The Print Edition 4-24-2012

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Reflector The








State College Board approves stadium expansion, discusses tuition increase BY JOHN GALATAS Campus News Editor

Baseball sweeps Tennessee BY ELLIOTT REES | Staff Writer


he Mississippi State baseball team brought its brooms to Super Bulldog Weekend as the Bulldogs defeated Tennessee three straight games. State has an overall record of 9-3 against the Volunteers under head coach John Cohen and has defeated them in eight straight games. With the series win, MSU got itself in position to make a push for the SEC Tournament, heading down the home stretch with only four conference series remaining. State improved its overall record to 24-16 and 8-10 in the conference. Sophomore shortstop Adam Frazier, who leads the team with a .343 batting average, went 3-10 with three RBIs in the series. Frazier said the sweep is exactly what this team needed, considering the team was swept in its last conference series against No. 7 South Carolina. “It’s huge, especially getting swept last week. We get a sweep this week, and we’re back in it,” he said. “We just have to keep it rolling.” SEE BASEBALL, 10 JAY JOHNSON | THE REFLECTOR

Bulldog alumnus brews some success BY HANNAH ROGERS Editor in Chief

Shane Reed grew up around business. His parents opened Woody’s in Starkville in 1991 and sold it the year he began studying anthropology at Mississippi State University. Thoughts of opening his own business were far from his mind — he wanted to be Indiana Jones. “I wanted to be a professor of archaeology. I love archaeology still. It fascinates me,” he said. “(I was interested in) Mediterranean underwater archaeology. Actually, what I wanted to do was go to grad school in North Carolina. I started working at the movie theater; I grew up in business and knew the way things needed to be done. My parents always focused on customer service.” In order to save money for graduate

school, Reed began working at the movie theater, became the manager after six months and stayed there for three years. He was able to preview the movies before they were released to the public — something that appealed to his inner movie dork. “It was really cool for me, working at the movie theater — especially after three years — (for people to not even look at the list and) come to my line and ask me what (they) should see. I knew the people and what they were like. It was even better when people would come out and say they loved it or ‘you were right — it was bad,’” he said. During his time at the movie theater, Reed said he realized he did not want to leave Starkville and was bitten by the business bug. He started designing the coffee shop that would eventually

become Strange Brew Coffee House while he was working at the theater and eventually quit to work on it full time. He said he believed an ice cream shop like Coldstone — something that was missing from Starkville at the time — would be a welcome addition to the city. The coffee shop, already in the back of his mind, was combined with Coldstone. About 10 years after his parents closed Woody’s, Strange Brew and Coldstone opened in the same building Reed’s father had built — and has been successful for the past seven years. Katelyn Ullmer, Reed’s longtime girlfriend and assistant manager of Strange Brew, began dating him shortly after the coffee shop opened, and eventually became a part of the business and has seen it change over time.


The Mississippi State College Board and Institutions of Higher Learning met Thursday and approved a preliminary request for an increase in tuition and room and board. According to an IHL Finance Committee meeting report, MSU has requested a 6 percent increase in tuition for both resident and non-resident students for the 2013 and 2014 fiscal years. If approved, tuition will increase from $5,805 to $6,153 for 2013 and $6,522 for the 2014 academic year for in-state students. For out-of-state students, tuition will increase from its current $8,865 amount to $9,397 for 2013 and $9,961 for 2014. The board also said the 2014 figures may be adjusted if there is a decrease in enrollment. MSU’s School of Veterinary Medicine will also be affected by the increase as MSU requested a 4.1 per-

cent increase for the 2013 fiscal year and a 3.7 percent increase from 2014 to 2016 for in-state students, as well as a 3.3 percent increase in 2013 and 0.8 percent increase in 2014 for outof-state students. The current in-state tuition will rise from $17,304 to $18,011 in 2013 and could increase to as much as $20,099 in 2016, while out-ofstate tuition will rise from $24,200 to $25,000 in 2013 and $25,200 from 2014 to 2016. The board will vote at its May 7 meeting and continue discussion on the two-year tuition increase plan. According to former SA president Rhett Hobart, the board also passed a proposal authorizing the MSU Educational Building Corporation to issue a maximum amount of $82 million of long-terms bonds to fund the Davis Wade Stadium expansion project. Proceeds will also be used to finance issuance costs. Primary funding source for the contract will come from athletic revenue from football ticket sales.

Students begin to prepare for finals Peers provide tips, advice to survive examination week BY LAUREN CLARK Staff Writer

With exams right around the corner, students at Mississippi State University are looking for ways to study that can maximize learning and minimize distractions. Many MSU students know the clichéd study tips, such as studying during the day or not cramming, but some have found specific ways to help themselves prepare for exam week. For many students, getting away from their dorm rooms or apartments is crucial to studying. Bailey Shoemaker, senior graphic design major, said she needs to find a quiet place away from her normal surroundings to stay on task. “I usually try to go to the library or to McCool or somewhere with study rooms so that I can focus without all the distractions of my apartment,” she said. “I think that works because I am not as tempted to fall asleep or do something else.” Jacob Collins, junior communication major, said he also feels he studies best away from his house. “I do my best work in a public setting,” he said. “Being at home makes me too comfortable, and I am easily distracted.” Bryan Snow, senior communication major, said he likes to study in a public place because he needs the ambient noise to help him focus. “I actually study in kind of busy places,” he said. “I can’t study when it’s completely quiet. So I like somewhere like a restaurant or coffee shop where it isn’t

too quiet or too busy.” While many people suggest studying in the library as a place with minimal distractions, Snow said it is too quiet for him to focus. Other students may find they are able to study at home where they can control what is around them, like senior English major Rachel Mordecki, who said she prefers being in her apartment when she studies. “I stay at home, away from people, and I turn off the TV and internet,” she said. “Usually, I’ll plug in my iPod and focus. It’s all about getting away from distractions.” Besides finding the best place to study, students also should consider things that do not help them focus or retain information. It is important students find ways to avoid these studying methods or make adjustments to maximize benefits. Roshni Patel, junior accounting major, said she is prone to cramming for exams but works hard to study over a longer period of time for finals. “I am bad about cramming for regular tests, but during finals week I like to start studying early,” she said. “I usually wake up early and just study until I get hungry or need a break, and then I start back again afterward.” Mordecki said she also avoids cramming for final exams because she cannot retain the information she reads when she does not study thoroughly. “Staying up all night cramming doesn’t work,” she said. “I found I need sleep far more than going over my notes over and over.” SEE EXAMS, 4

Editor’s Note: This is the last edition of The Reflector for the semester. Follow for updates throughout the summer.

READERʼS GUIDE BAD DAWGS..............................2 OPINION...............................5 CONTACT INFO......................5

CROSSWORD.............................7 CLASSIFIEDS..........................7 LIFE.....................................8 SPORTS................................10







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T U E S D A Y , APRIL 24, 2012


Construction on campus becoming a familar sight Residence halls, football facilities to be completed by first of the year Ledger and The Starkville Daily,” Whatley said. “It’s usually a month-long process Staff Writer of bidding. The lowest bidder is typically Construction on Mississippi State Uni- the one we get a contract with.” MSU currently has several projects in versity is an almost constant occurrence. progress, but stuStudents become accusdents may notice tomed to the assembly of how quickly each one new buildings, demolition is completed. and renovations of older Whatley said the buildings on a regular basis contract the compaall over campus. ny signs once MSU Chris Monson, research has accepted the bid associate professor for buildspecifies a certain ing construction science, amount of calendar said in his 14 years at MSU, days in which the he has seen nonstop conproject must be comstruction on campus. pleted. “Keeping a large conglomJason Walker, seeration of people and buildnior project manager ings going through time of the new Arbor takes constant maintenance, Hall residence halls rebuilding and investment in project with Harrell new things,” Monson said. Contracting group, “As departments, teaching said it is not an easy and research change, those task to meet the reinvestments have to be made. quired amount of That’s our responsibility as a days. university.” DAVID BRYANT, “We have 365 The construction is not as FOOTBALL FACILITY calendar days; we frequent as other universities PROJECT MANAGER started work July 5, in the country, however. 2011 and are sched“Compared to a lot of othuled to finish by July er universities, we’ve had far 5, 2012,” he said. less construction,” he said. “Typically you’d see a “We’re a poor state, and we job of this size being don’t have a lot of funding. We haven’t had a classroom building built done in 14 to 16 months. Twelve months in decades; that’s rare for a place that’s is a real challenge.” To finish on time, the project requires grown as much as we have.” scheduling and plenty of manpower on The contractor is often different for each of these projects. David Whatley, site. “Having built South Hall, we were faconstruction administrator at MSU, acts as the owner’s representative. He said state miliar with what it took to do one (resilaw requires all MSU projects to be pub- dence hall), so we multiplied that times two and worked on scheduling to make licly bid. “We publicly advertise in The Clarion sure we had everything we needed it in BY CANDACE BARNETTE

“Itʼs a never-ending thing. Even if we stopped building things, there would still be construction on campus. Thereʼs stuff that has to be taken care of, remodeled, renovated and fixed up. The construction never stops.”

order to make it,” he said. “On average, we have about 125 people, but that varies. They’re usually at work from about 6:30 in the morning until 7 at night.” David Bryant, over the new football facility project with Jesco, also has to keep large numbers on site to get the job done. On average, they have up to 250 employees on any given day, he said. The football facility is scheduled to be completed within 14 months. Work began in October, and it should be ready by the first of the year. “It’s going to be the complete football program from the strength training, locker rooms, training rooms, auditoriums, multipurpose rooms and facilities, coaching offices, film rooms, injury treatment areas, hot and cold pools and a kitchen all going in one building,” Bryant said. Bryant said the project is tough, but it is achievable. “Fourteen months for a facility of that magnitude is a challenge, but that level of challenge isn’t something we haven’t done before,” he said. “It’s just a short and demanding schedule.” Meeting the deadline, Bryant said, takes lots of additional time and money. “Sometimes you have to work overtime; They generally work from daylight to about 6 p.m., but sometimes they’re pulling concrete at 3 a.m. to beat the heat of the day,” he said. “You take a lot of that into consideration when you bid the contract. You may be forced to spend more money on materials to get them expedited, and you just try to overcome those obstacles that come to you as best you can. It’s a never-ending thing. Even if we stopped building things, there would still be construction on campus. There’s stuff that has to be taken care of, remodeled, renovated and fixed up. The construction never stops.”


