The Ultimate Discovery Issue

Page 1

A Message From Michael Happy Independence Day! The 4th

REFERCO, but more importantly, she is

your health. Whatever it is, I’m here to

of July is our nation's largest single

a widow who has taken her story of loss

tell you that there is no time like the

celebration of the year, and it is an

and turned it into something amazing!

present! Take the leap - book the venue

event most worthy of celebration.

If Tammy can do it, then so can you!

and send out those invitations, pick

Something else that is worthy of

It’s halftime (read more about the least

up the phone and just start with one

celebration is YOU! You were made to

important score in sports on page 14.)

phone call, go on a walk, or schedule an

set big goals, dream big dreams, and

... it’s time to buckle down, do the hard

appointment with your doctor. You can

accomplish big things. You were built

things, do the things you have been

do it Ambassadors.. I believe in you!

to withstand pressure, chaos, tragedy

putting off. Maybe you’ve been holding

and stress. You were made for MORE!!!

back on hosting an event (more on page

Dive into this issue and read about one

8.), or calling your top referral partners,

of my very favorite people - Tammy

or maybe it’s not your business but

is a Certified Referral Trainer with

your weight that needs attention or


Michael Maher




JULY 2019 FOUNDER AND CEO Michael Maher

VP Sheri Maher EDITOR IN CHIEF Mandy Thacker DIRECTOR OF DESIGN Joshua Nelson GRAPHIC DESIGNERS Ben Duff CONTRIBUTING WRITERS Ashley Alt Michael J. Maher O’Beria Seats Tammy Ebright THIS ISSUE Michael Maher Tammy Ebright ADVERTISING 7L: The Seven Levels of Communication

©2019 Referrals Magazine. All rights reserved. Reproduction in whole or in part, without written permission is prohibited. To purchase a subscription to the magazine, visit To advertise or contribute to the magazine, contact Publishing@



WHAT’S INSIDE! Referrals Roundtable 4

# - Hashtags

referral strategies

Step 3: Rally The Troops How to Motivate and Mobilize Your Army of Ambassadors


the influential zone

The Business Success Coach Whose Idealistic Crown Never Comes Off


Featuring Tammy Ebright

be referable

The Unaware Driver


FREE Download 25 feed your soul

9 Reasons Why You Should Give


catalyst* connection

CATALYST*s In Action! 30


ROUNDTABLE # - H A S H TAG S Michael J. Maher June 21 at 5:42 PM {REFERCO earns 72 Referrals in One Day} Yesterday was an amazing day in Austin, T X as our REFERCO Team held GenGenTexas and welcomed 100s of leaders in the Generosity Generation as they learned and shared on growing an Event-Based Business with the core values of Love, Generosity, and Appreciation. By the end of the day, we welcomed many into our many Referral Master y Academy offerings and earned an amazing 72 Referrals. Big thank you to Mandy Thacker, Sheri Maher, Matt Emer y, Max Maher, Wendy Emer y, and others for doing the hard work of hosting this event. Appreciation to Don E McNaughton, Terri Lynne McNaughton, Kr ystal McNaughton, Sandy Hermes Krestan, Darla Evanoff, Paul Domenich, and other CRTs for attending and speaking! It wouldn’t have been possible without our sponsor-partners: CallBoxStorage (Courtney Nichols) , Fair way (Matt Wood, Mark Wood), Old Republic Home Warranty (AnnMarie Aksland, Heidi Shavor, Etc), Cutco (Patton Sides), AM Cards (Curtis Lewesy), etc. # G en G en # DoWha tYouTeac h


Celene Garza is at Hyatt Regency Austin. June 20 at 4:16 PM ¡ Austin Operation GenGen with # M ic hael M aher # G ener osi t y G ener a tion Celene Garza Realtor #celener eales ta te

Tanessa Roberts-ABR-Coldwell Banker United, Realtors May 2 · Had a great time listing to # M ic hael M aher about his techniques in the #referral business. I love learning how to make my clients experience better. Win win for ever yone! # B u y C T X H omes # Client A ppr ec ia tion #ilovemy job # Centr al Te xas Real E s ta te # For t H oo d # Reales ta te # K illeenr eal tor

