Grimoire - Portfolio

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GRIMOIRE. A Portfolio Book by Ray Pratiwi 2017





Character Intro Hello and welcome to my portfolio compilation! As of 2017, I have been studying at UIC for around two years now. I am learning about graphic design, something that I deem important as it relates to art and illustration, which is my true passion! I hope with this portfolio I can show the progress that I made over the course of my studies in UIC. Included in this portfolio are 10 different projects, varying from UIC projects, as well as personal projects. Henceforth!


Level Select N





World 1 Fam the Plan

p. 10

Bahari Alphabet

p. 20

CYKO Apparels

p. 26

Sulawesi Stamps

p. 32

Character Design


World 3 The Wolf and the Hungry Boy p. 54 Personal Illustrations

p. 62

World 2 Pos Indonesia

p. 38

Bangtan Daily

p. 44


p. 48




Illustration-based Projects As a graphic designer, one of my more prominent skills include illustrations. The following are a handful of projects with lots of focus on the illustration side.

• • • • •


Project Design Implementation Typography Skills Packaging Digital Imaging Image Manipulation



Fam The Plan

Class; Project Design Implementation Term: 5 Lecturer: Utari Syaukat Fam The Plan is an implemented project that stemmed from the problem assinged by my art director for the project — which is overpopulation. This project was designed with teenagers and young adults of Indonesia in mind. As such, both my art director and I decided on using a merchandising campaign to spread the awareness of the issue, as the medium is wearable, serving as a reminder of the cause to the people. 10.

The picture to the right is the artwork and the merchandise that we used for our project. We made two series for this project; one tackling overpopulation by means of surrogacy (orange) and one through contraceptive means (blue). For the merchandise itself, we decided on keychains, stickers, tote bags and t-shirts as these are wearable items and can remind the audience of the topic of this project.


The sheep concept was chosen on the basis of comparing the large human population to livestock. Whereas sheep are bred under strict control, humans populate the earth uncontrolled and at an alarming rate, no less. The sheep imagery was also chosen so that people won’t turn away from the idea on the get-go, and it’s coupled with an urban-pop art style to draw attention of the youth as well.


Sick Sheep

Patient Zero

Rubber Sheep

The Doctor

The Nurse

Doki Doki

Pills Here

Demon Baby Cuteness: High Friendliness: Low Effectiveness: Medium Demon baby is one of the characters I created as part of the Contraceptive series! He is a demonic sheep that feeds on unborn babies so they wouldn’t be born in the first place.


The Surrogacy Version tackles planned parenthood by means of removing parts of your body that is responsible for bearing children, hence the hospital-centered imageries. 14.



The Contraceptive Version tackles planned parenthood by means of contraceptives, as the title suggests. This explains the phallic imageries of the poster as well as the pills. 17.

Most of my artworks are done digitally, using a 13� Cintiq tablet. The program I used is Clip Studio Paint, as shown in the middle picture. However, I sketch out my ideas first on paper beforehand. 18.



02. Class; Typography Skills Term: 3 Lecturer: Reza Arbain

Bahari Alphabet This decorative font is created based on a certain 26 different marine creatures that can be found in Indonesia. I chose this topic for my brief since I once travelled to Pulau Macan, where I get to scuba dive and experience the diversity of Indonesia’s marine life.

The reason I went on with the theme was also to show how rich the waters of Indonesia is, which comprised of around 80% of the territory. I also wrote in the guidebook that came with the alphabet of the various dangers of coral bleaching towards life underwater. 21.

Along with the font, we were briefed with making a guidebook for the font that we made, filled with information about each letter that we made. I inserted a few filler pages for the book as well, showing the different uses for the font. To the right is an illustrative piece using only the alphabets I made for this project.




To the left is the application of the font in a poster. The picture above is the cover for the font book created for this project. 25.



CYKO Apparels Class; Packaging Term: 5 Lecturer: Reza Arbain For this project, I created a line of apparel that consists of baseball caps bundled together with a set of fashion pins. Along with the products cames the packaging as well. I created three product variants and three different packaging boxes for the pins, as well as a bundle packaging for the hat product as well.


The line of products are based on 80’s nostalgia, which I separate into three categories—Eight Bit (referring to golden age of video games), Slang (referring to common 80’s speech mannerrisms), and Vaporwave (referring to aesthetics common in the 80’s). 28.

The box is made of art carton, with mica plastic covering up the hole just below the picture of the product. Every box only includes 3 out of 6 available pins, so this serves as a ‘cheat’ for people to see the insides of the box as they are all inserted randomly, albeit not completely. This serves to encourage people to buy more from this series to complete their collection.



Along with the small boxes for pins, I also made one huge unit to store the hat as well as the pins, as shown to the left of the picture. To the right of the picture is how the pins look like in real life. 31.



Sulawesi Stamps Class; Digital Imaging Term: 1 Lecturer: Emanuel Prataraharja For this project, we were briefed to take several landmarks of a certain provincial area in Indonesia and create a set of stamps based on them. The province I chose was Sulawesi, and the four remarkable places I chose from there are Pulau Bunaken, Pantai Tanjung Bira, Jembatan Palu IV, and Pulau Togean.



