The Print Edition 2-24-2012

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Revisiting Reparation Therapy

LIFE | 6








FEBRUARY 24, 2012




House Bill 26 calls for increased alcohol-content allowance BY CANDACE BARNETTE Staff Writer

A new bill could increase the alcohol limit of beers sold in Mississippi from 5 percent to 8 percent. Representative David Baria has authored House Bill 26 for the past five years. He said if the bill passes, it would be beneficial by providing more choices to consumers. “There’s close to 300 beers you can’t get in the state,” he said. “This would improve the selection and give people a lot more to choose from.” A bill like this could be putting Mississippi in an even playing field with the other states. Baria said Mississippi currently has the lowest limit on alcohol in the country. He said the bill would also benefit retail-

ers, and since writing the bill, he has discovered its passage would also help breweries. “These beers with higher alcohol content are more expensive, which leads to greater profit,” he said. “I have also discovered since writing the bill that Lazy Magnolia Brewery in Mississippi has to turn away business because of the current limit.” Lazy Magnolia Brewery, in Kiln, is the only packaging brewery in the state. Mark Henderson, an owner of Lazy Magnolia, said their brewery supports any legislation that would support culture related to beer. He said when it comes to the passage of this particular bill, the numbers speak for themselves. “It would generate an immediate economic impact,” he said. “The 5 percent

limit cuts out 30 percent of our existing business.” Henderson said the increased business would create even more positions for employment at Lazy Magnolia. “If passed, the bill would also add an additional seven jobs at the brewery,” he said. Henderson said an increased limit on alcohol would also make a difference in the vitality of the beer. “Beer has a very short shelf life,” Henderson said. “However, like wine, beers with higher alcohol content have a much longer shelf life, which would be especially helpful when sales are slower.” The bill has also raised some concerns over the already prevalent amount of alcohol-related crimes and accidents.



Patrons of Bin 612 enjoy a beer on Thursday afternoon. Beer drinkers across the state will have a much wider selection if House Bill 26 passes.

Tweeting for the city BY HANNAH ROGERS Editor in Chief

In order to promote progression in Starkville, the Convention and Visitors Bureau and Main Street Association will host a Twitter Town Hall Monday from 8 to 10 p.m. Haley Montgomery, a marketing consultant for the Starkville Convention & Visitors Bureau who manages the online and social media for the Greater Starkville Development Partnership, said his @mscollegetown Twitter account will moderate the town hall. Participants can join in the discussion using the hashtag #Starkville2012 to discuss how they would like to see the city grow. “We want it to be a transparent outlet for (people) to share their ideas in a positive way,” she said. The town hall was conceived after a Twitter conversation on Monday discussed the role of Starkville as a college town and community, Jennifer Gregory, chief operating officer for the Greater Starkville Development Partnership, said. “It started out in a negative way. We (the SCVB and Main Street Association) decided it was important to hear discussion,” she said. “We want to be viewed as openminded and progressive … There needed to be an organized way for (discussion) to be done.”

Social media bridges gaps, even in small towns ZACK ORSBORN | THE REFLECTOR

Local businesses take advantage Using social media to cope BY HANNAH ROGERS Editor in Chief

Shane Reed joined Twitter in July 2008 and just started playing around. He didn’t expect it to be a part of Strange Brew Coffehouse’s business — he just wanted to engage with fellow Bulldogs and customers and talk about Mississippi State. Reed, founder and CEO of Strange Brew, said the way it took off has been crazy. A little over a week ago, Strange Brew reached over 5,000 followers on Twitter — a landmark that led to the business’s followers to receive a discount on their drinks for mentioning the tweet. “It completely blows my mind,” he said. “In the beginning, I just started tweeting, and I didn’t expect it to be this big. It was pretty lonely for about a year.

There were a few early adopters in Starkville … It was really cool because I could engage with them and talk with them.” Strange Brew is no stranger to social media. Reed created a Facebook page before the coffeehouse opened its doors. Since then, he has become a prominent businessman on Twitter, has a Google+ account and uses Pinterest and Instagram to promote the business. Reed also started Social Brew, which is a media firm that educates and helps businesses manage social media, because of the necessity social media now plays in communicating with customers. “When it comes to business, interacting with the community, you have to do it now,” he said. “We want to go in and help small businesses get comfortable with Twitter, Facebook and Pinterest … and be a part of the community.” SEE SOCIAL, 2

BY LACI KYLES Staff Writer

Mourning death has always been an important process for those who remain. Web-based social networking, on the other hand, is a relative newcomer to this human experience, but people around the world and across campus are using sites like Facebook and Twitter to actively grieve and create ever accessible


memorials of their loved ones. JaNae’ Taylor, Student Counseling Services staff counselor, said using social networking sites such as Facebook or Twitter can be more helpful than hurtful when used as a means of coping with the loss of someone. “I think Facebook can be helpful,” she said. “Oftentimes, we want to connect with others during a difficult time. Social media is a way to feel an instant connection.” SEE FACEBOOK, 3

Student Lobbying Association takes cowbells to the Capitol BY HAYLEE BURGE Contributing Writer


MSUʼs Student Lobbying Association traveled to the Capitol hoping to help legislators put a face to higher education at MSU and presented government officials with cowbells.

READERʼS GUIDE CAMPUS CALENDAR...................2 BAD DAWGS..............................3 OPINION ...............................4 CONTACT INFO...................... 4

POLICY LIFE.............................. ........6 CROSSWORD...............................5 CLASSIFIEDS.......................... 5 SPORTS....................................8

Mississippi State University’s Student Lobbying Association went to the state Capitol on Feb. 16, and presented government officials with 24-karat gold cowbells. Rhett Hobart, Student Association president, said every year, MSU’s Student Lobbying Association travels to the capitol in Jackson to meet legislators and talk to elected officials about higher education, especially as it pertains to MSU. This was the fourth year for MSU to take SLA to the capitol, and 25 people in all made the trip.


