The Print Edition 2-7-2012

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FEBRUARY 7, 2012


Reflector The






Police investigate MSU student death Cause currently unknown,no foul play suspected


BY HANNAH ROGERS Editor in Chief

The Starkville Police Department is continuing to investigate the death of a Mississippi State University student who was found dead early Saturday morning off campus. Teresa Veal, 20, was found by one of her friends around 1 a.m. in an apartment at Dawgs Landing, Oktibbeha County Coroner Michael Hunt said. The cause of death has not been determined, but there were no obvious signs of foul play, according to an SPD news release. Hunt pronounced Veal dead at 1:34 a.m. Saturday, but the time of death is currently unknown. The body was sent to Jackson for an autopsy, and Hunt said he hopes to have results by Thursday after looking at toxicology reports. The SPD asks anyone with information pertaining to the case to call 325-4135. Veal was a marketing major and a member of Pi Beta Phi Fraternity for women at MSU. Her visitation will be held Thursday at Natchez Trace Funeral Home from 4 to 7 p.m. and will be followed by a funeral service at 7 p.m.


on the field was changing the perception off the diamond. hen Vann Stuede- This is an area Stuedeman has thrived in, overhauling the man took over Mississippi State’s team’s attitude in just over six months of offseason work. softball program in June, she “The girls are really enjoywas immediately faced with the on-field challenges typical ing what they’re doing ... of a program that had just let They’re having a lot of fun, which makes the atmosphere its coach go. The Bulldogs have not been a lot more positive.” Stuedeman said. “One of our big in the postseason since 2009, the team ERA last season was goals is to have a lot of positive energy. Shanna Sherrod, the highest in school history I think she said to somebody and Stuedeman also had to in the fall that she feels like a look for replacements for key little kid playing a sport again. graduating seniors. They’ve just been having a However, just as important good time.” as changing the performance SEE SOFTBALL, 8 Sports Editor

W Wednesday night letter-writing to benefit St. Jude’s

Up ’til Dawn returns to Union BY HAYLEE BURGE Contributing Writer

On Wednesday, in Colvard Student Union Ballroom, Mississippi State University students will be given the opportunity to contribute to the fight against childhood cancer by taking part in a letter-writing event sponsored by St. Jude’s Up ‘til Dawn program. Jefflyn Wallace, executive director of the Up ’til Dawn committee, said this organization is a great way for the campus to come together for a good cause. “If we can come together for a football game, we can come together for Up ’til Dawn and St. Jude’s,” she said. Wallace said Up ’til Dawn is a national organization that was created 11 years ago. The name of this organization is meant to be a reminder to people that the children of St. Jude’s, along with their parents, spend many sleepless nights while receiving health care at the hospital. This organization calls for college campuses across America to unite to fight childhood cancer. The primary goal of Up ’til Dawn is to raise money for St. Jude’s Children’s Research Hospital. The funds that are raised are spent on pediatric health care, medication, surgeries and housing for the families of those children who are receiving care at the hospital. No patients are turned away at St. Jude’s, regardless of their financial issues. Because of this, St. Jude’s requires the help of organizations such as Up ’til Dawn to support the children in their endeavors. SEE DAWN, 3


READERʼS GUIDE CAMPUS CALENDAR..................2 BAD DAWGS..............................3 OPINION...............................5 CONTACT INFO......................5

CROSSWORD.............................6 CLASSIFIEDS..........................6 LIFE.....................................6 SPORTS..................................8



Vann Stuedeman hopes to give the Lady Bulldogs their first post season appearance since 2009.

On-campus visitors get maroon carpet treatment from trained student guides outgoing individuals, and students interested need to realize what Maroon VIP expects. “We do not want someone that is just good with crowds,” Purnell said. “While that is a great characteristic to have, we also need someone that has a bit of character. They need to be responsible, they must be willing to learn a lot about helps the students get the university. If you think a better understanding you know about the uniof the school’s history versity, you do not until and other things that you are in the Maroon VIP. involve MSU. You learn so much about Students that are sethe university and its histolected are also required ry through Maroon VIP.” to give three tours a He said the program has semester and help with COURTESY GRAPHIC | MAROON VIP been a big service to visiother organizations on tors on MSU’s campus. campus. They also may have to work at the “One thing that tour guests like about Mawelcome center desk. Ray Purnell, graduate student in industrial roon VIP is the treatment that they are given and systems engineering, is the current presi- while they are here,” Purnell said. Maroon VIP is sometimes mistaken to dent of Maroon VIP. He said he has been a member of Maroon VIP for two and a half be part of MSU Roadrunners. Maroon VIP years. He learned about Maroon VIP through works with non-prospective students and any other kind of group that wants a tour of the a friend and became interested in joining. “Maroon VIP is ... great for networking and campus. learning more about the university,” Purnell Tabitha Sheffield, senior English major, is said. currently on the chair of recruitment for MaHe said the program is not just looking for roon VIP.

Maroon VIP recruitment has begun, application deadline Friday BY DUSTIN HAZLETT Contributing Writer

Students participate in last yearʼs Up ʻtil Dawn. This yearʼs event will be held Wednesday in the Colvard Student Union.


The Maroon Visitor Information Program, a volunteer tour organization through the Mississippi State University Welcome Center, has begun its spring recruitment. According to the Maroon VIP website, “The group, comprised of MSU students, welcomes visitors to Mississippi State, offering information about the university, providing guided tours of campus and assisting with any special requests or needs that guests may have.” Maroon VIP is going into its ninth semester and has sparked interest from several students over time. The members work with not only the visitor’s center but also the President’s office and any other office that may need their assistance. After students are selected to join, new members take a one-hour seminar class in the fall following their acceptance. The class




TUESDAY Partly Cloudy



61 40 LOW

Partly Cloudy

VIP, 3


60 35 LOW

Partly Cloudy


53 33 LOW







Calendar Stepha ni McA book se igningfee Date:

Feb. 8 T Locatio ime: 12 p.m. n: Culli Barnes s Wade Depo t &N Contac t: Beth oble 325-15 Johnson 80



Session Date: F eb. 9 Tim Locatio e: 1 to 3 p.m. n Union F : Colvard Stu de ow Contac lkes Auditori nt u t: Conn ie Ford m e 325-72 58

Men’s B asketb all vs. Ole Miss Date

:F Time: 6 eb. 9 Locatio to 8 p.m. n: Hum Coliseu phrey m Contac t: Chad 325-98 Thomas 47

MSU groups may send information for campus calendar to Additional campus events can be found online at web/news.

