The Print Edition

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Theatre MSU presents Pinnocchio p3



Importance of

Starkville’s Son

Clothesline Project

Reflector p4


130 th YEAR ISSUE 10


Former students arrested for narcotics MSU by Taylor Bowden News Editor

Earlier this week two Mississippi State University students were arrested in Starkville for unrelated narcotics charges. On Monday, Sept. 21, Christopher O’Bryan Lockhart, 22, a former Mississippi State University student, was arrested after officers from the Starkville Police Department conducted a

field interview. Lockhart was found to be in possession of methamphetamine, cocaine

and marijuana. According to a press released by SPD, the case is still under investigation. Lockharts’ bond was set at $50,000. The next day, in an unrelated situation, SPD officers arrested Michael Edward Russell, 21, who is currently an MSU student. Russell was arrested at his residence after SPD served him a warrant for his arrest for the Sale of Schedule II Controlled Substance. Police obtained probable cause when they served

Russell the warrant, and subsequently Oktibbeha County Justice Court issued a search

warrant for Russell’s residence. During the search, SPD located a large quantity of narcotics. Among them; marijuana, THC wax (a form of marijuana), Vyvanse pills (similar to Adderall) and cocaine. In addition to the drugs SPD found an undisclosed amount of cash. Russell’s total bond was set at $60,000. Anyone with information concerning either incident should contact the Starkville Police Department at 662-323-4134.


Noah Siano| The Refl ector


Orphan Facts -Approximately 140 million children have been orphaned worldwide. -There are an estimated 9 million children who have been orphaned in Latin America and the Caribbean. -Every 18 seconds a child becomes an orphan without a mother or a father. -Children who have been orphaned are increasingly vulnerable and often become victims of violence, exploitation, trafficking, discrimination or other abuses. Source: Bek Yake, The Reflector

The Red Bus Project, a mobile non-profit thrift store built into a functional doubledecker bus, rolled onto Mississippi State Universityʼs campus Tuesday. The project was started in the spring of 2012, has since visited over 60 college campuses. During the Red Busʼ time on MSUʼs campus, students and other members of the Bulldog community had the opportunity to donate to the cause by either giving clothing to the store or buying clothing that has been donated. The Red Bus Project encourages people to get involved and explore new ways to contribute to the aid of orphans around the world.

MSU junior to compete Two MSU alumni release song about in Miss Mississippi USA Mississippi’s flag by Emmalyne Kwasny Contributing Writer

Madison Eschan, a student at Mississippi State University, is competing for Miss Mississippi USA 2016 as Miss Starkville. The pageant will be held Oct. 29-31 in Tunica, Mississippi, at the Gold Strike Casino Resort. Eschan will be one of about 35 girls competing for Miss Mississippi USA 2016. Miss Mississippi USA 2016 is the official preliminary pageant to the Miss USA 2016 pageant. Eschan is a junior majoring in Human Science, with a concentration in fashion merchandising and minors in marketing and business administration. Eschan said she fell in love with MSU the moment she stepped foot on campus. She is involved with many of the school’s organizations,

including the National Retail Federation Student Association, Zeta Tau Alpha and Fashion Board. Eschan won her first beauty pageant at six months old. Since then, she has participated and won multiple local beauty pageants in both elementary and high school. Her mother, Kimberly Williams, was a pageant girl herself and encouraged Madison Eschan | Courtesy Photo Eschan to participate in Madison Eschan, a junior at MSU, will compete in Miss Mississippi USA 2016 as Miss Starkville. them. “My mother state-wide pageant. won five high school “Preparing for this pageants so what she knew has given me a lot of selftransferred over to me. She confidence,” Eschan said. encouraged me to be in “Being in pageants will pageants and I love getting help me in my future career dressed up,” Eschan said. as they have helped me to Miss Mississippi USA fi nd myself and answer hard 2016 will be her first interview questions.”

by Jennifer Flinn Staff Writer

David Horton and Seth Power, Mississippi State University alumni, released their song “Free,” on Sept. 12 calling for a change regarding Mississippi’s state flag. Horton, originally from Detroit, Michigan, said he is typically very open about his perspective of society and in the rough draft of the song, directly called out specific politicians’ he thinks are responsible for social unrest. “We wanted people to see that we’re all at war with the powers that be,” Horton said, indicating the problem Mississippians and the rest of the nation face regarding the state flag. In a Facebook post, Seth Power of Brandon

Mississippi said anyone who agrees with the message in the song should share the post, which includes a music video. “David Horton and I have recently written, recorded and released a song in an effort to lend our voices to a growing movement of people who are trying to change the MS flag to one that represents us ALL,” Power said. “It’s time to stop clinging to the past and work towards the future.” Horton said the song promotes universal love, unity and tolerance, rather than prejudiced bias against people of different races. He also said people of all races should come together and some of the people he cares about are not the same race as him. “It’s time people see past an unfortunate series of events that has separated us for so long,” Horton said. FREE, 2

