The Print Edition

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Diamond Dawg follows faith through adversity Sports | 8


Bouquets, grades and bridesmaids Life | 6

Reflector The




New dining option to join campus in 2014 MSU, city of BY KAITLYN BYRNE Managing Editor

Mississippi State University students will have a new campus dining option in 2014. Courtney Bryant, MSU Dining marketing manager, said the $12.5 million dining facility will be built behind Cresswell Hall, where the ten- Broyles nis courts are currently located. “This will allow the south side of campus to have access to a residential dining facility,” she said. “The available parking and convenient shuttle stops will allow visitors to access the location easily.”

Bryant said the dining facility will feature an open-kitchen style of cooking, which will allow guests to see their food prepared from start to finish. Unlike traditional cafeteria-style restaurants, Bryant said the facility will offer a Mongolian grill, a rotisserie and a fresh pasta maker, among other options. “This is not your mother’s cafeteria,” Bryant said. “It’s a state-of-the-art facility with a focus on fresh products.” Bryant said the building’s interior will hold 450 students with 100 additional seats on an outdoor patio. Bryant said the facility will also feature a student lounge. “This will offer students a place to relax be-

tween classes, meet to study or catch up on homework before heading to class,” she said. “The lounge area will also host a P.O.D. Express, which is a smaller version of the P.O.D. markets that are located in the Union and Hathorn.” Bill Broyles, vice president of Student Affairs, said the dining facility will accept both block meals and flex dollars, as well as cash and credit cards. Broyles said MSU will begin the construction process in a few months so the dining facility will be ready to open in fall of 2014. “We are looking forward to the ribbon cutting,” he said. “We really appreciate the feedback we have gotten from students about this new dining option. I think they will love it.”

Starkville plan to historically renovate Cooley building Parking garage, hotel also scheduled to be built BY ALIE DALEE Staff Writer



At a dedication ceremony on Thursday, the residence hall formerly known as South Hall was officially named Mary Lyn and Niles R. Moseley Hall in honor of Mississippi State University alumnus Niles R. Moseley and his wife, Mary Lyn. The dedication ceremony featured speakers including President Mark Keenum, Bill Kibler, vice president of Student Affairs; John P. Rush, vice president for Development and Alumni; and Michael Hogan, Student Association president.

Sitting just off Russell Street across from Mississippi State University’s campus, the Cooley Building stands as a symbol of MSU’s rich agricultural history. The building stands in the final process of being granted permission to begin building renovations. The building served as a cotton mill until 1962 and currently houses MSU’s physical plant department. MSU, in conjunction with the city of Starkville, has a three-fold plan to rejuvenate the building to serve once again as a bustling center in the Cotton District. David Shaw, vice president of research and economic development at MSU, said the project is quickly progressing. He said Castle Properties, located in Columbus, Miss., has recently been selected as the developer for the project. The Cooley Building renovation will feature an updated structure and boast a 2,000 occupancy conference center, with the additional two-thirds of the building serving as office space for MSU and private businesses. Mark Castleberry, project developer, said the 50,000-square-foot office space will see some updates, while retaining its original historical structure. “The exterior of the Cooley Building will really have little modification with it being a historic building. You will see the windows improved... The bricks will be carefully cleaned and the mortar replaced and structural improvements,” Castleberry said. Along with the renovation of the Cooley Building, a parking garage is in the construction plans for the east and west of the building. The city of Starkville and state funding will supplement the construction of the parking garage. Additionally, a 110-room Courtyard Marriot hotel construction is scheduled to be built. Shaw said the renovation team will relocate the MSU facilities housed in the metal buildings currently situated on the land planned for the Marriot. He said the project is coming along well. Shaw said he expects the project to reach completion within a two-year time frame. SEE MILLS, 2

Fiesta exhibits Construction continues world culture despite wet weather BY CHELLE TUCKER


Contributing Writer

Staff Writer

The World Neighbors Association will present this year’s International Fiesta on Saturday on the Drill Field of Mississippi State University from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. The free event will begin with the “Parade of Flags” that will march through the Drill Field symbolizing worldwide unity on MSUs campus. Following the “Parade of Flags” will be the crowning of Mr. and Miss International Fiesta. This years activities will include a variety of events. There will be authentic music, dancing and games representing many of the countries and their cultures. Also, an assortment of international foods will be available for purchase. In case of the rain the event will be held at the Sanderson Auxiliary Gym.

