The Print Edition 8-24-2012

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AUGUST 24, 2012



Bulldogs Focus on 2012 Season


Reflector The

Life | 11




Residents raise their pints to craft beer BY CANDACE BARNETTE Copy Editor

Many businesses across Starkville have been capitalizing on the new law increasing the legal alcohol percentage in Mississippi since it went into effect July 1. With the legal cap now at 8 percent, businesses are able to sell a larger variety of craft beers to customers. Nate Kniesley, owner and operator of Halfway House, said the new law has increased sales tremendously and had a very positive effect. “Since July 1, we’ve had people coming through the front door asking what new beers we have available,” he said. “It’s overwhelming how quick we’re selling it.”

With additional alcohol comes additional price, and Halfway House, like many other bars in Starkville, will take some time to determine which of the craft beers will continue to be worth the increased price. “We have about 11 on draft right now new to us since July, but there are several more that we just don’t have space for,” Kniesley said. “We’re trying to give our guests the option to pick what they want. We try one this week, and if it sells, well, we keep it.” Jay Bradley, co-owner of Cowbell’s Sports Grill, said they are also taking time to make smart decisions on new purchases. “We want to hear from everyone who was gone this summer so we can buy intelligently,” he said. “We want to get the opinion of our customers. We’ve tested a few beers and

are trying to make a decision on updating our beer selection; right now, one of the top runners for us is Yuengling.” Rick Welch, owner of Rick’s Café, said he waits on his customers’ appeals before ordering new craft beers. “It’s not financially feasible or smart to get all the new beers available to us now, but if someone requests something, we try to make it available,” Welch said. Having a new selection has peaked the curiosity of many Mississippians, but not everyone is willing to part with what they know. Welch said although the variety is beneficial for Starkville, his customers have not made a huge dent in the list of new availabilities. “We haven’t sold a whole bunch, but hopefully it will pick up more,” he said.

“People have their favorite beer. Customers will try a few beers then go back to their favorites.” Dave Hood, owner of Dave’s Dark Horse Tavern, said its sales have increased over the summer. “We’ve been steadily adding craft beers as more become available,” he said. “Some of the current new beers we carry are Smithwicks, Diamond Bear IPA and Naked Pig Pale Ale. Guinness and Southern Pecan are still popular and we look forward to more offerings from Lazy Magnolia out of Hancock County.” Hood is promoting their new selection through a Craft Beer Night every Thursday with special discounts. Customers try out these new beers for many different reasons, whether it be taste, uniqueness or design. SEE ALCOHOL, 2

MSU literature professor, literary journal Balius looks forward to new editor remembered for passion, leadership policies, goals BY EMMA CRAWFORD News Editor

Dead week, online teacher evaluations in the works BY EMMA CRAWFORD News Editor

According to Shelby Balius, Student Association president, the upcoming school year holds exciting changes and additions to benefit the students and faculty of Mississippi State University. Balius said she is most excited about the new collaboration between Campus Activities Board and SA. “The biggest change that we had over the summer I think is what I’m most excited about,” she said. “We have in some ways absorbed CAB and made a Student Association programming board.” She said this will bring together the former members of CAB and SA cabinet members. “They can collaborate a little bit more on making sure we’re using our resources wisely and providing a bigger variety of what we provide for programs on campus,” she said. Balius said she is looking forward to working more with Faculty Senate president, Megan Millea, this year on getting policies revamped and initiated regarding issues for MSU’s students. One of the policies, which was part of Balius’s election platform, is the movement of teacher evaluations to an online platform. She said progress is being made to move the evaluation process online. “It has been piece-by-piece building over the last three years,” she said. “It looks like we’re going to at least get some kind of a step accomplished this year which I’m very excited about.” Another policy Balius hopes to implement is a dead week prior to final exams. Dead week would encompass five calendar days before the Monday that finals begin during which professors would not be allowed to give any assignments that are worth more than 10 percent of a student’s overall grade. She said SA has been conducting research on the subject by looking at other schools, particularly Lousiana State University, that have had success with dead week and is working towards making the idea a reality. As far as projects started by former SA president, Rhett Hobart, Balius said the proposed comprehensive online campus event calendar is still a work in progress. She said research has been done to gather pertinent information in order to get the ball rolling on the project. However, it may still take several years. SEE BALIUS, 6


CAMPUS CALENDAR....................2 BAD DAWGS..............................3 OPINION ............................... 8 CONTACT INFO........................8

CROSSWORD .................. .....10 CLASSIFIEDS..........................10 LIFE....................................11 SPORTS.................................14

The literary community suffered the loss of literary scholar, journal editor and professor emeritus at Mississippi State University, Noel Polk this week. Polk passed away on Tuesday, August 21 at age 69 after an 18-month battle with prostate cancer. Polk received his BA degree from Mississippi College and M.A. degree and Ph.D. from the University of South Carolina. Polk was known across the U.S. and around the world

for his studies of the works of Mississippi authors William Faulkner and Eudora Welty and the numerous books and articles he wrote on them and other Southern writers. Polk has lectured in Poland as a Fulbright Scholar as well as in France, Japan, and many other countries. He served as a professor of English at MSU from 2004 until he retired in 2007, when he became Professor Emeritus of English. Polk was also editor of MSU’s scholarly journal, The Mississippi Quarterly and maintained his position after his retirement.

In addition, he was professor of English at the University of Southern Mississippi for 27 years Polk and served as editor of the USM arts journal, The Southern Ouarterly. Rich Raymond, head of the MSU Department of English, was a friend and colleague of Polk. He said in addition to all of Polk’s academic achievements, he was a great man and he will be missed. “Beyond all his academic achievements, Dr. Polk was a

kind man who gave generously of his resources and his time to MSU and Starkville, most notably in his leadership in the Starkville Reads program,” Raymond said. “We will miss him sorely.” Laura West, who worked with Polk on “The Mississippi Quarterly,” said he was passionate about his work and always generous with his time and knowledge to his collegues, students, fellow scholars, and friends. “Dr. Polk was wonderful to work with,” she said. “His passion for language and literature was evident in his teaching, writing and editing.”

Bulldog Bash 2012 lineup to be announced tonight in stadium ZACK ORSBORN | THE REFLECTOR


The 2012 Bulldog Bash lineup will be announced Friday evening before the Welcome Back to Davis Wade movie showing. To celebrate the return of football season and prepare for student ticket sales, the Student Association will be premiering The Hunger Games on the jumbotron of Davis Wade Stadium. The Welcome Back to Davis Wade program will start at 9 p.m. and gates will open at 8 p.m. The SA will announce the full concert lineup before the movie. Shelby Balius, SA president, said the selection process for acts for Bulldog Bash begins after the executive council is elected and


- Welcome back to David Wade @ 9 p.m. TONIGHT’S Gates open @ 8 p.m. SCHEDULE OF EVENTS - Volleyball Season Opener @ 7 p.m. free t-shirts to first 300 students cabinet members are appointed in mid-April . “From the point our cabinet is picked, we have our two Bulldog Bash co-directors and they start on the full list of artists they want to have,” Balius said. Balius also said potential bands chosen by the directors, bands with local ties and bands suggested by students are compiled into lists. Next, the SA sends the suggested artists’ names to their agent that helps with booking,


who is the same agent for Music Makers Productions. Once the student suggestion process is closed, the SA takes the near-300 submissions for 90-100 artists and submits them to for a list of prices of artists. This eliminates higher-priced artists and a list of quotes is sent back to the SA agent. One new feature to this year’s Bulldog Bash will be the opponent for this year’s Nov. 2 game. In collaboration with the

Texas A&M student body president, Balius said welcoming the Aggies to the SEC will be featured in this year’s schedule of events. “We’re going to kind of take that opportunity to welcome them into the SEC game weekend experience,” she said. “We’re going to invite them to the Dog Rally, and we’re going to see if they are interested in having their midnight yell. We’re going to offer that they come into the Cotton District to do it.” Balius said the camaraderie is to celebrate the traditions of both institutions and to welcome Texas A&M into the SEC family. Some features to last year’s event will remain the same such as the projector screen and VIP section next to the main stage during the concert.







FRIDAY , AUGUST 24, 2012

Calendar ampus

The Reflector Writing Workshop Aug. 25 1 to 3 p.m. McCool 100 Contact Hannah Rogers at 325-7905


ALCOHOL Bin 612 has seen an increase in sales and interest in these new craft beers, which Paul Brasfield, the store’s general manager, said he attributes to their trendiness. “People will say, ‘Oh, look at that Avita bottle; it’s so different.’ They’re trendy and cool,” he said. “ It’s already become a big trend out West and up North, and the Bible Belt is finally coming along. We can’t wait to see it grow.”

continued from 1 Brasfield said Bin 612 currently has eight different kinds of new craft beers in, and they plan to acquire more. Many of the bars are waiting to see which drinks returning students are interested in purchasing before choosing their stocks. Alan Burns, a graduate student studying public policy and administration, said he enjoys having more options

Poster Sale Aug. 24 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Colvard Student Union Dawg House

to choose from. “Every time one of my normal bars or restaurants advertises a new high-gravity beer, I definitely try it, within reason,” he said. “It hasn’t changed how much I buy, but it has changed what I buy. The opportunities for more breweries to start distributing their products here is a really interesting thing to see.”


African SA Art Gallery July 5 to Aug. 31 Colvard Student Union Art Gallery 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.

Student Football Ticket Sales Aug. 25 6 a.m. The Junction

Hunger Games screening in Davis Wade Aug. 24 Gates open at 8 p.m. Movie starts at 9 p.m.


Zachary Miller was arrested Tuesday for taking a 16-year-old from Florida to Starkville.

SPD finds British runaway, MSU student in custody BY EMMA CRAWFORD News Editor

According to a press release from the Starkville Police Department, 21-year-old Mississippi State University student, Zachary Miller, was arrested on Tuesday. He is being held on two felony charges and one misdemeanor charge from Florida. The charges include removing a minor from the state, interference with child custody and contributing to the dependency of a minor. Miller took Amy Turner, a 16-yeard-old British girl who was vacationing with her family in Polk County, Florida and brought her back to Starkville with him.

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SPD was contacted on Tuesday by authorities from the Polk County Sheriff ’s Office in Orlando, Florida. Polk County was seeking assistance from SPD in locating Turner and Miller. Officers from SPD found Miller and Turner at his residence at 516 Spruce Lane in Starkville and they were both taken into custody. Turner was held overnight in the Leflore County Juvenile Detention Center in Greenwood, MS and has since been reunited with her father. Miller is being held in Oktibbeha County Jail without bond and will be turned over to Florida authorities. This is an ongoing investigation.



