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NOVEMBER 8, 2013



Officials BULLY XX: Canine ensure fan mascot energizes fans safety on gamedays BY JAMIE ALLEN Staff Writer

Since the early 1900s, Mississippi State University athletes have earned the the nickname “Bulldogs” through their style of play. Since then, MSU students and fans have accepted Bully, the American Kennel Club registered English Bulldog, as their mascot. Nick Griffin, junior kinesiology major and MSU football player, said the team still strives to hold up to its title of the Bulldogs in its style of play. “We love to see Bully at every game. He is the face of the program,” Griffin said. The first bulldog was selected in 1935 by coach Ralph Sasse. The bulldog, named Ptolemy, was a gift from the Edgar Webster family and joined the Bulldogs as the official live mascot and received the title Bully I. In 1939, Bully I was killed by a campus bus. After days of mourning and a half-mile funeral procession, he was laid to rest under the bench at the 50-yard line. Today, Bully XX, also known as “Champ,” serves as the live mascot. Under the care of Lisa Pritchard, animal health technician at the College of Veterinary Medicine, Bully is present at most sporting events and various university events.

BY MARY KATE MCGOWAN Assistant News Editor

From cup-throwing to fighting to medical emergencies, gameday security during Mississippi State University football games involves a lot of people as well as different duties to ensure public safety and a fun atmosphere. Regional police departments also contribute to gameday security by offering their services in different ways, including helping with traffic and crowd control. In order to provide an enjoyable experience for MSU fans, students and visitors, camera systems were installed in Davis Wade Stadium two years ago to help maintain a safe environment. Cameras that have zoom capabilities are located around the KAITLIN MULLINS | THE REFLECTOR stadium and can clearly Campus security strengthens on capture a person’s face. gamedays with stadium cameras Thomas Bourgeois, dean of students, said and a greater number of guards. the cameras can also zoom in and have rewind capabilities. “We’re not looking for behavior, but if something happens, like if a fight breaks out or there’s a report of someone smoking in the stands, it’s pretty easy to zoom in right on their face,” Bourgeois said. These cameras are located throughout the stadium. Brent Frey, gameday manager and assistant athletic director for event management, said four cameras overlook the student section.



Lynette McDougald’s passion for horticulture manifests in floral shop. BY MYRA RICE Staff Writer

Lynette McDougald, business manager for the University Florist and horticulture instructor at Mississippi State University, has established a career as lively as the masterpieces she creates. Born in Eupora, Miss., McDougald is no stranger to rustic southern living. She said she remembers loving the outdoors and working with flowers from an early age. “I lived in Eupora for 18 years, and I liked playing outside,” she said. McDougald said she can recall growing flowers with her uncle as a little girl. “My uncle had a nursery in Eupora 30 miles from here, and by the time I graduated high school, I was running the nursery,” McDougald said. Her passion and love for flowers does not start and stop with EMMA KATE POINDEXTER | THE REFLECTOR her childhood. A passion for Lynette McDougald arranges flowers in the university’s floral shop, a craft she developed after studyflowers has been passed down from generation to generation. ing horticulture at MSU. Her eye for floral design is paired with a willingness to get her hands dirty. “My grandmother did flowers, so I’ve just been around it,” girl and was not afraid to get her and it is not all fluff. You got to McDougald continued her she said. hands dirty. be a little tough,” McDougald passion for horticulture while McDougald said she remem“Floral design girls are tom- said. attending Mississippi State Unibers being a tomboy as a little boys who deal with dirty work Given her early start in plants, versity.

Starkville welcomes new living community BY LACRETIA WIMBLEY

MSU. I feel this is probably the best lease launch we’ve had.” Watkins said the new living New living community As- community plans to have a pen Heights prepared for busi- total of 958 beds differentiatness through a lease launch for ing with two, three, four and five-bedroom new residents houses. yesterday at We have “ A s p e n Rick’s Café. been will contain a Stuart Watkins, represenresearching 12,000 square foot club house, tative for Aspen MSU for a gym, movie Heights, said theatre, 24Aspen Heights’ years now, and we access location in are very impressed hour gym, tanning Starkville is set with the positive salon and study at 2041 Blackenvironment.” space,” Watkins jack Road, besaid. “Aspen hind 21 Apart- -Stuart Watkins, will also have ments. Aspen Heights a private shut“We have representative tle that will been researchrun to campus ing MSU for years now, and we are very and back throughout the day. impressed with the positive There will also be a night shutenvironment,” Watkins said. tle on weekends that will trans“We have received overwhelm- port residents to bars and difing reception from students at ferent locations, for safe trips.” Staff Writer



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Blitz to dazzle audience with first show of year BY NIA WILSON Contributing Writer

Blitz MSU Show Choir began six years ago and today stands before the Mississippi State University community ready to show off its talents. Blitz is an organization that fully engages and entices the audience through both dancing and singing. Its first performance of the year will be on Sunday at Rick’s Cafe. This year’s theme is “What’s in A Name?” Members of the show choir will perform various songs that may differ at first, but the common thread between each is that every song has a name in the title. The first showing will be at 6:30 p.m. and another follows at 9 p.m. Blitz has worked on this performance since April, and the group finally sees it falling into place. Camille Flemming, current president of Blitz, shared the process behind the selection of the theme.


“Everyone sends in ideas to its practices. The show and includes possible songs choir practices every Tuesto go along with that idea. day and Thursday from 8:30 Then the to 11 p.m. In adexec board The hardest dition to that, as narrows the date of the things down the upcoming conabout Blitz choices, and cert continued the group to creep closer, is trying to votes on the Blitz hosted manfully figure remaining datory five-hour o p t i o n s , ” out the music, even practices on SatF l e m m i n g when you can’t urdays. said. Jhona Gibson, read the music. But The con- the greatest thing a two-and-a halfcert will year Blitz vets h o w c a s e is that Blitz is a eran, said being songs from stress reliever. It’s a a Blitz member “ J e s s e ’ s release from school is hard but has Girl” to and classes, and some greatest “Valerie” to benefits. “ S t e p h e n” I just get to enjoy “The hardest and many myself.” thing about Blitz more. is trying to ful-Jhona Gibson, F l e m ly figure out the ming said Blitz member music, even when the most you can’t read rewarding music,” Gibson aspect of their organization said. “But the greatest thing is that it is completely stu- is that Blitz is a stress relievdent driven, which makes it er. It’s a release from school that much more satisfying in and classes, and I just get to the long run. enjoy myself.” Blitz’s dedication can be Gibson also said she attriseen in the commitments butes the group’s ability to

