 3-A21 / 3-B23 Helbing Aquavit Borco 3-A21 / 3-B23 Hirschrudel HirschRudel GmbH & Co. KG Blutwurz Brennerei Penninger 3-D11 Kommen Sie auf dem Bar Convent Berlin bei der MADE IN GSA Area vorbei und verkosten Sie die Pro dukte aller Sponsoren und die Siegerdrinks. Und eine ganz besondere Neuerung gibt es dieses Jahr eben falls: Auch MIXOLOGY, das Magazin für Barkultur, wird 2019 am Stand von Made in GSA präsent sein. Warum also das Stöbern in heimischen Genusswelten nicht durch noch einen kleinen Small Talk mit den Machern des führenden deutschsprachigen Fachmagazins auf lockern? Wir freuen uns auf Ihren Besuch!
Make sure you drop by the MADE IN GSA area at Bar Convent Berlin and sample the products from all sponsors and the winning drinks. And as a very special novelty, we’re more than happy to share this year’s booth with the editorial team of MIXOLOGY, the magazine of bar culture – were the idea of MADE IN GSA was shaped in its initial days. forward to seeing
www.made-in-gsa.deyou! Stand Halle 3-A41 Kümmel/KräuterGin
64 BELSAZAR VERMOUTH RIESLING Belsazar Showroom BELSAZAR VERMOUTH ROSÉ Belsazar Showroom BELSAZAR VERMOUTH RED Belsazar Showroom Werner Wermut PN Red Werner Wermut Lantenhammer Heidelbeerliqueur Lantenhammer 3-A32 Mozart Dark Chocolate Likör Schlumberger Österreich 3-C23 Mozart Chocolate Cream Schlumberger Österreich 3-C23 Haselnuss Feindestillerie Kraus Coldbrew Kaffee Likör Brennerei Penninger 3-D11 Haselnusslikör Brennerei Penninger 3-D11 Asbach Aperitif Rosè Asbach Merwut Wermut Dorst und Consorten The Seventh Sense Falernum Swiss Mountain Spring 3-A18 Schladerer Schwarzwald Maraschino Alfred Schladerer 3-D15 Anjola Ananas-Limette Fritz-Kulturgüter 3-C16 fritz-kola Fritz-Kulturgüter 3-C16 fritz-kola bio Fritz-Kulturgüter 3-C16 fritz-kola karamell-kaffee Fritz-Kulturgüter 3-C16 fritz-limo apfel-kirsch-holunder Fritz-Kulturgüter 3-C16 fritz-limo melone Fritz-Kulturgüter 3-C16 fritz-limo zitrone Fritz-Kulturgüter 3-C16 fritz-limo orange Fritz-Kulturgüter 3-C16 fritz-mate Fritz-Kulturgüter 3-C16 fritz-spritz bio-apfelsaftschorle Fritz-Kulturgüter 3-C16 fritz-spritz bio-rhabarbersaftschorle Fritz-Kulturgüter 3-C16 fritz-limo mischmasch Fritz-Kulturgüter 3-C16 Balis Balis GmbH 7-A26 Swiss Mountain Spring Ginger Ale - BeansSouth Swiss Mountain Spring 3-A18 Swiss Mountain Spring Dry Tonic Swiss Mountain Spring 3-A18 Swiss Mountain Spring Ginger Ale - SmokedOrange Swiss Mountain Spring 3-A18 Wermut/Likör PARTNER & PRODUKTE MADE IN GSA COMPETITION 2019 PARTNERS & PRODUCTS OF THE MADE IN GSA COMPETITION 2019 Saft/Limonade
65 Swiss Mountain Spring Ginger Ale Swiss Mountain Spring 3-A18 Swiss Mountain Spring Ginger Beer Swiss Mountain Spring 3-A18 Thomas Henry Coffee Tonic Thomas Henry 7-A19 Thomas Henry Spicy Ginger Thomas Henry 7-A19 Thomy Henry Ginger Ale Thomas Henry 7-A19 7Up PepsiCo 4-B34 Pepsi MAX PepsiCo 4-B34 Organics Ginger Ale Red Bull Organics Tonic Water Red Bull Organics Simply Cola Red Bull Organics Bitter Lemon Red Bull Schweppes Premium Mixer Barrel Ginger Ale Schweppes 7-B09 Schweppes Premium Mixer Tonic Matcha Schweppes 7-B09 Schweppes Premium Mixer Tonic & a oftouchLime Schweppes 7-B09 Proviant Cola Schweppes 7-B09 Aqua Monaco Organic Cola Aqua Monaco Aqua Monaco Organic Tonic Water Aqua Monaco Aqua Monaco Organic Ginger Ale Aqua Monaco Aqua Monaco Organic Herbal Tonic Aqua Monaco Aqua Monaco Organic Ginger Beer Aqua Monaco Aqua Monaco Organic Lemon Tonic Aqua Monaco Aqua Monaco Organic Tonic Limmatien Aqua Monaco Steirische Zirbe S.Spitz Mährische Vogelbeere S.Spitz Fisini Schwarzwald Aperitif Fies Brennerei 7-C24 Kirsch XK Humbel 1-B55 XB eXtra Birne - Williams x Mostbirnenbrand Humbel 1-B55 Nr. 11 Muscat bleu Traubenbrand Bio Humbel 1-B55 The Earl Spirit The Earl Spirit Edler Gravenstein Riserva Brennerei Psenner 4-B42 Saft/Limonade PARTNER & PRODUKTE MADE IN GSA COMPETITION 2019 PARTNERS & PRODUCTS OF THE MADE IN GSA COMPETITION 2019 Geiste/Brände
66 Psenner Grappa Adele Brennerei Psenner 4-B42 Zott Pomeranze Zott - Destillerie Rote Williamsbirne Schladerer 3-D18 Gurkengeist Spreewood Distillers 3-D05 Rum by Krauss Feindestillerie Kraus Spiced Rum, Linda Le Humbel 1-B55 The Seventh Sense Chocolate Bitter Swiss Mountain Spring 3-A18 Turf Dog Cask Strength St. Kilian Distillers GmbH 1-B26 Siegfried Wonderleaf Rheinland Distillers 7-B24 White Dog Cask Strength St. Kilian Distillers GmbH 1-B26 Deutscher Wodka Sash&Fritz 4-B37 Squamata Vodka Kammer Kirsch 1-B34 / 1-B43 / 3-C19 Wild Alps Schnapz - Pear Vodka The Wildalps 1-A36 Rübe Vodka fast4ward 4-B42 Kakuzo Kakuzo 3-D15 Stork Club Rye Korn Spreewood Distillers 3-D05 Slyrs Bavarian Single Malt Whisky Fifty One Slyrs 3-A32 Slyrs Bavarian Single Malt Whisky Slyrs 3-A32 Hillock 4 Chief - German Rye Whiky Habbel Farthofer Whisky Brauweizen Hermann Destillerie Farthofer eRètico Brennerei Psenner 4-B42 Sulm Valley Whiskey Feindestillerie Kraus Black Forest Rothaus Single Malt Whisky Kammer Kirsch 1-B34 / 1-B43 / 3-C19 STORK CLUB Rye Whiskey Spreewood Distillers GmbH 3-D05 SonstigesKorn/VodkaRum PARTNER & PRODUKTE MADE IN GSA COMPETITION 2019 PARTNERS & PRODUCTS OF THE MADE IN GSA COMPETITION 2019 Geiste/BrändeWhiskey

68 BCB MATCHMAKING Erfolgreich Planen, gezielt Kontakte finden und gewinnbringend Netzwerken. Finden Sie neue profitable Kontakte! Nutzen Sie Ihre Messezeit effizient! Entdecken Sie neue Business Möglichkeiten! Jetzt gezielt neue Kontakte finden und Meetings vereinbaren Nutzen Sie jetzt die kostenfreie matchmaking Plattform unter bar-convent-berlin/ und vereinbaren Sie Termine mit interessanten Gesprächspartnern. Klicken Sie ein fach auf kostenlos teilnehmen und geben Sie Ihre E-Mail Adresse an. Sie erhalten innerhalb kurzer Zeit eine Bestätigungs-E-Mail und den Zugang zur Plattform. Die matchmaking Lounge im zweiten OG im Kühlhaus auf dem BAR CONVENT BERLIN bietet Ihnen für vereinbarte Termine den idealen Rahmen mit einer angenehmen, professionellen Atmosphäre. Das matchmaking Team macht Sie vor Ort mit Ihren Gesprächspartnern bekannt und unterstützt Sie gerne dabei weitere profitable Kontakte zu finden, die genau Ihren Interessen entsprechen und arrangiert gewinnbringende Meetings für Sie. Successful planning, targeted searching, profitable networking. Find new business contacts! Use your time at the event efficiently! Discover new business opportunities! Find new business contacts and arrange meetings now Arrange meetings with interesting contacts via our free of charge matchmaking arrangingcontactsnerspleasedprofessionalforKü

PROGRAMMEPROGRAMM @barconventber bar convent berlin Organised by

70 STUNDENPLAN /// TIME TABLE MONTAG, 07.10.2019 MONDAY, 07 OCT 2019TAG 1 /// DAY 1 Mixology Main Stage Rum Stage 19:0018:4518:3018:1518:0017:4517:3017:1517:0016:4516:3016:1516:0015:4515:3015:1515:0014:4514:3014:1514:0013:4513:3013:1513:0012:4512:3012:1512:0011:30 13:15-14:15 Fermentation Presenter: Lars Williams 14:30-15:30 Experience matters Presenter: Salvatore Calabrese 15:40-16:45 Building & Nurturing Meaningful Relation ships Through Social Media Presenters: James Stevenson & Natalie Migliarini 17:00-18:00 Hiring the unemployable: A guide to hire people formerly incarcerated Presenter: Stephanie Simbo 13:30-14:15 How the British Navy Influenced the Birth of Tiki Presenter: Matt Pietrek 14:30-15:15 RUM 101. An introduction to the diverse world of RUM Presenter: Ian Burrell 15:30-16:15 The challenges of making an authentic, environmentally responsible rum in the Caribbean Presenter: Roberto Serralles Sponsor: Destilería Serrallés, Inc. 12:00-13:00 SHAKE OR BRAKE ! BARTENDER TENDING (How to survive the industry - and yourself...) Presenter: Kirsten Holm 12:30-13:15 Rum and the Media Presenter: Paul Clarke 16:30-17:15 Cachaça, the new wave in Brazil Presenter: Nina Bastos 18:00-19:00 Happy Hour in the House of Rum

Presenter: Javier Reynoso Sponsor: Borco Marken Import 12:00-12:45 Get Lucky Outside Kentucky: The New Homes of American Whiskeys
Presenter: Philip Duff Sponsor: Beluga Vodka International 14:30-15:15 PEPPER EXPLORATION Understand pepper diversity and how to use it in mixology
Presenter: Francois Monti 14:30-15:15
Sponsor: Georges Monin 15:45-16:30 Classic Cocktails and Forgotten Spirits
Presenter: Jean-Sébastien Robicquet Sponsor: Maison Villevert 12:30 - 13:15 Scent branding and multisensory experiences: the power of smell as a new asset for Spirit brands Presenter: Cécile Zarokian 15:30-16:15 Cachaça flavors through Ypióca’s outstan ding portfolio. Ypióca, the oldest Brazilian brand of cachaça, its memorable flavors and notable variety.
Presenters: Alex Kratena & Erwan de Kerros
Presenter: Nicola Pietroluongo Sponsor: Diageo Brazil 16:30-17:15 Pioneering Spirits Presenter: Lars Williams 13:15-14:00 Super Taste 101 – Test Your Palate with Vodka & Caviar
Presenter: Robin Robinson 13:00-14:00 A Portfolio with a Purpose Presenter: Emily Pennington 14:30-15:30 How Evolving Consumer Tastes Inform Packaging Innovation Presenter: Matt Chapman 16:00-17.00 The Future of E-Commerce Presenter: Mark Meek 17:30-18:30 Learning from the biggest mistakes made by drinks entre preneurs. Presenter: Louis de Rohan 17:45-18:30 Taste Like A Pro Presenter: Liam Scandrett 17:00-18:00 Kaffee als Katalysator für Umsatz und Innovation
Presenters: Phum Sila-Trakoon, Karim Fadl, Sven Riebel & Boris Gröner Sponsor: Thomas Henry 12:00-12:45 Hopfen trifft Malz - Bierstilkunde für die Gastronomie Presenter: Peter Eichhorn 13:15-14:00 Mauritius rums, the tastes of Island life: a long history, a young industry.
Presenters: Stephen A Gould, Dr. Robert Birnecker & Thomas Mooney Sponsor: Distilled Spirits Council 17:30-18:15 The globalization of the artisan concept: Dr. Stravinsky
The Grape Unknown – Why French grapes brings nobility and value?
An introduction to WSET's Level 3 Award in Spirits Presenter: Nick King 13:15-14:15 Coffee Creativity – How to create the perfect mix - presented by Licor 43 Presenter: Timon Kaufmann Sponsor: Schwarze und Schlichte Markenvertrieb GmbH & Co. KG 14:30-15:30 Latte art - Eye catcher in the bar Presenter: Ali Vogel 15:45-16:45 Kaffee und SpirituoseEine Auseinandersetzung!sensorische Presenters: Timon Kaufmann, Reinhard Pohorec, Nicole Battefeld, Hannes Fendrich 12:00-13:00 Der Espresso, die Basis der Kaffeegetränke Presenter: Tristan Rus 13:30-14:15 Do you quinine?
Presenters: Marcos Galindo & Martin Kovar Sponsor: Compagnia dei Caraibi 15:45-16:30 Is creativity gone too far? How to deal with innovation and bar success. London and Tokyo experience with Maxim Schulte and Shingo Gokan. Presenters: Shingo Gokan & Maxim Schulte Sponsor: Illva Saronno 11:30-12:30 Building a Top Notch Team
Forum B Coffee Stage Demo Stage A Demo Stage B Business Forum
Presenters: Florence de Coriolis, Dean-David Oxenham Sponsor: Economic Development Board Mauritius 14:30-15:15 La Dama Tequila: sustainability and ethnobotany in the agave industry
Taste (WSET) Taste 14:15-15:00 Attract, Engage, Train & Retain Presenters: Chris Lincoln & Ryan Smith 16:00-16:45 Simplifying Sake: Starting your professional journey Presenter: Natsuki Kikuya 12:30-13:15
Forum A
Presenter: Kyle McHugh Sponsor: Samson & Surrey 17:00-17:45 essences - the compression of taste
Presenters: Antonio Naranjo & Yeray Monforte Sponsor: Bacardi GmbH
Presenter: Raphael Wozniak 17:00-17:45 U.S. Distinctive Distilled Spirits: From Bourbon, Tennessee Whiskey and American Rye Whiskey to American Single Malt Whiskey


72 STUNDENPLAN /// TIME TABLE DIENSTAG, 08.10.2019 TUESDAY, 08 OCT 2019TAG 2 /// DAY 2 Mixology Main Stage Rum Stage 19:0018:4518:3018:1518:0017:4517:3017:1517:0016:4516:3016:1516:0015:4515:3015:1515:0014:4514:3014:1514:0013:4513:3013:1513:0012:4512:3012:1512:0011:30 13:15-14:15 Drink to The Future Presenter: Victoria Chow 14:30-15:30 Global Shift: Climate Change & the Bar World Presenters: Paul Clarke & Maggie Campbell 15:40-16:45 Africa Uncorked Presenter: Caesario de-Medeiros 17:00-18:00 Cocktail Safe! Dangerous or Illegal Drink Ingredients and Techniques, and What To Do About Them Presenter: Camper English 13:30-14:15 In Search of High Ester Rum Presenter: Matt Pietrek 14:30-15:15 Understanding of Rhums Madeira Presenter: Ian Burrell Sponsor: Icon Key 15:30-16:15 DOS MADERAS Rum - and the secret of Double Ageing Process Presenter: Ian Burrell Sponsor: Bodegas Williams & Humbert 12:00-13:00 How the Hell Did I Get Here From There? Advice from the clumsiest bartender to ever live. Presenter: Tobin Ellis 12:30-13:15 How we run our Rum Bar - Baba au Rum Athens Presenter: Thanos Prunarus 16:30-17:15 How we run our Cachaca Bar - Jiquitaia Sao Paulo Presenter: Nina Bastos 18:00-19:00 Happy Hour in the House of Rum

Presenters: Liam Scandrett & Gavin Wrigley 16:00-16:45 Whisky and Water Presenter: Joseph Ellis 12:30-13:15 Rum Distillates
Presenters: Alexandre Gabriel & Matt Pietrek
Presenters: Ania Kulak & Filip Kaszubski Sponsor: Jameson 14:30-15:15
Presenter: Waluco Meheia Sponsor: Cranehouse GmbH
Presenters: Carina Soto Velasquez, Alex Kratena, Audrey Hands & Meimi Sanchez Sponsor: Havana Club 12:00-12:45 DPO Greek Spirits behind the Bar
Taste 14:15-15:00 Spirits. Mixed – knowing your spirit & mixing it well
Presenter: Alberto C. Vollmer Sponsor: Bacardi GmbH 12.00-14:00 Grow Your Own Cocktail
Presenters: Denny Kallivoka & Dimitris Kiakos Sponsor: Aegean Cocktails & Spirits 17:00-17:45 Santa Teresa 1796 and Project Alcatraz
Presenters: Walter Gosso & Ivano Trombino Sponsor: Compagnia dei Caraibi 15:30-16:15 Nonino Story of a Passion - Be brave mix Grappa Presenters: Antonella Nonino & Simone Caporale Sponsor: Schlumberger Vertriebsges.mbH & Co. KG (Nonino Distillatori) 16:30-17:15 Dirty Stills
Sponsor: Maison Ferrand 15:45-16:30 Flavor Revolution meets Rum Tradition by Alex Kratena and Carina Soto Velasquez
Presenters: Nicholas Kroeger, Reinhard Pohorec 13:15-14:00 Enhancing Flavours
The EDITION Hotels experience - Presentation on the modern hotel bar
Presenter: Javier de las Muelas Sponsor: Drinks & More GmbH & Co. KG (Schweppes) 14:30-15:15 Rum Silent, Rum Deep – Diving into Three Centuries of Navy Rums and Dynamic Ageing
Presenter: Davide Segat Sponsor: Pernod UK 15:45-16:30 Enfold taste Presenter: Nils Boese Sponsor: Drinks & More GmbH & Co. KG (Schweppes) 17:00-17:45 Mastering Work/Life Balance Presenter: Kyle McHugh 11:30-12:30 Understanding The U.S. Route to Market Presenter: Monique Huston 13:00-14:00 Finding Smart Money: Acceleration and Investment 101 Presenter: Dan Gasper 14:30-15:30 Understanding EU Route to Market Presenter: Harry Kohlmann 16:00-17.00 Scaling Your Potential Presenter: Michael Vachon 17:30-18:30 Industry Success Stories: Standing Out From the Crowd Presenter: Marshall Dawson 17:45-18:30 Sherry uncovered Presenter: Pawel Gruntowski 17:00-18:00 Tea infusion in cocktails Presenter: Raymund Peters 11:30-12:15 Clean Rum from the heart of the rainforest
Presenter: Cristobal Srokowski Sponsor: Varelas Hermanos 12:30-13:15 The Italian world of liqueurs
Sponsor: Asociación de Productores de Pisco AG 14:30-15:15 Ron Abuelo Two Oaks - breaking the mold in rum innovation
Forum A (WSET) Taste Forum B Coffee Stage Demo Stage A Demo Stage B Business Forum
Presenters: Rodrigo Flores, Andrzej Gurnik & Claudio Escobar
Presenters: Nick King & Zan Kong 13:15-14:15 Filter coffee in the bar set up - inspiring alternatives to espresso drinks Presenter: Hannes Fendrich 14:30-15:30 Cascara - the banned ingredient Presenter: Romyna Robledo y Mendez 15:45-16:45 High-end Coffee Bar Special (Cold Brew, Cold Drip) Presenters: Tristan Rus & Nicole Battefeld 12:00-13:00 Einfluss von Wasser auf Kaffee Presenter: Alexander Porschen 13:30-14:15 Chilean Pisco, the spirit from the End of the World.( D.O 1931, valleys, pisco experience, facts and other specifications about the oldest Designation of Origin in the Americas)


74 STUNDENPLAN /// TIME TABLE MITTWOCH, 09.10.2019 WEDNESDAY, 09 OCT 2019TAG 3 /// DAY 3 Mixology Main Stage Rum Stage 19:0018:4518:3018:1518:0017:4517:3017:1517:0016:4516:3016:1516:0015:4515:3015:1515:0014:4514:3014:1514:0013:4513:3013:1513:0012:4512:3012:1512:0011:30 13:15-14:15 Spiritual Sweat - looking back, looking around, looking ahead. A euphoric journey of learning that no classroom could ever teach! Presenter: Shatbhi Basu 14:30-15:30 The Future of Bar Design Presenters: Alex Ruas & Adam MacDonald 15:40-16:45 An exploration of bartending based on identi ty, sourcing and a responsible ethos Presenter: Vijay Mudaliar 17:00-18:00 My Industry: What I Do These Days and What Matters Most Presenter: Steve Schneider 13:30-14:15 Behind the Brands: Bulk rum, independent bottlers, and more! Presenter: Matt Pietrek 14:30-15:15 Mauritius Rums – the exquisite tastes of Island life. Presenters: Florence de Coriolis, Dean-David Oxen ham, Ludovic Ceffué, Sukbhir Puri, Frederic Bestel, Hishan Jackaria, Mickael Derunes Sponsor: Economic Development Board Mauritius 15:30-16:15 How we run our Rum Bar - Trailer Happiness London Presenter: Sly Augustin 12:00-13:00 Bartending Today Presenter: Jeffrey Morgenthaler 12:30-13:15 WTF is Élevage Tho? #AllThingsRum Presenter: Maggie Campbell 16:30-17:15 The Top 10 Myths about RUM Presenter: Ian Burrell 11:30-12:15 Try That - a flavor centric approach for cocktails and ingredients Presenters: Alexej Grjasnow und Michele Heinrich Sponsor: Campari Deutschland GmbH 17:00-18:00 Happy Hour in the House of Rum

Presenter: Milena Kauder Sponsor: Damoiseau Export 12:00-12:45 Hospitality as entertainment Presenter: Arvis Zemanis 13:15-14:00 Über unser Demokratieverständnis und Offenheit in turbulenten Zeiten
Presenter: Antonella Nonino Sponsor: Schlumberger Vertriebsges.mbH & Co. KG (Nonino Distillatori) 17:00-17:45 Rhum Agricole, Der Rhum mit dem „h“
Presenters: Dennis Wolf, Sven Goller, Alexandra Bühler, Phoebe and the Gang und andere, gastro nomienahe Persönlichkeiten 14:30-15:15 The thrilling roller-coaster ride of bar ownership Presenters: Carina Soto Velasquez, Stefan Hinz, Rosie Stimpson, Simon Difford & Paloma Alos Sponsor: Havana Club 15:45-16:30 Boilermaker & Herrengedeck – Das perfekte Bier-Schnaps-Pairing Presenter: Peter Eichhorn 11:30-12:30 How Alcohol & Cannabis Stack Up Presenter: Warren Bobrow 13:00-14:00 Non Alc’s World Domination and What’s Fuelling its Growth Presenter: Shilen Patel 14:30-15:30 A Sense of Place: Refining the Visitor's Experience Presenter: Margie Lehrman 16:00-17.00 Luxury Beyond Price Point Presenter: Gabe Barkley 17:30-18:30 The Fundamentals of Duty Free Presenter: Thorsten Hartmann 17:00-17:45 Biodiversity and traditional knowledge through Brazilian ingredients Presenter: Carolina Oda
Taste 13:30-14:15
The Gin Journey Presenter: Jan Kreutz 15:00-15:45 Baijiu Basics Presenter: Nick King 12:00-12:45 Spirits. Mixed – knowing your spirit & mixing it well Presenters: Nick King & Gavin Wringley 13:15-14:15 Mahlgrad und Extraktion. Das Mahlen - Wie wirkt sich der Mahlgrad auf den Geschmack aus Presenter: Daniel Nekola 14:30-15:30 From Bean to Bar: The rise of modern coffee cocktails by Mr Black Presenters: Martin Hudak, Detlef Mohr & Tom Baker Sponsor: Mr Black Spirits Pty Ltd 15:45-16:45 How to create your own Coffee Drink! Methodik zur Erstellung von Coffee Cocktails Talk mit CIGS Champions Presenters: Timon Kaufmann, Daniel Nekola, Tristan Rus 12:00-13:00 Nitro infused Cocktails. Coffee, Tea and more Presenter: Julian Schultes 13:30-14:15 When Cuban Rum Meets Gin Distillation Presenter: Nick Blacknell Sponsor: Havana Club 14:30-15:15 Viewing Spirits Through the Lens of Diversity Presenters: Lia Jones & Maggie Campbell 12:30 - 13:15 How Olive Oil Made Me a Better Spirits Taster Presenter: Nicola Riske 15:30-16:15 Agave Spirits Presenter: Artem Peruk 16:30-17:15 Building the World’s Greatest Gin Collection Presenters: Jonathan Teo & Jesse Vida 13:15-14:00 O/PURIST: Top 10 Greek Bartenders Re-Invent Tsipouro Presenters: Thanos Prunarus, Thodoris Pirillos & Dimitris Kiakos Sponsor: Aeagean Cocktails & Spirits 14:30-15:15 Alessandro Palazzi introduces L'Orbe, the first vodka naturally infused with caviar Presenter: Alessandro Palazzi Sponsor: Pernod Ricard 15:45-16:30 RYUKYU 1429 Awamori MasterClass Presenters: Hiroumi Keimatsu & Jun Ogawa Sponsor: Blueship Okinawa 12:00-12:45 Amaro Nonino Quintessentia® "That's Amaro!"
Forum A (WSET) Taste Forum B Coffee Stage Demo Stage A Demo Stage B Business Forum


Orders Internationality 8 49 German trade fairs. Where the chemistry’s just right. And international contacts become concrete orders. Start FACTORACQUISITIONnow: O In


79 ENTRANCE AREA DIAGEO GERMANY GMBH Yard 04 Fever-Tree Yard 07 Kyrö Distillery Company Yard 08 Licor 43 Yard 05 Gruppo Montenegro Yard 01 Pernod Ricard Mexico House of Tequila Yard 09 Schlumberger Vertriebsges. MBH & Co. KG Yard 06 HALLE 9 ~ LOFT / HALL 9~LOFT Beam Suntory Deutschland GmbH 9-LOFT Diageo Germany GmbH 11-Showroom HALLE 11/ HALL 11~SHOWROOM

82 HALLENPLAN ~ KÜHLHAUS FLOOR PLAN~KÜHLHAUS 1423 Aps 10.1-KH02, 10.1-KH03 Aloha Assets Corp. 10.1-KH04 BCB matchmaking Lounge 10.2 Brugal & Co.S.A. 10.0-KH05 BTH Bio-Team-Hamburg - Agrarhandel GmbH 10.0-KH01 Distillerie de Labourdonnais Ltd 10.1-KH10 Economic Development Board 10.1-KH15, 10.1-KH16 Gold of Mauritius 10.1-KH13 Grays Ltd. 10.1-KH08 House of Lords 10.1-KH11 Kirsch Spirituosen e.K. 10.1-KH18 Maison Ferrand 10.1-KH01, 3-D24 Neptune Rum Ltd 10.0-KH03 Old Judge Spirits - Markus Altrichter 10.1-KH06 Oxenham Craft Distillery 10.1-KH14 Pacto NavioPernod Ricard Deutschland GmbH 10.1-KH05 Rhumerie de Chamarel Ltd 10.1-KH09 Spirit of Rum Event GmbH 10.1-KH07 Stirling Export Ltd 10.1-KH12 Tastillery GmbH 10.0-KH04 The Island Rum Company AS 10.1-KH17 The Real McCoy 10.1-KH07 Wood Stork Spiced Rum 10.0-KH02 Bimmerle Private Distillery

VIADUCT LLAH7 LHAL1 LLHA3 LLHA1IOSRSSGLAETURNTATN TIOSRETAWTAN TIOSICETAN OFODAREA NILRBEWEBR HALL1 COFFEEAREA STROOSREM SAARELLANII-FIWREEF MAURITIUS2019VISITORS:FORPASSWORD 1B24 1A311A291B22 1A271B351B571B391B511B631B611B591B551B711B691B671B431B531B651B491B411B471B451B371B291B311B33 1B25 1B211B19 1B27 1B23 1B15 1B091B071B05 1B17 1B13 1B03 1B11 FOOD FOOD 1A05 1B06 1A031A01 1A09 1B02 1A081A06 1A12 1A10 1A141B16 1A17 1A15 1A25 1A231B201B18 1A21 1A19 1A281A26 1A16 1A111B10 BrewBerlinNetworking 1A391A411A331B30 1A451B621B461B48 1A49 1B40 1A371B261B34 1A431B44 1A51 1B58 1A531A35 1B28 1A521A481A461A341A321A421A381A361A401A441A501A30
85 HALLENPLAN ~ HALLE 1 FLOOR PLAN~HALL 1 Acquavite SPA 1-B62 Aelred Spirits 1-B37 Alexandrion Group Romania S.R.L 1-B65 Allied Brands S.r.l. 1-B46 Anker Amsterdam Spirits B.V. 1-B07 Applic'Etains 1-B22 AZZURRA s.r.l. 1-B35 Barside KFT 1-A03 Bellonnie & Bourdillon Successeurs SAS 1-B58 Groupe BBS Belmont Farm Distillery 1-B28 Bergbrennerei Löwen 1-A35 Berliner Berg GmbH 1-B20 Berliner Luft 1-A31 Big Drop Brewing Ltd 1-A14 BIONADE GmbH 1-A05 Brauerei Lemke Berlin GmbH 1-A23 BraufactuMDie internationale Brau-Manufacturen GmbH 1-A15 Braukunst Berlin GmbH 1-A19 Burlington Drinks Co. 1-A43 Cambusier SAS 1-B71 Catoctin Creek 1-B28 Cazcabel Tequila - Proof Drinks Ltd 1-B17 Cazcabel Tequila 1-B15 CHASE Distillery Ltd. 1-A41 Chongqing Jiangji Distillery Co., Ltd 1-A27 CHOYA Umeshu (Deutschland) GmbH 1-A06 Cocalero 1-B45 CUT RUM - Proof Drinks Ltd 1-B15 Damoiseau Export 1-B03 D&C S.p.a. - Eurofood 1-B63 Distilleria Bertagnolli S.r.l 1-B62 Distilleria Marzadro S.p.A. 1-B62 Distillerie Bepi Tosolini 1-B62 Don Q Rum 1-B41 Duderstädter Braumanufaktur GmbH & Co.KG 1-A26

86 HALLENPLAN ~ HALLE 1 FLOOR PLAN~HALL 1 easy drinks GmbH 1-A48 Edinburgh Gin 1-B30 Element Shrub 1-B28 ePower Co. Ltd. 1-A40 Fee Brothers, Inc. 1-A50 Finest Beverages GmbH 1-A32 FISK pure raw shot 1-B49 FISK the classic shot 1-B49 Folkington’s 1-B11 formitable GmbH 1-B59 Fourchette - Brouwerij Van Steenberge 1-A21 Fratelli Francoli 1-B62 Freimeisterkollektiv GmbH 1-B57 Gabriello Santoni srl 1-B48 Gamondi 1-B02 Gebr. J. & M. Ziegler GmbH - Edelobstbrennerei 1-B47 Ginarte Srl 1-B48 GINLAB s.r.l. 1-B61 Glitter FISK drink mixer 1-B49 Goslings Rum 1-A39 Gulden Draak - Brouwerij Van Steenberge 1-B18 Hammer & Son Ltd 1-B27 HEIMAT GbR 1-A09 Herencia Mexicana Tequila 1-A52 Humbel Spezialitätenbrennerei 1-B55 Ian MacLeod Distillers Ltd. 1-B30, 1-B40 ISI GmbH 1-A11 Kammer-Kirsch GmbH 1-B34, 1-B43 Karloff, s.r.o. 1-B51 Koppert Cress B.V. 1-B09 Koval Distillery 1-A30 Krugmann Markenspirituosen GmbH & Co. KG 1-B06 La Claudia Italia, S.L 1-B21 LA Compagnia del Diablo 1-B25 MarlinSpike 1-B10 Mazzetti D’Altavilla srl 1-B62 Mezcal Fuerza de Dios 1-B19 Mixer SRL 1-B67 MoMe 1-A10

87 HALLENPLAN ~ HALLE 1 FLOOR PLAN~HALL 1 Distillerie Morand 1-A01 MSB Spirits CVBA 1-B10 Nao Spirits and Beverages Pvt Ltd 1-A33 Natys SRL 1-B53 Numero Ocho Ltd. 1-A44 Olaf Grund - Spreebrand 1-A46 Panarea Gin 1-B05 Paola Simental Campos 1-B19 PAOLUCCI LIQUORI INT. s.r.l. 1-B39 Poli Distillerie SRL 1-A08 PREVELON RUS LLC 1-A49 Proof Drinks LTD 1-B15, 1-B17 Qantima Group 1-A12 Reservoir Distillery 1-B28 Roberto Cavalli Vodka - Tuscany SRL 1-B48 Roy Barrique UG (haftungsbeschränkt) 1-A38 SANWA SHURUI CO., LTD. 1-B23 Schierker Feuerstein GmbH & Co. KG 1-A26 Schilkin GmbH & Co.KG Berlin 1-A31 Sentir Mezcal 1-B44 Shin Group Corporation Ltd. 1-B33 Skadi Frozen Cocktails 1-B29 Small Beer Brew Co. Ltd 1-A28 Smokehead Islay Single Malt Scotch Whisky 1-B40 SOUR FISK shot 1-B49 Stauning Whisky A/S 1-B31 St. Kilian Distillers GmbH 1-B26 SUCOs DO BRASIL - Productos Latino GmbH 1-A37 The Boatyard Distillery Ltd. 1-A53 The Shed Distillery 1-B69 The Wild Alps GmbH 1-A36 Unicorn Tears Gin 1-A42 Limited United Drinks A/S 1-B49 Vermouth di Torino Institute 1-A34 Vetroelite S.p.A. 1-B24 Virginia Department of Agriculture andConsumer Services (VDACS) 1-B28 Voelkel GmbH 1-B25 Warner's Distillery 1-A51 Weisshorn Glacier Gin 1-A01 Weisshorn Spirits Sarl 1-A01

88 HALLENPLAN ~ HALLE 1 FLOOR PLAN~HALL 1 Wildhorn Alpine Vodka 1-A01 Writers' Tears Irish Whiskey 1-A29 Yokoyama Kogyo Co., Ltd 1-B13 Zuidam Distillers BV 1-A45

L38L37L04L09 L02L01 L03 L17L07L19 L32L31 L13 L15 L16 L10 L11 L12 K17 L24 L25 L21L22 L28L27K05K14K16K04K03K01 H01H02H03G02 G04 G01F01F02F03 K11K10K09K08 M12M11M10M08M07M05M04M03M02M01 J05G16J01 J03 J06 113114115116 L08L20 L36L35L33 OCFFEE DEMODEMOCBMEDICAL ROOM TO HALL 5 YARD HALL7 LALH3 LLAH4HALL4LLAH1HALL1 ABaoDemrOSSSGLARETURNTATIN OSRTEAWTATIN OSICETATIN SORORESTMHALL3 Floor1st DESKTIONINFORMA OMDEBARA OOICADMELRM COFFEEAREA A SAARELLANII-FIWREEF MAURITIUS2019RSOSOOSWSAPRDFRVIIT: 3A39 3B143B16 3C11 3C093D013D10 3D15 3D18 3A21 3B21 3D20 3B02 3B 2 3A27 3B17 3C13 3B06 3D293D253D273D17 3D24 3C23 3B133B113C26 3B04 R e d e m e 3 0 m 3A 3 3C193D233D193D213D13 3C07 3A41 3A37a 3C27 3B23 3D163D14 3D113D093D073D05 3C15 3C303C223C103C083C023C04 3B153C16 3B07 3B033B053B01 3A37b 3A243A223A323A283A263A343A383A163A203A183A143A083A103A023A063A093A113A133A15 3A313A173A35 3C28 3B09 3B02
91 HALLENPLAN ~ HALLE 3 FLOOR PLAN~HALL 3 Alte Hausbrennerei Penninger GmbH 3-D11 Angostura Ltd. 3-B06 Artisan Spirits Ltd. 3-A11 Bacardi Global Brands 3-B14 Bacardi GmbH 3-A37a, 3-A37b BAR CONVENT BERLIN- Messeleitung / Show Management - 3-1.OG Blu Lie Vodka Italiana 3-B03 BOAR Distillery GbR 3-C11 Bonzer Barware 3-A06 BORCO-MARKEN-IMPORT MatthiesenGmbH & Co. KG 3-A21 Botran 3-A15 Brick Gin 3-D13 Brown-Forman Deutschland GmbH 3-A27 Bruni Glass S.p.A. 3-D20 Business Finland Oy 3-C13 Caffo Deutschland GmbH 3-B09 CAMUS Wines & Sprits 3-A10 Crop Organic Vodkas 3-D23 Del Professore Limited 3-D10 Dictador Europe Sp. z o.o. 3-C07 Di Iorio S.p.A 3-B01 Distillerie Coquerel 3-D25 Drinksology Limited 3-B16 DSM Deutsche Spirituosen Manufaktur GmbH 3-D17 Faretti Dessert Liqueurs 3-D23 Farmer's Organic Gin 3-D23 Fentimans Ltd 3-B11 Foro Amaro 3-D23 Franklin & Sons Ltd 3-A02 fritz-kola 3-C16 gdp Global Drinks Partnership GmbH 3-D29 Gerolsteiner Brunnen GmbH & Co.KG 3-D14 GIFFARD 3-A13 Gin Sul 3-A14 G-Rack UG & Co.KG 3-A38 HALM Straws GmbH 3-C08 Hanseatische WeinhandelsgesellschaftmbH & Co.KG 3-D01 Hayman Distillers Ltd. 3-D21 Heaven Hill Distilleries Inc. 3-B23 HMA Hanneder Maul Allnoch GmbH 3-A34

92 HALLENPLAN ~ HALLE 3 FLOOR PLAN~HALL 3 Hooghoudt Distillers BV 3-D16 Hoshizaki Deutschland 3-A08 Icon Key, SA 3-A35 International Rum & SpiritsDistributors, Unipessoal, Ltd 3-A31 Josef Gin 3-A32 Kakuzo GmbH 3-D15 Kammer-Kirsch GmbH 3-C19 Kefla-Glas GmbH & Co.KG 3-C04 Knut Hansen Gin 3-A26 Kyrö Distillery Company 3-C13 La Hechicera Company Ltd 3-D07 LANTENHAMMER Destillerie 3-A32 Laumer`s Vertrieb - Markus Lozar 3-D09 LCWS Brands, Lda. 3-C22 Licor 43 3-C27 Lustau Schlumberger- Vertriebsgesellschaft mbH & Co. KG 3-C23 Lux Row Distillers 3-C09 MAGNIFIQUE BRANDS SL 3-A28 Maison Ferrand 3-D24 Martí Auténtico Rum 3-D23 Mast-Jägermeister Deutschland GmbH 3-A17 MATHIEU TEISSEIRE 3-C02 MG Destilerias S.L 3-A39 Michter’s Distillery 3-D23 Mixology Verlags GmbH - Redaktion 3-A41 MONIN-PARAGON 3-B04

93 HALLENPLAN ~ HALLE 3 FLOOR PLAN~HALL 3 Nonino Distilllatori S.r.l. 3-C23 Partisan Vodka 3-D13 Punch Society KG 3-A26 Louis RoedererSchlumberger Vertriebsgesellschaft mbH & Co. KG 3-C23 Roust Global Headquarters 3-B21 Rumult 3-A32 SABATINI GIN 3-B03 SANTA TERESA 3-B14 SAVIO s.r.l. 3-A16 Alfred Schladerer GmbHAlte Schwarzwälder Hausbrennerei 3-D18 Broker's Gin Schlumberger- Vertriebsgesellschaft mbH & Co. KG 3-C23 Etter Schlumberger- Vertriebsgesellschaft mbH & Co. KG 3-C23 Cachaça 51 Schlumberger- Vertriebsgesellschaft mbH & Co. KG 3-C23 Schlumberger Vertriebsges.mbH & Co. KG 3-C23 Foursquare Rum DistillerySchlumberger Vertriebsgesellschaft mbH & Co. KG 3-C23 Schwarze und Schlichte GmbH 3-B17 SILD 3-A32 SLYRS 3-A32 Spreewood Distillers GmbH 3-D05 Swiss Mountain Spring 3-A18 Teeling Whiskey Company 3-D19 That's the Spirit SRL 3-B02 The Bitter Truth GmbH 3-B15 The Duke Destillerie 3-C15 The Illusionist Distillery 3-B05 THOMAS HINE & C° 3-A24 Three Cents Ltd. 3-A09 Tonka Gin 3-A26 Tovaritch Spirits International SA 3-B07 Turin Vermouth 3-B01 Varela Hermanos S.A., - Ron Abuelo 3-A22 Vetreria Etrusca S.p.A. 3-C10 Vinolok a.s. 3-C26 Vranken-Pommery Deutschland &Österreich GmbH 3-B13 YENI RAKI 3-A20

D15 E12E15E16E05E04E03E11E07E06E0aE01E00E02D04 D01 D00 D02 05ARDY D05D03 C02C03 Be10 C05C06C07C08Be06Be07Be08Be09Be01Be02Be05B05B06B04B07B08 Z02Z03Z04Z01Z05 Z09Z08Z07Z10Z06B01B02B03 SHOPAILIANCOCKT C10C11C09C12B12B09B10B11 D07D06 T05 T09 T12 T07 D09 FOOD05 FOOD06FOOD08 04FOOD03FOOD02FOOD GSA V01 MIXOLOGY LOUNGE MEDIA LOUNGE FOOD01 COUFOODRT EXHIBITION ANNIVERSA10THRY BIRDYLEAR LOUNGE 109108107121112111110 122120119 128 127129 123124125126 D14 D12D13D11D10D10 a FOOD09 FOOD10 BEER DEMOBARBLevel1st TO HALL 5 TO 4HALL EXIT FOYER ENTRANCECLOAKROOMTICKETS HALL4HALL3HALL3HALL3 IOSRSSGLAETURNTATN TIOSRETAWTAN TIOSICETAN COCOFFEENVENT AGESBERLINT STROOSREM BAOMDERB HALL4 B SAARELLANII-FIWREEF MAURITIUS2019RSOSOOSWSAPRDFRVIIT:4B434B394B454B474B334B294B254B374B114B094B174B154B134B074B054B03 4A424A214B304B32 4A35 4A484A464A324A344A364A384A404A44 4A174B22 4A23 4A084A124A164A204A224B12 4B14 4A11 4B08 4A09 4B28 4A10 4A41 4A39 4B38 4A37 4A454B424B36 4A52 4B344B06 4A02 4A064A144A04 EEFFOC
95 HALLENPLAN ~ HALLE 4 FLOOR PLAN~HALL 4 10X Innovation GmbH & Co. KG 4-A16 ADAMUS Organic Dry Gin 4-B38 Agile Media Ltd - Drinks International & CLASS. 4-B05 AliasSmith AB 4-B33 Amarcode 4-A39 Auwald Destille GbR 4-A44 BBC Vins & Spiritueux SARL 4-A42 Berliner Brandstifter GmbH 4-B25 Berliner KaffeeröstereiGiest & Compagnon Vertriebs GmbH 4-A11, 4-B12, 4-B14 Bluecoat Gin 4-B32 Blueship Okinawa co., Ltd 4-A45 Brenne French Single Malt 4-B32 Cafeahaus AG 4-B22 Carbotek Systems GmbH 4-B22 Casa Lumbre 4-B33 Casa Tequilera 4-B06 Copenhagen Distillery APS 4-B08 Crafter´s 4-B43 DAMOISEAU EXPORT 4-A35 Dario Lindermeier 4-A40 The King Gin Destileria Andina 4-B36a Destileria Casa De Piedra 4-B06 DESTILERIA ESPIRITU ANDINO S.A.C. 4-B36c Destileria Santa Sabia 4-B06 Distilled Spirits Council 4-B28 Don Fulano Global 4-B30 Don Michael SAC 4-A14 El Arbol Del Pecado S.A. De C.V. 4-B30 Elegantly Spirited Ltd 4-B03 ENGINE - Italian Organic Gin 4-A02 FEW Spirits Bourbon & Rye 4-B32 F. & G. SRL - Compagnia di Commercio 4-A52 FORTEZZA Espresso GmbH 4-B17 Gentlemen’s Craft BVBA 4-A06 Illva Saronno S.p.a. 4-A21 Intertrade & Asociados 4-B06 Junimperium Distillery OU 4-B45 JUNIPER JACK 4-A48 Kaiser Hill 16, Bavarian Dry Gin 4-A36, 4-A38 Kloster Wöltingerode Brennen & Brauen GmbH 4-A46 K. PSYCHIS & SONS DISTILLERY 4-A12 La Escondida, Grand Mezcal 4-B30 La Marzocco Deutschland GmbH 4-B15 Libbey Holland Inc 4-B07 L. Psenner GmbH 4-B42 Mahlgrad GmbH 4-B09 Mezcal Vago 4-B32 Mr Black Spirits Pty Ltd 4-A17 MyCoffeebag Inhaber Alexander Streck 4-B11

96 HALLENPLAN ~ HALLE 4 FLOOR PLAN~HALL 4 Navy Island Rum Company 4-A34 ORIGINAL WILLINGER GLASMANUFAKTUR 4-A09 OYESTER B.V. 4-B39 PepsiCo Deutschland GmbH 4-B34 PHILOSOFFEE GmbH 4-B11 Pisco 1615 4-A41 Röststätte Berlin - Yvonne Weller-Jozinovic 4-A23 RUYKYU 1429 4-A45 Samson & Surrey LLC 4-B32 Sash & Fritz GmbH 4-B37 Scape Spirits aps 4-B47 Schraml- Die Steinwald- Brennerei e.K. 4-A36, 4-A38 Seedlip Limited 4-A37 Sopexa Deutschland S.A.Schwanenhöfe Werkstatthaus 4-B06 St. Agrestis 4-A04 Stonewood Whiskies 4-A36, 4-A38 Tenet Marketing s.r.o. 4-A14, 4-A20 Tentoura Castro - G.P. Hahalis 4-B29 Tequila Arette 4-B30 Tequila Fortaleza 4-B30 Tequila Hacienda Dragón 4-B06 Tequila la Cofradia 4-B06 Tequila Orendain 4-B06 Tequila Riqueza Cultural 4-B06 Tequilas del Señor 4-B06 Tequilera La Herencia 4-B06 The Inca Distillery SAC 4-A41 Tradition Mexico GmbH 4-A32 Vigo Group Sac 4-B36b Waterlogic GmbHPUREZZA premium table water 4-A10 Wenneker Distilleries 4-B39 Widow Jane Bourbon & Rye 4-B32 Wilhelm Kisker GmbH 4-B42 Zwiesel Kristallglas AG 4-A08

E12E15E16E05E04E03E11E07E06E0aE01E00 L38L37L04L09 L02L01 L03 L17L07L19 L32L31 L13 L15 L16 L10 L11 L12 K17 L24 L25 L21L22 L28L27K05K14K16K04K03K01E02 D00 05ARDY 01ARDY H01 K11K10K09K08 SHOPAILIANCOCKT M12M11M10M08M07M05M04M03M02M01D12D13 L08L20 L36L35L33 DEMODEMOCB TO HALL 5 TO 4HALL EXIT LHAL5 TEXI OTYARD MixologyStage POSSYMIUM LOUNGEMEDIA BUSINESSFORUM FOODFOOD FOOD IOSRSSGLAETURNTATN TIOSRETAWTAN TIOSICETAN STROOSREM COFFEE ´KERSOSMAREA HALL5 AGESMIXOLOGYT FORUMBUSINESS OOFDAREA LOUNGEMEDIA SAARELLANII5FIWREEF MAURITIUS2019RSOSOOSWSAPRDFRVIIT: 5B42 5B28 5A255A215B30 5A43 5B40 5A295A315B365B325B34 5A335A375B38 5A355A13 5B08 5A075B025B045B065B14 5A165A045A125A145A185B105B12 5A115A09 5A085A105A015A035A05 5A02 5B135B155B175B195B215B235B255B275B295B015B095B115B055B035B07 5A365A285A265A385A345A245A225A30
99 HALLENPLAN ~ HALLE 5 FLOOR PLAN~HALL 5 ABK6 COGNAC - SINGLE ESTATE 5-A31 Agile Media LtdDrinks International & CLASS. 5-Media Lounge ALAMBIC SAS 5-B21 Ardenghi Srl 5-A37 Asociación de Productores de Pisco AG 5-B27 Badel 1862 d.d. 5-B38 BANHEZ MEZCAL ARTESANAL 5-A13 BAR' DJUS 5-B10 Bloomsbury Club UK 5-B02 Bobby´s Gin Company 5-B14 Bodegas Can Vidalet, S.L. 5-A04 Brentingby Gin Ltd 5-A16 Briottet 5-B15 Broken Bones d.o.o. 5-A07 BT Verlag GmbHhaus und wellness, diabetes Living 5-Media Lounge CARDAMARO 5-B03 Casa D Aristi 5-A10 Cipriani Industria Spa 5-A35 Deutsch Family Wine & Spirits 5-B23 Diageo Brazil – (Ypióca) - Ypióca – Cachaça Brand 5-B29 DISTILLERIE GUY 5-B15 Distillerie Tessendier 5-B13 DIWISA Distillerie Willisau SA 5-A21 GEMELLii Drinks GmbH 5-A25 Glass Decor TC LLC 5-B07 Glenturret Distillery 5-A01 Hellshire Rums 5-A09 Hetere Group SRLS 5-A11 Hoxton Spirits LTD. 5-A18 Imbibe Live - Reed Exhibitions Ltd 5-Media Lounge INGER Verlagsgesellschaft mbHCoffee Business 5-Media Lounge ITALDOSIT di Galassi E. 5-B01 KOCH EL MEZCAL - 1533 VODKA 5-B09 Koks & Tales GCV 5-A34 Big Daddy´s Falernum Laballe - Domaine Laballe 5-A12

100 HALLENPLAN ~ HALLE 5 FLOOR PLAN~HALL 5 LADOGA Group LTD. 5-B30 La Fuerza Vermouth 5-B12 Lumian Srl 5-A14 Moe Distillery 5-B11 Moose Spirits GmbH 5-B25 Mr. Murka Ltd. 5-B28 Nautical American Gin 5-A02 Paragon Brands Ltd 5-A28 Pernod Ricard 5-A36 Purity Distillery 5-B32 Ramborn SA 5-B04 Sac Serigrafia s.r.l. 5-A05 SAS Armagnac Castarede 5-A33 Snioland ehf - Glacier Gin 5-B36 Sleeper Media Limited 5-Media Lounge Sliabh Liag Distillery 5-B06 Square Dranken NL B.V 5-B42 Supper Magazine 5-Media Lounge The Cocktail Lovers Ltd 5-Media Lounge The Copeland Distillery 5-B08 The Three Stills Company Ltd(The Borders Distillery, Hawick Scotland) 5-B05 Twelve Keys Gin - Sartorial Spirits Limited 5-B40 U'luvka Ltd 5-B19 Undone 5-B17 Union Press Ltd. - The Spirits Business 5-Media Lounge WF Spirits Trading UG 5-B34 Wilk Gourmetgroup 5-A03 Winestillery 5-A08 Wisdom Express GmbH 5-A29

LLAH8 LLHA7 ashingDishW HALL7.3 HALL7.2FOOD FOOD FOOD FOODIOSRSSGLAETURNTATN TIOSRETAWTAN TIOSICETAN STROOSREM COFFEEAREA OFODAREA HALL7 SAARELLANII-FIWREEF MAURITIUS2019RSOSOOSWSAPRDFRVIIT: 7C21 7B137B15 7C12 7C17 7D117D09 7C27 7C15 7D13 7C31 7C10 7B09 7C11 7E03 7B19 7B25 7C137E077E13 7B26 7A237B167A197B247A09 7A10 7A157A257B22 7B29 7A12 7B28 7A21 7A287A26 7B12 7A117B14 7A27 7D08 7C03 7D06 7D03 7C02 7B027A017D02 7C047C08 7C017D01 7E01 7A027A047A08 7D237D317D257D177D157D217D197D27 7C257D107D207D147D167D287D227D30 7C187C247C227C167C147C20 7B21 7A18b7A18a7A147A227A20 7.2 7.2 7.27.2
103 HALLENPLAN ~ HALLE 7 FLOOR PLAN~HALL 7 103 Akashi Sake Brewery Co., Ltd. 7-C13 American Beverage Marketers 7-A28 Arcus Norway AS 7-B21 Asbach TeamSpirit- Internationale Markengetränke GmbH 7-B13 BALIS GmbH 7-A26 Barcelo 7-A15 Schwarze und Schlichte GmbH Beluga Vodka International Limited 7-C21 BELViNi.DE GmbH 7-A11 Beveland Distillers S.A. 7-D11 Bodegas Williams & Humbert 7-B02 BOLS TeamSpirit- Internationale Markengetränke GmbH 7-B13 Bordiga 1888 7-D21 Brand Harbour Ltd 7-C15 Buffalo TraceTeamSpirit Internationale Markengetränke GmbH 7-B16 Buffalo Trace Distillery Rare BourbonTeamSpirit Internationale Markengetränke GmbH 7-B16 Campari Deutschland GmbH 7-A01 Cardenal Mendoza Brandy de Jerez 7-A23 Sanchez Romate HNOS S.A. Casa Mexico Enterprises LLC 7-E01 Casoni Fabbricazione Liquori S.p.A 7-B25 Coca-Cola European Partners Deutschland GmbH 7-C25 Compagnia Dei Caraibi 7-D16 Conecuh Brands 7-E01 Copperhead NV 7-B19 Cranehouse GmbH 7-C16 De Kuyper Royal Distillers 7-C27

104 HALLENPLAN ~ HALLE 7 FLOOR PLAN~HALL 7 Havana Club International - Pernod Ricard 7-A10 Henkell FreixenetHenkell & Co. Sektkellerei KG 7-A23, 7-B26 Hinzself Production GmbH 7-B15 Illva Saronno S.p.a. 7-C11 Italicus Ltd 7-B29 Jacquart Champagne Deutschland GmbH 7-D25 Jameson Whiskey 7-A09 Jarritos Deutschland 7-D14 J. Gasco SRL 7-D09 Kanlaon Limited 7-D15 Limoncello di Capri Srl 7-C14 Lucano 1894 S.R.L. 7-C17 Girolamo Luxardo S.p.A 7-A12 Destilerias Campeny S.A. 7-A20 DESTILLERIE FRANZ BAUER GmbH 7-A27 Distilleria Varnelli S.P.A. 7-C31 Douglas Laing & Co. Ltd 7-C01 Eagle RareTeamSpirit Internationale Markengetränke GmbH 7-B16 Elephant Gin GmbH 7-A22 ESTAL 7-C08 Fever-Tree 7-C03 Fireball TeamSpirit- Internationale Markengetränke GmbH 7-B16 Fluère Drinks b.v. 7-C18 Franz Fies GmbH - Schwarzwälder Edelbrennerei 7-C24 Fraternity Spirits World Inc. 7-D20 Galliano TeamSpirit- Internationale Markengetränke GmbH 7-B13 Gastro-Cool GmbH & Co. KG 7-E03 Giulio Cocchi Spumanti Srl 7-D30 Gonzalez Byass SA 7-A21, 7-B22 Guzman y Gonzalez 7-D14 Halewood International LTD 7-D22 Hardenberg Distillery 7-D13