FRIDAY , AUGUST 24, 2012

Honors College expands curriculum, brings opportunities for students core texts from around the world. The first course, which has three sections being taught this fall, focuses ancient texts through the Enlightenment. The Shackouls Honors College will The second course, which will be expand opportunities for students this se- taught in the spring, focuses on texts from mester through a new position and course the 18th century to the present. curriculum. Students who receive a grade of a C or Tommy Anderson, associate English higher in both courses will receive three professor, has been appointed the new humanities, three fine arts and three somentor to the Distinguished Scholars cial sciences credits. — a four-year scholarship program run Snyder; Jonathan Edelmann, assistant through the honors college — and distin- professor of religion and Nancy Hargrove, guished external scholarships. a William L. Giles Distinguished Profes“I am assigned with the task of mento- sor Emerita of English, will be teaching ring the Distinguished Scholars. I am also the courses this fall. (tasked) with maximizing their potential Edelmann said that the books, in some in their four years … encouraging them way, deal with the theme of an intellectuto see outside their discipline,” he said. al quest and expects the semester to be a “The idea is that education at MSU has success. to be transformative. It’s about providing “(Our first meeting) was a very good scholars with a transformative class. It is a very experience.” enthusiastic, bright I am excited about In addition to mentoring engaged working with honors and the Distinguished Scholars, (group of ) stustudents to try to Anderson will be available dents. I think it’s to all students — includgoing to be a lot of intoduce them to ing those not in the honors fun for everybody,” things they didn’t know he said. college — to discuss distinguished external scholarships, existed.” The class opens such as the Rhodes Scholarup the question ship. of what is benefiTommy Anderson, “I am excited about workcial, which will get ing with honors students Distinguished Scholars students thinking to try to introduce them to about the purpose mentor things they didn’t know existof study and life in ed,” he said. general, he said. Christopher Snyder, dean of the honors Hargrove, who retired four years ago college, said Anderson will provide a great and now has returned for the second benefit in his role because of his proven time, was asked to teach the third section skills as an adviser. of the Quest class when the first two filled “We’re very excited to have Dr. An- quickly. derson here in those roles and having “We’re kind of an experiment. We’re gostudents on campus working for external ing to see what works and what doesn’t,” scholarships,” he said. she said. “This is (Snyder’s) baby, his idea. He said he hopes more students will He gathered people from different areas express interest in applying for external and they all suggested various things we scholarships and have opportunities to should cover in the course.” gain global experience. Once students complete the course, In addition to Anderson’s appoint- Hargrove said they will have a well-roundment, the honors college has introduced ed, inter-disciplinary understanding of the new honors curriculum called Cursus the time period. Honorum (the path of honors). “There’s a lot of give and take and disDuring the first year, participants may cussion. I think the students will really take the Quest courses, which focus on love it. They’re all fascinating works. It’s BY HANNAH ROGERS Editor in Chief

going to be a fun course — challenging for the teachers as well as the students,” she said. Once students complete their first year, they will be asked to take interdisciplinary and discipline-specific honors courses. The discipline-specific courses include tutorials, where one to three students meet with a faculty member. Graduate courses can also count, Snyder said. The student must also do a for-credit study abroad experience, Snyder said. If they cannot complete a study abroad, a student can take an additional foreign language than what is required by their department or petition for an out-of-state research exercise to count. Students must also write and defend an honors thesis with the discipline determining the requirements. The student will chose a faculty member to be a supervisor who is an expert in the thesis topic. “The thesis supervisor will help determine what is appropriate. Our goal was to have (students) do master’s level work,” Snyder said. Students that have a senior project in their major may use a part of that to create their thesis, but it must be their own work and the supervisor will help shape the thesis. In addition to the supervisor, there will be a second reader who is in the discipline or a related area and a third reader who will either be Snyder or a representative from the honors college, which will help ensure consistency in the thesis requirements. “You can write and defend an honors thesis and going through that will make you a stronger candidate for grad school,” Snyder said. When defending the thesis, students can also network by involving people outside of the college. Students who came in before the new program, such as current seniors, will have the opportunity to graduate under the old phase one and two honors program. However, those who choose to participate in the new program will receive the Honors designation on transcripts and at graduation.




Sunday, August 19

• 12:15 a.m. A student was arrested on Hwy. 182 in Starkville for minor in possession of alcohol and a fake ID. • 9:08 a.m. A student found a cell phone and a piece of jewelry in the grass next to Dorman Hall. • 1:34 p.m. An employee reported damages to her vehicle while parked at the Kappa Alpha house. • 5:47 p.m. A student reported his license plate stolen off his motorcycle while parked at South Hall. • 9:30 p.m. A student was arrested on Maxwell Street for having an open container.

Monday, August 20

• 8:31 a.m. A student passed out in Allen Hall. Subject refused transport to OCH. • 8:45 p.m. A student reported being assaulted by another student outside of McKee Hall. Student referrals were issued. • 10:01 a.m. A student reported his bicycle stolen while parked behind McKee Hall. • 4:23 p.m. A student reported his bicycle stolen from bike rack in front of Perry Cafeteria.

Wednesday, August 22

• 1:15 a.m. A student was arrested on Blackjack Road for possession of marijuana in the vehicle. • 3:45 p.m. A student witnessed a hit and run in the parking lot of Sessums. • 4:42 p.m. A student reported she received harassing phone calls from her ex-boyfriend. • 5:53 p.m. A student reported he had attempt of fraud against his bank account.


• 40 citations were issued for speeding. • 4 citations were issued for disregard of a traffic device. • 3 citations were issued for obstructing traffic.


NEWS DESK @newsref lector



FRIDAY , AUGUST 24, 2012




theY Won’t cRY

Rent textbooks FRom AmAzon

sAve up to 70%


By John Galatas News Editor

Incoming freshmen to MSU are preparing to begin their collegiate career by getting involved with their residence halls. Department of Housing and Residence Life area coordinator Bre Hardy is optimistic about freshman involvement in the Department of Housing and Residence Life. “The purpose of Dawg Daze is essentially to get residents and students out and get involved into MSU and learn about MSU,” Hardy said. “To meet new people and enjoy their time before classes start, and even when classes do start so they can start their semester on the right foot.” Within the department and the Residence Hall Association, programmers have scheduled many events to kickoff the 2012 school year. The Housing Department along with RHA presented programs such as Pizza, Pool and Battleship in the Sanderson Center, Wacky, Wet and Wild Wednesday and the Grill on the Drill.

Below are the timeline of events that took place in the on campus shooting last semester. Shooting took place March 24, 2012 resulting in the death of John Sanderson. July 25, 2012 Duntae Harvey (of Flowood) pled not guilty and appointed Stephanie Mallette as public attorney. July 26 Trent Crump (of Flowood) pled not guilty and appointed Mark Williamson as public attorney. July 26 Mason Perry Jones (of Jackson) pled not guilty and appointed Pearson Liddell, Jr. as public attorney. Each trial is set for October 15, 2012 at 9:00 a.m. in Oktibbeha County circuit court.

The RHA board will host a Cribz contest this weekend, an introduction the Sanderson fitness center, a Habitat for Humanity event on Friday, and a rave Friday Sept. 7, before the Auburn game. Improvements to this year include an increased calendar of events, a greater support from the student body and the promotion of events from the RHA executive council. “One of the biggest things from last year I think was attendance to some to the events,” Hardy said. “(The board) took it upon themselves to promote our events in many different formats. They really promoted the events more and it proved to be very successful.” Hardy said over 600 students were in attendance to one Dawg Daze, and reported 500 attended Grill on the Drill. In addition to Dawg Daze, the Department of Housing and Residence Life will be accepting applications for the residence hall council. Students can apply in their residence hall for executive and activity positions.


Interested in writing for the Life Section? Come apply anytime on/after August 17th! Its a totes cool thing to do.

for the 2012-2013 school year. Interested students can pick up a application in the Henry Meyer Student Media Center next to the University Florist.

The Reflector will host a workshop for all students interested in writing for The Relfecor. The student newspaper is currenly seeking news, sports, opinion and lifestyle writers for the 2012-2013 school year.

Waltmon Frame & Body Shop • Auto Glass Replacement • Automotive Refinishing •Collision Repair •All Insurance Claims Welcome 1105 Stark Road Starkville, MS 39759 Phone 662-323-0516•Fax 662-323-0539

Textbooks cost $1137 on average saves about 90% (that’s $1,000 you just made)


“We do have hall council elections coming up,” Hardy said. “There will be an election process in each residence hall for positions that we have available which include presidency, vice presidency, treasurer and then activity representatives.” According to Hardy, members of RHA will be involved with events that executive council hosts as well as volunteer events and learning how to better improve their residence halls and how to improve future resident’s living experiences. According to area coordinator Dante Hill, residence halls will also play an intricate role in getting residents involived with intramural sports. “Housing has its own intramural league,” Hill said. “The halls can compete against each other and we’re looking forward to getting that started as well as getting people involved in the hall council. For more information on a full schedule of events, students are encouraged to visit for a full list of schedule information.

The Reflector is

Open Monday thru Friday 7:30 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.


Students gear up for Dawg Daze of summer


pinch YouR pennies

friday , august 24, 2012

Northside Church of Christ

Gospel Meeting Speaker Paul Earnhart 1200 North Montgomery Street August 26 to 31 Sunday 9:30 & 10:30 a.m. and 6 p.m. Monday through Friday at 7 p.m.



friday , august 24, 2012



FRIDAY , AUGUST 24, 2011



Students gear up for Romney picks running Dawg Daze of summer mate for 2012 presidential



By John Galatas News Editor

Incoming freshmen to MSU are preparing to begin their collegiate career by getting involved with their residence halls. Department of Housing and Residence Life area coordinator Bre Hardy is optimistic about freshman involvement in the Department of Housing and Residence Life. “The purpose of Dawg Daze is essentially to get residents and students out and get involved into MSU and learn about MSU,” Hardy said. “To meet new people and enjoy their time before classes start, and even when classes do start so they can start their semester on the right foot.” Within the department and the Residence Hall Association, programmers have scheduled many events to kickoff the 2012 school year. The Housing Department along with RHA presented programs such as Pizza, Pool and Battleship in the Sanderson Center, Wacky, Wet and Wild Wednesday and the Grill on the Drill.

Below are the timeline of events that took place in the on campus shooting last semester. Shooting took place March 24, 2012 resulting in the death of John Sanderson. July 25, 2012 Duntae Harvey (of Flowood) pled not guilty and appointed Stephanie Mallette as public attorney. July 26 Trent Crump (of Flowood) pled not guilty and appointed Mark Williamson as public attorney. July 26 Mason Perry Jones (of Jackson) pled not guilty and appointed Pearson Liddell, Jr. as public attorney. Each trial is set for October 15, 2012 at 9:00 a.m. in Oktibbeha County circuit court.

The RHA board will host a Cribz contest this weekend, an introduction the Sanderson fitness center, a Habitat for Humanity event on Friday, and a rave Friday Sept. 7, before the Auburn game. Improvements to this year include an increased calendar of events, a greater support from the student body and the promotion of events from the RHA executive council. “One of the biggest things from last year I think was attendance to some to the events,” Hardy said. “(The board) took it upon themselves to promote our events in many different formats. They really promoted the events more and it proved to be very successful.” Hardy said over 600 students were in attendance to one Dawg Daze, and reported 500 attended Grill on the Drill. In addition to Dawg Daze, the Department of Housing and Residence Life will be accepting applications for the residence hall council. Students can apply in their residence hall for executive and activity positions.

“We do have hall council elections coming up,” Hardy said. “There will be an election process in each residence hall for positions that we have available which include presidency, vice presidency, treasurer and then activity representatives.” According to Hardy, members of RHA will be involved with events that executive council hosts as well as volunteer events and learning how to better improve their residence halls and how to improve future resident’s living experiences. According to area coordinator Dante Hill, residence halls will also play an intricate role in getting residents involived with intramural sports. “Housing has its own intramural league,” Hill said. “The halls can compete against each other and we’re looking forward to getting that started as well as getting people involved in the hall council. For more information on a full schedule of events, students are encouraged to visit for a full list of schedule information.


Interested in writing for the Life Section? Come apply anytime on/after August 17th! Its a totes cool thing to do.


candidacy, Obama leads polls in his bid to seek reelection BY ALEX HOLLOWAY Staff Writer

Mitt Romney has been joined on the campaign by a new running mate, Wisconsin Representative Paul Ryan. The Wisconsin congressman was revealed to supporters at a Romney Campaign rally in Norfolk, Virginia, with the battleship USS Wisconsin serving as a backdrop. The pick by the Romney camp came at a time when some outsiders viewed his campaign as floundering after a prolonged summer offensive from the Obama campaign and after Romney’s own trip abroad to Europe and Israel produced several opportunities for his opponents at home to pounce on gaffes from the presidential candidate. Ryan is best known for his fiscal proposal, The Path to Prosperity (often called the Ryan Plan, Ryan Budget, or Ryan Roadmap), which seeks to balance the federal budget. It would, if passed, do this by making deep cuts to Medicare and Medicaid. The plan would move Medicare into the hands of private insurers through a program using government-issued vouchers as well.

