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134th YEAR ISSUE 31
Student Health Center reports ITS Update: rising number of flu cases New student
email domain announced
It’s that time of year when the weather is changing, flowers are blooming, baseball season is beginning and the flu is here. The Center for Disease Control (CDC) has done extensive research into the flu, including its effects on people and how it spreads. “Influenza is a contagious respiratory illness caused by influenza viruses,” the CDC states. “It can cause mild to severe illness. Serious outcomes of flu infection can result in hospitalization or death. Some people, such as older people, young children, and people with certain health conditions, are at high risk of serious flu complications.” According to the CDC, experts believe the flu is spread through physical contact of the virus to a person. For example, when someone coughs or sneezes, the virus is distributed to the area that is coughed or sneezed on. If another person happens to be within that path, there is a chance of them contracting the virus. Dr. Clifton Story is the executive director of University Health Services and medical director of the Student Health Center at Mississippi State University.
Student worker emails switch to Exchange, Duo deemed a success KATIE POE
announced its plans to create a new student email domain, which would separate the It has been a busy start students from staff and to the spring semester at faculty. Mississippi State University’s ITS reached out to the Information Technology Student Association (SA) to Services (ITS) with the come up with an appropriate requirement of Two-Factor possible name for the new for students, Λορεμ ιπσυμAuthentication δολορ σιτ αμετ, χονσεχτετυερ αδιπισχινγ ελιτ,domain. σεδ διαμ νονυμμψ νιβη ευισμοδ According to τινχιδυντ Mayahυ ωισι ενιμ αδ μινιμ ϖενιαμ, θυισ νοστρυδ εξερχι τατιον υλλαμχορπερ συσχιπιτ λοβορτισ νισλ υτ αλιθυι the introduction of a new Emerson, SA president, the ιριυρε δολορ ιν ηενδρεριτ ιν ϖυλπυτατε ϖελιτ εσσε μολεστιε χονσεθυατ, ϖελ ιλλυμ δολορε ευ φευγιατ ν student email domain and theδελενιτSA conducted a φευγαιτ poll with οδιο διγνισσιμ θυι βλανδιτ πραεσεντ λυπτατυμ ζζριλ αυγυε δυισ δολορε τε νυλλα the φαχιλ Rosalind Hutton Λορεμ ιπσυμswitching δολορ σιτ αμετ, χονσ εχτετυερ αδιπισχινγ ελιτ,possible σεδ διαμ νονυμμψ νιβη ευισμοδ τινχιδυντ of student worker domains to gather ωισι ενιμ αδ μινιμ ϖενιαμ, θυισ νοστρυδ εξερχι τατιον υλλαμχορπερ συσχιπιτ λοβορτισ νισλ υτ αλι echoed Story’s wordsΥτ by δολορ σιτ αμετ, from BullyMail toελιτ,student input,νιβηand surveyors Λορεμ ιπσυμemails χονσεχτετυερ αδιπισχινγ σεδ διαμ νονυμμψ ευισμοδ τινχιδυντ υ stating the importanceωισιof ενιμ αδExchange. μινιμ ϖενιαμ, θυισ νοστρυδ εξερχι τατιον υλλαμχορπερ λοβορτισ νισλ υτ αλιθυι decidedσυσχιπιτ on @student.msstate. ιριυρε δολορ ιν ηενδρεριτ ιν ϖυλπυτατε ϖελιτ εσσε μολεστιε χονσεθυατ, ϖελ ιλλυμ δολορε ευ φευγιατ ν the yearly vaccine and listing semester, ITSδελενιτedu. ITS, 2 οδιο διγνισσιμ θυιLast βλανδιτ πραεσεντ λυπτατυμ ζζριλ αυγυε δυισ δολορε τε φευγαιτ νυλλα φαχιλ how to get well again ifΛορεμ youιπσυμ δολορ σιτ αμετ, χονσ εχτετυερ αδιπισχινγ ελιτ, σεδ διαμ νονυμμψ νιβη ευισμοδ τινχιδυντ ωισι ενιμ αδ μινιμ ϖενιαμ, θυισ νοστρυδ εξερχι τατιον υλλαμχορπερ συσχιπιτ λοβορτισ νισλ υτ αλι have been diagnosed. Υτ She Λορεμ ιπσυμ δολορ σιτ αμετ, χονσεχτετυερ αδιπισχινγ ελιτ, σεδ διαμ νονυμμψ νιβη ευισμοδ τινχιδυντ υ said she has seen 139 cases ωισι ενιμ αδ μινιμ ϖενιαμ, θυισ νοστρυδ εξερχι τατιον υλλαμχορπερ συσχιπιτ λοβορτισ νισλ υτ αλιθυι of the flu since January.