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Scott Sproat, regional sales and marketing manager for Aspen Heights, said the new living community’s doors will open Aug. 9, 2014. “Starting next week, construction on roads within the new community in Starkville will begin,” Sproat said. “Soon after, we’ll begin laying the concrete for the foundation of the houses to be built. We are really excited about working with MSU and local retailers as we build our houses in the market.” Mary McCluney, second-year resident of Aspen Heights in Auburn, Ala., said she could not imagine spending the last two years of her college career living anywhere else. “Aspen Heights will provide you with a living experience that is incomparable to any other property,” McCluney said. “The staff is always eager to help make your ASPEN HEIGHTS | COURTESY PHOTO experience better, and the houses speak for themselves. This picture is a potential plan for the new living If you take a tour of a model community Aspen Heights. The first road construction home, or even check out the for Aspen Heights is scheduled to begin next week. pictures on Aspen Heights’ website, it is clear that the For more information product being sold by Aspen card signed by the staff each year, getting pizza delivered regarding Aspen Heights is high-quality.” McCluney said the con- on move-in day and even lit- in Starkville, those interstant complaints she hears tle treats just because, I have ested can email starkville@ from her friends about their always felt that the staff at, or join apartments confirms her ap- Aspen Heights is genuinely the interest list for potential preciation for Aspen Heights. thankful that I am a resi- residents. They can visit “From receiving a birthday dent,” she said.

produce such an impressive amount of work in so little time to the fact that they mesh so well together. “We are a very diverse group. We argue. We get through it. We’re like a real family,” Gibson said. This first performance the audience can expect is a cabaret. Cabarets are concerts that have multiple songs under a central theme. The concert in the spring will be longer and more in-depth. In addition to singing and dancing, there will also be acting and a story the audience can follow. James Marshall, a new addition to the Blitz family, said he is ecstatic his hard work is finally about to pay off. “I am most excited about the small group numbers,and especially those solos,” he said. Marshall said he plans to dazzle listeners with his solo rendition of “Valerie” by Amy Winehouse. Flemming, Gibson and Marshall agree the best advice to remember is just smile.


FACES “I came to State as a sophomore in 1977 as an accounting major. I took business law and hated it,” McDougald said. “My father didn’t like the idea, so I quietly changed my major to horticulture.” McDougald’s hidden love for plants would soon be seen by the world. Her talent took her more than 300 miles away to New York City. “I helped to buy flowers for the fourth season of ‘The Sopranos’ and worked on a team of floral designers at the Rockefeller Center in New York with over 3,000 celebrities in attendance. It was the big one,” McDougald said. McDougald is no stranger to hard work, and her position at MSU reflects just that. The floral shop is a priority to McDougald from the start of her day. “My day starts by looking at the fresh flower market. I have to hit those things quick and get up and see what is happening,” McDougald said. Jim DelPrince, who has worked as a professor in the Department of Plant and Soil Sciences at MSU for 22 years, said he sees McDougald as nothing short of successful. “I have known Lynette since the mid 1990s. She was an excellent student in my class and knew all her plant material,” he said. DelPrince said he not only sees McDougald as a memorable student but also as a memorable friend. “Lynette is a friend who is

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The Blitz MSU Show Choir starts opens its season with its “What’s in a Name?” show Saturday night.

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Lynette McDougald, the University Florist business manager, prepares a flower arrangement for a client. talented, very talented,” DelPrince said. Kailie Dunlap, senior horticulture floral management and business major, said McDougald is serious about her job, yet fun-loving. “She is very fun and has her own way of doing things. We go by what she says,” Dunlap said. Dunlap said McDougald possesses a motherly and caring nature with her students. “Ms. Lynette is like my sec-

ond mom. She actually cares about her students and their personal lives. She wants to see us succeed,” Dunlap said. McDougald said she takes her job at MSU seriously and wants her student workers to be equipped for the seriousness of the job. “I tell my students I’m like E.F. Hutton. When I talk, everyone needs to listen. I watch everything they do because we cannot fail,” McDougald said.


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“I usually stand in the porFrey said the cameras also overlook the east side of the tals helping students get to their seats usually. I answer grandstand and on the field. People in the game manag- a lot of questions of where er’s booth watch the cameras’ things are, and I also stand by feeds during the game. The the band,” Mullen said. Bourgeois said one or two feed can be slowed down and stopped in order to recognize incidences have occurred this year. The subject of one people’s faces. Members of the dean of of these incidences was a students office, Frey, Kenneth cup-throwing repeat offendRogers, accreditation manag- er. Bourgeois said those in the er and special events coordi- booth knew who the student nator for MSU Police, Event was because they watched the Operations Group personnel camera feed of the first footand facilities personnel, a ball game. Other actions that can lead paramedic and a weatherman watch the cameras’ feeds to being escorted out of the and monitor the stadium in stadium include fighting, case of possible situations smoking, seat-saving, being and emergencies in the game aggressive and intoxication. “For the most part, I’m manager’s booth. Frey, who is in charge of ev- proud of the way 99 percent erything that happens in the of our students act. But ocstadium, said he never leaves casionally we have a student that gets out of line, and we the booth. “In the booth, we have have to readjust that,” Mullen pretty much all our bases said. Bourgeois also said a covered as far as taking care of everything,” he said. “Ev- non-student was the reason erything goes through that for one of this year’s incidences. booth.” In order to ensure the staThe game manager’s booth also has the power to suspend dium’s safety and order, peoa game in case of inclement ple inside the game manager’s booth, includweather or for ing Rogers, extraordinary No one are in constant situations. wants to contact with Bourgeois police during said the camgo to a gameday. era system game and Rogers said has decreased if a situation bad behavior be showered requires a law in the stu- with liquid. It’s enforcement ofdent section. not a tradition or One of the something we need ficer response, he has radio problems that contact with sparked the to foster.” i n s t a l l a t i o n -Thomas Bourgeois, the officers to let them know of the camera Dean of Students the location and system was nature of the incup-throwing. Bourgeois said cup-throw- cident. “We usually send an officer ing three seasons ago was the worst the problem had been to anything that is inside the stadium, not just criminal, in a long time. “Last year wasn’t as bad,” but if an officer is needed to Bourgeois said. “With the back up a person, the message cameras, I think we caught is dispatched,” Rogers said. Bourgeois said MSU Police 15 or 16 students last year probably average 20 to 30 arthrowing cups.” Bourgeois said the sanc- rests per game, the majority tions from throwing cups which are not students. “When 80,000 plus peorange from the minimum of being escorted out of the ple are on your campus, from game, losing all athletic priv- heat exhaustion to emergency ileges to being banned from calls, you have to work very attending athletic games for hard to stand out and be disruptive,” he said. the rest of the year. Rogers said because of the “If you threw a cup and injured somebody, you could increased number of people face assault. You could face on campus, MSU Police is not up to suspension if someone alone on gamedays. Police ofis injured,” Bourgeois said. ficers in regional departments “For those 15 or 16 students, including Oktibbeha Counwe revoked their athletic priv- ty Sheriff’s Department, ileges. No one wants to go to Mississippi Highway Patrol, a game and be showered with Starkville, Eupora, Columliquid. It’s not a tradition or bus and West Point Police something we need to foster,” Departments help with traffic control and security inside Bourgeois said. Tabor Mullen, assistant the stadium and in tailgatdean of students, said he ing areas. Officers from other brings the dean of students Mississippi institutes of highoffice inside the student sec- er learning as well as certified tion and is sometimes on former officers also contribute to gameday security. scene with the police.

