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JANUARY 11, 2013

Reflector The




No secure data lost in MSU cyber-attack BY EMMA CRAWFORD News Editor

Mississippi State University was the target of a hacking attempt on one of the university’s servers, but Information Technology Services found no secure data Salter was stolen. On Wednesday, the website Hack Read News posted that information from 535 MSU individuals had been compromised by a Brazilian hacker. According to a news release, Presi-

dent Mark Keenum directed MSU’s chief information officer to launch an investigation into the incident. MSU Chief Information Officer Mike Rackley said in a press release most of the information obtained by the hacker is available from existing public domain print or digital university directories. He said no “social security numbers, credit card information, health information or grades” were compromised. MSU’s ITS is notifying users who may have been affected by the incident and working with them to change their account passwords as a precaution. Sid Salter, director of University Re-

lations, said in a phone interview the information accessed by the hacker was faculty information, not student information. He also said MSU is constantly working to avoid cyber-attacks on its systems. “MSU constantly monitors and updates and changes data security and strategies to avoid attacks of this nature,” he said. “Data security is an ongoing battle that rages 24/7, hackers are attempting, not just at Mississippi State, but all over cyberspace to penetrate the system.” Salter said ITS’s procedure for protecting the university’s servers proved

successful in the incident. “The takeaway from Wednesday was that the system ultimately functioned as it should,” he said. “Secure data, things that actually have an impact on peoples privacy, the ITS upheld that information stayed secure.” In a news release, Keenum said cyber-crimes are a university concern and MSU is aware of their potential for harm. “Cyber-crimes and ‘hacking’ plague Fortune 500 companies, the federal government and unfortunately, is a reality in higher education as well,” said Keenum. “We’re very sensitive to the concerns such attacks generate,

but at this point we believe that the secure data of these individuals remains safe.” In the event that a hacker did obtain secure data from MSU faculty or students, Salter said the university would assist individuals whose information was compromised as well as revaluate the security wall protecting secure information on the MSU’s servers. “The university would have to react just as individuals do when they are victims of identity theft,” he said. “They would do everything possible to help the victims of the hacking and then rebuild the wall to make it stronger and higher.”

Advocates for Freedom raises human trafficking awareness BY JAMIE ALLEN Staff Writer

January is Human Trafficking Awareness month and agencies across the United States are bringing awareness to this issue as it is one of the fastest-growing criminal activities in the world. According to the United Nations’ website, thousands of women, men and children are trafficked for sexual or labor exploitation each year. Human trafficking is sometimes referred to as modern-day slavery and victims are subjected to force, fraud or coercion by their trafficker. Advocates for Freedom is an organization located in Mississippi that is designed to bring awareness to human trafficking. Susie Harvill, executive director of AFF said human trafficking occurs in Mississippi. “It is in most all of our towns, either labor trafficking or sex trafficking or both,” Harvill said. “It is usually a fraud type of situation, they are being told that they are going to make great money, but that is not the case.” From January 1 to 4, about 60,000 college students attended Passion, an annual conference that takes place in Atlanta, Ga., where over $3 million were raised to stop human trafficking. SEE TRAFFICKING, 2 KAITLIN MULLINS | THE REFLECTOR

SA introduces transfer student affairs cabinet position BY JOHN GALATAS Campus News Editor

The Mississippi State University Student Association created a new transfer student affairs program within its cabinet to assist in providing academic, social and leadership opportunities to transfer students. With transfer students comprising 50 percent of MSU graduates, and an increase in transfer student enrollment, SA President Shelby Balius said she recognized the necessity for a transition program. In an email interview, Balius said the new program will connect transfer students to MSU and help the students transition to campus involvement. “This will be an organization to promote networking and friendships among transfer students and provide assistance with their arrival at MSU,” Balius said. “It is not only an organization that will help in opportunities for connections between current MSU students, but also in networking with past transfer student MSU graduates and involvement to boost a student’s resume.” Taylor King, co-director of transfer student affairs,


BAD DAWGS..............................2 OPINION ...............................3 CONTACT INFO.......................3 BULLETIN BOARD...................4

said the main purpose of the organization is to help transfer students to connect socially, academically and professionally. “Socially, we want to help them meet each other. We want to create programs to have them come together, even if it’s just a meeting,” King said. “We want to kind of make this a sorority or fraternity for them so they will be able to be with each other. Also, within the meetings, we can have the Career Center come over and speak about co-ops, resumes, grades or anything like that.” King also said the program aims to get students involved with leadership organizations some may not know are available. “It’s still not too late to rush, it’s still not too late to try out for an SA position, orientation leader, road runner or anything like that,” she said. “(Students) might have done that at their previous college, so they can get involved with things here that they were involved in beforehand.” Balius said the inspiration for creating the new position came from her experience as an orientation leader in 2011.

CROSSWORD .................. ..... 4 CLASSIFIEDS...........................4 LIFE....................................5 SPORTS...................................8

Transfer student affairs program






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FRIDAY , JANUARY 11 , 2013

TRANSFER “Since I am from Georgia where we do not have a community college system, I was taken aback by the apparent stigma that is placed on transfer students. I have never really understood why – even our own university president is a transfer student. I noticed the need to reach out to transfer students during my time as an orientation leader in summer 2011,” she said. “Many of the questions I would receive during the Dawg Talk session from transfer students centered on how to get plugged in and meet people, versus freshman students who would mostly ask questions about classes. Transfer students are already in the swing of



continued from 1 college classes so the culture tion as part of her platform. shock of a In adnew school is The Bulldog Bound dition to different for the cabinet website will be them.” position, a launched this B a l i u s new website also said she has been semester with stayed in created to information that is touch with connect pocompiled according tential stusome transfer students to recommendations dents to the in her orienuniversity. from the existing tation group “ T h e to generate Bulldog Transfer Student ideas as to Bound webAffairs committee how to imsite will be and the Transfer prove the launched transition to Student Association.” later this MSU. semester Shelby Balius, When she with inforSA president decided to mation that run for SA is compiled president, she included the according to recommendacreation of the cabinet posi- tions from the existing Trans-

