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Wise Center parking changes in place, student parking restricted by Pranaav Jadhav Staff Writer

A change enforced at Mississippi State University’s Wise Center parking lot draws equal criticism and appreciation among the people who use the facility. The MSU Wise Center houses the College of Veterinary Medicine, the Veterinary Medical Center and the University Television center, among others. Karen Templeton, director of outreach at the College of Veterinary Medicine, said the college had difficulty providing adequate parking for its students, faculty, clinicians and clients. “There were often no spaces for them, partly because our parking lot became an area for many park-and-ride commuters. This is problematic when residents needed to get here to work on emergency cases. We see patients 365 days a year, 24 hours a day and many of these are emergency cases. It’s important that we have adequate parking for our clinicians and the veterinary students, residents and interns,” Templeton

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said. “We monitored the situation for two years and provided our findings to Parking Services along with a proposal. Parking Services modified the proposal and implemented the new parking regulations.” Head of the communication department, John Forde, met with the Traffic Policy Committee on Thursday to discuss the issue. “I’m very confident they will work out a solution soon to help our students who have broadcasting classes at the University Television Center. It is unfortunate that the parking lot at the Wise Center was restricted parking just prior to school starting this fall to only MSU staff, faculty and students with the department or college housed in the Wise Center,” Forde said, “The UTC has been located in the Wise Center for about 25 years with our department as one of the main partner units. We teach multiple classes with labs meeting at the UTC. We will directly update our Communication majors and others taking our classes when they have permission again to park at the Wise Center or if another solution is developed.” PARKING, 2

‘Campaign for change’

Brett Harris | Courtesy Photo

Voice of the Students:

The Student Association at Mississippi State University is implementing a new way to voice students’ opinions about various issues on campus. On Tuesday, SA allowed students to write their opinions about parking on campus on a white board on the Drill Field. This will be a monthly event, each month featuring a different topic for students to make suggestions to change specific issues on campus.

Wiseman’s veto holds firm ZZ Top member by Lacretia Wimbley News Editor

Starkville’s Board of Aldermen hosted another public meeting Tuesday night in which the plus-one insurance discussion was

finally brought to a close. Mayor Parker Wiseman’s veto of the board’s 4 to 2 decision to amend the extended coverage last Friday held firm as the board voted again 4 to 2 to override the mayor’s veto. The override was unsuccessful in that only six

members of the board took vote Tuesday night. Lisa Wynn recused herself from voting and left the building, while remaining board members took vote on overriding the mayor’s veto of plus-one insurance coverage. The Aldermen vote went

as follows: Ben Carver voted yea, David Little voted yea, Jason Walker voted nay, Scott Maynard voted nay, Roy Perkins voted yea and Henry Vaughn voted yea. Wiseman vetoed this amendment in full support of the original coverage passed two weeks ago. PLUS ONE, 3

BSU to gain new building by Katrina Smith Contributing Writer

The Baptist Student Union at Mississippi State University will receive a new facility to combat the problem of its overcrowding. A number of years ago, BSU approached MSU to trade its existing building and property and occupy where the old Hamlin Hall used to stand, before being torn down in 2004. According to Tim Muzzi, director of planning, design and construction at MSU, after appraisal of the land, the university agreed to trade land area so BSU could continue to operate while the new facility is Lacretia Wimbley | The Reflector built. The 53-year-old BSU building is being replaced with a brand new building. Ground breaking of new building is scheduled for Oct. 7. Friday


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Expanding 14,540 square feet, it will be the largest student union in the Southern Baptist Convention. The current building, built in 1961 when student enrollment was only 5,575, has long been too small for the growing ministry. Primarily used for Priority, which is weekly praise and worship, noonday, international hour, small group Bible studies and mission activities, the new facility will be located at the intersection of East Lee and Coliseum Boulevard. The groundbreaking of the new building is scheduled for Oct. 7 at 4p.m. Some of the amenities students can look forward to include a new auditorium that seats 800 people, a lobby, boardroom, meeting rooms, a coffee bar and a car wash.

endures injury, concert postponed by John Williams Contributing Writer

Earlier last month ZZ Top bassist, Dusty Hill, sustained a hip injury on his tour bus. Although he is up and walking now, his doctor advised he take some time off and work toward a full recovery. ZZ Top was then touring with Jeff Beck, who went on to perform several shows without ZZ Top. Shows that were currently on the calendar will be refunded. Other shows will be rescheduled to the spring, including the Music Maker Production show at Mississippi State University. According to ZZ Top’s official website, the management team of ZZ Top is working to reschedule and book more dates for the spring. “We’re looking forward to getting out there and rockin’ it with Dusty in a big way,” stated band members Billy F Gibbons and Frank Beard said on the website. The website also states, “Ticket holders for tour dates this fall run

should hold on to their tickets until the updated schedule is posted.” The Music Maker Productions concert with ZZ Top originally scheduled for Oct. 30 will now be held on April 10. Ticket holders are encouraged to hold on to their tickets since all tickets purchased will be honored. If tickets become lost or displaced before the April concert date, students can request a duplicate copy of the ticket in the Center for Student Activities. According to The New York Times, the injury happened in August but the band did not expect to have to cancel shows, which resulted in a September announcement of the cancellations. The band was touring with guitar legend Jeff Beck. “We are looking forward to getting back out there with ZZ Top and are grateful that Dusty is on his way to a complete recovery,” Jeff stated. The two forces will reunite in the spring for a show in Thackerville, Oklahoma and continue throughout Florida, Georgia, and Texas.

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