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OCTOBER 22, 2013



CASLE takes study beyond classroom with servicelearning BY KIMBERLY MURRIEL Staff Writer

Mississippi State University’s new office, the Center for the Advancement of Service-Learning Excellence, opened its doors for operation this August to incorporate service-learning to increase community engagement. CASLE, which was established in January, is a partnership between the Academic Affairs Office of the Provost and Extension Service. April Heiselt, director of CASLE, said CASLE was created to incorporate academic research through service-learning. “Service-learning is conducting meaningful community service and linking it to academic course objectives,” Heiselt said Heiselt said service-learning involves community engagement, reflection, reciprocity and public dissemination. “When we are talking about community engagement, we’re looking at kind of how a class bridges the campus border or bridging the gap,” Heiselt said. “It’s pretty much bringing everybody in the commu-

nity space, thus bridging the gap. For example, in engineering sweet potatoes they (industrial engineering students) are going all the way out to the NOELLE AVENMARG | COURTESY PHOTO farm so clearly, they are bridg- Senior Ann Claire Blakely works with high schooler Laglotrice Jordan during a project called “body walk,” which allowed ing the gap.” Heiselt said reflection is also high school students to study major organs. The bodywalk was a component of service-learning classes at MSU. a big part of service-learning. “The student, of course, is dent Association director of “The hyphen in the word being taught, so most of the Governmental Relations, is a service-learning connects time at the end of the semester, student representative on the service learning with reflec- students do presentations,” CASLE’s advisory committee. tion. Without reflection, you Heiselt said. “For example, “I evaluate the development are doing the service and the with sweet potato engineering, of CASLE program from a learning but no connection. the students are going to have student’s perspective and kind So we require reflections from a chance to present and share of be the students’ voice as it students. Each faculty mem- information they’ve learned develops into a full program,” ber has their students reflect in with farmers.” Hardman said. “I try to give a very unique way according Heiselt said the last element, the committee a real view of to their discipline,” she said. public dissemination, is where what the students are going to Heiselt said one of the information obtained through think about the program and graphic arts instructors re- service-learning is shared with how to get them involved.” quires her students to draw the public. Heiselt said CASLE is still their reflections and write in “We publicly put out and working on getting students a booklet each week instead share research information involved, and she encourages of using computers. Hei- whether it’s through libraries students to communicate with selt also said some classes do or having students from one their professors to bring serlarge focus-group reflections class go talk to other classes so vice-learning components to where students talk about that everyone gets to have ac- the classroom. their reflections from their cess to information,” she said. “Ask your professors and service-learning project for the CASLE has an advisory faculty,” she said. “Look first 10 minutes of class. committee made up of facul- around and see where you feel Heiselt said the third el- ty from many departments so like would be a great project NOELLE AVENMARG | COURTESY PHOTO ement, reciprocity, is where service-learning can reach a to get students involved in, everyone involved in ser- wide variety of students of dif- because students have a lot of The Center for Advanced Service Learning Excellence vice-learning projects gets to ferent majors. great ideas and can bring a lot provides tutoring opportunities for Starkville youth. be both teacher and learner. Caleb Hardman, senior Stu- to the table.”

IMPACT project provides special education on campus BY JAMIE ALLEN Staff Writer

Since 1999, Project Impact, an early intervention project housed in the T.K. Martin Center for Technology and Disability at Mississippi State University, has served the needs of children with disabilities as well as educating parents and caregivers of these children. IMPACT stands for Insuring Mississippi Parents and Children Tomorrows, which is the goal of the project. It focuses primarily on readying children to enter kindergarten at the same level as the rest of the students. Jessica Cunningham, assistant teacher at Project IMPACT, said this program provides services to children from three-months-old to five-years-old. It provides free assessments as well as speech, occupational and physical therapy, special instruction and interventions. “We try to catch the children up in any way we can until they start kindergarten. We work not only on their

ABCs, but also on their social skills,” Cunningham said. “We also educate parents. Most of the parents have never had a special needs child, so we try to be a resource for the parents.” Before accepting children into the program, an assessment team assesses the child in five main areas including cognitive, motor, language, self-help and personal/social. The child must score 70 percent or below in three of these areas to be accepted into the program. Once in the program, a child may be put into a class with one of three main teachers — Elizabeth Williams or Traci Campbell, who are both early childhood special educators, or Christan Toney who is a speech and language pathologist. Campbell said one of her EMMA KATHERINE HUTTO | THE REFLECTOR main goals is to know at the end of the day that she IMPACT project teacher, Jessie Cunningham, assists a child gave her students her all. She with disabilities at the T.K. Martin Center during playtime. said she enjoys seeing the students make progress and to work with our young peers and show them and make an impact on a family’s students who come to us their families they can learn already developmentally be- and they can make progress,” life. “I am blessed to be able hind their typical developing Campbell said.

and also reach out to men and highlight gray areas that men get breast cancer, too,” WhBreast cancer awareness is not alum said. “Not a lot of men are aware that they are subject just for women. Mississippi State Univer- to get breast cancer as well.” Hinton sity’s National said she will Pa n - He l l e n i c The program discuss breast Council fratercancer statisnities Omega will teach tics, common Psi Phi and Alwomen risk factors pha Phi Alpha how to give and signs and will host a breast symptoms of cancer aware- self-tests and also ness program at reach out to men and the disease at the program. 6 p.m. Tuesday highlight gray areas “My goal is in McCool Hall that men will get for program room 111. attendees to D a V o n t a breast cancer, too. take away Whalum, trea- Not a lot of men are some new surer of the aware that they are knowledge Kappa Beta chapter of Alpha subject to get breast about breast cancer,” Phi Alpha said cancer as well.” Hinton said. the program, ti- - DaVonta Whalum, I hope tled “Old Gold treasurer of Alpha Phi “Also, that people for a Cure,” will will utilize feature guest Alpha the risk-lowspeaker Laura ering and Hinton, a graduate assistant from the Longest early detection strategies and be more aware of how breast Student Health Center. “The program will teach cancer can affect an individuwomen how to give self-tests al.”




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Breast cancer awareness program highlights risks


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2 | TUESDAY, OCTOBER 22, 2013


Automotive society reaps benefits of competitions, membership BY MYRA RICE Staff Writer

Building a racecar from nothing, Mississippi State University’s Formal Society Automotive Engineering society, an organization for students interested in cars and how they work, can be called

a diamond in the rough. Dash Robinson, MSU graduate student majoring in mechanical engineering, shared his expertise. “FSAE is a society of automotive engineers. The FSAE society is not only nationally recognized, but it is also recognized globally,” he said.


Two members of the FSAE work on constructing the body of a racecar that placed 34th out of 120 teams in May.