105 HALLENPLAN ~ HALLE 7 FLOOR PLAN~HALL 7 105 MHW Ltd 7-E01 Ming River Inc. 7-D17 Moet Hennessy Deutschland GmbH 7-C20 Molinari Italia SPA 7-C14 Monkey47 - Black Forest Distillers GmbH 7-A02 Gruppo Montenegro 7-C04 Nardini Distillery 7-D28 ONE GIN 7-A25 Orientis GmbH 7-A18b OTTO Crafted Korn by Fürst Bismarck 7-B26 Fürstlich von Bismarck´sche Brennerei GmbH Paolo Lazzaroni E Figli SPA 7-C22 Pernod Ricard UK - The Gin Hub 7-A08 Maison Villevert 7-E13 MAMONT 7-C12 Mangaroca Batida 7-B26 Henkell & Co. Sektkellerei KG MeMento S.R.L 7-D02

106 HALLENPLAN ~ HALLE 7 FLOOR PLAN~HALL 7 TeamSpirit Internationale MarkengetränkeGmbH 7-B13, 7-B16 thebrandbuilder Vertriebs GmbH & Co.KG 7-C02 Thomas Henry GmbH & Co. KG 7-A19 TobermoryTeamSpirit Internationale Markengetränke GmbH 7-B13 Tobermory GinTeamSpirit Internationale Markengetränke GmbH 7-B13 UnderbergTeamSpirit Internationale Markengetränke GmbH 7-B13 Urban Bar 7-D19 Woodland Gins 7-B28 Zwack Unicum Plc 7-D08 Pernod Ricard Mexico - House of Tequila 7-A04 Perscripta d.o.o. 7-A14 Peter Spanton Drinks Ltd 7-A25 PITÚ TeamSpirit- Internationale Markengetränke GmbH 7-B13 Quintessential Brands Ltd 7-D06 Rick Spirit GmbH 7-E07 Ritzenhoff AG 7-B14 Ron Colón Salvadoreño 7-D10 Rudolf Jelinek a.s. 7-D31 Sauerland Distillers GmbH 7-B28 Schweppes Deutschland GmbH 7-B09 Siegfried Rheinland Dry Gin 7-B24 Sierra Madre GmbH 7-D01 Skin Gin GmbH 7-A18a Soda Libre GmbH 7-B15 Southern ComfortTeamSpirit Internationale Markengetränke GmbH 7-B16 Southwestern Distillery Limited 7-D03 Sovereign Brands LLC 7-B12 Strega Alberti Benevento spa 7-D27

109 HALLENPLAN ~ HALLE 7.2 FLOOR PLAN~HALL 7.2 109 Reidemeister & Ulrichs GmbH 7.2-A01
111 HALLENPLAN ~ HALLE 8 FLOOR PLAN~HALL 8 111 AJ Bar Tools Germany 8-B04 BACIAMANO ITALIAN FINEST SPIRITS 8-B01 Bitter Queens, LLC 8-A02 Bodegas Rubio 1893 S.L. 8-B09 Cantini Vetro S.R.L. 8-D04 Coco López 8-B18 Destilerías Xoriguer 8-B07 Distilleria Levi 8-C05 Distillerie Combier 8-C04 Distillerie du St. Laurent 8-B11 Drinks of Manchester 8-B15 For Friends Limited 8-D01 Fundeghera 1939 8-A01 Gallinal Drinks SL 8-B06 Green Tree Distillery 8-D09 Helmut Wermut GbRMarkus Weiß Nils Liedmann GbR 8-A03 Integrity Spirits 8-B13 JSC Tatspirtprom 8-D03 KERNenergie GmbH 8-B05 Laird & Company 8-D07 Langatun Distillery AG 8-A04 Local Spirits GmbH 8-D08 The Lost Distillery Company 8-B08 Mermaid Gin – Isle of Wight Distillery 8-B10 Moletto Soc. Agr. s.s. 8-D07 Nc'nean Distillery 8-C01 Papa Fuego GmbH 8-C02 Papa’s Pilar Rum 8-B02 Pircher Brennerei AG 8-D10 Plastdiversity, LDA 8-D05 Reserva De La Troje 8-C03 Seven Seals Distillery AG 8-B14 Sommelier Select Pty 8-D06 Stiefelmayer-Contento GmbH & Co. KG 8-B16 Tarsier Spirit Ltd 8-A05 Taste the Greek Spirit 8-D02 TheBitterNote - TBN Srl 8-B12 Two James Spirits 8-B03 Wolfrest Gin Carucci 8-B17

BRANDVERZEICHNISMARKEN-LIST @barconventber bar convent berlin Organised by

114114 MARKEN NACH WARENGRUPPEN / BRANDS BY PRODUCT GROUPS MARKEN-NOMENKLATUR 2019 / NOMENCLATURE 2019 Spirituosen 010100 - Absinth 010200 - Aquavit 010300 - Bitter und Aperitif 010400 - Brandy 010500 - Cachaca 010600 - Gin 010700 - Likör 010800 - Rum 010900 - Tequila / Mezcal 011000 - Vodka 011100 - Wermut / Quinquina 011200 - Whisky / Whiskey 011300 - Spirituosen - Sonstige Wein und Schaumwein 020100 - Champagner 020200 - Schaumweine 020300 - Südweine 020400 - Sake 020500 - Wein Fillers und Softdrink 030100 - Bitterlimonaden 030200 - Ginger Ale / Ginger Beer 030300 - Kola 030400 - Limonade 030500 - Mineralwasser 030600 - Säfte und Schorlen 030700 - Sirup und Konzentrat 030800 - Tonic Water 030900 - Fillers und Softdrink - Sonstige Bier / Craft Beer und Cider 040101 - Ale 040102 - Alkoholfreies 040103 - Alt 040104 - Berliner Weisse 040105 - Dunkles / Schwarzes 040106 - Helles 040107 - Kölsch 040108 - Malz 040109 - Pils 040110 - Porter 040111 - Stout 040112 - Weizen 040113 - Bier / Craft Beer - Sonstige 040200 - Cider Spirits 010100 - Absinth 010200 - Aquavit 010300 - Bitter and Aperitif 010400 - Brandy 010500 - Cachaca 010600 - Gin 010700 - Liqueur 010800 - Rum 010900 - Tequila / Mezcal 011000 - Vodka 011100 - Vermouth / Quinquina 011200 - Whisky / Whiskey 011300 - Spirituosen - Other Wine and Sparkling Wine 020100 - Champagne 020200 - Sparkling Wine 020300 - Fortified Wine 020400 - Sake 020500 - Wine Fillers and Softdrink 030100 - Bitter Lemonades 030200 - Ginger Ale / Ginger Beer 030300 - Cola 030400 - Lemonade 030500 - Mineral Water 030600 - Fruit Juices 030700 - Syrup and Concentrate 030800 - Tonic Water 030900 - Fillers and Softdrink - Other Beer / Craft Beer and Cider 040101 - Ale 040102 - Non-alcoholic Beer 040103 - Alt Beer 040104 - Berliner Weisse / Berlin White 040105 - Dark 040106 - Lager 040107 - Kölsch 040108 - Malt 040109 - Pils 040110 - Porter 040111 - Stout 040112 - Wheat 040113 - Beer / Craft Beer - Other 040200 - Cider
115 Kaffee, Tee und Heißgetränke 050000 - Kaffee, Tee und Heißgetränke Snacks 060000 - Snacks Ausstattung und Barbedarf 070000 - Ausstattung und Barbedarf Tabakwaren 080100 - Zigaretten & Zigarren 080200 - e-Zigaretten Literatur und Medien 090000 - Literatur und Medien Dienstleistung und Beratung 100000 - Dienstleistung und Beratung Coffee, Tea and Hot Beverages 050000 - Coffee, Tea and Hot Beverages Snacks 060000 - Snacks Equipment and Bar Supplies 070000 - Equipment and Bar Supplies Tobacco Products 080100 - Cigarettes & cigars 080200 - electronical cigarettes Literature and Media 090000 - Literature and Media Services and Consulting 100000 - Services and Consulting
XENTA DISTILLED represented by Allied Brands S.r.l. 1-B46
Linie Aquavit represented by Arcus Norway AS 7-B21
Opland Aquavit represented by Arcus Norway AS 7-B21
Opland Aquavit Edel Port represented by Arcus Norway AS 7-B21
XENTA SUPERIOR represented by Allied Brands S.r.l. 1-B46
010200 Aquavit Aalborg Dild Akvavit represented by Arcus Norway AS 7-B21
Frederiksberg Akvavait represented by Hammer & Son Ltd 1-B27
Bordiga Bitter verde represented by Bordiga 1888 7-D21 Mezzodi Aperitivo Italiano represented by Caffo Deutschland GmbH 3-B09
P31 - Aperitivo Green represented by Ardenghi Srl 5-A37
Australian Bitter represented by Anker Amsterdam Spirits B.V. 1-B07
010100 Absinth XENTA ABSENTA represented by Allied Brands S.r.l. 1-B46
Linie Aquavit DC Madeira represented by Arcus Norway AS 7-B21
Absinthe François GUY represented by DISTILLERIE GUY 5-B15 Absinthe La Pontissalienne represented by DISTILLERIE GUY 5-B15
Lysholm No 52 represented by Arcus Norway AS 7-B21
Westward Whiskey, Oregon, USA represented by Distilled Spirits Council 4-B28
Frederiksberg Juleakvavit represented by Hammer & Son Ltd 1-B27 010300 Bitter und Aperitif Bitter and Aperitif
Tatsumi Absinth represented by ePower Co. Ltd. 1-A40 Nain Rouge represented by Two James Spirits 8-B03
Linie Aquavit DC Port represented by Arcus Norway AS 7-B21
010000 SpiritsSpirituosen
Blinking Owl Distillery, California, USA represented by Distilled Spirits Council 4-B28
Golden Moon Distillery, Colorado, USA represented by Distilled Spirits Council 4-B28
Bordiga Aperitivo represented by Bordiga 1888 7-D21 Bordiga Bitter Rosso represented by Bordiga 1888 7-D21
Opland Aquavit Edel Madeira represented by Arcus Norway AS 7-B21
AMARO LEON represented by Acquavite SPA 1-B62 Melonade Aelred represented by Aelred Spirits 1-B37
010100 Absinth – 010300 Bitter and Aperitif
Fee Brothers Orange Bitters represented by Fee Brothers, Inc. 1-A50 Fee Brothers Peach Bitters represented by Fee Brothers, Inc. 1-A50
Fee Brothers Rhubarb Bitters represented by Fee Brothers, Inc. 1-A50
Fee Brothers Toasted Almond Bitters represented by Fee Brothers, Inc. 1-A50
Veneziano Apertitivo Naturale represented by Humbel Spezialitätenbrennerei 1-B55
Fee Brothers Black Walnut Bitters represented by Fee Brothers, Inc. 1-A50 Fee Brothers Cherry Bitters represented by Fee Brothers, Inc. 1-A50
Aperol represented by Campari Deutschland GmbH 7-A01 Averna represented by Campari Deutschland GmbH 7-A01 Braulio represented by Campari Deutschland GmbH 7-A01 Campari represented by Campari Deutschland GmbH 7-A01 Cinzano 1757 represented by Campari Deutschland GmbH 7-A01 Cinzano Bitter represented by Campari Deutschland GmbH 7-A01 Crodino represented by Campari Deutschland GmbH 7-A01 Cynar represented by Campari Deutschland GmbH 7-A01 1716 represented by Compagnia Dei Caraibi 7-D16 Amaro Mandragola represented by Compagnia Dei Caraibi 7-D16
Venticinque Bitter represented by Humbel Spezialitätenbrennerei 1-B55
Bitter Natale Mario represented by Fundeghera 1939 8-A01 Amaro Santoni represented by Gabriello Santoni srl 1-B48
Kakuzo Bitter represented by Kakuzo GmbH 3-D15
Fee Brothers Old Fashion Bitters represented by Fee Brothers, Inc. 1-A50
Fee Brothers Grapefruit Bitters represented by Fee Brothers, Inc. 1-A50
Freimeisterkollekitv represented Freimeisterkollektivby GmbH 1-B57
Rabarbaro Santoni represented by Gabriello Santoni srl 1-B48
GAMONDI represented by Gamondi 1-B02
Kakuzo Yuzu Kalamensi Aperitif represented by Kakuzo GmbH 3-D15 Per Se represented by LCWS Brands, Lda. 3-C22
Fee Brothers Plum Bitters represented by Fee Brothers, Inc. 1-A50
Bitter Rouge represented by Compagnia Dei Caraibi 7-D16 Dashfire represented by Compagnia Dei Caraibi 7-D16 Roger represented by Compagnia Dei Caraibi 7-D16 Amaro dell'Erborista represented by Distilleria Varnelli S.P.A. 7-C31 Amaro Sibilla represented by Distilleria Varnelli S.P.A. 7-C31 Marito represented by DIWISA Distillerie Willisau SA 5-A21
Fee Brothers Aztec Chocolate Bitters represented by Fee Brothers, Inc. 1-A50
Rossoamaro Bitter represented by Gabriello Santoni srl 1-B48
Aperit Aperitivo Italiano represented by Gabriello Santoni srl 1-B48
Brancamenta represented Reidemeisterby& Ulrichs GmbH 7.2-A01 Fernet-Branca represented Reidemeisterby& Ulrichs GmbH 7.2-A01 Æcorn Aperitifs represented by Seedlip Limited 4-A37 St. Agrestis Amaro represented by St. Agrestis 4-A04 St. Agrestis Inferno Bitter represented by St. Agrestis 4-A04
Foro Amaro represented by Michter’s Distillery 3-D23 Amaro Montenegro represented by Gruppo Montenegro 7-C04, Yard-01 Rosso Antico represented by Gruppo Montenegro 7-C04, Yard-01 Select Aperitivo represented by Gruppo Montenegro 7-C04, Yard-01 Gran Milano BItter represented by Panarea Gin 1-B05
The Bitter Truth represented by The Bitter Truth GmbH 3-B15
BITTERÁNEO Mediterranean Tentoura Bitters represented by Tentoura Castro - G.P. Hahalis 4-B29
Jägermeister MANIFEST represented Mast-Jägermeisterby Deutschland GmbH 3-A17
TheBitterNote alcohol-free amaro represented by TBN Srl 8-B12 Unicum
Zwetschke, Unicum Riserva represented by Zwack Unicum Plc 7-D08 010401 Brandy - Armagnac 3-12-21 represented by Laballe Domaine Laballe 5-A12 Blends represented by Laballe Domaine Laballe 5-A12 Résistance represented by Laballe Domaine Laballe 5-A12 Vintages represented by Laballe Domaine Laballe 5-A12 010402 Brandy - Calvados LUIS FELIPE PREMIUN SPIRITS represented by Bodegas Rubio 1893 S.L. 8-B09 010403 Brandy - Cognac ABK6 Cognac VS - PURE SINGLE represented by ABK6 COGNAC - SINGLE ESTATE 5-A31 ABK6 Cognac VSOP - Very Superior Old Pale represented by ABK6 COGNAC - SINGLE ESTATE 5-A31 010300 Bitter and Aperitif – 010404 Brandy - Grappa
BITTERÁNEO Mediterranean Thyme Bitters represented by Tentoura Castro - G.P. Hahalis 4-B29
Jägermeister SCHARF represented Mast-Jägermeisterby Deutschland GmbH 3-A17
Jägermeister represented Mast-Jägermeisterby Deutschland GmbH 3-A17
BITTERÁNEO Mediterranean Mastiha Bitters represented by Tentoura Castro - G.P. Hahalis 4-B29
BITTERÁNEO Mediterranean Bergamot Bitters represented by Tentoura Castro - G.P. Hahalis 4-B29
CASTAGNER represented by Acquavite SPA 1-B62
Badel Hrvatska stara Šljivovica represented by Badel 1862 d.d. 5-B38
LEYRAT Cognac ASSEMBLAGE N°1Cognac Fins Bois Single Cru represented by ABK6 COGNAC - SINGLE ESTATE 5-A31
ABK6 EXTA Hors D'Age Cognac 43% Cask Strengtht represented by ABK6 COGNAC - SINGLE ESTATE 5-A31
LEYRAT VSOP- Cognac Fins Bois Single Cru represented by ABK6 COGNAC - SINGLE ESTATE 5-A31
U37 represented by Bodegas Can Vidalet, S.L. 5-A04
FUORICLASSE LEON represented by Acquavite SPA 1-B62
LEYRAT XO Elite - Cognac Fins Bois Single Cru represented by ABK6 COGNAC - SINGLE ESTATE 5-A31
Grappa di Brunello Santoni represented by Gabriello Santoni srl 1-B48
ABK6 HONEY COGNAC LIQUEUR 35% alc represented by ABK6 COGNAC - SINGLE ESTATE 5-A31 ICE COGNAC by ABK6 Single Estate represented by ABK6 COGNAC - SINGLE ESTATE 5-A31
Korlat Travarica sa smiljem represented by Badel 1862 d.d. 5-B38 Marc de Cecili represented by Bodegas Can Vidalet, S.L. 5-A04 Marc de Moscatel represented by Bodegas Can Vidalet, S.L. 5-A04
Golden Moon Distillery, Colorado, USA represented by Distilled Spirits Council 4-B28
Luigi Francoli represented by Fratelli Francoli 1-B62
Grappa di Vinsanto Santoni represented by Gabriello Santoni srl 1-B48
Grappa di Chianti Santoni represented by Gabriello Santoni srl 1-B48 Grappa di Nobile Santoni represented by Gabriello Santoni srl 1-B48
Korlat Loza Barrique represented by Badel 1862 d.d. 5-B38
Grappa Tuscia Millesimata represented by Gabriello Santoni srl 1-B48
Grappa Tuscia Riserva represented by Gabriello Santoni srl 1-B48
MORRA represented by Gamondi 1-B02
REVISEUR VSOP Cognac SINGLE CRU Petite Champagne represented by ABK6 COGNAC - SINGLE ESTATE 5-A31 CAMUS represented by CAMUS Wines & Sprits 3-A10 Catoctin Creek Distillery, Virginia, USA represented by Distilled Spirits Council 4-B28 Koval Distillery, Illinois, USA represented by Distilled Spirits Council 4-B28 COGNAC PARK represented by Distillerie Tessendier 5-B13 Cognac Bio Pinard represented by Humbel Spezialitätenbrennerei 1-B55 Cognac Grande Champagne Bio Pasquet represented by Humbel Spezialitätenbrennerei 1-B55 Roullet Cognac represented by LADOGA Group LTD. 5-B30 Ferrand Cognac represented by Maison Ferrand 10.1-KH01, 3-D24 Hennessy represented by Moet Hennessy Deutschland GmbH 7-C20 Rémy Martin represented Reidemeisterby& Ulrichs GmbH 7.2-A01
010404 Brandy - Grappa CASTA represented by Acquavite SPA 1-B62
ABK6 Cognac XO RenaissanceWorld Best Cognac 2019 represented by ABK6 COGNAC - SINGLE ESTATE 5-A31
Susan for President Prune Brandy represented by Koval Distillery 1-A30 Lantenhammer represented LANTENHAMMERby Destillerie 3-A32 Pircher represented by Pircher Brennerei AG 8-D10
Humbel sortenreine Kirschbrände represented by Humbel Spezialitätenbrennerei 1-B55 Humbel sortenreine Obstbrände represented by Humbel Spezialitätenbrennerei 1-B55
Alte Schwarzwälder Hausbrennerei 3-D18
Brandy - Grappa – 010500 Cachaca
Autori della Grappa Bio represented by Humbel Spezialitätenbrennerei 1-B55 MOLETTO represented by Moletto Soc. Agr. s.s. 8-D07 Grappa Nonino represented by Nonino Distilllatori S.r.l. 3-C23 Grappa Sibona represented Reidemeisterby& Ulrichs GmbH 7.2-A01 Diamante Savio represented by SAVIO s.r.l. 3-A16 Nonino represented SchlumbergerbyVertriebsges.mbH & Co. KG 3-C23 Ceschia 7-C14 represented by Molinari Italia SPA 010405 Brandy - Obstbrand Brandy - Fruit spirit Catoctin Creek, Virgina, USA represented by Distilled Spirits Council 4-B28 Freimeisterkollekitv represented Freimeisterkollektivby GmbH 1-B57 HEIMAT Alte Birne represented by HEIMAT GbR 1-A09 Humbel Bio Obstbrände represented by Humbel Spezialitätenbrennerei 1-B55
Susan for President Barreled Peach Brandy represented by Koval Distillery 1-A30
Psenner represented by Wilhelm Kisker GmbH 4-B42
Brennerei Fassbind represented Reidemeisterby& Ulrichs GmbH 7.2-A01 Schladerer represented by Alfred Schladerer GmbH
Morand 1889 Eau-de-Vie 1-A01 represented by Weisshorn Spirits Sarl 010406 Brandy - Pisco Demonio de Los Andes - Tacama represented by SUCOs DO BRASIL Productos Latino GmbH 1-A37 010404

Pisco Mistral 5-B27 represented by Asociación de Productores de Pisco AG 010407 Brandy - Weinbrand Brandy - Other Brandy
Lepanto represented by Gonzalez Byass SA 7-A21, 7-B22 Soberano represented by Gonzalez Byass SA 7-A21, 7-B22 Cardenal Mendoza Brandy de Jerez represented by Henkell Freixenet Henkell & Co. Sektkellerei KG 7-A23, 7-B26 Louriana Brandy represented by Icon Key, SA 3-A35 Lustau Brandy represented SchlumbergerbyVertriebsgesellschaft mbH & Co. KG 3-C23
Pisco Capel 5-B27 represented by Asociación de Productores de Pisco AG
GRAN DUQUE D'ALBA represented by Bodegas Williams & Humbert 7-B02 Torres Brandy represented MatthiesenBORCO-MARKEN-IMPORTbyGmbH&Co.KG 3-A21 Brandy Heritage Caffo Riserva 1970 represented by Caffo Deutschland GmbH 3-B09
Cardenal Mendoza Brandy de Jerez represented by Sanchez Romate HNOS S.A. 7-A23 Freimeisterkollektiv represented Freimeisterkollektivby GmbH 1-B57
Pisco El Gobernador 5-B27 represented by Asociación de Productores de Pisco AG Pisco Kappa 5-B27 represented by Asociación de Productores de Pisco AG
010500 SagatibaCachaca represented by Campari Deutschland GmbH 7-A01 Iguacu Bio represented by Humbel Spezialitätenbrennerei 1-B55 Cachaça 51 represented SchlumbergerbyVertriebsgesellschaft mbH & Co. KG 3-C23 Cachaça Velho Barreiro represented by SUCOs DO BRASIL Productos Latino GmbH 1-A37
Vecchia Romagna represented by Gruppo Montenegro 7-C04, Yard-01 Carlos I represented Reidemeisterby& Ulrichs GmbH 7.2-A01 Metaxa represented Reidemeisterby& Ulrichs GmbH 7.2-A01 Emilio Lustau Brandy represented SchlumbergerbyVertriebsges.mbH & Co. KG 3-C23

ORGANIC GIN BIO Cognac Barrel Aged Grands Domaines - French represented by ABK6 COGNAC - SINGLE ESTATE 5-A31
Leo Nobile represented BergbrennereibyLöwen 1-A35 Löwen Dry Gin represented BergbrennereibyLöwen 1-A35 Löwen Green Gin represented BergbrennereibyLöwen 1-A35 Löwen Wood Gin represented BergbrennereibyLöwen by by by S.A. represented by BOAR LONDON represented by Bodegas Can Vidalet, S.L. represented by Bodegas Williams & Humbert Gin represented MatthiesenBORCO-MARKEN-IMPORTbyGmbH&Co.KG represented MatthiesenBORCO-MARKEN-IMPORTbyGmbH&Co.KG represented by by represented by represented by
3-A21 Finsbury Gin
Bordiga 1888 7-D21 Bordiga Gin Smoke
Bordiga 1888 7-D21 Gin Occitan
Beveland Distillers S.A. 7-D11 Volcanic Gin represented
7-D11 BOAR Gin
010600 Gin The Gin Box represented by 1423 Aps 10.1-KH02, 10.1-KH03
Distillery GbR 3-C11 ONZE
Bordiga 1888 7-D21 Bordiga Gin Rosa represented
Etsu - Japanese Gin represented by BBC Vins & Spiritueux SARL 4-A42
Beveland Distillers
Bordiga 1888 7-D21 010600 Gin
7-B02 Ferdinand's
3-A21 Bordiga Gin Dry
ORGANIC GIN BIO Grands DomainesFrench bio Gin represented by ABK6 COGNAC - SINGLE ESTATE 5-A31 Sorgin represented by ALAMBIC SAS 5-B21 Catz Dry Gin represented by Anker Amsterdam Spirits B.V. 1-B07 Himbrimi Gin represented by Anker Amsterdam Spirits B.V. 1-B07 O'live Gin represented by Anker Amsterdam Spirits B.V. 1-B07 Bombay Sapphire represented by Bacardi GmbH 3-A37a, 3-A37b Star of Bombay represented by Bacardi GmbH 3-A37a, 3-A37b Baciamano Gin 45 represented by BACIAMANO ITALIAN FINEST SPIRITS 8-B01 Baciamano Gin 58 represented by BACIAMANO ITALIAN FINEST SPIRITS 8-B01 Baciamano Hibiscus Gin 40 represented by BACIAMANO ITALIAN FINEST SPIRITS 8-B01 Baciamano Old Tom 42 represented by BACIAMANO ITALIAN FINEST SPIRITS 8-B01 Baciamano Salis Gin 40 represented by BACIAMANO ITALIAN FINEST SPIRITS 8-B01
Berliner Brandstifter GmbH 4-B25 Jodhpur Gin represented
1-A35 Berlin Dry Gin 43,3% represented
Purity Navy Strength Organic Gin represented by Purity Distillery 5-B32
Aviation Gin represented by Cranehouse GmbH 7-C16
Bluecoat Gin represented by Cranehouse GmbH 7-C16
Hven Organic Gin represented by Cranehouse GmbH 7-C16
Few Breakfast Gin represented by Cranehouse GmbH 7-C16
Golden Moon Distillery, Colorado, USA represented by Distilled Spirits Council 4-B28 Koval Distillery, Illinois, USA represented by Distilled Spirits Council 4-B28
Bulldog London Dry Gin represented by Campari Deutschland GmbH 7-A01 Las Californias represented by Casa Lumbre 4-B33
Manchester Gin Raspberry Infused represented by Drinks of Manchester 8-B15
Catoctin Creek, Virgina, USA represented by Distilled Spirits Council 4-B28
Rutte Dry Gin represented by De Kuyper Royal Distillers 7-C27
Manchester Gin Haçienda Edition represented by Drinks of Manchester 8-B15
Manchester Gin Overboard represented by Drinks of Manchester 8-B15
Tanqueray Trademark represented by Diageo Germany GmbH 11-Showroom Arizona Distilling, Arizona USA represented by Distilled Spirits Council 4-B28
Purity London Dry Organic Gin represented by Purity Distillery 5-B32
Purity Old Tom Organic Gin represented by Purity Distillery 5-B32 Gil Gin represented by Compagnia Dei Caraibi 7-D16 No 209 represented by Compagnia Dei Caraibi 7-D16
Manchester Gin Wild Spirit represented by Drinks of Manchester 8-B15
XELLENT Swiss Edelweiss Gin represented by DIWISA Distillerie Willisau SA 5-A21
St. Laurent Gin represented by Distillerie du St. Laurent 8-B11
Binking Owl Distillery, California, USA represented by Distilled Spirits Council 4-B28
Half Crown Gin represented by Burlington Drinks Co. 1-A43
Whistling Andy Distillery, Montana, USA represented by Distilled Spirits Council 4-B28
Elephant London Dry Gin 45% represented by Elephant Gin GmbH 7-A22
Hven Navy Strength Gin represented by Cranehouse GmbH 7-C16
St. Laurent Gin Citrus - Vacuum distilled represented by Distillerie du St. Laurent 8-B11
Manchester Gin Signature represented by Drinks of Manchester 8-B15
Deutsche Spirituosen Manufaktur represented by DSM Deutsche Spirituosen Manufaktur GmbH 3-D17
The King Gin represented by Dario Lindermeier 4-A40
Few Barrel Aged Gin represented by Cranehouse GmbH 7-C16
Crafter´ s Gins represented by Crafter´s 4-B43
GIN XORIGUER represented by Destilerías Xoriguer 8-B07
St. Laurent Gin Vieux - Barrel-aged 1 year represented by Distillerie du St. Laurent 8-B11
NOT GIN represented by Elegantly Spirited Ltd 4-B03
Gspusi represented by Dario Lindermeier 4-A40
Liverpool Gin represented by Halewood International LTD 7-D22
Marylebone Gin represented by Halewood International LTD 7-D22
Old English Gin represented by Hammer & Son Ltd 1-B27
Tatsumi Gin represented by ePower Co. Ltd. 1-A40
Peaky Blinder Gin represented by Halewood International LTD 7-D22
White Socks Gin Bio represented by Humbel Spezialitätenbrennerei 1-B55
HEIMAT Barrel Aged Dry Gin represented by HEIMAT GbR 1-A09
EDINBURGH GIN represented by Ian MacLeod Distillers Ltd. 1-B30, 1-B40 Gin 13 represented by Icon Key, SA 3-A35
Geranium Gin represented by Hammer & Son Ltd 1-B27
Biostilla Mediterraneo represented by Humbel Spezialitätenbrennerei 1-B55
Elephant Sloe Gin 35% represented by Elephant Gin GmbH 7-A22
City of London Gin represented by Halewood International LTD 7-D22
MR. HIGGINS represented by Gamondi 1-B02 Gin Sul represented by Gin Sul 3-A14 MOM Gin represented by Gonzalez Byass SA 7-A21, 7-B22
JJ Whitley Gin represented by Halewood International LTD 7-D22
Hoxton Gin represented by Hoxton Spirits LTD. 5-A18 Hoxton Pink Gin represented by Hoxton Spirits LTD. 5-A18
The London N° 1 represented by Gonzalez Byass SA 7-A21, 7-B22
Elephant Strength Gin 57% represented by Elephant Gin GmbH 7-A22
Roach Gin represented by Hetere Group SRLS 5-A11
Von Hallers Gin represented by Hardenberg Distillery 7-D13
Filliers represented HanseatischebyWeinhandelsgesellschaft mbH & Co.KG 3-D01
Freimeisterkollektiv represented Freimeisterkollektivby GmbH 1-B57
La Valdotaine represented by Fratelli Francoli 1-B62
Frederiksberg London Dry Gin represented by Hammer & Son Ltd 1-B27
Clouds Gin Bio represented by Humbel Spezialitätenbrennerei 1-B55
Old English Sloe Gin represented by Hammer & Son Ltd 1-B27
Rives represented by Fraternity Spirits World Inc. 7-D20
HEIMAT Gin represented by HEIMAT GbR 1-A09
Sharish Gin represented by Icon Key, SA 3-A35 Gin
Black Forest Dry Gin represented Kammer-Kirschby GmbH 1-B34, 1-B43, 3-C19
Kaiser Hill 16 Bavarian Dry Gin represented by Schraml- Die Steinwald- Brennerei e.K. 4-A36, 4-A38 represented by Shin Group Corporation Ltd. 1-B33 represented by Shin Group Corporation Ltd. 1-B33 Siegfried Rheinland Dry Gin represented by Siegfried Rheinland Dry Gin 7-B24
Knut Hansen Dry Gin represented by Knut Hansen Gin 3-A26
Gretchen Dry Gin represented by Alfred Schladerer GmbH Alte Schwarzwälder Hausbrennerei 3-D18
Skin Gin represented by Skin Gin GmbH 7-A18a An Dúlamán Irish Maritime Gin represented by Sliabh Liag Distillery 5-B06 McQueen and the Violet Fog represented by Sovereign Brands LLC 7-B12
Juniper Jack London Dry Gin represented by JUNIPER JACK 4-A48
GIN ROSEE represented by La Claudia Italia, S.L 1-B21
MARSH London Dry Gin represented by Jacquart Champagne Deutschland GmbH 7-D25
KOVAL Barreled Gin represented by Koval Distillery 1-A30
Mohn Poppy represented by Moe Distillery 5-B11
KOVAL Dry Gin represented by Koval Distillery 1-A30
Hapusa Himalayan Dry Gin represented by Nao Spirits and Beverages Pvt Ltd 1-A33
Caorunn Small Batch Gin represented Reidemeisterby& Ulrichs GmbH 7.2-A01
Gin Mare represented Reidemeisterby& Ulrichs GmbH 7.2-A01
The Botanist represented Reidemeisterby& Ulrichs GmbH 7.2-A01 represented by Roberto Cavalli Vodka - Tuscany SRL 1-B48
Sikkim Gin represented by Qantima Group 1-A12
Nordés Gin represented Reidemeisterby& Ulrichs GmbH 7.2-A01
Humboldt Rye Dry Gin represented by Spreewood Distillers GmbH 3-D05
Greater Than represented by Nao Spirits and Beverages Pvt Ltd 1-A33
Citadelle Gin represented by Maison Ferrand 10.1-KH01, 3-D24
Pircher represented by Pircher Brennerei AG 8-D10
MOLETTO represented by Moletto Soc. Agr. s.s. 8-D07
Josef Gin represented by Josef Gin 3-A32
Junimperium represented JunimperiumbyDistillery OU 4-B45
Panarea Gin represented by Panarea Gin 1-B05
Broker's Gin represented SchlumbergerbyVertriebsgesellschaft mbH & Co. KG 3-C23
GIN MINT represented by La Claudia Italia, S.L 1-B21
Bluecoat Gin represented by Samson & Surrey LLC 4-B32
Juniper Jack Navy Strength Gin represented by JUNIPER JACK 4-A48
Farmer's Organic Gin represented by Michter’s Distillery 3-D23
Kyrö Dark Gin represented by Kyrö Distillery Company 3-C13, Yard 08 Kyrö Gin represented by Kyrö Distillery Company 3-C13, Yard 08
126126 MARKEN NACH WARENGRUPPEN / BRANDS BY PRODUCT GROUPS Ghost Juniper Gin represented by Square Dranken NL B.V 5-B42 InFlames Gin represented by Square Dranken NL B.V 5-B42 The Bitter Truth represented by The Bitter Truth GmbH 3-B15 Copeland Raspberry and Mint Gin represented by The Copeland Distillery 5-B08 Copeland Rhuberry Gin represented by The Copeland Distillery 5-B08 Copeland Traditional Irish Gin represented by The Copeland Distillery 5-B08 MORRIS London Dry Gin represented by The Wild Alps GmbH 1-A36 Malfy Gin represented thebrandbuilderby Vertriebs GmbH & Co.KG 7-C02 The Corinthian London Dry Gin represented thebrandbuilderby Vertriebs GmbH & Co.KG 7-C02 GIN BALON represented by Turin Vermouth 3-B01 GINP represented by Turin Vermouth 3-B01 Old Cockney Gin represented by Two James Spirits 8-B03 Unicorn Tears Gin represented by Unicorn Tears Gin Limited 1-A42 WENNEKER Genever represented by Wenneker Distilleries 4-B39 WENNEKER Gin represented by Wenneker Distilleries 4-B39 Lossie represented by Wilhelm Kisker GmbH 4-B42 Rutte Celery Gin 7-C27 represented by De Kuyper Royal Distillers Whitley Neill Handcraft Gin 7-D22 represented by Halewood International LTD BARRISTER RUSSIAN GIN 5-B30 represented by LADOGA Group LTD. G'vine 7-E13 represented by Maison Villevert 010600 Gin – 010700 Liqueur

127 June 7-E13 represented by Maison Villevert Nouaison 7-E13 represented by Maison Villevert Warner's Distillery 1-A51 represented by Warner's Distillery Weisshorn Glacier Gin 1-A01 represented by Weisshorn Spirits Sarl Nautical American Gin 5-A02 represented by Nautical American Gin 010700 LiqueurLikör ABK6 Cinnamon Cognac Liqueur represented by ABK6 COGNAC - SINGLE ESTATE 5-A31 ABK6 Honey Cognac Liqueur represented by ABK6 COGNAC - SINGLE ESTATE 5-A31 Aelred represented by Aelred Spirits 1-B37 KRSCH- KIRSCHLIKÖR represented by Auwald Destille GbR 4-A44 PFFF- PFEFFERMINZLIKÖR represented by Auwald Destille GbR 4-A44 Baciamano Amaro 32 represented by BACIAMANO ITALIAN FINEST SPIRITS 8-B01 Bitter. R represented by BACIAMANO ITALIAN FINEST SPIRITS 8-B01 Bitter. W. represented by BACIAMANO ITALIAN FINEST SPIRITS 8-B01 Antique Pelinkovac represented by Badel 1862 d.d. 5-B38 Badel Pelinkovac Gorki represented by Badel 1862 d.d. 5-B38 Korlat Aronija represented by Badel 1862 d.d. 5-B38 Korlat Medica sa propolisom represented by Badel 1862 d.d. 5-B38 Korlat Šipak divlja ruža represented by Badel 1862 d.d. 5-B38

Borsci S. Marzano represented by Caffo Deutschland GmbH 3-B09
Limoncino Portofino represented by Caffo Deutschland GmbH 3-B09 Liquorice represented by Caffo Deutschland GmbH 3-B09
D'Aristi Xtabentún represented by Casa D Aristi 5-A10
Ancho Reyes represented by Casa Lumbre 4-B33
Cartron Liköre represented by Cranehouse GmbH 7-C16
Bubenstolz represented by Cranehouse GmbH 7-C16
FraCK represented by Compagnia Dei Caraibi 7-D16
Ancho Reyes represented by Cranehouse GmbH 7-C16
Kalani represented by Casa D Aristi 5-A10
Vecchio Amaro del Capo Riserva del Centenario represented by Caffo Deutschland GmbH 3-B09
Amaro S. Maria al Monte represented by Caffo Deutschland GmbH 3-B09
Frangelico represented by Campari Deutschland GmbH 7-A01
Vana Tallinn represented by Crafter´s 4-B43
Bergamotto Fantastico represented by Compagnia Dei Caraibi 7-D16
Huana represented by Casa D Aristi 5-A10
Salvia Limone represented by Compagnia Dei Caraibi 7-D16
BVLand Liqueurs represented by Beveland Distillers S.A. 7-D11
Disaronno represented MatthiesenBORCO-MARKEN-IMPORTbyGmbH&Co.KG 3-A21
Huana represented by Cranehouse GmbH 7-C16
Jefferson Amaro Importante represented by Compagnia Dei Caraibi 7-D16 Madame Milù represented by Compagnia Dei Caraibi 7-D16
Vecchio Amaro del Capo represented by Caffo Deutschland GmbH 3-B09
Nixta represented by Casa Lumbre 4-B33 Choya represented by CHOYA Umeshu (Deutschland) GmbH 1-A06
Half Crown Pink Grapefruit Gin Liqueur represented by Burlington Drinks Co. 1-A43
Half Crown Rhubarb and Ginger Gin Liqueur represented by Burlington Drinks Co. 1-A43
Limoncino dell´Isola represented by Caffo Deutschland GmbH 3-B09
Cocalero represented by Cranehouse GmbH 7-C16
Kalani represented by Cranehouse GmbH 7-C16 Liqueur
Diamante Acqua di Cedro represented by Compagnia Dei Caraibi 7-D16
CARDAMARO represented CARDAMAROby 5-B03
TOCCASANA DI TEODORO NEGRO represented by Gamondi 1-B02
Gabriello Lemon Cream represented by Gabriello Santoni srl 1-B48 Gin Santoni represented by Gabriello Santoni srl 1-B48 Italian Espresso Santoni represented by Gabriello Santoni srl 1-B48
Golden Moon Distillery, Colorado, USA represented by Distilled Spirits Council 4-B28
Passionebianca represented by Gabriello Santoni srl 1-B48
Freimeisterkollektiv represented Freimeisterkollektivby GmbH 1-B57
Limoncello Santoni represented by Gabriello Santoni srl 1-B48
Passionenera represented by Gabriello Santoni srl 1-B48 Sambuca d'Italia represented by Gabriello Santoni srl 1-B48
Vodka Tuscania represented by Gabriello Santoni srl 1-B48
Tia Maria represented by Illva Saronno S.p.a. 4-A21, 7-C11
CHIOS MASTIHA LIQUEUR PSYCHIS 100% DISTILLED represented by K. PSYCHIS & SONS DISTILLERY 4-A12 Minttu represented Kammer-Kirschby GmbH 1-B34, 1-B43, 3-C19
Mariquinhas Cherry Liquor represented by Icon Key, SA 3-A35 Disaronno represented by Illva Saronno S.p.a. 4-A21, 7-C11
129 Xtabentun represented by Cranehouse GmbH 7-C16
POMADA represented by Destilerías Xoriguer 8-B07
FISK Pure Raw Shot represented by FISK pure raw shot 1-B49
GAMONDI represented by Gamondi 1-B02
Glitter FISK Drink Mixer represented by Glitter FISK drink mixer 1-B49
Koval Distillery, Illinois, USA represented by Distilled Spirits Council 4-B28 Westward Whiskey, Oregon, USA represented by Distilled Spirits Council 4-B28 Caffè Moka represented by Distilleria Varnelli S.P.A. 7-C31 Punch Fantasia represented by Distilleria Varnelli S.P.A. 7-C31 Ciane represented by DISTILLERIE GUY 5-B15 Le Vert Sapin represented by DISTILLERIE GUY 5-B15 Marito represented by DIWISA Distillerie Willisau SA 5-A21 Deutsche Spirituosen Manufaktur represented by DSM Deutsche Spirituosen Manufaktur GmbH 3-D17
Mangaroca Batida represented by Henkell Freixenet Henkell & Co. Sektkellerei KG 7-A23, 7-B26 Roach Bitter represented by Hetere Group SRLS 5-A11
FISK The Classic Shot represented by FISK the classic shot 1-B49 La Valdotaine represented by Fratelli Francoli 1-B62
Rabarbaro - Rhubarb Amaro represented by Fundeghera 1939 8-A01 Sambüc - Elderflower and Honey Liqueur represented by Fundeghera 1939 8-A01 Amaretto di Toscana represented by Gabriello Santoni srl 1-B48 Gabriello Coffee Cream represented by Gabriello Santoni srl 1-B48
TATRATEA represented by Karloff, s.r.o. 1-B51
Laumer's Käsekuchen represented by Laumer`s Vertrieb - Markus Lozar 3-D09
Licor Beirão represented by LCWS Brands, Lda. 3-C22 St. Brendan's Irish Cream represented by Lux Row Distillers 3-C09
SLYRS Bavarian Single Malt Whisky Liqueur represented by SLYRS 3-A32 Liqueur
OLD JUDGE FALERNUM represented by Old Judge Spirits - Markus Altrichter 10.1-KH06
Carranca Redondo represented by LCWS Brands, Lda. 3-C22
Faretti Dessert Liqueurs represented by Michter’s Distillery 3-D23
Berliner Mumpitz represented by Olaf Grund Spreebrand 1-A46
Cold Brew X Coffee Liqueur represented by Röststätte Berlin Yvonne Weller-Jozinovic 4-A23
Alte Schwarzwälder Hausbrennerei 3-D18 Etter represented SchlumbergerbyVertriebsgesellschaft mbH & Co. KG 3-C23 SHIN represented by Shin Group Corporation Ltd. 1-B33
Deutschland GmbH 3-A17
Genepi Stravecchio represented by SAVIO s.r.l. 3-A16 Genepi Vrai represented by SAVIO s.r.l. 3-A16 Rum Malecon represented by SAVIO s.r.l. 3-A16 Schwarzwald Maraschino represented by Alfred Schladerer GmbH
Genepi Paolino Bio represented by SAVIO s.r.l. 3-A16
OLD JUDGE SPECIAL RESERVE represented by Old Judge Spirits - Markus Altrichter 10.1-KH06
Jägermeister represented Mast-Jägermeisterby
Maestro Café represented by Panarea Gin 1-B05
Pfeffi Berlin represented Reidemeisterby& Ulrichs GmbH 7.2-A01
Jägermeister MANIFEST represented Mast-Jägermeisterby Deutschland GmbH 3-A17
Laumer's Kaffee&Kuchen represented by Laumer`s Vertrieb - Markus Lozar 3-D09
KOVAL Cranberry Gin represented by Koval Distillery 1-A30
Jägermeister SCHARF represented Mast-Jägermeisterby Deutschland GmbH 3-A17
Genepi Nature represented by SAVIO s.r.l. 3-A16
Amaro Nonino represented by Nonino Distilllatori S.r.l. 3-C23
Fruko-Schulz liqueurs represented by LADOGA Group LTD. 5-B30
Mangaroca Batida represented by Henkell & Co. Sektkellerei KG 7-B26
Caffè Borghetti represented Reidemeisterby& Ulrichs GmbH 7.2-A01 Cointreau represented Reidemeisterby& Ulrichs GmbH 7.2-A01
Laumer's Schwarzwälder Kirschtorte represented by Laumer`s Vertrieb - Markus Lozar 3-D09
Pircher represented by Pircher Brennerei AG 8-D10
FISK Pure Raw Shot represented by United Drinks A/S 1-B49
Bitter Tuvè represented by Turin Vermouth 3-B01 Fernet Tuvè represented by Turin Vermouth 3-B01
Amaro Black Note represented by Turin Vermouth 3-B01
Sage Castro Liqueur represented by Tentoura Castro - G.P. Hahalis 4-B29
Thyme Castro Liqueur represented by Tentoura Castro - G.P. Hahalis 4-B29
The Bitter Truth represented by The Bitter Truth GmbH 3-B15
Tentoura Castro Liqueur represented by Tentoura Castro - G.P. Hahalis 4-B29
FISK The Classic Shot represented by United Drinks A/S 1-B49 Glitter FISK Drink Mixer represented by United Drinks A/S 1-B49 SOUR FISK Shot represented by United Drinks A/S 1-B49
Bergamot Castro Liqueur represented by
Grapefruit Castro Liqueur represented by Tentoura Castro - G.P. Hahalis 4-B29
L'Original Combier 8-C04 represented by Distillerie Combier Cocalero 1-B45 represented by Cocalero
Bébo - cuban coffee liqueur 7-C27 represented by De Kuyper Royal Distillers Cherry Heering 7-C27 represented by De Kuyper Royal Distillers
Honey Castro Liqueur represented by Tentoura Castro - G.P. Hahalis 4-B29
Mandarin Castro Liqueur represented by Tentoura Castro - G.P. Hahalis 4-B29
Mastiha Castro Liqueur represented by Tentoura Castro - G.P. Hahalis 4-B29
SOUR FISK Shot represented by SOUR FISK shot 1-B49
De Kuyper 7-C27 represented by De Kuyper Royal Distillers
Tentoura Castro - G.P. Hahalis 4-B29
Dragon Blood represented by Square Dranken NL B.V 5-B42
WENNEKER range liqueurs represented by Wenneker Distilleries 4-B39 Moutai represented by Wisdom Express GmbH 5-A29

LICOR 43 3-C27, Yard-05 represented by Licor 43 Limoncello di Capri 7-C14 represented by Molinari Italia SPA Molinari Sambuca 7-C14 represented by Molinari Italia SPA
Single Barrel Selection represented by 1423 Aps 10.1-KH02, 10.1-KH03
Mandarine Napoléon 7-C27 represented by De Kuyper Royal Distillers
Ron Cristobal represented by 1423 Aps 10.1-KH02, 10.1-KH03
Ron Esclavo represented by 1423 Aps 10.1-KH02, 10.1-KH03
Worthy Park represented by 1423 Aps 10.1-KH02, 10.1-KH03
Bacardí Gran Reserva Diez represented by Bacardi GmbH 3-A37a, 3-A37b Bacardí Reserva Ocho represented by Bacardi GmbH 3-A37a, 3-A37b
Rammstein Rum represented by 1423 Aps 10.1-KH02, 10.1-KH03
Bacardí Añejo Cuatro represented by Bacardi GmbH 3-A37a, 3-A37b
Liqueur – 010800 Rum
VOV Zabajone Liqueur 7-C14 represented by Molinari Italia SPA 010800 Rum BVB Dortmund represented by 1423 Aps 10.1-KH02, 10.1-KH03 Companero represented by 1423 Aps 10.1-KH02, 10.1-KH03

Kiyomi White Rum - Japanese Rum represented by BBC Vins & Spiritueux SARL 4-A42
Ron del Rey represented by Bodegas Rubio 1893 S.L. 8-B09 Ron Abuelo represented
Don Q Oak Barrel Spiced represented by Don Q Rum 1-B41
Don Q Sherry Cask Finish represented by Don Q Rum 1-B41
MatthiesenBORCO-MARKEN-IMPORTbyGmbH&Co.KG 3-A21 Ron Vacilón represented MatthiesenBORCO-MARKEN-IMPORTbyGmbH&Co.KG 3-A21
Don Q Anejo represented by Don Q Rum 1-B41
Don Q 151 represented by Don Q Rum 1-B41
NOT RUM represented by Elegantly Spirited Ltd 4-B03 Conde De Cuba represented by Fraternity Spirits World Inc. 7-D20 Ron Prohibido represented by Fraternity Spirits World Inc. 7-D20
Don Q Gold represented by Don Q Rum 1-B41
Relicario Dominican Rum represented by Beveland Distillers S.A. 7-D11
Bush Rum Original Spiced represented by Burlington Drinks Co. 1-A43
Teeda 5YO - Japanese Rum represented by BBC Vins & Spiritueux SARL 4-A42
Appleton Estate represented by Campari Deutschland GmbH 7-A01 Kléren represented by Compagnia Dei Caraibi 7-D16
PAPITO represented by Gamondi 1-B02
Don Q Gran Anejo represented by Don Q Rum 1-B41
Bush Rum Prickly pear represented by Burlington Drinks Co. 1-A43 Bush Rum Rhubarb represented by Burlington Drinks Co. 1-A43 Bush Rum Tropical Mango represented by Burlington Drinks Co. 1-A43
Westward Whiskey, Oregon, USA represented by Distilled Spirits Council 4-B28 Whistling Andy Distillery, Montana, USA represented by Distilled Spirits Council 4-B28
RUM SAISON represented by Distillerie Tessendier 5-B13 Caliche represented by Don Q Rum 1-B41
Don Q 2009 Signature Release represented by Don Q Rum 1-B41
Don Q Cristal represented by Don Q Rum 1-B41
Don Q Vermouth Cask Finish represented by Don Q Rum 1-B41
Red Eye Louie's, Alabama, USA represented by Distilled Spirits Council 4-B28
Marama Spiced Fijian Rum represented by Beveland Distillers S.A. 7-D11
Copalli Rum represented by Cranehouse GmbH 7-C16 CUT RUM represented by Proof Drinks Ltd 1-B15 Damoiseau represented by Damoiseau Export 1-B03 Caña Alta represented by Destileria Andina 4-B36a Ron Zacapa represented by Diageo Germany GmbH 11-Showroom
Koloa Rum, Hawaii, USA represented by Distilled Spirits Council 4-B28
mbH & Co.KG 3-D01 La Maison du Rhum represented HanseatischebyWeinhandelsgesellschaft
1731 Fine and Rare - Rum represented by Navy Island Rum Company 4-A34
The Demon's Share represented by LA Compagnia del Diablo 1-B25
mbH & Co.KG 3-D01 Domaine de Séverin represented HanseatischebyWeinhandelsgesellschaft
Clairin - The Spirit of Haiti represented by Kirsch Spirituosen e.K. 10.1-KH18 Hampden Estate represented by Kirsch Spirituosen e.K. 10.1-KH18
Plantation Rum represented by Maison Ferrand 10.1-KH01, 3-D24 Martí Auténtico Rum represented by Michter’s Distillery 3-D23
mbH & Co.KG 3-D01 Emperor represented HanseatischebyWeinhandelsgesellschaft
Peaky Blinder Rum represented by Halewood International LTD 7-D22 Coloma represented
Ron de Marinero Bio Fair Trade represented by Humbel Spezialitätenbrennerei 1-B55 William Hinton Rum represented by Icon Key, SA 3-A35
VERITAS - Foursquare & Hampden White Rum represented by Kirsch Spirituosen e.K. 10.1-KH18
La Hechicera represented by La Hechicera Company Ltd 3-D07
mbH & Co.KG 3-D01 Havana Club represented by Havana Club International - Pernod Ricard 7-A10
Hoxton Banana Rum represented by Hoxton Spirits LTD. 5-A18 M&P Cask Adventures represented by Humbel Spezialitätenbrennerei 1-B55
RUMULT represented by Rumult 3-A32 Ron Malteco represented by SAVIO s.r.l. 3-A16 Rum Malecon represented by SAVIO s.r.l. 3-A16 Foursquare represented SchlumbergerbyVertriebsges.mbH & Co. KG 3-C23 Rum
Navy Island Rum represented by Navy Island Rum Company 4-A34 Pacto Navio represented by Pernod Ricard Deutschland GmbH 10.1-KH05 Papa's Pilar Sherry Blend Rum represented by Papa’s Pilar Rum 8-B02 Papa’s Pilar Blonde Rum represented by Papa’s Pilar Rum 8-B02 Papa’s Pilar Dark Rum represented by Papa’s Pilar Rum 8-B02 CUT RUM represented by Proof Drinks LTD 1-B15, 1-B17
Flor de Cana represented Reidemeisterby& Ulrichs GmbH 7.2-A01 Mount Gay represented Reidemeisterby& Ulrichs GmbH 7.2-A01 The Kraken Black Spiced represented Reidemeisterby& Ulrichs GmbH 7.2-A01 Ron Colón Salvadoreño represented by Ron Colón Salvadoreño 7-D10
BUMBU Rum represented by Sovereign Brands LLC 7-B12
135 Matusalem represented SchlumbergerbyVertriebsges.mbH & Co. KG 3-C23 Foursquare represented by Foursquare Rum Distillery Schlumberger Vertriebsgesellschaft mbH & Co. KG 3-C23
CINECANE Popcorn Rum represented by Tastillery GmbH 10.0-KH04
Motörhead Premium Dark Rum represented by Square Dranken NL B.V 5-B42 Volbeat Rum represented by Square Dranken NL B.V 5-B42 Deadhead Rum represented by SUCOs DO BRASIL Productos Latino GmbH 1-A37 Ron Maximo XO Extra Premium represented by SUCOs DO BRASIL Productos Latino GmbH 1-A37 Ron Quorhum represented by SUCOs DO BRASIL Productos Latino GmbH 1-A37 Ron Unhiq XO represented by SUCOs DO BRASIL Productos Latino GmbH 1-A37 Spirits of Old Man represented by SUCOs DO BRASIL Productos Latino GmbH 1-A37
La Progresiva represented by The Island Rum Company AS 10.1-KH17
Tiki Lovers represented by The Bitter Truth GmbH 3-B15 Black Tears Dry Spiced crafted with Cuban Rum represented by The Island Rum Company AS 10.1-KH17
MAUND Rum - Port Pinot represented by The Wild Alps GmbH 1-A36 RUM 12y represented by The Wild Alps GmbH 1-A36 Black Ginger Rum thebrandbuilderby Vertriebs GmbH & Co.KG 7-C02 Bird represented by Two James Spirits 8-B03 Abuelo represented by Varela Hermanos S.A., 3-A22 represented by Vigo Group Sac 4-B36b Stork Spiced Rum represented by Wood Stork Spiced Rum Bimmerle Distillery 10.0-KH02 La Mauny 1-B58 represented by Bellonnie & Bourdillon Successeurs SAS Groupe BBS Rivières 1-B58 represented by Bellonnie & Bourdillon Successeurs SAS Groupe BBS DOS MADERAS 7-B02 represented by Bodegas Williams & Humbert Dead Man's Fingers 7-D22 represented by International LTD