Diversity and discrimination on campus BY LACI KYLES Staff Writer

Minority groups make up one-fourth of the student body at Mississippi State University, yet a lack of interaction still exists between all races in general. According to the MSU president’s statement on diversity, the university relies on diversity because it makes the institution stronger and enables it to serve better the state and nation. Bidhya Kunwar, education doctoral student in chemistry, said she was impressed by the generosity of the people in Starkville when she first came here. Coming from her home in the capital city Kathmandu, Nepal, she knew Starkville was much smaller than what she was used to. “I find everything very good here,” she said. “I find people over here very friendly. Everybody was nice.” Kunwar, who is Hindu, said she adapts her cultural practices from Nepal to fit her lifestyle in Starkville by keeping some statues of Hindu gods in her home, as well as hosting potlucks and celebrations with other members of the Nepalese population on campus. She said when she first arrived in Starkville, the Nepalese population was only about 10to-15 people strong. Now, it has grown to numbers of 40 to 60, a sign that MSU’s international community is expanding. Sameer Hasnoo, freshman political science major, said Starkville is very diverse with its international community. Hasnoo, who is Hindu and a member of ROTC, said he has never been discriminated against because of his religion but rather because of his skin color. “My first day here, everyone thought I was a terrorist,” Hasnoo said. “I can feel vibes from people.” Despite the discrimination, he said he feels welcome here in Starkville by the majority of the population. However, another international student, Yuri Park, an international business major


from Seoul, South Korea, said she had concerns about the need for the university to think of ways to entice more students to come to MSU, such as public transportation. She said the only negative thing about MSU and Starkville is that public transportation is not available to students without vehicles. “It’s very inconvenient, like going grocery shopping, or to restaurants or movies, we don’t have cars, and no public transportation,” Park said. She said she believes MSU is trying to become more globalized, but local students and residents need to be included in that process so they have a better understanding of international students and the world around them. Jessica Blackmon, senior history major from Birmingham, Ala., said as an African American student, she does not feel like a

minority but understands that tensions are out there. “Some programs or some organizations are not as open (to minorities),” she said, adding that it is hard to get minority initiatives into legislation because the support is minimal. “A lot of organizations publicize that they are open to everyone, but they’re really not.” Blackmon, who is involved in several campus organizations, said she has noticed how races tend to stick together instead of mingling together. “Segregation still exists. I don’t know if people do it intentionally, or if they recognize it, but it still exists,” she said. Halston Hales, Student Association vice president, said in an email that unfortunately, there is little ethnic diversity within SA Senate. However, the senate structure and the structure being proposed to implement for the session in the fall would ensure diversity because it would allow for every college within MSU to be represented regardless of size. “For example, Forest Resources would receive a vote even though they are several times smaller than Arts & Sciences or Engineering,” he said. “I am encouraged by that commitment it has built in to guard smaller programs’ interests. However, within the more specific and less easily measured filter of racial diversity, though it is more homogenous, it still does exhibit some variation.” Hales said the actual MSU student body does not necessarily vote against the minority, but more so that it lacked an appropriate number of such candidates to vote for. Vincent Baker, freshman physical therapy major and a Choctaw American Indian, grew up on a reservation in Philadelphia, Miss. He said there are only nine other Choctaws on campus to his knowledge. Despite being a minority, he said most of the people are nice, and he’s never been treated badly because of his race. “Every race is the same, you have good and bad,” he said.





Sunday, February 5


• 12:23 a.m. A student was arrested for driving under the influence and reckless driving on Lee Boulevard. Justice Court citations and student referral were issued. • 1:14 a.m. A student was arrested for public drunkennes on Fraternity Row. Student referral was issued. • 1:38 a.m. A student was arrested for possession of fake identification on Russell Street. • 1:51 a.m. A student was arrested for possession of firearm on educational property. Student referral was issued. • 2:44 a.m. A student was arrested for public drunkenness on Coliseum Boulevard. Student referral was issued. • 2:53 a.m. A student was arrested for DUI and improper equipment on Main Street.. • 4:58 a.m. A student damaged the landscaping between Sessums and Hilbun during a one-car crash at Sessums. • 5:17 p.m. A student reported the smell of marijuana in Rice Hall, but nothing was found. • 5:49 p.m. Students were issued student referrals for altercation at Rice Hall. • 7:47 p.m. A student was arrested for possession of marijuana and driving with no headlights on Coliseum Boulevard. Justice Court citatioin and student referral were issued. • 11:46 p.m. A student was arrested for minor in possession of alcohol in Critz paring lot. Justice Court and student referral was issued.

Monday, February 6


Dan Mullen participated in the letter-writing event last year for Up ʼtil Dawn. The goal for MSU is to raise a total of $15,000 for 2012. Students can write letters for the event on Wednesday.

• 12 a.m. A student was arrested for public drunkenness on University Drive.



• 3 citations were issued for disregard for a traffic device. • 16 citations were issued for speeding. • 4 citations were issued for expired tag. • 1 citation was issued for following too closely. • 1 citation was issued for running a red light on Lee Boulevard.

continued from 1

Sheffield said she has been a member since Maroon VIP was created in Spring 2008. “Ever since I joined the Maroon VIP, it has continued to grow,” she said. Sheffield also said being part of Maroon VIP has been a positive experience. “Being able to learn more about my school (is most rewarding),” she said. “Also, being able to impact peoples lives that come for tours. It is very exciting to get to meet students that may one day be Bulldogs.”

