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JANUARY 28, 2014



Miss. receives F grade in education

University officials drain sprinkler systems in new residence halls BY ANNA WOLFE News Editor

With predictions of freezing temperatures this week, Mississippi State University officials have drained portions of the fire suppression systems, making fire distinguishing sprinklers ineffective in newer residence halls in order to prevent similar damage to that which occurred Jan. 7. MSU’s Crisis Action Team, comprised of members from a variety of functions on campus including housing, MSU police, the meteorology department and public affairs, made the decision to drain portions of the fire suppression systems in newer halls last Thursday for the duration of the single-digit temperatures projected to occur this week. The decision came after similarly cool temperatures caused pipes to burst, resulting in damage to Ruby Hall on Jan. 7. Sid Salter, MSU chief communications officer, said the newer dorms where the pipes are being drained — Oak, Magnolia, Ruby, Hurst, Griff-


Earlier this month, the Education Week’s Quality Counts report gave the state of Mississippi an F in K-12 achievement. The report tracks key education indicators and grades states on their performance and outcomes. This year, the report also focused on school district governance and operations as its special theme, examining the impact of the increasingly complex fiscal, political and technological forces. Mississippi was awarded a D+ in chance of success, F in K-12 achievement, D in school finance analysis, C in transitions and alignment, A in standards, assessments and accountability and D in the teaching profession. Carey Wright, who was appointed as the state superintendent of education Sep. 25, said in a statement on Jan. 8 that progression in education is crucial. “We must forge ahead with supporting higher expectations for our students, providing technical assistance and professional development to our teachers and school leaders and working together to offer all of our students the education they deserve,” Wright said.

is, North and Moseley — have suppression systems with newer technology than those in older dorms. “These new buildings have not been subjected to the temperatures as low as we had Jan. 7 and as we’re forecast to have during this week,” Salter said. Mike Brown, geosciences professor and Crisis Action Team member, said his role within the team includes providing meteorological information and weather forecasts to university officials. “We’re going into probably our third or fourth fairly substantial cold snap of the winter here,” Brown said. “We’ll stay below freezing until sometime Wednesday afternoon. We may poke above freezing then and then back below freezing Wednesday night.” Brown said he does not expect temperatures to stay freezing into the weekend. Salter said the university was compelled to take precautionary measures that would strike a balance between protecting students, faculty and staff and campus buildings. SEE DRAINAGE, 2




Reveille allows students to submit own photos BY LACRETIA WIMBELY Staff Writer


REMEMBERING OLD MAIN | Ruth Morgan, who works at the Oktibbeha County Heritage Museum, discusses the history of the ladder that is displayed outside of the location with Mississippi State University junior Victoria Kwasny. The structure is a piece of history — it is the fire escape from Old Main Dormitory, which burned down in 1959. Jan. 22 marked the 55th anniversary of the fire, which brought the first MSU dormitory to the ground. As a tribute to a student who died in the fire and the building itself, the bricks from the demolished building were used to create the Chapel of Memories in 1965. Last Wednesday the museum hosted a commemorative program, which included an appearance from Charles Lowery, former head of MSU’s history department.


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The official yearbook of Mississippi State University, “The Reveille,” now allows students to personalize their yearbook experience with the submission of candid photos. Since 1898, “The Reveille” has been MSU’s official yearbook. It was published from 1906 to 2008 and was temporarily renamed “Private 1913” in 1913. “The Reveille” was digitally revived in August 2012, providing MSU with an online archive of the yearbook from 1898 to 2008. Phillip Poe, faculty adviser for “The Reveille,” said allowing students to submit photos assists in getting students involved in the yearbook and helps to boost the shorthand of yearbook photos. “We were looking for ways to get the average student who may not be on the football team, involved in any clubs or student activities to have


a chance to express them- thing that will provide a snapselves in the shot into the yearbook,” daily lives of This gives students. Poe said. students an “This gives “This works students an a r o u n d outlet and outlet and the excuse provides provides of ‘well, I them with a won’t buy them with a way to way to cona book be- connect with their cause I won’t school experience and nect with be in it.’ preserve it in memory. their school experience Well, now you have This definitely fits in with and preserve it in mema chance, the ease of digital life ory,” Poe and it’s the as students today are perfect way mostly uploading photos said. “This definitely fits feature those in with the s m a l l e r to Facebook or Twitter. ease of digital groups on Everyone likes photos life as stucampus who of themselves, and this today go uncovis a great way to feature dents are mostly ered.” uploading Poe said more students.” photos to the staff - Phillip Poe, Facebook or seeks photos “The Reveille” faculty Twitter. Evthat portray eryone likes the day-to- adviser photos of day lunch in the Colvard Student Union, themselves, and this is a great residence hall life and any- way feature to more students.” SEE REVEILLE, 3


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2 | TUESDAY, JANUARY 28, 2014


Grad students ‘INSPIRE’ minds and students four who teaches geometry, algebra and physics at Columbus High School. Darrel Schmitz, principal Mississippi State University’s INSPIRE program has investigator for INSPIRE, said Earth and space graduate stu- the program aims to rid the dents partnering with schools idea that science and math are in the Columbus and Starkville too hard or too boring. “This proarea. The grad gram gives the students, with This Fellows the opteachers’ guidportunity to be ance, give local programs able to relate middle and high gives the complex conschool students Fellows cepts in a way a better underthat is simple standing of sci- the opportunity to and fun. We ence, technolo- be able to relate are able to gy, engineering, complex concepts bring research and mathematto these classics (STEM) in a way that is simple and fun. rooms that skills. might not be I N S P I R E , We are able to able to have an acronym for bring research to them othInitiating New erwise. The Science Partner- these classrooms graduates creships in Rural that might not be ate hands-on Education, is able to have them activities that sponsored by a otherwise.” meet both the five year Nationnational and al Science Foun- -Darrel Schmitz, the state redation Grade INSPIRE principal quirements,” k-12 grant. This investigator Schmitz said. is the fourth year “Many that of the program. go into the This semester, 13 MSU students are enlisted STEM field are not particularas INSPIRE Fellows. They are ly smarter than the rest. They partnered with Deb Pounders just apply what they have and Patricia Cochran, seventh learned to the environment and eighth grade teachers at around them. We want to enColumbus Middle School; courage these kids to have an Kelli Dawkins and Brenda interest in understanding how Jackson, 10th-12th grade the things around them work.” Sarah Radencic, MSU geoteachers of chemistry, physics and biology; and Nathan Du- sciences project coordinator, BY NIA WILSON Staff Writer

said the teachers played a key role in the success of the program and are involved in the whole process — fellows are working closely with teachers and they are often involved with projects. “When school starts, the graduates spend around 10 hours a week in their designated teacher’s classroom. They help the grads pick and administer their planned activities. Several graduates have gotten to travel internationally, and sometimes the teachers get to go as well,” Radencic said. “We want teachers to also have a greater appreciation about what they do and to see the link that STEM has to the classroom on a global scale. Once they return teachers and graduates make lesson plans based on their travels.” Nathan Owen, current NSF Graduate Fellow who works with Kelli Dawkins at Starkville High School, said this program benefits everyone involved. “The program directors are gathering valuable data for researching students’ enthusiasm in STEM subjects. The Graduate Fellows are gaining experience in communicating complicated scientific theories to general audiences,” Owen said. “The teachers are discovering innovative ways to tie lessons in the classroom with broader real-world examples. Finally, the students in the classrooms are benefiting from

Thursday, Jan. 23 • 2:02 p.m. A student reported her iPhone stolen from McCool Hall. • 3:13 p.m. A visitor reported her vehicle was hit while parked at McArthur Hall.