ιριυρε δολορ ιν ηενδρεριτ ιν ϖυλπυτατε ϖελιτ εσσε μολεστιε χονσεθυατ, ϖελ ιλλυμ δολορε ευ φευγιατ ν οδιο διγνισσιμ θυι βλανδιτ πραεσεντ λυπτατυμ ζζριλ δελενιτ αυγυε δυισ δολορε τε φευγαιτ νυλλα φαχιλ Ball said to decrease Λορεμ ιπσυμ δολορ σιτ αμετ, χονσ εχτετυερ αδιπισχινγ ελιτ, σεδ διαμ νονυμμψ νιβη ευισμοδ τινχιδυντ Υτ ωισι ενιμ αδ μινιμ ϖενιαμ, θυισ νοστρυδ εξερχι τατιον υλλαμχορπερ συσχιπιτ λοβορτισ νισλ υτ αλι chances of catching Λορεμ ιπσυμ δολορ σιτ αμετ, χονσεχτετυερ αδιπισχινγ ελιτ, σεδ διαμ νονυμμψ νιβη ευισμοδ τινχιδυντ υ the flu, follow these ωισι ενιμ αδ μινιμ ϖενιαμ, θυισ νοστρυδ εξερχι τατιον υλλαμχορπερ συσχιπιτ λοβορτισ νισλ υτ αλιθυι recommendations: washδολορ ιν ηενδρεριτ ιν ϖυλπυτατε ϖελιτ εσσε μολεστιε χονσεθυατ, ϖελ ιλλυμ δολορε ευ φευγιατ ν ιριυρε οδιο διγνισσιμ θυι βλανδιτ πραεσεντ λυπτατυμ ζζριλ δελενιτ αυγυε δυισ δολορε τε φευγαιτ νυλλα φαχιλ your hands, avoid shaking Λορεμ ιπσυμ δολορ σιτ αμετ, χονσ εχτετυερ αδιπισχινγ ελιτ, σεδ διαμ νονυμμψ νιβη ευισμοδ τινχιδυντ hands and hugging friends Υτ ωισι ενιμ αδ μινιμ ϖενιαμ, θυισ νοστρυδ εξερχι τατιον υλλαμχορπερ συσχιπιτ λοβορτισ νισλ υτ αλι Λορεμ ιπσυμ δολορ σιτ αμετ, χονσεχτετυερ αδιπισχινγ ελιτ, σεδ διαμ νονυμμψ νιβη ευισμοδ τινχιδυντ υ in greeting, use respiratory ωισι ενιμ αδ μινιμ ϖενιαμ, θυισ νοστρυδ εξερχι τατιον υλλαμχορπερ συσχιπιτ λοβορτισ νισλ υτ αλιθυι etiquette like coughingιριυρε intoδολορ ιν ηενδρεριτ ιν ϖυλπυτατε ϖελιτ εσσε μολεστιε χονσεθυατ, ϖελ ιλλυμ δολορε ευ φευγιατ ν οδιο διγνισσιμ θυι βλανδιτ πραεσεντ λυπτατυμ ζζριλ δελενιτ αυγυε δυισ δολορε τε φευγαιτ νυλλα φαχιλ your elbow, and have tissues ιπσυμ δολορ σιτ αμετ, χονσ εχτετυερ αδιπισχινγ ελιτ, σεδ διαμ νονυμμψ νιβη ευισμοδ τινχιδυντ handy and dispose of Λορεμ used Υτ ωισι ενιμ αδ μινιμ ϖενιαμ, θυισ νοστρυδ εξερχι τατιον υλλαμχορπερ συσχιπιτ λοβορτισ νισλ υτ αλι tissues properly. She Λορεμ saidιπσυμ δολορ σιτ αμετ, χονσεχτετυερ αδιπισχινγ ελιτ, σεδ διαμ νονυμμψ νιβη ευισμοδ τινχιδυντ υ ενιμ αδ μινιμ ϖενιαμ, θυισ νοστρυδ εξερχι τατιον υλλαμχορπερ συσχιπιτ λοβορτισ νισλ υτ αλιθυι to avoid close contact ωισι with ιριυρε δολορ ιν ηενδρεριτ ιν ϖυλπυτατε ϖελιτ εσσε μολεστιε χονσεθυατ, ϖελ ιλλυμ δολορε ευ φευγιατ ν people during flu season οδιο διγνισσιμ θυι βλανδιτ πραεσεντ λυπτατυμ ζζριλ δελενιτ αυγυε δυισ δολορε τε φευγαιτ νυλλα φαχιλ Λορεμ ιπσυμ δολορ σιτ αμετ, χονσ εχτετυερ αδιπισχινγ ελιτ, σεδ διαμ νονυμμψ νιβη ευισμοδ τινχιδυντ when possible. Υτ ωισι ενιμ αδ μινιμ ϖενιαμ, θυισ νοστρυδ εξερχι τατιον υλλαμχορπερ συσχιπιτ λοβορτισ νισλ υτ αλι NEWS EDITOR
According to Story, there have been over 100 cases of the flu already diagnosed at the Student Health Center in the past two weeks. When it comes to getting better after one gets the flu, Story explained the most important thing a person can do is to stay away from other people and hibernate. “I’d go to the doctor and get tested,” Story said. “There is flu medicine, and the sooner you get it and start taking it, the better it will work and the more effective it is to help you get over the flu quicker.” Story said a new medicine for influenza looks
promising. “There is a new medicine this year that looks better than previous medicines, too. Step one is to get tested, the second thing is to stay away from people. We usually tell people to go 24 hours without fever and without fever medicine,” Story said. “So, stay away from people, hibernate, chill out in your dorm room or in your apartment, drink plenty of fluids, get plenty of rest. The key is to stay away from affecting anybody else.” Nancy Ball is the nurse manager at the Longest Student Health Center with a BSN in nursing. She
FLU, 2
