The Ultimate Army of Ambassadors Issue

Page 1

A Message From Michael, March on Ambassadors! Enjoy the Battle. Win the War. Is your Database “Military Grade”? Are

build your Army of Ambassadors was

strategies to succeed whether you are

you developing a Special Forces who are

10 years ago. The second best time is

in the trenches or in the war room.

deployed throughout the city spreading

now. THIS is the year YOU build YOUR

Enjoy the Battle. Win the War. Build

the word about you and referring you

Army of Ambassadors - raving fans

your life, your business, and your army

willingly? If not, this is the issue for you.

who deliver your message and have the

on a foundation of Love, Generosity,

This year, we launched our Army of

courage to speak up when someone

and Appreciation.

Ambassadors® Tour to much fanfare

has a need for what you do. You need

and at our first tour of 10 events,

to recruit your army, train your army,

everyone raved about the new logo

arm your army, and reward your army.

and new content. The best time to

This month’s issue will give you the


Michael Maher




MARCH 2019 FOUNDER AND CEO Michael Maher

VP Sheri Maher EDITOR IN CHIEF Mandy Thacker DIRECTOR OF DESIGN Joshua Nelson GRAPHIC DESIGNERS Ben Duff CONTRIBUTING WRITERS Blake Stilwell O’Beria Seats Michael J. Maher THIS ISSUE Michael Maher ADVERTISING 7L: The Seven Levels of Communication

©2018 Referrals Magazine. All rights reserved. Reproduction in whole or in part, without written permission is prohibited. To purchase a subscription to the magazine, visit To advertise or contribute to the magazine, contact Publishing@



WHAT’S INSIDE! Referrals Roundtable 4

Thanks for the Feedback! referral strategies

The Seven Most Powerful 8 Referral-Generating Questions of All Time the influential zone

Win the War. Enjoy the Battle.


be referable

Partnering with a Purpose


feed your soul

Chiefs’ Star Quarterback



FREE Download 17 The Forgotten Strategy catalyst* connection

CATALYST*s In Action! 28

Referrals ROUNDTABLE Thanks for the Feedback!

Feedback is the Breakfast of Champions - Ken Blanchard

“Cool info… so much good.” -Dr. Kim Moore, Tampa, FL

“I am happy that you are calling this latest movement “2019 Army of Ambassadors”. It fits perfectly with what we need to do. So excited to be a part of this. Thank You!” - Johnny White, Sumner WA

Another fantastic learning day at KWNE with Michael Maher author of 7 levels of communication in the house! - Kelly Beresford, Scottsdale AZ

Always a joy learning from Michael how to pour into people even more. Give, give, give to get referrals. I love it. I do my best to live it. - Genny Williams, Birmingham, AL


referral strategies

The Seven Most Powerful Referral-Generating Questions of All Time By O’Beria Seats with Michael Maher

Referral strategies come in all shapes and sizes, however, in this case, they come in the shape of a question mark. The goal is to get into a conversation with your clients by asking them specific relationship-building questions that will lead to referrals, while at the same time satisfying your genuine curiosity you have in your


client. ReferCo Founder Michael J. Maher formulated seven powerful referralgenerating questions-- which is considered a generosity strategy-- to ask the contacts in your database. Initially starting out with only 3-½ questions, Maher added an additional 3-½ to perfect the strategy. “They’re

ever-evolving. More questions developed over time from talking to other people,” he said. Here are the now seven referralgenerating questions that your clients will be glad you asked them (for this example, let’s say your client’s challenge is finding a reputable but affordable private school for their kids):

referral strategies

Q1: What’s your biggest challenge right now?

A: “They’re going to tell you either

their biggest personal or professional challenge. We immediately want to give them advice when they share with us that challenge, which is a mistake. But relax, take a step back mentally and move on to the next question.”

Q2: What have you tried so far? A: “They’re going to tell you what

they did to try to conquer this challenge. A nice follow-up question to this is ‘what else have you tried?’ We want to really exhaust all of the things they’ve tried to conquer that challenge.”