Hobart said the MSU SLA is part of the Bulldog Interest group, and its primary goal is to seek out the government and put a face to higher education at MSU. This trip is beneficial because it enables the government officials to meet MSU students and represent the school at a higher level. “I thought that this year’s Cowbells to the Capitol was a great way for students to get to know our legislature and to put a face to our university,” Hobart said. “This was a great opportunity for us to express our goal for continued funding and also our support for Mississippi and our state universities.” Hobart said the association started

the morning by meeting with Hayley Barbour, former governor of Mississippi. Barbour was presented with a golden cowbell which he rang in the rotunda. Speaker of the House Phillip Gunn was also presented with a golden cowbell. He chose to ring his on the floor of the House. The final golden cowbell was given to Governor Phil Bryant. Hobart said these golden cowbells were gifts from the office of MSU’s president, but they also presented miniature cowbells to over 50 alumni on the floor of both the House and Senate and were courtesy of MSU’s Alumni Association. SEE COWBELLS, 3


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MSU groups may send information for campus calendar to Additional campus events can be found online at web/news.



continued from 1

Bart Smith, the owner of Local Source: Culture, has been using social media since the opening of the 26.4% 25.6% self-serve yogurt store a year and January 2012 Referral Traffic Report a half ago. To Smith, the shop is more than typical — with live music and a social atmosphere it 6.5% 5.07% is a “nonalcoholic bar” in many 3.69% 3.62% 3.62% 3.61% 2.5% 3.6% ways. With 80 different flavors being December January December January December January December January December January FACEBOOK STUMBLEUPON GOOGLE TWITTER PINTEREST constantly rotated (and more on the way), Local Culture uses ZACK ORSBORN | THE REFLECTOR Facebook and Twitter to keep customers informed on what is doesn’t cost much, if anything, to beat social media — it’s instant currently being served. post your brand through social and free.” “We want people to come here media.” Ray interacts with her cusand leave here with what they Reed said there are no social tomers by posting photos of her want,” Smith said. “We don’t media experts because social new shipments so they can know want them to come in here and media is growing so quickly that exactly what is in the store withbe disappointed. (Social media) there are no masters. out having to stop by. Because of provides information to our cus“You have to really find what the interaction, Ray sees social tomers with the least amount of works for (your business),” he media as invaluable. trouble possible.” “I never imagined how many said. “Twitter and Facebook are He said following Local not the secret to our success, people get involved,” she said. Culture on Twitter and liking its but it helps. We’ve had positive “It’s fun for friends, but for busipage on Facebook provides the sales numbers all throughout the nesses you can’t ask for anything customer with benefits, rather recession. We’ve grown every sin- better. That’s how everyone is than the business. gle year we’ve connected, anyway.” Those who check Ray said the businesses in been open. It’s in on Facebook get helped out a Starkville have formed a close 10 percent off on community and have a good lot.” their yogurt, and He said working relationship through deals have been b u s i n e s s e s social media. The city and MSU’s announced through need to get a relationship and the attempt to Twitter. culture right make Starkville a more interacPete Smith, and use social tive community is why she said associate professor media to their she considers the city special. of communication HALEY MONTGOMERY, a d v a n t a g e “The university and at MSU, said the MARKETING before they Starkville work together,” she use of social media open their said. “Nine months out of the from local business- CONSULTANT FOR year, the 20,000 students help doors. es is an example of SCVB Erin Ray, businesses survive.” narrowcasting. As Smith said the community the owner of audiences become H a r m o n i e formed by small businesses is a more segmented, businesses have Boutique, had always planned community effort to keep busito find their target audiences and on opening a clothing store but ness in Starkville and to break reach them effectively. did not expect it to happen as the stereotype of a one-horse Because most small businesses soon as it did. After graduating town. In some ways rival busifail in the first or second year, the from MSU, she got a job on nesses have to band together owners have a small window to campus and never left Starkville. to keep consumers, including find their niche audience. Last fall, she opened Harmonie, MSU students, from exploring “Small businesses have to be which features a variety of non- other options in the area. creative on how they get their profit products, a niche Starkville “Students are a vital part brand out,” he said. “Most have boutiques lacked. of their demographic … The small budgets, and TV and radio Since the inception of the money (spent) can go toward spots may not be the best, most store, Ray has used Facebook different things for entertaineffective way. The possibilities are and Twitter to advertise her ment purposes,” he said. limitless now for small businesses brand. Reed said social media has … The small, independent busi“Social media has been the given him opportunities to ness and artists have benefited biggest advertisement for interact with the community, the most from social media — it Harmonie,” she said. “You can’t even though he may be busy

“Itʼs really a story about people who are excited about Starkville and what they have to offer.”


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impaired driver. This amounts to one death every 48 minutes. Lauren Craig, junior psychology major at MSU, said this is a problem she has seen all too often amongst her peers. “It’s not difficult to find someone who has been directly affected by alcohol in some negative way,” she said. Craig said she is concerned making a 3 percent jump could be dangerous to those who are already used to only a 5 percent cap. “People become accustomed to a 5 percent limit on beer, but when you raise that, they can become intoxicated

much quicker without ever realizing it,” she said. The bill is currently in a ways and means subcommittee. Representative Hank Zuber, chairman of the subcommittee, said his committee will be examining the bill over the next couple of weeks. “We’ll consider it, study it and weigh its pros and cons,” he said. “We’ll see if it makes good sense for public policy, and, if it does, we’ll pass it.” If the bill passes from the subcommittee, it will continue on to the full ways and means committee. If the ways and means committee passes it, the bill will go from there to the Senate. He said the bill has the potential to make positive changes for the state. “If it has any impact on the state of Mississippi, it would be in the form of possibly increasing tax revenue just because these craft beers with higher alcohol content are more expensive,” Zuber said. “The main impact would be to provide consumers more choice.”

The Department of Relationship Violence and Outreach Henry Meyer Media Center, Mississippi State, MS 662-325-2090



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The Age of Twitter

continued from 1

According to the website for the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, every day almost 30 people in the United States die in motor vehicle crashes that involve an alcohol-

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with running the business. “Twitter put me back in connection,” he said. “If I’m not behind the counter, I can always talk to you. I would be lying if I said we did social media just for community, but I’m telling the truth about how important the community is.” Haley Montgomery, a marketing consultant for the Starkville Convention & Visitors Bureau, manages the online and social media — including the @mscollegetown Twitter account — for the Greater Starkville Development Partnership and seeks to promote the brand of Starkville as Mississippi’s college town. “There is a newness of Starkville and a new attitude. Things have changed so much in the last five years,” she said. “Once (an audience) tweets or connects, they’re buying into Starkville. We set out to be a voice of Starkville … If there’s something good in Starkville, we want to get behind it.” Montgomery said the growth Starkville has seen has changed its atmosphere, especially online. “It’s really a story about people who are excited about Starkville and what they have to offer, and they have the confidence to match up,” she said.

