The Print Edition

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Golf tees off season SPORTS | 8


SEPTEMBER 14, 2012


LIFE | 6

Reflector The




MSU gun policy remains unchanged BY HILLARY LAPLATNEY Contributing Writer

Mississippi State University has not changed the policy prohibiting students from carrying firearms on MSU property, according to Thomas Bourgeois, Dean of Students. Interest was sparked among Mississippians when House Bill 506 went into effect July 1, 2011. This amendment states Mississippians who have obtained an Individual Firearms Permit are allowed to carry a concealed weapon in previously-banned places such as churches, bars and schools.

Bourgeois made it clear MSU’s campus laws have not been affected by House Bill 506. “Guns are still illegal for students to carry on campus,” he said. He said this policy applies to MSU faculty and staff as well. Some students, such as senior history major Joseph Butterfield, said they believe campus could be a safer place if responsible individuals with permits were given permission to carry weapons on campus. “If there had been someone nearby with proper weapons training during the on-campus shooting last March, the shooter could

have been stopped,” he said. Butterfield also said that irresponsible individuals who have criminal records will have difficulties obtaining IFPs. “People with permits should be able to carry weapons for their safety and the safety of others. Those who are going to bring weapons on campus and do harm to other people are not going to respect the no-gun policy,” he said. Under MSU policy, even students who have earned an IFP are not allowed to bring their weapons onto campus. According to, an individu-

al who applies for an IFP in the state of Mississippi must meet certain criteria. Among other requirements, one must be at least 21 years old, have no drug or alcohol abuse problems and cannot have been charged with a felony. A full list can be found on Other students agree with MSU’s policy, such as senior psychology major Mara Smith. Smith said she feels it is important guns are not allowed on campus. “People at our age are not at the mental maturity level to carry a gun with good intentions,” she said. JAY JOHNSON | THE REFLECTOR

Health Center offers screenings on campus SMOKING BAN SURVEY BY JAMIE ALLEN Contributing Writer

MSU on the Move, a program designed to create a healthier culture at Mississippi State University, is helping students, faculty, staff and Starkville residents receive the support and resources they need to live healthier lifestyles. According to director of Health Education and Wellness Joyce Yates MSU on the Move is a nine-week program that gives participants the resources they need to start liv-

ing a healthier lifestyle. Mandy Conrad, registered dietitian, said this program does not use points or specialized diets but instead uses resources such as blogging with a registered dietitian and fitness instructor, fitness applications, health screenings and forums to allow participants to create their own individualized programs to fit their lives and their schedule. “This program is not a cookie-cutter program in which we expect one size to fit all,” Conrad said. “We started this program with free health

screenings so that people could learn what their health goals should be focused on individually.” The program started Aug. 20 with 968 people going through health screenings. These health screenings showed participants their blood pressure, body mass index, glucose level, cholesterol level and waist circumference. Participants who went through these health screenings receive perks from the Sanderson Center and a free T-shirt. However, anyone who would still like to join


this program will also be able to join in on cooking demonstrations, online resources found on the program website and through the question and answer forums. “Resources to help make better nutrition and fitness choices are available on our website. The cooking demonstrations will help teach people how to prepare healthy foods that are simple. The blog and Q and A sessions will further provide nutrition and fitness answers and guidance,” Conrad said. SEE MOVE, 2

indicates days + -when health screenings are held

+++ +++









Nov. 9-16 9










BAD DAWGS..............................2 OPINION ............................... 3 CONTACT INFO........................3 BULLETIN BOARD....................4

CROSSWORD .................. ......4 CLASSIFIEDS...........................4 LIFE......................................6 SPORTS....................................7




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Should not change Restrict tobacco zones Should have tobacco-free campus Source: Robert McMillen, coordinator of Tobacco Control Unit

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MSU tobacco policy under review


BY ANDREW FORTUNE Contributing Writer

Bill Kibler, vice president of Student Affairs, said health standards are considered important at Mississippi State University. Kibler is currently working with members of the MSU Tobacco Task Force to research and discuss options for moving toward a smoke-free campus. The status of the Mississippi State University Tobacco Usage Policy remains unchanged. Kibler said the process of moving toward the ultimate goal of a smoking ban is not a simple process.


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“It is a multi-step process and will include the input of the Faculty Senate, Staff Council and Student Association,” he said. “It is a balancing of choice issue for the university,” Kibler said. Currently, Mississippi State University allows the use of tobacco on campus. The existing policy concerning the use of tobacco products, Student Affairs OP 91.301, limits persons to smoking “25 feet or more away from any enclosed area where smoking is prohibited” on campus. SEE BAN, 2


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friday , september 14 , 2012



Robert McMillen, associate professor especially for those individuals who have in the department of psychology and co- pre-existing conditions such as asthma, ordinator of the Tobacco Control Unit, are heart disease or other respiratory conducted an online survey of Missis- problems. sippi State undergraduates regarding He also said the dangers from secondstudents’ opinions on tobacco policy on hand smoke extend further than just the campus. student body but to anyone who visits a “Less than half (46 campus where smoking Less than half (46 percent) did not want is permitted. percent) did not want to revise the policy, Alexsaundra Stovall, while 27 percent wanta sophomore studying to revise the policy, ed restricted tobacco while 27 percent wanted social work, is in supuse zones and 27 perport of an adaptation to restricted tobacco use the existing policy, but cent wanted the camzones and 27 percent pus to be tobacco free,” she is not in favor of a McMillen said. wanted the campus to be campus-wide smoking McMillen also told ban. tobacco free.” The Reflector about a “It will be unfair to Robert McMillen, test that measures the those students who do coordinator of Tobacco choose to smoke to imair quality in different areas on campus. pose a smoking ban,” Control Unit “Last spring, we used she said. “However, I a monitor to assess air quality on the do believe that smoke-free zones should MSU campus,” he said. “According (to) be enforced in areas like building enEPA standards, air quality was generally trances and the stadium.” ‘moderate’ across campus, but worsened The Longest Student Health Center to ‘Unhealthy for Sensitive Groups’ or offers free assistance to faculty, staff and ‘Unhealthy’ levels when the monitors students who are trying to quit the usage were placed near building entrances of tobacco. during breaks between classes.” Kibler said he encourages everyone to McMillen said the potential health continue to watch this issue as developrisks associated with secondhand smoke, ments occur throughout the fall.

jay johnson | the reflector

A tobacco ban would restrict smoking on campus.

MOVE Some students have expressed that they see benefits of this program. Emily Hill, junior biological sciences major, said she is excited about the program and she is grateful the health center is starting MSU on the Move. “Having free access to a dietitian, exercise coach and wellness checks make this program an excellent and rare opportunity,” she said in an email. “I think it is wonderful that the university health center is willing to provide an opportunity like this.” Yates said there are two main objectives of MSU on the Move: to make MSU on the Move a model for other schools to follow and to help students get out of the stage of contemplation about doing some-


continued from 1

continued from 1 thing to better their health and get into action. “Programs like this boost students to take action,” Yates said. Students are also learning more about what they can do to better their health and see the benefits in knowing what steps they can take to create for themselves a healthier lifestyle. Kiarrie Gates, senior information technology major, said she thinks the beginning of improving one’s health comes from shedding light on the subject. “You know what you need to work on and you are not in the dark on it,” she said. “If your blood pressure is high, you can know and can bring it down and can take steps to get back on track.”


