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tuesday , november 20 , 2012


Replacement alderman sought for Starkville’s Ward 4 chair By Kaitlyn Byrne Managing Editor

jay johnson | the reflector

Operational meteorology students Kent Sparrow and Tammy Gray are prepare for this year’s WX Challenge.

METEOROLOGY continued from 1 Crank said he realizes application and internalization of study skills are only useful if applied and practiced and suggests freshman adhere to this advice. “Take time to understand what you are learning, get out of your comfort zone and practice,” Crank said. “Even I need to do that.” Most broadcast meteorology majors share a common goal: to enter the working world prepared with an advantage over graduates from other universities. “We have taken the approach of being ‘media meteorology’ rather than just

‘broadcast meteorology.’ This means that our students will be well-versed in all aspects of meteorology content production. Many employers have commented on how well-rounded our students are in tackling every scenario that comes their way in the industry,” Vandewege said. As potential community leaders and media spotlights, broadcast meteorology students strive to be the cream of the crop even when under pressure. “People look to us as leaders and even examples,” Crank said. “I want to do my best for them.”

Ward 4 in Starkville, known as the “student ward,” will experience a change in leadership after the election in June when current Ward 4 alderman Richard Corey is replaced. Corey said the ward is called the student ward because it includes areas in the Cotton District and Fraternity and Sorority Row. Because of the large student population, Corey said this district is heavily influenced by students. “The heavy student population in that district makes it unique from some of the other wards,” he said. “In 2001, Lee Beck was actually elected as a student to represent Ward 4.” Corey said anyone who resides in the ward he or she wants to represent and is willing to serve for four years is eligible to run for the position of alderman. “It’s a four-year commitment, and it carries a lot of responsibility,” he said. “As an alderman, you’ll set the city’s $14 million budget and handle things like hiring and firing city employees. You also represent and address the concerns of people in your ward.” Corey said recent redistrict-

ing added more residential listens and represents the wishareas, such as the Pleasant es and concerns of students to Acres and Timber Cove sub- the general Starkville public,” divisions on he said. “StuThis is something South Montdents are a big gomery Street, the average student part of our to the ward population in seems to be very and removed Starkville, and interested in. It’s some other artheir voice eas on South needs to be always been a Mo n t g o m e r y heard as well.” priority of this Street that were Shelby Baliboard and previous us, Mississippi occupied predominantly by boards, as well. This State Universtudents. sity Student community over the A s s o c i a t i o n “A lot of the student areas president, said last 15 to 20 years are still here in having a stuhas developed a the ward, but dent voice in much stronger focus this position it has changed a bit,” he said. is imperative on bike ability and “My only conto continue walk ability issues. I MSU’s partcern is it may believe that’s driven nership with not be as student dominant the city of in large part by as it was.” Starkville. students taking a Despite the She said redistricting, an important more active role in Corey said he issue for stuthe process. ” thinks the ward dents is conParker Wiseman, will continue tinuing city to emphasize funding for Starkville Mayor student constudent orcerns. He said he hopes the ganizations, the Downtown incoming alderman will con- Dawg and events like Bulldog tinue to work with students Bash and Old Main Music to improve Starkville-student Festival. relationships. “Those events are made pos“It’s important to have sible by the 2 percent tax allosomeone in this position who cation we receive from the city

and require board approval each year,” she said. “Having a student or student-friendly voice on the board is vital for those issues.” Parker Wiseman, mayor of Starkville, said another important issue to students in Ward 4 is bike and walk ability of the area. “This is something the average student seems to be very interested in,” he said. “It’s always been a priority of this board and previous boards, as well. This community over the last 15 to 20 years has developed a much stronger focus on bike ability and walk ability issues. I believe that’s driven in large part by students taking a more active role in the process.” Balius said students should consider registering to vote in Starkville in order to vote in the city election. “When you live in an area for four years, you are likely more invested in the policies of that area than back at home,” she said. “Issues that affect daily life are more pertinent to students in those nine months of the year.” Balius said students should be aware since the election is in June when many students leave Starkville for the summer, students may have to vote by absentee ballot.

Parking services implements recent Bully Bike rental policy By Jamie allen Staff Writer

Bully Bikes have been on the Mississippi State University campus since the fall of 2008; however, this past year the policy began requiring students to go through a rental process to acquire the bikes. According to Raleigh Richter, senior parking services officer, Bully Bikes were first brought to MSU’s campus to encourage students to exercise more and to bring a readily-available mode of transportation to campus. “It was a promotion toward a healthier form of transportation on the university campus,” said Richter. “It also cut down on traffic congestion and promoted a healthier en-

vironment by cutting down on vehicle fumes.” The policy in the past was the bikes could be picked up anywhere on campus, driven to a desired location, then left for others to use. The bikes were not allowed to be locked up so anyone could use them. Mike Harris, director of Parking, Transit and University Services, said one major flaw in the previous policy was it was difficult to perform proper inspections of the bikes and they would be often in poor condition. “With anyone using them at any time there was not any way to keep up with maintenance. There was not anyone accountable for the bikes so they were, at times, abused,” Harris said.

Students are also excited about the new policy as they now feel like the bikes will be in better condition and more accessible for use. Will L’Estrange, sophomore marketing major, said he thinks the new policy will encourage responsibility. “I think the new policy will make them more available to students,” he said. “Less would be stolen and since students will be forced to be more responsible, they will break and disappear less often.” Under the new policy, the bikes can be rented from the Parking Services office in the Roberts building. Students need only to present a student ID, complete a waiver form and provide their own security lock or cable.

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Richter said parking services is still looking for ways to improve the Bully Bike system. “In the spring semester of 2013, we will be adding 100 more bikes to the Bicycle Share Program fleet,” Richter said. Harris said there are many other benefits of this new program for students using a bike as well as for people driving cars. “Students have the benefit of using a bike for free while they are here as well as someone taking care of the maintenance. It helps parking and transit, because if one uses a bike then they are not driving around campus which helps with traffic flow and parking,” said Harris.

jen nguyen | the reflector

MSU students will now have to rent Bully Bikes for use.