Students perform an experiment during an INSPIRE program class. MSU graduate students partner with k-12 schools to promote science and math skills. lessons they normally would not get to experience. “ Owen said he has learned a few things about himself because of the program and urges any interested graduates to expand their comfort zones and join this program. “This program has taught me a lot about time management. As an undergraduate, I could procrastinate and still get my work done. Balancing this program with graduate classes and graduate research has forced me to get work done as soon as possible,” Owen said. “Overall, the pro-

• 3:06 a.m. A student was involved in an altercation off campus. • 2:05 p.m. A resident of the city passed out at the A.J. Pitts Tennis Courts. The subject was transported to OCH. • 3:13 p.m. An employee reported a suspicious incident in Etheredge Hall.

Sunday, Jan. 26 • 2:56 a.m. A student was making donuts with his vehicle in the Sigma Alpha Epsilon Fraternity House parking lot. A Justice Court citation and student referral were issued. • 2:39 p.m. A student reported a portriat of Robert E. Lee stolen from the Kappa Alpha Fraternity House. • 3:28 p.m. A student reported his mirror on his vehicle was damaged while parked at the Hathorn Hall parking lot.


• 22 citations were issued for speeding. • 8 citations were issued for disregard of a traffic device. • 1 citation was issued for driving with an expired tag.

gram is a very rewarding experience that you won’t regret. Don’t be intimidated by the time commitment required at the start.” INSPIRE currently takes applications for fall semester

DRAINAGE “Job one is protecting our students and faculty and staff, but we also have an obligation to protect taxpayers’ property,” Salter said. Salter said the university consulted with the fire department, engineers, architects, student affairs and the housing office to make the decision to drain the most vulnerable pipes — the ones on the building’s top floors — to prevent more building damage.

Fellows. The application can be found at www.gk12.msstate. edu. Only graduates majoring in the STEM field and in their second year or later are encouraged to apply. The applications are due by Feb. 5.

continued from 1 Salter said the drainage occurs within the fire suppression systems, which are water pipes that feed the sprinkler system used to distinguish a fire. The electronic fire alarm systems remain intact. “Those systems remain in place, uninterrupted, and will function during the entirety of this period exactly as they did prior to this. Heat detection systems in these buildings will also con-

tinue to be employed,” Salter said. Mark McCurdy, Starkville Fire Department fire marshal, said MSU and the fire department came to the agreement together, deciding that draining a portion of the pipes in the most vulnerable buildings was the safest thing to do to prevent further damage. “It’s extremely safe, and it’s not the whole entire systems, and it’s not all build- $5 Mon - Lunch & Bowl - $8.95 Reg.

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ings,” McCurdy said. “It’s mal duty, but they all come only the third floor and the together to ensure their resiattic, so in other words, the dents safety. “We’re all involved each rest of the building is still night. As opposed to just completely covered.” McCurdy also said while one RA doing his or her the fire suppression systems typical round, we all pitch in and help,” are not currentMoore said. ly active with I hope that “That way water, the fire no students we know that department still there is not has access to the felt that a fire or anypipes through we would thing that is what is called a going wrong, fire department jeopardize their safety because and since connection. the pipes are “ E v e n we would not and drained, we though there never would.” don’t have to is not waworry about ter pushing -Bill Broyles, anything through the Assistant VP of busting.” system right student affiars Moore said now, the fire communicadepartment tion to resihas the ability to put water to the system,” dents about the condition of their building takes place enMcCurdy said. McCurdy said the pipe tirely on the MSU website. Aaliyah Wells, freshman drainage does not violate communication major and any building safety codes. Additionally, Salter said Ruby Hall resident, said a 24-hour watch program she was not notified about has been implemented, the fire suppression system which calls for housing drainage and she is worried staff members to partici- about its implications. She said she fears lives are in pate in active fire watch. Marcellius Moore, se- danger should a fire occur nior industrial engineering during this time period. “If the fire sprinklers don’t major and North Hall RA, said his fire watch duties go off then how will we be include participating in warned? Even if we have hourly walks throughout the alarms, I feel like water the dorm from midnight would more suffice than just to 8 a.m. to check for any the alarm,” Wells said. Nick Fertitta, freshman potential fires. “We walk up and down computer science major at the halls just to make sure Oak Hall resident, said he that nothing is really going also was not aware of the wrong,” Moore said. “With fire suppression draining. there being six RAs in the Fertitta said the absence of a building, we each pick an sprinkler system could pose a problem. He said he is hour that we go.” Moore said the fire walk not impressed at the lack of is essentially an RA’s nor- communication he received

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about the pipe drainage. “I had no idea, and I know for sure my roommate doesn’t. I know a couple guys that live in my hall, and I’m almost positive they had no idea either. So that’s not too cool,” Fertitta said. Bill Broyles, assistant vice president of student affairs, said MSU’s number one concern is the safety, security and well-being of its students. “I hope that no students felt that we would jeopardize their safety because we would not and never would,” Broyles said. MSU’s housing department declined to comment on the fire suppression system draining and directed all questions to Salter. Salter said the pipes will be refilled when the temperatures rise to safer levels. Officials expect the drainage to last one week. The investigation into the cause of damage to the suppression systems in Oak, Magnolia and Ruby Halls on Jan. 7 is ongoing, according to Salter. He said it is too early to determine whether the flooding was due to a design or building flaw, but the pipe damage has been repaired. Repair to building damage caused by flooding is ongoing. Salter said it is important for students, especially those living off campus, to take steps to protect their pipes, make sure to have anti-freeze in their cars and dress accordingly during these times of freezing temperatures. “We encourage all students to remain weather-aware over the next week,” Salter said.



continued from 1

Chance for Success





D+ 49

K-12 Achievement grade





School Finance Analysis

source: The report includes more than half (55 percent) survey respondents who agree that significant changes in the governance or structure of their school districts are needed in order to address the current challenges. According to the report, the state of Mississippi’s high school graduation rates ranks 46th in the nation. In the state of the state address on Jan 22., Gov. Bryant said every Mississippian must have the opportunity

TUESDAY, JANUARY 28, 2014 | 3








zack orsborn | the reflector

to learn from the best educational system the state can offer. “When we set about to develop our Education Works agenda, we found troubling evidence of the struggles in Mississippi classrooms. Just two weeks ago, Education Week released its Quality Counts ratings that placed Mississippi as No. 51 for K-12 student achievement,” Bryant said. Bryant said the rating is unacceptable, but fin-

ger-pointing on the political landscape does not help children. “So we have worked together in these past two years to offer solutions. Not through some arbitrary formula or standards dictated by the federal government but by common sense priorities. Our Education Works reforms will help prepare children for lifelong learning by improving literacy skills and ending status-quo social promotion,” Bryant said.