Mississippi State University’s construction workers have been working on several projects: Lee Hall, the expansion of the football stadium and a parking garage. Lee Hall and Davis Wade stadium are scheduled to be finished in 2014. The parking garage will not be completed until 2015. Aiken Village, on-campus apartment style housing, will also possibly be renovated in the near future. Dan Whatley, construction administrator, said in an email that these projects are making progress, despite weather setbacks. “Progress is going well. The wet weather we experienced over the winter had the capability to cripple the schedules of the projects, but the teams worked through the is-

sues and managed to minimize the delays to their schedules,” Whatley said. One of the major on-campus renovations is Lee Hall. Lee Hall has been under construction since fall 2012 and is expected to be finished and ready for use by the spring semester of 2014. Whatley said the building is being historically renovated. “Lee Hall has been partially renovated several times in the past but never had a full historic restoration,” he said. “This project is addressing the entire building and restoring it to its historic state.” Another project that is also expected to be finished in 2014 is the expansion of Davis-Wade stadium. The stadium will re-open for the fall 2014 football season and will provide increased seating opportunities for fans. SEE CONSTRUCTION, 2


BAD DAWGS..............................2 OPINION ...............................4 CONTACT INFO.......................4 BULLETIN BOARD...................5

CROSSWORD .................. ....5 CLASSIFIEDS...........................5 LIFE....................................6 SPORTS...................................8





The expansion of Davis Wade stadium continues through the spring semester.

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FRIDAY , APRIL 5 , 2013



Monday, April 1 • 3:24 p.m. A student reported his vehicle was damaged while parked in the Commuter West parking lot.

Tuesday, April 2 • 9:35 a.m. A student fell on concrete at Chapel of Memories. An ambulance was dispatched, and he was transported to OCH.

Wednesday, April 3


The construction on Davis Wade Stadium is the largest project on campus, projected to be completed in August of 2014.

CONSTRUCTION Whatley said he thinks stadium expansion will be valuable to campus. “The benefit of this project is that it is enhancing and restoring a focal point on this campus for student, faculty, staff and visitor use,” he said. Along with these two projects, MSU will also start construction this summer on its parking garage which is scheduled to be finished in January of 2015. The garage will be built behind the YMCA/Post Office building and will be a combination between a garage and a classroom. Parking will be timed and anyone can park there. The rates will be $2 for the first hour and $1 per hour after that. Mike Harris, director of Parking and Transit Operations, said through email the

continued from 1

garage will bring a much need- Aiken Village is being sought, ed change to and adminisI think the university trators are trycampus. “It will allow ing to devise community as a those who come an affordable whole is anxious for plan for the resto campus and the projects to be may not have a idents. parking permit Bill Kibler, done as well. We to park as one vice president of are excited about can do at the Student Affairs, meters,” Harris the enhancements said a reasonsaid. “It will proable rent price we are making to vide visitor parkis still being dethese facilities, ing in the core of cided. campus. This is “We want to and we appreciate a major need for provide another the patience and our campus to on-campus opcooperation we have this type of tion for internaparking in such a tional students receive from the convenient locaand families community.” tion.” for a low cost. While the othWe want high Dan Whatley, er projects have quality housing construction already started but also want administrator construction or affordability for are set to start, a new design for the students,” Kibler said.

MSU plans to have road blocks this summer due to construction. George Perry Street will be blocked from the four-way stop on Barr Avenue up to the YMCA/Post Office building. This summer MSU is planning to start designs on its new project Fresh Food Dinning facility, which has no expected date to be fully completed. With all of the construction taking place, Whatley said he hopes people will continue to remain calm and be patient throughout this process. “I think the university community as a whole is anxious for the projects to be done as well,” he said. “We are excited about the enhancements we are making to these facilities, and we appreciate the patience and cooperation we receive from the community.”

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• 12:00 a.m. A student was arrested on Highway 12 for possession of marijuana in a motor vehicle; manufacture, sell, deliver or possession of drug paraphernalia; driving under the influence; careless driving; and no proof of insurance. • 12:26 a.m. A student was complaining of stomach pains at Sessums Hall. An ambulance arrived, and she was transported to OCH. • 1:22 p.m. A student reported harassment by phone from an unknown person. • 9:36 p.m. An employee was arrested on Everglade Avenue for possession of marijuana, no driver’s license, no insurance, running a red light and probation violation.

Thursday, April 4 • 12:10 a.m. A student was arrested for speeding, driving under the influence and possession of a weapon. • 12:13 a.m. A student was arrested for driving under the influence and no proof of insurance on University Drive.


