The Reflector Print Edition

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Saturday morning shooting report lacks evidence BY KAITLYN BYRNE Editor-in-Chief


Jordan Brightwell organizes a display at Burlaep’s new store on North Jackson Street, which sells clothing, camping equipment and artwork.

Profits from the Old House will help fight local and international poverty. BY KAITLYN BYRNE Editor-in-Chief

Burlaep, a non-profit clothing company founded by Mississippi State University students, now has a store location after four years of selling clothes for a cause through its website. Burlaep’s store, named the Old House, is located downtown at 122 North Jackson St.

and sells anything from shirts and artwork to hammocks and other camping equipment. Cleat Morris, one of Burlaep’s founders, said artists can submit their artwork to to have pieces sold in the store. “We felt like there wasn’t much of an avenue for art students or even local artists to sell their artwork, so we are selling artwork as well,”

he said. “I really think once art students find out there is a place to sell artwork here in Starkville, they will be eager to get their work in here, and I think the community is just as eager to have a location to purchase local artwork.” Morris said the Old House follows the cause-based mission of Burlaep, and a percentage of each sale will go to a local or international cause.

Morris said he and his friends came up with the concept of Burlaep after becoming dissatisfied with how they were spending their time in college. Instead of “wasting time,” Morris said he and the other founders felt called to use their college years to make an impact in the lives of others. “We started a Bible study, and during an accountability

group meeting we talked about how we weren’t really doing anything worthwhile,” Morris said. “ We weren’t happy about it. One day we stayed up till about four in the morning and came up with Burlaep.” After about a year of planning, Morris said Burlaep sold its first piece of clothing — the first of many that would benefit local and international missions to eliminate poverty. SEE BURLAEP, 3

Fitness program helps reach health targets BY PRANAAV JADHAV Staff Writer

The Sanderson center will host a fall fitness program for students struggling to achieve fitness goals, where a certified trainer will help students meet their potential. The registration for this program has begun. Jason Townsend, associate director at the Department of Recreational Sports said he is grateful for MSU’s health and fitness atmosphere. “I think we have an edge on the competition even in Mississippi now with the campus recreation facilities that have grown, as long as we can keep up with the trend and make it exciting and real for everyone, I think we are in a good position to genuinely become healthier,” he said. Townsend said most of the services offered are going to be free unless more staff needs to be brought in. “We don’t want to break

According to Mississippi State University officials, a Maroon Alert issued around 1 a.m. on Saturday may have been about a false report. Sid Salter, director of University Relations, said MSU police received a call that a shooting took place at Sprint Mart on Blackjack Salter Road around 1 a.m. on Saturday. Salter said MSU police responded and were told the shooter fled toward campus. Salter said the university issued the Maroon Alert based on this information to warn students and faculty. Twenty minutes later, the police were told the shooter got in a red car and drove away from campus down Oktoc Road. “The crisis action team formed, and when we got the information that (the shooter) fled down Oktoc Road, we stayed at the crisis center until we were sure MSU police had checked to make sure residents halls were secure,” Salter said. Salter said the crisis center closed at 2 a.m. on Saturday and left an alert up until daylight as a precaution. Salter said no shell casings were found at the scene, and no victim has come forth. “There is no evidence yet that a shooting occurred,” he said. “The university responded to a report that may have been a false report. There is no indication that he or she was an MSU student, and there is no indication that anybody from MSU was involved.”

Budget cuts create issues across several departments BY PRANAAV JADHAV

someone’s bank. We don’t want to hurt the wallet. We want them to participate. We don’t want the fees to be too high,” he said. Paul Walker, junior political science and economics major, said he does not visit the Sanderson Center regularly but believes in the advantages of a personal trainer. “I ran track in high school and learned a lot of good workouts then, so whenever I go I usually do workouts similar to those. Personal trainers can be great motivation, and if you’ve paid for them, it gives you an incentive to go to the gym,” he said. “But I guess the most important thing is how motivated you are in your workouts and how knowledgeable you are about working out. But even then you can just go online and learn everything you need to know about working out.” Townsend said he believes online resources face a credibility crisis and are unsafe.

Staff Writer


Sanderson Center trainer, Danielle Henley, works on her cardio using the treadmill.

Fall 2013 has brought an influx of student workers without jobs on campus. Mississippi State University, however, doesn’t deal with a uniformed campus-wide budget cut or modifications in the student worker policy. Don Zant, director of budget and planning, said in an email there have been no university-wide budget cuts recently. Any decisions regarding the employment of students would have been made by the employing department. Most graduate students are funded by MSU or an external source, such as the federal government or private assistantships and fellowships. Colin Mahony, senior majoring in mechanical engineering who plans to graduate in December, said he is forced to forgo graduate school at MSU due to the lack of funding opportunities.



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MyCourses platform change requires student, faculty transition “Going in cold not having any training, it was a little slow downloading notes. It On the first day of class, wasn’t really intuitive, softstudents woke up to find ware should be easier,” Tanemail inboxes full of notifica- ner said. “Though, in the old tions from myCourses, which system, downloading PDFs was not a feature of the old and posting grades was a pain. If this vermyCourse sion makes it ssoftware. just as hard L i n d a There is to grade, it Morse, dia much could be detrector of greater rimental to the Center functionality professors of Teaching and students. and Learn- on Blackboard as well It’s a waste of ing, said as more sophisticated my time and the reason also not givfor the my- tools.” ing the stuC o u r s e s -Linda Morse, dents what changes was Director of the Center they need.” simply that of Teaching and Tanner had the contract complaints was up. Learning about both MyCourssoftware veres is now sions, but she through Blackboard rather than Cam- said software should be easier in this technology age. One pus Edition Vista. “There is a much greater professor, who wishes to refunctionality on Blackboard main anonymous, had similar as well as more sophisticated complaints. “From the initial choice tools,” Morse said. A large team researched and of structures and menus, to conducted field tests for over making it over-friendly to a year, and the changes went hand-held electronic devicinto effect in May. Many pro- es, the system is not curricfessors have expressed frus- ulum or content-centered,” tration with the transition. the professor said. “Specific Angelle Tanner, professor of problems include the overuse physics and astronomy, is one of windows instead of frames, requiring an instructor to of them. BY GENY KATE GURLEY Contributing Writer

