The Print Edition 2-10-2012

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Reflector The


FEBRUARY 10, 2012





Greeks no stranger to philanthropy

Events raise money, awareness BY LAUREN CLARK Staff Writer

Affiliations aside, students use their beliefs to bring others hope.


pated in many different service projects and volunteer works Staff Writer last semester. eligious organizations at MisShe said the BSU volunteered sissippi State University are with Habitat for Humanity, using service projects and visited a local nursing home, mission trips to help others on a sent care packages and letters to physical and a spiritual level. soldiers stationed overseas, colMichael Ball, Baptist Student lected baby supplies for the CriUnion director, said it is a Christian sis Pregnancy Center and sent - Michael Ball organization’s duty to give back. small family groups on a week“God has told us to help other peoend mission trip. ple,” Ball said. “It’s a response that we have to put our “The purpose of the BSU is to know Christ and faith into action.” make Him known to others, and what better way to Anna Comer, BSU church and community mis- show Christ’s love than to minister to people and bless sions coordinator during fall 2011, said BSU partici- them through acts of service?” Comer said. BY CANDACE BARNETTE


“God has told us to help other people”


SA working for options in buying, selling books Website being developed BY JAY BALLARD Staff Writer

The Student Association is currently working on a program that will allow students at Mississippi State University to buy and sell textbooks more conveniently than with current methods. Rhett Hobart, SA president, said the goal of the program is not to replace other ways of buying books but to expand student options.


The 31 sororities and fraternities at Mississippi State University host numerous philanthropic activities each year. Taylor Reed, Interfraternity Council president, said philanthropy is an important aspect of each fraternity at MSU because the members have the ability and desire to help those in need. “Every fraternity was founded on strong beliefs of the importance of service, and, as a council, we try to support and encourage fraternities’ service as much as possible,” he said. Reed said IFC will participate in Walk a Mile in Her Shoes, St. Jude Children’s HosReed pitals’ Up ’til Dawn and Relay for Life. In addition to these council-wide philanthropy events, many fraternities are hosting philanthropic events throughout the semester, including Kappa Sigma’s Charity Classic beginning Feb. 27, Sigma Chi’s Derby Week beginning March 26, Sigma Phi Epsilon’s volleyball tournament beginning April 9 and Sigma Nu’s crawfish boil on April 21. Will Ford, Phi Delta Theta president, said his fraternity has made philanthropy a priority and supports the Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis Association, an organization searching for treatment and a cure for Lou Gehrig’s disease, through a variety of fundraisers each year. “Our philanthropy is important to us because it keeps us focused on the world around us,” he said. “We hope that with our philanthropic projects we can cultivate awareness and aid financially in the research for a cure.” Phi Delta Theta will host a fish fry on March 7 and a volleyball tournament and crawfish boil on April 18 to raise funds for the ALS association. SEE GREEK, 3

IntoxBox tests patrons BAC BY WILL HAGER Staff Writer

Parker Stewart, junior business management major, with assistance from the Mississippi State University Entrepreneurship Center, is unveiling a new product, the IntoxBox. The IntoxBox is a machine that uses fuel cell sensors to determine the blood-alcohol content of its user. Stewart said he first thought about the idea as a business last January with emphasis on raising awareness about drunk driving as one of the IntoxBox’s main purposes. “I feel like the people that have seen it and have used it have had a good experience with it, and it’s helped educate them about drinking and driving,” he said. Stewart said he came to the Entrepreneurship Center in November and started developing his business plan. In the three months since, Stewart has installed two IntoxBoxes in local Starkville businesses Rick’s Cafe and Dave’s Dark Horse Tavern. Bar patrons can purchase one test for $2 or three tests for $5. Patrons can guess their BAC. If they guess correctly, they win a promo code for one free test. The box is manufactured by Walden Innovative Resources LLC, a business connection that helped set


Parker Stewart demostrates the IntoxBox at Rickʼs Cafe. Customers can purchase one test for $2 or three for $5.

up by MSU’s Entrepreneurship Center. The deal gave Stewart exclusive rights to the product in Mississippi, making it the only machine of its kind in the state. Jesus Valdez, a research associate of the Entrepreneurship Center, said Stewart had a well thought-out plan from the beginning. “It was a great idea, and it was well-developed. He just needed to know the next steps to actually implement the idea,” Valdez said. “The idea itself was

noteworthy because it’s going toward not only a good cause as far as alcohol awareness, but also from his standpoint, it was something he wanted to get into and start developing his own business.” Stewart pitched his business plan to the Entrepreneurship Center Advisory Board composed of faculty and business-oriented alumni. The board granted him $1,500 from the Thad Cochran Endowment for Entrepreneurship to help aid his business. SEE BREATHE, 3


READERʼS GUIDE CAMPUS CALENDAR...................2 BAD DAWGS..............................3 OPINION ...............................4 CONTACT INFO...................... 4

POLICY LIFE.............................. ........6 CROSSWORD...............................5 CLASSIFIEDS.......................... 5 SPORTS..................................10






57 36 LOW



48 27 LOW



47 30 LOW


Calendar 2




Alumni AwardsAssociation B Date: F anquet eb

. 10 Tim Locatio e: 6 to 9 p.m. n: Col Union B vard Student allro Contac t: Orly om 325-34 Hardin 44

Men’s B aske vs. Geo tball rgia Date

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Zulu Da


Date: F cers eb. Time: 6 13 p.m. Locatio n : Lee Betters worth A Hall ud Contac t: Alisa itorium 325-20 Baker 33

ip adersh e L i n Alum ence Confer . 11

eb Date: F to 12 p.m. 0 a.m. Student 3 : 7 : e Tim ard n: Colv om Locatio Foster Ballro n i n Unio ly Hard r O : t c Conta 5-3444 32

et b a l l k s a B ’s Women le Miss vs. O

eb. 12 Date: F 4:30 p.m. :30 to Time: 2 n: Humphrey Locatio seum Coli as d Thom a h C : t Contac 5-9847 32

IP New V n o o r Ma ction e l e S r Membe 3 to Feb. 17

eb. 1 Date: F e: 8 a.m. t Tim Studen d r a v l o n: C Locatio n room 225 ll Unio y Purne a R : t c Conta 5-7297 29

MSU groups may send information for campus calendar to news@reflector.msstate. edu. Additional campus events can be found online at

