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NOVEMBER 5, 2013



Mill development project plans finalize; changes to come for Starkville, MSU

Exploring varied areas of study benefits students after graduation BY ALIE DALEE Opinion Editor

Degree declarations tend to lead students down a funneled path toward a specific area of study. Recent news reports have lobbied for the importance of liberal arts degrees in academia. The emphasis put on students to decide on a specific area of study can place them in either a STEM-focused or liberal-arts-focused academic box. The decision on a major is usually made by asking a series of questions: Do you prefer math or English? Which major will provide the best job security? However, could it be students ask the wrong questions? Joseph Trullinger, an instructor of philosophy, used an illustration from the German poet Rilke’s book “Letters to a Young Poet.” He referenced the line, “Find out the reason that commands you to write; see whether it has spread its roots into the very depth of your heart...” Trullinger’s emphasis was to think and discover what individuals cannot go a day without practicing or pondering, and then pursue that in a field of study. Trillinger said a student should pursue whatever interest he or she holds naturally, regardless of university enrollment or not. SEE


dering office space, building an adjacent hotel and developing multi-purpose business The Mississippi Board of parcels in the land next to to Mississippi State University’s Trustees of old physical State Instituplant. tions of HighWe have MSU Preser Learning refused to ident Mark has approved a Keenum said settle for series of interthe project as related agreeanything a whole will ments that that did not be a boon to finalize plans the university’s for The Mill meet our highest ability to atd e v e l o p m e n t expectations tract important project. — logistically, academic conThis project ferences and visaims to provide aesthetically or itors, provide a conference financially.” much-needed center, hotel -Mark Keenum, office space and parking MSU President and appeal to garage comprospective plex centered students and around MSU’s historic E.E. Cooley Build- faculty members. “We have refused to seting. The Mill development includes three main projects, tle for anything that did not transforming the landmark meet our highest expectations former cotton mill into a — logistically, aesthetically or conference center with bor- financially,” Keenum said. Staff Writer



Educators emphasize the importance of exploring various major options, claiming science-related fields and liberal arts degrees need not be exclusive options. Students double-majoring in different fields will be at an advantage in the workforce.



Haunted horse park provides entertainment, charity BY LACRETIA WIMBLEY Staff Writer

The Residence Hall Association and National Residence Hall Honorary at Mississippi State University presented Haunted Horse Park in

Starkville last Wednesday and Thursday. Dante Hill, associate director for Residence Life on campus, said the haunted events started in 2008 with Suttle Hall, before the building was demolished. “Each year, we have added


Students get spooky for the RHA and NRH sponsored haunted horse park. The event generates funds for charity.


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new activities and increased the number of volunteers that have helped out with being scarers,” Hill said. “We have done the program each year since then to raise money for local charities. All of the proceeds from the haunted events go to support charities that the Residence Hall Association decides to sponsor.” Hill said although they have not yet decided who will receive proceeds this year, they have donated to places like the Salvation Army, Habitat for Humanity and Pine Lake Church, and also sponsored many children from the local community each year for holiday gifts and clothing for needy families. Talla Cisse, Residence Hall Association Programming and activities director, said they raised a total of $5,741 from this year’s Haunted Horse Park event. “This year we had around 1,610 people to come out and support,” Cisse said. “We are really proud of the volunteers that participated as scarers in the event last week. They did a really good job and really made the haunted horse park what it was.” SEE

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Bill Cooke, interim head of Department of Geosciences, helped found the Geographical Information Systems discipline at MSU, where he maps forest fires and identifies places at risk. When he’s not working with GIS, he can be found rocking out Dave’s Darkhorse Tavern.

GIS professor rocks BY DUNCAN DENT Staff Writer

Between heading the Mississippi State University Department of Geosciences, where he studies areas of potential fire hazard, and playing music locally, Bill Cooke is a busy man. Cooke took the interim department head position for


Geosciences a year and a half ago, and will hold the position through June 30. “I’ve been busy ever since,” Cooke said. Cooke has an all-around cheery and gracious demeanor. His office is cluttered with books, papers and a bicycle. He exchanges pleasantries as easily as he describes his Geographical Information Sys-

tems, a discipline he helped found at MSU. Cooke maps forest fires. He primarily identifies and maps places that are likely to suffer from forest fires, specifically those caused by humans. He uses color coded maps to distinguish areas of potential fire hazard “Here is an example,” he said. SEE



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Campus takes steps to conserve energy BY LACRETIA WIMBLEY Staff Writer

Mississippi State University has teamed up with SmartWatt Energy to install an energy-efficient lighting system that began Oct. 14 in Mitchell Memorial Library. SmartWatt Energy is an energy-efficiency firm that contracts directly with utilities to manage energy efficiency programs. According to SmartWatt Inc., the goal is to provide large-scale savings through energy auditing, engineering, project management and installation services. J.D. Hardy, associate director of utilities in MSU’s campus services organization, said the lighting upgrade is only a fragment of a campus-wide lighting upgrade project, expected to save about 3.9 million kilowatt hours per year in energy cost savings. “Within the past seven or more years, MSU’s focus on energy conservation has included projects and initiatives that will save the university money and improve environmental impact,” Hardy said. “We are only in phase one

“We are really moving forof this lighting project that, in the long run, will impact ward with the MSU sustainabout one million square feet ability policy,” he said. “This document was adopted in of campus.” Frances Coleman, dean early 2011 that guides design, of libraries, said the lighting control and renovation of project will better accommo- buildings to make sure MSU is exceeddate study ing effiareas for cient enerstudents in We are really gy codes.” the library. moving forward Stephen “We are with the MSU Cu n e t t o , very apadminispreciative sustainability trator of of the unipolicy. This document systems in versity for Mitchell putting us was adapted in early Memorial at the be- 2011 that guides design, L i b r a r y, ginning of control and renovation said differthis lightof buildings to make ences being project,” tween the C o l e m a n sure MSU is exceeding old and said. “If efficient energy codes.” new lightthere is any- -J.D. Hardy, ing prething that vail in the we can ever MSU’s campus services work that do within organization associate has been the lines of director of utilities completed helping the so far; the students, we old lightdefinitely want to make sure that we ing appears yellow and dim and the new lighting white partake.” Hardy said Mitchell Me- and brighter. “Over the years we have had morial Library is only one of eight large buildings on cam- complaints about low lightpus that receives the lighting ing throughout the library,” Cunetto said. “We are very upgrade.