click through and refresh multiple times to grade student discussion or even look at student grades.” The professor said the whole focus of this kind of software should be more content-centered, and the notifications are difficult for professors to control. The complaints he reported to the Center for Teaching and Learning and Information Technology Services were answered quickly, but the complaints he had were unchangeable elements of the system. “I’ve changed the exam structure in my introductory classes, not because I think it’s educationally ideal, but because Blackboard won’t let me do what I think is best,” the professor said. “That speaks volumes since the system is supposed to aid instruction, not hinder it.” Both Tanner and the professor said the design’s main focus seemed to be user-friendliness when the focus should be on the content. Both professors also said they do not usually have a hard time with technology, so they are frustrated in both learning this software and being limited in what they can do with it. Many students, after spending the first two weeks getting


BlackBoard MyCourses has a student support feature for transitioning to the new platform. to know Blackboard, have said they have come to like it. Candace Moreau, sophomore computer science major, said Blackboard is more aesthetically pleasing, making navigation easier. “It’s nice. I love the homepage notifications. It’s a pretty, organized format,” she said. “I like that every tool is visible, whatever is due shows up in red so I can see it.”

Moreau said the notifications have been helpful to her to keep up with her schoolwork and be prepared for the next assignment. This feature sets Blackboard apart from Campus Edition Vista, and Macy Osman, sophomore international business and French major, agreed. “I like it. The notifications keep me on top of things. I didn’t really use myCourses a lot last year, but I’m looking forward to figuring it out,” Osman said. Osman said that though her teachers did not utilize myCourses in the past, she hopes to make the most out of it this year. Marilyn Coit, senior special education major, said she still needs to get used to Blackboard, although she also had complaints about the old platform.

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“The icons on the old version were annoying; they’d pull up six different tabs. But I find Blackboard is too busy. It’s harder to find what I need. It all looks the same,” she said. “There’s a just big learning curve. I still need to figure out how to do it. ” Morse said in order to take advantage of all Blackboard has to offer, students must use the training materials. “There are Blackboard modules for students, and training is available for faculty.” Teachers and students have access to various training materials as well as help from the Center for Teaching and Learning and Information Technology Services. There are also many tutorial videos on the myCourses home page under “Blackboard’s On Demand Learning Center.”

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“Funding is pretty much the one reason why I am not going to grad school at Mississippi State,” Mahony said. “It is kind of disheartening when I learned. I have looked at other schools tried to applied at places, but I wanted to go here, obviously, so I am kinda let down by it.” The team at the MSU Department of Forest Products, who are researching sustainable energy, receive funds from the federal government’s Department of Energy. Kanthi Penmetsa, research associate in the Department of Forest Products, said the department has not been approved of any extension for funding from the federal government after June 30, 2014. “Individually, we are facing the heat. We work for Dr. Steele who had good amount of funds until now. We tried to apply to many funds which we got through in the first initial stages, but the final stage we couldn’t because of budget




continued from 1 cuts. Many of our proposals didn’t go through,” he said. Undergraduate student worker jobs at the Department of Forest Products were also slashed as a result of this. Mihir Pradhan, junior majoring in computer science, said he lost his job at the Department of Forest Products because of budget cuts after having worked for two years. “What it does is, it not only makes the student workers lose their job, but it also creates a lot of chaos for the employers because they won’t have enough student workers and they don’t know how to get their job done,” he said. “If at some point they want to hire a new student worker once they get funds, they will have to teach him everything from scratch.” Few departments on campus have state money and few have their own revenue including money from the state, like the Office of Admissions and Scholarships.


Phil Bonfanti, director of admissions and scholarships, said he will not face any budget cuts from the state fund, but rising costs and expenditure is an issue he has to deal with. “You can probably talk to twenty different directors and get twenty different reasons, and you might also have some that are hiring and some that are not. There are few offices I know that are not cutting. I don’t think you will find a uniform situation — you may have some isolated things,” he said. Bonfanti said each department is to handle any cuts in funding individually. “How we get our money is different, how we spend it is different, how we prioritize it is different and what we spend it on might be different,” Bonfanti said. MSU students looking for part-time job opportunities can visit MSU Career Center’s website at

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BUDGET CUTS? $ Over-spending and expenditure pose a problem.

Federal government’s Department of Energy will stop funding Dr. Philip Steele beginning July 2014 in the Department of Forest products.

Few MSU mechanical engineering seniors do not consider MSU for their graduate school due to less funding.