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tuesday , november 20 , 2012



- Do research - Don't be afraid of change - Do have a plan B...and C,D,E - Don't limit your options; DO follow your heart - DO be flexible zack orsborn | the reflector

Former students reflect on college, career planning By Laci KyLes Contributing Writer

Thinking about one’s future can be scary. Graduating from college is a milestone in one’s life and once that feat has been accomplished, a feeling of “what now?” may ensue. Emilee Harris found herself in that situation a couple of years ago. The then-Mississippi State University senior had spent four years majoring in broadcast meteorology, something she loved but realized during her senior year was not what she wanted to do for the rest of her life. “That’s when panic mode set in,” she said. “I had spent four years going in a direction I no longer wanted to go in. How was I going to get a job in something that I had little experience in?” Harris was minoring in communication at the time and said she realized her true passion resided in editing. She began talking to trusted professors about her predicament and realized more classes were not an option; it was the experience in the field she needed. “I spent the rest of my senior year in the computer labs, teaching myself all I could learn about video editing,” she said. “I took any opportunity that came my way, such as helping the baseball team with a video project, editing my friends’ video projects for school and (taking) an unpaid internship for a couple months at a video production company that would later be very beneficial.” Although the lack of experience was an issue, Harris also had to break the news to her parents. “As you can imagine, they were not very happy when I told them what I had worked so hard on for four years was not what I was going to do,” she said. All was not lost, though. Harris set her sights on what she really wanted and worked diligently to accomplish that goal by sending nearly 100 resume tapes in hopes of getting her foot in the door. Now, she works at a job she said she loves with Broadcast Media Group, all because of her efforts to beat the odds. Harris’s story is not uncommon. Lindsay McMurtray, a recent MSU graduate, said graduating without a clear-cut career path is common for a generation that has no choice but to attend college. Lauren Clark, another recent grad, said even if one knew the perfect major going into college, one might not know the perfect career. Karyn Brown, an instructor in the Department of Communication and coordinator of internships and broadcasting, said she hears from students every single day who are in the same situation of not wanting to pursue a career related to their field of study. “If I had a dollar for every time I heard that, I’d be rich,” she said with a smile. Brown said many students change their major multiple times during their

college career, or at least think about it, and according to a 2005 MSNBC article, 50 percent of college students who declare a major will change it at least once, if not more. The article states 80 percent of entering college freshmen will be undeclared, and the indecisiveness contributes to 40 percent of students in four-year degree programs who still have not earned one after the sixth year of study. Brooke Collins, MSU campus visits coordinator, said one of the biggest problems soon-to-be college graduates face is having the courage to pursue what they really want to do with their lives, an issue stemming from early undergraduate decisions such as choosing a major. “You know yourself better than your parents,” she said. Brown said students should think about what they are good at and what they enjoy, instead of choosing a major or a career just because it offers job security. “Parents and friends have expectations for your career, but no college education is a waste of time,” she said. “College is a path and a journey, and any college degree can be used as a stepping stone for your future.” There are several guidelines to follow when planning ones future in terms of career choices and what to expect when that long-awaited graduation day arrives. Whether you are an undecided freshman or a soon-to-be graduate, following these tips can help take away a great deal of doubt and stress. DO research. Know your faculty and staff, and then use those resources. “Motivation and research go hand in hand,” Collins said, and research is the most important thing when planning. The Career Center offers several resources that provide information about different job positions, including statistics that provide insight about employment in certain fields. DON’T be afraid of change. Collins said if one feels even for a moment you are unhappy in your major, you should immediately figure out why and look for a solution, even if it means changing your major. Brown said students should be prepared for anything, especially in relation to the economy, which can be uncertain. Try to keep your options open in terms of where you want to live and what type of environment you would like to work in. DO have a Plan B…and C, D, E… Plan early, and never stop. Brown said career shadowing early can really make a difference in terms of choosing a major and planning a certain career, and internships really help people understand the job. Don’t limit your options; DO follow your heart. “You know what you’re good at,” Brown said. “Try not to think of your education and training as all or nothing. Try to learn as much about job options in your field before graduation.” Clark said it is okay to try different

things until you find the right fit. “Part time jobs can be your best friends in terms of gaining experience and opening doors,” she said. “Your dream job is out there waiting for you to find it.” DO be flexible. McMurtray said she had no idea what she was looking for post-graduation but has fortunately been surrounded by family and friends who believe in her and her goals. “Ultimately, I’m working as a photographer right now, which isn’t what I thought I’d be doing and I never needed a degree to do it,” she says. “You have to find something, anything, even if it’s just a job for the moment.”


Friday, November 16 • 2:43 p.m. An employee found barbituric acid in the Hill Poultry Science building while cleaning. • 9:00 p.m. A student was arrested on University Drive for contributing to a minor. • 10:35 p.m. Student referrals were issued for an alcohol violation in Oak Hall. • 11:13 p.m. A student was arrested for possession of alcohol in Oak Hall. • 11:42 p.m. A student was arrested on Maxwell Street for minor in possession of alcohol.

Saturday, November 17 • 12:00 a.m. A student was arrested on Highway 12 for careless driving and driving under the influence. • 1:30 a.m. A student was arrested on Main Street for careless driving and driving under the influence. • 1:56 a.m. A student was arrested for public drunkenness. • 2:39 a.m. A student was arrested in Hull Hall for possession of marijuana. Student was also transported to OCH for medical assistance. • 3:51 p.m. A non-resident/visitor reported striking another vehicle in the Longest Student Health Center parking lot. • 7:31 p.m. A student reported her vehicle was damaged while parked behind Cresswell Hall. • 7:42 p.m. A student reported his vehicle was burglarized behind Cresswell Hall. • 11:28 p.m. A student was arrested for public drunkenness.

Sunday, November 18 • 12:53 a.m. A student was arrested on George Perry for public drunkenness. • 2:01 a.m. A student was arrested for possession of drug paraphernalia. • 10:23 a.m. An officer responded to a grass fire at the RecPlex softball field. Starkville Fire Department was called. • 5:48 p.m. A resident director reported a disturbance in Rice Hall between two students.


• 4 citations were issued for speeding. • 1 citation was issued for expired tag.

