T R O P E R H C E T plained The biggest trends of 2021 ex
5G Say hello to the next gen of global wireless tech! 5G is the fifth generational mobile network, designed to connect pretty much everyt hing together – people, machines and, of course, dev ices. It’s faster than 4G, streaming is seamless and rea l-time gaming is possible.
Internet of Things (IoT)
ing to the billions of about the IoT, they’re referr If you hear someone talking s are equipped with to the internet. These device devices that are connected a with other devices. tech so they can exchange dat sensors, sof tware and other p and can connect the IoT if it has a computer chi Any thing can become par t of hen appliances. industrial tools and even kitc to a wireless network – cars,
Edge computing
source, rather storage closer to a device’s Edge computing brings data replace cloud a faraway location. It won’t than relying on the cloud in ! Proximity you to ing re like the cloud com computing though – it’s mo pful in areas hel er time), and this will be sup improves latency (response processing. a dat ), machine learning and IoT like artificial intelligence (AI
Virtual reality (VR)
Think of blockchain as a sha red digital ledger that helps record transactions and track assets. Most famous for transferring crypto currency like Bitcoin, blockchain is also used in eve rything from government to transportation. It’s popula r because it can deliver information fast, transparently and securely.
Did you know?
Blockchain was the nu mber one sk ill on Lin kedIn’s list of the to 10 sk ills most likely get you hired in 2020.
VR is all about using comput er tech to create a simulated environment tha t can be explored – and it’s not just for gaming! VR is used in healthcare, retail, tourism, arc hitecture, education and the automotive industry. – Louise Meers