TRAFFICKING Brittany Farley, junior secondary education major, was one of these students. She said Passion encouraged her to become more aware of the products she uses that slaves may have made. “There’s a website called Slavery Footprint which you can go to and see how many slaves work for you. I went and found that my total was 55 slaves. That’s incredible to think that there are 55 people forced to do stuff for me,” Farley said. Megan Grice, freshman secondary education major, also attended Passion. She said she was surprised to hear how prevalent human trafficking is in the United States. “A lot of times, people push social problems on the other countries

fer Student Affairs committee and the new Transfer Student Association,” Balius said. “In the future, we hope to partner with the Office of Admissions with their new ‘TAG’ (Tuition Admission Guarantee) program for transfer admitted students.” The first transfer student affairs meeting will be held Jan. 24 in the Union Dawg House. Speakers will include Balius, representatives from the Career Center and Academic Advising Center and MSU baseball player Luis Pollorena, who is also a transfer student. For more information on the transfer student affairs programs and events, students can follow @MSU_Transfer on Twitter.

continued from 1 and think that America doesn’t have any, but we have a whole lot more than we see,” Grice said. “I also found out about a hotline number that you can call in the U.S. and they will contact someone in your state that will help you.” Harvill said college students can take action to raise awareness and help stop this fast-growing crime. “I suggest that they get involved,” Harvill said. “They can find either a

According to the Polaris Project, Mississippi is ranked a Tier 3, and encompasses three of the 10 categories believed critical to a comprehensive anti-trafficking legal framework. Tier 3 states are noted to have made nominal efforts to pass laws to combat human trafficking, and should take major steps to improve and implement its laws.



home they want to work in and lend support, use their computer skills for enhancing different programs that will bring about awareness, or volunteer and work with an agency.”



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Sunday, January 6 • 7:12 p.m. A student was arrested in Columbus for possession of paraphernalia and driving under the influence.

Monday, January 7 • 8:56 a.m. An Aramark employee was arrested on Stone Boulevard for speeding, expired tag and suspended driver’s license. • 9:19 a.m. A non-resident/visitor reported welfare concern for his son, a student. • 11:56 a.m. A non-resident/visitor needed medical assistance at the Phi Delta Theta house. Subject refused transport to OCH. • 1:47 p.m. A non-resident/visitor was arrested on a warrant for destruction of intellectual property. • 1:49 p.m. A student was arrested in Starkville for disregard of a traffic control device.

Tuesday, January 8 • 1:33 p.m. A non-resident/visitor was arrested on Stone Boulevard for speeding, suspended driver’s license and no insurance. • 1:54 p.m. An employee reported fuelman cards stolen from an MSU vehicle. • 5:19 p.m. A student reported suspicious activities taking place in Cresswell Hall.

Wednesday, January 9 • 11:22 a.m. A student reported she fainted in Carpenter Hall. She refused an ambulance and stated that her grandparents were picking her up. • 2:45 p.m. A student reported her vehicle was damaged while parked in the Sanderson Center parking lot. • 5:15 p.m. A student reported damage to his vehicle while parked at the Industrial Education building. • 5:42 p.m. An employee reported her vehicle was on fire at the entrance of Garner Hall. Starkville Fire Department and A1 Towing were dispatched. Driver was out of the vehicle and no one was injured.


• 6 citations were issued for speeding. • 1 citation was issued for an expired tag.

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friday , january 11, 2013



the voice of MSU students

MusINgs | BEN hEsTER


Tolerance means disagreement Tangible books outlast technology



allaudet University, Gallaudet prove, our society a liberal arts college has discarded real tolerance located in Washing- and has replaced it with a ton, D.C., recently awarded kind that says, “You disagree a Ph.D. to Angela McCaskill. with me? Then you’re intolInterestingly enough, Mc- erant.” It necessitates complete Caskill, who was given the position at Gallaudet as a neutrality, and it limits peodiversity officer, was also re- ple from picking sides on socently put on paid leave by cial issues. This is dangerous. Gallaudet. As with the Gallaudet exWhy? Because she signed a petition which might make it ample, this kind of thinking possible for voters in Mary- puts people on administrative land to be able to vote on leave for holding views that overturning the state’s same- don’t run with the status quo. It invarisex marriage ably forelaws. practicing true tolerance closes the Does the requires disagreement; possibility school think McCaskill it requires dissension ... of actually icis intolerant our society has discarded pingr a c t true and bigoted real tolerance and has tolerance, for doing because it this? replaced it with a kind removes It would that says, ‘you disagree any discord appear so. with me? Then you’re from the The school’s conversareasoning is intolerant.’” tion. insane. Another problem with the If you don’t understand what I mean, I encourage you modern notion of tolerance to think about tolerance a lit- is that it is contradictory in nature. tle harder. The folks responsible for To tolerate something is to put up with something, or to removing McCaskill seem to be oblivious to the fact that endure it. But as we know, we don’t they are doing the very thing put up with or endure things that they accuse McCaskill of in which we do not agree. doing — they are being intolerant of her view. That would be absurd. Isn’t there something wrong Not only absurd, but it here? wouldn’t be tolerance. If this example seems a bit Practicing true tolerance requires disagreement; it re- far off, think about conversations you’ve had with your quires dissension. But as the administrators at peers.

BEN HESTER Ben Hester is a junior majoring in communication. He can be contacted at opinion@reflector.msstate. edu. Have you ever been labeled as intolerant for something you’ve said? Now, I don’t mean to make excuses for people who truly are intolerant and mean-spirited about the way they handle differences of ideas. I’m merely trying to say we need to stop and think about tolerance, so we can stop unfairly branding people as bigoted for disagreeing with us. Because as McCaskill proves, these people might be the only ones practicing real tolerance. As to why people abuse the idea of tolerance? I think it’s because of fear. We find it so much easier to dismiss someone as a bigot than to engage with them in dialogue. It’s a cop out. We’re afraid of conversations where disagreement might surface, because we’re afraid to be wrong. We need to embrace healthy discord. That’s how we learn.