The Real McCoy 10.1-KH07 represented by Spirit of Rum Event GmbH The Real McCoy 10.1-KH07 represented by The Real McCoy 010900 Tequila / Mezcal Banhez Mezcal de Pechuga represented by BANHEZ MEZCAL ARTESANAL 5-A13 Banhez Wild Arroqueno represented by BANHEZ MEZCAL ARTESANAL 5-A13
La Dama represented by Compagnia Dei Caraibi 7-D16
Banhez Wild Mexicano represented by BANHEZ MEZCAL ARTESANAL 5-A13
La Reina Raicilla represented by Compagnia Dei Caraibi 7-D16 La velenosa represented by Compagnia Dei Caraibi 7-D16 Rum – 010900 Tequila / Mezcal
Ojo de Tigre represented by Casa Lumbre 4-B33 Cazcabel Tequila represented by Cazcabel Tequila Proof Drinks Ltd 1-B17
Sierra Milenario Tequila represented MatthiesenBORCO-MARKEN-IMPORTbyGmbH&Co.KG 3-A21 Sierra Tequila represented MatthiesenBORCO-MARKEN-IMPORTbyGmbH&Co.KG 3-A21
Banhez Wild Tepeztate represented by BANHEZ MEZCAL ARTESANAL 5-A13
Ilegal Mezcal represented by Compagnia Dei Caraibi 7-D16
1 2 3 Tequila represented by Compagnia Dei Caraibi 7-D16
Marca Negra represented MatthiesenBORCO-MARKEN-IMPORTbyGmbH&Co.KG 3-A21
Banhez Wild Tobala represented by BANHEZ MEZCAL ARTESANAL 5-A13
La Chica Tequila represented by Burlington Drinks Co. 1-A43 Espolòn represented by Campari Deutschland GmbH 7-A01 Montelobos represented by Casa Lumbre 4-B33
Banhez Wild Cuishe represented by BANHEZ MEZCAL ARTESANAL 5-A13
Tres Sombreros represented by Beveland Distillers S.A. 7-D11
Banhez Wild Jabalí represented by BANHEZ MEZCAL ARTESANAL 5-A13

Yuu Baal represented by Compagnia Dei Caraibi 7-D16
CERTIFIED VODKA 1533 represented by KOCH EL MEZCAL 5-B09
San Matias Tequila represented by Cranehouse GmbH 7-C16 Santa Pedrera Mezcal represented by Cranehouse GmbH 7-C16
Cazcabel Tequila represented by Proof Drinks LTD 1-B15, 1-B17 Jose Cuervo represented Reidemeisterby& Ulrichs GmbH 7.2-A01 Mezcal Vago represented by Samson & Surrey LLC 4-B32
Oro De Coyame represented by Compagnia Dei Caraibi 7-D16
KOCH EL MEZCAL represented by KOCH EL MEZCAL 5-B09 El Mayor represented by Lux Row Distillers 3-C09 Exotico represented by Lux Row Distillers 3-C09 Juarez represented by Lux Row Distillers 3-C09
Cobalto Tequila represented by Cranehouse GmbH 7-C16 Espiritu Lauro mezcal represented by Cranehouse GmbH 7-C16 Montelobos Mezcal represented by Cranehouse GmbH 7-C16
Herencia Mexicana Añejo represented by Herencia Mexicana Tequila 1-A52 Herencia Mexicana Blanco represented by Herencia Mexicana Tequila 1-A52 Herencia Mexicana Extra Anejo represented by Herencia Mexicana Tequila 1-A52 Herencia Mexicana Reposado represented by Herencia Mexicana Tequila 1-A52
Tequila Ocho represented by Numero Ocho Ltd. 1-A44
ACDC Thunderstruck Tequila represented by Square Dranken NL B.V 5-B42
Rammstein Tequila represented by Square Dranken NL B.V 5-B42 Arette Añejo represented by Tequila Arette 4-B30 Arette Blanco represented by Tequila Arette 4-B30
Tequila Los Arango represented by Fraternity Spirits World Inc. 7-D20 Tequila QuitaPenas represented by Fraternity Spirits World Inc. 7-D20
CABO MAYA TEQUILA represented by Paola Simental Campos 1-B19 Altos Tequila represented by Pernod Ricard Mexico House of Tequila 7-A04
Pueblo Viejo Tequila represented by Cranehouse GmbH 7-C16
Freimeisterkollektiv represented Freimeisterkollektivby GmbH 1-B57 San Cosme represented by HMA Hanneder Maul Allnoch GmbH 3-A34
Ninfa Raicilla represented by Compagnia Dei Caraibi 7-D16
Red Eye Louie's, Alabama, USA represented by Distilled Spirits Council 4-B28
RAICILLA LA VENENOSA represented by El Arbol Del Pecado S.A. De C.V. 4-B30 Mezcal Perro de San Juan represented by Fraternity Spirits World Inc. 7-D20 Tequila Corralejo represented by Fraternity Spirits World Inc. 7-D20
Seis14 Sotol represented by Compagnia Dei Caraibi 7-D16 Sotol Coyote represented by Compagnia Dei Caraibi 7-D16
Arette Extra Añejo represented by Tequila Arette 4-B30 Arette Reposado represented by Tequila Arette 4-B30 Padre azul Anejo represented by Tradition Mexico GmbH 4-A32 Padre azul Blanco represented by Tradition Mexico GmbH 4-A32 Padre azul Reposado represented by Tradition Mexico GmbH 4-A32 Xiaman Mezcal represented by Tradition Mexico GmbH 4-A32 MEZCAL YULIIA CAFE represented by Turin Vermouth 3-B01 MEZCAL YULIIA COCO represented by Turin Vermouth 3-B01 MEZCAL YULIIA ESPADIN 40%ABV represented by Turin Vermouth 3-B01 MEZCAL YULIIA HIBISCUS represented by Turin Vermouth 3-B01 MEZCAL YULIIA MARACUYA represented by Turin Vermouth 3-B01
Eiko - Japanese Vodka represented by BBC Vins & Spiritueux SARL 4-A42 Beluga Vodka represented by Beluga Vodka International Limited 7-C21 Berlin Vodka 43,3% represented by Berliner Brandstifter GmbH 4-B25 Krova Vodka represented by Beveland Distillers S.A. 7-D11 Russian Standard Vodka represented MatthiesenBORCO-MARKEN-IMPORTbyGmbH&Co.KG 3-A21 Red Griffin Vodka represented by Burlington Drinks Co. 1-A43 SKYY Vodka represented by Campari Deutschland GmbH 7-A01
BANHEZ MEZCAL ESPADIN/BARRIL 5-A13 represented by BANHEZ MEZCAL ARTESANAL 011000 Vodka Pyla represented by ALAMBIC SAS 5-B21 Outerspace Vodka represented by Anker Amsterdam Spirits B.V. 1-B07 Baciamano Salis Vodka 40 represented by BACIAMANO ITALIAN FINEST SPIRITS 8-B01 Baciamano Vodka 40 represented by BACIAMANO ITALIAN FINEST SPIRITS 8-B01
Purity Mediterranean Citrus Spritz represented by Purity Distillery 5-B32 Purity Super 17 Premium Organic Vodka represented by Purity Distillery 5-B32 Purity Ultra 34 Premium Organic Vodka represented by Purity Distillery 5-B32 Tequila / Mezcal – 011000 Vodka
Purity Connoisseur 51 Reserve Organic Vodka represented by Purity Distillery 5-B32

Wyborowa Wodka represented Kammer-Kirschby GmbH 1-B34, 1-B43, 3-C19
RYE MALT VODKA represented by Moe Distillery 5-B11
ILLE-GAL represented by Gamondi 1-B02 JJ Whitley Vodka represented by Halewood International LTD 7-D22 Vestal represented by Halewood International LTD 7-D22 Birch Vodka represented by Hammer & Son Ltd 1-B27 Kinetic German Vodka represented by Hardenberg Distillery 7-D13
Red Eye Louie's, Alabama, USA represented by Distilled Spirits Council 4-B28 Westward Whiskey, Oregon, USA represented by Distilled Spirits Council 4-B28
Kremlinca Premium Vodka, Russia represented by For Friends Limited 8-D01 Sobolinaya Superior Organic Vodka,France represented by For Friends Limited 8-D01
Whistling Andy Distillery, Montana, USA represented by Distilled Spirits Council 4-B28
Hven Organic Vodka represented by Cranehouse GmbH 7-C16 the King Vodka represented by Dario Lindermeier 4-A40 Vodka 14 Inkas represented by DESTILERIA ESPIRITU ANDINO S.A.C. 4-B36c Ketel One represented by Diageo Germany GmbH 11-Showroom Arizona Distilling, Arizona, USA represented by Distilled Spirits Council 4-B28
XELLENT Swiss Vodka represented by DIWISA Distillerie Willisau SA 5-A21 NOT VODKA represented by Elegantly Spirited Ltd 4-B03
Freimeisterkollektiv represented Freimeisterkollektivby GmbH 1-B57
Hops organic vodka represented by Moe Distillery 5-B11
Hemp organic Vodka represented by Moe Distillery 5-B11
Blinking Owl, California, USA represented by Distilled Spirits Council 4-B28 Koval Distilling, Illinois, USA represented by Distilled Spirits Council 4-B28
CZECHOSLOVAKIA VODKA represented by Karloff, s.r.o. 1-B51 Imperial Gold represented by LADOGA Group LTD. 5-B30 Bavarka Vodka represented LANTENHAMMERby Destillerie 3-A32 Pearl represented by Lux Row Distillers 3-C09 MAMONT VODKA represented by MAMONT 7-C12
DKW Deutscher Kartoffel Wodka Bio represented by Humbel Spezialitätenbrennerei 1-B55 Kakuzo Earl Grey Vodka represented by Kakuzo GmbH 3-D15
Xellent Organic Wheat Vodka represented by DIWISA Distillerie Willisau SA 5-A21
RYE 1886 organic vodka represented by Moe Distillery 5-B11
Crop Organic Vodkas represented by Michter’s Distillery 3-D23
Bellingshausen Vodka represented by Crafter´s 4-B43
KeyRye Vodka represented by Compagnia Dei Caraibi 7-D16
Chilli organic vodka represented by Moe Distillery 5-B11 Golden Root vodka represented by Moe Distillery 5-B11
Pear Vodka represented
140140 MARKEN NACH WARENGRUPPEN / BRANDS BY PRODUCT GROUPS SILVER SWAN PURE RYE represented by Moe Distillery 5-B11 Belvedere represented by Moet Hennessy Deutschland GmbH 7-C20 Taigun represented by Moose Spirits GmbH 5-B25 3 Kilos Vodka represented by Qantima Group 1-A12 Stolichnaya represented Reidemeisterby& Ulrichs GmbH 7.2-A01 ROBERTO CAVALLI VODKA represented by Roberto Cavalli Vodka - Tuscany SRL 1-B48 Greenmark Vodka represented by Roust Global Headquarters 3-B21 Russian Standard Vodka represented by Roust Global Headquarters 3-B21 Zubrowka Vodka represented by Roust Global Headquarters 3-B21 Squadra Russa represented by Roy Barrique UG (haftungsbeschränkt) 1-A38 THREE SIXTY VODKA represented by Schwarze und Schlichte GmbH 3-B17 Assaranca Vodka represented by Sliabh Liag Distillery 5-B06 Ghost represented by Square Dranken NL B.V 5-B42 Hammerfall Vodka represented by Square Dranken NL B.V 5-B42 Motörhead Vodka represented by Square Dranken NL B.V 5-B42 Rammstein Vodka represented by Square Dranken NL B.V 5-B42
THE WILD ALPS SCHNAPZ represented by The Wild Alps GmbH
4-B42 Wildhorn
8-B03 14 INKAS
& Co.KG 7-C02 28 Island
& Co.KG 7-C02 Pravda Vodka represented
1-A36 Pravda Espresso Vodka represented
THE WILD ALPS by The Wild Alps GmbH
THE WILD ALPS VODKA represented by The Wild Alps GmbH thebrandbuilderby Vertriebs GmbH thebrandbuilderby Vertriebs GmbH represented by Two James Spirits represented by Vigo Group Sac Rübe represented by Wilhelm Kisker GmbH Alpine Vodka represented by Weisshorn Spirits by by
Sarl 011100 Wermut / Quinquina Vermouth / Quinquina Leonce represented
Allied Brands S.r.l. 1-B46 011000 Vodka – 011100 Vermouth / Quinquina

La Fuerza vermouth Blanco represented by La Fuerza Vermouth 5-B12
Bordiga Bianco represented by Bordiga 1888 7-D21 Bordiga Extradry represented by Bordiga 1888 7-D21 Bordiga Rosso represented by Bordiga 1888 7-D21 Excelsior represented by Bordiga 1888 7-D21
La Fuerza vermouth Rojo represented by La Fuerza Vermouth 5-B12 Lustau Vermut represented SchlumbergerbyVertriebsgesellschaft mbH & Co. KG 3-C23 Antica Formula represented Reidemeisterby& Ulrichs GmbH 7.2-A01 Punt e Mes represented Reidemeisterby& Ulrichs GmbH 7.2-A01 Emilio Lustau Wermut represented SchlumbergerbyVertriebsges.mbH & Co. KG 3-C23 Junique Castro wine represented by Tentoura Castro - G.P. Hahalis 4-B29
THE WILD ALPS VERMOUTH represented by The Wild Alps GmbH 1-A36 Vermouth Drapò Bianco represented by Turin Vermouth 3-B01 Vermouth Drapò Dry represented by Turin Vermouth 3-B01 Vermouth Drapò Gran Riserva represented by Turin Vermouth 3-B01 Vermouth Drapò Rosè represented by Turin Vermouth 3-B01 Vermouth Drapò Rosso represented by Turin Vermouth 3-B01
Riserva Carlo Alberto Vermouth represented by Compagnia Dei Caraibi 7-D16 Belsazar represented by Diageo Germany GmbH 11-Showroom Freimeisterkollektiv represented Freimeisterkollektivby GmbH 1-B57 Vermut Riserva Natale Mario represented by Fundeghera 1939 8-A01
ROXMUT CIDER VERMOUTH represented by Gallinal Drinks SL 8-B06
ATAMAN Original Vermut represented by Jacquart Champagne Deutschland GmbH 7-D25
GAMONDI represented by Gamondi 1-B02 Cocchi Americano Bianco represented by Giulio Cocchi Spumanti Srl 7-D30 Cocchi Americano Rosa represented by Giulio Cocchi Spumanti Srl 7-D30 Cocchi Barolo Chinato represented by Giulio Cocchi Spumanti Srl 7-D30 Cocchi Dopo Teatro Vermouth Amaro represented by Giulio Cocchi Spumanti Srl 7-D30 Cocchi Riserva La Venaria Reale represented by Giulio Cocchi Spumanti Srl 7-D30 Cocchi Storico Vermouth di Torino represented by Giulio Cocchi Spumanti Srl 7-D30 La Copa Vermouth represented by Gonzalez Byass SA 7-A21, 7-B22
HELMUT der Rote represented by Helmut Wermut GbR, Markus Weiß Nils Liedmann GbR 8-A03
HELMUT der Weiße represented by Helmut Wermut GbR, Markus Weiß Nils Liedmann GbR 8-A03
VERMOOD VERMOUTH rosso represented by Tentoura Castro - G.P. Hahalis 4-B29
VERMOOD VERMOUTH bianco represented by Tentoura Castro - G.P. Hahalis 4-B29
Limestone Branch Distillery, Kentucky, USA represented by Distilled Spirits Council 4-B28
JACK DANIEL'S Tennessee Rye represented Brown-Formanby Deutschland GmbH 3-A27
Vermouth / Quinquina – 011203 Irish Whiskey
Golden Moon Distillery, Colorado, USA represented by Distilled Spirits Council 4-B28
La Quintinye Vermouth Royal 7-E13 represented by Maison Villevert 011201 American Whiskey
Uncle Nearest, Tennessee, USA represented by Distilled Spirits Council 4-B28
JACK DANIEL'S Single Barrel Strength represented Brown-Formanby Deutschland GmbH 3-A27
JACK DANIEL'S Gentleman Jack represented Brown-Formanby Deutschland GmbH 3-A27
JACK DANIEL'S Single Barrel represented Brown-Formanby Deutschland GmbH 3-A27
Blinking Owl Distillery, California, USA represented by Distilled Spirits Council 4-B28
Sagamore Spirit, Maryland, USA represented by Distilled Spirits Council 4-B28
Koval Distillery, Illinois, USA represented by Distilled Spirits Council 4-B28
JACK DANIEL'S Single Barrel Rye represented Brown-Formanby Deutschland GmbH 3-A27
James E. Pepper Distilling, Kentucky, USA represented by Distilled Spirits Council 4-B28
JACK DANIEL'S Tennessee Whiskey represented Brown-Formanby Deutschland GmbH 3-A27 Woodford Reserve represented Brown-Formanby Deutschland GmbH 3-A27 Wild Turkey represented by Campari Deutschland GmbH 7-A01 Catskill represented by Compagnia Dei Caraibi 7-D16 Few Bourbon represented by Cranehouse GmbH 7-C16 Few Rye represented by Cranehouse GmbH 7-C16 Widow Jane Bourbon represented by Cranehouse GmbH 7-C16 Bib & Tucker represented by Deutsch Family Wine & Spirits 5-B23 Redemption represented by Deutsch Family Wine & Spirits 5-B23 Bulleit represented by Diageo Germany GmbH 11-Showroom
Arizona Distilling, Arizona, USA represented by Distilled Spirits Council 4-B28
Westward Whiskey, Oregon, USA represented by Distilled Spirits Council 4-B28 American Eagle represented by Halewood International LTD 7-D22 011100
Catoctin Creek, Virginia, USA represented by Distilled Spirits Council 4-B28

Yellowstone represented by Lux Row Distillers 3-C09 Michter's represented by Michter’s Distillery 3-D23
Widow Jane Bourbon & Rye represented by Samson & Surrey LLC 4-B32
David Nicholson represented by Lux Row Distillers 3-C09 Ezra Brooks represented by Lux Row Distillers 3-C09 Minor Case Rye represented by Lux Row Distillers 3-C09
Gelston Irish Whiskey represented by Halewood International LTD 7-D22
Motörhead Whiskey represented by Square Dranken NL B.V 5-B42
Bushmills represented Reidemeisterby& Ulrichs GmbH 7.2-A01
KOVAL Rye Whiskey represented by Koval Distillery 1-A30
Peaky Blinder Irish Whiskey represented by Halewood International LTD 7-D22
The Sexton represented Reidemeisterby& Ulrichs GmbH 7.2-A01
J.Riddle Peated Bourbon represented by Two James Spirits 8-B03 011202 Canadian Whisky
Rebel Yell represented by Lux Row Distillers 3-C09
SPICE MONKEY represented by La Claudia Italia, S.L 1-B21
Lord Calvert represented by Lux Row Distillers 3-C09 011203 Irish Whiskey
Catcher's Rye represented by Two James Spirits 8-B03
Elijah Craig represented by Heaven Hill Distilleries Inc. 3-B23
Jameson Whiskey represented by Jameson Whiskey 7-A09
The Quiet Man represented by Lux Row Distillers 3-C09
Egan´s Irish Whiskey represented by Cranehouse GmbH 7-C16
Evan Williams represented by Heaven Hill Distilleries Inc. 3-B23 Mellow Corn represented by Heaven Hill Distilleries Inc. 3-B23 Pikesville represented by Heaven Hill Distilleries Inc. 3-B23 Rittenhouse represented by Heaven Hill Distilleries Inc. 3-B23
Hammer And Son Rye Whiskey represented by Hammer & Son Ltd 1-B27
Grass Widow Bourbon represented by Two James Spirits 8-B03
KOVAL Four Brain Whiskey represented by Koval Distillery 1-A30 KOVAL Millet Whiskey represented by Koval Distillery 1-A30
Peaky Blinder Bourbon represented by Halewood International LTD 7-D22
Blood Oath represented by Lux Row Distillers 3-C09
Masterson's represented by Deutsch Family Wine & Spirits 5-B23
FEW Spirits Bourbon & Rye represented by Samson & Surrey LLC 4-B32
KOVAL Bourbon Whiskey represented by Koval Distillery 1-A30
Pogues Irish Whiskey represented by Halewood International LTD 7-D22
Dalaruan represented by The Lost Distillery Company 8-B08
Gerston represented by The Lost Distillery Company 8-B08 Jericho represented by The Lost Distillery Company 8-B08
Towiemore represented by The Lost Distillery Company 8-B08
The Glenturret Sherry Edition represented by Glenturret Distillery 5-A01
Lossit represented by The Lost Distillery Company 8-B08
The Glenturret Triplewood Edition represented by Glenturret Distillery 5-A01 John Crabbie Whisky represented by Halewood International LTD 7-D22 Peaky Blinder Scotch Whisky represented by Halewood International LTD 7-D22 Glen Scotia represented HanseatischebyWeinhandelsgesellschaft mbH & Co.KG 3-D01
The Glenturret 10 year old represented by Glenturret Distillery 5-A01
Stratheden represented by The Lost Distillery Company 8-B08
The Glenturret Peated Edition represented by Glenturret Distillery 5-A01
Longrow represented HanseatischebyWeinhandelsgesellschaft mbH & Co.KG 3-D01
SMOKEHEAD ISLAY SINGLE MALT SCOTCH WHISKY represented by Ian MacLeod Distillers Ltd. 1-B30, 1-B40
Auchnagie represented by The Lost Distillery Company 8-B08
Ardbeg represented by Moet Hennessy Deutschland GmbH 7-C20
Glenmorangie represented by Moet Hennessy Deutschland GmbH 7-C20
Balblair represented Reidemeisterby& Ulrichs GmbH 7.2-A01
Bruichladdich represented Reidemeisterby& Ulrichs GmbH 7.2-A01 Irish Whiskey – 011207 Whisky - Other
5-B06 Writers'
Kilkerran represented HanseatischebyWeinhandelsgesellschaft mbH & Co.KG 3-D01
Glenfarclas represented HanseatischebyWeinhandelsgesellschaft mbH & Co.KG 3-D01 Hazelburn represented HanseatischebyWeinhandelsgesellschaft mbH & Co.KG 3-D01
The Legendary Silkie Irish Whiskey represented by Sliabh Liag Distillery Tears represented by Writers' Tears Irish Whiskey 1-A29 Scotch Whisky Glen Silver's Scotch Whisky represented by Beveland Distillers S.A. 7-D11 Whisky represented by Burlington Drinks Co. 1-A43 Grant represented by Campari Deutschland GmbH 7-A01 Johnnie Walker represented by Diageo Germany GmbH 11-Showroom represented by Diageo Germany GmbH 11-Showroom Regional Malts represented by Douglas Laing & Co. Ltd 7-C01
Benromach represented SchlumbergerbyVertriebsges.mbH & Co. KG 3-C23
The Tottori - Japanese Blended Whisky represented by BBC Vins & Spiritueux SARL 4-A42 Nikka Whisky represented
Maund Whisky - Founders Reserve 2013 represented by The Wild Alps GmbH 1-A36 Maund Whisky - Singel Malt 2014 represented by The Wild Alps GmbH 1-A36
Hatozaki Whisky represented SchlumbergerbyVertriebsges.mbH & Co. KG 3-C23
NOMAD OUTLAND WHISKY represented by Gonzalez Byass SA 7-A21, 7-B22 The Glenreuss Organic Whisky represented by Humbel Spezialitätenbrennerei 1-B55 Kyrö Juuri represented by Kyrö Distillery Company 3-C13, Yard 08 Kyrö Malt represented by Kyrö Distillery Company 3-C13, Yard 08
SHINOBU represented by Shin Group Corporation Ltd. 1-B33
Stonewood - The Bavarian Whisky represented by Schraml- Die Steinwald- Brennerei e.K. 4-A36, 4-A38
STORK CLUB Rye Whiskey represented by Spreewood Distillers GmbH 3-D05
011205 Japanischer Whisky
AMAHAGAN represented by Shin Group Corporation Ltd. 1-B33 KUJIRA represented by Shin Group Corporation Ltd. 1-B33
011207 Whisky - Sonstige Whisky - Other Abasolo represented by Casa Lumbre 4-B33
Kensei represented by Compagnia Dei Caraibi 7-D16 Enso represented by Fraternity Spirits World Inc. 7-D20 Kensei represented by Fraternity Spirits World Inc. 7-D20 Nobushi represented by Fraternity Spirits World Inc. 7-D20
Whistling Andy Distillery, Montana, USA represented by Distilled Spirits Council 4-B28
Brenne French Single Malt represented by Samson & Surrey LLC 4-B32 Penderyn represented SchlumbergerbyVertriebsges.mbH & Co. KG 3-C23
The Matsui - Japanese Single Malt represented by BBC Vins & Spiritueux SARL 4-A42
Fujimi - Japanese Blended Whisky represented by BBC Vins & Spiritueux SARL 4-A42
The Kurayoshi - Japanese Pure Malt represented by BBC Vins & Spiritueux SARL 4-A42
011206 GSA FreimeisterkollektivWhisky represented Freimeisterkollektivby GmbH 1-B57
SILD Crannog Single Malt Whisky represented by SILD 3-A32 SLYRS Bavarian Single Malt Whisky represented by SLYRS 3-A32
Fuyu - Japanese Blended Whisky represented by BBC Vins & Spiritueux SARL 4-A42
Japanes Whisky
Old Pulteney represented Reidemeisterby& Ulrichs GmbH 7.2-A01
Port Charlotte represented Reidemeisterby& Ulrichs GmbH 7.2-A01
Beverbach German Whiskey represented by Hardenberg Distillery 7-D13
CARDAMARO represented CARDAMAROby 5-B03 Pulque Destilado represented by Casa Lumbre 4-B33 Sotomayor represented by Casa Lumbre 4-B33 CHOYA BIO UME FRUCHT LIKÖR represented by CHOYA Umeshu (Deutschland) GmbH 1-A06
Hooghoudt Aged Genever represented by Hooghoudt Distillers BV 3-D16
Grappa Dorèe Cocchi represented by Giulio Cocchi Spumanti Srl 7-D30
Hooghoudt Sweet Spiced Genever represented by Hooghoudt Distillers BV 3-D16
St. Laurent Acerum - Maple spirits represented by Distillerie du St. Laurent 8-B11
King Korn represented by Cranehouse GmbH 7-C16
Deutsche Spirituosen Manufaktur represented by DSM Deutsche Spirituosen Manufaktur GmbH 3-D17
Freimeisterkollektiv represented Freimeisterkollektivby GmbH 1-B57
Pontarlier-Anis represented by DISTILLERIE GUY 5-B15
Whisky - Other – 020200 Sparkling Wine
Hardenberg Korn represented by Hardenberg Distillery 7-D13
Grappa Bianca Cocchi represented by Giulio Cocchi Spumanti Srl 7-D30
OTTO Crafted Korn by Fürst Bismarck represented by Henkell Freixenet Henkell & Co. Sektkellerei KG 7-A23, 7-B26
Hooghoudt RAW Genever represented by Hooghoudt Distillers BV 3-D16
Hooghoudt Zero-Zero 24 non-alcoholic represented by Hooghoudt Distillers BV 3-D16
MATACUY represented by Destileria Andina 4-B36a Varnelli Anice Secco represented by Distilleria Varnelli S.P.A. 7-C31
Motorhead Single Malt Whisky represented by Square Dranken NL B.V 5-B42 Single Malt Whisky represented by Square Dranken NL B.V 5-B42 Smoking Gun represented by Two James Spirits 8-B03 Spirituosen - Sonstige Spirits - Other Premium Kornbrand 38% represented by Berliner Brandstifter GmbH 4-B25 1429 KAZE AWAMORI represented by Blueship Okinawa co., Ltd 4-A45 1429 MIZU AWAMORI represented by Blueship Okinawa co., Ltd 4-A45 1429 TSUCHI AWAMORI represented by Blueship Okinawa co., Ltd 4-A45 Cocktail Bitters represented by Bobby´s Gin Company 5-B14 FELIPE LICOR represented by Bodegas Rubio 1893 S.L. 8-B09 Kümmel represented 3-A21
Grappa Alta Langa Cocchi represented by Giulio Cocchi Spumanti Srl 7-D30
147 OUZO OF CHIOS PSYCHIS REMPIKO 100% DISTILLED represented by K. PSYCHIS & SONS DISTILLERY 4-A12 TSIPOURO PSYCHIS DOUBLE DISTILLED represented by K. PSYCHIS & SONS DISTILLERY 4-A12 Kakuzo Green Buddha represented by Kakuzo GmbH 3-D15 MAMONT BLOOD BITTER represented by MAMONT 7-C12
De Kuyper Royal Distillers 020000 Wein und Schaumwein Wine and Sparkling Wine 020100 ChampagneChampagneChampagnerBarbichon Bio represented by Humbel Spezialitätenbrennerei 1-B55 Champagne Leclerc Bio represented by Humbel Spezialitätenbrennerei 1-B55 Champagne JACQUART represented by Jacquart Champagne Deutschland GmbH 7-D25 Moët & Chandon represented by Moet Hennessy Deutschland GmbH 7-C20 Veuve Clicquot represented by Moet Hennessy Deutschland GmbH 7-C20 Carbon Champagne represented by Qantima Group 1-A12 Piper-Heidsieck represented Reidemeisterby& Ulrichs GmbH 7.2-A01 Champagne Louis Roederer represented SchlumbergerbyVertriebsgesellschaft mbH & Co. KG 3-C23 Roederer represented SchlumbergerbyVertriebsges.mbH & Co. KG 3-C23 020200 ArdenghiSparklingSchaumweineWine represented by Ardenghi Srl 5-A37 Doppionodo Organic represented by Ardenghi Srl 5-A37
5-B11 Rowanberry
Seedlip Limited 4-A37 Skadi Frozen Cocktails represented
Wisdom Express GmbH 5-A29 Rutte Old Simon Genever 7-C27 represented
4-A45 Seedlip represented
Skadi Frozen Cocktails 1-B29 STORK CLUB Rye Korn represented
Spreewood Distillers GmbH 3-D05 TheBitterNote represented
TBN Srl 8-B12 Moutai represented
HANDSA black garlic brandy represented by Moe Distillery organic brandy represented by Moe Distillery wild garlic brandy represented by Moe Distillery Sour represented by Moe Distillery 5-B11 Sour represented by Moe Distillery 5-B11 Botanical Spirit represented by Nc'nean Distillery 8-C01 Crafted Korn by Fürst Bismarck represented by Fürstlich von Bismarck´sche Brennerei GmbH 7-B26 1429 KAZE AWAMORI represented by RUYKYU 1429 4-A45 1429 MIZU AWAMORI represented by RUYKYU 1429 4-A45 RYUKYU 1429 TSUCHI AWAMORI represented by RUYKYU 1429 by by by by by by

Bodegas Can Vidalet, S.L. 5-A04 020304 Südweine - Sherry Fortified Wine - Sherry DON ZOILO represented
Bodegas Williams & Humbert 7-B02 DRY SACK represented
7-B22 Emilio
020303 Südweine - Portwein Fortified Wine - Port Port by by by by by represented by Gonzalez Byass SA 7-A21, Lustau represented SchlumbergerbyVertriebsges.mbH & Co. KG Sake Samurai represented by BBC Vins & Spiritueux SARL 4-A42 Sake represented by CHOYA Umeshu (Deutschland) GmbH 1-A06 Sake represented SchlumbergerbyVertriebsges.mbH & Co. KG 3-C23 represented by Shin Group Corporation Ltd. 1-B33 DoppionodoWineWein- Organic represented by Ardenghi Srl 5-A37 represented by Ardenghi Srl
de Cecili represented
5-A37 020200 Sparkling Wine – 030200 Ginger Ale / Ginger Beer
Cocchi Alta Langa Pas Dose represented by Giulio Cocchi Spumanti Srl 7-D30
Cocchi Alta Langa Rosa represented by Giulio Cocchi Spumanti Srl 7-D30 Cocchi Alta Langa TotoCorde represented by Giulio Cocchi Spumanti Srl 7-D30 Cocchi Asti represented by Giulio Cocchi Spumanti Srl 7-D30 Cocchi Brachetto d'Acqui represented by Giulio Cocchi Spumanti Srl 7-D30 Cocchi Brut represented by Giulio Cocchi Spumanti Srl 7-D30 Clarabella Franciacorta represented by Humbel Spezialitätenbrennerei 1-B55 MOLETTO represented by Moletto Soc. Agr. s.s. 8-D07
Bodegas Williams & Humbert 7-B02 Solera Especial represented
Valdomino represented by Ardenghi Srl 5-A37 CHOYA Sparkling represented by CHOYA Umeshu (Deutschland) GmbH 1-A06
Bodegas Williams & Humbert 7-B02 González Byass Sherries represented
Gonzalez Byass SA 7-A21, 7-B22 Tio Pepe Fino Sherry
Geldermann represented Reidemeisterby& Ulrichs GmbH 7.2-A01 Luc Belaire represented by Sovereign Brands LLC 7-B12
Cocchi Alta Langa Bianc d Bianc represented by Giulio Cocchi Spumanti Srl 7-D30
3-C23 020400
PLUS EIGHT LEMON TONIC represented by F. & G. SRL Compagnia di Commercio 4-A52
Fentimans Ginger Beer and Muddled Lime represented by Fentimans Ltd 3-B11
Fentimans Ginger Beer represented by Fentimans Ltd 3-B11
Thomas Henry Bitter Lemon represented by Thomas Henry GmbH & Co. KG 7-A19
PLUS EIGHT GINGER BEER represented by F. & G. SRL Compagnia di Commercio 4-A52
Fentimans Ginger Ale represented by Fentimans Ltd 3-B11
Sepultura represented by Square Dranken NL B.V 5-B42 Slayer represented by Square Dranken NL B.V 5-B42 030000 Fillers und Softdrink Fillers and
030200 Ginger Ale / Ginger Beer
Folkington's represented by Folkington’s 1-B11
J.GASCO represented by J. Gasco SRL 7-D09
Fentimans Bitter Lemonade represented by Fentimans Ltd 3-B11
Folkington's represented by Folkington’s 1-B11
Swiss Mountain Spring Bitter Lemon represented by Swiss Mountain Spring 3-A18
PLUS EIGHT GINGER ALE represented by F. & G. SRL Compagnia di Commercio 4-A52
Swiss Mountain Spring Salty Grapefruit represented by Swiss Mountain Spring 3-A18
149 Valdomino represented by Ardenghi Srl 5-A37 Ivan Dolac represented by Badel 1862 d.d. 5-B38 Korlat Cabarnet Sauvignon represented by Badel 1862 d.d. 5-B38 Korlat Merlot represented by Badel 1862 d.d. 5-B38 Korlat Syrah represented by Badel 1862 d.d. 5-B38 Plavac Hvar represented by Badel 1862 d.d. 5-B38 Plavac Mediterano represented by Badel 1862 d.d. 5-B38 Vezak Chardonnay represented by Badel 1862 d.d. 5-B38 Vezak Graševina represented by Badel 1862 d.d. 5-B38 Vezak Graševina vrhunska represented by Badel 1862 d.d. 5-B38 Vezak Sauvignon represented by Badel 1862 d.d. 5-B38 Barros de Cecili represented by Bodegas Can Vidalet, S.L. 5-A04 Blanc de Blancs represented by Bodegas Can Vidalet, S.L. 5-A04 Blanc de Negres represented by Bodegas Can Vidalet, S.L. 5-A04 Ses Pedres represented by Bodegas Can Vidalet, S.L. 5-A04 So del Xiprer represented by Bodegas Can Vidalet, S.L. 5-A04 CHOYA Original, Silver, Silv.Redweinh. Getränke mit Japanischer Ume represented by CHOYA Umeshu (Deutschland) GmbH 1-A06 Motörhead represented by Square Dranken NL B.V 5-B42 Rolling Stones Merlot represented by Square Dranken NL B.V 5-B42 Softdrink BitterBitterlimonadenLemonades
Jarritos Mexican Cola represented by Jarritos Deutschland 7-D14
Smoked Orange-Ginger Ale represented by Swiss Mountain Spring 3-A18 South Beans-Ginger Ale represented by Swiss Mountain Spring 3-A18 Swiss Mountain Spring Ginger Ale represented by Swiss Mountain Spring 3-A18 Swiss Mountain Spring Ginger Beer represented by Swiss Mountain Spring 3-A18 Thomas Henry Ginger Ale represented by Thomas Henry GmbH & Co. KG 7-A19 030300
fritz-kola weniger zucker represented by fritz-kola 3-C16 mischmasch fritz-kola mit orange represented by fritz-kola 3-C16
Coca-ColaColaKola represented by Coca-Cola European Partners Deutschland GmbH 7-C25 Coca-Cola light taste represented by Coca-Cola European Partners Deutschland GmbH 7-C25
fritz-kola karamell-kaffee represented by fritz-kola 3-C16 fritz-kola ohne zucker represented by fritz-kola 3-C16
Coca-Cola Zero Sugar represented by Coca-Cola European Partners Deutschland GmbH 7-C25 PLUS EIGHT COLA represented by F. & G. SRL Compagnia di Commercio 4-A52
Ginger Ale / Ginger Beer – 030700 Syrup and Concentrate
Paloma Lemonade represented MatthiesenBORCO-MARKEN-IMPORTbyGmbH&Co.KG 3-A21
030400 LemonadeLimonade
Fanta Orange represented by Coca-Cola European Partners Deutschland GmbH 7-C25 mezzo mix represented by Coca-Cola European Partners Deutschland GmbH 7-C25 Sprite represented by Coca-Cola European Partners Deutschland GmbH 7-C25
Anjola Ananas-Limette represented by fritz-kola 3-C16
Fentimans Rose Lemonade represented by Fentimans Ltd 3-B11
Coca-Cola Signature Mixers represented by Coca-Cola European Partners Deutschland GmbH 7-C25
Fentimans Cherry Cola represented by Fentimans Ltd 3-B11 Fentimans Curiosity Cola represented by Fentimans Ltd 3-B11 fritz-kola represented by fritz-kola 3-C16 fritz-kola bio represented by fritz-kola 3-C16
Luscombe Lemonades represented by Cranehouse GmbH 7-C16
Fentimans Victorian Lemonade represented by Fentimans Ltd 3-B11
Folkington's represented by Folkington’s 1-B11
Swiss Mountain Spring Soda represented by Swiss Mountain Spring 3-A18 Swiss Mountain Spring Tonicum Soda represented by Swiss Mountain Spring 3-A18
The Elderflower represented by Soda Libre GmbH 7-B15
Jarritos Mandarine represented by Jarritos Deutschland 7-D14 Jarritos Mango represented by Jarritos Deutschland 7-D14 Jarritos Tamarinde represented by Jarritos Deutschland 7-D14
Thomas Henry Soda Water represented by Thomas Henry GmbH & Co. KG 7-A19
BARDJUS represented by BAR' DJUS 5-B10
Folkington's represented by Folkington’s 1-B11
J.GASCO represented by J. Gasco SRL 7-D09
Beso Concentrado de Agave represented by AliasSmith AB 4-B33 Finest Call represented by American Beverage Marketers 7-A28
Swiss Mountain Spring Mediterranean Lemonade represented by Swiss Mountain Spring 3-A18
Thomas Henry Spicy Ginger represented by Thomas Henry GmbH & Co. KG 7-A19
fritz-limo apfel-kirsch-holunder represented by fritz-kola 3-C16
The Basil represented by Soda Libre GmbH 7-B15
030700 Sirup und Konzentrat Syrup and Concentrate Eyguebelle represented by Aelred Spirits 1-B37
Reàl Cocktail Ingredients represented by American Beverage Marketers 7-A28
Thomas Henry Mystic Mango represented by Thomas Henry GmbH & Co. KG 7-A19
fritz-limo honigmelone represented by fritz-kola 3-C16
Jarritos Ananas represented by Jarritos Deutschland 7-D14
030600 Säfte und Schorlen Fruit Juices
Jarritos Grapefruit represented by Jarritos Deutschland 7-D14 Jarritos Guave represented by Jarritos Deutschland 7-D14 Jarritos Limette represented by Jarritos Deutschland 7-D14
030500 MineralMineralwasserWater
fritz-limo orange represented by fritz-kola 3-C16 fritz-limo zitrone represented by fritz-kola 3-C16
Thomas Henry Ultimate Grapefruit represented by Thomas Henry GmbH & Co. KG 7-A19
fritz-spritz bio-rhabarberschorle represented by fritz-kola 3-C16 fritz-spritz bio-traubenschorle represented by fritz-kola 3-C16
House of Broughton Cucumber Syrup represented by Fentimans Ltd 3-B11
House of Broughton Elderflower Syrup represented by Fentimans Ltd 3-B11
fritz-spritz bio-apfelschorle represented by fritz-kola 3-C16
Thomas Henry Elderflower Tonic represented by Thomas Henry GmbH & Co. KG 7-A19
Bellini Cipriani represented by Cipriani Industria Spa 5-A35 Franklin and Sons represented by Franklin & Sons Ltd 3-A02 fritz-mate represented by fritz-kola 3-C16
Thomas Henry Tonic Water represented by Thomas Henry GmbH & Co. KG 7-A19 MR PERKINS represented by Vigo Group Sac 4-B36b
152152 MARKEN NACH WARENGRUPPEN / BRANDS BY PRODUCT GROUPS 030800 Tonic Water Luscombe Tonics represented by Cranehouse GmbH 7-C16 PLUS EIGHT ELDERFLOWER TONIC WATER represented by F. & G. SRL Compagnia di Commercio 4-A52 PLUS EIGHT PITAYA TONIC WATER represented by F. & G. SRL Compagnia di Commercio 4-A52 PLUS EIGHT TONIC WATER represented by F. & G. SRL Compagnia di Commercio 4-A52 PLUS EIGHT VULCAN TONIC WATER represented by F. & G. SRL Compagnia di Commercio 4-A52 Folkington's represented by Folkington’s 1-B11 Franklin and Sons represented by Franklin & Sons Ltd 3-A02 J.GASCO represented by J. Gasco SRL 7-D09 ORIGINAL PREMIUM TONIC WATER represented MAGNIFIQUEbyBRANDS SL 3-A28 1724 represented Reidemeisterby& Ulrichs GmbH 7.2-A01 Swiss Mountain Spring Classic Tonic Water represented by Swiss Mountain Spring 3-A18 Swiss Mountain Spring Classic Tonic Water Zero represented by Swiss Mountain Spring 3-A18 Swiss Mountain Spring Dry Tonic Water represented by Swiss Mountain Spring 3-A18 Swiss Mountain Spring Ginger & Lemongrass Tonic Water represented by Swiss Mountain Spring 3-A18 Swiss Mountain Spring Rosemary Tonic Water represented by Swiss Mountain Spring 3-A18
Thomas Henry Cherry Blossom Tonic represented by Thomas Henry GmbH & Co. KG 7-A19
040000 Bier / Craft Beer und Cider Beer / Craft Beer and Cider 040101 Bier / Craft Beer - Ale 'It's Been A While' IPA represented by Berliner Berg GmbH 1-B20
030900 Fillers und Softdrink - Sonstige Fillers and Softdrink - Other ffeel® represented by 10X Innovation GmbH & Co. KG 4-A16
030 Berlin Pale Ale represented by Brauerei Lemke Berlin GmbH 1-A23
India Pale Ale represented by Brauerei Lemke Berlin GmbH 1-A23
Thomas Henry Cofee Tonic represented by Thomas Henry GmbH & Co. KG 7-A19
030800 Tonic Water – 040113 Beer / Craft Beer - Other
Bier / Craft Beer - Dunkles / Schwarzes
Bier / Craft Beer - Wheat Lemke Weizen represented by Brauerei Lemke Berlin GmbH 1-A23 Maldita Beer represented by Icon Key, SA 3-A35 040113
Behemoth IPA and Black IPA represented by Square Dranken NL B.V 5-B42 Grale represented by Square Dranken NL B.V 5-B42 Slayer Red Ale represented by Square Dranken NL B.V 5-B42
Bier / Craft Beer - Sonstige Beer / Craft Beer - Other Lemke Hopfenweiße represented by Brauerei Lemke Berlin GmbH 1-A23 Crabbie Alcoholic Ginger Beer represented by Halewood International LTD 7-D22 Maldita represented by Icon Key, SA 3-A35 Small Beer Co. Session Pale represented by Small Beer Brew Co. Ltd 1-A28
Berliner Berg Pils represented by Berliner Berg GmbH 1-B20 Bohemian Pilsner represented by Brauerei Lemke Berlin GmbH 1-A23 Trooper by Iron Maiden represented by Square Dranken NL B.V 5-B42 040110
Bier / Craft Beer - Stout Imperial Stout Barrel Blend represented by Brauerei Lemke Berlin GmbH 1-A23 040112
Bier / Craft Beer - Weizen
Bier / Craft Beer - Berliner Weisse / Berlin White Berliner Berg Berliner Weiße represented by Berliner Berg GmbH 1-B20 Budike Weisse represented by Brauerei Lemke Berlin GmbH 1-A23 Himbeer Weisse represented by Brauerei Lemke Berlin GmbH 1-A23 Waldmeister Weisse represented by Brauerei Lemke Berlin GmbH 1-A23 040105
Bier / Craft Beer - Helles Bier / Craft Beer - Lager Small Beer Co. Lager represented by Small Beer Brew Co. Ltd 1-A28
Bier / Craft Beer - Porter Maldita Beer represented by Icon Key, SA 3-A35 040111
153 SpreeCoast IPA represented by Brauerei Lemke Berlin GmbH 1-A23 Guzman y Gonzalez Brown Ale represented by Guzman y Gonzalez 7-D14 Guzman y Gonzalez Golden Ale represented by Guzman y Gonzalez 7-D14
Bier / Craft Beer - Berliner Weisse
Bier / Craft Beer - Dark „Original“ Wiener Lager represented by Brauerei Lemke Berlin GmbH 1-A23 Small Beer Co. Dark represented by Small Beer Brew Co. Ltd 1-A28 040106
Bier / Craft Beer - Pils
154154 MARKEN NACH WARENGRUPPEN / BRANDS BY PRODUCT GROUPS Small Beer Co. Steam represented by Small Beer Brew Co. Ltd 1-A28 040200 Cider EXNER FARM CRAFT APPLE CIDER represented by Gallinal Drinks SL 8-B06 050000 Kaffee, Tee und Heißgetränke Coffee, Tea and Hot Beverages 050300 RöststätteCoffeeKaffee-RöstungenRoastsBerlin represented by Röststätte Berlin Yvonne Weller-Jozinovic 4-A23 050400 Kaffee- / Teezubehör Coffee / Tea Accessoires represented by Carbotek Systems GmbH 4-B22 050500 Kaffee, Tee und Heißgetränke - Maschinen Coffee and Tea Machines represented by Carbotek Systems GmbH 4-B22 Victoria Arduino represented by Röststätte Berlin Yvonne Weller-Jozinovic 4-A23 050600 Heißgetränke - Tee-Sorten Hot Beverages - Tea Varieties KUSMI TEA represented by Orientis GmbH 7-A18b 070000 Ausstattung und Barbedarf Equipment and Bar Supplies 070101 Barzubehör - Geräte Bar Accessoires - Bar Machines Hoshizaki und Gram represented by Hoshizaki Deutschland 3-A08 iSi Nitro, Nitro Chargers, Soda Siphons, Soda Chargers represented by ISI GmbH 1-A11 070102 Barzubehör - Werkzeuge Bar Accessoires - Tools Bonzer represented by Bonzer Barware 3-A06 Pullparrot represented by Bonzer Barware 3-A06 Pulltex represented by Bonzer Barware 3-A06 Spillstop represented by Bonzer Barware 3-A06 Store N Pour represented by Bonzer Barware 3-A06 Urban Bar represented by Urban Bar 7-D19 BIRDY represented by Yokoyama Kogyo Co., Ltd 1-B13 070500 Ausstattung und Barbedarf - Gläser Equipment and Bar Supplies - Glasses HALM represented by HALM Straws GmbH 3-C08 Perfect Serve Collection by Stephan Hinz SPIEGELAU represented by Hinzself Production GmbH 7-B15 040113 Beer / Craft Beer - Other – 100000 Services and Consulting
155 Urban Bar represented by Urban Bar 7-D19 Schott Zwiesel represented by Zwiesel Kristallglas AG 4-A08 Zwiesel 1872 represented by Zwiesel Kristallglas AG 4-A08 070900 Ausstattung und Barbedarf - Kühlschränke Equipment and Bar Supplies - Refrigerators Hoshizaki und Gram represented by Hoshizaki Deutschland 3-A08 071300 Ausstattung und BarbedarfTischwäsche / Kleidung Equipment and Bar SuppliesTable Linen / Clothing Barside Work Line represented by Barside KFT 1-A03 071400 Ausstattung und Barbedarf - Werbeartikel Equipment and Bar SuppliesPromotional Products Bonzer represented by Bonzer Barware 3-A06 Pullparrot represented by Bonzer Barware 3-A06 Pulltex represented by Bonzer Barware 3-A06 Spillstop represented by Bonzer Barware 3-A06 Store N Pour represented by Bonzer Barware 3-A06 HALM represented by HALM Straws GmbH 3-C08 Contento represented Stiefelmayer-Contentoby GmbH & Co. KG 8-B16 071600 Ausstattung und Barbedarf - Zutaten Equipment and Bar Supplies - Ingredients Fee Brothers Fee Foam represented by Fee Brothers, Inc. 1-A50 Koppert Cress represented by Koppert Cress B.V. 1-B09 071700 Ausstattung und Barbedarf - Sonstige Equipment and Bar Supplies - Other Bonzer represented by Bonzer Barware 3-A06 represented by Carbotek Systems GmbH 4-B22 HALM represented by HALM Straws GmbH 3-C08 ICE FORWARD ICE BLOCK MACHINE represented by Hinzself Production GmbH 7-B15 STIR + STRAW represented by Hinzself Production GmbH 7-B15 Hoshizaki und Gram represented by Hoshizaki Deutschland 3-A08 BarBaydos represented Stiefelmayer-Contentoby GmbH & Co. KG 8-B16 090000 Literatur und Medien Literature and Media CLASS represented by Agile Media Ltd Drinks International & CLASS. 4-B05, 5-Media Lounge Drinks International represented by Agile Media Ltd Drinks International & CLASS. 4-B05, 5-Media Lounge 100000 Dienstleistung und Beratung Services and Consulting Cocktails_for_You represented by Soda Libre GmbH 7-B15

158 AUSSTELLER /// EXHIBITORS Brew Berlin Aussteller / ExhibitorCoffee Aussteller / Exhibitor 10X INNOVATION GMBH & CO. KG 4-A16 Mehringdamm 57, Hof 2/3, Aufgang L 10961 Berlin, Germany E-Mail: ffeel® - Kaffee trifft Frucht. ffeel® ist ein natürliches Erfrischungsgetränk, das die belebende Wirkung von Cold Brew Coffee und den frischen Geschmack von Superfruits vereint - Ohne Zuckerzusatz und 100% vegan. Das vitalisie rende Lifestyle-Getränk ist i?n 3 Sorten erhältlich: Grapefruit Yuzu, Calamansi Tangerine und Coconat Mango. Innovativ, erfrischend, und hervorragend als Filler für Cocktails geeignet! 1423 APS 10.1-KH02, 10.1-KH03 Sivlandvaenget 1 5260 Odense S, Denmark Tel.: +45 2636 9306 E-Mail: Web: Denmarkwww.1423.dkbasedspirits producer and importer specialized in premium rum presents some of the strongest brand on the European Market included Worthy Park, Companero and SBS. ABK6 COGNAC - SINGLE ESTATE 5-A31 Domaine de chez Maillard, 1, route du 16440MénagerClaix, France Tel.: +33 545 663572 Fax: +33 545 664834 E-Mail: Web: "SINGLEwww.abecassis-cognac.comESTATECOGNAC"With370 hectares of Vineyard, the independent producer offer 4 brands ABK6 COGNACLEYRAT COGNAC REVISEUR COGNAC and the ORGANIC Gins and Vodka GRANDS DOMAINES. ACQUAVITE SPA 1-B62 via Bosco 43 31028 Vazzola, Italy Tel.: +39 3288 1237 84 Fax: +39 4387 9488 9 E-Mail: Web: GRAPPAwww.grappacastagner.itANDAMAROPRODUCER BASED IN VENETO (ITALY). ADAMUS ORGANIC DRY GIN 4-B38 Rua de cima - São Lourenço do Bairro, AnadiaLevira 3780-174, Portugal Tel.: +351911767616 Fax: WeWeb:E-Mail:+351231596058comercial@destilarialevira.comwww.adamus.ptareexpertsintheproductionofliqueurs and spirit drinks. Our philosophy is based on GENUINE SPIRIT. AELRED SPIRITS 1-B37 Domaine Eyguebelle, 3, Chemin de la 26230MéjeonneValaurie, France Tel.: +33 475 9864 64 Fax: +33 475 9859 39 E-Mail: Web: Aelredwww.eyguebelle.comisthelatestbrandfrom Eyguebelle, a company with historic roots in the heart of the Drôme Provençale, offering a range of premium quality spirits with Elegance and Finesse. 1-AL

159Aussteller sucht Distributoren / Exhibitor searches for distributors AGILE MEDIA LTD 4-B05, 5-MEDIA LOUNGE DRINKS INTERNATIONAL & CLASS. Longley House, International Drive, Southgate Avenue Crawley, WSX RH106AQ, United Kingdom Tel.: + 44 1293 590043 E-Mail: Web: Publisherswww.drinksint.comofDrinksInternational and CLASS magazines. Organisers of the CLASS Bar Awards & the Bartenders' Brands Awards. Official media partner to The World's 50 Best Bars. AJ BAR TOOLS GERMANY 8-B04 Frohnstr. 30 42555 Velbert, Germany Tel.: +49 151 26330766 E-Mail: Web: AJ Bar Tools Germany liefert das unverzichtbare Werkzeug zum Genuss des legendären Mint Julep. In perfekter Qualität und in verschiedenen Farben erhältlich. AKASHI SAKE BREWERY CO., LTD. 7-C13 1-3 Akashi-city,OkurahachimanchoHyogo6730871, Japan Tel.: +81 78 9190 277 Fax: +81 78 9194 377 E-Mail: Web: 135° EAST stimulates the unexpected; it is a Hyogo Dry Gin batch distilled both with essentially Japanese and traditional London Dry botanicals. The perfect balance between complexity & harmony. ALAMBIC SAS 5-B21 Domaine de Poumeyrade 33870 Vayres, France Tel.: +33 5575 5121 2 Fax: +33 5575 5121 3 E-Mail: Web: Alambicwww.sorgin.fristhepurveyor for premium craft French Spirits all made in Bordeaux. Our portfolio: Sorgin Gin from Sauvignon Blanc, Pyla Vodka, Leonce Vermouths and Aqua premium Brandy. ALEXANDRION GROUP ROMANIA S.R.L 1-B65 Comuva Bucov, 161 Fabricilor 5 street Pleasa Village 107113, Romania Tel.: +40 799 7268 10 Fax: +357 2465 2111 E-Mail: Web: Alexandrionwww.alexandriongroup.comGroupisacombination
of history, tradition, experience passion dating back to 1789. As a spirits and wines producer, Alexandrion Group owns one of the biggest production facilities in South East Europe – The Alexandrion Distillery – as well as vineyards and a wine production plant in Romania. With the plan announced for a new, state-of-the-art US Distillery in New York, the Group is transforming into a Global Producer of spirits The Group currently has Romania, Cyprus, Greece Brazil.
offices and subsidiaries in
and wines.