It also plans to repeal the Affordable Care Act, more commonly known as Obamacare, and makes cuts to other areas of government spending. In addition, it calls for the tax rate of the top income brackets to be reduced, while closing loopholes in other areas of the tax code to make up for lost revenue. Rob Mellen, political science professor at Mississippi State University, said while picking Ryan may energize parts of the Republican base to get out and vote for Romney, it also presents an opportunity to energize Democrats and for them to try to tie the Ryan Plan to Romney, which could prove hurtful for the Presidential candidate. Mellen expects the choice to have little impact in Mississippi or other reliably-conservative deep south states. “For the South, and Mississippi in particular, yes, I think the selection of Ryan will energize some southern conservatives on Romney’s behalf,” Mellen said. “But... the South is not in play in the presidential contest. It is the Republican base these days and Romney does not have to visit or spend a dollar down here and he will win by double digits. Added enthusiasm here will not

translate to added enthusiasm in the battleground states of the Midwest and Florida.” REFLECTOR-ONLINE.COM While the Ryan choice may not make waves in the South, potential repercussions are being seen elsewhere. A CNN poll from August 16, five days after Ryan was added to the ticket, showed President Obama’s lead among registered voters down to 49 percent to Romney’s 45 percent, sufficient for them to move the state to the ‘toss up’ category. Obama won Wisconsin by 14 points in 2008. Similarly, a Public Policy Polling report released on August 21 showed Ryan had helped Romney to a narrow 49 percent to 48 percent lead over Obama in Wisconsin. Whether it’s a temporary bump, as usually happens after Vice Presidential picks are made, or the beginning of a lasting trend remains to be seen. Its effects on the race as a whole on a national level have still yet to be really seen. However, if Ryan can help Romney narrow the gap in some Midwest states that have, to this point, been considered ‘safe’ for President Obama, the pick may prove worth the risk.

The Reflector is

for the 2012-2013 school year. Interested students can pick up a application in the Henry Meyer Student Media Center next to the University Florist.

The Reflector will host a workshop for all students interested in writing for The Relfecor. The student newspaper is currenly seeking news, sports, opinion and lifestyle writers for the 2012-2013 school year.

Waltmon Frame & Body Shop Open Monday thru Friday 7:30 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.

• Auto Glass Replacement • Automotive Refinishing •Collision Repair •All Insurance Claims Welcome 1105 Stark Road Starkville, MS 39759 Phone 662-323-0516•Fax 662-323-0539

Textbooks cost $1137 on average saves about 90% (that’s $1,000 you just made)

Northside Church of Christ

Gospel Meeting Speaker Paul Earnhart 1200 North Montgomery Street August 26 to 31 Sunday 9:30 & 10:30 a.m. and 6 p.m. Monday through Friday at 7 p.m.

CHI OMEGA WELCOMES... Garraway Anderson Catherine Archer Evan Badley Shelby Barham Peyton Bergwall Allison Berler Christina Bostick Olivia Bratcher Catherine Case Kelsey Case Logan Chaney Georgia Clarke Katy Coleman Morgan Crowley Stephanie Cunningham Molly Dallas Mary Catherine Farrar Keelyn Frey Ana Katelyn Habig Logan Hall Haley Hardman Michelle Harris Hannah Hautle Claire Hays Shelby Hedgepeth Lexie Hill Mary Mitchell Hill Hannah Hoggard Shelby Howell Gracie Irby Lauren Iupe Emily Johnson Colby Jordan Emma Jumper Walker Kimes Caitlin King Laura Beth Knight Olivia Knox Katy Learned Meredith Loper Amy Louvier Elizabeth Lucas Morgan Lyle Jean Marie Mabry

Anna Kate Mansfield Caroline Martin Dana Marx Madison McCaskill Abby McKibben Maggie Meador Ann Merritt Moore Denton Morgan Erin Morgan MaCall Morgan Layne Moritz Paige Morris Jennifer Morrison Margaret Nance Sarah O’Quinn Kathryn Owen Kaitlin Parker Katelyn Pickens Mallory Pitts Paige Rainer McKinley Ranager Ramsey Rankin Mary Linda Remley Chrissy Risher Caroline Ritter Hallye Rodgers Victoria Russell Audrey Sanderson Mallory Schmidt Elizabeth Scott Erin Stenmark Hannah Stimson Sarah Story Delaney Taylor Kelli-Anne Terrell Addie Tomlin Lacy Trelles Kaylie Warren Grace Wegener Tori Wilson Terah Winborne Abby Winstead Olivia Worthy

We Love Our New “Hooties:


Balius Dan Mullen’s football team isn’t the only MSU bunch taking on a top-10 team this week. After cruising to the championship in the MCM Elegante’ Invitational last weekend in Beaumont, Texas, Jenny Hazelwood’s volleyball Bulldogs begin Southeastern Conference play tonight against No. 7 Florida. The Bulldogs (5-4) defeated Baylor and University of Texas-El Paso last weekend, but this weekend’s opponents of Florida and South Carolina will provide much tougher competition Hazelwood said. “Florida is a very big, very physical opponent,” Hazelwood said. “Obviously a talented team. We’re gonna be able to do some things that can help us. We know where they struggle a little bit and we’ll try to take advantage of those areas. Some of those are things we’re good at.” One of the keys to the Bulldogs’ successful weekend was the play of senior outside hitter Caitlin Rance, who was named tournament MVP and nominated for national player of the week by Collegiate Volleyball Update. The Kingwood, TX native racked up 65 kills, 25 digs and eight blocks over the weekend. Hazelwood said it’s no secret they try to set Rance up for kills, but she still finds a way to put up big numbers, and is hoping she does more of the same this weekend. “You put up numbers like she did this weekend and you’re doing great things, not just ‘oh, that’s really good,’” Hazelwood said. “It’s really impressive … She

continued from 1 was just really, really good.” The Lady Bulldogs struggled early in the season, dropping four of their first five matches in 2011. Since then, MSU has won four consecutive matches, three of which came last weekend. Now as MSU prepares for two months of SEC competition, Rance believes the team is starting to hit its stride, but will have to do better if they want to compete with highly-ranked teams such as Florida. “It was awesome winning this weekend, but we know that the SEC is only going to get more competitive and harder,” Rance said. “We know that we have to step up our level of play. We’re feeding off of this weekend, but we know we have to do better.” Freshman middle blocker Lainey Wyman will be getting her first taste of SEC competition this weekend, but it will come against a familiar opponent for the Joliet, Il native. Wyman played high school volleyball at Joliet Catholic Academy with reigning SEC Player of the Year Kelly Murphy, who anchors Florida’s right side. Wyman has been able to make an immediate impact for MSU as she leads all SEC freshmen in blocks with 41, and her average of 1.21 blocks per set is second in the league. Hazelwood praised Wyman’s ability to remain calm under pressure, something Wyman will be looking to do again this weekend. “I’m not nervous, I’m excited,” Wyman said of facing a top-10 opponent. “I think it’ll be fun. It’ll be a lot quicker and a lot harder

than the tournaments, but I’m ready.” Although Wyman has made an impact in her first year on campus, Hazelwood said she still has plenty of room to grow. “Not much has phased her, so that’s allowed her to just go out there and play,” Hazelwood said. “She has things that she can get a lot better at and she’s still doing really well. Once we can work on those things with her I think she’s going to be even more amazing.” Hazelwood expects Sunday’s matchup against South Carolina to be a defensive one as the Gamecocks lead the SEC in digs. In comparison, she also added that South Carolina is a little bit smaller than Florida. The Volleyball Bulldogs have had to make some slight adjustments to their schedules this week with the home Thursday night football game. The Newell-Grissom parking lot was cleared Wednesday night to accompany the fireworks for the Cowbell Yell pep rally. Hazelwood said it’s also been tough to fit the team’s study hall hours in. However, even with all the distractions on campus this week, she believes her team will be in the right mindset when they take on Florida tonight. “I’ve seen more focus in them when it comes to volleyball than I’ve seen since they’ve been here,” Hazelwood said. “They’re very tuned in to what a big match we have Friday night. When it’s gameday, I think it’s going to be all gameday for them.”


The Reflector Call 325-7907



CALL 325-7907



friday , august 24, 2012


Arrested Sept. 13, 2010, for carrying a firearm on campus and possession of a weapon on school property. Pled not guilty Feb. 4, 2011. Circuit Court date set for May 4, 2011. Released on $5,000 bond. Trial moved to Oct. 31, 2011, to interview witnesses. Hill requested the case be thrown out after statute of limitations Nov. 2, 2011. Trial held in May 2012. Guilty as charged; 3 years to be spent in MDOC and fined $1,200 and court fines. May 7, 2012 appealed to Supreme Court of Mississippi. Supreme Court is currently waiting for transcripts to hear appeal.





august 24 , 2012



Student press deserves protection, freedom


n Aug. 15, the top editors and other student journalists of the University of Georgia’s independent student newspaper The Red and Black left their jobs after viewing a draft memo by their board. This memo suggested professional staff would have more control over what stories the students should or should not cover. This memo also alluded to implementing prior review of the student newspaper. Prior review means someone in an executive position reads over the material before it is published. The former staff of The Red and Black created The Red and Dead and continued to publish news online. By Aug. 17, the board met the requests of the student newspaper and eventually rehired Polina Marinova, editor in chief, as well as the managing editor. While the board sorted out this “misunderstanding,” the students proved to the nation they understood ethical journalism better than the board members who tried to control them. One of the points of the draft memo was a balance of good and bad content, with a note saying, “If in question, have more good than bad.” Ethical journalism isn’t about making content look good and straying away from things that look bad. The responsibility of a journalist is to seek the truth and report it. Marinova wrote concerns in her statement announcing her resignation. “Recently, editors have felt pressure to assign stories they didn’t agree with, take ‘grip and grin’ photos and compromise the design of the paper. But what’s most alarming to me is that there was no input from The Red and Black student staff about any of these changes.” According to The Atlanta-Journal Constitution, Marinova said during the process of working with the board: “They met all the key points we asked for,” she said. “… we found out they’re willing to listen to us. They allowed the student voice to be heard.” The things the student editors of The Red and Black asked for of the publication board were nothing short of what we, as student editors, have here at The Reflector. The content of The Reflector comes directly from students--from the articles written to the design of the advertisements to the graphics and everything in between. The last pair of eyes to see this paper before it goes into print are those of our fellow student and Editor in Chief Hannah Rogers; not a hired professional. Our adviser, Frances McDavid, is a wonderful mentor to us and teaches us how to be better journalists, but she does not have the final say. The board’s attempt to control the student newspaper violated their rights as student journalists as well as their First Amendment rights. A student-run newspaper is a learning experience. We, as student journalists, have as much of a right to free speech as any other citizen of this country. The value of having our freedom to run this student newspaper on our own is the chance to make mistakes and learn from them. With that responsibility and opportunity, we will leave The Reflector with valuable experience to benefit ourselves in our future careers. Both The Red and Black and The Reflector staff have the responsibility to create an ethical, correct and professional newspaper that serves the university. Prior review defeats the purpose of a student newspaper. We learn by doing, and when things go wrong, we take responsibility for our actions. The unity of the The Red and Black staff during all of this turmoil was very encouraging to see. Passion is at the core of student journalism, and student editors coming together and working with each other instead of against spoke volumes of the character of the staff. We, as The Reflector staff, hope to continue to possess passion for our jobs and cherish the unity of our staff members.


The Reflector editorial board is made up of opinion editor Mary Chase Breedlove, news editor Emma Crawford, campus news editor John Galatas, sports editor Kristen Spink, entertainment editor Zack Orsborn, photo editor Jay Johnson, copy editors Rachel Burke and Candace Barnette multimedia editor Eric Evans, managing editor Kaitlyn Byrne and Editor in Chief Hannah Rogers. The

Reflector Editor in Chief Hannah Rogers Managing Editor Kaitlyn Byrne

Chief Designer Zack Orsborn

Multimedia Editor Eric Evans

Life Editor Zack Orsborn

Sports Editor Kristen Spink Copy Editor Candace Barnette

Photography Editor Jay Johnson

EDITORIAL POLICY The Reflector is the official student newspaper of Mississippi State University. Content is determined solely by the student editorial staff. The contents of The Reflector have not been approved by Mississippi State University.


The Reflector staff strives to maintain the integrity of this paper through accurate and honest reporting. If we publish an error we will correct it. To report an error, call 325-7905.