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“This project was supported by grant No. 2010-WA-AX-0002 awarded by the Office on Violence Against Women, U.S. Department of Justice. The opinions, findings, conclusions, and recommendations expressed in the publication are those of Relationship Violence & Outreach and do not necessarily reflect the views of the Department of Justice, Office of Violence Against Women.”



COWBELLS He said the Student Lobbying Association also met with Secretary of the State Delbert Hoseman, State Treasurer Lynn Fitch and the appropriation chairmen from both the House of Representatives and the Senate. In addition to these, they met with Terry Burton and Nolan Mettatol, both members of the chairmen of the university committee responsible for writing bills and legislatures that affect MSU personally. Hobart said after meeting with the government officials, the Bulldog Interest Group hosted a lunch at the MSU School of Architecture where they talked informally with the legislative members about MSU. Each member of the group called his or her respective legislator in advance and invited them to this luncheon.

Morgan McDowell, Bulldog Interest Group director, said the Bulldog Interest Group and similar trips are the reason MSU’s budget cuts have been reduced from 15 percent to between 5 and 8 percent. He said it is a great experience for any college student looking to be more knowledgeable on state-level politics and provides a great opportunity for students to make a difference for the greater good of MSU. “The trip was a huge success,” McDowell said. “We hope to continue building on the Bulldog Interest Group and make its mission bigger and better each year. I was very privileged to be the director of the Bulldog Interest Group this year, and I hope it will continue to serve the students of MSU as it has over the past few years.”

Sunday, February 19

• 4:49 a.m. A student was arrested for driving under the influence and careless driving on Old Mayhew Road in Starkville. COURTESY PHOTO | MSU STUDENT LOBBYING ASSOCIATION

MSUʼs Student Lobbying Association presented a gold cowbell to Governor Phil Bryant and other Mississippi elected officials Feb. 16 in Jackson.

John Tomlinson, MSU Government Relations officer, also accompanied the students on the trip. He said it was a great turnout, and he was proud of his students.

discussion, Gregory said they will only block inappropriate comments. She said she is expecting some negative comments but hopes contributors will remain open-minded. Some of the topics from the original discussion included city ordinances, such as the helmet ordinance, and city development. Gregory said people need to understand the reasons behind the ordinances and how Starkville is growing. “New students don’t realize how far downtown and Starkville have come,” she said. “There’s not a single vacant store front on Main Street right now. It hasn’t been that way in years. That’s progress.” She said changes will come to Starkville although they may be small. “It’s going to be small steps,” she said. “To me, that’s what it’s going to take. We are a small town. It is unlikely we will have a Target or Whole Foods in the next few years.” However, Gregory said the small-town atmosphere is part of Starkville’s charm. “That’s the beauty of a college town,” she said. “There are great local shops and great local restaurants.”


“I thought it was one of the best years,” he said. “The students were very organized and had their speakers lined up. I am very proud of our students and how they moved to their appointments.”

She said events like Bulldog Bash, which are free and outdoors, would be hard to have with a large population. Montgomery said change is going to happen in Starkville and strong sales tax numbers show businesses are thriving. She said students are a large part of the city and their opinion matters. “They are coming into the community with fresher eyes,” she said. Gregory said she hopes the town hall will engage many college students and community members. “It’s a really cool concept,” she said. “If it goes well, we hope to do it periodically to hear what people are saying.” Editor’s note: Editor in Chief Hannah Rogers will be participating in the Twitter Town Hall.

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• 10:13 a.m. A student drove off with wheel locks from the Burger King parking lot. • 5:16 p.m. A student reported damages to her vehicle while parked in the Commuter West parking lot. • 7:08 p.m. A student reported losing his iPhone at the Sanderson Center. • 7:40 p.m. A student was arrested for three counts of contempt of court in Starkville. • 7:51 p.m. A student reported hurting his ankle while playing ball at the Sanderson Center. Subject was not transported to OCH Regional Medical Center. • 8:33 p.m. A student reported losing a laptop computer belonging to another student, possibly at McCool Hall.

Tuesday, February 21

• 2:23 a.m. A student was issued referrals for trespassing at Davis Wade Stadium after hours. • 3:37 a.m. A student was arrested for public drunkenness and disorderly conduct at Davis Wade Stadium. • 3:39 a.m. An employee slipped and fell, scraping his right thumb at Davis Wade Stadium. No medical assistance was needed. • 9:32 a.m. A student reported being harassed by a resident of city or county off campus. • 2:37 p.m. A student reported her vehicle was keyed on the driver side door at an unknown location. • 2:46 p.m. A student had a panic attack near Ruby Hall. Subject was transported to OCH.

Wednesday, February 22

TWITTER TOWN HALL For more information on the Twitter Town Hall, follow @mscollegetown on Twitter.


views sending a private message to a deceased loved one as an appropriate way to grieve the loss. However, she said some users post messages as a way of drawing attention to themselves. “Grieving is not a competition; missing someone is not a competition,” she said. “I think when you’ve lost someone you’re close to, you don’t showcase that to the world. Writing on someone’s wall is a lot about you and not about the person who died.” Rutherford said she thinks using social networking to contact friends and share memories of the deceased is more understandable. “I can see getting in touch with friends who are grieving the same loss as you are but not about showcasing your loss,” she said.