ith Christmas and the read at least one printed book New Year festivities during the preceding 12 months. finally being over, it’s Only 30 percent reported readtime to settle back into the old ing even a single e-book in the familiar routine: school. How- past year.” Basically, e-books are ever, being back on the grind being treated like audiobooks: doesn’t mean it’s impossible to they’re just accessories. enjoy those Christmas presToday, for the most part, muents received over the holidays. sic and movies have been almost What about that Kindle Fire or entirely taken over by the digital that Nook age. Nete-readflix streams Books are a commitment. er Santa episodes Reading “War and peace” is of “Breaktucked in not the same as watching a ing Bad” the pile, next to straight to two hour movie.” the fruit TV and cake and stack of gift cards? Yes, laptops screens while Spotify and that’s right; it’s time to read some iTunes offer millions of songs, books! either through streaming or purE-readers are technological chasing, through the Internet. wonders. Whether it’s a Nook When e-readers first came out, or a Kindle, they offer numer- people assumed a similar transous advantages: the ability to formation would happen. Howcarry an entire library with ease, ever, it seems e-readers — while discounted prices and Internet certainly a revolutionary device access. That and isn’t it nice to — are not the usurper of the read books like “Fifty Shades of printing press. Grey” without being shunned by What traditionally printfriends and family? Yes, yes it is. ed books offer that e-readers And yet, an e-book never can’t replicate (at least, not with quite matches up to a real book. technology now) is tradition. Anyone can go and list off all E-readers, no matter how fancy the ways an e-book is technically or high-tech, can never be placed superior to traditionally printed on a shelf in a home. A kindle books, but there is something fire can never achieve that old about the tactile experience of book smell, the aroma that every bound paper and ink that res- true book lover knows: a mixture onates with people ‘round the of age, mustiness and a dash of world. vanilla. There is something speA recent article printed in the cial in the imperfections, in the Wall Street Journal by Nicholas tactile sensation of fingertips Carr uses studies to prove this tracing and dog-earing pages. No point, with key statistics from a matter how advanced an e-book Pew Research Study, such as “… gets, there is yet to exist one that fully 89 percent of regular book can duplicate that. Books are a commitment. readers have said that they had

CLAIRE MOSLEY Claire Mosley is a sophomore majoring in accounting. She can be contacted at opinion@ Reading “War and Peace” is not the same as watching a two-hour movie or a 30-minute episode of “Girls.” With an e-reader, staring at the same screen — no matter how friendly on the eyes — is not the same as gazing at the printed pages of Harry Potter, feeling the weight and texture of the pages, turning them one-by-one as you slowly realize that oh-no-oh-no-HARRY WATCH OUT FOR VOLDE—. Anyway, e-readers are awesome devices, and are tailor-made for impulse purchases and books that are worth a single read and then can be relegated to the trash bin. How many times does anyone actually need to reread the latest Nicholas Sparks or E.L. James novel? These are not the books that will be hailed as classics, that every American should have a copy to peruse in his or her library. No one, at least, no one sane, is going to grab their kids and start reading them passages out of “Fifty Shades of Grey.” And God help those poor children whose parents do.


Cut the crazy, controlling ex-girlfriends some slack


owadays, every guy seems to have a story about a “crazy,” controlling ex-girlfriend. Get a group of men talking and you can bet the stories will go on for hours. That in itself is not surprising and has probably been going on for decades. What is surprising is the topic is often more enthusiastically spurred on by girls, who are just as ready to vilify other members of their sex for their relationships with men. Stories about the extreme measures some girl went to in order to avoid being broken up with by some guy, or the way another made her boyfriend give up his friends, or the way yet another “lead on” Nice Guy #3 are traded as eagerly among both sexes today as Pokémon cards were among their elementary school selves. Now, while it’s bad for any

human being to play with another person’s feelings and manipulating others is generally not a nice thing to do, I don’t think these girls deserve the backlash they get. In fact, as someone who has been accused of both, I would like to present a sort of explanation on the behalf of them all. Let’s talk about the life of the typical girl. She’s young and just as strong as boys her age, and she’s told she can be anything and that she should “follow her dreams.” But in the movies she watches, the princess always ends up with a prince at the end. She is told over and over the absolute happiest ending is to get a man to fall in love with her. She has 30 Barbies but just two Kens, and those Kens get married repeatedly to different Barbies.


Reflector Editor in Chief Hannah Rogers

Managing Editor Kaitlyn Byrne

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Multimedia Editor Eric Evans Sports Editor Kristen Spink

Campus News Editor John Galatas

Photography Editor Kaitlin Mullins

Copy Editor Candace Barnette

News Editor Emma Crawford

Opinion Editor Mary Chase Breedlove Copy Editor Rachel Burke



Editor in Chief/Hannah Rogers

Letters to the editor should be sent to the Meyer Student Media Center or mailed to The Reflector, PO Box 5407, Mississippi State, MS. Letters may also be emailed to Letters must include name and telephone number for verification purposes. The editor reserves the right to edit or refuse to publish a letter.

325-7905 Managing Editor/Kaitlyn Byrne 325-8991 News Editor/Emma Crawford 325-8819 News tips/John Galatas 325-7906 Opinion Editor/Mary Chase Breedlove Sports Editor/Kristen Spink 325-5118 Life Editor/Zack Orsborn 325-8883 Photography Editor/Kaitlin Mullins 325-1584 Advertising sales/Julia Pendley 325-7907


EDITORIAL POLICY The Reflector is the official student newspaper of Mississippi State University. Content is determined solely by the student editorial staff. The contents of The Reflector have not been approved by Mississippi State University.

The Reflector staff strives to maintain the integrity of this paper through accurate and honest reporting. If we publish an error we will correct it. To report an error, call 325-7905.

The Velcro on Barbie’s glitThen, her very first “real” tery white wedding dress is too boyfriend asks her out and she’s worn to stick together. delighted. She blasts Taylor Fast-forward to middle Swift and dances on her bed school. Suddenly, everything is until her mother comes in to important; how she looks, how tell her to turn it down. she dresses, The all-powwhat she does. erful male speI don’t think these Boys are sudcies has finally girls deserve the denly growing taken notice stronger than backlash they get.” of her. After all her. She’s conof this waiting, fused about just about every- how could it possibly occur to thing. her she might also have power All of her friends are getting over this guy? boyfriends, and everything To a girl who has constantly seems to revolve around boys, been told one special man has from the football team to the the power to change her life, way she does her hair in the the idea she could manipulate morning. him in some way is foreign. She now wants a boyfriend Just as boys of that age obnot just for romance, but be- jectify women, so do girls see cause having one is a status boys as the answers to all life’s symbol. problems. Having a boyfriend would But then, she spends a lot mean something about her was of time with the guy she celegood enough for a real live boy brated so freely, and she realizes to take notice. boys aren’t really all that differ-

ent from girls, and that if she plays her cards right, she can actually make him do things. It becomes a power rush, a game to see what she can make him do. And then, as Britney so aptly pointed out, she does it again. She experiments with her clothes, with the way she acts, seeing if she can use her newfound knowledge to manipulate other men. In a life which men rule in so many aspects, she can’t help but want to take back whatever power she can. So really, can we blame her for cutting her boyfriend off from his friends or for flirting with the guy she has no intention of dating? In a world where a 16-yearold girl can be publicly sexually assaulted in Steubenville, Ohio, by football players at a party, and nothing can be done about it, can we blame any woman

WHITNEY KNIGHT Whitney Knight is a junior majoring in English education. She can be contacted at for trying to take back what power she can? When being called a feminist is more of an insult than the names often attributed to the women who like to manipulate the male species, these “crimes” might just be the best way she has to feel some small ownership of her life. So let’s cut these “crazy” girls some slack and find a new topic of conversation. I hear newspapers are good for that.