John Stephens, head of Starkville Academy, said many of the numbers in the report are indicative of where Mississippi has been for several years. “One of our challenges is economics. It would mean getting these children into an education setting of 21st century technology, that’s the one thing we need to work for,” Stephens said. Ceci Land, Starkville resident, said she wonders how large a role poverty plays

into these statistics. “It is almost impossible to focus on learning and improving yourself when the basics of life are in peril — access to consistent food, shelter, transportation, clothing and familial support provide the base of the pyramid that gives people or children the dignity and self-respect they need to take steps to educate themselves,” Land said. Stephens said teacher recruitment is always a diffi-


cult thing with less people entering the teaching profession. “This is not a negative shot at the legislation, but if a person has not been in these classrooms and in this school building actually teaching, they really don’t know what is going on, they don’t know the challenges the teachers and administrators have but I do appreciate that it is in the forefront for them and they are looking to make improvements,” Stephens said. continued from 1

elizabeth lucas | courtesy photo

“The Reveille” editor-in-chief Elizabeth Lucas holds a previous yearbook. “The Revielle” accepts photo submissions. Poe said the mission of MSU’s Reveille is to be the documented record for stu-


dent life over a specific year. He said it helps instill pride in parents for what their money

is going into, purchase of the yearbook for students. “Anything that we can do to be effective, we definitely want to do,” Poe said. “It’s our first time doing this, but this gives opportunity to help students be a part of the overall experience of helping preserve every memory at MSU.” Elizabeth McCullen, layout editor for “The Reveille,” said she hopes students will take full advantage of the new photo sentiment. “We are really trying to focus on the traditions of MSU by featuring what’s important to MSU life,” McCullen said. “Having photos in the yearbook is something that is permanent, and will last forever. Our main focus is that it will appeal to students, and we are trying to create pages that are a source of pride for the students to look back on.” Elizabeth Lucas, edi-

tor-in-chief of “The Reveille,” said all photos that are submitted have to be appropriate and feature only the individual who took the photo. “We will not accept ‘selfies,’ nudity, anything featuring alcohol content or bar locations, offensive gestures or drugs,” Lucas said. “The photos must be taken with a digital camera, which means iPhones or any cell phone

photos are prohibited.” Lucas said all photo submissions must include captions that explain who the photo includes, and contact information for the individual submitting the photos. “If a student wants to submit a photo of friends, or an individual other than themselves, they must provide us with consent from the individuals in the photos, to

avoid any conflict,” Lucas said. “Stolen photographs are prohibited as well.” Lucas said this is an easy way to ensure that students are featured in the yearbook, and allows them to have some control over the content of the book. To submit photos, visit, and proceed with school project number 404716.

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4 | TUESDAY, JANUARY 28, 2014





Common Core Standards offer The detrimental state of binge-watching

hope for future generations


t the basis of each individual is the education that raised he or she into who they are. This past year America saw its public education system overhauled by Common Core, a curriculum mandated by the federal government. It essentially aims to level the playing field of the national public education system. Common Core currently draws more questions than answers, and somewhere in between we as a staff feel the facts are often misconstrued. In a letter to the editor in The Washington Post, Thomas Donahue, president of the United States Chamber of Commerce has this to say about Common Core Standards: “Common Core prepares students to succeed in the 21st-century economy. It focuses on the building blocks of learning, including reading and math. It provides clarity and consistency that puts participating states on an equal footing. And it insists on high standards. Common Core is not a curriculum, a federal program or a federal mandate. It was created at the state level. Curriculum remains within the control of districts, school boards, school leaders and teachers.” Common Core intends to emphasize critical thinking in America’s students. As a majority of us are products of the public education system, we feel critical problem solving was not emphasized in our education. As Mississippians, we feel that in order to gain the momentum needed to catch our school systems up with the rest of the country, an education standard must be set. And while we acknowledge the valid possibility that teachers will use common core to teach solely the test material, we also feel the public education must set some sort of standard if it hopes to catch up with the rest of the nation. As an editorial board, it our opinion that if implemented properly, Common Core will equalize the typical American student and level the playing field for college admission, while additionally ensuring equal success at a variety of universities. Furthermore, it allows a student to migrate to school systems in different states without falling behind. If all the states’ education systems are not at the same level, then the public education system has failed, as the public education system was initially set up by the federal government to provide equal opportunity for education and to equalize future posibilities for students across the nation. We hope that, once Common Core is instated, teachers are given the creative freedom to teach their students the mandated material in the way they see best fit. We acknowledge the importance critical thinking plays in the daily lives of Americans. We see the necessity for Common Core and while we do not expect overnight results, we hope Common Core provides future benefits to our children and the generations to come after us.


h, the beauty of Netflix, Hulu and all other entities of instant streaming. These sites provide the population with the opportunity to indulge in our generation’s latest craze: binge-watching. With a little bit of focus, a lot of fast food and a slight neglect for personal hygiene, one can ingest years of television in a matter of days. However, with the trend of cerebral television dramas on the rise, I have grown curious of the negatives surrounding binge-watching. Shows like “Breaking Bad,” “The Wire,” “Lost” and “Game of Thrones” are perfect examples of the intricate and intense plot lines now instantly available in their entirety to the general public. Collin Llewellyn, a writer for, brings to light several interesting points on the detriments of binge-watching in his article titled, “Pros and Cons Of Binge Watching.” Llewellyn’s first con is the loss of “the water cooler effect,” meaning that when television shows are not watched at the times they initially appear on network television, the sense of social community is lost. There are no planned weekly gatherings to watch the newest episode, no post-episode discussion about the dramatic twists or