Tanyag & Company is at Paint Stuff Studio. Yesterday at 12:20 PM · Chesapeake, VA · Appreciation event is done. Fun times painting “ROCKS” with people who support my business, Tanyag & Company. Looking for ward to the next one. #gener osi t ygener a tion #appr ec ia tion #p aint s tu f fs tudio # t hank you for intr o duc tionsandr e fer r als #p aintingr oc k sisr ela x ing #ha v ing fun #c r t # t hank youmic haeljmaher #appr ec ia tionevent #love #gener osi t y # talk tr igger #7L a ti t sbes t

Nay-Loves Baker y The more you give the more you get! Michael J. Maher Author, Speaker, and Trainer thanks for the great read! Thanks to Tomas Martinez III TM3 for putting on a great event! #mic haelmaher #li ve togi ve #come fr omcontr ibu tion #helpot her s # you t hmoti va tion # you t hentr epr enuer #gir lpower #sa nantonio

Kim Rice Bridges is at Hilton Scottsdale Resort & Villas. March 21 · Scot tsdale, A Z Beginning my day at #gengen!!! I’ll be checking in.



referral strategies


How to Motivate and Mobilize Your Army of Ambassadors By O’Beria Seats with Michael Maher One of my favorite nostalgic memories is the hoopla of our high school pep rallies. During spirit week, the entire student body gathered together in the gymnasium to show unwavering support for our school’s football team. Before the spectacle began, we would proudly flaunt our painted blue and gold jean jumpsuits and wave our homemade pom poms in our self-designated positions on the bleachers-- indeed the highlight of my Friday afternoon.


In unison, we chanted and cheered, stomped and clapped, making the energy in the gym contagious. Our soon-to-be state football champions eventually motivated and mobilized us to congregate at their games, turning those of us, originally caught up in the hoopla, into real raving fans and faithful Ambassadors.


You’re going to rally your troops by inviting them to your events. Your goal is to motivate and mobilize your Army by bringing them together in one room or place. Think of your events as your very own pep rally. And your troops are coming to support you, cheer for you and eventually refer you. From Michael J. Maher’s book, 7L: Seven Levels of Communication, he teaches about his cleverly designed communication pyramid and the power of one-on-one meetings-- the

referral strategies

most impactful level that’s located at the very top of the pyramid. One-onones allow you to solely focus on your referral client and your influence over them is stronger. And she is more likely to tell you something personal about herself in a private setting vs. a public setting, making it easier for you to get a “yes.” However, don’t underestimate the multi-faceted power of events-- the second most impactful level, located just a notch down the pyramid below one-on-ones. “There are powers and shared experiences we can only get through events. There is energy for people, our business and ourselves. . . we need to implement our battle plan and gather people,” Maher said. The battle plan is a 52-week plan for event-based businesses. Now that you’ve made events your core business model, you can start inviting the strangers you recruited for your


Army of Ambassadors, as well as your current Ambassadors to your events. (We’ve already covered recruitment strategies for strangers and clients and their friends in the May and June issues.) Keller Williams Realty, the largest real estate company in the world, grew their business using an event-based business strategy. They built their brand by inviting agents, who worked for other real estate companies, to their training events. It didn’t take long before these agents were eventually recruited by Keller Williams’ team leaders. Likewise, Brittany Spears grew her brand by having small events at malls, where she would perform for teenage girls; Taco Bell is known to host career night parties to recruit new employees; and Krispy Kreme donuts survived the Atkins craze and other low-carb diets by having grand-opening events, where they’d give away free donuts for a year to the first 100 people in line. Take your pick on the type of event you’d like to have that’s associated (or not) with your product or service: happy hour, bowling, Easter egg hunt, vision board party, barbeque, or whatever floats your boat and theirs.

MEET, MASTER & MAINTAIN GREAT RELATIONSHIPS We’ve all heard before that life is all about relationships. Not just relationships in general but quality and healthy relationships with family, friends, colleagues, industry leaders, clients, mentors, coaches, accountability partners and other great folks. Maher definitely practices what he preaches when it comes to building and mastering strong relationships with strong



referral strategies

people. While planning his own event for his own Army of Ambassadors, he ran into a bit of a snafu. He struggled with narrowing down the invitation list for his private and exclusive event from 50 to 25 guests. Going through his list of Ambassadors who have “given tons of value to society over the last 20 to 30 years,” which millionaire, CEO or super successful mom or dad would he invite to an event capped at only 25 seats? “I looked through the list and none of these were friends of my family growing up. None of these were necessarily people I went to school with. I noticed that 80 to 90 percent of them are people I met building my Army of Ambassadors. It just amazed me at how powerful, influential and connected the people I met are,” he said. Maher said this about the correlation between strong relationships and business: “Doing business is just a great excuse to meet great people, otherwise, we’d all have pajama day and cocoon at home in our little nest and never go out. But because we have business to do, it gets us up, it gets us showered, it gets us dressed and it gets us in front of people we’d love to meet.”