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tuesday , november 20, 2012



the voice of MSU students

THE COnsTanT | maRy CHasE bREEdLOvE

Ten years of marching band comes to an end, changed for good


n spite of the Bulldog’s victory against Arkansas Saturday, I left Davis Wade Stadium with a sad, aching feeling in my chest. After four years of hard work and more fun than I could have ever imagined, I had finished my days of being on Scott Field during pregame and halftime with the Famous Maroon Band. One of our directors pointed out to us seniors we never think this day will come when we’re freshmen, but then it does. The last home game as a member of the Famous Maroon Band sneaked up on me as fast as the past four years of college have flown by. Ever since I was in the seventh grade, music always controlled my social life on weekends in the fall. I joined my high school marching band when I was going on 13, so for the past decade, I have never attended a football game for my school without being in a polyester-wool blend band uniform surrounded by my closest friends. Being a member of the marching band has shaped me into who I am today. There are so many lessons other than music that can be learned through marching band, and I would like to share them with you now. First of all, being in marching band taught me discipline. I have seen and experienced this concept firsthand: if you want to become better at doing something, you have to

practice. You have to practice to simply do what others ask when you think you’re good of you. As a member of the enough not to. Marching Famous Maroon Band, I was band showed me if I work able to be a face in the crowd hard at something, I will see — a tiny dot in the “MSU” the rewards. My senior year and “STATE” spell-outs of high school, our marching during the pregame perforband was third in the state of mances, but I was also a part Tennessee Division I Champi- of something much bigger onships. Four years earlier, we than myself. Band taught me how to be never had a chance of making finals, much less coming a sincere Bulldog fan as well. .55 points away from taking Singing the fight song after a home a state title. We suc- major loss is hard. But win or ceeded because we wanted to lose, I will always be proud to be good. And we were good be a Bulldog. The school spir— we were very good — be- it in this university is tangible. And because of the Famous cause we worked hard. Being in marching band Maroon Band, I can sing all taught me how to be a leader the words to our alma mater and how to be a follower. In by heart because I learned high school, I was the drum them during my first week of band camp. major for two Marching years. During being a member of band gave back that time, I led the marching band to me in ways my peers and has shaped me into many people had to set the never realize. I example for who I am today.” receive scholarhow I wanted the rest of our band to act ship money each semester for and focus during rehearsals. I being in the Famous Maroon learned how to lead by serv- Band. I would be in the band ing. I also developed thick regardless of the funding, but skin. I learned how to not get that money has helped supmy feelings hurt when I was ply my college financial needs criticized, but instead learn more than any other scholarship I receive. how to make myself better. My dad lost his job after his I firmly believe because of my leadership in high school company filed for bankruptcy marching band, I have been during my senior year of high able to lead in other areas of school. I knew I wanted to my life, such as being a camp attend Mississippi State, but my family had the obstacle of director this past summer. In college, I learned to fol- paying out-of-state tuition on low. I learned you don’t always top of regular college tuition, have to be the leader. In life, as well as tuition for my twin sometimes you are expected sister.

Because of the discipline I learned from marching band, I pushed myself in high school to get good grades and obtain as many scholarships as I could. My parents sacrificed so much for me to attend MSU. I often reference my parents in my opinion column, and I don’t thank them enough for everything they have done for me. They really are the smartest people I know. My mother has consistently gone above and beyond to make me happy. I’ve never met anyone more True Maroon than my dad. Making them proud these past four years as a member of an SEC college marching band has been a joy. And from being laid off from his job of 24 years to having major surgery for what we all thought was kidney cancer, I can’t explain how good it felt to be on Scott Field and see my dad sitting five rows diagonally to the left of the F section on the west side of the stadium, ringing his cowbell and smiling. Through hard work and God’s provision, I will graduate college debt-free. I will never be able to thank the Famous Maroon Band enough for helping meet that need. I would be wrong for not mentioning my growth as a musician because of marching band. I have developed a skill I can use for the rest of my life. I will always listen to music with appreciation and understanding. Music really does feed your soul.

I think the most important thing I can take away from a decade of marching band is the relationships I developed with my life-long friends. I met the greatest friends I’ll ever have in marching band. Most of the few people with whom I still have a lasting friendship from high school were band members alongside me. And, in spite of being involved in numerous other campus organizations, I can easily say my best friends are people I met in the Famous Maroon Band. On my first day of band as a freshman, the directors of the Famous Maroon Band knew me by name. I wasn’t a number on a drill chart. I was Mary Chase Breedlove from Somerville, Tenn. I was truly invested in by three directors who knew each of us — all 350-something — and treated us with care and intentionality. The directors of the Famous Maroon Band were a lot like my band director in high school was to me. They were teachers, mentors, critics and friends. I think it’s safe to assume you just don’t see that kind of relationship among college band members and directors every day. I consider myself blessed to have such wonderful people who influenced my love of music and helped me become the best version of myself. This journey was not always happy-go-lucky. In sickness and in health, band was hard

MARY CHASE BREEDLOVE Mary Chase Breedlove is the opinion editor at The Reflector. She can be contacted at sometimes. (During the Music City bowl trip last year, I got the worst stomach virus I’ve ever had in my entire life. It took me nine years, but I did in fact throw up on a band bus during my career as a band kid.) My heart has been broken from the death of a fellow band member from high school, the loss of one of our close-knit “band parents” and from various hurtful circumstances my friends and I have endured. However, the bond of being in the band together held us up during these hard times and made the good times even sweeter. So, after four seasons of football, three bowl game trips, countless boxed dinners on a charter bus, many rehearsals at 5:00 p.m. on weekdays and some of the best memories I’ll ever have, I will close a 10-year long chapter of my life in a few short weeks. Like any season of life, I know it must come to an end. I can never thank the directors, parents and friends enough for the past 10 years.


Black Friday commercialization defiles Thanksgiving


here’s nothing I love more than a good sale. The thrill when you walk up to a store and see a sidewalk sale set up out front. The challenge of rifling through clearance racks in the backs of department stores. The camaraderie with the other shoppers who are also taking advantage of markdowns. The validation you feel when the clerk checks you out and comments on the awesome deals you’ve found (compounded if they tell you the total amount you saved). Sale shopping can be a near religious experience, and we’re coming upon the most wonderful time of the year, when stores reach out to shoppers with enticing prices and we feed right into the consumerism our economy so desperately needs. Open houses, doorbusters, Christmas sales, post-Christmas deals and that holiday to

end all holidays: Black Friday. Look, I’m not saying Black Friday is a better holiday than the day that precedes it; I’m just saying sales are more exciting than ancient parades and turkeys. One of the holidays is full of the spirit of America, and I think we all know which one it is. The two holidays are getting increasingly confused, anyway, as stores open earlier and earlier for their Black Friday festivities. This year, Walmart is opening for Black Friday at 8 p.m. Thanksgiving Day, and Target is following suit at 9 p.m. Other stores like Best Buy hold out until midnight, one minute after Thanksgiving is officially over. The Mall at Barnes Crossing is also opening at midnight for the first time this year, with the exception of good old JC Penney, who re-