• 5 citations were issued for speeding. MILLS continued • 2 citations were issued for disregard of a traffic device. from 1 • 1“Some citationpieces was issued for driving the wrong on a one-way. of that can some verywayexciting restauhappen sooner than that, but rants.” for example the hotel could The final piece of the projbe built more quickly, but we ect lies with the National have to tear down the existing Park Service. The Cooley structure and that will take Building is listed on the Nasome extra time,” Shaw said. tional Registry of Historic “And the hotel doesn’t need Places. The honor entails that to be finished before at least all renovation proposals must the outside portion of the be approved by the NPS. Cooley Building renovations The project’s most recent have happened because you proposal was denied, but it don’t want to be having guests was returned with modificathere and they be watching a tions that could lead to a fubig construction project out ture approval. Shaw said this their window. And of course was viewed as a positive by you need the parking deck to the team, and that once the be able to have the hotel.” project has gained approval, it Castleberry said he hopes is just a matter of “let’s make the addition of the Marri- this happen.” He added there ot and the renovation of the is a very positive momentum cotton mill will yet again cen- amongst all the parties intralize the community of the volved. Cotton District. Shaw concluded that the “We’re trying to tie the project is in a positive place, community... The reason it’s with a majority of the pieces called the Cotton District is in place for the renovations to because people used to work begin. in the cotton mill. That (Cot“We’re right at a point right ton District) was the residen- now where so much hard work tial, and the community was has been done by so many peothe workers,” Castleberry ple over a very long period of said. “The connectivity of time,” Shaw said. “So it’s very making the Cotton Mill kind exciting to be able to be at this of the center for activities. point where we can say we just We’re going to have an event lack one little piece of paper to yard there for festivals, out- be able to have the entire projdoor weddings and hopefully ect going and happening.”

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5 , 2013





FRIDAY , APRIL 5 , 2013



the voice of MSU students


Sharing personal opinions on social media creates tension


he more political issues our country faces, the more opinions people form. Every time these opinions form, someone posts them on a social media site with little or no regard for anyone else’s outlook. No matter your opinion, you are the only one who cares. And honestly, that’s the way it should be. Your opinion should be just that: your own. Although there is nothing wrong with asking the opinions of others, you as a human being are responsible for your own opinion. I wish I could accurately describe how many times a day I scroll right past some-

one’s opinionated post on any sort of social media. Go ahead. Admit it. You do it, too. Why? Because you don’t care. You shouldn’t care, either. One of the beautiful things about the human mind is its ability to form opinions. In addition to forming opinions, the human mind is capable of disregarding other options. Once your mind has settled on a view, it is almost impossible to change it. Even logical reasoning is no match for a person set in his or her ways. This isn’t my way of telling you to completely disregard

anyone else’s views or thoughts. By all means, if you are genuinely interested, you should ask your friends their thoughts on a subject. Their answers could easily shock you, or even influence your own thoughts. In fact, I encourage everyone to partake in such discussions. Although, asking such questions should involve a certain form of open-mindedness. Being open-minded is required in these situations simply because opinions are not a matter of right and wrong. In fact, the majority of opinions aren’t even justified. I’m no stat-

istician, but I would caution to say almost everyone’s opinions are formed based on the beliefs with which they were raised. I have often found myself in disagreement with the opinions of others at all. In keeping an open mind, you can have these conversations with little disagreement. That’s only because I don’t see my opinion as the “correct” one. There is absolutely no way to verify that my opinion is superior to anyone else’s. If I can’t validate why my opinion is finer, what is the point of even entertaining such ideas? Prying into someone else’s

beliefs requires a certain tactfulness that is not always easy to exude. Differing opinions is no reason to endanger any sort of relationship. That being said, you can state you disagree without completely shutting down the other side of the discussion. Telling someone his or her opinion is wrong is never a smart idea. Keep in mind even though you are asking for someone else’s opinion, he or she may not be asking for yours. Again: no one cares. I could easily sit down with (just about) anyone, discuss ideas and not be affected by his or her views

in the slightest. Sadly, some are more easily swayed than others. In that case, I suggest you pick a topic in which your beliefs are firm if you wish to partake in such conversations. Just because the human mind has the ability to form opinions, does not mean that all human minds have the ability to deal with differing opinions. Unfortunately, this is the case encountered most often on social media. Without caution, a simple Facebook post stating or supporting your views can easily be construed as offensive to anyone of the opposing or neutral view.


Newspapers prevent selective exposure


was determined to make something special out of my spring break this year. I found a ride to Tupelo, bought a Greyhound bus ticket to Tallahassee and coordinated with my childhood best friend, a Florida State student, a road trip to Miami. The Wednesday before spring break I packed up my bags and hopped in the truck of a fellow MSU student who was nice enough to drive me to Tupelo, the location of the closest Greyhound station. When we arrived in the town neither of us had ever visited, we searched “Greyhound bus station” on an iPhone. There were no results. I told myself not to worry as I checked and rechecked the name of the town on the boarding ticket in my hand. “Let’s stop at a gas station and ask,” I suggested. The woman behind the counter was friendly enough, telling us to continue on the road through four red lights and take a right behind the Bancorp building. We found nothing. Still in good spirits, we stopped at the Dollar General. The women working there were certain the station was past the railroad tracks on the left. We followed the second set of directions which led us to the same dead-end area as the first. The dark, vacant street didn’t look promising. It wasn’t un-