Tuesday September 11 • 8:23 a.m. An MSU student ID was found at a gas station on East Lee. • 3:52 p.m. A student reported seeing a shell casing in the bed of a truck. No weapon was found. • 8:13 p.m. A resident of the city/county was arrested on Blackjack Road for speeding and driving with a suspended license. • 11:22 p.m. A non-resident/visitor was arrested on Hurst Lane for driving the wrong way on a one-way, driving with a suspended license and no proof of insurance.

Wednesday, September 12 • 3:00 a.m. A student reported a suspicious incident in Hathorn Hall. • 3:00 a.m. A student was arrested at Hathorn Hall for possession of marijuana and public drunkenness. • 3:00 a.m. A student was issued a student referral for giving his ID to another student to gain access to a building.

Citations: • 10 citations were issued for speeding. • 1 citation was issued for improper passing on Coliseum Boulevard.

In the Tuesday, Sept. 11 edition of The Reflector, an article about professor Thomas Carskadon said he served as editor of the Journal of Psychological Type from 1977 to 2001. He actually served as editor from 1977 until 2011. Also, he became interested in the First-Year Experience in 1987, not 1977 and it was actually in that same year, not 10 years later, that he led the development of our original First-Year Experience program on campus. Lastly, the team of teaching experts from the Air Force mentioned in the article visited MSU in the late 1970s, not the late 1960s. courtesy photo | longest student health center MSU on the Move provides mobile health screenings. The Reflector regrets these errors.

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the voice of MSU students




Obama’s condition better than Romney Plans for small government prevail


he upcoming presi- licenses, he also quintupled the dential election this per gallon delivery fee for gas. Romney also cut almost five November is going to be one of the most important percent of aid to local cities elections of our lifetime. This and counties. The Romney campaign uses election I plan to vote for the reelection of President Barack the idea of traditional America, which, under its definition, Obama. While I don’t agree with is built on small town commusome of his policies, I at least nities -- the same communities Romney cut agree with others, such Someone (Romney) who can funding for he was as the right lie so blatantly about caring for while governor. for same sex the American public while pro- S o m e o n e marriage and higher moting no increase on taxes who can lie so blatantly taxes on the for the rich ... does not deserve about caring wealthy. My vote for the Amermy vote deserve my vote.” for Obama is ican public more of a vote for ‘not Rom- while promoting no increase ney’ than anything. on taxes for the rich, but who Not only do I disagree with doesn’t mind taxing the poor, everything Governor Mitt does not deserve my vote. He also wishes to revoke the Romney stands for, I also looked at the condition of his already legal marriages of gays that have been married for state. Romney was the Governor years. On top of Romney’s poliof Massachusetts. One of his ads makes the claim while he cies, you have other issues to was governor, he “balanced worry about such as his mental every budget, without raising health. I saw something just the other day that caught my taxes.” While it is true he did not attention. Because of his forgetfulness, raise taxes, what is not said is that in order to still raise mon- people have speculated if Romey, Romney increased govern- ney has Alzheimer’s disease. Romney will not only deny ment fees. In addition to doubling the things he said minutes before, fees for court filings, profes- but he will be confused by sional registrations and firearm them when brought up as if he



has no short-term memory. Another thing is his family members and advisors often feel the need to step in and correct the things he says for him. In March 2012, in less than two hours, Romney flip-flopped on The Blunt Amendment that would allow employers to block health insurance coverage that the boss considered objectionable on moral grounds. Several journalists who have interviewed him have said he seemed foggy or distant during the interview and was very forgetful throughout the whole thing. This is why I will be voting for President Obama in the upcoming election. I urge you to do the same. If I haven’t convinced you to change your vote, I hope to at least make you aware of Romney’s past. I also want you to think for yourself this election. Don’t vote for Romney or Obama simply because you are Republican or Democrat.

have been tasked with detailing the big decisions of government. to you why I will vote for Presi- But ideas carry the day, so that is dential candidate Mitt Romney where I want to focus. Call me old school, but I believe in November’s fast-approaching election. Though he is not the Re- small government is good governpublican I would have liked to have ment. The less it interferes with the emerged from the primary, he will peoples’ affairs, the better. What get my vote. And I think he should would I like in a government? I would like a government in which get yours. One of the chief reasons I am there is provided an even playing voting for Romney is because of surface for everybody to be able the current state of our country. to advance themselves without Since President Obama took the government interference — not office four years ago, household a government who tries to make medium income has decreased by everyone the same. Some call this $4,000. Our unemployment rate principle, equality of purpose. It’s has increased, guaranteeing us a what the colonials had in mind tougher challenge in finding a job when they told King George to when we graduate. Our national get lost during the American Revdebt has moved in the wrong direc- olution. It’s why they put the word tion by $4 trillion. Simply put, the “pursuit” in the Declaration. They economy stinks. wanted to be free to make their As odd as this may sound, I’m own way, not have elected officials going to switch gears now. I could do it for them. The French tried it another way list more numbers or flesh out what I only outlined in the previous during their own revolution. They paragraph, but since I don’t have fought the royals and nobility to much room here, I’m going to fo- establish a place where everyone would be the cus in on ideas. same. What Because, as I’ve Call me old school, happened? The written before, it’s but I believe small Reign of Terthe ideas that matter the most. They government is good ror and years of Napoleonic have consequencgovernment.” wars ensued, es. They shape us. unleashing That isn’t to say we shouldn’t study the details or years of relentless bloodshed. that they don’t matter. Of course They had in mind what we might it is important for us to watch the call, equality of outcome, a state numbers, the stats and all of the in which everyone is the same. All other particulars that accompany the while, America was prosper-


ing, creating things like the Constitution and the Supreme Court. This puts Romney in a favorable light, in my opinion. He stands for small government. He wants to empower us to help ourselves, not give us handouts. Obama’s administration feels otherwise. The president wants to continue to increase government involvement in our lives, as evidenced by his massive health care reform act and other initiatives. Now hear me out: I’m not a crazy conservative who thinks Obama is out to kill America. That’s not what I’ve been trying to say. I just think the principles and ideas here are important enough to really think about. Maybe you think I should have written it differently. A fair question. My answer? Your mind has already been made up as for who you are voting. I just wanted to do my best to get to the heart of what I think makes America so great, and try challenge you to think about your presidential pick a little deeper. That’s how good citizenship works.