Energy-efficient lighting is being installed in the Mitchell Memorial Library. The project began Oct. 14 and is scheduled to be completed in December. excited about the opportunity for the new lighting model. This is a long-term project for us in position to the students, and we hope that they bear

with us and be happy with the long-term results.” Construction is mainly held from midnight until 8 a.m., to reduce conflict with

DEVELOPMENT “We have refused to settle for anything that did not meet our highest expectations — logistically, aesthetically or financially,” Keenum said. An Oct. 17 MSU news release said plans call for MSU to sell some property to the developer, Mark Castleberry, to become the site of a Marriott Courtyard Hotel and one or more restaurants, lease the Cooley Building to the developer to be renovated as a conference center and for MSU to lease back some office space in the building for university use. City of Starkville’s Ward 5 Alderman Scott Maynard said due to economic constraints earlier

work hours throughout the day. Mitchell Memorial Library’s lighting upgrade project is scheduled to be completed Dec. 16.

continued from 1

the project was delayed but now is progressing. “It is going to provide an opportunity for the university and the city of Starkville to have convention and meeting space that we currently do not have. That will entirely open up, I think, from an economic stand point a lot of new opportunities,” Maynard said. David Shaw, vice president for Research and Economic Development at MSU, said students will benefit greatly from the new convention center. Shaw said students will be exposed to a wide array of scientific, entertainment, and state and national policy events once the

renovations have taken place. “We’re very pleased to see The Mill project moving forward, as a major research university, MSU has been limited in events that it can host up to this point and has been at a disadvantage compared to other research universities because of the lack of adequate convention space,” Shaw said. “We are also viewing this as the opportunity to completely change the primary campus entrance, casting a very positive visual image of MSU with this renovation.” Shaw said the convention center will have a ballroom that seats 1,000, plus four breakout rooms seating 250 each. In ad-

dition, it will have 48,000 square feet of office space. A Courtyard Marriott hotel will be adjacent to the convention center, and a parking garage that will have 450 spaces. In addition, four lots will be implemented and used for restaurants or other retail spaces for sale or lease. “We have received approval of the contracts from the IHL Board, and are awaiting final approval from the National Park Service as a part of the historic building. Once that approval is received, we will immediately begin construction,” Shaw said. Keenum said the development has been underway for about 10 years.




This artistic rendering of the new Cotton Mills Project displays the intended plan for the city’s complex. “It has been a long and rocky road, as you well know. But our staff, working with the city, state


and federal offices, the current private partner and others, has been persistent,” Keenum said.

continued from 1

Kelly Marsh, associate professor of English, explained the importance to obtain the life you hope for and not to let potential salary skew a major choice. “I imagine the most successful people in the STEM field are the ones who are there because they love it so much they are committed to it, and they don’t want to do anything else. It’s commitment that gets you where you want to go. So if you go into a STEM field uncommitted, you’re still not going to reach that goal,” Marsh said. “I would say for those that feel definitely driven toward something, I would not advise letting outside factors change your mind.” Melanie Loehwing, associate professor of commu-

nication, said she believes if students are boxed into exclusive categories such as STEM or liberal arts, it limits the avenues students are able to explore. “Well I think the mistake people are making is they present it as two completely exclusive options,” she said. “Where you can either study applied areas like the hard sciences or vocational areas where you are just preparing for a particular degree, or you can study the liberal arts.” In an article posted to, Bruna Martinuzzi, author of “Presenting with Credibility: Practical Tools and Techniques for Effective Presentations,” said the current employment trend is to hire college grad-

uates who have explored and versed themselves in both sides of the academic spectrum. “The trend of employers looking for both field-specific skills and broad skills indicates that employees who combine a liberal arts major — especially an English major — with another major degree, such as business, science or technology, will have a competitive advantage,” she said. “If businesses continue to look for and hire such individuals, they will no doubt have a positive impact on the workplace by creating more diversity in an organization.” Loehwig said a democracy only works when its citizens are well-rounded, well-educated and intellectually cu-

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rious. These characteristics tencies, and so when we try come from exploration of to say somehow it’s a comall the petition options between a unithose The best kind of versity two evundergraduate edcurricueryone ucation is one that lum has ends up exposes students to offer. suffer“The ing,” to the broadest b e s t L o e possible range of skills and kind of hwing knowledge areas and compe- said. “It undertencies, and so when we try gradud o e s n’t ate edmatter to say somehow it’s a comucation w h a t petition between those two is one a r e a everyone ends up suffering.” t h a t y o u’r e -Melanie Loehwing, exposgetting es stuinto, MSU associate professor dents y o u to the need to broadbe able est possible range of skills and to communicate effectively. knowledge areas and compe- And to critically evaluate evi-

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dence and make arguments.” Mississippi State University students are offered the mind expanding experience of attendance to a university that offers a vast amount of different majors and concentrations. Exploration of all the classes MSU offers equips students to selfadapt to different careers and opportunities presented throughout life. Loehwing said many degrees share similar core theories and thought processes, just in a variety of ratios. “There’s vocational benefits to all of the degree programs, they just exist in different ratios, and the more access students give themselves by exploring all the options the university offers, the better prepared they are in all areas of their life to have better interpersonally relationships, careers and professions and to be better citizens as well,” Loehwing said. As a student it is important to explore the plethora of options a university offers, combine their interests into a double-major, or concentration that fits their career aspirations, and ask the questions that fit their goals, not just their potential salary.




Art in classrooms enhance performance BY KIMBERLY MURRIEL Staff Writer

A recent Mississippi State University research report revealed students who participate in visual or performing arts such as painting, drawing, sculpting, dancing and theatre, showed significant improvement on standardized tests. The report shows when teachers reinforce academic concepts with the arts, students learn better and score higher on tests. Robert J. Damm, music education professor, said he believes the arts foster creativity and, in turn, may help develop confidence, which can help students succeed in other academic areas. “Music has many unique powers,” Damm said. “Many people think of music as a form of knowledge and a way of thinking. So through success and this way of thinking, students may develop confidence and because of their attitude and confidence, be more successful in other subjects.”