Character Design Class; Image Manipulation Term: 3 Lecturer: Emanuel Prataraharja This project utilizes both photography and digital illustration techniques. We were to create a character by ourselves, and then take a photo of a certain place as a background. The characters are illustrated in Adobe Illustrator on top of the photo, and with image manipulation we put the two together to make a coherent picture that goes well together.






Non-illustrative Projects

Despite my illustrations being my strongest point, there are a few projects where illustration is minimal or not used at all. The following are projects that focus more on the graphic design aspect, and less on the illustrative side. • Corporate Identity • Ediotrial • Photography




Pos Indonesia Rebranding Class; Corporate Identity Term: 4 Lecturer: Nia Karlina For the Corporate Identity class, we are briefed to rebrand one state-owned business of our choice. I chose Pos Indonesia as I am very familiar with their line of work and environment (I send a lot of packages as part of my own personal work).


The output consists of all things related to the brand of the company, including logo, name cards, envelopes, letterheads, and application. To the right are two variations of the envelope I used for this project.




use the logo normally

color all elements black

color all elements one of the logo’s shade of blue

color all elements white with background (blue)

color all elements white with background (black)

color all elements white with background (other colors)

rotate the logo (unless it’s a stamp)

color all elements another shad of blue

color all elements with any other color

add any effects to the logo

change the proportion and distort the logo

take only the bird graphic

Another output we had to make is the Graphic Standard Manual. In these pages, you can see the guides of what you can and can not do to the logo, as well as a sample of the font that should be strictly used across all their brand identity. 43.

Class; Editorial Term: 4 Lecturer: Emanuel Prataraharja This project briefs us to make a magazine with a topic of our choice, and naturally I chose a topic that I felt most suited to one of my interests, which is K-Pop. For this project, I referred to various fashion and lifestyle magazine, especially those that has discussed K-Pop before. This magazine spanned 32 pages and discusses about music, fashion, and lifestyle of a certain K-Pop group, BTS. 44.


Bangtan Daily 45.

Above is the cover I used for the magazine. The magazine itself is set to 20x20 cm size. I felt like a more square or short and stubby proportion makes a book feel more towards a high end feel as well. 46.

These sets of pages came from the main article of the magazine. The pictures were scavenged from actual magazine scans. 47.


Product Photography Class; Photography Techniques Term: 2 Lecturer: Pongky Purnama In this project we were lend various photography studio equipments including lighting materials to try out the things we learned about specular and diffused lighting. For product photography, I used my toy collection ‘Sylvanian Families’ and took pictures of the characters in different situations.



The diffused lighting equipment creates a dramatic effect to the picture. The picture to the right is actually a miniature plastic piano toy.





World Personal Projects

In my leisure time outside UIC, I have initiated various projects on my own as well. I am actually quite active on my internet life, and lots of my illustrations are posted online to be shared with the people in the community. Here are some of the more prominent artworks I made in the recent years. 53.


The Wolf and the Hungry Boy The Wolf and the Hungry Boy is a original comic I worked on around the first quarter of 2015. It tells a spin-off story of a hungry boy who wandered the woods and took shelter under the care of a wolf who plans on eating him later. I took inspirations from fairy tales as wel as mangas/webcomics I came across online to convey a dark yet colorful tone to the story.



The Hungry Boy Race: Human Hunger Level: High Affection Level: High The hungry boy is the main character of the story! He ran away from home because his parents forgot to feed him. He stumbled upon a wolf one day, and decided to live with him after being fed a wild deer.




The Wolf Race: Shapeshifter Hunger Level: Medium Affection Level: High The wolf is the other character I made for the story. He is a suave smooth-talking shapeshifter wolf, who assumes his animal form most of the time. He kept feeding the boy so he can get fattened up for feeding later.


This comic is self published and I have sold around 100 copies before. It was also published on the same year at a webcomic site, Tapas. It has since accumulated 9000+ readers and translated into three different languages (Spanish, Portuguese, and Russian).




Personal Illustrations I have been drawing for as long as I can remember, and started being active in communities online around the year 2011. I manage my accounts under the pseudonym “refrainbow�, which I kept consistent throughout all platforms.


I’m most active on twitter, since a lot of other artists I took interest in reside there. I have been posting my art and sharing it on twitter for around 4 years now. So far I have accumulated around 24000+ followers on my art twitter account.





In addition to posting my artworks regularly on my page, I also join various collaborative projects and contests, albeit not that often. To the left is an entry I submitted to Mnet Asian Music Awards Fanart Contest which snatched top 30 entry out of 3800 submissions. On below are entries I submitted to KBS Talk Talk Korea 2016, which snatched 6th place out of 24000+ entries.


Thank you! Thank you very much for going over my portfolio! I hope this compilation can give you a clear idea on what my skills entail, and see the process of my works. I’d like to thank my parents for enabling me study my passion even further, which is anything related to art/graphic design. I am lucky to have them, as a lot of people still do think that art/graphic design isn’t worth learning and would rather have their children study whatever it is their parents want them to study. I would also like to thank my lecturers for getting me through these projects! I learned a lot about graphic design, something I didn’t really pay much attention to until recently.






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