Ron Paul is ideal president, wasted vote O

bama is very charismatic. Romney picked an attractive running mate in Paul Ryan and, as one Mississippi State University student said, “that dude looks like a president.” I agree with some of each of both Romney and Obama’s viewpoints, as do many voters, I’m sure. There is one candidate, however, who shares the majority of my opinions on various platforms. Unfortunately, that candidate is Ron Paul. Agreeing with him is not unfortunate, but a vote for Ron Paul is essentially a wasted vote. In the 2008 presidential election, votes for third party nominees accounted for less than one percent of the total number of votes. This could be due to lack of funding in comparison to the Republican party and Democratic party or due

to lack of media coverage. The media controls what we know about the government and candidates; if you think you’re not being spoon-fed, think again. Ron Paul looks like a nice guy. I want to take him to my family Christmas and give him a pair of warm, colored socks. That being said, I’ll explain a couple of his platforms and why I agree with them. Ron Paul is the epitome of Libertarianism. I like to think of the Libertarians’ motto as, “Let the people be.” That’s not really their motto, but they may want to consider getting it engraved at the top of a library or something. Libertarians believe in a woman’s right to choose. Okay, all you Bible belters, get angry. Let me set the record straight by saying I do not believe in abortion, I do not condone abortion and I do not appreciate its ex-

Libertarians know you’re istence. I think more emphasis needs to be put on sex educa- here, you’re queer and it’s okay. tion and accessibility of birth People should have the right to control in order to prevent the choose their partner, no matwant for abortions altogether. ter what. In my own personal I think you need to be willing opinion, I think “marriage” should be to accept I like to think of the taken out the potenof the law tial conseLibertarians’ motto in respect to quences of as, ‘Let the people separation an act in be.’” of church which you and state and replaced with a willingly participate. However, I don’t think my legal union. Then, people can belief in the protection of po- get married in the religious tential human experience should sense wherever they choose; influence the government. Peo- problem solved. Regardless, Ron ple are going to do it anyway Paul wants to let my friends get (Hasn’t America seen “Spring married. Awakening” where the female Let people cross the border. lead gets a sketchy abortion in Let people come here and make 1800s Germany and dies? It’s America their own, just as its a musical; culture yourself.), so founders were trying to do. Let there is no reason for the gov- them climb their way to the ernment to make it unsafe. Ex- top and achieve the “American pensive, maybe, but not unsafe. dream.”


Reflector Editor in Chief Hannah Rogers

Managing Editor Kaitlyn Byrne

Life Editor Zack Orsborn

Multimedia Editor Eric Evans Sports Editor Kristen Spink

Campus News Editor John Galatas

Photography Editor Jay Johnson

Copy Editor Candace Barnette

News Editor Emma Crawford

Opinion Editor Mary Chase Breedlove Copy Editor Rachel Burke



Editor in Chief/Hannah Rogers

Letters to the editor should be sent to the Meyer Student Media Center or mailed to The Reflector, PO Box 5407, Mississippi State, MS. Letters may also be emailed to Letters must include name and telephone number for verification purposes. The editor reserves the right to edit or refuse to publish a letter.

325-7905 Managing Editor/Kaitlyn Byrne 325-8991 News Editor/Emma Crawford 325-8819 News tips/John Galatas 325-7906 Opinion Editor/Mary Chase Breedlove Sports Editor/Kristen Spink 325-5118 Life Editor/Zack Orsborn 325-8883 Photography Editor/Jay Johnson 325-1584 Advertising sales/Julia Pendley 325-7907


EDITORIAL POLICY The Reflector is the official student newspaper of Mississippi State University. Content is determined solely by the student editorial staff. The contents of The Reflector have not been approved by Mississippi State University.

The Reflector staff strives to maintain the integrity of this paper through accurate and honest reporting. If we publish an error we will correct it. To report an error, call 325-7905.

Smoke whatever you’d like. Libertarians feel that all drugs should be legalized. Treating your body right is your responsibility. Eliminate the Transportation Security Administration. Along with many other “Big Brother” government organizations, Libertarians do not agree with the overbearing presence of TSA. And before TSA red flags me for speaking out against them, let me justify my frustrations by saying that I once had to throw away (by order of TSA) a giant jar of peanut butter, presumably because it was “liquid.” Peanut butter is an emulsified solid, buddies. I want my $8 back. Essentially, let the people be. There should be government. Ron Paul is not an anarchist. However, we should avoid overly intrusive government

agencies. Perhaps an equilibrium would be reached where humanity would take care of itself. Maybe people would start to barter and trade services again, and people would find the ability to work. No one ever said life was easy; the government should not hold your hand all the way until you figure yourself out. That’s what terrible citizens want: Government: Oh, you have thousands of dollars in student loan debt? Terrible Citizen: Yes, is that bad? I know I couldn’t afford to pay back the loans, but I figured it would be okay since it was for school? Government: I’m so sorry! How awful for you. Absolutely no one works a job to pay for their schooling, so why should you? A working student, my lanta! Let me help

WENDY MORELL Wendy Morell is a senior majoring in communication. She can be contacted at you out with that debt, you poor thing. Terrible Citizen: Oh, happy day! Since Ron Paul is, as previous numbers report, a wasted vote, I’ll eventually need to choose the lesser evil between Obama and Romney. Maybe I’ll sell my vote to the highest bidder. This is America, after all!


Fraternity disagrees with Reflector coverage


am writing to you on behalf of the Executive Counsel of Sigma Alpha Epsilon. SAE is a fraternity founded in 1856 that is guided by a set of principles called “The True Gentleman.” “The True Gentleman is the man whose conduct proceeds from good will and an acute sense of propriety, and whose self-control is equal to all emergencies; who does not make the poor man conscious of his poverty, the obscure man of his obscurity, or any man of his inferiority or deformity; who is himself humbled if necessity compels him to humble another; who does not flatter wealth, cringe before power, or boast of his own possessions of achievements; who speaks with frankness but always with sincerity and sympathy; whose deed follows his word; who thinks of the rights and feelings of others, rather than his own; and who appears well in any company, a man with whom honor is sacred and virtue safe.” At SAE, we try our best to uphold these standards set forth by our founding fathers. This means for us, a zero tolerance for drugs. We have taken all the necessary pre-

cautions to make sure we stay notified and the situation was true to this. One of the afore- handled in the most propmentioned precautions is hav- er and professional manner. ing a qualified security staff. The drugs were seized and the students were We make escorted off frasure to have We feel that the ternity grounds. as many ofincidents were poorly At this point, ficers that we deem necportrayed in the ‘Bad our head of sespoke essary at all Dawgs’ section and curity with the stuSAE events. would like for you to dents and decidOur head of ed that it would security is a hear them from us, be best to turn law enforcefirst hand.” them both over ment officer, along with every other securi- to the Mississippi State Police Department. After conferring ty guard hired by SAE. The reason for this letter is with the police department, the “Bad Dawgs” section in our head of security returned The Reflector dated Sept. 7. to the fraternity house, as the “12:21 a.m. A student was situation was in the hands of arrested at the SAE house for the MSU Police Department. possession of marijuana.” The second incident oc“12:21 a.m. A student was curred Sept. 2. A fellow Greek arrested at the SAE house for student, who again does not felony possession of marijua- have any affiliation with SAE, na.” was attempting to enter fraWe feel that the incidents ternity grounds. He pushed were poorly portrayed in the through security and entered “Bad Dawgs” section and through the back gate. He was apprehended would like for you to hear immediately and escorted off of fraternity them from us, first hand. The first incident occurred grounds. Our head of securiSept. 1. Two students, who do ty proceeded to question him not have any affiliation with to understand what exactly SAE, were found smoking was going on. He felt that he marijuana in the house. Our had sufficient reason to search security staff was immediately the student. He then found a