together at an event and hype them up with some feel good, gung-ho speech about why they should love you? Because they’re not going to just take your word for it. “You don’t motivate your Army by some motivational speech, you motivate your Army by allowing them to meet, greet and see other people who are Ambassadors for you. When they see your Ambassadors and how great they are then they will be motivated to become Ambassadors for you as well,” Maher mentioned. Maher breaks down his 7L System equation, which demonstrates how events can result in an airborne outbreak of likes and loves among your Army. “You will bring together people who like you in an environment and when they see other people who like you then, what happens is, they both end up either liking you more when they leave or they both love you. So, 1 like + 1 like = 2 loves,” he explained. But don’t just rack up on likes and loves from your Army, make sure you throw them an event to remember. Singer and songwriter Bonnie Raitt got it right with her popular tune, “Something to Talk About.” “That’s the problem with 90 percent of all businesses out there . . . they don’t give them [their clientele] anything to talk about,” said Maher, “essentially, this is about word of mouth. Well, let’s put the words in the mouths.


1 LIKE + 1 LIKE = 2 LOVES So why not rally your troops


And the words are events.” Also, strive to make your events photogenic by setting up the scenery, taking photos and recording videos. For example, if you’re doing a hayride event, organize the blocks of hay, pumpkins and other background props in a way that’s picture-perfect. “That photogenic element is going to be on social media and people are going to talk about it, and spread the word about it.”

DOOR PRIZE SYSTEM The door prize system of an eventbased business is key to the success of your events. Maher suggested that it’s best to have your sponsors provide the door prizes, while you provide the door prize entry forms. Use the bottom of an 8-by-11, portraitstyle paper (not an app) entry form to ask attendees their name, email, cell number and address. Include whatever industryrelated question (or not) you want, as

referral strategies

businesses that are generous. “They show their appreciation by buying your products and using your services. Partner with a charity, as it costs nothing and yet you get everything.” Additionally, Maher recommends to never have an event without at least one sponsor. It helps offset the cost, plus you learn how to partner with strong people. Now it’s your turn to rally the troops. Motivate and mobilize your Army of Ambassadors by hosting memorable, photogenic events to gather your Army together in one place; building and maintaining relationships with great people; generating likes and loves; implementing the door prize system; and partnering with charities and sponsors. You got this!

well as the referral question. Here are a few good example questions for your entry form: Would you like to know the value of your home in today’s market? Would you like to know more information on current interest rates? Who do you know that I should know? Undoubtedly, the most important question on the entry form is the referral question: Out of all the people you know, who is the next person who will be buying, selling or investing in real estate (or whatever your product or service)? Then leave three lines for them to list three names. After becoming successful in your business, Maher said, your clientele, friends and family may think you don’t need their referrals. But, of course, the opposite is true. “When you have the referral question on the door prize entry form at each of your events, you are putting in their mind that you’re still growing, you’re still looking for business and still want their referrals.”

PARTNER WITH A CHARITY & SPONSOR Whether you’re collecting blankets for the homeless or coats for kids, indicate on your invitations that you are partnering with a charity. The charity items you collected from eventgoers help the recipient, the charity, those who donated, and you-- a quadruple win for everyone involved. “You will reap the rewards from your generosity by partnering with a charity. . . . you give other people the opportunity to be generous and that’s something your community wants to do. They want to give but don’t know how, where or who to give to.” Maher added that the affluent tend to give faster and better than anyone when it comes to generosity. According to research, the wealthy have been generous both before and after they became prosperous. AND they are more willing to work with

