Sept. 28, 2016 | The Reflector

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SEPTEMBER 28, 2016

Number of meal swipes changes in response to forum


By Jessica Hoover & Jessica Mehrlich NEWS EDITOR & STAFF WRITER

By Chelsea Faulk & Hanna McClard OPINION EDITOR & STAFF WRITER




Deborah Balogh retired from her position at the University of Indianapolis as GREYHOUND Vice President and Provost at the end of Campus Drive VILLAGE May. Following her retirement, President MARTIN Robert Manuel asked David Wantz, HALL LILLY who now serves as Interim Executive SCIENCE HALL Vice President and Provost, to take over Balogh’s position while they search for a permanent candidate. KRANNERT MEMORIAL An academic provost is the university’s SCHWITZER LIBRARY chief academic officer and “responsible for the creation and implementation of the academic priorities for the university and for the allocation of resources that RUTH will support those priorities,”according to ESCH LILLY CHRISTEL DEHAAN Northern Michigan University’s website. In some cases, Manuel said especially at smaller campuses, it is typical for the Hanna Avenue provost to be the university’s vice president as well. “The vision for intellectual life, for the HEALTH PAVILLION WARREN CRAVENS experiences you have as a student, are all ROBERTS usually led by a provost,” Manuel said. “An academic and executive vice president is somebody that then takes those Rally Point Building and works with [the] cabinet and [the] board on issues of finance and marketing. Each rally point’s color corresponds with the matching building’s color. It’s usual that in an institution our size, that somebody be both so they can be in both conversations.” With Balogh’s retirement and Wantz filling in as interim, the search for a Graphic by Jenna Krall new provost has begun. UIndy has partnered with Korn Ferry, a national search firm that specializes in helping universities find and match with potential candidates. Before beginning this partnership, Manuel hosted four or five open house meetings with faculty and staff to gather information and find out more about what they want in the next provost. Manuel intended to discover what the faculty wants the provost to do, what opportunities the faculty wants the provost to have and what direction the faculty wants to give the new provost. After completing the open house meetelevated the issue of campus safety. The in every building acting as evacuation ings, the search firm came into action. By Erik Cliburn & incident lasted for nearly an hour and coordinators, and their job is to let folks Manuel then created a search committee, Corey Hodges involved the evacuation of all campus know within the building where to go,”she consisting mostly of faculty and some EDITORIAL ASSISTANT & STAFF WRITER buildings and a “search and sweep”in every said.“Now does that mean that everybody administrators, to perform the actual building by the UIndy police. Vitangeli always knows that? I think we have to screening process for the university. He Safety on college campuses is a said that the response and reactions from work on that. But each building has a said they are expecting to recieve around growing concern of many across the the campus community were impressive. rally point. Most of them are in parking 200 resumes. Once the search firm and country. For example in October of 2015, “In general, I think we felt really good lots away from the buildings.” committee have determined four or five TIME magazine published an article about how the campus responded,” she Selby said that an investigation has finalists, Manuel will have them come to that highlighted a total of 23 campus said.“That was the first time we evacuated been launched by both Homeland Security campus to meet with students. shootings during a 10-month period. campus for a bomb threat. I think in the and the Indianapolis Metropolitan Police Until a decision is made, Wantz said With increasing publicity about school instance that people got the Watchdog, Department in response to the bomb he wants students to focus on what they shootings and cases of sexual assault on and people took it seriously. We were threat. He said similar threats also were came here to do. campuses, campus safety has been in able to—in a matter of 15 minutes—have called in at Southport High School and “S tudents should know that recent years a much discussed issue. everyone vacated from every campus St. Francis, which are believed to be while I’m in this chair their profesDespite the negative publicity about building. So I thought that was pretty connected to the threat on UIndy’s campus sors will be able to focus on the surrounding campus safety across the impressive that people really took things and also under investigation. thing they do best, which is teaching, country, Vice President of Student and seriously and listened when they needed Vitangeli mentioned that overall research and service,” he said. “Students Campus Affairs and Dean of Students to go.” campus security has increased greatly should know they can focus on the thing Kory Vitangeli maintains that UIndy is since the implementation of keycard- that they are called here to do, which is incredibly safe and that the faculty, staff only access to residence halls and that a to learn. And that the search process and students are continually working plan for the near future is to apply the will yield someone who will fit with our to educate, inform and improve in every same security access to other buildings campus culture, who will be able to lead area regarding safety. on campus. us in [the] creative academic enterprise Vitangeli said that the safety of the According to Selby, responsibility … and who will absolutely further our UIndy community remains a constant for student safety relies heavily on each mission and make us stronger.” effort for the faculty and staff on individual taking the time to educate Wantz also would like to make the campus. himself or herself on safety procedures. transition between his interim position “I think campus safety is always a “I can do all kinds of stuff, but the and the new provost a smooth one. priority for us,” Vitangeli said. “[The bottom line is [that] you have to take “I want to turn over to the next profact] that we have a full-fledged police Selby praised the members of the safety ownership of your own personal safety,” vost a campus that is flexible, optimistic force on campus, and we have officers committee who were stationed in each he said. “When you leave here, if you go and eager. So in some ways, I am the that monitor 24 hours a day, shows our building as he explained the process of work in New York City, there’s not going encourager-in-chief,”he said.“These have commitment to safety. One of the No. 1 the evacuation. to be a campus police department with been my colleagues for 35 years. I care priorities of us at UIndy is to make sure “We had to do it marginally [the somebody saying, ‘Come on, follow me. what happens to them, and I care what that students, faculty and staff feel safe evacuation],” Selby said. “We sent people Let’s do this, let’s do that.’ So what are happens to this campus.” on campus, that they are safe on campus to rally points because we didn’t want you going to do then? Who are you going Manuel said that students should be and that we are paying attention to things everybody jumping in a car and flooding to go talk to and say, ‘Where is my rally interested in meeting the finalists on that are going on within the city and how the intersection. I think the people that point? What should I do?’ You have to campus and becoming part of this process they impact our campus.” were on the safety committees did a start learning and educating yourself now.” because this change is going to affect According to UIndy Police Chief fantastic job. And not only that, this is not The UIndy police department has them the most. David Selby, the university continues to something that people are paid extra to do. posted information about campus safety Other goals for Wantz include helpstay a step ahead of other college campuses They do it because they truly care about on the MyUIndy website under the ing the university to be ready to receive when it comes to safety. the people and the community members. Public Safety link.These materials include a new provost and helping the candidate “We are an extremely safe campus,” he They put themselves out there to do this policies and procedures, emergency be successful in his or her new position said. “I think we are prepared as well or kind of work for the safety of everybody.” management, fire safety information, on campus. better than most campuses I have been Vitangeli explained the role of the contact information for the UIndy “We are here to advance knowledge, on. I’ve been at Butler, and I’ve been at safety committee members and the staff police, Title IX information, a guide and that’s what this provost will do,” IU. This is a community thing [campus members of residence life who helped on how to report a crime on campus, Wantz said. “He or she will help the safety], so everybody has to be prepared.” facilitate the evacuation. parking information, technology safety institution advance knowledge and A recent event on campus, an “Campus police have trained information and details about the UIndy prepare students for rewarding careers evacuation prompted by a bomb threat, individuals [safety committee members] PACT initiative. and faithful service.” CORY BRETZ HALL