Joey Frost, sophomore political science major, said he has been a member of Maroon VIP for one year. “I was just looking for a way to get involved on campus,” he

MAROON VIP For more information about Maroon VIP, visit the website at maroon.php or contact the Welcome Center at 325-5198.

said. “I really like getting to meet all kinds of different people and show them some of the best that State has to offer.” Frost said students who are involved with Maroon VIP can still participate in other campus clubs. “As long as you put forth effort to attend everything and do your part, they understand that you are a part of other organizations as most students on Maroon VIP are a part of other organizations on campus,” Frost said.


Interested in writing for the Life Section? Come apply anytime on/after August 17th! Its a totes cool thing to do.

Maroon VIP is currently doing spring recruitment. Maroon VIP is open for any student that is looking to apply and serve MSU. The application deadline is Friday by 5 p.m. There is also a $5 application fee. Applications can be found online or students can pick up an application from the welcome center. After all of the applications are looked through, students will go through the interview process.


TWITTER @reflector-online







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continued from 1

Although the organization has existed for 11 years, 2012 will mark the third year of its incorporation into MSU’s philanthropic events. Maxie Wilson, senior biochemistry major, said she attended last year and has high hopes this year will provide an even more successful turnout. “It’s our third year, so we’re trying to spread the word. Our main struggle is people now knowing exactly what it is. We want to spread it campus wide,” she said. Wilson said in its first year, MSU raised $9,000 for this cause and $11,000 the following year. The goal for 2012 is $15,000. The primary fundraising tool at MSU is a letter-writing event. On Wednesday, from 6:30 to 9 p.m., students and faculty are welcome to gather in the Union ballroom to address pre-written letters to anyone of their choice, informing them of this cause and kindly asking for their donations. St. Jude earns a return of $28 per letter sent. It is not necessary to form a team to come to this event; everyone is welcome. Kallye Baggett, public relations chair of Up ’til Dawn, said she attended the event last year and it encouraged her to become more involved. “I was really impressed with the finale last year and wanted to get involved and do my part,” she said At a later date, which has yet to be announced, there will be a finale ceremony in which the amount raised will be revealed. This ceremony will be a celebration complete with entertainment, games and a raffle for a football signed by MSU head football coach Dan Mullen.


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tuesday , february 7, 2012


Which g.o.p. candidate do you think will win the nomination? “Romney will win, unfortunately. Probably because the country feels it can trust us in his hands more than the other possible candidates.” -Tyler Davis, sophomore, philosophy major


tj vaught

elePhaNt IN the rOOm | PatrIck yOuNg

‘Casual’ fandom OK for students


“I think Romney will win because, first and foremost, that dude sounds and looks like a U.S. president. Sometimes you don’t know which candidate you can trust; it seems like every one of the candidates has done something bad.” -Donald Brown, sophomore, English and philosophy major

“I think Mississippi won’t really have a say in it, but I think it will be Romney.” -Ann Elizabeth Allison, junior, English major

“Unfortunately, I think Romney has it in the bag. But I’m still hanging on to my little hope for Santorum!” -Garrett Wood, sophomore, communication major

s I open my closet, one color appears dominate: maroon. Through the years I have built up quite the arsenal of Mississippi State University threads. A “True Maroon” shirt here, a “white out” polo there, even a few sorority shirts that I like to wear with leggings at the Sanderson. I describe my wardrobe to you not to make you jealous (this is already a given), but as evidence that I am proud of the school I go to, so delighted that I wear these spirit items like Hillary Clinton wears pantsuits — often and with lots of room for my curves. Sure, I can wear other things, but I find myself reaching for a maroon item often just because it feels right. I have school spirit. At least, I think I do. Over the past few school years much has been made about game day atmosphere and even the lack of student participation. Articles are being published online with tips on how to cheer and some have taken it upon themselves to be ambassadors of spirit, wearing referee uniforms and sporting over-sized signs of players’ faces. While you must be commended for your dedication (and apparent surplus of time), I must be honest: I am not, nor will I ever be, one of “those” people. I love my university, but I do not feel like I need to show it by screaming in the camera and holding my index finger in the air. I do keep my pinky up when drinking; I was not raised in a barn.

Patrick Young is a graduate student in public policy and administration. He can be contacted at opinion@ You see, I am a casual fan. The type of fan that will attend when there is time to do so but whose mood is not determined by the most recent outcome in a contest. So can we all agree that my laidback approach to cheering is just as okay as your spastic one? If you are currently shaking your head and pursing your lips at my apathy, I advise that you desist. People are probably staring at you with MSU police on speed dial; don’t become another statistic. To my loyal reader base (my nana), I want to proclaim three stances which will make me undoubtedly unpopular on the north side of campus. I graduate in May, so I have nothing to lose: 1) It’s okay to sit. Blame it on the laziness of our generation, but I will never see the need to spend hours on my feet. The players can hear me ring my bell or yell just as well whether I am standing or on my fabulous fanny. Did you know stadiums have stadium seating? This enables people to see the field or court

regardless of where they sit due to the tier-Feng Shui they have going on. The only time this is thrown off is when the person in front of you stands. Also, feel free to disregard the guy who screams “stand up” every five minutes while using his arms in a motion only Richard Simmons on Jane Fonda typically use. He most likely practices this in front of his mirror every night while secretly hoping the coach invites him to play. 2) Leaving early is not the end of the world. While much has been made about MSU students exiting the stands prematurely, no one has ever questioned the motives behind the exodus. Could there be more to it than just a whole bunch of fair-weather fans who get upset when our teams fall on hard times? Perhaps these people have things to do which are *gasp* more important than athletics. Having to leave early, while not ideal, does not deserve heckling or the bad wrap it often gets. Yes, some of those who leave are really not fans in the first place, but we do have lives outside of the Hump or Davis Wade, and there is nothing wrong with that. This brings me to my final point: 3) Sports are, well sports... I get it; MSU makes millions

annually thanks to athletics, and I have many fond memories at bowl games and in Left Field Lounge, but let’s not forget that just as much talent can be found in the classrooms, offices and laboratories as in the locker rooms. Just this past week the university manifested its own live television show honoring those who signed with the football team. I give props to those who created the event, but what if we put 10 percent of this energy into showcasing gifted scholars who chose MSU? Sports bring unity and raise the school brand in ways academic achievements typically cannot, but we must remember without the education component we would not have a reason to gather on Saturday afternoons. This university is arguably in the most sports-centered conference in the nation, one where we take great pride by how our student athletes perform; I love that. But we must never lose sight of all the things that make this school great: its history, people and atmosphere. For there is nothing wrong with enjoying sports, but understand there is so much more to appreciate at MSU. If we can find that balance, then perhaps I will stand up and cheer.

