The Print Edition 4-17-2012

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Modern ‘hipsters’ borrow from past generations | Page 8


Big Gigantic interviews with The Reflector | Page 8 Band director shares story | Page 7



Track Prevails in Jace Invitational



Reflector The






House Bill 1095 gives tuition breaks to students BY JAY BALLARD Staff Writer

A number of proposals have recently been passed through congress and signed into law by Gov. Phil Bryant. One of these was House Bill 1095, which has the potential to greatly affect the future of Mississippi State University. This law will allow individual universities to waive out-of-state tuitions fees. Mick Bullock, communications director and spokesman for Bryant, said the governor hopes to see great success come from this new law. “Gov. Bryant believes this bill will help improve the access to higher education for others that may live outside of Mississippi,” Bullock said. Bill Kibler, vice president for student affairs, said the law allows the president of each of the eight colleges in the state to develop a proposal, including a fiscal impact analysis, which they will present

to the Institutions of Higher Learning Board for permission and authority to implement the plan. Toby Barker, representative for the State of Mississippi, said this is a bill he has worked on for three years in the House of Representatives. It was passed through the House with a 120-0 vote. It then passed through the Senate and was signed by Bryant on March 30. The law will take effect on July 1. Barker represents Hattiesburg, home of the University of Southern Mississippi. With such close ties to a university, he said he has heard for a while from college administrators about the need for such a law. According to the Mississippi House of Representatives Weekly Summary from the week of March 5, Mississippi loses students to neighboring state schools that have similar policies intact each year. The goal of the law is to retain Mississippi students and attract outof-state students who can bring in additional revenue. Barker said almost 60 percent of the money it takes to support

higher education in the state comes from student tuition dollars, so this additional revenue would greatly affect the universities. Sally Doty, Mississippi Senator of District 39, said supporting this bill was a no-brainer. “Recruiting college students has gotten much more competitive in the past few years,” Doty said. “I was happy to support the outof-state tuition waiver, which will ultimately add more dollars to our university system.” Barker said most of the best high school talent within Mississippi is poached by out-of-state universities. These universities look just as appealing to these high school students because they have had the ability to waive out-of-state tuitions fees in the past. He said campuses near the Mississippi border such as MSU, the University of Southern Mississippi and Alcorn State University will now have the potential to go into nearby markets that might be across the state border to recruit good high school talent. SEE TUITION, 4

Kidnapping charges Romney closer 684 DELEGATES dropped against to Republican three MSU students nomination source:

Victim felt possible sanctions too harsh BY MICAH GREEN Staff Writer

Charges have been dropped against the three Mississippi State University students who were accused last month of kidnapping a female student and holding her against her will. Corey Skelton, 22, of Kosciusko; Frederick Oglesby, 21, of Hattiesburg; and Donovan Carroll, 22, of Canton were all charged with kidnapping on March 2, after the victim, also an MSU student, filed a report with the Starkville Police Department. All three men turned themselves in the next day. Lt. Troy Outlaw said the charges were dropped April 12 in Starkville Munici-

pal Court after the victim decided the potential sanctions against the men would be excessive. “Basically, she wasn’t satisfied with the charges; she felt that they were too severe,” he said. The incident occurred at 411 Scales St. in Starkville, and Outlaw said the girl was visiting the residence when the incident unfolded. “She was a friend of theirs. She was there with them. It wasn’t an abduction or anything,” he said. SPD Chief David Lindley said after the suspects bound the victim’s hands and feet, they called some friends of the victim and requested a ransom. Outlaw said the ransom, which was undisclosed at the time, was two bags of Skittles. At the time of the arrest, the three men were all members of the Alpha Phi Alpha fraternity. Outlaw said the SPD will respect the victim’s decision to drop the charges and will not seek further prosecution.

Summer changes Starkville atmosphere BY CANDACE BARNETTE Copy Editor

Students may be anxiously counting down the days until summer break, but Starkville businesses may have another reason to be anxious. In the summer, the student population at Mississippi State University drops significantly, which impacts businesses that rely on student traffic. According to the Office of Institutional Research and Effectiveness, in 2011 the student enrollment for the summer was at 8,183, less than half the fall enrollment of 19,830 students. Jeff Cavanugh, an international relations professor who teaches courses during summer, said the campus has a completely different atmosphere. “Campus is nearly empty,” he said. “There’s still a good number of faculty and staff, but there’s far fewer students. It’s actually pretty nice and laid back. Not as much is open on campus, but it’s easy to get around, there’s no traffic and you can always find a parking place.” Most businesses in Starkville have a

strong student base that is deeply affected by MSU’s population. Once classes end, they have to enjoy the positive repercussions and handle the negatives as best they can, but each is affected differently. Dave Hood, owner of Dave’s Dark Horse Tavern, said the Tavern seems to do well year-round. “Our customer base is a bit older than the places on Main Street and in the Cotton District and our patrons generally call Starkville home,” Hood said. “There’s not much change in the atmosphere other than what everyone is wearing. We’ll continue having entertainment every night of the week.” Nate Kneisly, owner of Halfway House, said last summer their sales dropped off only 15 percent. “Our business is still fairly new; last summer was our first summer,” Kneisly said. “There was obviously a decrease in sales because the population in Starkville dropped so much, but we also have an older crowd of graduate students that don’t leave for the summer. So we still have that regular business.”




BY ALEX HOLLOWAY | Contributing Writer Rick Santorum dropped out of the Republican primary race on Tuesday, April 10, clearing the way for Mitt Romney to take the nomination. Santorum was the last opponent threatening Romney for the nomination, and he experienced a surge after several other candidates dropped out of the race and after winning a few key contests. However, as Santorum rose to prominence in the primary race, some believed he was not a very serious threat to Romney. Rob Mellen, political science professor at MSU, said the split between traditional conservative candidates Rick Santorum and Newt Gingrich hampered Santorum’s ability to present a more serious threat to Mitt Romney. By staying in the race, Gingrich took delegates in states that could have helped Santorum challenge Romney for the nomination. Delegates are representatives awarded after each primary contest that vote for a nominee at a party’s convention, similar to the Electoral College used in presidential elections. To clinch the nomination, a candidate needs 1,144 delegates. According to The Wall Street Journal Romney currently has 684 delegates, more than half of the amount needed. Santorum, Romney’s closest competitor, had 267. SEE ROMNEY, 3


READERʼS GUIDE CAMPUS CALENDAR..................2 BAD DAWGS..............................3 OPINION...............................5 CONTACT INFO......................5

CROSSWORD.............................6 CLASSIFIEDS..........................6 LIFE.....................................7 SPORTS..................................9







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Partly Cloudy


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Calendar 2



A PRIL 17, 2012


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MSU groups may send information for campus calendar to news@reflector.msstate. edu. Additional campus events can be found online at


Admissions background check practice diminishing Majority of universities rarely search for potential students’ criminal records A 2009 study by the American Association of Collegiate Registrars and Admissions Officers emphasized that even if the background checks did provide According to reports in USA Today, incidents of useful information, college officials still cannot conviolence on college campuses in recent years have trol human behavior. Additionally, the AACRAO study indicated that impelled many to call for background checks on apmany in higher education were plicants. against the use of criminal It was reported that while background checks because many colleges ask students to they felt that education should explain any criminal history, be open to all, especially those most do not perform formal with a criminal past. background checks because According to AACRAO, they do not want to be guilty only 7 percent of institutions of profiling or discrimination. of higher learning perform Staff at the Office of Student actual criminal background Affairs and the Office of Adchecks on all applicants. missions and Scholarships said The same study indicatalthough many students woned that about 64 percent of der just what the admissions schools asked for students to process consists of, they probdivulge any criminal history, ably overestimate the requireand approximately half of all ments for admission rather universities follow up on any than underestimate them. such information received. Bill Kibler, vice president According to information for student affairs, said the provided by the Office of Aduniversity does not probe into missions and Scholarships, the students’ backgrounds and stuMississippi Board of Trustees dents need not worry about BILL KIBLER, of State Institutions of Higher MSU prying into their past or VICE PRESIDENT FOR Learning has an admissions their personal affairs. policy with which all public “To my knowledge, we have STUDENT AFFAIRS universities in the state must never done an actual backcomply. ground check on an applicant,” Dan Coleman, director of he said. student recruitment at the OfHe also noted that Missisfice of Admissions and Scholarships, said MSU’s adsippi State is not unique in this regard. “I don’t know of any other schools that do back- mission procedures are completely standard, as are those of all seven other public universities in Misground checks on students or applicants,” he said. Kibler said there is typically no need for back- sissippi. He said MSU does not impose requirements for ground checks. “We are a very safe campus relative to our peers,” admission other than those dictated by the state. The requirements, as provided by the Board of he said. USA Today reported that most colleges use the Trustees, relate solely to academic matters such as same reasoning, for in the vast majority of cases: GPA requirements and ACT/SAT scores. These background checks would be a useless expense for admission standards are listed online at the university. BY JAMES TOBERMAN Contributing Writer

“To my knowledge, we have never done an actual background check on an applicant. ... I donʼt know any other schools that do background checks on students or applicants.”