Friday, April 20

• 12:06 a.m. A non-resident/visitor was arrested for speeding, DUI and leaving the scene of an accident on Stone Boulevard. • 2:15 a.m. A student was arrested for public drunkenness. • 12:45 p.m. Students were issued referrals for fighting in McCool Hall. • 10:14 p.m. A student was arrested for no headlights and driving under the influence on Maxwell Street. • 11:50 p.m. A non-resident/visitor fell and hit his head on the ground while walking on Barr Avenue. Subject was transported to OCH Regional Medical Center.

Saturday, April 21

• 12:08 a.m. A student was passed out in the grassy area on Stone Boulevard. Subject was transported to OCH Regional Medical Center. • 1:05 a.m. A non-resident/visitor was arrested for minor in possession of alcohol and giving false information on Fraternity Row. • 1:23 a.m. A student was arrested for possession of marijuana in a motor vehicle and driving under the influence on Miss. Highway 182. • 3:00 a.m. A student reported someone threw a rock through his window in Hull Hall.

Sunday, April 22

• 12:08 a.m. A non-resident/visitor was arrested for possession of marijuana at the Phi Delta Theta house. • 1:28 a.m. A student was arrested for driving under the influence and careless driving on University Drive. • 2:02 a.m. An officer responded for a fight in progress at the Phi Delta Theta house. • 2:31 a.m. A student reported her purse was stolen from the Alpha Tau Omega house. • 2:52 a.m. A student was arrested for disorderly conduct in McKee Hall. • 3:27 a.m. An officer retrieved a firearm belonging to a student. • 4:28 a.m. A student was arrested for public drunkenness at the Phi Delta Theta house. • 3:27 a.m. An officer retrieved a firearm belonging to a student. CORRECTION: Campus Activities Board, Student Association, Music Makers and the Athletic Department all worked in tandem to present the Sugarland concert. In Friday’s edition of The Reflector, we did not mention CAB and SA’s efforts and hard work in their part in presenting the concert, and The Reflector regrets this error.



TUESDAY , APRIL 24, 2012

BY HANK DAVIS Staff Writer

Park Wynn said he has goals to benefit the student body as vice president of the Student Association at Mississippi State University in the upcoming school year. As former commissioner of elections and member of the senate, this junior political science major has had his fair share of experience in his time at MSU and said he hopes to make the transition to vice president smoothly. Wynn said he feels he has big shoes to fill, namely those of last year’s vice president, Halston Hales. “Halston created committees that helped to Wynn pass more informed legislation,” he said. “He shook up the framework of the senate and I feel like he did a great job.” Wynn said he and Hales have been working together to improve the election process. “One of the things I’ve worked on with Halston heavily is election reform,” he said. “The Drill Field is typically chaotic during elections, and I think a less harassing environment is something that all students want. I’m hoping to have it finished off by next fall.” Wynn said he hopes to continue to create productivity among the senate and student body by creating an “on and off ” system that utilizes meetings by the senate on the first and third Tuesdays of each month and for all of the committees to meet on the second and fourth Tuesdays to discuss legislation. “Basically, I want the majority of the conversation over legislation to go on during those off meetings,” he said. “I feel like this will lead to a lot more time spent passing legislation during the times that we


MSU takes steps to go green on campus BY ALEX HOLLOWAY Contributing Writer

Mississippi State University has joined in on the movement toward energy efficiency and sustainability. Jeremiah Dumas, assistant research professor and part of the physical plant administration, said MSU has instituted several steps on campus to go green. “We have done a number of things,” he said. “We have implemented a campuswide recycling program, we have developed an environmental purchasing guide, we developed and got approved the MSU Sustainability Policy through the executive council and we work with a number of individuals on campus to help implement sustainability in their everyday decision making processes.” Other steps have also been taken in the initiative to help MSU become energy efficient. According to, MSU has cut energy consumption by 20 percent over the last two years. Paper products are also recycled from 75 buildings across campus.

There have been efforts to get fans to help keep the campus green and clean, including advertisements before football games instructing fans on how to properly dispose of and recycle waste. Dumas said MSU has been planning future projects to increase sustainability, such as a campus-wide lighting retrofit, campuswide building controls and a thermal storage project at the central plant. He also said the response from administration has been encouraging. “It has gone well,” Dumas said. “With the president signing the President’s Climate Commitment in 2009, it has shown administrative buy in. There are still obstacles to overcome that deal primarily with cultural bias, but those things only change with education and success.” MSU works with and reaches out to students through the Students for a Sustainable Campus group. Liz Kazal, founding member of Students for a Sustainable Campus, said she has been pleased with energy efficiency efforts on campus. One initiative the group has developed is Energy Wars, an effort to get students in

residence halls to cut back on energy use. Kazal said the initiative was successful and produced $35,000 in savings. Another initiative the group has pushed is the Green Fund, an opt-in fund that would be used to fund energy efficiency and sustainability projects on campus, as well as purchasing renewable energy. The Green Fund was voted on and passed by the student body in the Fall 2011 semester. “I think students have been very supportive,” Kazal said. “We’ve had overwhelmingly positive response and engagement. I think students are starting to realize that we all use energy and need to reduce consumption.” She said the Students for a Sustainable Campus are working with the administration, staff and students to set up plans for the future, and they hope to have a grantstyle system and to have input from students in future endeavors. “We want to have transition from the classroom to implementation on campus,” she said. “We want to show that MSU believes in the education they’re getting and that it’s empowering to the students.

EXAMS Collins said avoiding the cram craze is hard for him because of his busy schedule, so he tries to make sure to give himself time before the test. “A tip I’ve heard is to start studying a week ahead of time,” he said. “Unfortunately, because of the fast pace and high stress of school and work, I am rarely able to do this.” Patel said she chooses to study alone instead of in a group because she finds other students can distract her from her notes. “I have been told that studying in groups can be good, but from my own experience, unless everyone is focused, you won’t really get anywhere with your work,” she said. Shoemaker said she only studies with others if they have a plan to help each other rather than socialize during the study time. “I can’t really study in groups unless we are quizzing each other or helping with some type of math or science problem,” she said. “When I have to read or focus and other people are talking, it can be distracting, and it won’t really soak in.”



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meet as the senate body.” Wynn also said he wants to increase relevancy between students on campus and senate legislation by generating campus-wide conversations and raising public interest and awareness. He said he believes one of the strong points of his campaign and a key to his election is his experience with the Student Association. Wynn’s biggest plans entail working more closely with the faculty senate to sponsor more ideas and gaining their support when pushing legislation in student senate. “I also think that my focus on popular issues among students generated a lot of support,” he said. “Traffic and parking, for example, have become big concerns on campus, and I believe those topics really catch student ears.” In the past year, issues with parking have become a concern among students on campus due to the large student body along with the chaos on the Drill Field during elections. Wynn’s platform included plans to handle these and other problems. The Twitter feed “@MSU_Problems” often conveyed student opinions and raised awareness of these issues during the school year. He said he thinks his approach toward the things students have expressed concern over gave him an edge in the election and he hopes to live up to expectations. Wynn said his biggest goal as vice president is to leave the Student Association in a better state than he found it. He said he feels creating a bigger, more productive agenda will benefit MSU greatly and will attempt to gain student recognition and involvement. “I want the issues going through senate to be bigger, and of more importance,” he said. “It may take a few years, but we hope to one day hear students talking about what is happening in the senate between classes and around campus.”


Some students at Mississippi State University spend time studying in the library during finals, while others find various alternative study spots around Starkville.