Robinson, who is the team leader and has served as a member of FSAE for five years, said his start in the organization began his freshman year after a friend saw a posted flier. “I joined as a freshman after a friend saw a poster. I came to the meeting, and I’ve been doing it every since,” Robinson said. The FSAE organization takes students from the MSU campus into the competition world located in Michigan. The competition takes place each May, and MSU students show up to compete. “We compete in the formula SAE series. We design and build open wheel racecars,” Robinson said. The team enables students involved to meet and compete with students from around the world. “We compete not only against teams from America, but also from Canada, Central America, Germany and Australia,” Robinson said. Becoming a member of the FSAE society is not just something reserved for engineering majors only. Membership is open to any major as long as the student interested has a love for automotives. “The FSAE organization is pretty open when it comes to


joining. We accept any major. The student just must be willing to come out and do a lot,” he said. “Most students are engineers, but we have several students who are non-engineering majors,” Robinson said. If a student decided to join FSAE, he or she could benefit from being a part of a team who not only competes, but competes well. The MSU FSAE team competed in 2012 and placed considerably high. “We competed in May 2012 and placed 34 out of 120 teams. We didn’t win, but we did well,” Robinson said. Competition is stiff, and the FSAE’s team car is judged at competition on several different criteria. The students must exhibit an extensive knowledge of the vehicle and must also get the car to drive. “We, as well as the car, are judged in the cost event, business presentation and design event,” Robinson said. If the heat was not already on, the MSU students must compete against over 500 teams worldwide. That is where the bond that the MSU FSAE members have come to life. “There are a lot of benefits so it’s hard to label one, but teamwork is important. We work on teams between 15


A FSAE driver makes a pit stop during a competition to adjust the car’s tires. and 25 people, and it helps with team skills to help out,” Robinson said. Membership rewarded sophomore Bradley Sanders, sophomore mechanical engineering major, with the position of power train leader. “I was appointed power train leader in May 2013. The previous leader graduated, and I was appointed,” he said. Sanders said being a part of the FSAE organization was a rewarding experience that he stumbled into his freshman year at MSU. “I was looking for some-

continued from 1

The program will feature a an of the Kappa Beta chapter silent auction, in which people of Alpha Phi Alpha, said he exparticipating pects the proReceiving will bid on gram to raise items such around $650 informational as T-shirts, feedback is one to $1,000. gift cards and “We will be b o o k - b a g s thing, but it’s another selling ‘Fight donated from to listen to a real life for a Cure’ The Lodge, testimony.” breast cancer Barnes and awareness -Catrell Johnson, Noble, The wristbands Sports Cen- Omega Psi Phi throughout ter and local secretary and program the month boutiques to coordinator of October, create proas well as at ceeds that will the program go toward the American Can- for $2 each,” Campbell said. cer Society and men with pros- “We hope that a vast majority tate cancer. of people at the program parMatthew Campbell, histori- ticipate in the silent auction.

It would make the amount of proceeds even greater.” Catrell Johnson, secretary and program coordinator of the Theta Delta Delta chapter of Omega Psi Phi, said the program will also feature Dorothy Carson, customer service representative for Metro Cast, who will give a first-hand account of her personal experience with breast cancer. “Receiving informational feedback is one thing, but it’s another to actually listen to a real-life testimony,” Johnson said. “You never know who is going through dealing with breast cancer or who you could give that extra push to go get tested.”


Dorothy Carson, breast cancer survivor, shares her victory story of her fight against cancer during Alpha Phi Alpha and Omega Psi Phi’s “Old Gold for a Cure.”

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thing to do my freshman year, and I was interested in FSAE. It has taught me a lot. I’ve even gotten help with classes from other students involved,” Sanders said. FSAE is the largest collegiate competition in the world, and Sanders calls to mind the feeling of being a part of something bigger than himslef. “As much as I love cars and everything, I’m really excited. I like talking to the team and getting their ideas on everything. It makes me feel like I’m a part of something big,” Sanders said.

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TUESDAY, OCTOBER 22, 2013 | 3



Friday, Oct. 18 • 5:43 p.m. A student reported he or she backed into another vehicle while in the Sessums parking lot.

Saturday, Oct. 19 • 6:36 a.m. A student reported he or she was having abdominal pains while in Cresswell Hall. • 10:04 p.m. A student reported a physical altercation between his or her brother at Cresswell Hall. • 11:04 p.m. A student was arrested for public intoxication in the parking lot of Moseley Hall.

Sunday, Oct. 20 DAVID LEWIS




| Heroes came out to play during this year’s super-hero and villian themed Halloween

extravaganza at the Princess Theatre in Columbus Saturday night. Artists from Columbus, Hattiesburg and Starkville created the event’s artwork, enhancing the theme. Guests were splattered with paint during the party.

• 1:08 a.m. A student was arrested for driving under the influence while driving the wrong way on a one-way street. • 1:15 p.m. An employee damaged the passenger side front and rear wheels of a university vehicle when he or she struck the parking curb. • 4:23 p.m. A student reported his wallet stolen while at the Sanderson Center the day before.


• 13 citations were issued for speeding. • 9 citations were issued for disregard of a traffic device.


continued from 1 According to Janie Cir- times we have students interested lot-New, director in occupational of the T.K. Martherapy or speI have the tin center, Project cial education or privilege of education, but IMPACT, which is funded by the Miswe really just watching sissippi Departlook for anyone a child going from ment of Health’s who is interEarly Intervention barely crawling to ested in spendProgram and the walking in a span ing time with Mississippi De- of a year.” the children to partment of Edvolunteer,” Cir-Rachel Cheatham, ucation, relies on lot-New said. volunteers to assist junior special One such teachers and play education major volunteer is Rawith the children. chel Cheatham, “Anyone who junior special has an interest in children and education major. Cheatham said would like to spend time with after hearing about this program children with special needs is three years ago, she has been welcome to volunteer. Some- volunteering by assisting the

teachers, playing with kids and assisting in instructional learning activities. “One of my passions is kids with disabilities, so getting involved with IMPACT was the perfect fit for me to be able to act on my passion,” Cheatham said. “My favorite thing is seeing a kid who was at one point not able to do something master that thing a couple months down the road. I have learned that it is the small accomplishments that mean the most. I have had the privilege of watching a child going from barely crawling to walking in a span of a year.” For more information on Project IMPACT or how to volunteer,


Snacktime for the IMPACT program at the T. K. Martin Center is the kids’ favorite activity.