WhO spEaks FOR EaRTh? | CaMERON CLaRkE

Asteroids could destroy Earth faster than we think


ast semester I introduced the present danger of orbiting the Sun. There are many asteroids and comets out there, and every so often one of them smacks into our planet. Just on Earth itself, several hundred million years ago, the Chicxulub impact crater around the Yucatan Peninsula was formed by a collision that is thought to be responsible for the mass extinction that wiped out the dinosaurs and paved the way for mammalian supremacy. We do not want to be the next victims of periodic spontaneous cosmic destruction, so we should probably look for some ways of protecting ourselves. I would like to summarize some of the better options for protecting the human race from extinction by asteroid impact or any other cataclysmic event, man-made or natural. Let’s say there is an all-out nuclear war or we notice too late that there is a huge asteroid hurtling directly at us. We would naturally want to go underground and try to outlast either the radioactive fallout or wait until the environment balanced back out to a habitable level. There already exist several government bunkers that were built in the 50s and are able to accept a large influx of government personnel. One underground apocalyptic-shelter is the Mount Chey-

enne Nuclear Bunker that is the backup headquarters for much of the North American Aerospace Defense Command, the USA-Canadian collaboration responsible for all nuclear war defenses according to a 2010 Washington Post article. There is another, more important shelter in Pennsylvania where, according to a New York Times article from 2000, “inside Raven Rock, as the otherwise unremarkable little mountain is called, lies a vast underground complex that was meant to replace the Pentagon.” Ever since the end of the Cold War, the site has been downscaling and it has been compromised as the power of nuclear weapons has continued to increase, but in a pinch this bunker will serve as a mostly safe underground seat of government for the United States. Barring nuclear war and if astronomers give us enough heads up about any oncoming asteroids or comets, we have several options at our disposal for dodging any bulls-eyes that might be aimed at us. Obviously we could just nuke the thing into little bits, but consider whether you want a bunch of tiny radioactive rocks landing all over the Earth. In the end, Bill Nye (Science Guy and Planetary Society Director) says nuking the thing could make an even worse mess, “Momentum is conserved,

if you blow it up, then the whole giant spray of rocks is coming at the Earth instead of one.” Surprisingly, you do not have to destroy an asteroid to protect from an impact, you can also just deflect its orbit a little to assure that you will indeed miss being smashed. So far, the best of many possible techniques would be to get a very powerful laser pointed at the asteroid so that a portion of it is melted and flies off the side of the rock at high speeds, effectively acting like a volcanic rocket engine. We have lasers that were developed for nuclear fusion research and spaceships that have been used to rendezvous with asteroids and comets already, all we need now is a target and we could easily get a chance to use laser-powered asteroid deflection. An even less intuitive solution is just sending spaceships out to tag along with the asteroid for a while. According to a article, “the spacecraft’s modest gravity would exert a tug on the asteroid as the two cruise through space together. Over months or years, this ‘gravity tractor’ method would pull the asteroid into a different, more benign orbit.” There are many methods of deflection and the scientific literature on the subject is surprisingly rich, but even so, funding could dry up at any time. This issue is one of the most

CAMERON CLARKE Cameron Clarke is a sophomore majoring in physics. He can be contacted at important problems that astronomers and engineers face currently, but it does not seem to be taken seriously enough. I assure you, it will become infinitely important when the next killer asteroid comes into our path. We have astronomers constantly on the lookout for Near Earth Objects and we have physicists and engineers on the problem of deflecting asteroids, but even with all this effort it could simply not be enough and we might be caught off guard. Since we do not have any back up space colonies on Mars or the Moon, we could be wiped out the same way the dinosaurs were 65 million years ago. Do not take our peaceful existence on this lonesome planet for granted, we are just a speck floating through the shooting gallery of space and we have the scars to show for it.







BULLETIN BOARD CLASSIFIEDS POLICY The deadline for Tuesday’s paper is 3 p.m. Thursday; the deadline for Friday’s paper is 3 p.m. Tuesday. Classifieds are $5 per issue. Student and staff ads are $3 per issue, pre-paid. Lost and found: found items can be listed for free; lost items are listed for standard ad cost. HELP WANTED Bartending. Up to $300 / day. No experience necessary. Training available. Call 800.965.6520 ext. 213. FOR SALE Couch and chair that reclines in good condition. Burgandy recliner in good condition. Two barstools. One-year-old computer, Acer desktop. Call 773.6895. FOR RENT One bedroom studio apartment. Appliances furnished. Old Highway 25. 418.8260. 2,800 square feet. Four bedrooms, three bathrooms. Brick home, two car garage, screened patio. Master suite separate. Next to Browning Creek. 418.8260. Three bedroom, two bathroom brick house. Two car carport, fenced yard, large den and kitchen area. 418.8260. CLUB INFO The deadline for Tuesday’s paper is 3 p.m. Thursday; deadline for Friday’s paper is 3 p.m. Tuesday. MSU student organizations may place free announcements in Club Info. Information may be submitted by email to club_info@ with the subject heading “CLUB INFO,” or a form may be completed at The Reflector office in the Student Media Center. A contact name, phone number and requested run dates must be included for club info to appear in The Reflector. All submissions are subject to exemption according to space availability.