Be in the know: Follow the news section on twitter @NewsReflector



continued from 1

“It is encouraging to be able posed to be a part of that in any to help someone less fortunate way we can.� The University Christian than you are and to see the joy and thankfulness on their faces,� Student Center is also working to help others Comer said. Ball said the spring will see both locally and intereven more upcoming service nationally. Perry Jinkerson, projects, such as working with the Palmer Children’s Home, UCSC director, said cleaning up at a local park, there are two mission going back to the nursing home trips scheduled for spring break. and helping with Habitat for “We have 10 Humanity again. There students going will also be some misto Poland and anothsion trips over er group going to spring break, and Washington, D.C. over the BSU will be spring break on a missending a team to sion,� he said. London in May. The UCSC also Another relihas an annual trip to gious student orgaHonduras in July, nization that stays where they distribute involved with service food, pass out clothes, activities is the Catholic ZACK ORSBORN | THE REFLECTOR visit the hospital, build Student Association. houses and spread the William Warner, CSA service committee head, Gospel of Jesus Christ. “The service projects are very said CSA tries to do at least one important from the perspective or two projects per month. Last fall, CSA volunteered that they’re following the patwith Habitat for Humanity, the tern of Matthew 25,� Jinkerson NeedToBreathe concert, a food said. “We reach out to people drive, helping older parishioners and help out in any way we poswith yard work and feeding local sibly can; that’s characteristic of firemen. This semester, CSA is what all Christians should be involved in a church cleanup doing.� The UCSC has event, a Valentine’s fundraiser, become Relay for Life and will be hosting recently a school participating in Habitat involved in Widow’s Work Day, an effort for Humanity. “It’s just us going out, serv- to help elderly ing our brothers and sisters and widows in the showing God’s love,� Warner congregation with yard work and other said. “It’s a good feeling challenging tasks. being able to go out Reverend Carol and make the world a Mead, chaplain for better place.� the Caterbury Episcopal The Reformed University Fellowship is also Fellowship, said the group is committed to helping the com- heading more in the direction of service projects due to the munity. Brian Sorgenfrei, RUF cam- enthusiasm of the students. “The students really like pus minister, said usually 25 to 30 people participate in their to actually get their hands on things and working to make weekly activities. “Every week we have a group the world better,� she said. The students have been workthat goes out to visit with the people in Rolling Hills, and we ing with Habitat for Humanity, younger have a Bible study in a low- mentoring students at a local income neighborhood,� he said. RUF will also be having a school and conmission trip to the Yakama tributing through American Indian reservation in d o n o r s c h o o s e . Washington over spring break to org, a website help a church there and do out- dedicated to reach in the neighborhood. helping to cover “I think it’s very important for the cost of projus to give back,� Sorgenfrei said. ects and school “One day every bit of suffering supplies for teachwill be healed, and we’re sup- ers. Mead said through their generosity, the students are helping her relearn what it means to be a Christian. “A lot of us who are older get too comfortable just talking about doctrine,� she said. “This generation is teaching us to get back to the essence of what faith is about, which is taking care of our neighbors.� Hugh Griffith, campus pastor at the Wesley Foundation, said outreach is very important to his organization as well. “You don’t have to convince students of the need to make a difference,� he said. “These students are hungry for oppor-

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tunities to put their faith into action.� He said Wesley has an ongoing relationship with Ghana. Over the past four years, 30 to 40 students have served there, spending time with the children, putting on Bible studies, helping the school and building relationships. Wesley also makes an effort to help on a more local level. In January, a group traveled to Memphis to work on a variety of projects. “We worked tutoring refugee students from African countries for the ACT, and we worked on an urban farm in the middle of the city working to promote local produce,� Griffith said. There are seven groups within the organization called PODs (Practicing Outward Discipleship) that connect students with service and mission opportunities. The Muslim Student Association is another student religious organization that makes an effort to give back. N a s h Mahmoud, MSA president, said helping others is one of the best things a person can do. “Giving back to the community is a major concept in Islam, as God says in the Quran,� Mahmoud said. “Based on that, each year we organize a major event to collect donations to local or national organizations.� MSA held a fast-a-thon dinner in 2009 dedicated to collecting donations for a local orphanage in Starkville, and, in 2010, they collected donations to benefit the victims of floods in west Asia. Each year, they also host several inter-faith meetings and workshops to introduce Islam to the local community, including MSU students. “We continue to participate in any project or mission that we believe will benefit our community and make it a better and more open place for everyone,� Mahmoud said. For students looking to give back on a physical or spiritual level, there are a variety of religious organizations to choose from. Heidie Lindsey, associate director of student life, said she always encourages students to get involved in organizations. “Joining an organization is one of the best ways you can gain and practice life skills that you don’t necessarily get to do in the classroom,� Lindsey said. “There are so many benefits from getting involved.�

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GREEK Clark Price, Alpha Tau Omega president, said philanthropy is not only a good way to give back to the community, but it is also a way for the Greek system and all students at MSU to work together to serve those in need. “Speaking for myself, my chapter and those benefited through the philanthropic endeavors, we are eternally grateful for the support not only the Greek students but all MSU students give to our events,” he said. Morgan Lott, Phi Mu philanthropy chairperson, said philanthropy is one of the most important parts of her sorority. “The first line of our creed reads, ‘To lend to those less fortunate a helping hand,’” she said. “As Phi Mus, those words serve as a reminder as to how we should strive to live our lives daily.” Paige Watson, former Phi Mu



recruitment chairperson, said she appreciates the philanthropic opportunities she has had in the sorority. “I believe philanthropy is important for Phi Mu because it teaches our members to continually give back to the community, and it instills those habits in us

for life,” she said. Phi Mu, which raised $31,000 for its philanthropy last year, is currently hosting a raffle for an iPad 2 and will host a pizza late night event on April 19 to raise funds for Children’s Miracle Network. Willie Brewster, Alpha Phi Al-

pha fraternity president, said his National Pan-Hellenic fraternity runs on a different philanthropic system than IFC and NPC fraternities and sororities. NPHC fraternities have national programs for all chapters to support, he said. Brewster said he thinks philanthropic practices are important for his fraternity because everyone has a civic duty to serve others. “One of my fraternity’s aims is ‘love for all mankind,’ and the most basic way to fulfill this aim is by serving,” he said. “The future of this world does not rest on who you know and how you know them, but on the lasting impression and foundation you set out for your respective communities.” Alpha Phi Alpha, which has a partnership with March of Dimes, will host a coin drive benefitting the March of Dimes beginning April 1.


Wednesday, January 8

• 5:27 p.m. A student was arrested for driving with a suspended driver’s license and speeding on Stone Boulevard. Justice Court citations were issued.

Thursday, February 9

• 12:41 a.m. An RA on duty reported the smell of marijuana in Rice Hall. Nothing was found • 12:42 a.m. A student was arrested for public drunkenness on University Drive. • 12:42 a.m. A student was arrested for public drunkenness on University Drive. • 12:42 a.m. A student was arrested for public drunkenness on University Drive. • 1:37 a.m. A student was arrested for minor in possession of alcohol, false information and driving under the influence in Zacharias Village parking lot.


continued from 1

“We want to give students an addi- be a website for students based at tional way to buy and sell textbooks,” MSU. The company working with SA he said. “Barnes & Noble is still a great to create this website already benefit to our campus, so we want to services schools such as Unimake sure we are still reminding stuversity of South Carolina, dents there are other University of Kentucky options available, too.” and University of LouisThe program is not ville. The program would ready to be implebe operated by a student mented at this time. organization, not MSU SA is still trying to itself. make sure everything Hobart said the procould work before gram would have an making such a large eBay-like environment. investment. Students who post their Hobart said at this books for sale would be able time, one of the to include as much informost important facmation as they would like. tors in the planning Since the program would and pursuing of the serve students from the same program is student university, students can inALLISON KELLER | THE REFLECTOR interest. Whether clude helpful information in students support the the listing about the class, inprogram would determine its success cluding the professor who taught it on campus. as well as how much or how little the If implemented, the program would book was used in class.