til we kept our eyes completely peeled that we saw it: the shoddy, run-down building with a billboard that read “BUS.” I started laughing until we got out of the truck and walked up to the door where we found a sign reading, “Sorry, this station is no longer in service. We are now located in Saltillo, Miss.” There was a phone number posted. We called to find the phone disconnected. Panic found me, but we didn’t give up there. My anxiety heightened on the 20-minute ride to Saltillo. I read and reread my boarding pass. We stopped at the first gas station after arriving in town, where we met some kind people who had never heard of a Greyhound bus station and were certain there was not one in their town. They thought there might be one near the airport in Tupelo, not in downtown where we had been. As nice as they were, they were not very helpful. At that point, and not my proudest moment, I cried. I had one more idea, though. I looked up the number and called the Tupelo airport. During my mini-breakdown, I asked the man who answered if he knew anything about a change in location of the Tupelo Greyhound. “Oh, you know…” he said. “I

read something about that in the paper this week.” He followed up with flawless directions which led us to a Texaco gas station. Upon entering, we learned it was the new bus stop. When our two-hour ordeal was over, I realized what happened: my choice of profession had been validated. My colleagues’ work, the distribution of news, allowed me to reach my destination. As a journalist, I will make similar connections for others in the future. This incident also proved to me one thing: newspapers have not died out, we have not lost use for them and they are continuing to be valuable sources of information. Sure, the man at the airport was older and therefore still reading the newspaper, but he was informed and without him I would have wasted $100 on a bus I was never able to board. This might just indicate that the elderly are keeping themselves better up-to-date than the rest of us. I hope not, considering all the technology to which we have access. The Internet is a wonderful tool for gathering news. I am not suggesting that to be informed we must pick up a physical printed copy of each daily newspaper. However, maybe if we don’t, relying on our own Internet


Reflector Editor in Chief Hannah Rogers

Managing Editor Kaitlyn Byrne

Life Editor Zack Orsborn

Multimedia Editor Eric Evans

ANNA WOLFE Anna Wolfe is a junior majoring in communication. She can be contacted at searches will lead us only to the information we are looking for; not the general happenings of our surroundings. The media we take part in is becoming increasingly targeted, allowing us to filter out what does not correlate with our interests or apply to our lives. This sort of modernized news-sifting will result in a population of individuals with knowledge in only what concerns them and limited understanding of anything else. The man who kindly gave me directions couldn’t predict he’d ever need to know the new Greyhound bus station location in order to save my spring break plans from total ruin. As a conscious and curious citizen, he did anyway. In order to be active participants in our communities, we must have similar attitudes.

Sports Editor Kristen Spink

Campus News Editor John Galatas

Photography Editor Kaitlin Mullins

Copy Editor Candace Barnette

News Editor Emma Crawford

Opinion Editor Mary Chase Breedlove Copy Editor Rachel Burke



Editor in Chief/Hannah Rogers

Letters to the editor should be sent to the Meyer Student Media Center or mailed to The Reflector, PO Box 5407, Mississippi State, MS. Letters may also be emailed to Letters must include name and telephone number for verification purposes. The editor reserves the right to edit or refuse to publish a letter.

325-7905 Managing Editor/Kaitlyn Byrne 325-8991 News Editor/Emma Crawford 325-8819 News tips/John Galatas 325-7906 Opinion Editor/Mary Chase Breedlove Sports Editor/Kristen Spink 325-5118 Life Editor/Zack Orsborn 325-8883 Photography Editor/Kaitlin Mullins 325-1584 Advertising sales/Julia Pendley 325-7907

EDITORIAL POLICY The Reflector is the official student newspaper of Mississippi State University. Content is determined solely by the student editorial staff. The contents of The Reflector have not been approved by Mississippi State University.


The Reflector staff strives to maintain the integrity of this paper through accurate and honest reporting. If we publish an error we will correct it. To report an error, call 325-7905.



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FRIDAY , APRIL 5 , 2013 | 5




BULLETIN BOARD CLASSIFIEDS POLICY The deadline for Tuesday’s paper is 3 p.m. Thursday; the deadline for Friday’s paper is 3 p.m. Tuesday. Classifieds are $5 per issue. Student and staff ads are $3 per issue, pre-paid. Lost and found: found items can be listed for free; lost items are listed for standard ad cost. HELP WANTED Bartending. Up to $300 / day. No experience necessary. Training available. Call 800.965.6520 ext. 213. FOR SALE 1/2-carat past, present and future engagement ring. Paid $500, will take $300, firm. Call 617.0111 and ask for Angela. Fire staff/contact practice staff. One of each for sale with kerosene can, fire cloth and three instructional DVDs. $50 cash or credit card for all. Text 312.4939. L.E.D. hula hoop, rainbow lights with rechargeable batteries and charger, one DVD. $50 cash or credit card. Text 312.4939. 2010 River Birch mobile home, 16x60, two bedroom, two bathroom, vinyl siding, shingle roof, 8x10 porch with roof and door, fenced yard, oak plank linoleum throughout, excellent condition, two miles from MSU. $25,900 or best offer. Call 769.0770. FOR RENT Studio two and four bedroom apartments available. Close to campus. Call Barbara at 418.8603.

