Koskenkorva Vodka Climate Action wird vollständig aus regenerativ angebauter Gerste hergestellt, die der Atmosphäre CO2 entzieht und es wieder im Boden speichert. Er stammt von der Farm von Jari Eerola in Südfinnland und wird in Zusammenarbeit mit der Umweltorganisation Baltic Sea Action Group hergestellt.
SieBesuchen uns an Zackenbarder (ZB 01/02)
Das Warten hat ein Ende und endlich ist es soweit: Die Berliner Messehallen öffnen erneut ihre Pforten, um das jährliche Zusammentreffen der internationalen Bar-Community einzuläuten!
Der BCB ist bekannt dafür, jedes Jahr die aktuellen Top-Trends der Branche abzubilden und erlebbar zu machen. Dieses Jahr haben wir uns gedacht: Aller guten Dinge sind drei! So setzen wir drei spannende Trend-Themen aus der Barwelt ins Spotlight und widmen ihnen eigene Highlight-Flächen.
Du bist bereits passionierter Whisk(e)y-Fan, oder willst es noch werden? Dann lass Dir unsere „BCB Whisk(e)y Embassy sponsored by Woodford Reserve, Jack Daniel's & Schweppes“ rund um unser diesjähriges Spirit of Honour in Halle 11.1 nicht entgehen! Neben köstlichen Cocktailkreationen der beliebten Hamburger „Collab Bar“, erwartet Dich auch ein großartiges Education-Programm, welches in Partnerschaft mit der „OurWhisky Foundation“ entwickelt wurde. An der eigens kreierten Education Fläche, erfährst Du von Expertinnen und Experten alles rund um Whisk(e)y und seine Besonderheiten. In diesem Jahr feiert der BCB zudem eine wahrhaftige Premiere: Erstmalig rückt das Thema „Wein in Bars“ mit einer eigenen Sonderfläche im Palais in den Fokus. Gemeinsam mit dem Education-Partner „KALK&KEGEL“ geben wir Dir die Möglichkeit, in die vielfältige Welt der Weine einzutauchen und wertvolles Wissen in dieser besonderen Disziplin zu erlangen.
Doch damit nicht genug: Ein Besucherliebling kehrt 2024 wieder zurück – die „BCB Low & No Bar“. Das Trendthema, welches aus den Bars weltweit nicht mehr wegzudenken ist, wird erneut mit einer eigenen Pop-Up-Bar auf den BCB geholt. Hierzu konnte das Messeteam niemand geringeren als das Team von der „Amaro Bar“ aus London gewinnen.
Also worauf wartest Du? – In Halle 11.2 kannst Du an allen Messetagen großartige Drinks des bekannten Barteams mit wenig sowie ganz ohne Alkohol verkosten.
Auch rund um die Highlight-Flächen gibt es wieder reichlich zu entdecken: Über 1.100 Marken verteilen sich auf sechs Messehallen. Hier präsentieren unsere rund 500 Aussteller ihre neusten Produkte und nehmen Dich drei Tage lang mit auf vielfältige Geschmacksreisen. Viele spannende Neuheiten und junge Start-Ups kannst Du unter anderem in unserer „Young Guns Area“ und der „Emerging Brands Area“ in Halle 11.2 kennenlernen.
Natürlich steht auch Education wie gewohnt im Zentrum des BCB. Freu Dich auf ein breites und vielfältiges Angebot auf insgesamt sieben Bühnen und Education Areas. Ein paar Neuheiten in den Bühnenkonzepten werden den treuen BCBBesucherinnen und -besuchern sicherlich direkt auffallen: Erstmalig findest Du unsere Main Stage nämlich in der Rotunde in Halle 16. Hier kannst Du wie gewohnt Vorträge und Panels von bekannten Barexpertinnen und -experten anschauen. Auf der neuen „BCB Workshop Stage“ kannst Du hingegen selbst aktiv werden. Auch die „Brand Stage“ ist neu im Programm. Hier präsentieren unsere Aussteller ihre eigenen Education-Themen.
Und wer nach dem BCB immer noch nicht genug hat, muss noch lange nicht nach Hause gehen! Denn an den Abenden rund um die Messe, kannst Du wieder einiges erleben und die Tage in den Top-Locations der deutschen Hauptstadt ausklingen lassen.
Cheers – auf drei inspirierende und erfolgreiche Messetage!
Dein BCB-Team
The wait is finally over and the time has come: the Berlin exhibition halls are once again opening their doors to kick off the annual gathering of the international bar community at Bar Convent Berlin! BCB is known for showcasing the latest top trends in the industry each year and bringing them to life. This year, we thought: all good things come in threes! We are putting three exciting trend topics from the bar world in the spotlight and dedicating separate highlight areas to each of them.
Are you already a passionate whisk(e)y fan, or are you looking to become one? Then don't miss our "BCB Whisk(e)y Embassy sponsored by Woodford Reserve, Jack Daniel's & Schweppes" around this year’s Spirit of Honour in Hall 11.1! In addition to delicious cocktail creations from the popular Hamburg-based "Collab Bar," you'll also find a fantastic education programme developed in partnership with the "OurWhisky Foundation." At the specially created education area, experts will teach you everything you need to know about whisk(e)y and its unique characteristics.
This year, BCB is also celebrating a true premiere: for the first time, the topic of “wine in bars” is taking center stage with its own special area in the Palais. Together with our education partner “KALK&KEGEL”, we are giving you the opportunity to immerse yourself in the diverse world of wines and gain valuable knowledge in this special discipline.
But that's not all: A crowd favorite is returning in 2024 – the "BCB Low & No Bar". This trend, which has become indispensable in bars worldwide, will once again be featured with its own pop-up bar
at BCB. The show team has teamed up with none other than the "Amaro Bar" from London. So, what are you waiting for? In Hall 11.2, you can enjoy fantastic drinks with little to no alcohol from this renowned bar team on all show days. Apart from the highlight areas, there is also plenty to discover: A total of over 1.100 brands are spread across six exhibition halls. Here, around 500 exhibitors will present their latest products and take you on a three-day journey of taste. You can get to know many exciting new products and young start-ups in our “Young Guns Area” and the “Emerging Brands Area” in Hall 11.2.
Of course, education remains at the heart of BCB. Look forward to a wide and diverse offering across seven stages and education areas. Loyal BCB visitors will certainly notice some new elements in the stage concepts: For the first time, our Main Stage is located in the Rotunde in Hall 16, where you can attend talks and panels from well-known bar experts. On the new "BCB Workshop Stage," you can get involved yourself and engage in interactive and hands-on activities. The "Brand Stage" is also new to the programme, where our exhibitors present their own educational topics. And if you still haven't had enough after BCB, you don't have to go home just yet! On the evenings after the show, you can experience even more and round off the days in Berlin’s top locations.
Cheers – to three inspiring and successful days at BCB!
Your BCB Team
Ein Thema ist aus der Barwelt nicht mehr wegzudenken: Low & No. Bereits im letzten Jahr wurde der Trend mit einem eigenen Bar-Hotspot auf dem BCB in Szene gesetzt. In diesem Jahr wird es wieder eine Pop-UpBar auf dem Messegelände geben – diesmal mit niemand geringerem als dem Team der „Amaro Bar“ aus London.
Im vergangenen Jahr sorgte das Barteam von „The Cambridge Public House“ aus Paris drei Tage lang mit einmaligen Cocktailkreationen auf dem BCB für Aufsehen. Die Low & No Bar bot die perfekte Anlaufstelle, um in einzigartiger Pub-Atmosphäre großartige Drinks mit wenig oder gar keinem Alkohol zu genießen. Auch in diesem Jahr möchte der BCB zusammen mit der bekannten Amaro Bar aus London das Trendthema wieder in die Messe Berlin holen.
„Die Zusammenarbeit mit dem BCB ist eine große Chance für uns. Als größte internationale Bar-Messe bietet er eine riesige Plattform, die uns dabei helfen kann, unsere Bar bekannter zu machen. Dieser Bar-Hotspot auf der Messe ist etwas völlig anderes als eine Gastschicht in einer Bar oder ein Vortrag auf einer Bühne – es ist daher eine sehr spannende Herausforderung für uns“, freut sich Elon Soddu, Barbesitzer der Amaro Bar.
One topic has become an integral part of the bar world: Low & No. Last year, the trend was showcased with its own bar hotspot at BCB. This year, there will once again be a pop-up bar on the exhibition grounds – this time with none other than the team of the "Amaro Bar" in London.
Last year, the bar team of "The Cambridge Public House" in Paris caused a stir at BCB for three days with their unique cocktail creations. The Low & No bar was the perfect place to enjoy great drinks with little or no alcohol in a unique pub atmosphere. Together with the well-known Amaro Bar from London, BCB wants to bring the trend theme to Messe Berlin again this year.
"The collaboration with BCB is a great opportunity for us. As the largest international bar trade show, it offers a huge platform that can help us to publicise our bar. This bar hotspot at the trade fair is something completely different from a guest shift in a bar or a talk on a stage – so it's a very exciting challenge for us," says Elon Soddu, bar owner of Amaro Bar.
BCB exhibitors have the unique opportunity to have low & no drinks created by the Amaro Bar team using their products. They can buy in their spirits, liqueurs or mixers at the buy-in bar and the Amaro Bar team will use them to create
Aussteller des BCB haben die einmalige Möglichkeit Low & No-Drinks von dem Team der Amaro Bar mit ihren eigenen Produkten kreieren zu lassen. Hierzu können sie sich mit ihren Spirituosen, Likören oder Mixern in die Buy-In-Bar einkaufen und das Team der Amaro Bar wird daraus passende und ausgefallene Drinks kreieren, die an allen drei Messetagen probiert werden können. So können die BCB Besucher die Produktvielfalt und Möglichkeiten rund um den Low & No-Trend geschmacklich auf dem BCB erleben und Aussteller haben die Chance einzigartige Rezepte zu ihrem Produkt zu erhalten.
Die Londoner Amaro Bar, die sich im Stadtteil Kensington befindet, verbindet außergewöhnlichen Service und die Liebe zum Detail mit Gemütlichkeit und einer intimen Atmosphäre. Das Barkonzept entsprang der Idee von Elon Soddu, einem Meister des Gastgewerbes und ehemaliger Chef-Mixologe des „The Savoy“. Er besitzt bereits über 13 Jahre Erfahrung in der
suitable and unusual drinks that can be sampled on all three days of the show. In this way, BCB visitors will be able to experience the variety of products and possibilities associated with the low & no trend in terms of flavour at BCB and exhibitors will have the opportunity to get unique recipes for their products.
London's Amaro Bar, located in the Kensington district, combines exceptional service and attention to detail with cosiness and an intimate atmosphere. The bar concept was the brainchild of Elon Soddu, a master of the hospitality industry and former head mixologist at “The Savoy”. He has over 13 years experience in the industry and has spent the last eight years working in the best five-star hotels in London. In addition to the Amaro Bar, he has also been running a second bar in London, the "Twice Shy", since last year. He is also surrounded by a talented and motivated bar team, and you can see and feel that they enjoy their job.
Branche und hat die letzten acht Jahre in den besten Fünf-Sterne-Hotels in London gearbeitet. Neben der Amaro Bar betreibt er seit letztem Jahr auch eine zweite Bar in London, das „Twice Shy“. Um ihn versammelt sich zudem ein talentiertes und motiviertes Barteam, dem man ansieht und fühlt, dass sie ihren Job mit Freude machen.
Ihr Ansatz bei den Drinks ist in gewisser Weise recht simpel. „Unsere Drinks sind für jeden Gast sehr zugänglich und einfach zu verstehen. Hinter den Kulissen wird es allerdings sehr modern und äußerst speziell“, erklärt Elon Soddu. Das Barteam besitzt sogar zwei Labore, in denen sie kreativ werden und innovative MixologieTechniken anwenden können. Alle verwendeten Zutaten ihrer Drinks sind zudem hausgemacht.
Auch das Thema Low & No ist für das Barteam schon längst ein fester Bestandteil in ihren Baralltag. Zu ihren Bestseller-Cocktails gehören unter anderem Low-Kreationen wie der „Mandarin Garibaldi“ oder der „Modena Highball“ mit Bourbon, Erdbeerwasser und Balsamico-Essig. Aber auch alkoholfreie Drinks werden leidenschaftlich vom Barteam zubereitet. „Es zeigt sich immer mehr, dass die Kategorie mit niedrigem Alkoholgehalt in der Branche –vor allem in der UK – an Bedeutung gewinnt, da die Menschen gerne Cocktails trinken, die nicht zu viel Alkohol enthalten. Die Verwendung von alkoholarmen oder alkoholfreien Produkten in Cocktails bedeutet aber nicht, dass man auf Leidenschaft oder den Geschmack verzichten muss. Es kommt ganz darauf an, wie das Getränk zubereitet wird. Wenn es richtig gemacht ist, spielt es keine Rolle, ob es Alkohol enthält, nur ein wenig oder gar keinen“, findet Elon Soddu.
Their approach to drinks is quite simple in some ways. "Our drinks are very accessible and easy to understand for every guest. Behind the scenes, however, it gets very modern and extremely specialised," explains Elon Soddu. The bar team even has two laboratories where they can get creative and apply innovative mixology techniques. All the ingredients used in their drinks are also home-made.
Low & No has also long been an integral part of the bar team's everyday bar life. Their bestselling cocktails include low creations such as the "Mandarin Garibaldi" or the "Modena Highball" with bourbon, strawberry water and balsamic vinegar. But the bar team is also passionate about preparing non-alcoholic drinks.
"It's becoming increasingly apparent that the low-alcohol category is gaining importance in the industry - particularly in the UK - as people like to drink cocktails that don't contain too much alcohol. However, using low-alcohol or non-alcoholic products in cocktails doesn't mean you have to sacrifice passion or flavour. It all depends on how the drink is prepared. If it's made properly, it doesn't matter whether it contains alcohol, just a little or none at all," says Elon Soddu.
Elon Soddu has made a conscious decision to bring two of his youngest talents from the bar team to BCB: 26-year-old Italian Aurora Fimati and 22-year-old Englishman Gabriel Tucker.
"They both came to the bar about a year ago with very little experience. The reason we hired them in the first place was because they showed that they were motivated and wanted to learn. I am very happy with this decision as they are doing a fantastic job at both Amaro Bar and Twice Shy."
For this reason, Elon decided to take Aurora and Gabriel with him to Berlin and work with them
Elon Soddu hat sich bewusst dafür entschieden zwei seiner jüngsten Talente aus dem Barteam mit auf dem BCB zu nehmen: Die 26-jährige Italienerin Aurora Fimati und den 22-jährigen Engländer Gabriel Tucker.
„Sie sind beide vor etwa einem Jahr mit sehr wenig Erfahrung in die Bar gekommen. Der Grund, warum wir sie überhaupt eingestellt haben, war, dass sie gezeigt haben, dass sie motiviert sind und lernen wollen. Ich bin sehr glücklich über diese Entscheidung, da sie sowohl in der Amaro Bar als auch im Twice Shy einen fantastischen Job machen.“
Aus diesem Grund entschied sich Elon dafür Aurora und Gabriel mit nach Berlin zu nehmen und gemeinsam mit ihnen die Low & No-Bar auf dem BCB zum Leben zu erwecken. Für beide Newcomer ist es die erste Barshow, die sie besuchen – und das gleich als Gastgeber an einer dreitägigen Pop-Up-Bar! Elon hat allerdings volles Vertrauen in seine Teammitglieder:
„Beide freuen sich sehr über diese einmalige Möglichkeit und ich weiß, dass sie das großartig machen werden, da sie hart und mit viel Leidenschaft arbeiten.“
to bring the Low & No bar at BCB to life. For both newcomers, it is the first bar show they will attend – and as hosts of a three-day pop-up bar at that! Elon, however, has full confidence in his team members: "They are both very excited about this unique opportunity and I know they will do a great job as they work hard and with a lot of passion."
Egal ob Whiskey oder Whisky: Auf dem Bar Convent Berlin wird das diesjährige Spirit of Honour ordentlich für Furore sorgen. Wie auch im letzten Jahr wird es einen eigenen Barhotspot mit zusätzlicher Education Area geben – die „BCB Whisk(e)y Embassy sponsored by Woodford Reserve, Jack Daniel's & Schweppes“. Zudem wird wieder ein bekanntes Barteam die Besonderheiten der Spirituose geschmacklich neu erlebbar machen. Hierzu konnte der BCB die angesagte „Collab Bar“ aus Hamburg gewinnen – von und mit Chlóe Merz!
Nach der erfolgreichen Premiere des BCB Spirit of Honour im vergangenen Jahr, wird auch auf dem BCB 2024 wieder eine besondere Spirituose in den Fokus gerückt – Whisk(e)y. Die traditionsreiche Spirituose erlebt derzeit einen deutlichen Hype in den Barhotspots dieser Welt. Neben den bekannten Whisk(e)y Export-Ländern wie Irland, Schottland und den USA, wird sie zudem in allen Teilen der Welt mit Leidenschaft produziert, unter anderem auch in Deutschland oder Indien. Diese Bandbreite an Facetten sollen die BCB Besucher nun hautnah erleben können. „Wir sehen, dass Whisk(e)y immer beliebter wird – sowohl im Handel als auch in Bars. Die
No matter whether whiskey or whisky: at Bar Convent Berlin this year’s Spirit of Honour is sure to cause a stir. Like last year, there will be a dedicated bar hotspot with an additional Education Area – the “BCB Whisk(e)y Embassy sponsored by Woodford Reserve, Jack Daniel's & Schweppes”. Furthermore, a well-known bar team will allow visitors to rediscover the special flavours of this spirit.
To this end, BCB has succeeded in enlisting Hamburg’s up-and-coming “Collab Bar” – by and with Chlóe Merz!
After the BCB Spirit of Honour celebrated a successful premiere last year, BCB 2024 will again be focusing on one special spirit –whisk(e)y. This tradition-rich spirit is currently enjoying tremendous hype at the bar hotspots of this world. It is not only passionately produced in long-established whisk(e)y exporting countries like Ireland, Scotland and the USA, but also in all other parts of the world including Germany or India. BCB visitors will now be able to experience this wide spectrum of facets first hand.
“We see that whisk(e)y is becoming increasingly popular – both in retail and in bars. This spirit has reinvented itself, has become more modern and is currently very trendy. And this is what we want
Spirituose hat sich neuentwickelt, ist modern geworden und liegt derzeit voll im Trend. Das wollen wir auch auf dem BCB mit einer eigenen Fläche widerspiegeln“, so Petra Lassahn, Director des BCB.
Ziel des Barhotspots der BCB Whisk(e)y Embassy ist es den Besuchern die Vielfalt der Spirituose zu verdeutlichen. Hierzu hätte das BCB Team kaum eine bessere Partnerin finden können: Das junge und weibliche Barteam der Collab Bar, bestehend aus der bekannten Bar-Expertin Chloé Merz und ihren Teamkolleginnen Fredi (Frederike) Behrens und Adelina Schefferski, wird an dem Barhotspot drei Tage lang zeigen, wie man kreative und moderne Drinks mit der Spirituose kreieren kann.
Auch das diesjährige Spirit of Honour liegt Chloé sehr am Herzen. Sie würde sogar Whisk(e)y als eine ihrer ersten Lieben bezeichnen, wenn es um Spirituosen geht: „Whisk(e)y ist eine unglaubliche Spirituose. Die Komplexität und die Nuancen sind so vielfältig. Ich glaube wirklich, dass es einen Whisk(e)y für jede Gelegenheit gibt.“ Mit so viel Liebe und Begeisterung für die diesjährige Highlight-Spirituose, steht einem großartigen Barhotspot mit dem Collab Bar-Team also nichts mehr im Wege! Die Collab Bar eröffnete erst letztes Jahr in Hamburg und hat sich bereits in kürzester Zeit zu einem der angesagtesten Bar-Hotspots des Landes entwickelt. Die experimentierfreudige und junge Bar, die für „Equal Drinking“ steht, bietet auf ihrer eigenen Karte sowohl eine Vielzahl an Low & No-Kreationen, als auch stärkere Cocktails an. Auf dem BCB werden sie nun zeigen, wie man Whisk(e)y in Drinks ideal in Szene setzen kann. Wie auch im vergangenen
to mirror at BCB with a dedicated area,” says Petra Lassahn, Director of BCB.