Monday, February 20

• 1:01 a.m. An identification card was found belonging to a student. • 12:38 p.m. A student was arrested for driving with suspended license and speeding on Hardy Road. Justice Court citations were issued.

continued from 1 grieving process and allow them to share their feelings with others who can sympathize. Andrew Nelson, senior mechanical engineering major, said he would not write on the wall of a deceased person, but he understands people that do. “I feel that if you don’t have a faith in God, it may help you to do something like that,” he said. “It seems a little weak-minded, I guess.” Shelby King, junior music education major, said he thinks writing on the wall of a deceased friend is a foolish practice. “I personally wouldn’t change my profile picture either because if they were a good friend, I would hate to be reminded of the loss every time I got on Facebook,” he said. Amanda Anderson, senior international business and French major, said she also understands how people use Facebook as a tool to cope with a loss. “To me, when people do that, it’s a way to say goodbye by writing on their wall one last time,” she said. “A memorial group is kind of like holding on to someone that’s gone. I think the groups make it harder to mourn someone.” Merrileigh Rutherford, senior art and French major, said she



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Whit Waide, Mississippi State University political science instructor, and Jeremiah Dumas, a member of the Starkville Board of Alderman, will participate in the discussion and answer questions. Although Gregory said she wants participants to share their opinions, she said they should also seek to learn from the event. “We hope people will be open-minded and come to learn as well,” she said. Montgomery said she hopes students will participate in the discussion. “We feel students are an audience that’s underheard,” she said. “Progress is going to happen (and we want to) meet the needs of residents, alumni and students. This is the base of the Bulldog Nation.” Gregory said although contributors can participate via Twitter and other platforms that use Twitter, she encourages them to use By logging into the website with his or hers Twitter information, the user can search #Starkville2012 and see all the tweets that carry the hashtag. This will streamline the discussion like a real-time chat room. Although the SCVB will be monitoring the



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Taylor said this method of grieving can also be a way to learn more about someone. When people use Facebook to grieve, they often post fond memories on the profile of the deceased or mention how the deceased might have touched their lives. In this way, other friends can see that the deceased person meant a great deal to others as well. “For some people, if they lose someone (while in college) it might be their first big loss,” she said, adding that how people choose to grieve depends on what has happened to them and what is going on in their lives at that time. Taylor also said when someone dies, Facebook can be a way of uniting groups of people together. When Nick Bell passed away, numerous individuals who did not know him personally changed their profile pictures to badges of his number. This act was a way of paying respect and remembering him. “It’s hard for me to see a great number of people doing it to draw attention,” Taylor said. “It can be a show of solidarity (to honor someone’s memory).” She said Student Counseling Services has a grief and loss group that meets in order to help individuals understand the


• 4 citations were issued for disregard for a traffic device. • 1 citation was issued for no insurance. • 2 citations were issued for speeding.



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friday , february 24, 2012


do you think sa elections are important?


NathaN backes

“I think they are but not as much so as the candidates advertise them to be. In the end, the university will have the final say. But the positions are able to achieve some things, like how Rhett Hobart got Adidas to sponsor the True Maroon shirts.” -Jonathan Barden, senior, communication

gettINg Off the recOrd | rachel PerkINs

“I feel like if it was that big of an issue, the students would be more informed about what SA does. I don’t really know what they do, and I don’t know much about the candidates, especially considering I am not involved with any Greek organization that could influence my vote.” -Haley Greenwell, junior, psychology

Virginity draws line in society


“I feel like they’re not that important because nobody pays enough attention to know what SA really does. It’s more of a popularity contest; you see your friend is running and vote without knowing anyone’s qualifications.” -Jared Pellerin, sophomore, undeclared

“I do think they’re important, but I don’t think they are really recognized. SA elections aren’t broadcast and advertised well enough unless you know someone who’s running.” -Justin “L.V.” Johnson, sophomore, international business

“SA may not seem important to some people because it does a lot of things that go unnoticed, and it achieves a lot that people take for granted. They work really hard behind the scenes. Bully Mail and Cowbell Yell were both done by the SA.” -Louis Montesi, senior, communication


Multimedia Editor Eric Evans

News Editor Micah Green News Editor Megan McKeown

Sports Editor James Carskadon

Life Editor Kaitlin Mullins

Opinion Editor Wendy Morell

Copy Editor Kaitlyn Byrne

Photography Editor Jay Johnson

Copy Editor Mollie C. Reeves



Editor in Chief/Hannah Rogers

Letters to the editor should be sent to the Meyer Student Media Center or mailed to The Reflector, PO Box 5407, Mississippi State, MS. Letters may also be emailed to Letters must include name and telephone number for verification purposes. The editor reserves the right to edit or refuse to publish a letter.

325-7905 Managing Editor/Julia Pendley 325-8991 News Editor/Micah Green 325-8819 News tips/Megan McKeown 325-7906 Opinion Editor/Wendy Morell Sports Editor/James Carskadon 325-5118 Life Editor/Kaitlin Mullins 325-8883 Photography Editor/Jay Johnson 325-1584 Advertising sales/Emily Moak 325-7907


late ‘90s and early 2000s, Britney claimed to be a virgin and promised she would be until marriage. Sounds like a good thing, right? Here’s the thing: while avowing her own purity, Spears bore her cleavage and sexuality to a nation of young people, straddling her

t h e wrong reasons. However, lots of people have a lot of sex, and they are unmarried. There is nothing wrong with them. The idea of “purity” puts unfair stressors on young people’s bodies. Purity directly correlates your idea of self worth with your physical,

when we should be focusing on our minds at this point. I never viewed my virginity as a factor in my goodness or worthiness as a person. Rather, I’ve looked to the way I treat people as a gauge for how I’m doing as a human. I don’t like the phrase “losing” your virginity because it implies a sense of loss. While having sex for the first time can be life-changing, it is rarely life-ruining. I don’t think anyone is ever really ready for sex because there’s no way to truly be aware of all the ways sex might change you until you’ve done it. For some people, sex doesn’t change them at all; that doesn’t mean they’re an immoral or shallow person. First times are what you make of them. If you are a virgin, I’m happy for you. If you’re not a virgin, I’m happy for you. Virginity is whatever you want it to be, and it doesn’t even have to be anything. I do think sex matters, that’s why I talk about it so much. Maybe I am making some mistakes, and maybe I can’t blame them on “Friends” or Britney Spears forever, but I really don’t think I am. It isn’t anyone’s place to say, though. I would never judge you for the choice you made for you and your body, and we all owe each other that respect. All we can do is be the best people we can be and having sex won’t make anyone worse at that. So let’s stop shaming. I’m tired of it. I’m tired of people shaming those who do it just as much as shaming those who don’t. We’re all just tiny little people doing our best. Whether you save it for marriage or junior high, I hope you grow to love and appreciate sex. Until then, I’m just going to keep writing about it.