O’BERIA SEATS is a freelance writer, copywriter, and content creator who develops written content for entrepreneurs and businesses. For more info: Michael J. Maher is a top-rated speaker, author, and coach who has worked with hundreds of businesses and helped trained thousands of sales executives. His book (7L) The Seven Levels of Communication Go from Relationships to Referrals has been a number one best seller for 8 straight years on Amazon and was named one of the 20 Top-Rated Business Books of All Time by Hubspot. His teachings have been endorsed by such well-known authors and business experts as Gary Keller, cofounder of Keller Williams Realty and author of The One Thing, Dr. Ivan Misner, founder of BNI, Dave Ramsey, author of EntreLeadership and The Total Money Makeover, and dozens more. Michael travels throughout the nation discussing the new type of sales environment called The Generosity Generation. His widely popular GenGen Events are attended by tens of thousands of sales people each year. Each event benefits Maher’s #GiveBack Foundation. For additional information visit




Your Amazing with Tammy Ebright By Ashley Alt

Tammy Ebright, The Business Success Coach Whose Idealistic Crown Never Comes Off As children, we are taught to go to work, work hard, and it will pay off later. Well, that isn’t always how it happens. Actually, it’s rarely how it happens. You don’t get a guidebook to life. And you definitely don’t get a guidebook when unexpected events -- those life circumstances that smack you in the face and make you second guess why you’re here in the first place -happen, especially when they happen to you, not


someone you know. “Sometimes you have to shed off other people’s beliefs and get really clear inside your soul, asking yourself: ‘What am I here to do and why does it matter?”, given the example of listening to, and believing, that somewhat misguided advice we got when we were young. These wise words are spoken from Tammy Ebright, who is still grieving, and will forever

the influential zone



the influential zone

the evolution of the 7L System come to light. Working on building her own coaching brand, Unleash Your Amazing, she is discovering things about herself that she never knew was possible.

New Beginnings

grieve, the unexpected death of the love of her life and father of her two children, her husband David. “Journaling and talking it through, is helpful,” Tammy shares of her coping methods, explaining that writing things down in which you are grateful for is “such a mindshifter.” “Michael got me into journaling,” Tammy said, referring of course, to Michael Maher. “I have found that has helped me a lot. Some days, I’ll go way back in the pages to a few years ago, during those dark days, and


remember how far I’ve come and how powerful I am.” Journaling is just one of the methods from the 7L System that Tammy has adopted and grown to love, both for personal and professional reasons, saying it has given her clarity on those looming questions every real estate professional has at one point or another: “What do I want and how can I get it?” Tammy is a mortgage professional, Business Success Coach and CRT who has witnessed

Tammy’s mortgage career began in 2001. Before that, she did financing at a car dealership for three years. Growing tired of the burnout from the long and odd hours, she decided to transition into helping people finance their homes, which came with its own set of challenges. “The finance aspect and the meeting new people premise drew me to the real estate industry,” Tammy said. “But then the market crashed and things got very frustrating.” After being bounced around from one mortgage company to the next -- four agencies in a 12-month timespan to be exact -- Tammy voiced her frustrations, admitting she didn’t feel like she was “completely on purpose doing mortgage loans.” “My husband passed away in 2012,” she said, unmistakably still in a state of disbelief. “When Michael invited me to a webinar on becoming a Certified Referral Trainer, it seemed like a great fit as I had already built my business around the 7L System.” Since this past January, when Tammy obtained her CRT license, she felt like she was being called to do something more, so she started utilizing that power in her training, and it’s paid off. She has spoken on different topics centered around 7L, inviting both realtors and people outside of the real estate realm, into her hosted events which has, in her words, “connected me very well.” “Utilizing these bimonthly events and seminars based on 7 Levels has provided additional revenue to my referral partners,” she confirmed. Specializing on teaching the DISC assessment tool, which centers on

the influential zone

four different behavioral traits; dominance, influence, steadiness and compliance, Tammy reassures me that everyone has a little bit of each quality inside of them -- but it’s more about how you behave and communicate, which is that deeper level she gets to analyze. She teaches sales strategies on effective communication between the different styles, which has proven to be just one of many of her strong suits.

