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Mapping activity

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Bubu — Earth

Bubu — Earth

Think about how the land you live on has changed over time. What are the Indigenous and Western stories and images that describe this land? Using the resources below, investigate how the land has changed. Use data sets from Geoscience Australia and elsewhere that might include: • Impacts of mining • Impacts of fishing • Historical maps • Biological diversity • Google Earth • Indigenous and other artworks of the area


Provide an assessment that is your own personal view of the potential impacts of an activity in this area. For instance, what would be the impacts of a mine being built in this area? Who might be affected by these activities and how might this change the way that people currently use the land, and how the land has been used in the past? Who benefits from the land currently and how might this change? Present your ideas how you like — this could be a series of social posts, a poster, infographic, PowerPoint, video, podcast or in-person presentation. Review the ideas of a classmate — how are they similar to or different from your ideas about your place?

resources for your research

Virtual Song Lines: virtualsonglines.org

Google Earth: earth.google.com/web/

Geoscience Australia Maps: ga.gov.au/data-pubs/maps

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Island Collection, Australian Museum: australian.museum/learn/cultures/atsi-collection/

Questions to consider:

1. What would a future map of this area look like? 2. Who might be consulted to make this map? 3. What sorts of things might be included, e.g. temperature, waste, data on air movement, geological data, roads and infrastructure, historical use? 4. Can you present a map that incorporates different data along with Indigenous perspectives on a place? 5. What are significant cultural markers that policy and town planners need to be aware of when developing a project on

First Nations lands, rivers and seas? Read the Careers with STEM online story Indigenous top tech entrepreneurs bit.ly/3p9Xc5J

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