The bar hotspot at the BCB Whisk(e)y Embassy aims to familiarise visitors with the diversity of this spirit and the BCB Team could have hardly found a better partner to do so: the young female Collab Bar team, comprising celebrity bar expert Chloé Merz and her team mates Fredi (Frederike) Behrens and Adelina Schefferski, will demonstrate how to produce creative and modern drinks with this spirit at the bar hotspot over three days.
This year’s Spirit of Honour is also very close to Chloé’s heart. She would even call whisk(e)y her first love when it comes to spirits: “Whisk(e)y is an incredible spirit. The amount of complexity and nuances is so wide. I truly believe there is a whisk(e)y for every occasion.” With so much love and passion for this year’s highlight spirit, nothing stands in the way of a great bar hotspot with the Collab Bar team. The Collab Bar only opened in Hamburg last year
Jahr können BCB Aussteller aus allen Ländern wieder ihre Produkte in der Buy-In-Bar zur Verfügung stellen und so einem breiten Publikum präsentieren. Das Team der Collab Bar entwirft mit der Produkt-Auswahl dann ein abwechslungsreiches Drinks-Menu für alle drei Messetage.
Nicht nur geschmacklich können sich die BCB Besucher von Whisk(e)y und seiner Vielfalt begeistern lassen. Die BCB Whisk(e)y Embassy wird neben dem Barhotspot auch eine spezielle Education Area haben, in der Experten Vorträge, Workshops und Tastings rund um das Thema Whisk(e)y anbieten werden. Das umfangreiche Programm soll die Prozesse von der Produktion bis ins Glas als auch die vielfältigen Geschmäcker und Herkünfte von Whisk(e)ys genauer unter die Lupe nehmen und Weiterbildung auf Höchstniveau bieten. Hierzu wird der BCB mit ihrem Education Partner, der OurWhisky Foundation, zusammenarbeiten, der seine Expertise und Leidenschaft für die Spirituose in die Kuration des Programms einfließen lassen wird. Passionierte Whisk(e)y-Liebhaber als auch die, die es noch werden möchten, können sich also auf drei Tage volles Programm und kreative Drinks an der BCB Whisk(e)y Embassy freuen.
but has developed into one of the most trendy bar hotspots in the country in no time at all. The young bar team that is keen to experiment and stands for “equal drinking” offering both a wide variety of no & low creations as well as highproof cocktails on its menu. At BCB, they will now show how whisk(e)y can be ideally presented in drinks. Like last year, BCB exhibitors from all over the world are again invited to make their products available at the Buy-In-Bar, thereby introducing them to a wide audience. The Collab Bar team will then draw up a varied drinks menu on the basis of this product selection for all three days of the trade show.
BCB visitors will be inspired by whisk(e)y and its diversity not only in terms of taste – because in addition to the bar hotspot, the BCB Whisk(e)y Embassy will also feature a special Education Area, where experts will deliver lectures, workshops and tastings on the topic of whisk(e)y. This comprehensive programme is designed to take a closer look at the processes from production to glass as well as the versatile taste and origins of whisk(e)ys while providing continuing education at the highest level. To this end, BCB will cooperate with their Education Partner, the OurWhisky Foundation, that will channel its expertise and passion for this spirit into curating the programme. So passionate whisk(e)y lovers – and those aspiring to become one – can look forward to three days packed with events and creative drinks at the BCB Whisk(e)y Embassy.
Auf dem BCB werden jedes Jahr die wichtigsten Trends und Produkte der Barbranche abgebildet. Ein großes Thema wurde jedoch bisher eher weniger beleuchtet: die vielfältige Welt der Weine. Dabei gibt es sowohl sehr viele großartige Weinbars als auch diverse Möglichkeiten für Bartender besondere Drinks mit Weinen zu kreieren.
Das gab es auf dem BCB noch nie: Die Barmesse wird in diesem Jahr erstmalig das Thema Wein mit einer eigenen Sonderfläche in den Fokus rücken. „Wir möchten unseren Besucherinnen und Besuchern die Welt des Weins und ihre Vielfalt näherbringen, da eine hochwertige Weinauswahl einen großen Mehrwert für jede Bar bietet. Manchmal möchte ein Gast vielleicht gerne statt eines Cocktails einen guten Wein genießen. Umso besser, wenn das Barpersonal hierzu auch kundig ist“, erklärt BCB Director Petra Lassahn.
Der BCB und sein Education Programm bietet seinen Besuchern jedes Jahr die Möglichkeit sich vielfältig weiterzubilden und einmal über den eigenen Tellerrand – oder in diesem Fall den eigenen Glasrand – hinauszublicken. Das geht natürlich nicht ohne einen starken Partner an der
Every year BCB maps the key trends and products for the bar sector. One major theme, however, has not received a great deal of attention so far: the versatile world of wines –although there are so many great wine bars and so many ways for bartenders to create special drinks with wine.
This is an all-time debut at BCB: the bar show will focus on the wine theme for the first time with a dedicated special area. “We would like to introduce our visitors to the world of wine and its diversity since a high-quality selection of wines offers plenty of added value for just about every bar. At times, guests probably want to enjoy a good wine rather than a cocktail. All the better if the bars staff is then also knowledgeable in this area,” explains BCB Director Petra Lassahn.
Every year BCB and its education programme give its visitors the possibility to undergo a wide variety of continuous education and to look beyond their own backyard – or in this case over the edge of the glass. This, of course, only works with a strong partner by BCB’s side: Jointly with the “KALK&KEGEL” magazine the wine hotspot and the associated programme will be curated. Special
Seite des BCB: Gemeinsam mit dem Magazin „KALK&KEGEL“ werden der Wein-Hotspot und das zugehörige Programm kuratiert. Spezielle Workshops und Tastings mit Wein-Experten und Sommeliers sollen den BCB-Besuchern während der gesamten Messezeit die Vielfalt und Besonderheiten von unterschiedlichsten Weinen näherbringen. Mit dabei ist unter anderem Johannes Schellhorn von der „Bar Freundschaft“ aus Berlin.
„Wein wird für den Barbereich zukünftig zum unverzichtbaren Asset. Dabei kommt es gar nicht darauf an, eine große Weinkarte für seine Gäste anzubieten. Es geht um die richtigen Weine und um ein spannendes Storytelling dazu. Gäste wollen in der Bar noch einmal mehr begeistert werden“, erklärt Michael Pöcheim-Pech, Herausgeber von KALK&KEGEL.
Mit ihren Workshops wollen er und sein Team genau dort anknüpfen und die Trendthemen der Weinszene auf den BCB bringen. Geplant ist es, Weine von deutschen, aber auch von internationalen Winzerinnen und Winzern zu präsentieren, die für gesunde Böden stehen und mit Produkten faszinieren, die sich durch ein exzellentes Handwerk auszeichnen.
Die BCB Wine Embassy befindet sich im Palais der Messe und wird drei Tage lang ein abwechslungsreiches Programm bieten.
workshops and tastings held with wine experts and sommeliers for the whole duration of the trade show are designed to familiarise BCB visitors with the diversity and special characteristics of a wide variety of wines. Joining the fray amongst others will be Johannes Schellhorn of “Bar Freundschaft” from Berlin.
“Wine will become an indispensable asset to the bar segment in the future. The point is not to offer an extensive wine list to customers. It is more about offering the right wines and exciting storytelling to go with them. Guests want to be enthused even more in the bar,” explains Michael Pöcheim-Pech, publisher of KALK&KEGEL.
With their workshops he and his team want to kick in right there and flag up what is trending in the wine scene at BCB. They plan to present wines from German but also international vintners, who are committed to healthy soils, want to fascinate with their products and set themselves apart with excellent craftsmanship.
The BCB Wine Embassy is located in the Palais of Messe Berlin and will offer a varied programme for three days.
Dieses Jahr gibt es auf dem BCB wieder spannende internationale Newcomer der Branche zu entdecken – von alkoholfreien Alternativen bis zu außergewöhnlichen Gins. Wir geben eine kleine Kostprobe.
This year's BCB promises to be an exciting showcase of international newcomers in the drinks industry – from alcohol-free alternatives to extraordinary gins. Here's a sneak preview.
Die Gründer von Franz von Fein sind fest davon überzeugt, dass Aperitifs nicht mit Alkoholkonsum verbunden sein müssen – und das wollen sie mit ihren Produkten beweisen. Der Rubin Aperitif ist ein klassischer Aperitif – erst Zitrusfrucht aus Orange und Zitrone, im Nachhall komplex und fein-bitter. Mit Noten von Hibiskusblüte, Wacholderbeere und weiteren Botanicals. Der Bernstein Aperitif ist hingegen eine exotische Variante mit mediterranen Noten von Orange, Lavendelblüte und Rosmarin. Blumig, nadelholzig, fruchtig mit feinen Bitternoten.
Ihr besonderer Geschmack wurde 2024 bereits mit diversen Awards prämiert. Der WAFA (World Alcohol Free Award, London) verlieh dem jungen Unternehmen zuletzt nicht nur zwei Goldmedaillen, sondern sogar die Auszeichnung „Best Aperitif“.
The founders of Franz von Fein are firmly convinced that aperitifs do not have to be associated with alcohol consumption – and they want to prove this with their products. Their Rubin Aperitif offers a classic experience with initial citrus notes of orange and lemon, followed by a complex and finely bitter finish, featuring hints of hibiscus flower, juniper berry, and other botanicals. The Bernstein Aperitif, on the other hand, is an exotic variant with Mediterranean notes of orange, lavender flower, and rosemary –floral, needle-woody, fruity, and finely bitter.
Their unique flavours have already won numerous awards in 2024. The WAFA (World Alcohol Free Award, London) recently honoured the young company with two gold medals and the title of "Best Aperitif."
Einen Gin erfinden, der sich vom Gewöhnlichen abhebt – das war das Ziel der Gründer von Polarity Gin. In ihrer Destillerie in London treffen daher Abenteuer und Tradition aufeinander. „Magie entsteht an der Schnittstelle zwischen Ordnung und kreativem Chaos, zwischen Wettbewerb und Zusammenarbeit und zwischen unseren verschiedenen Persönlichkeiten“ erklären die beiden Gründer Sanja und Selim. Diese Polaritäten, die sie verbinden, haben zwei gegensätzliche Gins kreiert, die sowohl rebellisch kühn als auch elegant raffiniert sind. Hierzu haben sie neue Botanicals gemischt, die es in Gin noch nicht gab, besondere Farben – wie beispielsweise einen schwarzen Gin – und neue Geschmackskombinationen eingeführt.
Der Wodka-Kaffee-Mix „Liquid Cocaine“ von Monaco Cartel ist schon lange ein wahrer Klassiker in München und Umgebung. Der Kaffeelikör ist ideal für Kaffeeliebhaber und besteht aus natürlichen und biologischen Zutaten. Er überzeugt mit seinem vollmundigen Geschmack von aromatischem Kaffee und warmem Karamell. Abgerundet wird das Trinkerlebnis von einer feinen Schokoladennote des Cold Brews und angenehmen 16 % vol. des biologischen Wodkas. Neben diesem Klassiker wird das Unternehmen auf dem BCB auch zwei brandneue Produkte vorstellen: Einen Kirschlikör und einen Gin – wir sind gespannt!
Creating a gin that stands out from the ordinary was the goal of Polarity Gin's founders. In their London distillery, adventure meets tradition. "Magic happens at the intersection of order and creative chaos, competition and collaboration, and our diverse personalities," say founders Sanja and Selim. These polarities have resulted in two contrasting gins that are both rebelliously bold and elegantly refined. To this end, they have blended new botanicals that did not yet exist in gin, introduced special colours – such as a black gin – and new flavour combinations.
Monaco Cartel's vodka-coffee mix "Liquid Cocaine" is a classic in Munich and its surroundings. The coffee liqueur, ideal for coffee lovers, is crafted from natural and organic ingredients, offering a full-bodied taste of aromatic coffee and warm caramel, rounded off by a fine chocolate note from the cold brew and a pleasant 16% vol. from the organic vodka.
In addition to this classic, the company will also be presenting two brand new products at BCB: A cherry liqueur and a gin – we're excited!
Eine der weltweit kostbarsten Früchte zeigt sich von ihrer vielleicht schönsten Seite: Im Süden Japans wird die Yuzu zu einer sommerlichen Getränkeinnovation verarbeitet. Kiyoko ist ein wunderbar frischer Aperitif, der gut gekühlt pur ebenso hervorragend schmeckt wie als Spritz. Hochwertige Zutaten und sorgfältige Produktionsweisen garantieren den Hochgenuss. Frei von Zusatzstoffen oder künstlichen Aromen wird der reine Yuzu-Saft mit Junmai-Sake vermählt, der seit mehr als 100 Jahren auf der Insel Honsh hergestellt wird. Das Ergebnis ist eine sommerliche Balance aus spritziger, leicht süßer Frucht und den knackigen, lebendigen Eigenschaften des Sake. BCB Besucher sollten sich den besonderen Geschmack nicht entgehen lassen!
Wer Qualität zu schätzen weiß, sollte die Gins von Naught Distilling nicht verpassen! Die sorgfältig entwickelten und perfekt ausbalancierten Premium-Gins schaffen durch die Verwendung der feinsten Botanicals und der besten Destillationsmethoden ein genussvolles und einmaliges Gin-Erlebnis. Zu ihrem Portfolio gehört unter anderem der Australian Dry Gin: Wacholder, Zitrusfrüchte und wärmendes Cassia sitzen in der Mitte des Gaumens. Noten von frischer Orange und ein subtiler Sternanis runden den Geschmack dieses komplexen Gins ab.
One of the world's most treasured fruits shows its best side in Kiyoko Yuzu, a refreshing aperitif made in southern Japan. Best enjoyed chilled, either neat or as a spritz, Kiyoko promises pure delight. Free from additives or artificial flavours, pure yuzu juice is blended with Junmai sake, which has been produced on the island of Honsh for over 100 years. The result is a summer balance of zesty, slightly sweet fruit and the crisp, lively characteristics of sake. BCB visitors should not miss out on this unique taste!
Those who appreciate quality should not miss the gins from Naught Distilling! The meticulously developed and perfectly balanced premium gins create a delightful and unique gin experience through the use of the finest botanicals and best distillation methods. Their portfolio includes Australian Dry Gin, featuring juniper, citrus fruits, and warming cassia at the centre of the palate. Notes of fresh orange and a subtle star anise round off this complex gin's flavour.
Dieser Premium-Gin wird aus 14 italienischen Botanicals hergestellt, darunter duftender Salbei und spritzige Limette. Durch die Herstellung aus reinem Quellwasser der italienischen Alpen kommen die Botanicals in perfekter Balance zur Geltung. Ein wahrer Trinkgenuss, wie an einer italienischen Bar im Sommer.
Im Juni 2023 hat Gründer Gerbe Suttels erst den Erbe Gin auf den Markt gebracht. Bereits in kürzester Zeit hat sich sein Premium-Gin in der Branche einen hervorragenden Ruf erworben und konnte einige Auszeichnungen gewinnen, unter anderem den Titel „Best Belgian Gin 2024“ bei den The Gin Guide Awards. Darüber hinaus ist Erbe Gin bei den diesjährigen The Spirits Business Awards in der Kategorie „Gin Brand of the Year“ nominiert und Gründer Gerbe Suttels für die Auszeichnung „Young Achiever of the Year“.
Mijenta ist ein preisgekrönter, nachhaltiger Tequila ohne Zusatzstoffe aus dem Hochland von Jalisco, der die Traditionen der mexikanischen Kultur zelebriert und das Beste des Landes und seiner Menschen verkörpert. Passend dazu ist der Name inspiriert von „mi gente“, was auf Spanisch „meine Leute“ bedeutet. Es ist zudem der einzige TequilaHersteller, der von der gemeinnützigen Organisation B Lab mit der B Corp-Zertifizierung ausgezeichnet worden ist.
An ihrem Stand auf dem BCB können sich Besucher gleich von vier verschiedenen Produkten überzeugen lassen: Dem Mijenta Blanco, MIjenta Reposado, Mijenta Añejo und dem neuen Mijenta Cristalino.
This premium gin is crafted from 14 Italian botanicals, including fragrant sage and zesty lime. The pure spring water from the Italian Alps brings these botanicals into perfect harmony. It's a true delight, akin to enjoying a drink at an Italian bar in summer.
Founder Gerbe Suttels launched Erbe Gin in June 2023, and it quickly earned a stellar reputation. It has won several awards, including "Best Belgian Gin 2024" at The Gin Guide Awards. Additionally, Erbe Gin is nominated for "Gin Brand of the Year" at this year's The Spirits Business Awards, and Gerbe Suttels is up for "Young Achiever of the Year."
Mijenta is an award-winning, sustainable tequila from the highlands of Jalisco, celebrating Mexican cultural traditions and embodying the best of the land and its people. The name is inspired by "mi gente," Spanish for "my people." It is also the only tequila producer to have received B Corp certification from the non-profit organisation B Lab.
Visitors at their BCB stand can sample four different products – Mijenta Blanco, Mijenta Reposado, Mijenta Añejo, and the new Mijenta Cristalino.
Van Hunks ist eine junge Marke, die die Kategorie der Schaumweine auffrischen will. Ein fesselndes Getränk, das unerwartet trocken ist, während der Duft und die Aromen in Kombination mit den Bläschen es köstlich frisch und schmackhaft machen. Die Van Hunks Brut und Brut Rose Cap Classiques werden im südafrikanischen Weinbauparadies Stellenbosch angebaut. Sie sind benannt und inspiriert von einer Legende: Jan Van Hunks war nämlich berüchtigt dafür, dem Gewöhnlichen zu entfliehen. Van Hunks Abenteuerlust lebt nun in der SchaumweinMarke und denjenigen, die sie trinken, weiter.
POLLY lässt sich auch dieses Jahr den BCB nicht entgehen und stellt wieder ein breites Portfolio an alkoholfreien Produkten vor. Neben alkoholfreien Cocktails, Aperitifs und Sekt bieten sie zudem auch spannende Alternativen zu den Spirituosen Gin, Rum und Tequila an. Die mit Sorgfalt ausgewählten Botanicals sorgen für einen besonderen Geschmack und wahren Trinkgenuss auch ganz ohne Alkohol. Einen Besuch am Stand des innovativen und preisgekrönten Kölner Unternehmens sollten Besucher sich also nicht entgehen lassen!
Van Hunks is a young brand refreshing the sparkling wine category. This captivating beverage is unexpectedly dry, with aromas and flavours that, combined with the bubbles, make it delightfully fresh and tasty. The Van Hunks Brut and Brut Rose Cap Classiques are grown in South Africa's wine paradise Stellenbosch. The wines are named and inspired by a legend –Jan Van Hunks was notorious for escaping the ordinary. His adventurous spirit now lives on in this sparkling wine brand and its drinkers.
POLLY isn't missing BCB this year, presenting a broad portfolio of alcohol-free products. Alongside alcohol-free cocktails, aperitifs, and sparkling wines, they also offer intriguing alternatives to spirits like gin, rum, and tequila. Carefully selected botanicals ensure a special taste and enjoyable drinking experience without alcohol. Visitors shouldn't miss a visit to this innovative and award-winning Cologne-based company's stand!