News Editor Emma Crawford Campus News Editor John Galatas Opinion Editor Mary Chase Breedlove Copy Editor Rachel Burke


Letters to the editor should be sent to the Meyer Student Media Center or mailed to The Reflector, PO Box 5407, Mississippi State, MS. Letters may also be emailed to Letters must include name and telephone number for verification purposes. The editor reserves the right to edit or refuse to publish a letter. You can contact The Reflector at 325-7905.


the voice of MSU students

Informed opinions matter



have thought for a very 2012 presidential election sealong time about what to son is in full swing and Nosay in my first article of my vember isn’t too far away. I beg last year at this beloved univer- you all: do not be ignorant or sity. After tossing around ideas, apathetic during this time. I was struck heavily with inEven if you’re one of those spiration during The Drill. As people who hate politics, dive professor Whit Wade preached in anyway. Be aware. Research to the multitudes, evoking both presidential candidates Bulldog spirit and decide from the souls which one attending college of the spectayou believe shows the world tors, one of his will run the five points gave you are seeking a country bestme the eure-that means higher education. t h i n k i n g ka moment I would like to Take advantage of about current share with you, situations and that assumption.” future changdear readers. Have an ines that could formed opinion. This is a sim- affect you one day. ple, powerful concept. AttendDecisions made now will ing college shows the world affect your future, and not caryou are seeking a higher edu- ing about them simply isn’t an cation. Take advantage of that option. Make an informed deassumption. cision on your own. This is a crucial time for us I often become very frustratas young adults. Each of you ed when I open my Facebook are old enough to vote, some account and see picture after perhaps for the first time. The picture of some sort of polit-

she is accomplishing with her posts and opinions is polluting my Facebook and pissing a lot of people off. Don’t be that person. I want each of you to have a well-informed, educated opinion about the world. Some final advice I’d like to leave you all with is to watch the news. I certainly encourage each of you to read the news online and read newspapers (good job!), but devote time during your day to actually watch the news. Watch multiple stations. Even if you hate CNN with a burning passion, follow up with their stories. Have an informed opinion. If it differs from others, and it will, so be it. Respect them and move on. Frustration and bashing of others often comes from not understanding. Be informed, and have a wonderful journey as you grow up and become an outstanding, well-rounded and educated person.

MARY CHASE BREEDLOVE Mary Chase Breedlove is the opinion editor for The Reflector. She can be contacted at opinion@reflector.msstate. edu. ical agenda an acquaintance of mine constantly posts. I think what burns me most about them is not the content, though I do disagree with 99.9% of what she says, but the fact that I know she has no idea what she’s talking about. She is spouting off the beliefs of her friends, family and peers. If you disagree with her in the slightest, she starts an argument. By rooting herself in a terribly narrow-minded environment, the only thing


Starlets suffer double standard


hile surfing the Internet, I happened upon a trailer for a new movie called “Frozen Ground”, a film starring Nicolas Cage as a cop, John Cusack as a murderer and Vanessa Hudgens as a stripper. It’s well-tread ground and the trailer seems to allude to a generic thriller, but what really caught my eye was Vanessa Hudgens portraying a scantily-clad dancer. Partly because I didn’t think she had even acted since “High School Musical”, and partly because last time I had seen her on film, she was wearing substantially more clothing. Seeing this career move is really not surprising to see from the likes of a starlet like Vanessa. Unlike their male counterparts, female actresseshave a shorter shelf life. With few exceptions (looking at you, Meryl Streep), most young actresses really only have a good 10 to 15 years of prime acting time. Rachel McAdams is famous for movies such as “The Notebook” and “The Vow” (romance leads!) whereas Emma Stone tends to pick lead roles more suited for her comedic timing and inherent likeability, like “Easy A” and “The Amazing Spider-man.” The thing is, no matter how

many hits a starlet has, the chances of being given bit parts, such as a lead character’s mom, increases substantially over time and seems to accelerate once an actress reaches middle age. At 50, there are very few actresses landing big roles anymore. Shoot, the only actresses I can even think of off the top of my head are Helen Mirren and Demi Moore—which is rather pa-

Unlike their male counterparts, female actresses have a shorter shelf-life. Most young actress really only have a good 10 to 15 years.”

thetic, considering most only know Demi from her marriage to Ashton Kutcher. Although, in this age, movies like “Bridesmaids” and “Haywire” are helping unconventional actresses land bigger roles, there still remains a double standard that is alive and well at the movies. While most male actors can be old, homely or overweight (George Clooney, John C. Reilly and Will Ferrell respectively) with female actresses it’s an entirely different game. Look at “Knocked Up”; what is the

CLAIRE MOSELY Claire Mosley is a sophomore majoring in accounting She can be contacted at opinion@ chance someone such as Seth Rogen would end up with someone like Katherine Heigl? Probably about the same as Willie from “Duck Dynasty” getting elected as president. But judging by the state of American voters, that really wouldn’t be a huge surprise. Because their shelf life is so short and because there are so many actresses gunning the same roles, many young actresses are desperate to differentiate themselves, to somehow extend their shelf life away from romantic comedy leads (which, for the most part, are easily replaceable) and try to broaden their horizons to include movies with darker tones or more serious subject matter. For many young actresses, the fastest way to avoid being typecast as “romance interest” or “the girl” is to shed the clothing.

A great example of this can be seen in actress Anne Hathaway. Remember when Anne Hathaway was in films such as “The Princess Diaries” and “Ella Enchanted”? Neither do I, but the point is that to avoid being typecast, Hathaway took a controversial role in “Brokeback Mountain” that required her to shed some clothing. From then on, movies such as “Love and Other Drugs” and “Rachel Getting Married” have helped her land the big ol’ money-making roles such as Catwoman in the “The Dark Knight Rises” and Fantine in the upcoming “Les Misérables.” Hathaway’s star is shining bright right now, and it will be interesting to see if she can achieve something similar to Meryl Streep’s success, a task that regrettably few accomplished. One doesn’t want to scare away one’s audience—at the risk of losing them entirely—but one cannot remain stagnant and be successful either. The name of the game is not only to land the big roles, but to become irreplaceable--something that, for female actresses, is increasingly hard to achieve.


Blue skies more complicated than color Science is the most useful Lord Rayleigh determined mental practice known to the reason the sky is blue is man; it allows anyone and because photons of particular everyone with enough time wavelengths scatter off partiand effort to discover the an- cles in the atmosphere (or any swer to just about any prac- other solid, liquid or gas) detical question. One example pending on certain properties of this is many people may of the molecules. ask is, “why is the sky blue?” Lord Rayleigh misattributThe sky is in fact clear, made ed the effect to water molemostly of nitrogen, oxygen cules and haze, but according and argon gasses, all of which to Phillip Gibbs, “the case was are transparent. But there is finally settled by Einstein” in some phenomenon respon- 1911 when he correctly detersible for the blueness we see mined the effect is caused by during the daytime and other the very oxygen and nitrogen colors at sungas molerise and suncules in the The sky is in fact set. If you find atmosphere, clear, made mostly of not humidyourself in the camp of people nitrogen, oxygen and ity or smog. inquisitively The effect argon gasses, all of itself is comscratching their which are transpar- plex mathheads, do not be ashamed-ematically. ent. you are in good According company with to Philip the rest of humanity, as every- Gibbs at the Deutsches Elekone was wrong until Albert tronen-Synchrotron partiEinstein figured it out. cle accelerator in Germany, According to nobelprize. whenever short light waves org, Lord Rayleigh was a Brit- (violet and blue) from the sun ish physicist and winner of hit an oxygen or nitrogen molthe 1904 Nobel Prize in phys- ecule, they interact with the ics for discovering the element molecule by being absorbed argon. He also discovered a by the electrons that orbit the type of light scattering that nuclei. These energized elechas been named after him. trons then promptly radiate

CAMERON CLARKE Cameron Clarke is a sophomore majoring in physics. He can be contacted at their gained energy again at the same wavelength that was absorbed, but in a random direction, just like the energized electrons in the filament of a light bulb. This is different than light reflecting off solid objects as the light actually permeates through the substance, continuously reradiating outwards. After passing through enough of the atmosphere the effect redirects in your direction a significant amount of shorter wavelength light, blue sunlight not originally intended for your eye. According to the website, the sun is white when seen from space, and when seen through Earth’s atmosphere at noon, some of the shorter wavelengths are scattered, leaving

the sun tinted slightly yellow and the rest of the sky blue. As the sun proceeds to set, light has to travel farther through the atmosphere before hitting the ground, allowing the longer, redder wavelengths to also have a chance to scatter and be seen. Only the longest and reddest waves are still impervious to Rayleigh scattering right up until the sun sets beyond the horizon in a blaze of fire. So next time you look up at the blue sky, wonder no more; Einstein (with help) has solved for us the question which plagued scientists for centuries. Using the scientific method, building on previous theories and subjecting the models to experiment has provided us with a working understanding of something as basic and complex as the color of the daytime sky. Science is not only useful for making discoveries about the sky, colors or the stars, but it also helps us to understand ourselves, history, and all the technology we take for granted every day. Hopefully, the importance of the wonderful world of scientific discovery is a little clearer now.


10 | FRIDAY , AUGUST 24 , 2012



BULLETIN BOARD CLASSIFIEDS POLICY The deadline for Tuesday’s paper is 3 p.m. Thursday; the deadline for Friday’s paper is 3 p.m. Tuesday. Classifieds are $5 per issue. Student and staff ads are $3 per issue, pre-paid. Lost and found: found items can be listed for free; lost items are listed for standard ad cost. FOR RENT Starting in September: 2 bedroom, 1.5 bath apartment for rent. Quiet complex on South Montgomery Street. Grad students, professionals and families. Call 662-312-4722. HELP WANTED Bartending. Up to $300 / day. No experience necessary. Training available. Call 800-965-6520 ext. 213. Student brand ambassadors wanted to promote new collegiate custom apparel products. Promote your school’s officially licensed apparel, help us grow,

build your resume and earn commission. Send resume to Experienced servers and bartenders needed for Grumpy’s restaurant. Apply in person after 2 p.m. until 3 p.m. Monday through Friday. No phone calls please. 105 Dr. MLK Jr. Drive. CLUB INFO The deadline for Tuesday’s paper is 3 p.m. Thursday; deadline for Friday’s paper is 3 p.m. Tuesday. MSU student organizations may place free announcements in Club Info. Information may be submitted by email to club_info@reflector. with the subject heading “CLUB INFO,” or a form may be completed at The Reflector office in the Student Media Center. A contact name, phone number and requested run dates must be included for club info to appear in The Reflector. All submissions are subject to

exemption according to space availability. LADIES SOCIAL CIRCLE Recruitment for the fall semester will be Sept. 10, 11 and 12 in McCool 202 at 7 p.m. Come join us for fun, food and fellowship. MSU PRAISE MSU Praise Audition No. 2 on Aug. 24 from 6 to 8 p.m. in the Fowlkes Auditorium in Colvard Student Union. Please call for more information. WESLEY FOUNDATION A night of worship with Shane and Shane on August 28 at 8 p.m. at the Wesley Foundation. Doors open at 7:30 p.m. Free concert as space allows. WESLEY FOUNDATION Insight Bible study and worship on Tuesdays at 8 p.m. at the Wesley Foundation Worship Center on East Lee. Boulevard next to Campus Book Mart.




Summer 2012 was a hot one. With the highest temperatures recorded in history, people had to find entertaining ways to stay out of the blistering sun, like going to the movies, driving around listening to music or staying at home to watch the Summer Olympics. The Reflector staff has picked their most favorite moments of summer, as well what we think missed the mark. — SPOILER WARNING!



McCool 100 @ 1-3 p.m. SATURDAY, AUG. 25

FRIDAY, AUGUST 24, 2012 | 11



After “Lost” ended in 2010, I have been unable to completely let go (which, if you’ve watched the series finale, you probably find slightly ironic). In an attempt to fill the void, I’ve watched many projects that feature someone who has worked on the show, whether a writer, actor or producer. It was for this reason I begged a group of friends to take time out of their day while we were in England to go see “Prometheus.” That’s how convinced I was about how good it would be, simply for the reason that former “Lost” co-creator Damon Lindelof was one of the writers. At this moment in time, let me publically apologize to the people I took with me on this misadventure and state I was wrong.

Described as a semi-prequel to “Alien,” Ridley Scott’s “Prometheus” has elements of the original series and, yes, “Lost.” However, the Alienness of the movie prevents it from reaching its own potential as a standalone, and what worked for “Lost” absolutely destroys the film. Specifically, unsolved mysteries that fueled “Lost” — mainly because of how they affected the characters I grew to love so deeply — felt frustrating in this summer sci-fi flick. And it’s not like any of the characters were worth rooting for or complex. Add a really awful, graphic scene that left me catatonic for the rest of the movie, and, well, I would have been better off doing anything else. Anything.