what next week’s episode will show. Binge-watching allows hold. By allowing the public entire shows to be ruined beto watch entire seasons with fore an innocent bystander can the click of a mouse, instant even watch them. For example, streaming humors the slothlike because of the careless words creature that rests within all of of two devious and evil indius that would rather wallow viduals, I know the endings to reclusive in its bed with a bag “Lost” and “Dexter,” and now of chips than no longer invite over enhave the deriching comsire to watch I feel like pany. them. Yes, a healthy LlewelI am bitter. lyn’s second Down with relationship binge-watchspoiler alerts. with your ing con is one Now, movthat nearly television (oxymoron?) ing on. everyone is consists of a blend Llewellyn’s familiar with: of week-to-week third con, the dreaded and, in my viewings and its bingey opinion, the spoiler. Because shows counterpart. The ability most imare available to binge-watch is an portant, “the from begin- amazing phenomenon emotional ning to end connection ... However, there is and because from years of social me- satisfaction in making dedication.” dia is, well, a the sacrifice to watch There is no thing, there a show for weeks on way to veris essentially bally explain no sanctuary end that should not be the emotionto protect a forgotten.” al release one viewer from gets from the onslaught watching of a potential spoiler attack. an amazing television series, I will admit, spoilers are also week by week, to completion. a possibility when watching The only relatable compara series week to week, but or- ison that comes to mind is dinarily these spoilers reveal this: binge-watching is a new smaller details rather than the friendship in which you spend climactic finale of the entire copious amounts of time with

Shealy Molpus is a senior majoring in communication. She can be contacted at opinion@

one another for a few weeks, maybe months, and you enjoy every minute, but in reality you haven’t been together that long. Watching week-to-week is a lifelong relationship, a real personal bond that endures difficult times (breaks between seasons or poorly-written episodes) and flourished at the high points. I feel that a healthy relationship with your television (oxymoron?) consists of a blend of week-to-week viewings and its bingey counterpart. The ability to binge-watch is an amazing phenomenon, and in times of indulgence, I highly recommend it. However, there is satisfaction in making the sacrifice to watch a show for weeks on end that should not be overshadowed or forgotten.



The Reflector editorial board is made up of opinion editor Alie Dalee, news editor Anna Wolfe, assistant news editor Mary Kate McGowan, sports editor John Galatas, entertainment editor Daniel Hart, copy editor Emma Crawford, multimedia editor Zack Orsborn, photo editor Emma Katherine Hutto, managing editor Kristen Spink and Editor in Chief Kaitlyn Byrne.


To binge or Not to binge?




“The test of a first-rate intelligence is the ability to hold two opposing ideas in mind at the same time and still retain the ability to function.” -F. Scott Fitzgerald

Managing Editor

Editor in Chief

News Editor

Kristen Spink

Kaitlyn Byrne

Anna Wolfe

Multimedia Editor

Life Editor

Opinion Editor

Zack Orsborn

Daniel Hart

Alie Dalee

Sports Editor John Galatas

Photography Editor Emma Katherine Hutto

Copy Editor Emma Crawford



Editor in Chief/Kaitlyn Byrne

Letters to the editor should be sent to the Meyer Student Media Center or mailed to The Reflector, PO Box 5407, Mississippi State, MS. Letters may also be emailed to Letters must include name and telephone number for verification purposes. The editor reserves the right to edit or refuse to publish a letter.

325-7905 Managing Editor/Kristen Spink 325-8991 News Editor/Anna Wolfe 325-8819 Opinion Editor/Alie Dalee Sports Editor/John Galatas 325-5118 Life Editor/Daniel Hart 325-8883 Photography Editor/Emma Hutto 325-1584 Multimedia Editor/Zack Orsborn Advertising Sales/Alex Anthony 325-7907


EDITORIAL POLICY The Reflector is the official student newspaper of Mississippi State University. Content is determined solely by the student editorial staff. The contents of The Reflector have not been approved by Mississippi State University.

The Reflector staff strives to maintain the integrity of this paper through accurate and honest reporting. If we publish an error we will correct it. To report an error, call 325-7905.


The rise of TV character development


he days of Blockbuster and Movie Gallery have passed, and now a new ritual of streaming online videos has been born. Netflix, Hulu and HBOgo — among others — have taken up the mantle of their aged predecessors and have proven themselves to be immensely influential, shaping the way we consume media and even changing our video preferences, albeit indirectly. At one point, movies were king. But now, though bolstered by international sales, movie ticket sales have steadily declined for about a decade. In contrast, television watching has risen while subscriptions to streaming services have increased. And if one cares enough to look through, say, Netflix’s catalog of movies, one finds the most popular and most prevalent among its offerings are television shows. “House of Cards,” “Arrested Development,” “Scandal,” “Mad Men,” “Breaking Bad” and “Orange is the New Black” (among many others) are all shows available for Netflix streaming, ranging from one to five seasons, and all centered around serious character development. Ever since “The Sopranos” made its way onto viewers’ television sets more than a de-

cade ago, viewers can’t get enough ies, attend movies and gaze lovingof television shows that center on ly at the “David Lynch Ultimate character development, which is Movie Fan Collection” that graces something that movies can’t offer their shelves, but I think it can be in the same way. Even with sequels, argued that, especially in the past movie running times are about decade, more and more consumtwo to three hours on average, ers are turning to television rather whereas one season (and perhaps than movies as their main form of an average of 13 episodes) of any viewing entertainment. show can easily be anywhere from It’s just that TV now is so dang 30 minutes to an hour, not includ- good. The writing for so many ing special-length shows is sharp episodes. And now and filled with When the that the quality brilliant characwriting of television has ter development caught up with that makes it is good movies — with incredibly apand when shows such as pealing to watch. “Downton Ab- characters are fully The closest thing bey,” “Game of fleshed out, the I can think of Thrones” and clamor for their to this effect is “Mad Men” havhow people read stories does not ing production books, particuqualities perhaps easily die down.” larly long series, even exceeding such as Harry films out in thePotter and A aters today — a lot of viewers Song of Ice and Fire. The Harry would rather watch several epi- Potter series clocks in at around sodes of their favorite characters seven books (four of them so thick in the comfort of their own home they could serve as doorsteps) rather than spend the money while A Song of Ice and Fire has on going to the movies or even five at the time of this article, with streaming movies at home. plans for a sixth and seventh (and Not to say that the day of movies all of those books could easily be is dead. That would be dramatic. used a bludgeoning weapons). Rather, movie watching is still en- Point being, fans are so rabid joyed and people still stream mov- about the characters in Harry Pot-

CLAIRE MOSLEY Claire Mosley is a junior majoring in accounting. She can be contacted at opinion@

ter and ASOIAF that a combined billion pages of material, eight Harry Potter movies and three season of Game of Thrones still aren’t enough to satisfy true fans. When the writing is good and the characters are fully fleshed out, then the clamor for their stories does not easily die down. This is why TV shows are so abundant on Netflix, Hulu and HBOgo — because in the end, sometimes a two-hour movie about Sherlock’s adventures isn’t enough. Sometimes there needs to be a BBC TV show. And maybe another one for Americans, with Lucy Liu. And if you disagree with anything or come up with a better answer, be sure to email me. I’ll get to it right after this episode of “Girls.”