Q3: What are you going to do next? A: My husband and I want to visit more schools.

Q4: What is the first next step? A: We will make a decision based on our research.

Q5: Who can help you with that first next step?

A: My husband’s friend, Sarah, has

a daughter who goes to one of the schools at the top of our list. Sarah’s feedback about the school may help us make our decision.

Q6: By when? A: “This is the most powerful

question.” If they tell you the following month, ask them what you can do to help them get that done by then. Or if they tell you today, ask how you can help them get it done today.

Q7: How would you like me to follow up?

A: By phone, email, etc,

After you’ve asked all seven questions, then ask them if they have any questions for you. Then, they will ask you what they can do for you. “The thing that we teach at Referco and the 7L system is that when someone says ‘how can I help you or what can I do for you’, we answer referrals. And hopefully, you’re going to get into a conversation that actually leads to referrals,” Maher said Writer’s notes: I had the privilege of

being asked these seven questions by Michael J. Maher while interviewing him for this story. And quite honestly, I thought I was already thinking outside the box but quickly found out I was still very much inside it. After pondering my answers to these questions, along with Maher’s suggestions, I did a little soulsearching. Bottom line: I had to let go of fear and take the necessary steps to accomplish dreams I’ve previously made excuses for not fully pursuing. Now that I’ve been inspired, I will embrace this upcoming year with a new level of determination, focus and discipline as I consistently work toward my goals. Thank you, Mr. Maher, for opening my eyes a little wider. Take action: Try the seven questions on someone TODAY!

O’BERIA SEATS is a freelance writer, copywriter, and content creator who develops written content for entrepreneurs and businesses. For more info: Michael J. Maher is a top-rated speaker, author, and coach who has worked with hundreds of businesses and helped trained thousands of sales executives. His book (7L) The Seven Levels of Communication Go from Relationships to Referrals has been a number one best seller for 8 straight years on Amazon and was named one of the 20 Top-Rated Business Books of All Time by Hubspot. His teachings have been endorsed by such well-known authors and business experts as Gary Keller, cofounder of Keller Williams Realty and author of The One Thing, Dr. Ivan Misner, founder of BNI, Dave Ramsey, author of EntreLeadership and The Total Money Makeover, and dozens more. Michael travels throughout the nation discussing the new type of sales environment called The Generosity Generation. His widely popular GenGen Events are attended by tens of thousands of sales people each year. Each event benefits Maher’s #GiveBack Foundation. For additional information visit



the influential zone


ARMY OF AMBASSA 2019 TOU By O’Beria Seats


the influential zone



the influential zone

WIN THE WAR. ENJOY THE BATTLE. enerosity Generation Founder and best-selling author Michael J. Maher is bringing his business-transforming event to a city near you. Similar to a Commander in Chief, Maher and his Armed Ambassador Forces have geared up and set out across the country with a special operations mission: to provide real estate and industry professionals with the necessary arsenal to help them remain secure in the marketplace despite a possible slowdown and rate hike in the housing market this year. Realtors know how crucial it is to be able to survive the twists and turns of housing trends, which is why Maher got booked for 22 speaking engagements during the same week he announced his tour plans. So, it’s evident that these professionals are confident they will learn the tools and strategies, from Maher’s event, to prepare them for what’s to come. Having coached a baseball game in cool, breezy Atlanta temperatures the day prior to this interview, a slightly hoarse Maher spoke about the big reveal of the tour. “I’m going to share with them how I got 11 referrals from my very first client in one day, and how they can do the same.”