Damm said many people the research and we talk about find music as a way to express it in class. So music can serve themselves, which is the cen- as a form of social studies, too.” tral component of language Chad Anderson, assistant arts and literature. When stu- professor who teaches web dedents gain the sign, multimedia confidence to and graphic deexpress themIn my gifted sign, said he also selves musiart helps and creativ- feels cally, it results bring cultural ity class, I in them being awareness to inmore expreswould have dividuals. sive in litera- students who don’t “When I paint ture and writor draw a portrait ing. This leads think that they are of someone, stuto students not in the least bit dents usually ask p e r f o r m i n g creative, discover who it is,” Anderbetter in the that they are creson said. “That two subjects. curiosity leads to Damm also ative if they are education.” said music can challenged to be.” Instructor Aubreak down -Audri Brown, dri A. Brown, culture barri- MSU instructor who teaches gifters by bringed and creativity, ing cultural said she thinks awareness to art allows stustudents. dents to discover “When talking about differ- their creativity even when they ent types of music in my classes, think they have no creativity. students have to know where “In my gifted and creativity the music originated,” Damm class, I would have students said. “I give them information who don’t think that they are about the music, and they do not in the least bit creative,


discover that they are creative if they are challenged to be,” she said. Brown said she uses the visual arts to teach her class. “I try to show my student a lot of cool visuals when I teach,” Brown said. “I believe students learn better through visuals. I also believe that students will do better in the classroom if they are able to look out a window and able to see nature and beautiful scenes, visual arts basically. They won’t get bored or distracted in their own heads if they feel connected to the outside world. It doesn’t feel so and institutionalized.” Brown said she thinks art allows students to learn in a variety of ways and that ultimately leads to academic success. “There is no one way to learn, and the arts allow students in a variety of styles,” Brown said. “Some student may learn better visually and other students may be auditory learners. There’s no right or wrong way to learn, and learning shouldn’t be restricted to just one style.”

continued from 1

“These color identify areas that are at high risk. The red is the most likely, and we see it most intensely right outside the cities and along the roads. It follows the roads — fascinating stuff,” Cooke said. Cooke said statistics show about 60 percent of forest fires are started by humans, whether it is by a campfire, controlled burn or a still-lit cigarette butt. Cooke primarily studies forest fires, but according to a former student, the study that really got him recognized was mapping West Nile Virus and hurMARY LIZ HERRINGTON | THE REFLECTOR ricanes. Bill Cooke, interim head of the MSU Department of Richard Carley, former Geosciences, spends his time out of the classroom graduate student and work associate said Cooke is doing performing music locally at Dave’s Darkhorse Tavern. groundbreaking work. Carley was a student of would have been cool to blame cut back, ”Cooke said. “Being Cooke’s who went on to do BP for forest fires, but we the department head is a lot of work, but I still manage to some graduate work with could not find anything.” Besides his work in GIS, play about every other week. Cooke and currently works an internship with Carl Small Cooke is also known for be- Sometime you get gigs all at Town Center, a function of ing a fairly prolific musician once, and then sometimes you the MSU Architecture Depart- around the area. He primarily can’t get gigs. It is very unpreplays at Dave’s Darkhorse Tav- dictable and you cannot count ment in Columbus, Miss. on it.” Carley said, “Cooke was al- ern when he is in Starkville. Dave Hood, Cooke said he mostly perways a very owner of the Tav- forms cover songs. good teachern, said Cooke “Lots of early Elvis, Texas er. He was Being the rocks Dave’s Dark- Playboys and Carl Perkins,” helpful but department horse. he said. “When I was a tenwas good at head is a “If there were nis coach in Portugal, I played giving you a music Dojo in some gigs. They mostly just the tools lot of work, but I town, Bill Cooke wanted to hear Elvis, which is to learn on still manage to play would be the Sen- understandable. John Lennon your own.” sei,” Hood said. said that before Elvis, there was Praises like about every other Caleb Childs, nobody.“ this echo week. Sometimes local guitar player Cooke said he works on a from some of you get gigs, and with a number of solo album of originals. Cooke’s oththen sometimes acts in Starkville, “I have maybe four studio er students. said Cooke is the days left, but studio time is C a r l e y you can’t get essential solo per- expensive,” he said. “I need to worked on gigs. It is very former. similar forest unpredictable, and Keatzi Gunmonfire related ey, bassist and singmapping by you cannot count er for local band looking at on it.” Sipsy Fires, said the effects -Bill Cooke, it is rare to find the British interim head of a musician who Pe t r o l e u m can play with no oil spill had Department of accompaniment, on drying Geosciences with that much out marshcharisma, who is lands and also approachable causing fires. “We didn’t find anything,” and talented. “There is no doubt I have Cook said with a laugh. “It

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put these songs to rest so that I can stop listening to them and finding things wrong with them.” He laughed and added that his practicing sometimes drives his wife crazy. “I try to practice a few minutes a day at least. I mostly do scales and play songs in different keys than they are written so I don’t always sound the same. Steve Morse said if people were going to pay to hear him play, they deserved the best he had to offer. So I try to stay sharp,” he said. Bill Cooke teaches a graduate class on scientific philosophy and ethics, and he said he hopes to add more classes in the spring as his duties as interim department head wind down.


Friday, Nov. 1

• 10:35 a.m. An employee reported a suspicious male on the sixth floor of Allen Hall. • 12:33 p.m. An employee reported having $12 and a bag of chips stolen from her office in Allen Hall. • 4:27 p.m. A student reported being harassed by an ex-boyfriend. • 9:00 p.m. A student was arrested in the Ruby Hall parking lot for possession of marijuana. • 9:00 p.m. A visitor was arrested on Coliseum Boulevard for driving under the influence and going the wrong way down a one-way street.

Saturday, Nov. 2 • 4:20 a.m. A student was arrested in Starkville for public drunkenness and disturbing the peace. • 7:58 a.m. A student was arrested in Starkville for having a suspended driver’s license. • 12:04 p.m. An employee reported a suspicious male taking tools from the construction site behind Walker Civil Engineering Building. • 1:50 p.m. A student was seen inside Allen Hall by an officer.

Sunday, Nov. 3 • 12:58 a.m. A student was arrested in Moseley Hall for minor in possession of alcohol. • 5:40 p.m. A student reported losing her wallet at the Pi Kappa Alpha fraternity house.


• 15 citations were issued for speeding.

HAUNTED Cisse said the haunted event is the biggest event each year, but Residence Life also hosts other events such as Dawg Daze, RHA Week and Cake Day. “The purpose of RHA and these events, as far as students go, is to make living on campus a better experience for students,” he said. “It really makes a difference to connect with students through programs.”

continued from 1 Kyle Mitchell, residence director of Rice Hall, said the haunted events are for the community, not only college students. “I’m very proud of RHA because they put in a lot of time and hours of dedication to service MSU and Starkville,” Mitchell said. “From my experience, each year gets bigger and better.”