Die SESES Fruchtreduktionen vereinen in einem einzigen Produkt das, wofür bisher ein sehr hoher Zeit-, Waren- und Arbeitsaufwand notwendig war. Mit den alkoholfreien Fruchtreduktionen lässt sich nahezu jedes Getränk blitzschnell mixen! Die Möglichkeiten sind hierbei sehr vielfältig: von Spritzvariationen (mit und ohne Alkohol), über Cocktails bis hin zu Limonaden. Einfach einschenken, umrühren, fertig! So können fruchtige, mit Kräutern infusionierte Drinks ganz einfach und schnell hergestellt werden. Das Unternehmen legt obendrein größten Wert auf die Qualität und die Auswahl der Inhaltsstoffe und verwendet ausschließlich natürliche Produkte.
Aber damit nicht genug: Die BCB Besucher können sich auf weitere spannende Unternehmen in der Young Guns-Area freuen. Ebenfalls mit dabei: Heimat Heroes, KALIRO, Siculadistribuzione, Dik & Schil, Shroom und FRONA.
SESES Fruit Reductions combine what once required significant time, resources, and effort into one product. With these alcohol-free fruit reductions, almost any drink can be mixed in a flash! The possibilities are endless – from spritz variations (with and without alcohol) and cocktails to lemonades. Just pour, stir, and enjoy! Moreover, the company places great importance on the quality and selection of ingredients, using only natural products.
And that's not all – BCB visitors can look forward to more exciting companies in the Young Guns area, including Heimat Heroes, KALIRO, Siculadistribuzione, Dik & Schil, Shroom, and FRONA.
Bavarian Food
Berlin Burrito Company
Curry & Fries
Currywurst & Fries
Indian Streetfood
Indian Streetfood
Mexican Streetfood
Mexican Streetfood
Paisa Pasta
Persian Streetfood
Son Kitchen Korean Streetfood
Angus has spent over 35 years in the hospitality and drinks industries with a self-proclaimed mission to learn as much as he can about “drinks, drinkers and those that serve them”. In that time he has made drinks, run bars, trained bartenders, coached managers and won multiple awards for his brand ambassadorship, public speaking and his mentoring. He was recently the Director of Drinks & People at the Wild West Group in the UK and is now splitting his time between the UK and his consulting business Alconomics Asia in SE Asia.
Angus Winchester bcbeducationdirector@gmail.com
Damien has been in Berlin for 10 years where he discovered his passion for bartending and the bartending community. In the recent years he has been the BA for BCB where he plays a pivotal role between the show and the bartending community. He is currently the Creative Director at Wax On Bar in Berlin, Neukölln as remaining an actor of the bar scene is important to him. He considers education and the passing of knowledge as the most important aspect of our bar industry because of the lack of formal and structured education.
Once again this year, the BCB Education Board under the lead of Angus Winchester – BCB Director of Education – takes the task of curating and assembling the rich education programme of the Main Stage and the new Workshop Stage. He will be joined again by the two industry experts Damien Guichard and Eleni Nikoloulia, and for the first time new member Maria Gorbatschova – to make the programme even more versatile and multifaceted.
Meet the BCB Education Board!
Eleni studied political science before moving to work in lifestyle and travel magazines in her home country, Greece. From here, she developed a great passion for the bar sector with a dream to further promote new ideas, responsibility and inclusivity within the bar industry. She is a partner at Difford’s Guide Greece & Cyprus, an Academy Chair for the World’s 50 Best Bars, the cofounder of non-profit civil partnership Metron Ariston: Making Responsibility a Trend; and co-organiser of Athens Rum and Whisky Festival; Athens Cocktail Week; Cyprus Cocktail Festival; and of Aegean Cocktails and Spirits, a project that promotes Greek spirits through various activations, and projects.
Maria Gorbatschova is the bartender and a spirits writer for Mixology Magazine. After finishing her studies in product design with a bachelor thesis on cocktail glasses at UdK Berlin she focused on bartending and became the bar manager of legendary Green Door in Berlin. Maria consults brands and hospitalities, she developed products for Thomas Henry and consulted on the opening of YUN Teehouse in Seoul. She is an alumni of MAD Academy in Copenhagen. 2024 Maria joined the educational board of BCB.
The German Barkeeper Union e.V., founded in 1909, is a professional association for all people who have a passion for bar culture. The focus of our work is on knowledge transfer, training and lobbying. Our goal is to bring together as many people as possible from our industry, to make our voice heard and to influence society’s perception in a positive way. For more information please visit our page: www.dbuev.de Our members have the opportunity to constantly work on their personal portfolio thanks to a large Germany-wide network and have access to an immense range of experience, knowledge and development thanks to the organizational structure. Networking combined with a variety of workshops is the focus of BCB 2024, where DBU will be present with its own stage. We look forward to the exchange and the one or the other reunion.
KALK&KEGEL is a movement of the best sommeliers, chefs and restaurateurs in German-speaking countries who are united by one goal: the desire for culinary delights combined with sustainability, quality and the highest ethical standards in terms of people and animal welfare. "We are committed to healthy soils, healthy food and a global dialogue on these topics."
At BCB Kalk & Kegel hosts the first ever Wine Embassy to educate on wine in bars.
Park Street is a technology-enabled services company that helps emerging and established alcoholic beverage suppliers and brand owners cost-effectively and securely scale and manage their businesses. Areas of expertise include importing and distribution, regulatory compliance, freight and logistics, order fulfilment, accounting, information and data management and more. The company is trusted by thousands of brands from new-to-market entrepreneurs to well established multi-brand global suppliers. Headquartered in Miami, Florida, Park Street has over 400 team members supporting operations across the United States and around the world.
The OurWhisky Foundation is the world’s first non-profit organisation dedicated to supporting, recognising and empowering professional women in whisky across the globe, while advocating for a more inclusive and diverse industry.
Founded in 2022 by drinks journalist Becky Paskin, the UK-based organisation works with the global
drinks industry to provide diversity and inclusion consultancy, as well as surveys, reports, events and initiatives that inspire change.
The Foundation’s primary on-going project is its ground-breaking mentorship programme, which has so far guided over 200 women and nonbinary individuals toward reaching their goals while developing personal and professional skills, with many securing new jobs and promotions as a result.
The Main Stage is the knowledge centre of Bar Convent Berlin. Here is where lectures by international experts as well as panel discussions with key opinion formers and experts of the global bar and beverage scene will take place. Important topics are mental health, inclusion and diversity, personal development and a look into different concepts.
Due to popular demand BCB introduces the Workshop Stage! The area offers space for handson education in small groups with well-known and professional educators. Visitors can look forward to sessions such as Flavor Theory by Arielle Johnson, Photography with your smartphone by Jordan Hughes, Hands on Garnish, Working Flair and many more.
The newly created space presents all exhibitor and brand content. From seminars over cocktail and brand presentations to tastings and insights into productions and brand philosophy – all can be found here!
In collaboration with BCB Education Partner Park Street, PSU is the first choice for entrepreneurs, brand owners and managers who want to learn about business-relevant topics. The carefully
curated seminar programme offers brand owners the opportunity to benefit from a wealth of knowledge from experts in the field of alcoholic beverages and offers content for beginners to advanced learners.
Once again, this year, the “Deutsche BarkeeperUnion” partners with BCB and is presenting itself – not only with a stand but also with its own stage! At the DBU Workshop in hall 11.1, exciting and inspirational lectures and workshops take place every day on levels for beginners to industry pros.
In partnership with the OurWhisky Foundation, BCB honors the category of Whisk(e)y. Here, visitors can educate themselves about the origin and basics of the spirit, learn more about different brands, try samples in several tasting slots and enjoy drinks made by the Collab bar team from Germany.
For the first time ever, BCB dedicates a full education area to the topic of wine in bars. With the trend rising across the industry and the importance of wine in bars growing, a need for bartender education is growing as well. In the Wine Embassy BCB education partner Kalk&Kegel educates about basic and advanced wine knowledge for beginners and pros.
BCB ist eine der führenden internationalen Messemarken für die Bar- und Getränkeindustrie mit Messen in Berlin, Brooklyn, Sao Paulo, Singapur –und nun auch London! Ab 2025 werden wir die pulsierende Stadt London erobern und die einzigartige BCB-Atmosphäre in die internationale Bar-Metropole bringen!
BCB London wird der Treffpunkt für die globale Getränkebranche sein, um Geschäfte zu machen und Kontakte zu knüpfen, und zwar für den britischen und irischen Markt. Die Messe konzentriert sich auf hochwertige Spirituosen, Biere und andere Getränkekategorien und stellt die neuesten Produkte auf dem Markt vor. Darüber hinaus bietet die Messe eine einzigartige Networking-Plattform für die nationalen und internationalen Fachleute der Bar- und Getränkeindustrie sowie qualitativ hochwertige Weiterbildung und präsentiert die heißesten Bar-Trends aus aller Welt.
Verpasst nicht die Premiere des ersten BCB London und macht euch bereit, einzigartige Erinnerungen zu sammeln und die Londoner Barszene zu entdecken!
Weitere Informationen folgen in Kürze. Um auf dem Laufenden zu bleiben, folgt unseren Social Media Kanälen!
BCB is one of the leading international trade show brands for the bar and beverage industry with shows in Berlin, Brooklyn, Sao Paulo, Singapore –and now London! From 2025, we will be capturing the vibrant city of London bringing the unique BCB atmosphere to the international bar metropolis!
BCB London will be the place to be for the global drink sector to do business and networking, for the UK and Irish markets. It focuses on high-quality spirits, beers and the wider drink categories and showcases the newest products on the market. In addition, the show offers a unique networking platform for the national and international professionals of the bar and beverage community, provides high-quality education as well as covering the hottest bar trends from around the globe.
Don't miss the premiere of the first BCB London and get ready to collect unique memories and discover the London bar scene.
More information will follow soon. To stay up to date, follow our social media channels!
Polarity Distillery, UNITED KINGDOM 11.2B50
Schlumberger Vertriebsgesellschaft mbH & Co. KG, GERMANY 11.2B05
Drinks Ventures GmbH, GERMANY 11.2B55
FRONA Cocktail & Drink Garnish, UNITED KINGDOM 11.2B44
HALL 11.1
GAS Familia, s.r.o., SLOVAKIA 17A47
Cazcanes Tequila, UNITED STATES 17A54
Isle of Barra Distillers Ltd, UNITED KINGDOM 17A63
Tequiero Tequila, ITALY 17A67
Halewood Artisanal Spirits (UK) Ltd., UNITED KINGDOM 17B51
Reidemeister & Ulrichs GmbH, GERMANY 17C04, 17C05
McCormick Distilling International Ltd, IRELAND 17C18
Teeling Whiskey Company, IRELAND 18A20
Hoxton Spirits Operations Limited, UNITED KINGDOM 18A46
Southeast Asian Spirit, UNITED KINGDOM 18A55
Spirits Company Ltd, UNITED KINGDOM 18A57
Spirits Group AB, SWEDEN 18B12
KPO Marketing Company Limited, CYPRUS PEG06
Pure, genuine, passionate like its homeland Italy.
10 Years BCB. Thank you to all our national and international customers for your trust – you are an essential part of our success!
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Beam Suntory Deutschland GmbH, GERMANY
Beveland Distillers S.A., SPAIN
Aussteller | Exhibitor
Bruichladdich Distillery Company, GERMANY bruichladdich.com 17C05
CABRON Caribbean And Barbados Ron, SPAIN cab-ron.com 17B37
Caffo Deutschland GmbH, GERMANY vecchioamarodelcapo.com/de 20C28
Calvados Christian Drouin SAS, FRANCE calvados-drouin.com 18D16
Camara Nacional de la Industria Tequilera, MEXICO cnit.org.mx
Campari Deutschland GmbH, GERMANY campari-deutschland.de PEG10
Cannella apple & cinnamon liqueur, CROATIA cannellaliqueur.com/en/english 20C45
Canonita de Mallorca, GERMANY canonita.es 17C05
Cantina Mexico, UNITED STATES 17A06 Carbotek Systems GmbH, GERMANY
Cedral Tassoni S.p.a. - Salò, ITALY cedraltassoni.it
Charter Brands, UNITED KINGDOM charterbrands.com 18A59
CHINOLA Fresh Fruit Liqueurs, UNITED STATES chinola.com 17B55 CHO SPIRITS, ITALY spiritoreale.it 18C25
Chopin Vodka, GERMANY chopinvodka.com 17C04, 17C05
CHOYA Umeshu (Deutschland) GmbH, GERMANY choya.com 18D01 CLEBAR, SPAIN clebar.es 17A52
Cocchi, ITALY cocchi.com 18D19
Cointreau, GERMANY cointreau.com/de/de 17C05
Compagnia Dei Caraibi SpA, ITALY compagniadeicaraibi.com 17B31
Compass Box, UNITED KINGDOM compassboxwhisky.com
Condesa Gin, MEXICO condesagin.com 17A35
Consorzio Nazionale Grappa, ITALY consorziograppa.it 20C51
Consorzio The Spirit of Italy, ITALY thespiritofitaly.com 20C42
Coop Campo, ITALY canustraws.it
Copperhead NV, BELGIUM copperhead.be 17B17
Corning & Company, UNITED STATES 20D22
Spirits Council of the United States, UNITED STATES
Distilleria Marzadro S.p.A., ITALY marzadro.it 18A45
DISTILLERIA NEGRONI S.R.L., ITALY distillerianegroni.com 20A24
Distilleria Varnelli S.p.A, ITALY varnelli.it/en 20C42
Distillerie Combier, FRANCE combier.fr/en 11.2C45
DISTILLERIE DES MOISANS, FRANCE distillerie-des-moisans.com/en 18D10
Distillerie Vrignaud, FRANCE distillerie-vrignaud.fr 20A50
Distilleries et domaines de Provence, FRANCE distilleries-provence.com 11.2C43
Ditta Silvio Meletti srl, ITALY meletti.it 20C42
DIVA Domaines & Distilleries, FRANCE diva-domaines-distilleries.com 18A35
Diversa Spezialitäten GmbH / TeamSpirit, GERMANY diversa-spez.de ZB-01, ZB-02
Doghouse Distillery, UNITED KINGDOM doghousedistillery.com 11.2A35
Domaine du Coquerel, FRANCE calvados-coquerel.com/en 18D28
Domaine Tariquet, FRANCE tariquet.com 18D14
Doragrossa Srl, ITALY doragrossa.com PEG08
Drinks Intel Magazine, UNITED KINGDOM
Gotland Gin Distillery, SWEDEN
Weinhandelsgesellschaft mbH & Co.KG,
Aussteller | Exhibitor
Humbel Spezialitätenbrennerei, GERMANY
ICE - Agenzia per la promozione all'estero el'internazionalizzazione delle imprese italiane, ITALY
IDAC - Interprofession des Appellations Cidricoles, FRANCE drinkcalvados.com 17B21
Jaxin Wein & Spirituosen GmbH, GERMANY baijiudeutschland.com
JINRO Soju – HITEJINRO Co., Ltd., GERMANY jinro-soju.com/main
Torres Master Distiller, SPAIN juantorresmasterdistillers.com/en
Aussteller | Exhibitor
LE PARFUMEUR GIN, FRANCE ginleparfumeur.com 18D02
Le Philtre vodka, FRANCE lephiltre.com 20D35
Legendario S.L., SPAIN legendario.com 17B27
Les Bouchages Delage SAS, FRANCE bouchagesdelage.com/fr/home
Libertine Blends, SPAIN libertineblends.com
Liquorland Cooperation, GERMANY liquorland-cooperation.de 20D50
Liviko / Crafter's Gin, ESTONIA liviko.eu/en 20A15
Llophop Spirits Company, SPAIN llophop.com
Lohberger GmbH, AUSTRIA lohberger.com 18B36
Los Hermanos Tequila, UNITED STATES tequilaloshermanos.com
Los Siete Misterios Mezcal, UNITED STATES sietemisterios.com/en 20D17
Lucano 1894 S.r.l., ITALY amarolucano.it/en 20C42
Luchino Vodka, THE NETHERLANDS luchinovodka.com
Luxco Inc. (Stoli Group), UNITED STATES 20D22
Luxco, Inc, UNITED STATES luxco.com 20A31
M.Y.G. Import S.A. de C.V., MEXICO tequilakypros.com 11.2C55-04
Maison Ferrand, FRANCE maisonferrand.com/en 18A07
Maison Bache-Gabrielsen, FRANCE bache-gabrielsen.com/en 18D26
Maison Villevert, FRANCE g-vine.com 18C16
Malasanta Mezcal, UNITED STATES malasantamezcal.com 17A51
Mampe Spirituosen GmbH, GERMANY mampe.berlin 18D38
Mancino Vermouth Srl, ITALY mancinovermouth.com/en 17C29-04 Manor Spirits, ESTONIA manorspirits.com 11.2A44 MARASKA, CROATIA 20D47
MASCHIO BENIAMINO S.R.L, ITALY beniaminomaschio.it/en 11.2C41
Mast-Jägermeister Deutschland GmbH, GERMANY jagermeister.com/en 18B20
Mayaciel Tequila, GERMANY mayaciel.de PEG01 McCormick Distilling International Ltd, IRELAND
McHenry Distillery Tasmania, ITALY mchenrydistilleryitalia.com 18A47 MeMento S.R.L, ITALY mementodrink.com 17C29-01
Mercanti di Spirits S.r.l., ITALY mercantidispirits.com 17C29-06
Meukow Cognac - Distilleries de Matha, FRANCE meukowcognac.com/fr
Cartel GmbH, GERMANY
Pisco 1615 und Coya, PERU
Plastdiversity -
Comércio de Artigos de Plástico, Lda, PORTUGAL plastdiversity.com
Proof & Wood Ventures Inc, UNITED STATES proofandwood.com 20D22 Pukka, GREECE
Quaglia, ITALY distilleriaquaglia.it 18C19 R.JELINEK Deutschland GmbH, GERMANY 17A09 RAMPUR Single Malt Whisky / JAISALMER Gin – Radico Khaitan Ltd., GERMANY 20A52
Rcr Cristalleria Italiana S.p.A., ITALY
Red Eye Louie's, UNITED STATES
Regierung von Alberta (Kanada), GERMANY
& Ulrichs GmbH, GERMANY
Reis Packaging Europe GmbH, GERMANY