MSU focuses on diversity ROMNEY BY JILLIAN FOWLER Contributing Writer

Mississippi State University organizations are focusing on leadership and diversity among faculty and students by working to inspire and shape future leaders on MSU’s campus. Tommy J. Stevenson, director of the Office of Diversity & Equity Programs, said the office is continuing to grow to reflect the 25 percent of minority students and the 48 percent of female students that make up part of MSU’s student body. The Office of Diversity & Equity Programs assists department heads and deans in choosing a diverse faculty. In MSU’s 2010 strategic diversity plan, President Mark Keenum cited the Office of Diversity & Equity Programs as a vehicle to communicate his commitment to and expectations of diversity. He said there is progress to be made in regard to MSU’s faculty, administrators and professional staff. Gregory D. Hunley, the program’s affirmative action specialist, said the office is inclusive and offers students a sense of belonging. “Students feel valued as part of the MSU community and are led to a path of self-discovery, which sparks leadership and increases their motivation to contribute to worthy causes,” Hunley said. When asked if the office helps even the playing field for women and minority groups, Stevenson said, “It is a component in providing a vision, but the entire university creates a more equalized environment.” He stressed the importance of diversity. “It is key to ensure that students are learning from professionals from different backgrounds and cultures,” Stevenson said. According to Susan Holland, chair for the President’s Commission on the Status of Women and the recruitment,

retention and program specialist for the Office of Diversity & Equity Programs, women are naturally progressing into leadership roles and mentoring aspiring females. Holland said the goal of the President’s Commission on the Status of Women is to provide advocacy, education and leadership opportunities for women on campus. The commission will have a call for membership within the next few weeks and regularly hosts luncheons that are open to all students and faculty and address topics such as financial planning and benefits for women. Holland said the commission is increasing its visibility on campus with events like the March 29 lecture, “A Perspective on Leadership: A Path to Success,” presented by Amy Tuck, the executive director of campus operations. Tuck said she focuses on constructive dialogue as she completes annual reviews and performance appraisals, because leaders should offer deserving praise, ask for feedback and welcome different opinions. “By finding out our unique talents, we find our leadership potential,” she said. “Don’t be sidelined by failure, be inspired.” Adrienne Morris, chair for the President’s Commission on the Status of Minorities and a learning and development specialist at MSU’s Office of Human Resources Management, said Tuck’s speech inspired her. “Reading and finding the right mentor are crucial in developing leadership skills,” she said. “From the very beginning, leaders must have values and beliefs, which they can fall back on in difficult situations.”

Two more candidates remain to oppose Romney: Newt Gingrich and Ron Paul. Neither is a serious contender for the nomination at this point, even though both could remain in the race all the way to late August, when the Republican party holds its convention in Tampa, Fla. “It’s hard to say,” Mellen said. “There is no reason for either of them to concede if their goal is to have a voice at the convention in Tampa. So, I guess, no, I don’t see either of them officially bowing out, though Gingrich has done so without officially saying it. It is possible that Gingrich will benefit in Arkansas and Texas from Santorum’s withdrawal; I doubt he will be able to put up any kind of serious front against Romney, however.” Mellen also said at this point, the party base, which has tried several times through the primary season to find a more traditionally-conservative candidate than Romney, has likely accepted he will be the nominee, clearing the way for a quiet end to the primary. While the primary draws to a close, the Romney campaign will have to begin turning its sights to focus on the general election against President Obama. Mellen said the extended primary season and all the money expenditures required might prove hurtful to the Romney campaign. He also said it may not matter if forecasts of both sides spending over half a billion dollars for the campaign turn out to be true. He said the long primary might be helpful to the Obama campaign. “It allowed them to avoid spending huge sums of money in February and March against Romney,

TUESDAY , APRIL 17 , 2012



continued from 1



Santorum dropped out of the Republican primary on April 10.

Thursday, April 11

though they did do some ads,” he said. “That is the major advantage for an incumbent ... he gets to keep acting presidential instead of campaigning in earnest. Plus, Republican infighting has provided the Obama campaign with lots of material for ads against Romney.”

• 3:26 p.m. A student reported his windshield damaged while parked in Giles parking lot. • 4:32 p.m. A student reported his laptop stolen from his room in Rice Hall. • 6:13 p.m. Officers responded to Hathorn Hall for a disturbance between two students.

Tuesday, April 10

• 5:58 p.m. A resident adviser reported the smell of marijuana at Rice Hall. • 8:14 p.m. A student was arrested for contributing to a minor.

OFFICE OF DIVERSITY & EQUITY PROGRAMS For more information visit:


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continued from 1

“This will bring good students into Mississippi who will make good alumni,” Barker said. “Also, when someone goes to college, sometimes they tend to stay there after they graduate. This has the potential to build our long-term human capital in the state, which is something we desperately need to do.” The wording of the law leaves most of the decisions to each university in determining its own out-of-state tuition waiver. Barker said the waiver policies could be based on factors such as mileage from the campus, GPA or ACT score. “We tried to give each university as much freedom as possible to design a waiver policy that would be most beneficial to them,” Barker said. Kibler said it is too early in regard to the passing of this law to determine how it will affect MSU. “It is premature for MSU to speculate about how this new law may impact our university specifically,” Kibler said. “Since MSU has not yet developed a plan or proposal, I cannot speculate about how this may impact our campus.”

TUESDAY , APRIL 17 , 2012

Faculty Senate meeting held to reconstruct the building to accommodate different teaching styles. A report from the vice president stated the The Robert Holland Faculty Senate of Mis- classroom building committee met with archisissippi State University discussed changes to tects and classroom consultants in the Mitchfaculty contracts and agreements as well as ell Memorial Library. It was stated that an architect came to surfaculty appreciation during their meeting on vey the library and said he or she could either April 13. add to the bottom of the audiThe faculty took some time torium or raise the top floor. to discuss the subject of conJerome A. Gilbert, provost and tract changes, specifically to executive vice president, said they those potentially affected by have included enough time in the the Promotion and Tenure university’s schedule for exams in document. case of disastrous situations. A few members of the facul“In case of bad weather or ty expressed concerns over each anything, we have enough days department’s dean dealing with to cover so that exams will be letter recommendations. taken,” Gilbert said. Previously, the faculty exSeven new instructors have plored a possible loophole that been added to the MSU family students could drop to avoid including three professors in the honor code sanctions and JIMMY ABRAHAM, ASSOCIATE College of Arts and Sciences and found that this was not plauone in the College of Business. sible and was now stated in the PRESIDENT AND Attention was brought to trafpolicy. EXECUTIVE fic control on campus specifically An updated version of aca- DIRECTOR to the crossing at Hardy Road demic policy of add/drop classOF ALUMNI and Stone Blvd. There is a possies was made. bility that more visceral signs will The updated letters have be present to place focus on the been sent out for approval of pedestrians. the different committees. Jimmy Abraham, associate vice president and The new 2012-2013 officers were voted executive director of alumni activities, spoke to on, announced and acclimated. Meghan Millea, associate professor in the the faculty members about students’ appreciation and how their teaching affects the campus. College of Business, was voted president. “Thirty-five percent of faculty is alumni,” he College of Arts and Sciences’ Jerry Emison, was once again voted vice president, and Bri- said. “There is a reason for that.” He also had two students from Alumni Delan Rude, graduate coordinator of the College of Agriculture and Life Sciences, was voted egates speak to the faculty on the effects alumni have personally had on them and the benefits secretary. A decision will be made on whether or not that have come from their teaching. BY LIZZIE SMITH

Contributing Writer

“Thirty-five percent of faculty is alumni. There is a reason for that.”