felony amount of marijuana on the student. He followed the same professional, proper procedure as before and turned the student over to the Mississippi State Police Department. As with any incident of the kind, there will be repercussions. Our president, Gray Boyles, met with Tabor Mullen, Associate Dean of Students, and Cedric Gaithings, president of the Interfraternity Council, the following Monday. During this meeting Boyles was sure to let both Mullen and Gaithings know exactly what happened. SAE did not suffer any consequences and was even praised for handling the incidents properly. However, we still managed to receive bad press. We wanted to make sure all the students of MSU and readers of The Reflector understand that the incidents were beyond our control and that we handled them the best way possible. We hope this dispels any rumors that may have surfaced from the incidents. I thank you for your time and understanding on behalf of the Miss Theta Chapter of Sigma Alpha Epsilon.

4 | TUESDAY , SEPTEMBER 14 , 2012




BULLETIN BOARD CLASSIFIEDS POLICY The deadline for Tuesday’s paper is 3 p.m. Thursday; the deadline for Friday’s paper is 3 p.m. Tuesday. Classifieds are $5 per issue. Student and staff ads are $3 per issue, pre-paid. Lost and found: found items can be listed for free; lost items are listed for standard ad cost. HELP WANTED Bartending. Up to $300 / day. No experience necessary. Training available. Call 800.965.6520 ext. 213. Part-time position for professional audio engineer(s) for nights and weekend work. Typical shift 8 to 12+ hours. Average hours per week between 0 and 16. Late hours. Inquire at or email FOR RENT Two bedroom, 1.5 bathroom apartment for rent. Quiet complex on South Montgomery. Grad students, professionals and families. Call 662.312.4722. CLUB INFO The deadline for Tuesday’s paper is 3 p.m. Thursday; deadline for Friday’s paper is 3 p.m. Tuesday. MSU student organizations may place free announcements in Club Info. Information may be submitted by email to club_info@reflector.msstate. edu with the subject heading “CLUB INFO,” or a form may be completed at The Reflector office in the Student

Media Center. A contact name, phone number and requested run dates must be included for club info to appear in The Reflector. All submissions are subject to exemption according to space availability. WESLEY FOUNDATION Insight Bible study and worship on Tuesdays at 8 p.m. at the Wesley Foundation Worship Center on East Lee. Boulevard next to Campus Book Mart. MSU CATHOLIC STUDENT ASSOCIATION

Join Sigma Gamma Rho for National AIDS Awareness Day with guests from the Health Center on Sept. 18 in Union 330 at 6 p.m. ECCLESIA Non-fiction writers group. The group will convene at 1 p.m. every first and third Saturday of the month. For more information, contact Lee Lassner at 662.648.7283 or MSU PRE-VETERINARY CLUB

The MSU Catholic Student Association invites you to join us for Sunday mass at 5:30 p.m. at St. Joseph Catholic Church, 607 University Dr. All are welcome to $2 Tuesday night dinner at 6 p.m. in the Parish Hall. Like us on Facebook: HOLMES CULTURAL DIVERSITY CENTER “Salsa in the Streets.” Come dance the night away in front of the Colvard Student Union on Sept. 21. Lesson starts at 7 p.m. and open dance is at 8 p.m. Lessons and music will be provided by the MSU Ballroom Dance Club. Rain date is Oct. 12 at 7 p.m. SIGMA GAMMA RHO SORORITY, INC. RHOad Side Service! Come out Sept. 22 to the Dawghouse at 9:45 a.m. to do community service with Sigma Gamma Rho. Lunch afterward.

MSU Pre-Veterinary Club presents: Pups ‘N Suds. Sept. 15 from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. at Oktibbeha County Co-op. $5 per dog. All proceeds benefit the Oktibbeha County Humane Society second chance fund. HOLMES CULTURAL DIVERSITY CENTER The Holmes Cultural Diversity Center will host its annual Minority Student Organization, “UMOJA,” on Thursday, Sept. 20 at the Amphitheater from 7 to 10 p.m. UMOJA in Swahili means unity, and we want to take this opportunity to bring us all together as we showcase the varied attributes of students and student organizations. MSU STUDENT CHAPTER OF THE AMERICAN SOCIETY OF MICROBIOLOGY Contact or like us on Facebook, “MSU ASM,” for membership information.


Solutions for 9-11-12


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friday , september 14, 2012








Safari park offers adventure With the football schedule glance you’re thinking, “A sajam-packed for this fall, ev- fari in the south?” But in reeryone knows where they will ality, it could just as easily be be for the next few Saturdays. explained as a fenceless zoo. There are two options when But what about dead weekends or those away games that you visit this safari park: Visiare just too far away? This, my tors can ride on a wagon tour friends, should be seen as the or drive their own car. The perfect opportunity to go on park staff also offers animal food for purchase which you what I call a local adventure. Many of you may be un- can toss out the window to familiar with all the love- attract the animals to your vely southeastern part of our hicle. Now, this might sound country has to offer, from the scary at first, but you go home busy city life of places like Bir- with some great pictures of these animals. mingham, or From my exJackson, to A camel and a zebra perience, the the local flair put their heads inside visit to the park of our small our car. Of course, is something rural towns, I’ll never forthere is alI was screaming get. I hung out ways somehysterically as I was of the sunroof thing new to discover. throwing the rest of of the car while Over the we drove slowmy food pellets out next few ly, and togeththe window shouting, er we got some months, this column will phenomenal “Drive! Drive!” take you on photos. We did many adventures to parts of have a few close encounters this region you can explore on with the animals. On one your own, instead of hosting occasion, both a camel and that eighth barbeque of the a zebra put their heads insemester in your backyard. I side our car. Of course, I was encourage you to get out of screaming hysterically as I your comfort zone and hit the was throwing the rest of my road with a carload of your food pellets out the window shouting, “Drive! Drive! It’s closest friends. Our first stop, we will trav- going to get us.” Don’t worry. el to Delhi, La. Here you There was no real danger, but will find the “Wild Country it was definitely an interesting Safari Park,” home to 300 experience. We enjoyed it so animals you can get up close much that we drove through and personal. I’m sure at first a second time.