Reisetbauer Qualitätsbrand GmbH, AUSTRIA
Reservoir Distilling, UNITED STATES
REYTAN VODKA GmbH, GERMANY reytan-vodka.com
RIKYU GURA, JAPAN rikyugura.jp/en 17C47 RIO, BULGARIA riodrinks.com
Ritzenhoff Cristal GmbH, GERMANY ritzenhoff.com 17A22
ROBERTO CAVALLI VODKA, ITALY robertocavallivodka.com 18A14
Romero Distilling Co., CANADA romerodistilling.com 11.2C56
Ron Abuelo, PANAMA ronabuelo.com/en 20D21
Ron Cueva, DENMARK roncueva.com 11.2A09
Ron Viejo de Caldas, COLOMBIA ilc.com.co 11.2B14
ROSSA SRL, ITALY amaroamara.com 17C29-12
Round Turn Distilling, UNITED STATES 20D22
Routin S.A.S., FRANCE 1883.com 20C35
RTF Distillers GmbH, GERMANY rtfdistillers.com 18C11
SANTANDER UK PLC, UNITED KINGDOM santandernavigator.co.uk 11.2B13
SAS - LES NOUVELLES PAILLES, FRANCE lesnouvellespailles.fr 18A49
Savio srl, ITALY saviotrading.it 20A04
Aussteller | Exhibitor
Vertriebsgesellschaft mbH & Co. KG, GERMANY
SELVA NEGRA SPIRITS GmbH, GERMANY selvanegraspirits.com
GERMANY hellosiegfried.com 18C20 Sierra Madre GmbH, GERMANY sierra-madre.de 20B34
Silla, ITALY sillavodka.it 20D41
Silvio Carta SRL, ITALY silviocarta.it 17C29-02
SIP [Share. inspire. Pioneer.] by Pernod Ricard, FRANCE 20A05, 20A11
Sklárny Moravia a.s., CZECH REPUBLIC sklomoravia.com 18D33
Slyrs Destillerie GmbH & Co KG, GERMANY slyrs.com 18C37 0.0% SOBER SPIRITS 0.0%, FRANCE soberspirits.com 18D40
Southwestern Distillery, UNITED KINGDOM tarquinsgin.com 17A65
SPICEHAUS LTD, ISRAEL spicehaus.shop 11.2A55
SPIRIBAM, FRANCE spiribam.fr 18A08
SPIRITI ARTIGIANI, ITALY spiritiartigiani.it 11.2A20
Sprissetto, ITALY italianspiritsbrands.com 18D42
ST. NICOLAUS - trade, a.s., SLOVAKIA nicolaus.sk 20C39
Stauning Whisky A/S, DENMARK stauningwhisky.com 11.1A41
STOCK SPIRITS GmbH & Co. KG, GERMANY borco.com PEG07, 18C12, 18C15
Stoelzle Glass Group, AUSTRIA stoelzlespirits.com 18B26
Stölzle Lausitz GmbH, GERMANY stoelzle-lausitz.com 11.1A36, 18B26
STORK CLUB Rye Whiskey, GERMANY shop.stork-club-whiskey.com 17C04
Street Liquors SL, SPAIN licorplataoplomo.com 17B39
Strega Alberti Benevento SPA, ITALY strega.it 20C42
Aussteller | Exhibitor
thebrandbuilder Vertriebs GmbH & Co.KG, GERMANY
Thomas Henry GmbH, GERMANY thomas-henry.de
THREE SIXTY VODKA, GERMANY schwarze-schlichte.de 18A04
ThreeSpirits srl, ITALY
TIQUIS MIQUIS / Tequila & Mezcal, GERMANY tiquis-miquis.com 18D32
Toschi Vignola S.r.l., ITALY toschi.it
Tovaritch Spirits International SA, SWITZERLAND 18D21
Traverse City Whiskey Co, UNITED STATES 20D22
Trente & Quarante, FRANCE 30et40.fr
Trois Freres Distillery, SEYCHELLES takamakarum.com 20B11
Try Swedish Bar, GERMANY tryswedish.com 18B37
Turin Vermouth, ITALY turin-vermouth.com
Vacca Andrea & C. srl, ITALY liguriaspirits.it/en 17C29-17
Vermouth di Torino: the Mediterranean Aperitivo, ITALY mediterraneanaperitivo.com 17A29
010100 - Spirituosen - Absinth | Spirits - Absinth
010200 - Spirituosen - Aquavit
010300 - Spirituosen - Baijiu | Spirits - Baijiu
010400 - Spirituosen - Bitter & Aperitiv | Spirits - Bitter & Aperitif
010501 - Spirituosen - Brandy - Armagnac | Spirits - Brandy - Armagnac
010502 - Spirituosen - Brandy - Calvados | Spirits - Brandy - Calvados
010503 - Spirituosen - Brandy - Cognac | Spirits - Brandy - Cognac
010504 - Spirituosen - Brandy - Grappa | Spirits - Brandy - Grappa
010505 - Spirituosen - Brandy - Obstbrand | Spirits - Brandy - Fruit Spirit
010506 - Spirituosen - Brandy - Pisco | Spirits - Brandy - Pisco
010507 - Spirituosen - Brandy - Spanischer Brandy | Spirits - Brandy - Spanish Brandy
010508 - Spirituosen - Brandy - Weinbrand | Spirits - Brandy - Brandy
010509 - Spirituosen - Brandy - Sonstige | Spirits - Brandy - Other
010600 - Spirituosen - Cachaca | Spirits - Cachaca
010700 - Spirituosen - Cocktail Bitters | Spirits - Cocktail Bitters
010800 - Spirituosen - Genever | Spirits - Genever
010900 - Spirituosen - Gin | Spirits - Gin
011000 - Spirituosen - Korn | Spirits - Corn
011100 - Spirituosen - Likör | Spirits - Liqueur
011200 - Spirituosen - Mezcal | Spirits - Mezcal
011300 - Spirituosen - Rum | Spirits - Rum
011301 - Spirituosen - Brauner Rum | Spirits - Brown Rum
011302 - Spirituosen - Rhum Agricole | Spirits - Rhum Agricole
011303 - Spirituosen - Spiced & Flavoured | Spirits - Spiced & Flavoured
011304 - Spirituosen - Weißer Rum | Spirits - White Rum
011400 - Spirituosen - Shochu | Spirits - Shochu
011500 - Spirituosen - Tequila | Spirits - Tequila
011600 - Spirituosen - Vodka | Spirits - Vodka
011700 - Spirituosen - Wermut | Spirits - Vermouth
011801 - Spirituosen - Whisky/Whiskey - American Whiskey | Spirits - Whisky/Whiskey - American Whiskey
011802 - Spirituosen - Whisky/Whiskey - Canadian Whisky | Spirits - Whisky/Whiskey - Canadian Whisky
011803 - Spirituosen - Whisky/Whiskey - Irish Whiskey | Spirits - Whisky/Whiskey - Irish Whiskey
011804 - Spirituosen - Whisky/Whiskey - Scotch Whisky | Spirits - Whisky/Whiskey - Scotch Whisky
011805 - Spirituosen - Whisky/Whiskey - Japanischer Whisky | Spirits - Whisky/Whiskey - Japanese Whisky
011806 - Spirituosen - Whisky/Whiskey - GSA Whisky | Spirits - Whisky/Whiskey - GSA Whisky
011807 - Spirituosen - Whisky/Whiskey - Sonstige | Spirits - Whisky/Whiskey - Other
011900 - Spirituosen - Sonstige | Spirits - Other
020100 - Low & No
Alcohol - Low ABV | Low & No Alcohol - Low ABV
020200 - Low & No Alcohol - No ABV | Low & No Alcohol - No ABV
030101 - Wein & Schaumwein - Schaumweine - Cava | Wine & Sparkling Wine - Sparkling Wine - Cava
030102 - Wein & Schaumwein - Schaumweine - Champagner | Wine & Sparkling Wine - Sparkling Wine - Champagne
030103 - Wein & Schaumwein - Schaumweine - Cremant | Wine & Sparkling Wine - Sparkling Wine - Cremant
030104 - Wein & Schaumwein - Schaumweine - Prosecco | Wine & Sparkling Wine - Sparkling Wine - Prosecco
030105 - Wein & Schaumwein - Schaumweine - Sekt | Wine & Sparkling Wine - Sparkling Wine - Sparkling Wine
030106 - Wein & Schaumwein - Schaumweine - Sonstige | Wine & Sparkling Wine - Sparkling Wine - Other
030201 - Wein & Schaumwein - Südweine - Madeira | Wine & Sparkling Wine - Southern Wines - Madeira
030202 - Wein & Schaumwein - Südweine - Marsala | Wine & Sparkling Wine - Southern Wines - Marsala
030203 - Wein & Schaumwein - Südweine - Portwein | Wine & Sparkling Wine - Southern Wines - Port
030204 - Wein & Schaumwein - Südweine - Sherry | Wine & Sparkling Wine - Southern Wines - Sherry
030300 - Wein & Schaumwein - Sake | Wine & Sparkling Wine - Sake
030400 - Wein & Schaumwein - Wein | Wine & Sparkling Wine - Wine
030500 - Wein & Schaumwein - Naturwein | Wine & Sparkling Wine - Natural Wine
030600 - Wein & Schaumwein - Sonstige | Wine & Sparkling Wine - Others
040101 - Fillers & Softdrinks - Filler - Bitter Lemon | Mixers & Softdrinks - Mixer - Bitter Lemon
040102 - Fillers & Softdrinks - Filler - Ginger Ale | Mixers & Softdrinks - Mixer - Ginger Ale
040103 - Fillers & Softdrinks - Filler - Ginger Beer | Mixers & Softdrinks - Mixer - Ginger Beer
040104 - Fillers & Softdrinks - Filler - Kola | Mixers & Softdrinks - Mixer - Cola
040105 - Fillers & Softdrinks - Filler - Limonade | Mixers & Softdrinks - Mixer - Lemonade
040106 - Fillers & Softdrinks - Filler - Sodawasser | Mixers & Softdrinks - Mixer - Soda
040107 - Fillers & Softdrinks - Filler - Tonic Water | Mixers & Softdrinks - Mixer - Tonic Water
040108 - Fillers & Softdrinks - Filler - Sonstige | Mixers & Softdrinks - Mixer - Others
040200 - Fillers & Softdrinks - Mineralwasser | Mixers & Softdrinks - Mineral Water
040300 - Fillers & Softdrinks - Säfte und Schorlen | Mixers & Softdrinks - Juices and Spritzers
040400 - Fillers & Softdrinks - Sonstige | Mixers & Softdrinks - Others
050100 - Zutaten - Aromen, Essenzen & Extrakte | Ingredients - Flavors, Essences & Extracts
050200 - Zutaten - Frischwaren | Ingredients - Fresh Goods
050300 - Zutaten - Sirup / Konzentrate / Pürees | Ingredients - Syrup / Concentrates / Purees
050400 - Zutaten - Trockenwaren | Ingredients - Dry Goods
050500 - Zutaten - Sonstige | Ingredients - Others
060100 - Bier - Bier | Beer & Cider - Beer
060200 - Bier - Cider | Beer - Cider
070100 - Kaffee & Tee & Heissgetränke - Cold Brew | Coffee & Tea & Hot Drinks - Cold Brew
070200 - Kaffee & Tee & Heissgetränke - Kakao | Coffee & Tea & Hot Drinks - Cocoa
070300 - Kaffee & Tee & Heissgetränke - Kaffee | Coffee & Tea & Hot Drinks - Coffee
070400 - Kaffee & Tee & Heissgetränke - Kaffee-/ Teezubehör | Coffee & Tea & Hot Drinks - Coffee/Tea Accessories
070500 - Kaffee & Tee & Heissgetränke - Maschinen | Coffee & Tea & Hot Drinks - Coffee & Tea Machines
070600 - Kaffee & Tee & Heissgetränke - Tee | Coffee & Tea & Hot Drinks - Tea
070700 - Kaffee & Tee & Heissgetränke - Sonstige | Coffee & Tea & Hot Drinks - Others
080100 - Snacks - Convenience-Produkte | Snacks - Convenience Products
080200 - Snacks - Nüsse und Früchte | Snacks - Nuts and Fruits
080300 - Snacks - Salzgebäck | Snacks - Salty Snacks
080400 - Snacks - Süßwaren und Gebäck | Snacks - Sweets and Biscuits
080500 - Snacks - Sonstige | Snacks - Others
090101 - Ausstattung & Barbedarf - Barzubehör - Geräte |
Equipment and Bar Supplies - Bar Accessories - Bar Machines
090102 - Ausstattung & Barbedarf - Barzubehör - Werkzeuge | Equipment and Bar Supplies - Bar Accessories - Tools 090110 - Ausstattung & Barbedarf - Software | Equipment and Bar Supplies - Software 090111 - Ausstattung & Barbedarf - Speise- und Getränkekarten | Equipment and Bar Supplies - Food and Beverage Menus
090200 - Ausstattung & Barbedarf - Bekleidung | Equipment and Bar Supplies - Clothing
090300 - Ausstattung & Barbedarf - Entertainment | Equipment and Bar Supplies - Entertainment 090400 - Ausstattung & Barbedarf - Geschirr & Besteck | Equipment and Bar Supplies - Grockery & Cutlery 090500 - Ausstattung & Barbedarf - Gläser | Equipment and Bar Supplies - Glasses
090600 - Ausstattung & Barbedarf - Interior & Thekenbau |
Equipment and Bar Supplies - Interior & Counter Construction
090700 - Ausstattung & Barbedarf - Kassensysteme & Zahlungssysteme | Equipment and Bar Supplies - POS Systems & Payment Systems
090800 - Ausstattung & Barbedarf - Klimaschränke & Kühlschränke |
Equipment and Bar Supplies - Climate Cabinets & Refrigerators
090900 - Ausstattung & Barbedarf - Reinigung & Hygiene | Equipment and Bar Supplies - Cleaning & Hygiene
091200 - Ausstattung & Barbedarf - Werbeartikel | Equipment and Bar Supplies - Promotional Products 091300 - Ausstattung & Barbedarf - Sonstige | Equipment and Bar Supplies - Other Equipment & Bar Supplies
100100 - Literatur & Medien | Literature & Media
110100 - Dienstleistung & Beratung - Aus- & Weiterbildung, Lehreinrichtungen | Services & Consulting - Education & Training, Teaching Institutions
110200 - Dienstleistung & Beratung - Gesundheit | Services & Consulting - Health
110300 - Dienstleistung & Beratung - Verbände & Institution | Services & Consulting - Associations & Institutions
110400 - Dienstleistung & Beratung - Vermarktung & Export | Services & Consulting - Marketing & Export
110500 - Dienstleistung & Beratung - Warenzulieferung & Großhandel | Services & Consulting - Supply of Goods & Wholesale Trade
110600 - Dienstleistung & Beratung - Wissenschaft & Forschung | Services & Consulting - Science & Research
120100 - Tabakwaren - Zigaretten & Zigarren | Toback Works - Cigarettes & Cigars
120200 - Tabakwaren - E-Zigaretten | Toback Works - Electronical Cigarettes
130100 - RTD (Ready to drink) | RTD (Ready to drink)
010100 Spirituosen - Absinth Spirits - Absinth
Absente 26 represented by Distilleries et domaines de Provence
absente 55 represented by Distilleries et domaines de Provence
Absinthe Blanchette represented by Distillerie Combier
Absinthe L'Entêté represented by Distillerie Combier
Distillerie Les Fils d'Emile Pernot represented by DIVA Domaines & Distilleries 18A35
Grande Absente 69 represented by Distilleries et domaines de Provence
La Pipette Verte represented by DISTILLERIE DES MOISANS 18D10
Okinawa Distillers Association 17C47
Quaglia 18C19
Sublime Absente 89 represented by Distilleries et domaines de Provence
Valamo Absinth represented by Valamo Beverages Ltd
Vetroelite S.r.l.
010200 Spirituosen - Aquavit Spirits - Aquavit
AALBORG AKVAVIT represented by Diversa Spezialitäten GmbH / TeamSpirit ZB-01, ZB-02
Bareksten represented by OSS Craft Distillers AB 17A41
Distillato Pere Williams represented by Gagliano Marcati 17A17 GUILLAUMETTE
Helbing Kümmel represented by STOCK SPIRITS GmbH & Co. KG PEG07, 18C12, 18C15
Linie Aquavit represented by Diversa Spezialitäten GmbH / TeamSpirit ZB-01, ZB-02
Malteserkreuz represented by Diversa Spezialitäten GmbH / TeamSpirit ZB-01, ZB-02
010300 Spirituosen - Baijiu Spirits - Baijiu
Wisdom Express GmbH
010400 Spirituosen - Bitter & Aperitiv Spirits - Bitter & Aperitif ALPESTRE represented by ALPESTRE
Amargo-Vallet represented by Las Joyas del Agave, LLC
Amaro Agrumara represented by Agrumara
Amaro Agrumara represented by Sicula Gin
Amaro Bonaventura represented by DISTILLERIA BONAVENTURA MASCHIO SRL 17C29-03
Amaro Montenegro represented by Montenegro S.r.l.
Americano Bianco represented by Cocchi
Anis Combier represented by Distillerie Combier
Aperitivo Marcati represented by Gagliano Marcati 17A17
Ballor 100 represented by Ballor
Barolo Chinato represented by Cocchi
Bitter Collezione Zanin represented by ZANIN 1895 SRL
Bitter Fusetti represented by G&S Export 18D08
Bitter Parma represented by TERRA WILD SPIRITS 17A31
Caffo Mezzodi represented by Caffo Deutschland GmbH 20C28
Caffo Red Bitter represented by Caffo Deutschland GmbH 20C28
Calvados Christian Drouin SAS 18D16
Canonita de Mallorca represented by Reidemeister & Ulrichs GmbH 17C04, 17C05
Carpano Botanic Bitter represented by Fratelli Branca Distillerie 17C05
Carpano Botanic Bitter represented by Reidemeister & Ulrichs GmbH 17C04, 17C05
Cocchi Rosa represented by Cocchi 18D19
Fernet-Branca represented by Reidemeister & Ulrichs GmbH 17C04, 17C05
Distillerie Les Fils d'Emile Pernot represented by DIVA Domaines & Distilleries 18A35
Ditta Silvio Meletti srl 20C42
DR. JAGLAS Artischocken-Elixier represented by Dr. Jaglas GmbH 11.2A42
DR. JAGLAS Golfers Ginseng-Elixier represented by Dr. Jaglas GmbH 11.2A42
DR. JAGLAS Maca Ginseng-Elixier represented by Dr. Jaglas GmbH 11.2A42
El Bandarra / Gran Torino represented by Charter Brands 18A59
Fernet-Branca represented by Fratelli Branca Distillerie 17C05
Fernet-Vallet represented by Las Joyas del Agave, LLC
GAMONDI represented by GAMONDI 20A40 GAS Familia, s.r.o. 17A47
Granada-Vallet represented by Las Joyas del Agave, LLC 11.2C55-13
Guimard Pastis represented by DISTILLERIE DES MOISANS 18D10
Hoxton London Spritz represented by Hoxton Spirits Operations Limited 18A46
Jägermeister MANIFEST represented by Mast-Jägermeister Deutschland GmbH 18B20
Jägermeister represented by Mast-Jägermeister Deutschland GmbH 18B20
KIYOKO Yuzu represented by KIYOKO 11.2C52
L'Aperitivo Nonino BotanicalDrink represented by Nonino Distillatori s.r.l.
Liqueur Aperitivo Doragrossa represented by Doragrossa Srl PEG08
Liqueur Bitter Doragrossa represented by Doragrossa Srl PEG08
Llophop represented by Llophop Spirits Company
Mampe Berlin HalbHalb represented by Mampe Spirituosen GmbH
Nardini represented by DISTILLERIA NARDINI S.P.A.
Nardini represented by DISTILLERIA NARDINI S.P.A.
NEGRONI Distilleria represented by DISTILLERIA NEGRONI S.R.L.
Ode - The Natural Aperitif represented by Bemakers ApS
Pastis Combier represented by Distillerie Combier
PER SE represented by LCWS Brands, Lda.
Petrus Blood Bitter represented by Caffo Deutschland GmbH 20C28
Pratum Amaro Biologico represented by DISTILLERIA BONAVENTURA MASCHIO SRL 17C29-03 Quaglia 18C19
Root to Fruit Camela represented by RTF Distillers GmbH
Root to Fruit Kalyx represented by RTF Distillers GmbH 18C11
Root to Fruit Ricordino represented by RTF Distillers GmbH
ROUGE represented by Compagnia Dei Caraibi SpA
Select Aperitivo represented by Montenegro S.r.l. 20C15
Sprissetto Bitter represented by Sprissetto
Sprissetto Classico represented by Sprissetto
Sprissetto Eden represented by Sprissetto
Sprissetto Sud represented by Sprissetto
Sprissetto Venezia represented by Sprissetto
Sprissetto Zero represented by Sprissetto 18D42
Trente & Quarante
Underberg represented by Diversa Spezialitäten GmbH /
Veneziano & VeneZero represented by Humbel Spezialitätenbrennerei
Bache-Gabrielsen represented by Maison Bache-Gabrielsen
Roland represented by DISTILLERIE DES MOISANS
Cognac Crocodile Brothers XO Fins Bois represented by
Cognac Esprit Organic represented by PARADISIAC / DESTINATION BUSINESS
Distillerie Merlet represented by G&S Export
Grosperrin represented by Maison Villevert
La Guilde du Cognac represented by Maison Villevert
Maison Ferrand
POIRES DE VIE represented by Compagnia Dei Caraibi SpA
Rémy Martin represented by Reidemeister & Ulrichs GmbH
010504 Spirituosen - Brandy - Grappa Spirits - Brandy - Grappa
Bianchi represented by Consorzio Nazionale Grappa
Bonollo Umberto represented by Consorzio Nazionale Grappa
represented by
Caffo Grappa Morbida represented by Caffo Deutschland GmbH
Caffo Vecchia Grappa represented by Caffo Deutschland GmbH
Castagner represented by Consorzio Nazionale Grappa
Ceschia represented by Molinari Italia Spa
Da Ponte represented by Consorzio Nazionale Grappa
Distilleria Deta represented by Consorzio Nazionale Grappa
Distilleria F.lli Caffo represented by Consorzio Nazionale Grappa
Durbino Sgnape dal Fogolar Stravecchia represented by Caffo Deutschland GmbH
Grappa Amarone Gagliano represented by Gagliano Marcati
Grappa Amarone I Carati represented by Gagliano Marcati
Grappa Libarna represented by Montenegro S.r.l. 20C15
Grappa Nonino represented by Nonino Distillatori s.r.l.