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He said the patio also helps to draw people in because they like to come eat and drink outside during the summer. Letty Stricklin, manager of Libby Story, said the pace around the stores slows down, but the staff find ways to keep busy. “We still have some of the college girls that are in town shop with us,” Stricklin said. “We do events to get people in, and we keep busy doing a lot of crafts, making hangers and things. It doesn’t hurt us too much financially because there are still some people here, and all the traffic from football season definitely makes up for the slower pace.” Jay Bradley, co-owner of Cowbells, said although they have to make cutbacks, he stills enjoys the changes the summer brings to their grill. “We close Sunday, Monday and Tuesday during the summer just to keep our costs down, and sales drop off about 25 to 30 percent,” he said. “But it’s a nice breather before football season when we’re full-blown for a long time.” Bradley said that is the time when they get to find out the most about their customers. “I like the summertime because it’s almost like summer camp,” he said. “The customers we do have are really loyal; they come every week. We’re not so busy that we can’t visit with folks, so that’s really when we get to meet our customers, sit down with them and ask what they think of the place. We learn a lot in the summer.” Paul Brasfield, manager of Bin 612, said it is important to have a good business mind and

continued from 1 be ready for anything, when it comes to summer strategies. “It can be hard to make it if you don’t know what you’re doing,” he said. “You really have to learn how to adapt and know your surroundings. You have to cut back on labor and ordering and do what you have to do to make it in the summer.” Brasfield said he never knows exactly what to expect once school lets out. “We’ve had great summers and we’ve had terrible summers,” he said. “You just have to cater to college students. We don’t know if a ton of people will be here or if they’re leaving; it could go either way. If you have to cut back, you do what you need to save the business.” Rick Welch, owner of Rick’s Café, said he has also learned the importance of cutting back in the summer. “We tone things back as far as entertainment,” he said. “We keep the sports bar open, but we only open the big room a few nights a week. We still have decent crowds, but it’s more laid back, and there’s more room.” Welch said he takes that time to start laying out his fall calendars and talking to agents about bands to prepare for the next school year. Bo Summerford, manager of Reed’s in Starkville, said the summer is still good to them. “We do see a little decrease in sales, but it doesn’t necessarily affect us as much as other businesses in Starkville because we have such stable goods that we can sell all year-round, he said. “We also sell to a wide variety of ages, and Starkville natives are always in need of clothes.”

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TUESDAY , APRIL 17, 2012






that thing that makes you move (you must have wheels)

seemed like yesterday (or something like that) that my skin stayed still (it was silent, unmoving) it was dry (thirsty, i’m sure) felt like old maps crinkled and thrown in the glove compartment it made so many people get lost and curse at THE GOLDEN THREAD | WENDY MORELL their loved ones they all just drove away (kicking up dirt, kicking themselves) but dust always settles (it might take days or years) and my skin can always be touched (you find new maps) and when my skin moves, your skin moves and our skin just moves to take us to someplace (we can’t see just yet) and our hands, ( & our hearts, our brains, our lips, our everything) follow along and we become this big caravan exploring every nook and cranny of each other and I think that’s how you make skin move again.

NEW COLUMN! | All about taboos If there is a taboo you think you should be covered, please email your suggestions to Reflector The

Editor in Chief Hannah Rogers Managing Editor Kaitlyn Byrne

Chief Designer Zack Orsborn

Multimedia Editor Eric Evans

News Editor Emma Crawford

Campus News Editor John Galatas

Sports Editor Kristen Spink

Life Editor Kaitlin Mullins

Opinion Editor Wendy Morell

Copy Editor Candace Barnette

Photography Editor Jay Johnson

Copy Editor Mary Chase Breedlove



Editor in Chief/Hannah Rogers

Letters to the editor should be sent to the Meyer Student Media Center or mailed to The Reflector, PO Box 5407, Mississippi State, MS. Letters may also be emailed to Letters must include name and telephone number for verification purposes. The editor reserves the right to edit or refuse to publish a letter.

325-7905 Managing Editor/Kaitlyn Byrne 325-8991 News Editor/Emma Crawford 325-8819 News tips/John Galatas 325-7906 Opinion Editor/Wendy Morell Sports Editor/Kristen Spink 325-5118 Life Editor/Kaitlin Mullins 325-8883 Photography Editor/Jay Johnson 325-1584 Advertising sales/Julia Pendley 325-7907


Tipping everyone, anything burdens consumers


nce upon a time, in the world of high school far, far away, I worked at a little ice cream shop. It was family-run, and I made snoballs, milkshakes and sundaes. I scooped all day and swept all night. I got paid below minimum wage — wait, what? That’s right: my little parttime job I went to between school and play rehearsal seemed like a typical after-school gig, but I got paid less than six dollars an hour all because of a magical jar placed in front of the cash register labeled “TIPS.” Sure, my coworkers and I had had a little fun with the label-maker, so around it were little white strips with quips such as “money for socks with no holes,” “support for my ninja lessons” and “college.” Despite the humor, working that little ice cream scooper to squeeze an extra dollar or two out of a customer seemed frustrating and unnecessary. I would spend eight minutes constructing the perfect malt only to see the man sucking it down sticking his 37 cents change in his pocket instead of dropping it in the jar. Did my job really deserve tips? Absolutely not. I was doing what I was paid to do; sure, I smiled and was nice

and helpful, but customer service is part of the food service industry. Tip jars and tipping opportunities on receipts are seemingly more and more prevalent. Oftentimes, I tip because I feel bad, assuming the employers are getting away with paying under minimum wage just by letting their employees receive tips. Tips will supplement an employee’s pay to make it more than minimum wage. But it seems like now everyone expects a tip for doing his or her job. Is it the consumer’s responsibility to give workers a little fiscal pat on the back, or should employers pay out the dough? There is a line that hasn’t been drawn yet, with all the relatively new types of eateries popping up, particularly self-serve frozen yogurt places. Listen, you guys and girls at Local Culture are really sweet, but — uh — I got my own frozen yogurt, so why should I feel compelled to tip you? I feel like a bad customer if I don’t drop my 37 cents change into the jar in front of you. You do a great job ringing me up, but isn’t that what you’re paid to do? Where do we draw the line between doing your job and going above and beyond to

“The only phones that could be found outside of the house were in your car.”

The Reflector staff strives to maintain the integrity of this paper through accurate and honest reporting. If we publish an error we will correct it. To report an error, call 325-7905.

assist the customer? When I went home last week, I saw a woman at Hobby Lobby give an employee five dollars just for carrying stuff out to her car. Regardless of what he is doing at work, he is getting paid to be there and to be an asset to the store. Should I tip the pharmacist at CVS for showing me what medicine to take? (By the way, Mr. Pharmacist, thank you so much, because those pills really cleared up my congestion.) Moreover, which employees expect to get tips and why do they feel entitled to them? I would really like to hear from those who work in places such as restaurants (where the wait staff should fully feel entitled to tips), fast-food chains such as Sonic (thank you for carrying my unsweet tea to my car, 10 feet away, but do I really have to give you an extra 50 cents?), and frozen yogurt chains to understand tipping etiquette and if that etiquette needs a revolution (aka more


Students seek safety in others Editor’s Note: This letter was written in response to President Keenum’s remarks on the campus shooting of John Sanderson, published in the March 27 edition of The Reflector. n response to President Keenum’s remarks as quoted in the March 27 edition of The Reflector , I feel the desire to express my opinion of safety on Mississippi State University’s campus. No level of private key code access is ever going to secure student safety. Safety is not achieved by seclusion; it is achieved by inclusion. And so long as this campus remains a vast, uninhabited landscape at night, there will likely be an increase of crime on and around campus for the next several years.