160 AUSSTELLER /// EXHIBITORS Brew Berlin Aussteller / ExhibitorCoffee Aussteller / Exhibitor ALIASSMITH AB 4-B33 Upplandsgatan 49, 7th floor Stockholm 113 28, Sweden Tel.: +46 8309 855 Fax: +46 855 1164 76 E-Mail: Web: AliasSmithwww.aliassmith.comisTHEEuropean importer of Mexican Spirits like Tequila and Mezcal. We are now supplying 20 countries in Europe and are always ready to open up new markets. ALLIED BRANDS S.R.L. 1-B46 Corso Statuto 12 12084 Mondovi, Italy Tel.: +39 0174 3309 40 Fax: +39 0174 5534 25 E-Mail: Web: Allied Brands is a global leader in the production and marketing of high quality italian products for the WINE&SPIRITS sector: XENTA ABSENTA absinth and GRAN TORINO 1861 Vermouth. ALOHA ASSETS CORP. 10.1-KH04 PH 7400 East, Apto 23 Calle 74, con Via Israel, San Fransisco Panama PH 7400, Panama Tel.: +52 1 3331272950 E-Mail: Web: Headquarteredwww.nativorum.cominPanama City, Panama, Aloha Assets Corp. is committed to supplying the market with the finest, high-quality rums. ALTE HAUSBRENNEREI PENNINGER GMBH 3-D11 Industriestr. 18 94051 Hauzenberg, Germany Tel.: +49 8586 9611 0 Fax: +49 8586 9611 22 E-Mail: Web: Das Familienunternehmen Penninger hat sich neben ihrem traditionellen Kräuterlikör Blutwurz in den letzten Jahren mit GRANIT Gin und GRAPHIT Rum einen Namen gemacht. AMARCODE 4-A39 Via Roma 7/B 10043 Orbassano, Italy Tel.: +39 3460827006 E-Mail: Web: AMARCODEwww.amarcode.itisanewline of made in Italy liqueurs. Contem porary products but with solid roots in tradition. AMERICAN BEVERAGE MARKETERS 7-A28 810 Progress Blvd. New Albany, IN 47150, United States Tel.: +49 172 1744 641 E-Mail: Web: Americanwww.abmcocktails.comBeverageMarketers haben sich auf die Herstellung von professionellen Cocktailzutaten, wie Pürees und Sirups ganz ohne künstliche Aromen spezialisiert: Finest Call & Reàl Ingredients. AL-AR

161Aussteller sucht Distributoren / Exhibitor searches for distributors ANGOSTURA LTD. 3-B06 Corner of Eastern Main Road & Trinity Avenue Laventille - Port of Spain , Trinidad and Tobago Tel.: +1868 6231 841 Fax: +1868 6321 47 E-Mail: Web: The House of Angostura is one of the Caribbean's leading rum producers with a superb collection of rum brands and is the world's market leader for Aromatic Bitters. ANKER AMSTERDAM SPIRITS B.V. 1-B07 Slego 2 1046 BM Amsterdam, The Netherlands Tel.: +31 2060 6305 0 Fax: +31 2060 6304 9 E-Mail: Web: Independentwww.ankeramsterdamspirits.nlbeveragewholesaler. APPLIC'ETAINS 1-B22 Zl La Maladrerie Ouest 24300 Nontron, France Tel.: +33 5535 6909 8 E-Mail: Web: Applic’Etains,www.applicetains.comweltweiteiner der führenden SelbstklebeEtiketten aus Zinn. Die Etiketten können in verschiedenen Farben und Ausführungen, wie z.B. mit Antikeffekt hergestellt werden. ARCUS NORWAY AS 7-B21 Destilleriveien 11 Hagan NO-1481, Norway Tel.: +47 67 0650 00 Fax: +47 67 0641 50 E-Mail: Web: Arcuswww.arcus.noASistderProduzent von Linie Aquavit, Lysholm No52 sowie von Opland Aquavit. Unser Fokus ist die Verbindung von Craftmanship, Tradition und modernsten Produktions techniken. ARDENGHI SRL 5-A37 Via Pier Fortunato Calvi, 122 31015 Conegliano, Italy Tel.: +39 04381736349 E-Mail: Web: Proseccowww.proseccoardenghi.itArdenghi&P31Aperitivo Green. ARTISAN SPIRITS LTD. 3-A11 4th Floor, 150 West George Street Glasgow, G2 2HG, United Kingdom Tel.: +44 141 248 6060 E-Mail: Web:

162 AUSSTELLER /// EXHIBITORS Brew Berlin Aussteller / ExhibitorCoffee Aussteller / Exhibitor ASBACH 7-B13 TEAMSPIRIT MARKENGETRÄNKEINTERNATIONALEGMBH Hubert-Underberg-Allee 1 47495 Rheinberg, Germany Tel.: +49 2843 920 371 Fax: +49 2843 920-475 E-Mail: Web: Asbachwww.teamspirit.deUralt,dieeinzigartige deutsche Spezialität aus Rüdesheim am romantischen Rhein, ist einer der traditions reichen großen Markenartikel. ASOCIACIÓN DE PRODUCTORES DE PISCO AG 5-B27 Los Carrera 380, 4º p, Oficina 414 La Serena 1710072, Chile Tel.: +5651 2226 484 E-Mail: Web: Pisco Chile AG gathers the pisco producers to represent their interests on protecting, promoting and defencing the oldest designation of Origin in the Americas established in 1931, Chile. AUWALD DESTILLE GBR 4-A44 Weißenfelser Str. 63 04229 Leipzig, Germany Tel.: +49 172 6677412 E-Mail: Web: PFFF & KRSCH: Pfefferminz- und Kirschlikör ohne Schnick schnack! Wer braucht schon Farbstoff, künstliche Aromen, Glitzer & Blingbling? Wir nicht! Dafür maximaler Genuss zum fairen Preis! AZZURRA S.R.L. 1-B35 via del Bando, 34 Borgo Maggiore 47893, San Marino Tel.: +378 0549 961390 E-Mail: Web: ICYSHOTwww.theicyshot.comcanhelpyougive your brands visibility and guarantee the best drinking experience. We can tailor it to all of your wishes and assure you that you have the top of the line! BACARDI GLOBAL BRANDS 3-B14 12 Steward St. London, E1 6FQ, United Kingdom Tel.: +44 7915 5084 78 E-Mail: Web: AS-BA

163Aussteller sucht Distributoren / Exhibitor searches for distributors BACARDI GMBH 3-A37A, 3-A37B Hindenburgstr. 49 22297 Hamburg, Germany Tel.: +49 40 3395 00 E-Mail: Welcomertempel@bacardi.comtoPUERTORICO!This year BACARDÍ invites it's guest to enjoy some delicious RUM drinks from the legendary team of LA FACTORIA. BACIAMANO ITALIAN FINEST SPIRITS 8-B01 Via Bouzzi 21/27 20090 Pieve Emanuele, Italy E-Mail: Web: In 2018 was born, from our passion for spirits, the Italian brand BACIAMANO FINEST SPIRITS. We started with gin, our favorite spirit, to create a range of unique products. BADEL 1862 D.D. 5-B38 Vlaska 116 10000 Zagreb, Croatia Tel.: +38 598496656 E-Mail: Web: BADELwww.badel1862.hr1862istheleading spirits and wine producer set in the capital of Croatia, Zagreb with its headquarter. BADEL Brand is a synonym for spirits known throughout the Adria region. BALIS GMBH 7-A26 Holzstrasse 17 80469 München, Germany Tel.: +49 151 5800 1947 E-Mail: Web: BALISwww.balis-drinks.comstandsforuniqueproducts in premium quality. Natural ingredients in extraordinary combinations. One product offers a world of possibilities. GOOD DRINKS – MADE EASY. BANHEZ MEZCAL ARTESANAL 5-A13 350 W 57th street, Suite 8E New York, NY 10019, United States Tel.: BANHEZWeb:E-Mail:+12152755218scott@cnibrands.comwww.cnibrands.comCo-OpOwnedMezcal is a San Francisco World Spirits Competition Double Gold/Best Mezcal Winner. It is a blend of espadin and barril agaves, from over 35 families in Ejutla, Oax. BARCELO 7-A15 SCHWARZE UND SCHLICHTE GMBH Paulsburg 1-3 59302 Oelde, Germany Tel.: +49 2522 9302 245 Fax: +49 2522 9302 9245 E-Mail: Web: Als westfälisches Familienunternehmen mit Sitz in Oelde/ Westfalen verfügt Schwarze und Schlichte über 350 Jahre Tradition und Erfahrung in der Brennkunst.

164 AUSSTELLER /// EXHIBITORS Brew Berlin Aussteller / ExhibitorCoffee Aussteller / Exhibitor BAR CONVENT BERLIN 3-1.OG - MESSELEITUNG / SHOW MANAGEMENTE-Mail: Web: Habenwww.barconvent.comSieFragenoderbenötigen Sie Unterstützung bei der Realisierung eines reibungslosen und erfolgreichen Messeauftritts? Das BCB-Team hilft Ihnen gerne weiter. Kommen Sie während der Messelaufzeit in das Show Management Büro in Halle 3 im 1. OG. Do you have any questions or do you need support? The BCB Team will be happy to assist you with your trade fair participation. Visit us at the counter of the Show Management in hall 3 on the 1st level! BAR' DJUS 5-B10 Rundageren 4, kl 2640 Hedehusene, Denmark Tel.: +45 28949378 E-Mail: Web: BARDJUSwww.bardjus.dkproduceorganic and conventional cold-pressed juice for cocktails and drinks. Variants: Lime, Lemon and Ginger - We freeze it to expand the durability and to make it export friendly. BARSIDE KFT 1-A03 Közraktár utca 12. Budapest 1093, Hungary Tel.: unique, premium quality, handcrafted aprons, bags and accessories for bartenders. BBC VINS & SPIRITUEUX SARL 4-A42 3 Quai Hubert Prom, Résidence Côté Bassin Local 333002Bordeaux, France Tel.: +33 556 862529 Fax: +33 556 860343 E-Mail: Web: BBC Spirits was found in Bordeaux in 2010. Japanese Spirits (Whisky, Gin, Rum, Saké, Shochu, Liqueurs ...) are our main focus and we thrive to develop a global world presence bric by bric. BA-BE

165Aussteller sucht Distributoren / Exhibitor searches for distributors BCB MATCHMAKING LOUNGE 10.2 Tel.: +49 211 90 191296 E-Mail: Nutzen Sie jetzt die kostenfreie matchmaking Plattform unter und vereinbaren Sie Termine mit interessanten Gesprächspartnern. Die BCB matchmaking Lounge im 2. OG im Kühlhaus bietet Ihnen für vereinbarte Termine eine professionelle und entspannte Atmosphäre. Das matchmaking Team berät Sie gerne vor Ort und macht Sie mit Ihren Gesprächspartnern bekannt. Arrange meetings with interesting contacts via our free of charge matchmaking platform The matchmaking lounge in the Kühlhaus on the 2nd level is offering you the ideal surrounding for your arranged meetings with a pleasant and professional atmosphere. The matchmaking team is pleased to advice you onsite and introduces you to your meeting partners. BEAM SUNTORY DEUTSCHLAND GMBH 9-LOFT Unterschweinstiege 2-14 60549 Frankfurt am Main, Germany Tel.: +49 69 430 530 0 Fax: +49 69 430 530 340 E-Mail: Web: Die Beam Suntory Deutschland GmbH mit Sitz in Frankfurt ist eine der führenden Gesellschaften für Marketing und Vertrieb von Premiumspirituosen auf dem deutschen Markt. Eine der bekanntesten Marken des Unternehmens ist Jim Beam Bourbon. Zum Markenportfolio gehören neben Jim Beam internationale Whisk(e)ymarken wie Maker’s Mark, Knob Creek, Laphroaig, Bowmore, Highland Park, Macallan, Kilbeggan, Connemara, Yamazaki, Hakushu und Hibiki. Des Weiteren umfasst das Portfolio bekannte Marken wie Sipsmith Gin, Roku Gin, Larios Gin und Brugal Rum. BELLONNIE & BOURDILLON SUCCESSEURS SAS 1-B58 GROUPE BBS ZI de Genipa -BP Ducos 97224, Martinique Tel.: +33 155788345 Fax: +33 155788349 E-Mail: Web: Trois Rivières and Maison La Mauny are 2 of the major brands of rum agricole made with pure sugarcane juice and AOC Martinique. Because they use the best traditional manufacturing methods they elaborate quality, elegant rums that are renowned and have won many prizes at the greatest international contests. BELMONT FARM DISTILLERY 1-B28 13490 Cedar Run Rd Culpeper, VA VA 22701, United States Tel.: +1 540-825-3207 E-Mail: Web: Belmontwww.vdacs.virginia.govFarmDistillerytakes its homegrown grains to glass in a 1930’s copper pot still, making a range of farm-raised products, including moonshine, whiskey, spiced rum, and bourbon.

166 AUSSTELLER /// EXHIBITORS Brew Berlin Aussteller / ExhibitorCoffee Aussteller / Exhibitor BELUGA VODKA INTERNATIONAL LIMITED 7-C21 Arch. Makariou III, 206, Chrysalia Court Limassol 3030, Cyprus Tel.: +357 252 5382 4 Fax: +357 253 4853 4 E-Mail: Web: vodka made from natural malt spirit and pure artesian water on Mariinsk distillery with centuries-old history and traditions of vodka making in Siberia. BELVINI.DE GMBH 7-A11 Franklinstraße 28 10587 Berlin, Germany Tel.: +49 3528 2298110 Fax: +49 3528 2298119 E-Mail: Web: Prämiertewww.belvini.deSpirituosen der Brennerei WILD (bester Whisky DE), COGNAC GILBERT,Korn & Fummeln von BANNEKE, SILVIO CARTA, TOSO und ein brillantes Wein-Portfolio von BELViNi. DE | ViNOCOMMERCE BERGBRENNEREI LÖWEN 1-A35 Rehmen 87 6883 Au-Rehmen, Austria Tel.: +43 5573 8220 3504 E-Mail: Web: In der Bergbrennerei Löwen kreieren wir feine Produkte für einzigartigen Genuss. Dazu gehören u.a. die besonderen Gin-Sorten, die wir aus besten Rohstoffen fertigen. BERLINER BERG GMBH 1-B20 Kopfstraße 59 12053 Berlin, Germany Tel.: +49 30 6443 5906 Fax: +49 30 6443 5907 E-Mail: Web: 2015 sind wir angetreten, um unserer geliebten Stadt das Bier zu geben, das zu ihr passt. Darum haben wir Berliner Berg gegründet. Bei uns trifft deutsche Braukunst auf Craft Beer Culture. BERLINER BRANDSTIFTER GMBH 4-B25 Mauerstraße 80 10117 Berlin, Germany Tel.: +49 30 2135 561 E-Mail: Web: Berlinerwww.berlinerbrandstifter.comBrandstifterhatsichderEntwicklung und Herstellung besonders edler Brände mit eigenständigem Berliner Charakter verpflichtet. BE-BL

167Aussteller sucht Distributoren / Exhibitor searches for distributors BERLINER KAFFEERÖSTEREI 4-A11, 4-B12, 4-B14 GIEST & COMPAGNON VERTRIEBS GMBH Sickingenstraße 20 - 28 10553 Berlin, Germany Tel.: +493088677920 Fax: BERLINER LUFT 1-A31 Alt-Kaulsdorf 1/11 Gutshof 12621 Berlin, Germany Tel.: +49 3056 5780 Fax: +49 3056 5781 65 E-Mail: Web: Berlinerwww.schilkin.deLuft:DerKlare Pfefferminzlikör aus dem Hause Schilkin, Einatmen - Ausatmen. Gut geeignet für Longdrinks oder Shots, gekühlt oder mit Eis genießen. BEVELAND DISTILLERS S.A. 7-D11 c/ Pladevall, 13 17857 Beguda -Sant Joan Les Fonts, Spain Tel.: +34 6061 8538 4 Fax: +34 972 293023 E-Mail: Web: Bevelandwww.beveland.comDistillershasextensive experience and a portfolio of products in which the very smallest details have been taken into account in order to obtain an excellent result. BIG DROP BREWING LTD 1-A14 46 St. Nicholas Street Ipswich, SUF IP1 1TT, United Kingdom Tel.: +44 7966321717 E-Mail: Web: Big Drop, an award-winning naturally brewed range of Alcohol free beers, has turned the brewing process on its head, effectively creating a new category and introducing a new audience to full flavoured 0.5% beers. BIONADE GMBH 1-A05 Nordheimer Strasse 14 97645 Ostheim / Rhön, Germany Tel.: +49 9777 910122 Fax: +49 9777 1453 E-Mail: Web: Wir sind die mit 100 % Bio-Qualität. Die mit den ungewöhnlichen Sorten, die mit Liebe zur Region und vollem Fokus auf Nachhaltigkeit. Und die mit dem Hype in den 90ern sind wir auch. BITTER QUEENS, LLC 8-A02 5320 Diamond Heights Blvd K207 San Francisco, 94131, United States Tel.: +1 408 6237 394 E-Mail: Web: Bitter Queens is a small-production, San Francisco based bitters business raising the bar through the creation of unique, handcrafted bitters and cocktail accoutrements. BLOOMSBURY CLUB UK 5-B02 69/85 Tabernacle Street London, EC2A4BD, United Kingdom Tel.: +44 7867806347 E-Mail: Web: Gin Lane 1751 a range of 4 handcrafted London Distilled gins by Master Distiller Charles Maxwell. Celebrating the Victorian gin-making era. London Dry, Royal Strength, Victoria Pink & Old Tom.

168 AUSSTELLER /// EXHIBITORS Brew Berlin Aussteller / ExhibitorCoffee Aussteller / Exhibitor BLUECOAT GIN 4-B32 Town Center One - Suite 1909, 8950 SW 74th Court Miami, FL 33156, United States Tel.: + 1 305 501 2344 E-Mail: Web: Bluecoatwww.samsonandsurrey.comisapioneeroftheAmerican revolution in Gin, whose organic botanicals and citrus flavor profile produce superior cocktails. BLUESHIP OKINAWA CO., LTD 4-A45 601 Kumoji UF Building, 2-22-12 Kumoji Naha City 900-00015, Japan Tel.: +81 988946770 E-Mail: Web: RYUKYUwww.ryukyu1429.com1429AuthenticAwamori is the spirit of Okinawa. With over 600 years of history, Awamori is known to be Japan's oldest distilled spirit. RYUKYU 1429 comes from the finest natural ingredients — Indica rice and black koji — combined with the purest water, distilled and aged to perfection. BLU LIE VODKA ITALIANA 3-B03 Via Torino 32 34100 Trieste, Italy Tel.: +39 3334511548 E-Mail: Web: Blu Lie Vodka Italiana is a 100% Italian Premium Vodka from Trieste that captures the Italian distinctive craftsmanship and preserves it into a uniquely shaped transparent bottle. BOAR DISTILLERY GBR 3-C11 Breitsodstr. 4 77740 Bad Peterstal, Germany Tel.: + 49 7806 992 94 66 Fax: +49 7806 9100 99 E-Mail: Web: Der Gin Weltmeister kommt aus dem Schwarzwald: BOAR Gin ist der höchstprämierte Gin der Welt Die Geschichte un serer kleinen Familienbrennerei im Schwarzwald klingt fast wie ein Märchen: Seit 1844 werden bei uns in einem kleinen Tal edelste Brände in Handarbeit hergestellt. Jetzt erregt unser Gin weltweit bei den renommiertesten Wettbewerben große Aufmerksamkeit. BOBBY´S GIN COMPANY 5-B14 Zijlstraat 6 3111PS Schiedam, The Netherlands Tel.: +31 618630044 E-Mail: Web: Bobbyswww.bobbysdrygin.comGinand"TheJapanese Bitters" will be presenting together at the show to introduce you to Umami , Yuzu Hinoki and Shiso bitters, handcrafted and personally made by Yuki Yamazaki, the owner of The Japanese Bitters, who will be present at the stand. BL-BO

169Aussteller sucht Distributoren / Exhibitor searches for distributors BODEGAS CAN VIDALET, S.L. 5-A04 Ctra. Alcudia-Pollenca, Apartado de Correos 10 07460 Pollensa, Spain Tel.: +34 971 531719 E-Mail: Web: Unserwww.canvidalet.comGinwirdausBotanicals und Zitrusfrüchten der Sierra de Tramontana hergestellt. Darüber hinaus produzieren wir Spirituosen und Weine, ein Genuss für alle Sinne. BODEGAS RUBIO 1893 S.L. 8-B09 C/ Palos, No 14 21700 La Palma del Condado, Spain Tel.: +34 6706 4006 1 Fax: +34 9594 0195 4 E-Mail: Web: LUIS FELIPE THE ORIGINAL SPANISH PREMIUM SPIRIT BODEGAS WILLIAMS & HUMBERT 7-B02 Ctra. Madrid-Cádiz, PK. 641 11408 Jerez de la Frontera, Spain Tel.: +34 9563 53400 Fax: +34 9563 53408 E-Mail: Web: A family company founded in 1877 in Jerez, Spain. Interna tionally known for Sherry, Brandy de Jerez,Gin Cubical and the unique Rum Dos Maderas, which is finished in their own premium Sherry Casks. BOLS 7-B13 TEAMSPIRIT MARKENGETRÄNKEINTERNATIONALEGMBH Hubert-Underberg-Allee 1 47495 Rheinberg, Germany Tel.: +49 2843 920 371 Fax: +49 2843 920-475 E-Mail: Web: Das Motto von BOLS: Add Flavour to the world! BONZER BARWARE 3-A06 136-140 Framfield Road Uckfield, ESX TN22 5AU, United Kingdom Tel.: +44 1825 7655 11 Fax: +44 1825 7671 73 E-Mail: Web: cocktail equipment. We recently launched the Bonzer Apron and Bonzer Barmans Roll to complement our famous Heritage tools. Bespoke branding available. BORCO-MARKEN-IMPORT 3-A21 MATTHIESEN GMBH & CO. KG Winsbergring 12-22 22525 Hamburg, Germany Tel.: +49 40 8531 6170 Fax: +49 40 8585 00 E-Mail: Web: Borco,www.borco.commitSitzinHamburg, ist einer der größten unabhängigen europäischen Produzenten und Vermarkter internationaler Top Spirituosen Marken.

170 AUSSTELLER /// EXHIBITORS Brew Berlin Aussteller / ExhibitorCoffee Aussteller / Exhibitor BORDIGA 1888 7-D21 Via Valle Maira, 98 12100 Cuneo (CN), Italy Tel.: +39 0171 6110 91 Fax: +39 0171 6139 61 E-Mail: Web: Honestwww.bordiga1888.itcraftsmanshipmeets expertise and tradition. In the Occitan valleys and beyond, Bordiga is synonymous with the art of distillation of liquors, spirits, amaro and vermouth since 1888. BOTRAN 3-A15 Carretera Roosevelt 4-81, Zona 1 Mixco 4208, Guatemala Tel.: +34 9523 6444 8 E-Mail: Web: Premiumwww.botranrums.comRumausGuatemala, hergestellt aus dem Saft der ersten Pressung der Zuckerrohrstangen, ohne Zuckerzusatz oder Melasse. Erkennbar an der geschützten Herkunftsbezeichnung "Ron de Guatemala" der per Definition aus Virgin Sugar Cane Honey hergestellt sein muss. BRAND HARBOUR LTD 7-C15 The Counting House, 9 High Street Tring, HP23 5TE, United Kingdom Tel.: +44 1442 8236 44 E-Mail: Web: Internationalwww.brand-harbour.comsalesagentsforFlaming Pig Irish Whiskey, Brockmans Gin, Copalli Rum, Puerto de Indias Gin and Código 1530 Tequila. Seeking partners in Germany and other global markets. BRAUEREI LEMKE BERLIN GMBH 1-A23 Dircksenstraße, S-Bahnbogen 143 10178 Berlin-Mitte, Germany Tel.: +49 30 3087 896 Fax: +49 30 8789 70 E-Mail: Web: Handwerkwww.lemke.berlinausderMitte Berlins. Wir haben nur ein Ziel: richtig gutes Bier. Unsere Kreativität kennt dabei keine Grenzen, außer: Malz, Hopfen, Hefe und Wasser. Geschmack ist unser Bier - seit 1999. BRAUFACTUM 1-A15 DIE INTERNATIONALE BRAU-MANUFACTUREN GMBH Darmstädter Landstr. 185 60598 Frankfurt am Main, Germany Tel.: +49 69 6065 659 Fax: +49 69 6056 9965 9 E-Mail: Web: BraufactuMwww.braufactum.debrautmitLeidenschaft, Know-how und Liebe zum Detail Biere von höchster Qualität, die durch ihre Aromenvielfalt und ihren außergewöhnlichen Geschmack begeistern. BRAUKUNST BERLIN GMBH 1-A19 Schöneberger Straße 16 10963 Berlin, Germany Tel.: +49 175 5893 100 E-Mail: Web: BRLOwww.brlo.deistderalt-slawische Ursprung des Namens Berlin. Wir brauen handwerkliches Bier in kleinen Mengen. Sitz der Craft Beer Brauerei ist direkt am Gleisdreieck: das BRLO BRWHOUSE. BO-BR

171Aussteller sucht Distributoren / Exhibitor searches for distributors BRENNE FRENCH SINGLE MALT 4-B32 Town Center One - Suite 1909, 8950 SW 74th Court Miami, FL 33156, United States Tel.: + 1 305 501 2344 E-Mail: Web: Brennewww.samsonandsurrey.comWhiskyisexpertlycraftedfrom seed-to-spirit by a 3rd generation master distiller and an American female entrepreneur in the heart of Cognac, France. BRENTINGBY GIN LTD 5-A16 Brentingby Chapelry, Main Road Melton Mowbray, LE14 4RX, United Tel.:Kingdom+44 7375 5357 28 E-Mail: Web: gin, Designed for the cocktail market and to create Exemplary drinks both alcoholic and low alcoholic. BRICK GIN 3-D13 Lutherstraße 5 99084 Erfurt, Germany Tel.: +49 361 6532 1007 Fax: +49 361 7896 1744 E-Mail: Web: BRICKwww.brickgin.comGIN-StraightOrganic Distilled Dry Gin BRIOTTET 5-B15 12 Rue Berlier 21000 Diton, France Tel.: +33 380661859 E-Mail: Web: Frenchwww.briottet.frPremiumLiqueur Producer for Horeca sector only. A family business created in 1836 in Dijon, 6 generations of Maitre Liquoriste. BROKEN BONES D.O.O. 5-A07 Trzaska cesta 132 Ljubljana 1000, Slovenia Tel.: +386 40660662 E-Mail: Web: Brokenwww.brokenbones.siBonesisacraftdistillery from Slovenia, established by two friends, joint with family tradition and passion for original and distinctive spirits development and production. BROWN-FORMAN DEUTSCHLAND GMBH 3-A27 Dammtorwall 7 20354 Hamburg, Germany Tel.: +49 40 4503 320 Fax: +49 40 4503 3233 E-Mail: Web: BRUGAL & CO.S.A. 10.0-KH05 Av. J. F. Kennedy No. 57, Edificio Brugal, Santo Domingo 1183, Dominican Republic E-Mail: Web: BRUNI GLASS S. P. A. 3-D20 Viale C. Colombo, 12/14 20090 Trezzano sul Naviglio, Italy Tel.: +39 02 4843 61 Fax: +39 02 4843 651 E-Mail: Web: Bruni Glass is a leading supplier of premium and specialty glass packaging for the spirits, wine,food, and gourmet markets. Headquartered in Italy and with locations in France, Spain, the United States, Canada and China, Bruni offers more than 3,000 custom-designed products along with popular standard items to thousands of customers around the world.

172 AUSSTELLER /// EXHIBITORS Brew Berlin Aussteller / ExhibitorCoffee Aussteller / Exhibitor BTH BIO-TEAM-HAMBURG 10.0-KH01 AGRARHANDEL GMBH Bramfelder Chaussee 218 22177 Hamburg, Germany Tel.: +49 40 359872130 Fax: +49 40 359872140 E-Mail: Web: Der Erste Bio-/Fairtrade Rum „made in Germany“. Unser Rum ist in den Varianten „“ und „pure.“ erhältlich. BT VERLAG GMBH 5-MEDIA LOUNGE HAUS UND WELLNESS, DIABETES LIVING Aidenbachstraße 52 81379 München, Germany Tel.: +49 89/45 70 96-0 Fax: +49 89/45 70 96-10 E-Mail: Web: BUFFALO TRACE 7-B16 TEAMSPIRIT INTERNATIONALE MARKENGETRÄNKE GMBH Hubert-Underberg-Allee 1 47495 Rheinberg, Germany Tel.: +49 2843 920 371 Fax: +49 2843 920-475 E-Mail: Web: BUFFALOwww.teamspirit.deTRACEistnicht nur der Markenname des Kentucky Straight Bourbon, sondern auch eine der größten und die meistausgezeichnete Destillerie der Welt. BUFFALO TRACE DISTILLERY RARE BOURBON 7-B16 TEAMSPIRIT INTERNATIONALE MARKENGETRÄNKE GMBH Hubert-Underberg-Allee 1 47495 Rheinberg, Germany Tel.: +49 2843 920 371 Fax: +49 2843 920-475 E-Mail: Web: 1787 gegründet, überstand die Buffalo Trace Distillery viele Krisen und Schicksalsschläge. Heute ist sie eine der größten und die meistausgezeichnete Destillerie der Welt. BT-CA

173Aussteller sucht Distributoren / Exhibitor searches for distributors BURLINGTON DRINKS CO. 1-A43 Eastways Park Witham, CM8 3YE, United Kingdom Tel.: +44 1376 535914 E-Mail: Web: The Bush Rum Company will be launching its Original Bush Rum, Mango Rum and exciting new variants. you can also experience Half Crown Gin, Red Griffin Vodka and Firean Whisky! Visit the Shack! BUSINESS FINLAND OY 3-C13 Porkkalankatu 1 Helsinki 00180, Finland Tel.: +35 8294 6951 Fax: +35 8294 6952 00 E-Mail: Web: Food from Finland is a export program presenting Finnish food and drink industry and its high quality and naturally delicious products at the international target markets. CAFEAHAUS AG 4-B22 Cafeastraße 1 12347 Berlin, Germany Tel.: +49 3060 0971 15 Fax: +49 3060 0971 17 E-Mail: Web: Die Cafeahaus AG ist eine 100%ige Tochter der DEK Berlin und verantwortlich für den Vertrieb von Flüssigkaffeekonzentraten für die Lebensmittelindustrie sowie Großverbraucher. CAFFO DEUTSCHLAND GMBH 3-B09 Robert-Koch-Str. 4 82152 Planegg, Germany Tel.: +49 89 8955 9105 Fax: +49 89 8955 9106 E-Mail: Web: Vecchiowww.caffo.comAmarodelCapo Kräuterlikör aus Kalabrien. CAMBUSIER SAS 1-B71 27 rue du chemin vert 75011 Paris, France Tel.: +33 6 59 41 91 69 E-Mail: Web: Cambusierwww.cambusier.comtakesafreshspin on iconic french liqueurs, by carefully working with the best local liqueurs-makers from each french region. CAMPARI DEUTSCHLAND GMBH 7-A01 Adelgundenstraße 7 80538 München, Germany Tel.: +49 89 2103 70 Fax: +49 89 2103 7194 E-Mail: Web: Campariwww.campari-deutschland.deDeutschlandisteinesderführenden Spirituosen Unternehmen in Deutschland und eine Tochtergesellschaft der Campari Group.

174 AUSSTELLER /// EXHIBITORS Brew Berlin Aussteller / ExhibitorCoffee Aussteller / Exhibitor CAMUS WINES & SPRITS 3-A10 29 rue Marguerite de Navarre 16100 ognac, France Tel.: CelebratingWeb:E-Mail:+330787845196e.auriol@camus-intl.comwww.camus.fralivingtraditionfive generation strong, CAMUS is the only globally renowned cognac house to remain independent and entirely family owned.The vision of the company aims at creating Cognacs which reflect the best from the terroir, with a constant research for the utmost refinement.Every single step in the production process takes no compromise, to ensure to create award-winnings cognacs of unrivaled intensity. CANTINI VETRO S.R.L. 8-D04 Via delle Città, 62 50052 Certaldo, Italy Tel.: +39 0571 656665 Fax: +39 0571 662857 E-Mail: Web: Cantiniwww.cantinivetro.itVetroSrlwasfounded in Certaldo (Florence) in 1954 and specialises in the creation, production and sale of special and standard glass containers for food & beverage. CARBOTEK SYSTEMS GMBH 4-B22 Nürnberger Str. 64-68 86720 Nördlingen, Germany Tel.: +49 9081 2408 700 Fax: +49 9081 2408 719 E-Mail: Web: Carbotekwww.nitro.coolbeschäftigt sich seit Jahren mit dem Zuführen und Mischen von Gasen in Getränke-Ausschank-Applikationen. Der Schwerpunkt liegt momentan in Nitro- bzw. CarboAnwendungen. CARDAMARO 5-B03 Viale Italia 295 14053 Canelli, Italy Tel.: +39 1418 2201 1 E-Mail: Web: CARDAMAROwww.tosti.itisthe one and only amaro with Nizza Monferrato Cardoon, celebrated for its digestive, purifying and appetite-stimulating properties, and wine. CARDENAL MENDOZA BRANDY DE JEREZ 7-A23 SANCHEZ ROMATE HNOS S.A. C/ Lealas 26-30 11404 Jerez de la Frontera (Cádiz), Spain Tel.: +34 956 18 22 12 Fax: +34 956 18 52 76 E-Mail: Web: Cardenalwww.cardenalmendoza.comMendozaisteinBrandyder Extraklasse. Im aufwändigen Solera-Verfahren reift das Destillat aus spanischen Weißweinen durchschnittlich zwischen 15 und 25 Jahren. In den Fässern aus amerikanischer Weißeiche wird zuvor Sherry gelagert, wodurch Cardenal Mendoza seinen unvergleichlichen Geschmack erhält. Mit dem "C Factor" zeigt Cardenal Mendoza die Vielseitigkeit von Brandy in Cocktails sowie mit Chocolate, Coffee und Cigars. CA-CA

175Aussteller sucht Distributoren / Exhibitor searches for distributors CASA D ARISTI 5-A10 42 TABLAJE 14187 Mérida 97315, Mexico Tel.: +52 15548484181 E-Mail: Web: Casa D’Aristi produces authentic, craft liqueurs at its home in Yucatán, Mexico; our portfolio includes Kalani coconut liqueur, Huana guanbana liqueur, and Xtabentún, a honey & anise liqueur. CASA LUMBRE 4-B33 Paseo de los Tamarindos No. 90 Torre 2 Piso 5C, Col. Bosques de las Lomas, CDMX Mexico 05120, Mexico Tel.: CasaWeb:E-Mail:+468309855info@casalumbre.comwww.casalumbre.comLumbreproducespremium, farm-to-bottle Mexican spirits with unique sensorial qualities that appeal to trade and consumers alike. CASA MEXICO ENTERPRISES LLC 7-E01 3156 Foothills Blvd Ste G La Crescenta, 91214, United States Tel.: +1 9172 9778 53 E-Mail: Web: CASA TEQUILERA 4-B06 Paseo Royal Country No 4650 Piso 7 Int 701 A COL Puerta de Hierro Zapopan / Jalisco 45116, Mexico Tel.: AWeb:E-Mail:+523335568280mariajulia@casatequilera.comwww.casatequilera.comcraftandinnovativecompany,witha family tradition of more than 45 years, taking the art of crafting tequila to the next level. CASONI FABBRICAZIONE LIQUORI S.P.A 7-B25 Via Venezia, 5/A 41034 Finale Emilia MO, Italy Tel.: +39 0535 76081 1 E-Mail: Web: Establishedwww.casoni.comin1814inFinale Emilia, close to ModenaItaly, CASONI represent the Tradition of the Italian Spirits & Liqueurs. CATOCTIN CREEK 1-B28 120 W Main St Purcellville, VA VA 20132, United States Tel.: +1 540-751-8404 E-Mail: Web: Catoctinwww.catoctincreekdistilling.comCreek’sflagshipproduct,Roundstone Rye, has won gold medals across the globe (London, New York, San Francisco) and is a fantastic rye whisky replicating old-world production methods. CAZCABEL TEQUILA 1-B17 PROOF DRINKS LTD 41 Great Portland Street London, W1W 7LA, United Kingdom Tel.: +44 20 77377995 E-Mail: Web: Cazcabelwww.proofdrinks.comTequilaisamulti-award winning premium tequila brand. The range includes a smooth blanco, the worlds first honey tequila, an arabica coffee tequila and an earthy reposado.

176 AUSSTELLER /// EXHIBITORS Brew Berlin Aussteller / ExhibitorCoffee Aussteller / Exhibitor CAZCABEL TEQUILA 1-B15 41 Great Portland Street London, 1 7, United Kingdom Tel.: +44 20 7737 E-Mail: Web: CHASE DISTILLERY LTD. 1-A41 Chase Farm, Rosemaund Hereford, HAW HR 1 3PG, United Kingdom Tel.: +44 1432 820455 E-Mail: Web: mit preisgekrönten Vodkas und den darauf basierenden Gins. Vom Feld in die Flasche entstehen mit viel Liebe und Handarbeit PremiumSpirituosen! CHONGQING JIANGJI DISTILLERY CO., LTD 1-A27 10th floor, GEMINI A, Guangdianyuan, Northern New Dist Chongqing 401121, China Tel.: +86 23 88034578 E-Mail: Web: JIANGXIAOBAI,www.jiangjidistillery.comapopularChinese sorghum liquor(baijiu) brand from Chongqing. Using traditional technique to create a unique smooth, light, pure flavour. A perfect choice for mixologist. CHOYA UMESHU (DEUTSCHLAND) GMBH 1-A06 Heesenstr. 70 40549 Düsseldorf, Germany Tel.: +49 211 5692 1924 Fax: +49 211 5692 1911 E-Mail: Web: CHOYAwww.choya.deistdieNr.1der Hersteller von Ume-Likör und hat bereits weltweit Millionen von Flaschen vertrieben. CHOYA is the No.1 Umeshu brand and millions of CHOYA Umeshu are sold in the world. CIPRIANI INDUSTRIA SPA 5-A35 San Marco 1323 30124 Venice, Italy Tel.: +39 338 6646804 Fax: +39 421345503 E-Mail: Web: Ciprianiwww.ciprianifood.comFoodproducesandselects the best elements of Cipriani's kitchens and bars. Our brand, with an almost centennial tradition, is chosen by the best gourmet stores. CA-CO

177Aussteller sucht Distributoren / Exhibitor searches for distributors COCA-COLA EUROPEAN PARTNERS 7-C25 DEUTSCHLAND GMBH Stralauer Allee 4 10245 Berlin, Germany Tel.: +49 30 9204 4462 Fax: +49 30 9204 1673 E-Mail: Web: Mit den Coca-Cola Signature Mixers bringt das Unternehmen Getränke auf den deutschen Markt, die erstmals in Zusammenarbeit mit weltberühmten Mixologen entwickelt wurden. Die vier Geschmacksrichtungen sind perfekt auf dunkle Premium-Spirituosen abgestimmt. COCALERO 1-B45 25 Merrion Square Dublin 2, DUB D02 E392, Ireland Tel.: TheWeb:E-Mail:+353838040424kegan@intrepid-spirits.comwww.cocalero.comSouthAmericanbotanicalspirit has seen phenomenal growth across Asia and looks set to replicate that success in Europe. Cocalero debuts in Berlin after a successful 2019 German launch. COCO LÓPEZ 8-B18 Wentworth Court, Castle Road Sittingbourne, ME10 3RN, United Kingdom Tel.: +44 1795 476154 Fax: +44 1795413703 E-Mail: Web: Coco López, created by Ramón López-Irizarry in 1948, blends delicious cream extracted from the white heart of fresh sun ripened Caribbean coconuts with the exact portion of natural cane sugar. This, combined with pineapple juice and Puerto Rican Rum, makes the most refreshing Pina Colada cocktail you'll ever have. COMPAGNIA DEI CARAIBI 7-D16 Via Ribes, 3 10010 Colleretto Giacosa, Italy Tel.: +39 0125 7911 04 Fax: +39 0125 7919 35 E-Mail: Web: 'Compagniawww.compagniadeicaraibi.comdeiCaraibiProgressive'has a unique portfolio of imported products and own Family Brands, available, in exclusivity, for the European market. CONECUH BRANDS 7-E01 1050 Franklin Ave, Suite 304 Garden City, 11530, United States Tel.: +1 9174 4500 92 E-Mail: Web:

178 AUSSTELLER /// EXHIBITORS Brew Berlin Aussteller / ExhibitorCoffee Aussteller / Exhibitor COPENHAGEN DISTILLERY APS 4-B08 Kløvermarksvej 70 D 2300 Copenhagen, Denmark Tel.: +45 2243 2808 E-Mail: Web: Copenhagenwww.copenhagendistillery.comDistilleryisCopenhagen's first micro distillery Spirits from Copenhagen Distillery must always present a perfect union of good taste, enjoyment and surprise. COPPERHEAD NV 7-B19 Rekkemstraat 58 8930 Lauwe, Belgium Tel.: +32 499 488047 E-Mail: Web: Copperhead,www.copperhead.bethealchemist's gin. We represent a range of 3 super premium gins: Copperhead, Copperhead Black Batch and The Gibson Edition. CRAFTER´S 4-B43 Masina 11 Tallinn 10141, Estonia Tel.: +372 6677 8000 E-Mail: Web: Crafter´swww.liviko.eeisagenuine craft gin from the Nordics. The collection features London Dry & Aromatic Flower Gin. Aromatic Flower Gin is also known as the "magical colour changing gin". CRANEHOUSE GMBH 7-C16 Steinhöft 9 20459 Hamburg, Germany Tel.: +49 172 1099 023 E-Mail: Web: Cranehousewww.cranehouse.deGmbHisteinjunger, digitaler Spirituosen Distri buteur aus Hamburg. Ganz nach dem Motto „Drink Better“ bringt Cranehouse Innovationen in die Gastronomie. Digital, schnell, innovativ und unabhängig – that’s us! CROP ORGANIC VODKAS 3-D23 2351 New Millennium Drive Louisville, KY 40216, United States Tel.: +1 917 428-6295 E-Mail: Web: Startingwww.cropvodka.comwiththepurelyfinest ingredients available, our Crop Harvest Earth Vodkas are USDA certified organic, artisanal vodkas produced from grain grown on America's plains. CUT RUM 1-B15 PROOF DRINKS LTD 41 Great Portland Street London, W1W 7LA, United Kingdom Tel.: +44 20 77377995 E-Mail: Web: CUT RUM is a premium award winning rum brand range including a spiced rum, the UK's first smoked rum & a spiced overproof rum. No artificial flavourings or sugars, this is for real rum lovers. CO-DE

179Aussteller sucht Distributoren / Exhibitor searches for distributors DAMOISEAU EXPORT 1-B03 36 rue Raspail 94460 Valenton, France Tel.: +33 158082100 Fax: +33 158082121 E-Mail: Web: Seit 1942 produziert das Familienunternehmen Damoiseau hochwertigen weissen, wie auch gereiften Rhum agricole und ist Marktführer in der Guadeloupe. DAMOISEAU EXPORT 4-A35 92 avenue Kléber 75016 Paris, France Tel.: +33 1580 8210 0 Fax: + 33 158082121 E-Mail: Web: SPIRIBAMwww.spiribam.comisaportfolioof fine rums from Martinique (Rhum Clément, Rhum J.M), Saint Lucia (Chairman's Reserve, Admiral Rodney, Bounty Rum) and Mauritius (Arcane Rum, Beach House Rum). DARIO LINDERMEIER 4-A40 THE KING GIN Neufahrner Str. 14 85375 Neufahrn, Germany Tel.: +49 176 3545 8648 E-Mail: Web: The King Gin facts: - 3 Jahre Entwicklung - Über 50 botanicals - Alles in Handarbeit - Familienbetrieb in 2. Generation - Pro batch 300 durchnummerierte Flaschen D&C S.P.A. 1-B63 EUROFOOD via Privata Tacito 12 20094 Corsico, Italy Tel.: +39 0244 8761 Fax: +39 0244 9100 7 E-Mail: Web: Since 1970 Eurofood distributes exclusively for the Italian market the best food specialties from more than 50 countries and 5 continents. DE KUYPER ROYAL DISTILLERS 7-C27 Buitenhavenweg 98 3113 BE Schiedam, The Netherlands Tel.: +31 1042 7970 0 Fax: +31 1042 7974 0 E-Mail: Web: De Kuyper Royal Distillers, more than 320yrs of family business: De Kuyper Royal Distillers is a family-owned premium liqueur and premium spirits company founded in 1695 by Petrus De Kuyper, today operating in more than 100 markets worldwide. The company, headquartered in Schiedam near Rotterdam (NL), holds the global market leading brand in cocktail liqueurs and is owner as well as producer of a number of world famous liqueurs, such as Peachtree, Cherry Heering, Mandarine Napoléon and the juniper-based spirits of the Rutte Gin and Genever range as well as Bébo Cuban Coffee liqueur. Mark de Witte is the Global CEO of the company.

DESTILERIA CASA DE PIEDRA 4-B06 1501-21 Av. Americas Col. Providencia Guadalajara 44630, Mexico Tel.: DestileriaWeb:E-Mail:+523380000361aeezafer@gmail.comwww.destileriacasadepiedra.comCasadePiedraisafamily-owned distillery producing Tequila Cobalto – exceptionally smooth and chemical and additive free from the field to the glass.
DESTILERIA ANDINA 4-B36A Ferrocarril 5/N 08676, Tel.: +51 9976 8828 1
In the Peruvian Andes, halfway between Cuzco and Machu Picchu, we distill highland sugar cane following our centuries old tradition. CAÑA ALTA JOVEN is sugar cane juice rum that reflect the minerality of our soils (silver medal in London), CAÑA ALTA REPOSADO is aged for 6 months in casks - we combine American and French Oak with Amazonian and highland hardwoods (sliver medal in San Francisco). is a medicinal herbal compuesto made with organic botanicals we grow ourselves. Our distillery is in the Sacred Valley of Cusco at 2800 meters altitude.
180 AUSSTELLER /// EXHIBITORS Brew Berlin Aussteller / ExhibitorCoffee Aussteller / Exhibitor DEL PROFESSORE LIMITED 3-D10 17 Grosvenor Street Mayfair London, W1K4QG, United Kingdom Tel.: +39 011 0867794 E-Mail: Web: Handcraftedwww.delprofessore.itItalianvermouths and spirits.
DESTILERIA ESPIRITU ANDINO S.A.C. 4-B36C Jose Gonzales 359 Dpt 609 Miralofres Lima 15074, Peru Tel.: +51 9402 04244 E-Mail: Web: We are a peruvian microdistillery. First native potato vodka from Andes.
DESTILERIA SANTA SABIA 4-B06 Hospital 2330 Col. Rojas Ladron de GuadalajaraGuevara 44600, Mexico Tel.: SANTAWeb:E-Mail:+523323058008jc@santaasbia.comwww.santasabia.comSABIAdistilleryisthe home of unique Agave collections with appellation of origin. We develop flavor experiences that the different types of Agave awaken.

181Aussteller sucht Distributoren / Exhibitor searches for distributors DESTILERIAS CAMPENY S.A. 7-A20 Carretera Nacional II, Km. 636,4 08320 Barcelona, Spain Tel.: +34 93 540 25 00 Fax: +34 93 555 91 01 E-Mail: Web: Destileriaswww.campeny.comCampenyhas been elaborating fine spirits since 1970. We put all our experience, passion and tradition to create excellent beverages. Come and visit us Hall 7 Booth A20. DESTILERÍAS XORIGUER 8-B07 Andén de Poniente, 91 07702 Mahón - MENORCA, Spain Tel.: +34 679604138 E-Mail: Web: XORIGUERwww.xoriguer.esMAHONGIN - artisanal gin from a little Spanish Balearic Island, Menorca. Probably the first gin distilled in the Mediterranean. DESTILLERIE FRANZ BAUER GMBH 7-A27 Prankergasse 29-31 8020 Graz, Austria Tel.: + 43 3167 700 Fax: + 43 3167 7013 0 E-Mail: Web: DEUTSCH FAMILY WINE & SPIRITS 5-B23 201 Tresser Blvd., Suite 500 Stamford, 06901 3435, United States Tel.: +44 203 9654100 E-Mail: Web: Deutschwww.deutschfamily.comFamilyWine&Spirits builds brands that offer approachable spirits and wine experiences which contribute to a premium lifestyle for the mainstream and enthusiast consumer. DIAGEO BRAZIL – (YPIÓCA) 5-B29 YPIÓCA – CACHAÇA BRAND R. Olimpiadas, 205 - 14 Andar Sao Paulo 04551-000, Brazil Tel.: +55 11 96359 0072 E-Mail: Web: YPIÓCAwww.diageo.comisacachaçabrand from DIAGEO. Cachaça is a Brazilian spirit made from fermented sugarcane juice. Ypióca has a unique portfolio with highest quality and known worldwide. DIAGEO GERMANY GMBH 11-SHOWROOM, YARD 04 Reeperbahn 1 20359 Hamburg, Germany Tel.: +49 40 2364 8651 1 E-Mail: Web: Diageowww.diageo.comisonetheleading providers of premium spirits worldwide. Our outstanding portfolio includes brands such as Johnnie Walker, Smirnoff, Don Julio, Tanqueray and the classic malts. DICTADOR EUROPE SP. Z O.O. 3-C07 Fabryczna 15 Katowice 40 - 611, Poland Tel.: +48 8830 2039 2 E-Mail: Web: Dictadorwww.dictador.comisadynamic,modern and luxury lifestyle brand that embodies heritage and provenance, with a history in spirits production of over 100 years. DI IORIO S.P.A 3-B01 Via Filangieri, 49 86095 Frosolone, Italy Tel.: +39 0874 890423 E-Mail: Web:

182 AUSSTELLER /// EXHIBITORS Brew Berlin Aussteller / ExhibitorCoffee Aussteller / Exhibitor DISTILLED SPIRITS COUNCIL 4-B28 1250 Eye Street NW, Suite 400 Washington, DC, DC 20005, United States Tel.: TheWeb:E-Mail:+12026283544cmcentee@distilledspirits.orgwww.distilledspirits.orgDistilledSpiritsCouncilisthenational trade association representing the leading producers and marketers of distilled spirits products from the United States of America. DISTILLERIA BERTAGNOLLI S.R.L 1-B62 Via del Teroldego, 11/13 38016 Mezzocorona, Italy Tel.: +39 0461 603800 Fax: +39 0461 605580 E-Mail: Web: Since 1870, Distilleria Bertagnolli, the oldest family-run dis tillery in Trentino, located in the middle of Piana Rotaliana's famous vineyards, produces premium quality spirits. DISTILLERIA LEVI 8-C05 Loc. Torrent de Maillod, 4 11020 Quart, Italy Tel.: +39 165 7741 11 Fax: +39 165 7652 03 E-Mail: Web: Distilleriawww.saintroch.itLeviistheoldest distillery in the Valle d'Aosta. The top products are spirits of fruits, grappa and artisanal gin glacialis. DISTILLERIA MARZADRO S.P.A. 1-B62 Via per Brancolino 10 38060 Nogaredo (TN), Italy Tel.: +39 0464 3045 55 Fax: +39 0464 3045 56 E-Mail: Web: Familywww.marzadro.itcompanyGrappa's producer from Trentino region, Italy. Created from the distillation of marc (grapes peels), Grappa represents the Italian spirit by excellence. DISTILLERIA VARNELLI S.P.A. 7-C31 Via Girolamo Varnelli 10 62034 Muccia, Italy Tel.: +39 0737 647000 Fax: +39 0737 647107 E-Mail: Web: Since 1868 the art of crafting liquors on the slopes of Monti Sibillini. Deep herbal knowledge, tradition and innovation in the commitment to Quality through four generations. DISTILLERIE BEPI TOSOLINI 1-B62 Via Della Roggia 20 33040 Povoletto, Italy Tel.: +390432664144 Fax: THEWeb:E-Mail:+390432664147export@cameldistillerie.itwww.bepitosolini.itARTISANALITALIANDISTILLERY WITH 75 YEARS OF EXPERIENCE IN DISTILLING GRAPPA,100% GRAPE SPIRITS, AND CRAFT SMALL BATCH LIQUEURS,WITH RESPECT TO TRADITION, FACING ITS FOURTH GENERATION. DI-DI

183Aussteller sucht Distributoren / Exhibitor searches for distributors DISTILLERIE COMBIER 8-C04 48, rue Beaurepaire 49400 Saumur, France Tel.: +33 2 4140 2300 Fax: +33 2 4140 2309 E-Mail: Web: Embodyingwww.combier.frartisanfree spirit, Distillerie Combier’s signature recipes for liqueurs, absinthes, gins and syrups magnify the flavours and aromas of plants and fruit with a rare craftsmanship ‘Made in France’. A touchstone that continues to delight connoisseurs and convert epicureans around the world. DISTILLERIE COQUEREL 3-D25 Manoir du Coquerel - Normandie 50600 Granparigny, France Tel.: +33 2 3379 0220 Fax: +33 2 3349 0960 E-Mail: Web: Distillerywww.calvados-coquerel.comCoquerelcherishesasolid belief: that a great spirit is above all a great raw material and therefore masters all the production of it Calvados, Gin, Pommeau and Cidre since 1937. DISTILLERIE DE LABOURDONNAIS LTD 10.1-KH10 Domaine de Labourdonnais, Le Château Mapou 266 3006, Mauritius Tel.: +230 2663015 E-Mail: Distilleriekesheela@edsmauritius.orgdeLabourdonnaisoffersa new range of products and packaging. We are specialised in agricultural rum which is made from the first press of sugar cane juice. DISTILLERIE DU ST. LAURENT 8-B11 327-A Rimouski,RivardG5L7J6, Canada Tel.: +1 418 732 7272 E-Mail: Web: Canadianwww.distilleriedustlaurent.comcraftdistilleryproducingeccentric spirits inspired by the Sea. DISTILLERIE GUY 5-B15 49 rue des Lavaux 25300 Pontalier, France Tel.: +33 3813 9047 0 E-Mail: Web: Last absinthe distillery of Pontarlier. Since 1890, 5 genera tions from father to son. Label EPV. Geographical Indication waiting for "Absinthe de Pontarlier". Distilled anis, plant's liquors ... DISTILLERIE TESSENDIER 5-B13 94, rue Robert Daugas, P.O. Box CS80006 16100 Cognac, France Tel.: +33 5 4535 3634 Fax: +33 5 45352 694 E-Mail: Web: Basedwww.cognac-tessendier.cominCognacfrom1880,ourfamily company is dedica ted to the production, distillation and creation of fine spirits since four generations. DIWISA DISTILLERIE WILLISAU SA 5-A21 Menznauerstrasse 23 6130 Willisau, Switzerland Tel.: +41 41 972 72 72 E-Mail: Web: Zukunftsgerichtetwww.diwisa.chaus Überzeugung und Tradition sind wir, die DIWISA, das führende Schweizer Unternehmen für die Entwicklung und Vermarktung von Getränke-Marken.