Every department has a different reason for student worker lay-offs. ZACK ORSBORN | THE REFLECTOR

BURLAEP Morris said Burlaep seeks to provide lasting assistance to communities in need, instead of temporary fixes. The founders had contacts in Honduras from previous mission work, so Morris said the group adopted a Honduran village as its first project. “We really wanted to help and get involved with this village — to provide support,” he said. “One thing is we made contributions to schools there. We want to help eliminate poverty for these people, so we try to find things that aren’t just immediate fixes.” Though Morris said he is hesitant to set specific goals

continued from 1 for Burlaep’s future, he said the initial goal of the company four years ago has been met multiple times: to feed one person. Going forward, Morris said he hopes the causebased company continues to seek out opportunities to serve people in need. “We’re not actually a Christian organization, but everyone who runs the company is a Christian — and our faith motivates us to do the things we do,” he said. “I don’t want to set a goal for Burlaep because I want God to set that goal for us, and we will try to meet it.” Kristen Lovelace, Burlaep

volunteer, said Burlaep also grows food on a rented lot in a local garden and plans to sell the food at the Starkville Community Market. She said proceeds from the food will be used for missions. “This experience (with Burlaep) has shaped me a lot,” she said. “It’s amazing how everyone has come together to help out and get involved locally and internationally.” Although the Old House opened on Aug. 19, Morris said it will hold its official grand opening during Sept. 20-22. For more information about Burlaep, visit its website at


Students exercise while practicing their basketball skills on the court inside the Sanderson. “There are tons of sites where you can watch videos, and sometimes fitness videos and the information you get web-based might not be the safest form or explanation, and sometimes individuals will find information from not the most credible source,” he said. Saurabh Nalavade, junior mechanical engineering major who plans to join the program, said he believes personal training always holds an upper

hand over a drop-in workout. “I feel personal training is the ultimatum in core fitness. The trainer will give you critical advice on what works best for your body according to your personal stats. Yes, there are resources available, but a good fitness instructor can do wonders for you than a generalized online website,” he said. The Department of Recreational Sports on campus has partnered with the Department of Health Education

and Wellness for proper advice on a patron’s diet. “A lot of students don’t know this, but there is a free nutritional health consultation available at the health center. If someone wants to lose their body fat, we send them to Mandy Conrad at the health center,” Townsend said. For more information on the program, the students can visit the Department of Recreational Sports website at

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The deadline for Tuesday’s The deadline for Tuesday’s paper is 3 p.m. Thursday; paper is 3 p.m. Thursday; the deadline for Friday’s deadline for Friday’s paper paper is 3 p.m. Tuesday. is 3 p.m. Tuesday. MSU Classifieds are $5 per issue. student organizations may Student and staff ads are $3 place free announcements per issue, pre-paid. Lost and in Club Info. Information found: found items can be may be submitted by email club_info@reflector. listed for free; lost items are to with the listed for standard ad cost. subject heading “CLUB HELP WANTED INFO,” or a form may be Old Waverly Golf Club completed at The Reflector in West Point, Miss., is office in the Student looking to hire servers Media Center. A contact and bartenders who are name, phone number and hard-working, dedicated requested run dates must and available nights and be included for club info to weekends. If you are appear in The Reflector. interested, please send All submissions are subject resume to bre@oldwaverly. to exemption according to com. space availability.

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Is it the United States’ responsibility to intervene in Syria?


ccording to the Syrian is from Syria, said he does not Observatory for Human think a United States intervenRights, the death toll since tion will heal everything. the beginning of the 29-month “I do not think that the miliuprising in Syria now stands at tary intervention is going to solve 110,371 people, with at least the problem. Because it is limited 40,146 civilians killed including and its purpose is only to show nearly 4,000 women and more Assad that you can’t use chemithan 5,800 children. cal weapons,” he said. “It is OK, In a massive turnaround on you can kill people using bombs, Sunday, President Obama, in his aircrafts and tanks but please do 10-minute-long statement, an- not use chemical weapons. All nounced, he will enforce military Syrians have suffered from this intervention in Syria only after regime and many countries have Congress agrees for it with a vote. already intervened. Russia keeps An enthusiastic reporter sending weapons. Iran, Iraq and present at the Hezbollah rose garden are sending Isn’t it the yelled at Presweapons and responsibility of soldiers to kill ident Obama post-briefing the Syrians. the world asking wheth- hegemon to intervene?” What did the er he will forother side do go a strike if but watch the Congress does not approve, to bloodshed and remain silent?” which the President did not re- Boni said. spond and walked away. According to the numbers Mohammad Boni, computer flashed by NBC news, “Fifty engineering graduate student at percent of Americans believe Mississippi State University who the U.S. should not intervene

in Syria, compared with 42 percent who support it. Fifty-eight percent agree with the statement that the use of chemical weapons by any country violates a red line that requires a significant U.S. response, including the possibility of military action.” Obama, who became president in 2009, was poised as an anti-war activist — he won the Nobel Peace Prize in the same year. Sunday’s statement, however, experts believe, compromised his image a little bit. It compelled the Obama administration to rethink the basic fundamentals they were elected upon. Strategically, war experts say war in Afghanistan is still on, a country shouldn’t be at war with two nations at the same time — but do we mercilessly leave thousands at the blood-thirsty hands of Assad? Isn’t it the responsibility of the world hegemon to intervene? The U.S. feared there were weapons of mass destruction in Iraq, and we entered. The war

against the inhumane Taliban is still not over. This nation of stars and stripes, red, white and blue has always raised her hand on humanitarian grounds. Is Syria different? The answer is no. Let’s look at the opposition possible U.S. military intervention has received. Russia’s President Putin said, “In such conditions, to give a trump card to those who are calling for foreign military intervention is foolish nonsense. If there is evidence it should be presented. If it is not presented, that means it does not exist. We have to remember what has happened in the last decades, how many times the United States has been the initiator of armed conflict in different regions of the world. Did this resolve even one problem?” U.K. Prime Minister Cameron failed to convince many in the House of Commons there was enough evidence to be involved in a military strike against Syria. France and Saudi Arabia have

given the green light for a U.S. military intervention, which currently lies in the hands of the Congress. Congress is set to meet the week of Sept. 9. Would a loss in Congress mean there is liberty in the use of chemical weapons? We will have to wait and see. President Obama, in reference to his supreme powers as the commander in chief said, “While I believe I have the authority to carry out this military action without specific congressional authorization. I know that the country will be stronger if we take this course, and our actions will be even more effective.” Intelligently, President Obama has bought a week’s time for action. The G20 summit is scheduled Thursday through Friday in St. Petersburg, Russia, and this will be Obama’s golden opportunity to justify U.S. military action and turn the tables on President Putin. Finally, upon being asked how it feels to be a Syrian, Boni said, “It