Boasting of our campus’ security measures blatantly ignores (with obvious intent) a school year in which MSU grounds have experienced rape, assault and murder. Enrollment and population are growing each year and we are still attempting to disperse student housing on far-reaching corners of a huge campus. Finding ways to grow as a university while integrating with


the surrounding city and neighborhoods is crucial for increasing safety on campus. Our campus is a deadzone at night. Little vehicular or pedestrian traffic passes through campus after daylight hours. St a t i s t i c a l l y, we are very safe. It i s h i g hl y u nl i k el y that a student will be harmed on campus during his/her time at MSU. Howe ve r, e ve n our primary community warning sys-

“We need to think about making places that allow people to gather and keep people around each other. Such measures are proven to improve quality of life, of which safety is no small part.”

EDITORIAL POLICY The Reflector is the official student newspaper of Mississippi State University. Content is determined solely by the student editorial staff. The contents of The Reflector have not been approved by Mississippi State University.

Wendy Morell is the opinion editor of The Reflector. She can be contacted at opinion@reflector.

guaranteed pay in your paycheck instead of begging for tips). Even when I was working at the ice cream shop, I got angry when a family of five didn’t tip me a dollar, but I didn’t think it was right. As a customer, I would think it is the employer’s responsibility to pay the employees for a job well done. While waiters and waitresses definitely deserve the extra something-something on the check, it is odd to me that this amount is based off of the amount of the check. It takes just as much effort to carry and ensure quality of a pasta dish as opposed to, say, a grilled cheese. It takes just as much attention to keep my water filled as it does to keep my dining companion’s sweet tea filled. Whoever developed percentage-based tipping deserves to be shoved into an interrogation room and surrounded by incredulous looks from the steak-eating, soda-drinking members of the community. I hope this article sparks discussion in the community about who you should tip, how much you should tip and why should you tip. This is an opportunity for discussion to present both sides of the story. But, for now, I remain convinced that financially rewarding most employees should be the job of the employers.


1 8 5



t e m , Ma ro o n A l e r t e x p o s e s h ow s e g re g a t e d we re a l l y a re . We n e e d o u r w a r n ings announced in text messages and emails, not w o rd o f m o u t h . T h e n , t h e security risk becomes a media event, a social phenomenon, increasing paranoia and our perception of insecurity, in my opinion. In c re a s e d f e a r w i l l o n l y fur ther isolate us, and keep us in our homes and rooms (away from other people). People keep people safe. The safest place to be is always wherever people are gathered. We need to think about making places that allow people to gather and keep people around each other. Such measures are proven to improve quality of life, of which safety is no small part.





6 | tuesday , april 17, 2012



Across 1 Historical novel, usually 5 CCCII x III 9 Digital camera option 13 Show signs of age, as wallpaper 14 Gray with age 16 Ohio tribe 17 Ventura County city 18 Prepare to transplant, as to the garden 19 Swig 20 Phenoms 23 Trip letters 24 Breezed through 25 Cut 29 “Death, that hath suck’d the honey __ breath”: Shak. 31 Fitting 33 10-Down suffix 34 Peace in the Middle East 36 Ginormous 38 Env. info 39 Sardegna o Sicilia 41 Mine entrance 42 A little too clever 44 Physicist Tesla 46 64-Across spec 47 Shell game need 48 Durable cloth 49 Africa’s northernmost capital 51 Suffragette who co-founded Swarthmore 52 “Conan” airer 55 Trochee and iamb 59 Tombstone lawman 62 Fishing boot 63 Private jet maker 64 Nine West product 65 Muscat native 66 Periodic table fig. 67 It may be rigged 68 “After the Thin Man” dog 69 Oft-misused pronoun

8 Waffle maker 9 Last critter in an ABC book 10 Raw mineral 11 Fry cook’s supply 12 Bumped into 15 Abbr. in a CFO’s report 21 “Do I dare to __ peach?”: Prufrock musing 22 This, in Tijuana 26 Some molars 27 Cybercommerce 28 Sedimentary formation 30 “Charlotte’s Web” setting 31 Chat room inits. 32 Museums for astronomy buffs Down 1 Tough guy’s expression 34 “Full House” actor 2 How roast beef may be 35 “Farewell, chérie” 36 Coquettish served 37 Munro’s pen name 3 Some living legends 40 Reggae relative 4 “Put __ on it!” 43 __ dixit: unproven 5 Exemplars of poverty claim 6 Capuchin, e.g. 45 IOC part: Abbr. 7 Lacking sharpness

4-17-12 Solutions for 4-13-12

48 Museum guide 50 Drive forward 51 Cursed alchemist 53 Lotto variant 54 Pol Thurmond 56 Couple 57 Avatar of Vishnu 58 Weak spot

59 Last letter in most plurals (but not in this puzzle’s six longest answers, which are the only plurals in this grid) 60 Word of discovery 61 Palais resident


Due to space, Octopuzzle will not be in this issue of The Reflector. The puzzle and solution from March 30 will reappear as space allows.


















BULLETIN BOARD CLASSIFIEDS POLICY The deadline for Tuesday’s paper is 3 p.m. Thursday; the deadline for Friday’s paper is 3 p.m. Tuesday. Classifieds are $5 per issue. Student and staff ads are $3 per issue, pre-paid. Lost and found: found items can be listed for free; lost items are listed for standard ad cost. for sale Ziggy’s Buy & Sell. Don’t throw it away! Get cash for your used furniture and other items. We sell everything from furniture to antiques to music. 434 Miss. Highway 12 West, look for the orange sign with Ziggy’s picture, or call 312-8895. Faculty investment opportunity. Enjoy benefits of retirement now, as you teach. Live in your five-plex on Oktibbeha County Lake, and let rentals pay your mortgage. 340’ waterfront, five-plex, dock, skiboat. $342,000 firm. 418-2790. for rent “Lodge at the Lake.” Great one bedroom, waterfront, dock, appliances, washer/dryer, free cable and fast-access Internet. See now. Available May 1 for 15 months. $525/month. Pet friendly. 418-2790. AVALON Large two and three bedroom apartments from $729 per month. Reserve your apartment today for fall. liveatavalonapts. com. Rates include cable, Internet and all appliances; unfurnished. One bedroom mobile home for rent. One mile from campus. Hunting and fishing privileges. Pet friendly for additional fee. $350 per month. Lease and deposit required. Call 418-8555. Pasture boarding also available. On a lake, furnished, one-bedroom apartment. Available June 1 for 14-month lease at $525 per month. TV cable, water, sewer, high-speed wireless Internet provided. You pay electricity. Call Bob at 418-2790. One, two, three and four bedroom apartments available for fall 2012. $400 to $1,600 per month. No

pets. Call Barbara at 418-8603. One bedroom with all appliances, including washer, dryer and microwave. Very close to campus. Call 323-5186, 341-5186 or 6489519. ATTENTION! Apartment for male sublease from May through July at 21 Apartments. May rent paid. Rent for June and July is $425 per month. Contact Quell at 205-8617899. Two bedroom/two bath apartment in the Highlands. Two car garage, washer/dryer, all major appliances. Spacious layout, huge closets, two private balconies. Sublease for June and July. $325 per month. Call 601-479-5993 or 601-4798142 for details. Large house with three or four bedrooms, two baths, fireplace and deck. New kitchen, baths, paint. Large lot on cul-de-sac just off of MSU campus, 205 Setter Lane. Available Aug. 1. $1800 per month. Call 662-324-6443. HelP WanteD Bartending. Up to $300 / day. No experience necessary. Training available. Call 800-965-6520 ext. 213. Attention students: $15 starting pay. Flexible hours around class. Customer sales and service. No experience required. Call 2685097. Accounting/bookkeeping representative for Brundage Furnitures. Interested persons should send a cover letter with his or her resume to Job opportunity. Spanish interpreter for the Mississippi Department of Human Services. Full-time position. Bachelor degree or higher located in northern regions of Mississippi. Contact Laura Parker at 601-8506761. CLUB INFO The deadline for Tuesday’s paper is 3 p.m. Thursday; deadline for Friday’s paper is 3 p.m. Tuesday. MSU student organizations may place