Unleash Your Amazing Tammy’s coaching brand, Unleash Your Amazing, kicked


off on Valentine’s Day in 2018. While she is still working out the kinks of launching a new business, she hopes this new venture will help more people see that life challenges will come to us, so in realizing that sooner rather than later, we can become resilient and grow from the pain. “I am super excited to build my own coaching program,” Tammy said. “I have massive ideas of how I want to help people in a different kind of way, bringing in all of my resilience and picking partners who also have a unique story to help sales professionals get out of their heads and move forward.”



the influential zone

The idea behind it being, living the life you have always dreamed of living, finding the freedom you have always wanted, and ultimately automating an entrepreneurial lifestyle to your liking. Working with sales professionals that have gone through a lifechanging event who are in need of, and searching for Tammy’s help, Tammy is finding she is attracting business owners who want her to come into their offices to speak on the DISC profile and the values on ways to become better communicators. “Seeing how comfortable I have become with speaking, it’s now becoming more natural, and actually enjoyable for me to do it,” she said. “Sharing your story is a big deal,” she continued. “Getting outside of your comfort zone isn’t easy, especially when you’re in it for the long-term. There are no cliff notes.” In addition to manning her own coaching brand and leading classes as a CRT, the finance professional turned speaker turned entrepreneur also runs a widow’s group, called the Modern Widows Club, a national organization comprised of 23 different chapters across the country. Tammy became a co-leader of Modern Widows Club quickly after joining the organization, which she praises for helping her and so many other widows across the United States cope with their devastating losses. She now serves on the Board of Directors as co-chair. “Seeing the change and confidence in these women, and their whole new outlook on life, that made me want to share my story on resilience,” Tammy spoke of the empowering group. “Mentors matter,” she told me with conviction. “Community matters. It is so interesting how life brings people into your world. Meeting other leaders in this new


world and hearing their stories is a big part of the healing process.” Circling back to the 7L System, Tammy reiterates that giving back and the law of reciprocity is really, simply, about being generous. “Leading the events and meetings helps me realize how far I’ve come, and it helps people realize that healing takes time. That courage came from Michael’s 7L business structure.”

Releasing The Past To Go From Ordinary To Extraordinary “‘Journey’ is a word I use a lot,”

Tammy tells me. “There are things we can’t control, but how we bounce back from them and use that resilience is going to shape our legacy.” She also favors the phrase, “Break the chains that are binding you,” which Tammy claims many of those “chains” are nothing but our mindset, blaming negative and self-defeating thoughts for acting contrarily. “Mindset matters,” she stressed to me again. “When you need help, ask for it. Find a mentor, find a coach and grow. Don’t hide in your bed when things get bad.” This positive outlook on life is

the influential zone

especially admirable coming from someone who has gone through one of the most painful tragedies any wife and mother could experience. Tammy remarks that learning about the “why” behind what you do is so valuable because it brings everything together, making you realize you are here for a reason and you are satisfying that purpose you know is bringing joy to both yourself and other people. “At some point, you will feel your soul is screaming at you saying you need to do something more, and you will get it,” she said. Learning and growing from all of these new experiences -- leading sales strategies, being viewed as a thought leader in real estate and going out on a limb to (very publicly) help people in need -- her advice on obtaining referrals is finding other people that have had success, studying them and their habits, and checking to see if your values are in alignment with theirs. She let me in on a little secret -- When she’s feeling like things aren’t going as well as they could be, she a crown on -- one that she received from one of her Modern Widows Club meetings -- to make her phone calls. “It’s that little something extra that makes me feel better, and it works,” she said. A perhaps better known secret is that Tammy is genuinely passionate about teaching others how they can improve their lives and their businesses, whether that entails weighing their options for home ownership, effective sales strategies to boost profits or leading classes which result in carrying out prosperous, fulfilling lives. It’s evident, furthermore, that Tammy lives up to her statement of being a lifelong learner, as she


views everything new -- learning new methods or helping new people -- as exciting, encouraging experiences. “I love everything innovative,” she tells me. “It feels good to lean into my purpose. It’s exciting to take this step.” Her motto? “Unleash your amazing. Let go to create a life so wonderful that it’s hard to find words to describe.”