RIGHT MARKET, RIGHT MESSAGE, RIGHT TIME Why launch an Army of Ambassadors’ tour specifically for this year? Maher knows it’s the right time for you to know how to correctly build your Army of Ambassadors. “More referrals will be given to real estate agents and industry professionals this year than any year ever before. This really is the year of the referral,” he shared. And it would be impossible to get in on these referral wins if




everything works,” Maher explained. you don’t have your own Army of For example, you can promote your Ambassadors to refer you in the first business via newspapers, magazines, place. catalogs, directories, email, social Throughout the year, Maher and media or billboards, but it would be his research team kept an eye on the difficult to measure which of these economy and real estate and stock advertising methods actually worked. markets, as well as what businesses What happens in a down market? were going through sales-wise. Many “Well . . . when houses are markets around the not flying off the market country are already or being sold in two weeks seeing a slowdown, MORE REFERRALS or less, you really need a according to Maher. WILL BE GIVEN TO professional to sell your From this observation, he crafted this message REAL ESTATE AGENTS house,” Maher continued. In this case, sellers aren’t for the tour: “We AND INDUSTRY looking for an agent on want to turn our clients into raving fans PROFESSIONALS THIS, they’re going to aunt Shelly or ambassadors.” Problem YEAR THAN ANY YEAR straight their best friend, Jim, for a is, “People don’t know referral. how to do it and they’re EVER BEFORE. THIS not doing it at the level REALLY IS THE YEAR we’re doing it,” he added. YOU SHOULD The market dictates BE THERE OF THE REFERRAL. the direction of Have you ever wanted to your marketing and hold one of those “YOU SHOULD BE promotion initiatives. “In an up HERE” blue, banner-like signs while at market-- when sales are really brisk--

Photos courtesy of Veronica Kovacev

a seminar, an event, or on an exotic vacation in order to woo those who see you on social media? Well, you can bet your bottom dollar that you and any business professional you know will want to be at an Army of Ambassadors’ event. “When people come to these events they love them. We cracked the code on developing Ambassadors and we’re sharing something, that as far as I know, nobody else has ever talked about,” Maher said. Maher will teach the triedand-true methods-- from his 7L System-- that bring in the most referrals, including the best actionable strategies for the marketplace at this time. This 90-minute session will culminate with a book signing and a meet and greet with long-time followers. “The typical response to our Army of Ambassadors’ tour has been, ‘I can do this and get referrals’ . . . and it’s not about manipulating, cornering or closing, it’s about being human . . . and not just being human but being the best human they can be without losing their authenticity.” With pit stops in Atlanta, Arizona, Texas, the Carolinas, Kansas, Missouri, Florida, California, Tennessee, and Washington state, destinations are constantly being added to the tour.

RAVING FANS Maher defines Ambassadors as “people who speak highly of you and refer you and your business willingly and often.” And everyone has the potential to be an Ambassador. It’s as simple as me recommending you to purchase your next certified pre-owned Civic over at Jay Wolfe Honda on Wornall and 103rd St. instead of going to Honda of Tiffany Springs



the influential zone

on Prairie View road. “Ambassadors are unpaid salesmen for our businesses. We want people to rave about what we do. If someone has a question about what we do, then our Ambassador is courageous and brave enough to stand up and say something.” And you just can’t wish for these raving fans to magically appear and instantly support you, you need a systematic, proactive and positive way to build an Army of Ambassadors. “People in business need Ambassadors more than they’ve ever had before. And it’s resonating and people are responding. There’s been a call of duty and people are standing up and taking action.”



For longer than any salesperson can remember, selling has been taught a certain way for many years: find people and sell them. “People want to buy; they don’t want to be sold,” Maher said about the modern sales era. Nowadays, folks go to the Internet, find what they want and buy it. Take shopping on Amazon, for instance, the giant online retailer does not force you to buy but cleverly suggests to you what others have bought along with what you’re intending to purchase. Next thing you know, you’re buying two books instead of one. Maher said that buyers today want you to really listen to their needs and then sincerely help them. “We have evolved from the ego era to the generosity

generation and salespeople with egos are being driven out of this business and salespeople with hearts are selling more than ever before as it should be.”