Monday, Nov. 4 • 2:24 p.m. A student was kicked by a horse at the Wise Center. An ambulance was not called. • 3:43 p.m. A visitor had hand guns in his vehicle when stopped at a traffic stop. Justice citations were issued. • 9:15 p.m. A student was arrested in Starkville for having an expired tag. • 9:55 p.m. A student injured his finger playing basketball. The subject refused transport to OCH.

Tuesday, Nov. 5


MSU police officers and outside officers salute the American flag at the start of a football game this year. “We really depend on those guys, and we appreciate the help we receive from our local agencies coming in to help us to do this. We don’t have enough officers in our department to pull it off, so we really depend on our surrounding agencies,” Rogers said. Officers from outside agencies are sworn in as MSU police at the beginning of each football season. “We do that because they are representatives of the police department, or they are acting on our behalf,” Rogers said. Rogers said he contacts different police departments in the surrounding areas as soon as he knows a game’s kickoff time to find out how many officers are available to help for the day. John Thomas, a Starkville Police Department captain, said the department mainly monitors parking on the bypasses, helps the shuttle buses downtown and monitors pedestrian traffic. The Starkville Police Department does not have a presence on campus, but officers are in phone and radio contact with MSU Police. “I’m in contact with them in case they need anything. They call me. I’m always out for the games,” Thomas said. The Oktibbeha County Sheriff’s Department is also involved on campus with gameday security. Joe Morse, an Oktibbeha County Sheriff’s Department deputy, said he works in the student section during gamedays.

BULLY Pritchard has been the caregiver for Bully since 1973 when Bully XVI, “Replica of Corker,” was the face of MSU. She said Bully makes appearances at football games, home basketball games, softball games, baseball game and is available for many MSU-related events. “We enjoy meeting people, having fun and having the opportunity to go to all the SEC football stadiums and some other stadiums,” Pritchard said. Jimmy Abraham, former

FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 8, 2013 | 3



“We make sure they don’t get rowdy,” Morse said. “We make sure we don’t have other people in the student section that are not supposed to be there.” Other outside agencies like the Eupora Police Department are also actively involved with gameday security. Dan Burchfield, Eupora mayor, said its police department supplies officers to help with security and crowd control as well. Rogers said Event Operations Group and Cobra Security officers are also hired to work during gamedays. “Mississippi State has probably about 40 police officers, but on gameday, we hire about 100 to 150 plus other officers who we swear

• 12:42 a.m. A student reported a suspicious person on the third floor faculty lounge. • 11:33 a.m. A student reported receiving harassing and threatening text messages and a phone call from an unknown person. • 11:27 p.m. A visitor was arrested on Magruder Street for speeding and driving with a suspended driver’s license. • 11:53 p.m. A student reported she was assaulted by another student in Moseley Hall.

Wednesday, Nov. 6 • 7:43 a.m. An employee reported damaging an MSU vehicle while turning on North Farm Road. • 2:24 p.m. An employee reported inventory missing from Hilburn Hall. • 11:25 p.m. A student was arrested behind Cresswell Hall for possession of paraphernalia. The student was issued a student referral for smoking marijuana behind Cresswell Hall.


• 30 citations were issued for speeding. • 22 citations were issued for disregard of a traffic device. in as Mississippi State police officers,” Bourgeois said. Rogers said the other police departments greatly assist MSU Police on gameday. “It is because of the help we get from them we are able to provide the service we provide for gameday that we always want to provide in an environment that our fans

feel safe,” he said. Rogers said all law enforcement officers wear reflective vests during game days to be more visible to people in and around the stadium. Bourgeois said gamedays are like fine puzzles, but everything is well planned out in committees and departments.

continued from 1 executive director of the MSU Alumni Association, has been a Bulldog since he started at MSU in 1977. He said not much has changed since then except the size of the crowds who come to see the beloved mascot. “Bully energizes the crowd just by being on the field or court. Bully has officially represented our loyal fan base since 1935, and he is one of our most prized traditions at our university,” Abraham said. “Children and adults of all ages flock

around him to take a picture with him that they display or put on social media, letting everyone know they are proud MSU Bulldogs.”


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4 | FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 8, 2013


Founding fathers still have much to teach us


find myself in an interesting position. Many members of my family assume I am a Democrat because I support President Obama and did not agree with President Bush on a lot of policies. I see myself as far more conservative, and during the 2008 federal election, I genuinely felt that either candidate would have James Tracy is a graduate been a good president. I have student in physics. He can be a warm nostalgia for Reagan’s contacted at opinion@reflec“Morning in America” years, and I think even G.H.W. Bush would have done well with a second term. and seceded from the Union I am not a Democrat, nor on the grounds of state’s rights a Republican. I am not Lib- and preservation of the traertarian or Green, nor do I af- ditional ways; my old history filiate with any other political textbook expressly refers to the party. The economy should be Democrats of the time as the as capitalistic as possible, but it conservatives. is unwise not to regulate, since President Monroe had the corporations are not people best break in our nation’s poand do not have consciences. litical history. From 1817 to The Second Amendment is 1823, he presided over the important and should remain “Era of Good Feelings,” during in the constitution, but I think which the Federalist party disgun advocates solved and tend to overplay there was not I am not their defensive much political red nor position and fail discord. Leadto support sening up to the blue. I am sible gun laws. 1824 election, red, white I think anyone the Whigs and who dismisses and blue — an Democrats human impact American. Political started fusson global warm- parties are and ing again, and ing takes a neglihave always proven we ended up gent and possibly with the first self-contradict- a bad idea. It’s time contested presing position. I do to leave them in the idential elecnot agree with past.” tion needed to gay relationbe resolved by ships, but I think Congress. that gay spousal rights should George Washington said this be equivalent to heterosexual about political parties in his spouses. I find the Bible is just Farewell Address in 1796: as clear about the freedom of a “They serve to organize facperson’s will as it is about mur- tion; to give it an artificial and der, and as such we must find extraordinary force; to put in better and more cooperative place of the delegated will of solutions to sway women who the nation the will of a party, would choose abortion with- often a small but artful and enout curtailing their rights. The terprising minority of the comlist goes on, and you cannot munity; and, according to the slot my positions according to alternate triumphs of different a checkbox on some political parties, to make the public adform. ministration the mirror of the What makes it worse is that ill-concerted and incongruous the parties are not even histor- projects of the faction…” ically consistent as being “conWe revere this man as the servative” and “liberal.” Our founding father of our nation. favorite go-to president, Abra- We passed laws that awarded ham Lincoln, was a Republican Washington the highest rank voted in by a predominantly of all generals past and prespro-federal electorate. The Re- ent, a holiday in celebration publican national platform of of his birthday and his face on 1860 opposed “abridging or our $1 bills and quarter coins. impairing naturalization laws” However, we have neglected to and favored giving “full and ef- seriously consider this piece of ficient protection to the rights his advice. of all classes of citizens.” The I am not red nor blue. I current push for immigration am red, white and blue — an reform aside, this is not a very American. Political parties are modern-Republican position. and have always proven a bad The South, by contrast, was idea. It’s time to leave them in predominantly Democratic the past.