ASHLEY ALT is a professional writer specializing in topics of career, style, health and wellness. For more info:






be referable

The Unaware Driver By Tammy Ebright


be referable

DISC the communication language is composed of the following four characteristics that we all have varying degrees of within us. The only true way to know your specific communication language is to take an assessment. The qualities inside us all are; D – DOMINANCE – How we solve problems and challenges (think results) I – INFLUENCE – How we influence others to our point of view (think people and fun) S – STEADINESS – How we respond to the pace of our environment (Supportive and Intuitive) C – COMPLIANCE – How we respond to rules and procedures that are set by others (data and analytics) For this article, I want to share with you a little about what I call the “Unaware “D” Driver;” the direct communicator could get better results if they learned to communicate effectively. They tend to be bad listeners and shut people down without allowing them to be heard. Since they are only 18% of the population, they can alienate up to 82% of the population. That is a lot of people to not see eye to eye with, especially if you are leading an organization of “S” Supporters. You see, the “D” is actually one of the MOST caring people and they love their team. Deep down, creating win-win in life is highly important to them. However, their unawareness



be referable

of how other people receive their communication does them keeps them from living up to their true potential. This can be very shortsighted when it comes to influencing their team. As a problem solver, looking for results, the D needs to realize that getting results through people is the key to ultimate success With the cost of turnover being a big expense for most corporations, it is Key that the “D” add training into their visionary plan. Utilize consultants to benchmark positions for long term hiring success and create a smooth on-boarding process. These two things will increase the odds of success and help your business scale. The “D” can alienate good people that could help them grow their mission just because they tend to railroad others. A sign of this is turnover. Conflict with others by pushing them versus leading them will tend to cripple your organization. This is a costly mistake. Check out this article from TTI Success Insights and People want to be heard and the High D is bad at listening, until they learn what motivates others is important for optimal results. Take it from me, a high “D”, digging into the knowledge has impacted my life greatly. Getting people centered results is a HUGE win and is just a little way of being the change in this world. Slowing down and letting people feel heard is the key to long term sustainability. Utilizing DISC, to build relationships quicker is important. Not all DISC training is equal and make sure that you are working with an individual trainer that is Certified and passionate about the language. If someone says that DISC is a personality test then please do not use that company! Our personalities have so much more that goes into them than just


HOW we communicate. Such as, our driving forces, why we get out of bed each day. What motivates us and our Emotional Intelligence and self-regulation skills. Here are some ways to recognize the “D” Driver. Ways to recognize the D • Quick to Anger • Results orientated • Communicate in a Direct Manner • Extroverted • Lots of hand motions • Visionary • Competitive • Impatient • Always in a hurry • High Risk Taker • Short emails

Want to know more? Let’s chat! Email me at Unleash Your Amazing is a consulting and training company that utilizes widow business owners and other strategic partners to help develop leaders. Our mission is to help widows build resiliency quicker by helping them become effective leaders at home and work. We are contracted into companies to help set up their on-boarding and team building programs. This could include recruiting, interviewing, hiring, on-boarding, developing marketing plans and coaching team members. We help you get results through people and engage your team.

be referable


HIGH- D's Loves Confrontation Adventuresome Competitive Daring Decisive Results Orientated Problem Solver Persistent Self Starter

Fear: Being Taken Advantage Of Emotion: Anger TIPS for the HIGH D: ProvideCLICK Solutions, not opinions HERE Present facts or logically visit to download

TIPS for the LOW D: Draw into conversation Present reasons calmly Slow to Anger Dislikes Confrontation Humor - Passive Cautious Agreeable


LOW - D's



feed your soul




feed your soul

Experience More Pleasure In research conducted by the National Institutes of Health1, participants who chose to donate a portion of $100 they were provided enjoyed activated pleasure centers in the brain. Although this experiment was controlled and scientific, it did show that donating money simply makes you feel better, which is something we can all benefit from.

Help Others in Need We don't live in a perfect world, and there's never going to be a perfect time to give—but there are always people out there in need of help. Whether interest rates are rising, the economy is in the doldrums, or even if you're experiencing financial difficulties of your own, the reality is that when you donate your money, you help others who need it.

Get a Tax Deduction If you give to an IRS-approved charity, you can write off donations on your tax return. Certain restrictions do apply, though. To learn more about them, along with whether or not a particular charity has IRS approval, check the IRS website or The Life You Can Save’s fact sheet about tax deductibility. Donating your cash is a great way to reduce the amount of money you send off to Uncle Sam, and for a good cause, to boot.

Bring More Meaning to Your Life When you donate money to charity, you create opportunities to meet new people who believe in the same causes that inspire you. That, and making a real impact on those causes, can infuse your everyday life with more meaning. If you've been stuck in a rut, whether personally or professionally, sometimes the simple act of donating cash can do the trick and reinvigorate your life.