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4 | TUESDAY, OCTOBER 22, 2013






Is a raise in minimum wage a good idea?



n the United States, the first statutory minimum wages were introduced nationally in 1938. According to the Department of Labor, on June 25, 1938, to avoid pocket vetoes nine days after Congress had adjourned, President Franklin D. Roosevelt signed 121 bills. Among these bills was a landmark law in the nation’s social and economic development — Fair Labor Standards Act of 1938 (FLSA), which banned oppressive child labor and set the minimum hourly wage at 25 cents and the maximum work week at 44 hours. Jacqueline Chavez, assistant professor of sociology at Troy University, said the establishment of the minimum wage sought to protect the nation’s workforce by ensuring them a fair day’s pay for a fair day’s work. “Proponents for raising the federal minimum wage argue that it can lead to a variety of benefits, including helping working families, boosting the economy and even reducing employee turnover,” Chavez said. Arnold Anderson, in an article in the Houston Chronicle, pointed out the Economic Policy Institute is an economic research group located in Washington, D.C., who concluded in a 1999 study that nearly 40 percent of the minimum wage earners in the U.S. are working parents. To go even further, nearly 33 percent of the minimum wage earners are married couples raising children. “Without a minimum wage, these workers may be forced to work for less money,” Anderson said. “An unemployed worker is given welfare, rent assistance and food stamps in many states. With minimum wage, the need for public assistance is lowered, and

this reduces the tax burden on the community and the state.” In his state-of-the-union address earlier this year President Obama said the nation is poised for progress and called on Congress to strengthen the middle class by promoting economic policies he has proposed. “We need to raise the minimum wage because it’s lower right now than it was when Ronald Reagan took office,” Obama said in a speech at Knox College in Galesburg, Ill., on July 24. There are major positives of a minimum wage — it works as an employment incentive for the unemployed, it helps reduce inequality in the U.S. and it gives labor a certain kind of dignity and avoids exploitation, unlike many other countries. Meghan Millea, economics professor at Mississippi State University, said when it comes to minimum wage discussions, there are a couple of key things we need to keep in mind. There’s a national minimum wage that establishes a minimum, and then any state can have a minimum wage that is higher than the national. However, a state can’t have a minimum wage lower than the national. “The objective of a minimum wage is to establish a living wage for the working poor in particular,” Millea said. “What is it that people need to live? The cost of living is certainly different across the country. When states have minimum wages that are above the national they are recognizing that the cost of living in the state of California is higher than the cost of living in the state of Mississippi. They could also be reflecting the values of the state in terms of providing a higher



arlier this year President erage minimum-wage worker Obama called for the lives in a household that makes federal minimum wage over $50,000 per year? Wellto be raised from $7.25 to $9 the overwhelming majority of workers earning the minimum per hour. “In the wealthiest nation on wage aren’t the primary breadearth, no one who works full winners of their households. time should have to live in Most are under 25-years-old, and over three-fifths of those poverty,” he said. Those supporting a hike in reported are enrolled in school. With white teen unemploythe minimum wage view it as a way to give a much-needed ment around 20 percent and raise to lower-class Americans. black teen unemployment over Contrary to what some may 40 percent, it is clear that emsuggest, low wages are not ployers struggle to hire teens the main hindrance to poor at the current minimum wage. Americans’ escape from pov- How much less at a higher one? erty. Most poor Americans do Is a teenager or low-skilled not work for the minimum worker better off unemployed wage. The real problem that at $9 per hour than employed poor families face is a lack of at $7.25? The minimum wage could employment opportunities. Less than 10 percent of indi- better be described as a “learning wage.” viduals in poor Entr y-level families work jobs funcfull time, while A hike in tion as re67 percent do minimum sume-buildnot work at wage would ing activities. all. A higher not only fail Whether minimum wage working the might help to alleviate poverty, front desk some people, but actually stymie of a dorm, but not the the effort of a poor mowing poor. grass or bagA rise in individual to make a ging grothe minimum better life for him or ceries, these wage would jobs teach compound the herself.” basic skills problem for poor Americans in search of a — showing up on time, workjob, but who else would it af- ing with a boss, customer service, etc. — that make workers fect? According to data from the more employable in the future. Minimum wages saw off Bureau of Labor Statistics, only 2.9 percent of U.S. em- the bottom rung of the career ployees work for the federal ladder for young workers and minimum wage, and the av- those with few skills. Minierage household income of mum wage undermines their a minimum wage worker is ability to get their foot in the door of employment. Research around $53,000 a year. How is it possible that the av- by David Nuemark and Wil-

PRANAAV JADHAV Pranaav Jadhav is a junior majoring in communication. He can be contacted at opinion@

standard of living.” I believe fair labor laws set the U.S. apart from other countries and cut across inequality in the working class. Every worker from every type of labor is given a shot to live the American dream where minimum wage is a necessity, not a luxury. The Time For A Raise organization demands a rise in the national minimum wage and said on its website, we live in the land of the absurd. These Wall Street executives are paid, conservatively, 1,000 times what someone on minimum wage earns. In a society where one person can bring home such an outrageous amount of money, it is mind-boggling that others are expected to raise their families on so little. A raise in the minimum wage would be the first step toward greater equality and revitalizing our economy. In 2013, the debate should be what can be an effective national minimum wage, not whether minimum wage should exist or not. Our founding fathers and politicians of the early 1900s have already debated on a minimum wage and enacted the law.

JOJO DODD JoJo Dodd is a sophomore majoring in economics. He can be contacted at opinion@

liam Wascher clearly indicates early work experience plays an integral role in future job opportunities and income growth. To be sure, those who would receive a larger paycheck because of an increased minimum wage would be better off, but only at the expense of reduced employment opportunities for individuals seeking entry-level jobs. But if a raise in the minimum wage ultimately damages, why do so many politicians embrace it? Because minimum wage is a simple way to buy votes. The positive effects are easy to highlight, and the negative effects are easy to dismiss. Unlike a tax credit or spending bill, the costs of the higher wages aren’t recorded on the government’s books; they are borne by the employers, the consumers and the unfortunate souls who are left without jobs and opportunity because of it. A hike in the minimum wage would not only fail to alleviate poverty but actually stymie the effort of a poor individual to make a better life for him or herself. It would make it more expensive for employers to hire young and low-skill workers and, by design, it hides the true cost of the policy. For these and various other reasons too numerous to list here, a raise in minimum wage is a terrible idea.