Smith Mall

Students received an email on Aug. 23, laying out the University of Indianapolis’ new dining options and procedures. In this notice, students were informed that they would no longer be given Dining Dollars as a part of their meal plan and that a limit of four swipes per day would take effect by the start of the new academic year. Hearing that students were struggling with the new system, Indianapolis Student Government partnered with Vice President for Student and Campus Affairs and Dean of Students Kory Vitangeli to host a forum for students to come and discuss their concerns. The forum was held on Sept. 7, and according to junior political science major and Indianapolis Student Government President Jason Marshall, there was a good turnout. Although ISG was not included in the decision-making process that brought about the new changes, Marshall said, he thought that hosting a forum would help students express their concerns and work toward a compromise that would allow them to get what they are paying for. Prior to the forum, Marshall said the swipe limit could pose problems for students by limiting their options. “I think it’s going to limit what students do,” he said. “It can have the potential to help—to balance [their swipes] and everything—but in the long-run, I feel like it’s just going to be an extra burden of stress. It was mentioned by a student [in the forum], ‘How much food am I getting today? How many swipes am I going to be using?’ I don’t feel at college—especially since we pay to be able to eat—that we should be concerned or have the fear of, ‘Am I going to be able to eat tonight?’” Marshall said that he was optimistic that there would be changes made to the new system. He praised the students who showed up for handling the situation with maturity, and he believed that their responsible behavior will help bring about change. Marshall said that ISG is the liaison between the students and the administration. He believes that ISG will be the driving force to get the students’ voices heard on this issue. Marshall encouraged anyone with concerns to reach out to them either during office hours or through email. “I think a change is going to come,” Marshall said before any changes were made. “I think it can happen. And we’re just going to keep working until we get it.” Senior supply chain management major Tyler Coonradt came to the forum with concerns about the new policies. He said that the changes made were unfair to the students. “You can’t really spring that on someone after everyone had already paid for the product they thought was going to be delivered,” Coonradt said. “Plus, nobody had any time to make changes—if they knew they were only going to have so many swipes a day—to change their meal plan or maybe switch to Crimson Cash.” Coonradt said that a five- or six- swipe limit might work, but the four-swipe allotment is just not enough. “Sometimes, you run out of swipes,”he said. “I know for a fact that if you wake up in the morning and get coffee and then you end up getting something else from another place, you’re down to two swipes the rest of the day for meals. Plus they changed all the prices of Streets, Fiesta Grill and Sub Hub. They’re limiting how many swipes you can spend, but they’ve increased the amount that all the food costs. The value of your swipe has gone down, and they’re limiting how many swipes you can use. I know for a fact that grilled cheese is $3 this year and $1 last year. I don’t know if someone can increase the price of something 300 percent.” In regard to the loss of Dining Dollars, Vitangeli said that they were not included in the cost of the meal plans. “When Dining Dollars started, it was incentive money that was not part of the cost,” she said. “Students were given Dining Dollars for free. Dining Services wasn’t being paid for them. So because we

> See MEAL PLAN on page 3

Search for new vice president, provost begins


UIndy officials strive to keep campus safe

Dean of Students, Police Chief assure UIndy students, faculty, staff that they are safe on campus


“[W]e have a full-fledged police force on campus, and we have officers that monitor 24 hours a day...”



Greyhounds in the Olympics

> See Page 7

Gala Opening

> See Page 8

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