PRANAAV JADHAV Pranaav Jadhav is a junior majoring in communication. He can be contacted at opinion@reflector.msstate. edu.

is difficult to be a Syrian whether we are inside or outside Syria. I constantly and daily check the news hoping that something good will take place. No one, for sure, wants his country to be bombed, but if this will lead to the end of this dictatorship, then let be,” he said.

From under the city lights—an ode to small town USA The importance of being true maroon

here’s something about a it quenches something deep withquiet southern morning in. A familiar “y’all” envelops you that raises an appreciation like a hug from a long-lost friend. My time spent in the city has for all the city’s failed provision. Most of my life has been spent not replaced the wanderlust helptightrope walking between silent lessly bottled up within my heart, daydreams of the north and a but urban USA taught me the tolerance of the south. My public priceless lesson that, “There ain’t display of ungratefulness for my nothin’ wrong with being from the heritage shines in all its glory as I small-town south, y’all.” There is a say, “Actually, I ordered unsweet humbleness found within smalltea,” for the thousandth time. A town America overlooked unless summer spent in one of America’s berated daily with name dropping newest up-and-coming metropo- and a dwindling bank account due lises engulfed my mind in a pleth- to overfed parking meters hungry ora of conversations with Yankee for your last quarter. The waitress folks, leaving me with a newfound at your local cafe knowing your understanding of something a order is a rare occurence in a city bustling with young southernover a million er once said, “To This is people. understand the The city world, you must what the may posess first understand a city gave obvious beauplace like Missisme and ty and glitsippi.” Hats off to tering lights; you, Mr. Faulkner. now the country but the smallI applaud your wis- roads will take me town south dom. has the charm. However, I count- home.” It’s an aper it’s more important to take a piece of Mississippi preciation I didn’t even have to in your pocket everywhere you go. travel all the way north to find. I When surrounded by the southern merely immersed myself in a city charm I so often take for granted, filled with half of America’s trouthe sickly sweetness is compara- badors hailing from sea to shining ble to a Gigi’s cupcake you regret sea. In a city where strangers greet immediately upon consumption. one another with a quick hello, I The icing slides effortlessly down found the tables slowly turning the throat only to be met with the and the longing returning. Yet this time it wasn’t met with the neon realization it has no real value. But coming off of three months lights of billboards and public spent in the hustle and bustle of a transit, I instead found my mind bonafide metropolis, that southern flashing home, longing for the charm is a glass of sweet tea in the neon lights of City Bagel and the middle of a Mississippi drought. conversation from a neighboring Underneath the sugary sweetness table on pasta night.

ALIE DALEE Alie Dalee is the opinion editor of The Reflector. She can be contacted at opinion@

Wanderlust is a beautiful word and an even more alluring ideal. However, it is an ideal often characterized by great expectations rarely met. It’s distinguished by aeuphoria caused by dreaming and a let down by the actualization of reality. It causes an illness that leaves one restless, discontent with Main Street and a lack of appreciation for the ones you care for deeply. The dreams of wandering a 20-block downtown drown out the quiet nights spent on your front porch with dear friends. The city taught me that the invisible dots of small town USA mapping out a southeast Rand McNally, likely amount to nothing more than mundane days, filled with seemingly routine moments, but it’s these moments that lead one to realize the old saying is true — it’s not where you are that matters, but who you are with. This is what the city gave me, and now the country roads will take me home.

aturday was a rough day attitude spreads like a virus. to be a Mississippi State What happened to the idea of University fan. After being united under true mawatching our loss to Oklahoma roon? Believing our team can defy State, it seemed as if the morale of everyone took a downturn. the odds is critical. I rememFrom social media to personal ber last season before we played conversations, the negativity Alabama, campus was electric. toward our football program The air itself seemed to convey was crushing to hear as a fan. a sense of confidence. Large Believe me, it is difficult to feel banners adorned classrooms, optimistic after this weekend’s and there were signs scattered hard-hitting game, but, as everywhere saying the words fans, we must try to stay pos- “We Believe 8-0.” While we itive. The pessimism must be did not win the game that suspended, and we need to get weekend, we were all united under true maroon. This toback to being true maroon. gethAttitude erness can be The beauty about brought a major our color, maroon, out the deciding is it is not pure red... best in factor of Through struggle our fan a team’s base and will. Ev- and persistance, it is forged ated ery fan has as a tint to be held in awe by ca r e powthe absoer ful lute right spectators. force. to be upset We need over losing in Houston, but the doomsday this mentality now. Committing yourself as a mindset among many Bulldogs has to stop. On Facebook and MSU fan is an all-or-nothing Twitter alone I have seen posts deal. I don’t think you can proclaiming how this one loss be “true” as a bandwagon fan. spelled the start of a terrible It has to be a 365-day-a-year season. Several comments went matter, with the realization so far as to target our own that not every day is going to players as being the sole rea- be simple. The beauty about son for losing, with some using our color, maroon, is it is not blatantly unprofessional lan- a pure red. It isn’t like crimguage. How does this ideology son, gold or blue. MSU Mahelp motivate our team? I was roon is a color which earns its always told you don’t kick a integrity by going through the dog while it’s down, and while dirt. Through struggle and I agree with the frustration, I persistence, it is forged as a tint also understand this downbeat to be held in awe by spectators.