Pop music may not rot the brain after all


pparently, listening to Miley Cyrus’s music over an extended period tends to increase your creativity, logic and intelligence — at least that was the conclusion reached by a British clinical psychologist, Emma Gray. This conclusion has shattered my pre-conceived notions of what is quality in music. Now I don’t want to focus on Miley specifically, regardless of how buffoonish her behavior is. What interests me is to help you and I maximize music to aid our respective study habits. I recently helped a good friend of mine prepare for a science exam. For years, I shave set my own Pandora station to play

anything from classical to jazz to that my friend had his Spotify movie soundtracks because the account running in the backabsence ground, as of lyrics it played works for music that So, if you have me. The spanned an art, English improvethree to four or other creative ment of decades, assignment or mathematincluding ical acuity test, pump up the pop Britney as I listen music. Math, science or Spears. to Mozart This is a for a short foreign language work to married p e r i o d do? Break out the jazz or man with has been classical.” a five-yearcommon old who knowledge welds in his for years, so garage for I’ve gone to that while studying. a hobby while he seeks an engiAs we worked together, I noticed neering degree. I thought, does

the music he listens to as he studies help or hurt his concentration? Fortunately for all of us, scientists far better than me secured research funds and dedicated a lot of time to answering this question. One result of this research has shown that music helps build pathways between the two halves of your brain. If you are the logical, analytical “left-brain” type, music can connect you with intuition, and the more creative “right-brain” personalities can strengthen your logical thinking. Elsewhere, Bulgarian psychologist Dr. Georgi Lozanov has connected Baroque music (e.g. Pachelbel, Vivaldi) with increased language

learning and retention. Anne J. Blood, researcher with McGill University in Montreal, reported seeing music stimulate the same parts of the brain that are activated by reward and emotion (PNAS, vol. 98 no. 20 (2001)). So, how does this help you? Well, most researchers seem to agree it is not so much the content of the music as it is the pace of the music. They recommend music that plays at about 50-80 beats per minute, which actually makes a lot of sense — that is the resting range of the human heartbeat. The sweet spot appears to be around 60 bpm, which allows the heart to relax into a rhythm that matches the music. This


James Tracy is a physics graduate student. He can be contacted at opinion@

stimulates the brain to the ideal state of focus, which allows you to absorb your material effectively. So, if you have an art, English or other creative assignment or test, pump up the pop music. Math, science or foreign language work to do? Break out the jazz or classical. And apparently, people perform just a notch better when the music is randomly given to them, instead of selected by the listener.


Starkville provides new intiatives for runners Managing Editor

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Editor in Chief/Kaitlyn Byrne

Letters to the editor should be sent to the Meyer Student Media Center or mailed to The Reflector, PO Box 5407, Mississippi State, MS. Letters may also be emailed to Letters must include name and telephone number for verification purposes. The editor reserves the right to edit or refuse to publish a letter.

325-7905 Managing Editor/Kristen Spink 325-8991 News Editor/Anna Wolfe 325-8819 Opinion Editor/Alie Dalee Sports Editor/John Galatas 325-5118 Life Editor/Daniel Hart 325-8883 Photography Editor/Kaitlin Mullins 325-1584 Multimedia Editor/Zack Orsborn Advertising Sales/Julia Pendley 325-7907


EDITORIAL POLICY The Reflector is the official student newspaper of Mississippi State University. Content is determined solely by the student editorial staff. The contents of The Reflector have not been approved by Mississippi State University.

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few days ago, a friend and I rode around campus as we discussed our trip to Lubbock, Texas. This was no ordinary adventure, however. We went with the purpose of running a half and full marathon. As we were going about campus discussing race-related subjects, we happened to stumble upon a group of people running with numbered bibs on their clothing. It truly was ironic as we discussed our respective races we would find one in progress. Upon seeing this, I had the realization that now, more than ever, the sport of running is as popular as ever. With the completion of the Chadwick Lake running track, Starkville’s easy running accessibility and lots of races to choose from runners have much about which to be excited. The new track around Chadwick Lake presents a number of perks for runners. Being well lit, flat and close to the Sanderson Center, the track is a safe starting point for people interested in starting to run. Participants of the Sanderson Center’s free

Couch to 5k/10k program have already broken ground on the new pavement. Julianne Jackson, one of the program’s lead instructors said, “The program is a fun way to introduce people to running, and I am blessed to be a part of it. I have enjoyed it as much as our participants have and hope the program continues to grow.” Along with the 5k/10k runners, the portions of the completed track have served other runners as well, providing a scenic getaway for those interested in exercising near the lake’s natural beauty. One of the best things about running is the ability to put on your running shoes and take your workout anywhere. As a runner, one of perks about living in Starkville is how easy it is to go from one side of town to another. On a given run, I can start at my apartment, cut through campus and end up past Mugshots in the Greensboro Street District. This past year alone, Starkville in Motion helped add new sidewalks around Starkville High School as well as in areas close to Miss.

Highway 182. With organizations such as Starkville in Motion, which aims to improve the quality of sidewalks and make town more accessible for fitness, the safety of running through these areas only continues to improve. Any given week around Mississippi State University, it seems as if there is some kind of race going on. Whether it is a normal 5k, glow run or zombie survival race, there are a plethora of choices. For those runners interested in traveling out of town, there are many new races in the surrounding area. Within a year, new marathon and half marathon running events have begun in Meridian, Tuscaloosa and Madison. Along with inaugural races, those interested in running in established events can participate in the Mississippi Blues Marathon or do a race in the Rock n’ Roll series in metropolitan areas such as Nashville and Chicago. The amount of races a person can choose from in the local Starkville area and beyond are evidence of how popu-

TJ LEGLER TJ Legler is a senior majoring in cultural anthropology. He can be contacted at opinion@

lar running has become. In an interview with The Washington Post, Fauja Singh, the 102- year-old man who holds the record for being the oldest man to complete a marathon in 2011 said, “You are never too old to chase a dream.” With new running programs, sidewalk accessibility and numerous races to choose from, it is evident running has become more popular in the local Starkville area and beyond. Remember, you can always go as far as your own two feet will take you.

I feel that there is nothing more truly artistic than to LOVE people. << Vincent Van Gogh >>

TUESDAY, OCTOBER 22, 2013 | 5





The deadline for Tuesday’s paper is 3 p.m. Thursday; the deadline for Friday’s paper is 3 p.m. Tuesday. Classifieds are $5 per issue. Student and staff ads are $3 per issue, pre-paid. Lost and found: found items can be listed for free; lost items are listed for standard ad cost. FOR RENT

A two-bedroom, two-bathroom apartment in the Cotton District is for rent for Mississippi State students or members of the Bulldog family. The apartment has a fireplace and a washer and dryer. Call 662.694.0995 if interested. CLUB INFO

The deadline for Tuesday’s paper is 3 p.m. Thursday; deadline for Friday’s paper is 3 p.m. Tuesday. MSU student organizations may place free announcements

in Club Info. Information may be submitted by email to club_info@reflector.msstate. edu with the subject heading “CLUB INFO,” or a form may be completed at The Reflector office in the Student Media Center. A contact name, phone number and requested run dates must be included for club info to appear in The Reflector. All submissions are subject to exemption according to space availability.