Does NSA scandal mirror ABC’s “Scandal” too much? Common Core State Standards not off to a good start



olitically-thrilling television email address information, text, programs have been all the audio and video. The NSA is said rage recently. Shows like to have specifically targeted major ABC’s “Scandal” and “House of search engines Yahoo and Google Cards” from Netflix have taken through this project. Both Yahoo and Google have the public by storm with their dramatic plots and realistic characters. legislation which prohibits access The shows’ fictional scenarios, to this type of information. Yahoo based primarily on the secret lives spokeswoman Sarah Meron was and actions of political figures, quoted by The Post, “We have keep audiences on the edges of strict controls in place to protect their seats. I personally enjoy this the security of our data centers, television genre immensely. I place and we have not given access to myself in the middle of the sneaky, our data centers to the NSA or to high-energy plot lines and consid- any other government agency.” er it an excellent source of enterAccording to, when tainment. However, given recent questioned on this scandal by developments in our own govern- Bloomberg Television, General ment organizations, I am led to Keith Alexander responded, “It believe the tense situations por- would be illegal for us to do that trayed in these TV shows may not … I can tell you factually we do be as unbelievable not have access as they seem. to Google servers In order In a recent artior Yahoo servers. to keep We go through a cle by The Washington Post, the court order.” our own U.S. National This evasive government Security Agency answer did not was accused once from becoming specifically adagain for tamper- TV-drama dress whether ing with the priv- worthy, we must or not the NSA ileged and private hold its entities had acquired information of this information American citizens, accountable.” illegally, which as well as Amerileaves much to can corporations. be desired by the The information regarding this American public. individual instance was discovered In a separate statement to The in documents acquired by former Post, the NSA said, “The assertion NSA employee Edward Snowden. that we collect cast quantities of The Post explains through a proj- U.S. persons’ data from this type ect called MUSCULAR, the NSA of collection is not true … NSA (along with a British intelligence applies attorney general-approved agency) was able to detect a weak- processes to protect the privacy of ness in the transmission of Inter- U.S. persons.” net information as it travels overHowever, U.S. citizens remain seas that allowed the collection of skeptical, particularly because the

SHEALY MOLPUS Shealy Molpus is a senior majoring in communication. She can be contacted at opinion@

majority of the accused information gathering occurred through servers overseas and, according to The Post, “surveillance conducted overseas falls under an executive order with less restrictive standards.” The vastness of the Internet as a whole gives the illusion of privacy. There are millions of daily Internet users; surely the NSA is not interested in my Google searches for “90s Johnny Depp” and “cast of Pride and Prejudice movie with Kiera Knightley.” However, we should not let the seeming insignificance of our own Internet use belittle the importance of the safety of our privacy. The growing amount of distrust between the U.S. government and its citizens has created a very real weakness in our country. In order to keep our own government from becoming TV-drama worthy, we must hold its entities accountable, and (at the risk of sounding paranoid) we must never become too complacent or cease to question those in positions of authority.

t seems like not a day goes by that some newspaper or blog doesn’t write an article about Common Core State Standards (CCSS). But between all the political talk and the impassioned language, it can be hard to get a real idea of what actually happens behind the scenes of public education these days. Mississippi’s Board of Education adopted the Common Core State Standards back in August 2010, coincidentally the month I became a freshman in the College of Education at Mississippi State University. Next school year, the standards are to be implemented in all Mississippi public schools, where students will take the Partnership for Assessment of Readiness of College and Careers (PARCC) assessments, which go with CCSS instead of Mississippi Curriculum Test, second edition (MCT-2) in spring 2015. But what is Common Core anyway? The Common Core Standards are a set of guidelines for teachers of math and English language arts to create a curriculum for their students. Though the standards set requirements for students to reach, they allow much flexibility for the teachers who must get their students to those goals. The standards are meant to encourage critical perspectives and higher-order thinking, and they encourage research from elementary onward. Forty-five of the 50 states have adopted the standards, though every day another story comes out about one state or another that puts the brakes on their implementation. There are many good things about this national push for CCSS. As

someone who has been immersed in the English standards for four years now, I can tell you they are rich and challenging. They also aren’t drastically different from the previous Mississippi standards, though they are more detailed and encourage more best practices of teaching. I have heard differing reports about the math standards, but they seem to be largely similar. The best thing about CCSS is that they are standardized across the states. This prevents things like the scandal back in 2006 when Mississippi fourth graders who had scored 90 percent proficient on the end-of term Mississippi standardized reading test fell to 19 percent proficient on a nationally-normed reading test. All students will be judged across the same criteria, which is both scary for a state like Mississippi and a good move forward. So if these standards are so great, what’s all the fuss about? Why do so many states throw on the brakes on implementation? Well, first you have to understand that though CCSS is touted as “state-led,” states got a significant amount of points to go toward Race to the Top funding if they adopted them. To obatin funds without adopting the standards proved difficult. So though it may seem like a vast majority of the states read and liked the standards, the reality is very different. Add to that when states adopted the standards back in 2010, they were largely untested and incomplete. Four years later, they still are. The PARCC assessment, which will be taken by all Mississippi students in English language

WHITNEY KNIGHT Whitney Knight is a senior majoring in English education. She can be contacted at opinion@

arts and math next year, is still unavailable to teachers. Real evidence that the standards are effective in practice is virtually non-existent, and the standards only exist for two subjects, even though it was understood that standards for science and social studies were in the works. Further, a plan for implementation is largely absent in Mississippi. PARCC calls for computer testing, and the standards in general call for increased computer research, but many schools struggle to fill these needs. Questions about funding and resources plague school boards while teachers struggle to prepare students to pass a test they have not even seen. This is not a new problem in education. Trends and movements come and go, and teachers struggle to keep afloat. Lawmakers make decisions about issues they are largely uninformed about, and it is no wonder that situations like this arise. Though I hope and believe that CCSS will be less of a disaster than No Child Left Behind, I can’t help feeling that it is not off to a good start.