Dear Mom and Dad: you were right T

hroughout my entire life departure as I was. I have suffered from a The time had come; I was libterrible ailment, self-ti- erated from my childish past and tled “independent-dependency.” free to take the responsibilities Since childhood, I have been of adulthood head on, or so I caught in the middle of a battle thought. It became immediately between my constant desire to clear to me that I was woefully be self-sufficient and the inher- unprepared to care for myself. ent reliance on my parents. Nev- Within the span of three weeks, I er have these two entities been ruined an entire load of laundry, more at odds than as I completed received what would be the first my high school of many parkcareer. I found ing tickets and And after myself adrift accidentally years of in limbo, havskipped an denial, it ing outgrown entire day of is with a the restrictions class. I will of life during humble heart that I forever be secondary eduthankful for finally admit, ‘Fine. cation but not this untimely yet able to ben- You were right.’” series of tragefit from the edies because freedoms of the it spurred a college experience. complete reevaluation of the relaThe frustration caused by this tionship I held with my parents. limbo was taken out (as are many As I mentioned previously, of my frustrations) on those I my poor phone communication love the most: my family and, skills in high school were always more specifically, my parents. a source of turbulence between My senior year was riddled with my parents and I. My freshman arguments on the topics of cur- year this changed dramatically. I few, ignored phone calls and dis- called both my mom and dad in respectful behavior. Essentially, the morning, in between classes I felt that at 17-years-old I had and before going to sleep. My reached the peak of self-aware- parents were baffled by the inness and intelligence, and by the crease in conversation, and hontime move-in day rolled around, estly, so was I. I couldn’t place I feel confident in saying that my my finger on why I felt the urge parents were just as eager for my to keep constant communica-

tion, but the urge was certainly there. I had never been the child that suffered from homesickness. Through years of summer camps and spend-the-night parties, I never felt myself being drawn back to home, and even in this instance, I would not diagnose the feeling that I experienced homesickness. Looking back, I know now the emotion was a level of appreciation that, prior to leaving home, I had never felt. As I continue to grow older, this admiration has also continued to grow. College is the first time that all of the characteristics and habits your parents have encouraged over the years are put to the test. On occasion, you follow the invaluable advice you received in the past, and by doing so you are rewarded with positive life experiences, be it in academics, relationships or the work field. Through these situations, you grow to revere the choices your parents made during your upbringing. On other occasions, perhaps more often (in my personal experience), you choose to neglect your parents’ years of wisdom and make decisions based on your own limited knowledge. In these circumstances you realize the true legitimacy behind your parents’ lessons. You see that the rules they enforced were

SHEALY MOLPUS Shealy Molpus is a senior majoring in communication. She can be contacted at opinion@

not to torture or socially inhibit you, but rather to help you develop your own strong set of decision-making skills. As a senior, I once again face life-changing decisions, and much like my freshman year, I once again feel ill-equipped to handle the pressure. After four years of learning from mistakes, I still do not feel that I can charge forward on my own, and thankfully, I will not have to. I will have with me a lifetime of priceless wisdom. So Mom, Dad, thank you. Thank you for not giving up on me as I traveled through this portion of my evolution to maturity: total dependence, to defiance and now to utter thankfulness. And after years of denial, it is with a humble heart that I finally admit, “Fine. You were right.”


First impressions make all the difference


ollege students have many opportunities for first impressions. There are job interviews that are critical factors in the hiring process. Students, when you meet your professors for the first time it is important you make a good impression because they are a vital instrument in your education and future. College life is all about meeting new people, so it is important to be your best self. First impressions help or hinder every college student in some way. At some point in your life, I am sure you have been given advice on how to make a great first impression and some of you are pros at it by now — or maybe not. I am not saying that everyone will love you based off of a first encounter, but to be on your best behavior could sway the tide in your favor. People form rather abiding and speedy impressions of other people, so it is important not only to make good impressions, but to trust your initial judgment as well. In “Seven Seconds To Make a First Impression,” Carol Kinsey Goman discovered that researchers from NYU found we make 11 major

decisions about one another in charm the pants off of anyone the first seven seconds of meet- they meet. I know that many ing. Also, studies have shown of us are not that charismatic that nonverbal cues carry more relatable person. The qualities weight than and skills that verbal cues charisma lends First during first impeople can be pressions. and impressions learned As college used to effecare nearly students we tively make the impossible should make right impresit easy for oth- to reverse, so try sion. er people and to make the best First impreshave good at- of every encounter. sions are neartitudes even ly impossible if we have to Make small talk and to reverse, so fake it for a seem interested in try to make minute or two. whatever subject is the best of evOur attitudes being discussed ... ery encounter. make all the Make small talk difference in If you are yourself, and seem interhow we come people will get to ested in whatacross to other know the real you, ever subject people. A smile and you will seem is discussed. makes us apDo not appear proachable and more relatable and bored. You do makes us seem likeable.” not need to friendly. Use maintain a fayour charm, cade. If you are and dress for yourself, people the occasion because people in will get to know the real you, authoritative positions like for and you will seem more relatyou to be well-groomed. able and likable. We all know those people who Not only do we need to make naturally have charisma and can good first impressions, but we

CHELSEA RHODES Chelsea Rhodes is a freshman majoring in English. She can be contacted at opinion@

need to trust our own instincts when we encounter people. First impressions help us and others weed out people who are not what we look for in an employee, friend or even a boyfriend or girlfriend. On the flip side, we should not automatically cross someone off our list because everyone has a bad day or gets nervous. We all make mistakes, and nobody is perfect. People know this and will more than likely give you a second chance before they completely give up on your character. So don’t put too much pressure on yourself and others.


On, off-campus housing provide students ample options Managing Editor

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Editor in Chief/Kaitlyn Byrne

Letters to the editor should be sent to the Meyer Student Media Center or mailed to The Reflector, PO Box 5407, Mississippi State, MS. Letters may also be emailed to Letters must include name and telephone number for verification purposes. The editor reserves the right to edit or refuse to publish a letter.

325-7905 Managing Editor/Kristen Spink 325-8991 News Editor/Anna Wolfe 325-8819 Opinion Editor/Alie Dalee Sports Editor/John Galatas 325-5118 Life Editor/Daniel Hart 325-8883 Photography Editor/Kaitlin Mullins 325-1584 Multimedia Editor/Zack Orsborn Advertising Sales/Julia Pendley 325-7907


EDITORIAL POLICY The Reflector is the official student newspaper of Mississippi State University. Content is determined solely by the student editorial staff. The contents of The Reflector have not been approved by Mississippi State University.

The Reflector staff strives to maintain the integrity of this paper through accurate and honest reporting. If we publish an error we will correct it. To report an error, call 325-7905.


round the spring semester, a lot of Mississippi State University students are faced with the decision to live on campus or off campus. Both have advantages and disadvantages, and the decision you make will determine your college experience, so making the right decision is very important. When they first arrive at college, most students are so excited to move into their dorms and begin their new independent life without rules. That is, until they find out living on campus comes with its own set of parental guidelines. When you stay in a dorm, you are given a curfew, told what items you can and cannot bring into your dorm and told there are absolutely no pets. Also, depending on which dorm you move into, and this is always first come first serve, the space can be very small. You may have to sacrifice and drastically cut down your wardrobe and leave your favorite chair at home. This can be aggravating for college students. However, most deal with it because there are also benefits to staying in dorms. Staying on campus means you can walk everywhere and save gas. It is also the easiest way to meet new people on your floor and make great connections.