American liberties taken for granted

Editor in Chief Hannah Rogers Chief Designer Zack Orsborn

Rachel Perkins is a senior majoring in English. She can be contacted at married or unmarried. Then Britney Spears entered my life. When Britney Spears dropped the seminal classic “Baby One More Time” on the world in 1999, my life changed. While only nine years my senior, Britney represented all things for which I one day hoped. I spent my afternoons rolling up my skirt and practicing her lyrics and dance moves I had memorized. In reflection upon these days, I think Britney’s overtly sexual and highly sensationalized national presence was relatively harmless. There was nothing about listening to Britney croon, “Oh baby, baby,” that triggered any desire within me to become sexually active. The worst thing Britney Spears ever did to me was discuss her own virginity. In the

male backup dancers onstage and appearing half naked on the cover of Rolling Stone, holding a Teletubbie doll. Then she started dating Justin Timberlake, and even my tween brain knew better than to pretend they weren’t getting it on. So then I knew sex was something lots of people do, but maybe they are supposed to pretend they don’t. So at this point, I started to figure out the concept of virginity in that it’s just that — a concept. Virginity means different things to different people. There’s no medical or scientific way to “tell” if someone’s a virgin or not. Sometimes people discuss women’s hymens, but those can break while riding a horse or a bicycle. Are we to pretend I lost my V-card to a pony? No. Unless someone is honest with you, there’s no way to know if he or she is a virgin or not. Virginity is, mostly, a social construct. Society creates this big, huge, weird gap between the “have done its” and the “have nots.” I do think sex is a big deal. Sex can be, and unfortunately, often is, traumatizing. Many people have sex for

the veNt | sarah ulmer


Managing Editor Julia Pendley

ince I began writing this column, I have attempted, with the best of intentions and efforts, to write on the topics of sex and relationships in an honest, unfeigned and, hopefully, entertaining way. Here in the conservative and deeply religious South, I knew I would meet some opposition for voicing my thoughts. While the goal of this addition to the school paper was to ignite discussion, I did not expect the feedback I have received. While mostly positive, the negative feedback this column has garnered has both surprised and disappointed me. The most upsetting response among the student body has been the strange assumption among readers that I hold the idea of sex in some sort of obscenely casual atmosphere and that I have completely disregarded all concepts of virginity and purity. So, let’s talk about virginity. Why is it such a big deal? Is it a big deal? Who’s “saving it” and who isn’t? I really have no idea, but I’m going to write about it. I grew up in a relatively confusing time for virginity. My earliest memories of sex came from television. At a young age, I put together the phrase “sleeping with someone” with “sex,” all thanks to a little show called “Friends.” On this show, six beautiful New Yorkers all lived and played in some sort of grown-up world that simultaneously engrossed and confused me. From my days in Catholic school, I knew sex was something two married adults did to create a baby, but these adults sleeping together weren’t married or having babies all the time. I asked my mom about it and she told me adults were allowed to make their own decisions. All right. So now I know sex is something adults do,

EDITORIAL POLICY The Reflector is the official student newspaper of Mississippi State University. Content is determined solely by the student editorial staff. The contents of The Reflector have not been approved by Mississippi State University.

The Reflector staff strives to maintain the integrity of this paper through accurate and honest reporting. If we publish an error we will correct it. To report an error, call 325-7905.


n the United States we are due many liberties. As long as you aren’t hurting someone or even extremely harming yourself you can do pretty much whatever you want. This past week I had dinner with several exchange students from China. We were discussing the differences in our two countries and governing styles. They told me some things that I was interested to hear. I was very shocked to learn they were not allowed to have media sites such as Facebook. The government also censors the types of movies they can watch or music that is accessible to them. If that right was taken away from you and I, there would be an uproar on Capitol Hill. I can see the signs now: “You can’t take away my ‘friends’;” “If I want to write on your wall, I will.” There would be a fight for the right to free speech by nearly every teen and adult in the country. We’ve decided that what we think, say, do or want should be

allotted to us without questions from the government. So what if the right to believe what you want was taken away? Currently, the U.S. government does not censor religious activity regardless of how different or strange it may seem. We don’t realize how fortunate we are to be able to worship openly and legally. Not all nations give this type of freedom to their citizens. Fox News reported recently that a man in Iran, Youcef Nadarkhani, has been convicted and sentenced to death for being a Christian convert. Nadarkhani is a husband and father of two. He faces charges of apostasy for converting from Islam to Christianity. In Iran there is no time period for which an execution could take place. He could be killed today, tomorrow or even 20 years from now. The sickening part of this story is that Nadarkhani may be enduring this treatment only

“We don’t realize how fortunate we are to be able to worship openly and legally.”

Will the Mississippi State basketball team make the NCAA Tournament?

Sarah Ulmer is a junior majoring in communication. She can be contacted at opinion@reflector. because of Iran’s current animosity with international powers. His story is, however, shedding light onto the corruption within this government, specifically toward those renouncing the Islamic faith. Don’t get me wrong; Iran is not the only government in the world that has corruption welling inside. Nadarkhani has been given many options in order to save his life. He was asked to convert back to Islam, which he declined. He was also asked to name Muhammad as a prophet, which he declined as well. The U.S. government has been trying vigorously to get Iran to release Nadarkhani. Several politicians have worked to ensure a

quick release from sentencing. Iran has yet to back down. Nadarkhani has been advised not to comment on anything. This particular government is known for twisting prisoners’ words in an unflattering light. I applaud Nadarkhani for standing firm in his faith. He has found truth and held fast to it regardless of the looming danger he is in. If we were held under such controversy, how many of us would change our beliefs? This man’s possible fate is not one we Americans can really comprehend. We don’t get arrested for saying there is a God or believing in the Bible or any other religious book. There is a big world out there. The way we do things here is not a reality for the millions spread across the globe. If everyone were silenced because they thought differently then no one would actually get to speak. We must not take for granted what our soldiers have fought and died for. The ability to choose for ourselves is ingrained in our human nature. That is not a right given by the government, but one handed to us by God.