Does BMI scale skew obesity results; promote negative self-body image?


he United States has been considered one of the most obese countries in the world for years. Americans are also known for having high standards for the body. In the mindset of U.S. citizens, along with some other cultures, to be labeled obese is one of the most morbid stigmas a person could acquire. While it is true beauty isn’t everything, it is no secret that it is what most people strive for. So if you work so hard to maintain a generally healthy exercise routine and eat healthy foods, wouldn’t you be mortified if you went to the doctor and noticed that you were placed in the “obese” category anyway? Is that possible? Most people are unaware of how their weight is classified when they go to the doctor and are even more unaware that the classification method that health professionals use is skewed in some cases. This might lead to a self-de-

grading thought process. The first thought that comes to mind is, “I’m not working hard enough.” But for the person that already strives for a healthy lifestyle, this thought process can be dangerous. Many people might even become self-conscious. This can lead to a number of things detrimental to a person’s health such as depression, overtraining or even development of an eating disorder. From this point of view, it is easy to understand why these problems are in need of so much attention. But how is the weight classification system skewed? As an efficient way of weight measurment, most health professionals use the Body Mass Index Scale. This scale consists of a chart that compares weight to height. Any exercise physiology text will tell you that your BMI can be found by dividing your weight in kilograms by your height squared in meters. As observed by the for-

mula alone, the BMI scale does which might explain why some not take other bodily factors into individuals who do not exercise daily are considered to be in the account. posted an article titled, ““Body perfect weight range. This means Mass Index Chart Wrong?” states that the research behind obese some of these factors and how it countries isn’t completely accuaffects the population. “Body rate either. Like most wide-scale Mass Index Chart Wrong?” points data research, researchers used the out that the key BMI scale meato understandsures because it is The BMI ing why some impossible to dedoes not of the most fit termine the overall athletes in the weight of a country take other world are classiby only selecting a bodily fied as obese is limited number. that fact that,“B- factors into This doesn’t mean MI doesn’t dis- account.” that you need to tinguish muscle stop exercising in from fat.” order to fall out of What does this mean? It means the obesity range. Actually, musthat a person with a high percent- cle still remains in the body even age of muscle can easily be placed though it is no longer being used. in the obese category, even if their Over a period of time, unused body-fat percentage is below aver- muscle can lead to actual obesity. age. Any exercise physiology text Whether or not an accurate will also state the general rule that measurement of body mass will muscle is “more dense” than fat, be discovered is still up for debate.

BBC News published an article titled “BMI: Does the Body Mass Index Need Fixing?” It points out the same flaw HealthGuidance .org did that alternate formulas have been proposed. But it will take a lot of time and experimentation to be sure that the formulas are accurate enough to change the classification system the health field has relied on for years. In the meantime, where do we draw the line between health and obesity? The answer is simply not to rely on one type of weight measurement. suggests using a measure of bodyfat percentage or following the simple guideline that your waist should be half your height. But these methods might have flaws as well. There are other bodily factors to take into account and, unfortunately, not many accessible methods can do it all. The main purpose of articles that inform people of how the BMI

BROOKLYN TUCKER Brooklyn Tucker is a junior majoring in kinesiology. She can be contacted at opinion@

Scale operates is to help others not to feel so self-conscious about themselves. The goal is to keep other measurements of weight in mind, maintain a healthy lifestyle as much as possible and not to let a simple classification method get to you to, the extent that it becomes unhealthy.


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cientists in America often get their research funds from government institutions like the National Science Foundation, the Department of Energy, the National Institutes of Health (NIH) and the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA). While these institutions pull their funds from federal taxes, often the federally-funded scientists do not publish their work at all, or they only publish in private journals that have subscription fees. Therefore an interesting debate exists over whether or not scientists should all publish their work mandatorily on the Internet for everyone, from taxpayer to scientist, to see. In February, the United States Office of Science and Technology Policy (OSTP) mandated that if federal funds funded the research, then any ensuing scientific journal papers must be made publicly available. This could be a problem, as the only way journals distribute to the general public effectively is through online publication. According to Marcia McNutt’s editorial in the Oct. 4 edition of “Science” online, open-access journals that often have much lower standards of scientific rigor have increased recently. “Much of the growth in journals has been in open-access titles, a trend that has improved access to

scientific information,” McNutt said. “But the open-access business model depends on a high volume of published papers for financial viability, leaving little time for the deliberative process of traditional peer review.” Michael Lucibella describes in the October issue of “American Physical Society News” the sheer logistical problem that the federal mandate to publish everything open-access will pose. “Many of the details of how and where this data will be stored are still unclear, and the timeframe is still uncertain,” Lucibella said. Attempts to compile entire fields of research together into single online databases will require promethean efforts and will likely meet serious challenges as many fields cross over each other. Scientific publications face a crisis if all federally-funded scientists have to publish open-access. The reason open-access journals have lower standards is because of their source of income. According to Richard Stone and Barbara Jasny’s special section in the Oct. 4 issue of “Science,” open-access journals require a higher volume to get the same profit margins as a traditional print journal. “Unlike ‘traditional’ journals, which rely largely on subscription revenue, many open-access publications earn their daily bread

through publication fees from authors,” the article said, “Profit is linked to volume, seemingly boundless on the Internet.” Whenever anyone wants to publish his or her research online, his or she has to pay the journal since editors and Internet servers are not free. Similarly, we are even less likely to ever see a printed journal publish without a subscription fee, as printing costs are simply too high for print journals to publish in large quantities while pushing all cost to the scientists. This logistics question then arises: how do we publish a large volume of scientific papers without sacrificing the quality filter of peer review and without prohibitively large publication fees? I would suggest passing the costs of publishing to the funding agencies. Continue to require the scientists to publish their research and pay their publication fee, but with a small change. Since the funds for the research come from some federal agency, simply have that agency provide an extra item in those funds, this one explicitly for publication fees. This will allow and even encourage scientists to publish their research. Additionally, if the funding agencies and the online journals can work together and ultimately agree to have higher publication fees in exchange for lower volume and higher academic rigor then most

CAMERON CLARKE Cameron Clarke is a junior majoring in mathematics and physics. He can be contacted at opinion@reflector.msstate. edu.

of the problems with open-access should resolve themselves. Some agencies have already made steps to do just this. According to, the NIH has already begun to reimburse the publication fees for its researchers. “Will NIH pay for publication costs? Yes. The NIH will reimburse publication costs, including author fees, for grants and contracts…” according to the frequently asked questions section of the NIH website. This is a good step forward that all federal funding sources should emulate. Hopefully the publishers and funding agencies can find a compromise that balances the rigors of peer review, publication costs and the logistical problems a shift to open-access online journals.





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Insight Bible study and worship Tuesdays at 8 p.m. at 286 East Lee Blvd. next to Campus Book Mart. Follow on Twitter @MSStateWesley or on Facebook.


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The deadline for Tuesday’s paper is 3 p.m. Thursday; deadline for Friday’s paper is 3 p.m. Tuesday. MSU student organizations may place free announcements in Club Info. Information may be submitted by email to club_info@reflector.msstate. edu with the subject heading “CLUB INFO,” or a form may be completed at The Reflector office in the Student Media Center. A contact name,

SSA meets the last Thursday of every month in Bowen 250 at 5 p.m. Every major is welcome. STUDENTS FOR A SUSTAINABLE CAMPUS

Care about the environment? Love activism? Come join SSC on Thursdays at 6 p.m. in McCool 111 to make a difference. Follow on Twitter @MSU_SSC.