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Manifesting Glory is currently looking for musicians on a temporary or permanent basis. All who are interested, please call 518.1456.


CLUB INFO The deadline for Tuesday’s paper is 3 p.m. Thursday; deadline for Friday’s paper is 3 p.m. Tuesday. MSU student organizations may place free announcements in Club Info. Information may be submitted by email to club_info@reflector.msstate. edu with the subject heading “CLUB INFO,” or a form may be completed at The Reflector office in the Student Media Center. A contact name, phone number and requested run dates must be included for club info to appear in The Reflector. All submissions are subject to exemption according to space availability. MSU STUDENT CHAPTER OF THE AMERICAN SOCIETY OF MICROBIOLOGY Contact or like us on Facebook, “MSU ASM,” for membership information.

PHILOSOPHY AND RELIGION CLUB Are you interested in talking about the deeper questions of life? If so, come and join us on Thursdays at 5 p.m. in Union Room 227. Email msu. MONTGOMERY LEADERSHIP PROGRAM Cow Patty Bingo. $5 per ticket. Benefiting St. Jude. April 11. If the cow patty lands on your spot, you win cash. Contact Devin Rose at 255.6354. WOMEN AND THE VICTORIAN CULTURE OF INVESTMENT Nancy Henry, professor of English at the University of Tennessee, Knoxville, will give a talk on Women and the Victorian Culture of Investment on April 10 at 4 p.m. in Rogers Auditorium in McCool Hall.

YOGA MOVES CLUB School or work stressing you out? Get moving into Yoga Moves! Try our moves to get into shape and our relaxation techniques to handle the stress. Yoga Moves meets at the Sanderson Center in Studio C, Thursday evenings 5 to 6:30. Like Yoga Moves Club-MSU on Facebook. SOCIOLOGICAL STUDENT ASSOCIATION The Sociological Student Association is based in the Department of Sociology.

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6 | FRIDAY , APRIL 5, 2013


Life & Entertainment

Nine-Twentynine Coffee Bar hosting art show, music BY DANIEL HART Staff Writer

Bachelorettes Bachelors of Arts


Students juggle tests, papers, matrimony



Mississippi State University students are buying tuxes and gowns as well as textbooks and calculators. Students engaged in college are responsible for planning weddings on top of research papers and projects. Caroline Cooley, senior psychology major, said she has enjoyed the

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creative aspects of wedding planning but dreads the intimidating legal work. “I am a little stressed about having to change all of my legal documents to my married name, having blood work done, setting up insurance, financial accounts and things of this nature,” Cooley said. Bride-to-be Alyssa Harvey, senior broadcast major, gets hitched next summer. The most challenging part, Harvey said, is coordinating with her fiancé who attends Oklahoma State University. Harvey said the couple has been living eight hours apart for the past two years and only see each other every few months. “It makes planning extremely difficult because we want to make all of these decisions together, but we are hoping to get some things worked out this summer,” Harvey said, “I think that my fiancé is more excited about using the gun to register gifts than anything else.” Margaret Welsh, senior biomedical engineering major, who has been engaged for eight months, will be married in June 2013. Welsh said to relieve the stress of selecting bridesmaids she suggests keeping in mind which friends know the bride and groom best. “I basically chose my bridesmaids by who had seen me and my fiancé’s relationship develop over the past few years, and it was really hard to narrow it down to nine girls,” Welsh said.

Cooley said she decided on six bridesmaids and two honorary bridesmaids. “Three of my bridesmaids are dear friends of mine whom I have known for a long time and the others are family. I always wanted an even number, an OCD thing, and these six girls just so happened to be the ones I am closest to in the world,” Cooley said. Friends and guests can make planning flow smoothly for the bride by remembering to RSVP — a courtesy Welsh said college students often overlook. “No one wants to go to a wedding reception that is short on seating or food, and this can be solved with a simple RSVP,” Welsh said. Another potentially unforeseen struggle is the guest list. Cooley said her advice is to keep the list with you at all times. “I keep a master copy of the guest list on my iPad so that if my mom thinks of someone to add while I happen to be in class, when she texts me I can just insert them immediately,” she said. “I also keep detailed lists of all the invitation recipients for every shower, the ceremony and the gifts so that I will not forgot or misplace a name or detail.” Cooley also said she rewards herself for time spent on schoolwork with browsing the Internet for those perfect favors or bridesmaids dresses. “Procrastinating is sort of inevitable but, for instance, if I have

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written three pages of my five-page paper I will allow myself to call my vendors for the next hour, and then it’s back to the paper,” she said. Cooley said looking forward to life with her new husband keeps her from getting bogged down in the stress of juggling school and wedding planning. “When I am overwhelmed and want to complain about how busy I am, I just think about how I am getting married to the love of my life and that if my biggest worry is having to finish a few math problems, then I am blessed beyond belief,” Cooley said. Harvey said her advice on getting engaged in college is to not rush things. “There is no rule that says you have to get married right after you graduate or while you’re still a student. If they’re the one, then they still will be after college,” Harvey said. Welsh said what she is most looking forward to about marriage is starting dental school and having someone who is always there to keep her motivated and walk through this next stage of life with her. She said students planning a wedding must remember to have fun with it. “Don’t get caught up in the planning and remember to enjoy being a student. Appreciate this phase and don’t try to wish it away. It is easy to get distracted by looking into what is coming up, but you might miss what you’re in right now,” Welsh said.