Reflector Editor in Chief Hannah Rogers

Managing Editor Kaitlyn Byrne

Life Editor Zack Orsborn

Multimedia Editor Eric Evans Sports Editor Kristen Spink

Campus News Editor John Galatas

Photography Editor Jay Johnson

Copy Editor Candace Barnette

News Editor Emma Crawford

Opinion Editor Mary Chase Breedlove Copy Editor Rachel Burke



Editor in Chief/Hannah Rogers

Letters to the editor should be sent to the Meyer Student Media Center or mailed to The Reflector, PO Box 5407, Mississippi State, MS. Letters may also be emailed to Letters must include name and telephone number for verification purposes. The editor reserves the right to edit or refuse to publish a letter.

325-7905 Managing Editor/Kaitlyn Byrne 325-8991 News Editor/Emma Crawford 325-8819 News tips/John Galatas 325-7906 Opinion Editor/Mary Chase Breedlove Sports Editor/Kristen Spink 325-5118 Life Editor/Zack Orsborn 325-8883 Photography Editor/Jay Johnson 325-1584 Advertising sales/Julia Pendley 325-7907


EDITORIAL POLICY The Reflector is the official student newspaper of Mississippi State University. Content is determined solely by the student editorial staff. The contents of The Reflector have not been approved by Mississippi State University.

The Reflector staff strives to maintain the integrity of this paper through accurate and honest reporting. If we publish an error we will correct it. To report an error, call 325-7905.

fuses to open until 6 a.m. Many will applaud JCP for their stubbornness, and I must say I agree that someone needs to put a stop to this madness. You can’t start a holiday called Black Friday on a Thursday: that’s just false advertising. It ruins the sanctity of the holiday. You don’t get sales until after all the turkey has been put away and the datebook on your phone flips over to Friday. That’s just the way it is. Besides that, Black Friday encroaching upon Turkey Day is just plain rude. Thanksgiving is about family, and it’s difficult to enjoy spending time with Aunt Jo and Uncle Bob when you’re leaving to get in line at WalMart before supper is over. Even Cyber Monday seems to be subject to this time jump phenomenon. Amazon, the cyber superstore, begins its sales the Monday before

Thanksgiving and updates best of it. Invite Aunt Midge them daily, culminating on to stand in line at Belk while Cyber Monday. you go with Cousin Shelly Several other online mar- to pick up some Estée Laudkets are starting their advertis- er perfume for your granding and teaser sales earlier and mother. earlier. Have your geek cousin set I’ve got to admit, it takes a up a computer program to do bit of fun out of the biggest price checks so you can chalonline sale day of the year lenge the match price guaranwhen I’m getting emails for tee. Set up walkie talkies for all other crazy your family good sales members Thanksgiving is about for the enand launch tire week a secret family, and it’s difficult preceding initiative to enjoy spending time it. whose goal with aunt Jo and uncle Even so, is getting I feel there’s best bob when you’re leaving the probably deals for to get in line at Walmart e v e r y o n e . no stopping before supper is over.” consumerWhen you ism from get right taking over bit by bit. One down to it, all holidays can be day the sales will probably family holidays. start at noon on Thanksgiving Just make sure you’re careand serve complimentary tur- ful out there. Not all of us are key and cranberry sauce. full of the Black Friday spirit, I say we should make the and crowds can get pretty nas-

WHITNEY KNIGHT Whitney Knight is a junior majoring in English Education. She can be contacted at ty. Every year there are horrible injuries sustained from Black Friday mobs. One might hope having the holiday so close to family togetherness might bring out the best in people, but that doesn’t seem to be the case at all. So go get your sales, spend time with the whole family and revel in the beautiful prices. But make sure to stay safe. After all, your brother values your safety far above the Wii U.

musIngs | bEn HEsTER

Integrity defines every facet of life, character


ne time, when I was wrapped up in the affair. This in the fifth grade, story is really interesting beI stole a pellet gun cause much of the public has from my grandparents’ cabi- responded with strong supnet and accidentally killed a port for Petraeus. bird outside. According to one poll, over Needing to cover it up, 67 percent of people believe I did the only thing I could his resignation was unnecesthink of — I buried that sary. sucker as deep as I could. They claim the affair had When I came back inside, nothing to do with his poit didn’t take Granny long to sition and even assert the have my full confession and conventional wisdom of refor me to receive several diffi- moving a figure from office cult chores as penance. because of things like this Segue to now: General Pet- should be done away with. raeus is out of a job. Others are claiming his acIf you haven’t heard, the tions should be overlooked longtime genbecause of eral and rehis stellar caI don’t think the cent head of reer as a pubdistinction between the Central lic servant. public and private life Intelligence Steve SieAgency has is entirely legitimate. bold, with Huffresigned from the They’re connected; ington Post, his post after our public lives reflect said, “The it was uncovbottom line ered that he our private lives.” is this is a was having an affair with the woman who man who is very good at what he does professionally, and we was writing his biography. The investigation is far need him. It’s a major loss for from over, though, as there our country. Cheating on your spouse is are concerns of potential national security breaches never a good idea, but what

does that have to do with Petraeus’ ability to run the CIA?” Essentially, the idea behind this kind of support from Siebold and others is someone’s pragmatic value outweighs other things like that person’s character. So because Petraeus was so talented and useful, it really doesn’t matter he cheated on his wife. We should have kept him on board. Is this right? I don’t think it is. I’m glad he stepped down. I think we should take into account the whole of the person in regard to occupational fitness. Why? Because I don’t think the distinction between public and private life is entirely legitimate. They’re connected; our public lives are the reflections of our private lives. This means a compromise of integrity within our private lives will affect the public as well. When we ignore this idea, and choose to compartmentalize instead, all we get is a slippery slope. So while I agree with the

BEN HESTER Ben Hester is a junior majoring in communication. He can be contacted at Petraeus resignation, I certainly do think we should forgive this guy. I don’t think it will be hard for most us to do, as we’re a pretty forgiving society. I think it’s because we see too much of ourselves in Petraeus. Obviously very few of us have slept with a person doing a biography on us, but we all know we’re far from perfect. His misstep only reminds us of our own shortcomings and our own need for forgiveness. But forgiveness is rarely free. Sometimes a price has to be paid. In this case, we should be satisfied with the resignation.