free announcements in Club Info. Information may be submitted by email to club_info@reflector. with the subject heading “CLUB INFO,” or a form may be completed at The Reflector office in the Student Media Center. A contact name, phone number and requested run dates must be included for club info to appear in The Reflector. All submissions are subject to exemption according to space availability. BaPtIst stUDent UnIon The BSU at Mississippi State invites all students to our weekly worship service, PRIORITY, on Tuesday nights at 6:15. You are also invited to a $5 home-cooked meal, called NOONDAY, on Wednesdays at noon. The BSU Center is located directly across the street from Campus Book Mart. All students are welcome. Visit for more information. CaMPUs BIBle stUDents Intensive Bible study Tuesdays at 7 p.m. in room 324 of the Union. All are welcome. Email tns54@pss. for more information. CatHolIC stUDent assoCIatIon The CSA invites you to join us each week at St. Joseph’s Catholic Church. Student mass is on Sundays at 5:30 p.m. Good food and fun fellowship can be had at $2 dinners on Tuesday at 6 p.m., followed by weekly/Bible study at 7 p.m. Come to one of these events and learn more ways to get involved! If you would like to receive more information, including our weekly newsfeed, join our Facebook group “Catholic Student Association” in the Mississippi State network. ColleGIate ffa There will be a meeting with a free supper Thursday April 12 at 5 p.m. in room 120 of Dorman Hall. “The Cookie Corner” will have a bake sale today to raise money for the Nick Bell Foundation. The event will be from 10 a.m.

Life & Entertainment WHATʼS TUESDAY , APRIL 17, 2012




Associate director of bands serves, leads musical students IN YOUR



The Famous Maroon Band of Mississippi State University is a vital part of the Bulldog game day atmosphere — hearing “Hail State” when touchdowns are scored, watching high-energy halftime shows and hearing the alma mater regardless of whether the game was a win or loss are some of the obvious contributions from the band. The MSU band program is under the direction of a triad of individuals who do much more than wear maroon blazers and wave their arms on a podium in the stands. These directors write music, conduct spring concert bands and are able to learn the names of every single student (300+) in the marching band by the end of band camp. One of these directors is associate director of bands, Craig Aarhus. An Alabama native, Aarhus first got involved in music in junior high band. “I had good teachers (band directors) that piqued my interest in music. I enjoyed playing, and I liked what they did,” he said. Aarhus attended Auburn Craig Aarhus said although he did not set out to teach a college University for his undergraduate degree but did not immedi- staff at Iowa, and I wanted to a PhD) would happen when it ately pursue music. experience a different part of did. I believe that my education “I originally was not a music the country,” he said. “When path brought me to where I am, major. I was in my wife and I and I love my job. Teaching the university moved there, college has a different set of band, and I we didn’t know challenges than teaching high was in a fraa soul. We got school, but it also has a different ternity and to make new set of rewards,” he said. even had some Being an associate director of friends and political ambibegin our lives bands, he works alongside Elva tions on camtogether as a Kay Lance, director of bands, as pus,” he said. couple on our well as Clifton Taylor, associate “ How e v e r, own, and I’m director of bands. Aarhus said I had some very thankful one of the best parts of being friends who for my time a band director was cultivating were music student leaders. there.” majors, and “We try to show the example Still, even after some after obtain- of leading by serving,” he said. time, I realDuring the spring semesing a master’s ized my calling degree, Aarhus ters, Aarhus conducts the MSU was to teach said he never Campus Band as well as the music.” imagined he MSU Community Band, an At Auburn, would be work- ensemble with a mix of MSU he served as ing as a college students as well as community the drum band director members. major of the CRAIG AARHUS, Aside from being a band in the SEC. marching band ASSOCIATE DIRECTOR OF “I really director, Aarhus has also for three years BANDS enjoyed teachbefore graduing high school. ating with I never thought his degree in music education. I would teach a college band,” After graduating, he taught he said. “I wanted to just teach high school band in Alabama music.” for three years before venturing After he finished his master’s, to the University of Iowa for his he found employment at MSU. master’s degree. He took a year to go back to “I had the opportunity to Iowa to get his doctorate, and go to University of Iowa for has been a part of the Bulldog grad school as a graduate assis- family ever since. tant. I knew some of the band “I never thought it (getting

“Teaching college has a different set of challenges than teaching high school, but it also has a different set of rewards.”


“Girl Scouts Day with SWE” The Society of Women Engineers hosted a recent event to introduce engineering and STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) for 25 middle school young girl scouts from the Girl Scout Heart of the South region. The members of SWE spoke with the youth on the many exciting careers in the field of engineering and on the importance of engineering in helping to develop useful things used by each of us such as cars, bridges, and computers? Victoria Vaughn, IE major and Life Member Girl Scout, served as coordinator for the event. Dr. Donna Reese, Computer Science & Engineering Department Head and sponsor to the SWE Chapter hosted the event in Butler Hall. Mrs. Lashell M. Vaughn, ’82 - BS, Computer Science, VP/ CTO Memphis Light Gas & Water, and member of the School of Engineering Advisory Board was the guest speaker. The Society of Women Engineers is an organization that encourages diversity and provides women with resources that will develop their professional skills in their chosen field.


band, he loves his job at MSU.

taught various courses in the Department of Music such as brass techniques and beginning conducting. He also supervises student teachers. When he is not on campus, Aarhus enjoys spending time with his wife, Amy, and his two children, Jack and Molly Kate. He also enjoys playing tennis and is the choir director for the First Presbyterian Church of Starkville.

1. "Take Me To Town," by Dr. Dog 2. "Rise To The Sun," BRICE LAMBERT by Alabama Shakes Biological Sciences Major 3. "You're Too Weird," 2011-2012 Student Director by Fruit Bats of Music Maker Productions 4. "NY feat. Hodgy Beats & Tyler, The “This is a short list of tunes I've found myself Creator," by Odd listening to a lot these Future days.” 5. "Tear It Up," by Delta Spirit THINK YOUR 6. "Demons," by Sleigh PLAYLIST SHOULD Bells BE HERE? EMAIL 7. "Ripe," by GIVERS US AT KMULLINS@ 8. "Cocaine Blues," by REFLECTOR.MSSTATE. Escort EDU AND SHOW US 9. "You Don't Miss The “What’s in Your Playlist?” is a new WHY. Water," Otis Redding “What’s in Your Playlist?” is an 10. "Stop The Bus," by entertainment feature open to all students, faculty and staff. Submit Grace Potter and the your playlist at kmullins@reflector. Nocturnals

Urban Dictionary word of the day adverblasting: When a commercial is much louder than the program you were watching.

Man, I was watching NCIS, but I had to turn down my TV when the commercials came on because of damn adverblasting.

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TUESDAY , APRIL 17, 2012



Modern 'hipsters' draw influence from past generations


ipsters. Beats. Beatniks. Hippies. D-bags. Modern-day hipsters. Through the ages there has seemed to be a mold of the “it” crowd tagging along with every generation; and we of course have stood over the fire and fashioned our own mold. Right? According to Zana Faulkner, from, the ’40s was a decade that birthed the iconic “hipsters” with the idea of non-conformity on their minds and free-thinking in their souls. Spurred by jazz music and the freedom that leaked from the smooth new taste of relaxation begot a lack of definition and an abundance of meaning. These “hipsters” began dressing, living, socializing, even talking in a light that was “hip” rather than the monotonous or “square” way of living they had inherited from the generation before. This “it” crowd of the ’40s primed the walls of a new world of acceptance for generations to come simply by seeing