Wesley Foundation Worship Center on East Lee Boulevard next to Campus Book Mart. MSU CATHOLIC STUDENT ASSOCIATION The MSU Catholic Student Association invites you to join us for Sunday mass at 5:30 p.m. at St. Joseph Catholic Church, 607 University Dr. All are welcome to $2 Tuesday night dinner at 6 p.m. in the Parish Hall. Like us on Facebook: msstatecsa MSU STUDENT CHAPTER OF THE AMERICAN SOCIETY OF MICROBIOLOGY Contact or like us on Facebook, “MSU ASM,” for membership information. YOGA MOVES CLUB School or work stressing you out? Get moving into Yoga Moves! Try our moves to get into shape and our relaxation techniques to handle the stress. Yoga Moves meets at the Sanderson Center in Studio C, Thursday evenings 5 to 6:30. Like Yoga Moves ClubMSU on Facebook. SOCIOLOGICAL STUDENT ASSOCIATION The Sociological Student Association is based in the Department of Sociology. Undergraduates of all ages are welcome. Meetings are held the last Thursday of every month in Bowen Hall room 250 at 5 p.m. STUDENTS FOR A SUSTAINABLE CAMPUS SSC meets every Thursday at 6 p.m. in McCool room 212. Come and meet really cool people who all share interests in saving the environment. Don’t forget to opt-in for the Green Fund. MSU STUDENT DIETETIC ASSOCIATION SDA meeting on Jan. 15 in Moore Hall 100. A light meal will be served at 5:45 p.m., business meeting at 6 and guest speaker at 6:30. Guest speaker is Beverly Lowry, director of child nutrition for Starkville School District.

WESLEY FOUNDATION Insight Bible study and worship on Tuesdays at 8 p.m. at the


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Life & Entertainment


LES MISÉRABLES As one who deeply appreciates and loves musicals, I was ready to see “Les Miserables” the moment I heard Anne Hathaway’s voice faintly singing “I Dreamed a Dream” during the previews of some movie I saw last year. “Les Mis” — as it is most often referred (perhaps because some of us are afraid we’ll say “Miserables” wrong) — was simply phenomenal. Tom Hooper, whose 2010 film “The King Speech” won Best Picture at the Oscars two years ago, chose a risky and impressive way to film the beloved musical: by having the actors sing live on set. I believe his ambitions were successful. Before I begin explaining why “Les Miserables” is on my “Best” list, I want all readers who have not yet seen the movie but have seen the Broadway production to keep in mind the movie is different from the musical. Instead of seasoned Broadway singers (for

the most part), most of the film consists of A-list actors who we didn’t know could sing. While the film does convey the powerful tone of the musical, “Les Mis” on stage and “Les Mis” the movie are two very different experiences. Having the actors sing live as they acted created a kind of fragility — hearing the actor’s voices break because they are actually crying gives a whole feeling to a movie-musical. “Les Mis” tells a story drenched in human suffering, and I think the fragility of the movie is what makes it so powerful. Hathaway, to me, certainly earned her place among Best Supporting Actress contenders for her portrayal of Fantine and will give anyone else nominated in that category a run for their money. She’s painfully thin and cut off all of her hair — during the filming process nonetheless — and steals the screen every second she appears. All

the hype you’ve heard about her in this role is absolutely true. Hugh Jackman will also make you cry uncontrollably in his lead role as Jean Valjean. I was impressed with his vocal ability, too. Was he exactly like a stage version of Jean Valjean? Of course not. But he did a fantastic job bringing the character to life and making the audience weep and swoon. I could see he poured his heart and soul into this role, and deserves the Oscar nomination for Best Actor. Eddie Redmayne played the role of Marius and stole the hearts of many viewers, including myself. His voice and portrayal of Marius was simply beautiful. Samantha Barks played the role of Éponine, as she did in the London stage production for a year. I don’t think this is the last we will see of Barks on the big screen — she is extremely talented.

Sacha Baron Cohen (yes, Borat) and Helena Bonham Carter play the Thénardiers. Helena Bonham Carter is in her element: she plays the cooky corrupt innkeeper’s wife perfectly. I think of all the cast of “Les Mis,” I was most surprised by Baron Cohen. He was so natural in that character, and his singing wasn’t bad either. He made you laugh and he also made you want to slap him in the face. The only person I was not terribly impressed with was Russell Crowe as Inspector Javert. In my opinion, he wasn’t bad — he just wasn’t as impressive as his fellow leading roles. “Les Miserables” is majestic. Getting used to the entire dialogue of the film may take some getting used to from people who aren’t keen on musicals, but go see this movie regardless of your opinion on musicals.


"I want to win an Oscar. I want to be known for more than, like, going out.”

“I’M BORED!” - Lindsay Lohan in “Liz and Dick”


LINDSAY LOHAN From a bar brawl to one extremely mediocre movie, actress Lindsay Lohan did not have an ideal year. After starting 2012 off relatively calm, things started to spiral downward for Lohan during the summer. Lohan was in a car accident with an 18-wheeler in June. Witnesses say she lied about who was driving and removed a bag from the car after the accident. Hopes were high for a comeback when Lohan was cast in the Lifetime movie “Liz and Dick,” but the

movie received scathing reviews after the November premiere. A few days later Lohan was charged with assault after an altercation in a Manhattan nightclub. Add all of this to being absent from community service requirements, getting rushed to the hospital after being found non-responsive and fleeing the scene of a crime. Even Charlie Sheen had to help her out at one point. Hopefully, Lohan will get it together in 2013. Otherwise, you can’t sit with us.


THE PUNCH BROTHERS The Punch Brothers claimed 2012 as its own in a few ways; it released its sophomore album Who’s Feeling Young Now? on Feb. 14, an album made with bluegrass instruments that, at times, sound nothing like bluegrass. The album ranges from a cover of Radiohead’s “Kid A,” in which the strings of acoustic instruments transform into the bleeps of electronic music, to a Beyonce-worthy R&B number about the cold heart of a city girl. Founding member Chris Thile, both vocalist and one of the world’s best mandolinists, received one of 23 MacArthur Genius Grants in 2012, which bears $100,000 a year for five years toward any project. The band toured constantly last year, including a dip into the South to play in Florence, Ala. Its prowess left the audience in a full few

seconds of silence after its unplugged encore, the kind of hush that comes after hearing something entirely unlike everything else. The Punch Brothers stole that title in 2012.







Best & Worst of 2012 continued... W O R S T E T H I C S HANNAH ROGERS




Don’t get me wrong, I don’t completely hate broadcast news organizations. And maybe it’s because Twitter has taken off as a news delivery. Maybe it’s because society demands information so quickly that broadcast networks must feed the need for instant gratification. But as a journalist and a human being, I can’t condone the transformation of news into entertainment solely for ratings, attention and desire to pander to the viewers. The 2012 election was poorly covered. For example, the third-party candidates were ignored because they didn’t fit the narrative of what the networks were trying to create. The point of journalism is that it gives voices to the voiceless, and journalists should not just reinforce stereotypes and preconceived notions. Shoot-

ings such as Aurora and Newtown, important events, became so misreported and skewed that those spreading misinformation should have resigned. Furthermore, 24-hour coverage simply glorified the events and turned them into a disgusting display. And even smaller events made me question the integrity and competence of those producing the stories — for example, the misreporting of the Supreme Court healthcare decision by networks like CNN and FOX and then their lack of regret in their supposed apologies. We all make mistakes, but there’s a limit. It’s embarrassing, unprofessional and gives all media organizations a poor reputation when major broadcast networks disregard journalism ethics and refuse to repent.