The deadline for Tuesday’s paper is 3 p.m. Thursday; the deadline for Friday’s paper is 3 p.m. Tuesday. Classifieds are $5 per issue. Student and staff ads are $3 per issue, pre-paid. Lost and found: found items can be listed for free; lost items are listed for standard ad cost.

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MSU CATHOLIC STUDENT ASSOCIATION The MSU Catholic Student Association invites you to join us for Sunday mass at 5:30 p.m. at St. Joseph Catholic Church, 607 University Dr. All are welcome to $2 Tuesday night dinner at 6 p.m. in the Parish Hall. Like us on Facebook: MSU STUDENT CHAPTER OF THE AMERICAN SOCIETY OF MICROBIOLOGY Contact or like us on Facebook, “MSU ASM,” for membership information. YOGA MOVES CLUB School or work stressing you out? Get moving into Yoga Moves! Try our moves to get into shape and our relaxation techniques to handle the stress. Yoga Moves meets at the Sanderson Center in Studio C, Thursday evenings 5 to 6:30. Like Yoga Moves Club-MSU on Facebook. SOCIOLOGICAL STUDENT ASSOCIATION The Sociological Student Association is based in the Department of Sociology. Undergraduates of all ages are welcome. Meetings are held the last Thursday of every month in Bowen Hall room 250 at 5 p.m.

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STUDENTS FOR A SUSTAINABLE CAMPUS SSC meets every Thursday at 6 p.m. in McCool room 212. Come and meet really cool people who all share interests in saving the environment. Don’t forget to opt-in for the Green Fund. SIGMA GAMMA RHO SORORITY, INC.

CLUB INFO The deadline for Tuesday’s paper is 3 p.m. Thursday; deadline for Friday’s paper is 3 p.m. Tuesday. MSU student organizations may place free announcements in Club Info. Information may be submitted by email to club_info@reflector.msstate. edu with the subject heading “CLUB INFO,” or a form may be completed at The Reflector office in the Student Media Center. A contact name, phone number and requested run dates must be included for club info to appear in The Reflector. All submissions are subject to exemption according to space availability.

Solutions for 11-16-12

The ladies of Sigma Gamma Rho Sorority, Inc. will be doing a passive community service project in South Zone on Nov. 19 at 8 p.m. for Buckle Up America. OKTIBBEHA COUNTY HUMANE SOCIETY STUDENT CHAPTER Want to de-stress before finals? Come to the Drill Field on Friday, Nov. 20 to “rent” a shelter dog for 20 minutes on the field. Bring a driver’s license and $5 from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. There will also be a donation box. Come support your local shelters!


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tuesday , november 20, 2012



REFLECTOR staff most thankful for?

HANNAH ROGERS editor inchief

“Charles Dickens. Cats. And, you know, real things like my co-workers, family, friends, and the people who listen to me chatter on about Habermas.”

KAITLYN BYRNE managing editor

“I’m thankful I only have THREE algebra classes left this semester.”

mary chase breedlove opinion editor

“I’m thankful for family, fiance, friends, my dog and the opportunity to have attended MSU.”

JOHN GALATAS news editor

“I’m thankful for Netflix (to catch up on “American Dad” and “Pretty Little Liars”), Rachel Burke’s cooking, the Boston Red Sox and Johnny Manziel.”

EMMA CRAWFORD news editor

“I’m thankful for this fall semester, the people who made it wonderful, Netflix and coffee.”

ZACK ORSBORN life editor

“I’m thankful for Beyonce, John Galatas’s music taste, “Ignition (Remix)” by R. Kelly, my writers and having a job. Oh, and for my BFF, Chelsea.”

kristen spink sports editor

“I’m thankful for The Reflector staff and God’s faithfulness to my family this year.”


Bands perform locally, around Mississippi By Daniel Hart Staff Writer

With the semester winding down, final exams nearing, stress skyrocketing and coffee finding its way into intravenous drip bags, consistent opportunities to hear live music of any style are peppered throughout Starkville and surrounding cities on both sides of state lines. A handful of shows are being played within a three-hour radius of Mississippi State University through the end of the semester prior to the beginning of final exams. Minglewood Hall in Memphis will host Old Crow Medicine Show’s return to the South to pluck banjos and entice fiddles Nov. 25. Described on Minglewood’s website as “a rambling string band” once drawing the attention of legendary folk musician Doc Watson, the guys’ most popular work came in the form of “Wagon Wheel,” that catchy bluegrass tune often leaking from baseball stadium speakers. To bring a taste of Christmas in November (outside every store’s window displays), lauded multi-instrumentalist Sufjan Stevens will be stopping at The Lyric Oxford in Oxford on Nov. 28. Far from an ordinary show, the event is listed as “The Sirfjam Stephanapolous Christmas SingA-Long Seasonal Affective Disorder Spectacular Music Pageant Variety Show Distaster.” According to The Lyric’s website, attendees can expect to play a role in the evening of Yuletide joy: “All Grinches be forewarned: the show will consist entirely of Christmas music, inviting audience partici-


- Old Crow Medicine Show Minglewood Hall, Memphis Nov. 25

- RICO & THE BORDER PATROL Rick’s Cafe, Starkville Nov. 27


The Lyric Oxford, Oxford Nov. 28

- ALL GET OUT with wolf love & jarnigan gypsies Rick’s Cafe, Starkville Nov. 29

- MUSTACHE THE BAND Rick’s Cafe, Starkville Dec. 6

- Brandon lay

Rick’s Cafe, Starkville Dec. 7 zack orsborn | the reflector

pation. Be prepared to sing along with bawdy bravura! Song sheets will be provided.” The wacky holiday aura of the event is characteristic of Stevens’ ethos, as he has crafted two massive Christmas albums in the past. The first, Songs for Christmas released in 2006 with five discs and 42 songs,