Starkville needs equal-marriage rights for all


was very happy to hear that Starkville passed an anti-discrimination resolution. Given Mississippi’s complicated history on issues of civil liberties, this resolution is bold and brave, even if it might appear commonplace to someone from elsewhere. Nevertheless, it shows the resilience and vitality of the mayor and Board of Aldermen.

It must be remembered, however, that not recognizing the legal status of same-sex marriage is discrimination. Same-sex couples are prevented from enjoying the legal, social and financial benefits that are enjoyed by married heterosexual couples. Let’s have a revolution. Let’s make Starkville the first city in Mississippi to grant marriage licenses to same-sex couples. It

is my opinion that our children and grandchildren will look back on the debate about the legal status of same-sex marriage the same way men and women of my generation look back on the debate about civil liberties for African-Americans in the 1960s — with shame that it even took place. Let’s put Starkville on the right side (no pun intended) of history and recognize the legal

Jonathan Edelmann is an assistant professor of religion at Mississippi State University.

status of same-sex-marriage. I understand that such changes would need to be argued in and implemented on the state level, but at least Starkville can be the city that opens the debate and advocates a comprehensive anti-discrimination policy.

TUESDAY, JANUARY 28, 2014 | 5





The deadline for Tuesday’s paper is 3 p.m. Thursday; the deadline for Friday’s paper is 3 p.m. Tuesday. Classifieds are $5 per issue. Student and staff ads are $3 per issue, pre-paid. Lost and found: found items can be listed for free; lost items are listed for standard ad cost. FOR SALE

Classic rock albums for sale in Starkville. Beatles, Eagles, AC/DC, Boston and more. Over 5,000 comic books, mostly 1970s and 1980s, bagged and boarded. Over 20,000 baseball cards in 800 and 3,200 count boxes. Call 662-312-2402. FOR RENT

One bedroom apartment for rent, 615 University Drive, $510 per month. Call 662-323-1678. One or two bedroom sublet available at Colonial Arms. $345 rent and $135 utilities. Shared with male. Call 228-341-7430. HELP WANTED

New PediCab service in Starkville. Hail Taxi is looking to hire multiple students for a driving position. Possibility to make over $100 an hour.

Contact Nason Williams at 601201-8777 for more information about the position and hours. CLUB INFO

The deadline for Tuesday’s paper is 3 p.m. Thursday; deadline for Friday’s paper is 3 p.m. Tuesday. MSU student organizations may place free announcements in Club Info. Information may be submitted by email to club_info@reflector.msstate. edu with the subject heading “CLUB INFO,” or a form may be completed at The Reflector office in the Student Media Center. A contact name, phone number and requested run dates must be included for club info to appear in The Reflector. All submissions are subject to exemption according to space availability. WESLEY FOUNDATION

Insight Bible study and worship Tuesdays at 8 p.m. at 286 East Lee Blvd. next to Campus Book Mart. Follow on Twitter @MSStateWesley or on Facebook. STUDENTS FOR A SUSTAINABLE CAMPUS

Care about the environment? Love activism? Come join SSC on Thursdays at 6 p.m.

Solutions for 1-24-14

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Well, you’re in luck because we can hire you. Stop by the Henry F. Meyer Student Media Center to get started.

in McCool 111 to make a difference. Follow on Twitter @MSU_SSC. YOGA MOVES CLUB

School or work stressing you out? Get moving into Yoga Moves! Try our moves to get into shape and our relaxation techniques to handle the stress. Yoga Moves meets at the Sanderson Center in Studio C, Thursday evenings from 5:30-7 p.m. Like Yoga Moves Club-MSU on Facebook. SOCIOLOGICAL STUDENT ASSOCIATION

The Sociological Student Association will meet the last Thursday of every month at 5 p.m. in Bowen Hall room 250. All majors are welcome. For more information, contact Dr. Lane at lane@soc.msstate. edu. AMERICAN CIVIL LIBERTIES UNIONMSU CHAPTER

The MSU chapter of the American Civil Liberties Union will meet the last Wednesday of every month at 6 p.m. in Bowen Hall room 250. All majors are welcome. For more information, contact Dr. Lane at

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TUESDAY, JANUARY 28, 2014 | 7




Exhibiting exploration:

Feed.Back.Loop gallery displays elegant mishaps of artistic process BY JULIA V. PENDLEY Staff Writer From now until March 7, Mississippi State University students and Starkvillians who venture into the Cullis Wade Depot Art Gallery will see small, repetitive loops that vary in color and density covering the room. Some pieces are folded and others lay flat against the wall. These works comprise Feed.Back.Loop, an exhibit by artist Lindsey Landfried that displays her efforts from two years spent exploring the process of creating art. In 2010, Lanfried studied ceramics in Moracco. She said much of her work there included mosaics and weaving. The soothing and tedious nature of the repetitive motions associated with these art forms spoke to Landfried, as she said she began to connect the processes to her father’s repetitive factory job. “I found it to be rich with metaphors, the expertise and monotony,” Landfried said. “I began to wonder what it would be like to put that in my work.” The pieces in the exhibit are not precise or perfect. Some loops take on unexpected shapes, and some areas are darker than others. Landfried said these variations are not imperfections but opportunities for unexpected moments of creation. “I like to leave glitches and mistakes, things that at first can seem wrong but can be quite beautiful,” Landfried said. Landfried said she believes the arts allow artists to create sensitivity toward the subjects they explore and craft a constant question-and-answer dynamic. “It’s that conversation that motivates me to keep making,” she said. “It’s always a surprise.” Lori Neuenfeldt, program coordinator for the Visual Arts Gallery, said Landfried’s pieces captivated her from the moment she saw them due to their interest in the nuances of technique.

“I am fascinated by artists who are interested in the process as much as the finished product, and I see that in Lindsey’s work,” she said. The exhibit is made up of seven large panels interspersed with smaller panels. For Neuenfeldt, the larger works convey a sense of urgency while the smaller panels seem more subtle and delicate. Neuenfeldt said Landfried’s work not only exists in a vacuum, but Landfried shows an understanding of the importance of art in the contemporary world. “She’s fascinating with how art interacts with society and how society needs art,” she said. “We need advocates like that.” The work on Feed.Back.Loop. began a year ago. While Landfried was living in Berlin, Germany, as a researcher, she sent a proposal


Attendees admire the large and small panels of folded drawings that fill Lindsey Landfried’s exhibit, Feed.Back.Loop. Landfried’s work seeks to reveal the beauty that stems from mistakes and imperfections inherent in an artist’s creative process. to Neuenfeldt asking to bring the exhibit to MSU. Neuenfeldt said the proposal was humbling and thrilling, as the exhibit allows MSU to continue to showcase relevant modern artwork. “It’s a huge compliment that we’re on the radar,” Neuenfeldt said. “It’s exciting to show artwork from the contemporary art world.”