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Wynn makes plans for students as VP

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tuesday , april 24, 2012

school of human sciences adds graduate degrees By Emma Crawford News Editor

The School of Human Sciences is now welcoming graduate students who wish to pursue a master’s degree or Ph. D. in Human Development and Family Studies, and a new graduate program will allow them to do so here at Mississippi State University. Students can enroll in the master’s degree program now for the fall semester of 2012. H o w e v e r, the Ph. D. will not be offered until the fall of 2013. According to a press release, the Worthy Human Development and Family Studies programs will be interdisciplinary lifespan approaches to the study of children, youth and families. Specifically, HDFS includes infant and child studies, youth studies, family resource management and gerontology. This program will strive to prepare graduate students to go on to positively affect the lives of children, youth and their families. Students who complete this

courtesy photo | the reflector

Strange Brew Coffeehouse is a Starkville favorite known for its creative coffee blends. It is owned by Shane Reed, a former MSU student.

graduate program will be ready to work to further research and policy relating to young children, youth and families and also to be effective leaders who will develop, manage and evaluate these areas as well. Sheri Worthy, graduate coordinator and professor of human sciences, said the new graduate program will be a positive asset not only to MSU but to the state of Mississippi and its development in the world of human sciences as well. “We envision the new graduate degree programs in HDFS will produce both tangible and intangible benefits by contributing to the development of human capital in the state of Mississippi,” she said. “These benefits will be realized through research, program development, implementation and evaluation and preparation of professionals in the field of human development and family studies.” For more information regarding the master’s degree or Ph. D., please contact Worthy at 325-0918 or Students who wish to apply for the master’s degree in HDFS can visit www.grad.


The Reflector online

for exclusive news.


continued from 1

In addition to coming up with new ideas “He has put his heart and soul and blood and sweat and tears into this place.,” she said. for Strange Brew and Coldstone, Reed has “We’ve definitely learned as we’ve gone, some begun Social Brew, which marries his love of things are business and you can’t take some running businesses to his enjoyment of social things personally. It’s hard to learn that at first. media. Social Brew, a consulting firm that teaches He’s learned a lot as a business owner about managing … he’s growing and learning as the small business how to employ social media, has been in the works for about three years. business goes. It’s been a fun ride.” “I was at a coffee conference probably three Ullmer said she believes Reed is a genius years ago. We’d been on and an example of someone Twitter already. The conferwho did what he loved in ence didn’t even acknowllife and had it pay off. edge it … they talked about “He wakes up every Facebook and Myspace,” morning with another milhe said. lion dollar idea. He needs Reed said that his to be in three places at once, anthropology studies actupretty much, to accomplish ally helped prepare him for everything he wants to do,” social media use and intershe said. “He’s a special peracting with different people, son, and I think Starkville and he believes other small is lucky to have him. His businesses need to learn brain works in ways difhow to connect with their ferent than ours, he has so customers through these many different ideas, and new mediums. However, they’re all awesome. I spend he finally had to push hima lot of time as a sounding Katelyn self to release it, despite his board for all his stuff, which ullmer, constant reworkings. is all great.” “Sometimes I have ideas Although Reed works assistant manager and perfect them before extremely hard, Ullmer said of strange brew I put them out there. they still make time on the coffeehouse Sometimes I have problems weekends to pursue interputting things out; I keep ests outside of the store — tweaking them,” he said. including antique shopping. Something of a minor celebrity for his use “We always go and buy weird stuff no one else wants. It’s dusty, and we can’t really tell of Twitter (and other social media outlets), Reed has been covered by national medium what it is, but we like it,” she said. Reed, a self-proclaimed bibliophile, visits outlets and has considered the idea of teaching the book section first when he walks into social medium classes. “I want to have a social brew class upstairs, antique stores. “If it’s a good price, if there’s anything from 10 to 15 people. One would be a very beginlike the 1800s for two or three dollars, I’m sav- ning social media class,” he said. “Also, we’re ing it, and I’m going to get it. I have a decent going to have an advanced class for businesses or for someone who wants to dork out with collection,” he said. Although Reed works hard, he still finds me. That’s why we’re going to call it Social Brew, to come brew some ideas.” time to enjoy watching movies. Even as Reed expands his interests, he still “He sees the kid movies, he sees everything, he doesn’t want to miss anything. He really has time to create new drinks for Strange Brew enjoys that,” Ullmer said. “It’s good for him, — everything from Girl Scout cookie frappes too. It’s one time he can zone out from being to Butterbeer ice cream root beer floats. Bob Carskadon, who has worked at Strange a small business owner. That’s hard to do Brew as a brewista for five years on and off, sometimes. You’re always on call.”

“He is a good testament to Mississippi State as a graduate who stayed in the area and gives back to the local community.”

PHI MU Would Like to Congratulate Our Following Graduates: Betsy Acklen - Brandon MS Presley Barbare - Anthe, AZ Victoria Bass - Brandon, MS Alanna Blaine - Starkville, MS Bailee Bowman - Collierville, TN Brittany Brooks - Starkville, MS Courtney Cates - Vancleave, MS Kyle Durkin - Columbus, MS Kaitlyn Ellis - Vicksburg, MS Hollie Fagan - Vicksburg, MS Kelsey Givan - Ridgeland, MS Elise Halford - Oxford, MS Anna Herndon - Gulfport, MS Lauren Holt - Flomaton, AL Devin Johnson - Bartlett, TN Morgan Jones - Tifton, GA Lisa Lamberth - Tupelo, MS Ali Lundy - Baytown, TX Kelsey Marchak - Columbus, MS Melissa Marchak - Columbus, MS Mary Catherine McDonnieal- Madison, MS Elizabeth Ann Miskelly - Flowood, MS Kiersten Pate - Tupelo, MS Madison Phillips - Columbus, MS Jessica Phillips - Olive Branch, MS


Pebbles Purvis - Collins, MS Sarah Risley - Fayetteville, GA Jenna Sellers - Carthage, MS Shelby Sirmon - Brandon, MS Lauren Stanley - Waynesboro, MS Ivy Strohm - Rogers, AR Bailey Sullivan - Fairhope, AL Mary Stanton Toler - Jackson, MS Laura Touchstone - Meridian, MS Katie VanBuskirk - Belden, MS Brittany Williams - Oxford, MS Olivia Wilson - Moss Point, MS Holly Farlow- ridgeland, MS Emily Hayes- Columbus, MS Liz Grimes- Pelham, AL Etta Laura- Bentonia, MS Jesse Pace- Flowood, MS Brittney Kapka – Mount Prospect, IL Brooke Harris- Ocean Springs, MS Rebecca Ross- Madison, MS Christy McCool- Brandon, MS Bethany Whitlock- Pascagoula, MS Victoria Bass- Brandon, MS Elizabeth Gullett- Starkville, MS Summer Ready- Monticello, MS

Good Luck Girls!

said he has enjoyed working late and being part of the creative process. “The favorite times I’ve had up there, as much as you hate working till midnight, have been working on new drinks with Shane,” he said. “We’ve made some stuff that was pretty bad, but we’ve made things that were very, very good.” Throughout the years, Strange Brew has seen changes, but Reed said he has been lucky to have fun crews and has enjoyed seeing them go onto new things. Carskadon, who is now the general manager of Bulldog Sports Radio, began to develop a relationship with Reed based on their mutual interest in sports before getting a job as a brewista. “Shane was great. He got me through college. I will forever be grateful for that,” he said. “As I was trying to get a start in journalism, he would work with me on that. He’s always been supportive of me and everything I’ve done outside of Strange Brew. And it’s not just me, I’m an example of that.” To Ullmer, every day with Reed is a story. “There’s so much he wants to do, you kind of have to pick a direction. He’s got so much going on, and it’s all really good,” she said. “He’s a really hard worker. He’s worked really hard to make everyone else happy.” At Strange Brew, Carskadon said the crew became like a family through working together. And even though he has moved on from making coffee, the relationship he formed with Reed remains. “He’s a great guy, a good boss and now I consider him a good friend,” he said. “You walk in there when Shane’s working, and he will greet you with a big smile.” Ullmer said she is excited to see where Reed goes next. “He is a good testament to Mississippi State as a graduate who stayed in the area and gives back to the local community,” she said. As a businessman, Reed has not left behind his roots as a graduate of MSU. “I have a picture of when I was 3 years old with a Mississippi State jersey on, I always knew I was going to Mississippi State, I love Mississippi State, and I have a very cheesy love in my heart for being a Bulldog,” he said. “I’m never going to forget that.”