184 AUSSTELLER /// EXHIBITORS Brew Berlin Aussteller / ExhibitorCoffee Aussteller / Exhibitor DON FULANO GLOBAL 4-B30 Justo Sierra 1817 Guadalajara 44160, Mexico Tel.: +52 3336 7396 98 E-Mail: Web: DON MICHAEL SAC 4-A14 Enrique Palacios 335, 4th Piso Lima 15036, Peru Tel.: +51 9866 0930 0 E-Mail: Web: DON Q RUM 1-B41 151 Calle Principal Urb. Mercedita Ponce 00715, Puerto Rico Tel.: + 44 0124 5807 644 E-Mail: Web: Destileríawww.DonQ.comSerrallésisa family-owned Puerto Rican distiller with a rum-making tradition spanning 6 generations. It produces Don Q rum, the #1 selling rum on the island. DOUGLAS LAING & CO. LTD 7-C01 18 Lynedoch Crescent Glasgow, G3 6EQ, United Kingdom Tel.: +44 141 300 49 Fax: +44 141 333 9245 E-Mail: Web: Douglaswww.douglaslaing.comLaing&Co,family-run Scotch Whisky firm since 1948, proudly present their Remarkable Regional MaltsThe Ultimate Distillation of Scotland's Malt Whisky Regions! DRINKS OF MANCHESTER 8-B15 125 Buckingham RD Manchester, M21 0RG, United Kingdom Tel.: +44 7896 330938 E-Mail: Web: The award winning Manchester Gin comes from a small, independent distillery located in the heart of the city centre, traditionally distilled in copper column stills. DRINKSOLOGY LIMITED 3-B16 155-157 Donegall Pass Belfast, BT7 1DT, United Kingdom Tel.: +4428 9033 9955 E-Mail: Web: DSM DEUTSCHE SPIRITUOSEN 3-D17 MANUFAKTUR GMBH Georg-Knorr-Str. 4 12681 Berlin, Germany Tel.: +49 30 9858 7232 E-Mail: Web: Die Deutsche Spirituosen Manufaktur entwickelt und produ ziert innovative und einzigartige Premium Geiste und Brände in kleinen Batches in Berlin. 2019 werden wir 100 Produkte anbieten. DO-ED

185Aussteller sucht Distributoren / Exhibitor searches for distributors DUDERSTÄDTER BRAUMANUFAKTUR 1-A26 GMBH & CO.KG Hindenburgring 39 37115 Duderstadt, Germany Tel.: +49 5527 8496184 E-Mail: Web: In unserer Mikrobrauerei entstehen handwerklich gebraute Biere in überschaubaren Mengen mit viel Liebe zum Detail. Die sorgfältige Auswahl an Rohstoffen und die zum Teil besondere Herstellung verleihen den Sorten Charaktereigenschaften mit Wiedererkennungswert. EAGLE RARE 7-B16 TEAMSPIRIT MARKENGETRÄNKEINTERNATIONALEGMBH Hubert-Underberg-Allee 1 47495 Rheinberg, Germany Tel.: +49 2843 920 371 Fax: +49 2843 920-475 E-Mail: Web: Das Wappentier der Amerikaner, der stolze und unabhängige Adler, englisch „eagle“, stand Pate für diesen meisterlichen Kentucky Straight Bourbon Whiskey. EASY DRINKS GMBH 1-A48 Bückchener Strasse 1c 15913 Märkische Heide, Germany Tel.: +49 3547 6658 955 Fax: +49 3547 658959 E-Mail: Web: easy drinks GmbH is producer of ZEKILLA - a sweet-spicy Tequila based liqueur with cinnamon and chili. ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT BOARD 10.1-KH15, 10.1-KH16 10th Floor, One Cathedral Square Buildung 16, Jules Koenig Street Port Louis, Mauritius Tel.: +230 2033800 Fax: +230 2108560 E-Mail: Web: The mandate of the EDB is to provide strong institutional support for strategic economic planning and promote Mauritius as an attractive investment & a competitive export platform. EDINBURGH GIN 1-B30 Russell House, Dunnet Way Broxburn, EH52 5BU, United Kingdom Tel.: +44 1506 8522 05 Fax: +44 1506 8564 34 E-Mail: Web: EDINBURGHwww.ianmacleod.comGIN

186 AUSSTELLER /// EXHIBITORS Brew Berlin Aussteller / ExhibitorCoffee Aussteller / Exhibitor EL ARBOL DEL PECADO S.A. DE C.V. 4-B30 Aurelio Ortega 869 Guadalajara 45150, Mexico Tel.: +33 382 5599 9 E-Mail: RAICILLAraicillalavenenosa@gmail.comISVERYUNIQUEANDOLDAGAVE SPIRIT FROM THE STATE OF JALISCO IN MEXICO, WE WORK 5 DIFFERENT TECHNIQUES AND 5 DIFFERENT AGAVES IN 7 DIFFERENT REGIONS. ELEGANTLY SPIRITED LTD 4-B03 The Smiths Building, 176 Great Portland Street London, W1W 5PL, United Kingdom Tel.: +44 7956 3999 01 E-Mail: Web: STRYYKwww.stryyk.comisforthegeneration of mindful hedonists who love to go big and still get up and go the next day. Our NOT VODKA, NOT GIN and NOT RUM is here to power your night, and not burn you out. ELEMENT SHRUB 1-B28 5521 27th St N, Arlington Arlington, VA VA22207-1773, United States Tel.: +1 888 658 6899 E-Mail: Web: Elementwww.elementshrub.comShrubisproducedfrom organic apple cider vinegar, whole, fresh (non-GMO) fruit, herbs and spices and just a touch of local organic cane sugar. As a mixer its versatility is unlimited and can add new dimensions to your cocktails. ELEPHANT GIN GMBH 7-A22 Rosenstr. 3 19243 Wittenburg, Germany Tel.: +49 40 4667 6729 E-Mail: Web: Elephantwww.elephant-gin.comGin:AfricanTaste,German Quality. Elephant Gin produces award-winning premium gin products made with African botanicals and donates 15% of profits to elephant conservation. ENGINE - ITALIAN ORGANIC GIN 4-A02 Via Tortona 20 20144 Milano, Italy Tel.: +39 3453724477 E-Mail: ENGINE is an Italian Gin, 100% made in Italy with Organic ingredients such as Sage from Portofino and Lemon from Amalfi Coast. Its irriverent pack makes ENGINE one of the most desiderable ad succesful brands on the italian market. EPOWER CO. LTD. 1-A40 Daifuku-cho 2-4-1 Gifu-city 502-0934, Japan Tel.: ePowerWeb:E-Mail:+81-58-207-8025info@epower.jpwww.epower.jpCo.Ltd.istheofficial exporter of the Japanese Tatsumi Distillery. Their Gin and Absinthe enjoys a great popularity in Japan and abroad! EL-FE

187Aussteller sucht Distributoren / Exhibitor searches for distributors ESTAL 7-C08 Pol. Industial Bujonis - C/Taper 23 17220 St. Feliu Guíxols (Girona), Spain Tel.: +34 972 8216 76 E-Mail: Web: PREMIUMwww.estal.comPACKAGING SOLUTIONS for spirits, wines and sparkling wines, beverages and gourmet products. Striving for innovation is our main added value. Premium packaging is identified by its unique design and for the constant pursuit of value. #estalspirits #trackringbottle #doblealtodesign FARETTI DESSERT LIQUEURS 3-D23 2351 New Millennium Drive Louisville, KY 40216, United States Tel.: +1 917 428-6295 E-Mail: Web: A uniquely delicious spirit, the famous Faretti liqueur comes from Northern Italy where wonderful biscotti cookies are baked in rustic brick ovens. FARMER'S ORGANIC GIN 3-D23 2351 New Millennium Drive Louisville, KY 40216, United States Tel.: +1 917 428-6295 E-Mail: Web: Farmer’ in small batches from carefully selected botanicals and the purest grains. FEE BROTHERS, INC. 1-A50 453 Portland Ave. Rochester, NY 14605, United States Tel.: +1 585 5449 530 Fax: +1 585 5449 550 E-Mail: Web: Fee Brothers (Rochester, New York) offers a unique range of cocktail bitters that comprises 19 flavours, to add balance and complexity to your favourite drinks. FENTIMANS LTD 3-B11 Fearless House, Beaufront Business Park, Anick Road Hexham, NORH NE46 4TU, United Kingdom Tel.: +44 1434 6098 47 Fax: +44 1434 6095 82 E-Mail: Web: For over 100 years, the Fentimans family have been produ cing drinks in the North of England. They make a range of mixers, soft drinks and cocktail syrups. FEVER-TREE 7-C03, YARD 07 186-188 Shepherds Bush Road London, GRLO W6 7NL, United Kingdom Tel.: +49 171 3175 334 E-Mail: Web: Since launching in 2005, Fever-Tree’s award-winning mixers perfectly enhance the flavour of high quality spirits. After all, if ¾ of your drink is the mixer, mix with the best.

188 AUSSTELLER /// EXHIBITORS Brew Berlin Aussteller / ExhibitorCoffee Aussteller / Exhibitor FEW SPIRITS BOURBON & RYE 4-B32 Town Center One - Suite 1909, 8950 SW 74th Court Miami, FL 33156, United States Tel.: + 1 305 501 2344 E-Mail: Web: FEW is a bareknuckle fancy Bourbon, Rye and Malt; Born in the heart of the Midwest, it is decidedly not your typical American Whiskey. F. & G. SRL 4-A52 COMPAGNIA DI COMMERCIO Via Volvera 116 10090 Bruino (TO), Italy Tel.: +39 0119 0481 00 E-Mail: Web: F&G, leader (since 1987) of premium beverage sector, introduce the new Premium, Italian and Organic "Plus Eight Tonic Waters". We are solving the sales network in Europe and Worldwide. FINEST BEVERAGES GMBH 1-A32 Theresienstr. 33 80333 München, Germany Tel.: +49 89 3508101 Fax: +49 89 35827562 E-Mail: Web: Unserwww.huckleberry-gin.comHuckleberryGin-eineHommage an die Freundschaft. Der Gin ist aus 22 Botanicals destilliert und die Huckleberry (Heidelbeere) ist die unverkennbare, namensgebende Zutat. FIREBALL 7-B16 TEAMSPIRIT MARKENGETRÄNKEINTERNATIONALEGMBH Hubert-Underberg-Allee 1 47495 Rheinberg, Germany Tel.: +49 2843 920 371 Fax: +49 2843 920-475 E-Mail: Web:–Liqueurblended with Cinnamon & Whisky Die Marke Fireball hat in den USA und weiteren Ländern längst Erfolgsgeschichte geschrieben. FISK PURE RAW SHOT 1-B49 Hejreskovvej 18 3490 Kvistgaard, Denmark Tel.: +45 49139697 E-Mail: Web: UNITEDwww.uniteddrinks.dkDRINKSA/Sisafamily-owned liquor company, which was established in 1999. The company owns the brands FISK The Classic, FISK Pure Raw, Sour FISK and Glitter FISK. FISK THE CLASSIC SHOT 1-B49 Hejreskovvej 18 3490 Kvistgaard, Denmark Tel.: +45 49139697 E-Mail: Web: UNITEDwww.uniteddrinks.dkDRINKSA/Sisafamily-owned liquor company, which was established in 1999. The company owns the brands FISK The Classic, FISK Pure Raw, Sour FISK and Glitter FISK. FE-FO

189Aussteller sucht Distributoren / Exhibitor searches for distributors FLUÈRE DRINKS B.V. 7-C18 Noordstraat 1A 4493 AE Kamperland, The Netherlands Tel.: +31 6146 64306 E-Mail: Web: FLUÈREwww.flueredrinks.comSPIRITONONALCOLICO, Non alcoholic distilled spirit a piece of art especially made for creating the best mocktails & low alcohol cocktails | A FLORAL BLEND OF BOTANICALS. FOLKINGTON’S 1-B11 Endlewick House Arlington, ESX BN26 6RU, United Kingdom Tel.: +44 7799 7909 14 Fax: +44 0870 1347 014 E-Mail: Web: Folkington’swww.folkingtons.comisafamilyowned business and one of the UK’s fastest growing non-alcoholic drinks brands specialising in premium mixers, quality pure fruit juices and sparkling pressé. FOR FRIENDS LIMITED 8-D01 Office 12H, King Palace Plaza Hong Kong., Hong Kong Tel.: +852 30170116 E-Mail: Web: FFL is Global Distributor of "Sobolinaya" Superior Organic Vodka (France, Distillerie Merlet) & "Kremlinka" Premium Vodka (Russia). FORMITABLE GMBH 1-B59 Lieserpark 7 54550 Daun, Germany Tel.: +49 6592 7128400 Fax: +49 6592 7128409 E-Mail: Web: Im Jahre 2014 wurde unsere Firma mit dem Ziel gegründet, Möbel mit individuellem Charakter zu fertigen. WeinbrettMotive prägen das Erscheinungsbild unserer Produkte„moebel mit weindruck“. FORO AMARO 3-D23 2351 New Millennium Drive Louisville, KY 40216, United States Tel.: +1 917 428-6295 E-Mail: Web: We conceived Foro Amaro to be an intense herbal-based Italian liqueur. FORTEZZA ESPRESSO GMBH 4-B17 Schwabacher Str. 106 / 3. OG 90763 Fürth, Germany Tel.: +49 911 9792 6535 Fax: +49 911 9792 6536 E-Mail: Web: Handwerklichewww.fortezza-espresso.deKaffeerösterei,die Coldbrew- und NitroCoffee bereits ab Kleinmengen als Eigenmarke produziert und abfüllt. Entwicklung kundeneigener Kaffee-Blends möglich (auch BIO).

190 AUSSTELLER /// EXHIBITORS Brew Berlin Aussteller / ExhibitorCoffee Aussteller / Exhibitor FOURCHETTE 1-A21 BROUWERIJ VAN STEENBERGE Lindenlaan 25 9940 Ertvelde, Belgium Tel.: +32 9 344 50 71 Fax: +32 9 344 54 20 E-Mail: Web: Fourchettewww.vansteenberge.comwasbornoftheculmination of the best of two worlds—the sophisticated, refined flavours of top chefs and the knowledge and passion of 6 generations of master brewers. FRANKLIN & SONS LTD 3-A02 5th Floor Casa Hotel, Lockford Lane Chesterfield, DER S41 7JB, United Kingdom Tel.: +44 1246 2160 26 Fax: +44 1246 2160 01 E-Mail: Web:, mixer and soft drinks brand, fronting flavour trends with natural quality ingredients and unique taste. FRANZ FIES GMBH 7-C24 SCHWARZWÄLDER EDELBRENNEREI Heugasse 5 77704 Oberkirch-Haslach, Germany Tel.: +49 7802 7061 10 Fax: +49 7802 4478 E-Mail: Web: Franz Fies, eine Familienbrennerei aus dem Schwarzwald. Hochwertig destillierte Obstbrände gehören zum traditionellen Handwerk, innovative Liköre wie der Kräuter-Beeren-Aperitif "FISINI" spiegeln den modernen Geist des Unternehmens wider. FRATELLI FRANCOLI 1-B62 via Romagnano 20 28074 Ghemme, Italy Tel.: +39 0163 844 711 E-Mail: Web: Distilleriewww.francoli.itFrancoli,founded in Piedmont in 1951 by Luigi Francoli and still run by the Francoli family, is a company active in the production and sale of Grappa, liqueurs and spirits. FO-GA

191Aussteller sucht Distributoren / Exhibitor searches for distributors FRATERNITY SPIRITS WORLD INC. 7-D20 Cofre de perote 359-9 Col. Lomas de chapultepec CP 11000, Mexico Tel.: +521 55 1078 0643 E-Mail: Web: Fraternitywww.fraternityspirits.comSpiritsistheworldmarketing partner for Hacienda Corralejo premium brands.Was founded in 1994 and have dedicated to create,represent and market a portfolio of premium drinks. FREIMEISTERKOLLEKTIV GMBH 1-B57 Erkelenzdamm 59-61 10999 Berlin, Germany Tel.: +49 30 8095 5955 E-Mail: Web: Freimeisterkollektivwww.freimeisterkollektiv.deisanopennetwork of some of the world's finest independent craft distillers. We develop and produce a wide range of unique spirits under one brand based in Berlin. FRITZ-KOLA 3-C16 Spaldingstraße 64-68 20097 Hamburg, Germany Tel.: +49 40 2190 7169 0 Fax: +49 40 2190 7169 9 E-Mail: Web: moin bcb, wir sind fritz. die, die den schluck weiter denken. und gehen. wachste kolas, fruchtigste limonaden und natürlichste bio-schorlen – aus der glasflasche direkt in die besten gastro-gläser. FUNDEGHERA 1939 8-A01 Viale Lombardia 16/N 20081 Cassinetta di Lugagnano, Italy Tel.: +39 349 8332 891 E-Mail: Web: Fundegherawww.fundeghera1939.com1939isanItaliancompany that produces the Vermut of Milan, Bitter, Amaro with rhubarb and Sambüc, a liqueur with elderflower and honey, for the best bartenders. GABRIELLO SANTONI SRL 1-B48 Via dei Colli 66 53042 Chianciano Terme, Italy Tel.: +39 0578 6377 8 Fax: +39 0578 6338 3 E-Mail: Web: Santoniwww.santonitoscana.itDistilleryisasymbol of Italian lifestyle since 1961. Artisanal care in the creation of all products: liquors and spirits made in Tuscany. Presenting the new Amaro Santoni.

192 AUSSTELLER /// EXHIBITORS Brew Berlin Aussteller / ExhibitorCoffee Aussteller / Exhibitor GALLIANO 7-B13 TEAMSPIRIT MARKENGETRÄNKEINTERNATIONALEGMBH Hubert-Underberg-Allee 1 47495 Rheinberg, Germany Tel.: +49 2843 920 371 Fax: +49 2843 920-475 E-Mail: Web: Gallianowww.teamspirit.deerlangteinden1970er Jahren internationalen Ruhm als Schlüsselkomponente für den Harvey Wallbanger und den Golden Cadillac. GALLINAL DRINKS SL 8-B06 Calle Vara de Rey 9, 7°D 26002 Logrono, Spain Tel.: +34 687 716 718 E-Mail: Web: EXNERwww.fincagallinal.comFARMCRAFTAPPLECIDER is a premium, artisan, all natural, not from concentrate, apple cider made from sharp-acid cider apple varieties. From our orchard in Asturias, Spain. GAMONDI 1-B02 Via Statale, 3 12054 Cossano Belbo, Italy Tel.: +39 014 183789 Fax: +93 014 188588 E-Mail: Web: Since 1890, liquors, bitters and vermouths are produced according to the herbalist Carlo Gamondi’s original recipes. Teodoro Negro's Toccasana and Ille-gal vodkas complete the range. GASTRO-COOL GMBH & CO. KG 7-E03 Hans-Böckler-Str. 8 47877 Willich, Germany Tel.: +492154484600 Fax: Gastro-CoolWeb:E-Mail:+4921544846020info@gastro-cool.comwww.Gastro-Cool.comentwickelt,produziert & vertreibt innovative Werbe-Kühlgeräte. Unser Service und unsere Qualität macht uns zu einem der Top 3-Hersteller in Deutschland. GDP GLOBAL DRINKS PARTNERSHIP GMBH 3-D29 Marienstr. 17 80331 München, Germany Tel.: +49 89 24 88 747 0 Fax: +49 89 24 88 747 99 E-Mail: Web: GA-GI

193Aussteller sucht Distributoren / Exhibitor searches for distributors GEBR. J. & M. ZIEGLER GMBH 1-B47 EDELOBSTBRENNEREI Hauptstraße 26 97896 Freudenberg, Germany Tel.: +49 937592880 Fax: +49 9375928811 E-Mail: Web: Die Brennerei Ziegler, 1865 in Freudenberg am Main gegründet, steht für Destillationskunst auf höchstem Niveau. Ziegler produziert heute immer noch auf dem ursprünglichen Gelände im baden-württembergischen Freudenberg, inmitten der idyllischen Landschaft an der Mainschleife nahe Miltenberg. GEMELLII DRINKS GMBH 5-A25 Hinter den Obergärten 36 60388 Frankfurt am Main, Germany Tel.: +49 610950032020 E-Mail: Web: GEMELLiiwww.gemellii.comstelltfeinealkoholfreie Getränke her, die Teil der Slow-Food-Kultur sind. Wir bieten 3 Bio-Tonic Water und 1 Bio-Aperitif ohne Alkohol an. GENTLEMEN’S CRAFT BVBA 4-A06 Jennevalstraat 5, 0101 2600 Antwerpen, Belgium Tel.: +32 474640093 E-Mail: Web: The gin with the touch of the Himalayas: multiple award winning micro-distilled gin from Antwerp. GEROLSTEINER BRUNNEN GMBH & Co.KG 3-D14 54567VulkanringGerolstein, Germany Tel.: +49 6591 140 Fax: +49 6591 1420 2 E-Mail: Web: Gerolsteinerwww.gerolsteiner.deistseitvielen Jahren die gefragteste Mineral wassermarke Deutschlands. Auch im Außer-Haus-Markt ist das Mineralwasser aus der Vulkaneifel führend. GIFFARD 3-A13 Worringerstr. 30 50668 Köln, Germany Tel.: +49 221 5005 404 Fax: +49 221 5005 405 E-Mail: Web: 1885 erfand der Apotheker Emile Giffard den erfrischenden Likör Menthe-Pastille. 130 Jahre später steht der Name GIFFARD für Qualität in der Runde der klassischen Sirup- und Likör-Anbieter. GINARTE SRL 1-B48 Via Degli Artigiani Snc 50022 Greve in Chianti, Italy Tel.: +39 0558 5259 3 Fax: +39 0558 5609 54 E-Mail:

194 AUSSTELLER /// EXHIBITORS Brew Berlin Aussteller / ExhibitorCoffee Aussteller / Exhibitor GINLAB S.R.L. 1-B61 Via Aretina 161 50136 Firenze, Italy Tel.: +39 338 9292 296 E-Mail: Web: GIN SUL 3-A14 Bahrenfelder Steindamm 2 22761 Hamburg, Germany Tel.: +49 40 2263 7923 Fax: +49 40 2263 7925 E-Mail: Web: GIN SUL ist ein Hamburger Gin mit portugiesischen Wurzeln. Frische Botanicals, eine liebevolle Destillation in sehr kleinen Batches und mediterrane Zitrusnoten zeichnen GIN SUL aus. GIULIO COCCHI SPUMANTI SRL 7-D30 via Liprandi 21 14023 Cocconato d'Asti, Italy Tel.: +39 0141 9070 83 Fax: +39 0141 9070 85 E-Mail: Web: A boutique winery founded in Asti in 1891, Cocchi is a leading name for the production of Aperitifs (Barolo Chinato, Vermouth Torino and Americano) and Metodo Classico Sparkling Wines. GLASS DECOR TC LLC 5-B07 8 Berzarina street Moscow 123298, Russia Tel.: +371 6609 0543 E-Mail: Web:,glass production and decoration. GLENTURRET DISTILLERY 5-A01 The Hosh, Crieff Crieff, PERT PH7 4HA, United Kingdom Tel.: +44 01764 656565 E-Mail: Web: Basedwww.theglenturret.cominCrieff,Scotland&Established in 1775. We are Scotland's oldest working distillery. The Glenturret Single Malt is produced in small batches using time honoured traditional methods. GLITTER FISK DRINK MIXER 1-B49 Hejreskovvej 18 3490 Kvistgaard, Denmark Tel.: +45 49139697 E-Mail: Web: UNITEDwww.uniteddrinks.dkDRINKSA/Sisafamily-owned liquor company, which was established in 1999. The company owns the brands FISK The Classic, FISK Pure Raw, Sour FISK and Glitter FISK. GI-GU

195Aussteller sucht Distributoren / Exhibitor searches for distributors GLOBAL DRINKS INTELLIGENCE 5 MEDIA LOUNGE 91 Coombe Lane London, LONO SW20 0BD, United Kingdom Tel.: +44 (0)207 096 0445 E-Mail: GOLD OF MAURITIUS 10.1-KH13 Endemika Business Park, Mon Loisir Rouillard Petit Raffray xx, Mauritius Tel.: Litchquor’sWeb:E-Mail:+230-2824949fbestel@intnet.muwww.goldofmauritius.compremiumspiritsarean embodiment of the beau tiful tropical island of Mauritius. They are luxurious, refined and multifaceted, appealing to a wide range of individuals. GONZALEZ BYASS SA 7-A21, 7-B22 Calle de Manuel María González 12 11403 Jerez de la Frontera, Cádiz, Spain Tel.: +34 956 3570 00 Fax: +34 956 3570 44 E-Mail: Web: Experiencewww.gonzalezbyass.comouruniquesherries, brandies, whisky and vermouths alongside with the gins MOM and The London Nº1. Taste our new The London Nº1 Sherry Cask gin and MOM Love. GOSLINGS RUM 1-A39 122 East 42nd Street, Suite 5000 New York, NY 10168, United States Tel.: +49 6022 7038 Fax: +49 6022 7037 E-Mail: Web: Goslingswww.castlebrandsinc.comRumwirdseit8Generationen nach unverändertem Familienrezept hergestellt und ist der einzige von Bermuda. Legendär und als Marke geschützt ist der Drink „Dark‘n Stormy®“! G-RACK UG & CO.KG 3-A38 Speckenbeker Weg 130e 24113 Kiel, Germany Tel.: +49 431 6480 60 Fax: +49 431 6480 650 E-Mail: Web: Barsystem. Werkzeuglos und mit wenigen Handgriffen verändern Sie Ihre stationäre oder mobile Bar in Größe, Design oder Ausstattung. GRAYS LTD. 10.1-KH08 Beau Plan Business Park Pamplemousses 21001, Mauritius Tel.: +230 204 0808 E-Mail: Web: Since 1935 Grays Inc. Ltd has forged itself the reputation of being a reliable producer and marketer of the best wines, spirits and liqueurs in Mauritius. GREEN TREE DISTILLERY 8-D09 Dráž?anská 14/84 Ústí nad Labem 40007, Czech Republic Tel.: +420 725 029 650 E-Mail: Web: The oldest distillery in Europe, with a tradition since 1518. We are one of the TOP players on the Czech market and are exporting our brands in more than 25 countries all over the world. GULDEN DRAAK 1-B18 BROUWERIJ VAN STEENBERGE Lindenlaan 25 9940 Ertvelde, Belgium Tel.: +32 9 344 50 71 Fax: +32 9 344 54 20 E-Mail: Web: Beer of high fermentation with re-fermentation in the bottle. A strong ale, dark triple.

196 AUSSTELLER /// EXHIBITORS Brew Berlin Aussteller / ExhibitorCoffee Aussteller / Exhibitor GUZMAN Y GONZALEZ 7-D14 Washingtonstraße 16/16a 01139 Dresden, Germany Tel.: +49 351 4568 525 E-Mail: Web: HALEWOOD INTERNATIONAL LTD 7-D22 Wilson Liverpool,RoadL36 6AD, United Kingdom Tel.: +44 151 4808 800 E-Mail: Web: Halewoodwww.halewood-int.comWinesandSpiritsis the UK’s largest independent alcoholic drinks manufacturer and distributor. Still family owned and based in Merseyside, with offices in London’s Mayfair, Halewood has a comprehensive product range covering all drinks categories, including wines, spirits, tonics and beers. The key brands include award-winning Whitley Neill Gin, Dead Man’s Fingers Rum, J.J. Whitley Gin and Vodka,Peaky Blinder Spirits,John Crabbie Whisky, Liverpool Gins and Vodka, Marylebone Gin, City of London Gin, Crabbie’s Alcoholic Ginger Beer, and The Pogues Irish Whiskey. HALM STRAWS GMBH 3-C08 Thaerstraße 19 10249 Berlin, Germany Tel.: +49 30 9599 9411 0 E-Mail: Web: HALMwww.halm.coisteinwiederverwendbarer Trinkhalm aus Glas. 100 % Made in Germany, 100 % purer Geschmack der Drinks. HALM ist innovativ, stilsicher & kann gebrandet werden. HAMMER & SON LTD 1-B27 Vintre Moller 29 4060 Kirke Saby, Denmark Tel.: +45 26249970 E-Mail: A family owned producer of fine spirits and liqueurs for bars, restaurants and specialized retailers. We are particularly known for our brands Geranium Gin and Old English Gin. HANSEATISCHE WEINHANDELSGESELLSCHAFT 3-D01 MBH & CO.KG Lukas-Welser-Str. 8 28309 Bremen, Germany Tel.: +49 421 5494 93 Fax: +49 421 5494 949 E-Mail: Web: Generalimporteur:www.hawe-bremen.deGlenfarclas, Springbank, Glen Scotia, Longrow, Hazelburn, Kilkerran, Smokehead, As We Get It, Filliers, Coloma, Emperor, Domaine de Séverin, Dunville's, Guglhof. GU-HE

197Aussteller sucht Distributoren / Exhibitor searches for distributors HARDENBERG DISTILLERY 7-D13 Vorderhaus 2 37176 Nörten-Hardenberg, Germany Tel.: +49 550 380 Fax: +49 550 3802 159 E-Mail: Web: Die Hardenberg Distillery ist das Ergebnis aus über 300 Jahren Korn Tradition, deutscher Brennereikunst und Handwerk. Mit neuer Brennerei verbindet das Unternehmen seit 2019 lokale Rohstoffe und traditionelle Herstellungsmethoden mit modernen Veredelungstechniken, um so hochprozentige Innovationen entstehen und ehrliche Geschmacksfacetten aufleben zu lassen. HAVANA CLUB INTERNATIONAL - 7-A10 PERNOD RICARD 39, avenue Pierre 1er de Serbie 75008 Paris, France Tel.: TheWeb:E-Mail:+33637329215evane.chenuet@pernod-ricard.comwww.havana-professional.comauthenticCubanrumwillintroducefor the first time the 2 new rums of the Professional Edition range co-created with Alex Kratena & Carina Soto Velasquez. Come and visit us on 7A10 to discover the full Havana Club Professional Series, our range made with bartenders for bartenders, and meet the people behind! HAYMAN DISTILLERS LTD. 3-D21 8A Weir Road Balham , LONO SW12 0GT , United Kingdom Tel.: +44 1376 517517 E-Mail: Web: For five generations, our family have acted as custodians of the True English Gin style. Throughout this 150 years, we have been proud to distil True English Gins using family techniques. HEAVEN HILL DISTILLERIES INC. 3-B23 Bourbon Heritage Center Bradstown, 40004, United States E-Mail: Web: Das Heaven Hill Brands Whiskey-Portfolio umfasst die Marken Elijah Craig, Evan Williams, Larceny und Rittenhouse, die in Deutschland exklusiv von BORCO-MARKEN-IMPORT und in Österreich von der KATTUS-BORCO Vertriebs GmbH vertrieben werden. HEIMAT GBR 1-A09 Leintalstraße 32/2 74193 Schwaigern, Germany Tel.: +49 172 7215 375 E-Mail: Web: HEIMATwww.heimat-gin.deGin-Handverlesene Wiesenkräuter wie Salbei, Thymian und Spitzwegerich sowie Äpfel und Birnen von den eigenen Streuobstwiesen. 43% vol., Steingutflasche, Handcrafted. HELLSHIRE RUMS 5-A09 69 / 85 Tabernacle 87 London, EC2AYBD, United Kingdom Tel.: +44 7867806347 E-Mail: Web: A range of handcrafted Jamaican spiced aged rums at 40%. Ginger Black Spiced, Pineapple Black Spiced, Madagascan Vanilla, Exotic Spiced, Blue Mountain Coffee & Banana Black Spiced Rums.

198 AUSSTELLER /// EXHIBITORS Brew Berlin Aussteller / ExhibitorCoffee Aussteller / Exhibitor HELMUT WERMUT GBR 8-A03 MARKUS WEISS NILS LIEDMANN GBR Am Brunnenhof 22 22767 Hamburg, Germany Tel.: +49 (0) 40 412 80 508 E-Mail: Web: Ausgesuchtewww.helmut-wermut.dePfälzerWeine,gepaart mit feinen Kräutern, Früchten und Gewürzen. Handgefertigt an der Hamburger Waterkant. Das ist HELMUT. Ein deutscher Premium Wermut mit Charakter. HENKELL FREIXENET 7-A23, 7-B26 HENKELL & CO. SEKTKELLEREI KG Biebricher Allee 142 65187 Wiesbaden, Germany Tel.: +49 611 63 0 Fax: +49 611 63 232 E-Mail: Web: HENKELLwww.Henkell-Freixenet.comFREIXENETistin30Ländern mit eigenen Unterneh men vertreten und exportiert weltweit in mehr als 150 Staa ten. Die Gruppe ist Weltmarktführer im Bereich Schaumwein und hat mit Wodka Gorbatschow die meistverkaufte Spiritu ose Deutschlands. Durch Mangaroca Batida de Côco erlebt das Segment der Kokos-Sahne-Liköre einen Aufschwung. Mit OTTO Crafted Korn von Fürst Bismarck sowie Cardenal Mendoza Brandy de Jerez sind zwei Premium-Spirituosen Teil des Portfolios - und wie Mangaroca Batida mit je einem eigenen Stand auf der BCB 2019 vertreten. HMA HANNEDER MAUL ALLNOCH GMBH 3-A34 Erlenweg 3 91315 Höchstadt an der Aisch, Germany Tel.: +49 1604 4532 70 E-Mail: Web: San Cosme ist ein Entry Level Mezcal aus 100 % Agave Espadín. Hergestellt nach traditioneller Art und Weise (Mezcal Artesanal) eignet er sich perfekt zum mixen, ist aber auch pur ein Genuss. HERENCIA MEXICANA TEQUILA 1-A52 Alvarez Del Castillo 655 Col. Las Huertas Guadalajara, Jalisco C.P. 44379, Mexico Tel.: HerenciaWeb:E-Mail:+523331101705d.curiel@destilerialafortuna.comwww.herenciamexicana.comMexicanaisaPremiumartisanal tequila, made in accordance with time-honoured traditions with 100% blue agave, cooked in brick ovens and aged in oak barrels. HETERE GROUP SRLS 5-A11 Via P. Togliatti, 58 70043 Monopoli, Italy Tel.: +39 3209562060 E-Mail: Web: Roachwww.roachbrewery.comBreweryanHetereGroup srls Company. HE-IA

199Aussteller sucht Distributoren / Exhibitor searches for distributors HINZSELF PRODUCTION GMBH 7-B15 Biberstraße 35 50678 Köln, Germany Tel.: +49 1609 39597 46 E-Mail: Web: Wegweisendewww.hinzself.deLösungen für die Gastronomie und Hotellerie. Wir haben die Lösung für den Perfekten Trinkhalm, kristall klares Eis und vieles Mehr! HOOGHOUDT DISTILLERS BV 3-D16 Hooghoudtstraat 1 9723 TG Groningen, The Netherlands Tel.: +31505420000 Fax: DistillingWeb:E-Mail:+31505410247johan.flaskamp@hooghoudt.nlwww.hooghoudt.nlcomplexGeneversforover130 years. HOSHIZAKI DEUTSCHLAND 3-A08 31180Kampstr.16Giesen-Hasede, Germany Tel.: +49 5121 6973 70 Fax: +49 5121 6973 719 E-Mail: Web: Hoshizaki-Gramwww.hoshizaki.dezähltzu den führenden Premium-Herstellern von eisproduzierenden und kältetechnischen Geräten für gastronomische Zwecke wie Bars, Gastronomie und Hotellerie etc. HOUSE OF LORDS 10.1-KH11 Industrial Zone 3,MFD Port Louis 11609, Mauritius Tel.: +230 2062 164 Fax: +230 2062 167 E-Mail: Web: Housewww.houseoflordslimited.comofLordsBeveragesLimitedwas established in January 2016 as an alcoholic beverage production & marketing company in the beautiful island of Mauritius. HOXTON SPIRITS LTD. 5-A18 172 London Road Guildford, GUI IXR, United Kingdom Tel.: +44 1483 4578 00 Fax: +44 1483 4546 77 E-Mail: Web: Hoxtonwww.emporiabrands.comSpiritsisaninnovativelifestyle and spirits brand who's range consists of a 100% naturally macerated banana rum, grapefruit & coconut gin and a rose and hibiscus pink gin. HUMBEL SPEZIALITÄTENBRENNEREI 1-B55 Baumgartenstraße 12 5608 Stetten, Switzerland Tel.: +49 7774 9313 502 E-Mail: Web: Schnapswww.humbel.deseit1918!Die Humbel Spezialitätenbrennerei steht für herausragende Obstbrände und vielseitige Craft Spirits in Bio Qualität. IAN MACLEOD DISTILLERS LTD. 1-B30, 1-B40 Russell House, Dunnet Way Broxburn, EH52 5BU, United Kingdom Tel.: +44 1506 8522 05 Fax: +44 1506 8564 34 E-Mail: Web: SMOKEHEADwww.ianmacleod.comISLAYSINGLEMALT SOCTCH WHISKY EDINBURGH GIN.

200 AUSSTELLER /// EXHIBITORS Brew Berlin Aussteller / ExhibitorCoffee Aussteller / Exhibitor ICON KEY, SA 3-A35 Rua Tierno Galvan, Torre 3, 5°, No. 509 Lisboa 1070-274, Portugal Tel.: +351 9157 3829 0 Fax: +351 211 9555 3 E-Mail: Web: Icon Key is a corporate project, which believes that success is about behaviors, recognizing that trust is earned over a long period of time through compliance with the promise. ILLVA SARONNO S.P.A. 4-A21, 7-C11 Via Archimede 243 21047 Saronno (VA), Italy Tel.: +39 02 9676 51 E-Mail: Web: ILLVA SARONNO is known for DISARONNO, the world’s favourite Italian liqueur. IMBIBE LIVE 5-MEDIA LOUNGE REED EXHIBITIONS LTD Oriel House, 28 The Quadrant Richmond, SUR TW9 1DN, United Kingdom Tel.: +44 (0) 20 8910 7853 E-Mail: Web: INGER VERLAGSGESELLSCHAFT MBH 5-MEDIA LOUNGE COFFEE BUSINESS Luisenstraße 34 49074 Osnabrück, Germany Tel.: + 49 (0) 541 580544-58 E-Mail: INTEGRITY SPIRITS 8-B13 Ulvsunddavägen 144 Bromma 16867, Sweden Tel.: +46 707 5210 75 E-Mail: Web: Integritywww.integrity-spirits.seSpirits-uniquebrands with a story to tell. Gunroom Original Navy Spirits Navy Rum -Navy Gin and -London Dry Gin. Pure Green Organic Vodka and Ron Escudero. INTERNATIONAL RUM & SPIRITS DISTRIBUTORS, 3-A31 UNIPESSOAL, LTD Rua do Esmeraldo 47, 3° andar Funchal, Madeira 9000-051, Portugal Tel.: +34 9689 6463 0 E-Mail: Web: Diplomáticowww.rondiplomatico.comisaVenezuelanrum brand and an international standard when speaking of premium rum. Produced by Destilerias Unidas SA and distributed in over 90 countries. IC-JA

201Aussteller sucht Distributoren / Exhibitor searches for distributors INTERTRADE & ASOCIADOS 4-B06 Calle Pez Austral 3994. C.P. 45070 COL. ZapopanArboledas/ Jalisco 45070, Mexico Tel.: MexicanaE-Mail:+523336477351hector@mexicanacarmin.comCarmínisacompanyfocused on the promotion and commercialization of beverages derived from agave, made in Mexico for sale in international markets. ISI GMBH 1-A11 Kürschnergasse 4 1210 Wien, Austria Tel.: +43 1250991560 E-Mail: Web: iSi steht seit vielen Jahren in der Gastronomie für modernste Kochtechnik und innovative Produkte. ITALDOSIT DI GALASSI E. 5-B01 Via IV Novembre, 19 13017 Quarona, Italy Tel.: SinceWeb:E-Mail:+390163430366info@italdosit.itwww.italdosit.it1964,wehavebeen creating dispensers for liqueurs and we export worldwide. One family, two generations, fifty years of dedication to an activity that is one of a kind in Italy. ITALICUS LTD 7-B29 Studio 34, Great Western Studios, 65 Alfred Road London, W2 5EU, United Kingdom Tel.: ITALICUSWeb:E-Mail:+447481601789marika@rosolioitalicus.comwww.rosolioitalicus.comRosoliodiBergamotto,L'aperitivo Italiano reborn. #1 Trending aperitivo brand as voted by the worlds best bars - Drinks International 2019. JACQUART CHAMPAGNE DEUTSCHLAND GMBH 7-D25 Max-Plack-Str. 1 53501 Grafschaft-Gelsdorf, Germany Tel.: +49 222 59187203 E-Mail: Web: der Champagner-Marken Jacquart und Montaudon. Zusätzlich präsentieren wir auf dem BCB unsere Neuheiten im Spirituosen-Sortiment: ATAMAN Vermut und MARSH Gin. JAMESON WHISKEY 7-A09 Irish Distillers Ltd., Simmonscourt Road, Ballsbridge Dublin, D4, Ireland Tel.: +353 873731872 E-Mail: Web: Createdwww.jamesonbartenderhub.comin1780,JamesonIrishWhiskey is a blend of traditional pot still whiskey and the finest grain whiskeys, triple distilled and matured in bourbon casks and sherry butts. JARRITOS DEUTSCHLAND 7-D14 Washingtonstraße 16/16a 01139 Dresden, Germany Tel.: +49 351 4568 525 E-Mail: Web: JARRITOSwww.jarritos.deistdie1950 in Mexico City gegründete und aktuell in 36 Ländern erhältliche Sodamarke, deren "natural flavor soda" durch die Verwendung von natürlichen Früchten und Rohrzucker überzeugt.

202 AUSSTELLER /// EXHIBITORS Brew Berlin Aussteller / ExhibitorCoffee Aussteller / Exhibitor J. GASCO SRL 7-D09 Re Umberto I, 10 10121 Turin, Italy Tel.: +39 011 192 11 313 Fax: +39 011 2274 301 E-Mail: Web: J.GASCOwww.jgasco.itisthemost complete range of natural mixers 100% Made in Italy. Premium quality, authentic flavours, no artificial colours or preservatives. JOSEF GIN 3-A32 Josef-Lantenhammer-Platz 1 83734 Hausham, Germany Tel.: +49 8026 9248 0 Fax: +49 8026 9248 10 E-Mail: Web: JOSEFwww.lantenhammer.deGINisteineHommage an Josef Lantenhammer, den Gründer der bayrischen Edelbrennerei Lantenhammer und ein besonderer Gin mit bayrischer Note. JSC TATSPIRTPROM 8-D03 Baumana str. 44/8 Kazan 420111, Russia Tel.: +7 9872 25674 0 E-Mail: Web: TUNDRAwww.tatspirtprom.ruisaconceptualvodka brand. TUNDRA is an extensive event platform, that units the most relevant and modern trends as art, sense, adventure, sounds. #tundraenergy JUNIMPERIUM DISTILLERY OU 4-B45 Tellskivi 60M Tallinn 10412, Estonia Tel.: +37 2517 6216 E-Mail: Web: Junimperiumwww.junimperium.eeDistilleryisfirst open distillery in Tallinn, Estonia. We produce premium quality handcrafted gins with great passion and love to this traditional alcohol. JUNIPER JACK 4-A48 Wiener Str. 69 01219 Dresden, Germany Tel.: +49 173 2161 253 Fax: +49 351 500 814 29 E-Mail: Web: Gin der alten Schule. Ehrlich und komplex im Geschmack, intensiv in der Aromatik - Eine "Wacholder-Bombe", die am Gaumen ihre Sprengkraft entfaltet. JG-KE

203Aussteller sucht Distributoren / Exhibitor searches for distributors KAISER HILL 16, BAVARIAN DRY GIN 4-A36, 4-A38 Pfarrgasse 22 92681 Erbendorf, Germany Tel.: +49 9682 1836 90 Fax: +49 9682 1836 930 E-Mail: Web: Die 200 Jahre alte Brennerei (Seit 1818) ist die älteste Whiskydestillerie Deutschlands (Stonewood Whiskies) und stellt schon seit 1957 auch Gin (Kaiser Hill 16 Bavarian Dry Gin) her. KAKUZO GMBH 3-D15 Franz-Ehrlich-Str. 12 12489 Berlin, Germany E-Mail: Web: Kakuzowww.kakuzo.deisarangeofdifferent spirits that are infused by organic and carefully selected different teas in combination with exceptional scents of Asia. KAMMER-KIRSCH GMBH 1-B34, 1-B43, 3-C19 Hardtstr. 35-37 76185 Karlsruhe, Germany Tel.: +49 721 9555 10 Fax: +49 721 5506 88 E-Mail: Web: Kammer-Kirschwww.kammer-kirsch.deisteineObstbrennerei, die neben Obstbränden auch Rothaus Whisky, Black Forest Dry Gin, Apfelvodka Squamata herstellt. Importiert werden u.a. Wyborowa, Agwa und Minttu. KANLAON LIMITED 7-D15 17 Kensington Hall Gardens London, W14 9LS, United Kingdom Tel.: +44 7480452459 Fax: +44 7480452459 E-Mail: Web: Don Papa Rum is a small batch rum from Negros island, Philippines produced by the Bleeding Heart Rum Company. Launched in 2012, Don Papa is now present in over 20 countries around the world. KARLOFF, S.R.O. 1-B51 Pradiaren 40 Kezmarok 060 01, Slovakia (Slovak Tel.:Republic)+421 52 4681461 E-Mail: Web: KARLOFFwww.karloff.skisafamily-owned company that has sold premium products in the alcohol industry since 2002. Our brands include a tea-based herbal liquer TATRATEA and Czechoslo vakia Vodka. KEFLA-GLAS GMBH & CO.KG 3-C04 Am Ockenheimer Graben 48 55411 Bingen, Germany Tel.: +49 6721 9631 0 Fax: +49 6721 9631 50 E-Mail: Web: Kefla_Glaswww.kefla.deisoneof the leading companys in the develop ment and supply of special bottles worldwide. Our portfolio of products includes over 5.000 glass containers.

204 AUSSTELLER /// EXHIBITORS Brew Berlin Aussteller / ExhibitorCoffee Aussteller / Exhibitor KERNENERGIE GMBH 8-B05 Grundtraining 23 63868 Großwallstadt, Germany Tel.: +49 6022 6872 025 Fax: +49 6022 6872 057 E-Mail: Web: KERNenergiewww.kern-energie.comistQualitätsmarktführer für frisch geröstete und veredelte Nüsse und bezieht seine Rohwaren aus den besten Anbaugebieten der Welt. KIRSCH SPIRITUOSEN E.K. 10.1-KH18 Mackenstedter Str. 7 28816 Stuhr, Germany Tel.: +49 4206 3053 60 Fax: +49 4206 3053 199 E-Mail: Web: Kirschwww.kirschwhisky.deSpirituosenwurdevor 40 Jahren bei Bremen gegründet und hat sich auf den Vertrieb hochwertiger Spirituosen spezialisiert. Zum Portfolio gehören: Whisky, Rum, Gin, Tequila uvm. KLOSTER WÖLTINGERODE 4-A46 BRENNEN & BRAUEN GMBH Wöltingerode 1 38690 Goslar, Germany Tel.: +49 53 2477 4450 E-Mail: Web: Wir brennen für den Harz! Entdecken Sie die Spirituosen aus dem Kloster Wöltingerode. KNUT HANSEN GIN 3-A26 Große Brunnenstraße 42 22763 Hamburg, Germany Tel.: +49 172 5258 681 E-Mail: Web: Premiumwww.knuthansengin.deLondonDryGinfrom Hamburg, Germany. Knut Hansen Dry Gin is made from regional sourced botanicals and comes with a stunning design. True craftsmanship, small batches, 100% love. KOCH EL MEZCAL 5-B09 1533 VODKA Segundo Andador de Lazaro Cardenas 105, OaxacaInt268033, Mexico Tel.: +52 1 408 2375 E-Mail: Web: KOCHwww.mezcalkoch.comELMEZCALARTISANAL AND ANCESTRAL MEZCALES-KOSHER CERTIFIED. ORGANIC CERTIFIED VODKA 1533. CRAFT DISTILLS FROM OAXACA, MEXICO. FAIR TRADE AND SUSTAINABILITY ARE OUR PILLARS. KOKS & TALES GCV 5-A34 BIG DADDY´S FALERNUM Schrijnwerkersstraat 9 3500 Hasselt, Belgium Tel.: +32 0496 847 098 E-Mail: Web: Koks&Taleswww.koksandtales.comBarpresentsBigDaddy's Falernum! A Falernum created by a bartender, for bartenders. Barrel aged and juniper infused. Come see us at stand 5A14! KE-LA

205Aussteller sucht Distributoren / Exhibitor searches for distributors KOPPERT CRESS B.V. 1-B09 De Poel 1 2681 MB Monster, The Netherlands Tel.: +31 1745 1905 1 E-Mail: Web: Koppertwww.koppertcress.comCressisteininnovatives Gartenbau Unternehmen welches sich auf die Produktion von außergewöhnlichen Microgreens und essbaren Blüten und Blättern spezialisiert hat. KOVAL DISTILLERY 1-A30 4241 North Ravenswood Ave Chicago, 60613, United States Tel.: +1 312 8787 988 E-Mail: Web: KOVALwww.kovaldistillery.comDistillerycraftsanextraordinary line of unique and bright whiskey, gin and specialty spirits designed to delight in both taste and design. K. PSYCHIS & SONS DISTILLERY 4-A12 82100VerveratoChios, Greece Tel.: +30 2271 0782 30 Fax: +30 2271 0782 31 E-Mail: Web: The history of "Psychis Distillery" begins at Ververato of Chios in 1881. Since then, we distille Chios Mastiha Liqueur Psychis, Ouzo Psychis Rempiko and Tsipouro Psychis Double Distilled. KRUGMANN MARKENSPIRITUOSEN 1-B06 GMBH & CO. KG Krim 585402 Meinerzhagen, Germany Tel.: +49 2354 9159 0 Fax: +49 2354 9159 30 E-Mail: Web: Traditionellwww.krugmann.comBewährteserhalten und gleichzeitig innovative Wege in der Produktentwicklung gehen, ist für die im Jahre 1867 gegründete Destillerie Krugmann bezeichnend. KYRÖ DISTILLERY COMPANY 3-C13, YARD 08 Oltermannintie 6 Isokyrö 61500, Finland Tel.: +358 50 5718941 E-Mail: Web: Kyrö Distillery Company is an all-rye distillery, producing award winning rye gins and Single Malt Rye Whisky in Western Finland. LABALLE 5-A12 DOMAINE LABALLE ZA des 2 pins rue des resiniers 40130 Capbreton, France Tel.: +33 5587 3815 7 E-Mail: Web: qualitative armagnacs since 1820. By mixing innovation and know-how they are now rejuvenating this noble spirit. Armagnac is back! LA CLAUDIA ITALIA, S.L 1-B21 C\Nicolás Copérnico, 10 46780 Oliva (Valencia), Spain Tel.: +34 9628 5002 2 E-Mail: Web: KR DRINKS OFFERS YOU THE BEST LIQUORS, SPIRTS AND OTHERS ALCOHOLIC DRINKS, PRODUCED IN SPAIN UNDER THE LARGEST STANDARDS OF QUALITY.

206 AUSSTELLER /// EXHIBITORS Brew Berlin Aussteller / ExhibitorCoffee Aussteller / Exhibitor LA COMPAGNIA DEL DIABLO 1-B25 Via Nazioni Unite 11 10093 Collegno, Italy Tel.: +39 0166 560311 E-Mail: Web: The Demon's Share is a brand-new rum by La Compania del Diablo 1968. Produced and aged in Panama for 6 years. "It is in the angels’ share that El Diablo has its source." LADOGA GROUP LTD. 5-B30 13 Moskovskoe shosse, block 6, lit A, B, D St. Petersburg 196158, Russia Tel.: +7 812 3369 669 Fax: +7 812 3365 099 E-Mail: Web: Leadingwww.ladogaspb.comRussianGin(Barrister) and Premium Vodka (Imperial Gold) producer, No1 on domestic market. State-of-the-art spirits production with a lot of highest international awards. LA ESCONDIDA, GRAND MEZCAL 4-B30 1 Rue Fendt 1201 1201 Geneva, Switzerland Tel.: +41 78 6355 054 E-Mail: Web: At Grand Mezcal, we are passionate about creating the purest and most original drinks from southern Mexico’s best agave plants. We distill small batches of a perfectly balanced and elegant mezcal and share it with the world under the brand name La Escondida. LA FUERZA VERMOUTH 5-B12 Av. Dorrego 1409 Buenos Aires 1414, Argentina Tel.: +5411 4772 4874 E-Mail: Web: La Fuerza is the first vermouth made and bottled at the foothills of the Andes mountains, in Mendoza Argentina. Made with locally grown wines and botanicals, wine alcohol, and natural grape must. LA HECHICERA COMPANY LTD 3-D07 56 Shoreditch High Street London, E1 6JJ, United Kingdom Tel.: +44 0 7832 998407 E-Mail: Web: LA HECHICERA, the best awarded Colombian rum; a master ful blend of fine rums aged 12 to 21 years in American white oak, ex-bourbon barrels. LAIRD & COMPANY 8-D07 1 Laird Scobeyville,Rd. NJ 07724, United States Tel.: +1 732 5420 312 Fax: +1 732 5422 244 E-Mail: Web: Producingwww.lairdandcompany.comLaird'sApplejackandLaird's Apple Brandy pro ducts since 1780. We are the oldest Family owned distillery in the United States. LA-LA

207Aussteller sucht Distributoren / Exhibitor searches for distributors LA MARZOCCO DEUTSCHLAND GMBH 4-B15 Maulbronner Weg 25 71706 Markgröningen, Germany Tel.: +49 7145 935380 E-Mail: Web: 1927 in Florenz gegründeten fertigt La Marzocco jede Maschine im Auftrag des Kunden von Hand. Heute findet man sie weltweit in Designboutiquen, Fine-Dining Restaurants sowie führenden Bars. LANGATUN DISTILLERY AG 8-A04 Eyhalde 10 4912 Aarwangen, Switzerland Tel.: +41 79 251 09 99 Fax: +41 62 922 22 01 E-Mail: Web: Als frisch diplomierter Braumeister gründete Jakob Baumberger 1857 auf dem Bauernhof seines Vaters eine Destillerie. 1860 übernahm er in Langenthal (Keltisch: "Langatun") eine kleine Brauerei, die er in der Folge neben der Destillerie zu einem blühenden Unternehmen ausbaute. Dies war der Grundstein für die heutige Destillerie, welche von Jakobs Nachkommen, Hans Baumberger, 2005 gegrün det wurde und 2014 ins Kornhaus einziehen durfte. Neben der Destillerie betreibt Langatun heute im Kornhaus auch ein Besucherzentrum, in welchem Interessenten zu geführten Rundgängen mit Degustation und Brennseminaren emp fangen werden. Die Langatun Distillery durfte in den letzten Jahren zahlreiche nationale und internationale Auszeich nungen für den Whisky entgegen nehmen. LANTENHAMMER DESTILLERIE 3-A32 Josef-Lantenhammer-Platz 1 83734 Hausham, Germany Tel.: +49 8026 9248 0 Fax: +49 8026 9248 10 E-Mail: Web: Die LANTENHAMMER Destillerie steht seit 1928 für erstklas sige Edeldestillate aus Meisterhand und überzeugt mit ihrer Vielfalt an feingeistigen Produkten wie Obstbränden, Vodka, Gin und Rum. LAUMER`S VERTRIEB 3-D09 MARKUS LOZAR Fröbelstr. 3 90522 Oberasbach, Germany Tel.: +49 911 3680 969 Fax: +49 911 2785 344 E-Mail: Web: Laumer'swww.laumers.comKäsekuchen,ein einzigartiger Likör mit Käsekuchengeschmack, der mit Zitrone & braunem Zucker getrunken wird. Ausschließlich aus natürlichen Zutaten hergestellt.

208 AUSSTELLER /// EXHIBITORS Brew Berlin Aussteller / ExhibitorCoffee Aussteller / Exhibitor LCWS BRANDS, LDA. 3-C22 Quinta do Meiral Lousa 3200-095, Portugal Tel.: +351 239 991 114 E-Mail: Web: proud international distributor of the finest Portuguese wines and spirits, such as Licor Beirãothe #1 spirit in Portugal! LIBBEY HOLLAND INC 4-B07 Lingedijk 8 4142 LD Leerdam, The Netherlands Tel.: +31 3456 7167 4 Fax: +31 3456 1049 6 E-Mail: Web: Libbeywww.foodservice.libbey.euisglassware.Since1818, Libbey is the brand that professionals can count on. A wide assortment of highquality, on trend, strong glasses backed by equally strong guaranties. LICOR 43 3-C27, YARD-05 Paulsburg 1-3 59302 Oelde, Germany Tel.: +49 2522 9302 245 Fax: +49 2522 9302 9245 E-Mail: Web: LIMONCELLO DI CAPRI SRL 7-C14 Strada Statale 145 Km. 21,512 80062 Meta (NA), Italy Tel.: +39 0818373059 E-Mail: Web: Since 1897, the family Canale have crafted in the Island of Capri this 100% natural lemon liqueur, free of colorants, preservatives and flavorings using only IGP Sorrento lemons. LOCAL SPIRITS GMBH 8-D08 Friedrich Wilhelm str. 81a 12103 Berlin, Germany Tel.: +49176 3902 7025 E-Mail: Web: Local Spirits GmbH ist ein Großhandel für Craft-Spirituosen, bei dem die Produzenten als Miteigentümer fungieren. LC-LU

209Aussteller sucht Distributoren / Exhibitor searches for distributors THE LOST DISTILLERY COMPANY 8-B08 The Great Steward of Scotland's Dumfries House, Cumnock Ayrshire, KA18 2NJ, United Kingdom Tel.: +44 845 838 5562 E-Mail: Web: Lost Legends Reborn - Present day interpretations of Long Lost Whisky Legends. Covering all producing regions of Scotland. Multi award winning including IWC world's best blended malt. L. PSENNER GMBH 4-B42 Bahnhofstraße 1 39040 Tramin an der Weinstrasse, Italy Tel.: 81016371 860178 Fax: +39 0471 860616 E-Mail: Web: Die vielen Jahrzehnte an Erfahrung, der Bemühungen, Hartnäckigkeit und Leidenschaft sind die "besonderen" Zutaten, die wir gemeinsam mit den Rohstoffen destillieren. LUCANO 1894 S.R.L. 7-C17 Via Carlo De Angeli, 3 20141 Milan, Italy Tel.: +39 02 7249 071 Fax: +39 02 72021 066 E-Mail: Web: Lucanowww.lucano1894.comistheresultoftradition and has been improved through innovation. These are the values of the Vena Family which have made the company a benchmark in the spirits industry since 1894. LUMIAN SRL 5-A14 Via dei Carraresi 18d 00164 Rom, Italy Tel.: +39 06 8769 5401 E-Mail: Web: An Italian Company focused on the production and distribution of professional Bar Tools. LUSTAU 3-C23 SCHLUMBERGER VERTRIEBSGESELLSCHAFT MBH & CO. KG Buschstrasse, 20 53340 Meckenheim, Germany Tel.: +49 22259250 E-Mail: Web: Lustauwww.schlumberger.dezähltzudenbekanntesten Sherry-, Brandy- & Wermut-Herstellern und ist die einzige Bodega mit Lagern in allen drei Orten der Denominacion de Origen.