CHRISTINE BOWMAN Chrstine Bowman is a sophomore majoring in communication. She can be contacted at life@reflector. Now, it should be known I’m a sucker for a good zoo, but there are many other reasons for making the trip to the safari park. Not only can you check out your favorite animals, but you can also complete a photography class assignment, get inspired for your next art project or find a secluded location for you and your significant other to spend some quality time together. There are different kinds of animals in this park from antelope and other deer-like creatures, to camels, longhorned cattle and zebras. The safari is definitely worth your time to visit. You will never forget your weekend at this fenceless zoo. I sure didn’t! For more information, check out Wild Country Safari Park’s Facebook at pages/Wild-County-Safari-Park/163653917052047


Intramurals give non-athletes a chance 54,000. Julie Rhoads, a graduate assistant of intramural and club sports, said she estimated only a The intramural program at little over half of the participants Mississippi State University of- have played previously. Andrew Adams, sophomore fers men’s, women’s and co-ed teams, along with dual and sin- industrial and systems engineergle sports. MSU has had a very ing major, said he agreed with McNair that successful intrafinding sign-up mural program Just try it or come information for many years, watch. We play in the could be diffibut it is not just cult. for those who Sanderson and on When asked played sports the fields.” if they knew in high school Philip Meaker, about the free or play sports agent list, both now. graduate assistant McNair and When asked what might stop her from play- Adams said no. “I’ve actually never heard of ing an intramural sport, Sara McNair, sophomore accounting it,” McNair said. The free agent major, said there was not enough list is located in the intramural office where students can sign up information. “Also, I’m not very athletic so without a team for an intramural that would deter me as well,” sport they’d like to play. If another team is looking for extra playMcNair said. Approximately 34,000 to ers, it can check the free agent list 35,000 participated in intra- and give that person a call. For those students who are murals from summer 2010 to summer 2011. With officials, nervous about trying out for a spectators and anyone else who sport they have never played bemight have stepped onto the fore, the graduate assistants from field, the count reaches about the intramural and sport club BY KALI HORMAN

Contributing Writer



College students tend to have abnormal eating habits and eating schedules. Attempting to forget the stress of school for a few days, weekends frequently consist of hanging out with friends and eventually making late-night food runs. Unfortunately, the selection of restaurants open past 10 p.m. is slim in a small town like Starkville. Thankfully, Starkville has a few new options that serve during those late night hours when hunger strikes. BIN 612: The Bin began serving a special late-night food menu in mid-August. According to Bin 612’s general manager Andy Thornton, the idea was to target the collective public that is hungry while visiting bars in the Cotton District. The menu is served from a stand inside the farthest Bin 612 window facing Maxwell Street. The menu offers appetizers like chicken-on-a-stick, beer-battered corn dogs, gyros and cheese fries all for only $5 each. The late-night food window is open 10 p.m. to 1 a.m.

gave some advice. “Try out smaller sports first,” Rhoads said, “Our new sport this year is battleship, and it’s fun. We put four canoes in the shallow end of the pool and the teams try to sink one another.” Philip Meaker, a graduate assistant of intramural and sport club said he hopes students will get out and be active. “Just try it or come watch. We play in Sanderson and on the fields,” he said. Entry fees for intramural sports vary from $2 to $120. There are new sign-ups available each week, and entry forms for all sports are available in the Intramural Office. Its hours are Monday through Thursday 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. and 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. on Fridays. For those interested in joining an intramural team, information can be found on posters around campus, in town and in residence halls. Information can also be found in the Intramural Office located in the Sanderson Center, on its website and at the table in the Union every Thursday.

Contributing Writer

on Thursday and 10 p.m. to 2 a.m. on Friday and Saturday. Follow @Bin_612 on Twitter for updates and specials. Cowbells Sports Grill: Cowbells Sports Grill also serves its entire menu until midnight on Thursday and until 2:30 a.m. on Friday and Saturday. The menu includes a variety of delicious appetizers, pizzas, salads, burgers, steaks and other dishes that can satisfy your late-night cravings. Want entertainment with your food? A band or disc jockey is scheduled each Friday and Saturday. Even though the kitchen closes, the bar remains open until close at 3 a.m. on Friday and Saturday. Follow @CowbellsSports on Twitter for food and drink specials plus band announcements. Sonic: Starkville’s Sonic Drive-In is now open 24 hours on Thursday through Saturday. Even though this option is a fast food chain restaurant, choosing Sonic eliminates long waits in drive-thru lines, as well as provides an outdoor patio seating area. Sonic is located on the corner of Highway 12 and Vine Street.


Last November, the Avett Brothers fan base hit an all-time high at Mississippi State University. Students were swept away by the undeniable enthusiasm displayed by the band at Bulldog Bash 2011, and now the Avett Brothers have wowed fans once again with the release of the band’s seventh album, The Carpenter. The album’s single, “Live and Die,” hit iTunes back in July, and listeners have been craving more bluegrass-tinged folk-rock ever since. The Carpenter does not fail to satisfy that craving. Whereas The Avett Brothers’ older albums have been more on the folk and acoustic side of the fence, The Carpenter presents a broader sound by introducing new instruments on every track. Songs like “Pretty Girl from Michigan” and “Geraldine” are reminiscent of the zealous fraternal musicians fans all know and love; listeners can practically see Scott and Seth Avett screaming into the microphone and Joe Kwon shredding the strings of his cello bow at a live performance. However, other tracks have a heavier, more thematic feel (“Once and Future Carpenter,” “Paul Newman vs. The Demons”). These spiritual motifs are particularly powerful considering the personal circumstances of bassist Bob Crawford, whose two-year-old daughter is currently battling a brain tumor. And then there are tracks that are smack dab in the middle. Melancholic songs like “Winter in My Heart” are prevented from being unbearably gloomy by the light and floating melody. Covering every bit of the musical spectrum, The Carpenter has all of the makings of a great album. There is a tidbit of oldschool Avett for the true-blue fans, and there is a hint of variance for aficionados that might be hankering for something new and fresh. And a disclaimer for all you Avett veterans: we know you’ve been listening to the band since Country Was. The fact that The Avett Brothers have traded out their banjos for electric guitars on a couple of songs doesn’t mean that the band has sold out; it simply means that the band is moving in a different direction and should be respected for their flexibility as musicians.

