FEBRUARY 8, 2006
Men’s basketball breaks losing streak. See Page 5.
1400 E
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Valentine’s Day events guide. See Page 6.
Campus-wide smoking ban to take effect in May Katy Yeiser Managing Editor A campus-wide smoking ban will be implemented at the University of Indianapolis at semesters end. President Beverley Pitts announced the policy to curb second-hand smoke and improve the health of the campus on Jan. 18 through a campus-wide email. “It is not much of a drastic change as it somehow seems to be because we are already not a smoking campus,” Pitts said. “We just wanted to have the external part of the campus [smoke free].” According to Pitts, the conversation for a smoking policy began when she met with the Indianapolis Student Government in the fall. ISG voiced their desires for a smoking ban to Pitts and later proposed a policy. David Wantz, vice president of Student Affairs, also said the ever-growing concern for American’s to get healthier; the mayor and governor’s stance on improving Indiana’s health and the current smoking policies around the state also influenced the administration in discussing a smoking policy. Wantz is in charge of forming a task force to implement the policy and creating smoking cessation classes for students and faculty. Although the ISG’s proposal prompted action to implement a smoking ban, their proposal was not one of a campus-wide smoking ban. ISG proposed the creation of a smoke free zone on Smith Mall, designated smoking areas for each academic or resident hall, that smoking be moved to the rear entrances of each designated area, or moved to a respectable distance from the front door of a designated area if there is no rear entrance and that smoking cessation classes on campus be created. “It’s more of the president’s and the cabinets [policy] than
ours,” said ISG President, Evan Hill. “From our standpoint we truly feel that our policy reflected the views and the opinions of most certainly the students. And the faculty had their chance to have their say on it as well.” Even though the campus-wide smoking ban may seem different than ISG’s proposal, Pitts said that she decided on the policy in support of the student’s want for a policy. “I guess my language of saying ‘smoke free’ left everybody with the impression that somehow that I had not listened to what the students had endorsed, but I had,” Pitts said. “It isn’t like I made a decision that is arbitrary and different. I was in fact supporting of what the students wanted. I wanted to start with the concept. It’s sort of like ‘yes I agree with what you want, but let’s start with the concept of basically being smoke free.’ ” Pitts and Wantz both noted that ISG’s proposal would be hard to implement with the different restricted and designated areas. Both said that trying to restrict and allow certain areas for smoking would lead to a feeling of police enforcement. “I have no intentions of having a police mentality,” Pitts said. “I’ve got so many questions like ‘are you going to give tickets?’ No, I’m going to count on people’s good will and good behavior.” Wantz agreed. “No one wants to be the smoke police,” Wantz said. Wantz said he applauded ISG for coming up with a proposal that would appease everyone. “I think ISG have some disappointment because they worked very hard to generate a consensus about cigarette smoke,” Wantz said. “I think that student government is getting some criticism.
Photo by Crystle Collins
A campus-wide smoking ban was announced by President Beverley Pitts on Jan. 18. The policy will take effect in May, following commencement.
Smoking ban continued on p. 3 ■ GRANT COMPETITION
Fitness program implemented President announces grant competition Sandra Ameny Staff Writer
On Jan. 20, the kinesiology department and athletics department, with guest speaker President Beverley Pitts, launched the University of Indianapolis’s first “R Uindy Fit Program” for 230 faculty and staff in the Schwitzer Student Center. The kick-off of the four-month program began with registration, lunch and a few remarks from Pitts. The program was finalized with an inaugural walk, led by the president, through campus. “The kinesiology department came to me with this as an idea. I think it is a terrific way to get everyone to think healthy, and it’s going to happen after the holidays when everyone wants to do something,” Pitts said. “Everyone loves competition, and I
thought it was very creative.” Pitts also said that the fitness program shows that the University of Indianapolis cares about the health and well-being of its faculty and staff. Pitts emphasized that she would like to see a continuing series of fitness programs with the support of the nursing, occupational therapy and physical therapy as well as kinesiology that focus on the wellness and well-being of employees and students. The chair and assistant professor of the kinesiology department, Lisa Hicks, also said that she would also like to see the program grow. “I would like to have the faculty and staff program year round and we wanted the president to get involved to increase camaraderie between faculty and staff,” Hicks said. Funding for the program came from 20 businesses in Indiana in the form of prizes,
food and equipment, and 230 pedometers from St. Francis Hospital, according to the Jan. 13 university press release. “We envisioned it was going to be a small project, but it grew to 230 people,” Hicks said. “Over the Christmas break, we sought donors, and we got pedometers from St. Francis Hospital.” Hicks said she hoped faculty and staff involved in the program would take it as a learning experience for a healthier way of life. “I hope they learn you can make a difference with small changes.” The four month fitness program will continue until May. President Pitts said that she was elated to speak at the event and was also working diligently to commit to the fitness program. Pitts said she hopes the participants feel motivated by the program. “Take one day a time,” Pitts said “and stay with it.”