Students converse in front of one of Landfried’s large drawings. Lanfried said her inspiration for the looping lines that fill the pieces came from her time spent in Morocco studying ceramics, weaving and mosaics. She said the repetitious motions of weaving tied directly to memories of her father at his monotonous factory job.

Though some may discount more abstract work like Landfried’s, Neuenfeldt said the style of art can offer new, unseen perspectives to viewers. “Abstract art can relate differently to different people based on past experiences,” she said. Neuenfeldt said she believes the exhibit will be relatable to students, as she said the monotony of taking pen to paper to create something beautiful can be similar to the daily grind of schoolwork, “whether or not they realize it there’s a connection.” Neuenfeldt said on a broader scale she sees the gallery as a tool people can use. “We’re connected to everything,” she said. “You can learn about the world around us. It’s about opening up yourself to other’s views.” Neuenfeldt said Landfriend also knows the demands of exhibitions, as she has curated other galleries as well as her own work. Though art galleries can seem exclusive or intimidating, Landfried said the gallery is a great place for everyone to experience the arts, whether that be a professor steeped in art history or a student who doodles in the margins of notebook paper. “It’s always a pleasant social thing,” she said. “If you like it you can stay, if not you can leave.” Feed.Back.Loop will be available on the second floor of the MSU Welcome Center Monday through Friday from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. The exhibit has been sponsored by a Starkville Area Arts Council Community Grant.

: m r a w h c u o c e h t Keeping 4 1 0 2 n i h c t a w TV shows to by Catie Marie Martin

The 100 Spac

Poet Rainer Maria Rilke described fresh starts best when he said, “And now we welcome the new year, full of things that have never been.” 2014 ushers in a number of exciting events: the winter Olympics, the birth of William and Kate’s second child and the legalization of marijuana in numerous states. However, these events pale in comparison to this year’s new television shows. Although one can assume Rilke was not referring to TV shows, in today’s society there is no better canvas for his immortal words. 2014 promises to introduce new characters and new reasons to stay in on Thursday nights with a bowl of popcorn and the remote control.

“The 100” — Post-apocalyptic shows such as “The Walking Dead” have taken television by storm, and “The 100” (pronounced “The Hundred”) follows suit. After a nuclear Armageddon destroys Earth, the only survivors are the 400 inhabitants of international space stations orbiting the earth at the time. After nearly a century of living in space, a group of juvenile teenagers is sent to reassess the damage on Earth, which has now become a wasteland of poisonous radiation. In order to test the younger generation’s abilities to rebuild society on Earth, the adults remain on the spacecraft. This is sort of like the Jimmy Neutron movie, but with more special effects. It premieres on the CW on March 19.

Jimmy Fallon, Seth Meyers y d e m o c t h ig n e t la g in Storm

Growing Up Fisher

t s i w t t h g i s Sitcom with a

Jimmy Fallon as host of “The Tonight Show” and Seth Myers as host of “Late Night” — This year, Jay Leno relinquishes his duties as the comedy king to Fallon, and Fallon passes his baton to “Saturday Night Live” veteran Myers. The comedy train’s progress promises to be a beneficial change. Fallon’s first night on “The Tonight Show” boasts guests Will Smith and U2 on Feb. 17, and Myers sticks to his roots with his first guest, Amy Poehler, on Feb. 24. Both shows premier on NBC.

“Growing Up Fisher” — Starring J.K. Simmons, Jenna Elfman and Jason Bateman “Growing Up Fisher” is your run-of-the-mill dysfunctional family sitcom with a twist: dad is blind. Eleven-year-old Henry has centered his life on being his father’s vision, but a seeing-eye dog steals his role as his father’s only sight after his parents’ divorce. Though the plot may seem far-fetched, the show is based on series creator DJ Nash’s childhood. “Growing Up Fisher” premieres Feb. 23 on NBC.

Private Lives of Nasvhille Wives a m a r d d e i r f Southern-

s n o i s o l p x e d n a e


“Private Lives of Nashville Wives” — Unscripted and unedited, “Private Lives of Nashville Wives” promises to be a complete train wreck. This TNT reality series follows the drama-laden lives of six Nashville women, all of whom search for love or fame in the Music City. The show follows in the same vein of reality shows like “The Real Housewives of Orange County” and draws on the heightened emotions that breed when opinionated, outspoken women are placed in tension-laced situations. The drama begins Feb. 24.


ac p h t i w s n u r f l o Werew

“Bitten” — Although the first “Twilight” film was released in 2008, the bloody vampire/ werewolf trend flows on in 2014. “Bitten” draws on the werewolf facet of the franchise and tells the story of Elena Michaels, the single female werewolf, trying to lead a quiet life apart from her pack. However, the call of the wild proves too great for her to ignore, and she must abandon her “normal” life to rejoin her pack. “Bitten” stars Laura Vandervoort, a “Smallville” veteran, and premiered Jan. 11 on SyFy.

Sources: 1.



8 | TUESDAY, JANUARY 28, 2014





Men’s tennis looks to pair of seniors for Kickoff sweep, seeks to continue momentum in Texas BY BLAKE MORGAN Staff Writer

For Mississippi State University seniors Zach White and Malte Stropp, it was a pair of thrilling singles matches. Between White’s third-set rally Saturday and Stropp’s comefrom-behind victory Sunday, the No. 13 MSU men’s tennis team (4-0) swept the weekend. The wins came over the No. 26 Harvard Crimson, and the No. 21 Memphis Tigers. MSU hosted the two along with No. 18 South Carolina for the ITA Kick-off Weekend. With the wins, MSU advances to the ITA National

Team Indoor Championship in Houston, Texas, Feb. 13-16. This is the second-straight year the Bulldogs have advanced to the championship. Before facing off in the ITA Championship, the Bulldogs will travel to Lubbock, Texas, to face No. 53 Texas Tech and Rice on Jan. 31. Head Coach Per Nilsson said the win is reflective of how he is trying to build his program. “It means a lot because it shows the guys are buying in here and they believe in what we are doing,” Nilsson said. “They are improving, and that is important to us.”