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Golf teams begin seasons dogs in contention early as they defeated seven out of the 11 teams represented at Old The Mississippi State men’s Waverly to give them a 7-3 and women’s golf teams be- record to begin the season. However, McDonald said gan the 2012-13 season on a good note with each team for the team to make that finishing in the top five of its next step, the girls must improve in certain areas. tournament. “In order to take The men finished only one the next stroke off the lead to place our team to ing second at the Sam Hall In- level, we are gotercollegiate in Hattiesburg, to have to become which was the best finish for better with our preState since 2009. The women shot routine mainly tallied a fourth place finish and staying in the in their opening tournament present,” she said. which they hosted at the first “Everyone has difannual Old Waverly Bulldog ferent things that they need to work Invitational in West Point. The Lady Bulldogs started on, but as far as the off slowly but were able to team goes, I would bounce back behind soph- say pre-shot routine omore Ally McDonald’s and mental aspect of back-to-back rounds of 69 the game is what we as her 4-under par total 212 need to get better at.” On the men’s side, matched her lowest three round total of her career. the Bulldogs opened The team’s card of 898 also their season in Hattiesburg enabled the Dogs to capture and shot four strokes better the lowest opening tourna- while improving its finish by ment score in school history four spots. Following a season of 34-over par. Head coach in which the Bulldogs were Ginger Brown-Lemm said below .500, State now has a she is proud of not only Al- record of 13-1 by finishing ly’s performance but also the second. The last time the Bulldogs team as a whole to begin the season and is optimistic about started off this well, they went on to gain the remainder a berth in of the year. We were able to the NCAA “I’m so proud capitalize on a lot tournament. of the way the team came out of opportunities this Head coach Homan and competweek and were able Clay said it is imed to begin to beat several teams portant to the season. We were able to ranked ahead of us.” get off to a fast start and capitalize on a Ginger Brown-Lemm, to finish as lot of opportunities this week women’s head coach high as possible in evand were able to beat several teams ranked ery tournament to make the ahead of us,” she said. “Ally team’s chances of an NCAA had unbelievable second tournament berth that much and third rounds. Our two more possible. “Every win and every loss freshmen also came out and showed the potential they either helps you or hurts you, and we don’t want to be in a have.” McDonald finished third position that we were in last among all competitors and year to come up with more was only four strokes behind losses than wins,” he said. the leader. Her performance “Our goal each and every and the play of fellow soph- tournament is to be in conomores Rica Tse and Elena tention to win that tournaWarren put the Lady Bull- ment. So, from that standBY ELLIOTT REES Staff Writer

point, it is very important to get off to a good start.” The men’s team is led by junior Chad Ramey. He posted a 3-under 210 in Hattiesburg, finishing fourth among all competitors while recording his sixth career top-10 finish. Other contributors were returning senior Robi Calvesbert who shot an even par 213. Newcomer junior transfer Joe Sakulpolphaisan’s 5-under par final two days catapulted him to a 3-over total after shooting a 79 on the first day. The addition of Haraldur Magnus, along with the experience of returning players Calvesbert, Axel Boasson and Barrett Edens, coach Homan said this team is not only better than last year’s team, but one of his most experienced. “I think this team is much, much better than the team we had last year from the standpoint of experience, and I think our team chemistry has never been better,” he said. “There are many things we can work on to improve on as a team, particularly in the short game because I think tee to green we hit about as good as most teams out there. It’s just a matter of saving those shots around the green.” The Lady Bulldogs will travel to Columbia, Mo., Oct. 13 for the first time since 2008 to play at the Johnie Imes Invitational. The men’s team will be traveling to play in the Mason Rudolph Championship in Franklin, Tenn., at the Legends Club Sept. 21 to 23.

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Ray displays true character


n a day and age where winning this season, tore his ACL. Davis is all that matters, behind-the- will likely miss the entire 2012-13 scenes antics surround the season. So with a thin roster shrinking NCAA, integrity is often overshadowed by the scoreboard and even more, Ray went right to work honest and upright decisions are to get his team in shape for the season. He held walk-on tryouts rarely made, much less noticed. Joe Paterno and Bobby Petrino to add some bodies to the team, have left a sour image of college but that very same day, more bad coaches in the mouths of most news came. Ray dismissed Smith fans of college athletics. No one and Zeidaks from the team. In a press release, Ray said the could have imagined either of these respected coaches doing two will remain on scholarship what they did. And just think, and have the same academic supthese are the only two who hap- port every student-athlete receives. “This is an unfortunate sitpened to get caught. However, Mississippi State uation for Shaun, Kris and our head basketball coach Rick Ray team,” Ray said. “However, playredeemed the image of college ers must be held accountable for coaches last week when he dis- their actions. I wish them the missed Shaun Smith and Kristers very best moving on with their Zeidaks from the team for repeat- careers.” ed violations of team rules. Ray Ray may come under some could have overlooked these vi- criticism for this decision, but my olations and continued offseason response was just the opposite. workouts, but instead, he made a Yes, I wish Smith and Zeidaks were still on the team for the sole very respectable decision. In April, Ray took over a team purpose of making the team better. But what that had just lost upstanding Dee Bost, Arnett What an upstanding an coach who was Moultrie, Renarcoach who was willing to put do Sidney, Rodthe good of the ney Hood and willing to put the team over simDeville Smith. good of the team over ply winning. He hired almost simply winning.” He upheld the a completely standards to new staff and wasted no time in hitting the re- which he is kept. And these days, that is quite an accomplishment. cruiting trail. We never know actions that The MSU roster was thin already when freshman Jacoby go on behind closed doors in Davis, who would have been a college athletics. We can only candidate for starting point guard imagine and hope our team is

KRISTEN SPINK Kristen Spink is a junior majoring in kinesiology. She can be contacted at not involved with them. I am sure plenty of coaches overlook misbehaviors by their players because those guys are needed to better the team. Especially in an already tough situation such as State’s current position, most coaches would be doing anything and everything to keep players on the team. But Ray showed he is concerned about more than simply his team’s play on the court. He cares about actions off the court, and showed those actions have consequences. The MSU roster now has just five returning players from last season, but that will not slow down the first-year coach. When the second annual Maroon Madness takes place Friday, Oct. 12, Ray and his guys will be ready to hit the floor practicing. So, thank you, Rick Ray, for being bold enough to do the right thing, even when it is not fun. What a great example that was not only in the world of sports, but also for everyone out there making difficult decisions.




friday , september 14 , 2012


Soccer opens SEC play at Bulldog football South Carolina and Kentucky investigations continue By anson Keith

“The NCAA contacted me, and I told them what I knew,” De’Vinner said Wednesday on A 7-on-7 football coach WGFX (104.5-FM). “It’s not from Tennessee claimed he saw just the handshake. Other ima Mississippi State booster give proprieties took place. There’s at least $200 to then-prospect more to this than a $100 or Will Redmond at the MSU- $200 handshake.” Head coach Dan Mullen South Carolina game last year. The recruit is now a freshman said Redmond is still practicing with at MSU but has not t h e played in a game The NCAA contacted team in yet this season. me, and I told them We d n e s On the “Head to Head” radio what I knew. It’s not day’s SEC teleconshow Tuesday, Byjust the handshake. ference. ron De’Vinner also “ We’r e said former MSU Other improprieties not comassistant coach Antook place.” menting gelo Mirando knew Byron De’Vinner, on any of about the infracthat stuff tion. Will Redmond’s at this In an article by 7-on-7 football coach t i m e , ” the Tennessean, De’Vinner said there was more Mullen said. A report released Wednesthan just money involved.