-Yes, the team still deserves a bid. -No, but I wish it would. -I don't care. Vote online at zack orsborn | the reflector

friday , february 24 , 2012 | 5



Across 1 Dodger shortstop after Leo Durocher 12 “I kiss’d thee __ I kill’d theeâ€?: Othello 15 Mediterranean arm 16 24-hora period 17 Where sheets are spotted 18 Suppositions 19 Coat of a kind 20 Chick chaser 21 Adjective showing confidence 23 Cost of membership 25 Raced on a lake, perhaps 26 Many “Twilightâ€? series readers 29 Racket 30 Pharmaceuticals co. division 31 Upside list 32 Horse with a high tail carriage 34 Past, in the past 35 Accommodates 38 2011 Hiroshima Art Prize winner 39 Take off the top 41 “Hogwash!â€? 42 “The Supremes __â€?: 1966 #1 album 44 Really messed up 46 Glossy-coated tree dweller 47 Crusty entrĂŠes 48 Notice on the links? 49 “Be right with yaâ€? 50 Where chads became famous: Abbr. 51 Stanza rhyme scheme 55 1880s White House monogram 56 “Basic Instinctâ€? co-star 59 Cassis cocktail 60 Drug delivery mode 61 New alums, last yr. 62 Outward impressions Down 1 Insect sensor 2 Emmy winner Falco 3 Ocean flier 4 Used with skill 5 Suffix with Ecuador

6 Aquatints, e.g. 7 Gets upset 8 Subj. involving bread? 9 What a collective noun usually lacks 10 Pea pod, e.g. 11 Celebrate, in a way 12 Radish, for one 13 Shooting site 14 Reduced 22 Ski resort near the Great Salt Lake 24 Reverse 25 Tough jobs 26 25% of doce 27 Revels in the moment 28 Conclude with an emotional demonstration, perhaps 29 Shouted 31 Practices 33 Benefit 36 Good stock 37 Mineral-rich European region 40 Google __

2-24-12 Solutions for 2-21-12

43 Increase 45 Ford subcompact since 1976 46 Malcontent 47 Hail damage marks 48 Area plants 50 “... get one __!�

OCTOPUzzLE Directions: Place the numbers 1 to 8 in each of the octagons such that the numbers are not repeated in any octagon, row, column, or diagonal. The sums of the minor diagonals (diagonals that contain either four or six numbers) are provided at the beginning and end of each minor diagonal. The sum of the four numbers that border a diamond are provided in that diamond. The numbers that border diamonds do not have to be unique.


52 Former U.K. carrier 53 Le Havre handle 54 Some school competitions 57 One often turned up in a club 58 ‘70s radical gp.

BULLETIN BOARD CLASSIFIEDS POLICY The deadline for Tuesday’s paper is 3 p.m. Thursday; the deadline for Friday’s paper is 3 p.m. Tuesday. Classifieds are $5 per issue. Student and staff ads are $3 per issue, pre-paid. Lost and found: found items can be listed for free; lost items are listed for standard ad cost. for sale Ziggy’s Buy & Sell. Don’t throw it away! Get cash for your used furniture and other items. We sell everything from furniture to antiques to music. 434 Miss. Highway 12 West, look for the orange sign with Ziggy’s picture, or call 312-8895. Faculty investment opportunity. Enjoy benefits of retirement now, as you teach. Live in your five-plex on Oktibbeha County Lake, and let rentals pay your mortgage. 340’ waterfront, five-plex, dock, ski-boat. $342,000 firm. 418-2790. Estate sale to benefit Habitat for Humanity on Saturday from 8 a.m. to noon at 930 Barnett Drive in Starkville. Many great pieces available to furnish your home. Habitat office: 324-7008. for rent Canterbury Townhouses. 990 Old Mayhew Road. 2012 lease special (12th month free with 12-month lease). One, two and three bedroom newly-remodeled townhouses. Call 323-9216 for details. “Lodge at the Lake.� Great one bedroom, waterfront, dock, appliances, washer/dryer, free cable and fast access Internet. See now. Available May 1 for 15 months. $525/month. Pet friendly. 418-2790. Two bedroom, one bath cottage. Kitchen, dining area, living room. Completely furnished, in the country. Four miles from campus. Perfect for graduate students. $450 per month. 769-2542 HelP WanteD Bartending. Up to $300 / day. No experience necessary. Training

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All submissions are subject to exemption according to space availability. BaPtist stuDent union The BSU at Mississippi State invites all students to our weekly worship service, PRIORITY, on Tuesday nights at 6:15 p.m. You are also invited to a $5 home-cooked meal, called NOONDAY, on Wednesdays at noon. The BSU Center is located directly across the street from Campus Book Mart. All students are welcome. Visit for more information. camPus BiBle stuDents Intensive Bible study Mondays from 7 to 8 p.m. in room 324 of the Union. All are welcome. Email tns54@pss. for more information. catHolic stuDent association The CSA invites you to join us each week at St. Joseph’s Catholic Church. Student mass is on Sundays at 5:30 p.m. Good food and fun fellowship can be had at $2 dinners on Tuesday at 6 p.m., followed by weekly/Bible study at 7 p.m. Come to one of these events and learn more ways to get involved! For more information, simply “like� our Facebook page: “Mississippi State Catholic Student Association.� faamsu Come join us for lively discussions. Believers welcome! Every Thursday, starting Sept. 8, in the Union room 226 from 6 to 9 p.m. Twitter: @SAUCEFORALL. We are the Freethinkers, Agnostics and Atheists of MSU. female GraDuate stuDents New group for female graduate students in science, engineering and mathematics: Please email liGHt Bearers Yeah! We Bear The Light! Come join us for fellowship, dynamic worship and inspirational devotions every Thursday at 7 p.m. Union 3rd

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Experiencing reparation therapy, part two BY ZACH ORSBORN Staff Writer

Editor’s Note: This is a follow-up to the article “Experiencing reparation therapy� published Feb. 3. The woman interviewed would like to remain anonymous. Her name will be Beth. Beth sat across from me, fidgeting. With wide eyes, her nerves were tangible. This time, she seemed more anxious than her previous interview in which she told me her story of her time during boot camp and reparation therapy. We were going to delve into her mental problems and talk about her visit to Willowbrook, a behavioral health care unit of Baptist Memorial Health Care. Her self-esteem issues that stemmed from questioning her sexuality and bad body image led her to seek help. “If you have people telling you to change such an integral part of yourself,

it makes you question your self-worth,� Beth said. To deal with her self-esteem issues, Beth said she received counseling at Mississippi State University. “I surround myself with supportive people. Also, I’m prescribed to Zoloft, which is an anti-depressant,� she said. Beth was diagnosed with post-traumatic stress disorder and deals with anxiety and depression. Also, Beth has always had an eating disorder. Eventually, Beth had a mental breakdown in the middle of the 2011 fall semester. “I tried to commit suicide, so it was highly recommended I go to inpatient treatment. My counselor recommended I go (to Willowbrook),� Beth said. She said she thought something was wrong with her. “I didn’t think I was supposed to be having those kinds of thoughts,� she said.