BREATHE Gerald Nelson, director of the seeing if they register as high Office of Entrepreneurship and as they think they are or as low Technology Transfer, said as they think they are ... If it he saw potential in keeps one person from drivStewart’s proding that otherwise uct to make an would’ve, then it’s impact in the done its job. It’s community. well worth it,” he “There is a said. definite need. Stewart said Kids, and adults he hopes to add as well, are geta cab-call feature, ting in trouble with which he said will DUI-type issues, give the user an opand it’s a danger to tion to put in their other people on the number and have road,” he said. “There a text sent to a cab is a safety factor in ZACK ORSBORN | THE REFLECTOR company, alerting a there and a socialcab. In the long-run, conscious factor and a definite Stewart said he hopes to see market need, so we all saw it as the IntoxBox educating people (something that) could work.” After being installed for three days at Dave’s, the IntoxBox had over 80 usages. Since Stewart’s company Night & Day Vending put its first machine in Rick’s Cafe on Jan. 4, it has been used over 300 times. Rick Welch, owner of Rick’s, said he has seen a spike of curiosity among patrons. “It’s more of an inquisitive type of thing. They are sort of

There would be no fees for buying numerous message boards and cenand selling books. SA would pay any tralize their efforts into one easy-tofees incurred. use interface. Shelby Balius, chief administrative Carly Warner, director of officer of SA, said the program would academic affairs for SA, said be more convenient for students than the program has been depopular websites like eBay and Amsigned with students azon. in mind. “Since this pro“This is totally gram would be for to benefit the students only on students, Mississippi State’s and I think campus, students it will be would not have to a good worry about waitbenefit ing on postal carriers on camor paying extra tax on pus,” she ALLISON KELLER | THE REFLECTOR shipping charges as found on said. “It would be eBay and Amazon,” she said. especially good for upcoming students The idea for this book sell-back who can use it all four years of their program arose from a group on Face- college career.” book with a similar goal. Balius said A major goal stressed by both Hothe group is not very user-friendly and bart and Warner is the program would does not provide much organization. help to cut out the middleman when it The book sell-back website would comes to selling used books. Students take this Facebook group as well as will be able to set the price for their

books and will receive the full amount once the books have been bought. Warner said, as with any technological implement, upkeep of the site would be very important. “With technology changing the way it does, we will have to keep up with it and make sure everything is running smoothly,” she said. Balius said the program might require some time before it is used as readily as other methods of selling books. “Though it may take more than one semester for the market to grow, this is a step in the right direction,” Balius said. “The program is already in place on many campuses across the country and in the SEC. We feel with widespread student support and use, we can experience similar success.” Hobart said with the proper approvals and signatures, the program could be up and running by the next round of book buy back, but nothing is certain at this point in time.

continued from 1 around the state about the dangers of drinking. “Success is to look at the numbers of DUIs and alcoholrelated incidents,” he said. “If we can see those numbers dropping, that will be real success.”

Arby Q is back! 2 for $3 I’m thinking Arby’s



continued from 1

During the 2011 Phi Delta Theta volleyball tournament and crawfish boil, the fraternity raised funds and awareness for the ALS association.






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why do you think community service is important? “I’ve been very blessed in my life and being able to share my time with those in need is a large part of who I am.” -Mallory Jordan, senior, exercise science major


Majors mean more behind closed doors


“I think community service is very important. We are called to care for the less fortunate around us.” -Joseph Gorman, senior, mechanical engineering major

“We need to help people going through trials, so that is why I try to give back.” -Reid Patterson, senior, marketing major

“It’s good to help those around you in need. Things happen, and everyone should do their part to help out.” -Braden Tyler, senior, accounting major

Reflector The

Chief Designer Zack Orsborn

Multimedia Editor Eric Evans

News Editor Micah Green News Editor Megan McKeown

Life Editor Kaitlin Mullins

Opinion Editor Wendy Morell

Copy Editor Kaitlyn Byrne

Photography Editor Jay Johnson

Copy Editor Mollie C. Reeves



Editor in Chief/Hannah Rogers

Letters to the editor should be sent to the Meyer Student Media Center or mailed to The Reflector, PO Box 5407, Mississippi State, MS. Letters may also be emailed to Letters must include name and telephone number for verification purposes. The editor reserves the right to edit or refuse to publish a letter.

Managing Editor/Julia Pendley 325-8991 News Editor/Micah Green 325-8819 News tips/Megan McKeown 325-7906 Opinion Editor/Wendy Morell Sports Editor/James Carskadon 325-5118 Life Editor/Kaitlin Mullins 325-8883 Photography Editor/Jay Johnson 325-1584 Advertising sales/Emily Moak 325-7907


means you won’t be leaving their bed (which they probably crafted themselves) unsatisfied. Lure an architecture student easily with cigarettes and the mention of some beautiful chapel you saw on the Internet once. A good arch student craves both beauty and durability, so get ready for a long night.

Hall and see the English majors come running. With idols like Hemingway and Fitzgerald, these folks know how to party. With the offer of coffee or Moleskin notebooks, these bookworms will be ready and willing to get their literary bump and grind on with you. Political Science: These majors

Rachel Perkins is a senior majoring in English. She can be contacted at

focus on the study of justice, which means they’re okay with giving and receiving. They’re lovers of debate, so expect some pre-bed banter to get you in the mood. These are the world’s future politicians, so get your Monica Lewinski on. Invite one of these folks over for an evening of wine and C-SPAN. You won’t regret it. Engineering: From aerospace to civil, these kids are dedicated. They’re accustomed to staying up all night, and they don’t back down from a project. They’re required to study physics, so offer them a free lesson on friction at your place. Communication: They really have it all. Public relations skills ensure excellent pillow talk while the theatre students aren’t afraid to let things get a bit dramatic. Journalists won’t ever leave a story unfinished, and they’ll do whatever it takes to finish. Take a stroll over to McComas and broadcast your desires. They’re accustomed to working in front of a camera, so don’t be surprised if things get a bit freaky. They’re communication majors, and they know how to express exactly what they want, so enjoy. I can’t guarantee sexual success with any of these majors, or with anyone. I encourage you to experiment, though. Variety is the spice of life, and I want to know what everyone’s cooking. Remember next time you meet a potential special someone in the Cotton District or the library, you can learn most of what you need to know from the question everyone asked when you were a freshman: “So, what’s your major?”

Giving is good, learning skills is better

Sports Editor James Carskadon


everyone knows crazy people are better in bed. Plus, there’s a psychology class all about human sexual behavior. These students read the textbook on getting freaky. If you can maneuver the halls of Magruder (good luck), psychology majors are worth the effort. Take them back to your place for some deviant behavior and let things get all Freudian up in there. Architecture: These majors spend so much of their time in studio that by the time they actually escape Giles, they’re like sexually-starved, power tool-wielding animals. Their natural attention to detail

Computer Science: They can get you off and fix your computer! With countless hours of Reddit and Skyrim behind them, these kids are guaranteed to be able to go all night. Give them access to your software and I’m sure their hard drive won’t disappoint. Art: These creative types aren’t afraid to experiment. Their drawing classes teach them to appreciate the human form. I suggest you go all out “Titanic” and offer them a private drawing session. Your body is their canvas, and everything’s open to interpretation. Whether they’re more into Picasso or Magritte, they’re sure to make you Monet. English: Represent! I am an English major, but all biases aside, English majors are a pretty sex-crazed bunch. From reading the sensual poetry of Neruda to writing a 10-page paper on the sexual undertones of Chaucer, these kids are almost always thinking about sex. Mention postmodernism anywhere near Lee