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A little trashy: Trashion Show fills Giles Hall with avant-garde recycled designs BY GENY KATE GURLEY Staff Writer


Fashion Board model Molly Nail models architecture student Jordan Hanson’s dress made of woven newspaper and magazine strips at last year’s Trashion Show. The show features hand-crafted outfits made of discarded materials such as paper, bottle caps and tires.

The National Organization for Minority Architecture Students (NOMAS) and Mississippi State University Fashion Board partner up to present a trashy fashion show Wednesday. One of Mississippi State University’s most popular events, the Trashion Show returns with its alternative kind of trashy. Trashion Show is a runway fashion show that takes place along the bridge and hallways on the top floor of Giles Hall, replete with innovative decorations, flashing lights and a thriving atmosphere. In the show, models from MSU Fashion Board wear outfits made of recyclable materials, such as paper, newspaper, glass, zippers, bottles and can caps. Architecture students design and craft these outfits, and the second annual JUNK 2 FUNK sale accompanies the runway show. Shannon Sullivan, former member of MSU Fashion

From Beethoven to Beyonce, Portland Cello Project brings diverse performance to MSU BY CATIE MARIE MARTIN Staff Writer

Since its beginnings in 2007, the Portland Cello Project continues to revitalize the cello and awe audiences throughout America with its electrifying originality. The PCP finds its spirit in individuality, brings the cello to places it would not normally be played and plays music on the cello uncharacteristic of the instrument’s typical classical sound. The PCP’s repertoire ranges from Beethoven pieces to Kanye West’s “All of the Lights.” This varied song selection results in genre-hopping shows that draw a diverse fan base. The PCP is known for its unique live experience, which has at times included full choirs, percussion and horns. Tuesday night, students have the opportunity to experience PCP’s performance as part of Mississippi State University’s Lyceum Series, which is a way for MSU to display its commitment to the arts. Amelia Treptow, director of the Lyceum series, said the series attempts to bring a breadth of musicians and performances to MSU. “This performing arts series is a great way to expose students, faculty, staff and the community to the art of performance. The annual Lyceum Series offers exposure to the talents of national artists in a variety of performance areas, ranging from music to drama to dance,” she said. “Our intent is to entertain our audience while providing them with artists and performers that they might not typically have a chance to experience.” The PCP accomplishes its

goals to play many types of music, as its repertoire spans over 800 pieces. No two concerts are the same, and audiences can always expect an unexpected performance. describes the PCP as all-encompassing and notes that “it doesn’t get much more genre-crossing than this. “The Strad,” a magazine dedicated to stringed instruments, said “PCP has come to epitomize Portland’s offbeat music scene, one where boundaries are blurred and cellos are in abundance.” This blurring of boundaries heightens the accessibility of the cello and challenges connotations often associated with the classical instrument. Fans can feel cultured, both historically and contemporarily, while they enjoy the PCP. Attendees can glean a greater appreciation for classical mu-

sic and also enjoy original arrangements of modern songs they already know. Mahongoni Smith, sophomore special education major and cellist in the MSU Orchestra, said the cello provides a sound unlike other instruments. “The cello is just such a rich sounding instrument, and going to the concert will give them such a warm feeling,” she said. Smith said there is no time like the present for students to begin playing an instrument of their own. “Some people think they’re too old or don’t have the time, but it’s never too late to try something new,” she said. The PCP performs Tuesday at 7:30 p.m. in Lee Hall’s Bettersworth Auditorium. Tickets are $18 for adults and free for students with a valid MSU ID.


The Portland Cello Project reappropriates the cello and uses the traditional instrument to perform both classical and contemporary songs. The group has a repertoire of 800 pieces that range from Beethoven to Kanye West.

Board, said the partnership between NOMAS and Fashion Board works to favor both organizations. She said it is nice to see the spectrum of designs from architecture students, and the show is also an opportunity for Fashion Board members to model nontraditional outfits. “The trashion show is inventive and creative,” Sullivan said. “You can’t really imagine what material is going to walk down the runway or how it will be used ... it’s the anticipation of creativity.” NOMAS President Anthony Penny said there are more designers and dresses to look forward to at this year’s show. There is more to display for the JUNK 2 FUNK sale in Giles Hall, and the show is an opportunity for architecture students to display their creative abilities. “Trashion Show is a chance for people to see architects and students alike do more than just make buildings,” Penny said. “We are creative designers that are willing and able to take

on any type of design problem, even designing an outfit.” NOMAS member Jordan Hanson said he loves having the chance to create a design outside of the constraints and pressures of school. “The best thing for me is ... trying to challenge myself with the choice of material,” he said. “It’s just nice to take that break from architecture and do something completely unassuming.” The Trashion Show is not the only way architecture students can show off their design flair. The second annual JUNK 2 FUNK displays artwork, crafts and designs from not just architecture and design students but MSU students that span a wide range of disciplines. These hand-crafted items will be for sale, and a portion of the proceeds go to NOMAS. Penny said one new addition this year relates to JUNK 2 FUNK, as students will decorate the gallery space as well and hang insulation from the rafters.

With more designers and one successful year of the JUNK 2 FUNK sale under their belts, Hanson said Trashion Show’s hard-working, innovative students will provide unexpectedly sophisticated surprises for attendees. “People should be looking out for the practicality and range of materials for the dresses and outfits,” Hanson said. “It’s always great to see how someone was able to transform a material and how they chose to connect them. That’s one of the hardest parts of creating an outfit, and it’s always interesting to see how everyone else chose to go about it.” Penny said this show’s avant-garde style sets it apart, and the overall set design and music added to the various outfits MSU Fashion Board models and the art for sale will make this year’s show stand out. The Trashion Show is Wednesday at 7 p.m. in Giles Hall, and the JUNK 2 FUNK show will be open during the day. Admission is free, but donations are accepted.