Contributing Writer

By Kristen spinK

The Mississippi State soccer team is set to take its talents on the road today for the first SEC game this season against the South Carolina Gamecocks. The girls are coming off a nail-biting 1-0 overtime victory over the Southern Miss Golden Eagles last Sunday. This win kept the Dogs’ winning streak alive, improving to 7-0 on the year. Not only is this the first SEC game for the team, but it is also the first road game due to conflicts in the scheduling created by Hurricane Isaac’s visit to the Gulf Coast. Junior forward Elisabeth Sullivan said although it is the first SEC and road game, she still approaches the game the same way. “I think it is the same mentality. We know it’s going to be hard no matter if it’s home or away, so we have to go out there and play our hardest,” Sullivan said. “SEC is going to be a lot harder, so it’s more on our mind that we have to play a lot harder.” Head coach Neil MacDonald said the team’s primary interests this weekend are starting up SEC play and how much more intense and aggressive things are going to be for the young team. “It’s a shame we haven’t had the opportunity to travel, but I’m really not concerned about that,” MacDonald said. “That first weekend in the SEC is going to be tough. Our main concern at the end of the game is the speed, and the physical play of the SEC is going to be a challenge for some of the younger players.” The Bulldogs have recorded five straight shutouts this season. The defense has only allowed 8.3 shots per game, and

Sports Editor

ian prester | the reflector

Sophomore Shannen Jainudeen is part of a Bulldog defense that has recorded five straight shutouts thus far in the season. only three of them have managed to hit the back of the net. State is currently ranked No. 15 in the nation in goals-against with an average of 0.42. Rosson herself is ranked No. 18 in the nation with a goals-against average of 0.44. The Gamecocks are fresh off of a win over East Carolina and are 3-3-1 on the season, and the Bulldogs’ next opponent Kentucky is currently 6-1 on the season. Senior goalie Skylar Rosson, who with her next shutout will break the all-time MSU record

for career shutouts, said she cannot take all the credit for the opponents sporting a donut on their side of the scoreboard. “I haven’t been getting that much action because the defense has been awesome,” Rosson said. “We have a lot of confidence going in, and we just have to stay focused and keep the momentum going. Both teams are really good, so we just have to stay on our toes and be ready for anything.” State will look to keep its undefeated season alive against South Carolina tonight at 6 p.m.

Friday, Sept. 14 at South Carolina, 6 p.m. Sunday, Sept. 16 at Kentucky, 12 p.m. Friday, Sept. 21 vs. Vanderbilt, 7 p.m. Sunday, Sept. 23 vs Tennessee, 1 p.m. Friday, Sept. 28 vs LSU, 7 p.m. Sunday, Sept. 30 vs Texas A&M, 3 p.m. Friday, Oct. 5, at Auburn, 7:30 p.m. Sunday, Oct. 7, at Missouri, 1 p.m. Friday, Oct. 12, at Alabama, 7 p.m. Sunday, Oct. 14, at Florida, 1 p.m. Friday, Oct. 19 vs Georgia, 7 p.m. Sunday, Oct. 21, vs Arkansas 3 p.m. Thursday, Oct. 25, vs Ole Miss, 7 p.m.

MSU SEC SOCCER SCHEDULE Courtesy of MSU Media Relations

zack orsborn | the reflector

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day from Yahoo identified the booster as Robert Denton Herring of Roswell, Ga. De’Vinner also said Herring provided Redmond with lodging at Old Waverly Golf Club and a free meal at Anthony’s Food Market in West Point when the recruit visited MSU. Anthony’s Food Market owner Ray Hamilton said those allegations were inaccurate. “I have spoken with MSU compliance and the NCAA. They have asked that I remain silent until all the details are sorted out. The story is inaccurate,” Hamilton wrote in an email to the Clarion Ledger. MSU could face NCAA sanctions including loss of scholarships and a postseason ban if De’Vinner’s reports prove to be true.

Mississippi State looks to carry momentum into Troy tomorrow By John Galatas News Editor

Following Mississippi State’s conference-opening win over Auburn, the Bulldogs have quickly turned attention to their first road test at Troy. In an SEC coaches teleconference Wednesday, head coach Dan Mullen said his team is getting closer and closer to discovering its identity. “I do not know that we are there yet, but I do think that we are getting closer,” Mullen said. “The personality that I have really desired for this team to have is starting to come out, and I want to see how that carries into this week. We will see if we have the confidence to go on the road and continue to execute and play our game like we have been able to do at home.” Mullen said starting off conference play with a victory was good for the team’s morale, but a new challenge presents itself in dealing with the success. “This is new territory for our guys; we’ve never been in this position,” he said. “People are going to pat you on the back. Our guys understand the pats on the back can turn in to kicks in the rear end pretty quick.”

jay johnson | the reflector

Junior quarterback Tyler Russell received plenty of help from his receiving core last week, especially Marcus Green, who was named John Mackey Tight End of the Week this week. To continue the early season’s success, Mullen said his team needs to keep the momentum by improving weekin and week-out. “We have to execute better, play harder and prepare better in practice because you are going to perform how you practice,” Mullen said. “If you take your foot off of the gas at all during the season, you slow your progress.” Junior quarterback Tyler Russell, who was named SEC Offensive Player of the Week, said the team maintained confidence and was responsive in the win over Auburn, and the same will be needed in an opponent like Troy. Russell has plenty of weapons offensively, including John Mackey Tight End of the Week, Marcus Green. Russell and Green have connected six times for 85 yards and three touchdowns so far this year. Green said he is focusing on being a key player this season. “The main thing is trying to be a leader as far as in the wide-out role,” Green said.

“I’m trying to get open for Tyler and show him that I am a target.” Defensively, the Bulldogs are led by Johnthan Banks, who was tabbed Jim Thorpe Defensive Back of the Week. Banks had two interceptions against Auburn, and Mullen said the MSU secondary will be given a challenge with the Troy wide receivers. Along with receivers, Troy’s record-breaking quarterback Corey Robinson presents a threat as he finished 46-of-70 for 485 yards in the air in last weeks’ loss to Louisiana-Lafayette. Mullen said Troy has a very explosive offense. “Their quarterbacks are very experienced and can make all of the throws on the plays,” Mullen said. “They spread around a lot with different receivers, so our defense is going to have their hands full with a very tough challenge.” Kickoff for Saturday’s game is at 6 p.m. and can be seen on