Editor in Chief Hannah Rogers Managing Editor Julia Pendley

ississippi State University offers 76 undergraduate majors. Although each course of study offers its own perks, challenges and honor societies, I prefer to rank the majors according to sex appeal. That’s right, certain majors are sexier than others. While other factors come into play when choosing a potential partner, like physical appearance and personality, I can learn almost everything I need to know about a person from their choice of a major. The following is a list, in no particular order, of the majors I’d most like to “study.” Biological Science: These kids study the human anatomy. They know what’s up. Offer one of these folks a free study lesson! Bonus points if they’re pre-med. I have a thing for white lab coats. To bag one of these babes, whisper sweet nothings about cell theory in their ears in the hushed halls of Harned. Don’t be surprised if they’re dying to further the species with you. Business: I’d take these folks into account any day. Business majors have a natural desire for power, and that translates directly to the bedroom. These future one percenters like to call the shots, so expect them to stay on top in your next merger. If you can make it past all the Nike shorts and visors littering McCool, find a sexy someone hiding behind a Wall Street Journal, and you’ll be on the one way street to getting down and getting your Dow Jones up. Psychology: Every psych major I’ve met has been a bit mental, but

EDITORIAL POLICY The Reflector is the official student newspaper of Mississippi State University. Content is determined solely by the student editorial staff. The contents of The Reflector have not been approved by Mississippi State University.

The Reflector staff strives to maintain the integrity of this paper through accurate and honest reporting. If we publish an error we will correct it. To report an error, call 325-7905.


et’s say you go on a mission trip somewhere and build a house for a family in need. You have a great time, and the construction goes smoothly. The family thanks you and your team, and you return home to Starkvegas. All is well, right? Of course it is. I think that’s great. You are selflessly giving your time and resources to someone who needs help. Of course that’s a good thing. But I think it could be better. Now I don’t mean you need to go and build more houses, or that you need to spend more time doing it. I just think sometimes when we go and do things like this, we lose sight of people’s real need: empowerment. People need to be invested, so they can invest in themselves and their communities. So while being given a house is good, learning how to build a house is better. Consider this example. My brother financially supports a ministry that teaches prostitutes in India how to make purses out of trash bags. Thanks to this skill,

the women can sell the purses, instead of themselves, in order to live. That is change. That is effective community service. It has a much more lasting impact on the well-being of those being served and leaves them with a sense of meaning and worth. When we deny this sense of empowerment, we risk another, more subtle danger too. I can remember a professor once telling me how when we simply go somewhere and fix something, we tread not far from, dare I say it, imperialism. We, the rich Americans, arrive with Superman complexes and think that we can save the day with just a hammer and a wallet. Which, mind you, may be true in some instances, but it is a principle that limits growth and fosters arrogance. I have been speaking on a global scale, so far, on examples where it is easy to see,

but I think we can all practice good service here in Starkville, too. For instance, you could volunteer to tutor at a local school. Education is a big deal, I’m told. Just think of the good you could do for a kid by empowering him with good grades. Or you could show kids the value of teamwork and discipline by helping out with a local

“You could show kids the value of teamwork and discipline by helping out with a local sports team.”

Do you plan on applying for scholarships for the 2012-2013 school year?

Yes. No. 10 people said

Ben Hester is a sophomore majoring in political science. He can be contacted at opinion@

4 people said

Total number of votes: 14


Would you use a book sale-back wesbite exclusively for MSU students?

sports team. Put simply, seek to offer the best kind of help you can with what you have. Now, I am not naïve enough to think this principle is absolute. I know there are some needs that can only be met by money or skill, in a very straightforward way. So when a house burns down in the community, the best response is indeed to help clean up and buy new provisions for the victims. Or if you are asked to help cook food for a local pantry, it would be absurd to refuse the opportunity just because it doesn’t really empower anyone. I am merely trying to say that empowerment should form the basis of our community service. It should be the goal, the prize. When it is, we are able to serve people in the best way possible, and we avoid robbing them of their dignity. Of course, I realize I may have jumped too far ahead. All of this depends on the assumption that you are, in fact, doing community service already. One battle at a time I suppose…

Yes or No? Vote online at ZACK ORSBORN| THE REFLECTOR

FRIDAY , FEBRUARY 10 , 2012 | 5




Across 1 Baseball’s Hammerin’ Hank 6 Bad color for ink? 9 Sunlight unit 13 Vegetation 14 Ward of “Sisters” 15 Notion 16 Airport security canine 19 React to a whack 20 “You’re not the only one!” 21 Ending for mass or pass 22 Talking bird 23 Thanksgiving serving 31 Agenda details 32 Cool-cucumber link 33 Lake Mich. city 34 Semana septet 35 “Divine Comedy” poet 37 Phlebotomist’s target 38 With 48-Across, shout at the station 39 Byrnes of “Grease” 40 Quake site 41 Frothy citrus dessert 46 Pothole’s place 47 Jimmy’s successor 48 See 38-Across 51 Type of brandy whose name means “water of life” 56 Women’s swimsuit size factor 58 Capri, for one 59 Puppy bites 60 Mascara problem 61 Ring decisions, briefly 62 Sample 63 Sample Down 1 Langley and Travis: Abbr. 2 Botanical skin treatment ingredient 3 “Julius Caesar” setting 4 Globes 5 Bad guys 6 Flag throwers 7 Many a “Lord of the Rings” character 8 Dogpatch gal

2-10-12 9 Lion, for one 10 Icelandic poetic work 11 Really long time 12 Star followers 14 Begat 17 It’s darker than royal blue 18 Dijon denials 22 Is compelled to 23 __ wave 24 Of practical value 25 Domain 26 Canadian rd. distances 27 “Amazing” paranormal debunker 28 Freeze over 29 Spicy bean dish 30 Kunta __: Burton’s “Roots” role 35 Morally degenerate 36 Condition treated with Ritalin, briefly 37 Car for a large family 40 Most doting 42 Takes the podium

Solutions for 2-7-12

43 Standard 44 Munich matrons 45 Typical barbershop complement 48 Slightly 49 Perform on sidewalks, in London

OCTOPUZZLE Directions: Place the numbers 1 to 8 in each of the octagons such that the numbers are not repeated in any octagon, row, column, or diagonal. The sums of the minor diagonals (diagonals that contain either four or six numbers) are provided at the beginning and end of each minor diagonal. The sum of the four numbers that border a diamond are provided in that diamond. The numbers that border diamonds do not have to be unique.

50 Scandinavian capital 51 Glimpse 52 Austen heroine 53 Victory signs 54 __ the finish 55 To be, in Brittany 57 Balloon contents

CLASSIFIEDS POLICY The deadline for Tuesday’s paper is 3 p.m. Thursday; the deadline for Friday’s paper is 3 p.m. Tuesday. Classifieds are $5 per issue. Student and staff ads are $3 per issue, pre-paid. Lost and found: found items can be listed for free; lost items are listed for standard ad cost. FOR SALE Ziggy’s Buy & Sell. Don’t thow it away! Get cash for your used furniture and other items. We sell everything from furniture to antiques to music. 434 Miss. Highway 12 West, look for the orange sign with Ziggy’s picture, or call 312-8895. FOR RENT 1 bedroom condo, stove, refrigerator, microwave, dishwasher, washer/ dryer. Walking distance to campus. No pets, lease required. $385 per month. 323-5186. Canterbury Townhouses. 990 Old Mayhew Road. 2012 lease special (12th month free with 12-month lease). One, two and three bedroom newly-remodeled townhouses. Call 323-9216 for details. “Lodge at the Lake.” Great one bedroom, waterfront, dock, appliances, washer/dryer, free cable and fast acess internet. See now. Available May 1 for 15 months. $525/month. Pet friendly. 418-2790. HELP WANTED Bartending. Up to $300 / day. No experience necessary. Training available. Call 800-965-6520 ext. 213. PHP Web application development and Python programmer needed ASAP to work independently with attention to detail and ability to meet deadlines. Thorough knowledge of PHP, Python, Drupal, MYSQL and experience in Unix command line helpful. Great position for student needing practical business experience. Send resumes & inquiries to Reflector, Classified Ads, Programmer, P.O. Box 5407, MS State, MS 39762.