trains faculty, staff

by Taylor Bowden News Editor

After Mississippi State University experienced a shooting scare several weeks ago, MSU President Mark Keenum called for the creation of the Training, Locks and Communication committee, comprised of members of the Crisis Action Team as well as other key members of MSU. The TLC committee has been working since Aug. 27, the day of the incident, and has taken steps to shore up multiple aspects of security and emergency response protocol. As the name would suggest, the primary goals of the TLC committee are training for employees, locks and other physical security elements, and possible changes to the emergency communication systems. Regina Hyatt, vice president of student affairs, who heads the Crisis Action Team, said that as of Sept. 21, the university has held six training sessions for MSU faculty and staff, of which over 500 people attended. Training sessions will continue and training is available online for MSU employees. Hyatt also said they are currently working on a video directed at students that will be finished in the coming weeks as well as charts detailing information about how to respond to various emergency situations that will be placed in classrooms. In addition to the general employee training, Hyatt said building managers will undergo separate training sessions. These sessions are being run by Director of Parking, Transit and Sustainability Jeremiah Dumas in conjunction with Executive Director of Campus Services George Davis. Hyatt said employee training will continue on a year to year basis. “Training will take place regularly, not just on an active shooter responses but on all emergency procedures,” she said. Head of ITS, Mike Rackley, along with Associate Dean of Students Jeremy Baham and Security & Compliance Officer Tom Ritter, are in the process of discussing any changes that might be made to the communication system. Baham said the TLC committee found no problems with the emergency broadcast system but are looking to see where it can be improved all the same. “We’ve made the decision to invite vendors to come to campus and show us what they can provide,” Baham said. Baham said those involved with the review of the communication system are trying to move quickly and he expects progress with the vendors to be made within weeks.

USA, 2



Scot Piliet, Campus Connect Forecast (Department of Geosciences)




HI: 86 LO: 62 SKY:Cloudy POP: 10%

HI: 85 LO: 62 SKY: Cloudy POP: 20%

HI: 84 LO: 64 SKY: Cloudy POP: 30%

FORECAST: Warm and muggy weekend forecast. Dry and partly cloudy on Fri. Showers possible Sat. afternoon. Greatest chance for rain Sun. and Tues. of next week!

Readerʼs Guide: Bad Dawgs Bulletin Board

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Policy: Any person may pick up a single copy of The Reflector for free. Additional copies may be obtained from the Henry Meyer Student Media Center for 25 cents per copy.





ʻNEPAL NIGHT 2015ʼ Nepal Night 2015 is a cultural event organized by the Nepalese Studentsʼ Association at Mississippi State University. This event seeks to showcase the vibrant traditions, customs and culture of Nepal to the MSU Family through dance, song and theatrical plays. Free authentic Nepali food will also be served as a part of the event. Free food will be served on the drill field close to Lee Hall from 5:00 pm to 6:00 pm, and the cultural show will be presented in the Bettersworth Auditorium of Lee Hall from 6:00 pm to 7:30 pm. It is an open event and a wonderful opportunity to get to know the beautiful country located in the lap of the majestic Himalayas in South East Asia.

Saturday, Sept. 19, 2015 3:32 a.m. A student was arrested in Starkville for driving under the influence and possession of marijuana. 4:15 p.m. A student reported her iPhone stolen from her room in Critz Hall. 6:45 p.m. A student was arrested at his residence in Starkville for disorderly conduct and distrubing the peace. 7:55 p.m. An Aramark employee was arrested on Blackjack Road for careless driving and driving under the influence. Sunday, Sept. 20, 2015 12:21 a.m. A student was arrested in Starkville for speeding and driving with a suspended driver’s license. 12:45 a.m. A student was arrested in Starkville for minor in possession of alcohol. 1:10 a.m A student was arrested at his residence in Starkville for disorderly conduct 1:50 a.m. A student was arrested in Starkville for going the wrong way on a one way street and driving while under the influence. 11:07 p.m. A student was arrested on Highway 12 and Stone Boulevard in Starkville for careless driving and driving under the influence. Monday, Sept. 21, 2015 12:00 p.m. A visitor was arrested on Lee Boulevard for wrong way on a one way and no driver’s license. 4:42 p.m. A student reported her vehicle was keyed while parked in commuter west parking lot. 5:00 p.m. An Aramark employee reported she was assaulted at Subway. Tuesday, Sept. 21, 2015 11:23 a.m. A student reported her Bully Bike stolen from Sanderson Center. 4:18 p.m. A student reported receiving unwanted texts from her mother.

Ritesh Karki | Courtesy photos

USA Although she has competed in pageants almost her entire life, Eschan’s grandmother Kay Smith, with whom she has lived with for many years said pageants have not consumed her. Smith also said that she loves doing anything outside including


swimming, snowboarding, kayaking and cheerleading. “Every time she has been in a pageant, she has grown and learned,” Smith said. “Yes, she would like to win, but she knows that it is about being in it and enjoying her time and learning what she has done wrong to help her