There were so many inspiring stories in this year’s Olympics. South American Oscar Pistorius became the first athlete with two prosthetic legs to compete in the Olympics against able-bodied runners. American sprinter Bryshon Nellum was shot in both legs just four years ago and overcame numerous surgeries to compete in London. Saudi Arabia had two women compete for the first time ever. All of these were great stories of great people whose hard work paid off in a trip to London. Then there were the simply incredible performances: Usian Bolt becoming the first person to win two gold medals in consecutive Olympics (that guy is a pure beast.) Gabby Douglas, who became the first


African-American to win gold in the individual all-around in gymnastics. McKayla Maroney, who — even though she fell on the vault and earned the silver medal — is still the best vaulter in the world and lots of fun to watch. All of the American swimmers from Michael Phelps to Ryan Lochte to Natalie Coughlin and Missy Franklin. The United States women’s soccer team redeemed themselves from a defeat in the 2011 World Cup by defeating Japan for the gold medal in London. But, although these are all insanely amazing athletes and performances, I have to say the best of the best are Misty May-Treanor and Kerri Walsh Jennings. Misty and Kerri are undefeated in their

Olympic history, which includes three gold medals and a 21-0 record. They had not lost a set in the Olympics until this year, but I would say 42-1 in sets is not too shabby. Kerri was coming off having two kids and Misty made a late decision to play in the Olympics after injuring her Achilles while participating in “Dancing with the Stars.” Beach volleyball is very difficult to play, and one announcer said the sand was the deepest it had ever been this year. Those two cover the sand better than anyone I have ever seen and are just purely clutch under pressure. The duo simply cannot be beaten, which earns them the title of Best of the Best: 2012 Olympics.

Walk the Line or

Do the Time. New Evening Parking Permit

All shuttles now operate Monday through Friday from 7:00 a.m. until 6:00 p.m Two new shuttles routes have been added

Scales Park and Ride

This allows faculty, staff and students to park their vehicles at the Scales/Recplex area, located on Stone Boulevard near the Vet School, and ride the shuttle to campus. The parking permit for this lot is half the cost of a regular permit and will be $58.00 for the year (prorated monthly).

Sportsplex Park and Ride

If you’re out partying and on the road, remember that city, county and highway law enforcement are out, too. If you’re stopped, you’d better be stone cold sober, or have a designated driver who is. Just Drive Sober, and you won’t have to worry when they ask you to Walk That Line. Visit us on facebook

This allows faculty, staff, and students the option to park at the Starkville Sportsplex located on Lynn Lane at no cost. There is no permit needed to park at the Starkville Sportsplex. Faculty, staff, and students will be allowed to ride the shuttle to campus.

This permit is intended for the faculty, staff and students who come to campus in the evenings. The permit will be $8.00 for the year and will only be valid on campus after 5:00 p.m. It will allow faculty, staff, and students to park in any valid space that is not Reserved, Service, Handicap or Exclusive Service.

Bully Bike Rental Program

Need a bike to ride on campus, but don't want to purchase one? The MSU Bully Bike Rental Program is available for you to rent on a first come, first serve basis (based upon availability). Parking Services also has complimentary bicycle helmets available while supplies last. Parking Services

412 East Lee Blvd.


Transit Services

95 Buckner Lane





friday , august 24, 2012





Oscar Pistorius has no legs. Even more notable is the fact he is the fastest person in the world with that description. Still more notable is the fact he competed in the Olympics this year against men who have both of their legs. So the conclusion here is determination plus science equals a historical showing on the world’s greatest stage. Pistorius’s cheetah flex foot prosthetics are a scientific marvel made of carbon fiber and fueled by pure passion that helped him become the Olympics’ first amputee runner. Science was also responsible for helping our curiosity reach new heights. After a seven-month journey, the Mars rover Curiosity finally landed on the surface of the red planet. Outfitted with mineral analyzing and lasers, the rover is about three weeks into its journey, and nerds everywhere are hanging on its every sniff and desktop-worthy self portrait. Here’s to the discovery of life on mars or what everyone really wants...transformers.


When you think of your favorite part of summer, what comes to mind? Walking out the door on your last day of class? Beautiful rendezvous with your significant other? Getting your tan on poolside among friends whilst “Call Me Maybe” serenades your ears from a nearby boom box? NO. “THE AVENGERS” MOVIE IS WHAT COMES TO YOUR MIND AND BLOWS EVERYTHING ELSE RIGHT OUT OF THE WATER. It was a film built up in our hearts since “The Incredible Hulk” debut in 2008, and boy, was it worth the wait. “What makes this movie so fantastic?” some poor soul might ask. Here, naive creature, let me count you the ways. First, “The Avengers” was an action movie through and through. From the very beginning, we didn’t waste time lollygagging around dealing with characters’ personal dilemmas. We dove right into the heart of things. Second, graphics. This was not some piddling little low-budget film. Marvel knew this


tears as he blamed himself for his team’s meltdown. Great job getting to London, male gymnasts, but don’t forget your talent next time you come. I hate being harsh on these athletes because I can only imagine how tough it is to qualify for the Olympics (much less perform well once you are there with millions watching) but there has to be a worst, and unfortunately these male gymnasts performed just badly enough to earn this spot.

movie was going to be huge, and they couldn’t let any scene disappoint. Whether it was Loki sucking some poor sap’s soul with his scepter, the flight of the most epic ship/plane in existence or the final battle, this movie kept you right on the edge of your seat because of quality and attention to detail. Third, despite the action and intensity, there were small bits of hilarity riddled throughout the entire movie. This was probably just to keep your heart from exploding right out of your chest. Finally, the cast was spectacular. Try and pretend you don’t think every sarcastic quip out of Tony Stark’s mouth is hilarious. Or you don’t ache for the entire life Captain America had to leave behind. Act like you aren’t cheering for Thor to make Asgard proud. And I dare you to say your heart did not go out to Bruce Banner when he turned to face the enemy and said, “That’s my secret, Captain. I’m always angry.” In short, “The Avengers” was the reason your summer was the greatest yet, and it is your duty as an American to ensure all of your friends view this movie immediately.

courtesy photo | warner bros.



“The Campaign” hits the “worst” list not because it is a terrible movie, but because it failed to be as epic as promised. Will Ferrell and Zach Galifianakis are two of my all-time favorite actors, but their talents went unappreciated in this goofy comedy. Will plays his generic role of stupid and incompetent while Zack takes on a role as a humble family man who gets twisted into the crazy world of politics. While almost every aspect of the film was hilarious, most were predictable because the movie trailers spoiled the best parts. In addition to predictable comedy, the film consisted of abundant amounts of crude language and behavior (most of which was just over the top). The foul language is something I am normally fond of, but it failed to strike a cord with the audience. Overall, the movie brought me a good laugh and I did enjoy it; however, I don’t feel like the plot was original. The comedy was just too generic for this film to wow the critics.

“What’s in Your Playlist?” is an entertainment feature open to all students, faculty and staff. Submit your playlist at life@reflector.


Come In Today to Check Us Out!



I spent the summer of 2012 driving a Ryder truck across the eastern seaboard and directing a children’s camp for 11 weeks. While it was the best job ever, I really didn’t have a clue what was going on in the “real world.” One of the few glances into life outside of camp I experienced was listening to Maroon 5’s album “Overexposed” while driving down a mountain in Maryland. My assistant director purchased this album for us to enjoy during our trips to Walmart and the post office. It was released on July 17, and I’m assuming everyone has heard their first single from the album, “Payphone.” “Overexposed” is completely different music from the band’s earlier work. Maroon 5 took a sharp turn in the direction of a pop genre instead of riding the fence of alternative/rock with this album. However, whether you like him or not, there is no mistaking Adam Levine is the lead singer




There has been a recent flood of brand new drool-worthy, pixel-pumping moment catchers. Mirrorless cameras are attracting new hobbyists. They are light, fun to use and have a surprising amount of power packed into a modest package. Entry-level DSLRs are getting features that don’t seem quite so entry level. Canon’s newest Rebel boasts a very competent touch interface and a brilliantly refined autofocus system. The pros have a lot to clamor over as well. Canon’s third installment of arguably one of the most recognizable DSLRs ever (5d Mark II) has put on a real show by stealing the hearts of reviewers everywhere... again. The new Mark III eats darkness and can now keep up with action stills as well. Nikon, which

with one of the most unique voices I’ve ever heard. His falsetto is out of control. The overall theme I interpreted from this album was heartbreak. I think the word “tears” is mentioned in almost every song. “Overexposed” definitely has a sugary-pop music feel to it, but at the same time, there’s an edge with catchy beats and racy lyrics. My favorite song from the album is their latest release “One More Night.” The musical progression is catchy, and it’s one of those songs I don’t mind having stuck in my head. My least favorite song is “Sad.” The lyrics were underwhelming, and it felt like a stereotypical piano ballad on an album jam-packed with techno and driving, upbeat songs. Overall, I liked it. I’m sure we’ll hear more songs from “Overexposed” on the radio soon.

may have let down some fans with its rather bland D4 update, cut no corners when stuffing 36 megapixels in its salami knife sharp D800, which makes me want to print wall-sized images of my face to hand out to my friends and strangers. But wait, there’s more? Most of the aforementioned cameras have shimmied past another sibling on the price tree, which makes decisions a little harder. It also makes the world’s second best portrait camera (5d mark II) a little more affordable. On the editing front, C6 has chopped a million steps out of object manipulation with its new content aware tool and Lightroom 4 is an editing Ferrari, clean and zippy. Go buy a camera. Then we can go on photo adventures together. - Make Lunch Fun Lunch & Bowl Only $8.95

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think your playlist should be here? email us at liFe@ reFlector. and show us why.


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1. "Good Vibrations," by Marky Mark & The Funky Bunch 2. "Got To Give It Up (Part One)," by Marvin Gaye 3. "Shining Star," by Earth, Wind & Fire 4. "Dancing on the Ceiling," by Lionel Richie 5. "2012," by The Flaming Lips ft. Ke$ha 6. "Flowers In Your Hair," by The Lumineers 7. "Work Hard, Play Hard," by Wiz Khalifa 8. "My Homies Still," by Lil’ Wayne 9. "We Are Never Ever Getting Back Together," Taylor Swift 10. "Titanium," by David Guetta ft. Sia 11. “Baby Come Home” by Scissor Sisters 12. “Let’s Stay Together,” by Al Green

Here are some tunes that The Reflector staff play around the office during production hours.

Emma Crawford’s quest for the well-dressed on campus



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where people have perfect hair after just waking up and first dates consist of private concerts by country music legends. For two hours every Monday night, “The Bachelorette” allowed us to bear witness to dates we will never be able to afford, guys we will never be able to attract and problems we will never have to face (Let’s be honest here. What are the chances 20 guys are going to fight for your hand in marriage all at once?). “The Bachelorette” provided a much-needed dose of romance, love and relationship conflict during a long, deserted-Starkville summer, a time when many of our own love lives were somewhat nonexistent. For that alone, I think the show deserves an Emmy. And hey, at least the relationships on “The Bachelorette” are more legitimate than Kim Kardashian’s marriage to Kris Humphries. ZACK ORSBORN That has to count for something, right? I’ll be the first to tell you: I’m not a girl. I will never experience the hardships of a woman because… well, I’m a man. However, I think girls are the coolest creatures to walk the earth because most of my friends haphands up and point ridicu- we not adore Missy Frankpen to be female. lously to the driver next to lin and her cohorts lip-syncThey are complex beings with a multitude of them at the stoplight and ing? It made the song even emotions that no one will ever figure out. ask them playfully to “call more popular, maybe even What the creator of “Girls” (Lena Dunham) on them, maybe”? The fact more lovable. It is lovable, HBO does is take a very in-depth and sometimes of the matter is Carly Rae yet annoying. It is by no uncomfortable look into the life of the generation Jepsen’s “Call Me Maybe,” means revolutionary like of 20-something females. which became a phenom- that of a Grammy-nominatAll the important life events this generation goes enon across the nation this ed track, and yet unforgetthrough like relationships, breakups, bad sex and summer, is incredibly catchy table. So in conclusion, it is job interviews are voiced by Dunham’s wit and dry and just plain fun. Despite not the worst. However, it is humor. its obvious lack of depth not the best. It is a song we While the show is mainly a comedy, there are and meaningful lyrics, it is will hear on a futuristic versome actual heart-gripping moments that the hard not to like. It has be- sion of the radio sometime characters Hannah, Marnie, Jessa and Shoshancome more than a mere pop down the road and, regardna experience that are relatable to a very confused song, and somehow became less of our taste in music, regeneration. of such great importance, member playing constantly “Girls” is not your typical cliché, girl dramedy President Obama was asked on the radio, on our iPods like “Gossip Girl” or “Pretty Little Liars”; it is the his opinion of the smash and in our minds. We will most realistic show on television. hit. It even penetrated the still know every word, still Dunham has really figured out how to make Olympics when our Amer- smile with a tinge of irritapeople laugh at some not so laughable situations, ican swim team’s music vid- tion at those first notes and which I think is the bravest thing to do during eo to it went viral. How can we won’t change the station. these times.

