Refuge of Grace

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Refuge of Grace

Applying Biblical Truths To Women's Lives

BOARD OF DIRECTORS Leigh Littrell Founder/Executive Director Skip Thompson Chairman Laura Hellard Treasurer Libby Brown Secretary Jack Fite John Underwood Dr. Richard Bedsole

LEADERSHIP Leigh Littrell Laura Hellard Libby Brown Margaret Fudge


Fall 2015

As I ref lect over the past 4 years and the many seasons of change the ministry has gone through, the word GRACE comes to mind. I’m very grateful for the grace the Lord has shown me, first on the cross, but even more so how He continues to create His ministry, Refuge of Grace. He has extended so much grace to me through those He has cal led to leadership, volunteer and most importantly through the residents of the ministry. W hen Refuge of Grace began I could never have imagined everything that would be involved to make the ministry sucessful. There are so many tasks involved that are not my “gifts” but yet they need to be accomplished. He has led me out of my comfort zone many times only to see His miraciulous provisions through others who are gifted in those areas! Many big “God Things” happen day in and day out at Refuge of Grace and to Him,I am forever grateful and honored to be a part of! The Board of Directors and Leadership Team covet your prayer and financial support as we continue to seek God’s wil l for the many facets of Refuge of Grace. “But grace was given to each one of us according to the measure of Christ's gift.” - Ephesians 4:7


Welcome New Leadership Laura and her husband Scott have called Decatur home for seventeen years. They have two children, Eleanor and Charlie. Laura holds degrees in finance from Birmingham Southern and Boston College. Laura teaches Community Bible Study at Westmead Baptist Church, is a member of the Decatur Heritage Christian Academy Board of Trustees, and teaches Sunday school to fourth graders at First Bible Church. In addition to being passionate about Bible study, Laura enjoys traveling with her family, reading non-fiction, and vegetarian cooking. Laura began serving on the Refuge of Grace Leadership in the spring and joins the Refuge of Grace leadership as Treasurer.

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Libby joined the leadership team of Refuge of Grace this past spring. She has a heart for the ministry and receives blessing upon blessing as she teaches class, helps with personal needs, or just have fun with residents. She is so excited to share the gifts God has given her with the ministry as well as the residents. Libby is a life-long resident of Decatur. She and her husband Guy have two adult children, Laurie and Michael, who added a son “by marriage” (Adrian) and a daughter “by marriage” (Dani) to their family. They also have one granddaughter (Sarah) and two grandsons (Rett and Harlan) who are gifts of joy given by God. Libby serves at Decatur Heritage Christian Academy as projects coordinator. She is a member of First Bible Church, sings in the choir, serves on the Local Missions Committee of First Bible, and leads a Titus 2 women’s small group.

Resident Updates Ashley

“I delight greatly in t he Lord; My soul rejoices in my God. For t he has clot hed me wit h garments of salvation and arrayed me in a r obe of His righteousness, as a bridegr oom adorns herself wit h her jewels.” - Isaiah 61:10. I'm Ashley and I am currently in my second season here and a new season of my life. I have a solid foundation, my children, my G.E.D., a ful l time job, sobriety, C hristian friends, support and a church family. I have learned and gained so much by being here at Refuge of Grace. I have so much more in my life t han I t hought would ever be possible. Wit hout God none of t his would be possible. He is training me every day t o be t he mot her He blessed me t o be and transforming me and my heart int o t he God ly woman He created me t o be. For al l of t his I am and wil l always be truly grateful. “God is our refuge and our strengt h. An everpresent help in tr ouble.” - Psalm 46:1