in the future pageants.” woman between the ages of will be asked questions Eschan has two pageant 18-27. The young women about themselves and a coaches, Angella Baker and are required to do their own question chosen at random. Brittney Eskew. The judges Baker has been will then the Eschan’s interview “She is a very outgoing young select winner coach for three months. lady. very intelligent, sincere, and order the other “She is a in very outgoing and beautiful. I think she is going four runner-up young lady, very to do exceptionally.” positions. intelligent, sincere, The winner and beautiful. I will go on think she is going to compete to do exceptionally -Angella Baker, well in the pageant,” in Miss Baker said. USA 2016 Madison’s interview coach Baker has as Miss coached other pageant contestants and judged and organized pageants. makeup and hair. They will Mississippi. Eschan said she decided to each compete in swimsuit Eschan said she compete in Miss Mississippi competition, evening gown encourages other young USA 2016 because she and interview. The scores women to participate in desires to better education, from each will be added up pageants. raise awareness and funds and the contestants with the “You need no experience for Breast Cancer on a local, highest composite scores, to compete in pageants. state and international level. between 10-15 women, You just have to have poise She longs to visit children’s are the semifi nalists. The and confidence. If you have hospitals, both national and semifi nalists will then go those two things and are international, to raise the on and again compete in committed, you can take spirits of the children and swimsuit and evening gown the crown.” families there. to further narrow down the If Eschan wins Miss Miss Mississippi USA is competitors to five fi nalists. Mississippi USA 2016, she held annually. In order to The top five will then have will go on to compete in Miss compete, one has to be a an on-stage interview and USA as Miss Mississippi.





Horton said people of different backgrounds and up bringings should be able to put aside differences and love one another. Christian Brown, Horton and Power’s manager, said the two wanted to encourage the conversation about the state flag issue because the flag’s current form does not include all people throughout the state. “The song is being used as an anthem to possibly change the state flag,” Brown said. “The song is about coming together despite your skin color.” Brown said the song has received local attention at several television stations, as well as their online outlets. Horton said the reason he and Power released the song was to get people talking about the issues underlying the debate about the state flag, not necessarily to enact change, but to inform the


population. “We just wanted to get people talking about what we’re talking about,” Horton said. Both Power and Horton have released their own music separate from each other. Power, a pop/ alternative rock artist, has a new single, which will be released in the coming months. Horton, an Indie/hiphop artist, said music was always an interest for him, but he never saw it as a longterm goal. He said he has put out four albums and two mixtapes. Horton, Power and Brown all played football together at MSU while they were students. Power and Brown were both receivers, while Horton was a quarterback. Horton said there was a healthy rivalry between the three of them, which

brought them closer. He said this was especially true for he and Power, who co-wrote the song, “Free.” “We are both proud alumni of Mississippi State and we wouldn’t do anything to misrepresent MSU,” Horton said, indicating he did not know how he and Power’s association with the university was brought into the spotlight along with the song. “I just choose to carry myself in a manner that people are always watching. I am always aware of what I’m saying and how I say things,” Horton said. Horton said Power is like his brother and whenever he visits Brandon, he always has a place to stay with Power’s family. One of Horton’s lines from the song reinforces his brotherly relationship with Power: “Color can’t stop us from being brothers.” This edition of The Reflector is brought to you by:



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A Southern Perspective

Drew’s Views

‘Kanye for pres’ may ‘Black Mass’ movie: be a hoax for publicity Depp’s redemption president, the spotlight will most definitely be all over him. When he stole the spotlight from Taylor Swift at the 2009 MTV VMA’s he handles everything that does not go his way in the same manner. He brought this up again iatthis year’s award show. This was not the brightest idea. He has a way with words, always keeping the crowd drawn in. Before the VMA’s, Kanye West and his wife

by Abby Adcock Staff Writer

Although the election has not begun yet, Kanye West dropped the news at the 2015 MTV Video Music Awards(VMA) he will runfor President of the United States in the 2020 election. It was an unexpected ending to his candid and somewhat heartfelt, maybe a little bit dragged out, acceptance speech for winning the Vanguard Award. This was a whirlwind of emotions and a crazy “What it boils down to is that act of randomness is an excellent performer.” from West, but it engrossed the crowd and gained the attention of many people. Kim Kardashian attended Not only did he shock a democratic fundraiser for all of America with the Hillary Clinton, where they announcement of his pres- posted a selfie in honor of idential candidacy, but he their support for her camanswered the question of paign. Some people queswhether or not he smoked tion the controversial topic something before com- of whether or not it is accepting on stage. He then said, able for a woman to have so “Yes, I rolled up a little much power over the counsomething. I knocked the try. It’s a good thing West edge off.” He was basked is all for a woman running in applause and approval the country, because he from the audience for the will probably have a wife 12 minutes he was on stage. that runs his campaign He had the crowd’s atten- and the country if he is tion for the entire time. elected. Kim Kardashian As most of the world is an insanely wealthy and has already seen on multi- famous woman and let’s ple occasions, West does be honest, Kanye does not not know how to handle take a back seat to anybody. the spotlight NOT being The chances of that whole on him. If he is elected situation working out are

slim to none. Considering his picture with Clinton as well as other occurrences, it is possible the whole announcement may have been premeditated, but I doubt it. He seemed to have gotten so caught up in himself and his emotions and was like “oh hey, I think I’m going to run for POTUS.” As far as being qualified, who am I to say who is qualified to be the President of United States? A man with so much power should not be one who most likely did not plan or prepare for this announcement he before he blurted it out on stage in front of the entire world. My guess is that he probably will not even run. What it all boils down to is he is an excellent performer. People do not know what to expect from him. This stunt will be added to the long list of other stunts that he has been a part of. He knows what to do and say to make people continue watching live television and keep watching him. The passion he stirred in the audience was truly incredible, whether there is any credibility to the statement or not. His ability to make people believe in him by giving a two or three minute speech about wanting to become President is nothing more than sheer talent- even if his response to a question about foreign policy might be, “bruh.”