and the second dropped this month, managing to swell even larger: Silver & Gold contains a whopping five discs and 58 songs. The spectacle is also predicted to include plenty of gags, cheap props, inflatable unicorns and Santa hats, all culminating to make Stevens’ first stop in Oxford a unique one. Philadelphia, Miss., based Rico & The Border Patrol will play at Rick’s Cafe in Starkville on Nov. 27, bringing Southern rock its Facebok page touts as “the grooves that make your booty move.” A few familiar Starkville faces will find their way to the stage at Rick’s Nov. 29. Local acts Wolf Cove and Jarnigan Gypsies will open for Charleston, S.C., based All Get Out. Tim Gryder, sophomore anthropology major and Jarnigan Gypsies member, said All Get Out is a band with label ties to established acts. Both local bands are filled with State students; Jarnigan Gypsies is comprised of Tim Gryder, Cole Humphries, Catie Marie Martin, Gordon Lee and Wilson West, and Wolf Cove is built of John William White, Clayton Waller and Ben Watson. Mustache The Band has had stickers of its mustache emblem cropping up around the northern part of the state; its chance to put its money where its mustache is at Rick’s on Dec. 6, as what Rick’s calls “a 90s Country Tribute Party Band that’ll grow on you.” Rick’s will host country artist Brandon Lay on Dec. 7. According to his website, this will be his second stop in Starkville after, touring behind his recently released album Me and Dixie.

• Finding out you have three final exams on the same day. • Being stuck behind a tractor on the way to class. • The hand scanners in Sanderson refusing to let you enter. • Taping flasks and koozies inside of your cowbell. • Knowing never to be in a rush if you need to print something from the library. • Wondering what shirt is going to be on the Drill Field statues today. • MyCourses being down every time you have something important coming up. • Having the air conditioning in Dorman go out during a 300-person lecture. • Paying for a decal but having nowhere to park. • Getting a ticket when you park • Starkville turning into a ghost town anywhere for five minutes. during the breaks. • Seeing Bully Bikes locked up. • Increasing in students every semester, yet • Seeing Bully Bikes on the side of keeping the parking spot numbers the the Alabama. same. • Trying to get lunch in the Union • Running out of flex dollars and block meals before Thanksgiving. during a preview day. • Having to wear shorts to class in • Everyone wanting Taco Bell at 2 a.m. on Saturday. November. • Having to take a separate bus just to get • Your arm being in pain from to the Wise Center. Cowbellitis aaer any home game. • Being in the last group to register for • Having the bus you need pull away classes. from Montgomery as you walk up. • Thinking we have a real hospital on campus until its closed on the weekend. • Forgetting to wear maroon on • Freshmen waiting eight hours for football Maroon Friday. tickets, upperclassmen knowing to wait • MSU1x dropping more oaen than until the aaernoon. an Ole Miss receiver. • 4000 level classes still taking attendance.


photo editor

“I’m thankful for the Maroon and the White.”


multimedia editor

“I’m thankful for my wife, and that we have the opportunity to live together.”


“I’m thankful for Zack Orsborn, love, electricity, thumbs, Dr. Pepper, oceans, microwave ovens, Henrietta Honda, family, weekends and Steve Madden shoes. ”

RACHEL BURKE copy editor

“I’m thankful for my friends, co-workers, Famous Maroon Band, football, family, good food and Mississippi State University.”


How to have a successful Thanksgiving


e get it, the holi- of Thanksgiving, so your days can be stress- stomach will be completely ful. While on the available for turkey, dressing, one hand they’re full of gifts pumpkin pie and sweet tea to and merriment and excite- make their roost there come ment and food, on the other Thursday. Calories don’t they’re overwrought with ex- count on Thanksgiving. pensive friends, freezing fin2. Watch the Macy’s gers and desperate attempts Thanksgiving Day Parade to get those extra 10 points – I know this is Mississippi so your mother won’t be too where our Thanksgiving TV disappointed schedule rein your GPA volves around Let’s face it. Your for this semesfootball, but parents will ask you ter. In order last time I to do the dishes, and to make the checked, most of your no your grandmother will there’s Thanksgiving football on at ask you if you have a break, try out 8 a.m. Seriboyfriend. There’s no these helpful dodging those bullets.” ously, this is hints to have my favorite your turkey thing about and eat it, too. Thanksgiving. 1. Diet – Just hear me I set an alarm so I don’t miss a out. We all know our tum- second of this puppy. Putting mies will be bulging by 3 my Broadway bias aside, The p.m. Thursday afternoon. We Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Paall know our eyelids will be rade has a little something for heavy, and we’re already plan- everyone — celebrity perforning our schedules around mances, Broadway previews, our post-Thanksgiving nap- Santa Claus and cartoon baltime and football-watching. loons. What’s not to love? These are all good things. 3. Make a culinary My challenge to you is to eat contribution – There is as little as possible the week no greater satisfaction than


Catie Marie Martin is a sophomore majoring in English. She can be contacted at zorsborn@reflector.msstate. edu. knowing you have actually made an edible contribution to the Thanksgiving meal. You know your grandmother has been planning this meal for the past month; just imagine the smile of joy that will spread across her face when you offer to mash the potatoes or make the pumpkin pie. Give the gift of food to your family and to yourself. 4. Humor your family members – Let’s face it. Your parents will ask you to do the dishes, and your grandmother will ask you if you have a boyfriend. There’s no dodging those bullets. Bearing this in

mind, do your best to get in a premeditated positive mindset. Thanksgiving only comes once a year — you can grin and bear the shame of telling your aunt, uncle, grandmother and anyone else who happens to ask yet again that you are single for about 24 hours. 5. Make a Thankfulness list – I know, this one’s a little corny, but bear with me. Nothing puts things into perspective like a good, old-fashioned, count-yourblessings list. Exams are fast upon us, and our grades may not be where we would like for them to be. We may be exhausted and just downright fed up with school, but look on the bright side. We go to school at the best university in the South, the one with the most beautiful red and orange and yellow autumn trees, the one with the cowbells and the Dawg Walk and the Drill Field, the one with — for the most part — caring professors and helpful classmates. If that’s not reason to be thankful, then I just don’t know what is.