In contrast, living off cam- per semester, $6,062 per year. pus gives you more freedom. The least expensive, Rice, HerYou and your friends are free bert or Evans Hall, costs $3,688 to go as you please, there are per year, according to MSU no major limitations as to what housing’s website. Off-camyou may and may not bring to pus housing can range from your house or apartment and $3,000 to $8,000, depending some allow you on where you to have pets for stay and how Regardless an additional many bedrooms of pros fee. You can your housing opt to rent an has. The more and cons, unfurnished people to an students apartment or apartment or town house and need to choose house, the less decorate how- what will work best your rent is. It ever you want for them, not what all depends on with a room where you prefer seems ideal ... Put all to yourself. to live and what Turn the lights serious thought into you are willing on and stay up where you want to to pay. as long as you stay while you are in Off-campus want. Howliving seems college before you ever, there are to be the most also disadvan- sign your name on a ideal. You have tages to living lease.” more freedom, off campus. can choose your You may feel accomidation isolated from preferences and campus and miss out on some you can pay monthly instead on-campus activities. If your of paying a large amount at one off-campus housing is not close, time the way you would pay for you may burn a tank of gas driv- a dorm. ing back and forth to school There are so many apartments every day. That’s less money for to choose from in Starkville. spring break this year. Coming next fall, Starkville will Now let’s talk about one of have a town-house subdivision the biggest issues — the cost. To called Aspen Heights. These stay in one of the newer dorms houses will be two to five bedlike Magnolia Hall costs $3,032 rooms. Prices range between

SEQUOIA RICHARDSON Sequoia Richardson is a senior majoring in political science. She can be contacted at opinion@reflector.

$499 and $575 per month, and they will allow pets. The Pointe at MSU has two to four bedrooms and can range from $475 to $786 per month, depending on which room you get. It comes furnished and is not pet-friendly, so if you are allergic to cats or dogs that will not be an issue for you at The Pointe. Regardless of pros and cons, students need to choose what will work best for them, not what seems ideal. Keep in mind what is most important to you. Remember, this is where you will most likely spend the majority of your time during your college career. Put serious thought into where you want to stay while you are in college before you sign your name on a lease.

FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 8, 2013 | 5





The deadline for Tuesday’s paper is 3 p.m. Thursday; the deadline for Friday’s paper is 3 p.m. Tuesday. Classifieds are $5 per issue. Student and staff ads are $3 per issue, pre-paid. Lost and found: found items can be listed for free; lost items are listed for standard ad cost. FOR RENT

A two-bedroom, two-bathroom apartment in the Cotton District is for rent for Mississippi State students or members of the Bulldog family. The apartment has a fireplace and a washer and dryer. Call 662.694.0995 if interested. CLUB INFO

The deadline for Tuesday’s paper is 3 p.m. Thursday; deadline for Friday’s paper is 3 p.m. Tuesday. MSU student organizations may place free announcements in Club Info. Information may be submitted by email to club_info@reflector.msstate. edu with the subject heading “CLUB INFO,” or a form may be completed at The Reflector office in the Student Media Center. A contact name,

phone number and requested run dates must be included for club info to appear in The Reflector. All submissions are subject to exemption according to space availability. WESLEY FOUNDATION

Insight Bible study and worship Tuesdays at 8 p.m. at 286 East Lee Blvd. next to Campus Book Mart. Follow on Twitter @MSStateWesley or on Facebook. MANIFESTING GLORY PRAISE TEAM

We are looking for talented singers and musicians to be a part of our campus ministry. If interested, please call 662.648.8128. SOCIOLOGICAL STUDENT ASSOCIATION

SSA meets the last Thursday of every month in Bowen 250 at 5 p.m. Every major is welcome. STUDENTS FOR A SUSTAINABLE CAMPUS

Care about the environment? Love activism? Come join SSC on Thursdays at 6 p.m. in McCool 111 to make a difference. Follow on Twitter @MSU_SSC.


School or work stressing you out? Get moving into Yoga Moves! Try our moves to get into shape and our relaxation techniques to handle the stress. Yoga Moves meets at the Sanderson Center in Studio C, Thursday evenings from 5:30 to 7 p.m. Like Yoga Moves Club-MSU on Facebook. GREATER STARKVILLE DEVELOPMENT PARTNERSHIP

The GSDP is accepting applications for the 2013 Starkville Community Christmas Parade taking place Monday, Dec. 2, at 6 p.m. in downtown Starkville. The theme will be “Christmas in Whoville.” All entries must be decorated to incorporate the theme. Each entrant must attend a mandatory meeting on Tues., Nov. 19 at 5:30 p.m. at the GSDP Office to learn important details about parade participation. Should you need additional information, contact Jennifer Prather at 662.323.3322 or jprather@

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6 | FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 8, 2013





| The National Organization of Minority Architecture Students (NOMAS) and MSU Fashion Board put on the annual

Trashion Show in Giles Hall Wednesday. The show features designs from Starkville boutiques as well as its main attraction, a series of outfits crafted by members of NOMAS made of recycled and unexpected materials. Dresses can be made of trash that ranges from used coffee filters and tires to shower curtains and discarded keys.

Mississippians Charlie Worsham, HanaLena bring melodic country to Rick’s Saturday BY CATIE MARIE MARTIN Staff Writer

With his home-grown good looks and familiar Southern twang, Charlie Worsham has all the makings of a country music superstar with the humility of the boy next door. Since he first strummed a guitar in his hometown of Grenada, Miss., Worsham’s charming drive captivates audiences from the southeast to listeners around the country. Worsham brings his modern country sounds to Starkville when he makes a stop at Rick’s Cafe Saturday.

