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CDC, FDA recommend pause for J&J vaccine By Noah Crenshaw EDITOR-IN-CHIEF
The U.S.government is recommending a pause in the administration of the singledose Johnson & Johnson COVID-19 vaccine out of an abundance of caution, and in order to investigate reports of a rare and severe blood clot, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and the Food and Drug Administration announced in a joint statement on April 13. More than 6.8 million doses of the J&J vaccine have been administered in the U.S. as of April 12, according to the CDC and FDA. The CDC and FDA said there are six cases of the rare clot, occurring in women between the ages of 18 and 48, with symptoms occurring 6 to 13 days after they were vaccinated. The clots occurred in veins that drain blood from the brain and occurred along with low platelets, according to The Associated Press. Shortly after the joint statement, the Indiana State Department of Health announced it would be temporarily removing the J&J vaccine from its clinics. Indiana planned to start a sixday vaccine clinic at the Indianapolis Motor Speedway on April 13. Instead, the clinic will be using the Moderna COVID-19 vaccine, according to The Indianapolis Star. The University of Indianapolis had planned to use the J&J vaccine as part of a vaccination clinic in partnership with ISDH from April 20-22.The clinic, which was announced on April 7, would have offered 500 doses of the vaccine to students, faculty and staff on a first-come, first-served basis. In an email to students, faculty and staff on April 13, Vice President for Student and Campus Affairs and Dean of Students Kory Vitangeli said that based on the recommendations of the CDC and the FDA, the university will know more about the clinics next week, and this information will be sent out as soon as possible. The J&J vaccine had received an Emergency Use Authorization from the Food and Drug Administration on Feb. 27. The vaccine is allowed to be given to individuals who are 18 years old and older, according to the FDA. The CDC announced it will convene a meeting of its Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices on April 14 to further review the case and assess their potential significance, according to the joint statement. The FDA will be reviewing the CDC analysis as it also investigates these cases, according to Anne Schuchat, principal deputy director of the CDC and Peter Marks, director of the FDA’s Center for Biologics Evaluation and Research. “Until that process is complete, we are recommending a pause in the use of this vaccine out of an abundance of caution,” Schuchat and Marks said in the joint statement. “This is important, in part, to ensure that the health care provider community is aware of the potential for these adverse events and can plan for proper recognition and management due to the unique treatment required with this type of blood clot.” Both the CDC and FDA said that COVID-19 vaccine safety is a top priority for the federal government, and that they take all reports of health problems > See J&J on page 3
APRIL 14, 2021
Suicide prevention virtual walk Healing Hounds, Social Work Association host walk for suicide awareness By Nathan Herbst
and president of Healing Hounds David Carpenter. OPINION EDITOR Healing Hounds is an RSO that provides a peer support network Editor’s Note: This article includes to students struggling with mental references to suicide. If you or someone health and/or addiction issues, you know is experiencing depression according to its description on or suicidal thoughts, there are resources UIndy’s RSO page. The Social Work available to help. The University of Association aims to bring together social Indianapolis’ Student Counseling Center work majors to maintain a presence has help and resources for anyone who in the university and surrounding needs it. To set up an communit y, according appointment, call 317-788to its description. 5015. Anyone can register for In an emergency, you the walk free of charge by can contact the Crisis visiting the AFSP campus Text Line 24/7 by texting walk webpage for UIndy HOME to 741741. You can and following the onscreen also contact the National directions. Participants can Suicide Prevention Lifeline then walk or perform some at 1-800-273-8255, 24/7. other form of physical T h e U n i ve r s i t y o f activity for 100 minutes Indianapolis registered that can be uploaded to student organiz ations the page and count for CARPENTER the event, Carpenter said. Healing Hounds and Social Work Association will host Activities can be logged as an “Out of the Darkness” walk and soon as the participant is registered and fundraiser on May 1 to raise awareness for can be recorded all the way up to the suicide prevention. The event is part May 1 event date. Carpenter also said the of the American Foundation for activity does not have to be performed Suicide Prevention’s campus walk all at once and can be broken up into series and will be held virtually, smaller amounts of time. However, according to senior social work major donations will be accepted
until June 30. media, so they're sharing more about The walk will be put on by the the walk and getting their families Healing Hounds and Social Work and friends to register and donate,” A s s o c i a t i on RS O ’s , C a r p e n t e r Carpenter said. said. Many communities and universities, Madeline Abramson, a junior social such as Indiana University-Purdue work major and president of the SWA, Universit y Indianapolis, Butler said the walk is a great opportunity and UIndy, host walks like these for people who have been personally throughout the year to spread suicide affected by suicide to come together awareness, Carpenter said. as a community. She said she also will "The whole idea behind the walk is be speaking about how suicide has to raise awareness about affected her family in the suicide prevention and to opening ceremony video. educate the community "I truly just want to get about how suicide affects the word out that there's especially college-aged always someone who can students," Carpenter help you, even though you said. don’t see it ... there's always UIndy has put on these someone there for you," walks for several years now, Abramson said. according to Carpenter. He According to said they are normally held Abramson, despite the in a traditional format but difficulties COVID-19 COVID-19 protocols forced has posed, the walk has ABRAMSON already surpassed their them to creatively plan out this year's event. To create more goal of $5,000. The y of a community feel, Carpenter said he subsequently increased their goal and others involved in planning the walk to $8,000, which according to prerecorded an opening ceremony to greet their fundraising page, they all registered walkers. have already met. Anyone interested "[Another] great thing about this in donating or participating in the whole online aspect is people are walk can find more information at becoming more acquainted with social