Λορεμ ιπσυμ δολορ σιτ αμετ, χονσεχτετυερ αδιπισχινγ ελιτ, σεδ διαμ νονυμμψ νιβη ευισμοδ τινχιδυντ υ ωισι ενιμ αδ μινιμ ϖενιαμ, θυισ νοστρυδ εξερχι τατιον υλλαμχορπερ συσχιπιτ λοβορτισ νισλ υτ αλιθυι ιριυρε δολορ ιν ηενδρεριτ ιν ϖυλπυτατε ϖελιτ εσσε μολεστιε χονσεθυατ, ϖελ ιλλυμ δολορε ευ φευγιατ ν οδιο διγνισσιμ θυι βλανδιτ πραεσεντ λυπτατυμ ζζριλ δελενιτ αυγυε δυισ δολορε τε φευγαιτ νυλλα φαχιλ Λορεμ ιπσυμ δολορ σιτ αμετ, χονσ εχτετυερ αδιπισχινγ ελιτ, σεδ διαμ νονυμμψ νιβη ευισμοδ τινχιδυντ Υτ ωισι ενιμ αδ μινιμ ϖενιαμ, θυισ νοστρυδ εξερχι τατιον υλλαμχορπερ συσχιπιτ λοβορτισ νισλ υτ αλι
Students respond to new Perry Cafeteria cookies EMMA DRAY BRASWELL STAFF WRITER
The beginning of this semester marked many changes at Mississippi State University. One such change was the Perry Cafeteria’s chocolate chip cookies, which are known campuswide for their taste and texture. Many students are against this change, and are not wanting to adjust to it. A new petition, started by freshman communication major Hannah Blankenship, was created so MSU students would have the chance to come together and show support for the original Perry cookies. The petition is solely focused on creating a collective voice signed by students who hope to bring the old cookies back to the Perry. Blankenship said signing the petition shows support for what she and other students are working toward. Kaylee Ricchetti, an animal and dairy science major, was one of the first students to sign the petition.
FRIDAY HI: 44 LO: 31 SKY: Partly Sunny POP: 5
Student Counseling Services hosts wellness workshops
and helped students hone in on specific types of wellness, such as holistic wellness, wellness balance and dimensional wellness. Kären Robinson, the speaker for this event and staff counselor at the SCS, said “Well Mind, Well Body” was the last workshop being held until the week after spring break.
The Student Counseling Services (SCS) organized one of its themed Wellness U workshops in Dorman Hall to help students with their concentration, mindfulness and overall well-being on Feb. 5. “Well Mind, Well Body” was the theme for the workshop,
Hannah Blankenship | Courtesy Photo
Students Jonah Holland, Kaylee Ricchetti and Jason Hwang react negatively to the new cookies served at Perry Cafeteria.
“Last semester I really loved the cookies,” Ricchetti said. “They reminded me of the Chips Ahoy chewy cookies.” Ricchetti said one special quality of the old cookies was how soft they were, but she does not necessarily dislike the new dessert option. “I still like the new cookies,” Ricchetti explained. “I just liked the old ones better.”
SATURDAY HI: 48 LO: 44 SKY: Partly Sunny POP: 17
SUNDAY HI: 56 LO: 50 SKY: Cloudy POP: 25
This petition began on Jan. 30, and according to Ricchetti, it initially was not very serious. “We were signing it because we had talked about it, and we were just trying to see what the public would say about it as well,” Ricchetti said. This opinion was popular among the first people to sign the petition, as Blankenship also expressed starting the petition originated as a joke,
and she did not realize how easy it was to start a petition. “It took two seconds,” Blankenship said. “Then friends retweeted and shared it.” Though Blankenship’s original hope was to get over 20 people to sign it, the petition has grown into something bigger. As of Feb. 7, 328 people had signed it. However, there are some students who have refused to sign it. COOKIES, 2
Brianna Laverty | The Reflector
Staff Counselor Kären Robinson discusses the importance of one’s well-being.
Reader’s Guide: FORECAST: There will be a large range of temperatures throughout the weekend. The low for Friday is just below freezing, with Sunday warming up in the upper 50s.
Courtesy of Accuweather
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