Ashlee “So do not fear, for I am wit h you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I wil l strengt hen you and help you; I wil l uphold you wit h my righteous right hand.” - Isaiah 41:19. I am Ashlee and I am a new creation t hr ough C hrist Jesus. C hrist came int o my dar kness and t ook me by t he hand bringing me int o t he light. He has shown me so much grace and mercy, putting me here at Refuge of Grace was more t han I deserve. I have been shown so much love while being here and I am enjoying learning how t o do t hings I never realized I could do. Every day I get t o study God’s word wit h God ly women and learn about who He is. I am transforming int o t he mot her, daughter, sister and woman He created me t o be. I am so blessed t o be here and so grateful for each day God gives me! I look for ward t o my journey ahead t o a C hrist-living life, t o God be t he glory! Lolita

2nd C orint hians 5:17 states t hat “for anyone who is in C hrist t hey are a new creation, t he old has passed away, behold al l t hings are made new!” My name is Lolita and I am t he newest resident at Refuge of Grace. W hile I was incarcerated I started taking classes wit h t he ladies at Refuge of Grace. I became close t o t hem, so I started opening up about my situation. I heard about t he pr ogram, of fered by Refuge of Grace. My mot her and I, as wel l as t he ladies of Refuge of Grace and my church family at Decatur Presbyterian C hurch, prayed about my participation in t he pr ogram. God not only heard our prayers, He answered t hem and made a way out of what seemed t o be impossible. He opened t he eyes so t hat a lot of people could see me as 2nd C orint hians states, "a new creation." Thank God for deliverance! 2 of 6

P hoto Gal lery Every good and perfect gift is from above. - James 1:7

1st Day of School

Many thanks to Darryle and Nancy Waldron for our annual Refuge of Grace garden!

GED Gradutuation

Homecoming 2015 A time of celebration and fellowship among the leadership, residents, graduates, and their children was held in August. Thanks to Ashlee and Susan Thompson for preparing a yummy meal and Eleanor and Charlie Hellard for providing the children with an outdoor pizza party and fun.

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Morgan C ounty Jail Ministry As a Mother comforts her child, so will I comfort you. - Isaiah 66:13

On Saturday May 9th, Refuge of Grace was honored to host a Mother’s Day Luncheon for 12 inmates and their children! For a couple of hours, the inmates became mom to their dear children, no stripes or shackles, drugs or darkness. All were simply lavished with the love of Christ as grace, mercy and forgiveness were abundant! Families from as far as New Jersey brought children to be with their mothers! Thank you to Sheriff Franklin, Warden Bradley and those that work in the Morgan County Jail for making this happen! Praise God for making the impossible, possible! “Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than al l we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us, to him be glory in the church and in C hrist Jesus throughout al l generations, for ever and ever! Amen.” - Ephesians 3:20-21

Most Recent Jail Ministry Classes * " One Life - What's it all about? " a study on the Gospel of Mark 22 Ladies Graduated

Each week at the Morgan County Jail, we hear stories of God’s rescue. The women attending our studies have been rescued from the darkness of abuse, drugs, and crime and now have the opportunity to hear the Good News week in and week out. This spring, our team was commissioned by Community Bible Study"In Prison and Beyond" to teach their studies to the inmates and our own residents. We begin this inside ministry with the book of James, which marked the first CBS In Prison class in Alabama. Our residents, as well, have participated in the study of James and is the first “And Beyond” women’s class in the nation! We continue to be grateful to Warden Bradley and Sherriff Franklin for allowing Refuge of Grace to study the Bible indepth with the female inmates. We covet your prayers for the ministry inside the Morgan County Jail.

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* " Community Bible Study - The Book of James " 19 Ladies Graduated * " Community Bible Study - The Book of Ruth " 26 Ladies Graduated * " A Beautiful Offering” a study on the Beatitudes by Angela Thomas 29 Ladies Currently in Class

Thanks t o al l of you for making true transformation possible for Refuge of Grace Families by t he sharing of your Time, Talents, and Treasures Volunteer Spotlight…