SSA meets the last Thursday of every month in Bowen 250 at 5 p.m. Every major is welcome. STUDENTS FOR A SUSTAINABLE CAMPUS

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6 | TUESDAY, OCTOBER 22, 2013



Piccolos and paintings:


Senior Morgan Miller views the work of Barbara E. Holmes Howell in the Love of Art & Music Gallery. The exhibit hangs in the Colvard Student Union Gallery on the second floor of the union until Nov. 1. BY NUR-UL-HUDA-MUJAHID Staff Writer

Flowers, maroon, white and musical instruments fill the Colvard Student Union Gallery on the second floor of the Colvard Student Union as Mississippi State University showcases the art of Barbara E. Holmes Howell through Nov. 1.

Howell, MSU and Famous Maroon Band alumna, attended MSU from 19591963 and later from 1973197, and received a bachelor of science and master’s degree in elementary education. Howell was an involved student. She was a member of Chi Omega sorority, The Reflector staff, “Reveille” Staff, Baptist Student Union and

MSU alumna displays paintings that commemorate Famous Maroon Band

on the MSU President’s Cabinet, but she said her role in the Department of Music had the greatest impact on her. “I was a member of Mrs. Catherine Wasson Women’s Chorus, majorette and played bass/alto clarinet in the Famous Maroon Band,” she said. “I taught twirling and organized the MSU band camp newspaper for camp 1963. Since then I’ve served, when needed, as house mother for band camp.” The art exhibited in the union displays a wide array of the Famous Maroon Band’s history. Howell created a painting to honor each band director. These pieces include “Dr. Crowder Hail State,” “James Hejl Band Go State” and “Dr. Sills Band America.” Calvin Lin, senior engineering major, spoke admiringly of the watercolor painting “James Hejl Band Go State” and said he was in awe of how precisely Howell captured the massiveness of MSU’s football stadium. “This painting really sticks out to me because it portrays a different perspective,” he

said. “It emphasizes the vastness of Davis Wade Stadium.” Howell’s paintings focus on the history of the Famous Maroon Band and its development over time. Howell said she donated six of these historical paintings to the new MSU Band and Choral Rehearsal Facility in appreciation of the legacy the band leaves behind. “I want to contribute the six historical paintings I’ve completed in my family’s name to the new MSU Band and Choral Rehearsal Facility,” she said. “The band not only plays beautiful music. It also makes a symphony of memories for many.” Kaitlin DeWitt, senior food science, nutrition and health promotion major, visited the gallery and said the artwork enhanced her school spirit. “Through the pictures you can see the evolution of the alma mater, the band uniforms and campus itself,” she said. “It makes you proud to be a Bulldog, to see that development and know you have personally contribut-


Many of Howell’s paintings detail scenes of the Famous Maroon Band through the years. Howell, a band alumna, said her time in the band made a lasting impression on her. ed to the betterment of our state.” Although the original watercolor paintings of the Maroon Band’s history are not for sale, prints of the artwork are available to purchase. While some of Howell’s

paintings come with a price tag out of range for a college student, prints are $20. Luis Jaar, junior mechanical engineering major, said he gained a newfound respect for artwork after visiting the gallery, which gives students of all majors the opportunity to encounter creative work. “As an engineering major, our daily activities mostly deal with numbers and symbols. All of our work can become dry and lifeless,” he said. “I can’t say how refreshing it is to be able to come here and see how someone has imprinted part of their soul onto these paintings. It has aroused a respect for art majors and art in general for me.” Howell’s artwork not only portrays the musical side of MSU, but the Love of Art and Music Art Gallery displays Howell’s original paintings unrelated to MSU. Until Nov. 1, students of all stripes have the chance to visit the Colvard Student Union Gallery to view the illustrations of a true Bulldog who supports her alma mater years after graduation.

Katy Perry’s “Prism” refracts pop star’s music, reveals lyrical growth underneath colorful songs BY CATIE MARIE MARTIN Staff Writer

Ever the effervescent queen of sugar and girl power, pop sensation Katy Perry satisfies the criteria for success once again with her empowering new album, “Prism.” Since her blockbuster album, “Teenage Dream,” reached the highest amount of No. 1 hits from a

single album since Michael Jackson’s “Bad,” fans eagerly awaited her post-divorce and post-documentary album. With countless awards and a divorce under her belt, Perry has come a long way since her “I Kissed A Girl” days of scandal and leotards. “Prism” enters new conceptual and thematic territory with spiritual references at every turn. “Roar,” the

album’s hit single, is already one of the year’s most inspiring anthems. The mid-album ballad “Love Me,” on the other hand, stresses the importance of a healthy self-love as the foundation of any great love affair, which is advice fans hope she will implement in her onagain, off-again relationship with American singer-songwriter John Mayer.

While the lyrical content of “Prism” is uncharted territory for Perry, the beloved bubblegum-pop feel of the album remains the same. Perry’s high energy resonates at its core, as does the sweet lust for life Perry implements in her music. However, recent interviews with Perry imply this sugary sweetness might no longer be her objective. In an interview with “Billboard” last month, Perry said in the near future she will “probably turn into

more of a Joni Mitchell.” If Perry seeks to achieve Mitchell’s folksy, airy tone on “Prism,” she falls severely short. Though several of the songs deal with heavier emotions, the vocal styles of Perry and Mitchell could not be more different. Perry’s songs are dense with instrumentals, while Mitchell’s sound has always been hollow and airy. “By The Grace of God” describes Perry’s short-lived contemplation of suicide, a

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subject close to Mitchell’s personal life. Though these lyrical parallels stand out, the album’s genre stays far away from Mitchell’s folk style. If the album’s spirituality attempts to relate to great folk singers of the 1970s, it is thinly veiled at best. The songs on “Prism” simply wait to blare inside sorority houses across America. They garner performances doused in peppermints and lollipops, just like Perry’s music should. Though it does not quite clear the lyrical hurdle, “Prism” does show Perry’s growth as an artist and unearths new songwriting grounds that promise Perry’s stardom can only grow from here.