With the summer movie season coming to a close, it’s time to say goodbye to the highs of the summer like “Inside Out,” “Mad Max: Fury Road” and “Jurassic World,” along with the crippling lows of films such as “Paul Blart: Mall Cop 2” and “Fantastic Four.” Luckily, we were able to leap right into the fall movie season and had a very strong start last weekend with “Everest” and “Black Mass.” While I was not able to watch “Everest”, I was able to see “Black Mass” and find out if Johny Depp was able to finally break his losing streak of films. It’s been an unbelievable amount of time since I’ve seen him in anything worth while, or even watchable for that matter. With critically panned movies such as “The Lone Ranger”, “Transcendence” and “Dark Shadows,” it’s been hard to imagine this was the same actor that brought Captain Jack Sparrow and Edward Scissorhands to life on screen. Even his last film “Mortdecai,” led Tim Holland from TV Guide’s Movie Guide to state “An abysmal would be comedy that sees the quickly falling star delivering a performance that’s as hammy and unfunny as it is dull and embarrassing.” Thankfully enough, Depp finally ended the streak with his hypnotic take as the notorious

gangster James “Whitey” Bulger, in his new film. He becomes completely lost in the role, not only with his accent and make up, but he has such an intimidating presence you constantly hold your breath in anticipation of his next move. Alonso Duralde from TheWrap stated in his review “This is Depp bringing his skills to the table as a man with a propensity for being both terrifying and charming, often switching between the two on a dime.” I could not agree more with him. Other than Depp, “Black Mass” offers other great actors like Joel Edgerton, Kevin Bacon, Benedict Cumberbatch and several others to shine in their roles. All of this aidsthe gripping true life story that inspired the film. What really added to the interest was Bulger’s real life issues with Depp and the film. In arecent article from Moviefone, Gina Carbone included the statement, which Bulger’s defense attorney gave to People magazine: “Johny Depp might as well have been playing the Mad Hatter all over again as far as James Bulger is concerned. Hollywood greed is behind the rush to portray my client, and the movie missed the real scourge created in my client’s case, the real Boston menace to Boston during that time and other mob cases around the country- the federal

Drew Carter is a senior majoring in marketing. He can be contacted at opinion@

government’s complicity in each and every one of those murders with the top echelon informant program.” This leaves it up to the audience to decide if Bulger is truly the monster showed on screen, or if all of the violent acts shown in the movie were made up in Hollywood, at Bulger’s expense. In my opinion, the controversy adds to the movie’s appeal, and makes the real life case all the more interesting. Although I really enjoyed the movie, the only slight complaints I have are that some scenes seemed to drag on too long, making me feel like some could have been cut out for the sake of time.With all the good outweighing the bad, this is a solid recommendation and a great kick off to Oscar season. So if you’re a fan of Depp and are ready to see him return to his A game or if you’re just a fan of well made gangster movies, this is one to check out as soon as possible.


“To achieve great things, two things are needed: a plan and not quite enough time.” - Leonard Bernstein



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Lacretia Wimbley

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Life Editor

Photography Editor Sarah Story

Noor Mujahid

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CONTACT INFORMATION LETTERS TO THE EDITOR Editor in Chief/ Lacretia Wimbley 325-7905 Managing Editor/Nia Wilson News Editor/Taylor Bowden Opinion Editor/Bailey McDaniel Sports Editor/Anthony McDougle

Letters to the editor should be sent to the Meyer Student Media Center or mailed to The Reflector, PO Box 5407, Mississippi State, MS. Letters may also be emailed to Letters must include name and telephone number for verification purposes. The editor reserves the right to edit or refuse to publish a letter.

Life Editor/Noor Mujahid Photography Editor/Sarah Story Multimedia Editor/Bek Yake Advertising Sales/Julia Langford 325-7907



The Reflector is the official student newspaper of Mississippi State University. Content is determined solely by the student editorial staff. The contents of The Reflector have not been approved by Mississippi State University.

The Reflector staff strives to maintain the integrity of this paper through accurate and honest reporting. If we publish an error we will correct it. To report an error, call 325-7905.

Sarah Dutton | The Reflector

by Sarah Dutton

‘Clothesline Project’ important in understanding sexual assault

Contributing Writer

According to Quick Series, “One in every six American women are victims of sexual assault or rape during their lifetime.” Every once in a while ,I remember this significant piece of information while I’m on the bus transit to school, observing people while tipsy at a party, sitting in a lecture trying to distract myself from notes or even when I’m waiting in line for the bathroom. I start repeatedly counting the women surrounding me. Suddenly, my perspective on sexual assault changes, just like it did the first time I ever counted and landed on six. Last week you or a colleague may have noticed T-shirts lining the Drill Field with powerful messages related to sexual violence. How it affected you or your fellow peers depends on your individual experiences and perspectives with sexual violence itself. For example, the mere presence of the Clothesline Project pushed someone I know to anxiously reveal to me his own childhood sexual assault experience. However, what struck me most was the confusion he felt toward his own feelings. Studies show one in every 33 men and three percent of American men experience an attempted or completed rape in their lifetime. American women with a 17 percent chance. It’s understandable that he felt his feelings as something very foreign and difficult to grasp. In fact, the majority of men, who have been sexually assaulted, feel