Group researches mask reception By Jacob Walton SPORTS EDITOR & PHOTO EDITOR
Since the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic, masks have been an everlasting feature in students’, and many others’, lives. Eta Sigma Gamma, a health education honorary at the University of Indianapolis, has started conducting research about the UIndy student population's perception and feelings regarding masks, their effectiveness and the activity of mask caring, which is the cleaning and sanitizing of masks, according to senior public health education major and ESG President Samantha Mundt. She said that this type of research is one of the core pillars of what it means to be in ESG. “Part of ESG is we have four core goals, and one of those four is research. And so it's important that each year we're engaging in some type of research, whether it's with other ESG,” Mundt said. “ … but we're partnered with two other ESG chapters from other schools on this project.” The project is partnered with two other universities’ ESG programs across the country, Central Michigan University and The State University of New York at Cortland, according to Mundt. ESG has a connections network that they will use for projects like these that connect schools' ESGs programs from all around the country, Mundt said. However, she said for this project that was not used and the connections were found through UIndy’s ESG Sponsor, Associate Professor and Director of the Health Sciences Program Heidi Hancher-Rauch. Hancher-Rauch works within the professional organization linked to ESG called the society for public health education; she said had a relationship already built with the ESG sponsors for CMU and SUNY Cortland and that they had approached her with the idea of the project collaboration. “My areas of expertise are advocacy
INSIDE: NEWS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3, 8 OPINION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 SPORTS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4, 5 FEATURE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 ENTERTAINMENT . . . . . . . . . .7
Photo by Tony Reeves
In this file photo, two University of Indianapolis students are seen in a health science class while wearing face masks and shields. Eta Sigma Gamma, a health science honorary, has begun research into UIndy students' perception and feelings about masks.
and policy .... In that work, I have become rules that needed to be followed; one of really good friends with the ESG sponsor the rules was based on the way they could at SUNY Cortland ... Dr. Alexis Blavos, word the dissemination of the survey. and then the sponsor at CMU … Dr. “So, even that little blurb that you see Jody Brookns-Fisher,” Hancher-Rauch on Kory's [Vitangeli’s] email is word-forsaid. “ In one of our many calls related word, what we're allowed to say, and we to other activities, they were like, ‘Hey, can't deviate that from that,”Mundt said. with our ESG chapters, our students The message could only be sent are saying, they're really interested in out five times to the population and studying this whole Mundt said that it face mask issue and has made getting what we're seeing enough responses to Part of ESG is we have four the survey one of the on our campuses. Are you interested more challenging core goals, and one of in participating … aspects. She said to find out at our their only method those four is research." various campuses of dissemination what we're seeing has been through similarly and differently among our Vitangeli’s weekly emails and that students?’And so that's how it originated.” they would love to use things such as Mundt said that there was a large the UIndy App or social media, but amount of research and planning ESG the ESG rules do not allow for that. had to do prior to sending out any According to Hancher-Rauch, one of surveys to the campus, such as, finding the largest aspects of the process that the methodology of the research, piloting was a challenge was communication the research with professionals within across the universities with all of the the field and submitting an request to an different leaders. She said that allowing institutional review board for approval the students to take the lead at times for the research. She said that once that was difficult. process was completed there were a lot of “The other piece is when you're a
faculty member and you've done quite a bit of research, you often have very specific ideas about how things should be done,”Hancher-Ranch said.“So stepping back and letting the students really take the lead and just helping to guide them can be a challenge sometimes.” Mundt said that once the research is finished she and the rest of the ESG research team are going to perform an analysis on the numbers not only with UIndy, but with the numbers they get from the other universities. The end goal being to compile the data into a report that they will then look to publish in the ESG journal for others within the national ESG organization to read. Mundt said they really hope to have a better understanding about the perception of masks from college students. “Ultimately, the main goal is just to have more of an understanding of student mask perception because the reality is that masks are probably going to be around for a while,” Mundt said. “So by gauging students' perceptions of these, we can eliminate barriers and add more, not incentives, but add more factors, which make it easier for mask wearing.”
UIndy announced that spring commencement will take a car parade format. Will this provide seniors with a meaningful graduation ceremony?
With two teams at No. 1 in the nation, 6 national championships and several other teams in the top 25, UIndy Athletics is seeing a period of unrivaled success.
Due to the pandemic, the Drag Show could not be held in 2020. However, the show was able to come back in full force. In addition, hear an editor’s experience participating in the event. > See ENTERTAINMENT