210 AUSSTELLER /// EXHIBITORS Brew Berlin Aussteller / ExhibitorCoffee Aussteller / Exhibitor GIROLAMO LUXARDO S.P.A 7-A12 Via Romana 42 35038 Torreglia - Padova, Italy Tel.: +39 04999 3481 1 Fax: +39 0499 3307 0 E-Mail: Web: Girolamowww.luxardo.itLuxardoS.p.A. is an Italian producer of fine liqueurs and spirits. Founded in Zara in 1821 and still 100% family owned business, the company exports in more than 83 countries worldwide. LUX ROW DISTILLERS 3-C09 1000 Clark Avenue St. Louis, MO, 63102, United States Tel.: +1 314 606 4099 E-Mail: Web: Lux -Row Distillery in Bardstown, KY (Bourbon Capital, USA) is the latest addition to the rich history of Luxco. Luxco, Inc is the proud owner Lux-Row Distillery and over 100 spirit brands. MAGNIFIQUE BRANDS SL 3-A28 P. Ind. EL SEGRE, C/Josep Segura i Farré, Parcela 704 25191 LLeida, Spain Tel.: +34 902 400 068 E-Mail: Web: THE ORIGINAL TONIC presents its new branding with less sugar, new flavours and sugar-free mixers. It is about converging origins, fusing the mediterranean nature with the british character. MAHLGRAD GMBH 4-B09 Pfälzer Str. 80 46145 Oberhausen, Germany Tel.: +49 208 9414 9210 Fax: +49 208 9414 9220 E-Mail: Web: Bereitswww.pottkorn.deseitvielenJahren beschäftigen wir uns mit ausgefallenen Kreationen im Bereich Genuss, Catering und Kaffee. Unser absolutes Ziel ist es, Menschen zu begeistern. MAISON FERRAND 10.1-KH01, 3-D24 Château de Bonbonnet 16130 Ars, France Tel.: +49 2371 7786 210 E-Mail: Web: Maisonwww.maisonferrand.comFerrandisoneoftheworld’s premier artisanal producers of fine spirits. Their award-winning brands include Ferrand Cognac, Plantation Rum, and Citadelle Gin. GI-MA

Maison Villevert, founded by Jean-Sébastien Robicquet, oenologist and master distiller, is a family business specialized in the creation, eloboration and distribution of ultra-premium spirits made from grapes. Maison Villevert has successfully created G’Vine Floraison which is the benchmark of French gin from grapes, perfect in long drinks. Two recent additions to the family are also available: Nouaison gin, a bold and intense gin designed for classic cocktails and our latest release June gin liqueur, an exquisite fusion of gin and wild peach to craft smooth and fruity spritz. To complete these gins, La Quintinye Vermouth Royal our famous French Vermouth made from Pineau des Charentes will also delight all the spirits experts. 7-C12 41 2132 WT Hoofddorp, The Netherlands and its symbol, the Mammoth. The most elegant vodka from Siberia, infused with the spirit of adventure, celebrates polar exploration and the epic moments in life. Made at the foot of the Altai Mountains by skilled craftsmen in one of Siberia’s oldest distilleries, Mamont opens the door to a world of discovery.
Tel.: MamontWeb:E-Mail:+79262370554lo@mamontvodka.comwww.marussiabeverages.comVodkaisourhomagetoSiberia
211Aussteller sucht Distributoren / Exhibitor searches for distributors MAISON VILLEVERT 7-E13 16100VillevertMerpins, France Tel.: LocatedWeb:E-Mail:+33545366368e-leong@maisonvillevert.comwww.maisonvillevert.comattheheartoftheCognacvineyard,
MANGAROCA BATIDA 7-B26 HENKELL & CO. SEKTKELLEREI KG Biebricher Allee 142 65187 Wiesbaden, Germany Tel.: +49 611 63 0 Fax: +49 611 63 232 E-Mail: Web: Mangarocawww.batida.comBatidaistder original alkoholische Kokos-Likör nach brasilianischem (Lebens-)Rezept. Wenn man Mangaroca Batida trinkt, fühlt man sich geküsst von der Lebensfreude und Leichtigkeit Brasiliens. MARLINSPIKE 1-B10 Avenue J. Bordet 160 1140 Brüssel, Belgium Tel.: +32 468 1376 00 E-Mail: Web: MarlinSpikewww.marlinspike.comBlendedAgedRum is a premium Blend of cask aged Gold Rums of divergent terroir and schools. We obtained a unique Esther range with an entirely new and relevant taste profile with application possibilities to date not thought possible. Versus the Gin category, even proved conclusively a clear superior tonic-water aroma match. MarlinSpike, The Ultimate in Mixology. MARTÍ AUTÉNTICO RUM 3-D23 2351 New Millennium Drive Louisville, KY 40216, United States Tel.: +1 917 428-6295 E-Mail: Web: This rum is made from Estate Grown Cane grown on farmland in the province of Herrera.

212 AUSSTELLER /// EXHIBITORS Brew Berlin Aussteller / ExhibitorCoffee Aussteller / Exhibitor MAST-JÄGERMEISTER DEUTSCHLAND GMBH 3-A17 Jägermeisterstraße 7-15 38296 Wolfenbüttel, Germany Tel.: +49 533 1810 Fax: +49 5331 81-66 3 72 E-Mail: Web: Die Marke Jägermeister steht für höchste Qualität sowie eine moderne Genusskultur. Auf dem BCB präsentiert die Marke neben dem Original auch Jägermeister MANIFEST und Jägermeister SCHARF. MATHIEU TEISSEIRE 3-C02 Breakspear Park, Breakspear Way Hemel Hempstead, HER HP2 4TZ, United Tel.:Kingdom+44 7834962480 E-Mail: Web:,Frenchflavoursince 1720 MAZZETTI D’ALTAVILLA SRL 1-B62 Viale Unità D’Italia 2 15041 Altavilla Monferrato (AL), Italy Tel.: +39 0142 9261 47 Fax: +39 0142 9262 41 E-Mail: Web: Since 1846 the Mazzetti's family has distilled in Piedmont the best grapes to obtain fine distillate: Grappa and Brandy. 173 years of history and 7 generations as a guarantee of the quality. MEMENTO S.R.L 7-D02 Via L. Muratori 46/9 20135 Milano, Italy Tel.: +39 3477 7660 52 E-Mail: Web: MeMentowww.mementodrink.comisPremiumAlcoholFree Base for Cocktails. Awarded worldwide, it's an exclusive blend of distilled Mediterranean aromatic waters. Non-alcoholic and Inebriating. MERMAID GIN – ISLE OF WIGHT DISTILLERY 8-B10 The Wishing Well, Pondwell Hill Ryde, IOW PO33 1PX, United Kingdom Tel.: +44 1983613653 E-Mail: Web: The Isle of Wight Distillery’s signature spirit, Mermaid Gin, is hand-crafted using ten ethically sourced botanicals – three of which are grown locally on the Island. MA-MI

213Aussteller sucht Distributoren / Exhibitor searches for distributors MEZCAL FUERZA DE DIOS 1-B19 Victoria 372 39900 San Luis de la Paz, Germany Tel.: MezcalWeb:E-Mail:+5214427488319mezcalfuerzadedios@gmail.comwww.mezcalfuerzadedios.comFuerzadeDiosisaspiritdrinkof agave cenizo and espadín with premium quality that envelops the soul with its magical flavor. MEZCAL VAGO 4-B32 Town Center One - Suite 1909, 8950 SW 74th Court Miami, FL 33156, United States Tel.: + 1 305 501 2344 E-Mail: Web: Mezcalwww.samsonandsurrey.comVagoisacollectionofsmall batch mezcaleros, who for generations have been perfecting their craft deep in the mountains of Oaxaca. MG DESTILERIAS S.L 3-A39 Miquel Guansé, s/n 08800 Vilanova i la Geltrú, Barcelona, Spain Tel.: +34 93 8148 000 Fax: +34 93 8115 199 E-Mail: Web: We are a family business and for more than five generations have been committed to distilling tradition, quality and innovation. MHW LTD 7-E01 1129 Northern Blvd, Suite 312 Manhasset, NY 11030, United States Tel.: MHWWeb:E-Mail:+1-516-869-9170marketing@mhwltd.comwww.mhwltd.comprovidesmarketaccesssolutions and business process services in the beverage alcohol industry across the United States and European Union. MICHTER’S DISTILLERY 3-D23 2351 New Millennium Drive Louisville, KY 40216, United States Tel.: +1 917 428-6295 E-Mail: Web: Michter'swww.michters.comhasarichlegacy or offering traditional American whiskeys of uncompromising quality. With each type of whiskey aged to its peak maturity, Michter's highly acclaimed portfolio includes single barrel rye, small batch American whiskey, sour mash whiskey, single barrel bourbon, and small batch bourbon. MING RIVER INC. 7-D17 81 Prospect Street Brooklyn, NY 11201, United States Tel.: +49 176 2340 7669 E-Mail: Web: Baijiuwww.mingriver.comisthemostconsumed spirit in the world. Crafted by China's oldest continuously producing distillery, MING RIVER BAIJIU is bringing this exciting new category to Western markets.

214 AUSSTELLER /// EXHIBITORS Brew Berlin Aussteller / ExhibitorCoffee Aussteller / Exhibitor MIXER SRL 1-B67 Via della Meccanica 7 40050 Argelato, Italy Tel.: +390516630944 Fax: MixerWeb:E-Mail:+39051893538info@mixercocktails.comwww.mixercocktails.comisaleadingmanufacturerof fruit puree and cocktail mixes, juice cordials and syrups to cater the Food Service and Horeca industry since 1990. MIXOLOGY VERLAGS GMBH 3-A41 REDAKTION Karl-Marx-Allee 78 10243 Berlin, Germany Tel.: +49 30233299430 E-Mail: Web:–MAGAZINE OF BAR CULTURE The leading media platform for the Central European bar industry. MOE DISTILLERY 5-B11 Moe Küla, Tapa vald, Lääne-Virumaa Moe village 45005, Estonia Tel.: +372 5323 0151 Fax: +372 6300 981 E-Mail: Web: Moe Distillery is carrying on the proud tradition of Estonian vodka at the world’s second oldest vodka distillery, the Moe Fine Spirit Distillery established in 1688. MOET HENNESSY DEUTSCHLAND GMBH 7-C20 Seidlstr. 23 80335 München, Germany Tel.: +49 89 994210 Fax: +49 89 9942 1500 E-Mail: Web: Moët Hennessy Deutschland GmbH ist eine Niederlassung von LVMH "Moët Hennessy ◊ Louis Vuitton“. Luxusprodukte im Champagner-, Wein- und Spirituosen-Segment sind unser Metier. MOLETTO SOC. AGR. S.S. 8-D07 via Moletto 19 31045 Motta Di Livenza (TV), Italy Tel.: +39 0422 861 635 Fax: +39 041 8520 968 E-Mail: Web: From the Veneto, Italy: Moletto GIN original tomato gin, Moletto GRAPPAS refined in flavor and bouquet and Moletto PROSECCO Doc sparking perfect for any occasion. MI-MO

215Aussteller sucht Distributoren / Exhibitor searches for distributors MOLINARI ITALIA SPA 7-C14 Via Aurelia Nord Km. 75,300 00053 Civitavecchia, Italy Tel.: +39 0766 5830 222 Fax: +39 0766 2738 9 E-Mail: Web: leader in the production and marke ting of high-quality, anise-based products such as its famous Sambuca Extra. With sales in over 85 countries, Molinari Extra is the worldwide best-selling Sambuca. The Group also owns the company Limoncello di Capri S.r.l., the Ceschia grappa distillery and the brand VOV – the famous egg yolk-based liqueur. MOME 1-A10 Simon Stevinplein 16/001 8000 Brugge, Belgium Tel.: +32 5033 8496 Fax: +32 5034 0270 E-Mail: Web:, its most recent prodigal son. Sir-Up is an all natural cordial used for homemade lemonades, mocktails and cocktails. Sir-Up, master in uplifting your drinks. MONIN-PARAGON 3-B04 5 Rue Ferdinand de Lesseps 18000 Bourges, France Tel.: +33 2485 06436 Fax: +33 2485 06267 E-Mail: Web: [ad]Venturewww.monin.comtoNewFlavours PARAGON is a new Single Botanical Cordial generation created by MONIN and designed with Alex Kratena. We travelled to the end of the world to meet a few extraordinary men & women, custodians of nature’s best kept secrets. Join us on a journey to discover rare & daring Pepper flavours, based on innovative extraction methods and revolutionary acid mix. “Now, it is up to You: Imagine, create, explore … MONKEY47 7-A02 BLACK FOREST DISTILLERS GMBH Äusserer Vogelsberg 7 72290 Lossburg/24-Höfe, Germany Tel.: +49 221 4309 090 Fax: +49 221 4309 09950 E-Mail: Web: MONKEYwww.monkey47.com47-Schwarzwald Dry Gin

216 AUSSTELLER /// EXHIBITORS Brew Berlin Aussteller / ExhibitorCoffee Aussteller / Exhibitor GRUPPO MONTENEGRO 7-C04, YARD-01 Via Enrico Fermi, 4 40069 Zola Predosa (BO), Italy Tel.: +39 051 6170411 Fax: +39 051 750571 E-Mail: Web: Foundedwww.gruppomontenegro.comin1885,GruppoMontenegro is a leading Italian spirits and food manufacturer. The Group’s brands have developed into icons of the “Made in Italy” label. MOOSE SPIRITS GMBH 5-B25 Mühlendamm 15 25335 Elmshorn, Germany Tel.: +49 174 2195710 E-Mail: Web: TAIGUN®www.taigun.vodkaVODKA|ORGANIC & SUSTAINABLY GROWN | 75 YEARS OF DISTILLING EXPERIENCE | 100% PRAIRIE ORGANIC WINTER WHEAT | TERROIR 50”16”47 N 57”12”26 E | MILLESIME 2018. DISTILLERIE MORAND 1-A01 Place de Plaisance 2 1920 Martigny, Switzerland Tel.: +41 27 722 2036 E-Mail: Web: Morandwww.morand.ch1889Mixology Line Eau-de-Vie from Martigny, Switzerland. Four generations of fine distillers of fruits in the High Rhône Valley nested in the heart of the Alps in Martigny, Switzerland. MR BLACK SPIRITS PTY LTD 4-A17 25 Portsmouth Road Erina 2250, Australia Tel.: +61 7713 7618 57 E-Mail: Web: Mr Black cold brew coffee liqueur is bittersweet blend of 100% speciality-grade Arabica coffee and Australian wheat vodka. With half the sugar and ten times the coffee of old-world liqueurs. MR. MURKA LTD. 5-B28 h. 14, fl. 104, Molodeszhnaya st. Balashiha 143922, Russia Tel.: +78 9522 0889 66 E-Mail: Web: Mr.Murkawww.mrmurka.comdevelopsaprons, accessories and tool rolls for each specialty. We always move forward and efficiently manage the tasks that you set! MSB SPIRITS CVBA 1-B10 Avenue J. Bordet 160 1140 Brüssel, Belgium Tel.: +32 468 1376 00 E-Mail: Web: MarlinSpikewww.marlinspike.comBlendedAgedRum is a premium Blend of cask aged Gold Rums of divergent terroir and schools. We obtained a unique Esther range with an entirely new and relevant taste profile with application possibilities to date thought not possible. Versus the Gin category, Foodpairing. com even proved conclusively a clear superior tonic-water aroma match. MarlinSpike, The Ultimate in Mixology. GR-NA

217Aussteller sucht Distributoren / Exhibitor searches for distributors MYCOFFEEBAG INHABER ALEXANDER STRECK 4-B11 Am Kebigsgraben 15 97616 Salz, Germany Tel.: +49-(0)9771-6301014 Fax: MyCoffeebagWeb:E-Mail:+49(0)97716301029streck@mycoffeebag.dewww.mycoffeebag.deistderHerstellervon Coffee Bags bzw. auch Drip Coffee Bags genannt. NAO SPIRITS AND BEVERAGES PVT LTD 1-A33 E-47/5 Second Floor, Okhla Phase 2 New Delhi 110020, India Tel.: +91 8447 4403 58 E-Mail: Web: India'swww.naospirits.comfirstCraftGindistillery. Makers of Hapusa, the World's first Himalayan Dry Gin. NARDINI DISTILLERY 7-D28 Ponte Vecchio 2 36061 Bassano del Grappa VI, Italy Tel.: +39 09424 2277 41 Fax: +39 0424 2204 77 E-Mail: Web: LA DISTILLERIA D'ITALIA - A TOAST TO OUR FIRST 240 YEARS! SINCE 1779 NARDINI GRAPPAS AND LIQUEURS REPRESENT THE BENCHMARK FOR QUALITY DRINKING, BEST ENJOYED AT DINNER TABLE, THE ITALIAN WAY. NARDINI, EXTRAORDINARY SPIRITS SINCE 1779. NATYS SRL 1-B53 Via Sesia 2c, Rho 20017 Milano, Italy Tel.: +39 9291 8722 3 Fax: +39 0292 1604 04 E-Mail: Web: NATY’S®www.natys.itwasborn in Milan in 1963 from the Premium drinks passion:our highly specialized team creates products that responds to the needs of professionals and enthusiasts. NAUTICAL AMERICAN GIN 5-A02 305 Madison Avenue New York, 10165, United States Tel.: +1 212 922 2813 E-Mail: Web: Nauticalwww.nauticalgin.comAmericanGinisaU.S.A. based company that strictly focuses on one brand. We are strategically available in 15 markets in the U.S.A. and markets we can invest and expand in. Our theory is Let's own the markets we are in. We plan on doing the same overseas and looking for partners With our philosophy.

218 AUSSTELLER /// EXHIBITORS Brew Berlin Aussteller / ExhibitorCoffee Aussteller / Exhibitor NAVY ISLAND RUM COMPANY 4-A34 Postbus 58418 1040 HK Amsterdam, The Netherlands Tel.: +31 611775569 E-Mail: Web: Navy Island is a fair and artisan (Jamaican) rum brand with very unique branding. The product range consists of two unique products: Navy Island XO Reserve, Navy Island Navy Strength. NC'NEAN DISTILLERY 8-C01 Drimnin, Lochaline Oban, PA80 5XZ, United Kingdom Tel.: +44 7809 907284 E-Mail: Web: Organicwww.ncnean.comwhiskydistillery Creating experimental spirits. NEPTUNE RUM LTD 10.0-KH03 71 Rodney Cheltenham,RoadGLO GL50 1H, United Kingdom Tel.: +44 7717886121 E-Mail: Web: Comewww.neptunerum.comanddiscoverNeptune Rum - The Worlds Most Awarded Rum of 2018 / 2019. NONINO DISTILLLATORI S.R.L. 3-C23 Via Aquileia, 104 33050 Percoto/Udine, Germany Tel.: +39 0432 67633 E-Mail: Web: Unermüdlichewww.grappanonino.itLeidenschaft und Innovationsfreude haben Nonino an die absolute Spitze unter den Destillerien gebracht. Familie Nonino widmet sich seit 1897 der Kunst der Destillation. 1973 revolutionierte sie die Herstellung von Grappa, indem sie den reinsortigen Grappa Monovitigno kreierte. Heute gehört Nonino zu den besten Destillerien der Welt und steht weiterhin für die Evolution des Grappa - Italian Cocktail Spirit. NUMERO OCHO LTD. 1-A44 71-75 Shelton Street London, WL2H 95Q, United Kingdom Tel.: +44 7528471163 E-Mail: Web: The world’s first Single Field tequila, Ocho is made in the old fashioned way, resulting in a high quality spirit that accentuates the agave flavour. NA-OX

219Aussteller sucht Distributoren / Exhibitor searches for distributors OLAF GRUND 1-A46 SPREEBRAND Relingstr. 20 12527 Berlin, Germany Tel.: +49 160 90896016 E-Mail: Spreebrandolafgrund@outlook.comisteinjungesUnternehmen aus dem Herzen Berlins. Mit innovativen Produkt- und Markenideen schaffen wir originelle Angebote für aufgeschlossene Feinschmecker. OLD JUDGE SPIRITS 10.1-KH06 MARKUS ALTRICHTER Kendlerstr. 41/5/36 1160 Wien, Austria Tel.: +43 67761144330 E-Mail: Web: +++ OLD JUDGE FALERNUM +++ A tribute to the national & traditional liqueur of Barbados! +++ 6 spices & 10 elements +++ ONE GIN 7-A25 Gregson House, 13-17 PRINCES ROAD RICHMOND, TW10 6DQ, United Kingdom Tel.: IWSCWeb:E-Mail:+447973318950gin@thespiritofone.comwww.thespiritofone.comGoldAwardwinningOneGin is the first ethical spirit brand to fund clean water projects in the world’s poorest communities. #OneGoodGin | @TheSpiritOfOne | ORIENTIS GMBH 7-A18B Tauentzienstr. 14 10789 Berlin, Germany Tel.: +49 30 208370911 Fax: +49 30 208370929 E-Mail: Web: Das Haus Kusmi Tea vereint Tradition und Moderne und begeistert mit Tee-Klassikern, legendären Mischungen und unnachahmlichen Wellness-Kreationen. ORIGINAL WILLINGER GLASMANUFAKTUR 4-A09 Zur Hoppecke 9 34508 Willingen, Germany Tel.: +49 5632 98550 Fax: +49 5632 985520 E-Mail: Web: LaserbeschriftungSonderentwicklungErstellenwww.glasmanufaktur-willingen.devonEichungenaufTrinkgefäßenimGlasbereichvonGlaswaren OTTO CRAFTED KORN BY FÜRST BISMARCK 7-B26 FÜRSTLICH VON BISMARCK´SCHE BRENNEREI GMBH Am Schloßteich 1 21521 Friedrichsruh, Germany Tel.: +49 611 63 0 Fax: +49 611 63 232 E-Mail: Web: Die Kornbrennerei Fürst Bismarck geht mit OTTO einen Schritt weiter: OTTO wird aus Roggen, Weizen und Gerstenmalz gebrannt. Sechs Monate Reifezeit im Eschenfass verleihen ihm einen milden Geschmack und eine dezente Holznote. Kürzlich vom ISW zum "Korn des Jahres 2019" gekürt, sollte man OTTO auf der BCB erleben! OXENHAM CRAFT DISTILLERY 10.1-KH14 M2 Saint-Jean Motorway Phoenix 73536, Mauritius Tel.: +230 6967 950 E-Mail: Proud producer of Rum Oxenham Craft Distillery has a portfolio of spirits of great character with a unique Mauritian touch.

220 AUSSTELLER /// EXHIBITORS Brew Berlin Aussteller / ExhibitorCoffee Aussteller / Exhibitor OYESTER B.V. 4-B39 Badhuisstraat 18 4703BH Roosendaal, The Netherlands Tel.: +31 6150 8598 4 E-Mail: Web: OYESTER44www.oyester44.comisanawardwinning Dutch botanical vodka with 'terroir' specifically developed for seafood pairing and add a delicious maritime character to cocktails. PACTO NAVIO 10.1-KH05 PERNOD RICARD DEUTSCHLAND GMBH 39, avenue Pierre 1er de Serbie 75008 Paris, France Tel.: +33637329215 Fax: +49 221 43 09 09-950 E-Mail: Web: wine Pacto Navio is a blend of meticulously selected aged Cuban rums, born from sugar canes molasses which have selectively been finished in Sauternes wine barrels from the Bordeaux region, created by Havana Club. PANAREA GIN 1-B05 Viale Martiri Benedicta 51 15069 Serravalle Scrivia, Italy Tel.: +39 0143 62485 E-Mail: Web: Panareawww.panareagin.itGin,abotanical touch of Italy. PAOLA SIMENTAL CAMPOS 1-B19 CERRO CULIACAN 142, COLINAS DEL Queretaro,CIMATARIO Qro 76090, Mexico Tel.: CaboWeb:E-Mail:+4915202930154principal@cabomayatequila.comwww.cabomayatequila.comMayaTequilaisapremiumquality 100% agave tequila brand, with limited production and distribution in the central zone of Mexico and Europe. PAOLO LAZZARONI E FIGLI SPA 7-C22 Via Gorizia, 41/43 21047 Saronno, Italy Tel.: +39 02 9670 1021 Fax: +39 02 9670 1022 E-Mail: Web: Our company is dedicated to the production of high end spirits. Known especially for the authentic Lazzaroni amaretto, the only one made through the infusion of amaretti biscuits in alcohol. OY-PE

221Aussteller sucht Distributoren / Exhibitor searches for distributors PAOLUCCI LIQUORI INT. S.R.L. 1-B39 Via colle d'arte snc 03039 Sora (FR), Italy Tel.: +39 0776 8689 51 Fax: +39 0776 8682 76 E-Mail: Web: The Paolucci Liquori is a company located in the Lazio region that produces all Italian liqueurs and especially those typical of the small geographical area called Ciociaria. PAPA FUEGO GMBH 8-C02 Arndtstr. 3-5 38118 Braunschweig, Germany Tel.: +49 157 73121274 E-Mail: Web: Papa Fuego produziert Mexikaner in zwei Schärfegraden und einen fruchtigen Maracujalikör mit Vanillenote. Alle Produkte sind frei von Konservierungs- und Farbstoffen sowie Geschmacksverstärkern. PAPA’S PILAR RUM 8-B02 201 Simonton St Key West, 33040, United States Tel.: +1 954-918-8155 E-Mail: Web: An ultra-premium blended rum inspired by the world's greatest adventurer, Ernest Hemingway and his boat the Pilar. Hand-selected Caribbean rums, blended by Master Blender Ron Call. PARAGON BRANDS LTD 5-A28 Warford Grange Farm Knutsford, WA16 7SP, United Kingdom Tel.: +44 1565 872872 E-Mail: Web: PARTISAN VODKA 3-D13 Lutherstr. 5 99084 Erfurt, Germany Tel.: +49 361 6532 1007 Fax: +49 361 7896 1744 E-Mail: Web: PARTISANwww.partisan-vodka.deVODKA-Germanbased - Belarus made. PEPSICO DEUTSCHLAND GMBH 4-B34 Hugenottenallee 173 63263 Neu-Isenburg, Germany Tel.: +49 6102 7490 E-Mail: Web: KeVitawww.pepsico.deMasterBrewKombucha is made by fermenting proprietary Kombucha culture, black tea and organic cane sugar, with a very subtle alchemy of flavours to give it the unique KeVita taste. PERNOD RICARD 5-A36 12 place des Etats-Unis 75008 Paris, France Tel.: +33 602187587 E-Mail: L'Orbe is the first vodka naturally infused with caviar, thanks to a patented encapsulation technology. L’Orbe disrupts sensory experiences, blending delicate spirits with rare delicacies. PERNOD RICARD UK 7-A08 THE GIN HUB Bldg 12, 566 Chiswick High Road London, W4 5AN, United Kingdom Tel.: +44 7827832272 E-Mail: Web:

222 AUSSTELLER /// EXHIBITORS Brew Berlin Aussteller / ExhibitorCoffee Aussteller / Exhibitor PERNOD RICARD MEXICO 7-A04, YARD 09 HOUSE OF TEQUILA Calle Rio Tiber 29 Mexico City 06500, Mexico Tel.: +52 5528 5888 26 E-Mail: Web: Altos tequila is a 100% agave Premium Brand from the Pernod Ricard group. PERSCRIPTA D.O.O. 7-A14 Prekratova 61 Zagreb 10000, Croatia Tel.: +385 91 6302 111 E-Mail: Web: Croatianwww.botanica.hrbrandofdryspices and deyhdrated fruit offering super premium additions which compliment your drink. PETER SPANTON DRINKS LTD 7-A25 18 Iliffe London,YardLONO SE173QA, United Kingdom Tel.: PHILOSOFFEE GMBH 4-B11 Am Krögel 2 10179 Berlin, Germany Tel.: +49 159 0401 7688 E-Mail: Web: Philosoffee,www.philosoffee.dewhichmeans "for the love of coffee", aims to introduce coffee connoisseurs and curious coffee drinkers to specialty coffee with innovative cold brew drinks. PIRCHER BRENNEREI AG 8-D10 Boznerstr. 17 39011 Lana, Italy Tel.: +39 0473 558000 Fax: +39 0473 558080 E-Mail: Web: Die Brennerei Pircher zählt heute zu den renommiertesten und technisch am besten ausgestatteten Herstellern von Edelbränden und Obstlikören in Europa. PISCO 1615 4-A41 Avenida Camino Real 1225 Of 501 San Isidro Lima 15036, Peru Tel.: +51 142 1576 3 E-Mail: Web: PE-PU

223Aussteller sucht Distributoren / Exhibitor searches for distributors PITÚ 7-B13 TEAMSPIRIT MARKENGETRÄNKEINTERNATIONALEGMBH Hubert-Underberg-Allee 1 47495 Rheinberg, Germany Tel.: +49 2843 920 371 Fax: +49 2843 920-475 E-Mail: Web: O ritmo do Brasil PITÚ ist eine brasilianische Spirituose aus reinem Zuckerrohr. Für PITÚ wird nur bestes, ausgewähltes Zuckerrohr verwendet. PLASTDIVERSITY, LDA 8-D05 Rua dos Alentojeiros N136 AP4 Marinha das Ondas 3091-902, Portugal Tel.: +351 233959490 Fax: +351 233959476 E-Mail: Web: PLASTDIVERSITYwww.plastdiversiry.comisaPortuguese industrial company specializing in mass production of Plastic Products. POLI DISTILLERIE SRL 1-A08 Via Marconi 46 36060 Schiavon, Italy Tel.: +39 0444 6650 07 Fax: +39 0444 6656 37 E-Mail: Web: Poli 1898: Grappa, Gin, Vermouth and liqueurs distilled in Italy. PREVELON RUS LLC 1-A49 Ryabinovaya 55 Moscow 121471, Russia Tel.: +7 4959 1693 80 E-Mail: Web: PROOF DRINKS LTD 1-B15, 1-B17 41 Great Portland Street London, W1W 7LA, United Kingdom Tel.: +44 20 77377995 E-Mail: Web: Proof Drinks are a sales, marketing & distribution company located in the UK. Our brands Cazcabel Tequila (Stand 1B17) & CUT RUM (Stand 1B15) are available for export worldwide. PUNCH SOCIETY KG 3-A26 Immanuelkirchstr. 28 10405 Beizun, Germany Tel.: +49 152 3359 7873 E-Mail: Web: PURITY DISTILLERY 5-B32 MalmoAngbatsbron21120, Sweden Tel.: +46 701 111222 E-Mail: Web: PURITYwww.puritydistillery.comDISTILLERYCRAFTSPIRITS FOR THE CONNOISSEURS - AWARDED THE TITLES "BEST ORGANIC VODKA IN THE WORLD 2019 BY ISC" & "WORLD'S BEST VODKA & VODKA PRODUCER OF THE YEAR 2017 BY IWSC".

224 AUSSTELLER /// EXHIBITORS Brew Berlin Aussteller / ExhibitorCoffee Aussteller / Exhibitor QANTIMA GROUP 1-A12 Avenida Teniente Montesinos Torre Z8, Edificio Inti Torre Z 4a Planta 30100 Murcia, Spain Tel.: +34 968307408 E-Mail: Web: Qantimawww.qantimagroup.comgroupisacompanyspecialized in differentiation of product, development, production and marketing of Premium drinks and Gourmet products. QUINTESSENTIAL BRANDS LTD 7-D06 3-4A Little Portland Street, Fitzrovia London, FAL W1W 7JB, United Kingdom Tel.: +44 7966 2825 36 E-Mail: Web: RAMBORN SA 5-B04 23 DiscoverWeb:E-Mail:Fax:Tel.:BornDuerfstrooss6660,Luxembourg+3522672920411+352758611cider@ramborn.comwww.ramborn.comLuxembourg’sinternationally gold-medal-winning cider and perry, gaining attention around the world for the revival of meadow orchard cider in their region. REIDEMEISTER & ULRICHS GMBH 7.2-A01 Konsul-Smidt-Str. 8J 28217 Bremen, Germany Tel.: +49 421 3994 0 Fax: +49 421 3994 174 E-Mail: Web: GmbH Domaines & Châteaux, das traditionsreiche Importhandelshaus für Wein und Spirituosen mit Sitz in der Bremer Überseestadt. RESERVA DE LA TROJE 8-C03 Republica No. 70 Guadalajara, Jalisco 44360, Mexico Tel.: +52 33 3814 2640 Fax: +52 33 1918 1857 E-Mail: Web: We are looking forward to build a business relationship with distributors to sell our product, we offer Tequila PREMIUM 100% Agave, excellent quality as well as price. RESERVOIR DISTILLERY 1-B28 1800 Summit Avenue A Richmond, VA VA 23230, United States Tel.: +1 804-912-2621 E-Mail: Web: Reservoirwww.reservoirdistillery.comDistillerycraftsitsaward-winning whiskeys with only the finest Virginia grains. Its flagship Wheat, Rye, and Bourbon Whiskeys are 100% single-grain and bottled at 100 proof. QA-RO

225Aussteller sucht Distributoren / Exhibitor searches for distributors RHUMERIE DE CHAMAREL LTD 10.1-KH09 Royal Chamarel,road Mauritius Tel.: +230 483 4980 E-Mail: Web: La Rhumerie de Chamarel is one of the rare distilleries still in activity to cultivate its own sugarcane. They are carefully selected and grown exclusively for the Chamarel Rums. RICK SPIRIT GMBH 7-E07 Schwindgasse 6/11 1040 Wien, Austria Tel.: +43 6 6054 8140 7 Fax: +43 1 2533 0331 369 E-Mail: Web: Motif Wermut ein Produkt aus von Rick Spirit erhältlich in 3 Sorten. „Rick“ der Bio-Gin made in Austria! World Spirit Gold 2019, erhältlich in 3 Sorten Neu Rick Free der Alkoholfreie Gin. RITZENHOFF AG 7-B14 Sametwiesen 2 34431 Marsberg, Germany Tel.: +49-(0)2992-9810 Fax: RITZENHOFFWeb:E-Mail:+49-(0)2992-981256info@ritzenhoff.dewww.ritzenhoff.comstehtfürinnovative Glas- und Dekorlösungen für die internationale Getränke-Industrie: Beratung/ Design/ Glas- und Dekorfertigung/ Packaging/ Warehousing/ Logistik. ROBERTO CAVALLI VODKA - TUSCANY SRL 1-B48 Via San Leolino, 56 50022 Greve in Chianti, Italy Tel.: +39 055 8525 93 Fax: +39 055 8560 954 E-Mail: Web: Robertowww.robertocavallivodka.comCavalliVodkaisthefirstSuper Premium vodka entirely produced in Italy. Ginarte is the Italian premium gin dedicated to the art world. LOUIS ROEDERER 3-C23 SCHLUMBERGER VERTRIEBSGESELLSCHAFT MBH & CO. KG Buschstraße 20 53340 Meckenheim, Germany Tel.: +49 2225 9250 E-Mail: Web: Traditionwww.schlumberger.deundModerne,Kontinuität und Innovation, Klassiker und Neuheit – seit 1776 vereint Louis Roederer diese Werte harmonisch in seinen einzigartigen Champagnern. RÖSTSTÄTTE BERLIN 4-A23 YVONNE WELLER-JOZINOVIC Ackerstr. 173 10115 Berlin, Germany Tel.: +49 30 40501650 E-Mail: Web: Röststättewww.roeststaette.comBerlinisteineprämierte Kaffeerösterei, eine führende Barista Academy und Produzent der PremiumMarken Cold Brew X Coffee Liqueur und Berliner Cold Brew. RON COLÓN SALVADOREÑO 7-D10 Ockenburgpark 10 5709 ML Helmond, The Netherlands Tel.: +31 6112 2365 6 E-Mail: Web: Ron Colón Salvadoreño is a high quality and high proof (coffee infused) rum from El Salvador, born from the idea that all you really need in life is some simple things: true friends, good coffee and a perfect high proof rum.

226 AUSSTELLER /// EXHIBITORS Brew Berlin Aussteller / ExhibitorCoffee Aussteller / Exhibitor ROUST GLOBAL HEADQUARTERS 3-B21 Novoorlovskaya Street 5 Moscow 119633, Russia Tel.: +7 4957 7717 77 E-Mail: Web: Das ROUST Portfolio umfasst die Marken Russian Standard Vodka, Parliament Vodka und Green Mark, die in Deutschland exklusiv von BORCO-MARKEN-IMPORT und in Österreich von der KATTUS-BORCO Vertriebs GmbH vertrieben werden. ROY BARRIQUE UG (HAFTUNGSBESCHRÄNKT) 1-A38 Karl-Tauchnitz-Str. 31 04107 Leipzig, Germany Tel.: +49 341 9627 7423 Fax: +49 341 9627 7419 E-Mail: Web: Squadrawww.roybarrique.deRussaisteinrussischer Vodka der Kategorie "Super-Premium",mit einem schwimmenden Anhänger aus echtem Silber 925. RUDOLF JELINEK A.S. 7-D31 Razov Vizovice472763 12, Czech Republic Tel.: +420 602725196 E-Mail: Web: Unserewww.rjelinek.czFirmaRUDOLF JELÍNEK, schon gegründet in 1894 in der Tschechischen Republik, ist eine spezialisierte und eine der leitenden Firmen die Obstbrände produziert weltweit. RUMULT 3-A32 Josef-Lantenhammer-Platz 1 83734 Hausham, Germany Tel.: +49 8026 9248 0 Fax: +49 8026 9248 10 E-Mail: Web: RUMULTwww.lantenhammer.deistein100%handcrafted Bavarian Rum. RUYKYU 1429 4-A45 601 Kumoji UF Building, 2-22-12 Kumoji Naha City 900-00015, Japan Tel.: +81 988946770 E-Mail: Web: RYUKYUwww.ryukyu1429.com1429AuthenticAwamori is the spirit of Okinawa. With over 600 years of history, Awamori is known to be Japan's oldest distilled spirit. RYUKYU 1429 comes from the finest natural ingredients —Indica rice and black koji— combined with the purest water, distilled and aged to perfection. SABATINI GIN 3-B03 Loc. Teccognano, C.S. 565, Via Alberto Sandrelli 4 52044 Camucia, Italy Tel.: +39 3209107973 E-Mail: Web: Sabatiniwww.sabatingin.comGin:theLondonDry Gin with a Tuscan Spirit. RO-SA

227Aussteller sucht Distributoren / Exhibitor searches for distributors SAC SERIGRAFIA S.R.L. 5-A05 Via Giovanni Visintin 3 31030 Vallà di Riese Pio X , Italy Tel.: +39 0423 746281 Fax: +39 0423 746418 E-Mail: Web: SAC Serigrafia is a screen printing company with over 50 years of experience in the printing industry.We deal with aestetichal and personalized solutions for the wine and spirits industry. SAMSON & SURREY LLC 4-B32 Town Center One - Suite 1909, 8950 SW 74th Court Miami, FL 33156, United States Tel.: + 1 305 501 2344 E-Mail: Web: Our question was this: "In a world of big look-alike spirit companies, wouldn't it be great if we could make some very special smaller brands famous - without selling out?" Our vision is to create, together, the most admired independent premium craft spirits portfolio in the world. SANTA TERESA 3-B14 12 Steward St. London, E1 6FQ, United Kingdom Tel.: +44 7915 5084 78 E-Mail: Web: Santawww.bacardilimited.comTeresa1796isabold&elegant rum with blends up to 35 yrs aged in bourbon oak barrels, then aged through the artisanal Solera method resulting in a dry, smooth and balanced rum. SANWA SHURUI CO., LTD. 1-B23 2231-1, Yamamoto Usa.City 8790495, Japan Tel.: +81 9087 6112 14 Fax: +81 97833 3030 E-Mail: Web: Higher-proofwww.iichiko.comShochu,iichiko Saiten is pot-distilled only once –preserving its rich flavor and character, along with an exceptionally smooth finish SAS ARMAGNAC CASTAREDE 5-A33 140 Boulevard Haussmann 75008 Paris, France Tel.: +33 144 051581 E-Mail: Web: Florencewww.armagnac-castarede.frCastarèdestandsforthe6th generation of the oldest Armagnac House founded in 1832. The vinyard and the cellars are located in the Bas Armagnac area. SASH & FRITZ GMBH 4-B37 Mohrenstr. 30 10117 Berlin, Germany Tel.: +49 30 2060 7540 Fax: +49 30 2064 7985 E-Mail: Web: Deutscherwww.sashundfritz.deWodkaaus100% deutschem Weizen, 5-fach destilliert, 5-fach gefiltert. German Vodka made from 100% German wheat, distilled and filtered five times.

228 AUSSTELLER /// EXHIBITORS Brew Berlin Aussteller / ExhibitorCoffee Aussteller / Exhibitor SAUERLAND DISTILLERS GMBH 7-B28 Thünenstr. 11 58511 Lüdenscheid, Germany Tel.: +49 2351 4337 558 E-Mail: Web: Woodlandwww.woodland-gin.comSauerlandDryGin- den besten, den stärksten und den schönsten Gin, die wir je gemacht haben. Aus dem waldig geprägten Mittelgebirge des Sauerlandes SAVIO S.R.L. 3-A16 Rue de la Gare 47 11024 Châtillon (AO), Italy Tel.: +39 0166 5603 11 Fax: +39 0165 5603 69 E-Mail: Web: Savio,www.saviotrading.itarenownedItalian company founded in 1958, is the owner of 2 rum brands with distinctive and outstanding personalities, Ron Malteco and Rum Malecon. Also bulk rum for private labels. SCAPE SPIRITS APS 4-B47 Sanskevej 17 2960 Rungsted Kyst, Denmark Tel.: +45 2097 5620 E-Mail: Web: Scapewww.ginscape.comSpiritsisaDanish Limited privately owned company producing and distributing high-end spirits, and owner of the Ginscape brand. SCHIERKER FEUERSTEIN GMBH & CO. KG 1-A26 Schierker-Feuerstein-Platz 1-5 37431 Bad Lauerberg, Germany Tel.: +49 552 4926 60 Fax: +49 552 4926 610 E-Mail: Web: SCHILKIN GMBH & CO.KG BERLIN 1-A31 Alt-Kaulsdorf 1/11 Gutshof 12621 Berlin, Germany Tel.: +49 3056 5780 Fax: +49 3056 5781 65 E-Mail: Web: Schilkinwww.schilkin.debietetmitseinen Spirituosen, die nach ausgereiften Rezepturen hergestellt werden, Genießern außergewöhnlicher Getränke ein vielseitiges Sortiment. ALFRED SCHLADERER GMBH 3-D18 ALTE SCHWARZWÄLDER HAUSBRENNEREI Alfred-Schladerer-Platz 1 79219 Staufen, Germany Tel.: +49 763 3832 0 Fax: +49 763 3832 88 E-Mail: Web: Die Schwarzwälder Hausbrennerei Alfred Schladerer in Staufen ist eine traditionsbewusste Familien-Brennerei, die seit 1844 Obstbrände mit Niveau und eigenem Stil herstellt. SA-SC

Die Schlumberger Vertriebsgesellschaft mbH & Co. KG mit Hauptsitz in Meckenheim gehört zu den führenden Vertriebs gesellschaften für Wein, Schaumwein und Spirituosen der gehobenen Kategorie in Deutschland. Für unsere Kunden bieten wir ein Sortiment von über 1.200 ausgewählten Produkten: hochwertige Weine aus den weltweit wichtigsten Anbaugebieten sowie eine exklusive Kollektion erstklassiger internationaler Spirituosen.
SCHLUMBERGER VERTRIEBSGES.MBH & CO. KG 3-C23 Buschstraße 20 53340 Meckenheim, Germany Tel.: +49 2225 9250 E-Mail: Web:
SCHLUMBERGER VERTRIEBSGESELLSCHAFT MBH & CO. KG Buschstrasse, 20 53340 Meckenheim, Germany Tel.: +49 22259250 E-Mail: Web: Feinstewww.schlumberger.deFruchtbrändeaus100 Schweizer Obst. Ob Etter Zuger Kirsch, Fruchtbrand-Liqueure oder JOHNETT Whisky, jeder einzelne Tropfen des Familienbetriebs ist ein Versprechen. CACHAÇA 51 3-C23
Die Brennerei ist wegweisend für die Entwicklung des Rums auf Barbados und einer der letzten familiengeführten RumProduzenten der Welt. Hier werden vielfach ausgezeichnete teils streng limitierten Rum-Qualitäten hergestellt. Das 4. Mal in Folge Rumproduzent des Jahres (ISC).
SCHLUMBERGER VERTRIEBSGESELLSCHAFT MBH & CO. KG Buschstrasse, 20 53340 Meckenheim, Germany Tel.: +49 22259250 E-Mail: Web: Hergestelltwww.schlumberger.deausdenfeinsten Gewürzen und Früchten, importiert aus drei verschiedenen Kontinenten, ist Broker’s Gin ein Gin so trocken wie britischer Humor. ETTER 3-C23
229Aussteller sucht Distributoren / Exhibitor searches for distributors BROKER'S GIN 3-C23
SCHLUMBERGER VERTRIEBSGESELLSCHAFT MBH & CO. KG Buschstrasse, 20 53340 Meckenheim, Germany Tel.: +49 22259250 E-Mail: Web: Cachaçawww.schlumberger.de51schmecktwiedas brasilianische Leben und ist gleichbedeutend mit Freude und Zusammensein mit Freunden. Cachaça 51 ist die führende Cachaça-Marke Brasiliens.
SCHLUMBERGER VERTRIEBSGESELLSCHAFT MBH & CO. KG Buschstrasse, 20 53340 Meckenheim, Germany Tel.: +49 22259250 E-Mail: Web:

230 AUSSTELLER /// EXHIBITORS Brew Berlin Aussteller / ExhibitorCoffee Aussteller / Exhibitor SCHRAML - 4-A36, 4-A38 DIE STEINWALD-BRENNEREI E.K. Pfarrgasse 22 92681 Erbendorf, Germany Tel.: +49 9682 1836 90 Fax: +49 9682 1836 930 E-Mail: Web: Die 200 Jahre alte Brennerei (Seit 1818) ist die älteste Whiskydestillerie Deutschlands (Stonewood Whiskies) und stellt schon seit 1957 auch Gin (Kaiser Hill 16 Bavarian Dry Gin) her. SCHWARZE UND SCHLICHTE GMBH 3-B17 Paulsburg 1-3 59302 Oelde, Germany Tel.: +49 2522 9302 243 Fax: +49 2522 9302 9243 E-Mail: Web: THREEwww.schwarze-schlichte.deSIXTYVODKA-Diamondfiltrated Vodka. SCHWARZE UND SCHLICHTE verfügt über 350 Jahre Tradition und Know-how. Neben THREE SIXTY VODKA und Licor 43 zählen u.a. SHATLER's, Barceló, Friedrichs Dry Gin, Pepino Peach zum Kernsortiment. SCHWEPPES DEUTSCHLAND GMBH 7-B09 Hagener Straße 261 57223 Kreuztal, Germany Tel.: +49 2732 / 880 881 E-Mail: Web: Die Geschichte der Marke Schweppes begann vor über 200 Jahren. Leidenschaft, Qualitätsanspruch & die dadurch benötigte, aufwendige Herstellung bilden dabei eine wichtige Konstante. SEEDLIP LIMITED 4-A37 5 & 6 Woodlands Court Beaconsfield, HP9 2SP, United Kingdom Tel.: +44 795 1324 172 E-Mail: Web: Seedlipwww.seedlipdrinks.comistheworld'sfirstdistilled non-alcoholic spirits, solving the dilemma of ‘What to drink when you’re Not drinking ®’ SC-SI

Die SEVEN SEALS Distillery AG ist ein noch kleines engagiertes Unternehmen in der innovativen Spirituosen produktion und Vermarktung! Hauptaugenmerk setzt das Unternehmen auf die Whiskyproduktion. Das Unternehmen mit Hauptsitz in Stans NW in der Schweiz setzt sich für Innovation in der Spirituosenherstellung und für heraus ragende Qualität ein. Wir haben uns dazu verpflichtet die Produktion von Spirituosen zu vereinfachen, die Zeit der Produktion zu verkürzen ohne an Qualität einzubüssen, die Produktion ökologisch zu verbessern und somit unsere Kunden in aller Welt zu begeistern und zu überraschen. Wir handeln stets mit uneingeschränkter Integrität, in vollem Bewusstsein unserer Verantwortung gegenüber unseren Partnern, Kunden und der Gemeinschaft, der wir angehören.
231Aussteller sucht Distributoren / Exhibitor searches for distributors SENTIR MEZCAL 1-B44 Carretera Internacional 5A, Santagio Matalan Centro Oaxaca 70440, Mexico Tel.: +52 9982 1482 48 E-Mail: Web: Sentirwww.sentir.mxMezcalisfrom región Oaxaca, Mexico. Was created out of the love for mezcal and wanting to share our passion to the world, with focuses on high quality standards and continuity to achieve a premium product. SEVEN SEALS DISTILLERY AG 8-B14 Standsstaderstraße 90 6370 Stans, Switzerland Tel.: +41 7932 9904 7 E-Mail: Web:
SHIN GROUP CORPORATION LTD. 1-B33 E-3F Capital Trade Centre, 62 Tsun Yip KwunStreet Tong , Hong Kong Tel.: +852 8192 5885 E-Mail: Web: We provide a range of unique product lines that aim to surprises your sense and re-discover your thirst for life! SIEGFRIED RHEINLAND DRY GIN 7-B24 53115Mozartstr.24Bonn, Germany Tel.: +49 228 2499 2504 Fax: +49 228 6941 02 E-Mail: Web: Siegfriedwww.siegfriedgin.comRheinlandDryGin is a premium, handcrafted gin from Germany. With numerous GOLD and DOUBLE-GOLD awards in Europe, USA, Australia and Asia, it is one of the world´s best gins. SIERRA MADRE GMBH 7-D01 Rohstrasße 26 58093 Hagen, Germany Tel.: +49 2331377560 Fax: +49 23313775630 E-Mail: Web:

232 AUSSTELLER /// EXHIBITORS Brew Berlin Aussteller / ExhibitorCoffee Aussteller / Exhibitor SILD 3-A32 Bayrischzeller Straße 13 83727 Schliersee, Germany Tel.: +49 8026 9222795 E-Mail: Web: Für diese einzigartige Whisky-Spezialität werden Braugerste und Quellwasser von der Insel Sylt verwendet. Seine Vollendung erfährt der SILD in kleinen Holzfässern auf einem Schiffskutter. SNIOLAND EHF 5-B36 GLACIER GIN Grenimelur 31 Reykjavik 107, Iceland Tel.: +354 8219 779 E-Mail: Web: Glacierwww.glaciergin.isginusesIcelandic water which is the purest and cleanest water you will find. Botanicals include Dandelion, bergamot, lemon and coriander seeds along with Juniper berries. SKADI FROZEN COCKTAILS 1-B29 Klosterfelder Weg 26 13509 Berlin, Germany Tel.: +49 176 855 11 666 E-Mail: Web: Skadiwww.skadi.berlinFrozenCocktails bieten das frische Cocktailerlebnis zum Selbsteinfrieren, als Sorbet-Eis für Erwachsene. Sorten: Sex on the Beach, Whisky Sour, Gin Tonic, Moscow Mule und Frosé. SKIN GIN GMBH 7-A18A Alter Marktplatz 8 21720 Steinkirchen, Germany Tel.: +49 41428894411 E-Mail: Web: The fresh taste of Moroccan mint matches Skin Gin’s exclusi ve design, what makes it to an experience of all senses. Produced near to Hamburg by handcraft, Skin Gin becomes a unique product. SLEEPER MEDIA LIMITED 5-MEDIA LOUNGE Strawberry Studios, Watson Square Stockport, SK1 3AZ, United Kingdom Tel.: +44 (0)161 476 5580 E-Mail: Supper is a quarterly print magazine covering global hotel F&B. Supper explores the projects, personalities and pro ducts driving the sector in an industry-defining title. SI-SO

233Aussteller sucht Distributoren / Exhibitor searches for distributors SLIABH LIAG DISTILLERY 5-B06 Line Road, Carrick Carrick, DNGL F94 X9DX, Ireland Tel.: +353 749739875 E-Mail: Web: Sliabhwww.sliabhliagdistillery.comLiagDistillersproduceAssarance Vodka, An Dúlamán Irish Maritime Gin and bottle their sourced whiskey - The Legendary Silkie Irish Whiskey in county Donegal in Ireland's North West. SLYRS 3-A32 Bayrischzeller Straße 13 83727 Schliersee, Germany Tel.: +49 8026 9222 795 Fax: +49 8026 9222 933 E-Mail: Web: Als Whisky Pionier aus Oberbayern setzt SLYRS seit 1999 Maßstäbe in Sachen Whisky-Kompetenz und begeistert Whisky-Liebhaber weit über die deutschen Grenzen hinaus. SMALL BEER BREW CO. LTD 1-A28 70-72 Verney Road London, SE16 3DH, United Kingdom Tel.: +44 20 7096 2353 E-Mail: Web: Smallwww.theoriginalsmallbeer.comBeerspecialiseexclusivelyinthe production of lower alcohol beer, between 0.5 and 2.8% ABV, that delivers spec tacular taste. For when you want a great beer, just without the slow down. SMOKEHEAD ISLAY SINGLE MALT SCOTCH WHISKY 1-B40 Russell House, Dunnet Way Broxburn, EH52 5BU, United Kingdom Tel.: +44 1506 8522 05 Fax: +44 1506 8564 34 E-Mail: Web: SMOKEHEADwww.ianmacleod.comISLAYSINGLEMALT SOCTCH WHISKY. SODA LIBRE GMBH 7-B15 Stormsweg 5A 22085 Hamburg, Germany Tel.: +49 172 5996 212 E-Mail: Web: The three guys from Hamburg (Rene Machon, Eloy Gut and Thorsten Husmann) presented their first soda end of 2017. The Basil is SODA LIBRE’s first product – more soda innova tions are to follow. SOMMELIER SELECT PTY 8-D06 247 Bree Street Cape Town 8001, South Africa Tel.: +277 16416327 E-Mail: Web:

234 AUSSTELLER /// EXHIBITORS Brew Berlin Aussteller / ExhibitorCoffee Aussteller / Exhibitor SOUR FISK SHOT 1-B49 Hejreskovvej 18 3490 Kvistgaard, Denmark Tel.: +45 49139697 E-Mail: Web: UNITEDwww.uniteddrinks.dkDRINKSA/Sisafamily-owned liquor company, which was established in 1999. The company owns the brands FISK The Classic, FISK Pure Raw, Sour FISK and Glitter FISK. SOUTHERN COMFORT 7-B16 TEAMSPIRIT MARKENGETRÄNKEINTERNATIONALEGMBH Hubert-Underberg-Allee 1 47495 Rheinberg, Germany Tel.: +49 2843 920 371 Fax: +49 2843 920-475 E-Mail: Web: Weltweitwww.teamspirit.debekannterLikör mit Whiskey verfeinert Southern Comfort ist eine mit Whiskey verfeinerte milde und süße Likör-Spezialität. Seine Ursprünge liegen in New Orleans. SOUTHWESTERN DISTILLERY LIMITED 7-D03 Unit 11, Higher Trevibban Farm, St Ervan Wadebridge, COR PL27 7SH, United Kingdom Tel.: +44 1841 5401 21 E-Mail: Web: Internationallywww.tarquinsgin.comaward-winning Tarquin’s Cornish Gin - a growing portfolio of classic and contemporary styles of Gin. All our spirits are handcrafted in small batches in Cornwall. SOVEREIGN BRANDS LLC 7-B12 81 Greene Steet, 2nd Floor New York, 10012, United States Tel.: +40 727 731730 E-Mail: Web: Sovereignwww.sovereignbrands.comBrandsisafamily-owned, family-run wine & spirits company dedicated to the creation and development of unique, premium beverage brands. SPIRIT OF RUM EVENT GMBH 10.1-KH07 Jenaer Str. 16 10717 Berlin, Germany Tel.: +49 30 78955511 E-Mail: Web: Unserwww.spiritofrum.comPortfoliomitRumaus aller Welt ist fokussiert auf Qualität und Geschmack. Die Auswahl reicht von klassischem Melasse-Rum bis zu Cachaça Artesenal und Rhum Agricole! SPREEWOOD DISTILLERS GMBH 3-D05 Dorfstr. 56 15910 Schlepzig, Germany Tel.: +49 151 6730 7874 E-Mail: Web: Spreewoodwww.spreewood-distillers.comDistillery-Germany'sfirst rye whiskey distillery 60km south of Berlin. Down to earth. Down to Whiskey. 100% German Rye. STORK CLUB Rye Whiskey. SO-ST

235Aussteller sucht Distributoren / Exhibitor searches for distributors SQUARE DRANKEN NL B.V 5-B42 Hereplein 4 9711 GA Groningen, The Netherlands Tel.: +31 5031 8046 3 Fax: +31 5031 8781 1 E-Mail: Web: Spiritswww.spiritsforrock.comforRock,aplatformof Square Dranken, officially distributes spirits, wines and beers of rock- and metal bands. We take care of the distribution of these drinks throughout Europe in co-operation with the management of the different bands. ST. AGRESTIS 4-A04 208 Dupont Street Brooklyn, 11222, United States Tel.: +1 973 598 5746 E-Mail: Web: St. Agrestis creates world-class, Brooklyn-made tributes to Italian style aperitifs and digestifs. Using the world's best ingredients and old world techniques, St. Agrestis has become a category leader in the United States and looks towards Europe. STAUNING WHISKY A/S 1-B31 Stauningvej 38 6900 Skjern, Denmark Tel.: +45 4244 2122 E-Mail: Web: The whisky Distillery is situated at the westocoast in Denmark. We (9 friends) started in May 2005. We floor malt and use direct fired stills for all our whiskies - Single Malts and Rye Whisky. STIEFELMAYER-CONTENTO GMBH & CO. KG 8-B16 Hüttenweg 4 97877 Wertheim, Germany Tel.: +49-(0)9342-96150 Fax: ContentoWeb:E-Mail:+49-(0)9342-961550info@contento.comwww.contento.comistalszuverlässiger Handelspartnerin der Gas tronomie bekannt, der aufgrund ausgereifter Logistik und freundlichem Service langjährige Kundenbindungen pflegt. STIRLING EXPORT LTD 10.1-KH12 10th Floor, One Cathedral Square Building 16, Jules Koenig Street Port Louis xxx, Mauritius Tel.: +230 203 3330 E-Mail: Web: Stirlingwww.edbmauritius.orgExportHouseLtd'sbrands Tilambic 151 has been awarded a Double Gold Medal at the China Wine & Spirit Award 2018 and 2015 Gold Medal at the UK Rum Masters. ST. KILIAN DISTILLERS GMBH 1-B26 Hauptstraße 1-5 63924 Rüdenau, Germany Tel.: +49 9371 4071 240 Fax: +49 9371 4071 299 E-Mail: Web: St. Kilian Distillers steht für außergewöhnliche Spirits und Single Malt Whisky - made in Germany.