unheard and unrecognized as victims. However, 14 percent of men have been forced or coerced into sexual activity before they were 14-years-old. In a world where he might feel alone, he surely is not. I could not help but feel an overwhelming amount of heartache for a fellow peer that felt so lost in a world that is waiting with open arms to aid him and others on their journeys to recovery. I was suddenly aware of what I was telling him and wanted to be selective on how I approached the situation. I did what anyone else could do in that particular situation, I reminded him of his worth, that his feelings were validated and that I understood and was willing to if I did not. Those are just a few techniques to remember if ever approached. Leah Pylate, a graduate assistant who spoke on behalf of the Health Promotion and Wellness Department, was in charge of the successful program, expounded on that a bit more. “It is always important not to engage in victim blaming. In the simplest form, we relay to people their role in this process is to believe your friend or the person who is relaying information to you regarding an unwelcomed experience,” Pylate said. “One can expect a wide range of emotions when discussing sensitive information.” Pylate said some people may be angry, some experience relief and others may relay extreme sadness. Each individual’s experience is unique and it is important to allow the person to be empowered to choose the next step in the healing process. Communicate

openly with the person, making sure to not use victim blaming communication. Provide options and resources to the person such as calling the MSU Safeline at 662-325-3333 where the individual can speak to a counselor and request advocacy services. These are important considerations,” Leah encouraged me through one of her responses. I will forever be grateful for the people who take the time and have the patience to set up programs that allow victims of sexual violence to have a voice and share their own experiences by courageously bringing awareness to the subject and acting as an outlet for them . Everyone should be aware and prepared to act appropriately in order to help others if they have been affected or wish to prosper from their own experience. There are numerous ways to learn how to approach each possible perspective in a sexual assault situation, so it’s important to aim to be more involved and informed about it. Why? Next time you are walking around a significant amount of people, start counting one in every six women or one in every thirty-three men. Once you see the impact it can make in even just one surrounding, sexual assault becomes a lot more realistic with the people you casually see on an everyday basis. After you do that a couple times, end the last one on yourself, and suddenly sexual assault becomes a lot more realistic on a personal level for you. It’s all about different perspectives, and it’s time change a few, because no one is immune to sexual assault.




CLASSIFIEDS POLICY The deadline for Tuesday’s paper is 3 p.m. Thursday; the deadline for Friday’s paper is 3 p.m. Tuesday. Classifieds are $5 per issue. Student and staff ads are $3 per issue, pre-paid. Lost and found: found items can be listed for free; lost items are listed for standard ad cost. HELP WANTED Part-time position available. Certified Pharmacy Tech with experience working in hospital or retail pharmacy preferred. Call 615-2990 for more information. OCH Regional Medical Center, 400 Hospital Road., P.O Drawer 1506, Starkville, MS 39760. Weekend work required. Benefits eligible. Apply online: https://careers.och. org EOE HELP WANTED JOB!!! $8.50 per hour. Perfect for a student. (on call, flexibility.) Strong computer skills are a must! Responsibilities include: computer and technology, clerical, domestic responsibilities and errands. It is in Starkville. Contact Therea Riddick at 662-312-5630 FOR RENT SORRY....all “Lodge at the Lake” units leased for 2015-2016. But a fraternity or sorority


or astute business person could buy the five units on 340’’ of choice lakefront for just $343,000. Contact Mary at 622-769-2819. FOR RENT Rooms for rent $325 and $375 per tenant. House; large, living room, 2 full baths, sun room, garage, fence, and driveway. It is close to campus. Call Theresa Riddick at 312-5630 MISCELLANEOUS Great tailgate party house for those game weekends. Four units (now rented) pay mortage. You get firepit, “Lodge Room”, kitchen, bath, dock; 340” of waterfront, “free” for all game nights and weekends! Contact Mary at 662-769-2819 FOR SALE Alumni or faculty member could buy “Lodge at the Lake” for $343,000, then rent out four units to pay the mortage while living comfortably on the lower floor. 340’’ of waterfront plus dock! Contact Mary at 622-769-2819. CLUB INFO The deadline for Tuesday’s paper is 3 p.m. Thursday; deadline for Friday’s paper is 3 p.m. Tuesday. MSU student organizations may place free announcements in Club Info. Information may be submitted by