Grappa Riserva Bacio delle Muse represented by Gagliano Marcati 17A17
La Grappa 903 Barrique represented by DISTILLERIA BONAVENTURA MASCHIO SRL 17C29-03
La Grappa 903 Tipica represented by DISTILLERIA BONAVENTURA MASCHIO SRL 17C29-03
La Grappa Gaiarine represented by DISTILLERIA BONAVENTURA MASCHIO SRL 17C29-03
Mangilli Furlanina Grappa Friulana Gentile represented by Caffo Deutschland GmbH
Mangilli Furlanina Grappa Gentile Invecchiata represented by Caffo Deutschland GmbH
Nardini represented by DISTILLERIA NARDINI S.P.A. 20C42
Nardini represented by DISTILLERIA NARDINI S.P.A. 20B39
NEGRONI Distilleria represented by DISTILLERIA NEGRONI S.R.L. 20A24
Roner represented by Consorzio Nazionale Grappa 20C51
Rossi D'Angera represented by Consorzio Nazionale Grappa 20C51
Mangilli Mitica Grappa Friulana represented by Caffo Deutschland GmbH 20C28
Mangilli Mitica Grappa Friulana Stravecchia represented by Caffo Deutschland GmbH 20C28
Marzadro represented by Consorzio Nazionale Grappa
Maschio Bonaventura represented by Consorzio Nazionale Grappa
MORRA represented by GAMONDI 20A40
Nardini represented by Consorzio Nazionale Grappa
Sibona represented by Reidemeister & Ulrichs GmbH 17C04, 17C05 Tapì Group 11.2C15
The Queen Grappa di Moscato represented by DISTILLERIA BONAVENTURA MASCHIO SRL 17C29-03
010505 Spirituosen - Brandy - Obstbrand Spirits - Brandy - Fruit Spirit
BADEL STARA SLJIVOVICA PREMIUM EDITION represented by Badel 1862 d.d. 20A21
BADEL STARA SLJIVOVICA represented by Badel 1862 d.d. 20A21
BALANCAL represented by Vinha Alta / Balancal 18D22
Calvados Christian Drouin SAS 18D16
DALMACIJAVINO SLJIVOVICA represented by Badel 1862 d.d. 20A21
Einfach Schnaps, Sortenrein, Wildvergoren, Dulce Secco represented by Humbel Spezialitätenbrennerei 18A53
Fassbind represented by Reidemeister & Ulrichs GmbH 17C04, 17C05
GAS Familia, s.r.o. 17A47
Golem Spirits represented by Port of Spirits 20D19
Laird's Apple Brandy represented by Laird & Company 11.2A18
Prime Uve Distillato D'Uva represented by DISTILLERIA BONAVENTURA MASCHIO SRL 17C29-03
Reisetbauer Apfelbrand im Eichenfass represented by Reisetbauer Qualitätsbrand GmbH 18B36
Reisetbauer Brandstatt (Birne, Marille, Zwetschke) represented by Reisetbauer Qualitätsbrand GmbH 18B36
Reisetbauer Brandstatt (Haselnuss, Himbeere) represented by Reisetbauer Qualitätsbrand GmbH 18B36
Reisetbauer Himbeerbrand represented by Reisetbauer Qualitätsbrand GmbH 18B36
Reisetbauer Ingwerbrand represented by Reisetbauer Qualitätsbrand GmbH 18B36
Reisetbauer Karottenbrand represented by Reisetbauer Qualitätsbrand GmbH 18B36
Reisetbauer Marillenbrand represented by Reisetbauer Qualitätsbrand GmbH 18B36
Reisetbauer Quittenbrand represented by Reisetbauer Qualitätsbrand GmbH 18B36
Reisetbauer Vogelbeerbrand represented by Reisetbauer Qualitätsbrand GmbH 18B36
Reisetbauer Williamsbrand represented by Reisetbauer Qualitätsbrand GmbH 18B36
Strawbar Origin represented by PHI GROUP GmbH
Strawbar Platinum represented by PHI GROUP GmbH
010506 Spirituosen - Brandy - Pisco Spirits - Brandy - Pisco
Coya Passion Fruit Macerate represented by Pisco 1615 und Coya 11.2C55-09, 11.2C55-10
EL GOBERNADOR represented by Juan Torres Master Distiller 18D13
Pisco 1615 represented by Pisco 1615 und Coya 11.2C55-09, 11.2C55-10
Tapì Group 11.2C15
010507 Spirituosen - Brandy - Spanischer Brandy Spirits - Brandy - Spanish Brandy
1866 Brandy represented by Reidemeister & Ulrichs GmbH 17C04, 17C05
Carlos I represented by Reidemeister & Ulrichs GmbH 17C04, 17C05
Gran Duque de Alba represented by Bodegas Williams & Humbert 20B31
Lepanto Brandy de Jerez represented by
Gonzalez Byass SA
Soberano represented by Gonzalez Byass SA 20C05
SUAU BRANDY MALLORCA represented by Beveland Distillers S.A.
TORRES BRANDY represented by Juan Torres Master Distiller
010508 Spirituosen - Brandy - Weinbrand Spirits - Brandy - Brandy
Aldeia Velha represented by LCWS Brands, Lda.
ARTWERK Bio Brandy represented by Artwerk GmbH
Asbach represented by Diversa Spezialitäten GmbH / TeamSpirit ZB-01, ZB-02
BRANDY SUAU MALLORCA represented by Beveland Distillers S.A.
Caffo Brandy Stravecchio Gran Riserva Cinquant´anni represented by Caffo Deutschland GmbH
Caffo Heritage Riserva 1970 represented by
Metaxa represented by Reidemeister & Ulrichs GmbH
Oro Pilla represented by Montenegro S.r.l.
& Quarante
Vecchia Romagna represented by Montenegro S.r.l.
010509 Spirituosen - Brandy - Sonstige Spirits - Brandy - Other
Italian Brandy represented by Savio srl
010600 Spirituosen - Cachaca Spirits - Cachaca A Cachaça represented by Drei Amigos
by Drei Amigos Handels GmbH
Batista represented by Drei Amigos Handels GmbH
Jambuzera Jambu represented by Drei Amigos Handels GmbH
João Mendes represented by Drei Amigos Handels GmbH
Magnifica Cachaça represented by G&S Export
Meu Garoto Jambu represented by Drei Amigos Handels GmbH
Pindorama represented by Drei Amigos Handels GmbH
Handels GmbH
Engenhos represented by Drei Amigos Handels GmbH
AAGIN Dry Gin - Aroser Allee Berlin represented by AASPIRITS GmbH 20D29
All About Swedish Gin represented by No.1 Beverages 18A21
ALPESTRE represented by ALPESTRE 20D40
AMARULA Gin represented by Diversa Spezialitäten GmbH / TeamSpirit ZB-01, ZB-02
APHOLOS Metal Labels & Closures 17A33 AQVALVCE represented by MASCHIO BENIAMINO S.R.L
Badachro Gin represented by Distilled Beverages
BALANCAL represented by Vinha Alta / Balancal 18D22
Ballor Gin represented by Ballor 18C31
Bareksten represented by OSS Craft Distillers AB 17A41
Bartavelle represented by Dare+Drink 18A61
Bear Brothers represented by PARADISIAC / DESTINATION BUSINESS 18A29
Berkshire Botanical Gin represented by Halewood Artisanal Spirits (UK) Ltd. 17B51
Berliner Brandstifter Berlin Dark Dry Gin represented by Berliner Brandstifter GmbH 18D44
Berliner Brandstifter Berlin Kunstedition Dry Gin represented by Berliner Brandstifter GmbH 18D44
Berliner Brandstifter Berlin Pink Dry Gin represented by Berliner Brandstifter GmbH 18D44
Berliner Brandstifter Dry Gin represented by Berliner Brandstifter GmbH 18D44
Bimini Barrel Reserve No. 1 represented by Round Turn Distilling 20D22
Bimini Coconut Gin represented by Round Turn Distilling 20D22
Bimini Gin represented by Round Turn Distilling 20D22
Bimini Overproof Gin represented by Round Turn Distilling
BLUE GIN MATURED represented by Reisetbauer Qualitätsbrand GmbH
BLUE GIN ORGANIC represented by Reisetbauer Qualitätsbrand GmbH 18B36
BLUE GIN represented by Reisetbauer Qualitätsbrand GmbH 18B36
Blue Harbor represented by Tyrrst
Blue Mauritius GIN represented by BLUE MAURITIUS SPIRITS
Bonalumi Bottlers represented by Bemakers ApS
Borsci Sir Miller Gin represented by Caffo Deutschland GmbH 20C28
Brockmans Gin represented by Brockmans Gin Ltd 20A35
Broken Bones Ljubljana Dragon Gin represented by Broken Bones d.o.o. 18A19
Broken Bones London Dry Gin represented by Broken Bones d.o.o. 18A19
Broken Bones Navy Strength Gin represented by Broken Bones d.o.o. 18A19
Broken Bones Old Tom Gin represented by Broken Bones d.o.o.
Broken Bones Sloe Gin represented by Broken Bones d.o.o.
Broker's Gin represented by McCormick Distilling International Ltd 17C18
Caffo Emporia Dry Gin represented by Caffo Deutschland GmbH 20C28
Calvados Christian Drouin SAS 18D16
Canaïma Gin represented by DUG 20D39
Caorunn represented by Reidemeister & Ulrichs GmbH 17C04, 17C05
represented by Condesa Gin
Copper Cloud Gin represented by Boann Distillery
JOKE represented by Artisan Spirits Box
DR. JAGLAS Dry GIN-seng GIN represented by Dr. Jaglas GmbH
Drylaw Organic Muscatel Gin represented by Drylaw 17C40
East Indies Gin represented by East Indies Gin, Nusantara, Sao Can 17C28 East London Liquor Co.
Edgar Sopper Gin represented by Montenegro S.r.l. 20C15
Eight Lands Organic Speyside Gin represented by Eight Lands Speyside Organic Vodka & Gin 11.2C55-08
Eirin Shuzo Co., Ltd. 17C47
Farmer's Reserve represented by Michter`s Whiskey 20D17
Finsbury Gin represented by STOCK SPIRITS GmbH & Co. KG PEG07, 18C12, 18C15
FLORITA represented by MASCHIO BENIAMINO S.R.L 11.2C41
Fords Gin represented by Brown-Forman Deutschland GmbH 20B15
FoxTale represented by LCWS Brands, Lda. 20B22
GAS Familia, s.r.o. 17A47
Gin 1501 represented by MM Antverpia 17C26
Gin Campi represented by TERRA WILD SPIRITS 17A31
Gin con Arancia Rossa di Sicilia Igp represented by Gagliano Marcati 17A17
Gin con Limone di Siracusa Igp represented by Gagliano Marcati 17A17
Gin Gold 999.9 represented by Diversa Spezialitäten GmbH / TeamSpirit ZB-01, ZB-02
Gin MAeCO´ represented by Reidemeister & Ulrichs GmbH 17C04, 17C05
Gin Marcati represented by Gagliano Marcati 17A17
Gin Mare represented by Brown-Forman Deutschland GmbH 20B15
Gin Mediterraneo al Bergamotto Doragrossa represented by Doragrossa Srl PEG08
Gin Meridor represented by Distillerie Combier 11.2C45
Gin Neve represented by TERRA WILD SPIRITS 17A31
Gin Onde represented by TERRA WILD SPIRITS 17A31
Gin Pure Folie represented by Distillerie Combier
Gin Raw represented by Reidemeister & Ulrichs GmbH 17C04, 17C05
GIN SUL represented by Mast-Jägermeister Deutschland GmbH 18B20
Gin Superfine represented by Cedral Tassoni S.p.a. - Salò
Gin Tropez represented by Tyrrst
GIN XII coffee represented by Distilleries et domaines de Provence
GIN XII represented by Distilleries et domaines de Provence 11.2C43
GINARTE represented by GINARTE 18A14
Ginetic represented by DISTILLERIE DES MOISANS 18D10
GINNASTIC represented by Compagnia Dei Caraibi SpA 17B31
Glendalough Wild Botanical Irish Gin represented by Glendalough Distillery
Glendalough Wild Rose Irish Gin represented by Glendalough Distillery
Gold Grail represented by LCWS Brands, Lda. 20B22
Gotlands Ginfabrik represented by Try Swedish Bar 18B37
G'Vine Floraison represented by Maison Villevert 18C16
Hardenberg Gin represented by Hardenberg Distillery 18B13
Hoxton Dry Gin represented by Hoxton Spirits Operations Limited 18A46
Hoxton Pink Gin represented by Hoxton Spirits Operations Limited 18A46
Hoxton Tropical Gin represented by Hoxton Spirits Operations Limited 18A46
Humboldt represented by Reidemeister & Ulrichs GmbH 17C04, 17C05
J.Rose represented by J.Rose 20D03 JAPAN Pavilion 17C47
JJ Gin represented by Halewood Artisanal Spirits (UK) Ltd. 17B51
JODHPUR GIN represented by Beveland Distillers S.A. 18A16
June Pear & Cardamom represented by Maison Villevert 18C16
June Watermelon represented by Maison Villevert 18C16
June Wild Peach represented by Maison Villevert 18C16
Kalevala Distillery represented by Bemakers ApS
KOMASA GIN HOJICHA represented by Komasa Jyozo Co., Ltd.
KOMASA GIN ICHIGO represented by Komasa Jyozo Co., Ltd. 11.1C28
KOMASA GIN SAKURAJIMA KOMIKAN represented by Komasa Jyozo Co., Ltd. 11.1C28
Langley's represented by Charter Brands 18A59
Las Californias represented by AliasSmith AB 17A10
Liviko / Crafter's Gin 20A15
London Dry Gin Doragrossa represented by Doragrossa Srl PEG08
MAIOR GIN represented by Beveland Distillers S.A. 18A16 Maison Ferrand 18A07
Mampe Berlin Gin represented by Mampe Spirituosen GmbH 18D38
Mampe Berlin Kreuzberg 61 Gin represented by Mampe Spirituosen GmbH 18D38
Mampe Berlin Ku'damm 15 Gin represented by Mampe Spirituosen GmbH 18D38
Mampe Berlin Lager Gin represented by Mampe Spirituosen GmbH 18D38
Mampe Toucan Gin represented by Mampe Spirituosen GmbH 18D38
McHenry Distillery Tasmania represented by McHenry Distillery Tasmania 18A47
Mintis Gin represented by Port of Spirits 20D19
MIYAKO GIN represented by Okinawa Distillers Association 17C47
Monkey 47 Distillers Cut 2024 represented by Black Forest Distillers GmbH 18D09
Monkey 47 Schwarzwald Dry Gin represented by Black Forest Distillers GmbH 18D09
MR HIGGINS represented by GAMONDI
Naught Distilling Pty Ltd 11.2B45
No.1 Swedish Gin represented by No.1 Beverages 18A21
Nordés represented by Reidemeister & Ulrichs GmbH 17C04, 17C05
Norrbottens Destilleri represented by Try Swedish Bar 18B37
Nouaison gin represented by Maison Villevert 18C16
Nouaison Reserve gin represented by Maison Villevert 18C16
Okinawa Gin represented by Shinano 11.1C17
Peter In Florence 11.1C12, 17A13
Põhjaka represented by Manor Spirits 11.2A44
Polarity gin represented by Polarity Distillery 11.2B50
Portofino Dry Gin represented by Portofino Dry Gin 18D15
Punch Club Ltd 11.1A29
Quaglia 18C19
Ramsbury Gin represented by Wiltshire Spirits Group AB 18B12
SAKARI represented by Compagnia Dei Caraibi SpA 17B31
Santa Ana Gin represented by Namayan Spirits Company Ltd
Sicula Gin represented by Sicula Gin
Silks Gin represented by Boann Distillery 20D46
Skjoldmø Gin represented by Vejlbylund 18A15
Sky Garden Galloway Gin represented by Distilled Beverages
SLOEBERRY BLUE GIN represented by Reisetbauer Qualitätsbrand GmbH
Stork Club represented by Reidemeister & Ulrichs GmbH 17C04, 17C05
STRANGE LUVE represented by Artisan Spirits Box 11.2A16
Tapì Group 11.2C15
Tarquin's Blood Orange Gin represented by Southwestern Distillery 17A65
Tarquin's British Blackberry Gin represented by Southwestern Distillery 17A65
Tarquin's Cornish Dry Gin represented by Southwestern Distillery 17A65
Tarquin's Elderflower and Pink Grapefruit Gin represented by Southwestern Distillery 17A65
Tarquin's Navy Strength Sea Dog Gin represented by Southwestern Distillery 17A65
Tarquin's Rhubarb and Raspberry Gin represented by Southwestern Distillery 17A65
Tarquin's Strawberry and Lime Gin represented by Southwestern Distillery 17A65
Tarquin's Yuzu and Lime Gin represented by Southwestern Distillery 17A65
Tarsier Southeast Asian Spirit 18A55
The Barmaster Gin represented by DISTILLERIA BONAVENTURA MASCHIO SRL 17C29-03
The Botanist represented by Reidemeister & Ulrichs GmbH 17C04, 17C05
The Illusionist Dry Gin represented by The Illusionist Distillery GmbH 18A26
The London N1 represented by Gonzalez Byass SA 20C05
TOBERMORY Gin represented by Diversa Spezialitäten GmbH / TeamSpirit ZB-01,
Toji Gin by Île Four represented by Tyrrst
T-Rex Distillery
Ukiyo represented by Anker Amsterdam Spirits B.V. 20B21
Understory Woodland Gin represented by Distilled Beverages
Valamo black tea gin represented by Valamo Beverages Ltd
Variety of gin products represented by Regierung von Alberta (Kanada)
VOLCANIC GIN represented by Beveland Distillers S.A.
EST represented by Manor Spirits
Whitley Neill Gin represented by Halewood Artisanal Spirits (UK) Ltd.
WILD GARDEN represented by Compagnia Dei Caraibi SpA
Wild Wombat represented by Tyrrst
Spirituosen - Korn Spirits - Corn Berliner Brandstifter Premium Kornbrand represented by Berliner Brandstifter GmbH
Hardenberg Dreikorn represented by Hardenberg Distillery
Hardenberg Korn represented by Hardenberg Distillery
Alma Finca represented by AliasSmith AB
Amaretto 1905 represented by MM Antverpia
Amaretto Marcati represented by Gagliano Marcati
Amarguinha represented by LCWS Brands, Lda.
Amaro Sibilla represented by Distilleria Varnelli S.p.A
Amboka represented by Distillerie Combier
Anderos represented by Maison Villevert
Anisette represented by Distillerie Vrignaud
ANTIQUE PREMIUM HERBAL LIQUEUR represented by Badel 1862 d.d.