MSU prepares for At 8-3, Dogs seek to keep Egg hungry Black Bears Bowl trophy for fourth year SPINK ON SPORTS | KRISTEN SPINK


want to start out saying how proud I am to go to a university that makes it a priority to remember and honor those who deserve our thoughts. Before the start of Mississippi State’s win over Arkansas KRISTEN SPINK Saturday, the late Nick Bell, who would have been a senior, Kristen Spink is the sports was remembered as a com- editor of The Reflector. memorative video of Bell was She can be contacted at shown on the jumbotron. Bell’s mother, Linda, was honored in his place in front of a standing held Wilson to a season-low crowd at Davis Wade Stadium. 225 passing yards, the fifth Senior Cameron Lawrence lowest of his career, compared said the video was “so special. to Wilson’s 365 yards through The emotions and remember- the air against the Dogs last ing Nick through everything season. It was also nice to see LaDarwe do is just awesome.” Then came halftime when ius Perkins healthy and back the Famous Maroon Band on the field. After missing the saluted the United States of LSU game, Perkins rushed America and honored our vet- for 97 yards and recorded 40 erans and those currently serv- receiving yards against Arkansas. In particular, Tyler Russell ing in the military. There’s no way goosebumps found Perk in the end zone were missing on any person’s twice on the same play, the arms in Davis Wade during the wheel route. One of the more difficult salute. There’s just something special about taking the time passes to throw, Russell made to recognize those who have two nearly perfect passes to fought and are currently fight- the running back on the wheel route, and Perk finished them ing for our freedom. I was proud to call myself off with spectacular catches for a Bulldog Saturday when our two touchdowns. Perkins could be the key to university took the time to remember and honor Nick Bell State’s success this weekend in Oxford when the Dogs and our military. I was also proud to call my- and Black Bears battle for the self a Bulldog Saturday when Golden Egg. In his first two Egg Bowls, MSU completely blew away Arkansas. Considering State’s Perkins had 20 carries for 162 past history against the Hogs, yards, six receptions for 167 I’m sure I wasn’t the only per- yards and four touchdowns. son who came into Davis Wade Remember, that was when Vick slightly nervous (and stayed Ballard was leading the way in the MSU back field. Perkins nervous for a little bit). But the third quarter was has averaged 210.5 all-purpose yards per Egg 100 percent Bowl. Maroon and Perkins could be the As if Ole White as key to State’s Miss needed Razorback any more inturnover after success this centive coming turnover alweekend in Oxford ... into this game, lowed State to Perkins has averaged the Rebels need take control a win to become of the game. 210.5 all-purpose bowl eligible. On Arkanyards per Egg Bowl.” But MSU sas’ first drive fully believes of the second half, I looked up just in time to see MSU inter- the Egg Bowl trophy will stay cept Tyler Wilson. Assuming in Starkville for the fourth conit was Johnthan Banks with secutive year. “I cannot wait. I absolutely the pick, I was about to start my tweet and then decided I cannot wait. It is always the biggest game of the year for us, should check for sure. I saw Banks, Slay and and we will be ready to go,” Broomfield all around the ball said head coach Dan Mullen. Lawrence agreed with his but not holding it. Then I saw #24 with the ball, Jamerson coach. “So fired up about it. I’m Love. Add another name to the list of well-knowns in the MSU going to get my fourth win against them and continue secondary. Slay got in on the action with to be undefeated against The an interception of his own later School Up North the rest of in the half, and the secondary my life,” Lawrence said.

BY RAY BUTLER Staff Writer

With the Egg Bowl merely one week away, the Mississippi State Bulldogs, who were in desperate need of a win, shrugged off a slow start and dominated the Arkansas Razorbacks 45-14 Saturday at Davis Wade Stadium. Head coach Dan Mullen said the seniors really stepped up on senior day as they have done all season. “We had a great win today for our kids,” Mullen said. “We made some big plays, created some turnovers and took advantage of those turnovers. We knew we would have to play hard for all 60 minutes, and we did.” In a game that saw MSU’s seniors honored prior to kickoff, fans in attendance witnessed the graduating class tie State’s all time mark in wins with 29, a feat that had not been accomplished since 2001. Along with the feat accomplished by the seniors,

MSU’s final home game of the season also provided several broken records at the hands of State’s offense. Junior quarterback Tyler Russell, who accounted for 273 total yards against the Razorbacks, broke the single season school record for completions with 201 and passing yards with 2,523 while extending his single-season record to 21 passing touchdowns. “There’s a lot of history at Mississippi State,” Russell said. “For our offense to break records like that, it just lets you know that we are going in the right direction.” Chad Bumphis, a senior wide receiver who is having a breakout season, broke the single season school record with his 10th touchdown reception and extended his school record to 22 career touchdown receptions. Bumphis finished Saturday’s game with six receptions for 82 yards and a pair of touchdowns.

MSU-ARKANSAS POSTGAME NOTES On senior day, the MSU senior class picked up its 29th win, the most by a senior class since the 2001. The six wins in a single season at Scott Field are the second most in school history. The Bulldogs broke the school record for passing yards in a single season, increasing their total to 2,682. The 243.8 yards per game is a school record, surpassing the 239.7 set in 1978. With their 23rd-consecutive sellout (54,836), the Bulldogs finished their 2012 home schedule with a seven-game school-record average of 55,627 fans per home game. A program-best 389,354 MSU fans packed Davis Wade Stadium in 2012, with all seven of the crowds ranking in the top 20 in school history. Tyler Russell broke the single-season school record for completions (201), yards (2,523) and 200-yard passing games (seven), while extending his single-season record of 21 passing touchdowns. Chad Bumphis broke the single-season school record with his SEC-leading 10th touchdown reception, extending his school record to 22 career touchdown receptions. Darius Slay intercepted his fifth pass, which is tied for fourth in the country.


Junior Tyler Russell was named SEC Offensive Player of the Week after breaking multiple MSU records Saturday against Arkansas. “As seniors, we wanted to go out on a big note,” Bumphis said. “When we force turnovers, we’re very successful. They turned the ball over, and we capitalized on their mistakes.” The Bulldogs were also able to have success running the ball against Arkansas. After failing to reach the 100-yard mark as a team in the last three games, MSU ran for 203 yards against the Razorbacks. Junior LaDarius Perkins led the way with 91 yards rushing, and sophomore Nick Griffin added a 60yard touchdown run in the fourth quarter. Perkins said the slow start did not discourage the team. “We didn’t start fast like we really wanted to,” Perkins said. “In the first half, we chipped away at them. But in the second half, we turned it up a notch and made a lot of plays.” On the other side of the ball, MSU’s defense certainly made its fair share of big plays against the Razorbacks. The Bulldogs forced five turnovers and moved their turnover margin to plus 18 when playing at home, a stat in which MSU leads the nation. Senior linebacker Cameron Lawrence, who had a fumble recovery in the second half, said he was simply in the right place at the right time. “I think it took us a couple of series to get settled