email to club_info@ The Reflector 9/25/15 Crossword PuzzleJunction with the subject heading “CLUB INFO,” or a form may be completed at The Reflector Across 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 office in the Student Media Center. A contact 15 16 13 14 1 One of a Latin name, phone number trio and requested run dates 19 17 18 5 Pen names, must be included for 21 22 20 briefly club info to appear 9 Zoo feature in The Reflector. All 23 24 25 13 Citadel student submissions are subject 15 Joint problem to exemption according 30 31 26 27 28 29 16 Sneaking to space availability. 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 suspicion STARKVILLE TECH 17 Wine fruit MEETUP 40 39 19 Quirks The main goals of this 20 Feeling of 43 41 42 club are to connect, apprehension to collaborate, and to 44 45 46 21 After penalty or create projects and shadow 50 51 52 47 48 49 activities related to 22 Oxen’s harness web development. We 23 Russia’s ___ the 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 welcome everybody Great 61 62 60 with an intrinsic interest 25 Guinea-Bissau in programming, moolah 64 65 63 web development, 26 To boot engineering, design 30 Jubilant 67 68 66 and entrepreneurship. 32 Water show star Contact Sergio Pichardo Copyright ©2015 35 They can be at political 66 Oil cartel inits. 11 Tropical lizard 42 Gr. goddess of for more information. 39 Minified 12 Relieves 67 Energy units fertility 40 Metal coating 14 Pitfall 68 Juicy fruit 43 Time zone MENS CLUB SOCCER 41 Vilified 18 Tournament gap 45 Not leaving Come support the 43 Dulcet 24 Perfect rating Down leaves, maybe club soccer team this 44 Penny pinchers 25 Corolla part 47 Tortellini topping season! Our schedule 46 Some M & M’s 1 Breezed through 26 Purim’s month 48 Lowest deck is as follows: Sept. 20 47 Salk’s conquest 27 Brain area 2 Neighbor of Senegal 49 River through at Memphis, Sept. 27 at 50 Australian buds 3 Puts two and two 28 Ragusa native Tours Auburn and Oct. 9 at 53 Asteroid 29 Hopeful together 51 Colonnade tree Alabama. We also play discovered in 4 Appear 31 Cash register 52 Airplane Southern Miss on Oct. 1898 part 5 Epoch assignment 11 and North Alabama 54 Comics cry 6 Maker of sparkling 33 Prefix with 54 To be, to Brutus on Oct. 18. We play on 55 ___ Antilles centric wines 56 Aerobic bit the multipurpose fields, 60 Skirt feature 34 Bad day for 7 First lights 57 Patriarch and we would love to see 61 Brand Caesar 8 Charon’s river 58 Book before you out there, ringing 63 Actress Spelling 9 Newspaper VIP 36 Heckle Nehemiah your cowbells. Follow us 64 Fax button 10 Sayonara, in 37 Tennyson lady 59 Kind of admiral on twitter: @HailState 65 ___ cotta 38 Bursae Orizaba 62 Dept. store stuff Soccer for updates on our schedule and scores.


An In-Class Distraction

Sept. 22 SUDOKU Solutions

Sept. 22 Crossword Solutions Hey Bulldogs!

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‘The True Adventures of Pinocchio’ takes stage by Kristian Hefley Contributing Writer

Theatre MSU presents “The True Adventures of Pinocchio” Saturday at 2:30 p.m. on the mainstage of McComas Hall to continue the show season. Tim Matheny, director, said he began his fi rst semester at Mississippi State University this year and has chosen “The True Adventures of Pinocchio” as his fi rst showcase. The MSU Theatre began showing “The True Adventures of Pinocchio” to local elementary students early this week. Matheny said he is enthusiastic about this particular show and the way it will impact children. He said he believes the episodic nature of the show will translate well to kids due to the many adventures Pinocchio

faces. Episodic nature refers to a series of loosely connected parts or events. “I chose Pinocchio because it has some really great life lessons for the kids and it’s very episodic,” Matheny said. “It’s his adventures on his way to becoming a human boy.” Matheny said the hard work of the cast and crew has started to pay off. The cast auditioned the fi rst week of school. Rehearsals have been going on for about four weeks. Due to the football game last Saturday, dress rehearsals were held Sept. 18-20. The elementary showcases have brought in over 3,500 children to fi ll the theatre. Kellie Leonard, sophomore secondary education major, said she is interested in what Theatre MSU has to offer. She said she loves MSU’s Introduction to Theatre and the way it focuses on many different aspects of

theatre. She also said she enjoys seeing how theatre relates to people’s lives. Leonard said if she knew about Pinocchio prior to the week of the play’s showing, she would have tried to get involved. “I would have been interested in helping out simply because the play was for children and I’m really a big fan of starting children into watching theatre early on because it helps immensely in the rest of their lives,” she said. Tickets can be purchased prior to the event on the Theatre MSU website, theatre/. Adult tickets are $10 and children’s tickets are $5. Saturday, MSU students will have the opportunity to see Pinocchio’s adventures. The adventures will include the many friends Pinocchio will meet, the manipulation of the sly fox and cat, the disappearance

Kristian Hefley| The Reflector

Theatre MSU continues its show season, Saturday at 2:30 p.m., on the mainstage of McComas Hall with ʻThe True Adventures of Pinocchio.ʼ Actors (pictured) are rehearsing a scene in which Pinocchio travels to Funland to be a boy forever.

of his father, unintelligent boys turning into donkeys, Pinocchio turning into a real boy and so much more.