BADEL KRUSKOVAC represented by Badel 1862 d.d. 20A21
BADEL MEDICA represented by Badel 1862 d.d. 20A21
BADEL PELINKOVAC HERBAL LIQUEUR represented by Badel 1862 d.d. 20A21
BERGAMOTTO FANTASTICO represented by Compagnia Dei Caraibi SpA 17B31
Bigallet represented by GIFFARD 18C22
Bisleri Ferro China represented by Caffo Deutschland GmbH 20C28
BLOODY CHERRY - CHERRY LIQUEUR represented by Monaco Cartel GmbH 11.2A51
Bols Liqueurs represented by Bols, Galliano & Passoa 20A41
BOLS represented by Diversa Spezialitäten GmbH / TeamSpirit ZB-01, ZB-02
Borghetti represented by Reidemeister & Ulrichs GmbH 17C04, 17C05
Borghetti Sambuca Oro represented by Fratelli Branca Distillerie 17C05
Borsci Elisir S. Marzano represented by Caffo Deutschland GmbH 20C28
Borsci Elisir S. Marzano Riserva represented by Caffo Deutschland GmbH 20C28
Branca Menta represented by Reidemeister & Ulrichs GmbH 17C04, 17C05
Brancamenta represented by Fratelli Branca Distillerie 17C05
Brandymel represented by LCWS Brands, Lda. 20B22
BVLAND represented by Beveland Distillers S.A. 18A16
Caffè Borghetti represented by Fratelli Branca Distillerie 17C05
Caffè Moka Varnelli represented by Distilleria Varnelli S.p.A
Caffo Amaretto F.lli d´Italia represented by Caffo Deutschland GmbH
Caffo Liquorice represented by Caffo Deutschland GmbH 20C28
Caffo Vecchio Amaro del Capo Red Hot Edition represented by Caffo Deutschland GmbH 20C28
Caffo Vecchio Amaro del Capo represented by Caffo Deutschland GmbH
Caffo Vecchio Amaro del Capo Riserva del Centenario represented by Caffo Deutschland GmbH
Cazcabel Tequila Coffee represented by Cazcabel Tequila 20A17
Cazcabel Tequila Honey represented by Cazcabel Tequila 20A17
Chambord represented by Brown-Forman Deutschland GmbH 20B15
Cointreau represented by Reidemeister & Ulrichs GmbH 17C04, 17C05
Combier Liqueurs represented by Distillerie Combier
CANNELLA represented by Cannella apple & cinnamon liqueur 20C45
Caribu Twist Coconut represented by Bodegas Luediaz C.A. 17A55
Caribu Twist Passion Fruit represented by Bodegas Luediaz C.A. 17A55
Caribu Twist Strawberry represented by Bodegas Luediaz C.A. 17A55
Carranca Redondo represented by LCWS Brands, Lda. 20B22
Cazcabel Tequila Coconut represented by Cazcabel Tequila 20A17
Connie Glaze Lemon Sherbet Vodka Liqueur represented by Southwestern Distillery 17A65
Connie Glaze Toffee Vodka Liqueur represented by Southwestern Distillery 17A65
CREAMY CREATION [B2B] represented by Creamy Creation B.V. 11.2A22
DALMACIJAVINO JULI SONNE represented by Badel 1862 d.d. 20A21
Délice de caramel represented by Distillerie Vrignaud 20A50
Distillerie du Centre - La Gauloise represented by DIVA Domaines & Distilleries 18A35
Distillerie Les Fils d'Emile Pernot represented by DIVA Domaines & Distilleries 18A35
Distillerie Merlet represented by G&S Export 18D08
Ditta Silvio Meletti srl 20C42
DR. JAGLAS Apfel Malven-Elixier represented by Dr. Jaglas GmbH 11.2A42
DR. JAGLAS Glühweinkräuter-Elixier represented by Dr. Jaglas GmbH 11.2A42
Élixir Combier represented by Distillerie Combier 11.2C45
Fernet Branca represented by Reidemeister & Ulrichs GmbH 17C04, 17C05
Fernet-Branca represented by Fratelli Branca Distillerie 17C05
Five Farms Irish Cream Liqueur represented by McCormick Distilling International Ltd 17C18
FONTBONNE Herbal Liqueur represented by GABRIEL BOUDIER & FONTBONNE 18A37
GABRIEL BOUDIER Blackcurrant Liqueur represented by GABRIEL BOUDIER & FONTBONNE 18A37
GABRIEL BOUDIER Chipotle Liqueur represented by GABRIEL BOUDIER & FONTBONNE 18A37
GABRIEL BOUDIER Grapefruit Liqueur represented by GABRIEL BOUDIER & FONTBONNE 18A37
GABRIEL BOUDIER Lime Leaf Liqueur represented by GABRIEL BOUDIER & FONTBONNE 18A37
GABRIEL BOUDIER Turmeric Liqueur represented by GABRIEL BOUDIER & FONTBONNE 18A37
Galliano represented by Bols, Galliano & Passoa 20A41
GAMONDI represented by GAMONDI 20A40
GAS Familia, s.r.o. 17A47
Genepi Nature represented by Savio srl 20A04
Genepi Paolino Savio Organic represented by Savio srl 20A04
GIOCONDO represented by Compagnia Dei Caraibi SpA
Godet Frères represented by DIVA Domaines & Distilleries
Golem Spirits represented by Port of Spirits
Grappa Diamante represented by Savio srl 20A04
Guignolet d'Anjou represented by Distillerie Combier
I Sapori represented by Gagliano Marcati
INTERVALLO represented by Compagnia Dei Caraibi SpA
JEFFERSON represented by Compagnia Dei Caraibi SpA
Kamok represented by Distillerie Vrignaud
KOTA Pandan Liqueur represented by GABRIEL BOUDIER & FONTBONNE
Kummel Extra Combier represented by Distillerie Combier
Latte di Suocera represented by ZANIN 1895 SRL
LAV'A BELLE Apéritif represented by Lavabelle GmbH
Licor Beirão represented by LCWS Brands, Lda. 20B22
Limoncello di Casa Liquore represented by DISTILLERIA BONAVENTURA MASCHIO SRL 17C29-03
Limoncello DICAPRI represented by Molinari Italia Spa 20A29
Limoncello Gagliano represented by Gagliano Marcati 17A17
Limoncello Marcati represented by Gagliano Marcati 17A17
Liqueur Amaro di Torino Doragrossa represented by Doragrossa Srl PEG08
Liqueur Bergamotto Doragrossa represented by Doragrossa Srl PEG08
Liqueur Caffè Doragrossa represented by Doragrossa Srl PEG08
Liqueur Chinotto Doragrossa represented by Doragrossa Srl PEG08
Liqueur Curacao Mediterraneo Doragrossa represented by Doragrossa Srl PEG08
Liqueur des chouans represented by Distillerie Vrignaud 20A50
Liqueur Elixir Rabarbaro e Menta Doragrossa represented by Doragrossa Srl PEG08
Liqueur Menta di Pancalieri Doragrossa represented by Doragrossa Srl PEG08
Liqueur Pure Folie represented by Distillerie Combier 11.2C45
Liqueur Rabarbaro Doragrossa represented by Doragrossa Srl PEG08
Liqueur Rosolio Doragrossa represented by Doragrossa Srl PEG08
Liqueur Violetta Doragrossa represented by Doragrossa Srl PEG08
LIQUID C*CAINE - COFFEE LIQUEUR represented by Monaco Cartel GmbH 11.2A51
Liquid Oats Vanilla and Honey Liqueur represented by Distilled Beverages 11.1C47
L'Original Combier represented by Distillerie Combier 11.2C45
MAGDALA represented by Juan Torres Master Distiller 18D13
Maleza represented by AliasSmith / Jumpify 17A16
Maleza represented by AliasSmith AB 17A10
Mampe Berlin Eierlikör represented by Mampe Spirituosen GmbH 18D38
Mampe Berlin Elefantenkümmel represented by Mampe Spirituosen GmbH 18D38
Mampe Berlin Fliegercocktail represented by Mampe Spirituosen GmbH 18D38
Mampe Berlin Pfefferminzlikör represented by Mampe Spirituosen GmbH 18D38
Mampe Berlin Sauern mit Persiko represented by Mampe Spirituosen GmbH 18D38
Mampe Berlin Veganlikör represented by Mampe Spirituosen GmbH 18D38
Mampe Berln Popcorn Likör represented by Mampe Spirituosen GmbH 18D38
MANDRAGOLA represented by Compagnia Dei Caraibi SpA 17B31
MANFREDI represented by Compagnia Dei Caraibi SpA 17B31
Mango represented by CHINOLA Fresh Fruit Liqueurs 17B55
Maraschino represented by Montenegro S.r.l. 20C15 MARASKA 20D47
Marie Brizard represented by SVS LA MARTINIQUAISE
Mentilla represented by Distillerie Vrignaud 20A50
Merrys Irish Cream Liqueur represented by Boann Distillery 20D46
Molinari Caffè represented by Molinari Italia Spa 20A29
Molinari Sambuca represented by Molinari Italia Spa 20A29
MONIN represented by MONIN 18B08
MR. THREE & BROS represented by Compagnia Dei Caraibi SpA 17B31
Nardini represented by DISTILLERIA NARDINI S.P.A. 20C42
Nardini represented by DISTILLERIA NARDINI S.P.A. 20B39
NEGRONI Distilleria represented by DISTILLERIA NEGRONI S.R.L. 20A24
Nixta represented by AliasSmith AB 17A10
Nocino Benvenuti represented by Montenegro S.r.l. 20C15
Nusantara Cold Brew represented by East Indies Gin, Nusantara, Sao Can 17C28
O'Donnell Moonshine represented by Anker Amsterdam Spirits B.V. 20B21
Passion Fruit represented by CHINOLA Fresh Fruit Liqueurs 17B55
Passoa represented by Bols, Galliano & Passoa
Pastis de Vendée represented by Distillerie Vrignaud 20A50
Pastis Henri Bardouin represented by Distilleries et domaines de Provence
Petrus Boonekamp represented by Caffo Deutschland GmbH 20C28
Punch Fantasia represented by Distilleria Varnelli S.p.A 20C42 Quaglia 18C19
Rabarbaro Bergia represented by Montenegro S.r.l. 20C15
Richelieu represented by Distillerie Vrignaud 20A50
ROGER represented by Compagnia Dei Caraibi SpA 17B31
Rossio represented by LCWS Brands, Lda. 20B22
Royal Combier represented by Distillerie Combier 11.2C45
S. Maria al Monte Amaro represented by Caffo Deutschland GmbH 20C28
Salmari represented by Anker Amsterdam Spirits B.V. 20B21
SALVIA & LIMONE represented by Compagnia Dei Caraibi SpA 17B31
Sambuca Buton represented by Montenegro S.r.l. 20C15
Sambuca Marcati represented by Gagliano Marcati 17A17
Sathenay represented by DIVA Domaines & Distilleries 18A35
Sprissetto Bitter represented by Sprissetto 18D42
Sprissetto Eden represented by Sprissetto 18D42
Sprissetto Sud represented by Sprissetto 18D42
Sprissetto Venezia represented by Sprissetto 18D42
Strega Alberti Benevento SPA 20C42
Tapì Group
represented by Karloff, s.r.o.
Tequila Rose Strawberry Cream Liqueur represented by McCormick Distilling International Ltd 17C18
Tiramisù di Casa liquore represented by DISTILLERIA BONAVENTURA MASCHIO SRL 17C29-03
Triple sec represented by Distillerie Vrignaud 20A50
UNDERBERG Espresso Herbtini represented by Diversa Spezialitäten GmbH / TeamSpirit ZB-01, ZB-02 Vedrenne 18D04 Vetroelite S.r.l.
VON EST represented by Manor Spirits
VOV Zabajone Liqueur represented by Molinari Italia Spa 20A29
WASHINGTON represented by Compagnia Dei Caraibi SpA
011200 Spirituosen - Mezcal Spirits - Mezcal
400 Conejos represented by Reidemeister & Ulrichs GmbH 17C04, 17C05
Agua del Sol represented by Agave by Montiel ApS 17A53
Aquí Nomás represented by Agave Bridge
Banhez Mezcal- Ensamble represented by Paloma Spirits
Banhez Mezcal- Wild Cuishe represented by Paloma Spirits 11.2A30
Banhez Mezcal- Wild Tepeztate represented by Paloma Spirits 11.2A30
Banhez Mezcal- Wild Tobala represented by Paloma Spirits 11.2A30
Bruxo represented by AliasSmith / Jumpify 17A16
Bruxo represented by AliasSmith AB 17A10
Burrito Fiestero represented by DOS DEUS VERMOUTH - MEZCAL MAGUEY SPIRITS 17A40
Casa Agave represented by Agave Bridge 11.2B55-02
Contraluz represented by AliasSmith AB 17A10
Cuish represented by Agave by Montiel ApS 17A53
El Lloron represented by Agave Bridge 11.2B55-02
G&S Export 18D08
La Luna represented by ARTESARIO
La Mezcalera 17C27
López Real represented by AliasSmith / Jumpify 17A16
Los Siete Misterios represented by Michter`s Whiskey 20D17
Mezcal Del Amigo Oaxaqueño represented by Agave by Montiel ApS 17A53
Mezcal Don Amado represented by Las Joyas del Agave, LLC 11.2C55-13
Mezcal Marca Negra & Mezcal Meteoro 17A28
Mezcal Mina Real represented by Las Joyas del Agave, LLC 11.2C55-13
Mezcaloteca/Mezcalosfera represented by Agave by Montiel ApS 17A53
Noble Coyote represented by Charter Brands 18A59
Noble Coyote represented by Pacific & Lime Tequila 20C30
Nucano Mezcal represented by Anker Amsterdam Spirits B.V. 20B21
Ojo de Tigre represented by AliasSmith AB 17A10
Real Minero represented by Agave by Montiel ApS 17A53
Salvadores represented by ARTESARIO
Trascendente represented by AliasSmith / Jumpify
Trascendente represented by AliasSmith AB
Tres Tribus Mezcal represented by Altos Planos
Xiaman Mezcal represented by Padre Azul Premium Tequila
Zinacantan represented by Agave by Montiel ApS 17A53 011300 Spirituosen - Rum Spirits - Rum
Aluna represented by Charter Brands 18A59 Anteroz represented by Tyrrst
APHOLOS Metal Labels & Closures 17A33
BOTRAN 12 represented by GUATEMALAN SPIRITS 20B35
BOTRAN 15 represented by GUATEMALAN SPIRITS 20B35
BOTRAN 18 represented by GUATEMALAN SPIRITS 20B35
Broken Bones Rum represented by Broken Bones d.o.o. 18A19
Bulk Rum represented by Savio srl 20A04
Canoubier represented by DISTILLERIE DES MOISANS
CARACAS Club Venezuela Rum represented by Beveland Distillers S.A. 18A16
Caribu Gold Superior represented by Bodegas Luediaz C.A. 17A55
Caribu Selection represented by Bodegas Luediaz C.A.
Dead Man's Fingers represented by Halewood Artisanal Spirits (UK) Ltd.
Diplomatico / Botucal represented by Brown-Forman Deutschland GmbH 20B15
Distillerie Montebello represented by DIVA Domaines & Distilleries 18A35
DOBLE9 Cuban Rum represented by Beveland Distillers S.A.
DON Q PUERTO RICAN RUM represented by Destileria Serralles, Inc. 17C34
Dos Maderas represented by Bodegas Williams & Humbert 20B31
El Paseo del Ron represented by No.1 Beverages 18A21
Gallows Bay Rhum represented by Vejlbylund 18A15
GAS Familia, s.r.o. 17A47
Hoxton Banana Rum represented by Hoxton Spirits Operations Limited 18A46 JAPAN Pavilion 17C47
La Hechicera represented by La Hechicera Company S.à.r.l. 20B16
MAD KAPER represented by Artisan Spirits Box 11.2A16
Maison Ferrand 18A07
MARAMA Spiced Rums represented by Beveland Distillers S.A. 18A16
Motörhead Rum represented by No.1 Beverages 18A21
Mystère des Iles represented by DISTILLERIE DES MOISANS 18D10
NAGA Asian Rums represented by Beveland Distillers S.A. 18A16
Nativo Rum 18A27
Panamá-Pacific Rum represented by Las Joyas del Agave, LLC 11.2C55-13
Papa's Pilar Blonde Rum represented by Hemingway Rum Co. & Hemingway Whiskey Co. 20A08
Papa's Pilar Dark Rum represented by Hemingway Rum Co. & Hemingway Whiskey Co. 20A08
Papa's Pilar Rye-Finished Rum represented by Hemingway Rum Co. & Hemingway Whiskey Co. 20A08
Papa's Pilar Sherry-Finished Rum represented by Hemingway Rum Co. & Hemingway Whiskey Co. 20A08
PAPITO represented by GAMONDI 20A40
Paranubes represented by G&S Export 18D08
RELICARIO Dominican Rum represented by Beveland Distillers S.A. 18A16
Ron Abuelo 12 años represented by Ron Abuelo 20D21
Ron Abuelo 7 años represented by Ron Abuelo 20D21
Ron Abuelo Añejo represented by Ron Abuelo 20D21
Ron Abuelo Centuria represented by Ron Abuelo 20D21
Ron Abuelo Finish Collection XV años Napoleon represented by Ron Abuelo 20D21
Ron Abuelo Finish Collection XV años Oloroso represented by Ron Abuelo 20D21
Ron Abuelo Finish Collection XV años Tawny represented by Ron Abuelo 20D21
Ron Abuelo XII años Three Angels represented by Ron Abuelo 20D21
Ron Abuelo XII años Two Oaks represented by Ron Abuelo 20D21
RON DEL BARRILITO represented by Compagnia Dei Caraibi SpA 17B31
Ron La Cruz represented by Savio srl 20A04
Ron Malteco represented by Savio srl 20A04
Ron Santiago de Cuba represented by Justerini & Brooks 18B04
Ron Viejo de Caldas 11.2B14
Rum Contadora represented by Savio srl 20A04
Rum Malecon represented by Savio srl 20A04
Sao Can represented by East Indies Gin, Nusantara, Sao Can 17C28
Serum represented by Port of Spirits
Skotlander represented by Bemakers ApS
Takamaka Rum represented by Trois Freres Distillery 20B11 Tapì Group
The Demon's Share Rum represented by Savio srl 20A04
The Kraken represented by Reidemeister & Ulrichs GmbH 17C04, 17C05
The Sentinel Scented Rum represented by The Illusionist Distillery GmbH 18A26
Twin Fin Coconut and Lychee Rum represented by Southwestern Distillery
Twin Fin Cold Brew Coffee Rum represented by Southwestern Distillery
Twin Fin Golden Spiced Rum represented by Southwestern Distillery
Twin Fin Pineapple and Pink Grapefruit Rum represented by Southwestern Distillery 17A65
Variety of rum products represented by Regierung von Alberta (Kanada)
Vetroelite S.r.l.
011301 Spirituosen - Brauner Rum Spirits - Brown Rum
4X50 R.N.P Finely Distilled Superior Rum represented by Reisetbauer Qualitätsbrand GmbH
4X7 X.O Single Vintage Prime Rum represented by Reisetbauer Qualitätsbrand GmbH
Blue Mauritius GOLD represented by BLUE
Blue Mauritius RESERVA represented by BLUE MAURITIUS SPIRITS
Canoubier represented by DISTILLERIE DES MOISANS 18D10
Distillerie Montebello represented by DIVA Domaines & Distilleries
DON Q PUERTO RICAN RUM represented by Destileria Serralles, Inc.