MARKET-PROOF STRATEGIES So, of course, we’re not going to give away all of the 7L strategies in this story. We’re going to only give you the appetizer-- just enough to satisfy you until the event, where you’ll get the entree: Start a Facebook group: “You should have a Facebook group for your friends, family and the people you know in your city. Add your clientele, potential clients and referral sources. It’s not a Facebook

group to sell them but it should serve as a community group to help them.” Hold an event: “We teach people how to hold an event that would be popular with their own database. We have people who buy coffee for a bunch of people, start roller coaster and scrapbooking clubs, hold wine tastings, etc. The choice is theirs on how they gather people but the strategy is to get people together. People are craving relationships right now and they want to get together and share the energy in the room.” Focus on quality and not quantity: “The way to build Ambassadors is not by sending bulk emails or blast postcards. It’s not by any of these quantity strategies used in the past. You have to use a qualitative strategy to build Ambassadors one relationship at a time. And the way to do that is by giving massive value first to each of these people.” Proactive generosity: “Meet with or call your Ambassadors to find out how you can help them. You want to ask them if they have any challenges, goals, or what they’re looking forward to enjoying this year (vacation, hobbies, sports, etc.). Once you learn their exact goals, challenges and interests, take action on their most passionate, which should be obvious. If they’re passionate about going on a trip to Italy this year, then you could buy an

Italy travel guide on Amazon for $10 and have it shipped to them for $4. More than likely, they’ll take a picture of your book, post it on Facebook and brag to their friends how great you are.” Conversely, Maher also mentioned that pouring into other people doesn’t have to cost you a dime. You can help someone a lot by simply connecting them to an expert who can help them. For example, if they want to improve their drive shot from 250 to 300 meters, refer them to someone who’s good at golf. “Generosity is the action that tilts the universe in your favor. And that leads to the best way to get an Ambassador-- to be an Ambassador,” he said. “Human behavior states that if someone is really generous to me, then I really feel compelled to be really generous back to them. I think that’s why the strategies work because they’re based on love, generosity and appreciation.” Make sure you get to an Army of Ambassadors’ event in a city near you.


If you want to help your organization, staff or agents get more referrals and ensure their success in the marketplace, book Maher to speak at your venue. Schedule your booking now, as dates for the 2019 tour are being added daily.

O’BERIA SEATS is a freelance writer, copywriter, and content creator who develops written content for entrepreneurs and businesses. For more info:


be referable


Old Republic Sponsors Army of Ambassadors’ Tour By O’Beria Seats

When you know, you just know. A good business partnership is comparable to finding your soul mate. There’s a chemistry that feels like an instant, magnetic attraction, and the compatibility is off the charts. Fate beckons you together to experience a once and a lifetime relationship with an individual that some consider rare. It was mutual respect at first sight between Old Republic Home Protection and Referral Strategist Michael J. Maher. Shared philosophies within their industry eventually united them. Headquartered in San Ramon, CA, Old Republic is a home warranty company that has been serving home

buyers and sellers for over 40 years. Vice President of Sales Jim Mullery oversees seven regional managers and roughly 85 account executives nationwide. Mullery is also responsible for setting sales strategies, training and coaching. “With those many salespeople out there, it’s a constant job for all of us to make sure we’re representing Old Republic in the best light,” Mullery said. Old Republic’s sales approach distinguishes them from most home warranty companies. “Many home

warranty companies have a direct to consumer business. We are 99.9 percent only going through real estate professionals,” he said.

THE PERFECT PARTNERSHIP It’s not hard to imagine that Old Republic receives a lot of invitations from professionals, requesting to partner. And it certainly makes business sense to select sponsorship opportunities that would bring the best return on the company’s investment. But the choice comes easy when prioritizing core values. “It is very important for us that it ties



be referable

into the kind of message we want to be associated with, and Michael is absolutely one of the best and his message is very consistent with our company philosophy,” Mullery said about the ultimate decision to partner with Maher. With an aim to get ahead of the curve for 2019, Old Republic reached out to Maher last year and offered to be one of his top sponsors. Said Mullery, “We started out this year, sponsoring a couple of events-- in the Phoenix area, and we have another one coming up in Austin-- and we’re planning several more down the road throughout the year.” Old Republic’s philosophy, “people helping people,” is not only rooted in integrity but has proved to pay off for the company over the years. Gwen Gallagher worked as a receptionist at Old Republic 38 years ago, when the company had only 25 employees. Now as President of the company, Gallagher has grown Old Republic to be the third largest home warranty company in the industry that now employs about 600 active employees. How did she do it? By giving legs to a philosophy that would set the stage for the company’s success. “The philosophy permeates from Gwen all the way down to every department, so that’s why when you have someone like Michael, with his message of respecting those relationships primarily above everything else, it’s just so consistent with us,” Mullery said. Old Republic continues to build upon its foundation of serving others. “It’s a constant work in progress because we deal with human beings and systems. Both of these things can slip up at times, but knowing that it drives every decision-- and what everyone’s held accountable to-- makes a huge


