2 minute read
Activated Collaborations Through New Networks and Expanded Programming
A systemwide problem requires systemwide action to be solved. Food loss and waste occur up and down the entire supply chain, and decisions made at one stage frequently affect what happens at another. That’s why ReFED works to connect stakeholders from across the food system in mutually beneficial collaborations, through industry and sector partnerships, stakeholder networks, cross-sector events — including our annual Food Waste Solutions Summit — and much more.
ReFED Food Waste Action Network
ReFED’s Food Waste Action Network (FWAN) fosters an engaged and inclusive community of food waste professionals. We knew that people within the food w aste movement were hungry for collaborations that could increase collective impact, but t he growth of the FWAN and the engagement of its members, have exceeded even our own high expe ctations. Free and easy to join, action is the critical goal. The FWAN hosts monthly event s including “demo days,” where members can experience the cutting edge of food waste innovatio n, and networking sessions specifically designed to facilitate meaningful collaboration opp ortunities.
Food Waste Action Network (FWAN) members committed to working together to fight food waste — a 43% growth in membership from 2021.
A network like the FWAN is only as powerful as the people in it , and we continue to be impressed with the diverse array of people and organizations that have joined. From Google to Raley’s, some of the biggest players in food waste are represented. But large company affiliation is far from a requirement, and many FWAN members are from smaller companies o r individuals motivated to make a difference within their own spheres of influence.
“Watching ReFED’s Food Waste Action Network grow from its early days in 2021 to a fullfledged network of engaged individuals and organizations has been one of the greatest joys over the past year! Every week, I hear of new connections being made between members and new collaborations on projects. Connecting and working together as a community is the only way that we are going to achieve our common goal to reduce food waste, to better the environment and quality of life for all living things!”
Lily Herd Capital, Innovation & Engagement Manager, ReFED
The FWAN’s unique strength is pre-packaged with its own set of challenges. It necessitates extra time, care, and planning for effective community-building among divers e professionals. Presiding over this rich community and attending to each member’s needs is Lily. She ensures that every new member is welcomed and made aware of the benefits that they can take advantage of. In collaboration with others at ReFED, she develops all programming and content for networking sessions, educational webinars, blog posts, and, of course, her famous email newsletters. Lily also plays the role of switchboard operator, connecting members to one another, ReFED teammates, or experts in ReFED’s extended network.