T.J. Legler is a senior majoring in cultural anthropology. He can be contacted at opinion@

Pledging to be true maroon requires an understanding that there will be tough times. However, it also requires maintaining hope in the darkest hours. Determination is our most powerful tool. I challenge each of you reading this to show your full support. Maroon Fridays should be held in the utmost reverence, and campus needs to be alive with positive excitement. From kickoff to the last second of a game, cowbells should be loudly ringing completely, disregarding whether the score is in our favor or not. The “We Believe” signs should be displayed every day until football is over. These small actions help determine the spirit of our program. As Bulldogs, all we can do is show the best decorum and attitude by showing our support. We may not always believe in the choices made on the field, but our resolve should be strong enough to suspend any disbelief, leaving us united. Truly committing to true maroon means appreciating it for what it is: a shade of red that has seen failure, success and everything inbetween. Challenge yourself to be the best fan possible and remember to stay true maroon.


Roots of Empathy aims to teach compassion Managing Editor

Editor in Chief

News Editor

Kristen Spink

Kaitlyn Byrne

Anna Wolfe

Multimedia Editor

Life Editor

Opinion Editor

Zack Orsborn

Daniel Hart

Alie Dalee

Sports Editor John Galatas

Photography Editor Kaitlin Mullins

Copy Editor Emma Crawford



Editor in Chief/Kaitlyn Byrne

Letters to the editor should be sent to the Meyer Student Media Center or mailed to The Reflector, PO Box 5407, Mississippi State, MS. Letters may also be emailed to Letters must include name and telephone number for verification purposes. The editor reserves the right to edit or refuse to publish a letter.

325-7905 Managing Editor/Kristen Spink 325-8991 News Editor/Anna Wolfe 325-8819 Opinion Editor/Alie Dalee Sports Editor/John Galatas 325-5118 Life Editor/Daniel Hart 325-8883 Photography Editor/Kaitlin Mullins 325-1584 Multimedia Editor/Zack Orsborn Advertising Sales/Julia Pendley 325-7907


EDITORIAL POLICY The Reflector is the official student newspaper of Mississippi State University. Content is determined solely by the student editorial staff. The contents of The Reflector have not been approved by Mississippi State University.

The Reflector staff strives to maintain the integrity of this paper through accurate and honest reporting. If we publish an error we will correct it. To report an error, call 325-7905.


ducation is a tough subject also decreasing aggression in chilto handle. Time and time dren grades K-8. At the heart of again, it resurfaces in polit- the program, a volunteer mother ical talks on all levels and is bound and her baby are brought once to be a polarizing issue. With insti- every so often to a small group of tutions such as montessori, public, kids. Through the interaction seen private, charter and home schools, with the mother and her newborn, there are many different and suc- the children gain knowledge on the cessful approaches for a strong subject of emotions. education. While methods deliver This way emotions such as disthe information differ wildly, so tress, love and anger, to name a does the content. At the heart of few, are no longer intangible elthis education discussion is curric- ements within the children that ulum. they don’t know how to express but Some time ago, I came across an very real. In the end this gives the interview with the Dali Lama where children an emotional vocabulary he shed light on a massive dark with which to reflect off of and use spot in education. While we bick- when they feel hurt, happy or diser about tressed. It whether also allows We are social or not to them to creatures by see empasacrifice nature and need to thy at work the arts through the for more be able to decipher love of the math or the complex signals called mother and teach crethe effect it ationism emotions we receive from has on the or evo- other humans. ” baby. lution in Since its implementation in science class, he pointed out that educating children on emotional schools, Roots of Empathy has concepts, such as love and hate, is shown an increase in emotional fundamental to our growth as hu- understanding, which allows them mans. A supplement to education to have more competence in dealwith emotional edification is exact- ing with their emotions and autonly what a program called Roots of omy. Improvements on the order Empathy has done. of 70 percent have also been shown Roots of Empathy is an inter- in the childrens’ interactions with national program that focuses on their peers by sharing, helping and the development of empathy while inclusion.

MATT TAYLOR Matt Taylor is a senior majoring in mechanical engineering. He can be contacted at opinion@

Bottom line: we are social creatures by nature and need to be able to decipher the complex signals called emotions we receive from other humans. To assume that kids will learn proper social skills and develop autonomy in grade school is simply naïve. Some of us weren’t born with the innate ability to express the soup of emotions we have boiling inside of us at times. A small fissure in the crack of one’s social abilities can lead to major setbacks in career. While education is extremely important in building the intelligence of children, the neglect of emotional and social intelligence is detrimental to our abilities to succeed, not only as individuals but also as a society.


If you have good thoughts, they will shine out of your face like sunbeams and you will always look lovely. -Roald Dahl.