Promote Generosity in Your Children When your kids see you donating money, they're much more likely to adopt a giving mindset as they grow up. I write from personal experience. I've donated money to a variety of charities over the years and have always made sure to inform my eightyear-old son of my efforts. Last Christmas, when he and I were shopping at a mall, he spotted a kiosk for a

charity and rather than spending some of his allotted money on Christmas gifts, he asked if we could sponsor a hungry child overseas. We signed up then and there. Do the same with your kids and you might see similar results.

Motivate Friends and Family When you let your friends and family know of your charitable donations, they may find themselves more motivated to undertake their own efforts to give. It takes a village to address issues such as world poverty, scientific advancement, and early childhood education. Stoking passions in the folks around you is a very positive and tangible effect of your own giving.

Realize that Every Little Bit Helps You don't need $10,000 to make a difference in someone's life. In developing countries, even just a few U.S. dollars could result in a week's worth of meals for a starving child, much-needed medical attention, and even improved schooling. Don't just think of your cash donation from an American economic perspective. Often that money can go a lot further elsewhere in the world.

Improve Personal Money Management If you set a scheduled $100 donation each month for a particular charity, that can motivate you to be more attentive to your own finances in an effort to ensure you don't default or fall behind in your monthly donations. Anything that gets you to pay closer attention to your bank account is a good thing— especially when it helps those in need.

Give, If You Can't Volunteer This might not necessarily be a positive effect of charitable giving, but if you're too busy to volunteer or otherwise donate your time, giving money is the perfect workaround. Never think that you can't improve someone's life or the world itself if your personal or professional schedule won't allow the time. Writing out a check is a simple way to show you're willing to help others in any way you can. june2007/06222007altruist.htm



Referable Reads “(7L) is the clearest, most concise book I’ve read on what it takes to be a great salesperson. It is obvious why Michael J. Maher is one of the greatest sales people in the world. (7L) will become a classic and I plan to use it in our training.” ~ Larry Kendall, Author of Ninja Selling

“Taking Flight! is packed with lifechanging insights about you and everyone you know. You’ll never look at people quite the same way again.” ~Marshall Goldsmith, Author of What Got You Here Won’t Get You There

"The Miracle Morning for Real Estate Agents is the best gift you can give to every agent and lender on your list…. Just be ready for the ‘thank you’ calls to start rolling in! " ~Dave Savage, CEO of

Mortgage Coach and Co-Founder at Real Estate Radio Network

"Good leaders are known for their technical skills. Great leaders are known and remembered for how they make people feel. The 5 Languages of Appreciation in the Workplace is a must-have resource for any leader who wants to move the bar from being a good leader to a great leader." ~KAREN ALBER, Founding Partner, The Integreship Group



catalyst* connection


We Interrupt this CATALYST* Connection for an important HALFTIME message from your coach, Michael J. Maher‌ HEY AMBASSADORS! The month of July is also the first month

a game plan and executed it well, you could beat those who didn't.

of the second half of the year. This time,

Same is true in business, as you know. You

every year, I'm not only reminded of how

know what to do.

blessed I am but also about something

Say it to yourself, "I know what to do."

I used to share with my players in my

Because you do.

coaching days...

You know what you need to do every day

"What is the least important score in

to be healthier, to be more productive, and

sports?" I would say in the locker room. "Half-time," my team would respond. And they were right! Does anybody check the half-time score in the paper the next morning? No, they look at the final score! They look to see who won or lost. They don't give awards, recognition, or trophies for half-time scores. There's never been a champion crowned at half-time. There were times when we were down 21-13 or up 37-7 at half-time and my first words were always the same when we entered that locker room. I've seen big leads lost and setbacks become comebacks. No matter how the first half of your year

to earn more income. You do. The only difference between sitting in the seat you are now and sitting in the seat you want is one word - EXECUTION. Execute the game plan... and if you don't have one, we can help! Execute to Finish Strong. It's Half-time and you've got a second half to win!!! Lou Holtz said, "How you respond to the challenge in the second half will determine what you become after the game... whether you are a winner or loser." Here's to wishing you the best second half of the year you've ever had. Blessings,

has gone - good, average, or bad... it is halftime. Now is the time to FINISH STRONG!

Your Coach - Michael

Do you know why sports teams have plays and a playbook? Someone somewhere


along the way figured out that with plays

Interested in how we are planning for an

and a playbook a less-talented team could

amazing second half? Make me your coach

beat a more-talented team. That if you had


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