Without telling anyone, including her family, Beth drove to Columbus, Miss., where Willowbrook is located. She did not know what to expect at the mental health facility. “I didn’t know what it was going to be like at all,� she said. “I thought I could go and leave on the same day, but they kept me for a week. I wanted to go for a day because I just wanted to get a consultation. I thought they could adjust my medicine.� Upon arrival, Beth was told she could not meet with a doctor until the next day. “I thought I could leave after I met with him, but I couldn’t,� she said. “I told him I wanted to leave, so he put me on 72-hour hold, which means you can’t leave for 72 hours. You mostly had group counseling. I didn’t get much from the counseling. They didn’t really listen to me.� There were two main units in

Willowbrook. Beth was held in the lock-down unit at first. “There were cockroaches crawling around,� she said. “Some of the other people there had actual mental disorders.� In the middle of the night, patients with mental disorders would come into Beth’s room because patients were not allowed to lock their doors. However, after a couple of days, Beth said they moved her to the open unit, which allowed patients more freedom. Willowbrook upheld a strict visitation and calling policy. Patients could only use the phone for five minutes at a time during certain hours. Visitors could come twice a week. Beth said her family was surprised to find out she was in Willowbrook. “I did not tell anyone that I was going, but my dad found out,� she said. “He came and visited. He was supportive once he found out where I was.�

After a week of containment at Willowbrook, Beth was finally released. She said her time there made her realize her problems were serious. “It made me realize I needed help,� she said. “It also made me realize that I needed to withdraw from last semester. It made me thankful for the counseling they offer at State. Good counseling is really important. It helps so much.� Beth also said her time at Willowbrook did not necessarily help her with any of her problems, although it made her understand she needed to deal with her problems through the help of counseling. For those experiencing problems, MSU offers a variety of counseling services, including intake assessments and individual therapy. Many types of group therapy are available, including grief and loss therapy and LGBTQ therapy.

Recent Review: 'The Phantom Menace' BY MARY KATE MCGOWAN Staff Writer



Mississippi State University students (with valid student ID) can receive a $5 discount on tickets purchased at the Colvard Student Union, but only today, Monday and Tuesday. Bettersworth Auditorium in Lee Hall will be separated in four sections, with main floor front section tickets priced at $30, main floor back section tickets at $25, first balcony tickets at $20 and second balcony at $15. Grace Potter and The Nocturnals will perform April 24.

Remember Volkswagen’s 2011 Super Bowl ad with the little boy dressed up like Darth Vader? Well, I did that when I was a little girl. Star Wars was the only thing in the universe (ours and ones far, far away) that held my attention when I was two. I have never stopped loving the franchise, and, this past fall, my sorority big sister gave me a light saber. It was awesome. In a galaxy not so very far way, “Star Wars: Episode I — The Phantom Menace� was rereleased in movie theaters in 3-D format on Feb. 10. Originally debuted in 1999, “The Phantom Menace� is the first installment of the Star Wars saga to be converted to 3-D technology. The second episode “Attack of the Clones’ 3-D� release date is set for February 2013. Being the huge Star Wars nerd that I am, I saw “The Phantom Menace� during its 3-D opening


weekend. Waiting in line in the theater lobby, I could barely contain my excitement to relive the first episode in a movie theater. I was not disappointed. My pulse quickened when the famous theme song started playing and the opening roll up began to fill the screen. During the 136-minute spectacle, all the imagination, innovation and pure splendor that Star Wars is known for was displayed beautifully in 3-D. The picture was clearer and brighter, and the digital format allowed for more visual depth. The elaborate scenes and the funky creatures were brilliant. Especially in the underwater Gungan nation, Jar Jar Binks’s homeland and, of course, in the intense space fights the digital enhancement was very evident. “The Phantom Menace� is chronologically the first chapter of the six-episode story. It is frequently confused as the fourth installment because the final three chronological episodes were released from 1977

to 1983 with the legendary Luke Skywalker (Mark Hamill), Han Solo (Harrison Ford), Princess Leia (Carrie Fisher) and the infamous and universally terrifying Darth Vader (James Earl Jones). Based in an alternate universe, “The Phantom Menace� chronicles the struggle for all that is good and just with the characters of Jedi Knights Qui-Gon Jinn (Liam Neeson) and Obi-Wan Kenobi (Ewan McGregor) who seek to regain peace between the Galactic Republic and the Trade Federation on the planet of Naboo. After meeting the loveable Jar Jar Binks (Ahmed Best) and rescuing the fearless Queen Padme Amidala (Natalie Portman), the party escapes on the clutch of the Trade Federation’s invasion of Amidala’s kingdom. Due to mechanical difficulties, the Jedi ship stops at the outer rim planet of Tatooine where they meet the young and capable Anakin Skywalker (Jake Lloyd). Upon their departure from the dusty planet, Jinn meets Darth Maul (Ray Park), the Sith Lord’s

apprentice. In their inter-galactic travels, Jinn, Kenobi, Skywalker and Amidala encounter evil in their pursuit for the justice for the planet of Naboo and the Galactic Republic as a whole. The 3-D format transfer enhanced the overall viewing experience. Because of the better visual and sound quality, it felt as if I was watching the episode for the very first time. The plot is still relevant to the audience, and the emotions are still very real. Because of the timelessness of the saga, hopefully more people will discover the awesomeness of the characters and their struggles and victories. Also, perhaps a new generation of Star Wars geeks will emerge. No matter where “The Phantom Menace� is shown, it is truly a masterpiece, but it is especially breathtaking in 3-D. For fans or newbies, the movie is impressive and entertaining and, in my opinion, is a sure-fire path to obsession. And, by the way, Darth Maul is still just as terrifying, if not more so, in 3-D.