difference in the way we operate the business,” Mullery added

REFERRALS BEGET REFERRALS Maher’s philosophy on building an Army of Ambassadors is based on love, generosity and appreciation. Mullery said after he and his team read Maher’s book, 7(L): Seven Levels of Communication, and heard him speak at their national sales meeting, they implemented Maher’s philosophy into their sales agenda. “But as he [Maher] teaches, the best way to grow business is to do it through referrals, and that works for us just as it would for a real estate agent,” Mullery said. Tara Carter, an Old Republic Senior Account Executive for 13 years, labels herself as a people person so she really enjoys working with realtors. Selling home warranties in designated counties


helpful strategies they took from 7(L). Even though there are too many strategies to choose from, they pointed out practical tips that stood out for each of them. Mullery: “One of the things that was eye-opening to me was how Michael talks about the great retrace, where you get business from an individual and you find out it was a referral, then you go back to that referral source and thank them. You also go back another level and thank the individual who introduced you to the referral source. But Maher takes it back 6 degrees. I may have gone back one level, but never went back multiple levels like he teaches.”

in Arizona, the bubbly saleswoman shared what she learned from Maher’s philosophy on building an Army of Ambassadors. “I’ve learned that there’s a power of success when you have an Army of Ambassadors. When you give referrals you get back so much more-- trust and lasting friendships. The referrals just come naturally after that,” Carter said. Old Republic veteran Yvette Myer, and one of Maher’s biggest fans, has covered the East Valley in Phoenix, AZ, for the last 20 years. As a Senior Account Executive, she helps agents understand the importance of home warranties. Agreeing with Maher that having an Army of Ambassadors results in free advertisement for businesses, Myer said: “They’re your cheerleaders and your biggest stream of referral business. And that’s the key-- to earn a steady flow of referral business without having to pay for Zillow leads or Facebook ads.”

7(L) STRATEGIES Mullery, Carter and Myer all shared

Carter: “The network stacking was brilliant. It was a big aha moment for me to schedule my appointments that way. When you have a plan to meet clients all at the same restaurant, it helps you manage your time better. The Seven Levels of Communication has helped me take my business to the next level. I’m very grateful that Michael Maher took the time to write this amazing book.” Myer: “Find their need. Ask them what is their biggest challenge right now. Then respond with these questions: What have you tried? And how has that worked? Would you like me to tell you some things I’ve seen other agents do? It’s about them not you. You show value by showing your appreciation.”

LONGTIME FRIEND AND REFERRAL Janell Enderson, top producer and Senior Account Executive for Kansas and Missouri, recently celebrated her 20th year with Old Republic. As Maher’s longtime friend, she introduced him at Old Republic’s national sales meeting a few years back. “I worked with Michael when he was a realtor. He was my client when he lived in the Kansas City area. I met him early in his career when he joined Remax. I

watched him grow from a new agent in the business to one of the biggest top producers in Kansas City. And he did it very quickly. His system works, and it can be applied to every type of business, not just real estate,” Enderson said. Enderson said that her greatest source of increased business comes from referrals-- agents referring her to other agents. She also admitted that her clients are like family. Enderson remembered how she and Michael would sit down and talk about how to approach working referrals before Maher wrote his book. “I’ll never forget when he drew a picture of a wagon wheel on a napkin at the restaurant we were at and he said, ‘Okay, the person you want to work with is like the person in the middle, and then you got these people who are the spokes of the wheel who are there to help you.’ It was a wagon-wheel approach to building referrals,” she reminisced. “He has inspired me to look at my business, appreciate my business and help grow my business through my Army of Ambassadors,” Enderson added. Mullery also said this about Maher, “He’s quality people and I love the fact that in my business career I’ve been blessed to be introduced to people like Michael and I look forward to a longtime relationship.” If your company’s mission is to gain referrals by sincerely helping others, contact Referco to become an event sponsor for the Army of Ambassador’s 2019 tour.