LIFE & ENTERTAINMENT SPECIAL EDUCATOR MSU education professor serves students of all sorts

schools providing instructional and behavioral consulting services, proving the seriousness of her community After tagging along with her mom commitment. McKissick said since her to volunteer for the Special Olympics Ph.D. work at the University of North when she was a little kid, she has been Carolina she has desired work with involved in making a change in special panels and within educational circles education ever since. From students to better implement these services nawith autism to those with emotion- tionwide. “That’s what I want to do for my al and behavioral disorders, Bethany McKissick, assistant professor in the students. We are all here to make a College of Education, said she feels a change,” she said. McKissick’s desire to make a change commitment to her community and helps others find commitment, as well. in special education systems countryMcKissick spent last year, her first wide, but particularly this Mississippi year at Mississippi State University, community, pairs with a range of exadjusting to Mississippi and teach- perience serving students who have ing special education classes. She now many different needs. McKissick said works in many public school systems in her Ph.D. study opened doors for her Mississippi and conducts research. She to work with children who had a wide is as committed to her new Mississippi range of learning or intellectual disabilcommunity as she was to communities ities. “When I began, my focus was auwhen teaching in Kentucky and North tism. When you work with people on Carolina. “I wanted to be a special education the spectrum, a lot of times there are teacher because I had specific experi- co-occurring conditions,” she said. “Beences working with people with disabil- cause autism is one of the disabilities ities at a young age. I began with Special that affects people across race, gender Olympics and from there I just contin- and socioeconomic status, you begin to ued to work with the population. After get a lot of experience teaching Autism plus a range of other that I knew I wantWe are a land disabilities.” ed to be a special McKissick said this education teacher, grant experience allows her so I just narrowed institution, so to function as a sort my focus. There of multipurpose Swiss have been a variety we have a commitment Army knife in MSU’s of experiences add- to our community.” College of Education. ing to that starting - Bethany Mckissick, “I teach the inabout age six. My mom was a Special Assistant professor in the troduction to learning disabilities class Olympics volunteer College of Education because I have expeand would bring me with her,” she said. “Plus I’m just rience in that through being a behavior consultant, which crosses multiple bossy, so teaching is natural.” Based on what MSU students say, boundaries and disabilities. That gave teaching must come naturally to McK- me a lot of experience,” she said. “It reissick. Victoria Kwasny, junior special ally made me a jack of all trades.” Kent Coffey, longtime professor education major, said she considers in the College of Education, teaches McKissick an invaluable educator. “Dr. McKissick is one of my favorite alongside McKissick. Coffey, part of the teachers, for sure. She is a very passion- search committee that hired McKissick, said her range of knowledge drew the ate and intuitive teacher,” she said. Every special education major at committee to her. “She was very attractive to us because MSU has McKissick for multiple classes. She does more than teach the next of her teaching experience, particularchapter of a textbook. She reminds stu- ly with middle school and secondary dents to constantly improve as teachers school students, which is what we and works to improve the school sys- needed since my focus is in elementary tems where her students teach. She said education,” he said. Coffey said he and McKissick have she cares about both her students and very different personalities and areas of the school systems they work in. “I am on call for a lot of school expertise, and this benefits their studistricts. If students I’ve taught in col- dents. McKissick said she and Coffey both lege need anything, they can email me, and I will do one-free- take training future teachers seriously, of-charge visit to their and these students keep in touch with classroom a year,” she her, especially due to her offer to help said. “I’ll help them her students in their classrooms. McKissick’s follow up work with set up their classroom or consult if they need her students and the students’ desires me to. We are a land to keep a dialogue running with her grant institution, so points to McKissick’s desire to serve we have a commit- students at all levels, from eighth ment to our commu- graders with learning disabilities to college seniors. nity.” After all, as McKissick said, MSU This summer, McKissick worked in students have a commitment to Oktibbeha County their community. BY GENY KATE GURLEY Contributing Writer



The Fiber Paper Art Club holds workshops like papermaking and bookbinding.

One previous club project was “felting.”


MSU Fiber Paper Art Club gets crafty, holds first meeting Tuesday BY MAGAN FORD Staff Writer

The club Adrienne Callander, a professor in the Department of Art, started as the Fiber Art Club last semester transitions into the student-led Fiber Paper Art Club and becomes an official Mississippi State University student organization Tuesday. As a new club, the FPA strives to grow and reach students interested in learning about a tactile subset of the fine arts: fiber arts. The club works with various media encompassed within the label fiber arts. From sweaters and scarfs to letterpress and bookbinding, the club explores sewing, knitting, weaving, quilting, fabric dyeing and papermaking — just to name a few. The club is open to people of all disciplines, not just art and design students. The organization is nonrestrictive, as it thrives on gaining attendees excited to learn about more nontraditional mediums and desir-

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ing to join a community of students equally excited about working together to discover more about fiber arts. Members will have the opportunity to participate in structured, hands-on art projects they may not have had access to otherwise, such as working with a letterpress or materials to bind books. Britany Johnson, senior fine arts major with concentration in graphic design, said the FPA requires members to have no prerequisite knowledge or skills, and students of all stripes may attend. “You don’t have to know how to do fiber art to join at all,” she said. “In fact, I learned to knit and crochet here. We already have boys involved also and would love to have even more.” Because the FPA is not just for artists, it exists to serve people who enjoy fiber arts but do not get the opportunity to learn and participate in them in their majors. For Anna Callaway, junior fine arts major with concentrations in graphic design and painting, the FPA functions almost as another class. She said the club has not only helped develop her knowledge and appreciation of art, but has also allowed her to work on meaningful projects not found in her design classes. “It allows fine arts majors to learn how to make business cards and how to create their own blog or website,” she said. “It enables graphic design students to learn things that they normally wouldn’t take as a class be-

cause they don’t have the time to. It also is a great resource on fiber arts, that isn’t offered in the CAAD Department.” Callaway said the FPA not only includes students and faculty, but brings in artists from the Starkville community to hold workshops on various mediums. “We have monthly meetings where we talk about upcoming events and what workshops our members want to focus on,” she said. “Our first workshop will be with Suzanna Powney. She will be teaching us bookbinding and how to letterpress the cover of the book.” The FPA gives students a chance to learn and enjoy new methods and techniques that could apply to their own jobs and majors. Maura Worch, junior fine arts major with concentration in graphic design, said joining the club has benefited her in many ways. She said she not only works on enjoyable projects, but she learns invaluable new ways of creative thinking and meets artists she would have never run into otherwise. “The club reaches the community and gives others the opportunity to learn more about art that they wouldn’t have gotten a chance to experience otherwise,” she said. “It has helped me learn about so many different artists and new ideas people have been working on. I have gotten to meet so many talented and wonderful people through the club.” The Fiber Art Club’s first meeting is Tuesday in 100A Stafford Hall at 6 p.m. More information about the club may be found at - Make Lunch Fun Lunch & Bowl Only $8.95