Steven Spielberg’s “Lincoln” is a masterpiece. Although I admit, I enjoy history and that may have swayed my opinion that it is the best movie I have seen to date, I believe anyone who has seen it would agree with me. The movie’s focus is the passing of the 13th Amendment to abolish slavery and end the Civil War. Daniel Day Lewis is completely convincing and captivating as our nation’s 16th president. His lines are delivered in a wispy, yet powerful voice, and he portrays Lincoln’s passion for his country. “Lincoln” manages to spellbindingly recount one of the most important events in our nation’s history.


DARK SHADOWS In this macabre comedy, Tim Burton attempted to hop on the vampire train into “so bad it’s good” territory, but he overshot his mark. Just like almost every Burton movie in the past 10 years, “Dark Shadows” features Johnny Depp playing a pale, eccentric lead. The shameless recycling of ideas even extends to the plot of the movie, which is based on a 1970s soap opera. “Dark Shadows” is a sloppily written movie with cheap laughs and predictable characters.



APPLE MAPS Stories of this flawed global positioning system flooded the Twitter and Instagram stage earlier in 2012. Paths to unmarked roads, over non-existent bridges and into the ocean were all suggested through this system. The Apple machine had to revamp this program before issuing a much-needed update. It all started with the company deciding to switch from Google Maps to an Apple-generated product for iOS 6. This move was detrimental to the company as the fail photos started pouring in from unhappy costumers. Apple’s CEO Tim Cook issued a statement of apology regarding the public’s unpleasant reviews of its product, which suggested the product would get better as more people used it and the company was building it from the ground up. No matter what was really done, smart phone users trust the Google Map app for directions. Something about all of those pixelated images and misconfigured buildings makes some hesitant to trust Apple Maps ever again.


DARK KNIGHT RISES For as long as I’ve loved Batman, I’ve loved Catwoman. (She’s a strong female anti-hero and a cat. That makes her cool.) But I’ve always hated every characterization of Catwoman on film. So when Anne Hathaway finally captured the essence of the morally ambiguous heroine, it’s no surprise I automatically loved the film and obstinately defended it against critics. Sure, no one really remembers Bane, but Catwoman makes up for that. Christopher Nolan’s final chapter in The Dark Knight Trilogy creates a Dickensian Gotham which provides a backdrop for Bruce

Wayne’s final undertaking as Batman. “The Dark Knight Rises” dares to explore issues such as social class, sacrifice and redemption. The most prominent feature of the film, however, remains the ending. At the end of Bruce’s journey, Nolan allows for the possibility of Batman being a symbol that exists outside of a specific person. Bruce finds a happy ending that frees him from the perpetual life of the superhero. Despite being “dark” and “gritty,” at the end of the trilogy, Nolan provides hope, which may be the bravest moment of the franchise. COURTESY PHOTO | WARNER BRO. PICTURES





This was supposed to be a big deal. December 21, 2012. Doomsday. Rain of fire falling from the sky. Giant fissures opening up across the earth’s surface, enveloping entire cities. Homeless people pillaging streets as chunks of outer space hurtle to the ground. There were books and websites dedicated to offering survival tips to the population during this crisis. Yet, other than an unusually obnoxious amount of Tweeters and Facebookians offering to take all money off your hands prior to the Armageddon, it was a day like any other. Worst. Apocalypse. Ever.

After Alana Thompson made her debut on “Toddlers and Tiaras,” the audience was flabbergasted. “A dollar makes me holler,” she announced to the world. What? What does that even mean? As with almost everything this child says, America is left struggling to comprehend. So when TLC launched “Here Comes Honey Boo Boo,” America watched. With morbid curiosity, America watched the Honey Boo Boo Child’s entire family. A train wreck doesn’t quite suffice. More like an airplane of violent criminals plummeting into a train of dangerous zoo animals in the middle of New York City, wreaking havoc on a nearby mall. Also, the Internet shut down. But no matter how many IQ points are making a desperate flee from your brain, you can’t stop watching.




“Parks and Recreation” may be the best comedy on television. Perhaps one of the best shows on television. And, sadly, “Parks and Rec” has some serious ratings problems. (But seriously, it comes on NBC Thursday at 7:30 p.m. this spring.) No other show produces as much timeless humor, genuine moments and tears from its viewers. Come on Emmy voters, just recognize the greatness of Amy Poehler. Although it may seem impossible, the creators of “Parks and Recreation” make politics seem noble again and show humanity at its most generous, humble and charitable. The actors carry both comedic and serious moments without pause. Every episode builds better storylines — showing that even if a television series ages, it still can strive for greatness.



POP LYRICS Pop music can be some of the best music in the world, and 2012 had shining examples of that. But lazy, unimaginative lyrics were an issue across the board. This doesn’t always have to be the case, but by the end of 2012 imaginative lyrics seemed to be nonexistent on the radio. Not that the songs were necessarily bad. Songs are an amalgamation of music and lyrics, but even if it sounds great, if the lyrics are clichés, they’re clichés. Taylor Swift’s “We Are Never Ever Getting Back Together” for example. It’s a fun song, and you can sing along to it triumphantly, sure, but my 9-year-old sister could write those lyrics. There’s no imagination really; she even settles for 2012’s easiest cliché with the line about “some indie record that’s much cooler than mine.” Ke$ha’s “Die Young” is another offender. “Let’s dance until we die?” “I hear your heart beat to the beat of the drums?” I’m happy musicians like Taylor Swift and Ke$ha can draw a nice paycheck for performing and creating art, but some accountability in the lyrics department couldn’t hurt. Here’s to lyrical growth in 2013!