Emma Holmes is a senior philosophy major and staff writer for The Reflector. She can be contacted at kmullins@reflector. no difference in people based on color, religion, social status, looks, wealth, etcetera. The only differentiation found in this generation was if you ran with the hipsters or were stuck in the tar of segregation you were finding all personal worth and security in materialistic things — rather than the acceptance of one another. Faulkner continued her exploration of countercultures by describing this next group: the “beatniks.” While the ideas of the “hipsters” involving accep-

tance to all and open-mindedness ran free for some; in the late ’40s and ’50s a new mold was formed. This new group threw out the old “it” crowd mold and injected in a deep love of the arts, a passion for learning and a drive for new ideas along with a betterment of politics and the government. While the hipsters of the ’40s tried to forget the troubles of politics, this new generation scraped at the opportunity to change politics in a radical way. The new “it” crowd danced to a much different beat than any other generation before, bringing about its deemed nickname, “beats” or, as the media marketed it, the “beatniks.” The “beatniks” introduced a more sophisticated wardrobe of thick, black-framed glasses, turtlenecks, spiffier pants, (basically clothes reeking color neutrality) and intelligence of style. Diving into jazz music, heart-felt poetry reading, marijuana, politics and sophisticated literature marked the age of the “beats” as an intellectual crowd

seemingly lacking only in financial status and normalcy. The next stand-out generation is that little generational mold of the “hippie.” The hippies aimed to stray away from convention as much as possible and hand out love and sex on a “come one, come all” basis. Hippies, the generation that introduced the public world to psychedelic drugs, alternative music, tie-dye, Woodstock, prolonged lengths of time without tending to one’s personal hygiene, women’s rights, bell-bottoms, “flower-power,” civil rights, acceptance and love of all, tinkering with the limits

of one’s mind and sanity, saving the world from violence and the businessman alike and, of course, peace. This generation stood on the ground of rebellion against “the man” and his tyrannical ways and replaced violence with an abundance of drugs, sex, std’s and that “free love” we have all heard about. If we hit fastforward on the generational spectrum and resume play in current day, it seems as though we find ourselves in a case of cultural irony. We find ourselves staring at a generational mold that seems to have taken a bit from each previous one, kindly/hopefully leaving out the fashion sense

“Do we have anything new to offer or are we generational copy-cats trying desperately to look as if we donʼt care?”

of the ’90s and personal hygiene of the ’60s. Is this new generation a group of modern day hipster/ beatnik/hippie morphs or is that a flattery of our own egoism? Do we resist conformity to make a stand for what we believe or is it just the style we are looking to replicate? Do we have anything new to offer or are we generational copy-cats trying desperately to look as if we don’t care? I think there is plenty left to offer from this new “hip” generation. There is still an abundance of hatred, judgement, segregation of classes, racism, crime, prejudices, inequality and closed-mindedness to stray away from and abolish. The question is will the new generation of “hipsters” button up their plaid shirt, adopt a dog, look over their thick, black-rimmed glasses, hop out of their Eno and make a stand? I guess only time will tell. It’s fun to look the part and “carpe diem” but when it comes down to it, do we stand up to “the man” or give into the judgement?

Big Gigantic coming to town, warns of crazy night Q: Bus getting some miles on it? A: It sure is!!


Warning Starkville: something colossal is headed this way. Big Gigantic, a nationally known instrumental music duo from Boulder Colo., will roll into town Wednesday with all intentions of melting faces, blasting bass and ensuring anyone willing to pay the ticket price leaves Rick’s Cafe with a smile on his or her face. Dominic Lalli, the band’s saxophonist/producer, and Jeremy Salken, who handles the drums, have constructed a sound that pulls from elements of electronic, hip-hop and jazz with an emphasis on live performance and improvisations. Their fourth and latest studio album Nocturnal reached the No. 2 spot on the iTunes electronic charts, and the band has been touring extensively in major cities across the United States. Wednesday, the duo will grace Starkville with their talents. After some conflicting schedules hindered a phone interview, the boys were happy to oblige via email. Q: How has touring been lately? A: Awesome!

Q: Been to the Lyric in Oxford, Miss., before, right? How was that? What are your thoughts on Mississippi? A: Ya, we've been to the Lyric a couple times. Once opening for STS9 and another time opening for Pretty Lights. Love coming to Oxford because, we know people love to rage and get down so it's always a really good time. Q: How long have you guys known each other? Are you both from Boulder or is that just home base now? A: We've known each other for probably six years? And we just live in Boulder and have for a while. I am (Dominic) from Vegas and Jeremy is from Virginia. Q: Dominic — Masters from The Manhattan School of Music, huh? That is impressive. What did you study there? Can you tell us about your experience there? A: I studied jazz there. Really one of the most incredible experiences of my life because I got to

study music with a lot of my mentors. It was very intense but very rewarding and gratifying. Q: Is this (touring and whatnot) what both of you always wanted to do? When did you realize it? A: Ya, it is what I've always wanted to do, and I think I realized it the first time I got to perform. Just so much fun to exchange music with musicians and audiences in a live setting. There is nothing quite like it! Q: If you absolutely HAD to put your music in a genre box what would it be? A: Electronic Dance Music. Our stuff may be a little more involved in certain ways and our music may be more 'song' orientated than other EDM, but I think this best describes it. Q: What other kinds of music are you guys into? A: EVERYTHING!! Q: It seems like there are a lot of artists, in a lot of different genres that are going to the duo thing. What makes you guys different? Why do you think it works so well for you? A: Being a duo just so happened to be the best move for us. There are lots of things that make us different from other duos though. One being the saxophone and the other being the 'improvisational' element. I think it just works best for us because Jeremy and I are really on the same page in terms of how we want to deliver and shape the music. Q: Gigantic Underground Conspiracy? Tell us about it. A: GUC is a side project with our friends Conspirator (featuring members of The Disco Biscuits) and our percussionist/mgr friends Ben. Essentially, we dive into the 'jam-tronica' world on this show and do mostly all improv-based electronic stuff. Super fun playing with some really talented players Q: How much time would you say is spent developing a single song's live performance? Like, are the lights that will go with it planned out in advanced or is that an improv thing mostly?

A: This usually takes awhile because the music takes awhile to develop, then the video takes a while to develop. The track and video are designed the same way, in that, there are sections of stuff that plays straight through, and then there are looped sections (where we improvise more). So some of the video goes right along with the song, and other video is meant to be improvised with. That is essentially the process in the live delivery of a song. Q: How much of the show is actual improvisation and how much is orchestrated prior to the show? A: We definitely improvise a lot of the night. Sometimes, for example, the track is the same length of time, but there is no set melody. I make that up every night. All the solos are all improvised and most sections are cued differently nightly, etc., etc. I try to put stuff together that I know will work and try to make it so that we can have as much musical flexibility that we can within that. Q: Why the name Big Gigantic? A: I dont know really! Haha. Just kinda come to me one day and I knew that was the right name Q: Favorite city/ place to perform? A: Too many to list!!! We REALLY love playing at home in Colorado!! At the same time, each night/venue/town always has its own special feel to it and so we have so many awesome nights out on the road. Ahhhh, we are so stoked because we have really awesome fans! Q: Plans for the future? A: A lot more of what we're doing. Hopefully bring Big Gigantic to an international level as well. Q: Got anything the people coming out on Wednesday need to know? A: They just need to GET READY TO RAGE!!! GONNA BE A CRAZY NIGHT!! Doors will open at Rick's Cafe at 7:30 p.m. and music is set to begin at 8 p.m. with DJ GLOtron. Tickets and more information are available at

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stat of the day : 9-2, the MsU Men’s tennis teaM’s record in sec play, its best since 1998.


tUesday , april 17 , 2012

baseball on the tUbe:

MsU vs. tennessee thUrsday, 6:30 p.M. espnU

OuTkicking The cOveRage | Ray buTleR

MSU TRACK FIRST-PLACE FINISHES Track and field: the unsung heroes


hen thinking about collegiate athletics, the words “track and field” are almost never mentioned before sports such as football, basketball and baseball. But as its 2012 season begins to hit the homestretch, the Mississippi State track and field team is well on its way to possibly securing the highest national ranking amongst all sports at MSU during the 2011-2012 athletic seasons. While the sport itself may never garner the same public or media attention major sports do, that has not hindered the men’s track and field team from recently ascending into the top 10 in the U.S. Track and Field and Cross Country Coaches Association rankings with no sign of slowing down. The outdoor track and field season has been highlighted by several individual and team accolades for both the men’s and women’s squads. The second annual SEC/Big Ten Challenge, which was hosted by MSU, featured several members of State’s women’s team who played a key role in the SEC taking the crown. During the course of the season, juniors Tavaris Tate, Jody-Ann Muir and freshman Jarrett Samuels have led the nation in their respectable events. Tate leads the nation in the 400-meter dash, and Samuels is widely known as one of the best, young long jumpers at the collegiate level. Muir ran a blistering time of 52.47 seconds during the 400-meter dash at LSU, a time that has the junior currently ranked fourth in the country in the event. Sophomore James Harris is also ranked near the top in the nation in multiple events, and junior Keisha Williams is ranked fifth nationally in the 100 meter sprint. In team competition, the MSU men are ranked second in the country in the 4x400 meter