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Bulldogs fall in opener, seek to rebound despite injuries BY KRISTEN SPINK

offense throughout the game. Senior quarterback Tyler Russell Managing Editor completed his first four passes For the first time in the Dan to four different players, all for Mullen era, the Mississippi over 10 yards. But after the first State University football team drive, Russell stiffened, finishing will head into its second game with just 133 yards and an inof the season with a losing re- terception. Russell’s day ended early, however, when he left the cord. The Alcorn State Braves game with a concussion. Russell bring a 1-0 record into is doubtful to play this weekend Starkville Saturday after win- against Alcorn State and is not ning their opener 63-12 against expected to practice this week. Sophomore Dak Prescott Edward Waters last Saturday. The Bulldogs hope to even the finished the game under center records after dropping their but could not put points on the opener to No. 13 Oklahoma board. Junior receiver Jameon Lewis said he State 21-3 in a thought the sloppy game by Dogs should the Dogs (MSU Our guys have taken more fell to 2-18 can really shots down the against top-25 learn from field, but he has foes under Mullen.) that, see where we confidence in Prescott leading H o w e v e r , are and the things the offense. Mullen said the “We just mistakes his we have to fix so can’t let this team made are that we can be a all fixable. team that contends determine our season,” Lewis “When you for the conference said. “Dak’s just look at this Dak. His work game, you know, championship this ethic is crazy. we said coming year.” I trust Dak. I in here some- Dan Mullen, times this first Head football coach don’t even have to feel, so when game can be a he came on the benchmark. It field, I had no doesn’t define your season in any way, shape worries, just let him run the ofor form, but it can be a bench- fense.” Although the Dogs were mark against a team that is supposed to win their confer- working through kinks on ofence championship,” Mullen fense, State’s three points were said. “Our guys can really learn its fewest in a non-conference from that, see where we are and game since 1981 in a loss to the little things we have to fix Missouri. Defensively, an already young so that we can be a team that contends for the conference secondary became even less experienced when starters Jay championship this year.” Offensively, the question Hughes and Jamerson Love mark entering the year for the were forced to leave the game Dogs came at the receiver po- with injuries. Hughes will be sition. With mostly inexperi- lost for the year as he suffered a enced players at that position, torn achilles tendon, and Love MSU played a conservative is questionable to play Satur-


day. Offensive lineman Justin Malone and linebacker Ferlando Bohanna were also listed as doubtful for the home-opener after injuries against the Cowboys. Despite these losses, the MSU defense held the third-highest offense in the country from a year ago to its fewest passing yards since the 2010 Cotton Bowl — a span of 39 games. Under first-year defensive coordinator Geoff Collins, the Dogs clamped the Cowboy offense to less than half of its total average scoring from last season. But the Cowboys did wear down the young Bulldog defense, and OSU quarterback J.W. Walsh ran zone read after zone read — successfully, too. Walsh said he saw the MSU defense grind down once his offense started rolling, especially during his back-to-back runs to the left side. “We kind of had an idea of when they lined up in formation, and we saw it and just exploited it over and over again. (MSU) didn’t really adjust to it, so we just kept exploiting it,” Walsh said. “It was the first time they had seen it. They weren’t prepared for it. They weren’t ready for it.” State may have been at a disadvantage opening against a high-powered offense like OSU’s, but as conference games loom in the future, Mullen said his team must react well and clean up its game. “For us, every goal that we have is still pretty much in place — to have a chance to compete for an SEC Championship,” he said. “When you have opportunities, we have to take advantage of it. We have to call plays to take advantage of it, we have to execute it and then we have to make the plays to put us in a position to win the game.”


EPL popularity increases among soccer fans in America Editor’s Note: This concludes the two-part series focuing on the fanbases of the English Premier League.

pressing history. MLB comparison: Los Angeles Dodgers. Manchester United: You name it, they’ve won it (a record 20 league titles). If you’re ulham: Fulham is an thinking about seriously pickoverall uneventful club. ing them as your team, don’t. Jacksonville Jaguars own- I beg you. The people who er Shahid Khan recently pur- like Manchester United are the chased the team for what it’s same ones who, oddly enough, worth (probably not much). happen to be “lifetime” fans of MLB comparison: Cleveland the Heat, Yankees and Steelers. Crazy how that works, right? Indians. Hull City: Hull hasn’t had Anyway, don’t be that guy, unmuch success, but it does have less of course you want everya supporters group called the one to hate you. In that case, go ‘Hull City Psychos,’ if you’re right ahead. MLB comparison: New York Yaninto the whole kees. hooligan thing. Despite Newcastle MLB comparUnited: Newcasison: Chicago being one tle has a tortured White Sox. of the history, plus L i ve r p o o l : psychotic fans, Liverpool is highest spenders which equals among the in the world these greatest clubs in days, it’s impossible entertainment at every turn. English history to dislike these MLB compariand home to son: Philadelphia one of the big- guys based on Phillies. gest fan bases their exciting Norwich in sports. The style of play City: The CaReds have won and despressing naries are on a a staggering 18 low budget, but league titles and history.” somehow comare listed as the pete and oversixth most valuable club in the world. Despite achieve more often than not. an incredible tradition that MLB comparison: Oakland speaks for itself, its fans seem Athletics. Southhampton: Going as low to want to remind you at every turn how great they are... as playing in the third division as much like a certain MLB team recently as 2010, the Saints rewe know. MLB comparison: St. turned to the EPL in 2012 and are on the upswing. MLB comLouis Cardinals. Manchester City: The ‘little parison: Milwaukee Brewers. Stoke City: If you enjoy 0-0 brother’ of hated rivals Manchester United, Manchester matches and dirty play, this is City only became a real force the team for you. Stoke plays an very recently under new owner- extremely defensive style and has ship. Despite being one of the the potential to injure an oppohighest spenders in the world nent at any given moment. MLB these days, it’s impossible to comparison: San Diego Padres. Sunderland: U.S. star Jozy dislike these guys based on their exciting style of play and de- Altidore just signed with the