Artwork will be displayed at Nine-twentynine Coffee Bar Saturday outisde of the design magazine pages littering the wooden tables. From 5 p.m. to 8 p.m “Ask 4 More Arts…and Coffee” will take place, an art show in the coffee bar’s basement featuring live music and artwork created by Starkville artists, photographers, sculptors, T-shirt printers and other artisans. John Weichel III, sophomore communication major and co-planner of the event along with Faith Spann, sophomore communication major, said the show is a good opportunity to give credit to the Mississippi State University Department of Art as well as support an artistic philanthropy. “I go to Reformed Univeresity Fellowship; I’m on the outreach team. It’s our job to put together events, and I’m very passionate about the arts and the arts community,” he said. “A lot of times our art department is really good, and they don’t get credit; I thought it would be a good opportunity to support the arts community on campus, because it’s going to be student work.” According to the Jackson Public Schools’ website, Ask for More Arts is an organization that “emphasizes integrating arts education into regular instruction in the elementary classroom.” Through the program, creative activities will be integrated into subjects like math, social studies and science. Spann said she and John became friends through RUF and he approached her to help plan the event based on her interest in becoming an art curator after graduation. Spann said her arts-related career goals got her involved in the event as well as Ask for More Arts itself, an organization she first encountered working at an art gallery in Jackson. “I went to the gallery in Jackson I worked at over the summer, and they were having an exhibit for participants in Ask for More Arts Collaborative and I thought it’d be great,” she said. At the Jackson exhibit, Spann said impressive work from children learning under Ask for more Arts was on display, revealing the program’s effectiveness at providing creative outlets for students.

“I saw art from some of the kids participating in that collaborative. It was really amazing art, you could see they were inspired, and it was cool to see the foundation really helped them be able to accomplish that,” she said. For Weichel, experiences taking arts classes in high school stuck with him. He said those remembrances cultivated his engagement with Ask for More Arts as the event’s charity. “I was involved in music classes in high school. I did a ceramics class. It’s such a good way to learn and it’s a good outlet,” he said. “A lot of time creativity is moved toward the back and other things like math and science go toward the front, but in reality, it’s important that we have creative outlets. If we suppress that, the world doesn’t look as beautiful as it should.” As well as benefitting Ask for More Arts, the event supports local artists by opening the show to all types of art entries. Spann said “Ask 4 More Arts… and Coffee” will exhibit a diverse range of work, including live music. “We asked for people to give us all sorts of art, not just paintings or drawings. Along with paintings we’ll have photography, T-shirts, CDs, anything that people made themselves,” she said. “It’ll be a wide spectrum of different things.” Anna Ballard, senior art major, will be hanging prints in the show. She said she researched Ask for More Arts when she heard of the event and discovered a personal connection to the ideas fueling the program. “I used to work at Mission First in downtown Jackson teaching arts to kids. None of those kids had had art before, so I think there’s a really big need for that,” she said. After selecting a relevant philanthropy, while searching for a venue Spann and Weichel approached Nine-twentynine about hosting the event after spending time at the coffee bar since its March opening. Weichel said the owners of Nine-twentynine, Joe and Neil Couvillion, appreciate the arts and were supportive of the event happening at the coffee bar. As well as offering music and art, Nine-twentynine will sell coffee at the event. Wine may be brought by attendees willing to pay a corking fee.