236 AUSSTELLER /// EXHIBITORS Brew Berlin Aussteller / ExhibitorCoffee Aussteller / Exhibitor STONEWOOD WHISKIES 4-A36, 4-A38 Pfarrgasse 22 92681 Erbendorf, Germany Tel.: +49 9682 1836 90 Fax: +49 9682 1836 930 E-Mail: Web: Die 200 Jahre alte Brennerei (Seit 1818) ist die älteste Whiskydestillerie Deutschlands (Stonewood Whiskies) und stellt schon seit 1957 auch Gin (Kaiser Hill 16 Bavarian Dry Gin) her. STREGA ALBERTI BENEVENTO SPA 7-D27 Piazza Colonna 8 82100 Benevento, Italy Tel.: +39 0824 5429 2 Fax: +39 0824 2100 7 E-Mail: Web: Stregawww.strega.itrepresentsone of Italy's most well known and popular liqueur brands. In 1860 Giuseppe Alberti discovered a recipe for a herbal liqueur: Liquore Strega literally Witch liqueur. SUCOS DO BRASIL 1-A37 PRODUCTOS LATINO GMBH Graf-Landsberg-Str. 9 41460 Neuss, Germany Tel.: +49 2131 4065660 Fax: +49 2131 406567 E-Mail: Web: Die Firma Sucos Import & Markenvertrieb zählt zu den ersten Adressen unter den Importeuren lateinamerikanischer Genuss- und Lebensmittel in Deutschland. Mit einem ausgesuchten Sortiment bedienen wir seit 20 Jahren erfolgreich Fach- und Großhändler, sowie die Gastronomie. SUPPER MAGAZINE 5-MEDIA LOUNGE Strawberry Studios, Watson Square Stockport, SK1 3AZ, United Kingdom Tel.: +44 (0)161 476 5580 E-Mail: Supper Magazine is a stunning, bi-monthly, glossy publication covering Global Hotel F&B. SWISS MOUNTAIN SPRING 3-A18 Binningerstrasse 101 4123 Allschwil, Switzerland Tel.: +41 61 281 87 00 E-Mail: Web: Nur bestes Chinin,natürliche Essenzen und Öle reichen nicht für ein Premium Tonic oder Limonaden. Nein, es gilt auch, präzise Fragen bezüglich Wasser, dessen Qualität und Mineralisierung zu stellen. ST-TE

237Aussteller sucht Distributoren / Exhibitor searches for distributors TARSIER SPIRIT LTD 8-A05 11 Riverton Manchester,RoadM20 5QH, United Kingdom Tel.: +44 7849 380788 E-Mail: Web: We exist to introduce you to Southeast Asia's amazing flavours, culture and unforgettable experiences whilst helping to save the tarsier, a small primate the size of your hand. TASTE THE GREEK SPIRIT 8-D02 34, Chalkokondili Str., 16342 Hellioupolis, Athens, Greece Tel.: +30 2103310472 Fax: +30 2103310473 E-Mail: Web: DPO Greek Spirits behind the Bar: Ouzo, Tsipouro, Mastiha. TASTILLERY GMBH 10.0-KH04 Danziger Str. 35 A 20099 Hamburg, Germany Tel.: +49 4028008269 E-Mail: Web: Popcornwww.tastillery.comRum?!PopcornRum! CINECANE ist der erste und einzige Rum der mit Popcorn destilliert und infused wird. Das Ergebnis? Es schmeckt wie Kino! TEAMSPIRIT INTERNATIONALE 7-B13, 7-B16 MARKENGETRÄNKE GMBH Hubert-Underberg-Allee 1 47495 Rheinberg, Germany Tel.: +49 2843 920 371 Fax: +49 2843 920-475 E-Mail: Web: The Portfolio of TeamSpirit covers the total variety of a wellsorted bar. TEELING WHISKEY COMPANY 3-D19 13-17 WeWeb:E-Mail:Tel.:Dublin,Newmarket8,Ireland+35315310329hello@teelingwhiskey.comwww.teelingwhiskey.comareIreland'sleadingprogressive whiskey producer, de dicated to bringing choice and breadth back to the category through small batch releases of interesting and flavoursome bottlings. TENET MARKETING S.R.O. 4-A14, 4-A20 Pelikanova 35/11 Praha 16200, Czech Republic Tel.: +420 702191093 E-Mail: Web:

238 AUSSTELLER /// EXHIBITORS Brew Berlin Aussteller / ExhibitorCoffee Aussteller / Exhibitor TENTOURA CASTRO - G.P. HAHALIS 4-B29 26500RomanosPatra, Greece Tel.: +30 261 0277 077 Fax: +30 261 0640 741 E-Mail: Web: Tentourawww.castro-spirits.grCastroGPHahalis distillery is one of the most famous in Greece. It produces liqueurs, bitters, vermouth, tentoura, mastiha, ouzo, etc, using 100% natural extracts and distillates. TEQUILA ARETTE 4-B30 Silverio Nuñez No. 100 Tequila 46400, Mexico Tel.: InWeb:E-Mail:+52(33)36150192eduardoorendain@hotmail.comwww.tequilaarette.comArettewe’reaboutmorethanjusttequila: we’re about people. We believe it’s our responsibility to support ethical and sustainable farming practices. TEQUILA FORTALEZA 4-B30 153 TequilaTabasco46400, Mexico Tel.: +1 8583 6118 38 E-Mail: Web: CANTINAwww.tequilafortaleza.comMEXICO-AUTHENTIC CRAFT AGAVE DISTILLERS A collaboration between some truly craft agave distillates such as Raicilla La Venenosa, Tequila Fortaleza, Tequila Arette, Tequila Don Fulano & Mezcal La Escondida. TEQUILA HACIENDA DRAGÓN 4-B06 Calle 22 2893 A, Zona Industrial Guadalajara / Jalisco 44940, Mexico Tel.: +52 3311736954 E-Mail: Web: Haciendawww.haciendadragon.comDragónisa100%Mexican company dedicated to the commercialization of high-quality products of Agave Azul Tequilana Weber. TEQUILA LA COFRADIA 4-B06 Calle La Cofradia 1297 COL. Centro Tequila 46400, Mexico Tel.: of over 90 private brands, La Cofradia has achieved international quality standards and is present in 40 countries. TE-TH

239Aussteller sucht Distributoren / Exhibitor searches for distributors TEQUILA ORENDAIN 4-B06 Calle Tabasco N. 208 Col. Centro Tequila / Jalisco 46400, Mexico Tel.: +52 3337771818 E-Mail: Web: Since the founding of Tequila Orendain in the 20th century by Eduardo Orendain, the name Orendain has been an important part of the tequila industry. TEQUILA RIQUEZA CULTURAL 4-B06 Calle José Guadalupe Becerra #274 San Miguel el Alto / Jalisco 47146, Mexico Tel.: bottles, highlighting the unique characteristics of the product and evoking our Mexican roots, origin and culture. TEQUILAS DEL SEÑOR 4-B06 Rio Tuito #1193 Col. Atlas Guadalajara 44870, Mexico Tel.: TequilasWeb:E-Mail:+52335005216ana.moreno@tqds.mxwww.tequilasdelsenor.comdelSeñordistributeitsproducts in more than 52 countries. HACCP-certified, Winner of the 2015 National Export Award, given by the President of Mexico. TEQUILERA LA HERENCIA 4-B06 Calle Bajio #1 Col. Del Carmen Tepatitlan / Jalisco 47690, Mexico Tel.: WeWeb:E-Mail:+523781211612cc@tequilareydelmundo.comwww.tequilareydelmundo.comareafamily-ownedtequiladistillery focused on satisfying all of our clients with a variety of tequilas that are all recognized nationaly. THAT'S THE SPIRIT SRL 3-B02 Via Iacopo Della Lana, 8 40137 Bologna, Italy Tel.: +39 393 7132 370 E-Mail: Web: ilGin.itwww.thatsthespirit.itisthebiggestItalian platform dedicated to Gin culture: at BCB presents the best Italian Gin producers and distributors. THEBITTERNOTE 8-B12 TBN SRL Ripa ai Porta Ticinese 39 20143 Milano, Italy Tel.: +39 391 4159628 E-Mail: Web: TheBitterNote:www.thebitternote.comworld'sfirstnon-alcoholic amaro. A modern version of the iconic coffee chaser digestif. THE BITTER TRUTH GMBH 3-B15 Wolfsratshauserstr. 21e 82049 Pullach, Germany Tel.: +49 89 8898 4755 Fax: +49 89 8898 4756 E-Mail: Web: Internationalwww.the-bitter-truth.comerfolgreicherProduzent von Cocktail Bitters, Wässern, Likören und Spirituosen. Vielfach ausgezeichnet. Von Bartender für Bartender! The Bitter Truth - for better drinks! THE BOATYARD DISTILLERY LTD. 1-A53 3 Tullybay Enniskillen,MarinaBT93 7DX, Ireland Tel.: +44 781 4644 07 E-Mail: Web: The Boatyard Distillery is a small craft distillery which produces seed to sip spirits. Boatyard Double Gin, Boatyard Old Tom and Boatyard Vodka. We work directly with farmers and land.

240 AUSSTELLER /// EXHIBITORS Brew Berlin Aussteller / ExhibitorCoffee Aussteller / Exhibitor THEBRANDBUILDER VERTRIEBS GMBH & CO.KG 7-C02 Kastanienweg 13 22395 Hamburg, Germany Tel.: +49 40 47 83 70 Fax: +49 40 48 83 45 E-Mail: Web: thebrandbuilderwww.thebrandbuilder.deisteinejunge Import- und Distributionsge sellschaft für Premium Spirituosen mit dem Sitz in Hamburg, Deutschland. THE COCKTAIL LOVERS LTD 5-MEDIA LOUNGE Chancery Station House, 31-33 High Holborn London, WC1V 6AX, United Kingdom Tel.: +44 20 7242 2546 E-Mail: Web: For the latest cocktail news, features, recipes, fashion and travel read The Cocktail Lovers Magazine. THE COPELAND DISTILLERY 5-B08 43 Manor Street , Donaghadee Donaghadee, BT21 0HG, Ireland Tel.: +44 7714187651 E-Mail: Web: The Copeland Distillery located in the harbour town of Donaghadee, Ireland, create a range of coastal inspired spirits including a traditional clear Irish gin and flavoured ginfusions. THE DUKE DESTILLERIE 3-C15 Feldkirchner Str. 1 85609 Aschheim bei München, Germany Tel.: +49 89 4547 3060 Fax: +49 89 4547 3062 E-Mail: Web: Die THE DUKE Destillerie produziert seit 2008 im Herzen Münchens handgefertigte Spirituosen aus rein biologischen Rohstoffen. Ende 2016, zog die Destillerie in eine traditions trächtige Brennerei aus dem Jahr 1892 nach Aschheim an den Münchner Stadtrand. THE ILLUSIONIST DISTILLERY 3-B05 Rupert-Mayer-Str. 44 81379 München, Germany Tel.: +49 89 7483 5211 Fax: +49 89 7483 5210 E-Mail: Web: Lüfte das Geheimnis des Illusionist: Ein tief blauer Gin, der Dich aus dem grauen Alltag entführt – und sich als Gin Tonic Rosa verwandelt. 16 feine Botanicals in einem magischen Mix. Floral. Fruchtig. Überraschend. THE INCA DISTILLERY SAC 4-A41 Calle 2, Mz. LL, Lote 11, Parque Industrial El Asesor, Ate Lima 15011, Peru Tel.: +51 35740667 E-Mail: Web: PERUVIANwww.tid.peSPIRITS Amazonian Gin - Black Whisky - Pisco 1615. TH-TH

241Aussteller sucht Distributoren / Exhibitor searches for distributors THE ISLAND RUM COMPANY AS 10.1-KH17 Henrik Ibsen gate 90 Oslo 0255, Norway Tel.: +46 70 310 44 54 E-Mail: Web: The Island Rum Company is an internationally acting company who owns the Cuban rum brand Vigia. Vigia is the umbrella of Black Tears, a Dry Spiced and La Progresiva, a super premium aged rum. THE REAL MCCOY 10.1-KH07 Jenaer Str. 16 10717 Berlin, Germany Tel.: +49 30 78955511 E-Mail: Web: Bill McCoy war ein Pionier unter den Rumschmugglern und sein Name wurde zu einem Markenzeichen für beste Qualität und unverfälschte Spirituosen, heute bekannt als "The Real McCoy! THE SHED DISTILLERY 1-B69 The Food Hub , Drumshanbo Leitrim, LEIT N41WR, Ireland Tel.: +35 3834124824 E-Mail: Web: The Shed Distillery of PJ Rigney is located in the rural village of Drumshanbo, Co. Leitrim in Ireland. Born under a Winter Solstice sun in 2014 we distill premium spirits. THE THREE STILLS COMPANY LTD 5-B05 (THE BORDERS DISTILLERY, HAWICK SCOTLAND) Commercial Road Hawick, Scotland, TD9 7AO, United Kingdom Tel.: +44 (0)7802 755215 E-Mail: Web: THE WILD ALPS GMBH 1-A36 Hauptstrasse 25 9436 Balgach, Switzerland Tel.: +43 699 11637752? E-Mail: Web: Handcrafted,www.wildalps.compremiumspirits distilled in THE WILD ALPS. Very individual interpretation of Gin, Rum, Whisky and Vodka. Since 2016 multiple awarded for outstanding quality and design. THOMAS HENRY GMBH & CO. KG 7-A19 Bessemerstr. 22 12103 Berlin, Germany Tel.: +49 30 7576 5795 0 E-Mail: Web: Seit 2010 steht der Name Thomas Henry für ein junges deutsches Unternehmen und seine Auswahl an Erfrischungsgetränken. THOMAS HINE & C° 3-A24 16 Quai de l'Orangerie, CS 80008 16200 Jarnac, France Tel.: +49 40 8501 60 Fax: +49 40 8585 00 E-Mail: Web: THREE CENTS LTD. 3-A09 63 St. Mary Axe London, GRLO EC3A 8AA, United Kingdom Tel.: +44 20 3912 7930 E-Mail: Web: Premiumwww.threecents.c.ukMIxercompanybased in London and produced in Greece from 100% natural ingredients including the famous Pink Grapefruit Soda which haw taken Paloma cocktails to new levels!

242 AUSSTELLER /// EXHIBITORS Brew Berlin Aussteller / ExhibitorCoffee Aussteller / Exhibitor TOBERMORY SINGLE MALT WISKY 7-B13 TEAMSPIRIT MARKENGETRÄNKEINTERNATIONALEGMBH Hubert-Underberg-Allee 1 47495 Rheinberg, Germany Tel.: +49 2843 920 371 Fax: +49 2843 920-475 E-Mail: Web: Tobermorywww.teamspirit.deSingleMaltScotch Whisky von der Isle of Mull hat einen lebendigen, fruchtigen und würzigen Charakter mit einem subtilen, salzigen Touch. TOBERMORY GIN 7-B13 TEAMSPIRIT INTERNATIONALE MARKENGETRÄNKE GMBH Hubert-Underberg-Allee 1 47495 Rheinberg, Germany Tel.: +49 2843 920 371 Fax: +49 2843 920-475 E-Mail: Web: Die „Artisan Hebridean Distillers“ von Tobermory produzieren jetzt nicht nur die Single Malts Tobermory und Ledaig, sondern auch einen Gin. TONKA GIN 3-A26 Papenreye 18 22453 Hamburg, Germany Tel.: +49 172 4532073 E-Mail: Web: GIN mit der Tonkabohne aus Hamburg TOVARITCH SPIRITS INTERNATIONAL SA 3-B07 2 Place du Grand-Mézel 1204 Geneva, Switzerland Tel.: +41 22 3105 645 E-Mail: Web: Tovaritch!www.tovaritch.comisapremiumgrain vodka produced and bottled in Russia by Geneva-based Tovaritch Spirits International SA. It builds its success on Russian tradition and Swiss precision. TRADITION MEXICO GMBH 4-A32 Bernhard Höfel Strasse 14 6020 Innsbruck, Austria Tel.: +43 1 3663 321 Fax: +43 1 3663 330 E-Mail: Web: Padrewww.padreazul.comazulisanaward-winning 100% blue agave superpremium tequila known for its vanilla and caramel flavours and unparalleled smooth finish. TO-UN

243Aussteller sucht Distributoren / Exhibitor searches for distributors TURIN VERMOUTH 3-B01 Strada del Cascinotto 130 10156 Turin, Italy Tel.: +39 0112 0799 90 Fax: +39 0113 7476 70 E-Mail: Web: WE ARE A DISTILLERY IN TORINO WHICH PRODUCE VERMOUTH DI TORINO, AMARI AND GIN. WE ARE ALSO IMPORTERS OF MEZCAL YULIIA AND WE HAVE A PARTNERSHIP WITH SENXUP TONIC/SODA WATER, GINGER BEER AND LEMON TWELVE KEYS GIN 5-B40 SARTORIAL SPIRITS LIMITED The Lilacs, Meadow Farm Lane Horsham St Faith, NOR NR10 3BY, United Kingdom Tel.: +44 1603 552078 E-Mail: Web: Twelvewww.twelvekeys.comKeysNo.33DryGin - an award winning Modern Age Gin distilled with 12 botanicals. Smooth and indulgent, with luscious apricots, wildflower honey, fig, quince, and a classic dry finish. TWO JAMES SPIRITS 8-B03 2445 Michigan Ave. Detroit, MI 48103, United States Tel.: +1 313 9644 800 Fax: +1 313 9644 808 E-Mail: Web: Two James Spirits is Detroit's first distillery since prohibition. All distillation is small batch, hands on, copper pot distillation made with local grains. "The Spirit of Detroit" U'LUVKA LTD 5-B19 3a Berghem Mews, Blythe Road London, W14 0HN, United Kingdom Tel.: +44 20 7602 7788 Fax: +44 20 76024 372 E-Mail: Web: U'Luvkawww.uluvka.comisasuperpremium 4 grain vodka which is distilled just three times. U’Luvka has won over 80 international gold medals for taste and packaging. UNDERBERG 7-B13 TEAMSPIRIT MARKENGETRÄNKEINTERNATIONALEGMBH Hubert-Underberg-Allee 1 47495 Rheinberg, Germany Tel.: +49 2843 920 371 Fax: +49 2843 920-475 E-Mail: Web: Das besonders ausgewogene Verhältnis von wertvollen Kräuterauszügen und hochwertigem Alkohol verleiht Underberg seine einzigartige Eigenschaft als Digestif.

244 AUSSTELLER /// EXHIBITORS Brew Berlin Aussteller / ExhibitorCoffee Aussteller / Exhibitor UNDONE 5-B17 Steinhöft 9 20459 Hamburg, Germany Tel.: UNDONEWeb:E-Mail:+491743277549mixi@cranehouse.dewww.cranehouse.deistdieersteRangean alkoholfreien Alternativen zu Spirituosen. Die Range umfasst Bitter, Wermut, Gin und Rum. Done, it’s UNDONE. UNICORN TEARS GIN 1-A42 FIREBOX.COM LIMITED 37-39 Dragoon House Arillery Lane London, E1 7LP, United Kingdom Tel.: +44 7794 5977 84 E-Mail: Web: Unicornwww.mythicaltears.comTearsUsingoursecret emotion harvesting techno logy, we bottle the tears of free-range fabled creatures to create unique premium spirits. Sip on the majesty of Unicorn Tears Gin or resurrect yourself with the legendary power of Phoenix Tears Rum, or submerge your tastebuds in the glittery haze of Mermaid Tears Vodka. Swirl the bottle, behold its shimmering majesty, consume the mythical spirit. UNION PRESS LTD. 5-MEDIA LOUNGE THE SPIRITS BUSINESS Units 222/223, 30 Great Guildford Street London, SE1 0HS, United Kingdom Tel.: + 44 2078032452 E-Mail: Web: The Spirits Business is the only dedicated international spirits magazine and website in the world. Our circulation reaches out to more than 50,000 spirits professionals worldwide. UNITED DRINKS A/S 1-B49 Hejreskovvej 18 3490 Kvistgaard, Denmark Tel.: +45 49139697 E-Mail: Web: UNITEDwww.uniteddrinks.dkDRINKSA/Sisafamily-owned liquor company, which was established in 1999. The company owns the brands FISK The Classic, FISK Pure Raw, Sour FISK and Glitter FISK. URBAN BAR 7-D19 Unit 4C, Highfields Business Park Royston, Kneesworth, HER SG8 5JT, United Kingdom Tel.: +44 1763 244 473 E-Mail: Web: Urbanwww.urbanbar.comBardesignmarket leading glassware & barware for the hospitality and drinks industry. We believe that the effort put into making a drink should be reflected in what it is served in. VARELA HERMANOS S.A., 3-A22 RON ABUELO Apartado 0819 Panama 07757, Panama Tel.: +507 3774 000 E-Mail: Web: Varelawww.varelahermanos.comHermanosistheproudproducer of Ron Abuelo, the leading rum in Panama since 1908. This year, we are presenting our latest innovation: Ron Abuelo Two Oaks. UN-VI

245Aussteller sucht Distributoren / Exhibitor searches for distributors VERMOUTH DI TORINO INSTITUTE 1-A34 via Fanti 17 10128 Turin, Italy Tel.: +39 0141 9070 83 Fax: +39 0141 9070 85 E-Mail: Web: The Institute is an association that aims to value, promote and enhance the quality of ‘Vermouth di Torino’ and its expansion in global markets with all producers working in synergy. VETRERIA ETRUSCA S.P.A. 3-C10 Via Maremmana 70 50056 Montelupo Fiorentino, Italy Tel.: +39 0571 7551 Fax: +39 0571 7555 00 E-Mail: Web: Vetreriawww.vetreriaetrusca.itEtruscaisanindustry leader in the production of glass containers conceived, designed and manufactured in Italy. VETROELITE S.P.A. 1-B24 Via I Maggio, 4 31024 Ormelle (Treviso), Italy Tel.: +39 0422 2057 11 Fax: +39 0422 2057 32 E-Mail: Web: Vetroelitewww.vetroelite.comoffersanexclusive range of premium glass packaging - bottles, carafes, jars - and the related services like stoppers and decoration, especially for the Craft Spirits production. VIGO GROUP SAC 4-B36B Calle Lord Cochrane 102 Of Lima 27, Peru Tel.: +51 221 2622 E-Mail: Web: Peruvianwww.vigogroup.pePremiumMixers, where quinine was born. VINOLOK A.S. 3-C26 Opletalova 3197 Jablonec nad Nisou 466 01, Czech Republic Tel.: +42 0488 1117 48 E-Mail: Web: Vinolokwww.vinolok.comisthemostelegant and creative closure for spirit, wine, water and oil. Vinolok is made from pure Bohemian glass. There is absolutely no impact on aroma or flavour. The Vinolok glass closure establishes a look of a premium brand. The best packaging and ecological solution. VIRGINIA DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE 1-B28 AND CONSUMER SERVICES (VDACS) 102 Governor Street Richmond, VA 23219, United States Tel.: +44 20 3318 5755 +447710089250 E-Mail: Web: Virginiawww.vdacs.virginia.govistheBirthplaceofAmerican Spirits and Virginia produces some of the finest craft spirits and drinking vinegars coming out of America today. Sample a taste of this history with the four Virginia producers exhibiting at Bar Convent - Belmont Farm Distillery, Catoctin Creek Distilling Company, Reservoir Distillery, and Element Shrub. Virginia is for Spirits Lovers.

246 AUSSTELLER /// EXHIBITORS Brew Berlin Aussteller / ExhibitorCoffee Aussteller / Exhibitor VOELKEL GMBH 1-B25 Fährstr. 1 29478 Höhbeck / OT Pevestorf, Germany Tel.: +49 5846 9500 Fax: +49 5846 95050 E-Mail: Web: Voelkelwww.voelkeljuice.deBio&DemeterNaturkostsäfte Bio Marktplatz z.B. Finne BioCraftbeer, Ände Gingerbeer, Daisho Energy, Fairment Kombucha. VRANKEN-POMMERY DEUTSCHLAND & 3-B13 ÖSTERREICH GMBH Neue Grünstraße 26 10179 Berlin, Germany Tel.: +49 30 2091 3936 9 Fax: +49 30 2091 3935 8 E-Mail: Web: VRANKEN-POMMERYwww.vrankenpommery.deMONOPOLE ist zum weltweit zweit größten Champagnerunternehmen aufgestiegen und bedient neben der Luxusmarke Champagne POMMERY den Weinund Spirituosen-Bereich. WARNER'S DISTILLERY 1-A51 34 High Street, Northhamptonshire,HarringtonNN69NU, United Kingdom Tel.: +44 1536 7106 23 E-Mail: Web: We make gin the authentic way: we're gin farmers. Our gins are crafted with nature on Falls Farm, with water from our spring. We grow many of our botanicals & harvest fresh honey from beehives. WATERLOGIC GMBH 4-A10 PUREZZA PREMIUM TABLE WATER Kleinsachsenheimer Straße 26/1 74321 Bietigheim-Bissingen, Germany Tel.: +49 21127108408 Fax: +49 7142 92903 37 E-Mail: Web: WEISSHORN GLACIER GIN 1-A01 3 Rue Du Centenaire 1227 Carouge, Switzerland Tel.: +41 793448555 E-Mail: Web: Weisshornwww.weisshornglaciergin.comGlacierGin&WildhornAlpine Vodka cold-distilled and handcrafted at 2000 metres altitude in the Swiss Alpes in our micro-distillery cabin that dates from 1890's. VO-WI

247Aussteller sucht Distributoren / Exhibitor searches for distributors WEISSHORN SPIRITS SARL 1-A01 3 Rue Du Centenaire 1227 Carouge, Switzerland Tel.: +41 793448555 E-Mail: Web: Weisshornwww.weisshornglaciergin.comGlacierGin&WildhornAlpine Vodka cold-distilled and handcrafted at 2000 metres altitude in the Swiss Alpes. Morand 1889 Mixology Line Eau-de-Vie from Martigny, Switzerland. WENNEKER DISTILLERIES 4-B39 Badmuisstraat 18 4703 BH Roosendaal, The Netherlands Tel.: +31 165 5378 50 Fax: +31 165 5210 91 E-Mail: Web: WENNEKERwww.wenneker.comisapassionate craft distillery with 325 years of history! We have built a good reputation for producing a great range of cocktail Liqueurs and premium Gins and Genevers. WF SPIRITS TRADING UG 5-B34 Yorckstrasse 13 10965 Berlin, Germany Tel.: +1 240 277 9888 E-Mail: Web: the world for the most unique, beautifully crafted products for the modern bar program. WIDOW JANE BOURBON & RYE 4-B32 Town Center One - Suite 1909, 8950 SW 74th Court Miami, FL 33156, United States Tel.: + 1 305 501 2344 E-Mail: Web: Ten Year Old Bourbon cut with pure limestone water from the legendary mines of Rosendale, NY and lovingly assembled in Red Hook, Brooklyn. WILDHORN ALPINE VODKA 1-A01 3 Rue Du Centenaire 1227 Carouge, Switzerland Tel.: +41 793448555 E-Mail: Web: Weisshornwww.weisshornglaciergin.comGlacierGin&WildhornAlpine Vodka cold-distilled and handcrafted at 2000 metres altitude in the Swiss Alps in our Micro-distillery cabin dating from 1890. WILHELM KISKER GMBH 4-B42 Kiskerstraße 1 33790 Halle, Germany Tel.: +49 2501 8117 0 E-Mail: Web: n Halle Westfalen liegt der Stammsitz der Kisker Brennereien. Seit mehr als 285 Jahren werden hier hochwertige Spirituo sen hergestellt, die man überall in Deutschland schätzt. WILK GOURMETGROUP 5-A03 Gutenbergstr. 29 37671 Höxter, Germany Tel.: +49 5271 97850 Fax: +49 5271 9785 29 E-Mail: Web: Wilk Gourmetgroup präsentiert als Delikatessen-Großhändler zwei TOP-Hersteller aus seinem Sortiment. ALPE PARAGS aus Südtirol mit fantastischen CocktailsBases für schnelle und hochqualitative Cocktails. CAMBROOK aus Großbritanien mit köstlichen Nussmischungen.

248 AUSSTELLER /// EXHIBITORS Brew Berlin Aussteller / ExhibitorCoffee Aussteller / Exhibitor WINESTILLERY 5-A08 Piazza delle Cantine 8 50022 Greve in Chianti, Italy Tel.: +39 0552 3019 26 Fax: +39 0552 3010 90 E-Mail: Web: Winestillery:www.winestillery.itHandcrafted in Chianti Classico Region. WISDOM EXPRESS GMBH 5-A29 Neuer Wall 63 20354 Hamburg, Germany Tel.: +49 4022 8622 900 Fax: +49 4022 8622 909 E-Mail: Web: Kweichowwww.mountaigermany.deMoutaihassetfootworldwide as the most famous sauce-flavor baijiu in China. Known for its complex and mysterious taste. Join us and learn more! WOLFREST GIN CARUCCI 8-B17 Via Ballerina 19 12050 Montelupo Albese, Italy Tel.: +39 320 4161 520 E-Mail: Web: The new cocktail that links two italian territories: Langhe and Monferrato. Wolfrest Distilled Dry Gin mixed up with Carucci Barbera Chinata: the perfect taste for an original Aperitivo! WOODLAND GINS 7-B28 Thünenstr. 11 58511 Lüdenscheid, Germany Tel.: +49 2351 4337 558 E-Mail: Web: Woodlandwww.woodland-gin.comGins-derbeste,der stärkste und der schönste Gin aus dem waldig geprägten Mittelgebirge des Sauerlandes, den wir je gemacht haben. WOOD STORK SPICED RUM 10.0-KH02 BIMMERLE PRIVATE DISTILLERY Önsbacher Str. 40 77855 Achern-Mösbach, Germany Tel.: +49-(0)7841-6220-0 Fax: WoodWeb:E-Mail:+49-(0)7841-6220-19info@bimmerle.dewww.bimmerle.deStorkSpicedRumvereint die schönsten Geschmäcker der Welt. Südamerikanisches Zuckerrohr, im Schwarzwald fermentiert und destilliert, trifft auf Noten von Kaffee, Chili & Honig. WRITERS' TEARS IRISH WHISKEY 1-A29 Equity House, Carlow Carlow, CLW R93K7W4, Ireland Tel.: +353599133232 Fax: +353 59 9133291 E-Mail: Web: Writers'www.walshwhiskey.comTearsIrishWhiskeyis a unique style of whiskey embedded in Irish history. WI-ZW

249Aussteller sucht Distributoren / Exhibitor searches for distributors YENI RAKI 3-A20 Winsbergring 12-22 22525 Hamburg, Germany Tel.: +49 40 8501 60 Fax: +49 40 8585 00 E-Mail: Web: Yeni Raki ist nicht nur der beliebteste Raki der Welt, er steht auch symbolisch für die 500-jährige Raki-Kultur mit ihren Meze, einer Auswahl von kleinen Speisen. YOKOYAMA KOGYO CO., LTD 1-B13 1-61, Toyota,OmiAichi 471-0815, Japan Tel.: +81 565 585558 E-Mail: Web: BIRDY.www.birdy-erik.combyErikLorincz'sbar tools are highly innovative factory designed cocktail tools. Yokoyama Kogyo Co.,Ltd has decades of experience making precision parts for automotive. ZUIDAM DISTILLERS BV 1-A45 Smederijstraat 5 5111PT Baarle-Nassau, The Netherlands Tel.: +31 6245 7561 8 Fax: +31 1350 7929 8 E-Mail: Web: Zuidamwww.zuidam.euDistillersBVFamily Distillery since 1975 from farm to glass. ZWACK UNICUM PLC 7-D08 Soroksári út 26 Budapest 1095, Hungary Tel.: +36 14762382 Fax: +36 1216 0995 E-Mail: Web: Zwackwww.zwackunicum.comUnicumistheleadingproducer and importer of spirits and liqueurs in Hungary. Its flagship brand is Unicum, distilled from over 40 herbs and spices from all over the world since 1790. ZWIESEL KRISTALLGLAS AG 4-A08 Dr.-Schott-Straße 35 94227 Zwiesel, Germany Tel.: +49-(0)9922-980 Fax: +49 9922 8821 59 E-Mail: Web: ZWIESELwww.zwiesel-kristallglas.comKRISTALLGLASstehtmitseiner fast 150-jährigen Geschichte für Kristallglasprodukte auf höchstem Niveau, für gelebte Tradition, stetige Innovationen und Nachhaltigkeit. Die Marken ZWIESEL 1872 und SCHOTT ZWIESEL erfüllen die hohen Anforderungen professioneller Anwender und privater Haushalte zugleich: Ihre exklusiven und vielfach prämierten Serien werden aufgrund der hervorragenden Gebrauchseigenschaften und des ästhetischen Designs von Topgastronomen und Privatpersonen weltweit geschätzt.


252 NOMENKLATUR BAR CONVENT BERLIN 2019 / NOMENCLATURE BAR CONVENT BERLIN 2019 010000 - Spirituosen 010100 - Absinth 010200 - Aquavit 010300 - Bitter und Aperitif 010400011300011200011100011000010900010800010700010600010500010407010406010405010404010403010402010401Brandy-Armagnac-Calvados-Cognac-Grappa-Obstbrand-Pisco-Weinbrand-Cachaca-Gin-Likör-Rum-Tequila/Mezcal-Vodka-Wermut/Quinquina-Whisky/Whiskey011201-AmericanWhiskey011202-CanadianWhisky011203-IrishWhiskey011204-ScotchWhisky011205-JapanischerWhisky011206-GSAWhisky011207-Whisky-Sonstige-Spirituosen-Sonstige 020000 - Wein und Schaumwein 020100 - Champagner 020200 - Schaumweine 020300020500020400020304020303020302020301Südweine-Madeira-Marsala-Portwein-Sherry-Sake-Wein 030000 - Fillers und Softdrink 030100 - Bitterlimonaden 030200 - Ginger Ale / Ginger Beer 030300 - Kola 030400 - Limonade 030500 - Mineralwasser 030600 - Säfte und Schorlen 030700 - Sirup und Konzentrat 030800 - Tonic Water 030900 - Fillers und Softdrink - Sonstige 040000 - Bier / Craft Beer und Cider 040100 - Bier / Craft Beer 040101 - Ale 040102 - Alkoholfreies 010000 - Spirits 010100 - Absinth 010200 - Aquavit 010300 - Bitter and Aperitif 010400011300011200011100011000010900010800010700010600010500010407010406010405010404010403010402010401Brandy-Armagnac-Calvados-Cognac-Grappa-Fruitspirit-Pisco-OtherBrandy-Cachaca-Gin-Liqueur-Rum-Tequila/Mezcal-Vodka-Vermouth/Quinquina-Whisky/Whiskey011201-AmericanWhiskey011202-CanadianWhisky011203-IrishWhiskey011204-ScotchWhisky011205-JapanesWhisky011206-GSAWhisky011207-Whisky-Other-Spirituosen-Other 020000 - Wine and Sparkling Wine 020100 - Champagne 020200 - Sparkling Wine 020300 - Fortified Wine 020301 - Madeira 020302 - Marsala 020303 - Port 020304 - Sherry 020400 - Sake 020500 - Wine 030000 - Fillers and Softdrink 030100 - Bitter Lemonades 030200 - Ginger Ale / Ginger Beer 030300 - Cola 030400 - Lemonade 030500 - Mineral Water 030600 - Fruit Juices 030700 - Syrup and Concentrate 030800 - Tonic Water 030900 - Fillers and Softdrink - Other 040000 - Beer / Craft Beer and Cider 040100 - Beer / Craft Beer 040101 - Ale 040102 - Non-alcoholic Beer
253 040103 - Alt 040104 - Berliner Weisse 040105 - Dunkles / Schwarzes 040106 - Helles 040107 - Kölsch 040108 - Malz 040109 - Pils 040110 - Porter 040111 - Stout 040112 - Weizen 040113 - Bier / Craft Beer - Sonstige 040200 - Cider 050000 - Kaffee, Tee und Heißgetränke 050100 - Heiße Schokolade 050200 - Kaffeetassen 050300 - Kaffee-Röstungen 050400 - Kaffee- / Teezubehör 050500 - Maschinen 050600 - Tee-Sorten 050700 - Heißgetränke - Sonstige 060000 - Snacks 060100 - Convenience-Produkte 060200 - Nüsse 060300 - Salzgebäck 060400 - Süßwaren und Gebäck 060500 - Snacks - Sonstige 070000 - Ausstattung und Barbedarf 070100071700071600071500071400071300071200071100071000070900070800070700070600070500070400070300070200070102070101Barzubehör-Geräte-Werkzeuge-Besteck-Entertainment-Geschirr-Gläser-Interior-Kassensysteme-Klimaschränke-Kühlschränke-ReinigungundHygiene-Software-Speise-undGetränkekarten-Tischwäsche/Kleidung-Werbeartikel-Zahlungssysteme-Zutaten-AusstattungundBarbedarf- Sonstige 080000 - Tabakwaren 080100 - Zigaretten & Zigarren 080200 - e-Zigaretten 090000 - Literatur und Medien 100000 - Dienstleistung und Beratung 110000 - Low- & Non-Alcoholics 110100 - Gin 110200 - Rum 110300 - Whisky 110400 - Vodka 110500 - Low- & Non-Alcoholics - Sonstige 040103 - Alt Beer 040104 - Berliner Weisse / Berlin White 040105 - Dark 040106 - Lager 040107 - Kölsch 040108 - Malt 040109 - Pils 040110 - Porter 040111 - Stout 040112 - Wheat 040113 - Beer / Craft Beer - Other 040200 - Cider 050000 - Coffee, Tea and Hot Beverages 050100 - Hot Chocolate 050200 - Coffee Cups 050300 - Coffee Roasts 050400 - Coffee / Tea Accessoires 050500 - Coffee and Tea Machines 050600 - Tea Varieties 050700 - Hot Beverages - Other 060000 - Snacks 060100 - Convenience-Products 060200 - Nuts 060300 - Savoury Bisquits 060400 - Confectionery and Sweet Biscuits 060500 - Snacks - Other 070000 - Equipment and Bar Supplies 070100 - Bar Accessoires 070101 - Bar Machines 070102 - Tools 070200 - Cutlery 070300 - Entertainment 070400 - Crockery 070500 - Glasses 070600 - Interior 070700 - POS Systems 070800 - Climate Cabinets 070900 - Refrigerators 071000 - Cleaning and Hygiene 071100 - Software 071200 - Food and Beverage Menus 071300 - Table Linen / Clothing 071400 - Promotional Products 071500 - Payment Systems 071600 - Ingredients 071700 - Equipment and Bar Supplies - Other 080000 - Tobacco Products 080100 - Cigarettes & cigars 080200 - electronical cigarettes 090000 - Literature and Media 100000 - Services and Consulting 110000 - Low- & Non-Alcoholics 110100 - Gin 110200 - Rum 110300 - Whisky 110400 - Vodka 110500 - Low- & Non-Alcoholics - Other
254 WARENGRUPPEN MIT AUSSTELLERFIRMEN / PRODUCT GROUPS WITH EXHIBITORS 010000 SpiritsSpirituosen 010100 Absinth Allied Brands S.r.l. 1-B46 DISTILLERIE GUY 5-B15 ePower Co. Ltd. 1-A40 Green Tree Distillery 8-D09 010200 Aquavit Arcus Norway AS 7-B21 Copenhagen Distillery APS 4-B08 Hammer & Son Ltd 1-B27 Krugmann Markenspirituosen GmbH & Co. KG 1-B06 010300 Bitter und Aperitif Bitter and Aperitif Acquavite SPA 1-B62 Aelred Spirits 1-B37 Angostura Ltd. 3-B06 Ardenghi Srl 5-A37 Bitter Queens, LLC 8-A02 BORCO-MARKEN-IMPORTMatthiesen GmbH & Co. KG 3-A21 Bordiga 1888 7-D21 Caffo Deutschland GmbH 3-B09 Campari Deutschland GmbH 7-A01 Casoni Fabbricazione Liquori S.p.A 7-B25 Compagnia Dei Caraibi 7-D16 Distilleria Varnelli S.P.A. 7-C31 DIWISA Distillerie Willisau SA 5-A21 Fee Brothers, Inc. 1-A50 Foro Amaro 3-D23 Franz Fies GmbH - Schwarzwälder Edelbrennerei 7-C24 Fundeghera 1939 8-A01 Gabriello Santoni srl 1-B48 Gamondi 1-B02 Giulio Cocchi Spumanti Srl 7-D30 Italicus Ltd 7-B29 JSC Tatspirtprom 8-D03 Kakuzo GmbH 3-D15 Krugmann Markenspirituosen GmbH & Co. KG 1-B06 LCWS Brands, Lda. 3-C22 Lucano 1894 S.R.L. 7-C17 Girolamo Luxardo S.p.A 7-A12 Mast-Jägermeister Deutschland GmbH 3-A17 Michter’s Distillery 3-D23 Gruppo Montenegro 7-C04, Yard-01 Nardini Distillery 7-D28 Panarea Gin 1-B05 PAOLUCCI LIQUORI INT. s.r.l. 1-B39 Reidemeister & Ulrichs GmbH 7.2-A01 St. Agrestis 4-A04 TeamSpirit InternationaleMarkengetränke GmbH 7-B13, 7-B16 Tentoura Castro - G.P. Hahalis 4-B29 The Bitter Truth GmbH 3-B15 TheBitterNote - TBN Srl 8-B12 UnderbergTeamSpirit Internationale Markengetränke GmbH 7-B13 Wolfrest Gin Carucci 8-B17 Zwack Unicum Plc 7-D08 010401 Brandy - Armagnac Laballe - Domaine Laballe 5-A12 SAS Armagnac Castarede 5-A33 010402 Brandy - Calvados Distillerie Coquerel 3-D25 010403 Brandy - Cognac ABK6 COGNAC - SINGLE ESTATE 5-A31 ADAMUS Organic Dry Gin 4-B38 010000 – 010407

255 CAMUS Wines & Sprits 3-A10 Distillerie Tessendier 5-B13 Maison Ferrand 10.1-KH01, 3-D24 Moet Hennessy Deutschland GmbH 7-C20 THOMAS HINE & C° 3-A24 010404 Brandy - Grappa Acquavite SPA 1-B62 Badel 1862 d.d. 5-B38 Distilleria Bertagnolli S.r.l 1-B62 Distilleria Levi 8-C05 Distilleria Marzadro S.p.A. 1-B62 Distillerie Bepi Tosolini 1-B62 Fratelli Francoli 1-B62 Gabriello Santoni srl 1-B48 Mazzetti D’Altavilla srl 1-B62 Moletto Soc. Agr. s.s. 8-D07 Molinari Italia SPA 7-C14 Nardini Distillery 7-D28 Nonino Distilllatori S.r.l. 3-C23 Poli Distillerie SRL 1-A08 SAVIO s.r.l. 3-A16 Schlumberger Vertriebsges.mbH & Co. KG 3-C23 010405 Brandy - Obstbrand Brandy - Fruit spirit Briottet 5-B15 Cambusier SAS 1-B71 Franz Fies GmbH - Schwarzwälder Edelbrennerei 7-C24 Freimeisterkollektiv GmbH 1-B57 Gebr. J. & M. Ziegler GmbH - Edelobstbrennerei 1-B47 Green Tree Distillery 8-D09 Humbel Spezialitätenbrennerei 1-B55 L. Psenner GmbH 4-B42 Laird & Company 8-D07 LANTENHAMMER Destillerie 3-A32 Distillerie Morand 1-A01 PAOLUCCI LIQUORI INT. s.r.l. 1-B39 Pircher Brennerei AG 8-D10 Rhumerie de Chamarel Ltd 10.1-KH09 Rudolf Jelinek a.s. 7-D31 Alfred Schladerer GmbHAlte Schwarzwälder Hausbrennerei 3-D18 Wilhelm Kisker GmbH 4-B42 010406 Brandy - Pisco Asociación de Productores de Pisco AG 5-B27 Pisco 1615 4-A41 SUCOs DO BRASIL - Productos Latino GmbH 1-A37 The Inca Distillery SAC 4-A41 010407 Brandy - Weinbrand Brandy - Other Brandy Alexandrion Group Romania S.R.L 1-B65 Asbach TeamSpirit- Internationale Markengetränke GmbH 7-B13 Bodegas Rubio 1893 S.L. 8-B09 Bodegas Williams & Humbert 7-B02 BORCO-MARKEN-IMPORTMatthiesen GmbH & Co. KG 3-A21

256 WARENGRUPPEN MIT AUSSTELLERFIRMEN / PRODUCT GROUPS WITH EXHIBITORS Caffo Deutschland GmbH 3-B09 Cardenal Mendoza Brandy de Jerez 7-A23 Sanchez Romate HNOS S.A. Henkell FreixenetHenkell & Co. Sektkellerei KG 7-A23, 7-B26 Lustau Schlumberger- Vertriebsgesellschaft mbH & Co. KG 3-C23 Mazzetti D’Altavilla srl 1-B62 Gruppo Montenegro 7-C04, Yard-01 Reidemeister & Ulrichs GmbH 7.2-A01 Schlumberger Vertriebsges.mbH & Co. KG 3-C23 TeamSpirit InternationaleMarkengetränke GmbH 7-B13, 7-B16 010500 CachacaCachaca Diageo Brazil – (Ypióca) - Ypióca – Cachaça Brand 5-B29 PITÚ TeamSpirit- Internationale Markengetränke GmbH 7-B13 Cachaça 51 3-C23 Schlumberger Vertriebsgesellschaft mbH & Co. KG Schlumberger Vertriebsges.mbH & Co. KG 3-C23 010600 Gin 1423 Aps 10.1-KH02, 10.1-KH03 ABK6 COGNAC - SINGLE ESTATE 5-A31 ADAMUS Organic Dry Gin 4-B38 Akashi Sake Brewery Co., Ltd. 7-C13 ALAMBIC SAS 5-B21 Alte Hausbrennerei Penninger GmbH 3-D11 Anker Amsterdam Spirits B.V. 1-B07 Bacardi GmbH 3-A37a, 3-A37b BACIAMANO ITALIAN FINEST SPIRITS 8-B01 BBC Vins & Spiritueux SARL 4-A42 Beam Suntory Deutschland GmbH 9-LO Belmont Farm Distillery 1-B28 BELViNi.DE GmbH 7-A11 Bergbrennerei Löwen 1-A35 Berliner Brandstifter GmbH 4-B25 Beveland Distillers S.A. 7-D11 Bloomsbury Club UK 5-B02 Bluecoat Gin 4-B32 BOAR Distillery GbR 3-C11 Bobby´s Gin Company 5-B14 Bodegas Can Vidalet, S.L. 5-A04 Bodegas Williams & Humbert 7-B02 BORCO-MARKEN-IMPORTMatthiesen GmbH & Co. KG 3-A21 Bordiga 1888 7-D21 Brand Harbour Ltd 7-C15 Brentingby Gin Ltd 5-A16 Brick Gin 3-D13 Broken Bones d.o.o. 5-A07 Burlington Drinks Co. 1-A43 Casa Lumbre 4-B33 Casoni Fabbricazione Liquori S.p.A 7-B25 CHASE Distillery Ltd. 1-A41 Compagnia Dei Caraibi 7-D16 Copenhagen Distillery APS 4-B08 Copperhead NV 7-B19 Crafter´s 4-B43 Cranehouse GmbH 7-C16 Dario Lindermeier - The King Gin 4-A40 010407 – 010600

257 De Kuyper Royal Distillers 7-C27 Del Professore Limited 3-D10 Destilerias Campeny S.A. 7-A20 Destilerías Xoriguer 8-B07 Diageo Germany GmbH 11-Showroom Distilled Spirits Council 4-B28 Distilleria Bertagnolli S.r.l 1-B62 Distilleria Levi 8-C05 Distillerie Bepi Tosolini 1-B62 Distillerie Coquerel 3-D25 Distillerie du St. Laurent 8-B11 DIWISA Distillerie Willisau SA 5-A21 Drinks of Manchester 8-B15 Drinksology Limited 3-B16 DSM Deutsche Spirituosen Manufaktur GmbH 3-D17 Edinburgh Gin 1-B30 Elephant Gin GmbH 7-A22 ENGINE - Italian Organic Gin 4-A02 ePower Co. Ltd. 1-A40 Farmer's Organic Gin 3-D23 Finest Beverages GmbH 1-A32 Fluère Drinks b.v. 7-C18 Franklin & Sons Ltd 3-A02 Franz Fies GmbH - Schwarzwälder Edelbrennerei 7-C24 Fratelli Francoli 1-B62 Fraternity Spirits World Inc. 7-D20 Gabriello Santoni srl 1-B48 Gebr. J. & M. Ziegler GmbH - Edelobstbrennerei 1-B47 Gentlemen’s Craft BVBA 4-A06 Gin Sul 3-A14 Ginarte Srl 1-B48 Gonzalez Byass SA 7-A21, 7-B22 Halewood International LTD 7-D22 Hammer & Son Ltd 1-B27 Hardenberg Distillery 7-D13 Hayman Distillers Ltd. 3-D21 HEIMAT GbR 1-A09 Hetere Group SRLS 5-A11 Hooghoudt Distillers BV 3-D16 House of Lords 10.1-KH11 Hoxton Spirits LTD. 5-A18 Ian MacLeod Distillers Ltd. 1-B30, 1-B40 Icon Key, SA 3-A35 Integrity Spirits 8-B13 International Rum & SpiritsDistributors, Unipessoal, Ltd 3-A31 Jacquart Champagne Deutschland GmbH 7-D25 Josef Gin 3-A32 Junimperium Distillery OU 4-B45 JUNIPER JACK 4-A48 Kaiser Hill 16, Bavarian Dry Gin 4-A36, 4-A38 Kammer-Kirsch GmbH 1-B34, 1-B43, 3-C19 Kirsch Spirituosen e.K. 10.1-KH18 Kloster Wöltingerode Brennen & Brauen GmbH 4-A46 Knut Hansen Gin 3-A26 Koval Distillery 1-A30 Krugmann Markenspirituosen GmbH & Co. KG 1-B06 Kyrö Distillery Company 3-C13, Yard 08 L. Psenner GmbH 4-B42

258 WARENGRUPPEN MIT AUSSTELLERFIRMEN / PRODUCT GROUPS WITH EXHIBITORS La Claudia Italia, S.L 1-B21 LADOGA Group LTD. 5-B30 Local Spirits GmbH 8-D08 Girolamo Luxardo S.p.A 7-A12 Maison Ferrand 10.1-KH01, 3-D24 Maison Villevert 7-E13 Mermaid Gin – Isle of Wight Distillery 8-B10 MG Destilerias S.L 3-A39 Michter’s Distillery 3-D23 Moe Distillery 5-B11 Moletto Soc. Agr. s.s. 8-D07 Monkey47 - Black Forest Distillers GmbH 7-A02 Nao Spirits and Beverages Pvt Ltd 1-A33 Nautical American Gin 5-A02 ONE GIN 7-A25 Panarea Gin 1-B05 Partisan Vodka 3-D13 Pernod Ricard UK - The Gin Hub 7-A08 Pircher Brennerei AG 8-D10 Poli Distillerie SRL 1-A08 Purity Distillery 5-B32 Qantima Group 1-A12 Quintessential Brands Ltd 7-D06 Reidemeister & Ulrichs GmbH 7.2-A01 Rick Spirit GmbH 7-E07 Roberto Cavalli Vodka - Tuscany SRL 1-B48 SABATINI GIN 3-B03 Samson & Surrey LLC 4-B32 Sash & Fritz GmbH 4-B37 Sauerland Distillers GmbH 7-B28 Scape Spirits aps 4-B47 Schilkin GmbH & Co.KG Berlin 1-A31 Alfred Schladerer GmbHAlte Schwarzwälder Hausbrennerei 3-D18 010600 – 010700