The MSU website encourages all to come out Saturday at 2:30 p.m., on the mainstage in McComas hall to see

“The True Adventures of Pinocchio,” which they describe as “the classic tale of a puppet who yearns to be a real boy.”

about being one of the models, but also because I was one of the make-up artists,” she said. “Aside from walking in the show, I had to do make-up for some of the models and I also had to get my own make-up done. It was worth it though because the show was amazing.”

talented people, both individually and as a group. “I’m glad this event was able to show the public how different organizations are able to come up with ideas such as this one to get their members involved while giving the public something to enjoy,” he said. “Overall, it was a great experience for

‘Maze Runner: The Scorch Trials’ ‘Suit & Tie’ showcases talent foreshadows freedom on horizon by ShaCamree Gowdy Staff Writer

by Kristian Hefley Contributing Writer

The Sci-Fi action fi lm, “Maze Runner: Scorch Trials,” starring Dylan O’Brien, Kayla Scodelario and Thomas Brodie- Sangster, opened in U.S. theaters last Friday. Being the second movie in the Maze Runner series, it arrived with great expectations from the movie’s director, Wes Ball. Although the screenplay writer (T.S. Mowlin) tweaked the novel writer’s ( James Dasher’s) work, the movie had a successful opening weekend. According to Scott Mendelson’s article in Forbes Magazine, “Maze Runner: Scorch Trials” made $30.3 million in the U.S. on opening weekend and has made over $100 million worldwide. The “Scorch Trials” opening weekend was, in fact, slightly lower than the fi rst movie, “The Maze Runner,” on its opening weekend which was a $32.5 million opening weekend. Rigid interpretation from the previous fi lm infers that Thomas (O’Brien) and his friends had defi nitely been kept in some sort of maze by the heinous organization called WCKD. The movie does not hold back on jumping right into the plot. Leadcharacter,Thomas (O’Brien), opens the fi lm with a vivid nightmare of his experience in the maze that he just escaped from. Thomas and his gang of maze victims are brought to a compound for “safe keeping” from the devilish, WCKD. Secrets are revealed when Thomas meets Aris, a maze conspirator. Aris joins Thomas and his group of friends to escape from WCKD for good after they discover

20th Centur y Fox| Courtesy Photographs

ʻMaze Runner: Scorch Trials,ʼ the sequel to ʻThe Maze Runner,ʼ opened in theaters last Friday with a $30.3 million U.S. opening weekend.

the safe haven compound is secretly run by WCKD. When they escape, they realize the world they are now entering is just as dangerous as the world they were trapped in. “The Scorch” is fi lled with mutant-like zombies who are after any living thing. Luckily, some of the maze refugees are immune to the virus, but nobody wants to get close enough to fi nd out who is and who is not. New York Times writer, John Williams said, “‘The Scorch Trials’ adds nothing new to the unkillable dystopian genre, but it’s at least less ponderous than its predecessor. The many chases and ludicrous narrow escapes offer respectable doses of adrenaline.” The entire 131 minutes is full of twists and

turns that will leave the audience on the edge of their seat. It is safe to say that “The Scorch Trials” is a wonderful lead into the third movie. The entire theater audience is left with a question of what Thomas, his friends and the right arm army would do to get revenge on WCKD once and for all. “What do we do now?” Newt (BrodieSangster) asked at the end of the movie. Thomas (O’Brien) followed with an elaborate speech about how their escape would almost be cowardice. They should fight for those who are unable to escape. That last scene alone was a hint to the audience that there will be a third movie. “The Maze Runner” series is no longer about escape, it is about freedom.

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IDEAL Woman, Men of Excellence and the Student Fashion Association (SFA) presented the annual Suit & Tie Show Tuesday in the Foster Ballroom of the Colvard Student Union. The Suit & Tie show presents a way for students to get involved on campus and showcase their talent. Every model and organizer of the show was a Mississippi State University student. Jamia Brown, junior fashion design and merchandising major and IDEAL woman historian, was one of the hosts for this year’s show. She was also a make-up artist for the models and said it was a great experience. “I was really excited to be able to take part in the show,” she said. “Even though I was pretty tired after, it was definitely worth it,” she said. “Each organization works so hard on a day-to-day basis, and it is always nice to have something to show for it. I love being able to come together with others and have a good time.” Breanna Peters, senior fashion design and merchandising major, was part of the show as well. She said she was worried about working as a makeup artist as well as a model in the show. “I was pretty nervous about the show, not just

“I’m glad this event was able to show the public how different organizations are able to come up with ideas.” -Antonio Barnes, SFA modeling coach Breanna said she also demonstrated to the audience the proper way to apply make-up before going to class. Antonio Barnes, sophomore engineering major and SFA modeling coach, said he was excited to work with his peers and be a part of such a successful event. “Being a modeling coach, is a new position for me, but I’m ready to learn everything that comes with it,” Barnes said. “It’s really fun to be able to get all of the models to loosen up and find that inner confidence needed to own to their own work.” Barnes said he was pleased with being able to collaborate with such

everyone.” Other students mentioned in making the show a success was MOX Parliamentarian and host, Charles Reese, and also barber, Tramos Cole. Students can follow both make-up artists on Instagram, @b.shaylamakeup & @ jamia.tenea.