The School of Human Sciences Will Begin Offering the Following Graduate Degrees:

*M.S. in Human Development and Family Studies fall 2012 *Ph.D. in Human Development and Family Studies fall 2013 *HDFS is an interdisciplinary lifespan approach to the study of children, youth, and families. It encompasses specialty areas in infant and child studies, youth studies, family studies, family resource management, and gerontology. * For information about admission criteria and curricula, please contact Dr. Sheri Worthy, Graduate Coordinator at 662-325-0918 or To apply for the master’s degree in HDFS go to

The Reflector is

for the 2012-2013 school year. Interested students can pick up a application in the Henry Meyer Student Media Center next to the University Florist.

tuesday , april 24, 2012






Internet age hinders social relationships O ne of my favorite things about the relationship I have with my future husband is we’re both nerds. We will unashamedly claim that stereotype any day. Lately, our visits with each other involve watching several episodes of the science fiction masterpiece “Doctor Who” on Netflix. While some may say it’s hokey, geeky or weird, I find it to be fascinating and entertaining. In other words, I love it. A few weeks ago, as we were making our way through the second season of the newest series, I saw an episode that was thought-provoking and, well, disturbing. Disturbing, because its premise didn’t seem too farfetched from our present “first world problems” society. Allow me to explain. The Doctor, Rose and Mickey are traveling though space and time in the TARDIS and fall out of the time vortex into a parallel universe (fine, that part’s far-fetched). In this parallel universe, citizens of London are extremely high-tech. Each person has a set of “EarPods” that look like wireless headphones. They wear them at all times and are instantly linked into a system that allows information to be sent directly to their heads. No reading, no watching, just having information downloaded for them. It’s easy, convenient and ideal for their busy lives. As you can imagine, the system is corrupt and an evil villain uses their dependence on the EarPods to brainwash them into becoming robots. What struck me about this particular two-part episode was not fear of being brainwashed and turned into robots (yet); it was the idea of the EarPods. The parallel universe people used them for everything — news, weather, entertainment, etc. They never took them off. Does that sound a little familiar? I’m as guilty as the next person for loving my iPhone. I use it to check email, check the weather, check my grades and share funny YouTube videos when the moment is right. It’s usually within arm’s reach at all times. Is this because I’m a normal 20-something who is plugged into the world around her, or am I that dependent on my phone? It seems like everything we use is catered specifically to our busy, hectic lives. I have the world at my fingertips when I hold my iPhone. Facebook,

Mary Chase Breedlove is a junior majoring in communication. She can be contacted at opinion@ for example, allows us to keep in touch with the people we love without actually having to see or speak to them. And how about Google, which recently re-vamped its privacy policy? Google users (like myself ) now have the luxury of Google combining data about what the content of his or her emails are, keeping tabs on the YouTube videos they watch and the searches they perform, all for personal convenience. I’m certainly not slamming Google and Facebook, nor am I encouraging everyone to delete everything and stay off the computer. I’m thankful for my Gmail and for being able to keep up with my friends in England and Germany. My point is, to what degree do we rely on these technologies? Do we have power over the things we enjoy, or do they give us the impression that we’re in control while they control our lives because we are hopelessly addicted to them? I recently watched a Frontline documentary called “Digital Nation.” One of the interviewees talked about her dependence on her Blackberry — saying she couldn’t imagine life without it. Wow. She couldn’t imagine life without her Blackberry — a device she uses for communication and entertainment that will never love her back? Really? I hope she wasn’t serious about that statement. It’s phrases like those that scare me. It makes the fictional world of “Doctor Who” seem not so far away. Here’s my challenge to you, dear readers. Enjoy your iPhones, make your Facebook page edgy and sensational and relish in Google. But understand that you can, in fact, live without them. See to it that you can. Go for a day or two without being connected to everything all at once. Place your loyalty in those around you — the living, breathing, flesh-and-blood humans who want to invest in you. Be hopelessly addicted to good conversation and friendship. Let your relationships be the things you find hard to imagine life without.

“Do we have power over the things we enjoy, or do they give us the impression that we’re in control while they control our lives because we are hopelessly addicted to them?”


Students should seek truths of morality


omebody in class the other day, in response to the question of whether people are born with an appreciation for good and bad, replied, “No, we just decide ourselves.” The remark made me suspect something, not just about him, but about society as a whole. I don’t think most people have thought this issue through. I don’t think people are aware of just what they are getting when they deal with morality like this. Now let me qualify something: I am not trying to say that morals are objective or subjective. I have an opinion on that, but it’s not the purpose of this editorial. I am merely trying to bring to attention the idea that most people haven’t really come to terms with the implications of their worldview. I think we do this in a lot of ways, but certainly with eth-

ics. I recently saw a news report on CNN about a homeless man who was beaten by two college students. What makes the report stick in my mind is the fact that the students videotaped themselves beating him. As he desperately tried to crawl away, the students took turns punching and kicking the innocent man. It was an awful scene. As a side note, the students were later arrested after they put their video on Facebook. Justice served. As CNN played the clip over and over, I raged. I was mad because of what I was seeing. I knew there was something very wrong about beating a helpless person for fun. But what troubles me more is the fact that if I held to moral relativism, where right and wrong are just the result of me deciding for myself, then I would have no authority to say that what the students did was

“Stop borrowing from other people’s worldviews.”

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Ben Hester is a sophomore majoring in communication. He can be contacted at opinion@ actually wrong. It could certainly be wrong in a relative sense, but only for me. Again, this is not to say that I couldn’t think what they did was wrong. In fact, I would be appalled if I did not think that way. But on the basis of my worldview, I could only say what they did was wrong because I think it is wrong, and for no other reason. After all, what would happen if the assailants made the claim that they were innocent? Now who is right? Without objec-

tive standards, nobody is. We couldn’t even reason with one another, because we would have no common ground. Students are not the only guilty ones. In fact, it seems that most people do this. I cannot tell you how many conversations I have gotten myself into where people will profess moral relativism, yet hold nothing back when they condemn the actions of others as morally atrocious. And it’s not just morals where we do this. From a broader perspective, I think we do the same thing when discussing truth, religion and politics. We ignore the inevitable and believe the illogical. Of course it is possible you already know this. If this is the case, then I just wish that you would think about your stances and be honest with the consequences of your worldviews. Stop borrowing from other people’s worldviews, and vigorously seek the truth.




tuesday , april 24, 2012




Kardashians misunderstood, secretly awesome

The Do’s and Don’t’s F of sex, relationships T

he school year is coming to an end. Finals season has descended upon us with its heavy veil of research papers, Scantrons and panic attacks. As I bid farewell to this semester, I’m also saying goodbye to my career as an undergraduate, my life in Mississippi and my time working for The Reflector. I hope with all my moody little heart that some of you have enjoyed my work in this column. I have tried with the best of my abilities and intentions to write in an entertaining way on a subject I find extremely relevant, and I have really enjoyed the process. Here in my final column, I leave you with some Do’s and Don’t’s of sex and relationships. Do: Think for yourself. I think about sex all the time, and not in a weird “reading magazines in my mom’s basement” sort of way. Writing this column challenged me to think about the subject even more, and I feel I’ve grown because of it. Decide for yourself how you feel about sex. Make your own decisions. No one else has to live with your consequences, so don’t let them make your choices. Remember what Lady Gaga taught us — sometimes being a huge freak could make you a millionaire, so go for it! Don’t: Give into shame. Don’t let jerks make you feel like crap. Don’t be a jerk and make anyone else feel like crap. Have enough respect for your fellow humans to respect their abilities to make decisions about their bodies and lives. In the end, all we have is each other and the choices we’ve made. (And tacos.) Let’s be proud of our choices and each other. (And let’s, as a society, eat more tacos.)

Rachel Perkins is a senior majoring in English. She can be contacted at opinion@reflector. Do: Figure out what works for your body. Figure out what gets you off and then do that, like, all the time. Life is like a box of chocolates — every single part of it should be really freaking delicious. Don’t settle for off brand when you can have the real thing. Get you some Oreos, thank me later. (Oreos = orgasms. I love both.) Don’t: Be stupid. Use condoms. Use birth control. Use your brains. How many times do I have to say this before you all stop being so pregnant all the time? Do: Look out for each other. Friendships are relationships, too. Most of what I know about life, sex and cooking I’ve learned from my friends. Life is like that. You would not be the person you are today without the combined efforts of every human you’ve ever encountered. Listen to them, hug them and look out for them. Do: Have a sense of a humor. Sex is awesome, but let’s be honest — it’s awkward. The thing is, I love awkward. The best sex happens when both people aren’t afraid to acknowledge something uncomfortable. Acknowledging the weirdness will allow the two of you

“Writing this column challenged me to think about the subject even more.”

to become closer. For example, think about the faces people make during sex. That’s hilarious. When men finish, they make the silliest faces. It’s this weird combination of surprise and self-congratulation. It’s like, “Whoa! I did it again! Go me!” Don’t: Freak out. Life is short. (Duh, Rachel.) It’s also really long. (Again, duh. Who lets you write these things anyway, Rachel?) We have a limited amount of time to fall in love and have amazing sex and write terrible poetry about it. We are also lucky enough to get to fall in love a whole bunch and have a whole bunch of amazing sex and write a whole bunch of terrible poetry. Don’t get bogged down by the enormity of it all. After all, Jack and Rose were only together for, like, a day and “Titanic” is the greatest love story ever told. Go for it. Find the person you would jump for, but the odds are, there’s more than one person out there who would jump for you. Live life like one of those French girls. (And by that I mean naked.) I hope you all find success in future endeavors of sex, relationships and crossword puzzles. I hope you embrace life with the excitement of a tween. I hope anxiety isn’t the only thing keeping you up all night in the next couple of weeks. I wish you all a lifetime of good nights and better mornings. If you need me, I’ll be in bed (cradling my English degree and crying, just a little). Remember to thank your parents for having sex so you can exist. Remember to have fun. Remember you’re the best. Remember other people have a lot of feelings, too. Remember we’re young. Remember we won’t be forever. Remember the Titans. Remember how it felt to be nervous and ready like this. Be good, do your best and love hard. I’ll catch you on the flip side.