Graphic artist needed & ministryminded programmer needed to write the ending for a women’s ministry video blog and website. Excellent opportunity for class project &/or practical experience. Send resumes & inquiries to: Reflector, Classified Ads, Ministry Opportunity, P.O. Box 5407 MS State, MS 39762. CLUB INFO The deadline for Tuesday’s paper is 3 p.m. Thursday; deadline for Friday’s paper is 3 p.m. Tuesday. MSU student organizations may place free announcements in Club Info. Information may be submitted by email to club_info@reflector. with the subject heading “CLUB INFO,” or a form may be completed at The Reflector office in the Student Media Center. A contact name, phone number and requested run dates must be included for club info to appear in The Reflector. All submissions are subject to exemption according to space availability. BAPTIST STUDENT UNION The BSU at Mississippi State invites all students to our weekly worship service, PRIORITY, on Tuesday nights at 6:15 p.m. You are also invited to a $5 home-cooked meal, called NOONDAY, on Wednesdays at noon. The BSU Center is located directly across the street from Campus Book Mart. All students are welcome. Visit for more information. CAMPUS BIBLE STUDENTS Intensive Bible study Mondays from 7 to 8 p.m. in room 324 of the Union. All are welcome. Email for more information. CATHOLIC STUDENT ASSOCIATION The CSA invites you to join us each week at St. Joseph’s Catholic Church. Student mass is on Sundays at 5:30 p.m. Good food and fun

fellowship can be had at $2 dinners on Tuesday at 6 p.m., followed by weekly /Bible study at 7 p.m. Come to one of these events and learn more ways to get involved! For more information, simply “like” our Facebook page: “Mississippi State Catholic Student Association.” FAAMSU Come join us for lively discussions. Believers welcome! Every Thursday, starting Sept. 8, in the Union room 226 from 6 to 9 p.m. Twitter: @SAUCEFORALL. We are the Freethinkers, Agnostics and Atheists of MSU. FEMALE GRADUATE STUDENTS New group for female graduate students in science, engineering and mathematics: Please email HOLMES CULTURAL DIVERSITY CENTER The Holmes Culture Diversity Center of Mississippi State University presents the Umdabu South African Dance Company on Monday at 6 p.m. in Lee Hall’s Bettersworth Auditorium. LADIES SOCIAL CIRCLE Recruitment Spring 2012 Monday, Wednesday and Thursday. 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. McCool 202. Fun, Friends and Food. LIGHT BEARERS Yeah! We Bear The Light! Come join us for fellowship, dynamic worship and inspirational devotions every Thursday at 7 p.m. Union 3rd floor, room 329. MSU CANTERBURY EPISCOPAL FELLOWSHIP “Spiritual but not religious?” Spirituality and home-cooking at the Episcopal Church (“Canterbury”). Free dinner, activities each Wednesday, 5:30 p.m. Canterbury Lodge, 105 N. Montgomery St., Starkville. For more information, contact Chaplain Carol Mead at 694-1178. Sponsored by Canterbury Episcopal Fellowship.

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Life Student group works to raise sex 6





trafficking awareness BY RACHEL PERKINS Staff Writer

During the summer of 2010, senior psychology major Anna Katherine Lunceford traveled to India to work with Rahab's Rope, an organization that works against the massive sex trafficking industry in India. During her time there, Rahab's Rope was changing its focus from after-care counseling for victims of sex trafficking to prevention and awareness of the industry. Lunceford had the opportunity to work in Kamathipura, home to Asia's largest red-light district and an estimated 60 to 100 thousand sex industry workers. She worked one on one with the children of brothel workers and witnessed, not only their suffering, but the inevitable fate into which they were headed. “We visited homes and day care locations for the children of sex workers. In these places, there is no stability for the children. With strange working hours for their mothers, the children are, for the most part, guaranteed a life replicating their mothers’,� she said. In witnessing their turbu-

lent lives and learning of their future, Lunceford felt compelled to help. “To experience the confusion and forced complacency of those young girls ignited a fire within me,� she said. With that fire in her, Lunceford returned to America motivated to spread awareness and start a movement. She began researching the sex trafficking industry in America and realized immediately a change was needed. “I began researching the sex industry and realized it is a massive, complex, intricate and dangerous system. It is occurring worldwide, and the individuals who run the industry are extremely good at what they do. When a girl is ‘taken,’ they are moved around and almost impossible to find,� she said. In the spring of 2011, Lunceford teamed up with Anna Rose Woodliff, senior psychology major, to found Arise!, a Christian organization that exists to raise campus awareness for the injustice of global human trafficking and to mobilize students to take action against it now. The group, that gets its

namesake from a verse in diference, but we should,’’ she Isaiah, has hosted several events said. ‘‘We're so privileged, and since its founding, including we should be willing to help film screenings of “Born into make a change.� Brothels� and The change “ Ne f a r i o u s : is needed. Merchant of According Souls.� They to the U.S. plan to host Department of a screening Justice, there this semeshave been ter of “Sex an estimated and Money: 100,000 to A National 150,000 sex Search for slaves in the H u m a n United States Worth,� a since 2001. In documentary nearby Atlanta, about domesapproximately tic minor 400 to 500 chilsex traffickdren become ing and the involved in the modern-day sex trafficking abolitionist industry each m o v e m e n t *KATHERING LUNCEFORD, month. fighting to CO-FOUNDER OF ARISE! Wo r l d w i d e , stop it. The the average age group will of entry into host a panel discussion on the the sex industry is 13. Two topic of sex trafficking follow- children are sold into the sex ing the film. trade every minute. Woodliff emphasized the role Victims of sex trafficking, college students can play in specifically children, often come making a difference. from poverty and extremely “As students and young peo- poor living conditions. They ple, not only can we make a are often coerced into

“To experience the confusion and forced complacency of those young girls ignited a ďŹ re within me.â€?


believing they will be given a good job with decent pay only to be forced into prostitution. Also, runaways are often victimized, with 33 percent of runaways in the United States sold into prostitution. As a newly founded but quickly growing group, Arise! has several events planned for this upcoming semester. The group is helping plan a 5K called “Run to Rescue� scheduled for April 26. All proceeds from the run will go to the International Justice Mission, a human rights agency that rescues victims of slavery, sexual exploitation and other forms of violent oppression. Their next meeting will be

Look for the paying it forward stamp to see similar stories in future issues in the life section!