“CALL ME MAYBE” It’s a tie. Some consider it the worst, most redundant and painfully peppy pop song to have wormed its way onto the music scene in years. Fans of “real music” have dubbed it a one-hit wonder, surely, that Carly Rae what’s-her-name won’t get away with another one. For others, it’s an instant pick-me-up to hear those first few infectious notes drift through the speakers of their car stereos. The song spurs a wildly cheesy, yet fulfilling dance party for one. A smile graces their faces as Jepsen croons, “I threw a wish in a well…” and suddenly they can’t help it; the song calls them to sing along, to throw their

on the pommel horse. John Orozco literally sat down on the pommel horse… The U.S. claimed one medal from men’s gymnastics, a bronze medal won by Leyva for individual all-around. Yes, there were some inspiring stories such as Orozco, who grew up in the Bronx as the son of a New York sanitation worker and made it to London. Orozco was the only American who competed in all five events in the team all-around, but he had to hold back



FRIDAY, AUGUST 24, 2012 | 13



courtesy photo | disney




The United States men’s gymnastics team. It was too painful to watch. They completely cracked under the pressure. While the Chinese and Japanese were performing every event as close to perfect as they could get, the Americans, who were a favorite to win a medal for sure and maybe even the gold, were anything but perfect. Sam Mikulak made a big mistake on his final tumbling pass on the floor routine. Danell Leyva fell

Originally my best of summer 2012 was going to say: Olympics. ‘Merica. The end. But the Chief vetoed that one, so instead I get to write about how fabulous this season of “The Bachelorette” was. I can hear the criticism now. “‘The Bachelorette’ is so dumb. It’s all fake.” Okay, maybe certain scenes are staged. And yes, sometimes they reshoot things if someone stutters, or trips, or has any other type of real-life awkward moment. And granted, yes, there were few aspects of Emily Maynard’s body that were real. But it’s reality TV. Who actually watches reality television because we think it’s an accurate portrayal of real life? No one. We watch reality TV for one of two reasons: 1. To boost our self-esteem by making fun of the embarrassing lives of others. 2. To get a glimpse of a fanciful world



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AUGUST 24 , 2012





BY RAY BUTLER Staff Writer




Bulldogs seek improvement Mirando resigns from team for 2012 football campaign ference titles. If there’s one thing Mullen has yet to prove in his tenure at MSU, it’s a quality win. Mullen has only defeated a Florida team that went 7-5 in the regular season in 2010 and has yet to beat a western division team besides Ole Miss. That proves to be a change of pace in the 2012 campaign as the Bulldogs hosts Auburn, Arkansas and Texas A&M, which I think can all be winnable games for the Dogs. Auburn has proven to be a tricky opponent for the Dogs since 2008, and MSU has not defeated Arkansas since that same 2008 campaign. The Dogs will also play at Kentucky and host Tennessee in eastern division games, which should boost the stats in the win column, but Mullen still understands the importance of competing in interdivision games. “It’s not just in one game, not just in two games, but it’s the overall, every single game you play,” Mullen said. “It’s hard to look at schedules in this league and check off wins.” The question comes down to division powers in LSU and Alabama. MSU is a combined 2-20 against the Fighting Tigers and Crimson Tide sine 2000. The Dogs face both squads on the road this season, but they are no strangers to the hostile environments. Junior quarterback Tyler Russell has plenty of experience and is practicing against a high quality defense in preparation for conference play. “The SEC is the best with top-notch corners and I feel that we have the top-notch, too,” Russell said. “So be-




rom the increasing crowds of Davis Wade Stadium to stadium expansion, to the excitement that is tailgating in the Junction, one thing is for sure and that is football season is just around the corner. The 2011 Bulldogs posted a 7-6 record including a Music City Bowl win over Wake Forest in Dan Mullen’s second-straight bowl appearance, and a Gator Bowl win over Michigan in 2010. Mullen will enter his fourth season at the helm of the program with more than a bowl appearance in mind, and he has his eyes set on conference championships for the Bulldogs. Mullen has led his squad to a combined 21-17 record, including a 16-10 mark in his last two seasons, a significant increase since the Dogs posted a 17-52 record from 2001-2006. Although Mullen has made a significant improvement in years past for the Bulldog program, there is still plenty of room for improvement in order to compete for conference titles. “Right now what make the SEC to me different is the depth of quality teams that are in this league,” Mullen said. “The margin for error is so small between winning and losing in this league, that if you slip for one second, that will be the difference between winning and losing that game.” Mullen and his Dogs have experienced plenty of close games on their resume dating back to his first year on the job. With close interdivision losses to LSU, Auburn and Arkansas, Mullen and his team are right on the cusp of competing for con-

FRIDAY , AUGUST 24, 2012

JOHN GALATAS John Galatas is a senior majoring in Journalism. He can be contacted at news@ ing able to compete against Johnthan Banks and Darius Slay will help me prepare.” Two new additions to the SEC were made in the offseason in Missouri and Texas A&M. Many SEC fans opposed the expansion, but I applaud them. With the additions, TV revenue will increase in the states of Texas and Missouri, which boast five major markets in Dallas-Ft. Worth, Houston, St. Louis, Kansas City and San Antonio. Case in point, three of the top 10 cities in total viewers of the SEC Media days website came from the state of Texas, (Houston, 1; Dallas, 2; College Station, 9). This expansion will also increase the market of recruiting in the states of Texas and Missouri as both boast top-quality athletes year in and year out across the nation. All in all, I think the Dogs will finish the season with an 8-4 regular season finish with losses to Alabama, LSU, a close loss to Arkansas, and either a loss to Auburn or Texas A&M. The swing game of the year should come against Auburn, whom the Dogs have struggled against in the past. I predict the Dogs will make a Gator Bowl appearance against Big Ten opponent Iowa.

With less than two weeks remaining of another dull, enduring offseason, the Mississippi State football program was dealt an unexpected blow last Saturday when wide receivers coach Angelo Mirando resigned from the team due to personal issues. Mirando, who had been at MSU since head coach Dan Mullen’s arrival in 2009, would have been entering his second season as receivers coach with the team. “I have enjoyed my time at Mississippi State as a graduate assistant and as an assistant coach,” Mirando said in the statement. “I have made friends that will last a lifetime; however, due to unforeseen personal issues, I believe it is in my best interest to resign from Mississippi State.” With his resignation effective immediately, Mirando leaves behind a stable of veteran receivers as well as several underclassmen who also anticipate playing time in the upcoming season. Mullen, who hired away Mirando from Florida when he accepted the head coaching position at MSU, said the experience at the wide receiver position should keep the team from being distracted due to Mirando’s absence.

“The fact that we have discard the notion of Mirana mature group certainly do rejoining State’s coaching helps,” Mullen said. “When staff in the future. “We’ll see. There’s always you have guys that have played a lot of football, with a possibility,” Mullen said. the leadership in the room, “Anything’s possible in this world.” they run the room.” While Mullen has former As for who in particular Mullen expects the leader- experience coaching wide ship to come from, the head receivers, MSU offensive coach pointed out three se- coordinator Les Koenning, niors whom MSU will rely tight ends coach Scott Salon to help the receiving corps lach, running backs coach stay focused. Greg Knox and cornerbacks “With Chris (Smith), coach Melvin Smith have all Arceto (Clark) and Chad coached the wide receiver po(Bumphis), you have some sition at some point of their maturity in that room,” Mul- coaching careers, so several len said. “And the younger in-house options are available guys are just going to follow to fill the position if that is the older guys.” the path the In the imWe’re going to figure p r o g r a m mediate future, chooses to out over the next Mullen said he take. plans on coachRegardcouple of days what ing the wide less of our plan will be for receivers. Somewho MSU (the position).” time soon, howelects to fill ever, he said he its vacant Dan Mullen, head will map out a coaching football coach short-term and position, long-term plan for the coach- efficiency at the wide receiving position. er position will be a necessity “We’re going to figure out for the Bulldogs this season. over the next couple of days As junior Tyler Russell conwhat our plan will be for (the tinues to progress as an SEC position),” Mullen said. “I’m quarterback, building chemtelling (the assistant coaches) istry and confidence with the to take care of their job, and receiving corps will be crucial I’ll take care of the rest.” for Russell’s effectiveness, While Mirando is no lon- as well as the consistency of ger with the MSU football MSU’s offensive attack this program, Mullen did not season.


t .- 1 p.m. at the M-Club ticke a.m 8 m fro ow orr tom up d games can be picke to camp out. Tickets for the seven home e at 6 a.m. but do not need lin in ing nd sta rt sta y ma ount m. Students for the tickets. A limited am nt ou acc office at Davis Wade Stadiu ir the to d rge cha nts are I.D., and $35 will be ket Office incase some stude Tic Student must have a student tic hle At an Bry the at . nday at 8:30 a.m of tickets will be on sale Mo rge ticket office. Students can cha b Clu Mout of town tomorrow. the at ow orr tom le at local ailable for purchase True Maroon shirts will be av ese shirts will also be availab Th ck. che or h cas use or nt dent accou the $12 plus tax to their stu retailers throughout the year.


Coach Mullen and the football team will be available to sign autographs at the Palmeiro Center tomorrow from 1 p.m.- 3 p.m. The doors will open at noon. This time will also be a celebration of the 1,000th consecutive day MSU has been in possession of the Golden Egg Trophy. ZACK ORSBORN | THE REFLECTOR


Tyler Russell will be taking over the reigns at quaterback this year for the Dogs. The team is looking to get its first win over an SEC-West foe besides Ole Miss since the Dan Mullen era.


The new north end zone of Davis Wade will be completed in time for the first home football game of the 2014 season and will feature 7,000 grandstand seats and “The Gridiron.”