Jan Walton, Mississippi State University Extension Services employee, said she has known Worsham since he was a boy, and she has watched his love for music grow from a young age. “I just know that when he was a little boy, he was always carrying around a guitar. He had a microphone and a guitar even when he was four or five years old,” she said. “His mother played the piano, and his dad played the drums. I think he just grew up in a home where music was important.” Walton said she also remembers Worsham as goal-oriented

and passionate, with a cleareyed determination to fulfill his ambitions. “He had his goals and his focus. He never lost sight of where he wanted to go,” she said. “He stayed focused and took advantage of every opportunity he had from a very young age.” Walton said country music came onto Worsham’s radar through classic country music programs. “I think the first thing that really intrigued him was the Grand Ole Opry,” Walton said. Worsham cites artists such as Keith Urban, Tom Petty and

George Jones as inspirations, all of whom are veterans of the Grand Ole Opry. Walton said though Worsham has moved on to play in cities larger than his hometown, he holds a steadfast devotion to his Grenada roots. “He donated to our local charity bowl. He has always come back and played and been a part of Grenada,” she said. “He has never forgotten where he’s from. If anything Charlie Worsham comes up, we all rush to support him.” Ana Katelyn Habig, junior secondary education major, said Worsham’s popularity in

Grenada includes both pride in his music and his local heritage. “He’s a hometown hero, to say the least,” she said. Worsham’s performance at Rick’s provides a change of pace for Worsham from past tours. Rick’s boasts a smaller stage than those Worsham frequented while on tour with country superstar Taylor Swift, so the crowd can expect an intimate show. Worsham is not the only Mississippian performing at Rick’s Saturday. Starkville natives Hannah and Caroline Melby form HanaLena, who

will open for Worsham. Formerly known as Nash Street, the street on which the two sisters grew up, Hannah and Caroline boast a sound that is a medley of country, bluegrass and blues. Alan Cackett, editor of “Maverick” magazine, said the sisters are “a gifted and exciting ensemble, among the better playing and singing units to emerge in the contemporary end of the genre.” Tickets to the show are $10 in advance and $15 the day of the show. They are available at Rick’s Café and online at

Nisolo brings socially-conscious clothing Communication professor Hank Flick and accessories to house show Monday brings flicker of light to MSU students BY GENY KATE GURLEY

Woodyard said the Nisolo staff ’s hope is to become a world-renown retail brand, provide quality products for Nisolo, a company that its customers and empower sells handcrafted shoes, purses skilled craftsmen in developand jewelry, brings shopping ing areas. to the customers, rather than “In terms of scalability, vice versa, on Monday. The Trujillo, Peru is home to over company will hold a house 30,000 shoemakers, many of sale in the home of Mississippi whom are seeking an opportuState University student Abinity to work with a brand like gail Hartman, junior biology Nisolo,” Woodyard said. “Trumajor, from 5:30 - 8:30 p.m. jillo’s shoe industry employs at 400 Louisville. Nisolo emover 100,000 individuals, and ploys talented individuals in 90 percent of the materials for Peru to make quality leather Nisolo product are bought shoes, and its team is made of within the city limits.” American entrepreneurs who More than just Nisolo’s mismarket Nisolo products in the sion impresses many customUnited States. ers. Nisolo sells a wide selecZoe Cleary, Nick Meytion of shoes and accessories er and Patrick Woodyard, Nisolo has that caters to many tastes. founders of Nisolo, said when provided over Hartman said she heard visiting Trujillo, Peru, the 30 Peruvian about Nisolo through her quality of shoes made there sister, who attended Ole impressed them, and the povshoemakers Miss with Woodyard and erty of the area struck them. with fair-wage jobs. This Meyer. She said she has The website tells the story of a few of the shoemakers, men has led to an increase of been satisfied with its prodand women trying to support up to 400 percent for the ucts, looks forward to its Starkville show and hopes their families but barely get- shoemakers, which has see local boutiques carry ting by. allowed them to not only to Nisolo products. The Nisolo staff said its “Nisolo is so great because goal is to provide means rebuild their homes, but they are socially conscious,” for Peruvian craftsmen and also send their children Hartman said. “They know craftswomen to get their to college.” all their shoemakers and products to a wider audience - Patrick Woodyard, have relationships with their while increasing consumers’ families, so you know you’re awareness of the story behind co-founder of Nisolo actually helping people by the goods they buy. buying their product. Every“The talent, the will-power and the potential is evident, not only rebuild their homes, thing they make is gorgeous. yet opportunity is absent due but also send their children to The shoes last for years, and to a lack of access, capital or college (firsts for these families they’re super comfortable. I have some of their jewelry, know-how to move products and their communities).” Now, Woodyard said Niso- too, and I wear it all the time.” to larger markets with highA large majority of Nisolo’s er demand,” The Nisolo staff lo expands and closes a capiwrote on their website. “Our tal raise that allows the brand sales comes from online orders hope is to influence a growing to double the U.S. workforce from their website, nisolosculture of conscious consum- to 10 full-time staff members Forty select retail erism here in the U.S. as well and the Peru workforce to 32 stores around the country also sell Nisolo products, including as to offer job creation and ac- individuals. Circle 7 in Madison, Miss., and Buffalo Peak in Jackson, Miss. This Starkville event is part of Nisolo’s quick Southeast tour before its December tour of 20 cities extending from New York City down the East Coast back to Nashville, Tenn., the company’s headquarters. Hartman said both Woodyard and Meyer will be at her house to talk about Nisolo and sell a range of shoes and accessories. NISOLO | COURTESY PHOTO “People can come try on William Armando Calzado, a Peruvian cobbler, makes shoes, stock up on Christmas shoes sold through Nisolo, a company that sells presents or just learn more shoes, clothing and accessories created by skilled about an awesome organizacraftsmen and craftswomen from developing nations. tion,” Hartman said. Staff Writer

cess to opportunity for this Peruvian community and others around the world.” Nisolo has had an unquestionable positive impact on Trujillo, Peru. Nisolo began to give hard-working shoemakers employment to support their families. Woodyard said Nisolo’s vision is not just to provide these families employment, but to also see their communities develop. “Nisolo has provided over 30 Peruvian shoemakers with fair-wage jobs,” Woodyard said. “This has led to an income increase of up to 400 percent for the shoemakers, which has allowed them to


Hank Flick, communication professor, teaches classes and conducts reasearch focused on interviewing and communication. Flick said he has a strong desire to provide MSU students with tools for success in interviews and jobs once they graduate. BY JAKE JONES Staff Writer

It seems Hank Flick, Mississippi State University communication professor, would rather teach students than do anything else in the world, as excitement and passion for his students fills every class he teaches. Flick came to MSU in 1971. Before he came to MSU, he worked on a master’s degree at the University of Memphis. Flick was about to start a teaching job at Christian Brothers College in Memphis, but when he came to MSU, said he fell in love with the university and chose MSU instead. Flick has taught 10 to 15 classes, including corporate communication, media relations, small group communication and interviewing. Flick created his own interview class curriculum based on his foundation in rhetoric and an understanding of written and spoken messages. All of Flick’s work drives toward his desire for students to be successful. Research Flick has conducted shows 99 percent of businesses use an interview process. Of that percentile, 90 percent say the most important variable present when working to get a job is interviewing — not grades, not references, not work experience. Flick said ability to interview is the most important factor in student success. “(An interview) is 35 to 55

minutes, yet interviews are over in four minutes,” Flick said. “I understood that, researched it and communicate it in classes.” Flick said his greatest joy as a teacher is the opportunity to be with students and help them see that a degree from MSU can bring success. Flick said he loves to teach and believes working in education is much more than a job. “My mentor taught me years ago — he said, ‘When you walk down that hall and you touch that doorknob, if you’re not happy to be there, if you’re not excited about being with young people, then get out,’” Flick said. “I always look at life as a ministry. You find what you do to make a good world better. You find what you do to help people grow and develop in significant ways.” Flick taught John Forde, associate professor and head of the Department of Communication, in 1981 while Forde attended MSU. Forde said Flick was one of the best teachers he ever had and Flick is constantly excited to teach and serve his students. “He’s passionate about teaching,” Forde said. “He really puts a lot of effort into class — he always has. Students know that he’ll be there. He makes class a very high priority. He loves teaching. He loves going to class. He loves helping students.” Forde said Flick is not only loyal to students, but Flick is