Feb. 22 at 9 p.m. in the Chapel of Memories. Lunceford encourages anyone who is interested in helping to attend the meetings, as they will be discussing events for the upcoming semester. Lunceford and Woodliff both emphasized the importance of awareness. With a cause like this, college students have an opportunity to make an actual difference in saving the lives of Americans. Arise! hopes to continue growing and teaching the Mississippi State University community about the realities of sex trafficking in the U.S. “If people don't learn about it, they will never be able to fight it,� Woodliff said.

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Mission trips benefit students, people abroad


Staff Writer



Some Mississippi State University students have witnessed first-hand subjects learned about in history class through their mission work at the Yakama Native American Reservation in Washington. According to Sacred Road Ministries, since 1855, the year the American government established the reservation, the Yakama people’s culture and standard of life has been crumbling. Sacred Road Ministries’ mission in the town of White Swan, Wash., is to establish a dynamic, healthy church in the remote town. MSU students have been members of the determined team to help achieve their mission. Lauren Sensing, sophomore graphic design major, said she has been to the reservation six times on one-week teams and spent the summer of 2011 as an intern. “Our youth director (at Highlands Presbyterian Church in Ridgeland) found Sacred Road randomly on the Internet,� she said. “When we showed up on the reservation, we instantly fell in love with the reservation and have gone back every year since.� Sensing is not the only student who has made working at Yakama a common fixture in their lives.

Mollie Simpkins, junior graphic design major, said she has been volunteering on the reservation for eight years on either one-week trip teams and as an intern with Sacred Road during the summer of 2009. Another student who has sweated it out on the reservation also became involved through the Highlands Presbyterian youth group. Melissa McBride, freshman nursing major, said the Highlands Presbyterian youth group had been on a couple of trips out to Washington and, when she was old enough, she jumped at the chance. “I had heard so much about Yakama that I was ecstatic at a chance to actually go myself,� she said. Volunteer responsibilities and duties on the Yakama Reservation are abundant. “As part of a one-week team, we do construction typically on people’s homes in the community like roofing, painting and cleaning up trash,’’ Simpkins said. ‘‘Then in the afternoons, we help with a backyard Bible club in local project neighborhoods. During that time our duty is to love on the kids well, play with them and get really dusty and covered in face paint. As an intern, my duties were to help host these teams during the summer. I would help

run kids’ club, photography and cooking.� McBride said life on the reservation, even for a week, can be very challenging. “The reservation is a povertystricken place, and this isn’t hard to see,’’ she said. ‘‘Many injustices have been done against the Yakama people and, because of this, hopelessness is a huge part of life out there.� But with the constant help of willing volunteers and team members, progress has been made. “The first summer I went to the reservation, I was overwhelmed by the darkness, poverty and despair. It seemed helpless,’’ Sensing said. ‘‘However, year after year, I see more hope. It’s such a beautiful thing to see how lives have changed over the years. The Lord is mightily at work, and the hope of the gospel is changing the Yakama Nation.� McBride, Sensing and Simpkins are returning to the reservation with Reformed University Fellowship and Highlands Presbyterian Church this spring break. “It is just such a joy to witness the Lord at work and to get to be a small part of that,’’ McBride said. ‘‘The children on the reservation have definitely stolen my heart. Not a day goes by when I do not think of them and my heart aches to see them.�


Although the latest trends in fashion may be comfy tees and bangles, what seems to be the most trendy is simply the act of giving back. This growing trend is seen on every scale with products ranging from apparel, home products and jewelry. Boutiques are rapidly catching on to the idea of selling products which support or promote a cause. Several Starkville boutiques are offering products that contribute to this trend of carrying charitable items. Reed’s, Harmonie Boutique, Deep South Pout, L.A. Green and the Purple Elephant sell several charitable items that support a cause. L.A. Green partners with Holt International, supporting special needs orphans. A portion of all sales are donated to this organization to help an orphan with special needs and assist them in finding a family. Deep South Pout carries unique shirts that support a program called Restoration Hope. All of the proceeds go to this non-profit organization which supports villages in Africa to provide medicine, education and basic neces-

sities. In addition, Deep South Pout sends a certain percentage of its total sales and profits to the organization. Harmonie Boutique is involved with several organizations and programs both local and international. Live FashionABLE is an organization geared toward empowering women in Ethiopia. The program provides jobs for women to bring themselves out of poverty. Each scarf is named after the woman that designed and made the scarf and includes a handwritten note from that woman. A second organization represented by Harmonie Boutique is PeaceCord, which manufactures bracelets made from military parachute cords and authentic military uniform buttons. The bracelets are handwoven by women in Afghanistan to not only support the troops overseas but also to empower women. Other charitable products sold are jewelry by Village of Hope Uganda and Ember Arts, apparel by Out of Print Clothing supporting literacy and Nashvillebased Thistle Farms, which supports women who have survived addiction, abuse and human trafficking. The Purple Elephant supports a cause close to the owner’s heart.

A jewelry designer by the name of Renaldo specially designed a unique bracelet for the owner’s daughter, Waverly, who was diagnosed with spina bifida. Profits from each bracelet sold are donated to aid spina bifida research and relief. Reed’s carries two major brands that give back. The wellknown Toms brand is a “onefor-one� program which when a pair of Toms shoes is purchased, Toms donates a pair to a child in need; those children who do not have the privilege of wearing shoes day to day. A second brand called Agape North is sold as well. Agape North is a brand based out of Memphis, that sells apparel and hats. For each shirt sold, Agape North donates a school uniform to a child in Latin America to aid in their education. It is easy to make a difference by visiting one of these local boutiques that strive to support charities and nonprofit organizations. For more information, visit these stores’ websites at,, reedsms. com,, and facebook. com/harmonieboutique.




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Websites you can feel good Peace Corps proves about wasting time on beneficial after-college

... is actually a network of websites that provide shoppers with the opportunity to buy fair trade, african-made, eco-friendly and other charitable types of items. In the process, shoppers donate to the awareness and aid of the following causes: hunger, autism, breast cancer, child health, animals, veterans, literacy and the rain forest. For instance, under the "hunger" tab, each purchase fights famine in the U.S. and in Africa by donating cups of food.

... is a website that provides coupon codes for many online stores. When you use them, you get a discount and the charity of your choice gets a donation.

... is an ebay store specializing in eco, fair-trade and handmade shopping from jewelry to clothing to home and garden.

... is the essential resource to sustainable designer brands and online eco fashion stores. You can find a multitude of stores by searching by eco criteria, inluding fair trade, organic, vegan, ethically produced, recycled and second-hand or vintage.

... is a directory of tools and services for nonprofits. Here you can find databases of more charity shopping sites, charity auctions and online fundraising.