and fifth in the 4x100 meter. As the MSU track and field teams continue to achieve consistent success, Bulldog upperclassmen, such as senior Ed Wesela, are finally beginning to see their continuous hard work, commitment and dedication pay off. Wesela, who competes in the discus and shot put, said State’s ascension to national prominence is a tribute to the family the MSU track and field teams have become. “It’s real nice to see a lot of people doing a lot of hard work,” Wesela said. “It’s good to see the sprinters coming to cheer on the distance runners and the distance runners cheering on the sprinters. It’s just great to see the team that we’ve become.” This past weekend, Wesela and the Bulldogs stayed in Starkville to participate in The Jace Lacoste Invitational, a competition in which the theme was to bring several local colleges and universities together to honor and remember Jace Lacoste, a former MSU track and field member and an All-SEC decathlete who tragically passed away in 1995. In their first opportunity to perform in front of a home crowd in nearly a month, State did not disappoint. The Bulldogs captured 12 victories, two of which were credited to Wesela, and added 17 topfive finishes en route to a dominating



Long Jump: Rochelle Farquharson, MSU, 19-05.25 Triple Jump: Ebony Brinker, MSU, 38-11.50 4x100m Relay: MSU, Muir, Carey, Farquharson, Archer, 46.51 100m Hurdles: Racquel Farquharson, MSU, 13.40 4x400m Relay: MSU-A, Covington, Archer, Smyth, Carey, 3:45.33 Ray Butler is a freshman majoring in kinesiology. He can be contacted at reflectorsports@

Shot Put: Ed Wesela, MSU, 55-08.50 Javelin: Austin Britton, MSU, 189-01 High Jump: James Harris, MSU, 6-10.75 Triple Jump: Jason Harper, MSU, 51-02.75 1500m Run: Chad Moore, MSU, 3:58.93 100m Dash: James Harris, MSU, 10.64 400m Hurdles: Hurdles Nathan Arnett, MSU, 51.52 zack orsborn| the reflector

Southern Mississippi before returning home for a competition one week before the SEC Championship takes place. At the conclusion of the conference tournament, MSU hopes to find itself in a ranking high enough to compete in the preliminary and championship rounds of the NCAA Tournament.

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tuesday , april 17 , 2012

Perkins, Griffin create nice one-two punch “We are trying to make more plays for the offense this year. We are trying to have a LaDarius Perkins is the high-octane offense,” Perkins speedster. Nick Griffin is the said. “We have been throwing comedian. Along with red- the ball all over the place a lot shirt freshmen Josh Robinson lately, so that is what we plan and Derek Milton, they are on doing during the season. the Bulldog running backs We are trying to do whatever being counted on to replace the running backs can to conthe production of star tailback tribute to that.” Vick Ballard, who will likely If MSU is going to involve be heading to the NFL. the running backs in the passIn years past, there has been ing game more, Perkins may one thing fans of Mississippi benefit the most. He has alState football ready proven could rely to be a threat on: no matin the passing ter who was game, but he the coach or could become how bad the extremely team may dangerous as have been, a receiver if the Bulldogs he is able to would alconsistently ways have a get the ball in talented ball open space, carrier or two where his to “tote the speed and rock.” This quickness can has proven make him a to be the nightmare for case under defenders. head coach Griffin Dan Mulmay not be len, whose considered a spread-opspeedster, but Ladarius Perkins, tion offense after missing running back has resulted most of last in the two season with starting runa knee injury ning backs suffered last during his spring, he is tenure, Anhealthy and thony Dixon and Ballard, proving to be an all-around both rewriting the Bulldog back. record book. With Griffin considered the Ballard graduated from more prototypical running MSU, along with starting back and Perkins the speedquarterback Chris Relf, who ster, many people are quick was a talented runner in his to label them a “thunder and own right, and the MSU of- lightning” type of duo, somefense is in somewhat of a thing Griffin rejects. transitional phase as it adapts “It is a nice one-two comto quarterbacks Tyler Russell bo,” Griffin said. “They try and Dak Prescott. Perkins to give us just one thing we said he is excited about the are good at, but we are both expanded role running backs all-round backs.” will have in the offense, parPerkins and Griffin may get most of the hype, but Robinticularly in the passing game. By Matt tyler Staff Writer





Bulldog softball sweeps series at Ole Miss

Only eight teams reach the softball SEC Tournament, and, as the season comes to an end, the Bulldogs are making a case to be one of those eight teams. In head coach Vann Stuedeman’s first rivalry series at Ole Miss, the team dominated all weekend, winning 5-3, 2-1 and 10-3. Junior leftie Stephanie Becker picked up two wins on the weekend, including a one-hit complete game in Saturday’s matchup. Becker improved her record to 13-10 on the season. Fellow junior Kylie Vry also picked up a win on the weekend. At the plate the Bulldogs’ bats exploded on Sunday, racking up a conference-high 14 hits. Heidi Shape was the star of the weekend, going 4-9 with seven RBIs. Senior Ka’ili Smith, who was named SEC Player of the Week, also had a successful weekend at the plate and finished it off with a 3-4 day on Sunday. In a press release from MSU, Stuedeman said the girls’ performance was huge for themselves, as well as their fans. “The team has to feel really good about getting 14 hits in seven innings,” Stuedeman said. “I am glad to see them turn it on in the sixth and seventh and tie our season high for runs scored in an SEC game.”

“We are trying to have a highoctane offense. We have been throwing the ball all over the place a lot lately, so that is what we plan on doing during our season. ”

Tennis claims second straight SEC West crown

barton dinkins | the reflector

Running back LaDarius Perkins practices his blocking in preparation for an offense that will include an increased passing attack. Perkins and Nick Griffin will receive the bulk of the carries this year for State.

son and Milton are proving to be talented ball carriers in their own right. Mullen has insinuated several times this is the deepest group of running backs he has had during his time at State. At 5’9, 215 lbs., Robinson has showcased a unique blend of power and speed, and Milton has made his fair share of plays as well. Perkins said he believes both are progressing well this spring. “Both of them are still learning, but they are going to be good backs,” Perkins said. Robinson and Milton may still be learning the offense,

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but Griffin already mastered how to entertain Bulldog fans and players alike. A Twitter celebrity of sorts due to his humorous observations and witty remarks directed at teammates, Griffin (@MacGrifferous on Twitter) said he believes people like him for who he is. “I just be myself, and I guess everyone likes it,” Griffin said while laughing. Griffin, Perkins and the rest of the Bulldogs will have the opportunity to showcase their off-season improvements Saturday in the Maroon and White game held here at Davis Wade Stadium.

MSU’s 4-3 win over No. 14 Ole Miss not only gave the Bulldogs back-to-back SEC West titles, but it also secured a No. 3 ranking in the SEC Tournament, which will be played in Starkville. After dropping the first doubles match, Bulldog pairs George Coupland and Artem Ilyushin, who was named SEC Player of the Week, and Ethan Wilkinson and Zach White came from behind to oust the Rebels and win the double’s point, which turned out to be the deciding factor. Ilyushin, Coupland and fellow senior Louis Cant won their singles matches to give the seniors their first win in Oxford. In a press release from MSU, head coach Per Nilsson said he was extremely proud of his guys for stepping up on such a big occasion. “Playing Ole Miss in Oxford is always a hostile environment, and our boys really stepped up their game.” Nilsson said. “The fan support that traveled to the match was absolutely incredible, and we cannot thank them enough for what they did.” The Bulldogs earned a first-round bye in the Tournament and will play the winner of No. 11 Alabama and No. 6 Tennessee Friday at 11 a.m.

Diamond Dogs swept at No. 7 South Carolina

In an attempt to improve their SEC standings, the Bulldog baseball team could not handle the high-powered USC Gamecocks. In Friday night’s game, State led 6-3 heading into the bottom of the eighth, but four Gamecock runs stole the game from the Dogs for a 7-6 victory. This set the stage for the rest of the weekend as MSU could not scratch out a few more runs falling 5-3 and 6-4 in the final two games.