“This university is arguably in the most sports-centered conference in the nation.”

POrtIONs fOr fOxes | jOshua bryaNt

Sometimes treatment worsens sickness F

Reflector The

Editor in Chief Hannah Rogers Managing Editor Julia Pendley

Chief Designer Zack Orsborn

Multimedia Editor Eric Evans

News Editor Micah Green News Editor Megan McKeown

Sports Editor James Carskadon

Life Editor Kaitlin Mullins

Opinion Editor Wendy Morell

Copy Editor Kaitlyn Byrne

Photography Editor Jay Johnson

Copy Editor Mollie C. Reeves



Editor in Chief/Hannah Rogers

Letters to the editor should be sent to the Meyer Student Media Center or mailed to The Reflector, PO Box 5407, Mississippi State, MS. Letters may also be emailed to Letters must include name and telephone number for verification purposes. The editor reserves the right to edit or refuse to publish a letter.

325-7905 Managing Editor/Julia Pendley 325-8991 News Editor/Micah Green 325-8819 News tips/Megan McKeown 325-7906 Opinion Editor/Wendy Morell Sports Editor/James Carskadon 325-5118 Life Editor/Kaitlin Mullins 325-8883 Photography Editor/Jay Johnson 325-1584 Advertising sales/Emily Moak 325-7907


EDITORIAL POLICY The Reflector is the official student newspaper of Mississippi State University. Content is determined solely by the student editorial staff. The contents of The Reflector have not been approved by Mississippi State University.

The Reflector staff strives to maintain the integrity of this paper through accurate and honest reporting. If we publish an error we will correct it. To report an error, call 325-7905.

or many, an illness during the winter is a common occurrence that takes the form of the cold, strep throat or the flu; however, up until just a few weeks ago, I had not been sick for eight years: no cold or strep, not even a stomach bug. You may wonder how an immune system of such veracity exists; I credit a strict diet of exercise, peanut butter and Flintstone’s Chewables, and a large part of good fortune. With my extended absence from sickness, I met the onslaught of “streptococcal pharyngitis” (Wikipedia and the medical world’s official term) and its agonizing symptoms with the only rational thought possible: “I am dying; this is what death feels like; I don’t have the energy to change the channel; I’m going to pass from this world watching infomercials.” For those fortunate readers that have never suffered from the living hell that is strep throat, I will attempt to detail the crippling effects of this virus; imagine an Olympian weight-lifter taking a wiffle bat to every square inch of your body, while your entire skin pulses and sweats from a 100+ fever and your throat swells to the size of a Lifesaver as it burns and sizzles each time you attempt

to swallow. This, reader, is strep throat, and the culprit that drove me to the Longest Student Health Center after two days of lying on the couch swilling back Tropicana. For the most part, my experience at the student health center was a positive one; I sat in the waiting room reading old Newsweeks; then, I was called back and weighed and had my temperature taken as the nurse kindly made small talk and assured me I wasn’t likely to croak from strep. Soon, I sat in a room waiting for the nurse practitioner to see me. The NP finally came in with a disposition and attitude I can only describe as especially frigid and distant for someone working in the medical field. She avoided eye-contact with me and snapped at me to list my symptoms – seconds into this listing I was cut off and told to “open and say ‘ah’” as she moved to inspect the canal of fire that was my throat. In the past I had doctors who were taller than myself and so tilted my head back and said “AH.” At this angle, the NP, a solid foot shorter than myself, could not have seen into my throat with a telescope; she narrowed her eyes at me as I apologized and lowered my head towards her. There was no mercy for this

“For the most part, my experience at the student health center was a positive one.”

Which MSU Signee Are You Most Excited About? Other Denico Avery 15% 20% Will Redmond 10% Quay Evans Richie Brown 25% 30%

Total number of votes:40 allison keller| the reflector

Joshua Bryant is a senior majoring in English. He can be contacted at opinion@reflector. unforgivable insult; the NP proceeded to explain to me in a dry, drawn-out geometrics explanation that her height and my height and the height of the examination table all summed up to something or other and strongly implied that I was ignorant beyond all means for having the slightest thought of tilting my heads backward in her presence — the relationship was downhill from there. She then asked me a series of questions about my nutrition and personal health, which did not bother me so much as the look of disbelief shot at me each time I answered “no” to one of her questions. I answered each question politely and to the best of my knowledge thinking this may be the secret to moving the NP to show some bedside manner — it wasn’t. At last, the NP hurriedly explained to me the medication she was prescribing. I thought of all the previous times I had strep as child and was given a shot and

asked if there was to be one. The hamster on the wheel must have fallen from exhaustive rage in the NP’s mind; she turned to me and said with eyes narrowed and a smile so wide and false it would likely get her top five in a beauty pageant: “You can swallow, can’t you? Well, if you can swallow, you can take a pill.” I paused, thanked her and left the health center with a still sore throat and a bad taste in my mouth from the NP’s indifferent treatment of myself. Perhaps, she was having a bad morning; perhaps, her children set something on fire before she left for work; whatever the cause, I thought of some excuse for the NP’s disposition — until I spoke with friends who had been treated equally as coldly when seeking medical treatment from the Longest Student Health Center. While some did note positive treatment when they visited, a majority recounted similar attitudes and comments to the ones I experienced and said that is “what you expect” when visiting the student health center. Although this was my first and only visit and bearing in mind that the Longest Student Health Center provides a vital and appreciated service to the student body, I urge the medical staff at the health center to remember that compassion and empathy are invaluable components to treating illness and soothing the worries of the sick.