JOSH COOKE Josh Cooke is a senior majoring in communication. He can be contacted at reflectorsports@

Black Cats. Other than that, not a lot to get excited about here. MLB comparison: Seattle Mariners. Swansea City: Promoted to the EPL in 2012, Swansea is the first Welsh team to play in the top division. It is a smart club that gets the most out of players and wins consistently, despite the lack of funds. MLB comparison: Tampa Bay Rays. Tottenham Hotspur: My EPL team of choice, also known as ‘Spurs.’ Part of arguably the biggest rivalry in England with Arsenal, seeing as the clubs are only a few miles apart in North London. (Think MSU/Ole Miss, only if both schools were in the same town. Insanity.) Spurs is very competitive, but rarely seems to put it all together over a full season. It has a great, loyal fan base that has come to expect the worst based on years of coming up short. If they ever won the EPL, it would be the equivalent of the Cubs winning the World Series. MLB comparison: Chicago Cubs. West Brom: West Brom’s only league title came nearly 100 years ago in 1920. They finished a very impressive eighth last season but are highly unlikely to duplicate that again this year. MLB comparison: Baltimore Orioles. West Ham: This team was featured in the film “Green Street Hooligans” starring Elijah Wood — a great movie, I might add. Crazy, hooligan fans who will go to great lengths to support a team who is relatively mediocre most years. MLB comparison: Washington Nationals.

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Volleyball splits matches in Maroon Classic tournament BY SHANE ANDERSON Contributing Writer

Football was not the only sport to kick off its season this weekend. The Mississippi State University volleyball team hosted the Southeast Missouri State Redhawks and the University of Arkansas at Little Rock Trojans in the Maroon Classic at the Newell-Grissom Building. The Bulldogs ended the weekend by splitting its matches, with a tournament record of 2-2. State started strong on Friday, ousting both SEMO and UALR without losing a single set. MSU rode the performance of freshman Kimmy Gardiner, who made her collegiate debut by leading the team with 34 kills total for both matches. Bringing in the highest-ranked recruiting class in program history, the Bulldogs are the second-youngest team in the SEC behind South Carolina. They also have seven true freshmen on the roster, which is the second-young-

est in the nation only behind the Gamecocks. Even though the squad will rely heavily on freshmen production to win games, head coach Jenny Hazelwood said the younger players are stepping up early in the season. “They don’t play like freshmen,” Hazelwood said. “There is a sense of maturity there that you normally don’t see in players this young.” Gardiner said she relied on the veterans of the team to focus during her collegiate debut. “It was good,” she said. “You’re nervous at first, but it gets better, and the team really helps you out and helps you stay relaxed if you start getting frazzled.” There was nothing to be frazzled about in Gardiner’s performance on the weekend. She tallied a total of 64 kills, 42 digs and four blocks, garnering her Maroon Classic All-Tournament team honors. The Bulldogs looked to keep the momentum rolling into Saturday, but came up short, falling to UALR and SEMO three sets to one each match. Going from winning Fridays matches handily, to losing the last two on Saturday, Hazelwood said the Bulldogs got a taste of both sides of the spectrum. “We’ve talked about it a lot,” Hazelwood said. “Just freshmen having to figure out how to play a couple of matches and do well, but then having to turn around

the next day and still play at a high level. We gave up a lot of points. We had more kills in both matches. We had more digs in both matches. We were just giving up too many points.” Hazelwood also said the team had to train at a slightly higher level to keep winning. “You have to take care of the little things in practice because when you get tired, if you have done the little things right all the time, you do them right even when you’re tired,” she said. Sophomore Taylor Scott had two double-doubles in the tournament. Last season, Scott was the only freshman to rank in the top 20 in both kills and digs in the SEC and said focus is imperative to keep the successful trend. “You have to stay hungry,” Scott said. “I know if I have double-doubles, it’s what the team expects me to do. I’m in it to win.” Fellow sophomore Roxanne McVey was also awarded Maroon Classic All-Tournament team honors for totaling 98 digs and five service aces on the weekend. Freshman setter Suzanne Horner led the team with 176 assists for the tournament. Up next for the Bulldogs is a trip to Waco, Texas, for the Baylor Classic, where they will meet UT-Arlington at 4:30 p.m. Friday, followed by a Saturday doubleheader against Tulsa and Baylor beginning at 12:30 p.m.


MSU sophomore outside hitter Taylor Scott records a kill during a match Saturday. The Bulldogs split weekend matches against SEMO and UALR.

Today in Bulldog

History MSU kicked off the 1994 season with a 17-6 win at Memphis. The victory also marked the first of a current 12-game win streak over the Tigers. Follow @Sportsreflector for daily Today in Bulldog History updates. ZACK ORSBORN | THE REFLECTOR

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