Kirkland humbly manages MSU men’s tennis team after coming to MSU, he started work as a student trainer and was assigned to men’s and Although championships women’s tennis. are won on the court, those He continued that work who work tirelessly behind the for two years before accepting scenes make them possible. coach Per Nilsson’s offer to As the members of the men’s become the men’s tennis mantennis team prepare for their fi- ager. Since then, Kirkland has nal home match of the season definitely set the bar for all fuand senior day hosting South ture tennis managers; however, Carolina Friday at 2 p.m., one he is very humble about his senior preps for the match in a time with the team. different way than the rest. “A lot of people say I go over Senior Andrew Kirkland and above, but I don’t really feel has managed the Mississippi like that,” Kirkland said. “I feel State men’s tennis team the that I do everything that I am past two seasons, and in that supposed to do and everything time, his hard-working nature that I need to do for the sport has certainly been on display. to be its best. It is much more Kirkland has taken the role as a than just simply win or lose. It “do-it-all” team manager as he is also about how it looks and deals with all parts of the team. how the courts look. I believe Whether working late into that what I do helps the playthe night on the upkeep of ers perform their best during a the facilities, running the so- match.” cial media or driving players Junior tennis player Malte around, Kirkland finds ways to Stropp said he is especially apstay busy. preciative of all Kirkland has Men’s tennis sports infor- done for him and his teammation director Hunter Rich- mates. ardson had nothing but praise “I have known Andrew for while describing two years now, He (Kirkland) does and he is just Kirkland’s time as a Bulldog awesome everything for all of an manager. guy,” Stropp us. He is collecting “He really just said. “He does up balls, picking does so much everything for stuff for me. It’s up our rackets and all of us. He is not just me, but collecting up giving us water. He balls, picking up it is everyone is just the guy for on this team,” our rackets and Richardson said. everything and has giving us water. “I could sit here He is just the so much fun.” all day and tell guy for everyyou a thousand thing and has so Malte Stropp, reasons how he much fun.” tennis junior makes my job The last two easier. When it comes down to years have been a learning exit, he is as essential to this team perience for Kirkland. He went as the guys that are out there on from not even considering tenthat court and the coaches.” nis and applying to be a trainer Kirkland, a Locust Fork, to being the only tennis team Ala., native, got his start in manager for two years. Kirkworking with athletics as a land said he has learned a lot trainer in high school. Shortly of crucial life lessons in the BY PATRICK BESSELIEVRE Staff Writer

Sponsored by: The Departments of Student Counseling Services & Health Education & Wellness 662-325-2090

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Intramural Basketball Champions CO-REC: TE GUSTA- 50 VS. UPTEMPO- 63 UPTEMPO ROSTER: Justin Holliday Alexis Dickerson Chasidy Williams Jeremy Brown Kevin Sims Lori Crudup Marico Jones Sierra Croff Tanisha Bradford Victor Gibbs Waltiera Olds Zachary Hall

MEN'S GREEK: RUDY GAY AND CHARDONNAY- 35 VS. PIKE GARNET- 32 RUDY GAY AND CHARDONNAY ROSTER: Alex Barrett Austin Harris Blane Morgan Chris Cernota Christian Hartman Joshua Herr Kyle Moore Ross Cruthirds Sean Macko Thomas Loftis MEN'S RESIDENCE: RICE HALLHAL 43 VS. CRESSWELL MAMBAS- 40 RICE HALL ROSTER: Rico McKenzie Adam Jordan Derrick Anderson Devierre Outlaw Jared Johnson Jourdain Biggs * LOOK FOR THE Mark Richardson Romeris Pettiford WOMEN’S WINNERS Shamarcus Giles



Andrew Kirkland came to MSU with plans to be a trainer but has become a beloved manager for the men’s tennis team. last few years in being with the team. “I have definitely learned to take life one step at a time and that you really can’t plan too far ahead,” Kirkland said. “I never really saw myself working with tennis. Even after my first year with the team, I had planned to just work this for a year and just get out of it. But at the end of that year, I realized that this is what I want to do. I didn’t

Tickets: $3.00 100% of proceeds going to charities For more information, visit us at Tickets may be purchased at: The Health Education and Wellness Office (next to Subway)  Drill Field on April 2, 4, 9, and 10 from 11:00 am-2:00 pm  At the event. 



MEN'S OPEN: UPTEMPO- 49 VS. YOUNG MONEY- 55 YOUNG MONEY ROSTER: Pierre Collie Antonio Felder Damein Anderson Eric Dawkins Eric Pittman Jernamy Gee Kevin Sims Otha Campbell Ryan McCarthy

Time: 6:00 PM Showtime

FRIDAY , APRIL 5, 2013

Calendar of Events: Display in Union– April 9, 2013 Women for Women– April 10, 2013 LUNAFEST– April 11, 2013 Display in Union– April 16, 2013 Brought to you by: The Department of Health Education and Wellness 662-325-2090 Located next to the Reflector and Subway

"This project was supported by Grant No. 2010-WA-AX-0002 awarded by the Office on Violence Against Women, U.S. Department of Justice. The opinions, findings, conclusions, and recommendations expressed in this publication/program/exhibition are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect th e views of the Department of Justice, Office on Violence Against Women."

plan this at all; I never saw myself here. Seeing all these different people and different cultures has really given me a completely new view of the world, especially seeing them all come from other countries and become a family. That is what we are here.” Kirkland plans to stay at MSU one more year and continue his job managing and encouraging the tennis team.







FRIDAY , APRIL 5 , 2013

Weekend Baseball


Florida at No. 18 Mississippi State Friday- 6:30 p.m. Saturday- 3 p.m. Sunday- 1:30 p.m.