also invaluable to MSU. “The teaching aspect of Hank I think is very important,” Forde said. “There’s so many things he’s done with the university and for the university over the decades.” Outside of the classroom, Flick’s door is always open to students. Flick said when he is not standing in front of a chalkboard, he likes to think critically and write books. Andre Mourning, senior communication major, said he enjoys Flick’s interviewing class. Mourning said he learns from Flick, but Flick manages to keep class engaging and exciting. “I enjoy it because he’s very in your face, but in a good way,” Mourning said. “He has a sense of humor and that always makes a class that might not be so fun become fun.” Flick said though some could say he lacks a lot, no one can say he is not loving and faithful to MSU. For Flick, a lack of exuberance toward one’s work reveals a troubled condition of the heart. Flick said people who are not fiercely excited and committed to their work should move on to different jobs. “People without passion need not apply,” Flick said. “People without love in their hearts and loyalty in their lives need not stay.” According to Flick’s mantra, Flick will not leave MSU anytime soon, as he seems to have no shortage of excitement for MSU and its students.

FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 8, 2013 | 7



Lady Dogs cruise in exhibition, ready Volleyball falls to Rebs, seeks rebound for season opener on road at Houston BY QUENTIN SMITH


In its preseason debut, the Mississippi State University women’s basketball team was victorious in their first action of the season blowing out Shorter University 7544. Like the men’s team, the Lady Dogs too struggled a bit in their opening exhibition game last season, only winning by six points. This season the Lady Bulldogs flipped the script and won in blowout fashion. The Bulldogs seemed like a different team than the one from a year ago. They seemed more focused, more comfortable and more confident. Head coach Vic Schaefer said the game was a good measuring tool for his team at this time. “It was good to play against somebody besides our men’s practice team or ourselves,” Schaefer said. “I was definitely pleased with only allowing 22 points in each half.” Defense is always a key focus for Schaefer, who is considered one of the best defensive coaches in the women’s game and was brought to MSU in large part because of his pedigree in that area. His defense was on full display in the scrimmage as his attacking high-pressure defensive scheme bothered the Hawks all night. MSU held Shorter to 25 percent shooting. The Hawks were only able to hit 12 of their 49 shot attempts. A major factor for MSU defensively in the game, as well as moving forward for


Q: With high expectations entering the season, can you assess the Aggies’ performance this year? With ranked opponents in LSU and Missouri left on the docket, where do you think they’ll stand come season’s end? A: Following last season’s impressive performance, expectations around the A&M program were sky high, especially with the Sept. 14 visit from Alabama circled on everyone’s calendar. Two months later, though, and a noticeable check in the excitement level is evident both around campus and the fan base as a whole. Personally, I believe the Alabama loss was appropriate, as honestly, I can’t think of a single coach (or program) more dominant than Nick Saban’s Crimson Tide. As for Auburn, that stunner represented more

the Lady Bulldogs this season, is newcomer Savannah Carter. Carter is a junior who was a highly-sought-after J.U.C.O. prospect and a key contributor for Trinity Valley Community College, helping lead them to a NJCAA national title. Carter is expected to come in and play point guard right away which will allow Katia May to slide over to shooting guard where Schaefer believes she will be more effective. Carter said Schaefer played a huge role in her decision to come to MSU. “During my recruitment, a lot of assistant coaches came to see me play, but coach Schaefer was the only head coach that came to see me play and you never see that,” Carter said. “I’m extremely excited about being here, and I feel like it’s going to be a great season.” Another newcomer that really stood out in the scrimIAN PRESTER | THE REFLECTOR mage was freshman Breanna Richardson. She led the Bull- Senior guard Katia May dribbles past the defense in a dogs in scoring with 16 points game last season at the Humphrey Coliseum. May seeks to and five steals. Richardson is lead the Bulldogs in their season opener against Houston. a true freshman but seemed poised and under control is someone here that is going gonna play. I don’t have time throughout the night despite to push us to keep going and for them to grow up. Tonight it being her first in-game ac- to keep doing things the right was it. I hope they grew up way.” because we have to be ready tion at the college level. Schaefer said he expects his to play Friday at Houston, Richardson said she can provide an immediate impact freshman to play a key role on and I think they will be.” this year’s team, and so far it The Bulldogs’ game Friday this season for the Bulldogs. “We are going to go fast. I looks like they may be able against Houston will be the official season opener. The know that is what the coach- to. “She (Richardson) looked game will be in Houston and es brought me in here to do,” Richardson said. “I am sup- poised out there and that’s will start at 5:30 p.m. The posed to provide a spark and what you want from your Dogs opened their season a hopefully that will rub off freshmen,” Schaefer said. year ago against the Cougars on some of the other players. “I hope all my freshmen are as well and came out on top Anytime we are down, there comfortable because they’re 72-66.

of a reality check for the program as a whole, something I believe was an inevitability down the road — it just came earlier than I thought against a team that was much more complete than I thought. As for LSU and Missouri, I can say with certainty that — and I’m sure many Mississippi State fans will agree — Death Valley is never a cake walk, but I see the Aggies edging out the Tigers before playing a complete game on the road against Missouri. A&M has played its best football on the road the past two years, and I don’t believe that changes to close the year. Q: Aggie Nation held its breath when Johnny Manziel injured his shoulder in the Auburn game. How has he bounced back from that injury and lead the offense? A: The key, in my opinion, was his early success against Vanderbilt, as Manziel went

10-for-10 for 70 yards and a score to open the game. Additionally, Manziel has an unbelievable competitive edge, and I imagine he refused to ride the sideline. Q: With two losses against him, how do fans view Manziel? Do you think he can repeat as Heisman? A: Personally, I think he can repeat as the Heisman Trophy winner, but I don’t believe he will. Manziel’s numbers stack up unbelievably well against the rest of the field, but with competition such as Oregon’s Marcus Mariota and Florida State’s Jameis Winston, voters will have a hard time allowing Manziel to be the first repeat winner since Archie Griffin. Considering the volatile offseason the sophomore sustained, not to mention the illegal autograph allegations from the beginning of the season, it’s too far of a stretch, unfortunately.