O’BERIA SEATS is a freelance writer, copywriter, and content creator who develops written content for entrepreneurs and businesses. For more info:



feed your soul

Chiefs’ Star Quarterback #GivesBack By Blake Stilwell



he biggest new star quarterback of NFL doesn’t get a lot of free time. Practicing is as important as game time, so when the time comes to relax, it’s understandable that a young football star might actually rest. But it turns out Patrick Mahomes, the Kansas City Chiefs’ young QB, is a star both on and off the field. The second-year QB spent his day off helping build transitional housing for veterans in the Kansas City area with The Veterans Community Project, a non-profit that’s building a specialized community network of tiny homes and services dedicated to supporting every man and woman who served — also known as Tiny Houses for Homeless Vets. The founder of the Veterans Community

feed your soul

A cluster of VCP’s tiny housing in the Kansas City, Mo. area. (Matt McMullen via Twitter)

Kansas City Chiefs quarterback Patrick Mahomes works with volunteers to put the finishing touches on the interior of a small, transitional home designed for veterans. (Matt McMullen via Twitter)

Project, Chris Stout, is a former U.S. Army corporal who was wounded in Afghanistan. His own transition into civilian life was marked by trouble with PTSD and employment issues. Though not homeless himself, he told CNN he was shocked at the inefficiencies he witnessed in the programs designed to help vets escape homelessness. When Stout discovered homeless vets shunned shelters because they were unsafe and lacked privacy, he paid for hotel rooms out of his own pocket to keep these heroes off the street — but that too was inefficient. Eventually, he and his friends left their jobs to start the VCP, helping veterans

first and asking questions later. Clusters of tiny houses made perfect sense. That’s what VCP builds for veterans. They offer privacy, dignity, and a chance at recovery for those who need a hand up. “We are the place that says ‘yes’ first and figures everything else out later,” Stout said. “We serve anybody who’s ever raised their hand to defend our Constitution.” Chris Stout is currently one of CNN’s Heroes, an annual event where the cable news network honors ordinary people who make big changes in the world at large. The Veterans Community Project has built 13 homes in the Kansas City

The community of tiny homes is known as “Veterans Village” (VFW)

area and plan[ned] to double that number by Nov. 8, 2018. Some veterans housed there have been there since January 2018 while some have already made their way into more permanent housing. The goal [was] for the VCP is to have 49 homes and a 4800-square foot community center built by the end of 2019. For Mahomes, it was an important part of being welcomed into the Kansas City community. The Chiefs star QB wasn’t able to risk a lot in terms of heavy lifting, but someone has to paint the houses.



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Referable Reads ...Applying this values-based model in our real estate business has produced more “reward/effort invested” than any other business building system we have applied. ~Jim D., 5-Star Amazon Review

A compelling narrative with powerful instruction and direct application, Extreme Ownership challenges leaders everywhere to fulfill their ultimate purpose: lead and win.

MUST READ! If you’re struggling with being purposeful and staying focused (like me) this is the perfect book to read and create a life by design… ~Dagmar, 5-Star Amazon review

In Can’t Hurt Me, David Goggins shares his astonishing life story and reveals that most of us tap into only 40% of our capabilities. Goggins calls this The 40% Rule, and his story illuminates a path that anyone can follow to push past pain, demolish fear, and reach their full potential.



catalyst* connection

Over 200 people joined the movement and mastered their first event of 2019 based on the strategies that Michael Maher teaches in CATALYST* and Event Mastery Class.


EDITOR’S NOTE: Interested in learning more? Check out and for more information!



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