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TUESDAY, OCTOBER 22, 2013 | 7


Michael Farris Smith reads from debut novel “Rivers”


Michael Farris Smith, MSU alumnus and current professor of English at MUW, reads from his debut novel “Rivers” Tuesday at 7:30 p.m. in McCool Hall’s Rogers Auditorium. Smith’s novel imagines an apocalyptic Missississippi where hurricanes, like Hurricane Katrina, continue to incessantly batter and change the Gulf Coast. BY GENY KATE GURLEY Staff Writer

Michael Farris Smith, a Mississippi State University alumnus from Magnolia, Miss., teaches English at Mississippi University for Women but has traveled far beyond the Magnolia state. Smith lived in and traveled throughout Western Europe working with the National Basketball Association, currently plays guitar for the band Wild Magnolias and is a successful novelist. Smith will read in McCool Hall’s Rogers Auditorium Tuesday at 7:30 p.m. He will read from his work and sign books after the reading. Smith said he never chose to pursue writing, but writing

instead became inevitable for him. “I don’t think being a writer is something you just decide to do,” he said. “But I think it seeps into you gradually over time to the point where you can’t ignore it anymore.” During his three and a half years in western Europe, Smith said he began to love to read, and he read more and more. He first picked up books with names he recognized and, as a result, fell in love with Hemingway. Smith traveled in Spain and Paris at the time and said he could relate to Hemingway’s direct writing style. He later remembers the first time he read Mississippi author Larry Brown, his major influence, and could really

understand Brown’s characters. In an interview with his publishing company, Simon & Schuster, Smith said he knew the people in Brown’s books and could understand the Mississippi Brown wrote about. This was the first time Smith wondered if he could do the same thing. After the events he worked for in Europe lost sponsorship, Smith said he decided to try writing instead of pursuing sports marketing. He attended University of Southern Mississippi’s Center for Writers and, as he told “Catfish Alley” magazine, his time studying abroad in France inspired him to write. He wrote his highly-praised debut novella, “The Hands of Strangers,” after he saw a missing

child poster in France. sissippi became an apocalypSmith’s writing took a turn tic wasteland. Smith’s debut after Hurricane Katrina hit. novel made an impression on He said the tragedy deeply af- more than just Mississippians fected him, and, as hard as he who can relate to the horrors worked to produce a post-Ka- of the storm. Anne Korkeaktrina novel, he said he could ivi, author of “An Unexpectnot do the aftermath justice ed Guest,” wrote a glowing due to his emotional invest- review of the novel displayed ment in the disaster. Then a on Smith’s website. new idea hit him. “Take an environmental “The idea for “Rivers” came apocalypse, blow in the caabout as a result of the emo- dences of Ernest Hemingway tional resonance I felt for my and the vision of Cormac home state in the years fol- McCarthy, sweeten it with lowing Katrina,” Smith said. humanity, add a Southern “I’m from South Mississippi twang, and you might get and had a lot of friends and something close to ‘Rivers.’ family in both Mississippi Smith’s debut novel is not and Louisiana greatly affected only a great read; it’s a sigby the storm. At the time I nificant one,” she said in the was trying to break away from review. short stories into novels, and I Smith incorporates fantasjust felt like I wanted to write tical apocalyptic events but a hurricane keeps the novel. But essence of But the more I the South. the more I thought Michael thought about about it, it K ardos, it, it occurred occurred to fiction to me, why me — why writer and not write the hurricane not write co-director the hurri- novel? A story where of MSU’s cane nov- they never end? Where Creative el? A story Wr i t i n g where they the Gulf Coast is nothing p r o g r a m , never end? more than a wet, floathas known Where the ing, wasteland? S m i t h Gulf Coast - Michael Farris Smith, for sevis nothing eral years more than a author of “Rivers” and said wet, floating he is not wasteland? surprised Why not go all the way?” “Rivers” receives enthusiastic His novel “Rivers,” a story critical praise. of post-Katrina Mississippi, “‘Rivers,’ like all the writhit shelves this September. ing I’ve seen from Michael The novel honors the peo- Smith, is gritty and emotional ple Katrina affected, while and intense and full of heart,” it creatively imagines what Kardos said. “It’s an apocalypwould happen if hurricanes tic Southern road novel that’s continued to hit and if Mis- suspenseful and surprising.


“Rivers” respects victims of Hurricane Katrina while adding a twist to hurricane novels. Smith, a Mississippi native, said he struggled to reconcile these two desires while writing the debut novel. I can’t wait to read his next one.” Smith said he is proud to be a writer from Mississippi, which is a state full of rich literary history with its own distinct resonance. In his career of writing essays, short stories and now, a novel, Smith was awarded the Mississippi Arts Commission Literary Arts Fellowship, the Transatlantic Review Award for Fiction, the Alabama Arts Council Fellowship Award for Literature and the Brick Streets Press Short Story Award. Based on his list of accolades so far, it seems Smith’s accomplishments follow the pattern of the hurricanes in “Rivers” — the stellar work, awards and praise just keep coming.

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8 | TUESDAY, OCTOBER 22, 2013




Collegiate, professional sports need reform in support campaigns


hroughout the month of October, players on NFL and college football teams have been wearing pink cleats, socks, towels and, in the case of the University of Oregon, pink helmets to raise awareness for breast cancer. But what is the point of all of these “Think Pink” initiatives in college athletics? Some would say it’s to raise awareness. If this is the case, the pink socks and towels succeeded because they remind viewers of the wide spread problem of breast cancer. But then what? There I am sitting on my couch or watching the game from the stands and seeing all these athletes run around in pink cleats, but that’s the end of it. There is no call to


Q: Even though Kentucky sits with a 1-5 record, the schedule has provided some pretty stout competition. Can you assess the Cats’ performance thus far? A: UK’s performance has been as expected and as hoped. Cats fans are jaded by football. Relevancy is a hope more than an expectation. Competitiveness is thought of in the same light. The program might be the only program that has gotten progressively worse as the ‘Age of the SEC’ in college football has reached its eighth year. The Cats have been competitive except for the Alabama game. Even then, the Tide were held scoreless through the first quarter. They have played 60 minutes of each game as hard as they can, and that’s a compliment to a good coaching staff. All of this is to say that the

action after the awareness. Athletic departments spend thousands of dollars on pink apparel for their sports teams, but these products do not actually accomplish anything to benefit breast cancer patients. As fans, we are left wondering how to support breast cancer prevention research. For those watching from home, no graphic pops up on the TV providing concrete ways to support breast cancer. For fans at games, no announcement is made and nothing appears on the video board giving more information on breast cancer awareness. The pink attire stems from good intentions, but seeing pink merchandise and apparel over and over again without any way to actually do something about breast cancer

makes me wonder if teams wear pink just for the looks. The pink apparel seems more like a marketing ploy than a sincere effort to help breast cancer research. Concerning the NFL, a report titled “Less than 10 percent of NFL pink merchandise sales go toward cancer research” by Marc Weinreich, said about eight percent of sales from pink NFL merchandise goes toward cancer research. “The breakdown of how the money from sales of the apparel gets distributed is as follows: 50 percent to the retailer; 37.5 percent to the manufacturer; 8.1 percent to the American Cancer Society for research; 3.24 percent to the administration at the Society and 1.25 percent to the NFL,” the report stated.