... is an innovative website dedicated to finding ways everyone can volunteer their efforts to others. They provide websites that allow you to explore volunteering opportunities you can take in 15 minutes, from your home, in a few hours or on a volunteer vacation.

option for students BY CASEY SMITH Contributing Writer

Juliane Molesworth, a former marketing major with a minor in Spanish, graduated from Mississippi State University in 2010. Molesworth is currently living in the small town of Paccha, Peru, volunteering with the Peace Corps. Molesworth decided in high school that she wanted to join the Peace Corps after college. “I knew I wanted to do something different after college, something other than an entry-level desk job” she said. Something different is exactly what Molesworth did. She is currently one of the very few MSU students serving with the Peace Corps. The Peace Corps was founded in 1961 with the purpose of promoting world peace and friendship. Since 1961 over 200,000 Americans have served in 139 countries. The Peace Corps sends volunteers to developing countries where they are responsible for creating a program to benefit the community they are assigned. Molesworth’s program is community and youth development so her work typically centers on young kids and teenagers. When she arrived in Paccha she did a community diagnostic to see how she could help during her stay. “It’s great because volunteers can do almost anything they want as long as the community has some need for it,” Molesworth said. Since Molesworth’s time in Peru, she has taught English, computer classes, reproductive health, social theater, women’s empowerment and more. She has also organized activities for AIDS awareness and prevention. Molesworth’s main project, however, is the reactivation of the community library in Paccha. Despite the fundraising efforts of the town, the library still needs bathrooms, tables, chairs

and books. Molesworth has shows dedication and the set up a grant on the Peace ability to handle difficult Corps website for donations situations. from the public. “I learned more than I Alethea Parker, the South- was able to give back to east Regional Public Af- these students,” Fogle said. fairs specialist for the Peace Molesworth said she has Corps, served in Cameroon also learned an immense as a business volunteer. amount from her service “You have to the Peace a lot of time Corps, inon your cluding pahands, so tience and if you see the value of something life. you are pas“Projects sionate about move slowyou are ally here, and lowed to crePe r u v i a n s ate a second are about program,” at least an she said. hour late for Parker said events and many volmeetings. unteers even I’ve learned do three-tier to relax beprograms cause most within their everything community isn’t as big if they see of a deal as a specific I think it need. is,” she said. Lyn Fogle, “Material assistant things don’t professor of matter. The JULIANE MOLESWORTH linguistics/ brand of TESOL at MSU ALUMNA, PEACE clothes or a MSU, de- CORPS VOLUNTEER car or jewcided to apelry doesn’t ply for the matter. Peace Corps the fall of her Family, friends and comsenior year of college. She, munity are what matters.” like Molesworth, wanted to Molesworth, Parker and get some quality experience Fogle all agree the most reto set herself apart from the warding experience of volaverage job applicant. unteering is the immense “I wasn’t ready to enter amount of personal growth the workforce and wanted volunteers experience durto use what I had learned ing their service. in college to serve the Peace “Here I am trying to Corps,” she said. make a difference in a small Fogle served her time in town in Peru, and I am the the Ukraine teaching Eng- one being transformed,” lish to high school students. Molesworth said. She attributes her passion Parker said two years for linguistics to her time with the Peace Corps spent in Ukraine with the makes you a more passionPeace Corps. ate and confident person. “For everyone I know, “What I like to tell the Peace Corps really people is that getting out shaped our future careers,” of your comfort zone is a she said. personal development,” Another goal of the Peace she said. Corps is for volunteers to At the end of two years promote a better under- volunteers can put in a restanding of the people of quest to extend their stay foreign countries when another year. When asked they arrive back in the if she would do it all over United States. again there was no doubt Fogle is still serving the in Molesworth’s answer Peace Corps by focusing that she would consider her research on how well signing up for two more adopted Ukrainian and years. Russian children integrate For more information into American culture. She about Juliane Molesworth is currently writing a book or the Peace Corps visit that explores this research. and juFogle said time spent lianemolesworth.blogspot. with the Peace Corps com.

“Here I am trying to make a difference in a small town in Peru, and I am the one being transformed.”




Pettit strives to make most of off-fied opportunities we have a responsibility to give back because we’ve been given so Staff Writer much.” Another one of the M-Club’s Senior soccer player Kim Pettit came to Mississippi State for more service projects is the Thanksgivthan just soccer. Although she has ing Can Food Drive. Members of recorded an impressive career on the M-Club get the community to the field, her efforts off the field donate cans and then make food have made just as big of an impact boxes for several families. This year, they fed 15 to 17 families and on her community. Pettit currently serves as presi- had leftover cans. The overflow of cans was due to dent of the M-Club, an organization for athletes who have lettered MSU’s simultaneous involvement in their respective sports and wish in the SEC Together We Can to be involved with the commu- Food Drive. This event is a chalnity. She has also held positions of lenge among all the SEC schools vice president and treasurer of the to see how much food in pounds they can collect. M-Club. Women’s athletic director Ann The M-Club puts on a number of different community service Carr said Pettit represents the Uniprojects, including Bully’s Book versity in a positive manner, which Blitz. This is a month-long read- reflects well with other athletes ing campaign done in the fall at el- and students as she seeks to better ementary schools where the MSU herself and the world around her. “Kim is a very dedicated young student-athletes seek to promote the importance of reading. The lady who understands that as a class with the highest number of student athlete, her role is not to just be an athreading points lete on her team, at the end of but a student the month rewho represents ceives tickets this institution, to an MSU and that might football game. mean doing exDuring the tra things,” Carr month, stusaid. “I think dent athletes that it inspires will go indimany athletes, vidually and but I think it is have one-onwhat she likes to one time with do. She doesn’t the elemendo it to get rectary students ognition, but she and read with KIM PETTIT, knows that is a them. Pettit part of being a said the comM-CLUB PRESIDENT student athlete.” munity service This year Petprojects are an tit received that eye-opener to how blessed she is and the great recognition by being named to the SEC Community Service opportunity she has to give back. “When I was growing up, I al- Team. Each SEC school has a ways looked up to athletes, so I player represented on the team, want these kids to have a positive and Pettit earned MSU’s nominarole model to whom they can look tion. Playing an SEC sport takes up up, whether it is their dream to play a sport in college or not,” Pet- a lot of time on its own, not to tit said. “As athletes we are given mention the work load for which so many opportunities, and we are every student must account, but blessed with great facilities, a great instead of spending her extra time athletic director and great fans, so relaxing, Pettit has found nuBY KRISTEN SPINK

“When I was growing up, I always looked up to athletes, so I want these kids to have a positve role model to whom they can look up.”


Kim Pettit, who finished her senior season of soccer in the fall, was named to the SEC Community Service team last month.

merous ways to give back to the community that has given her so much. Even in her final semester at State, she still involves herself with the M-Club community service programs. This spring the M-Club is participating in the Champions Breakfast. Once a month student athletes visit different schools and eat breakfast with the kids there. The Bulldog athletes simply spend time with the kids and occasionally sign a few autographs. For Pettit, seeing a child’s face light up at the sight of an MSU athlete is rewarding in itself. For a child to talk to an athlete he or she looks up to makes not only the child’s day but makes an im-

pact on the athlete as well. Pettit said she was honored and grateful to be named to the SEC Community Service Team, but it would not be possible to do without the support of the MSU Athletic Department and her fellow student athletes. “For me it’s not so much about the title or the award, but it’s about just being able to do what I do and, at the end of the day, just seeing a child’s face light up is the reward beyond any recognition,” Pettit said. “You never know how much you mean to someone when you spend time with them, and I think it’s very humbling and rewarding to just be given such a platform as an athlete.”