or my last article as opinion editor, I wanted to write about something that matters. I wanted to write about something that is important to me. I wanted to write about something I believe in. Naturally, I arrived at the realization that I need to write in support of the Kardashian sisters. That’s right; I’m a senior honors college student who cannot get enough of the stylish, strong Kourtney, Kim and Khloe. And I know I’m not alone; there are those of you out there who sneak into your rooms at 9 every Sunday night and faithfully watch whatever Kardashian happens to be blessing the screen. So, let me defend my admiration for these ladies and dispel some misunderstandings I have heard. The Kardashians are only famous because of Kim’s leaked home sex tape. This is so, so wrong. Keeping Up with the Kardashians on E! actually premiered before Kim’s sex tape was leaked. Why did they get a show in the first place? Ryan Seacrest was a friend of the family and thought they were entertaining enough for reality TV But it’s not like this family just popped up out of nowhere. They were on the upper class social scene due to the legal success of the late Robert Kardashian (father of the girls and defense attorney for the O.J. Simpson trial) and the Olympic success of the former Kris Kardashian, now Kris Jenner’s, now-husband Bruce Jenner. (Remember? He won like a ton of Olympic medals?) The sisters are famous for being famous and do nothing. First of all, Kourtney, Kim and

Wendy Morell is the opinion editor of The Reflector. She can be contacted at opinion@reflector. Khloe are absolutely gorgeous. Kourtney’s hilarious monotone comments and down-to-earth nature, Kim’s immaculate style and kindness and Khloe’s wit and sassy outlooks on life are absolutely endearing and captivating to an audience. They are relatable and driven. So, let’s say, for a moment, they are famous for just being pretty faces. So what? There are tons of celebrities famous for just being famous, like … all models and supermodels and, let’s be honest, a vast majority of the music industry. And those girls surely knew how to ride their success; whether it is actually their business decisions or hiring the right people, the Ks always have a project going. They have opened multiple stores across the nation, have written books, have started clothing lines for QVC and Sears, have endorsed numerous products, have hosted many events and are constantly modeling for different campaigns and magazines. They’re the dumbest girls I’ve ever seen. And you’re the meanest person ever! The Kardashian empire is reportedly worth millions and The

Reflector Editor in Chief Hannah Rogers Managing Editor Kaitlyn Byrne

Chief Designer Zack Orsborn

Multimedia Editor Eric Evans

zack orsborn | the reflector




Garden Homes of Highlands Plantation

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millions of dollars, more than you’ll probably make in your lifetime. They are smart businesswomen, like it or not, and have kept their success going for years, so far. Also, they choose to show their personal lives on television; although some of it may be scripted or guided, those are the real events happening in their lives. It’s comforting to watch them struggle with life problems; it reminds you that no matter how much money you have, there will always be challenges to overcome. I applaud them for undergoing public scrutiny for their lives in order to appease their fans. Many people wouldn’t broadcast their problems for any amount of money. I’ve been very vocal about my love for the Kardashian girls. If you’ve ever been around me and said something negative about them, you know you have gotten at least a dirty look. They make mistakes, they help others and they look super classy doing it. My sister, mom and I even play “Kardashians” sometimes. It sounds crazy, but it makes the dinner table so much more fun. My 3-year-old niece sounds adorable when we make her say, “I’m going to marry Mason Dash.” And, since I am from the New Orleans area, I literally almost cried when I found out Khloe and Lamar were going to move to New Orleans. I was convinced we were going to cross paths, exchange clever banter and become instant friends. But, until that happens, I’ll just keep watching their shows and glamming it up. And if you still don’t believe in the Kardashians, that’s your loss. Bible.


News Editor Emma Crawford

Campus News Editor John Galatas

Sports Editor Kristen Spink

Life Editor Kaitlin Mullins

Opinion Editor Wendy Morell

Copy Editor Candace Barnette

Photography Editor Jay Johnson

Copy Editor Mary Chase Breedlove

CONTACT INFORMATION Editor in Chief/Hannah Rogers 325-7905 Managing Editor/Kaitlyn Byrne 325-8991 News Editor/Emma Crawford 325-8819 News tips/John Galatas 325-7906

Letters to the editor should be sent to the Meyer Student Media Center or mailed to The Reflector, PO Box 5407, Mississippi State, MS. Letters may also be emailed to Letters must include name and telephone number for verification purposes. The editor reserves the right to edit or refuse to publish a letter.

Opinion Editor/Wendy Morell Sports Editor/Kristen Spink 325-5118 Life Editor/Kaitlin Mullins 325-8883 Photography Editor/Jay Johnson 325-1584 Advertising sales/Julia Pendley

EDITORIAL POLICY The Reflector is the official student newspaper of Mississippi State University. Content is determined solely by the student editorial staff. The contents of The Reflector have not been approved by Mississippi State University.




The Reflector staff strives to maintain the integrity of this paper through accurate and honest reporting. If we publish an error we will correct it. To report an error, call 325-7905.

tuesday , april 24 , 2012 | 7




1 Calm 8 High chairs? 15 Experts 16 Harvard’s __ Library 17 Attacked on the fly 18 1996 Olympics city 19 1984 Nobel Peace Prize winner 20 Per diem hire 22 Longish blog post 23 Blue Note’s parent co. 24 Diddly 25 BYU, e.g. 26 What gets Obama started? 28 Reaction at the gas pump 30 Juillet is in it 33 Ancient inhabitant of Western Europe 37 Cite 38 Diddly 39 1997 Spacey/Crowe movie 41 Around-the-world journalist 42 __ country 43 Pelé’s given name 45 Like many dicts. 46 Naturalist on California’s state quarter 49 Sold-out letters 50 Thrifty rival 53 Red states?: Abbr. 54 Sylvia of jazz 55 Tommy’s forte 57 Follower of the Bushido code 59 Western port named for a fur tycoon 60 Trendy 61 Time to relax 62 Crowd annoyance Down 1 Pilsner choice 2 Youngest Oscar winner 3 Relevance 4 Old Testament twin 5 Org. that added “Explosives” to its name in 2003 6 Center of the Minoan civilization 7 Large sea duck 8 Meet deal 9 Young beaver 10 Hot air

11 __ law 12 Some seaside retreats 13 Spanakopita need 14 Inbox, sometimes 21 Early alcázar castle resident 24 Variance issuer, often 25 “Bei Mir Bist Du __”: 1930s song 27 Enemy of un ratón 29 “The Best of the Alternative Press” magazine, familiarly 30 International Wa s h i n g t o n neighborhood 31 Custom 32 Tolkien creature 34 Help with 35 Chisholm Trail city 36 Installed, as brick 37 Org. with an “At Bat” app 40 Mil. honors 44 Comparatively curious 45 South __, N.J. 47 Latin bears 48 “That __”: signoff

4-24-12 Solutions for 4-20-12

coronation stone 50 “C’mon, be __!” 51 Crossword-solving 58 Fair y queen of folklore Simpson 52 1998 animated film 53 Leave rolling in the aisles 54 Ring contest 5 6 _ _ F á i l : Ir i s h

BULLETIN BOARD CLASSIFIEDS POLICY The deadline for Tuesday’s paper is 3 p.m. Thursday; the deadline for Friday’s paper is 3 p.m. Tuesday. Classifieds are $5 per issue. Student and staff ads are $3 per issue, pre-paid. Lost and found: found items can be listed for free; lost items are listed for standard ad cost. for sale Ziggy’s Buy & Sell. Don’t throw it away! Get cash for your used furniture and other items. We sell everything from furniture to antiques to music. 434 Miss. Highway 12 West, look for the orange sign with Ziggy’s picture, or call 312-8895. Faculty investment opportunity. Enjoy benefits of retirement now, as you teach. Live in your five-plex on Oktibbeha County Lake, and let rentals pay your mortgage. 340’ waterfront, five-plex, dock, skiboat. $342,000 firm. 418-2790. for rent “Lodge at the Lake.” Great one bedroom, waterfront, dock, appliances, washer/dryer, free cable and fast-access Internet. See now. Available May 1 for 15 months. $525/month. Pet friendly. 418-2790. AVALON Large two and three bedroom apartments from $729 per month. Reserve your apartment today for fall. liveatavalonapts. com. Rates include cable, Internet and all appliances; unfurnished. One bedroom mobile home for rent. One mile from campus. Hunting and fishing privileges. Pet friendly for additional fee. $350 per month. Lease and deposit required. Call 418-8555. Pasture boarding also available. On a lake, furnished, one-bedroom apartment. Available June 1 for 14-month lease at $525 per month. TV cable, water, sewer, high-speed wireless Internet provided. You pay electricity. Call Bob at 418-2790. One, two, three and four bedroom apartments available for fall 2012. $400 to $1,600 per month. No pets. Call Barbara at 418-8603.