Do you plan on applying for scholarships for the 2012-2013 school year? -Yes -No Vote online at allison keller| the reflector

tuesday , february 7 , 2012 | 5




Across 1 Like Eastwood’s Harry 6 Aromatic resin 11 Emeril catchword 14 Start of un año 15 Add to the mix 16 Freudian subject 17 *Get really angry 19 Cocktail cooler, in Coblenz 20 Paris airport 21 Having trouble deciding 22 Hindu social division 24 Fish eggs 25 *Belfast-born flutist 27 “For shame!” 29 Sedative 30 Suffix with bed or home 31 Arthur of tennis 34 Selected on a ballot, with “in” 35 *2004 loser to George Bush 39 Source of quick cash, briefly 42 Operating system since the ‘60s 43 Ball hit over the wall 47 Steals 50 Title street of kids’ TV 51 *Sandwich request 55 Accomplished 56 Islamic deity 57 College head 58 Shower affection (on) 59 __ tai: cocktail 60 One of the four that end this puzzle’s starred answers 63 Rock producer Brian 64 Stealthy craft 65 Zellweger of “Chicago” 66 Room with bookcases 67 Tolerate 68 Flowers with swordlike leaves, briefly Down 1 Expels from the country

2-7-12 2 “Should I deal you a hand?” 3 Abundantly supplied (with) 4 Helen of __ 5 Partner of hither 6 __ salts 7 “Filthy” dough 8 Preppy collars 9 Downed Russian space station 10 Mushroom with a black-edged top 11 Secretion used in hives 12 Stir up 13 Strolled, as to the saloon 18 French state 23 “Float like a butterfly” boxer 25 Karate relative 26 Habitué 28 __ Mahal 31 Landers or Lee 32 Enjoy the slopes 33 Put a spell on 36 Awed crowd reaction 37 Stat start 38 Casual hellos

Solutions for 2-3-12

39 Humiliated 40 Like many rural roads 41 Thousand thousand 44 “Papa Don’t Preach” singer 45 Radiated 46 Flights leaving around midnight, usually

48 iPhone, e.g., briefly 49 Rules of conduct 50 In __: harmonious 52 Twin Cities suburb 53 Subatomic particle 54 Oohed and __ 58 Face-off with pistols 61 Squealer 62 Nonprofit’s URL ending


The Reflector Editor are being accepted until

5p.m. on March 9, 2012 Applications may be picked up from The Reflector main office in the Henry F. Meyer Student Media Center. Call 325-2374 for more information. Note: Requests for waiver of requirements are due Feb. 21st by noon and are to be turned in to the Henry F. Meyer Student Media Center.

CLASSIFIEDS POLICY The deadline for Tuesday’s paper is 3 p.m. Thursday; the deadline for Friday’s paper is 3 p.m. Tuesday. Classifieds are $5 per issue. Student and staff ads are $3 per issue, prepaid. Lost and found: found items can be listed for free; lost items are listed for standard ad cost. for rent 1 bedroom condo, stove, refrigerator, microwave, dishwasher, washer/ dryer. Walking distance to campus. No pets, lease required. $385 per month. 323-5186. Canterbury Townhouses. 990 Old Mayhew Road. 2012 lease special (12th month free with 12-month lease). One, two and three bedroom newly-remodeled townhouses. Call 323-9216 for details. HeLP WAnteD Bartending. Up to $300 / day. No experience necessary. Training available. Call 800-965-6520 ext. 213. PHP Web application development and Python programmer needed ASAP to work independently with attention to detail and ability to meet deadlines. Thorough knowledge of PHP, Python, Drupal, MYSQL and experience in Unix command line helpful. Great position for student needing practical business experience. Send resumes & inquiries to Reflector, Classified Ads, Programmer, P.O. Box 5407, MS State, MS 39762. Graphic artist needed & ministryminded programmer needed to write the ending for a women’s ministry video blog and website. Excellent opportunity for class project &/or practical experience. Send resumes & inquiries to: Reflector, Classified Ads, Ministry Opportunity, P.O. Box 5407 MS State, MS 39762. CLUB INFO The deadline for Tuesday’s paper is 3 p.m. Thursday; deadline for Friday’s paper is 3 p.m. Tuesday. MSU student organizations may place free announcements in Club Info. Information may be submitted by email to club_info@reflector. with the subject heading “CLUB INFO,” or a

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worship and inspirational devotions every Thursday at 7 p.m. Union 3rd floor, room 329. MSU CAnterBUrY ePISCoPAL feLLoWSHIP “Spiritual but not religious?” Spirituality and home-cooking at the Episcopal Church (“Canterbury”). Free dinner, activities each Wednesday, 5:30 p.m. Canterbury Lodge, 105 N. Montgomery St., Starkville. For more information, contact Chaplain Carol Mead at 6941178. Sponsored by Canterbury Episcopal Fellowship. MSU SHootInG SPortS CLUB Looking for all kinds of competitive shooters. Rifle, shotgun, pistol and multigun competitors needed. Contact Tyler Tharp at 601-6185137 or Mike Brown at mike. trIAtHLon CLUB Learn more about MSU’s new Triathlon Club by visiting or on Facebook @ Mississippi State Triathlon! rUf Reformed University Fellowship (RUF) is a campus ministry that has been on State’s campus since 1976. Our large group Bible study meets Thursdays from 7 to 8 p.m. in Dorman Auditorium. For further information and for upcoming events, visit All are welcome to come. YoGA MoVeS Stressed out? Try hatha yoga to soothe the body and the mind. Yoga Moves meets every Tuesday from 5 to 6:10 p.m. in Studio C at the Sanderson Center.