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Q: Mike Evans is Manziel’s favorite go-to receiver. What does Evans do to open the field and generate space? A: As a former basketball star, Evans combines his speed and size to create solid separation and, when necessary, “out rebounds” opposing defensive backs on jump balls. Manziel and Evans have a great relationship, and have used that to help put points up on the scoreboard game after game. Q: Defensively, who are some A&M players MSU fans should take note of Saturday? A: Junior safety Howard Matthews — over the course of the past two games, Matthews has come into his own, snaring three interceptions while continuing to lead the team in tackles. Junior defensive end Gavin Stansbury — similar to Matthews, Stansbury has been deadly in the center for the Aggies, leading the team in tackles for

Roxanne McVey and Alex Warren. McVey led the way with 21 digs and Warren contributed Playing at home in front of four of MSU’s five blocks. Even with a good individual the largest crowd this season, the Mississippi State Univer- performance, Gardiner said it is sity Bulldogs took the floor still a team effort. “As a team, I feel we did well Wednesday as they hosted their bitter in-state rival Ole Miss in some parts and didn’t in others, but it’s a total team thing to but fell three sets to one. lose and to win, The Bulldogs so it’s hard,” she got off to a slow said. Blocking start by dropDespite the ping the first and loss, the Bullset to the Rebdefensively dogs drew els 25-20. The in the secteam would we’ve got to be ond-largest quickly bounce really solid, and if crowd in Newback though we do that, we can ell-Grissom hisas it took the tory with 1,633 second set 25- definitely have a 20 to even the good match against fans in attendance. match up at them.” McVey said 1-1, but from - Jenny Hazelwood, it was the best then on, the Bulldogs would MSU volleyball head atmosphere she has played in eventually drop coach since being at the next two MSU. sets and fall to “The atmosphere was awethe Rebels in a four-set match. After losing the tough game, some here,” she said. “We rehead coach Jenny Hazelwood ally appreciate all the fans that said she thought the team made could get out and make it to support us because that’s what a lot of costly errors. “I felt like from the begin- keeps us going.” McVey also said she and ning we were giving up a lot of points,” Hazelwood said. “We the team hope to see another didn’t make them earn a ton of packed crowd Friday as they the points they had. We weren’t host Texas A&M at 7 p.m. in taking care of the ball, and I felt Newell-Grissom. The Bulldogs have faced the like they out-hustled us.” Though it was not the out- Aggies once already this season come the team hoped for, there in which they surrendered a were still a lot of positives to loss, but Hazelwood said she take away from this loss. The seeks different results in Friteam received good play from day’s match. “Texas A&M is a good team. freshmen Kimmy Gardiner and Suzanne Horner. Gardin- Blocking and defensively we’ve er led the team with 17 kills, got to be really solid, and if we and Horner led with 26 assists. do that, we can definitely have Defensively, the team received a good match against them,” good play from sophomores Hazelwood said. Staff Writer

loss and sacks. True freshman linebacker Darian Claiborne — after joining the program during the fall, Claiborne has emerged as a deadly threat for the linebacker corps and will serve as the defensive leader for the remainder of the season. Q: With an 18-4 record so far in the past two seasons, do you think the Aggies have established themselves well in their new conference? A: I sure hope so. If an 18-4 record along with wins over top-ranked Alabama and every SEC West opponent (outside LSU, which hopefully A&M will reconcile two weeks from now) isn’t good enough to convince you guys we’re good enough to compete in this league, I don’t know what will. Q: Alright, prediction time. Who do you see coming out on top? A: Preseason, I was a large

proponent of Mississippi State, and I especially enjoy watching Dak Prescott play — the kid is brilliant in the pocket when he’s in a rhythm — but I have to give the edge to A&M in this matchup, 4528. I can understand the Bulldogs keeping pace with A&M to start the game, but turnovers or some crazy Manziel miracle will ultimately help guide A&M into winning position.

8 | FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 8, 2013





Henderson recognized for achievements on, off field


(Left) Demarcus Henderson is joined on the Wayne County High School football field by Waynesboro Mayor pro tempore Jonny Gray, left, and Wayne County High School baseball coach Mike Gavin, right, and presented the key to the city in early September. (Right) Henderson runs the bases against Auburn at Dudy Noble Field last season. BY ANTHONY MCDOUGLE Staff Writer

Entering his freshman year of college baseball, senior outfielder Demarcus Henderson was heralded by recruits

for his speed and overall ath- University baseball program. leticism as he concluded his Nearly four years later, the senior year of Wayne Counhigh school. ty product has A Dandy You want to become much Dozen shortmore than just win it, and stop and pitchthe speedy athhopefully er, as well as lete MSU inistarting quartially recruited. I think we terback on a have the tools and He has become Wayne County an integral part football team the guys to get of a team that that reached back there and go reached the the state cham- for it again.” College World p i o n s h i p , -Demarcus Series champiHenderson onship game ultimately de- Henderson, last year. cided to bring MSU outfielder Henderson his talents to said last year’s Starkville and trip to Omaplay for head coach John Co- ha is something every player hen and the Mississippi State dreams of, and he is noticing

this year’s squad has the talent to repeat the trip. “It was a dream come true. As a kid, you watch it. It’s like watching the Little League World Series at 12,13, 14 years old. In high school you’re watching the College World Series, so I think it was a dream come true for me,” he said. “My ultimate goal was to get there. You want to win it, and hopefully I think we have the tools and the guys to get back there and go for it again.” Cohen witnessed Henderson’s progression first hand and said the staff noticed his potential during recruitment. “I think he has become what we all knew he was going to become, which was a really savvy baseball player with tremendous leadership skills who just happens to be a great athlete at the same time,” Cohen said. Henderson said the evolution into the player we see today was not a smooth one. Coming in with less overall knowledge of the game and playing off of raw athleticism, he had to learn all the nuances of the game. “It took a lot time. I had to find my identity and role on the team. I had to become a baseball player. Out of high school, I was just athletic. I didn’t know much about baseball. When I got here, it was kind of like a reality check. I had to learn some things and do some things differently,” he

said. “Over time, it took me buying into what the coaches were telling me and taking it day by day.” Henderson also said time and attention to detail was the main factor in his progression as a complete player. “I’ve grown up. I’ve matured a lot. A lot of the small things that I o v e r -


looked as far as stretching and comand

doing work on my own — the biggest thing was growing up,” he said. “I’ve figured out how to play the outfield now. I take, as far as the small things, them a whole lot more serious now. You hear freshmen come in and say, ‘Why do we do bunt defense so much?’ then you look at it, and that’s what ultimately got us to a national championship game last year. I don’t really complain a lot. I just do what I’m told and go to work.” To honor his achievements, Henderson’s hometown recognized him at a high school

football game, and he was presented the key to the city earlier this fall. Henderson said he was overwhelmed with how the city embraced his accomplishments. “It showed the love my hometown gave to me. It was nice. They fed me after, and I signed a couple autographs for some people and took some pictures, but it was overwhelming to me to know my hometown supported me that much and looked up to me,” he said. “I have a lot of little kids look up to me, so that kind of gives you another reality check that people behind you are watching you no matter what you do.” Teammate Wes Rea was a member of the 2010 recruiting class along with Henderson and commended his development over the years. “He gets better every year, and that’s something this program allows guys to do,” Rea said. “When you do that, you’re able to play, and you’re able to contribute for us.” Despite the youth of a Bulldog team that boasts the nation’s second-best recruiting class, Henderson feels the grind of the season will help the team in the long run. “I feel like once we get our young pitchers in tune to what we’re doing, we’ll just roll right on,” he said. “We’re going to face some bumps in the road, but those bumps should make us a better team.”



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