Shouldn’t more than eight percent of the money go toward the actual cause of the apparel? What if the NFL and college teams took the money spent on buying pink apparel and instead donated it to the American Cancer Society or gave it to families lacking the money to pay for breast cancer treatment? Sports could directly support breast cancer awareness by spending money in support of research rather than purchasing millions of pink towels, socks and cleats. An article on by Darren Rovell said 25 of Oregon’s pink helmets would be auctioned to raise money for the Kay Yow Cancer Fund. Rovell said, “This is the first time the school (Oregon), known for its variety of uniform

combinations, will wear pink helmets.” The article did not mention the amount of money being raised compared to the amount of money spent, but I can imagine it was about as disproportionate as the money from the NFL. Rovell also made it seem as if Oregon’s helmets did more to maintain the Ducks’ reputation of having cool uniforms than they did to support breast cancer. Additionally, this makes me wonder if the athletes do anything besides wear the pink attire. I envision marketing departments throwing pink clothes to a sports team, and the players wearing the apparel and that being the end of it. The month of October high-

SEC’s 14th best team is the SEC’s worst team. But it’s not to say that the Cats won’t beat a team they aren’t supposed to. That could come as soon as Thursday night. Q: First-year head coach Mark Stoops has made an immediate impact in Lexington since day one. What are some things he has done to revamp the defense and rebuild the program? A: Flashback to last year, when the Bulldogs visited Lexington and 29,927 people watched Mississippi State and UK go through the motions in that 27-14 ugly mess of a win for the Maroon and White. Now, the mentality of the program is much different. Players are playing harder than last year. The games are closer. The coaches are coaching with more passion and better schemes. The recruiting is of better talent. Some of the best players on the field for the Cats are freshmen. Fans are

coming out in larger volumes for they are both sophomore quarthe first time in several years. terbacks at UK. The similarities The future is bright in terms end there. of getting out of the basement Smith has lost some strength in his throwing in the SEC. Once arm, which has that step in the likely cost him rebuild is accomNow, the the starting job plished, it will be mentality more of a question because he is of the of if the Cats go on more accurate the same path as program is much than WhitSouth Carolina, or different. Players low. Smith the way of Vander- are playing harder. played well bilt and Mississippi last year up to State, where natu- The games are his shoulder rally you wonder closer. The coaches injury against if James Franklin are coaching with Western Kenand Dan Mullen more passion and tucky but have accomplished hasn’t regained about as much as better schemes.” the strength they can at their needed to respected schools. move the ball Q: Can you assess the two through the air against SEC dequarterbacks Kentucky utilizes fenses. and what differences do each Whitlow has a few things gobring to the position? ing for him in the eyes of the A: Maxwell Smith and Jalen coaching staff. First, up to his Whitlow are similar in only that ankle injury against Alabama, Whitlow has been durable while at UK, starting the final eight games of last year and sharing time with Smith in September. The coaches also believe that Whitlow gives UK’s offense more of a big-play potential with his ability to run the ball. UK has not been too exceptional

protecting the quarterback, so Whitlow’s ability to escape trouble and limit bad plays is as good of a reason to play him as his tendency to break off a long run or hit a receiver down the field. Personally, I see that more times than not, UK’s offense is one-dimensional with Whitlow. But the coaches like making opposing defenses prepare for the spread option and the pistol with the threat of the quarterback running the football. It’s something you see more and more of every year in college football. Does it work? Alabama does not run it, but Ohio State and Oregon do. Florida State does not run it, but Clemson does. The Baltimore Ravens do not run it, but the San Francisco 49ers do. Q: Who are offensive threats MSU fans should keep on eye on Thursday night? A: Mississippi State fans know about as much as the UK fans do in terms of who will play quarterback on Thursday. Maxwell Smith is likely, but the coaching staff likes themselves a hankering of Jalen Whitlow. The most dangerous skill players are freshmen. Running back Jojo Kemp, the Cats leading rusher, is due for a breakout game against the second half of

KRISTEN SPINK Kristen Spink the managing editor of The Reflector. She can be contacted at managing@

lights breast cancer awareness and rightly so, but it rubs me the wrong way when sports team wear pink apparel to raise awareness but do not provide a call to action to follow the awareness.

UK’s schedule. Mississippi State allows 4.4 yards per rush on the year but allowed 5.7 yard per rush against Bowling Green 10 days ago. If I was Misssissippi State, I’d be concerned with Kemp, who has some speed once in space. Q: Defensively, who are some key players MSU fans should take note of? A: Senior linebacker Avery Williamson will be around the ball and make several tackles, as he has done for the past two and a half seasons at UK. He might be the only 2014 NFL Draft prospect on the Cats’ roster. UK’s defensive line is the most talented group on the roster, as junior defensive ends Bud Dupree and Za’Darius Smith rush off the edge with quickness and senior defensive tackles Donte Rumph and Miser Cobble use over 600 pounds to fill blockers and space in the middle. With the way Mississippi State likes to run the football, the front seven will have to play well for UK if Mark Stoops wants his first conference victory as a head coach. Q: Alright, prediction time. Who do you see coming out on top? A: UK is as healthy as it has been in several weeks and will be close to full strength. With Computer Diagnostics games at home against Missouri Tune-Ups • Brakes • Starters and Tennessee and road contests Alternators • Electrical • Heating against Georgia and VanderAir Conditioning • Axels • Suspension • Timing Belts bilt upcoming, the players and coaches have to recognize ThursAll types of auto repair - foreign and domestic day’s game as the best opportuDanny’s Automotive & Engine Repair nity to win while showcasing the ASE Certified Automotive Technician progress of the program under Specializing in Engine Rebuilds & Replacements 10 months of Mark Stoops’s Engine Replacements, New and Used Engines Rebuilt Motors, control. Exhaust Repairs Customs, Dual Exhaust and Mufflers Installed If UK’s attitude is similar to 405 East MLK Drive Work (662) 338-1005 that, I’d expect a good perforStarkville, MS 39759 Cell (662) 312-6714 mance. But this is also a young team with freshmen gaining playing time at running back, wide receiver, defensive end and in the secondary. The youth and questions at quarterback could yield an ugly game similar to last year’s game on Thursday or a well-played game that ends in victory for the visitors. I think Mississippi State wins, but if LaDarius Perkins does not approach 20 carries on Thursday and Jalen Whitlow plays, all bets are off. Final Score- Mississippi State 27, UK 17.


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TUESDAY, OCTOBER 22, 2013 | 9




Catcher Sam Lenahan (left) avoids the tag of the defender and slides safely into third base, and senior pitcher Alison Owen (right) tosses a pitch in an exhibition game against Itawamba Community College Sunday. The Bulldogs swept a seven-game exhibition slate for the fall in preparation for the 2014 season, which begins Feb. 7 against Mississippi Valley State University.