Comebacks were a theme for the Bulldogs the entire weekend, and Nilsson said the team expected a close match entering Sunday. “I had them (Memphis) favored to win the match, especially after losing the doubles point it did not look very good,” said Nilsson. “The team has come together amazingly quick over the past couple of weeks. There is not a point that they are not fighting their butts off.” Inspired by the support of his teammates in Saturday’s action, White said he turned in a gritty performance. “It was a battle throughout

the entire match,” White said. “I just came out on top because of everyone supporting me.” White was key in winning the first match of the weekend against the Crimson. The senior pieced together a thrilling comeback, from down 3-2 in the third set, and 4015 in the next game. Rallying, White tied the set at 3-3 and pressed on to victory from there, winning the match and giving MSU the win 6-4, 5-6(1), 6-3. MSU hosted Harvard last year in the first round of the NCAA tournament, and Nilsson said he knew his team

would struggle against the Crismon. “We knew it was going to be really difficult. We had a tough time with them (Harvard) last year and, with such a young team this year, I knew it was going to be a battle,” Nilsson said. “But I’m really proud of the guys for the way they came out, and what an amazing finish to the match.” On Sunday, though, the hero of the day was the fiery Stropp, coming from behind in both sets against Memphis Tiger Joe Salisbury. Down 5-3 in the first set, Stropp came roaring back to claim the set. That would be the

narrative of the match, as Stropp would come from behind to win again. After sitting out in the first weekend of competition due to injury, Stopp said he rode the support of fans and teammates to get the win. “I am kind of injured right now, but the team chemistry helps so much, them being so energetic. You just want to win for your team. You want to win for your school,” Stropp said following the victory. “You do not even feel the pain anymore when you are out there and everyone is supporting you. That is actually why I won today.”


Seniors Malte Stropp (left) and Zach White (right, top) return volleys during Sunday’s thrilling 4-3 win against No. 21 Memphis to send the Dogs to the ITA National Team Indoor Championship in Houston. Sophomore Jordan Angus (bottom, right) celebrates during his singles match win, upsetting Memphis’ No. 87 Johnny Grimal 6-2, 6-5 Sunday.

Lady Bulldogs claim second conference win, turn eyes to road test in Baton Rouge BY QUENTIN SMITH

That’s the kind of basketball I want us to play,” Schaefer said. The team played a hardComing off a disappointing overtime loss to its bitter nosed gritty style of play, upin-state rival, the Mississippi ping the ante on defense. The Lady Bulldogs State Univerforced 20 turnsity women’s overs and drew basketball team We’re seven charges jumped back becoming a — five coming into the win better team, from freshman column as it Dominique took down the and we’re getting Dillingham. Missouri Tigers better week by Along with 69-62 Sunday, five snapping its week. I just want us those charges, Dilthree-game los- to see us go down ing streak. there and compete lingham also had a career day Although the That’s all I care by scoring 21 Lady Bulldogs points to lead got the win, it about.” the team. Dillwas not pretty, -Vic Schaefer, ingham said her especially in MSU women’s success came the first half. from trusting The team went basketball coach in herself. into the lock“Just being er room with a five-point deficit, but things confident and having the conquickly changed when they fidence to shoot the ball and came out to begin the second being open since they were daring us to shoot,” she said. half. The Lady Bulldogs battled The team came out clicking on all cylinders as it opened and fought hard all game long. the second half with a 14-2 Schaefer said toughness is the run. Head Coach Vic Schae- one thing that all of his playfer said those are the kind of ers have inside of them, and it scoring runs he is accustomed showed in Sunday’s victory. “I thought we showed to his team having. “I’m used to coaches having toughness tonight in not just to call timeouts, kids jumping the way we’re playing, but into passing lanes stealing the how were responding to cerball and going for a lay-up. tain situations,” he said. “I That’s what I’m working for. want to be about making othStaff Writer

er teams feel uncomfortable. That’s what I want us to embrace as a team.” Throughout the last couple of games, Schaefer often used a phrase “they’re growing up in front of my eyes” to describe his team’s maturity. That maturity was on display Sunday, as the team was able to stay poised and not get rattled down in the crucial stretches of the game. Sophomore guard Savannah Carter said she hopes the team can ride this momentum wave and carry the winning success over into its upcoming games. “I believe in us,” Carter said. “It’s a running spark for us. Hopefully, we’ll keep going from this point on and play as hard as we did today.” The Lady Bulldogs will travel to Baton Rouge to take on the No. 15 LSU Tigers before returning home Feb. 2 to host the University of Georgia. Schaefer acknowledged the fact that going down to Baton Rouge is going to be a tough place to play, but he still has complete confidence in his team. “I don’t care who we got next week — my concern is that we get better as a team,” he said. “We’re becoming a better team, and we’re getting better week by week. I just want us to see us go down there and compete. That’s all I care about.”


Freshman guard Dominique Dillingham orchestrates the offense in Sunday’s 69-62 win over SEC foe Missouri. Dillingham scored a career-high 21 points, the most by a freshman since Tysheka Grimes scored 28 points in a win over South Carolina in 2007.

Ray apologizes for comments, not MEN’S disciplined by SEC BY BLAKE MORGAN Staff Writer

Mississippi State University second-year men’s basketball head coach Rick Ray found himself under fire following an 82-63 drubbing at the C.M. ‘Tad’ Smith Coliseum in Oxford, Miss., Saturday. As Ole Miss Rebel Marshall Henderson walked to his bench in dramatic fashion, congratulating teammates following the end of the game, Ray visibly made an inappropriate comment as Henderson walked by him. The interaction quickly blew up on many social media sites, further widening the cavern that separates the two fan bases. Ray issued a statement concerning the incident on Sunday. “I responded inappropriately to an Ole Miss player (Saturday) in our game,’’ Ray said in a statement. “I reached out to (Ole Miss) coach (Andy) Kennedy immediately to apologize and subsequently to the player, too. There is no reason for a coach to ever have interaction

TUESDAY, JANUARY 28, 2014 | 9



with an opposing player, ever, regardless of the circumstances. I was more upset with our performance than the player. I was totally at fault.’’ ESPN college basketball writer Andy Katz said on the ESPN website Henderson is known to get caught up in the emotions of the game. “Henderson has developed a habit of getting under people’s skins, often motioning to opposing fans and even mockingly performing the Gator ‘chomp’ after beating Florida in last season’s SEC tournament final,” Katz wrote. Henderson did not shoot the ball well in the Saturday contest, going only 2-for-12 from beyond the arc. Henderson showed his growth as an all-around player though, dishing out four assists and grabbing four steals as well. Additionally, in Ray’s weekly press conference held Monday, he said he violated a team rule and personally holds himself accountable for his actions. “One of our rules in our program is don’t do anything to embarrass yourself, the

basketball program, the university or your family,” Ray said. “ O b v i o u s l y, I did that so that’s some- Ray thing I’ve got to make sure I hold myself accountable to.” The SEC office reviewed Ray’s case and decided not discipline the coach. Ray, a coach who has developed a reputation for no-nonsense, has already dismissed multiple players off the team for various reasons. Most recently, senior forward Wendell Lewis was dismissed from the team before the season began. The action following the game has been the first incident of its kind in Ray’s tenure at MSU. The Bulldogs dropped to 13-6 overall, 3-3 in SEC play following the loss to the Rebels. The Bulldogs have out performed their preseason expectations to this point. MSU will play No. 3 Florida at Humphrey Coliseum on Thursday at 6 p.m.