in,” Lawrence said. “Coach Wilson made a big emphasis that we needed to make more plays and create more turnovers. That’s exactly what we did.” With their eighth win of the 2012 season now under their belt, the Bulldogs (8-3, 4-3) will now prepare for their regular season finale against in-state rival Ole Miss. The Black Bears, who are 5-6 this season, must win Saturday’s Egg Bowl matchup in order to become bowl eligible. Under first year head coach Hugh Freeze, UM has outperformed the expectations of most national experts. The Black Bears, while only 2-5 in conference play, have lost three of those games by a combined 10 points. For MSU, the Bulldogs will look to remain undefeated against Ole Miss under the direction of Mullen. A winner of three consecutive Egg Bowls, State has outscored the Black Bears 103-53 since Mullen accepted the MSU head coaching position in 2008. Saturday in Oxford, the Bulldogs will look to secure the Golden Egg for the fourth consecutive season, a feat that has not been accomplished by either team since the 1983-1986 seasons. “I cannot wait. I absolutely cannot wait,” Mullen said. “It is always the biggest


HEAR FROM HEAD COACH DAN MULLEN “Great senior day. Special memory commemorating Nick Bell would have been a senior. Still probably the toughest thing I’ll ever go through as a coach, I hope it’s the toughest thing I’ll ever have to go through as a coach in that situation, but it was great to make sure we honored his mom today, and I know he was looking down on us cheering for us ... I’m really proud of our senior class, what they accomplished when they got in here. These guys four years ago, a couple of them had just finished their redshirt year and everything they thought they were coming into was going to change for them and a bunch of other guys had a lot of opportunities and they decided to make a commitment to come here and believe in what we were trying to build and they’ve done a fabulous job. … I thank our fan base and all that they’ve done to give us that home field advantage which is so critical for us and so important Mike Latham’s in the Southeastern Conference … We’ve gotten close to where we want

to be, which is a 50-50 balanced run-pass team. To do that you have to be efficient doing both, and a lot of this year we’ve been able to do that … After the poor start early in the game with our defense, I thought we made a lot of plays. I give our staff credit. They overcame me. Me, on the sidelines, sometimes I’m rough duty to deal with occasionally on game day. I do get them fired up, but they did a good job and got them coached up and made some slight

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adjustments … The run part of it was the huge part of it. Being able to stop the run with our defensive front a little bit, allowed us to play a little bit more coverage on them. Maybe we didn’t get as much pressure as you’d like to get, I think it was the fact that we were stopping the run that really helped our pass defense.”








McVey breaks record BY KRISTEN SPINK Sports Editor

Freshman Roxanne McVey broke the Mississippi State record for digs in a season with a 23-dig performance Sunday against Missouri. McVey, who has been the SEC leader in digs the majority of the year, increased her conference lead in digs while breaking Megan Lukasek’s record of 511 digs set in 2007. McVey now has 524 digs with two matches remaining to build on her record. McVey said her teammates have pushed her hard every day in the gym to be the best she can be. “It’s awesome to work that hard in the gym and then something like that happens; it’s just like all the hard work paying off,” McVey said. “It’s just a mindset. You have to go in there thinking you can do the impossible, and it’s going to be exciting for the years to come to have set the standard for myself and just keep going and try to beat myself everytime.” This record was the second of McVey’s short career. Earlier this season, the freshman set an MSU and SEC record with 50 digs in a match against LSU. Unfortunately, the record-breaking performance from McVey was not enough to give the Dogs the win over the Tigers as MSU fell 259, 25-16, 26-24 on senior day. The Bulldogs had a 20-15 lead in the third set but were not able to push through and pull it out. Head coach Jenny Hazelwood said youth sets in at the end of close matches, causing the girls to make critical mistakes. “We have a lot of matchers where we do a lot of really good things, and to sustain that, it takes a certain amount of mental toughness and fortitude to keep that high level of focus,” Hazelwood said. “I think that’s what we’re having to learn.” State’s lone senior Chanelle Baker was honored before Sunday’s match, her last home match of her career. Although this has not been the type of season on which any senior would wish to go out, Baker said she learned to keep her head up during adversity and not coast.

“It’s been a tough journey getting here, but I wouldn’t change it for the world,” Baker said. “It’s made me who I am today. I’ve learned a lot of life lessons, and I’m hoping they will help me with whatever I do the rest of my life.” McVey’s 14 digs were not enough to give State the win over Ole Miss Friday, either. The Dogs fell to the Rebels 25-20, 25-21, 25-14. Ole Miss had just one more kill than MSU, but the Rebels blocked the Dogs seven times, giving State a .242 attack percentage. Sophomore setter Rachel Williams said the Rebels played steady and MSU simply did not. “We made some mental mistakes. I myself made a lot tonight, and that just can’t happen against a team like Ole Miss,” Williams said. “Taylor Scott was a little fire plug there at the end. I was looking for her, and she can usually get a few kills when we need one. She does really good at the end of games.” Scott, who finished with 12 kills against Ole Miss, is one of six Bulldog freshmen who have made an impact in their first season. She leads the team with 263 kills and is followed by fellow rookie Sarah Nielsen, who has 205 kills. With only one senior and one junior on the roster, the majority of State’s players will be returning for the next few seasons. McVey said she is excited to see what the team will do next year after starting with a clean slate. “This year we all thought we were going to be really successful. But we didn’t do that, but it just makes us so much more mentally tough having to go through this all together, and then next year we will be all together again,” McVey said. “I think we will pull through and end up surprising some people next year.” Before State looks to next season, the team has two matches this week at Georgia Wednesday and at Tennessee Friday. In the first battle of the Bulldogs, Georgia pulled out a four-set victory in a close match. Tennessee, a top team in the East, is 13-4 in the SEC this season. Hazelwood said she knows the Vols pose a tough matchup to any team, and she believes State matches up well against Georgia. “I think as we are continuing to try to play each match a little better and a little better, we’re going to tell these girls to fight to win each rally, win each point and fight for that set,” Hazelwood said. “Next year, I think people are going to say, ‘Wow, where did this come from?’ Well, we’ve had the potential all along, we just are missing a few key pieces right now and are incredibly young. I think we’ve got a great future ahead for this program.”

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After breaking the SEC record for digs in a match in a 50-dig performance against LSU earlier this season, Roxanne McVey broke the MSU record for digs in a season last weekend.

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