Faculty Spotlight: Alexander Bostic BY ZACK ORSBORN Chief Designer

Illustrator and fine artist Alexander Bostic brought his talent and teaching skills to Mississippi State University. With 49 years of experience as an artist, Bostic worked at Kansas City Art Institute, Woodburry University, Pratt Institute and Virginia Commonwealth University. Bostic, after one and half years at MSU, now teaches Drawing I, Advanced Drawing, Illustration and a new course called Scientific Illustration at MSU. “It’s a course that’s developed to teach students to look at objects and things in the scientific world and render those things to be transferred to print, video or television,’’ Bostic said. ‘‘Right now, they are getting their eye-hand coordinating skills together as well as rendering skills. They can’t be expressive drawings. They have to be rendered drawing.” He said students are his favorite part of his job. He teaches by answering any and all of the students’ questions. By watching them closely, he can pinpoint their problem and help them to solve it. “The only reason I get up and work at a university is students,’’ Bostic said. ‘‘They’re energetic. They work really hard. In a lot of cases, you don’t have to tell them. They just want to do the work.” Before coming to MSU, Bostic gained many artistic achievements through his illustrations and figurative painting through a style he called representational painting. In his free time, Bostic works in his studio working in several mediums, including oil paints. Bostic, inspired by the idea of learning something new every day, takes 10 minutes each day to draw. “If I can draw 10 minutes a day, I’m happy,” he said. Bostic also handles many different clients, including

the United States Navy. He is been in existence for over 75 painting a series of five paint- years. Bostic and his peers travel ings for the Navy Art Museum with the Air Force around the that will evenUnited States tually be disto create paintplayed in the ings for the Air Smithsonian. Force art colHis experience lection. The in the Navy paintings are made him a displayed along practical canthe walls of the didate for the Pentagon and job. different air Bostic has stations around also worked the world. for NASA. He Among his created a series awards, Bostic of educational has received posters disthe Gold played in classand Silver rooms for edumedal from cators to conthe Society of vince students Illustrators in to be involved Los Angeles, in math and Calif. The science. His Missouri Art e x p e r i e n c e ALEXANDER BOSTIC Commissions with this projgave Bostic ect led him all a grant so he over the world could conto education fairs where he tinue to do research work on signed his posters. figurative works of inner city The United States Air Force girls. Program appointed Bostic as Bostic said he got to where their Co-Southeast regional he is today because of his tenadirector of the Air Force Art cious outlook on life. Program. The program has “I try my best to believe that

“The only reason I get up and work at a university is students. Theyʼre energetic. They work really hard. In a lot of cases, you donʼt have to tell them. They just want to do the work.”



Bostic balances teaching, personal and freelance work, which has included clients such as NASA and the Navy.

if I try my best at something, I’ll succeed,’’ he said. ‘‘If I don’t know something, I’ll figure it out.” To art students out there who fear an unstable market, Bostic said create your own work.


“If you can write a good proposal, you can create your own work. But you got to have ideas,” he said. Bostic also gave advice to aspiring artists. “Hardwork never kills you. To be successful is just to work

hard at it. If you have any doubt, just wake up and start working. Start making marks. Things will happen for you,’’ he said. ‘‘Explore. Don’t look in your own backyard. Your classmate is not your competition. The world is.”




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Dogs down Auburn, look to UM BY KRISTEN SPINK Staff Writer

As the rain was coming down outside Humphrey Coliseum Saturday afternoon, it was raining threes inside. The Bulldogs benefited from the battle, hitting 12 three-pointers to Auburn’s six and defeating the Tigers 91-88. Five different Bulldogs connected from long range, including senior Dee Bost (4-6), freshman Rodney Hood (3-5) and sophomore Jalen Steele (3-6). These threes sparked MSU throughout the game en route to its high-scoring win. MSU’s 91 points was its highest point total in conference play since 2009, and State shot a season best 60.4 percent from the field. The Bulldogs hope to remain hot on Thursday night when the Ole Miss Rebels come to town. With both teams standing at 4-4 in the SEC, Thursday night’s battle will prove to be a key game as they compete for leverage in the SEC standings. Heading into Thursday, the Rebels are coming off a deflating double overtime loss at Alabama and the Bulldogs a win over Auburn. Head coach Rick Stansbury’s team has won 12 straight games at the Hump but will need a better defensive effort to continue that streak Thursday. Defense was non-existent in the first half of Tuesday’s game for both teams; Auburn shot 53.6 percent from the field while MSU shot an astounding 63 percent. Senior Kenny Gabriel led the way for Auburn with 15 points in the half, and he hit a three at the buzzer to give the Tigers a 44-43 lead at half. Stansbury said Auburn got on a role offensively and got to the free throw line more than anyone else has against State. “Offense wasn’t a problem for us, but, defensively we didn’t lock in and take care of some things the way we needed to,” he said. “We got to the free throw line but didn’t separate it there like we should have, and that let them hang around. We had a bunch of opportunities to stretch out the lead, but we didn’t.” For State, Hood led the way with 11 points in the first half, and junior Renardo Sidney added nine. Seniors Brian Bryant and Dee Bost were distributing the ball well as they had six and four assists, respectively, in the half. Bryant finished with a career-high nine assists. Bost started out the second half hitting a trio of three-pointers and scoring the Dogs’ first 11 points. Then it was Steele who took over and hit consecutive threes to give the Dogs their largest lead of the game at 5948. On a day when they were both plagued by foul trouble, Bost and Moultrie did what they do best when they had opportunity. Bost finished with 15 points and seven assists, while Moultrie recorded 21 points and seven rebounds. However, Bost fouled out with 3:26 remaining in the game, but his teammates kept control of the game and pulled out the victory. Moultrie said when Bost fouled out, the other guys like Bryant and Steele knew they had to step up and handle the flow of the game.




NEWS & NOTES The first meeting of The Dudes, MSU’s new student baseball support group will be held tonight at 6 p.m. at the Palmeiro Center, located adjacent to Dudy Noble Field. MSU track & field finished in the top 15 in every category the On the men’s side, MSU either won or finished second in every event it competed in.