Adele Slat on

Adele has been a critical part of the Refuge of Grace ministry since its inception. Adele volunteered each Wednesday to help women in the Morgan County Jail find hope through Bible study and discipleship. Adele has been active in the Biblical instruction of the ladies living in the Refuge of Grace home also. As the residents begin to regain custody of their children, Adele has loved those children freely and unconditionally and assisted in easing them back into life with their mothers. Adele is not afraid to get her hands dirty and do whatever it takes. Night or day she has made herself available to the Refuge of Grace residents and leadership as well. It is impossible to account for the countless hours she has given to Refuge of Grace. In addition to the day-to-day hands on activities of the ministry, Adele has been a critical resource in the advancement of the ministry. Adele has given of her time, talents and resources so selflessly to help women in their journey through restoration to independence, and for this the Refuge of Grace Board, Leadership, and Residents are forever grateful! Although Adele and her family have been called to a new season in their lives and are moving to Montgomery, AL. Adele will always be a part of the Refuge of Grace family! We will miss her deeply!

“For everyt hing t here is a season, and a time for every matter under heaven” - Ecclesiastes 3:1

A HUGE thanks goes to Laura Vines and First Grace at First Methodist Church, who have graciously shown the love of Christ to Ashley’s children. This ministry has been an abundant blessing to Refuge of Grace.

Many thanks to Dr. Richard Bedsole for donating his services to the Refuge of Grace residents! They radiate Christ with their new smiles! The “2015 Volunteer of the Year Award” given to Adele by The Volunteer Center of Morgan County for her countless hours with Refuge of Grace!

Memorials and Honorariums In honor of Laureen Nelson by Sharon Bendall In memory of Fred Tilley by The Hill Family In honor of Madelyn Lea Thompson by Battle Hamilton In memory of Don Stapler by James and Margaret Fudge In honor of Susan Thompson by Carolyn Thrasher In memory of Burton Green by Larry and Jean Colquitt In honor of Margie Thompson by Barbara Brownlee In honor of Adele Slaton, Volunteer of the Year by the Volunteer Center of Morgan County In honor of Faye Temple andMargie Thompson by Gayle and Blair Temple Refuge of Grace is a 501c3 ministry that seeks to break the bonds of women as they begin to live freely in Christ outside the confines of the Morgan County Jail and beyond.

Partnering with Prison Fellowship Ministries

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Refuge of Grace

Applying Biblical Truths To Women's Lives

A Division of Never Alone Ministries, Inc.

Non-Profit Org. U.S. Postage Paid Decatur, AL Permit No. 885

Po Box 1583 Decatur, AL 35602 256.686.1691

“I will give thanks to the Lord with my whole heart; I will recount all of Your wonderful deeds. I will be glad and exult in You; I will sing praise to Your name, O Most High.”

- Psalms 9:1-2

Refuge of Grace is a jail ministry and a residential program providing hope for determined women, and when possible their children, by providing a safe, loving environment in which lives are transformed, one heart at a time through the power, grace and truth of Jesus Christ!

Printing Courtesy of Cook’s Pest Control Refuge of Grace will be hosting nationally known speaker and author, Angela Thomas, for a two-day event in October. Angela is the author of many books including “Stronger”, “Do You Think I’m Beautiful?”, “ When Wallflowers Dance”, “My Single Mom Life”, “52 Things Kids Need from a Mother”, “Brave”, and “Do You Know Who I am?” and co-authored “Prayers for My Baby Girl”, “Be the Sunshine” and “52 Things Wives Need from Their Husbands”. Angela will spend her first day speaking with the female inmates in the Morgan County Jail. That evening, she will enjoy fellowship and dinner with the leadership, residents, and graduates in the Refuge of Grace home. The next day, Refuge of Grace will host a community-wide luncheon, “Beauty and Strength” at First Bible Church of Decatur. The good news is that YOU ARE INVITED! Tickets are $20 and will benefit the ministry of Refuge of Grace. The event will begin at 11:30am. You will enjoy testimonies from the leadership and graduates, beautiful worship in song, and a powerful and encouraging speaker. Tickets can be purchased at We hope that you will plan to attend the “Beauty and Strength” luncheon.

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