259 Broker's Gin 3-C23 Schlumberger Vertriebsgesellschaft mbH & Co. KG Schlumberger Vertriebsges.mbH & Co. KG 3-C23 Schraml - Die Steinwald-Brennerei e.K. 4-A36, 4-A38 Shin Group Corporation Ltd. 1-B33 Siegfried Rheinland Dry Gin 7-B24 Snioland ehf - Glacier Gin 5-B36 Skin Gin GmbH 7-A18a Sliabh Liag Distillery 5-B06 Southwestern Distillery Limited 7-D03 Sovereign Brands LLC 7-B12 Spreewood Distillers GmbH 3-D05 Tarsier Spirit Ltd 8-A05 TeamSpirit InternationaleMarkengetränke GmbH 7-B13, 7-B16 That's the Spirit SRL 3-B02 The Bitter Truth GmbH 3-B15 The Copeland Distillery 5-B08 The Duke Destillerie 3-C15 The Illusionist Distillery 3-B05 The Inca Distillery SAC 4-A41 The Shed Distillery 1-B69 The Three Stills Company Ltd(The Borders Distillery, Hawick Scotland) 5-B05 The Wild Alps GmbH 1-A36 thebrandbuilder Vertriebs GmbH & Co.KG 7-C02 Tobermory GinTeamSpirit Internationale Markengetränke GmbH 7-B13 Tonka Gin 3-A26 Turin Vermouth 3-B01 Twelve Keys Gin - Sartorial Spirits Limited 5-B40 Two James Spirits 8-B03 Unicorn Tears Gin - Limited 1-A42 Vinolok a.s. 3-C26 Virginia Department of Agriculture andConsumer Services (VDACS) 1-B28 Vranken-Pommery Deutschland & Österreich GmbH 3-B13 Warner's Distillery 1-A51 Weisshorn Glacier Gin 1-A01 Weisshorn Spirits Sarl 1-A01 Wenneker Distilleries 4-B39 Wilhelm Kisker GmbH 4-B42 Winestillery 5-A08 Wolfrest Gin Carucci 8-B17 Woodland Gins 7-B28 010700 LiqueurLikör 1423 Aps 10.1-KH02, 10.1-KH03 ABK6 COGNAC - SINGLE ESTATE 5-A31 ADAMUS Organic Dry Gin 4-B38 Aelred Spirits 1-B37 Alexandrion Group Romania S.R.L 1-B65 AliasSmith AB 4-B33 Amarcode 4-A39 Angostura Ltd. 3-B06 Anker Amsterdam Spirits B.V. 1-B07 Auwald Destille GbR 4-A44 AZZURRA s.r.l. 1-B35 BACIAMANO ITALIAN FINEST SPIRITS 8-B01

260 WARENGRUPPEN MIT AUSSTELLERFIRMEN / PRODUCT GROUPS WITH EXHIBITORS Badel 1862 d.d. 5-B38 Berliner Luft 1-A31 Beveland Distillers S.A. 7-D11 BOLS TeamSpirit- Internationale Markengetränke GmbH 7-B13 BORCO-MARKEN-IMPORTMatthiesen GmbH & Co. KG 3-A21 Briottet 5-B15 Burlington Drinks Co. 1-A43 Caffo Deutschland GmbH 3-B09 Cambusier SAS 1-B71 CARDAMARO 5-B03 Casa D Aristi 5-A10 CHASE Distillery Ltd. 1-A41 CHOYA Umeshu (Deutschland) GmbH 1-A06 Cocalero 1-B45 Compagnia Dei Caraibi 7-D16 Copenhagen Distillery APS 4-B08 Crafter´s 4-B43 Cranehouse GmbH 7-C16 DAMOISEAU EXPORT 4-A35 De Kuyper Royal Distillers 7-C27 Del Professore Limited 3-D10 Destilerias Campeny S.A. 7-A20 Destilerías Xoriguer 8-B07 Distilleria Bertagnolli S.r.l 1-B62 Distilleria Varnelli S.P.A. 7-C31 Distillerie Bepi Tosolini 1-B62 Distillerie Combier 8-C04 Distillerie Coquerel 3-D25 DISTILLERIE GUY 5-B15 DIWISA Distillerie Willisau SA 5-A21 DSM Deutsche Spirituosen Manufaktur GmbH 3-D17 easy drinks GmbH 1-A48 Faretti Dessert Liqueurs 3-D23 Fireball TeamSpirit- Internationale Markengetränke GmbH 7-B16 FISK pure raw shot 1-B49 010700 – 010700

261 FISK the classic shot 1-B49 Franz Fies GmbH - Schwarzwälder Edelbrennerei 7-C24 Fratelli Francoli 1-B62 Freimeisterkollektiv GmbH 1-B57 Fundeghera 1939 8-A01 Gabriello Santoni srl 1-B48 Galliano TeamSpirit- Internationale Markengetränke GmbH 7-B13 Gamondi 1-B02 Gastro-Cool GmbH & Co. KG 7-E03 GIFFARD 3-A13 Glitter FISK drink mixer 1-B49 Grays Ltd. 10.1-KH08 Henkell FreixenetHenkell & Co. Sektkellerei KG 7-A23, 7-B26 Hetere Group SRLS 5-A11 House of Lords 10.1-KH11 Icon Key, SA 3-A35 Illva Saronno S.p.a. 4-A21, 7-C11 Italicus Ltd 7-B29 K. PSYCHIS & SONS DISTILLERY 4-A12 Kammer-Kirsch GmbH 1-B34, 1-B43, 3-C19 Karloff, s.r.o. 1-B51 Koks & Tales GCV - Big Daddy´s Falernum 5-A34 Koval Distillery 1-A30 LADOGA Group LTD. 5-B30 LANTENHAMMER Destillerie 3-A32 Laumer`s Vertrieb - Markus Lozar 3-D09 LCWS Brands, Lda. 3-C22 Licor 43 3-C27, Yard-05 Limoncello di Capri Srl 7-C14 Local Spirits GmbH 8-D08 Lucano 1894 S.R.L. 7-C17 Girolamo Luxardo S.p.A 7-A12 Lux Row Distillers 3-C09 Maison Villevert 7-E13 Mangaroca Batida 7-B26 Henkell & Co. Sektkellerei KG Mast-Jägermeister Deutschland GmbH 3-A17 Mazzetti D’Altavilla srl 1-B62 Michter’s Distillery 3-D23 Molinari Italia SPA 7-C14 Mr Black Spirits Pty Ltd 4-A17 Nardini Distillery 7-D28 Natys SRL 1-B53 Nonino Distilllatori S.r.l. 3-C23 Olaf Grund - Spreebrand 1-A46 Old Judge Spirits - Markus Altrichter 10.1-KH06 Panarea Gin 1-B05 Paolo Lazzaroni E Figli SPA 7-C22 PAOLUCCI LIQUORI INT. s.r.l. 1-B39 Papa Fuego GmbH 8-C02 Pircher Brennerei AG 8-D10 Poli Distillerie SRL 1-A08 Rhumerie de Chamarel Ltd 10.1-KH09 Röststätte Berlin - Yvonne Weller-Jozinovic 4-A23 SAVIO s.r.l. 3-A16 Schierker Feuerstein GmbH & Co. KG 1-A26 Schilkin GmbH & Co.KG Berlin 1-A31 Alfred Schladerer GmbHAlte Schwarzwälder Hausbrennerei 3-D18 Etter 3-C23 Schlumberger Vertriebsgesellschaft mbH & Co. KG Schlumberger Vertriebsges.mbH & Co. KG 3-C23 Shin Group Corporation Ltd. 1-B33 SLYRS 3-A32 SOUR FISK shot 1-B49 Southern ComfortTeamSpirit Internationale Markengetränke GmbH 7-B16 St. Kilian Distillers GmbH 1-B26 Strega Alberti Benevento spa 7-D27 TeamSpirit InternationaleMarkengetränke GmbH 7-B13, 7-B16

262 WARENGRUPPEN MIT AUSSTELLERFIRMEN / PRODUCT GROUPS WITH EXHIBITORS Tentoura Castro - G.P. Hahalis 4-B29 The Bitter Truth GmbH 3-B15 Turin Vermouth 3-B01 United Drinks A/S 1-B49 Wenneker Distilleries 4-B39 Wisdom Express GmbH 5-A29 010800 Rum 1423 Aps 10.1-KH02, 10.1-KH03 Aloha Assets Corp. 10.1-KH04 Alte Hausbrennerei Penninger GmbH 3-D11 Angostura Ltd. 3-B06 Bacardi Global Brands 3-B14 Bacardi GmbH 3-A37a, 3-A37b Barcelo - Schwarze und Schlichte GmbH 7-A15 BBC Vins & Spiritueux SARL 4-A42 Bellonnie & Bourdillon Successeurs SAS 1-B58 Groupe BBS BELViNi.DE GmbH 7-A11 Beveland Distillers S.A. 7-D11 Bodegas Rubio 1893 S.L. 8-B09 Bodegas Williams & Humbert 7-B02 BORCO-MARKEN-IMPORTMatthiesen GmbH & Co. KG 3-A21 Botran 3-A15 Brand Harbour Ltd 7-C15 Brugal & Co.S.A. 10.0-KH05 BTH Bio-Team-Hamburg - Agrarhandel GmbH 10.0-KH01 Burlington Drinks Co. 1-A43 CUT RUM - Proof Drinks Ltd 1-B15 Damoiseau Export 1-B03 DAMOISEAU EXPORT 4-A35 Destileria Andina 4-B36a Destilerias Campeny S.A. 7-A20 Diageo Germany GmbH 11-Showroom Dictador Europe Sp. z o.o. 3-C07 Distilled Spirits Council 4-B28 Distillerie de Labourdonnais Ltd 10.1-KH10 Distillerie Tessendier 5-B13 Don Q Rum 1-B41 Economic Development Board 10.1-KH15, 10.1-KH16 Fraternity Spirits World Inc. 7-D20 Gebr. J. & M. Ziegler GmbH - Edelobstbrennerei 1-B47 Gold of Mauritius 10.1-KH13 Goslings Rum 1-A39 Grays Ltd. 10.1-KH08 Halewood International LTD 7-D22 Havana Club International - Pernod Ricard 7-A10 Hellshire Rums 5-A09 House of Lords 10.1-KH11 Hoxton Spirits LTD. 5-A18 Humbel Spezialitätenbrennerei 1-B55 Integrity Spirits 8-B13 International Rum & SpiritsDistributors, Unipessoal, Ltd 3-A31 Kanlaon Limited 7-D15 Kirsch Spirituosen e.K. 10.1-KH18 LA Compagnia del Diablo 1-B25 La Hechicera Company Ltd 3-D07 Local Spirits GmbH 8-D08 Maison Ferrand 10.1-KH01, 3-D24 MarlinSpike 1-B10 Martí Auténtico Rum 3-D23 MG Destilerias S.L 3-A39 Michter’s Distillery 3-D23 Mixer SRL 1-B67 010700 – 010900

263 MSB Spirits CVBA 1-B10 Navy Island Rum Company 4-A34 Neptune Rum Ltd 10.0-KH03 Oxenham Craft Distillery 10.1-KH14 Pacto Navio - Pernod Ricard Deutschland GmbH 10.1-KH05 Papa’s Pilar Rum 8-B02 Proof Drinks LTD 1-B15, 1-B17 Punch Society KG 3-A26 Reidemeister & Ulrichs GmbH 7.2-A01 Rhumerie de Chamarel Ltd 10.1-KH09 Ron Colón Salvadoreño 7-D10 Rumult 3-A32 SANTA TERESA 3-B14 SAVIO s.r.l. 3-A16 Schlumberger Vertriebsges.mbH & Co. KG 3-C23 Foursquare Rum Distillery 3-C23 Schlumberger Vertriebsgesellschaft mbH & Co. KG Sierra Madre GmbH 7-D01 Sovereign Brands LLC 7-B12 Spirit of Rum Event GmbH 10.1-KH07 Square Dranken NL B.V 5-B42 Stirling Export Ltd 10.1-KH12 SUCOs DO BRASIL - Productos Latino GmbH 1-A37 Tastillery GmbH 10.0-KH04 The Bitter Truth GmbH 3-B15 The Island Rum Company AS 10.1-KH17 The Real McCoy 10.1-KH07 The Wild Alps GmbH 1-A36 thebrandbuilder Vertriebs GmbH & Co.KG 7-C02 Two James Spirits 8-B03 Unicorn Tears Gin - Limited 1-A42 Varela Hermanos S.A., - Ron Abuelo 3-A22 Vigo Group Sac 4-B36b Vinolok a.s. 3-C26 Virginia Department of Agriculture andConsumer Services (VDACS) 1-B28 Wood Stork Spiced RumBimmerle Private Distillery 10.0-KH02 010900 Tequila / Mezcal BANHEZ MEZCAL ARTESANAL 5-A13 BORCO-MARKEN-IMPORTMatthiesen GmbH & Co. KG 3-A21 Brand Harbour Ltd 7-C15 Casa Lumbre 4-B33 Casa Mexico Enterprises LLC 7-E01 Casa Tequilera 4-B06 Cazcabel Tequila - Proof Drinks Ltd 1-B17 Cazcabel Tequila 1-B15 Compagnia Dei Caraibi 7-D16 Cranehouse GmbH 7-C16 Destileria Casa De Piedra 4-B06 Destileria Santa Sabia 4-B06 El Arbol Del Pecado S.A. De C.V. 4-B30 Fraternity Spirits World Inc. 7-D20 HMA Hanneder Maul Allnoch GmbH 3-A34 Herencia Mexicana Tequila 1-A52 Humbel Spezialitätenbrennerei 1-B55 Intertrade & Asociados 4-B06 KOCH EL MEZCAL - 1533 VODKA 5-B09 La Escondida, Grand Mezcal 4-B30 Lux Row Distillers 3-C09 Maison Villevert 7-E13 Mezcal Fuerza de Dios 1-B19 Mezcal Vago 4-B32 MG Destilerias S.L 3-A39 Numero Ocho Ltd. 1-A44 Paola Simental Campos 1-B19 Pernod Ricard Mexico - House of Tequila 7-A04

264 WARENGRUPPEN MIT AUSSTELLERFIRMEN / PRODUCT GROUPS WITH EXHIBITORS Proof Drinks LTD 1-B15, 1-B17 Reidemeister & Ulrichs GmbH 7.2-A01 Reserva De La Troje 8-C03 Samson & Surrey LLC 4-B32 Sentir Mezcal 1-B44 Square Dranken NL B.V 5-B42 Tequila Arette 4-B30 Tequila Fortaleza 4-B30 Tequila Hacienda Dragón 4-B06 Tequila la Cofradia 4-B06 Tequila Orendain 4-B06 Tequila Riqueza Cultural 4-B06 Tequilas del Señor 4-B06 Tequilera La Herencia 4-B06 Tradition Mexico GmbH 4-A32 Turin Vermouth 3-B01 011000 Vodka ALAMBIC SAS 5-B21 Alexandrion Group Romania S.R.L 1-B65 Anker Amsterdam Spirits B.V. 1-B07 Bacardi Global Brands 3-B14 BACIAMANO ITALIAN FINEST SPIRITS 8-B01 Beluga Vodka International Limited 7-C21 Berliner Brandstifter GmbH 4-B25 Blu Lie Vodka Italiana 3-B03 BORCO-MARKEN-IMPORTMatthiesen GmbH & Co. KG 3-A21 Brentingby Gin Ltd 5-A16 Brick Gin 3-D13 Burlington Drinks Co. 1-A43 CHASE Distillery Ltd. 1-A41 Compagnia Dei Caraibi 7-D16 Crafter´s 4-B43 Crop Organic Vodkas 3-D23 Dario Lindermeier - The King Gin 4-A40 DESTILERIA ESPIRITU ANDINO S.A.C. 4-B36c Distilled Spirits Council 4-B28 DIWISA Distillerie Willisau SA 5-A21 For Friends Limited 8-D01 Gabriello Santoni srl 1-B48 Ginarte Srl 1-B48 Halewood International LTD 7-D22 Hardenberg Distillery 7-D13 Integrity Spirits 8-B13 JSC Tatspirtprom 8-D03 Kakuzo GmbH 3-D15 Kammer-Kirsch GmbH 1-B34, 1-B43, 3-C19 Karloff, s.r.o. 1-B51 KOCH EL MEZCAL - 1533 VODKA 5-B09 L. Psenner GmbH 4-B42 LADOGA Group LTD. 5-B30 LANTENHAMMER Destillerie 3-A32 Local Spirits GmbH 8-D08 MAMONT 7-C12 Michter’s Distillery 3-D23 Moe Distillery 5-B11 Moet Hennessy Deutschland GmbH 7-C20 Moose Spirits GmbH 5-B25 OYESTER B.V. 4-B39 Papa Fuego GmbH 8-C02 Partisan Vodka 3-D13 Pernod Ricard 5-A36 PREVELON RUS LLC 1-A49 Purity Distillery 5-B32 Qantima Group 1-A12 Roberto Cavalli Vodka - Tuscany SRL 1-B48 Roust Global Headquarters 3-B21 Roy Barrique UG (haftungsbeschränkt) 1-A38 Sash & Fritz GmbH 4-B37 Schilkin GmbH & Co.KG Berlin 1-A31 010900 – 011100

265 Schwarze und Schlichte GmbH 3-B17 Sliabh Liag Distillery 5-B06 Square Dranken NL B.V 5-B42 TeamSpirit InternationaleMarkengetränke GmbH 7-B13, 7-B16 The Duke Destillerie 3-C15 The Shed Distillery 1-B69 thebrandbuilder Vertriebs GmbH & Co.KG 7-C02 Tovaritch Spirits International SA 3-B07 U'luvka Ltd 5-B19 Unicorn Tears Gin - Limited 1-A42 Vigo Group Sac 4-B36b Vinolok a.s. 3-C26 Virginia Department of Agriculture andConsumer Services (VDACS) 1-B28 Weisshorn Spirits Sarl 1-A01 Wildhorn Alpine Vodka 1-A01 Wilhelm Kisker GmbH 4-B42 Winestillery 5-A08 011100 Wermut / Quinquina Vermouth / Quinquina ALAMBIC SAS 5-B21 Allied Brands S.r.l. 1-B46 Bordiga 1888 7-D21 Casoni Fabbricazione Liquori S.p.A 7-B25 Compagnia Dei Caraibi 7-D16 Del Professore Limited 3-D10 Freimeisterkollektiv GmbH 1-B57 Fundeghera 1939 8-A01 Gallinal Drinks SL 8-B06 Gamondi 1-B02 Giulio Cocchi Spumanti Srl 7-D30 Gonzalez Byass SA 7-A21, 7-B22 Helmut Wermut GbRMarkus Weiß Nils Liedmann GbR 8-A03 Jacquart Champagne Deutschland GmbH 7-D25 La Fuerza Vermouth 5-B12 Lustau 3-C23 Schlumberger Vertriebsgesellschaft mbH & Co. KG Maison Villevert 7-E13 Poli Distillerie SRL 1-A08 Qantima Group 1-A12 Reidemeister & Ulrichs GmbH 7.2-A01 Rick Spirit GmbH 7-E07 Schlumberger Vertriebsges.mbH & Co. KG 3-C23 Tentoura Castro - G.P. Hahalis 4-B29 Turin Vermouth 3-B01 Vermouth di Torino Institute 1-A34 Winestillery 5-A08 Wolfrest Gin Carucci 8-B17

266 WARENGRUPPEN MIT AUSSTELLERFIRMEN / PRODUCT GROUPS WITH EXHIBITORS 011201 Whisky / Whiskey - American Whiskey Beam Suntory Deutschland GmbH 9-LO Belmont Farm Distillery 1-B28 BORCO-MARKEN-IMPORTMatthiesen GmbH & Co. KG 3-A21 Brown-Forman Deutschland GmbH 3-A27 Buffalo TraceTeamSpirit Internationale Markengetränke GmbH 7-B16 Buffalo Trace Distillery Rare BourbonTeamSpirit Internationale Markengetränke GmbH 7-B16 Catoctin Creek 1-B28 Compagnia Dei Caraibi 7-D16 Deutsch Family Wine & Spirits 5-B23 Diageo Germany GmbH 11-Showroom Distilled Spirits Council 4-B28 Eagle RareTeamSpirit Internationale Markengetränke GmbH 7-B16 FEW Spirits Bourbon & Rye 4-B32 Heaven Hill Distilleries Inc. 3-B23 Koval Distillery 1-A30 Lux Row Distillers 3-C09 Michter’s Distillery 3-D23 Reservoir Distillery 1-B28 Samson & Surrey LLC 4-B32 TeamSpirit InternationaleMarkengetränke GmbH 7-B13, 7-B16 Two James Spirits 8-B03 Virginia Department of Agriculture andConsumer Services (VDACS) 1-B28 Wenneker Distilleries 4-B39 Widow Jane Bourbon & Rye 4-B32 011202 Whisky / Whiskey - Canadian Whisky Deutsch Family Wine & Spirits 5-B23 Distillerie du St. Laurent 8-B11 La Claudia Italia, S.L 1-B21 011203 Whisky / Whiskey - Irish Whiskey Brand Harbour Ltd 7-C15 Drinksology Limited 3-B16 Halewood International LTD 7-D22 Jameson Whiskey 7-A09 Lux Row Distillers 3-C09 Reidemeister & Ulrichs GmbH 7.2-A01 Sliabh Liag Distillery 5-B06 Teeling Whiskey Company 3-D19 The Shed Distillery 1-B69 Vranken-Pommery Deutschland & Österreich GmbH 3-B13 Writers' Tears Irish Whiskey 1-A29 011204 Whisky / Whiskey - Scotch Whisky Beam Suntory Deutschland GmbH 9-LO BORCO-MARKEN-IMPORTMatthiesen GmbH & Co. KG 3-A21 Burlington Drinks Co. 1-A43 Douglas Laing & Co. Ltd 7-C01 Glenturret Distillery 5-A01 Ian MacLeod Distillers Ltd. 1-B30, 1-B40 Kirsch Spirituosen e.K. 10.1-KH18 The Lost Distillery Company 8-B08 Moet Hennessy Deutschland GmbH 7-C20 Nc'nean Distillery 8-C01 Reidemeister & Ulrichs GmbH 7.2-A01 Smokehead Islay Single Malt Scotch Whisky 1-B40 011201 – 011300

267 Square Dranken NL B.V 5-B42 TeamSpirit InternationaleMarkengetränke GmbH 7-B13, 7-B16 TobermoryTeamSpirit Internationale Markengetränke GmbH 7-B13 011205 Whisky / Whiskey - Japanischer Whisky Whisky / Whiskey - Japanes Whisky BBC Vins & Spiritueux SARL 4-A42 Beam Suntory Deutschland GmbH 9-LO Fraternity Spirits World Inc. 7-D20 Shin Group Corporation Ltd. 1-B33 011206 Whisky / Whiskey - GSA Whisky BELViNi.DE GmbH 7-A11 Hardenberg Distillery 7-D13 Schraml- Die Steinwald- Brennerei e.K. 4-A36, 4-A38 Spreewood Distillers GmbH 3-D05 Stonewood Whiskies 4-A36, 4-A38 The Wild Alps GmbH 1-A36 011207 Whisky / Whiskey - Whisky - Sonstige Whisky / Whiskey - Whisky - Other Belmont Farm Distillery 1-B28 Brenne French Single Malt 4-B32 Casa Lumbre 4-B33 Conecuh Brands 7-E01 Don Michael SAC 4-A14 Gebr. J. & M. Ziegler GmbH - Edelobstbrennerei 1-B47 Green Tree Distillery 8-D09 Hammer & Son Ltd 1-B27 Hooghoudt Distillers BV 3-D16 Kyrö Distillery Company 3-C13, Yard 08 L. Psenner GmbH 4-B42 Langatun Distillery AG 8-A04 Samson & Surrey LLC 4-B32 Seven Seals Distillery AG 8-B14 SILD 3-A32 SLYRS 3-A32 Stauning Whisky A/S 1-B31 St. Kilian Distillers GmbH 1-B26 TeamSpirit InternationaleMarkengetränke GmbH 7-B13, 7-B16 The Inca Distillery SAC 4-A41 Writers' Tears Irish Whiskey 1-A29 Zuidam Distillers BV 1-A45 011300 Spirituosen - Sonstige Spirituosen - Other Alte Hausbrennerei Penninger GmbH 3-D11 Arcus Norway AS 7-B21 Artisan Spirits Ltd. 3-A11 Berliner Brandstifter GmbH 4-B25 Blueship Okinawa co., Ltd 4-A45 Cambusier SAS 1-B71 CARDAMARO 5-B03 Chongqing Jiangji Distillery Co., Ltd 1-A27 Dario Lindermeier - The King Gin 4-A40 Destileria Andina 4-B36a DESTILLERIE FRANZ BAUER GmbH 7-A27 Distilleria Varnelli S.P.A. 7-C31 Distillerie du St. Laurent 8-B11 DISTILLERIE GUY 5-B15 Don Fulano Global 4-B30 DSM Deutsche Spirituosen Manufaktur GmbH 3-D17 Fluère Drinks b.v. 7-C18 Gebr. J. & M. Ziegler GmbH - Edelobstbrennerei 1-B47 Hanseatische Weinhandelsgesellschaft mbH & Co.KG 3-D01 Hardenberg Distillery 7-D13 Henkell FreixenetHenkell & Co. Sektkellerei KG 7-A23, 7-B26 Hooghoudt Distillers BV 3-D16 Imbibe Live - Reed Exhibitions Ltd 5-Media Lounge K. PSYCHIS & SONS DISTILLERY 4-A12 La Claudia Italia, S.L 1-B21 Mahlgrad GmbH 4-B09 Ming River Inc. 7-D17 Moe Distillery 5-B11 Nc'nean Distillery 8-C01

268 WARENGRUPPEN MIT AUSSTELLERFIRMEN / PRODUCT GROUPS WITH EXHIBITORS OTTO Crafted Korn by Fürst Bismarck 7-B26 Fürstlich von Bismarck´sche Brennerei GmbH Papa Fuego GmbH 8-C02 Paragon Brands Ltd 5-A28 Reserva De La Troje 8-C03 Rudolf Jelinek a.s. 7-D31 RUYKYU 1429 4-A45 SANWA SHURUI CO., LTD. 1-B23 Seedlip Limited 4-A37 Seven Seals Distillery AG 8-B14 Skadi Frozen Cocktails 1-B29 Southwestern Distillery Limited 7-D03 Spreewood Distillers GmbH 3-D05 Taste the Greek Spirit 8-D02 TeamSpirit InternationaleMarkengetränke GmbH 7-B13, 7-B16 The Boatyard Distillery Ltd. 1-A53 WF Spirits Trading UG 5-B34 Wisdom Express GmbH 5-A29 YENI RAKI 3-A20 020000 Wein und Schaumwein Wine and Sparkling Wine 020100 ChampagneChampagner Grays Ltd. 10.1-KH08 Jacquart Champagne Deutschland GmbH 7-D25 Moet Hennessy Deutschland GmbH 7-C20 Reidemeister & Ulrichs GmbH 7.2-A01 Louis Roederer 3-C23 Schlumberger Vertriebsgesellschaft mbH & Co. KG Schlumberger Vertriebsges.mbH & Co. KG 3-C23 Sovereign Brands LLC 7-B12 Vranken-Pommery Deutschland & Österreich GmbH 3-B13 020200 SparklingSchaumweineWine Alexandrion Group Romania S.R.L 1-B65 Ardenghi Srl 5-A37 Giulio Cocchi Spumanti Srl 7-D30 Moletto Soc. Agr. s.s. 8-D07 Sovereign Brands LLC 7-B12 020303 Südweine - Portwein Fortified Wine - Port Bodegas Can Vidalet, S.L. 5-A04 011300 – 030500

269 020304 Südweine - Sherry Fortified Wine - Sherry Bodegas Williams & Humbert 7-B02 Gonzalez Byass SA 7-A21, 7-B22 Lustau 3-C23 Schlumberger Vertriebsgesellschaft mbH & Co. KG Schlumberger Vertriebsges.mbH & Co. KG 3-C23 020500 WineWein Alexandrion Group Romania S.R.L 1-B65 Ardenghi Srl 5-A37 Badel 1862 d.d. 5-B38 Bodegas Can Vidalet, S.L. 5-A04 CHOYA Umeshu (Deutschland) GmbH 1-A06 Drinksology Limited 3-B16 Hanseatische Weinhandelsgesellschaft mbH & Co.KG 3-D01 Laballe - Domaine Laballe 5-A12 030000 Fillers und Softdrink Fillers and Softdrink 030100 BitterBitterlimonadenLemonades D&C S.p.a. - Eurofood 1-B63 F. & G. SRL - Compagnia di Commercio 4-A52 Fever-Tree 7-C03 Folkington’s 1-B11 GEMELLii Drinks GmbH 5-A25 Schweppes Deutschland GmbH 7-B09 Swiss Mountain Spring 3-A18 Thomas Henry GmbH & Co. KG 7-A19 030200 Ginger Ale / Ginger Beer D&C S.p.a. - Eurofood 1-B63 F. & G. SRL - Compagnia di Commercio 4-A52 Fentimans Ltd 3-B11 Fever-Tree 7-C03 Folkington’s 1-B11 Goslings Rum 1-A39 J. Gasco SRL 7-D09 Local Spirits GmbH 8-D08 MAGNIFIQUE BRANDS SL 3-A28 MG Destilerias S.L 3-A39 Schweppes Deutschland GmbH 7-B09 Three Cents Ltd. 3-A09 030300 ColaKola Coca-Cola European Partners Deutschland GmbH 7-C25 fritz-kola 3-C16 Jarritos Deutschland 7-D14 030400 LemonadeLimonade BALIS GmbH 7-A26 BIONADE GmbH 1-A05 Coca-Cola European Partners Deutschland GmbH 7-C25 Fentimans Ltd 3-B11 Folkington’s 1-B11 fritz-kola 3-C16 J. Gasco SRL 7-D09 Jarritos Deutschland 7-D14 Soda Libre GmbH 7-B15 030500 MineralMineralwasserWater Di Iorio S.p.A 3-B01

270 WARENGRUPPEN MIT AUSSTELLERFIRMEN / PRODUCT GROUPS WITH EXHIBITORS Gerolsteiner Brunnen GmbH 3-D14 & Co.KG Three Cents Ltd. 3-A09 Waterlogic GmbH - PUREZZA premium table water 4-A10 030600 Säfte und Schorlen Fruit Juices BAR' DJUS 5-B10 Folkington’s 1-B11 fritz-kola 3-C16 Mixer SRL 1-B67 Natys SRL 1-B53 Voelkel GmbH 1-B25 030700 Sirup und Konzentrat Syrup and Concentrate Aelred Spirits 1-B37 AliasSmith AB 4-B33 American Beverage Marketers 7-A28 GIFFARD 3-A13 MATHIEU TEISSEIRE 3-C02 Mixer SRL 1-B67 MoMe 1-A10 MONIN-PARAGON 3-B04 Natys SRL 1-B53 PepsiCo Deutschland GmbH 4-B34 030800 Tonic Water D&C S.p.a. - Eurofood 1-B63 F. & G. SRL - Compagnia di Commercio 4-A52 Fentimans Ltd 3-B11 Fever-Tree 7-C03 Folkington’s 1-B11 Franklin & Sons Ltd 3-A02 GEMELLii Drinks GmbH 5-A25 GINLAB s.r.l. 1-B61 J. Gasco SRL 7-D09 MAGNIFIQUE BRANDS SL 3-A28 MG Destilerias S.L 3-A39 Peter Spanton Drinks Ltd 7-A25 Schweppes Deutschland GmbH 7-B09 Sommelier Select Pty 8-D06 Swiss Mountain Spring 3-A18 That's the Spirit SRL 3-B02 Thomas Henry GmbH & Co. KG 7-A19 Three Cents Ltd. 3-A09 Vigo Group Sac 4-B36b 030900 Fillers und Softdrink - Sonstige Fillers and Softdrink - Other 10X Innovation GmbH & Co. KG 4-A16 American Beverage Marketers 7-A28 BORCO-MARKEN-IMPORTMatthiesen GmbH & Co. KG 3-A21 Cipriani Industria Spa 5-A35 Franklin & Sons Ltd 3-A02 GEMELLii Drinks GmbH 5-A25 PepsiCo Deutschland GmbH 4-B34 Swiss Mountain Spring 3-A18 Three Cents Ltd. 3-A09 030500 – 050500

271 040000 Bier / Craft Beer und Cider Beer / Craft Beer and Cider 040101 Bier / Craft Beer - Ale Beer / Craft Beer - Ale Berliner Berg GmbH 1-B20 Brauerei Lemke Berlin GmbH 1-A23 BraufactuMDie internationale Brau-Manufacturen GmbH 1-A15 Guzman y Gonzalez 7-D14 040102 Bier / Craft Beer - Alkoholfreies Beer / Craft Beer - Non-alcoholic Beer Big Drop Brewing Ltd 1-A14 040104 Bier / Craft Beer - Berliner Weisse Beer / Craft Beer - Berliner Weisse / Berlin White Berliner Berg GmbH 1-B20 040105 Bier / Craft Beer - Dunkles / Schwarzes Beer / Craft Beer - Dark Duderstädter Braumanufaktur GmbH & Co.KG 1-A26 040106 Bier / Craft Beer - Helles Beer / Craft Beer - Lager Small Beer Brew Co. Ltd 1-A28 040109 Bier / Craft Beer - Pils Beer / Craft Beer - Pils Berliner Berg GmbH 1-B20 Brauerei Lemke Berlin GmbH 1-A23 Square Dranken NL B.V 5-B42 040112 Bier / Craft Beer - Weizen Beer / Craft Beer - Wheat Brauerei Lemke Berlin GmbH 1-A23 Duderstädter Braumanufaktur GmbH & Co.KG 1-A26 040113 Bier / Craft Beer - Bier / Craft Beer - Sonstige Beer / Craft Beer - Beer / Craft Beer - Other Big Drop Brewing Ltd 1-A14 BraufactuMDie internationale Brau-Manufacturen GmbH 1-A15 Braukunst Berlin GmbH 1-A19 Fourchette - Brouwerij Van Steenberge 1-A21 gdp Global Drinks Partnership GmbH 3-D29 Gulden Draak - Brouwerij Van Steenberge 1-B18 Icon Key, SA 3-A35 Small Beer Brew Co. Ltd 1-A28 040200 Cider Gallinal Drinks SL 8-B06 Ramborn SA 5-B04 050000 Kaffee, Tee und Heißgetränke Coffee, Tea and Hot Beverages 050300 CoffeeKaffee-RöstungenRoasts Berliner KaffeeröstereiGiest & Compagnon Vertriebs GmbH 4-A11, 4-B12, 4-B14 FORTEZZA Espresso GmbH 4-B17 Mahlgrad GmbH 4-B09 MyCoffeebag Inhaber Alexander Streck 4-B11 Röststätte Berlin - Yvonne Weller-Jozinovic 4-A23 Tenet Marketing s.r.o. 4-A14, 4-A20 050400 Kaffee- / Teezubehör Coffee / Tea Accessoires MyCoffeebag Inhaber Alexander Streck 4-B11 050500 CoffeeMaschinenand Tea Machines Cafeahaus AG 4-B22 Carbotek Systems GmbH 4-B22 La Marzocco Deutschland GmbH 4-B15 Röststätte Berlin - Yvonne Weller-Jozinovic 4-A23

272 WARENGRUPPEN MIT AUSSTELLERFIRMEN / PRODUCT GROUPS WITH EXHIBITORS 050600 TeaTee-SortenVarieties Orientis GmbH 7-A18b 050700 Heißgetränke - Sonstige Hot Beverages - Other Cafeahaus AG 4-B22 Carbotek Systems GmbH 4-B22 PHILOSOFFEE GmbH 4-B11 060000 Snacks 060100 Convenience-ProductsConvenience-Produkte Wilk Gourmetgroup 5-A03 060200 NutsNüsse KERNenergie GmbH 8-B05 060300 SavourySalzgebäckBisquits KERNenergie GmbH 8-B05 Wilk Gourmetgroup 5-A03 060400 Süßwaren und Gebäck Confectionery and Sweet Biscuits KERNenergie GmbH 8-B05 Mahlgrad GmbH 4-B09 070000 Ausstattung und Barbedarf Equipment and Bar Supplies 070101 Barzubehör - Geräte Bar Accessoires - Bar Machines formitable GmbH 1-B59 FORTEZZA Espresso GmbH 4-B17 Hoshizaki Deutschland 3-A08 ISI GmbH 1-A11 ITALDOSIT di Galassi E. 5-B01 070102 Barzubehör - Werkzeuge Bar Accessoires - Tools AJ Bar Tools Germany 8-B04 Bonzer Barware 3-A06 ITALDOSIT di Galassi E. 5-B01 Libbey Holland Inc 4-B07 Mr. Murka Ltd. 5-B28 Urban Bar 7-D19 Yokoyama Kogyo Co., Ltd 1-B13 070500 GlassesGläser Bruni Glass S.p.A. 3-D20 Glass Decor TC LLC 5-B07 HALM Straws GmbH 3-C08 Hinzself Production GmbH 7-B15 Libbey Holland Inc 4-B07 Lumian Srl 5-A14 ORIGINAL WILLINGER GLASMANUFAKTUR 4-A09 Ritzenhoff AG 7-B14 Stiefelmayer-Contento GmbH & Co. KG 8-B16 Urban Bar 7-D19 Vetreria Etrusca S.p.A. 3-C10 Zwiesel Kristallglas AG 4-A08 070600 Interior formitable GmbH 1-B59 Sac Serigrafia s.r.l. 5-A05 050600 – 110200
273 070900 RefrigeratorsKühlschränke AZZURRA s.r.l. 1-B35 Gastro-Cool GmbH & Co. KG 7-E03 Hoshizaki Deutschland 3-A08 071300 Tischwäsche / Kleidung Table Linen / Clothing Barside KFT 1-A03 071400 PromotionalWerbeartikelProducts Applic'Etains 1-B22 Bonzer Barware 3-A06 Gastro-Cool GmbH & Co. KG 7-E03 HALM Straws GmbH 3-C08 Sac Serigrafia s.r.l. 5-A05 Stiefelmayer-Contento GmbH & Co. KG 8-B16 071600 IngredientsZutaten Coco López 8-B18 Fee Brothers, Inc. 1-A50 Koppert Cress B.V. 1-B09 Perscripta d.o.o. 7-A14 071700 Ausstattung und Barbedarf - Sonstige Equipment and Bar Supplies - Other Applic'Etains 1-B22 Barside KFT 1-A03 Bonzer Barware 3-A06 Bruni Glass S.p.A. 3-D20 Cantini Vetro S.R.L. 8-D04 ESTAL 7-C08 formitable GmbH 1-B59 G-Rack UG & Co.KG 3-A38 HALM Straws GmbH 3-C08 Hinzself Production GmbH 7-B15 Hoshizaki Deutschland 3-A08 ITALDOSIT di Galassi E. 5-B01 Kefla-Glas GmbH & Co.KG 3-C04 Libbey Holland Inc 4-B07 Lumian Srl 5-A14 Plastdiversity, LDA 8-D05 Stiefelmayer-Contento GmbH & Co. KG 8-B16 Vetroelite S.p.A. 1-B24 090000 Literatur und Medien Literature and Media 090100 Literatur und Medien Literature and Media Agile Media LtdDrinks International & CLASS. 4-B05, 5-Media Lounge BT Verlag GmbHhaus und wellness, diabetes Living 5-Media Lounge Global Drinks Intelligence 5 Media Lounge INGER Verlagsgesellschaft mbHCoffee Business 5-Media Lounge Mixology Verlags GmbH - Redaktion 3-A41 Sleeper Media Limited 5-Media Lounge Supper Magazine 5-Media Lounge The Cocktail Lovers Ltd 5-Media Lounge Union Press Ltd. - The Spirits Business 5-Media Lounge 100000 Dienstleistung und Beratung Services and Consulting 100100 Dienstleistung und Beratung Services and Consulting AZZURRA s.r.l. 1-B35 Business Finland Oy 3-C13 Hinzself Production GmbH 7-B15 MHW Ltd 7-E01 Sac Serigrafia s.r.l. 5-A05 That's the Spirit SRL 3-B02 110000 Low- & Non-Alcoholics 110100 Gin Elegantly Spirited Ltd 4-B03 Hooghoudt Distillers BV 3-D16 Local Spirits GmbH 8-D08 MeMento S.R.L 7-D02 Undone 5-B17 110200 Rum Elegantly Spirited Ltd 4-B03 MeMento S.R.L 7-D02 Undone 5-B17
274 WARENGRUPPEN MIT AUSSTELLERFIRMEN / PRODUCT GROUPS WITH EXHIBITORS 110300 Whisky MeMento S.R.L 7-D02 110400 Vodka Elegantly Spirited Ltd 4-B03 Kakuzo GmbH 3-D15 Purity Distillery 5-B32 110500 Low- & Non-Alcoholics - Sonstige Low- & Non-Alcoholics - Other Big Drop Brewing Ltd 1-A14 Element Shrub 1-B28 Fluère Drinks b.v. 7-C18 Hooghoudt Distillers BV 3-D16 MeMento S.R.L 7-D02 Small Beer Brew Co. Ltd 1-A28 Undone 5-B17 Virginia Department of Agriculture andConsumer Services (VDACS) 1-B28 110300 – 110500

ADDENDUMNACHTRAG @barconventber bar convent berlin Organised by

276 AUSSTELLER /// EXHIBITORS Brew Berlin Aussteller / ExhibitorCoffee Aussteller / Exhibitor APFELHOTEL TORGGLERHOF 1-B16 ANDER DOG CIDER Schweinsteg 19 39015 St. Leonhard, Italy Tel.: +39 3452327315 E-Mail: Web: CANTARELLE GIN DE PROVENCE 5-A38 Domaine de Cantarelle 83119 Brue Auriac, France Tel.: +33 772304259 E-Mail: Web: The Domaine de Cantarelle lies in the heart of Provence. Here is the birthplace of a subtle gin, produced with grapes of Provence. 100% natural aromas, falgrances of lime-tree, grapefruit ... FIXED AXIS LTD. 4-A22 33 Thurloe Street London, SW7 2HP, United Kingdom Tel.: +44 7747 807228 E-Mail: Web: GABRIEL BOUDIER 3-D25 14 Rue de Cluj 21000 Dijon, France Tel.: +33 3 807 333 Fax: +33 3 8074 8888 E-Mail: Web: Since its foundation in 1874, Gabriel Boudier has invented and diversified into a range of exceptional products that delight enthusiasts of crème de fruits as well liqueurs and gins. JUUL LABS GERMANY GMBH 5-A22, YARD-02 Gertigstr. 14a 22303 Hamburg, Germany Tel.: +49 800 1823091 E-Mail: Web: MONTENEGRO SRL YARD-01 Via Enrico Fermi 4 40069 Bologna, Italy Tel.: +44 7841 4478 84 E-Mail: Web: MOONSHOTS GMBH 1-A16 UNVERHOPFT Tauentzienstrasse 9-12 10789 Berlin, Germany Tel.: +49 30 25493156 E-Mail: Web: REAL BREWING CO. LTD. 7-D23 Hartley Farm. Rocky Lane, Wendover London, HP22 6PR, United Kingdom Tel.: +44 713 957127 E-Mail: Web:,RealKombucha is providing a truly sophisticated alternative to alcohol and is now served in many of the best restaurants, bars and hotels around the UK and parts of Europe. WINE & SPIRIT EDUCATION TRUST 8-WSET International Wine & Spirit Centre, 39-45 Bermondsey Street London, LONO SE1 3XF, United Kingdom Tel.: +44 (0)20 7089 3804 E-Mail: Web: AP-WI Aussteller sucht Distributoren / Exhibitor searches for distributors

278 Boels Verleih GmbH Party&Events Hilden Weststraße 40 40721 GermanyHilden, Phone +49 2103 90 88 90 E-Mail: Web: Berliner Kaffeerösterei Sickingenstraße 20-28 10553 GermanyBerlin, Phone +49 30 88677920 E-Mail: Web: Berlin School of Coffee Uhlandstr. 171/172 10718 GermanyBerlin, Phone +49 30 32514620 E-Mail: Web: CATERISTIC GmbH Großmannstraße 70 20539 GermanyHamburg, Phone +49 40 21901960 E-Mail: Web: DHL Trade Fairs & Events GmbH Air Cargo Center, Aufgang A, 3.OG Georg-Wulf-Str. 1 12529 Berlin Schönefeld, Germany Phone +49 30 609153 -033 / -034 E-Mail: Web: Gastronomie gegen Rassismus e.V. Drakestraße 41 12205 GermanyBerlin, Phone +49 172 6490 858 Fax +49 30 21913993 E-Mail: Web: Iceman Berlin Nutzeis GmbH Coppistr. 5 10365 GermanyBerlin, Phone +49 30 50 30 821 Fax +49 30 50 898 458 E-Mail: Web: ifbi – Int´l Food & Beverage Import GmbH Sickingenstr. 20-28 10553 GermanyBerlin, Phone +49 30 28 47 000 E-Mail: Web: PARTNER /// PARTNERS Wir danken allen Partnern und den führenden Medien für die gute Zusammenarbeit. We thank all our partners and the leading media for the good collaboration.

279 Kaffeekontakt Neue Dorfstr. 43 14624 GermanyDallgow-Döberitz, Phone +49 30 30 10 60 90 Fax +49 30 30 10 60 99 E-Mail: Web: MBG INTERNATIONAL PREMIUM BRANDS GmbH Oberes Feld 13 33106 GermanyPaderborn, Phone +49 5251 546 0 Fax +49 5251 546 1000 E-Mail: Web: Mixology Verlags GmbH Karl-Marx-Allee 78 10243 GermanyBerlin, Phone +49 30 2332 994 30 E-Mail: Web: Park Street Companies 1000 Brickell Avenue, Suite 915 Miami, FL 33131, USA Phone +1 305 967-7440 E-Mail: Web: P.P. Logistik und Service GmbH Karl-Legien-Str. 3 45356 GermanyEssen, Phone +49 201 83 23 8 0 Fax +49 201 83 23 8 18 E-Mail: Web: Prestige Eventservice GmbH Flottenstraße 58 13407 GermanyBerlin, Phone +49 30 700 84 215 E-Mail: Web: Wine & Spirit Education Trust International Wine & Spirit Centre 39-45 Bermondsey Street London SE1 3XF Phone +44 20 7089 3800 E-Mail: Web: Zwiesel Kristallglas AG Dr.-Schott-Straße 35 94227 GermanyZwiesel, Phone +49 9922 98 0 Fax +49 9922 98 300 E-Mail: Web:

280 Agile Media "Drinks International & CLASS." International Drive, Southgate Avenue Crawley, WSXRH106AQ, United Kingdom Phone + 44 1293 590041 E-Mail: Web: Imbibe Live Oriel House, 28 The Quadrant Richmond, TW9 1DN, United Kingdom Phone +44 20 8910 7853 E-Mail: Web: Coffee Business Luisenstraße 34, 49074 Osnabrück, Germany Phone +49 541 580544-58 E-Mail: Web: Mixology Verlags GmbH Karl-Mark-Allee 78 10243 Berlin, Germany Phone +49 30233299430 E-Mail: Web: Mondiale Publishing Strawberry Studios, Watson Stockport,SquareSK1 3AZ, United Kingdom Phone +44 (0)161 476 5580 E-Mail: Web: The Cocktail Lovers Ltd Chancery Station House, 31-33 High Holborn London, WC1V 6AX, United Kingdom Phone +44 20 7242 2546 E-Mail: Web: Union Press Ltd. "The Spirits Business" Units 222/223, 30 Great Guildford Street London, SE1 0HS, United Kingdom Phone + 44 2078032452 E-Mail: Web: TGM publishing LTD. "Bar Warehouse,magazine"Jubilee Way Whitstable Road, Kent, ME 13 8GD, United Kingdom Phone + 44 795 50910980 MEDIENPARTNER MEDIA PARTNERS

Nur mit echten Argumenten punkten. Das ist unser Ziel. Denn auf Messen, die von uns zertifiziert wurden, ist Verlass: Wieviele Besucher gab es? Welche berufliche Stellung haben sie? Wieviele treffen Einkaufsentscheidungen? Wir liefern die Antworten. Prompt. Übersichtlich. Genau. Für rund 300 Messen und Echte Messedaten tragen dieses Zeichen:
Bei uns ist alles Gold, was glänzt.

282 KLEINANZEIGEN /// CLASSIFIED ADS Folgende Unternehmen suchen internationale Distributoren/Vertriebspartner: The following companies are looking for international distributors/partners: Stand 1-B65 Stand 5-B27 Stand 4-A39

283 Stand 8-A02 Stand 1-A43 Stand 5-A08

284 co-op owned mezcal from the villagers of oaxaca co-op owned mezcal from the villagers of oaxaca MEET US HALL 8 STAND C04 Makers & Shakers. Liqueurs, Gins, Absinthes... Stand 5-A13 Stand 4-A02 Stand 8-C04

285 We are Indian Tonic, 200ml Bergamot Tonic, 200ml Blueberry Tonic, 200ml Bitter XXVI, 200ml Stand 8-B15 Stand 1-B37 Stand 5-A25

286 Stand 4-A06 Stand 4-A12 Stand 7-D02

for lemonades, mocktails, cocktails and teas booth 1A10 Stand 1-B67 Stand 1-A10 Stand 1-B10

Stand 5-A02 StandStand10.0-KH031-B53

289 Stand 1-B19 Stand 7-C22 B15NUMBERSTAND FOR ENQUIRIES EMAIL INFO@PROOFDRINKS.COM +44(0)20 7737 7995 WWW.CUTRUM.COM @ cuttotherum Stand 1-B15


291 NEW!easysodarefreshing&fillersoda&easyfiller REFRESH OR MIX: SODADISTRIBUTORWANTED!LIBRE from Germany is one of the emerging brands of the last years. It not only looks cool but also tastes wonderfully refreshing. The sparkling soda is also the perfect mixer for long drink & cocktail lovers.VISITUS!Hall7/B15 #freeyourtaste Stand 7-B15 Stand 5-B09 Stand 8-B03

292 Italian handcrafted liqueurs Vermut - Bitter - Elderflower and honey liqueur - Rhubarb Amaro We are looking for DISTRIBUTORS! For more information: | Stand 4-B30 Stand 1-B49 Stand 8-A01

293 Stand 4-B47 Stand 1-B17

294 VERANSTALTER / ORGANISER Reed Exhibitions Deutschland GmbH Völklinger Str. 4 40219 Düsseldorf, Germany +49 211 90 191-257 +49 211 90 GESCHÄFTSFÜHRUNGwww.barconvent.com191-244 / MANAGEMENT Hans-Joachim Erbel, Michael Freter, André PROJEKT-TEAMWeijde / PROJECT TEAM Petra Lassahn, Director Melanie Ignasiak, Project Manager Anna Lena Grytz, Project Manager Sales Carolin Wilhelm, Senior Event Manager Anna Orthen, Junior Event Manager Michaela Giesselmann, Sales Manager Thea König, Sales Manager Angus Winchester, Director of Education HERAUSGEBER / PUBLISHER Reed Exhibitions Deutschland GmbH Völklinger Str. 4 40219 Düsseldorf, Germany +49 211 90 191-257 +49 211 90 191-244 VERLAG / PUBLISHING HOUSE Reed Exhibitions Deutschland GmbH Völklinger Str. 4 40219 Düsseldorf, Germany +49 211 90 191-0 +49 211 90 191-180 VERANTWORTLICH FÜR / RESPONSIBLE FOR REDAKTIONELLER INHALT & PROGRAMM / EDITORIAL & PROGRAMME Angus Winchester Ian WineParkPhilippBurrellHarderStreet&Spirits Educational Trust Anna PRODUKTION,PresseCarolinOrthenWilhelm ANZEIGEN & INHALT KATALOGEINTRÄGE / PRINT PRODUCTION, ADVERTISEMENTS & CONTENT CATALOGUE ENTRIES Anja Heidbüchel – Head of Publishing +49 211 90 191-115 ABWICKLUNG KATALOGEINTRÄGE & ANZEIGENVERKAUF / HANDLING CATALOGUE ENTRIES & ADVERTISING SALES Isabel Ingrisch – Publishing Manager +49 211 90 191-360 SATZ & LAYOUT / GRAPHIC ARTIST & LAYOUT schlicht [design] - Nicole Schlicht Neustr. 40 40213 Düsseldorf, Germany +49 211 3 02 19 13 DRUCK / PRINT OFFICE Kössinger FruehaufstraßeAG 21 84069 Schierling +49 9451©Hoda Bogdan, © macrovector IMPRESSUM /// IMPRINT

295 REDAKTIONSSCHLUSS / EDITORIAL DEADLINE 20. August 2019 Trotz sorgfältiger Bearbeitung aller terminge recht eingegangener Unterlagen können der Herausgeber und der Verlag keine Gewähr für vollständige und richtige Eintragungen übernehmen; Änderungen müssen vorbehal ten bleiben. Auftraggeber, auch von Anzeigen, haben selbst bei ganz oder teilweise unleserlichem, unrichtigem oder unvollständigem Ab druck sowie bei irrtümlichem Nichterscheinen keinen Anspruch auf Schadenersatz, der über den Rechnungsbetrag der Eintragung oder der Anzeige hinausgeht. Despite careful processing of all documents submitted on time, the editor and publisher cannot guarantee that all entries will be com plete and correct; entries must be subject to change without notice. Clients, including ad vertisers, cannot claim compensation for da mages higher than the amount invoiced for the entry or the ad, even if the printing is, in full or in part, illegible, incorrect or incomplete, or if it does not appear at all. ERFÜLLUNGSORT UND GERICHTSSTAND / COURT OF JURISDICTION Düsseldorf, INSERENTEN-VERZEICHNISGermany / LIST OF ADVERTISERS Inserent / Advertiser .................. Seite / Page Acqua Morelli 003 Agile Media ........................................... 055 Alexandrion Group Romania S.R.L 282 Amarcode .............................................. 282 Angostura Ltd 050-051 Asociación de Productores de Pisco AG ... 282 AUMA 076 Bar Convent GmbH ............ 009,015,061,067 Beluga Vodka International Limited 033 Bitter Queens, LLC ................................ 283 BOAR Distillery GbR ............................... 037 Bodegas Williams & Humbert ............. U3/IBC Brouwerij Van Steenberge ...................... 290 Burlington Drinks Co 283 CHIOCCIOLI ALTADONNA srl .................... 283 CNI Brands 284 Dalla Mora & Partners SRL ..................... 284 Distillerie Combier 284 Drinks of Manchester ............................. 285 Economic Development Board Mauritius 019 Eyguebelle ............................................ 285 FKM Gesellschaft zur Freiwilligen Kontrolle ............................. 281 formitable GmbH 031 GEMELLii Drinks GmbH .......................... 285 Gentlemen’s Craft BVBA 286 GIFFARD .......................................... U4/OBC Iceman Berlin Nutzeis GmbH 021 K. PSYCHIS & SONS DISTILLERY .............. 286 Maison Villevert ..................................... 043 Marussia Beverages B.V ......................... 029 MATHIEU TEISSEIRE ............................... 039 MeMento S.R.L ...................................... 286 MHW Ltd .............................................. 041 Mixer SRL 287 MoMe ................................................... 287 MSB Spirits CVBA 287 Natys SRL ............................................ 288 Nautical American Gin 288 Neptune Rum Ltd .................................. 288 Paola Simental Campos 289 Paolo Lazzaroni E Figli SPA .................... 289 Park Street 053 Proof Drinks LTD ............................. 289,293 Ramborn SA 290 Sabores Intensos s de RL de CV .............. 291 Scape Spirits aps 293 Schweppes Deutschland GmbH ........... U2/IFC Soda Libre GmbH 291 Tequila Arette ........................................ 292 Two James Spirits .................................. 291 United Drinks A/S ................................... 292 Vita s.r.l ................................................ 292 WSET .................................................... 047 Zwiesel Kristallglas AG ........................... 045