Needtobreathe fans can breathe easy: soulful rock band returns Wednesday BY NUR-UL-HUDA MUJAHID Staff Writer

Mississippi State University students and Starkvillians can see Needtobreathe perform in Starkville on concrete floors instead of dusty, horse-trodden ground Wednesday. Needtobreathe, a band that has toured with the likes of Taylor Swift and Train, returns to Starkville to play at Rick’s Café Wednesday at 9:30 p.m. Doors open at 7:30 p.m, and the Wild Feathers kick things off at 8:30 p.m. The band, best known for its soulful Christian singles, has appeared on Billboard’s Top 200 chart as well as iTunes rock charts. Needtobreathe’s fourth album, “The Reckoning,” was No. 1 on both Billboard’s Rock and Christian Album Charts, and the album debuted at No. 6 on Billboard’s Top 200 Chart. The band previously performed in Starkville at the Mississippi Horse Park through a production put on by MSU’s Music Maker Productions in 2011. Rick Welch, owner of Rick’s, said Needtobreathe found the city delightful the last time it performed in Starkville, and its members contacted him seeking the opportunity to play again in Starkville. “I think they really enjoyed the last time they played in Starkville at the horse park,” he said. “Props go out to MSU Music Makers for doing such a great job with that show because I think that’s the reason they wanted to come back to Starkville and contacted me about returning.” Welch said the band currently tours to give fans a taste of its upcoming album. “Needtobreathe is releasing their new album early in 2014, and this tour is about


Needtobreathe performed at the Mississippi Horse Park in 2011 and makes another stop in Starkville Wednesday at Rick’s. The band is known for soulful, energetic shows and well-received Christian rock singles. doing a preview of their new album for their fans in smaller, more intimate settings,” he said. Needtobreathe’s members Bear Rinehart, Bo Rinehart and Seth Bolt speak excitedly about the release of their yet-unnamed fifth album sometime during winter 2013-2014. In a May 2013 “Billboard” magazine article, frontman Rinehart said the band’s new album is distinct from the band’s last release, “The Reckoning.” “‘The Reckoning’ was a pretty dark record, in my opinion. I think this one’s a little more hopeful, a little more about having fun. It doesn’t have the same tension, which I think is a good thing,” Rinehart said. “I think the band is in a little more secure place. There’s still plenty of drama going on, but it’s really eased up a lot. I think we’ve grown up a lot in the last couple of years and have gotten more on the same page

about things. That’s definitely having an impact on (the songs).” Though the band tours to support its new album, Welch said the band also pays its success forward, as a portion of the proceeds will go to the band’s charity of choice. “Tickets are selling well for the show, so I would encourage everyone that hasn’t purchased a ticket yet to do so,” he said. “$1 from each ticket is being donated to Needtobreathe’s charity interest, The Palmetto Medical Initiative. I think that says a lot for the band, and I’m proud to be a part of that.” Welch said the much-anticipated performance will quite possibly sell out and urges interested listeners to purchase tickets to the concert in advance. “It’s very possible that this show will sell out, and buying a ticket in advance will not only save a little money but will ensure that they won’t be turned away,” he said.

Thirty-five pages in three minutes: Three Minute Thesis competition pushes graduate students BY JAKE JONES Staff Writer

Graduate students who have worked on their studies for almost a year face a challenge bigger than a 35-page dissertation Tuesday: they will explain their past year’s worth of work in just three minutes. Mississippi State University’s first Three-Minute Thesis competition fosters this intense condensation of study Tuesday at 2 p.m. 3MT is a competition that challenges graduate students

to present a compelling verbal presentation of their thesis or dissertation topic and its significance in just three minutes. A professional panel of both academic and non-academic judges will choose the winners. The judges will choose eight winners from four academic categories to compete for the grand prize on Nov. 7 from 3-4 p.m. in Fowlkes Auditorium in the Colvard Student Union. Competitors compete in one of four categories: arts

and humanities, life and biomedical sciences and engineering, physical, mathematical and computational sciences and engineering and social behavioral sciences. Competitors are only allowed one Powerpoint slide to use with their presentation. Students have no props and no videos but just three minutes of spoken information. Lori Mann Bruce, associate vice president for Academic Affairs and dean of the Graduate School at MSU, said the main purpose of this com-

petition is to help graduate students become more comfortable talking about their research. “This competition is about how well you communicate your research,” Bruce said, as she flipped through a list of areas of study included in the competition. “Someone could be further along in their research or even be doing more advanced research, but if they can’t communicate it well, they are not going to win.” The grand champion will

win $1,000 and go on to compete in a national competition. The grand champion runner up will be awarded $750. There will also be a people’s choice award of $500. MSU students can attend 3MT to vote for their favorite thesis presentation. Wilks Wood, a second-year graduate student studying entomology, said he hopes to win the money to have some extra cash on his honeymoon, but he also hopes to gain some useful communication skills that help him explain

the relevance of his work. “Communication is an integral part of my future career,” Wood said. “Being able to convey the importance and relevance of research that I have spent so much time on to a layman audience is a great skill. Also, being able to portray all aspects of my research in a clear, concise manner in such a short amount of time could prove useful in interviews, informal discussions and many other situations that I could possibly encounter later in life.”







Borchert shines in exhibition BY FORREST BUCK Staff Writer

The Mississippi State University men’s basketball team saw its first action of the season on Sunday as it opened the schedule against Auburn-Montgomery in an exhibition game. The Bulldogs were victorious pulling out the win in blowout fashion by a margin of 86-57. Last season was a season of ups and downs, with far more of the latter. It was a season filled with injuries, suspensions and inexperience. Albeit one game against a vastly inferior opponent, the fact the team dominated and did what is was supposed to do might just be a sign the team is taking the necKAITLIN MULLINS | THE REFLECTOR essary steps to move in the right Colin Borchert scores a basket during Sunday afternoon’s direction. exhibition win against Auburn-Montgomery. Borchert finished Head coach Rick Ray said the exhibition game was valuable be- the game with 23 points, six rebounds and three blocks. cause it allowed the team to com- multiple positions both on the played well as he was one of the pete against an actual opponent. wing and inside. second-leading scorers with 12 “It was good for our guys to Senior Colin Borchert said points. He led the team in atget out and play some different Applewhite’s game brings versa- tempted field goals with 10, and competition,” Ray said. “They’ve tility to the team. most of his scores came on drives been beating up on each other “The main thing about Dre to the basket. in practice now for quite some (Applewhite) is that he’s so physSword said his approach on oftime, so it was good to see some ically strong that he can go down fense translated to drills the team new competition.” there and bang with the big worked on in practice. Exhibition games are import- boys,” Borchert said. “In practice “We’ve been working on finant at this point in the season, he’s playing the four with us. He’s ishing around the rim all week not just because it allows a coach able to spread the floor and play in practice,” Sword said. “They to get a look at his team against outside the key and play inside gave me the baseline, so I just outside competition, but it also the paint because he’s so strong.” took it.” allows new players to get some Sword will be a key player Borchert was the star of the real in-game action. With MSU, game for the Dogs. He scored 23 for the Bulldogs this season. this is especially valuable due to points to lead the team in scor- Last year, due to injuries, he all the injuries the team had last ing and did it on 8-of-9 shoot- was forced to play a lot of point season. Not only was this exhibi- ing from the field. He had his guard, although he is more natution game good for freshmen like jump shot going early as he was rally a shooting guard. This seaI.J. Ready and Dallas Prater, but getting it done from mid-range son with Ready in the mix and it was also important for redshirt and three-point range. Perhaps Jacoby Davis also scheduled to freshman Andre Applewhite, the biggest stat of all for Borchert return to action, Sword will be who missed all of last season with was his three blocks. Borchert able to focus all of his time playa knee injury. Applewhite had will have to play more time in- ing the off-guard spot, where he 12 points, four rebounds, three side this season with the lack of can constantly be more aggresassists, a pair of blocks and one big men on the roster, and the sive trying to create offense. steal. Applewhite did a little of team will need him to use his The Bulldogs officially open everything in 19 minutes off the length on defense to alter and their season Friday against Prairie bench, contributing in all major block shots. View A&M. The game starts at statistical categories and playing Sophomore Craig Sword also 7 p.m. at Humphrey Coliseum.