BASEBALL Daryl Norris and Demarcus Henderson are still battling for the opportunity to play at third base and are producing stiff competition for a starting role. Norris saw much playing time last year at first base, as designated hitter and spot pitched for the Dogs, while Henderson is one of the best athletes on the club according to Cohen. “Everybody’s ultimate goal is to get to Omaha, but we have a lot to hold up to coming from last year,” Henderson said. “We’re lacking a lot of experience, but I feel like once we play a few games and get experience we’ll be just fine.” Behind the plate junior college transfer Mitch Slauter is the contender to catch this year for the Bulldogs. “He’s a great leader, very physical, great hitter but has never caught in an SEC game,” Cohen said. “Again, we love the pieces of the puzzle; we just need some experience there.” Most of the Bulldogs’ defensive experience will come from the outfield where all three starters had a generous amount of playing time from last season, including C.T. Bradford who saw action on the field in all 63 games in the 2011 campaign. Co-captain Brent Brownlee, Taylor Stark and Bradford will see consistent playing time as well as returners Hunter Renfroe, Henderson and freshman Tyler Fullerton may also see some action in the outfield. “This past fall was one of the best falls I have been a part of here at Mississippi State,” Brownlee said. “We kind of have a chip on our shoulder being seven outs away from the College World Series last year, so we’ll come out and play tough and do our thing.” The strength of the 2012 club will be the pitching staff as the Dogs only lost one lettermanwinning pitcher from last year. Returning starters Chris Stratton, Nick Routt, Kendall Graveman and Evan Mitchell all return with valuable experience and hope to add strong arms for


continued from 10 the rotation. Returning utility players Stark, Norris, Bradford and Renfroe will add flexibility out of the Cohen bullpen as well as relievers Andrew Busby and last year’s wins leader Luis Pollorena. “We’re a good group, and we’ve got a lot of good arms,” Busby said. “I really think besides our velocity, we’ve got a lot of guys, even our young guys, who are pretty sharp mentally and it will carry our team.” Anchoring the pitching staff will be senior closer Caleb Reed who lead the team with a 1.55 earned run average and tallied 12 saves last year. Reed is also on the watch list for the NCBWA Stopper of the Year Award and is excited about this year’s pitching staff and has one goal in mind. “I look on that board and I see where eight teams have already gone to Omaha for Mississippi State,” Reed said. “Well, I want to be a part of the first team that wins that national championship when we go to Omaha. I want to go down as that number one team.” MSU will face eight teams and play 19 games against opponents that earned an NCAA Regional Tournament appearance last year including series against two teams that made it to the championship game in South Carolina and Florida, both on the road. The Dogs open the season Feb. 17 as they host Washington State.

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5p.m. on March 9, 2012 Applications may be picked up from The Reflector main office in the Henry F. Meyer Student Media Center. Call 325-2374 for more information. Note: Requests for waiver of requirements are due Feb. 21st by noon and are to be turned in to the Henry F. Meyer Student Media Center.


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friday , february 10, 2012


stat of the day :

23 – the numBeR of fReshman oR sophomoRes on the RosteR foR msu’s BaseBall team

Staff Writer

jay johnson | the reflector

Sophomore C.T. Bradford is one of only two returning starters in the Bulldogs’ offensive lineup.

Dawgs have high hopes for ‘12 Staff Writer

The 2012 Mississippi State baseball team holds a promising future, and one theme tends to be trending among the players. Get to Omaha. Last year’s team almost conquered this feat – posting a 38-25 record and finishing No. 15 in the country in the USA Today Coaches’ Poll after a strong postseason run that fell one game shy of making it to the College World Series, and this year’s team has not forgotten. With the pitching staff

guiding the team, fourth-year skipper John Cohen has plenty of reasons to have high hopes for his squad. “I wouldn’t change our personnel for anybody,” Cohen said. “I think eventually it’s going to be a team that can compete for a national championship, but how quickly those guys get experience is going to be the key for it.” With nine starters graduating or leaving early for the draft, this year’s club is full of new faces, especially in the infield. All four infield spots and the catcher position were vacant over the summer,

georgia vs. msu

12:30 p.m. sat. sec net.

Moultrie emerging as one of SEC’s best By Ray ButleR

By John Galatas

saturday special:

making experience a key issue for newcomers. Left-handed hitting junior college transfer Trey Porter is the likely candidate at first base as he has “tremendous power” and will provide a big target on the infield. Porter is also a strong offensive weapon, which will help replace some power hitters from a year ago. The middle infielders will consist of Sam Frost and Adam Frazier who saw playing time last year and will anchor the infield defensively. see


Even for the most casual of Mississippi State fans, news of Arnett Moultrie’s achievements as a Bulldog during the 20112012 season has been hard to ignore. A 6’11 junior, Moultrie leads the SEC in rebounding with 11.1 rebounds a game as well as double-doubles with 13. The power-forward also leads MSU in scoring with 17 points per game and has continued to improve statistically from the outset of the season. MSU head coach Rick Stansbury credits Moultrie’s continued success to hard work and a knowledge of the game. “We ask a lot out of him,” Stansbury said. “He rebounds the ball, and, defensively, he’s pretty good for us. His basketball IQ is very high.” A native of Memphis, Tenn., Moultrie played his first three seasons of high school ball at Trezvant High School before transferring to nearby Raleigh Egypt High School for his senior season. Throughout his high school career, Moultrie was named to numerous all-star teams and was nominated as a McDonalds AllAmerican. Upon graduating from high school, Moultrie signed with the University of Texas at El Paso. In his first season as a Miner, Moultrie was named to the Conference USA All-Freshman team after scoring 8.8 points per game and grabbing 8.2 rebounds per game. After his sophomore season, Moultrie decided to transfer to another school to play his final

seasons at the collegiate level. Since Moultrie had seen immediate playing time upon his enrollment at UTEP, the Moultrie forward, who would have to sit out an entire season due to NCAA transfer rules, could redshirt the first season at his destination school and not lose a year of college eligibility. Moultrie narrowed his decision to MSU and Auburn, where his former coach Tony Barbee had recently been hired, before officially enrolling at State. At the conclusion of MSU’s up-and-down 2010-2011 season, many State fans immediately began speculating on just how good Moultrie would be the following season. Expectations were immediately raised, and the excitement surrounding the beginning of the 2011-2012 season continued to grow, partly due to the potential of Moultrie. Even before the season began, people outside the MSU program, like LSU head coach Trent Johnson, sensed the excitement within the MSU program surrounding Moultrie and the prospects of making a deep NCAA Tournament. “He’s special, and I think (Stansbury) knew it coming out of the summer tour,” Johnson said of Moultrie in a teleconference prior to State’s Jan. 25 game against LSU. “There’s a reason why you see these guys at these meetings and they’re smiling and happy. He has a reason to be.” Moultrie’s impact on the Bulldogs was felt almost im-

mediately, recording a doubledouble in his debut at MSU, a feat that had not been accomplished since 2003. Moultrie followed up an impressive debut by being named MVP of the 2K Classic less than two weeks later. During the tournament, which MSU won, Moultrie averaged 13.5 points and nine rebounds a game. Barring a major setback, the Bulldogs, who are ranked 20th in the latest Associated Press poll, are poised to be one of the 68 teams selected to play in the NCAA Tournament run in March, thanks in no small part to the consistent play of Moultrie, who finds himself in the running for several postseason awards. Among the top accolades that Moultrie could be rewarded at the end of the season is the Wooden Award, a prestigious award given to the nation’s best player. Although widely considered one of the best players in the Southeastern Conference as well as the nation, Moultrie says he would rather focus on individual and team improvement than personal accomplishments, most notably at the free-throw line, where Moultrie makes 77 percent of attempts. “Lately I’ve been missing way too many,” said Moultrie. “So we’re just going to go back to the lab and work on free throws.”


For coverage of last night’s basketball game against Ole Miss, visit our website at

April 19-22

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