Feb. 10, 2021 | The Reflector

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FEBRUARY 10, 2021


Engineering moves to R.B. Annis Hall By Noah Fields FEATURE EDITOR

Since launching in 2017, the R.B. Annis School of Engineering has been a growing progr am, Associate Dean and Director of the R.B. Annis School of Engineering Ken Reid said. W hile Mar tin Hall was a good space to start the program, Reid said, the school has moved to a new building now known as R.B. Annis Hall, located at 3750 Shelby St. “I think it was just an unused building that was kind of going to waste, and it was across the street from campus,” Reid said. “Engineering definitely needed the new help.” Photo contributed by Leah Diekhoff

Senior studio art major Leah Diekhoff was informed that her painting "Felix's Cave" went missing over winter break. It was on loan to the Chemistry Department in Lilly Science Hall.

Painting stolen from Lilly

"Felix's Cave" a painting on loan to the chemistry department went missing By Kassandra Darnell EDITORIAL ASSISTANT

Over winter break, University of Indianapolis senior studio art major Leah Diekhoff ’s painting, titled “Felix’s Cave,” was taken from the chemistry department on the third floor of Lilly Science Hall. According to Diekhoff, she was informed by Chair of the Art & Design Department Jim Viewegh on Jan. 6 that the painting was missing and could have been taken at any time after the semester ended. Lt. Brandon Pate of the UIndy police department said there was a 24-day period during which the painting could have been stolen, but that was not reported by the Art Department until 11 days after the painting was discovered to be missing, and a police report was filed on Jan. 22. Officers are working with both Diekhoff and the Art Department to attempt to locate the painting, according to Pate.

“Our investigator will go through several steps in trying to identify who had access to the building,” Pate said. “ There's such a long window, [so] it's going to be hard to determine, but who had access, who would have been in that area? What motivation is going to come up for taking it? They would have passed several other paintings to do so, And several other opportunities. So as of the beginning, you're looking at who had proximity and knowledge that it was there.” According to Pate, the painting was accessible during the break due to UIndy’s promotion of an open campus, allowing the buildings to be fully open between semesters. According to Pate, there is no security camera footage and no reports of suspicious activity during this period, making it difficult to find any suspects. Pate said motives for stealing D i e k h o f f ’s a r t w o r k c o u l d b e m o n e t a r y, o p p o r t u n i s t i c o r collective. “It's just something that's there

and it's a, ‘I really want that. I'm going to take it. No one's watching,’ to sometimes, maybe it's collectible. Or maybe it's a piece that the person just really enjoys … [and] doesn't know another way to get it, and would take it,” Pate said. “Usuall y, consumables, laptops, cell phones, things like that, those are for monetar y type purposes. Opportunist crimes, typically out of a need.” Diekhoff said she cannot think of anyone who has shown any interest in her artwork that would lead her to believe that the painting was stolen, but that it is possible someone may have seen value in the piece. She said her artwork will be in the Art Department’s Senior Showcase this semester, and she has concerns that more of her artwork could be taken. Diekhoff said “Felix’s Cave” had been on loan to the Chemistr y Department, and there were plans to purchase it to hang permanently in the building. Diekhoff said she also was emotionally invested in the

piece, which is based on a creative writing work of hers. “It was based off of a novel I had started writing in one of my classes before, and I'm a huge fan of reading and writing young adult fiction,” she said. “And so I had based the painting off of a scene that I had written for the book, and this book was the most thought out one I had done before. So I was very connected to it, in that sense that it was connected to me in more ways than just painting a scene of something.” Pate said it’s important for UIndy students and staff to be aware of what happens on campus, never hesitate to report any suspicious activity and not be afraid to get involved if they see something. “Our biggest asset that we have is ever y single member of the UIndy community, because they're the eyes and ears of what happens. So we rely heavily on that. If you see something, let us know,” Pate said. “We can only investigate as well as the information that we have.”

REID R.B.Annis Hall will open in phases,the firstofwhichiscomplete,accordingtoReid. The first phase included faculty offices, c lassrooms and labs, especially those needed for this semester, Reid said. The second phase will consist of both metal and wood shop areas, as well as additional labs that are not currently needed, Reid said. Associate Professor of the R.B. Annis School of Engineering Paul Talaga said it is unsure when Phase three is going to be completed. R.B. Annis Hall is large enough that the school can build more classrooms and utilize more space if needed, Talaga said. “So rather than build the entire

Gallery to discuss sexual assault By Olivia Nettrouer BUSINESS MANAGER

The Student Leadership and Activities Board at the University of Indianapolis is recreating the What Was I Wearing Gallery to bring awareness to the issue of sexual assault on college campuses. The gallery will be up for one night only from 6 to 10 p.m. on April 17 along Smith Mall during Sexual Assault Awareness Month. Graduate student and SLAB Homecoming and Spring F ling Coordinator Brayton Lipperd wanted to bring back the event because he said he felt that it was impactful. He brought up the idea to Assistant Director of Student Activities Nicole Schuch and it became their joint project. “It’s just to bring light to the fact that

it doesn’t matter what you’re wearing,” you’re seeing it everyday,” Lipperd said. Lipperd said. “The common stigma is “I feel like with the event if you add that that the more revealing you are the more aspect along with people sharing their likely you are to get sexually assaulted and stories it will allow you to feel the event that’s not true. Studies show that’s not in a deeper way.” true. So the gallery is going to be a part Submissions are still being gathered of a larger Take Back through a Google the Night event.” Form that was sent The last time through email by It's just to bring light to the Vice President of the gallery was on display, it stayed in & Campus fact that it doesn't matter Student the Health Pavilion Affairs and Dean and Student Center of Students Kory what you're wearing." for the entire month Vitangeli. Those of April, according who decide to to Lipperd. He decided to reshape the submit are only asked for a detailed event to only take place for one night due description of what they were wearing to previous criticism that the event was when they experienced sexual assault, triggering to students who had to see it according to Lipperd. Submittors are also everyday, Lipperd said. asked for their permission to display the “You can kind of get numb to it if clothing or story, Schuch said.

INSIDE: NEWS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3, 8 OPINION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 SPORTS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4, 5 FEATURE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 ENTERTAINMENT . . . . . . . . . .7

“We have several submissions, which is unfortunate that our students have had to survive experiences like that, but amazing that they’re willing to come forward and submit,”Schuch said.“It’s all anonymous. They have the opportunity to tell as much or as little of their story. We really just ask about the clothing, we want to represent that as best as we can.” Actual clothing matching the given descriptions will be on display along with the story told in the submission, according to Lipperd. The goal was to have a wide variety of clothing, Lipperd said. Schuch found that a really interesting part of the gallery is the wide range of clothing descriptions that they have been able to gather. “Hopefully people will be able to see

building and then realize ‘Well, that was a bad idea’… we sort of built inside of the building the things that are necessary for the next few years. And then allowing space in the future to build some other stuff,” Talaga said. The school’s c laim to fame is its DesignSpine curriculum in which sophomore-through-senior engineering students build a project with an outside company, according to Talaga. With at least 15 projects with external companies going on simultaneousl y, the school has historically used every square inch

> See Gallery on page 3

> See Hall on page 3





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Needing some motivation during the school year? The Reflector staff has compiled a list of their favorite songs that get them motivated and moving.




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