Finally, someone who says what everyone was thinking. Lena Dunham, creator of the HBO dramedy “Girls,” has cracked me up and made me weep into a bowl of Fruit Loops. Dunham’s extremely dry, smart sense of humor has graced 2012 with a collection of complex personalities in a television show that deserves every single Emmy, in my opinion. Much like her first film she wrote and directed “Tiny Furniture,” “Girls” explores the trials of having absolutely no idea what to do with your life. We’ve all been there. Not only has Dunham created a highly successful show, she signed a $3.5 million deal for a book with less than 100 pages. Obviously, her words are a big deal, and I plan to read it religiously. I kind of want to be her.


AMC had an amazing year in 2012. With the fifth season of “Mad Men,” the sixth season of “Breaking Bad” and the third season of “The Walking Dead,” AMC managed to continue to raise the bar of what cable shows should be. If you are not watching one of these shows, you are missing out on some of the best shows television has to offer. “Mad Men” continued to show Don Draper and his advertising firm hurdle through the late 1970s. “Breaking Bad” continued the evolution of family man and former high school chemistry teacher Walter White into an international drug king. “The Walking Dead” continued a year after the initial zombie apocalypse with Rick Grimes and his group dealing not only with living monsters, but also other humans who also survived. All three of these shows are radically different, yet each exemplifies what all television shows should strive for: fantastic story, relatable characters and fresh ideas. COURTESY PHOTO | HBO






Eight-win season now disappointing for Dogs BY KRISTEN SPINK Sports Editor

As expectations continue to rise for the Mississippi State Univeristy football team, eight-win seasons that were once celebrated are now disappointments. After starting the season 7-0, the Bulldogs finished the year 8-5, beating only Arkansas in the final sixgame stretch. The 23 consecutive sellouts at Davis Wade Stadium testifies to the success head coach Dan Mullen has had since his arrival, and for Mullen, who just finished his fourth season at the helm for the Dogs, the program is in a good position but must continue to move forward. “It was great to win a lot early, but it sucks to lose late,” Mullen said after the Dogs lost to Northwestern in the Gator Bowl. “The great thing is eight-win seasons now are starting to become disappointing at Mississippi State. That’s the direction you want the program headed.” With the loss of Johnthan Banks, Cameron Lawrence and Chad Bumphis among numerous other seniors as well as defensive coordinator Chris Wilson and cornerbacks coach Melvin Smith, next year’s team will have some new faces amidst the returning players. The offense lost the majority of its receiving core and will be looking to players such

a s Robert Johnson and Joe Morrow to pick up the slack at wide out. But for the most part, the rest of the offense

will remain intact for State next season led by Tyler Russell and LaDarius Perkins. Although Russell ended on a bad note, throwing four interceptions in the Gator Bowl, the junior quarterback threw just six during the regular season and now has a year as a starter under his belt. Perkins will be returning alongside Russell in the backfield. After taking over for Vick Ballard, Perkins posted 1,061 yards rushing and added eight touchdowns this year. Ballard rushed for over 1,000 yards in 2011, and Perkins said back-to-back 1,000-yard rushing seasons is something to build on for next year. “I just tried to keep it going this year and make sure I keep it going next y e a r, too,” Perkins


After posting 1,061 rushing yards and eight touchdowns this year, LaDarius Perkins will return for his final year next season alongside quarterback Tyler Russell to lead the Bulldog offense.

said. “ G o ing into next year, it’s a positive upside getting 1,000 yards.” Russell and Perkins will retain the majority of their offensive line next season, as well. Se-

nior captain Tobias Smith is the lone departing player from the O-Line. Smith said both Russell and Perkins have developed into the leaders of the offense. “Since he (Russell) has been here, he’s been getting groomed. He came into the zone at the right time in his junior year. He’s become a leader within the offense,” Smith said. “With him (Perkins), he’s been a player since he got here. He was well developed

in high school. He’s leading sitions to fill. a young backfield and doing MSU announced the a good job hire of David with them, Turner as the It’s going to be a new D-Line coach also.” On the deteam, a new season, We d n e s d a y. fensive side was just getting ready to Turner of the ball, State’s D-Line be better in the former linecoach from backers coach 2007-09 beregular season.” Geoff Colfore he left Denico Autry, lins took the for Kentucky. junior, defensive line job as State’s When Muldefensive colen arrived in ordinator. The departures Starkville in 2008, Turner of Smith to Auburn and was one of the few coaches Wilson to Georgia left State Mullen kept on staff. Turnwith multiple coaching po- er takes over for his replace-

ment, as Wilson was hired when Turner left for Kentucky. Only one coaching vacancy, the secondary, remains for State, one which after the Gator Bowl Mullen said could possibly be filled by current safeties coach Tony Hughes. The Bulldog defense struggled with tempo issues throughout the season, an issue Collins said was better in the Gator Bowl. “That’s the key to stopping tempo is you don’t let it get started,” Collins said. “Teams in this league, even Kentucky now, are going to this spread no-huddle. I think our guys after three weeks of solely focusing on it felt comfortable, and they didn’t look like a deer in the headlights like they might have at times this season.” Benardrick McKinney, Denico Autry and Nickoe Whitley will lead the defense next season. McKinney finished second on the team with 102 tackles this season, and Whitley was close behind with 88. Autry found his way into the backfield numerous times, recording four sacks and 9.5 tackles for loss. Autry said he and the rest of the team have a lot of work to do to prepare for next season. “It’s going to be a new team, a new season, just getting ready to be better in the regular season,” Autry said.



friday , january 11 , 2013


Stat of the day:

the miSSiSSippi State men’S baSketball team won itS firSt game ever without making a three-point field goal wedneSday againSt South carolina.

Saturday HoopS: MSu at GeorGia 12:30 p.M. SeC network

Ray, Dogs open SEC play with Indoor track and field home win over South Carolina heads to Birmingham By Forrest Buck Staff Writer