One bedroom with all appliances, including washer, dryer and microwave. Very close to campus. Call 323-5186, 341-5186 or 6489519. ATTENTION! Apartment for male sublease from May through July at 21 Apartments. May rent paid. Rent for June and July is $425 per month. Contact Quell at 205-8617899. Two bedroom/two bath apartment in the Highlands. Two car garage, washer/dryer, all major appliances. Spacious layout, huge closets, two private balconies. Sublease for June and July. $325 per month. Call 601-479-5993 or 601-4798142 for details. Large house with three or four bedrooms, two baths, fireplace and deck. New kitchen, baths, paint. Large lot on cul-de-sac just off of MSU campus, 205 Setter Lane. Available Aug. 1. $1800 per month. Call 662-324-6443. Sublease. One bedroom in the Cotton District. 103-0 N. Nash St. $500 per month. Call 662-207-1181 for information. Available May 1. HelP WanteD Bartending. Up to $300 / day. No experience necessary. Training available. Call 800-965-6520 ext. 213. Attention students: $15 starting pay. Flexible hours around class. Customer sales and service. No experience required. Call 2685097. Accounting/bookkeeping representative for Brundage Furnitures. Interested persons should send a cover letter with his or her resume to brundagelarry@ Job opportunity. Spanish interpreter for the Mississippi Department of Human Services. Full-time position. Bachelor degree or higher located in northern regions of Mississippi. Contact Laura Parker at 601-8506761. Job opening. Part-time personal trainer position open in a Columbus fitness facility. Must have completed at least three

years of college in a fitness field and/or have a nationallyrecognized certification. Sent resumes to: JOB OPENING P.O. Box 8747, Columbus, MS 39705. CLUB INFO The deadline for Tuesday’s paper is 3 p.m. Thursday; deadline for Friday’s paper is 3 p.m. Tuesday. MSU student organizations may place free announcements in Club Info. Information may be submitted by email to club_info@reflector. with the subject heading “CLUB INFO,” or a form may be completed at The Reflector office in the Student Media Center. A contact name, phone number and requested run dates must be included for club info to appear in The Reflector. All submissions are subject to exemption according to space availability. BaPtIst stUDent UnIon The BSU at Mississippi State invites all students to our weekly worship service, PRIORITY, on Tuesday nights at 6:15. You are also invited to a $5 home-cooked meal, called NOONDAY, on Wednesdays at noon. The BSU Center is located directly across the street from Campus Book Mart. All students are welcome. Visit for more information. CaMPUs BIBle stUDents Intensive Bible study Tuesdays at 7 p.m. in room 324 of the Union. All are welcome. Email tns54@pss. for more information. CatHolIC stUDent assoCIatIon The CSA invites you to join us each week at St. Joseph’s Catholic Church. Student mass is on Sundays at 5:30 p.m. Good food and fun fellowship can be had at $2 dinners on Tuesday at 6 p.m., followed by weekly/Bible study at 7 p.m. Come to one of these events and learn more ways to get involved! If you would like to receive more information, join our Facebook group “Catholic Student Association” in the Mississippi State network.

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Life & Entertainment SA hosts campus-wide garage sale at Davis Wade 8


tuesday , april 24, 2012

By casey smith Staff Writer

The third-annual Dawghouse Deals event will be held on May 5 from 7 a.m. to 11 a.m. at Davis Wade Stadium. Dawghouse Deals is a large garage sale held by the Student Association Environmental Affairs committee. The committee places storage boxes around campus where students moving out of the dorms or just cleaning out their places of residence can donate their used goods. Halston Hales, former SA vice president, helped plan this event three years ago after he saw a need on campus. “The ultimate goal of this sale is to reduce waste,” he said. “The amount of stuff thrown away from these dorms is frustrating when you know other


people could benefit.” Hales said they wanted to use this sale as a way to reduce waste on campus and benefit the students. “All the proceeds of Dawghouse Deals go directly to the Mississippi State University Student Relief Fund, which is distributed by the Dean of Students’ Office,” he said. Hales said the fund provides aid to students who have been affected by disaster and need assistance. In its first year, the fund donated money to the students affected by apartment fires. Students may receive money, books or other items they are in need of from the fund. Last year, the money went to the victims of the Alabama tornadoes. Hales said the event was modeled after the University of Notre Dame’s Old 2 Gold sale, which

raises around $20,000 each year and has hundreds of people volunteer. He said he wants Dawghouse Deals to have success like that in the future. Hayden Nix, director of the environmental affairs committee, said the sale has been growing each year and there has definitely been an increase in sales since Hales helped start the event three years ago. The committee said it is really hoping to ramp it up and get more attendance this year. “Our ultimate goal is instead of having to pick furniture up, we want to have so many donations an 18-wheeler has to pick everything up,” he said. Linn Sekkenes, former director of environmental affairs, had a hand in planning the event both this year and last year. She said starting next week, students can drop off anything from non-

perishable food items to used fur- way for students who are moving niture. to stock up on “People can what they need. expect just about Both Nix anything,” she and Sekkenes said. “Last year encouraged one of the fratereveryone to get nities was redoto the sale very ing their house early. so we got all of “We showed their couches up at around 6 and other furnia.m. last year ture.” and there were She said typialready cars cally nothing at parked across the sale is priced the street waitover $50. ing for us to “Mattresses unlock the usually sell for halston hales, gate,” Nix said. around $10, former sa vice Sekkenes couches go for president said almost around $50 and everything sells clothes for about within the first a dollar or two,” she said. couple of hours. If any goods do She said this is a really cheap not sell, the Palmer Home picks it

“The ultimate goal of this sale is to reduce waste. The amount of stuff thrown away from these dorms is frustrating when you know other people could benefit.”

up so nothing is wasted. Everyone in the community and on campus is invited to donate goods and attend the sale on May 5. The sale will take place in the east concourse of Davis Wade Stadium next to the student entrance. Nix said storage boxes will be located on campus behind Cresswell Hall and Hathorn Hall, in between Rice Hall and South Hall, on the oneway street in front of Building 3, behind Ruby Hall and on Fraternity Row. Directions and donation times will be posted on the storage boxes. May 4 will be the last day to donate items. Largersized furniture will be picked up as long as it is on university property. For more information or to donate, contact Hayden Nix at

Apparel, textiles, merchandising seniors exhibit projects By Zack OrsBOrn Chief Designer

After years of designing and merchandising, graduating seniors in the apparel, textiles and merchandising program will have the chance to showcase their projects tomorrow in this year’s senior exposition. Charles Freeman, apparel, textiles and merchandising instructor, said the exposition will encompass several aspects of the program. “The projects are going to be namely senior projects that will be ranging anywhere from garments and original student design, to projects that involve sustainability and repurposed products to merchandising, store plans and branding strategies,” he said. “There will be extremely creative, original designs up to

retailing, selling and the financial aspects of the program.” The seniors in the program have been creating their projects since the beginning of their college career. “They have been working on some of these projects for four years. It’s basically a compilation of their best work that they have done at their time at Mississippi State,” Freeman said. Freeman teaches a visual design course that shows seniors the roots of design principles and how design can create better products. Seniors will gain an understanding of color, texture, shape and line. “I also teach a course which shows the manufacturing aspects of the apparel business as well as pattern making and construction classes,” he said. With the skills taught in the program,

seniors will be able to branch out and have careers in technical and creative design, as well as visual merchandising. “We have students that are staying in Mississippi because they want to open their own boutiques. They really want to contribute to the local economy and local culture of the fashion here in Mississippi,” he said. “But after May, it’s going to be an explosion of fashion students that will be sent all over the world.” A guest speaker from JC Penny will be attending the exposition to give a speech pertaining to what seniors can do when they graduate. “We have Robin Cox coming in from the JC Penny headquarters in Dallas. She is the merchandising planner for the women’s casual line who is also an MSU alumnus,” Freeman said. “She will give a keynote address to students about her

career path after leaving MSU and how she got to the current position she is in, as well as the different opportunities that are available for our students at MSU in the apparel industry.” Rylee Tomlinson, senior human sciences major, helped plan the exposition and said very detailed projects will be on display. “Merchandising students will feature projects like retailing portfolios where we have to ‘operate’ our own store for six months,” she said. “We have to plan everything for the store. Right down to the color of the paint on the walls and the music we will play in the store along with the merchandise we will sell. Design students will showcase design lines, design portfolios and actual finished garments.” Vanessa Angel, senior human sciences major, will be displaying projects from

her fashion portfolio in the exhibition. “My portfolio varies from an Egyptian-inspired clothing line to fashion trend boards. However, my favorite project that I created was a ‘New York Lookbook’ that I made while I was in New York last summer for the apparel, textile and merchandising NYC Study Tour,” she said. Angel said her goal after graduating from MSU is to become a merchandise buyer from a high-end retailer. “I really enjoy blending mathematics with fashion and also mixing that in trend research. Fashion is so great because it really is a reflection of current events, history and art,” she said. Anyone may attend the senior exposition in the Lloyd-Ricks Watson building at 3:00 tomorrow afternoon.




TUESDAY , APRIL 24, 2012




1. "Just Another Day," by John Mellencamp 2. "Adagietto (from MATT TAYLOR Symphony #5)," by Mechanical Engineering Major Gustav Mahler “As a musician myself I feel that 3. "Starkville Reprise," music has a rare ability to touch and reflect on our soul in ways by Tim Menzel no other art form can whether 4. "Man of The Hour," though tones or lyrics. With that by Nora Jones I feel that this short play list says 5. "Let's Stay Together," multitudes about my soul that nothing else can.” by Al Green 6. "Weird Fishes," by THINK YOUR Radiohead PLAYLIST SHOULD 7. "Heaven," by Brandi BE HERE? EMAIL Carlile US AT KMULLINS@ 8. "Water Fall," by REFLECTOR.MSSTATE. England in 1819 EDU AND SHOW US 9. "Prelude in C," J.S. “What’s in Your Playlist?” is a new WHY. Bach “What’s in Your Playlist?” is an 10. "In Your entertainment feature open to all students, faculty and staff. Submit Atmosphere," by John your playlist at kmullins@reflector. Mayer

Urban Dictionary word of the day Bale out: When someone's stress

level explodes to epic proportions and a five-minute f-bomb-laden tirade is unleashed on the unlucky soul who was in the wrong place at the wrong time — much like Christian Bale on the set of Terminator Salvation.