Photo by Kim Hopper
Faculty and staff join President Beverley Pitts in a walk around campus to kick off the campus program “R UIndy Fit.” The program is aimed towards making the university faculty and staff healthier. The program will last until May and 230 university faculty and staff members are participating.
Crystle Collins News Editor
University of Indianapolis President Beverley Pitts recently announced that 10 travel grants will be awarded to eligible students at her presidential inauguration scheduled for Mar. 28-29. Pitts became president of U of I in July of 2005. The inauguration theme is “Passport to Possibilities.” The travel grant competition is open to all full time students at the Indianapolis and Athens campuses. According to a press release, the grants will cover travel and housing expenses as well a visa, meals, museum fees and travel insurance. The trips are meant to be learning opportunities at one of the university’s overseas campuses with articulated agreements for this specific program, such as Belize, India, Greece, China, South Africa, Taiwan and Israel. The “Passports to the World” travel grants, are a one time offer and the program will not be implemented permanently. “Beverley wanted an inauguration that would be meaningful,” said Pat Jefferson, dean and associate professor in the School for Adult Learning. “She wanted something that would be classy but not high in cost. Something that would feature the international programs and diversity but also be elegantly simple.” Jefferson, who is on the inauguration committee, said that the inauguration will focus on the university and telling the university’s story well. The events also will allow members of the university community to be involved in every aspect. Jefferson said that Peter Noot, director of publications, came up with the idea of “Passports of the World,” which went along with Pitts wishes to feature the students and diversity of the campus in the inauguration process. The grant process has begun and applications, complete with an essay of interest and references are due by March 1. The essay should be no more than two
double-spaced pages and can be submitted online. The two reference letters, one academic reference and one personal reference, must be submitted via mail, email or in person to Mimi Chase, director of the International Division. “The grant award process will not be determined by the student’s site choice, need or really anything,” Jefferson said. “There is no discrimination, but obviously the application should be complete and correctly spelled words are a must. We want to see a thoughtful presentation and evidence of preparation.” Jefferson emphasizes that students should take this opportunity to learn more about other cultures, and see beyond the South side of Indianapolis. “I really am for students and this terrific opportunity,” she said. “If I had to choose a place, for me, it would be Athens because I was a speech and theater major [undergraduate]. I would want to see where Greek theater and the history of public address took place, and where Aristotle lived.” March 6 is tentatively set as the date for the applications to be reviewed and the winners will be notified by mid-March and will be awarded by Pitts at the inauguration on March 29. The grants must be used between May 1, 2006 and Aug. 1, 2007. Pitts will hold a private dinner for the winners, their families and international delegates who will be participating in the investiture ceremony. Other inauguration committee members are Dan Briere, dean of the College of Arts and Sciences, Mike Ferin, vice president of Institutional Advancement, Sr. Jennifer Horner, university co-chaplain, Bob Jones, deputy chief information officer of Information Systems, Paul Krasnovsky, associate professor of music, Phyllis Lan Lin, professor of sociology; Dir., Asian Programs; Dir. Grad. Applied Sociology Program; presidential international ambassador, Jeff Russell, chief information officer, Joseph Solari, director of marketing, Phil Young, library director and Monica Woods, director of Alumni Relations and Institutional Advancement.
News at a Glance STUDENT EMPLOYEES Sandra Ameny Staff Writer
Each year the University of Indianapolis gives the Student Employee of the Year award to a deserving and hard working student. Qualities that a student must represent include reliability and professionalism. All undergraduate students employed by the university are eligible to participate and nominations will be taken until Feb. 9.
Some of the requirements to be student employee of the year include three months of full-time or six months of part-time work on campus, good work and ethics. The nominations will be overseen by the Student Employee Advisory Council and the winner will attend the annual Honors Convocation where he or she will be awarded. The prizes include a certificate and a monetary amount of $75 for state winners and $150 for MASEA (Midwest Association for Student Employment Administrators) winners. All paper work can be found on the university web-site; all nominations should be submitted to Lela Mixson in Career Services located in Schwitzer Student Center.
PARKING UPDATE Alison Hernandez Staff Writer Parking issues last semester at the University of Indianapolis prompted university officials to find new alternatives for the second semester. However, the land designated for a new parking lot is still undeveloped. The designated land is behind Warren and Cravens residence halls and was bought in order to build a parking lot that would add 164 new parking spots to students. “Since that’s [the parking lot] a new property for the university, we had to go through some re-zoning to get it included as part of university property,” said Ken Piepenbrink, director of Physical Plant.
The university bought and demolished two homes on Windermiere Drive behind Warren and Cravens to make way for the new parking spaces. “Once we tore the houses down and changed the usage of the land, we had to go through metropolitan development and go through all their variances, paperwork and things like that,” Piepenbrink said. According to Piepenbrink the university’s hearing with the city, concerning the land development, is set for Thursday, Feb. 23, 2006. Construction should begin on the following day. The project is expected to be completed by the end of March. The new parking lot will cost approximately $500,000.