2 minute read
Bubu — Earth
Bubu (Earth) is an important element for Yalanji as it provides them with the Junkaji (culture) to live and thrive in some of the harshest and unforgiving environments of the planet. As Yalanjji come from the earth it’s the Junka that gained by living on Bubu that is passed on for the next generation once you return to the Bubu. As a class, discuss the following questions: • As we move into a knowledge economy with artificial intelligence, how is Junka maintained and protected and who controls the Knowledge Systems that have been passed down to
First Nations Peoples for thousands of years? • As First Science is based on understanding culture by lived experiences in the environments, how does this apply in the digital environments and are First Nations technologists advancing First
Peoples Rights by ensuring data sovereignty in the digital world?
• Visit the Noongar encyclopedia bringing together Noongar and
Western knowledge of Western Australian plants and animals.
• Indigenous Navigator: The Indigenous Navigator is a framework and set of tools for and by Indigenous peoples to systematically monitor the level of recognition and implementation of their rights. indigenousnavigator.org • Read the Careers with STEM: Indigenous article ‘Caring for Country’ p14 about Chantelle Murray’s work in land conservation as one of the Ngurrara rangers. bit.ly/3t23Qfr
Culture & Governance
1. Imagine you are travelling to Mars and are naming and describing the features you see. How would you develop a naming convention that is inclusive and reflective of humanity? Reflect on the names of features in your area and why they were named in that way. Read: ‘The right thing to do’: restoring Aboriginal place names key to recognising Indigenous histories, The Guardian: bit.ly/3spyYGI
2. Work in groups to develop a declaration of rights to life on Mars. Consider the following questions: What are the values that are important to your group to protect the rights of future life on Mars? What do human rights mean? What is your definition of life on Mars? What are your agreed value systems for life on Mars? Examples might be safety, environmental sustainability, wellbeing, equality or spiritual connection to land.
Arts & Communication
What land are you on from an Indigenous perspective? Check the AIATSIS map to find out. bit.ly/3sqtMT1
First Science
What season are you in now, considering where you are in Australia and the different seasons in different regions? What are the correct fruits and foods to eat during these seasons? Visit the CSIRO season map for your research.
ACARA OI.5 — Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples’ ways of life are uniquely expressed through ways of being, knowing, thinking and doing.
ACARA OI.6 — Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples live in Australia as first peoples of Country or Place and demonstrate resilience in responding to historic and contemporary impacts of colonisation.