MSU to expand Davis Wade also be 236 loge seats, which are similar to club seats but have more room and are in After being the home to groups of four, six and eight. Mississippi State football for In addition, there will be a 100 years, Davis Wade Sta- new scoreboard the same size dium at Scott Field deserves as the one in the south end an upgrade, and that is exact- zone, which is the second largly what it will receive for the est in the NCAA (second only occasion. The $75 million to the University of Texas). project to expand the stadium The new club level will include will be completed in time for 1,100 seats and have patios on State’s first home game of the the east and west sides for fans 2014 season against Southern to stretch and fellowship. A special feature of the Mississippi. The two main areas being North end zone will be the expanded are the north end Gridiron. This is a club-like zone and west concourse. The place on the ground level. expansion will raise the capac- There are no seats, but anyone ity from 55,082 to 61,337. A with a ticket can buy a memtotal of 8,815 new seats will bership into the Gridiron and be added for a net increase of go there before or during the game. There will be a terrace 6,255. MSU athletic director Scott outside of the Gridiron near Stricklin said work on the sta- the field where fans can stand dium will begin immediately, and watch pregame warm-ups and he said he hopes not to or the game. It will be open lose any seating capacity for two hours before the game and accommodate 750 people. the 2013 season. “As every Bulldog fan Similar to a club, the Gridiron knows, the last two years have will have televisions, drinks, been pretty exciting-- consecu- food and lockers. It will cost tive winning seasons, consecu- $750 to purchase a membertive bowl wins and attendance ship in the Gridiron, and fans records. All those things have must be a season ticket holder put us in a position to have a to purchase a membership. Head coach Dan Mullen foundation that will lead to more success and consistency said he hopes to have an SEC Championship and eventually champiAs charter members by the time his team moves onships, but of the most prestiinto the new facilities are gious athletic constadium. another important factor ference in the nation, “I told our fan base if we in building this expansion will sell out the stathat foundaallow us to be even dium, we can tion,” Stricklin said. more competitive in build a winning program, but The newthis very competitive we need to do ly renovated that first. They north end league.” that zone will feaMSU President Mark deserve and responded ture 7,000 Keenum by selling out grandstand seats, four new premium areas 16 straight games,” Mullen and 22 new suites. There will said. “I put pressure on myself BY KRISTEN SPINK Sports Editor

VISIT reflector

every year to win, and we have to continue to put pressure on ourselves to put a great product on the field that the people in Mississippi can be proud of. And there’s a lot of pressure on our fan base to step up their game even more and create an even more exciting environment.” As for the west concourse, it will be completely gutted out and rebuilt with new restrooms and new concession stands. The number of restroom fixtures will increase from 313 to 621, and seven new elevators will be added to the stadium. Mississippi State President Mark Keenum said this will be a natural progression and will allow the Bulldogs to compete for championships. “As charter members of the most prestigious athletic conference in the nation, this expansion will allow us to be even more competitive in this very competitive league,” Keenum said. “I want to commend Scott Stricklin-- we by far have the best athletic director in the entire SEC-- and his athletic staff for vision and commitment to hard work to make this possible. I want to commend Coach Mullen and all the coaches for their leadership and commitment to excellence here in our football program and the players for what they’re doing to set an example for all of us by leading the way and having a new tradition of winning football here at MSU.” As far as student seating goes, the plan is to keep the allotment the same for the 2014 season. MSU offers approximately 11,000 student seats, which is among the top two or three in the SEC,but Stricklin said he will be willing to look at it if enrollment continues to increase.



The 2012 Mississippi State Bulldog football team is poised for a 2012 SEC title run. The Bulldogs lost key starters from the 2011 campaign, but returners are ready to step up. If there’s one recurring theme for the 2012 Mississippi State football squad, it’s depth. The Bulldogs return key starters from last year’s team, and are ready to compete for a conference championship. The Bulldogs return junior quarterback Tyler Russell of Meridian, Miss. Russell, who was used in the dual-system along with Chris Relf last season, is ready to be in control of this year’s team as well as orchestrating the offense for the 2012 campaign. Behind him is redshirt freshman Dak Prescott. Prescott who enrolled early last January, will not be taking to role of a backup according to Mullen, but has entered fall camp with the mentality of seeing playing time. “He’s not taking a backup mindset,” Mullen said. “He’s taking the mindset of ‘I’m going to get some playing time. I think it would make him a little more relaxed in knowing he’s going to play.” The quarterbacks will have plenty of targets as the Bulldogs return multiple starters to the receiving position. The Dogs return senior starters Arecto Clark, Chad Bumphis, Chris Smith and Brandon Heavens who saw quality-playing time in the 2011 season, and will seek to continue their impact as deepfield threats. Sophomore receiver Jameon Lewis has discovered his role

as wide receiver in fall camp after making the transition from cornerback when he arrived on campus. Lewis, who caught four passes for 113 yards and one touchdown in last year’s opener at Memphis, was a standout in practice this fall and will make an immediate impact at the receiver position. Redshirt freshman Joe Morrow of Ocean Springs is a big target at 6’4” and has worked in the offseason to improve his routes. Returning center Dillon Day, and guards Gabe Jackson and Tobias Smith will anchor the offensive line. With 19 linemen on the active roster, Mullen says every one is getting repetitions in practice in order to build experience and team chemistry. “You need all five guys working together,” Mullen said. “The longer they’re together, the more comfortable they are.” The flexibility of the offensive line will be a new feature this season, as multiple players have experience of playing multiple positions on the line. Returner LaDarius Perkins will lead the running back corps. Perkins notched 844all purpose yards and four touchdowns in the 2011 season. He will be accompanied by Nick Griffin who is ready to see playing time after missing the first five games last year due to a knee injury. Freshmen Derrick Milton and Josh Robinson are adjusting well to practices according to coaches and are hopeful to see playing time this season. One of the strong points for the Bulldogs this year will come from the defensive side of the ball. Senior Josh Boyd and junior

college transfer Denico Autry bookend a strong defensive line. The linebacker corps arguably boasts the most depth on the squad as Cameron Lawrence, Deontae Skinner and Ferlando Bohanna return for a successful season along with newcomers Richie Brown and Beniquez Brown. “They’re a really close group, a really talented group,” linebackers coach Geoff Collins said. “We specifically recruited them for reason and they’re proving to be who we wanted them to be.” “There’s a great camaraderie we have on the team right now,” Collins continued. “The offense is doing great, the defense is doing great, and even though we’re competing as hard as you can possibly compete, you still love each other and care for each other which is a neat dynamic that every team in the country doesn’t get to.” Seniors Johnthan Banks and Corey Broomfield returned for their senior seasons and will wreak havoc in the secondary defense. Banks, who was named to four preseason award watch lists, is encouraged by the production from the rest of the defensive group. “I’m out here working had with my guys, working hard with my offense. We’re just trying to come out here and work hard every day to get better,” Banks said. “All the young guys are playing hard and they’re learning. Everything looks good so far, but we still have room to get better.” The Bulldogs will continue to practice next week in preparation for their season opener against Jackson State on Sept. 1. - Make Lunch Fun Lunch & Bowl Only $8.95

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august 24 , 2012




A new legacy begins By Austin ChAnCe Contributing Writer

Coming off last year’s 12-17 (7-13) season, the Mississippi State University volleyball team is looking to soar to new heights in 2012. With some new faces in the coaching staff, such as assistant coach Taylor Evans, as well as six freshmen on the team, some might view this year as a rebuilding year for the volleyball program. The team, however, views this as one that will be remembered by Bulldog players and fans. With three televised games on the schedule this year against new SEC opponents Texas A&M and Missouri, as well as against the familiar foe LSU, the volleyball girls look to show the country what this year’s team has to take them to the NCAA Tournament. With six freshmen, four sophomores, two juniors and just one senior, the team’s youth is apparent. However, senior Chanelle Baker said she has high confidence in these young players. “These freshmen don’t have that fear that older players may have. No one knows how they play,” Baker said. “They’re unpredictable, and that could

play out to be a great advantage for us.” Baker spoke highly of one freshman in particular to be on the lookout for this upcoming season. Taylor Scott has been highly regarded by not only the coaching staff, but also the players around her. Her teammates could not help but praise her athletic ability on the volleyball court. Baker went as far

”These freshmen don’t have that fear that older players may have. No one knows how they play.” Chanelle Baker, senior

as to predict her to be on this year’s All-SEC Freshman team. To have that kind of confidence behind her from others on the team is a large motivational boost for the young Scott. Head coach Jenny Hazlewood said she is highly impressed by the young star. “Taylor is 5’9” with a 30inch vertical. How’s that not fun to watch?” says coach Hazlewood. Although it would seem that Scott has a lot of weight on her

jay johnson | the reflector

Freshman Taylor Scott has already made an impact on the 2012 volleyball team. Scott and five other freshmen must not let their youth hinder them, especially when SEC play begins.

shoulders for the upcoming season, she said she has put that behind her and is well prepared for the upcoming season. “I’m excited. I think we’re ready to have a great year,” Scott said. “Being consistent is a big part of our year.” The home games at Newell-Grissom Building this season will be key for the Dogs. After going 5-8 at home last season, the Bulldog volleyball team needs student involvement to help them out. Junior captain Paris Perret said if the students can get loud and help get inside the heads of the opposing team, it will be easier for State to get the win. “Volleyball is just as much a mental sport as it is physical,” Perret said. “We need students to come out and get loud at our games.” This weekend marks the beginning of the 2012 volleyball season. The team will be inviting UL-Monroe, Jackson State and Kennesaw State to Starkville for this year’s Maroon Classic. Baker said this weekend’s matches are important to set the pace for the rest of the season. “Our goal this year is to go to the NCAA Tournament, and if we don’t do well this weekend, it could really set us back,” Baker said. Coach Hazlewood said she is looking forward to this season and is boasting a new style of volleyball for the year. “We are going to have a strong defense and good ball control, as well as a lot more depth than last year,” Hazlewood said. Tonight at 7 p.m. the season gets underway against Jackson State. There will be a short game of volleyball in between sets featuring MSU coaches from different sports on each team, as well as one student per team. That student will be selected at the game. Also, the Bulldogs have two games on Saturday, Aug. 25 against UL-Monroe at 12:30 p.m., as well as their final match of the weekend against Kennesaw State at 7 p.m. All games will be in the Newell-Grissom building. Last year against Southern Illinois University, in the first game of the 2011 Maroon Classic, the fans set the record for most attendance ever recorded in the Newell-Grissom Building, and the team is hoping for another record-breaking attendance tonight.

FRIDAY , AUGUST 24, 2012



Lady Bulldog soccer team sets sights on SEC Tournament are already making strides, along with other young The year 2004 was unfor- players. gettable: Athens hosted the “Shelby Jordan at right XXVIII Olympiad, George back has made an impact, W. Bush won re-election and I feel like everybody will for president of the United make an impact eventually,” States and Mississippi State’s junior Morganne Grimes basketball team won its first said. SEC championship since Much like a ten-win footthe 1960s. ball season or an SEC title in It also marked the last time basketball, making the SEC a Bulldog soccer team com- tournament for this program peted in the SEC tourna- is something that could take ment. That year, exactly like it to the next level. this season, started out with For upperclassmen Grimes a 2-1 win over a non-confer- and Madison McKee, makence foe in Starkville. ing the SEC Tournament is Last Friday night, State something they have always defeated Southeastern Loui- cherished. siana 2-1 behind goals from “We are aiming to go the freshman Honeye Heydari SEC Tournament. It’s my and newcomer Sasha Vrany. senior year, so it is now or It was just the start ninth never,” McKee said. year coach Neil Macdonald To accomplish this, the was looking for. Lady Bulldogs will have to “Our non-conference do something the team have needs to be betonly done We are aiming to go twice in its ter than last year. We had some to the SEC Tourna- history: finbad non-conish above or ment. It’s my senior at .500 in ference losses,” Macdonald said. year, so it is now or SEC play. To buck the The chalnever.” trend of nonlenge is doMadison McKee, SEC tournaable but not ment seasons, easy. With senior” the Bulldogs will games at Auhave to rely on veterans and burn, Florida and Alabama newcomers to take the team and at home against LSU, to the next level. improvement not only from Players like Heydari and last year, but also from game freshman Shelby Jordan to game is vital. Development of younger players and advancement in the possession game and aggressiveness is something both team leaders emphasized. “We need to play posBY JACK HILL Staff Writer


Junior Morganne Grimes and the rest of the MSU soccer team open the Maroon Classic tonight at 7 as they host Tennessee Martin and continue their journey to the SEC Tournament.

CLUB SPORTS AT MSU jay johnson | the reflector

One year ago today the MSU volleyball team set a new attendance record, and the girls are hoping for another record tonight as they take on Jackson State in the season opener.


| Beginning this year, The Reflector will cover club sports. Since hundreds of students are involved in club sports, either

for recreational purposes or competition, the sports deserve to be noticed and publicized. Some of the upcoming club sports features will be men’s

lacrosse, ballroom dance, men’s rugby, shooting sports and women’s volleyball. Keep an eye out to learn more about the club sports on campus.