Thursday Men’s tennis vs. Ole Miss in Jackson, 5 p.m. Men’s basketball vs. Ole Miss, 6 p.m. Women’s basketball at LSU, 6 p.m. ALLISON KELLER | THE REFLECTOR

Lady Dogs fall short against Vandy BY JACK HILL Contributing Writer


Senior guard Brian Bryant dribbles up the court during Saturdayʼs win over Auburn. The win moved MSU to 4-4 at the midway point of SEC play.

“We learned a lot because Dee is our primary ball handler, so when he comes out, we don’t need to panic,” Moultrie said. “That’s what we did, and that’s why we came out with the win.” Not encouraging for the Dogs was the fact Auburn was averaging 54 points per game in SEC play and put up 88 on MSU. The Dogs did, however, improve to 11-4 in games decided by 10 points or less. Bost said he is getting tired of the close games because State gets a big lead but lets it slip. “At first I thought they were slowing the game down, but then they picked it up,” Bost said. “It was a good look for us because they gave us a challenge; we just have to lock down on defense and get stops because we weren’t getting stops like we need to.” But the story of the game, good and bad, was found behind the lines for State. At the free throw line, MSU was just 21-35. Down the stretch the Dogs were 7-14 from the line and could not put the game away when they had the opportunity. On the bright side, State’s 63.2 percent shooting from down town was its highest shooting percentage in league

play since 2002. Steele has hit 14 three pointers in his last four games and said he feels he is playing his game now. “I have been real comfortable, and Coach Stansbury tells me to play my game and not worry about anything or think ‘bout anything,” Steele said. “I just go out there and do what I do best and go out there with a free mind and play my game more.” Steele will need another strong performance Thursday night against the Rebels. Tipoff is set for 6 p.m. at the Hump as the Bulldogs seek to stay atop the SEC and revenge their loss to Ole Miss earlier this year in Oxford.

The fourth loss to Vanderbilt in a row also marked the fourth SEC loss in a row for the Lady Bulldogs in the never-easy SEC. The Commodores, led by sophomore forward Stephanie Holzer with 21 points, gained a 4-2 lead within the first two minutes of the game and never relinquished it, winning the game 65-59. With the win, Vanderbilt improves to 18-5 (6-4) while MSU falls to 13-10 (3-7). Although State’s record does not reveal success, senior guard Diamber Johnson said the Bulldogs are still a dangerous team in a league where you can never take anything for granted. “It’s good to know our record doesn’t indicate how good we are. We know what we could be. We have to get those wins to prove it,” she said. The two main cogs in the Bulldogs near upset were Johnson, 17 points, two assists, one steal, and senior center Catina Bett who logged 16 points and five rebounds in 27 minutes of action. Also putting in valuable time was Mississippi State’s bench, outscoring their counterparts 29-6. It was their second game

in a row dominating on the bench after being outscored by an average of nine points per game in their first eight SEC Bett contests. That was about the only positive stat on the afternoon for MSU, who was out-rebounded by 11 and posted a minus 4 assist to turnover ratio. Vanderbilt had its way down low, scoring 10 more points in the paint than the Bulldogs. The Commodores were also whistled for seven fouls while the Lady Dogs committed 14. Regardless, Mississippi State was a stop and a bucket away in the second half from taking a lead. They tied the game five times, but could never get over that hump. Instead, it resulted in the type of game that has more or less become the theme for the Bulldogs’ season. Head coach Sharon Fanning-Otis said she was frustrated with her team’s inconsistency. “I don’t like that there were spurts of energy,” Fanning-Otis said. “When the game is on the line, you have to have a stop.” State’s inability to execute and get away clean shots hindered the Bulldogs’ chances. Vander-

bilt blocked eight shots, and the Bulldogs were 4-13 from threepoint land while only attempted 7 free throws (3-7). One reason for this could have to do with Vanderbilt’s constant defensive changes. They showed a lot of 2-3 zone and pressed the Lady Bulldog guards in the first half while staying at home and relying on man-to-man in the second half. “As they changed defenses we didn’t use screens, therefore their matchups were more effective,” Fanning-Otis said. Four straight losses hurts, but five hurts worse. Mississippi State now has to turn their attention to Baton Rouge and the LSU Lady Tigers Thursday night. LSU will come into this game with a lot of confidence after beating No. 6 Kentucky Sunday, 61-51. The Tigers, 15-8 (5-5), are led by senior forward LeSondra Barrett, who averages 12 points and six rebounds a game, along with junior guard Adrienne Webb (9.7 points, three rebounds). The key to ending this skid must be consistency, something the Bulldogs have struggled with all season. “We have to get off this upand-down roller coaster, we have to be more consistent,” Bett said.

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Bulldog tennis picks up wins in rain-washed weekend of matches BY JOHN GALATAS Contributing Writer


Sophomore Khrystyna Pavlyuk, who hails from Odessa, Ukraine, serves during SundayĘźs loss to Northwestern State at the Pitts Tennis Centre.

The Mississippi State women’s tennis team kicked off the 2012 spring campaign hosting Louisiana-Lafayette Saturday afternoon. Rainy conditions forced the shortened matches to be played indoors at McCarthy Gym, but that did not phase the Dogs and they struck quickly. MSU first swept the opening doubles point with an 8-2 win from newcomers Khrystyna Pavlyuk and Alexandra Perper followed by an 8-4 victory from Ekaterina Iakovleva and Naomi Tran. The Dogs carried that momentum into singles play as Iakovleva won straight sets 6-0, 6-0 and Perper clinched a 7-6, 1-6, 6-4 victory to give her team a 3-0 advantage. The match-clinching win came from Pavlyuk as she took the final match of the day 7-6, 6-1 and gave the Bulldogs a 4-0 victory. “Every match is important for our team,� Pavlyuk said. “My teammates also do a great job, and all matches were important for the win.� Head coach Daryl Greenan said he was pleased with his team’s performance, especially