El Paseo del Ron represented by No.1 Beverages 18A21
Mampe Berlin Rum represented by Mampe Spirituosen GmbH 18D38
Matusalem represented by Reidemeister & Ulrichs GmbH 17C04, 17C05
Motörhead Rum represented by No.1 Beverages 18A21
Mount Gay represented by Reidemeister & Ulrichs GmbH 17C04, 17C05
Mystère des Iles represented by DISTILLERIE DES MOISANS 18D10 Nativo Rum 18A27
Panamá-Pacific Rum represented by Las Joyas del Agave, LLC 11.2C55-13
Romero Amber Rum represented by Romero Distilling Co. 11.2C56
Romero Dark Rum represented by Romero Distilling Co. 11.2C56
Romero Sherry Cask Finish - Cask Strength Rum represented by Romero Distilling Co. 11.2C56
Ron Alegre XO represented by G&S Export 18D08
Ron Carupano represented by G&S Export
Ron Centenario represented by Sierra Madre GmbH
Ron Santiago de Cuba represented by Justerini & Brooks
Rum 1550 represented by MM Antverpia
Sepé Rum represented by G&S Export
Serum represented by Port of Spirits
Uhuru Rum represented by Distilled Beverages
Variety of brown rum products represented by Regierung von Alberta (Kanada)
011302 Spirituosen - Rhum Agricole Spirits - Rhum Agricole BALANCAL represented by Vinha Alta / Balancal
Distillerie Montebello represented by DIVA Domaines & Distilleries
Paranubes represented by G&S Export
Anne Bonny represented by Maison Villevert
Anteroz Mamajuana represented by Tyrrst
CARACAS Club Venezuelan Spiced Rum represented by Beveland Distillers S.A.
Caribu Black-Strap Spiced represented by Bodegas Luediaz C.A.
DON Q PUERTO RICAN RUM represented by Destileria Serralles, Inc.
MARAMA Spiced Rum represented by Beveland Distillers S.A.
NAGA Spiced Rum represented by Beveland Distillers S.A.
Nativo Rum
No. 1 Old Caribbean represented by No.1 Beverages 18A21
Pastis 1794 represented by MM Antverpia 17C26
Remedy Rum represented by Sierra Madre GmbH 20B34
Romero Dark Rum represented by Romero Distilling Co.
Ron La Cruz represented by Savio srl
Rum Contadora represented by Savio srl
Rum Malecon represented by Savio srl
011304 Spirituosen - Weißer Rum Spirits - White Rum
Caribu Blanco Supremo represented by Bodegas Luediaz C.A. 17A55
Distillerie Montebello represented by DIVA Domaines & Distilleries 18A35
DON Q PUERTO RICAN RUM represented by Destileria Serralles, Inc. 17C34 East London Liquor Co.
Serum represented by Port of Spirits 20D19
Tapì Group
The Demon's Share represented by Savio srl 20A04
T-Rex Distillery
ISIGAKIJIMA RUM represented by Okinawa Distillers Association 17C47
MAKUGAN represented by Okinawa Distillers Association 17C47
Nativo Rum 18A27
Panamá-Pacific Rum represented by Las Joyas del Agave, LLC 11.2C55-13
Ron La Cruz represented by Savio srl 20A04
Ron Malteco represented by Savio srl 20A04
Ron Santiago de Cuba represented by Justerini & Brooks
Rum Contadora represented by Savio srl
Rum Malecon represented by Savio srl
011400 Spirituosen - Shochu Spirits - Shochu AWAMORI - Aged Awamori Kuon
AWAMORI - Kusu Yaesen represented
AWAMORI - SAKURA ICHIBAN aged 3years 44% 700ml represented by
AWAMORI - SEIFUKU VINTGE43 represented by Okinawa Distillers Association
AWAMORI - Sennen No Hikibi represented by
AWAMORI - Uruwasiki Frusato koshu legend
- ZANPA 43? represented
- ???TAKOYAMA HAPPY MOUNTAIN R44% represented by
Barley Shochu IKI represented by Genkai Shuzo
The Distiller by Île Four represented by
Tequila - Blanco represented by
Aluzar Tequila - High Proof represented by Paloma Spirits
Aluzar Tequila - Reposado represented by Paloma
APRENDIZ represented by Compagnia Dei Caraibi SpA 17B31
Arette represented by AliasSmith / Jumpify 17A16
Arette represented by AliasSmith AB 17A10
Atanasio represented by ARTESARIO 11.1C20
Blanco represented by Los Hermanos Tequila 11.2C55-06
Buen Vato represented by AliasSmith / Jumpify 17A16
Buen Vato represented by AliasSmith AB 17A10
Cazcabel Tequila Blanco 100% Agave represented by Cazcabel Tequila 20A17
Cazcabel Tequila Reposado 100% Agave represented by Cazcabel Tequila 20A17
Cazcanes represented by ARTESARIO 11.1C20
Cazcanes Tequila No. 10 Blanco Still Strength 108 Proof represented by Cazcanes Tequila 17A54
Cazcanes Tequila No. 7 Añejo 40% ABV (80 Proof) represented by Cazcanes Tequila 17A54
Cazcanes Tequila No. 7 Reposado 40% ABV (80 Proof) represented by Cazcanes Tequila 17A54
Cazcanes Tequila No.7 Blanco 40% ABV (80 Proof) represented by Cazcanes Tequila 17A54
Cazcanes Tequila No.9 Blanco 50% ABV (100 Proof) represented by Cazcanes Tequila 17A54
Cazcanes Tequila represented by Cazcanes Tequila 17A54
Cenzo represented by Agave Bridge 11.2B55-02
Charreria represented by AliasSmith / Jumpify 17A16
Charreria represented by AliasSmith AB 17A10
Cobalto Organico represented by AliasSmith AB 17A10
Defrente represented by AliasSmith AB 17A10
Don Vicente represented by ARTESARIO
El Gran Legado De Vida represented by ARTESARIO 11.1C20
El Jimador represented by Brown-Forman Deutschland GmbH 20B15
El Tequileño represented by Charter Brands 18A59
Excellia represented by Maison Villevert 18C16
G&S Export 18D08
Herradura represented by Brown-Forman Deutschland GmbH 20B15
Ignite International LTD. represented by Ignite Spirits Inc 20D48
Jose Cuervo represented by Reidemeister & Ulrichs GmbH 17C04, 17C05
La Gritona represented by AliasSmith / Jumpify 17A16
La Gritona represented by AliasSmith AB 17A10
La Mezcalera 17C27
LaLa Tequila represented by Bemakers ApS
Libelula Tequila represented by Paloma Spirits
Los Tres Tonos represented by AliasSmith / Jumpify 17A16
Los Tres Toños represented by AliasSmith AB 17A10
Maestro Dobel represented by Reidemeister & Ulrichs GmbH 17C04, 17C05
MAYACIEL Tequila represented by Mayaciel Tequila PEG01
Mijenta Tequila represented by Altos Planos
Montagave represented by ARTESARIO
My Pride represented by Agave Bridge
Pacific & Lime Tequila represented by Pacific & Lime Tequila 20C30
Padrecito represented by Padre Azul Premium Tequila
PESCADOR DE SUENOS represented by Compagnia Dei Caraibi SpA 17B31
Reposasdo represented by Los Hermanos Tequila 11.2C55-06
Sierra Antiguo represented by STOCK SPIRITS GmbH & Co. KG PEG07, 18C12, 18C15
Sierra Tequila represented by STOCK SPIRITS GmbH & Co. KG PEG07, 18C12, 18C15
Tapì Group 11.2C15
Tequiero Tequila 17A67
TEQUILA ADICTIVO 14 AÑOS AMBAR, BLACK, CRAFT represented by Camara Nacional de la Industria Tequilera 11.1A13
TEQUILA ADICTIVO PLATA, REPOSADO, AÑEJO, EXTRA AÑEJO represented by Camara Nacional de la Industria Tequilera 11.1A13
TEQUILA ADICTIVO REPOSADO CRISTALINO, AÑEJO BLACK, AÑEJO BLUE LABEL represented by Camara Nacional de la Industria Tequilera 11.1A13
TEQUILA ALMA DE MEXICO BLANCO, REPOSADO represented by Camara Nacional de la Industria Tequilera 11.1A13
TEQUILA ALTO CANTO BLANCO, REPOSADO, HIGH PROOF represented by Camara Nacional de la Industria Tequilera 11.1A13
Tequila Arsenal 100% Agave Spirit and Soul represented by Autentica Tequilera 17C38
Tequila ArteNOM represented by Las Joyas del Agave, LLC 11.2C55-13
TEQUILA CAVA DE ORO ROSE, AÑEJO, AÑEJO BLACK, EXTRA AÑEJO represented by Camara Nacional de la Industria Tequilera 11.1A13
TEQUILA CHULA PARRANDA BLANCO, REPOSADO, EXTRA AÑEJO represented by Camara Nacional de la Industria Tequilera 11.1A13
Tequila Cobalto represented by AliasSmith / Jumpify 17A16
Tequila Cobalto represented by AliasSmith AB 17A10
Tequila Kypros represented by M.Y.G. Import S.A. de C.V. 11.2C55-04
Tequila la Cofradia 11.2C55-11, 11.2C55-12
TEQUILA ORIGEN 1258 BLANCO, REPOSADO, AÑEJO represented by Camara Nacional de la Industria Tequilera 11.1A13
Tequila Tierras Autenticas de Jalisco 100% Agave represented by Autentica Tequilera 17C38
TEQUILA TRES MUJERES BLANCO, REPOSADO, AÑEJO, EXTRA AÑEJO represented by Camara Nacional de la Industria Tequilera 11.1A13
TEQUILA TRES MUJERES EXTRA AÑEJO DRACK represented by Camara Nacional de la Industria Tequilera 11.1A13
Teremana Tequila represented by Mast-Jägermeister Deutschland GmbH
TIO PESCA represented by Compagnia Dei Caraibi SpA
Viña del Santo represented by Agave Bridge
YUU BAAL represented by Compagnia Dei Caraibi SpA
Au Vodka Bubblegum represented by
Au Vodka Fruit Punch represented by
Au Vodka Green Watermelon represented by
Au Vodka Original represented by
Au Vodka Pineapple Crush represented
Au Vodka Pink Lemonade represented
Au Vodka Strawberry Burst represented
Bear Brothers represented by PARADISIAC / DESTINATION BUSINESS
Beluga vodka represented by Noblewood Limited
Berliner Brandstifter Berlin Vodka represented by Berliner Brandstifter GmbH
Blue Harbor represented by Tyrrst 11.2C14
Chopin represented by Reidemeister & Ulrichs GmbH 17C04, 17C05
Connie Glaze Lemon Sherbet Vodka represented by Southwestern Distillery 17A65
Connie Glaze Sand Filtered Vodka represented by Southwestern Distillery 17A65
Connie Glaze Toffee Vodka represented by Southwestern Distillery 17A65
Dancing Puffin Vodka represented by Distilled Beverages 11.1C47
Desi Daru Vodka / Black Cow represented by Charter Brands 18A59
destilHERO represented by Drei Amigos Handels GmbH 17A44
Drylaw Organic Chardonnay Vodka represented by Drylaw 17C40
Drylaw Organic Muscatel Vodka represented by Drylaw 17C40
East London Liquor Co.
Eight Lands Organic Speyside Vodka represented by Eight Lands Speyside Organic Vodka & Gin
FLIRT Vodka represented by Hardenberg Distillery 18B13
GAS Familia, s.r.o. 17A47
Humboldt represented by Reidemeister & Ulrichs GmbH 17C04, 17C05
ILLE-GAL represented by GAMONDI 20A40
Imperial House represented by DISTILLERIE DES MOISANS 18D10
JAPAN Pavilion 17C47
JJ Vodka represented by Halewood Artisanal Spirits (UK) Ltd. 17B51
Karenta represented by DISTILLERIE DES MOISANS 18D10
KEYRYE represented by Compagnia Dei Caraibi SpA 17B31
KINETIC Vodka represented by Hardenberg Distillery
KOSKENKORVA Climate Action Vodka represented by Diversa Spezialitäten GmbH / TeamSpirit ZB-01, ZB-02
Louers represented by Anker Amsterdam Spirits B.V.
Luchino Vodka represented by Luchino Vodka
Mampe Berlin Pride Vodka represented by Mampe Spirituosen GmbH
Mampe Berlin Vodka represented by Mampe Spirituosen GmbH
No. 1 Swedish Vodka represented by No.1 Beverages
represented by Manor Spirits
Ramsbury Vodka represented by Wiltshire Spirits Group AB
Renaissance represented by Maison Villevert
Sir Dam represented by Anker Amsterdam Spirits B.V.
Stolichnaya represented by Reidemeister & Ulrichs GmbH
T-Rex Distillery
UCHINA Vodka represented by Okinawa Distillers Association 17C47
Variety of vodka products represented by Regierung von Alberta (Kanada)
Vejlbylund Vodka represented by Vejlbylund 18A15
Vodka Marie-Antoinette represented by Distillerie Combier
Vodka Noirmoutier represented by Distillerie Vrignaud 20A50 VODKA VEN.ICE represented by MASCHIO
011700 Spirituosen - Wermut Spirits - Vermouth 9diDANTE Vermouth di Torino represented by KALIRO Sarl.
Antica Distilleria Quaglia represented by Vermouth di Torino: the Mediterranean Aperitivo 17A29
Antica Formula represented by Fratelli Branca Distillerie 17C05
Antica Formula represented by Reidemeister & Ulrichs GmbH 17C04, 17C05
Antica Torino represented by Vermouth di Torino: the Mediterranean Aperitivo 17A29
Ballor Vermouth represented by Ballor 18C31
Bordiga 1888 represented by Vermouth di Torino: the Mediterranean Aperitivo 17A29
BUCCI represented by MASCHIO BENIAMINO S.R.L 11.2C41
Calissano represented by Vermouth di Torino: the Mediterranean Aperitivo 17A29
Calvados Christian Drouin SAS 18D16
CARLO ALBERTO represented by Compagnia Dei Caraibi SpA 17B31
Carlo Alberto represented by Vermouth di Torino: the Mediterranean Aperitivo 17A29
Carpano Bianco represented by Fratelli Branca Distillerie 17C05
Carpano Classico represented by Fratelli Branca Distillerie 17C05
Carpano Dry represented by Fratelli Branca Distillerie 17C05
Carpano represented by Reidemeister & Ulrichs GmbH 17C04, 17C05
CASALS represented by Juan Torres Master Distiller 18D13
Chazalettes represented by Vermouth di Torino: the Mediterranean Aperitivo 17A29
Cinzano 1757 represented by Vermouth di Torino: the Mediterranean Aperitivo 17A29
Civico 10 represented by Reidemeister & Ulrichs GmbH 17C04, 17C05
Cocchi represented by Vermouth di Torino: the Mediterranean Aperitivo 17A29
DAD JOKE represented by Artisan Spirits Box 11.2A16
Del Professore represented by Vermouth di Torino: the Mediterranean Aperitivo 17A29
Dos Déus vermouth represented by DOS DEUS VERMOUTH - MEZCAL MAGUEY SPIRITS 17A40
El Bandarra represented by Charter Brands 18A59
Elisir MP ROUX botanicals liqueur represented by Distilleries et domaines de Provence 11.2C43
Farigoule - thyme liqueur represented by Distilleries et domaines de Provence 11.2C43
Fot-Li Vermut de Reus represented by G&S Export 18D08
GAMONDI represented by GAMONDI 20A40
génépi represented by Distilleries et domaines de Provence 11.2C43
Giacomo Sperone represented by Vermouth di Torino: the Mediterranean Aperitivo 17A29
Guerin: Red / White / Sweet / Dry represented by PARADISIAC / DESTINATION BUSINESS 18A29
Karminia Vermouth di Torino Rosso Superiore represented by Opificio Gaio Srl 17A61
La Canellese represented by Vermouth di Torino: the Mediterranean Aperitivo 17A29
La Quintinye Vermouth Royal represented by Maison Villevert 18C16
Marolo represented by Vermouth di Torino: the Mediterranean Aperitivo 17A29
MUNTANER Vermut represented by Diversa Spezialitäten GmbH / TeamSpirit ZB-01, ZB-02
Punt e Mes represented by Fratelli Branca Distillerie 17C05
Punt e Mes represented by Reidemeister & Ulrichs GmbH 17C04, 17C05
Quaglia 18C19
Rosso Antico represented by Montenegro S.r.l. 20C15
Strucchi represented by Vermouth di Torino: the Mediterranean Aperitivo 17A29
Tapì Group 11.2C15
Vermouth Amaro Dopo Teatro represented by Cocchi 18D19
Vermouth Blanc represented by Distillerie Vrignaud 20A50
Vermouth collezione Zanin represented by ZANIN 1895 SRL 11.1C31
Vermouth de Forcalquier represented by Distilleries et domaines de Provence 11.2C43
Vermouth di Torino Extra Dry represented by Cocchi 18D19
Vermouth di Torino Rosso IGP Doragrossa represented by Doragrossa Srl PEG08
Vermouth di Torino Storico represented by Cocchi 18D19
Vermouth Rosso Doragrossa 1L represented by Doragrossa Srl PEG08
Vermouth Rouge represented by Distillerie Vrignaud 20A50
Vetroelite S.r.l. 11.2A15
011801 Spirituosen - Whisky/WhiskeyAmerican Whiskey Spirits - Whisky/Whiskey - American Whiskey
APHOLOS Metal Labels & Closures 17A33
BANDWAGON represented by Artisan Spirits Box 11.2A16
Conciere - Levecke represented by Charter Brands 18A59
Elijah Craig Barrel Proof represented by Heaven Hill Distillery 18B17
Elijah Craig Small Batch Bourbon represented by Heaven Hill Distillery 18B17
Elijah Craig Straight Rye represented by Heaven Hill Distillery 18B17
Evan Williams Bottled-in-Bond represented by Heaven Hill Distillery 18B17
Evan Williams Kentucky Straight Whiskey represented by Heaven Hill Distillery 18B17
Evan Williams Single Barrel Vintage represented by Heaven Hill Distillery 18B17
Heaven Hill Bottled-in-Bond represented by Heaven Hill Distillery 18B17
Hemingway Rye Cask Strength represented by Hemingway Rum Co. & Hemingway Whiskey Co. 20A08
Hemingway Rye Signature Edition represented by Hemingway Rum Co. & Hemingway Whiskey Co. 20A08
Holladay Bourbon represented by McCormick Distilling International Ltd 17C18
Jack Daniel's represented by Brown-Forman Deutschland GmbH 20B15
Laird's represented by Laird & Company
Larceny Kentucky Straight Bourbon represented by Heaven Hill Distillery 18B17
Mellow Corn Whiskey represented by Heaven Hill Distillery 18B17
Michter' s Distillery represented by Michter`s Whiskey 20D17
MOONSHINE RUNNERS represented by Artisan Spirits Box
Old Forester represented by Brown-Forman Deutschland GmbH 20B15
Pikesville Rye represented by Heaven Hill Distillery 18B17
Rittenhouse Straight Rye Whisky represented by Heaven Hill Distillery 18B17
Whiskey Row Straight Bourbon Whiskey represented by Whiskey Row Bourbon
Woodford Reserve represented by Brown-Forman Deutschland GmbH 20B15
011802 Spirituosen - Whisky/Whiskey -
011803 Spirituosen - Whisky/Whiskey - Irish Whiskey Spirits - Whisky/Whiskey - Irish Whiskey
Glendalough Pot Still Irish Oak Cask represented
Glendalough Single Grain Burgundy Cask represented by Glendalough Distillery
Glendalough Single Grain Calvados XO Cask represented by Glendalough
Glendalough Single Grain Madeira Cask represented by Glendalough Distillery
Glendalough Single Malt Mizunara Cask represented
Boann Single Pot Still Irish Whiskey represented by Boann Distillery 20D46
Bushmills represented by Reidemeister & Ulrichs GmbH
Lost Irish represented
Nomad Single Malt represented by Gonzalez Byass SA 20C05
Outwalker Whiskey represented by Bemakers ApS 11.1A45
Proper 12 represented by Reidemeister & Ulrichs GmbH 17C04, 17C05
Shanky's Whip represented by thebrandbuilder Vertriebs GmbH & Co.KG
Slane Irish Whiskey represented by Brown-Forman Deutschland GmbH
Teeling Blackpitts Peated Single Malt 46% represented by Teeling Whiskey Company 18A20
Teeling Crystal Malt 46% represented by Teeling Whiskey Company 18A20
Teeling Duvel Vol 3 46% represented by Teeling Whiskey Company 18A20
Teeling Rising Reserve 46% represented by Teeling Whiskey Company 18A20
Teeling Single Grain 46% represented by Teeling Whiskey Company
Teeling Single Malt 46% represented by Teeling Whiskey Company
Teeling Single Pot Still 46% represented by Teeling Whiskey Company 18A20
Teeling Small Batch 46% represented by Teeling Whiskey Company
Teeling Wonders of Wood 3 Swedish Oak 50% represented by Teeling Whiskey Company
The Pogues represented by Halewood Artisanal Spirits (UK) Ltd.