By Brittany young

The Mississippi State men’s basketball team began conference play with a close 5654 win over South Carolina Wednesday night. The Bulldogs entered the contest with a 5-7 record, while the Gamecocks came in 10-3. With the win, the Dogs snapped a two-game losing streak in SEC openers. Also, for the first time in the history of MSU men’s basketball, the Dogs won without making a three-point field goal (the team went 0-10 from beyond the arc.) Freshman Craig Sword led the Dogs with 18 points and came up huge down the stretch, scoring nine points in the final 10 minutes. Head coach Rick Ray praised the performance of Sword after the game. “He’s the one guy we know can get by if we draw something up for him,” Ray said. “Down the stretch, he was huge for us because he continually got the ball into the paint, and we needed that.” State’s overall team defense hurried the Gamecocks throughout the game. MSU was down 44-50 with just over five minutes left in the game but held South Carolina scoreless for four minutes, during barton dinkinS | tHe refleCtor which the Dogs took the lead Along with his eight points, Fred Thomas’s high-pressure defense and never trailed again. and five steals helped the Dogs overcome the Gamecocks by two. Sword credited Ray for the team’s solid defensive perfor- Cunningham is a company guy. game, as the Hump was rocking Whatever the company needs, throughout the game. mance. Roquez Johnson said the fans “Coach just told us to play he’s gonna do it.” The Dogs have dealt with had a lot to do with his perforevery defensive possession like it’s your last,” Sword said. “Me adversity throughout the sea- mance in the game. “I gotta credit the crowd,” and Fred (Thomas) just made a son, and they were faced with decision to go out and put pres- more in the final minutes of the Johnson said. “It really boosts game Wednesday. Ray was put your energy up when they’re sure on the ball.” Thomas and Tyson Cun- in a tough position as he had to loud like that.” Ray agreed and said his team ningham continually put pres- find a way to properly manage sure on the ball and clogged up his lineups with fatigue, foul fed off the crowd energy late the passing lanes. The Bulldogs trouble and cramps bothering in the game to make the come back. effectively switched between multiple players. “I can’t tell you how much Ray said he was man-to-man Coach just told us to proud of the way it means to the players to have defense and a play every defensive his team handled support like that because they’re 1-3-1 zone to possession like it’s and overcame the kids, and they grew up watching really bother college basketball and seeing the hardship. the Gamecocks, your last...Me and “I think our crazy atmospheres on TV, and forcing 24 Fred (Thomas) just guys did a really they want that,” Ray said. “I turnovers. Thomas was made a decision to good job of per- thought the students got into it, severing,” Ray and the fans got into it, and our active all game go out and put said. “There were guys really fed off that.” forcing turnpressure on the ball.” a lot of times I overs, and Cunwas looking for ningham was Craig Sword, guys to sub, and excellent off freshman guard Jalen (Steele) had the bench as he provided the perfect spark de- a cramp, Chicken (Sword) had a cramp and Trivante (Bloodfensively for this team. Ray said Thomas’s high ac- man) had four fouls. Guys were tivity on defense and Cun- coming to me saying, ‘I need a ningham’s energy off the bench sub,’ and I was like, ‘There are no subs.’” greatly helped the team. The players on the court “Fred Thomas is really active in the 1-3-1 defense. Because of ultimately decide games, but his length, he’s able to get out the MSU players and coaches in the passing lanes and force were adamant about the role turnovers,” Ray said. “Tyson the Bulldog fans had on the

Stalking Awareness Month Colvard Student Union January 30, 2013 11:00 am– 1:00 pm

Colvard Student Union January 16, 2013 11:00 am– 1:00 pm

Total number of Cyberstalking cases in 2011: 305 cases. 35% of those cases involved victims between the age of 18-30. 74% of those cases involved female victims. 82% of those cases involved Caucasian victims, 6.75% involved Hispanic victims, and 5.5% involved African American victims. 53% of those cases involved single victims. 40% of those cases involved a male harasser. 59% of those Cases had no prior relationship with their harasser. Brought to you by: The Department of Health Education and Wellness 662-325-2090 Located next to the Reflector and Subway

Contributing Writer

After posting top finishes at the Panther Indoor Icebreaker in early December, the Mississippi State indoor track and field team looks to pick up where it left off in the first meet of the new year, the UAB Blazer Indoor Invitational. At the conclusion of the 2012 NCAA Championships, a host of Bulldogs earned All-American honors. Jody-Ann Muir (400-meter dash), Marcus Jackson (high jump) and the 4x400m squad of Emanuel Meyers, Tavaris Tate, Daundre Barnaby and James Harris concluded the season with firstteam All-American honors. Nathan Arnett (400m hurdles), Barnaby (400m dash), Favian Cowards (hammer throw) and the 4x100m team of D’Angelo Cherry, Jarrett Samuels, Justin Christian and Tate all claimed second-team All-American accolades. The men’s team is ranked No. 20 for preseason indoor track and field after the 2012 season proved to be the highest SEC finish for MSU since 1989. After recruiting some outstanding athletes and a strong and demanding offseason, the Bulldogs went out to prove the 2013 season would be even better as 10 Bulldogs posted top finishes at the Panther Indoor Icebreaker. In her first collegiate competition, freshman Megan Walker posted a top pole-vault height (1201.50) and finished second overall. Also, freshman Brandon Mc-

Bride finished first in the 400m dash with a time of 48.13. The Canadian said he did not expect a first place finish because it was his first time competing in the States and the 400m dash is not his natural position. “It’s all new to me, so I didn’t know what to expect,” McBride said. “The 800m dash is my natural position, so to come first in the 400m dash is truly a blessing.” Although McBride posted a top performance in his first collegiate event, he said he has been working on improving his speed and endurance in order to be a successful dual runner. “The 800 is my natural position, so I have to continue to increase my speed to be successful at the 400,” McBride said. “I also have to increase my endurance in order to be a dual runner and compete for both the 400 and 800.” Barnaby, the senior All-American and Olympian, did not compete in the Icebreaker but said he expected his teammates to perform the way they did because they worked hard and put in the work during the offseason. After competing in the 2012 Summer Olympics and missing qualifying for the second round of the 400m dash, Barnaby said his mindset coming into this season was to improve and get better. “I worked on getting stronger in the weight room and building my lower-body strength to im-

prove my time and speed,” Barnaby said. “My mental strength was also a key focus.” M c B r i d e Bougard said he looks up to Barnaby and is learning as much as he can from him before Barnaby graduates. “I’m always watching and asking him for tips about becoming a better 400m runner,” McBride said. “He’s a cool guy; he has Canadian citizenship, and I’m Canadian. He’s an Olympian, and I plan on being an Olympian but in the 800 instead of the 400.” Sophomore Erica Bougard, who will see her first action this weekend competing in five events as a pentathlete, is also coming off an outstanding season, earning SEC All-Freshman honors in the long jump and heptathlon. Bougard did not travel to Birmingham in early December but said she spent a lot of time building her physical strength during the offseason. “I focused on strength and conditioning and high-jumping,” Bougard said. “I’m jumping twice as high as last season.” Bougard, Barnaby and McBride will all be in action this weekend at the UAB Invitational and Saturday at the Crimson Tide Indoor Opener. Both events will take place at the Birmingham Crossplex.

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