Softball completes fall exhibitions with pair of sweeps BY FORREST BUCK Staff Writer

Following its appearance in the 2013 NCAA Tournament, the Mississippi State University softball team wrapped up its fall exhibition season with two sweeps over the weekend. The Dogs swept a pair of twin bill matchups against Wallace State Community College on Saturday and against Itawamba Community College on Sunday. MSU defeated WSCC 8-1 in the opening game and 10-2 in the second game. The Dogs then beat ICC 7-1 in the opening game and blanked the Indians 11-0 in the second game. The Bulldogs also swept Shorter in a two-game series last week and won their opening exhibition game against East Mississippi Community College to start the exhibition season back on Oct. 6. Assistant coach Beth Mullins said the exhibition games give valuable experience to the players. “These games give every single player a chance to play and see in-game action,” Mullins said. “It gives our freshmen an opportunity to get some at bats before the season starts and get their legs under them. It gives them a chance to really understand how

our system works, be able to work the process and be able to fail, which is very important. You can’t succeed unless you’re failing, so it just gives them a chance to see what college softball is all about.” The Bulldogs lost some key players from last season in pitcher Stephanie Becker and outfielder Jessica Cooley. The team, however, returns a majority of its key players like ace pitcher Allison Owen, catcher Sam Lenahan, who led the team in hitting a year ago with a .327 batting average, and third baseman Logan Foulks, who led the team with 13 home runs. Lenahan said working hard with her coaches and maintaining good technique

will be key to duplicating the success she enjoyed last season. “One of the main things the coaches have been telling us this year is to stay on our legs. That’s something I’ve been focusing on trying to do throughout fall practices,” Lenahan said. “I just gotta keep working hard like I have been, trust in my swing and let my ability take care of itself.” Owen is a fifth-year senior and the best pitcher on the staff. She enjoyed a stellar 2013 season by posting a 1.98 ERA, holding opposing batters to an average of .176, pitching 198 innings and finishing with an overall record of 17-13.

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Owen acknowledged she had a good season a year ago but said she has put that behind her and now only focuses on this season. “I’m kind of just looking through the windshield. Last season was a great season, but I’m just looking forward to doing new things and trying new things this season,” Owen said. “I already feel like I’ve progressed so much further than where I was last season, and I’m just looking forward to this new season with this year’s team.” This year’s Bulldog team has six freshmen, and coaches and players seem to be ex-

cited about the potential of the new group and are satisfied with the way they have come in and worked so far. Mullins said the team has a great freshman class that has put in effort since day one. “They have bought in to every single thing their teammates have asked them to do, their coaches have asked them to do, and they’re just a great group of kids,” Mullins said. Owen had high praise for her freshmen teammates and the work they have done so far. “The freshmen class are amazing athletes and amaz-

ing teammates,” Owen said. “As a group, the people that were here last year have gotten better, and collectively we’re just growing as a team.” Lenahan said the two new freshmen pitchers look good so far and might be able to see playing time. “We have two freshmen coming in, Mackenzie Toler and Alexis Silkwood, and both have done well,” Lenahan said. “Alexis has a lot of potential. She’s really eager to be out there, and when she gets things down and starts getting into what Vann (Stuedeman) is teaching her, she will help us a lot.”

10 | TUESDAY, OCTOBER 22, 2013






Volleyball sweeps pair of weekend conference matches BY BLAKE MORGAN Staff Writer

Over the weekend the Mississippi State University volleyball team won both of its conference matchups against South Carolina and Tennessee. Sunday the Bulldogs took the court for their annual “Dig Pink” game. Most of the girls wore pink socks and headbands to help raise awareness for breast cancer in front of a crowd of 358 fans. MSU (11-9, 2-4) looked to rebound after losing four straight road matches by returning home to Newell-Grissom. The Bulldogs beat South Carolina (10-9, 2-5) Friday night in straight sets. Sophomore Taylor Scott recorded her eighth double-double of the season with 14 kills and 11 digs against the Gamecocks. The Bulldogs hit .336 against South Carolina, which is the highest percentage MSU has hit in a conference match since Nov. 3, 2011, and the win was the Bulldogs’ first conference win of the year. Scott said the Dogs enjoyed the win and gave the team confidence heading into the match


Freshman opposite Kimmy Gardiner (left) blocks a point, and sophomore hitter Taylor Scott (Right) serves against South Carolina on Friday. Scott recorded her eighth and ninth double-double over the weekend in a pair of wins. on when to set us,” she said. what we have to do. Our mind- a lot of really close matches. against Tennessee. “It’s a team thing. The setters “We always say that winning set (Friday) was great so as long They took a set off of Arkanwere great mixing it around. is very contagious. We know as we know how it is, our confi- sas, who is a really good team. They have done a lot of good They made it really easy on us how it feels and what to do dence will be a lot better.” The Bulldogs took care of things, and we knew they hitters to trust us in positions mentally, physically — exactly business as they repeated Fri- would come out strong and day night’s performance by they did,” Hazelwood said. winning every set against the “We fought off a lot of set Volunteers (8-13, 0-7). points, and that really shows MSU and Tennessee traded the maturity this team has points with each other in the grown in to.” first set until the Bulldogs ultiThe Bulldogs dominated mately won out 26-24. the rest of the game, winning Head coach Jenny Hazel- the next two sets in convincwood said she expected the ing fashion 25-17 and 25-16. Vols to start the match on a MSU pulled away early in strong note. both sets and never looked “It was close. Tennessee has back. Good until November 23rd Must present coupon

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Growing in maturity game by game has been the theme of this team all year. This Bulldog team has 13 underclassmen on the team and seven true freshmen. One of those underclassmen, Scott, has stepped up and become a leader of the team. With her ninth double-double of the season, second of the weekend, Scott credited the setters for her stellar performance. “I have great setters. They put me in great positions where I can just swing away,” she said. Because of the youth on the team, everyone is still finding her role and positions on the team. Scott, who switched positions for this game following a Hazelwood line up change, said she felt comfortable in her new spot on the court. “I am trying to feel as comfortable as I can,” she said. “It is exciting over there.” Another leader of this Bulldog team is sophomore Roxanne McVey. After being named to the All-SEC freshmen team last season, McVey is seventh in the country averaging 5.63 digs per game. The sophomore had a total of 23 digs in the win over the Volunteers. McVey credited her teammates to being focused and in sync heading into Sunday’s match. “We had a practice on Saturday and came in today with everyone on the same page and really strong focus, really high energy, and we came out and we did it,” she said.

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