Pam was trying to study for her midterms in the library but the kid across the table kept tapping his pencil to his iPod. She Baled out and was suspended from the library for a week.

Grace Potter and the Nocturnals visit Bettersworth Auditorium



Music Maker Productions brings Grace Potter and the Nocturnals to Mississippi State University‘s Lee Hall today. The Vermont-based band formed in 2002 and signed to Hollywood Records in 2005. The five-piece configuration consists of lead singer and keyboard specialist Grace Potter, lead guitarist Scott Tournet, drummer Matt Burr joined by bassist Catherine Popper and guitarist Benny Yurco. Their third and most recent album, Grace Potter and the Nocturnals, released in 2010, and the group announced an upcoming fourth album, The Lion The Beast The Beat, earlier this month. Grace Potter and the Nocturnals has won several awards and has opened for big-name talents, including Dave Matthews Band. The up and coming band has had an iTunes No. 1 with “Paris” and peaked at

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No. 2 on the iTunes Rock Albums Chart. GPN plays over 200 shows a year at music festivals and venues around the nation. The group played at Coachella this past weekend and will be performing at the Beale Street Music Festival in May. The band describes itself as a “modernday version of Tina Turner,” with a unique and original sound. Band members explain on their website their inability to categorize themselves in a single genre. “We realized we aren’t the kind of band that is ever gonna fit neatly in one genre. We just let the songs be the songs,” Potter said on its website. GPN has released several popular singles including “Paris,” “Tiny Light,” “Oasis” and “Medicine.” The band’s deep-grooved rockers are powerful with lethal guitar and vocals that make it strong and distinct with a captivating sound. Music Maker Production’s publicity executive and soon-to-be student director,

Olivia Lunsford, describes GPN’s sound as soothing and intriguing. “They are more rock with a mix of instrumental, vocals and rock. Really, her vocals stand out more than anything,” she said. MMP say they are constantly looking for a variety of acts to bring in to MSU to please a wider range of musical tastes. MMP puts a lot of work into giving the students and community what they want to hear. MMP plans these events for weeks on end to provide several large concerts each year just for MSU. “People will realize we care about putting on intimate shows, as well. We are always looking for variety and haven’t forgotten about those that want it. People ask for different kinds of music, and we are here to give it,” Lunsford said. The show will begin at 8 tonight in Lee Hall’s Bettersworth Auditorium. Tickets start at $20 for general admission and can be purchased at the door before the show.



TUESDAY , APRIL 24 , 2012


Tennis tumble not a tragedy for Bulldogs


ension was looming for over four hours Saturday afternoon at the A.J. Pitts Tennis Centre. After the Georgia Bulldogs dominated the Mississippi State Bulldogs in doubles, the singles matches brought excitement and entertainment that ended in a win by the Dogs. But not the Maroon and White Dogs. State dropped the match to Georgia 4-3, the same score as the teams’ previous meeting this season. Although winning an SEC championship would have been a dream come true for both the MSU players and fans alike, the season is not over; nor is there a need to worry about the team come NCAA Tournament time. MSU will still most likely host a round or two of the Tournament, and the team’s chances of winning have, in my opinion, now increased. Here’s why: for many teams that win a conference tournament, that is the peak of the season, and it is hard to carry that hype into the weeks ahead. Georgia ended up winning the men’s tennis SEC Championship, but I do not believe they will advance further than State in the postseason. With the loss in the semifinals, the players ended with a sour taste in their mouths, very sour for a few of them. This will only motivate them more to come out ready for the NCAA Tournament. One of those with a sour taste is Artem Ilyushin. The senior plays in the No. 1 single’s spot for MSU, and after winning the first set against Georgia 6-2, he dropped the next two 6-3, 6-3. Ilyushin lost by almost the exact same score earlier in the season to the top-ranked player in the country from Virginia. Head coach Per Nilsson said Ilyushin fought through strep throat but could not pull it out in the end. “It’s something he’s worked on for four years to not live in the past but to move on from it. He’s gotten so much better and done an amazing job for us,” Nilsson said. “But sometimes it comes back; bad habits come back, and under pressure they show up.” This does concern me, but Ilyushin is a big-time player, and I believe the senior will overcome this and step up when needed in the postseason. A big positive for MSU heading into the Tournament is James

Kristen Spink is the sports editor of the Reflector. She can be contacted at reflectorsports@ Chaudry. The junior played the No. 2 singles position for most of the year but was moved to No. 3 for the SEC Tournament. Although Chaudry is unranked, he simply overpowered Georgia’s No. 29 Sadio Doumbia. In the first set, Chaudry went down 40-0 while serving, but won the next five points to take the game. He then dominated the next game to take the set. After Doumbia forced a third set, Chaudry took no time to dismiss him, winning 6-2. The England native looked confident and powerful throughout the match and will be a tough No. 3 for any opposing teams. And then there’s senior Louis Cant, who is one of the most fun players in any sport to watch. The way he pumps himself up throughout the match is invigorating for himself and every fan. Cant lost the first set to Georgia, but knowing his team needed every point it could get, the senior willed himself to victory. He does not have the most powerful serve or forehand in the game, but his effort is relentless. It was almost like you knew Cant would come through with the victory just watching him play. Of course there are areas of the team that need improvement in the next few weeks, and Nilsson said the team will recover, get some rest and go back to work. “We can’t beat ourselves against the top teams. You have to make them beat you,” Nilsson said. “We can beat anyone, but we can’t beat the good teams unless we control ourselves, and that’s the goal for the (NCAA) Tournament.” But overall, the team is in good shape headed into the next few weeks. A few points or mistakes here or there and the Dogs would have been on their way to an SEC Championship. Cut out those miscues, and you have a solid team that can match up well with any opponent. And let me tell you, every team is hoping to avoid the Dogs come May.




continued from 1

Outstanding pitching, defense and opportunistic hitting were instrumental in MSU’s success throughout the series. The Bulldogs pitching staff only allowed four runs, the defense only committed one error and the offense scored 12 runs on 20 hits. The weekend started with a great outing on Thursday by junior pitcher Chris Stratton, who held the Vol hitters to only four hits, striking out 10 and allowing one run to come across the plate in nine innings of work. Senior pitcher Caleb Reed picked up his first win of the season after pitching two shut-out innings, followed by junior catcher Mitch Slauter’s walk-off sacrifice-fly that scored pinch runner Luis Pollorena from third in the bottom of the 11thinning to win the opening game of the series 2-1. The Bulldogs went on to win

the second game of the series 7-1 Friday after another impressive outing by starting pitcher Kendall Graveman, who was named SEC Pitcher of the Week. Graveman pitched his second complete game, improving his record to 3-2. He threw nine innings of three-hit baseball and recorded eight strikeouts. Offensively, State was led by the opportunistic hitting of Frazier and freshman Wes Rea. They both went 2-3 with three RBIs. State took a 2-0 lead in the series, needing only three pitchers to do so. However, the Bulldog bullpen was busy Saturday, as they used seven pitchers in a 14-inning 3-2 win, obtaining the second extra inning win of the series to solidify the sweep. Sophomore Evan Mitchell started in only his second game of the year and went 3 1/3 innings of work, allowing one run on four hits. He exited the

“We wanted to put young guys that hadn’t been in that situation out there on the field in front of a Dan Mullen, lot of fans with head coach a real gameday environment in a position to make plays. Hopefully they got some jitters out today, so for the Jackson State game they are ready to roll. The offensive line this spring didn’t develop the line chemistry. They were learning the offense and learning what to do, and now we’ll start to develop that chemistry going into the fall.”

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game with State down 1-0, but six members of the bullpen pitched 10 2/3 innings of seven hit baseball and only allowed one more run to Graveman come across the plate. Pollorena, who scored the winning run on Thursday, pitched the final three innings of the game and allowed only one hit to get his second win of the season. Pollorena said MSU’s bullpen is one of the best in the country. “We feel like our bullpen can compete with any other bullpen in the country,” he said. “We just know we can compete with anybody, and whoever we throw out there can win.” The unsung hero of game three was freshman Matthew Britton, who entered the game with a .110

batting average but went 3-5 with two runs batted in and scored the go-ahead run in the bottom half of the 14th-inning following a wild pitch. Cohen said although Britton may be struggling offensively, the team still has confidence in his abilities. “We have a lot of confidence in Matthew (Britton). We think he’s going to be a great player,” he said. “The league’s knocked him around a little bit, and he’s just got to recover from that offensively.” The Bulldogs will travel to Trustmark Park in Pearl, Miss., today to play Southern Mississippi at 6:30 p.m. Following its second trip to Pearl, MSU will play at home against rival Ole Miss this weekend. Game times are 7 p.m. Friday, 2 p.m. Saturday and 1:30 p.m. Sunday. The first two games will be televised by Comcast Sports Southeast.

Football players, coaches recap spring




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“I feel like having the guys we have allows us to go in and matchup with personnels Chris Wilson, and not always defensive have to play the coordinator same guys in every situation. You keep the talent constantly coming, and what I believe that will help us do is in the fourth quarter of games when it gets tight in this conference, we will be fresh. The great thing about Johnthan (Banks) is he’s so unselfish. He’ll make sure he does whatever he can to help this football team, and he’s dynamic with the football in his hands.”