Bulldog Basketball: Where do we go from here?



o what are we supposed to be thinking about Mississippi State basketball these days? I wish I had the answer, but to be honest I cannot think of too many positives myself. We only have seven players currently on the roster for next season, and our top recruit, Josh Gray, recently got out of his letter of intent. As much as I have been trying not to think about the 2012-2013 basketball season, I guess it is time to address the elephant in the room. Here is the thing I have been trying to remind myself: State is not the only team losing big-time players. While Arnett Moultrie’s decision to enter the NBA draft a year early will obviously hurt the Dogs, there are plenty of other players around the SEC making the same decision. Vanderbilt’s John Jenkins, who led the SEC in scoring the past two seasons, is declaring for the draft. Florida star Bradley Beal is gone after one season. Texas A&M’s Khris Middleton is headed to the draft as well. (Not that the Aggies stand a chance in the SEC anyway, right?) The SEC’s other new arrival, Missouri, will be recovering from its embarrassing first-round exit from the NCAA Tournament for awhile. Alabama’s second leading scorer Tony Mitchell was granted his release from the team recently. LSU recently hired a new head coach, and Auburn sophomore Varez Ward is being investigated by the NCAA for point-shaving. As for Ole Miss, well, just the name itself brings enough trouble and pessimism for the Rebels to handle. And then there’s Kentucky, who is most likely losing the heart of its team in Anthony Davis, Michael Kidd-Gilchrist and Terrence Jones. Not to mention Darius Miller (Mr. Clutch) is graduating. Oh, and they only signed the No. 1 high school recruit but failed to sign the No. 2 recruit. Shame, shame. And who are we to complain when Arkansas’ whole athletic department is in a state of flux due to Bobby Petrino? I understand the Bulldogs have lost more than just Moultrie. Renardo Sidney has declared for the draft ... no comment except I believe the Dogs will be better without him, but you can decide that one for yourself. Deville Smith leaving the program hurts, but mainly because he would have been a fan-favorite. The 5’11 point guard was fun to watch but way too out of control to handle the offense. The biggest blow of them all was Rodney Hood. The talented freshman had the opportunity to be like Lebron in Cleveland and have a team built around

Kristen Spink is the sports editor of The Reflector. She can be contacted at reflectorsports@ him, but just like King James, he chose to take his talents elsewhere (most likely Duke, Ohio State or Florida State). That leaves us with 13 points per game, four rebounds per game and 22 starts combined last season for the players left on MSU’s roster. Together, Jalen Steele and Wendell Lewis have the potential to provide MSU with a starting point. Steele showed his clutch three-point shooting last season, and Lewis can be made into a solid post player with the right coaching. But amidst all of these departures, we have had some key arrivals, Rick Ray being the frontrunner. Ray now has the opportunity to start from scratch and let his talent in recruiting work its magic. He can make the team his own instead of trying to build off of someone else’s work. Most of the assistants he has hired are known for their recruiting; this will be put to the test right away. It will be a tough task, but Rome was not built in a day and neither will this basketball team. But give Ray and his staff a couple hundred days (including the recruiting period) and you will see a new-look MSU basketball team. I am not exactly sure what that look will be, but it will be new. A lot of people were critical of Scott Stricklin’s decision to hire Ray as the new head coach. It is true that Ray has never been a head coach and is not a wellknown name, but we have to trust Stricklin’s decision. The athletic director’s last two hires, Dan Mullen and Vann Stuedeman, have paid off tremendously, so I am willing to let him do his job instead of trying to do it for him. So what should we think about MSU basketball? Nothing. Just stop thinking about it. We need to stop trying to figure out what next year will look like and let Ray do his job. That is why he was hired, right? He is getting paid to coach the basketball team, not us. In the mean time, we have to remember that fall is right around the corner. And fall means football. So here is my answer: get ready for football season and let Ray and his staff get ready for basketball season.

Player at MSU from 1992 to 1994 MSU assistant the previous three seasons "I always had the intention of keeping somebody from the al former staff for continuity, and George was a guy who did a great job of recruiting me to Mississippi State. That showed me how good of a recruiter he is.� –Rick Ray, head coach of MSU



All-MVC player at Evansville from 1996 to 1998 Assistant at Evansville from 2009 to 2011 "He did an awesome job for us. He's smart, knowledgeable and is a great communicator with the players. As good as a coach as he is, he's an even better person. He's A-plus in everything. He's a quality person and someone I consider family. "- Marty Simmons, head coach of Evansville

Graduate assistant at Clemson from 2008 to 2010 Director of Operations at Northern Colorado last season "He's a young, energetic guy that has done an unbelievable job with travel, camps and academic monitoring. He'll be a valuable asset to me, our staff and our players." –Rick Ray, head coach of MSU


WomenĘźs tennis shutout by Ole Miss BY ELLIOTT REES Staff Writer

The No. 16 Ole Miss Rebels proved to be too much for the short-staffed Mississippi State women’s tennis team as it went down 7-0 on Senior Day Saturday at the A.J. Pitts Tennis Centre. The Lady Bulldogs did not score a point for the sixth time this season and finished the regular season with an overall record of 7-13 while finishing 1-10 in SEC play. State did not get off to a bad start on a day in which the lone senior on the team, Olesya Tsigvintseva, was honored, but things quickly changed in favor of the Rebels. The duo of Tsigvintseva and freshman Naomi Tran took an early 3-1 lead in their doubles match against the No. 4 ranked duo in the nation of Kristi Boxx and Abby Guthrie only to see that lead evaporate in the Saturday afternoon sun as they lost seven consecutive games to lose the match 8-3. Things continued to go badly for the Lady

Bulldogs as they went down 2-0 after doubles play and then went on to lose all five singles matches in straight sets. Head coach Daryl Greenan said the Rebels proved they deserve to be ranked No. 16. “Ole Miss was tough. I mean, they are a top-20 team and then some for good reason, and they looked strong and healthy at the end,� he said. “Our girls put up a fight; they just didn’t have a lot of answers for Ole Miss today.� An issue for the Lady Bulldogs all year has been the amount of players they have had on their roster. State had only five players dress against Ole Miss and will only have the same five going to Oxford to compete in the SEC Championships. The team started the year with seven active players on its roster but lost two of the players throughout the SEC season. Greenan said the girls that remain have much to be proud of with the amount of work they each have put in. “These girls that were on the court today have handled a lot of adversity, and they’re giving

it their best down the stretch here,� he said. Ts i g v i n t s e v a is one of those women who has stuck it out and has done so for Tsigvintseva four years here at MSU. Her career was full of accomplishments, and her leadership will be sorely missed. She has posted a total of 82 victories and represented the Maroon and White very well. Tsigvintseva said she will miss the camaraderie of the team the most. “I am going to miss for sure the coaches, the girls and my team. I’ve been with them a long time already, and we’ve gotten to be very good friends,� she said. “I’m just going to miss all of this.� A positive for the team is that the core will be back for next season. The team has two returning freshmen, Petra Ferancova and Tran, and two returning sophomores, Rosaline Dion and Alexandra Perper. However, Perper is the only returning player who

had a winning record in dual match play at 11-8. Greenan said with the experience the returning players have gained and a strong recruiting class, this team has the potential to turn things around next season. “I like the group we have coming back; they’re all hard workers. They’re all going to continue to get better, and they’re young, so we have a lot of time to work with them,� he said. “With a good recruiting class, we should be able to move up in the rankings.� The Lady Bulldogs will travel to Oxford for the SEC Championships on April 19-22 to wrap up the season. State will meet the Vanderbilt Commodores in the first round, a team that beat State 7-0 earlier in the season. Greenan said it will be tough, but he has confidence that his team will leave it all on the court. “We battled them pretty well, and if we can go out there and just do the best we can, we have a shot at taking some matches and possibly the upset,� he said.

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All-SEC player at Auburn from 1993 to 1997 Nebraska assistant the previous two seasons "I don't think there is anything Wes can't do when it comes to coaching. He can go anywhere in the country and recruit, but his greatest contribution is recruiting in the South." –Doc Sadler, head coach of Nebraska

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