- Bulldog Classic- 7 p.m. Soccer vs. Tennessee Martin - Mississippi State Maroon Classic- 7 p.m. Volleyball vs. Jackson State - Volleygrind 2012 free t-shirts to the first 300 students "Coaches Challenge" during the match featuring Dan Mullen, Rick Ray, Vic Schaefer, Vann Stuedeman, several others and two students - Movie Night at Davis Wade- 9 p.m. showing The Hunger Games

5-12: Golfer Ally McDonald finishes postseason play at the NCAA West Regional, placing 5th overall and breaking the all-time single-season freshman scoring record at MSU


5-18: MSU softball team ends its season with a 2-0 loss to Portland State in the NCAA Eugene

session and go out with our game plan and don’t drop our level of play,” McKee said. Grimes agreed with her co-captain. “We need to be more aggressive on and off the ball. We also need to communicate better on the field,” she said. Defensively, State is led by senior goalkeeper Skylar Rosson. This experience in the goal will be key to helping the younger players on the team. If State is going to take that step and become a force in the SEC, these plans of action need to take place quickly. MSU hosts Tennessee Martin tonight and South Alabama on Sunday in the Bulldog Classic this weekend before four more vital non-conference games against Georgia State, University of Louisiana Monroe, Mississippi Valley State and the Golden Eagles of Southern Miss. State then hits the road to Columbia, South Carolina on Sept. 14 to start a new era of Bulldog soccer. Naturally, since the Bulldogs have not tasted postseason play since 2004, they are a bit of an underdog in terms of expectations, but with veteran leaders and a youthful exuberance, they can accomplish the goals set for the season. So maybe, just maybe, success can be found on the field to make 2012 another year to remember.


5-14: Baseball pitcher Chris Stratton wins the C Spire/Ferriss Trophy given to the top collegiate baseball player in Mississippi Regional and finished the season with a 33-24 record

- 12:30 p.m. Volleyball vs. University of Louisiana Monroe - 7 p.m. Volleyball vs. Kennesaw State Sunday: - 2 p.m. Soccer vs. South Alabama

6-21: Former MSU soccer player Kim Pettit is named assistant soccer coach for the Lady Bulldogs 6-28: Bulldog basketball standout Arnett Moultrie is drafted with the 27th pick by the Miami Heat

7-8: In the 4x400-meter relay of the NACAC Under-23 Championships, track star Jody-Ann Muir brings home the bronze medal and James Harris wins the gold medal

carding an outstanding 75 in the last day of the Athens Regional

zack orsborn | the reflector

Routt signs with the Cincinnati Reds

and traded to the Philadelphia 76ers

5-19: Golfer Chad Ramey finishes an All-SEC season, the first by a Bulldog since 2000, after

Earn one Bulldog Coalition point per game you attend this weekend.

6-3: Diamond Dogs end season with a 2-3 loss to Samford in the NCAA Tallahassee Regional 6-12: Stratton signs with the San Francisco Giants after being the 20th pick in the draft, and fellow pitcher Nick

5-25: Tennis seniors Louis Cant and Artem Ilyushin fall in the Sweet Sixteen of the NCAA Singles Championship

8-4: Daundre Barnaby's run at the London Olympics ends as he barely misses out on qualifying for the second round of the 400-meter dash.

5-27: Baseball team wins SEC Championship with a 3-0 win over Vanderbilt 5-29: Stratton is named SEC Pitcher of the Year

8-16: Bulldog soccer team kicks off the season with a 2-1 win over Southeastern Louisiana ZACK ORSBORN | THE REFLECTOR Saturday Night

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AUGUST 24 , 2012



What was your favorite Summer Olympic sport to watch and why?






“Women’s Gymnastics because they’re like 16years-old and make me feel like I haven’t done anything with my life.” -Jessica Womack, junior, Business Management major

Water polo poses a challenge Death by decathlon


his year’s Olympic Games in London included many physically demanding athletic events. In my opinion, none were more strenuous than water polo. Just imagine a 220-pound defender draped all over you pushing you underneath the water while you are gasping for breath. Your legs and arms are burning in pain after swimming and treading water for more than 24 minutes, and now you have to muster the energy to score or pass the ball. I do not know about you, but this is not my idea of a good time. Water polo is a sport that requires maximum endurance and skill. You must have the ability to tread water, swim the length of a 30 meter pool back and forth, the sense to dribble and pass the ball while only using one hand, shoot into a goal guarded by a goalie who is basically in a fixed position for the entire match and thwart off defenders for four eight-minute quarters. There are not many of us who have the ability or the stamina to endure such physical strain. The often physical play has led some to refer to water polo as “water rugby” and was known as such until the name was changed to water polo. The barbaric nature of the sport has not surprising-

ly left many players bloodied and bruised. Water polo is a combination of field hockey, soccer and handball. The catch to the game is that you are in water the entire time and are not allowed to touch bottom. The goalie is the only player allowed to touch the bottom of the pool at any given time. Each team consists of seven players (six field players and a goalkeeper). Only four substitutions are allowed in any given match, which means at least two players must play for the entire match. The object is to outscore your opponent in the time allotted while swimming on average a total of three kilometers during a single match. Players use a kicking style known as the “egg-beater” while treading water which allows them to keep from touching the bottom of the pool. This style also enables them to stay far enough above the water to have the ability to pass or shoot while on offense. The treading water style also allows defensive players to block the path of a pass or shot. While on defense, a modified back stroke is also used to keep the advancing offensive players in sight. Not only do the players need to be conscious about touching bottom, but they also have to consciously use



Elliott Rees is a senior majoring in communication. He can be contacted at one hand and set offensive and defensive plays while suffering from fatigue as the match draws on. The goalie is the only player allowed to touch bottom and use both hands. This does not necessarily mean the goalie position is the easiest considering the goalie is responsible for stopping shots at point-blank range, more often than not traveling at average speeds of up to 56 mph. Next time you go for a leisurely swim think about what being a water polo player takes and how this sport has to be the most physically demanding sport of the Summer Olympic Games.



Jack Hill is a sophomore majoring in finance. He can be contacted at reflectorsports@ he decathlon, inherited from ancient Greece, is a vicious test on the human body and spirit. Consisting of 10 track and field events spread out over two days, contestants from all over the world voluntarily compete and see who really is the greatest athlete in the world. Names like Bruce Jenner, Bob Mathias, Rafer Johnson and Dan O’Brein dominated the competition for decades. Apparently if you can win gold in this, you can sure as heck “keep up” with the Kardashians. The latest to join this illustrious group is fellow American Ashton Eaton, winner of gold a few weeks ago in London. Eaton won in a landslide by 198 points over fellow American Trey Hardee. You already know that. And you probably already know this is single-handedly the most difficult Olympic competition. The reason this competition is the most grueling and insane is because in a span of 48 hours a mere human attempts to run four races (100m, 400m, 1500m, 110m hurdles), long jump, high


put, sprint drills, medicine ball, gymnastic circuit • Thursday: pole vault, discus, 5x600 meter repeats • Friday: long jump, speed/hurdles, plyometrics • Saturday: weight training, spring drills • Sunday: 10x200 meters repeats I get worn out playing FIFA. And please do not go look at these guys times or scores and tell me Usain Bolt is a better athlete or superior because he runs a faster 100m than Ashton Eaton. I bet Bolt could not run that fast if he spent 10 percent of his time trying to jump off a stick over a pole 20 feet in the air. Not to say Bolt is not great-- he is, but what these decathletes do is special. They are a different breed of athlete. These guys take the impossible and make it look easy, or at least doable. Scoring for the decathlon is different than what you might imagine. Each event is graded individually. For example, in the 100m, you get 1,000 points if the runner’s time is under 10.395 seconds, regardless of position. This allows each competitor to focus solely on what he is doing in this mind-numbingly awful event. I cannot blame track and field athletes for sticking to just one competition. The decathlon requires more time, energy and work ethic than any other. Not everyone can do it; just ask Kim Kardashian.


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“Track and field because I feel like those are some of the most talented athletes on the planet.” -C.J. Quillian, junior, Kinesiology major

By Ray ButleR Staff Writer

Although the 2012 Summer Olympic games in London have officially come to an end, the countless memories made by the athletes who participated in the world’s greatest sporting competition will likely be everlasting. This can certainly be said about Mississippi State’s Daundre Barnaby, an up-and-coming senior on MSU’s track and field team who acted as the Bulldogs’ only representative in the 2012 summer games. Barnaby, a native of Hartford, Conn. and a member of Team Canada, participated in the 400-meter dash, narrowly missed out on qualifying for the second round of the competition. Barnaby and the Canadians finished 13th in overall


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competition with 18 total gears up for his senior season metals. While he might not at State. have garnered the success he “I just have to enter every said he was hoping to attain, race hungrier and don’t hold Barnaby said he still took a anything back,” Barnaby lot away from the rare expe- said. rience of participating in the Steve Dudley, who just Olympics. completed his 12th season as “It was amazing,” Barnaby head coach of the MSU track said. “There is nothing like and field team, said Barnentering the stadium and aby’s representation of the seeing all of Bulldogs in the It was amazing. those people, Olympics is a and competing tribute to the There is nothing was crazy.” dedication and like entering the B a r n a b y ’s commitment stadium and seeing the appearance senior in the 2012 has displayed all of those people, summer games throughout his and competing was collegiate camakes him the 15th MSU reer. crazy.” athlete to ever “Anytime a Daundre Barnaby, university compete in the has MSU Olympic Olympics, and a student-aththe Bulldog lete qualify for athlete upperclassinternational man said he will apply what competitions, we are very he learned in London as he proud of them and their


“Swimming because I like to watch Michael Phelps win the most Olympic medals.” -Heath Pennington, freshman, Criminology major



Track star makes run at London Olympics, falls just short of second round


Seimone Augustus, LSU, women's basketball Tameka Catchings, Tennessee, women's basketball Anthony Davis, Kentucky, men's basketball Conor Dwyer, Florida, men's 4x200m freestyle medley Sylvia Fowles, LSU, women's basketball Kirani James, Alabama, men's 400m Larson Texas A&M, women's 4x100m medley relay Breeja Larson, Ryan Lochte, Florida, men's 400m individual medley Ryan Lochte, Florida, men's 4x200m freestyle medley Tianna Madison, Tennessee, women's 4x100m relay Tyler McGill, Auburn, men's 4x100m medley relay Aries Merritt, Tennessee, men's 110m hurdles

hard work,” Dudley said. “Qualifying for the Olympics is extra special in that it only happens once Barnaby every four years, so having Daundre part of an Olympic team was fantastic.” With his final year at MSU rapidly approaching, Barnaby, who earned AllSEC and All-American honors in 2011 in the 4x400 meter relay, said he hopes he can take what he learned while in London and use it to further unite MSU’s track and field team. “You just have to stay positive, no matter the outcome of the race,” Barnaby said. “We can’t point fingers at any one individual, because we are a team.”

Heather Mitts, Florida, women's soccer Candace Parker, Tennessee, women's basketball Demetrius Pinder, Texas A&M, men's 4x400m relay Brittney Reese, Ole Miss, women's long jump Allison Schmitt, Georgia, women's 200m freestyle Allison Schmitt, Georgia, women's 4x200m freestyle relay Schmitt, Georgia, women's 4x100m medley relay Allison Schmitt Eric Shanteau, Auburn, men's 4x100m medley relay Jeneba Tarmoh, Texas A&M, women's 4x100m relay Christian Taylor, Florida, men's triple jump Dee Dee Trotter, Tennessee, women's 4x400m relay Shannon Vreeland, Georgia, women's 4x200m freestyle relay Abby Wambach, Florida, women's soccer zack orsborn | the reflector

“Gymnastics because I wish I could contort my body like they do.” -Riley Gordon, junior, Psychology major

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jump, throw a 16 pound rock 50 feet over his head, throw the discus, pole vault and throw the javelin. It is a sport of the Greek gods. These guys play water polo on their days off. The sport was originally the pentathlon (five events) and was founded by the Greeks around 708 B.C. A Spartan by the awesome name of Lampis was the first Olympic winner of the competition. The most celebrated pentathlon winner, though, was a Greek named Gorgos, who won four Olympic pentathlons. Jim Thorpe, the most famous modern decathlete to sprint, run, hurdle, vertically and horizontally jump and throw better than any human in the world, was also the first winner of the modern decathlon. Another aspect that separates this event from all others is the training that goes into it. You cannot just train and focus on one specific skill; you have to spread your time between 10 and master each. According to //, there are many different things a decathlete must do in order to be in top physical shape to even dream about competing at a high level. A sample week for your average decathlete is as follows: • Monday: hurdles, discus, pole vault • Tuesday: three miles, javelin, high jump, weight training • Wednesday: shot

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