Best Three Works

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BEST THREE WORKS. A Portfolio Book by Ray Pratiwi 2017

Character Intro

Hello and welcome to my portfolio compilation! As of 2017, I have been studying at UIC for around two years now. I am learning about graphic design, something that I deem important as it relates to art and illustration, which is my true passion! I hope with this portfolio I can show the progress that I made over the course of my studies in UIC. Included in this portfolio are three of my best works, complete with the process and progress recorded in the project. Henceforth!


Fam The Plan

Class; Project Design Implementation Term: 5 Lecturer: Utari Syaukat

Fam The Plan is an implemented project that stemmed from the problem assinged by my art director for the project — which is overpopulation. This project was designed with teenagers and young adults of Indonesia in mind. As such, both my art director and I decided on using a merchandiising campaign to spread the awareness of the issue, as the medium is wearable, serving as a reminder of the cause to the people.

The picture to the right is the artwork and the merchandise that we used for our project. We made two series for this project; one tackling overpopulation by means of surrogacy (orange) and one through contraceptive means (blue). For the merchandise itself, we decided on keychains, stickers, tote bags and t-shirts as these are wearable items and can remind the audience of the topic of this project.

Finished Artwork


Concept Ideas

Concept Ideas

Output Plan


Artist References

Artist References

Artist References







Bahari Alphabet

Class; Typography Skills Term: 3 Lecturer: Reza Arbain

This decorative font is created based on a certain 26 different marine creatures that can be found in Indonesia. I chose this topic for my brief since I once travelled to Pulau Macan, where I get to scuba dive and experience the diversity of Indonesia’s marine life. The reason I went on with the theme was also to show how rich the waters of Indonesia is, which comprised of around 80% of the territory. I also

wrote in the guidebook that came with the alphabet of the various dangers of coral bleaching towards life underwater. Along with the font, we were briefed with making a guidebook for the font that we made, filled with information about each letter that we made. I inserted a few filler pages for the book as well, showing the different uses for the font.

Finished Artwork

Finished Artwork

Concept Ideas

Concept Ideas

Concept Ideas

Concept Ideas


Artist References









Portfolio Book

Class; Portfolio Class Term: 6 Lecturer: Uma Paramita

As part of our final project, we are expected to create an identity for ourselves and a portfolio book that will compile our best works throughout our UIC studies. This identity includes our own styles, focusing on the areas we would like to study (in my case, illustration) and identifying tools such as stationeries, and of course, the portfolio book itself. We are expected to create a theme and choose a real life problem that

we want to tackle. I chose the theme RPG games, which I grew up with thus making it more personal, and use that theme to create a conceptual world where people can identify according to common RPG archetypes as humans are always inclined to be included in part of a group.

Finished Artwork

Finished Artwork

Finished Artwork

Self Assessment

Concept Ideas

Artist References

Artist References

Artist References

Artist References








Thank you!

Thank you very much for going over my portfolio! I hope this compilation can give you a clear idea on what my skills entail, and see the process of my works. I’d like to thank my parents for enabling me study my passion even further, which is anything related to art/graphic design. I am lucky to have them, as a lot of people still do think that art/graphic design isn’t worth learning and would rather have their children study whatever it is their parents want them to study. I would also like to thank my lecturers for getting me through these projects! I learned a lot about graphic design, something I didn’t really pay much attention to until recently.

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