MSU Florida 13-6 Record 17-2 3-3 Conf. Record 6-0 70.9 Scoring 71.8 45.4 FG Percentage 46.3 30.9 3-Point FG Percentage 35.8 65.3 FFree Throw Percentage 66.7 33.8 Rebounding Avg. 36.7 13.2 Assists 12.6 13.5 Turnovers 11.6 8.8 Steals 7.2 3.0 Blocks 2.9 Men’s basketball, Thursday @ 6 p.m.


BASKETBALL MSU 15-6 Record 2-5 Conf. Record 75.1 Scoring 41.1 FG Percentage 30.7 3-Point FG Percentage F Throw Percentage 70.6 Free 41.4 Rebounding Avg. 15.7 Assists 15.7 Turnovers 10.9 Steals 4.2 Blocks Women’s basketball, Thursday @ 7 p.m.

LSU 16-4 5-2 72.4 43.3 39.8 69.3 40.5 14.5 17.5 9.1 3.3



Bulldog Athletics over the weekend


Clear eyes, full hearts, Friday Night Lights is more than FB


t’s Saturday night and found solace entranced by Tim the flat-screen TV in my Riggins’s brooding eyes, but it friend’s living room is tuned was more than that. It was the to ESPN HD as I am forced to community painted about the background of watch grown a single football men wrestle team. It was the each other over ‘Friday integral lesson a leather ball, Night of responsibility while they get Lights’ the game taught paid millions to taught me football that softened do so. my view on This was the isn’t just a game; favorattitude that it’s a family. A family America’s ite past-time. prevailed in I always saw my mind on who struggles football as an the American together, fights asinine game past-time foot- together and where men run ball up until last summer. teaches each other a ball up and When under responsibility and to down a field. “Friday Night the bright Texas look out for others Lights” showed sun, Coach Eric in the same way a coach who Taylor changed gives up time my views on one would look with his own football (and after oneself.” family to go Texas) forever. fight for his This summer I found myself residing in a new players when their parents do city without many friendly fac- not support football as an exes. This brief isolation sent me tra-curricular. It portrays teamrunning back into the arms mates who support one another of my old friend, Netflix, and regardless of race, economic or per the suggestion of friends social status. In the face of a and critics alike, I decided to town whose citizens are dividgive “Friday Night Lights” a ed over economic inequality, he try. Twelve sequential episodes unites his players and essentialand a pint of gelato later, I was ly unites a town as he leads the Dillon Panthers to victory. hooked. “Every man at some point in Why, you might ask? Of course I was enamored by the his life is going to lose a battle. love triangles that run as a com- He is going to fight and he is mon undercurrent throughout going to lose. But what makes the show. I may briefly have him a man is at the midst of

ALIE DALEE Alie Dalee is the opinion editor of The Reflector. She can be contacted at opinion@reflector.

that battle he does not lose himself. This game is not over. This battle is not over,” Eric Taylor said to his team as they valiantly fought in the state championship. An audience sat paralyzed as Coach held Matt Saracen as he reeled with his father’s death. “Friday Night Lights” taught me football isn’t just a game; it’s a family. A family who struggles together, fights together and teaches each other responsibility and to look out for others in the same way one would look after oneself. Most importantly, the Dillon Panthers taught a naïve girl that football is far more of a community than a game. It’s a community of men who love a game, and dedicate hard work, time and emotion toward that game. And with clear eyes and a full heart, they can’t lose.



Men’s Basketball The Mississippi State University’s men’s basketball team suffered its sixth loss of the season and third conference loss as it fell to Ole Miss 82-63 Saturday at the Tad Smith Coliseum in Oxford, Miss. The defeat also marked the third time MSU has dropped a game by 19 points. The Bulldogs shot 40.7 percent (24-of-59) from the field, 45 percent (9-of-20) from three-point range and 42.9 percent (6-of-14) from the free throw line. Bulldog head coach Rick Ray said in a news release the team missed on multiple opportunities, and said his squad must improve its performance in road games. “We had some unbelievable opportunities at the rim but did not finish,” Ray said. “The inability hit free throws continues to hurt us. I didn’t like our fight or energy, especially consider it was against Ole Miss. We have now lost three road games (in league play) and not been competitive. We have to find a way to play better on the road.” After returning from injury, freshman I.J. Ready and junior Roquez Johnson led the Bulldogs in scoring with 13 points each. The Dogs return to the court Thursday as it hosts No. 3 Florida at the Humphrey Coliseum.

Track and Field

In its third invitational of the indoor season, the Mississippi State University men’s and women’s track team claimed top finishes including multiple wins at the Vanderbilt Indoor Invitational. The squad claimed six top-10 finishes including three wins on Saturday. The MSU quartet of Scottie Hearn, Brandon McBride, Patrick Monaghan and Damian Roszko clocked a final time of 9:44.28 to finish ahead of the pack in the men’s distance medley relay. Off the track, the pair of Erica Bougard and Marcus Jackson finished first and second, respectively, to earn a spot in the NCAA Indoor Nationals in Albuquerque, N.M., March 12-15. The Bulldogs continued the success with 23 top-10 finishes on Sunday. MSU claimed the best finish of the day in the women’s 400-meter relay. The foursome of Ocian Archer, Erica Bougard, Shayla Luckett and Ste’yce McNiel clocked in a 3:44.76 finish. MSU will have a two week break before it returns to the track in New York, N.Y., for the New Balance Invitational on Feb. 7-8.

Women’s Tennis Following its opening-season win, the Mississippi State University women’s tennis team split matches in the ITA Kickoff hosted by No. 7 Texas A&M. Despite a late rally, the Bulldogs dropped a 4-1 match to the No. 7 Aggies to open the weekend. Senior Rosie Dion won the lone point of the day in her 6-1, 6-2 singles match win. The Lady netters responded in the consolation match by upsetting No. 68 San Jose State 4-2 in the final day of the ITA Kickoff. After claiming the opening doubles point, MSU tallied single match wins from Alexandra Perper, Timea Guibe and Dion to secure the win. Head coach Daryl Greenan said in a news release the doubles point win set the tone for the rest of the match. “Winning the doubles point proved to be critical for us,” he said. “We started off strong in singles, but had to battle extremely hard to finish. I give San Jose State credit for their fighting spirit and I am very proud of our girls for their effort in the hard-earned win.” The Bulldogs return to the court Feb. 8 to host Tennessee-Martin.

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