on the doubles matches. “The top of our lineup did a great job earning that 4-0 sweep,� Greenan said. “Three of the girls were playing in their first duo matches of their career, so it was nice to see them step up and get those wins.� The Bulldogs took the court again Sunday, this time at the A.J. Pitts Tennis Centre as they dropped a close loss 4-3 to Northwestern State. Trailing in the deciding doubles match, duo Perper and Pavlyuk stormed a valiant rally to win 8-6 and clinch the doubles point to put the Dogs up 1-0. “We were down 6-2 and then woke up mentally and physically,� said Perper. “We started to make shots, and our shot selection was perfect, and we won 8-6.� Perper and Tran began the singles matches with identical 6-3, 6-1 wins to give the Dogs a 3-0 lead overall. However competition stiffened as the Demons of evened the overall match at 3-3 by taking the next three singles points. In the final match of the day, MSU’s Iakovleva dropped a heartbreaking match by a score of 6-1, 6-7, 4-6. “We had chances and missed our opportunities,� Greenan said.

“It’s girls who are playing in their first weekend of duo matches, so there were a little bit of nerves, but they’ll be fine, and we’ll settle down and build confidence as the season goes on.� Men’s tennis downs TCU 4-1 After a rain-plagued weekend the No. 14 Mississippi State men’s tennis team topped the TCU Horned Frogs 4-1 in a shortened match Saturday to improve to 5-2 on the season. A rain delay on Friday afternoon pushed the matches to Saturday morning, when the Bulldogs got off to a quick pace to open the doubles matches. Twelfth-ranked duo Louis Cant and Malte Stropp breezed to an 8-1 win before James Chaudry and Ethan Wilkinson dropped a tough 8-6 decision. Down 6-5 in the deciding match to clinch the doubles point, tandem George Coupland and Artem Ilyushin rallied for an 8-6 win and built confidence for the Dogs heading into the singles matches leading 1-0. “It’s always important to get the first point for the doubles team,� Coupland said. “It really reflects how the rest of the match goes. The key for us is to get that doubles point every match and


come out in singles as fired up like we lost it.� The Bulldogs came out firing in the singles matches before play was halted due to rain. The matches were then moved to Tuscaloosa to be resumed with MSU leading in four of the six matches. After MSU’s Zach White dropped a tough match, Chaudry clinched the final match in the second set tiebreak with a 6-3, 7-6 win and gave the Bulldogs the 4-1 victory. “It’s quite difficult when you have a rain delay then have to travel an hour and a half,� Chaudry said. “But the main thing was when we were warming up in Tuscaloosa, we had to try and get our game faces on and knew the first ten 10-15 minutes were really going to be key.� The Bulldogs will now focus on in-state rival Ole Miss as they travel to Jackson Thursday to take on the No. 21 Rebels, a match head coach Per Nilsson said will be no easy task. “It’s a really tough match for us,� Nilsson said. “Ole Miss has always been good indoors, but we’re going to get ready and go play good tennis.�

continued from 1

After the program appeared stagnant in the final two seasons of the Jay Miller era, sophomore Sam Lenahan said she has noticed the attitude changes under the new coaching staff. “Our attitude is the complete opposite of what it was

last year,� she said. “A lot of it has to do with the coaching staff and their attitude towards everything. Everyone is excited all the time, even when people may not seem like they want to be there.� Part of the change in atti-

tude has been instilling confidence in a program that has never advanced beyond the NCAA regional in postseason play. With a modest stadium by SEC standards, MSU has struggled to keep up with the heavyweights of the SEC but

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has been consistent in the past decade, earning seven regional berths. Stuedeman, however, is not used to settling for just making the postseason. As a pitching coach at Alabama, she helped six Crimson Tide teams reach the Women’s College World Series. The hire of Stuedeman draws many parallels to MSU’s hire of head football coach Dan Mullen, a young, energetic coach from a championshipcaliber program.

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Leading the Joining Stuedeman as a volunteer assistant is Kelsi Dunne, pitching staff who was a four-time All-Amer- will be junior ican pitcher at Alabama under Stephanie BeckStuedeman’s guidance. Stuede- er, who posted man said surrounding the team a 7-11 record with people who have played at last season and or coached at the highest level a 4.11 ERA. Becker Becker said she of softball is key for MSU. “(Making the Women’s Col- is making the most of being lege World Series) is an ex- able to learn from Stuedeman perience that we will be able and Dunne. “They’re both very knowledto share with the players and gable and great they will buy role models to into our prolook at,â€? she cess for how said. “Kelsi had to get there an awesome because they career and it’s know we’ve great to just been there ‌ see everything I definitely she’s learned believe havand how she ing folks incan pass it volved in the along to us. program that Hopefully, we have been can get to what there is vital,â€? they’ve accomshe said. plished.â€? As what apSt u e d e m a n pears to be a has not been high-energy afraid to think offseason outside the box draws to a SAM LENAHAN, to get her team close for the SOPHOMORE motivated for MSU softball the upcoming team, attenseason. Brian tion shifts to Cain, a sports the on-field matchups, starting with South psychologist and motivational Alabama Thursday. Among speaker, spoke to the team the key returning players for and had the players complete the Bulldogs are senior Ka’ili some interesting tasks, includSmith, nicknamed the “Hawai- ing swallowing fire and breakian Hammer,â€? and Lenahan, ing wooden boards with their who hit .285 in 2011 and belt- heads. “We had one kid, Courtney ed eight homeruns. Smith said she is hoping to take on more Vanlandingham, who said she of a leadership role in her final couldn’t do it, but she overcame it and did it in the very end,â€? season. Stuedeman said. “She feels so great about that. It’s an obstacle she didn’t think she could do. On the field, if she comes into an obstacle she knows she can get through it.â€? The team appears convinced they can make a long run in the season ahead, even in the historically-tough SEC. A deep NCAA tournament run would be a new plateau for this program, but then again, so is eating fire.

“Our attitude is the complete opposite of what it was last year. A lot of it has to do with the coaching staff and their attitude towards everything. Everyone is excited all the time.�


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