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friday , february 24, 2012 | 7


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Dogs reeling after loss to No. 1 Kentucky by Kristen spinK Staff Writer

jay johNSoN | the reflector

Sophomore C.T. Bradford is batting .286 after the opening weekend of the season. The Bulldogs return to the diamond tonight at 6:30 p.m.

Diamond Dogs take on Kansas, MVSU by John Galatas Staff Writer

The Mississippi State baseball squad returns to Dudy Noble Field this weekend as it hosts Kansas and Mississippi Valley State in a three-team round-robin series. Fresh off their series win over Washington State last weekend, the Bulldogs are back in action and ready to keep the momentum. Junior college transfer Trey Porter, who collected six hits in 10 plate appearances including two home runs last weekend, said he is looking forward to a new series. “Just getting (last week) out of the way and getting down to playing baseball is what it’s all about,� he said. “If we play our game and we do what we have to do we’ll win. We know our offense can put up enough runs for our pitching to hold them.� MSU’s pitching staff had a strong outing against Washington State as it allowed just 23 hits while striking out 34 batters. The rotation for this series will be similar to last weekend’s games, head coach John Cohen said, with a few more pitchers seeing action on the mound. “I think our kids will be paired up kind of the way they were last weekend,� he said. “We’re going to have to add some people to the mix, but certainly in a four-game set you’re going to have to pitch a lot of guys.� Ben Bracewell, who made his first career start for the Maroon

and White last weekend, is Friday’s probable starter with Chris Stratton filling a relief role. Nick Routt and Kendall Graveman also earned starting spots last weekend as Luis Pollorena, Evan Mitchell, Taylor Stark and Caleb Reed threw multiple innings in relief. Newcomers Brandon Woodruff and Will Cox are competing for a starting role for Sunday’s game with the others coming out of the bullpen, according to Cohen. Bracewell, a sophomore, said he is confident about his staff and looks forward to this weekend. “I would expect to continue to see a lot of what you saw this past weekend,� he said. “Our whole staff is a really competitive group and I like what we’ve seen so far.� Kansas comes into Starkville with a 3-0 record as the Jayhawks swept the Music City Classic by defeating Middle Tennessee State, Bowling Green and Belmont last weekend. Mississippi Valley State is in search of its first victory of the season as the Delta Devils dropped two games last weekend to Florida A&M and Eastern Illinois in a tournament hosted by Jackson State. The Bulldogs open up the weekend with Kansas on Friday at 6:30 p.m. Saturday features a doubleheader as MSU begins with Mississippi Valley State at noon followed by Kansas at 4 p.m. Sunday’s finale against MVSU starts at 4 p.m.

What once was a 19-5, ranked Mississippi State team atop the SEC is now a nine-loss, reeling group of guys scrounging to stay alive until March. A win over Kentucky would have ended State’s three-game losing streak and just about guaranteed the Bulddogs a spot in the NCAA Tournament, but the tough 73-64 loss brought disappointment to both the team and fans alike. With only three games remaining to salvage its season, the Bulldogs are desperately searching for hope. Tomorrow’s game at Alabama is a must-win for MSU, who has lost six of its last seven road games. Fortunately for the Dogs, the Tide’s second leading scorer and rebounder Tony Mitchell is suspended for the rest of the season. However, leading scorer and rebounder JaMychal Green will return from his suspension just in time to welcome the visiting Bulldogs. But MSU may be missing some fire power of its own if freshman Rodney Hood is unable to play tomorrow. Hood sprained his left knee in the first half of Tuesday night’s game against Kentucky and did not return to the game. The freshman had already scored eight points, including two threepointers, when he was forced to head to the locker room early. An already thin rotation for the Dogs suffered from the loss of Hood as they played just six players the entire second half. Stansbury said taking Hood out of the mix was really tough for the Dogs. “As the game goes on, you’re not going to be as fresh physically when you are battling every possession, and we didn’t

have extra rotation in the second half, so we had to suck it up,� Stansbury said. “Losing Rodney was a huge blow for us. When you lose one of your key guys with our lack of depth, it’s huge for us. You never know the total effect of that, the way our team is put together.� The first half of the game was all Bulldogs as the team dominated the Wildcats, taking a 41-28 lead into the locker room. Senior Dee Bost scored 16 points in the half to go along with six assists. The Dogs held the Cats to .09 percent shooting to start the game, beginning the game on a 12-2 run. SEC Player of the Year frontrunner Anthony Davis was held to just four points in the half. MSU forward Arnett Moultrie was matched up against Davis numerous times throughout the game but said he was not focused on going against the talented freshman. “We did a good job taking away their dunks, which is their strength in getting their lobs from the guards,� he said. “It wasn’t about the matchup. I just wanted to help Mississippi State win. That’s what I’m about — winning.� Kentucky came out ready to play in the second half, quickly cutting the lead to single digits and continuing to chip away throughout the half. The Cats took their first lead of the game with 4:06 left when freshman Michael Kidd-Gilchrist rebounded his own miss and laid it back up. From then on, the Cats controlled the game. While State began to look rattled, Kentucky stayed under composure and closed out the game, winning 73-64. On the bright side for the Bulldogs, MSU showed it can play with the best team in the nation for 36 minutes. Howev-

jay johNSoN | the reflector

Head coach Rick Stansbury instructs his team during Tuesday night’s loss to Kentucky. The loss was the fourth loss in a row for the Bulldogs, making Saturday’s road trip to Alabama crucial for MSU’s NCAA Tournament hopes.

er, the team once again was unable to finish a close game with a win. Kentucky coach John Calipari was complimentary of his opponent and said State was a terrific basketball team. “Let me commend the Mississippi State fans and team; that’s a heck of a ball team, and this was as good of an environment as we’ve played in this year,� Calipari said. “Mississippi State should have won its last four games, so they just have to get on track, win a couple games, and they’ll be fine.� The Bulldogs now face foes

Alabama, South Carolina and Arkansas to close out the regular season, which will not be easy games, but Bost said the team will be ready. “We can play with anybody on any given night. We just have to be consistent and come out there and bring it every night with any team in our conference,� he said. “We can’t keep our heads down and go to Alabama with our heads down.� Tip-off for Saturday’s game against the Crimson Tide is set for 5 p.m., and the game will be broadcast on ESPN.

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