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Staff Spotlight
RH: Do you have any cool collections? Did you collect anything as a kid?
SR: You know those touristy machines that press designs into coins? I keep quarters and shiny pennies in my wallet in case I come across one. I have a bunch from zoos, aquariums, theme parks, even one from when I was in Amsterdam! I also collect playbills from shows I’ve seen as well as depression glass.
RL: I collected rocks as a kid, don’t ask me why, but I had little pouches full of rocks I got from different places I visited. Now, I have a bit of a t-shirt collection going. Every time I go someplace new, I have to get a graphic tee, it’s just an impulse now. You don’t even wanna know how many college shirts I have.
RH: Picture your perfect, lazy day inside. What are you doing?
SR: It’s raining and I can hear it patter on the roof. That’s probably the most important aspect of a lazy day for me. The occasional thunder strike is also crucial for ambiance. A pile of blankets, even if it’s the middle of summer. Then I’d make myself a hot chocolate, turn on my music, and read a (hopefully good) book.
noon; sleeping-in is number one on the list. My ideal lazy day would take place while there’s a storm going on outside, rain hitting the windows, maybe some thunder. Lazy days just feel more anyways. Then, I’m parking my butt on the couch and binging some show I’ve already watched a thousand times like Criminal Minds or Game of Thrones.
RH: The two of you are taking over REFINE next year. What are you most excited for? Any changes or developments you are looking forward to making?
up our online presence — social media, the website, that whole thing. I would also love more in-person meetings and hang-outs!
RL: Gosh, I’m kinda feeling the pressure already. I’m always also be nice to (hopefully) run the magazine more in-person and get to meet everyone face-to-face. I’d love to see our engage bring people to the “dark side” that is magazine writing.
RH: Where’s your favorite place to window shop? (online or in-person)
SR: I love going to bookstores. I am an absolute menace, to
be fair, but I love it. If you go to a bookstore with me, expect a running commentary about which books I’ve read, which ones are on my tbr (to-be-read) list, books that amazed me, books that disappointed me, and any publishing drama I’ve heard on Twitter.
RL: I would have to say TJ-Maxx or Nordstrom Rack. I feel like those stores have so many hidden gems and I love hanging out in the skincare and shoe aisles. Even if I’m not buying anything, it’s fun to imagine some alternate timeline in which I would need a collagen/retinol, anti-aging, pore-erasing magic serum. Lately, I’ve also been really into browsing online optical stores because as someone whose worn glasses since the fourth grade, I’m always looking for cute frames.
RH: Pick one of the seven deadly sins— which is the most fun to indulge in?
SR: I’m going to go with gluttony. I’m the kind of person who
saves pretty stickers and nice stationary for the perfect time or an important occasion. I’ve been working on allowing myself nice things for no reason other than wanting them. Yeah, overindulging shouldn’t be your go-to. But every now and then you need a spa day just for the hell of it.
up sometimes. I put in a lot of work, so hell yea I’m going to take pride in it. Plus, I learned from a good friend not to think of it as being prideful or vain, but