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Reformed Fellowship, Inc.

Grandville, United States

Reformed Fellowship, Inc., is a group of believers in Jesus Christ who are committed to promoting the historic Christian faith as it is expressed in the Reformed confessions. We do that by publishing books and a bi-monthly journal, The Outlook. We aim to: • Present the gospel of Jesus Christ in its full majesty and beauty • Provide resources and instructional materials for churches • Defend biblical doctrines and expose false teaching • Encourage Christian action and godly living We believe that the Christian faith finds its fullest and best expression in the historic Calvinistic confessions. All of us belong to churches that confess either the Three Forms of Unity (the Belgic Confession, the Heidelberg Catechism, and the Canons of Dort) or the Westminster Confession and Catechisms. If you support our mission and you are a member of a confessional Reformed church, we invite you to join us.