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Gabe Myles: Starkville’s son shines yet again by Taylor Rayburn Staff Writer

Who is Gabe Myles? Is he a receiver, a student or maybe a hometown hero? Is he all of the above? Well to start, Gabe Myles is classified as a redshirt freshman wide receiver for Mississippi State. However, when you look beyond that, you begin to see a story. The story of someone who grew up in Starkville and is getting the chance to live out his dream on the field. Myles graduated from Starkville High School and has played all over field in his football career. At Starkville High, Myles was the starting quarterback and played corner as well. He earned many accolades in high school, was a ClarionSarah Stor y | The Reflector Ledger Dandy Dozen and played in the Mississippi- Sophomore receiver Gabe Myles walks into the endzone after his first score as a Bulldog. Alabama All-Star game. The biggest accolade of to completely fulfi ll our recruited as a defensive all could be a scholarship childhood dreams. back, Myles redshirted from Mississippi State, the Myles lives his every day. his freshman year before school of his dreams. His father Eddie Myles switching to wide receiver. “To come and play at played for MSU as well. Last season, when star home, that was my dream Myles has worn Maroon and receiver Jameon Lewis from the get go,” Myles said White as a fan long before went down after the LSU quite emotionally. “I grew he ever got the chance to do game, Myles was asked to up watching Mississippi so as a player. He worked fill in for MSU’s fomrer State football and it was every day for the dream of leading receiver. the team I always wanted to donning the M-State logo Last season, while filling be a part of. It is a surreal on the side of his helmet in for Lewis, Myles showed feeling. I grew up watching and siad he lives out that flashes of the versatile and it and now being able to dream every Saturday on explosive weapon he could actually do it, you can’t put the field as a football player become. Totaling close it into words.” for Mississippi State. to 200 yards, he ran the Not many of us get It was a long journey, ball, caught screens and

Dogs head to the Plains by Dalton Middelton Staff Writer

Will benching quarterback Jeremy Johnson help the Auburn Tigers overcome their early season woes and pick up their first conference win against Mississippi State? In last season’s matchup, Auburn traveled to Davis Wade Stadium in a matchup of two top three ranked teams. MSU pulled away early in the game, and it was too big of a deficit for the Tigers to overcome. That game sent Mississippi State to the number one ranking in the nation for a long stretch of the season until finally being defeated by Alabama, Ole Miss and later Georgia Tech in the Orange Bowl. After all of last season’s departures, it has been said Mississippi State would not be good this season. They have been just less than great. The Bulldogs

traveled to a hostile Southern Miss and beat them, lost by a last second missed field goal to the 8th ranked LSU Tigers and then put a beat down on the Demons of Northwestern State. But traveling to Auburn will be the toughest game yet. After a few weeks of low efficiency performances from Jeremy Johnson, Gus Malzahn decided to bench the hyped up quarterback. Instead, he is starting redshirt freshman Sean White, who will be seeing his first collegiate snaps against a tough Mississippi State defense. It is not the ideal position for his first game, but he is going to try and make the most of it. “I think this will be his first game action,” Head coach Dan Mullen said. “That does not affect our game plan and won’t change anything we do.” “He throws the ball well,” left tackle Shon Coleman said. He has that ‘it’ factor,

like coach Malzahn says. He’s a great leader, so I think he’ll do a great job.” White will be going up against a strong defensive line and a healthy Will Redmond/Taveze Calhoun duo at cornerback. On the MSU offense, Dak Prescott looks to have another offensive explosion like last week, where the Bulldogs set the school record for yards gained. The running game has not been strong this season, but with Prescott and the duo of running backs playing better now, it should be a balanced offense. It will also help that Auburn’s best defense lineman, Carl Lawson, is hurt and will not be playing. Auburn opens up this week as a three point favorite, which is very surprising seeing how they have performed so poorly in their previous three games. The game will be Saturday at 6:30 p.m.

obtained an eleven yard excitement.” yard run with eight minpass. In a day that saw MSU’s utes and 39 seconds left in Offensive Coordinator offense break the single the second quarter. and Wide Receiver coach game record for yards, “I think he has the career Billy Gonzales said, “He’s it was all started by that record for getting tackan extremely blessed 49-yard touchdown recep- led at the one yard line,” Head coach player, talentDan Mullen level wise. Last joked after the year he kind-of “I had envisioned it so many times. game Saturday. broke in, we Everyone threw him in I had pictured it so many times so “was so excited, as a redshirt because everyfreshman. But when it finally happened it was one jokes with he got that him for not getplaying time, just straight excitement.” ting in the end he got that -Gabe Myles zone. I was just experience.” like don’t trip, Though don’t trip.” Myles did Myles is a player living not get enough time tion by Myles. In doing throughout the year to so, Myles brought back his dream and is an make a huge impact, he memories of the explosive inspiration for others. He played enough for everyone offense everyone remem- will be back in action this to see the bright future the bers from last season. It Saturday as MSU takes on young talent had. did not take him long to Auburn. The game will be This season, Myles is not score again. Myles would broacasted on ESPN2 at a replacement for someone find the end zone on a six 6:30 p.m. else. He is stepping up and taking a role in the offense for his own. However, the Only Your Mother Could Make You stigma of never scoring a touchdown is something Feel Better Faster that stuck with him. The first touchdown is something every player dreams of when they first don the Maroon and White. Well, last Saturday that moment came. With a minute and 39 seconds into the game, Myles crossed the goal line OPEN EVERYDAY for the first time. 8:00 AM - 7:00 PM Gabe Myles said, “I just wanted to get that touchdown monkey off of my back. I had envisioned WALK-INS WELCOME it so many times. I had pictured it so many times, when it finally happened 521 South Montgomery it was just straight 662-338-4826


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