The fastest-growing sport in America is lacrosse. Lacrosse, a sport relatively foreign to the deep south, is very similar to ice hockey, except for the ice skating part. Each team has 10 players on the field at a time: a goalkeeper, three defensive players, three midfielders and three attack men. Each player possesses a long stick, which he uses to catch a little rubber ball. The lengths of the sticks vary depending on position. Attackers generally use a shorter stick, while midfielders and defenders tend to carry a longer stick. The game begins with a face-off at the center of the field and normally consists of four 12-minute quarters. Lacrosse is much like soccer; only the goalie can touch the ball with his hands. Obviously, the team that has scored the rubber ball in the net the most times at the end of the game wins. The sport is also full of contact. Lacrosse rules require players to wear special

padding all over their bodies. Lacrosse has recently come under pressure from the public because of the risk of head injuries, much like football. The risk of concussions has sparked a major debate about the safety of the sport not only for children, but also for adults. Aside from that, the game is catching on like no other. From 2010 to 2011, the sport saw a 37.3 percent jump, and over the past 10 years, it has seen a 218.1 percent leap in participation. The same can be said for lacrosse at Mississippi State. The lacrosse club program has made significant strides since its birth two years ago. The team’s vice president, Andrew Banker, said lacrosse has been going on at MSU for more than just two years. “We’ve been a full team for two years, and this will be our third. Before that, they scrimmaged off and on for about 10 years,” Banker said. The club consists of roughly 25 to 30 members and has two coaches, one of

whom is philosophy professor Bart Moffatt. Moffatt, who played lacrosse collegiately and won a national title at North Carolina in 1991, said he thinks this should be the club’s best season ever after coming off its first winning season last year. Moffatt also said his playing experience has helped some of the players. “The culture of winning is you have to learn how to win. We’ve been getting a lot better,” he said. Banker and Moffatt were drawn to the sport for different reasons. Moffatt could not ice skate very well growing up in the north and was pulled to the field, whereas Banker just wanted to try something new. A Memphis native, Banker said he fell in love with the sport at an early age. “It was a new sport, and I wanted to learn. I took private lessons from a professional,” Banker said. “It also has an intellectual part of the game some people don’t realize.” Club president Ben Hester said his reason for playing lacrosse was simply because


Last season, the club lacrosse team defeated the first-ever NCAA team the guys played, Rhodes College. This picture was taken as the team celebrated its win over the Lynx. he was bored with baseball. “I was originally drawn to lacrosse because of the breakneck pace of the game. After watching my brother’s lacrosse team, I decided to give it a try,” Hester said. “I never looked back.” Although the sport has taken many steps forward over the past 20 years, it still is not part of mainstream public viewing yet. Because of that, it still remains a club sport here in Starkville and at most places in the South. The team relies on dues,

sponsorships and donations to stay funded. Banker said the team started at $100 and worked its way up. The players go out across town and ask businesses to help keep their club going strong. The club now has a package deal where any business can put its logo on a poster or banner. The team plays most of its games in the spring but also a few in the fall. The sport of lacrosse still has a long way to go in terms

of mainstream popularity, but if it continues on this path, the future looks bright for this fresh up-and-coming sport, both nationally and here in Starkville.

Anyone with lacrosse experience is welcome to come to practice. Email Andrew Banker at for more information.

Volleyball looks to improve conference play from last season BY AUSTIN CHANCE Staff Writer


Freshman Katie Enright and the rest of the Bulldogs host Auburn and Georgia this weekend to start conference play.

Before last weekend, the Mississippi State volleyball team had a 2-4 record in tournament play. After starting the season with a record of 2-1 in the 2012 Maroon Classic, State lost all three matches in the 2012 Luxe City Center Trojan Invitational, hosted by the University of Southern California. Last weekend, the team traveled to New Orleans for the 2012 Allstate Sugar Bowl Collegiate Classic. After winning their first two matches against Sam Houston State and Tulane, the Bulldogs fell short against the Pittsburgh Panthers in the Title Match in four sets, taking second place in the tournament and falling to a 4-5 record for the season. Junior setter Paris Perret said the tournament helped the team in preparing for the future. “It was definitely a learning experience for all of us. Even though we lost one of the sets,

it showed us what we have pride in this accomplishment. to work on in the future as a “It was a great honor to be team,” Perret said. chosen for the All-TournaAlthough the Bulldogs did ment Team out of all of the not win the tournament, a great players that were there couple of factors stood out over the weekend,” Nielsen over the weekend. One is the said. play of sophomore Lainey Another factor that stood Wyman and freshman Sarah out over the weekend was the Nielsen. Both of these indi- team’s passing and serving. In viduals were named to the a press release, head coach All-Tournament Team after Jenny Hazelwood said having combining for 30 kills and 10 Wyman back helped the girls blocks in the final match. This see what they are capable of tournament marked Wyman’s doing. season debut after serving a “When we’re at our best, suspension earlier in the sea- we’re serving tough and passson. After being named to the ing well. When that happens, All-Tournament any of our hitWe have to win. It team, Wyman ters are capasaid her focus is not a question of ble of getting was on the fukills,” Hazelwhether or not we wood said. ture, regardless of the weekend’s Looking are going to win honors. these games; we just ahead to this “It’s realupcoming have to win.” ly exciting to weekend, State come back and will face the Paris Perret, get that, but we Auburn Tijunior setter still have a lot of gers, a fellow things to work SEC West opon as a team,” Wyman said. ponent, at the Newell-GrisNielsen said she also felt som Building tonight at 7.


After sweeping the Tigers last season, MSU looks to beat Auburn three times in a row, a feat that was last accomplished in the 2007 and 2008 seasons. The Bulldogs are also looking to take down SEC East opponent Georgia on Sunday at 1:30 p.m. in the Newell-Grissom Building. State lost both matches against Georgia last season. Wyman said this weekend’s matches are very important. “We are all coming in with a different focus. SEC play is a lot tougher, and since we get to play our first matches at home, it is important that we start off well,” she said. Junior setter Paris Perret said she agreed this weekend’s matches carry much weight as they set the pace for the season. “We have to win. It is not a question of whether or not we are going to win these games; we just have to win,” Perret said. “I know we are good enough to win.”

With the team currently holding a 4-5 overall record before conference play begins, this weekend will be the start of a different type of season. State is looking forward to having a solid start to SEC play, due to the importance of these matches if MSU is looking for a berth in the NCAA Tournament at the year’s end. Hazelwood said she is confident in the matches this weekend. “We look at every weekend as a must-win weekend. We want to start off 2-0 in the SEC,” Hazelwood said. “Teams are going to have a hard time beating us at home because we always have such a great crowd.” Last season, the Bulldogs began SEC play with a 1-1 record after opening weekend, then falling to 4-6 overall in the SEC at home. A 2-0 start for this year’s team in the opening weekend of SEC play is the first step to improving on last season’s record.

Ally MacDonald, sophomore, golf Favorite Movie: “The Notebook” Favorite Food: Anything with chicken Favorite TV show: “Law and Order,” “SVU” and “I Love Lucy” Favorite Athlete: Tim Tebow and Annika Sorenstam



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Arceto Clark, senior, football

Skylar Rosson, senior, soccer

Favorite Movie: “You Got Served” Favorite Pump Up Song: “We Ready” Dream Job: to play in the NFL Favorite Sport to Watch(other than football): Basketball

Favorite Food: Sushi Favorite TV Show: Gossip Girl Biggest Fear: Snakes Dream Job: Surgical Sales Rep. Major: Clinical Excersise Physiology

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friday , september 14, 2012



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