Pollorena relies on faith, family throughout adversity BY JOHN GALATAS Campus News Editor

Bottom of the ninth. One out. The score tied at 1. It was the perfect set up for what would begin a magical run for Luis Pollorena and Mississippi State’s baseball team. Pollorena stood at third base, just 90 feet from victory. With the crack of the bat, Pollorena retreated to third. When the centerfielder made the catch, Pollorena tagged up and broke for home. This is the moment the senior pitcher called his most memorable in an MSU uniform. Through illness, setbacks and transitions, Pollorena said this moment was made possible through faith. Pollorena described his early childhood as average. He was active and energetic. That all changed at the age of four when he was diagnosed with leukemia. He took over 50 pills a day and went through intense treatments. Through the ordeal, he recalled another moment that changed his life forever. “I remember seeing a white light, just blinking and seeing a white light, and talking to God,” Pollorena said. “And he said, ‘What are you doing here?’ As a four-year-old, I don’t know.

How am I supposed to answer that? He said, ‘Why are you here?’ and I said, ‘I don’t know.’ He said, ‘You shouldn’t be here, you should be with your family. I have a plan for you.’” In this brief moment, Pollorena was medically dead on the table. “As the flatline was going off, my mom said an old lady walked into the room and started rubbing my hands, my feet and my head. She said, ‘Don’t worry, keep faith, everything is going to be fine.’ That’s what she kept telling my mother,” Pollorena explained. “As soon as she walked out and when the door closed behind her, my eyes opened. Two weeks later, they said it was a miracle. I had beaten cancer and been cleared of it.” The 5’9” Laredo, Texas, native developed a love for the game of baseball and found himself at Marion Military Institute, a small junior college in Alabama. Pollorena said having to perform the military responsibilities at Marion created an escape on the diamond. “At first I didn’t like it, waking up early and having to march. At the time I didn’t realize it, but it’s what made baseball fun. Not liking the military part and having to do all that, when you get to the baseball field, it’s what it’s supposed to be – it’s having fun,” he said. Pollorena had a phenomenal first year at Marion and was tabbed conference player of the year. It was this accolade that helped him land a scholarship at MSU the following season. He described the transition as difficult when he first stepped on to an SEC baseball field, but the confidence he developed in junior college returned as he became more comfortable to the scene. He now has evolved his role on

the team as a utility player. He pitches, hits, runs and fields and will be the Bulldog starter on the mound Friday in the series opener against Florida. “In little league I was the guy who always wanted the ball. That’s just the competitor in me. I want to win. I will do anything to win,” he said. Pollorena’s spirit and effort has also caught the attention of his coaching staff. MSU head coach John Cohen said Pollorena always displayed the attitude of a team player. He is the first out of the dugout between innings, and he acquired a role as the cheerleader of the team. “He’s somebody who brings a lot of energy. He’s someone who works extremely hard. He’s somebody who’s had incredible life experiences, and he’s somebody who is a tremendous athlete. He’s very special to our baseball program. I think everybody on our team relates to Pollo in one way or another,” Cohen said. “He’s very versatile, very much a student of the game. He’s somebody who I think has a professional future.” He embraced the same attitude when called upon to pinch run in a game against Tennessee last season. In the bottom of the ninth inning, Pollorena tagged up, dashed down the third-base line, beat the throw from the centerfield and slid into home for the winning run. “I just remember scoring

the winning run, and me and Hunter (Renfroe) just locked eyes. We just smiled and said, ‘We have a chance to do something special.’ It really impacted my life. That was where I said, ‘We’re going to do something special,’ and God-willing, we did win the SEC championship,” he said. Off the field, Pollorena volunteers his time assisting students with disabilities at the MSU ACCESS Program with teammate Kendall Graveman. He said seeing the smiles of these students brings him back to earth and even helps him through his worst games. “Whenever we have a bad game and we see them, we have to remember how sweet this life is, how blessed we are, how grateful we should be for this life,” he said. “Those kids brighten up my day every time I see them. They each hold a special part of my heart.” Brecken Rush, MSU ACCESS instructor, said Pollorena devotes

about two hours a day with ACCESS students and takes them to lunch and to the Palmeiro Center to play ball, writes them letters and tutors one of the students in a coaching class. “Luis has been an inspiration to the ACCESS Program students and to me. He is a Godly man with strong faith and has endured much in his short life,” Rush said. “Luis is truly a blessing to me and to all he comes in contact with.” Along with the inspiration from the students he works with, Pollorena said faith and family have been a big influence on his life. He has relied on faith every step of the way and translates his beliefs to the game he loves. “This game is a big part of my life, and I say it was a gift that God gave me; sometimes I think that’s what he meant when he said, ‘I have a plan for you,’”Pollorena said. “Sometimes whenever we face opponents that have 6’8” or 6’9” players and I’m pitching and I’m able to get them out somehow, I’ve always wondered why I’ve always been so small, and my mom would say it’s just God showing how powerful he is, by showing how he can work through something so small.”

Luis Pollorena scores the game-winning run against Tennessee last season.


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