The Whistler Irish Whiskey represented by Boann Distillery
West Cork Irish Whiskey represented by West Cork Irish
Benriach represented by Brown-Forman Deutschland GmbH
Bruichladdich represented by Reidemeister & Ulrichs GmbH
Glenglassaugh represented by Brown-Forman Deutschland GmbH
Hoxton Spiced Whisky represented by Hoxton Spirits Operations Limited 18A46
Johnny Cree represented by Halewood Artisanal Spirits (UK) Ltd.
LIATHMOR represented by Juan Torres Master Distiller
Nomad Outland Whisky represented by Gonzalez Byass
The Broody Hen represented by Anker Amsterdam Spirits B.V.
represented by Brown-Forman Deutschland GmbH
SLYRS Whisky Liqueure represented by Slyrs
Aber Falls represented by Halewood Artisanal Spirits (UK) Ltd.
Agitator / Milk and Honey represented by Charter Brands
ARLETT FRENCH WHISKY represented by Arlett French Whisky
Bache-Gabrielsen French Whisky represented by Maison Bache-Gabrielsen
Bankhall British Whisky represented by Halewood Artisanal Spirits (UK) Ltd.
Black Ram Whisky represented by Hardenberg Distillery
Broken Bones Peated Single Malt Whisky represented by Broken Bones d.o.o.
Broken Bones Single Malt Whisky represented by Broken Bones d.o.o.
Celtic Whisky Distillerie represented by Maison Villevert
Fielden Whisky represented by Fielden Whisky
GAS Familia, s.r.o.
Godet Frères represented by DIVA Domaines & Distilleries
Hardenberg Club Whiskey represented by Hardenberg Distillery
represented by
McHenry Distillery Tasmania represented by McHenry Distillery Tasmania
RAMPUR Single Malt Whisky represented by RAMPUR Single Malt Whisky / JAISALMER Gin – Radico Khaitan
Reisetbauer & Son Single Malt Whisky represented by Reisetbauer Qualitätsbrand GmbH
SIERRA NORTE represented by Compagnia Dei Caraibi SpA
8yo Single malt represented by Valamo Beverages Ltd
Valamo Monastery Whiskey represented by Valamo Beverages Ltd
Amaro dell'Erborista represented by Distilleria Varnelli S.p.A
Bacanora Santo Cuviso represented by AliasSmith AB 17A10
Bache-Gabrielsen Pineau represented by Maison Bache-Gabrielsen 18D26
BADEL PRIMA BRAND represented by Badel 1862 d.d. 20A21
Berliner Brandstifter Aged Kornbrand represented by Berliner Brandstifter GmbH 18D44
Berliner Brandstifter Berlin Aged Gin represented by Berliner Brandstifter GmbH 18D44
Caffo Limoncino dell´Isola represented by Caffo Deutschland GmbH 20C28
Caffo Sambuca represented by Caffo Deutschland GmbH 20C28
Caffo Solara represented by Caffo Deutschland GmbH 20C28
Calvados Christian Drouin SAS 18D16
Cardenxe Sotol Inc 11.2C55-14
Cocuy Saroche represented by DUG 20D39
JINRO represented by JINRO Soju – HITEJINRO Co., Ltd. 20D05 La Mezcalera 17C27
mezcalgin represented by DOS DEUS VERMOUTH - MEZCAL MAGUEY SPIRITS 17A40
NEGRONI Distilleria represented by DISTILLERIA NEGRONI S.R.L. 20A24
NocheLuna Sotol represented by AliasSmith AB 17A10
ÖÖtla represented by Manor Spirits 11.2A44 Paragon represented by MONIN 18B08
Põhjaka represented by Manor Spirits 11.2A44
Reidemeister & Ulrichs GmbH 17C04, 17C05
S, Maria al Monte Sambuca represented by Caffo Deutschland GmbH 20C28
S. Maria al Monte Elixir al Caffé represented by Caffo Deutschland GmbH 20C28
S. Maria al Monte Limoncino Portofino represented by Caffo Deutschland GmbH 20C28
Santo Cuviso represented by AliasSmith / Jumpify 17A16
Santo Pecado represented by AliasSmith / Jumpify 17A16
Santo Pecado represented by AliasSmith AB 17A10
ShakaCan represented by ShakaCan
Trente & Quarante 18D30
Varnelli Anice Secco represented by Distilleria Varnelli S.p.A
Véspero Blanco, Scottish Blue Agave Spirit represented by Distilled Beverages
Brandstifter Alcohol-Free represented by Berliner Brandstifter GmbH
Calvados Christian Drouin SAS 18D16
Cocchi 18D19
CREATION [B2B] represented by Creamy Creation B.V.
Gentiane de Lure 16° represented by Distilleries et domaines de Provence
Monkey 47 Sloe Gin represented by Black Forest Distillers GmbH
Noix de la Saint Jean 15° represented by Distilleries et domaines de Provence
Orange Colombo 15° represented by Distilleries et domaines de Provence
Pineau des Charentes represented by PARADISIAC / DESTINATION BUSINESS
Rinquinquin à la pèche 15° represented by Distilleries et domaines de Provence
020200 Low & No Alcohol - No ABV Low & No Alcohol - No ABV
Almave Tequila represented by AliasSmith AB 17A10
AQUA MONACO represented by Compagnia Dei Caraibi SpA 17B31
Berliner Brandstifter GmbH 18D44
Calvados Christian Drouin SAS 18D16
DR. JAGLAS Herber Hibiskus (Aperitif) represented by Dr. Jaglas GmbH
DR. JAGLAS San Limello (Aperitif) represented by Dr. Jaglas GmbH
EASIP represented by Hardenberg Distillery 18B13
FLUÉRE Bitter represented by Diversa Spezialitäten GmbH / TeamSpirit ZB-01, ZB-02
Franz von Fein Alkoholfreie Aperitifs represented by Franz von Fein - Alkoholfreie Aperitifs
LAV'A BELLE Liberté represented by Lavabelle GmbH
Libertine Blends
Maïa Fleur de Sureau represented by PARADISIAC / DESTINATION BUSINESS 18A29
Mampe Berlin Null Null represented by Mampe Spirituosen GmbH 18D38
MESAMIS Caribbean Cane represented by MESAMIS Free Spirits of Amsterdam / NOLO Beverages BV 11.2A14
MESAMIS London Juniper represented by MESAMIS Free Spirits of Amsterdam / NOLO Beverages BV 11.2A14 MONIN represented by MONIN 18B08 Opius represented by OPIUS DISTILLERY 18A25 Paragon represented by MONIN
PITÚ 0.0% alcohol-free represented by Diversa Spezialitäten GmbH / TeamSpirit ZB-01, ZB-02 Punch Club Ltd 11.1A29
REBELS 0.0% represented by REBELS 0.0% 20D32
Reidemeister & Ulrichs GmbH 17C04, 17C05 SANTANDER UK PLC
Shroom represented by Shroom -
sirope agave Sr Maguey represented by DOS DEUS VERMOUTH - MEZCAL MAGUEY SPIRITS
Sober Spirits Amaretto 0.0% represented by 0.0% SOBER SPIRITS 0.0%
Sober Spirits Bitter 0.0% represented by 0.0% SOBER SPIRITS 0.0%
Sober Spirits Gin 0.0% represented by 0.0% SOBER SPIRITS 0.0%
Sober Spirits Rum 0.0% represented by 0.0% SOBER SPIRITS 0.0%
Sober Spirits Whisky Bourbon 0.0% represented by 0.0% SOBER SPIRITS 0.0%
Sprissetto Zero represented by Sprissetto
SUPASAWA represented by S?P?SAW?
Swe Foam represented by Try Swedish Bar
Vegg White represented by VEGG WHITE
Volée - Apéritif Naturel represented by Bemakers ApS
030102 Wein & Schaumwein - SchaumweineChampagner
Wine & Sparkling Wine - Sparkling WineChampagne
Nicolas Feuillatte represented by CHAMPAGNE NICOLAS FEUILLATTE
Piper-Heidsieck represented by Reidemeister & Ulrichs GmbH
030103 Wein & Schaumwein - SchaumweineCremant
Wine & Sparkling Wine - Sparkling WineCremant
VEUVE AMBAL Crémant de Bourgogne represented by GABRIEL BOUDIER & FONTBONNE
030104 Wein & Schaumwein - SchaumweineProsecco
Wine & Sparkling Wine - Sparkling WineProsecco
NEGRONI Distilleria represented by DISTILLERIA NEGRONI S.R.L.
Patrvm Benedicti represented by Sprissetto
Patrvm Rebellio represented by Sprissetto
Patrvm Reverendi represented by Sprissetto
Patrvm Sapientia represented by Sprissetto
Patrvm Vanitas represented by Sprissetto
Ruggeri represented by Reidemeister
Asti represented
Brachetto represented by Cocchi
Cocchi Brut represented by Cocchi
Dry Sack represented by Bodegas Williams & Humbert
Tio Pepe represented by Gonzalez Byass SA
030300 Wein & Schaumwein - Sake Wine & Sparkling Wine - Sake
Goku Kara Dry 19 represented by Aumont Sake Brewery 17C47
Emil Bauer represented by Reidemeister & Ulrichs GmbH
Mirabeau represented by Reidemeister & Ulrichs GmbH 17C04, 17C05
Montecillo represented by Reidemeister & Ulrichs GmbH 17C04, 17C05
Mouton Cadet represented by Reidemeister & Ulrichs GmbH
Île Four Modern Sake represented by Tyrrst
Île Four YUZU represented by Tyrrst
JAPAN Pavilion
KAREN SILK represented by Aumont Sake Brewery
SAKARI represented by Compagnia Dei Caraibi SpA
Yume Junmai Ginjo represented by Aumont Sake Brewery
030400 Wein & Schaumwein - Wein Wine & Sparkling Wine - Wine
3 Freunde represented by Reidemeister & Ulrichs GmbH
Doppio Passo represented by Reidemeister & Ulrichs GmbH
Vina Monthy represented by Reidemeister & Ulrichs GmbH
Wein & Schaumwein - Sonstige Wine & Sparkling Wine - Others Kinato Barolo Chinato represented by Opificio Gaio Srl 17A61 Põhjaka represented by Manor Spirits
Valamo Arctic wines represented by Valamo Beverages Ltd
040300 Fillers & Softdrinks - Säfte und Schorlen Mixers & Softdrinks - Juices and Spritzers
GAS Familia, s.r.o.
BESO Concentrado de Agave represented by AliasSmith / Jumpify 17A16
Beso Concentrado de Agave represented by AliasSmith AB 17A10
Botanica PEG02
SUPASAWA represented by S?P?SAW?
Swe Foam represented by Try Swedish Bar
Vegg White represented by VEGG WHITE
050100 Zutaten - Aromen, Essenzen & Extrakte Ingredients - Flavors, Essences & Extracts
Broken Knight represented by Box, Tray & Giraffe Oy
Fee Brothers Cocktail Bitters represented by Fee Brothers Inc.
Fee Brothers Fee Foam represented by Fee Brothers Inc.
Swe Foam represented by Try Swedish Bar
050300 Zutaten - Sirup / Konzentrate / Pürees Ingredients - Syrup / Concentrates / Purees
La Folie Syrups represented by Distillerie Combier
Les vergers Boiron represented by BOIRON FRERES
Polot 1882 represented by General Fruit S.R.L.
RIEMERSCHMID represented by Diversa Spezialitäten GmbH / TeamSpirit
represented by Hiss Reet GmbH
090102 Ausstattung & BarbedarfBarzubehör - Werkzeuge Equipment and Bar SuppliesBar Accessories - Tools Canù - organic and gluten free pasta straws represented by Coop Campo
represented by Hiss Reet GmbH
090200 Ausstattung & Barbedarf - Bekleidung Equipment and Bar Supplies - Clothing
Ausstattung & Barbedarf - Entertainment Equipment and Bar Supplies - Entertainment Canù -
Moom Tableware represented
DR. JAGLAS Shotgläser represented by Dr.
Individuelle Gläser represented by ZWEYLOEVEN Werbeproduktion GmbH PEG17
Oberglas represented by Stölzle Lausitz GmbH
represented by Hiss Reet GmbH
Premium Bespoken Bottles represented by Sklárny Moravia a.s.
RITZENHOFF represented by Ritzenhoff Cristal GmbH
Shandong Yuncheng Ruisheng Glass Co., Ltd.
Stoelzle Glass Group represented by Stölzle Lausitz GmbH
Stölzle Lausitz GmbH
The Glencairn Glass represented by Stölzle Lausitz GmbH 11.1A36, 18B26
Urban Bar 18D25
Vetroelite S.r.l. 11.2A15
090600 Ausstattung & BarbedarfInterior & Thekenbau Equipment and Bar SuppliesInterior & Counter Construction
G-Rack UG & Co.KG 17A05
Leuchtschilder represented by ZWEYLOEVEN Werbeproduktion GmbH PEG17
090900 Ausstattung & BarbedarfReinigung & Hygiene Equipment and Bar SuppliesCleaning & Hygiene
#IAMPLASTICFREE Trinkhalm 2.0 represented by #IAMPLASTICFREE 20A18
Barzubehör represented by ZWEYLOEVEN Werbeproduktion GmbH PEG17
Botanica PEG02
Estal Packaging 18A01
Individuelle Displays represented by ZWEYLOEVEN Werbeproduktion GmbH PEG17
Individuelle Werbemittel represented by ZWEYLOEVEN Werbeproduktion GmbH PEG17
Limitierte Flascheneditionen represented by ZWEYLOEVEN Werbeproduktion GmbH PEG17
Onpacklösungen represented by ZWEYLOEVEN Werbeproduktion GmbH PEG17
PAIO represented by Hiss Reet GmbH 18D24
Rastal GmbH & Co. KG 11.1A30
Urban Bar 18D25
Warenpräsenter represented by ZWEYLOEVEN Werbeproduktion GmbH PEG17
#IAMPLASTICFREE Trinkhalm 2.0 represented by #IAMPLASTICFREE 20A18
#IAMPLASTICFREE Trinkhalm Wood represented by #IAMPLASTICFREE 20A18
Canù - organic and gluten free pasta straws represented by Coop Campo 11.2A50
Digitaler Dosendruck represented by NOMOQ GmbH 11.2B55
Estal Packaging 18A01
Guala Closures 17A37
PAIO represented by Hiss Reet GmbH 18D24
Rastal GmbH & Co. KG 11.1A30
Tapì Group 11.2C15
Urban Bar 18D25
100100 Literatur & Medien Literature & Media
110300 Dienstleistung & BeratungVerbände & Institution Services & ConsultingAssociations & Institutions
ICE - Agenzia per la promozione all'estero e l'internazionalizzazione delle imprese italiane 17C29
110400 Dienstleistung & BeratungVermarktung & Export Services & ConsultingMarketing & Export
110500 Dienstleistung & BeratungWarenzulieferung & Großhandel
Combier Cocktail Preparations represented by Distillerie Combier
CREAMY CREATION [B2B] represented by Creamy Creation B.V.
Elektrolyt Drink represented by NOMOQ GmbH
Expresso Martini represented by GABRIEL BOUDIER & FONTBONNE 18A37
Gin and Juice by Dre and Snoop represented by Gin & Juice by Dre and Snoop
Laird's represented by Laird & Company
Libertine Blends
Mampe Berlin Sprizz 0,3l Dose represented by Mampe Spirituosen GmbH 18D38
Negroni represented by GABRIEL BOUDIER & FONTBONNE 18A37
Peter In Florence 11.1C12, 17A13
Polarity negronis represented by Polarity Distillery 11.2B50
Pornstar Martini represented by GABRIEL BOUDIER & FONTBONNE 18A37
Prep´D Cocktails represented by No.1 Beverages 18A21 Punch Club Ltd 11.1A29
Quaglia 18C19
Romero Smoked Rum Old Fashioned represented by Romero Distilling Co. 11.2C56
ShakaCan represented by ShakaCan
Shroom represented by
Shroom - functional drinks
Cogent Multimedia Ltd
Nightlife Business Verlag GmbH
Linkman Media s.r.o.
Media Ltd
Agile Media Ltd
Meininger Verlag GmbH www.meininger.de/getraenke-zeitung
Global Drinks Intelligence, Ltd. www.drinks-intel.com
KALK&KEGEL MPP Medien GmbH www.kalkundkegel.com
GmbH www.barnews.ch
Deutscher Fachverlag GmbH LZ Medien www.lebensmittelzeitung.net
Omnipress oy www.avecmedia.fi SUPPER MAGAZINE
Mondiale Publishing www.suppermag.com TRINKTIME
B&L MedienGesellschaft mbH & Co.KG www.trinktime.de
RX Deutschland GmbH
Johannstraße 1 40476 Düsseldorf, Germany +49 211 90 191-257
Rachel Travers, Michael Köhler, Ivo Sklenitzka
Petra Lassahn, Event Director
Christine Schalke, Product Manager
Anna Orthen, Event Manager
Hanna Heinicke, Working Student
Kyra Thomas, Director International Sales
Dilan Erten, International Sales Manager
Michaela Giesselmann, Senior Key Account Manager
Marina Kelly, Sales Manager
Lisa Gerhards, Content & PR Manager
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RX Deutschland GmbH
Johannstraße 1
40476 Düsseldorf, Germany www.rxglobal.de
RX Deutschland GmbH
Media Solutions
Johannstraße 1 40476 Düsseldorf, Germany www.rxglobal.de
Angus Winchester, Director of Education
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MEO Media ist eine Marke der Meinders & Elstermann GmbH & Co. KG Weberstraße 7, 49191 Belm, Germany www.meo-media.de
© FRB Media-Felix R. Braune, Julia Zoooi, FdC, Bar Convent Berlin, Jazzula Donoghue
Photography, OurWhisky Foundation - Jo Hanley
10. September 2024
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Düsseldorf, Germany
Inserent | Advertiser .................. Seite | Page
Acqua Morelli ........................................... 055
Alcoholes y Vinos U3/IBC Brown Forman Deutschland GmbH –DIVA Domaines & Distilleries ..................... 143
Diversa Spezialitäten GmbH .................. U2/IFC
Drinks & More GmbH & Co. KG –
El Original srl 003 Ellers Farm Distillery Limited ..................... 013 FKM e.V. 157 Giffard................................................ U4/OBC Hoxton Spirits Operations Limited 025 Jack Daniels............................................. 019 Join the Pipe 057 Namayan Spirits Company Ltd ................. 145 Noblewood Limited 029 Park Street ............................................... 144
RX Deutschland GmbH 036, 039, 040, .......................... 058, 151, 153, 158, 159, 160
Schlumberger Vertriebsgesellschaft
mbH & Co. KG ........................................... 021 Schweppes 037 West Cork Irish Whiskey ............................ 035 Wiltshire Spirits Group AB ......................... 081 WoodfordReserve ..................................... 027
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