On finishing his last spring with the team: “That hit me in January when we had our first Johnthan Banks, team meeting, cornerback and I realized I’ll never get that back, so being around these guys is a blessing. We’re all like brothers, and I’ve never been close to a group of guys like I am these guys. I’m glad I came back just to experience that one more year.” “I think we’re going to be in the top of the SEC as a team for defense.”

“If you want to develop any kind of quarterback run game, you need to substitute and Les Koenning, put other people offensive in, so that’s why coordinator we had (Chad) Bumphis and Jameon (Lewis) and a lot of those guys playing quarterback in certain situations.” About starting quarterback Tyler Russell: “ When we recruited him, we knew he could throw the football. The issue with Tyler I’ve been excited about, is he’s understanding his protections and where he’s weak and strong, and that’s very critical for a quarterback.” “Most of my routes are choice routes, so whatever the defense does, I do the opposite, Jameon Lewis, so we kept wide receiver connecting on it and kept getting the job done. I’ve changed a lot because I’m learning the game more. It’s all about the knowledge of the game, and I’m getting more comfortable with it. I’m just trying to do my job to the best of my ability.” “Quay (Evans) made a lot of plays out there and showed what he can do. He’s starting to Josh Boyd, improve and is defensive line going to be a great player. I think we’re going to be a really good unit this year.”

“I think it goes back to offseason workouts and building your confidence Tyler Russell, and knowing quarterback that if you look a guy off, he’s going to run a slant, and he knows I’m going to throw the ball. I think as a leader, when the quarterback has an off day, the offense is going to have an off day. When I’m productive, the offense is going to be productive, and that’s one thing I’m going to work on.”

“Depth may have been our weak point last year. Good defenses have to have good Cameron Lawrence, number two linebacker players, and that’s one thing I feel like our coaches have done a good job of is getting good number two players.” On playing without Fletcher Cox: “When you have a first round draft pick sitting in front of you, it makes our job a lot easier, but I think we have one of the top defensive line recruiting classes in the country.”

MAROON & WHITE GAME The Maroon team defeated the White team 33-22 in Saturdayʼs spring game. The Dogs first game will be Sept. 1 at home against Jackson State.

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tuesday , april 24 , 2012



It’s been real, it’s Two walk-off wins in series sweep for softball been fun, I’m done just a bit outside | james carskadon

By James Carskadon Staff Writer


ports have always held a strange place in my life. Like many kids my age, I grew up wanting to be the next Ken Griffey, Jr. Unfortunately, I had the athleticism of a chicken with two left feet. Despite the efforts to become a respectable baseball player (my mom even read “Ron Polk’s Baseball Playbook� in an attempt to help with my swing), I was destined to spend a significant amount of time watching from the bench. It was in those McKee Park dugouts where I first started making observations about the game as somewhat of an outsider. When I got to college, I started pursuing opportunities to publish my outsider observations of the games I watched. After interning at the Starkville Daily News in the fall of 2009 and covering local high school sports, I was fortunate enough to begin writing for The Reflector in the spring of 2010. This is where many of my best college memories happened. I was able to help tell the story of Mississippi State, something I took a lot of pride in. Whether it was the highs of a nine-win football season or the lows of a basketball team falling apart, things were never boring. Most fellow graduating students witnessed the athletic department (and the university as a whole) take on a sense of pride that had not been seen in over a decade. I have been in Starkville all 21 years of my life, and I have never seen this much excitement surrounding MSU athletics. Even at a time when most university departments have faced budget cuts, an $11 million basketball facility has been built, a $25 million football facility is on its way up and $86 million in bonds have been approved to expand Davis Wade Stadium. Not that those are necessarily bad things; they are just part of the strange balance between the academic and athletic sides of a university; something I tried to figure out as best I could during my time here.

James Carskadon is a senior majoring in communication. He can be contacted at This job also had its more light-hearted moments, like running into Herm Edwards and Craig James in the men’s room or riding an escalator with SEC Commissioner Mike Slive. I had no business being grouped together with respected national media members, yet there I was, looking down at the press pass with my name on it. It is easy to get cynical when covering sports. I can only write about so many baskets scored, field goals kicked or home runs hit. But when I think back to what sports have meant to me growing up, I know it is more than that. There is a reason I can go into vivid detail about the first game I went to at Davis Wade Stadium (when MSU upset No. 3 Florida in 2000) or broiling in the Mississippi sun with my dad when the Diamond Dogs clinched a College World Series berth in 2007. Watching overgrown worldclass athletes smash into each other in an organized fashion means a lot to the people of Starkville. It is a part of who we are both as a town and as a university. My time to leave this town and university is quickly approaching. Like most graduates, I will miss everything I liked about MSU and eventually look back at these four years as some of the best of my life. But for now, I am just thankful I was able to help tell the story of a place and its people that have meant so much to me. Thanks for following along.

Mississippi State head softball coach Vann Stuedeman will take wins any way she can get them. This weekend, she picked up three wins in a sweep of Kentucky that saw three comefrom-behind victories and two walk-offs. The Bulldogs now sit at 28-19 overall and 11-14 in the SEC and have clinched a spot in the SEC Tournament. After sweeping Kentucky, State has now won three SEC series in a row as they head into a break from SEC action next weekend. “We’ve got four non-conference games that will be important and a three-game series at Auburn,� Stuedeman said. “All seven games will be just as important as the last ones we played. We’ll have to take this one moment at a time like we have all year.� It was Hawaii native Ka’ili Smith who provided the winning hit in Sunday’s 3-2 victory. After Jessica Cooley drew a walk, Smith came to the plate having reached base in her two previous at-bats and in position to end the game. Cooley said she immediately knew Smith would bring her home. “I knew as soon as I got the walk,� Cooley said. “I laughed at first base and thought, ‘KK’s got this. I’m just going to run.’� Smith then belted a double to left-center field, scoring Cooley from first base and clinching the sweep for MSU. The play at the plate was not contested as Cooley had a chance to show off her underrated speed. Starting pitcher and SEC Pitcher of the Week Stephanie Becker picked up the win for MSU after giving up one run on three hits in four innings pitched. The junior now has a record of 16-10 on the season. Smith said she was confident of the pitches that were going to be thrown her way in her final at-bat. “I knew she wasn’t going to give me the inside,� Smith said. “I knew if she was going to pitch

barton dinkins | the reflector

Some of the softball players celebrate after scoring a run against Kentucky. With the sweep of Ole Miss two weekends ago and last weekend’s sweep of the Wildcats, State has swept back-to-back series for the first time since 2001 and currently owns the longest winning streak in the SEC West with seven consecutive wins.

any part of the plate from the the come-from-behind variety, middle to out, I had it. That’s but did not require a walk-off. Shortstop what I did, I drove Erin Nesbit’s it to the opposite two-RBI douside.� ble in the fifth Saturday’s victoinning lifted ry over Kentucky the Bulldogs also ended with to a 4-3 win. Cooley scoring Becker picked the final run, this up the win for time coming in exMSU on both tra innings. With Saturday and the score knotted Sunday. at 1-1, Sam LenaThe Lady han hit a single to Bulldogs will score Cooley in now turn their the eighth inning attention to and clinch the setwo upcomries win for MSU. ka’IlI smIth, ing mid-week Saturday’s game catcher games. They was played in front will host of a national teleMemphis at 6 vision audience on p.m. Tuesday ESPNU. Friday’s victory was also of before traveling to Hattiesburg

“I knew if she was going to pitch any part of the plate from the middle to out, I had it. That’s what I did. I drove it to the opposite side.�

to take on Southern Miss on Wednesday at 6 p.m. Following those games, State will host a double-header with Tennessee Tech on Saturday with games at 1 p.m. and 3 p.m. Because only 11 teams play softball in the SEC, one team every week plays a non-conference opponent, with MSU’s turn coming this week. With all three of this weekend’s games being played in front of a mostly full stadium, Stuedeman said she was happy to be receiving support from the local community. She was surprised to be approached by an autograph-seeker and fans while eating breakfast at Starkville CafĂŠ on Sunday. “I was so excited because all that means is people are getting excited about Mississippi State softball,â€? she said.

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any accolades or accomplishments, and why we should consider you for this unique opportunity.

Ask about our student special with a 12 months lease•FREE WiFi•New Dog Park COMING SOON: FITNESS CENTER!

Your Official MSU/NISSAN Employee Purchase Plan Headquarters

! "





tuesday , april 24 , 2012














Time to trade in your cap and gown and prepare yourself for the real world in a 2012 Jeep Compass or Jeep Patriot. Take advantage of these special offers. You’ll be ready to embark on the next chapter of your life and avoid any obstacle in your path from behind the wheel of your stylish, well-built and incredibly capable Jeep 4x4.

J E E P. C O M

(1)Eligible customer must be a college graduate or recent college graduate and must meet one of the following criteria: graduating in the next 6 months with any degree, graduated in the last 2 years with any degree, or currently enrolled in a master’s or doctoral program. Residency restrictions apply. See dealer for details. Offer ends 7/31/12. Jeep is a registered trademark of Chrysler Group LLC.

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