Dogs turn eyes on Manziel, Aggies BY CORTERRIUS LEWIS

touchdowns through the air. The Bulldogs’ defense was impressive for the most part as they managed After earning their first SEC to hold South Carolina quarterwin of the season against Ken- back Connor Shaw to under 150 tucky last week, the Mississippi yards passing and allowed him to State University Bulldogs fell to complete only 10 passes throughthe South Carolina Gamecocks. out the entire game. However, In what was mostly a close game Shaw was still able to throw four touchdown passfor the first half, es to three differthe Gamecocks ent receivers. managed to use Last week MSU Cornerturnovers and we went back Cedric Jiles time of possession from said despite the to pull away to a playing the best turnovers, the 34-16 victory. defensive covTurnovers were defensive player erage preventa huge issue for in the country to ed the Bulldog the Bulldogs as offense from they turned the this week playing getting time of ball over five times probably the best possession. against a strong offensive player in “It isn’t frusSouth Carolina the country.” trating really. It’s defense. Four out more ‘let me get of the five Bulldog -Dan Mullen, my stuff togethturnovers proved MSU head football er and don’t get to be detrimental coach beat,’” he said. as they resulted “You have got in points for the Gamecocks. Despite leading the to be ready to play and stop the team in passing and rushing yards offense every down and make the and scoring two touchdowns, changes.” The Bulldogs (4-4, 1-3), whose MSU quarterback Dak Prescott turned the ball over four times. record dropped to 2-19 against Prescott had a total of three inter- AP ranked teams under head ceptions all season before entering coach Dan Mullen, will travel to Saturday’s game. Although scoring College Station, Texas to take on the first touchdown of the game, reigning Heisman Trophy winner Prescott said a lack of execution ultimately tilted momentum and was a major factor in the loss. “We went down there and scored, and that’s how the game should have went the whole game,” he said. “We didn’t execute. The first drive should have been like that the rest of the game.” Turnovers were not the only problem the Bulldogs faced as they could not seem to find a way to keep the Gamecocks from scoring Contributing Writer


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Johnny Manziel and the No. 11 Texas A&M Aggies (7-2, 3-2) this weekend. Mullen said the Bulldogs will have to prepare for one of the best offensive attacks in the country. “It’s going to be a tough challenge playing one of the best, if not the best, offenses in the country. Through a consistency standpoint, I think the lowest number of points they’ve scored in a game is 41,” he said. “When 41 is their lowest point total, obviously they are a very explosive offense. They’ve done a great job and have several talented players. Last week we went from playing the best defensive player in the country (Jadeveon Clowney) to this week playing probably the best offensive player in the country.” The Aggies claim the third-best total offense in the nation with 582 yards per game while averaging 49 points per game. The game will be MSU’s third consecutive conference bout. The Aggies defeated the Bulldogs 3813 last year. The game will air Saturday at 2:30 p.m. on CBS.

Bulldog Athletics over the weekend Cross Country Led by senior John Valentine and junior Emma Neigel, the Mississippi State University men and women’s cross country captured ninth- and 10th-place finishes at the 2013 SEC Championships at the University of Florida’s Mark Bostick Golf Course. Valentine posted a 24:47.22 in the 8K and Neigel finished the 6K race with a time of 21:43.85. The men totaled 229 points, while the women tallied 191 points. Despite finishing outside the top-five, Valentine said in a news release the conference championships is valuable in preparation for regional competition. “We didn’t stay together during the race, and we didn’t do as well as a team as a result of that,” Valentine said. “We are using this race to better prepare us for regionals, where we are very confident we will run better as a team.” The NCAA South Regional Championships are scheduled for Nov. 15 in Tuscaloosa, Ala.

Soccer After the Mississippi State University soccer team concluded its season last week at Ole Miss, senior forward Elisabeth Sullivan capped her career by being tabbed second team All-SEC for the second consecutive season and was named to the second team of College Sports Madness’ all-conference team. Head coach Aaron Gordon said in a news release Sullivan’s accolades are a reflection of her career at MSU. “We are very proud of Elisabeth for these honors,”Gordon said. “She has proven to be one of the SEC’s top forwards for the second-straight year, and it is an honor that the coaches in the league recognize how outstanding a player she is.” In her four years in Maroon and White, Sullivan re-wrote the record books, shattering career records for goals (39) and points (92). Sullivan also set the single-season goals record (16) with 1:30 left to play in the final match of her Bulldog career.

Volleyball To cap a two-week road schedule, the Mississippi State University volleyball team dropped a pair of matches to Alabama and Auburn. Freshman Kimmy Gardiner recorded 23 kills, nine digs, four blocks and added an assist in a four-set loss to the Crimson Tide Friday night. Gardiner’s strong performance carried over to Sunday afternoon despite a three-set sweep to the Auburn Tigers. Gardiner added 11 kills, seven digs and a block to her weekend total. The MSU volleyball squad will return home Wednesday at 7 p.m. to face in-state rival Ole Miss in the 80th meeting between the schools. The match also marks the 200th match in Newell-Grissom Building and will be televised nationally on ESPNU.

Women’s Golf The United States team won the Spirit International Amateur Championship while Mississippi State University women’s golf standout Ally McDonald posted a top-5 finish in the event. Team USA fired a 33-underpar to win by six strokes. In an event where individual winners were named based on total amount of birdies and eagles, McDonald finished tied for fifth with 10 birdies, four coming in the first round of the tournament.




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